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Sep 22, 2011

Space Station's Aurora Movie a must-see!

Space Weather News for Sept 22, 2011

SPACE STATION AURORA MOVIE: Astronauts onboard the International Space Station have recorded their best views yet of auroras dancing in the high atmosphere of Earth during a geomagnetic storm on Sept 17. Their must-see movie, just released by NASA, is highlighted on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

UARS RE-ENTRY UPDATE: NASA's massive UARS satellite remains on track to re-enter Earth's atmosphere during the late hours of Sept 23. The fireball will probably miss North America, according to latest estimates of UARS orbital elements, but almost every other continent falls under a possible re-entry ground track. Better estimates are expected in the next 24 hours. As it makes its last orbits, the tumbling satellite is flashing brightly in the night sky, attracting the attention of stargazers and photographers.

Check SpaceWeather's satellite tracker for last-chance sightings over your location @ flybys.

Sep 21, 2011

Autumn Equinox 2011 Horoscope: Drastic Measures

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox September 23, 2011 5:04 am edt

by Jude Cowell

Below is an image of the Autumn Equinox 2011 horoscope, the Libra Ingress, set for the White House, Washington DC; Hour Mars 2Leo37 conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury; chart-ruler Mercury 25Vir23 in 1st house makes two applying aspects: conjunct Sun (4A37), and opposite Uranus 2Ari41 Rx conjunct 8th cusp which conjoins US natal IC 00Ari53 (Sibly version of America's natal horoscope (5:10 pm LMT, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA.)

The 8th cusp-Uranus-natal IC trio with Autumn Equinox Sun conjunct 2nd cusp indicates financial matters not coming together as expected so we must concentrate on what's working rather than on new methods. Compromise remains elusive as the president (Sun) knocks heads with radical political types (Uranus in Aries = Utopians, says Ebertin) over monetary policy and reform.

The embarrassing political and ideological battles continue into Spring 2012 and beyond as President Obama's character and suitability for office come even more under fire. And the whole world is watching as radical elements attempt to destroy our entire system of government, imperfect as it may be (and it is.) Thanks a lot, Ronald "Government Is Evil" Reagan, you really got the Destroy American ball rolling and the Dark Legacy of Reaganomics keeps on giving to the rich and taking from the poor.

And of course, the Deficit Reduction Committee's work is covered in the Autumn Equinox 2011 chart with the extraordinary power of a 'Super' Congress handed to 12 congress members which to my mind is unConstitutional. Their recommendations are due on November 23, 2011 in time for the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37--sitting at the Foundation of the Autumn EQ 2011 horoscope!!

As you see, a few of President Obama's natal planets are penned in around the chart: rising is his natal Pluto in Virgo opposite natal Chiron which here sets (conj DESC--Chiron opposite Pluto = 'knight in shining armor' on a Quest); Mr. Obama's natal Moon in Gemini (publicity through speeches) is at Midheaven (MC = The Goal; Aspirations; Public Status) along with two midpoints which create angular pictures with the MC and one with Obama's natal Moon...any, all, or none may apply...

Mars/Uranus = MC: taking drastic measures; extraordinary achievements; putting a gun to someone's head; an inflexible character; an act of violence.

Note: on C-SPAN this morning, Charlie Rangel referred to people "putting a gun to (the president's) head."

Mars/Uranus = BHO natal Moon: feelings govern; a desire to achieve something very big; ambition.

Moon/Uranus = MC: excitement and great energy; pursuit of ambitious aims; determination; ready for action; taking a hand suddenly or interfering.

Mercury also rules the 10th house of Public Standing bwo Gemini which indicates changes on the world stage for the US--Gemini's Mercury relates to communications, plans, but also commerce and trade; plus, Fixed Star Mirfak (Alpha Perseus) is @ MC, keywords: young male energy with hunting and fighting abilities. (Brady.)

In any horoscope, a chart-ruler's applying aspects show how things will proceed. As mentioned above, Virgo is rising, so changeable Mercury 25Vir23 in 1st house rules the chart. The applying conjunction to the Sun will perfect on September 28 at 5Lib20...'6Lib' = "The Ideals of a Man Abundantly Crystallized" which may refer to the president's new push back stance gaining momentum.

Mercury opposing Uranus (7A18) shows oration, communications, and plans embroiled in quarrels, disagreements, and disruptions, and serious conflicts arise between the generations related to finances and ideologies. This opposition may also refer to social networking (Uranus) activism as young Americans (Mercury) get out on the streets in protest.

Now manipulative Pluto, pulling strings from behind the scenes (and from abroad) is apex planet in a YOD pattern ('Finger of God', special task, crisis, turning point, crossroads.) This is a very karmic configuration and, as we know, the crisis has been a long time coming (slow moving Pluto.)

Apex Pluto in a YOD formation shows those with fixated opinions and plans that have disturbing effects upon others (not that Pluto cares about others) and past conditions must die so that a new path is revealed; this Pluto represents those with high executive positions of authority who are determined to usher in a New Order.

Perhaps I don't need to tell you this, but the people represented by this anti-social Pluto hold extreme perspectives that are out of focus with society's views and values.

A midpoint picture is created from the YOD:

Mars/MC = Pluto: extraordinary zeal and great vigor; the desire to bring immense tasks to a successful conclusion.

Transit Pluto continues to oppose US natal Jupiter 5Can56 and denotes America's financial, political, and social struggles against powerful plutonian forces desiring to break down our nation and all civil institutions.

Yes, Pluto is very busy this Autumn as apex in a second planetary pattern--a T-Square between the Sun/Uranus opposition.

First, the midpoint picture:

Sun/Uranus = Pluto: radical reformers (we know!!); a desire to rearrange things (without the American people's consent!); tragic experiences; imprisonment;
very provoking others with constant rebellion and distractions; disruptions of events to gain recognition; direct attacks on the individuality of others to gain more notoriety for self or interests.

As apex in a Cardinal T-Square, Pluto denotes those with intense focus on objectives and an inability to compromise with others; sharing power is a non-starter, and explosive endings may be thought necessary in order to make a new start; again, this Pluto represents high powered executives--who feel much contempt for those they manipulate, and the case of this T-Square, those whose plans they block.

Well, if you click to enlarge the horoscope you may read a few other chart details, and there are other factors of note, of course. But since I'm readying for an out of town trip, I shall close for now and await your on-topic comments and opinions which I will moderate from an area near Atlanta, GA. in this, my favorite of the seasons, Autumn.

Sep 20, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protests: Corralling the Bull (video)

It's been a busy couple of weeks here and since I'm feeling remiss for not blogging about the Occupy Wall Street protests that have been going on since Saturday September 17 in Zuccotti Park, NYC, here are two video reports on the situation.

It makes me proud to say that several hundred+ Americans are acting on their principles and though it's become quite novel these days for justice to triumph in America, it's way past time that the Bailouts of Big Banks become Jailouts.

Arrests and police brutality accompanied their peaceful demonstrations...and NY police 'corralled the Wall Street Bull'--to protect the statue from peaceful protestors, Americans to whom the sculptor Di Modica dedicated the beastly statue when it was installed in the middle of Broad Street on December 15, 1989!

How tragic that no one in authority has corralled the financial crooks of Wall Street to protect us from their bull.

And how interesting that the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the Bull's installation on December 15, 1989 is the 9 New South which repeated @ 19Virgo (not too far from US natal Neptune 22Vir25--Virgo, sign of Work and Employment) on *September 11, 2007 and is one background factor that timed the subprime mess leading to Financial Crash 2008.

9 New South = 'long term worries, paperwork, or communications issues are brought to the surface; a worrying piece of news arrives which may feel fated or karmic; responsibilities with paperwork come home to roost'. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Oh, and another thing: 9 New South is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of Fedhead Ben Bernanke and since eclipses are 'wild cards' of the Universe--able to change conditions in a flash--he might have been waiting patiently for that solar card to be laid on Wall Street's table.


*Horoscope shown; post is sans edits. jc

NASA Satellite Falls to Earth This Week Sept 2011

The following space alert definitely falls into SO'W's Look Up category!

Space Weather News for Sept 20, 2011

UARS, a NASA satellite the size of a small bus, will re-enter Earth's atmosphere later this week producing a brilliant fireball somewhere over our planet. Best estimates place the re-entry time during the late hours of Sept 23rd over a still-unknown region of Earth.

Observers of the rapidly-decaying satellite say it is tumbling and flashing, sometimes almost as brightly as Venus. Video images featured on today's edition of show how the doomed satellite looks through a backyard telescope.

Readers who would like to catch a last glimpse of UARS streaking across the night sky should check SpaceWeather's Satellite Tracker for flyby times.

You can also turn your smartphone into a UARS tracker by downloading our Simple Flybys app.

Sep 19, 2011

Fall of the Republic (the movie); Obama's Chiron/Pluto

There's a lot to take in in the following video presentation so I'll keep my comments under wraps until I watch Fall of the Republic again. Included is my old argument on this blog that Rs and Ds are on the same team (and that's what spawns "class warfare" here in America--plutocrats v we-the-people--not the expectation that upper-crusters will pay their fair share of US taxes while all the GOP wishes to do is pretend that the weaker among us are strong enough to shoulder the full weight of the financial burden.

You know, everyone who moseys around the US of A uses our nation's roads, airstrips, and other public transport and infrastructure resources and services. And it takes funding from taxes to keep up the equipment!

To me its seems that if the American people were a herd, Republicans would allow--no, assist--millions of us to be picked off by any predator who comes our hapless way. The more population control, the better for the GOP--crash the joint!

Well, as far as President Obama being in with the 'in crowd' of transnational banksters and other corporatists, we discussed way back when that the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint (the 'plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence' pair) is at Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations) in the Inauguration 2009 Horoscope of Jan 20, 2009 Noon est Capitol Building.

Plutocrats are lounging around our White House, y'all (stinkin' up the place, imho.) And their total take-over has been a long time coming.

January 20, 2009--September 19, 2011

So now? Now it's 2 years 8 months into Mr. Obama's first term and the Pluto/Chiron midpoint these days hangs about the 3AQ+ area of the Tropical Zodiac--conjunct Inauguration 2009 Jupiter, planet of Bankers, Generals, Mentors, Explorers, Gamblers, Professors, Hierophants, and Gurus everywhere. Seems the Oval Office is a very busy place.

Plus, as you know, Mr. Obama is all about mentors with his natal Chiron in Pisces, and mystical Quests and a Grail, too. In fact, the 'knight in shining armour' archetype isn't far from the glowing aura of Barack Obama, and you know that the Piscean Chiron person may act from a sense of self-sacrifice either consciously or unconsciously, right?

Well, there is more to our complex president, Barack Obama, of course, but really--can't his obvious lean (toward greasing the palms of Wall Street crooks and foreign banks over easing Main Street problems and addressing the lack of US jobs--until now when he has no choice) be described just as well by those two astrological factors as much as by anything else?

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, HI: 1st house Chiron 5Pis19 Rx opposes 7th house Pluto 6Vir59 = "a Seeker whose Quest is to embody, express, and struggle on behalf of archetypal energies seeking to force their way into mass awareness." (R. Nolle.)

Mass awareness. Yes. That'd be us.

But if his Quest includes a one world government, aka, a New World Order, we're in big trouble for Mr. Obama's natal Chiron/Pluto opposition makes him one of them, a plutocrat by nature...unless he chooses to fight them instead.

So being currently in the midst of his 'five-fer' Chiron Return (5 'hits' or conjunctions from Chiron to natal Chiron, a spiritualized or spiritized time around age 50 when our weaknesses appeal to us for close attention and healing), President Obama is walking a very numinous path this year and next so I think he may as well have his 'feet held to the fire', as folk say, simultaneously--by the American people who have as their only advocate an imperfect human being acting archetypally as 'our president', a Seeker along The Path...just as we all are, we spirits having physical experiences on planet Earth.

Yes, we-the-people have always been told that The Power is centered in the White House Oval Office (though it isn't) and since the US Congress seems determined that America should no longer have a functioning Congress, our Chirotic, Pisecean President Obama is all we have at the moment to advocate on our behalves while we're busy being devoured by plutocrats lying in wait like the ravenous wolves they truly are.

So is President Obama a knight? Or the fox?


Hey, some very interesting links up in here!

Thom Hartmann
Democracy Now!

Sep 17, 2011

Sign Deficit Super Committee Petition: No Safety Net Cuts!

This 'just in' to my inbox--if you care about our social safety net programs and know someone who depends on them, perhaps you'll add your John Hancock, too:

Dear Friend,

Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are in danger. But the biggest threat isn't driven by economics, it's driven by politics.

Twelve members of Congress from the House and Senate have been newly empowered to force both chambers of Congress to vote on a deficit reduction bill that can neither be amended nor filibustered.

Unfortunately many members of this new bipartisan, bicameral deficit super committee have Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security squarely in their sights.

In essence, they think it's better to let seniors fall into poverty, or deny needed health care to the poor and elderly, than to raise taxes on people who can comfortably afford to pay more.

I just signed a petition telling the members of the deficit super committee not to cut Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security benefits. I hope you do too.

You can take action at CREDO


Stop America's imperial wars and fund the needs of we-the-people! jc

Horoscope: New Moon 4Lib00 Sept 27, 2011

Set for the White House, Washington DC, here is an image of September 27, 2011's New Moon @ 4:00:16 Libra rising (ASC 4Lib51), with the lunation as part of a Cardinal Grand Cross here perfected by US natal Jupiter 5Can56 at Midheaven (The Goal, or WHY? Point.)

Natal Jupiter @ '6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" is the WHY? A new cycle of activity (New Moon on ASC) is the WHAT? HOW is Pluto breaking down systems and structures in Capricorn, and the WHERE? is apparently Utopia (Uranus in Aries on DESC.)

The New Moon perfects during an Hour of Mars 5Leo05 in 10th house of Public Status and Career, conjunct US natal North Node which indicates encounters with martian people or events; chart-ruler Venus 15Lib21 in 1st house and just past US natal Saturn 14Lib48 which is the first US natal planet to rise in the New Moon chart.

This indicates issues of legalities, austerity, responsibility, potential loss, and accountability. Accountability issues are seconded by asteroid Hera at MC (keeping or balancing accounts) and financial matters are prominent.

Also prominent are military issues (hospitals, illness, use of force) and mining (Pluto conj IC, 4th house ruled by Saturn, plus, Neptune/Pluto midpoint in 4th h indicates resource plunderers (Robber Barons) and, in particular, uranium mining, contamination, radiation, and disposal concerns.

As you see, Jupiter Rx in Taurus, a money sign, is posited in 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Business, Corporations, Banking, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Transformation, Death, and the Occult. The Neptune/Pluto pair has links to the supernatural and the occult as well.

For the sake of brevity, this analysis of the new cycle of activity beginning on Sept 27 will be primarily focused on midpoint pictures, aspects, and other links to the New Moon itself.

Chart-ruler Venus makes only one applying aspect (how things will proceed)--a conjunction with Saturn which happens to be conjoining US Secondary Progressed Mars Rx. Serious meetings are indicated along with mixing business with pleasure, working in isolation, and/or appreciating a need for better organization and structure.

Two applying aspects to the New Moon are telling, one that is separating (waning) indicates a past event or unconscious inclination--here are a few potentials which may come from the New Moon in Libra, sign of Partnerships and Legalities, but which also has war and conflict connotations:

New Moon square Pluto (0A55): new starts externally enforced; independent actions are courageous; transformation of lifestyles; ego is the driving motivation (Sun); emotional attachments intensify; overpowering emotions may outweigh other considerations; transformed domestic environments; powerful motivations bring impressive achievements but recklessness is a caution (Moon.)

New Moon sextile Mars (1A05): current opportunities inspire courageous actions; principles of loyalty and integrity are defended and may benefit career and reputation; competition or aggression (Sun); feelings morph into actions; talent is developed through instincts; business opportunities present themselves (Moon.)

Cardinal Grand Cross: Sun/Moon, Mercury, ASC, MC (US n Jupiter), Pluto, and Uranus

With US n Jupiter at MC and triggering/completing the T-Squares into a Grand Cross pattern, we know that idealism, finances, religion, higher education, war (Jupiter the General), courts, and other 9th house matters that Jupiter rules are particularly of interest in this New Moon horoscope, with business, self-protection, and security intimately involved (Cancer.)

Yet the separating opposition from radical Uranus 2Ari31 Rx may also relate esp with Uranus still affected by the transiting Jupiter/Neptune midpoint, the speculator-wastrel-grand schemes-inflationary pair of planets which conjoined one another upon our US natal Moon--we-the-people--in Aquarius all through 2009 creating an 'involved in speculation/instability' vibe. (Jup/Nep = Uranus: reality v imagination; coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation--Ebertin.)

Please click the chart to enlarge for more details including America's natal planets which are penned around the outside of the chart and highlighted in an aqua color.

Since there's so much dynamic energy with the planetary pattern, let's consider the midpoint pictures formed by the US n Jupiter-completed Grand Cross--any, all, or none may apply:

n Jupiter/tr Pluto = Sun: creating magical effects; successful use of extraordinary mental or physical powers.

n Jupiter/tr Pluto = Moon: a desire to bring about social improvements; influencing the masses/the public through an appeal to the emotions (uh oh--that's now the US government always gets Americans to go to war--jc); a successful use of psychology.

n Jupiter/tr Pluto = ASC: a desire for power; organizing talent; personal advancement; far-sightedness; prudence.

(Interesting that 'prudence' was one of Bush Sr's signature words, and this New Moon shows the difficult Mars/Saturn midpoint sitting upon Poppy's natal ASC = possible health threat; separation; mourning. Also, Saturn 18Lib12 has just conjoined his natal Moon, also not a good portent for health issues, and his n Pluto in Cancer is at MC. Oh, and by the way: NN 17Sag14 in 3rd house of the New Moon chart is pointing toward Dick Cheney's natal Mars and as you know, Cheney's recent book has stirred up controversies over his role in 9/11 and his war crimes.)

n Jupiter/tr Pluto = Uranus: fanatics striving for improvements (Ebertin gives Uranus in Aries as 'Utopians'); quickly exploiting every situation; sudden reforms (will the president's American Jobs Creation bill pass? jc); adjustments to new circumstances.

Sun/Uranus = n Jupiter: successful reformers, inventors, or technicians; a pleasant surprise!

Sun/Uranus = Pluto: radical reformers; a desire to rearrange things; tragic experiences; imprisonment.

Sun/Uranus = MC: restless people with far-reaching plans; reformers, inventors, technicians (again--jc); the impact of sudden events or upheavals.

Moon/Uranus = n Jupiter: aims and objectives on a grand scale; vision; satisfied ambitions; ambitious aspirations.

Moon/Uranus = Pluto: fanaticism; self-willedness; stubbornness; a craving for sensation; building anew upon ruins.

Moon/Uranus = MC: pursuit of ambitious aims; excitement and great energy; determination; ready for action; sudden interference.

Uranus/ASC = n Jupiter: a fortunate rearrangement of the environment; optimism; successful teamwork.

Uranus/ASC = Pluto: a desire to attain success even under the most difficult circumstances.

Also of interest to our New Moon/new cycle topic is the Sabian Symbol for Mercury '3Lib' with trader Mercury in the 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals, Self-Undoing, and Karma:

"The Dawn of a New Day Reveals Everything Changed"...'INNOVATION:

Keynote: The ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values.'

Yes, but it's which values and what kind of 'new foundation' that concern this American.


Natal data, both with Rodden Rating A: George H. W. Bush June 12, 1924 11:45 am edt Milton, MA; Dick Cheney January 30, 1941 7:30 am cst Lincoln, NE.

All midpoint pictures today are from Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences.

'3Lib' and '6Can' are from An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar.

Blog Note: once again, Blogger is 'disappearing' parts of my post as I type/save (some I have no time to put back), and SpellCheck goes out and in. Hopefully all will be displayed and correctly spelled once this post is published. Very annoying and time-wasting, Blogger! jc

The World is Upside Down--Max Igan (video)

Max Igan's The World is Upside Down, a 4-part video presentation:

Sep 15, 2011

Pluto Stations Direct 4Cap53 Sept 16, 2011

The Tracker Pauses in His Tracks: Pluto Turns Direct 9.16.11

by Jude Cowell

In Mundane Astrology, Pluto has many layers of meaning. Some potentials are: plutocrats, the government (administration and infrastructure), power and its abuse and misuse, big business and corporatism, the criminal Underworld (ex: Mafia), surveillance and spies, detectives, assassins and saboteurs, fear, secrets and scandals, the mega-wealthy class, taboos, Psychiatry and mind control, propaganda, methods of coping, oil, plutonium, other valuable things under the earth, tunnels and pipes, nuclear energy and weapons, death, destruction, and transformation.

Yet Mr. Hades can be the monster lurking beneath the bed or play The Philanthropist with a conscience (but also an ulterior motive)!

Once absolute power has been attained--and it has, Pluto has no intention of giving it up yet we've seen the beginning of riots, protests, and upheavals from populations across the globe as radical Uranus on the streets squares entrenched Pluto in his ivory tower in an attempt to block (square) the furthering of Pluto's abuse of power against the disenfranchised underclasses (Pluto/Chiron.)

Yes, the Cardinal Grand Cross of 2010 extends into 2011 and beyond and will 'inspire' more societal stand-offs between classes and political factions.

Pluto's Direct Station Sept 16, 2011

In Washington DC on Friday September 16, 2011, Pluto turns Direct at 2:25 pm edt with 25 Sagittarius rising which makes a 4th house (Real Estate) Jupiter (banking) the chart-ruler. (Jupiter's applying trine to Pluto is mentioned below.) Moneybags Jupiter is retrograde @ 9Tau51, not the condition we prefer for a chart-ruler--this points toward continuing foreclosures which are now being put into legal processes again (Rx) by the banking industry (Jupiter Rx trine Pluto, now Direct.)

It also points directly toward China, whose totem is The Dragon (Pluto), opening the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the New Champions today--see NPR's China Tells Others to Put Financial House in Order. Our Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is to speak there tomorrow (9.16), the day Pluto turns Direct.

Thing is, Secretary Geithner speaks with the Sun (leadership) conjoining US natal Neptune in Virgo (work; workers; service) so idealism and fantasy are in the air and someone is zooming someone--probably on both sides (US and China.)

So with Pluto now moving forward and stationing during the World Economic Forum, will China act as the world's economic savior as some have suggested? Pluto, er...China, isn't much impressed with that idea but we'll see. To do so would give the Chinese government more leverage and plutonian control which it apparently desires.

In September, Pluto rises with Fixed Star Aquila (The Eagle; bold action) and there are indications of war drums with Pluto's degree '5Cap' = "Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance"--not what most Americans want since we're overburdened with Bush-Cheney wars as it is, but Pluto doesn't ask permission from anyone for his strong-armed pursuit of global power and domination.

A Cardinal T-Square with Apex Pluto

With a 9th house (Foreign Lands) Venus 2Lib03 opposing Uranus 2Ari57 Rx in 3rd house of Communications, a square from manipulative Pluto creates a Cardinal T-Square and forms a midpoint picture with these possible manifestations, some of which may turn up in the news as events or scandals:

Venus/Uranus = Pluto: potential for notoriety; exhibitionism; high excitability; accusations, attacks, or disruptions in seeking satisfaction; fanaticism when pursuing enjoyment of affection. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Sexy! Yet in Business and Politics, the Venus/Uranus pair itself relates to a treasury showing unexpected rises and falls in valuations, strange or eccentric behavior toward financial assets, and/or ruling bodies unable to cope with sudden increases or lacks of financial resources. (Munkasey.)

Now when karmic Pluto is apex (focus) in a Cardinal T-Square, high-level executives are indicated, and certain bloodlines may hold sway. Secluded in an ivory tower, this isolated Pluto never shares power and ruthlessly overwhelms any opposition to his plans for domination especially when challenged; subversive actions and manipulation are used to force his ambitions upon others.

(On the topic of plutonian, draconian bloodlines and US presidents, of course the satanic Merovingians come first to mind.)

So as Venus and Uranus both square The Dragon, US natal Jupiter--Geithner?--is again opposed by transiting Pluto, a difficult and key time for US finances and for political maneuverings as power struggles stymie efforts. The phrase "called on the carpet" comes to mind for Mr. Geithner's visit to China.

Apex Pluto in a Cardinal T-Square describes explosive endings making way for a new direction but if the 'new direction' is global totalitarianism, America's sovereignty and independence will be become things of the past--we're in process of that breakdown now, aren't we?

Jupiter trine Pluto (4A58) indicates aid from banking and other entities (Jupiter - gurus, preachers, generals, Republicans, etc) toward power goals, yet aid is delayed due to Jupiter's Rx state (until Christmas 2011.)

Venus square Pluto (0A55) shows overreactions to something said or done--things are Very Serious, no jokes allowed. Old issues surface bringing along resentments, suspicions, jealousies, and anger over past actions which perhaps were not aboveboard. (Plus, the Venus/Pluto pair has a connection to bankruptcy.)

Well, there are many other chart factors of importance if you care to set up a chart for Pluto's Direct Station on Friday. I'll close with a list of the midpoint pictures formed at 2:25 pm edt in Washington DC (9.16.11) for your consideration--any, all, or none may apply:

Mars/Pluto = Saturn: leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task; a desire to forcibly overcome obstacles at all cost; frustrated goals require persistence; lessened personal power.

Mars/Pluto = MC (15Lib49 = US natal Saturn, as above): learning to gain control and use powerful or extreme measures for improving status; unusual capabilities for advancement; facing overwhelming force without power (Pluto oppo US n Jupiter; tr Mars opposing US n Pluto 27Cap33 Rx in USA's 2nd house of Money); intervention of a Higher Power (China saves the global financial system?)

Jupiter/NN = Neptune (an ongoing mdpt picture): indecision or vacillation; inhibitions in partnerships; instability; unreliability; disappointment; getting sober again.

Moon/NN = Neptune: disappointment through others; an undermining of associations or unions.

Moon/Saturn = Mars: a lack of determination; the desire to overcome difficulties; feeling inferior; soul conflicts; separation or illness.

Moon/MC = Mars: total devotion to a task; industriousness; a spirit of endeavor.

And last but not least, our world's two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, point to activist Mars as well...

Jupiter/Saturn = Mars: a lack of endurance; enforcing changes of circumstances and life conditions; feeling unrewarded and making a change; not wanting to toe the line; ambition emerges out of discontent.

And since Mars opposes US natal Pluto...

Jupiter/Saturn = n Pluto: dramatic trust of self; fearlessness; major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; attaining aims slowly but surely; immense efforts; restrictions; separations; violent changes.

Mercury/Venus = Sun: compassion; recognition; a sunny disposition.


You may wish to check out a previous post on similar topics: China's natal chart and why Geithner is there with the nation's natal horoscope shown with transits for Secretary Geithner's visit in April 2010. You'll see that a transit now repeats due to the slowness of Pluto's orbit--tr Pluto opposing China's natal Uranus in Cancer, a time of struggles for control within the environment, and great conflicts occurring as power and resources are pitted against established financial and political institutions, such as the United States of America.

Sep 14, 2011

Elizabeth Warren announces Senate Run (video); Sun Can-Moon Tau

Video: Harvard's Elizabeth Warren announces her candidacy for US Senate:

Now this sounds like good news to me! But then I always remind myself of the crooks and weasels she'll have to deal with once she's a member the elitist club of the US Senate.

Astrology: Elizabeth Warren's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus

Elizabeth Warren was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on June 22, 1949 and the Moon was in Taurus for the 24-hour period so her personality is flavored by a practical and nourishing Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus blend.

Sun Can-Moon Tau gives her great powers of perseverance and dedication, a practical idealism (supported elsewhere in the natal chart), a belief in the worth of every individual, and a great capacity to listen to others. Perhaps she paints, too...

"Images for Integration: A family photo album...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape...A flourishing family business." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Born on a Summer Solstice, Prof. Warren's Sun at 00Cancer+ makes her a natural on the world stage; Venus-ruled Taurus is one of the money signs with a shadow side of greed, possessiveness, and intolerance. On June 22, 1949, the Sun joined Uranus at 00Can+ which adds progressive Politics (Uranus) to her essence and hero's journey (Sun.)

A Sun/Uranus conjunction gives her a high self-awareness, willfulness, and what some consider an eccentric vibe. Yes, Prof. Warren is shocked when people oppose her or stand in her way yet she closely guards her right to speak her mind freely and without compromise. Social limitations which issue from tradition are not well tolerated by Uranians who know that "times change" and adjustments become necessary.

Career potentials for a Sun/Uranus conjunction person are unlimited, with Politics one of its expression along with Science and Education. Lessons from the past are foundations for continued development and progress is 'the thing'. Add to this her Mercury/Mars conjunction in communicative Gemini, energy which also likes to voice itself freely along with much nervous energy, a sharp mind, original creativity, and a direct frankness.

Yet there is an applying aspect to natal Sun that describes Elizabeth Warren and it's part of a double YOD ('Finger of God' pattern = special task; turning point; crossroads; crisis): Sun sextile Saturn (2Virgo) which forms two midpoint pictures for Saturn and Uranus are also sextile, and you'll note that some potentials relate to her recent political experiences in Washington DC:

Sun/Saturn = Jupiter 00AQ30 Rx: strong sense of morals; ability to remain quiet especially in formal settings; happiness in solitude.

Saturn/Uranus = Jupiter: a turn of destiny; adaptability in every situation; a fortunate release from tension; advice on how to effect change to traditional ways; traditional politics shattered by new, unexpected practices; conservatives v radicals.

(Mdpt pics: Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Sun sextile Saturn shows concern with limits and boundaries. It indicates modesty in accessing one's self-worth, great depth of understanding, and a driving ambition to succeed. Occupations such as Teaching, Politics, and Law are indicated; work is taken seriously and much competence is evident. This aspect denotes and supports Warren's 'advocating for people with limited means and few oppostunities' inclination.

Saturn sextile Uranus indicates keen comprehension, a deep respect for knowledge, an ability to capitalize on resources (inner and outer), and an instinctive search for truth; progress is necessary for maximum development of success potential.

YODS with Apex Jupiter in Aquarius and the 5 North Eclipse Series

Natal Jupiter conjoins the degree of our US Inaugural Suns on January 20 at noon--can a White House run be in her future? Perhaps not but natal Jupiter's Sabian Symbol is important with her Jupiter the apex planet within two YODs...

'1AQ" = "An Old Adobe Mission"...DURABILITY...

positive expression: effective breadth of vision and a respect-compelling depth of character;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: lack of ambition and and blind adherence to superficialities. (Jones, with my 'unconscious/shadow side'.)

Supporting the 'breadth of vision' influence of this degree is Elizabeth Warren's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, 5 North, a very creative series which brings prophetic dreams and visions, hunches and flashes of insight, and gives an unconscious, psychic flavor to her life; her hunches may be acted upon in practical ways. 5N last manifested on May 31, 2003 @ 9Gem19, and conjoined and triggered her Mercury/Mars conjunction.

When Jupiter is apex of a YOD pattern, faith is put in things that are workable--another sign of her practicality. Apex Jupiter in a YOD is a broadcaster who is given opportunities to take part in larger social issues; too much attention may be paid to unessential details. Prof. Warren is subject to twists of fate which provide her with opportunities which may be used benevolently and unselfishly for the greater good of society. A long-held ideology or formerly held belief may have to be abandoned in order to continue in the new direction once the YOD is activated.

Now I don't know if she's already given up former beliefs to do what she does now or if she will do so if victorious in her run for Senate. Hopefully, senatorial service within the system won't change her progressive views overmuch though we know that Capitol Hill tends to favor its cushy status quo conditions and perks.

A caution with Jupiter apex in a YOD pattern is that of indulging in self-aggrandizement (yet this seems to be a requirement of joining the US Senate!)

Born during a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase, even more prophetic talent is indicated; this phase denotes that she tends to come onto a scene and take over responsibilities when another is unable carry on.

There's another midpoint picture which remained in effect for the 24-hour period and relates to glamorizing and to economic issues such as fraud, deception, and inflation because it involves veiling Neptune...

Neptune/NN = Venus (19Can): misconceptions about other people's relationships or associations; vagueness about emotional values; suspicion.

Natal Venus in workaholic Virgo is oriental (last planet to rise before the Sun rises) so her work with finances and things of value is shown.

Neptune/NN itself may expect more than is possible from a community or group of people--in a word, disappointment. It also relates to publicity and one's image projected upon the screen of other people's imaginations (Neptune = media, the masses; NN = contacts with the public)--and to scandals which I hope won't be a part of Warren's senatorial campaign.

From Stars Over Washington, I'm wishing Elizabeth Warren a very good and clear outcome with her senate run! We can definitely use her original thinking and progressive ideas for improving conditions in our struggling America.