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Jul 21, 2012

On Romney's Progressed Lunar Phase (Balsamic)

(The following should be filed under Sometimes You Just Want to Be Wrong...)

A Few Astro-Reasons Why Mitt Romney Could Take the Cake on November 6th

by Jude Cowell

Now I know that Mr. Romney won't know what to call the cake, but he may just take it and rush into the White House on January 21, 2013, much to my chagrin...

In 2011, I mentioned on this blog that Mitt Romney enters a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase by progression on September 22, 2012, just in time for the November 6, election/s. As you know, Balsamic phases are the dark of the Moon, just prior to a New Moon whether by transit (real time) or progression (moving the natal chart ahead approximately one degree per year of life to gain hints about one's evolutionary progress and 'time of life'.)

The Balsamic phase of the Moon often relates to 'taking over where another has left off' and/or may bring endings, partings, and separations. Natally, this phase describes one who is born with a prophetic streak (ex: George Orwell) but here we're talking about progressions. Now if you follow the link above, you'll find some info on Romney's Secondary Progressions and his Natal Chart data with the correct birth time--9:51 am, though some of my earlier posts here about Mr. Romney do not have his birth time (which Astrodatabank provides, as I discovered later on, for SO'W is quite gray around the muzzle, you know!

Therefore, today's post is an update due to the fact that November 6th is upon us, and I had not fully considered in 2011, as Romney entered the presidential race (again!), that the November 6, 2012 election/s will be affected by the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio with its 'joy through commitment; taking on responsibilities' theme (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) My point is that I'd taken Romney's SP Balsamic phase as inauspicious for starting a new presidency when it could also describe a 'taking over' of duties when another (President Obama?) could not, for some reason, carry on. I don't want to believe it, but there it is.

Yet when endeavors are begun under the influence of a Balsamic Lunar phase, they often do not last the duration or end suddenly which may indicate a presidency of less than four years if Romney wins (or, 'wins' if the election is skewed and marred as in November 2000 with voting Mercury moving retrograde on Election Day 2012 as in 2000. And you know what miseries that wrought for America. Say, one of the Romney sons isn't named Chad by any chance, is he?)

Another consideration is what Secondary Progressed Lunar phase has President Obama reached in life? Well, he's on the downside of a SP Full Moon which was exact on November 6, 2011 (precisely a year before this year's election!) @1Ari10 which conjoins US natal IC (The End of the Matter; The Foundation) in America's natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Phildelphia, PA.) This degree was recently transited by radical Uranus and conjoins the Aries Point of fame, recognition, and prominence of course, but this may not be enough cosmic fuel to garner Mr. Obama a 2012 election victory though the 'light' of his SP Full Moon certainly hasn't faded completely (his Disseminating phase begins March 13, 2015.) And 2012's election outcome may depend almost entirely on how successful GOP dirty tricks against him turn out to be.

Will the American people succumb to a vulture capitalist as CEO-president? For a different outcome, a landslide for Mr. Obama will be necessary, sans dancing leave your sofa on November 6th and it will be there when you return.

Meanwhile, candidate Romney, who seems to be in possession of the greater campaign chest of gold and rubies, has a boost from the Sabian Symbol of the degree at which his SP Moon enters the Balsamic phase which may possibly be supported by the theme of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse occurring within the two-week time frame of influence upon the 2012 election/s. His SP Balsamic Moon degree (10Ari24), rounded up is:

'11 Aries' = "The President of the Country" which I confess chills my soul with its "1% president" implications that intend to gut our social safety net programs to the bone in order to gift even more Corporate Welfare to those who have no need of it--plus, the degree's word picture has a negative/shadow side connotation for something which Romney seems to me to possess in great Jupiterian abundance: vain pretense.

Now, a la Ann Romney, that's all You People need to know about my concerns that Mitt Romney and clan will take all the cake. And being greedy, they'll gobble up all the crumbs, too.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (Sun Leo.)

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am Detroit, MI (Sun Pisces.)

Jul 19, 2012

Jon Stewart on the Libor Rate-Rigging Scandal (video)

Interesting that this scandal has broken open just prior to Saturn entering the Corporate/Big-Business/Occult sign of Scorpio where squirmy things tend to hide along with criminals and other plutonians...

Astro-Notes on Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio and November 13, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you're looking forward to the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @22Scorpio for it occurs close enough to the November 6, 2012 elections to influence them (within two weeks.) Plus, the eclipse degree conjoins the 12th cusp in the US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT, Phildadelphia, PA, and as you know, the 12th house in Mundane or Political Astrology is the realm of Politics, Back Door Deals, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing.

Yet nothing can stay hidden forever and eclipses, Solar and Lunar, are well known for revealing scandalous goings-on of all kinds. Thanks to Big Banks and their lousy bankers, Libor rate-rigging has been around a few years but is just now coming to public attention, thanks in large part to Matt Taibbi's excellent Rolling Stone article of July 3, Why Is Nobody Freaking Out about the Libor Banking Scandal? Click for more articles and videos including a piece by the NYT's Gretchen Morgenson. Also see this blog's sidebar for a link to an important Libor article by Robert Scheer.

Scorpio Eclipse Notes

The emotional Water-Water Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio blend is intense, uncompromising, wary, and suspicious. Its energy is fearful, brooding, introspective, very private (like Mitt Romney), zealous for truth (not like Mitt Romney), and can be vengeful (and vulturous, I imagine--in fact, "vulture capitalist" sounds about as Scorpionic as you'd ever want to be, right? A predator with a corporatist mentality: 'I got mine'.)

Plus, the double Scorpio tendency toward passionate commitment supports the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse theme of "joy through commitment" (Brady), and Scorpio is attracted to science, business and banking, psychology, medicine, and making good use of what's been discarded. Here is a formidable foe who accepts no authority but his or her own!

This blend is shared natally by Howard Baker, Whoopi Goldberg, Georgia O'Keefe, and Dracula author Bram Stoker, who wrote, "Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."

But apparently, good sportsmanship is not part of the job description in the banking mecca they call the City of London--or, at any of its tentacles in the US and elsewhere.


For more Sun-Moon blend info I highly recommend Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Astro-Note: the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse will deeply affect Syria and President Assad. The nation's 'Coup by Assad' horoscope of November 13, 1970 will be 'hit' by the eclipse which will fall on its natal Sun (leader), and on its natal Ascendant since the coup took place "at dawn" (Campion's Book of World Horoscopes) on that date. So the Assad regime has a Solar Eclipse for its Solar Return 'anniversary' of the coup when he took power and control of Syria. And since he's said to have flown the coop from Damascus to a coastal town, one may expect Assad may go into exile if he isn't arrested or killed first.

Sadly, thousands of Syrians, in fear for their lives, are streaming across borders into exile. Meanwhile, Assad has just appeared on TV!

In addition, until the November 2012 eclipse energies 'take over', the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 conjunct Fixed Star Alcyone, portends themes of exile, suffering, and something to cry about. This eclipse has greatly affected the Assad regime's natal chart as well for 00Gem20 opposes the 1st house Mercury-Neptune conjunction ('following hunches'; 'delusions about how the world works') in the 1970 chart ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire".)

So for these and other reasons, my heart and prayers go out to the good people of Syria--may your tribulations soon be at an end.

Jul 18, 2012

Romney-McCain-Palin and Those Dag Dabbit Tax Returns

by Jude Cowell

Well, I almost titled this post: Cheater-Geezer-Quitter but I'd better not...

John McCain "personally vouches" for Mitt Romney's tax returns! Even though in 2008, McCain wasn't actually involved in the vetting process for his Vice Presidential pick, one of which was Mitt The Bainster Romney who, it is said, released years of his tax returns to the McCain team.

And you know who McCain's VP choice turned out to be: the awesomely unqualified for the White House, Sarah Palin, who would have been a mere wheeze'n'sneeze away from the presidency had the Older One expired while in office. Unfathomable! Why, it's as if the GOP wanted to lose in 2008, then saddle a Democratic president with the financial and military messes they'd made through eight years of Bush-Cheney---knowing he'd be hamstrung in so many ways! Especially since Republican obstructionism could easily make a Democratic White House look bad--a perfect ploy to counter a landslide vote.

Well, the above NY Magazine article makes some great points with quotes from John McCain on the topic of Romney's tax returns, yet one thing I expected was missing: that in 2008, as the Democrats and the public were coming off a Mile High Stadium high topped by the electrifying acceptance speech of Apollo--er, Barack Obama--the entire news and blogging cycle was promptly commandeered by the GOP's announcement of John McCain's running mate, the lovely yet virtually unknown, Sarah Palin.

Now does anyone think that Mr. Romney, with his lackluster 'charisma', secretive religious practices, dodgy financial baggage, condescending attitude, and awkward rhetorical style could have come anywhere near capturing the public's attention and imagination as did a VP choice on the scale of former beauty queen Sarah Palin, the lady who (the very next day) stole the thunder from DNC 2008 and its fascinating orator, Barack Obama?

Then you and I must not think along the same lines at all!

A few posts which may be related to the above topic:

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947; with Mercury, Mars, and Sun in murky, secretive Pisces, Mittens thinks, acts, and is just as fishy and mystical as you might suspect him to be! Picture a fish flip-flopping on a pier...

Obama's Natal Chiron and The Bridge

John McCain August 29, 1936 (horoscope shown)

Quick Notes on Sarah Palin's Natal Chart

Ayn Rand natal chart

(Rep. Paul Ryan's current idol and former amour of Alan Greenspan)

And last, but definitely not least, Julie Demboski on the current transit of Mercury Retrograde and more!

Jul 15, 2012

Horoscope: New Moon July 19, 2012

A New Moon July 19, 2012 Opposes US natal Pluto in Capricorn

by Jude Cowell

Below is the horoscope of the New Moon @26Can54 on July 19, 2012 at 12:24:02 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC. It's a Saturn Hour with a couple of Cardinal T-Square patterns formed between a conflict-ridden Mars-Uranus opposition and powerful manipulator Pluto 7Cap46 Rx in 9th house (when the chart is set for DC), and Saturn/ASC pointing toward the Sun and Moon in 4th H of Home, Homeland, and Real Estate.

(Cardinality means that events are likely to occur if at least three factors support them.)

Perhaps the potential manifestations contained within the chart's midpoint pictures (from the T-Squares and other midpoints) will yield information about the new cycle of activity timed by this New Moon in Cancer, sign of home, nurturing, security, and business matters.

The pictures are listed below the horoscope image (with interpretations by Noel Tyl); any, all, or none may apply. Click the chart to enlarge for some basic information and for a notation that the transiting South Node of the Moon (3Gem52 in 2nd H) is now lining up with President Obama's natal Moon, an indicator of separation (from public approval? in the home? more threats to Mrs. Obama? hopefully not), bad timing issues and scheduling conflicts, and a lack of cooperation from others. Any misuse of position, power, wealth, or popularity may turn up on the president's menu over the next few weeks and will be hard to deal with until this difficult karmic influence has passed.

Plus, you see Mercury Rx @11Leo52 backing off a bit from transiting the president's natal Sun (a time of self-expression and focussing on one's own ideas--and of blending one's ideas with that of others) and is in process of a drawn out Mercury Return for Mr. Obama (2Leo19 in his natal 6th house with natal Sun which spotlights his interests in Health.)

Midpoint Pictures July 19, 2012 12:24:02 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC:

Mars-Uranus = Pluto: intervention of the big shock; force; a Higher Power. Pluto in 9th H may indicate troubles abroad with wars and occupations or with US foreign policy; terrorist attacks cannot be ruled out, plus, GOP opposition to Obamacare (6/12 axis) is obviously on the agenda of certain political factions with 'factions' ruled by Pluto in Mundane Astrology.

Saturn-ASC = Sun: taking full responsibility; strategizing for personal freedom; making things happen through hard work.

Saturn-ASC = Moon: difficulty being accepted; depression due to environment.

Pluto-ASC = Neptune: vision to fulfill; embarrassment to transcend; fight against rumor; something paranormal influences situations.

Saturn-Uranus = MC: recognition of one's thrust for individuality or loss of self to the grip of controls; break away from the old. (Saturn QD Uranus = interruption of governing systems; defiance of law and order--The Quindecile--Ricki Reeves); this picture is prominent for its angularity at MC and its connections to government, old v new, and the Middle East.

Saturn-MC = NN: major stroke of fate may affect all development.

Saturn-MC = President Obama's natal Moon: renunciation; an attack on private emotions.

Sun-Moon = US natal Pluto: a critical time of development; separation in order to start anew (New Moon); potential new perspectives in relationships.

A 2nd H Jupiter conjoins US natal Uranus which shows much activity concerning group causes and an expansion of personal networks; Venus 15Gem00 returns to her June 5, 2012 Transit position--both are 'money planets' so financial issues are denoted including the US Treasury (2nd H.) The 14 South May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse (chart shown) may give people 'something to cry about' (conjunct Alcyone) with its degree conjoining 2nd cusp. At the least, 'an obsessive idea may finally be accepted' (Brady.)

The New Moon's Sabian Symbol ('27Can') relates to its 4th house position:

"A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" which highlights storms and water damage from weather conditions, possible turbulence at the White House, and/or a potential for more real estate or mortgage difficulties in the US. Yet perhaps the 'new cycle of activity' indicated by the July 19 New Moon will work on beneficial levels as well.

Addionally, transit Jupiter in Gemini is within orb of squaring President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo, a period which began on July 9, 2012 and occurred July 14 (exact), on July 19 (this New Moon!), December 29, 2012, January 10, 2013 (exact), February 18, 2013 (exact), and March 3, 2013, a period when covering too wide a base is problematic and sights must be shortened in order to make progress--one step at a time.

Thanks for reading!

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell says Bohemian Grove is "nothing" (video)

Speaking of Bohemian Grove and Newt Gingrich's attendance there (as in my last post w video), here is MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell being interviewed on the secretive topic. Is it curious that Mr. O'Donnell isn't at all concerned about satanists embedded in governmental power structures? Does egomania explain everything?

(fyi: s-words and f-words are used quite plentifully in this video.)

Jul 12, 2012

Neptune in Pisces floats up mysterious drownings as Romney is booed in all the right places

Speaking of mystical Neptune now traversing its own oceanic sign of Pisces, on July 9, History Today published an article by *Christopher Winn on concerning Mysterious Drownings which spotlights the 190th anniversary of the drowning off the coast of Italy (July 8, 1822) of romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Shelley, born August 4, 1792 @10:00 pm in Horsham, England, died age 29 which to astrologers denotes his leaving the earthly plane at his Saturn Return. Some have thought he may have committed suicide or that his boat was a victim of a pirate attack yet it seems certain that a squall at sea did hit and upturned the boat. In any case, he'd left (temporarily) wife Mary after yet another loss of child which smacks of running away from responsibilities, something which taskmaster Saturn does not appreciate. Honestly addressing one's responsibilities is a basic theme during times when Saturn returns to 'his' natal position.

Interestingly, Shelley's Saturn Return of May 9, 1822 shows sea-ruler Neptune Rx @ 5Cap00..."Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance." (Jones.) Were the "Indians" Shelley and friend rowing what would soon be a capsized boat, or pirates on the attack? Who can say yet it's a tantalyzing picture to consider. Plus, in his Return chart, Neptune conjoined the planet of sudden events, Uranus Rx @7Cap05. '8Cap' = "Birds in the House Singing Happily" which may indicate the rebel was in a good mood before Neptunian tragedy struck by whatever means. And Shelley's death (Pluto) was ultimately a World Event with Pluto @00Ari28 (Aries Point) and rising in his 1822 Saturn Return chart.

As you know, Mary Shelley authored Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus, as Uranian a title and story arc as you'll ever find in literature--'sky god' Uranus is often referred to as, The Awakener, perfect for the cobbled-together Monster and the catalyst for life, electricity, all provinces of Uranus.

Both Mary and Percy were born with Sun-Uranus conjunctions, his in dramatic Leo, hers in book-writing Virgo which relates to their unorthodox alliance which broke societal boundaries by an elopement against her father's wishes (yet William Godwin continued to borrow money from Percy!) And with their Jupiters (how one relates) placed in opposite signs--his in Libra, hers in Aries across the Relationship axis--theirs was a romance 'written in the stars' as they say. Perhaps with his Sun-Uranus conjunction near his natal Venus in Leo added to her natal Mars in bookish Virgo near her Sun-Uranus, their willfulness in love (Mars-Venus) simply would not be denied.

Now here are Mary's birth details in case you don't have her natal horoscope in your files: August 30, 1797 @11:20 pm London, England; Sun 7Vir58, Moon 27Sag57. I am happily indebted to Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker, author of Jupiter Meets Uranus for sharing her excellent research on Mary and Percy Shelley and the dream (Neptune!) which inspired the writing and publishing of the classic Uranian novel, Frankenstein.


*Christopher Winn, not to be confused with Jonathan Winn, author of Martuk...the Holy!


Desperate Republicans and Wasteful Votes

Regular readers may note that up until now, this post contained no mention of Politics, arrogant politicians, or of the time and money wasting efforts yesterday of the Republican Party as they voted in the House of Representatives to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 which was upheld as constitutional by SCOTUS on June 28, 2012. The GOP's 31st performance of Capitol Hill Political Theater shows our tax dollars not at work on behalf of the American people and I refuse to type much more about their sham for the moment as the jackassian politicians of Washington--including turncoat Democrats--continue undermining our national government (and state governments, for that matter) while making idiotic fools of themselves for the sake of the dumbleheaded, anti-social, anti-American ideology by which they hope to re-take the White House.

Yes, I must agree that current GOP ploys defy all reason and the only plan they seem to me to have is to cheat in November 2012 and play dirty tricks (such as Mitt Romney speaking to the NAACP yesterday so he could be booed to impress his 'base'--how simplistic and transparent!) All very Neptunian of them with the Party's natal Neptune @15Pis53 Rx in n 3rd house of Communications, and Neptune sextiles Uranus in stubborn Taurus (15:48) which forms a YOD (crisis pattern) with US natal Saturn 14Lib48...Uranus-Neptune = Saturn has potentials for: a clash among ambitions and projects; need for recognition; changes of direction; staying put causes depression and loss of confidence (Tyl.)

Additionally, the Republican Party's current progressed Ascendant @29Gem50, a critical-crisis 29th degree, shows a sense of desperation, and the Party's progressed Mercury @29Sco39 (voting; ideas; plans) is @29Sco39..."30Sco" = "The Halloween Jester" which may indicate an October Surprise on the GOP menu which is meant to sway the American people away from President Obama and toward the GOP's daft austerity measures. After all, Inauguration 2009's Moon (The People; the masses) remains at @29Sco45 until Inauguration 2013 rolls around when The People's Inaugural Moon will be posited in the much lighter sign of Gemini at noon--almost four hours from Mr. Obama's Lunar Return (back to the White House?) which occurs at 3:54 pm est on Monday, January 21, 2013.

The natal chart I use for the Republican Party: July 6, 1854 @5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI, which shows natal Sun conjunct US natal Sun; plus, the Democratic Party's Moon in Aquarius conjoins US natal Moon....our Papa and Momma? Arghh! No wonder the two parties can't get along and are able to constantly and easily divide and conquer the American people's loyalties with the strain between Sun inconjunct Moon which is an echo from America's natal chart and psyche of July 4, 1776!

Jul 10, 2012

The Newsroom--opening scene (video)

America's entertainment industry is big on distracting our attention from important issues we should be dealing with but seldom does it provide truth for us to hear. Wonder how many Americans agree with Jeff Daniels in this scene from the new series The Newsroom concerning America as the greatest country in the world?

Jul 9, 2012

US July 2012 Progressions Spotlight LIBOR Scandal

July 2012 US Progressions Not a Pretty Picture w LIBOR Implications

by Jude Cowell

In 2006, America's natal Mars turned retrograde by progression. As it 'slowed down' to change from Direct motion to Rx it was what astrologers call, stationary. If ever a non-astrologer (as I assume th author to be!) described America's Secondary Progressed Mars Rx condition and some of its many effects, this would be it.

Here you see a horoscope of America's Secondary Progressions with Mars Rx in SP 2nd house opposite SP Venus in 8th H (2/8 axis of Money, Values, the US Treasury, Corporations, Big Business--you know the affected realms. See the Matt Taibbi interview with Eliot Spitzer, below, concerning the LIBOR scandal; our rage over it will grow as US SP Moon conjoins SP Mars in about two months!) And you know that Mars rules the military, police, and law enforcement--yet the DoJ is AWOL when it comes to corrupt Wall Street and other big bankers and traders yet law enforcement is deployed on the scene more and more when it comes to US citizens' dissent. American citizens being 'policed' with drones is also an outcome of US SP Mars Rx especially with Mars-ruled Aries on US Ic (Domestic Scene; Homeland.)

Please click the chart to enlarge and read a few basic chart factors such as Hour: Moon (changes, fluctuations, and publicity as in Campaign 2012 where image is everything and there's very little substance), and a midpoint picture affecting SP Sun (leader; leadership) which has come into orb with US SP Pluto-Chiron midpoint 8Pis17, the oppressive, corporatist plutocracy duo of vulture capitalists everywhere.

ASC 00Vir38 with Royal Star Regulus rising (success if revenge is avoided--uh oh) shows America morphing from SP Leo rising to the more serious Virgo rising which changes our progressed national chart-ruler from the Leonine Sun (which is never Rx by transit or progression) to Mercury which is, as you see, Rx in the 6th H of Military and Police Service (a growing work sector if you don't mind training to beat down your fellow Americans or occupy other countries), Work, and Health. On the level of Health, Mercury Rx here shows the Affordable Health Care Act under re-view by SCOTUS.

Now this is the same SP Mercury in Aquarius that was apex in a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point) with Neptune sextile North Node which gave us false expectations, and secret arrangements made in order to deceive; Mercury in general describes young people, reporters, bloggers, authors, agreements, trade deals and traders, commerce, speeches, thieves, secrets, and other Mercurial things.

Another disturbing indicator of financial, religious, and political concern is the quindecile (QD; 165 degr) between the duo of Big Banking, Jupiter and Pluto, with Pluto at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Our natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is near US SP South Node, a separative Saturnian point which denotes war, brutality, and hard hard work for Pluto/SN has a Saturn-Pluto tone.

Jupiter is Rx by progression since 1905 when many of our troubles began in earnest as global thugs saw the end of their plan coming nearer to fruition. The banking Panic of 1907 was used to justify the creation of the Federal Reserve System (1910 - 1913) and so a time link is described by the Astrology of it all including the indisputable fact that US SP Jupiter Rx @15Can27 conjoins the natal ASC of...guess which entity?

America's five-pointed Death Star, The Pentagon, our bottomless money pit.

Jupiter QD Pluto paints a picture of an obsessive need for power, control, and success with belief systems, opinions, and religion cynically used as forces for manipulation; ruthlessly gaining advantage is emphasized and major societal shifts are upcoming which must include a transformation of mass consciousness and reordering of perspectives. (Reeves.)

Yes, I am very sorry to report to you both that America's SP horoscope, which shows our nation's evolutionary condition (shown here for July 9, 2012)--as our Founding Astrologers must have seen as they looked into the future--is not in a positive state at the moment and threatens to morph our nation--is in process of morphing our nation--into a financially and spiritually bankrupted police state where total surveillance reigns, and privacy and private property are things of the past. But you don't need an astrologer to tell you this, do you?

LIBOR: like Libra's Mars Rx in a Money House

Below is a discussion on the global bid-rigging that's been practiced for at least ten years by 16 big banks (or more) and issues from the bowels of The City of London (which implicates what Eustace Mullins called The London Connection, the House of Rothschild, the Bank of England, and the British government.) The now spotlighted LIBOR corruption, which affects interest rates on loans and credit cards all over the globe, is simply the latest and probably the greatest of the World Banking Syndicate's crash-the-global-economy projects:

Another view of LIBOR is provided by Robert Reich. Another astrological view of LIBOR may be seen in US progressions with Neptune/MC = NN: sharing bad intentions with others; working with those who share your vision for the future; peculiarities (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

Maybe the rotten-to-the-core revelations of LIBOR will be what Pluto creeping through Capricorn, toppling leaders and destructuring systems, is all about...or, maybe it's just what Mr. Underworld was waiting for as his ruinous methods are now uncovered. Can we expect The System to root out its own worms?