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Dec 8, 2016

Meet the Republican Elector Who Is Refusing to Vote for Trump - interview

When the Electoral College meets December 19, 2016 to decide whether (the unqualified) Mr. Trump is a demagogue and thus unfit to be US president, there is the possibility that 'faithless electors' may intervene and refuse to vote Trump which is precisely why Alexander Hamilton championed the Electoral College method--to deny demagogues the presidency in times when a gullible public is swayed.

Here Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, interviews Christopher Suprun of Texas who penned an op-ed in The New York Times on Monday describing his reasons for turning into a 'Hamilton Elector':

For a few astrological influences on December 19th which will affect the natal planets of Donald Trump, check out the day's Cosmic Conditions, a post for which I have had some Republican push back. Yes, 37 electors changing their votes and refusing Mr. Trump is a long shot but that's all it would take!

Related links:

Why the Electoral College?

Brief astrology notes on John Kasich, mentioned in the Suprun interview as a potential write-in candidate on December 19th.

Dec 7, 2016

The February 2017 Eclipse, Alexander Hamilton, and Aaron Burr

Recently The Mountain Astrologer published an excellent article by Kate Plumb concerning the (rectified) natal and progressed charts of Sun Capricorn Alexander Hamilton along with the Opening Night horoscope of the very popular Broadway show Hamilton. With Hamilton's natal chart progressed to Opening Night (August 6, 2015), we see modern influences upon a posthumous chart where its long deceased owner's life and reputation are now cast in the very bright spotlight of a Broadway stage. Fascinating!

Note: these notes concern the 'rectified by Regulus' natal chart though conflict remains since Hamilton may have been been born, not in 1755, but 1757, according to some historians. There are brief notes on the conflict and a view of his bio and natal chart (X-rated; no time) at astrodatabank.

In the rectified version of Hamilton's natal chart set for January 11, 1755 1:23:37 am LMT Charlestown, Saint Kitts-Nevis, one immediately notices the several placements including Sun and Moon, in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of business, law, government, and gilt-edged stocks and bonds. In fact, the Harveys, in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign give the Sun Cap-Moon Cap combination of energies a very Saturnian Image for Integration: "A hoary old grandfather sits in his chair with his grandson on his knee. He gives him a gift for his seventh birthday - a first edition of The Pilgrim's Progress." (Note: the boy's seventh birthday resonates with old man Saturn's 28-30 year cycle through the Zodiac and the first square occurring around seven, the typical age when baby teeth begin to fall out!)

As for modern planetary transits to Alexander Hamilton's 1755 natal chart, I refer to these:

Transit Neptune now conjoins natal Uranus 8Pis41 (changes in society cause confusion, disorientation, unrealistic expectations), transit Jupiter will soon conjoin and spotlight his Prenatal Eclipse degree (22Lib35) in the New North Saros Series, and the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12 will 'hit' his natal Uranus with its Uranian 'cosmic blink' vibes which may have either positive or negative influence--or a mixture of both--for his reputation and perhaps for his namesake Broadway show. And of course, transit Pluto's ongoing plod through Tropical Capricorn has and will lend power and the gift of transformation to his many Capricorn planets: Mercury 1:42, (Chiron 3:27), Moon 11:12, and on to Saturn 20:01 (a critical degree), Sun 21:17, and Venus 25:50 Rx. This Capricorn line-up is preceded in his horoscope by natal Pluto 15Sag03 and Mars 29Sag06, another critical degree (being the 29th--and anxious to enter Capricorn).

Hamilton's Prenatal Eclipse Series (PE), the 9 New North, initially manifested on August 21, 1664 @28Leo50 with warrior Mars 20Lib54 conjunct the explosive, revolutionary Uranus-Pluto midpoint which suggests potentials for fanaticism, violence, and a tendency to force ideas upon others. Hamilton was, as you know, an officer in the American Revolution, an aide to General Washington, if memory serves, and America's first Treasury Secretary. So it is through a solar Leo lens that his Libra PE may be viewed and thus involves cautions against egoism, pride, arrogance, and vainglory. And considering the themes of 9 New North, I must wonder if his fatal duel with Aaron Burr is on some level a part of the Sun-Venus eclipse influence because 9 New North themes are: violence, accidents, great physical effort, and a sudden physical event.

Naturally, there are several accounts of the Hamilton-Burr duel of August 11, 1804 and its sad aftermath and Eye Witness to History has one of them. And perhaps you may agree that the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the duel, the 4 North @21AQ36 which perfected on February 11, 1804, contains sadly appropriate themes: separation, restraint, inhibition, restriction, illusions, events that seem to block the individual which causes a tendency to misjudge strength or the situation (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Now here are some brief notes on five transits of the July 11, 1804 duel which greatly affected the 1755 natal planets of Alexander Hamilton and noting that squares (90 degrees) = blockages and obstacles, and inconjuncts (150 degrees) can indicate health crises--in this case, via bullet:

1. 1804 Jupiter square natal Venus: confused values and priorities, a victim of shameless social climbing, alliances and joint ventures suffer snags and difficulties.

2. 1804 Venus inconjunct natal Saturn: criticism, resentment, overreaction, envy, intolerance, retaliation.

3. 1804 Saturn square natal Mars: impatience over rules and regulations, thwarted physical actions, quarrels about who is right and who is wrong, anger, very unpleasant situations, authority figures resent aggressive actions, physical injuries.

4. 1804 Pluto conjunct natal Uranus: a generational challenge between power and anarchic forces and indicating extreme violence and destruction.

5. 1804 Mars inconjunct natal Mars (29Tau to 29Sag): a picture of the duel itself with fighting Mars off-kilter from Hamilton's natal Mars which hints at his decision to fire but miss his opponent; a negative health indicator.

So that is my brief astrological assessment of Hamilton, Burr, and their tragic duel, with certain Solar Eclipses added. Yet since we know there must be more to the story that so favors the victim, Alexander Hamilton, let's close with a revealing quote from Jefferson's Vice President Burr himself from the controversial biography Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg:

"In a Day or two will be published another pamphlet in which you...are to {be} proven part{y} to certain imaginary intrigues of mine. This knot of knaves cannot long hold together--they begin already to call each other lyars--the only truth they have uttered." Aaron Burr to Pierpont Edwards, 1802.

A 'knot of knaves'! And soon, in New York City's one Republican newspaper and elsewhere, the "sleazy insinuations and crude insults" followed and eventually the goal of his enemies was achieved--to destroy the political career of Aaron Burr. Hmmm...sounds a lot like the crude, vulgar, insulting 2016 Campaign, doesn't it?

Dec 5, 2016

The GOP Has No Alternative to Obamacare Because the ACA WAS The Republican Plan - video

In March 2010, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama while transit Neptune sat upon America's natal Moon in Aquarius, aka, We the People, and the Great Conjunction/s of the inflationary/speculator/wastrel pair, Jupiter and Neptune, had sprinkled dreamy fairy dust over our Moon and hearts all through 2009, Mr. Obama's first year in office. Little sense of reality prevailed and big promises were made and believed by the more gullible among us.

Nowadays, reality continues to hide beneath the waves of deceptive Neptune strong in its own murky sign of Pisces as Mr. Trump readies his administration and enjoys his own Jupiter Return/s to its natal position of 17 Libra. And yes, the delusional Jupiter-Neptune imprint applies to Trump's first term in office as well since the next Great Conjunction doesn't occur until *Saturn and Pluto meet @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020:

For more progressive reports and commentary visit Thom Hartmann.

Read the 2012 SCOTUS decision on the ACA.

As you know, when astrological Neptune is associated with health issues a wrong diagnosis can be the result. Let's hope for the sake of all Americans that Mr. Trump, Tom Price, and other administration officials determined to repeal and/or reform the ACA give us a new and improved prescription for what ails us.

*We remain under the influence of the last Saturn-Pluto conjunction which perfected once @27Lib36 on November 8, 1982 during the first term of the Reagan administration. Air sign Libra was about ideas and ideology; their next conjunction in 2020 in pragmatic Earth will be about consolidation and bringing to fruition a draconian ideology which will soon be cavorting about the Rose Garden like little nazi fairies. But I doubt they'll look like this:

Dec 2, 2016

Dec 19, 2016: Cosmic Conditions for the Electoral College Decision on a Trump Presidency

As per reader's request (thanks for the inspiration, Rebecca!), the following post concerns the official Electoral College meeting on December 19, 2016, to decide if Donald Trump can indeed take possession of the reins of power in 2017. The planetary indications described below denote certain cosmic influences yet as usual, the motivations of those involved are known only unto themselves and may interfere with the outcome. If this occurs, you'll know that yours truly will fault Pluto in Capricorn so near to tofu planet Mercury taking the shape and mindset of the persuasive, intimidating planet of meddling Plutocrats!

The Electoral College Meets December 19th: For or Against Mr. Trump?

by Jude Cowell

A basic reason that America's Electoral College was founded was in order to prevent dangerous demagogues from grabbing the presidency. So will Donald Trump be cast aside on December 19 (2016) when the electors officially meet to decide who will enter the Oval Office on January 20, 2017? Based on the Astrology of that day I would say that, yes, it is possible that the presidency could be decided in favor of Hillary Clinton (unless a higher authority prefers Trump) although Clinton's higher popular vote count probably carries no weight in their decision.

The Hill lays out the political considerations. But what do the December 19, 2016 planets reveal through my common-good lens?

After studying the day of December 19th in the morning, noon, and later, I find two main planets in transit that relate descriptively to such political considerations: voting/negotiating Mercury station retrograde @15Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and authority) conjunct powerful, wealthy, plutocratic Pluto, and Cap-ruler Saturn @20Sagittarius. Transit Saturn is in process of conjoining Mr. Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction while opposing his natal Sun-North Node pair which has potential for difficulties of a karmic nature. But putting such a Saturnian 28-to-29-year transit aside, let's consider two things: that voting Mercury is spotlighted via stationing, and by the fact that it will then retrograde which relates to reviewing and reconsidering--and a possible change of mind. On a Mercurial level, this a cosmic picture of the sobering events occurring December 19, 2016! Yet if little Mercury--under the influence of manipulative Pluto--isn't enough to jettison Trump (or to keep him), there's the weighty condition of Saturn.

On December 19th, transit Saturn is the Thales planet for the ongoing conflict-producing Jupiter-Uranus opposition since the conservative law abiding Saturn sextiles Jupiter and trines Uranus. Possibly, this indicates Saturnian people (in authority) coming to the aid of Donald Trump, especially since his natal Sun-Moon opposition is involved. And note that for most of us, Saturn 'hitting' a natal Full Moon can result in difficult circumstances unless we have previously honored Saturn's commands to be accountable, responsible, and mature. Now for me, that does not describe Mr. Trump who seems emotionally immature as many folks have noted. And he's much more of a Jupiterian personality who takes credit where it isn't due, is materialistic, and thinks that cheating is winning even though it's actually stealing. Well, as he never tires of saying, he does love "winning". By trickery? No problem!

So with Saturn sextile Jupiter, opportunity to expand or improve one's professional status is offered though not promised. But the offer is made more interesting because Mr. Trump is in process of his 12-year Jupiter Return which makes the December 19th Jupiter in Libra more personal to him (though transit Jupiter is not on Trump's natal Jupiter degree on that particular day). As for Hillary, her natal Jupiter is @00Sag, the sign through which Saturn has been stomping and this may give her a measure of influence in this cosmic picture although it's more of a Saturn-conjunct-Jupiter vibe of 'giving back some of what was given' since transit Saturn already conjoined her natal Jupiter back in September 2015.

Then with transit Saturn trine Uranus, planet of radical, reactionary politics (such as Republicans tend to practice), we may expect financial and business improvements for those involved--particularly for groups and organizations, thanks to general monetary conditions (and financial titans manipulating US Politics from behind the curtain).

As for the Electoral College itself, another cosmic condition of Saturn applies on December 19th--Saturn is the oriental planet for it rises last before the Sun. Saturn oriental is often present when Politics are involved and shows that things function best in situations where goals are highly defined, perseverance and maturity are warranted, and administrative talent is necessary. Plus, Saturn in Sagittarius describes those who are serious about their moral and ethical standards though self-righteousness may result.

However, the oriental condition of Saturn does tend toward a strong sense of social order and a preference for authoritarianism which relates to political conservatives, or could, if their consciences are voted, be an indicator that a demagogue such as Donald Trump is unfit and unqualified to be president of the United States because if the electors are honest, they know that he does not meet with the Electoral College mandate laid down by our Founding Fathers.

Other Planetary Influences of Note

Additional transits to Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter are worth considering such as his Jupiter Return/s on December 4, 2016, April 13, 2017 (Rx), and August 4, 2017 with natal Jupiter strongly stationed @17Lib27 in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values (and in a trio with Chiron and Neptune--he's a speculator - and one of Jupiter's roles is the politician). The above described Jupiter-Uranus opposition means that transit Uranus opposes Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter, a time when optimism may be ill-warranted, unstable conditions can prevail, separations may occur, and the results of advancement of professional and economic opportunities are unpredictable. A cautious profile is advised under this erratic Uranian influence, but as we know, Trump has difficulty maintaining such a cautious stance for very long. Yet the Uranus opposition will let up around the time of his second Jupiter-conjunct-Jupiter in April 2017 and will be out-of-orb by August 4, 2017.

Perhaps even more descriptive is transit Pluto square his natal Jupiter with Jupiter-Pluto as the pair of the wheeler-dealer and special achiever, and a Plutocrat indicator as well. This denotes a time when others with more power and influence can choose to squelch or block those with inflated self-importance and unrealistic expectations--those such as the bombastic Mr. Trump. Plus, his father Fred's past Jupiterian business activities could be one reason that Trump's ego and power needs are not politically improved upon at this time though seemingly they have been as of the November election. In other words, the tiresomely ongoing Cardinal Uranus-Pluto square is and has been closely affecting the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump--and his Jupiter wants what all Jupiters want: to grow, improve, better, and expand.

So once again, it will be the true motivations of more powerful Plutocrats (in or acting through the Electoral College) who determine the outcome of the 70-year-old Mr. Trump's final bid for political ascendancy and control. Or, maybe the simple fact that transit Mercury, planet of votes, negotiations, and deals, turns retrograde on Dec 19th and describes an elector, or multiple electors, changing their minds concerning a Trumpian presidency as astrologer Larry Schwimmer recently reminded me!

A related post: DC Horoscope: Inauguration 2017.

Dec 1, 2016

Papantonio: DNC Stupidity Continues w/ Pelosi In Charge - video report (w/ Eclipses)

Yes, Nancy Pelosi raises lots of money for Washington Democrats but is that a good reason to retain the one who was in charge during the 2016 Election/s?

For more reports, bravely step into The Ring of Fire.

Now let's allow Astrology to chime in with a link to Nancy Pelosi's X-rated natal chart set for March 26, 1940 Baltimore, Maryland. Appropriate for her being 'retained' in her congressional role, her chart shows an abundance of stubborn Taurus, a money sign of growth and preservation. Mrs. Pelosi's birth time is unknown, hence the X rating but since her natal Moon remained in Scorpio for the 24-hour period we know her personality blend is a Fire-Water Sun Aries-Moon Scorpio combo which we already discussed some time ago.

Happily we need no birth hour to check out the Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series into which she was born--the 14 South (18Lib36) which last repeated in November 2011--November 25, 2011 @2Sag36, to be precise. This 'peculiar' eclipse of 'unexpected happenings in finance' (Brady) brought the American people an ill-titled 'Super Congress' whose members obscured the blame for financial difficulties and created Sequestration across the board (but not so much cutting of black-ops, surveillance, and military expenditures, of course, since the Utopian dream of conquering and occupying the entire world is very very costly-for citizens).

Here's more on the sinister Sequestration Solar Eclipse of 2011 (DC horoscope shown).

Wonder how Pelosi's natal Mercury-Neptune opposition (on the Virgo-Pisces axis) will stack up against Donald Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square (Cancer to Libra)? Both aspects between the planet of thinking processes, communications, and comprehension and deluded, deceptive (if inspirational) Neptune are problematic though as always, the development of maturity and ethical standards bring more positive results. Mrs. Pelosi's opposition denotes one who can trigger destructive qualities in others, a tendency toward scheming which causes others to distrust her, a suspicious nature, and telepathic ability. Mr. Trump's square indicates issues with distortion of facts (misconceptions and indiscretion), unintentional unreliability, a tendency to make errors when the unconscious mind plays tricks on the conscious mind, and occult interests.

Both the opposition and the square between Mercury and Neptune suggest that both Pelosi and Trump have problems keeping secrets; either aspect may indicate a cunning nature that uses underhanded ways of disclosing confidential information although other chart factors may mitigate this unfortunate tendency.

Nov 30, 2016

Power Elite Strategies: the Reality of Voting Revealed

When Donald Trump complained about our 'rigged system' he wasn't referring to the bigger (crooked) picture:

Morally Deformed Power Elite Strategies Against the People (sans Democracy)

"By dividing the voter through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance. It is thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished." - American Bankers Association, 1924

Is this a reference to the secretly planned and sneakily implemented central banking Federal Reserve System?

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. It's not the votes that count, it's WHO counts the votes. It doesn't matter who the people vote for; they always vote for us." - Joseph Stalin

Well, thanks, Joe, for that clarification. And though the phrase may be bandied about by US politicians and their backers of a certain autocratic persuasion, I cannot and will not believe that America's Founding Fathers considered democracy to be "mob rule."

Nov 29, 2016

Criminalizing Dissent: This Is How It Begins - video

Apathy is a luxury we can no longer afford and is no longer any sort of excuse in America for non-participation in our 'democracy'. That's basically how We the People got into the political jam we're in today:

Read, watch, listen: Thom Hartmann.

Donald Trump? America is his cash cow now.

Father of Activist Injured at Standing Rock Calls on Obama to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline Drilling - video report

The following Democracy Now! report contains images not suitable for children but apparently Washington DC and big oil corporatists including share holder Trump are just fine with them as the theft of America's and her native people's natural resources continues:

Do you stand with the Standing Rock water protectors?

Astro-Note: In Astrology there is a certain Sabian Symbol that applies to the Dakota Access Pipeline stand off: '6 Gemini': "Drilling for Oil" = "SPECULATION; positive expression: achievement through an exceptional concentration or specialization of effort; negative (shadow side - jc): long-range or foolish gambling and ill-considered self-exploitation".

Exploitation is obvious. Gambling on water and environmental safety is extremely foolish. But of course, plutocrats who exploit the water supply of others for their own financial gain don't have to worry about drinking oil-contaminated water, do they?

Nov 25, 2016

Has Trump Already Committed Nixon-Esque Treason? (w/ Guest: Lamar Waldron) video

From November 22, 2016 Part One: Thom Hartmann speaks with historian Lamar Waldron, author of Watergate: The Hidden History concerning Donald Trump's use of Nixonian political tactics via his adviser Roger Ailes who also shoehorned Richard Nixon into the White House with something new: a television campaign. Run time is 21 minutes for this very informative interview:

Previously, on Stars Over Washington, a related post: 1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series Ends (as did the gold standard); post contains a link to the text of Hunter S. Thompson's He Was a Crook.

Go to Watergate: The Hidden History, Nixon, The Mafia, and the CIA. Is it curious how mainstream media during the 2016 campaign failed to mention the possibility of hidden mob ties to New York mogul Mr. Trump? He must surely have run across such crooks and made deals during the course of his extensive career in construction and real estate, don't you think?

Nov 24, 2016

Google & Facebook Target "Fake News"- Ignore Establishment News Even Worse - video

Here is a favorite commentator of mine, Jimmy Dore, talking 'bout fake news and the newly invented fight against such fakery that Google and Facebook say they're about to wage (have they started yet? I can't tell). How pathetic (and difficult to believe) that companies that trade on information have to be outed on supplying what is basically propaganda. Google and FB say they will change their policies--which is good since falsehoods can never be considered news at all! Their change comes, of course, after Election 2016 and the rigged 'victory' of Mr. Trump. Think websites will clean up their act before the 2018 midterms?

You'll find more commentary on The Jimmy Dore Show YouTube channel.

Nov 22, 2016

A Question about American Utopianism

Of Rosy Glows, Dragons Fought, and Thomas Jefferson

by Jude Cowell

St george

St. George and the red cross are emblems used by many countries, regions, organizations, and entities through the centuries, including medieval times. Today the modern 'Red Cross' organization is a well known example of its use as a symbol or logo and the 'rosy cross' of 'Rosicrucianism' represents a secret organization that favors a mythical beast that is seldom if ever glimpsed by non-members. More details here.

Yes, the Banner of St. George was notable (and one supposes inspiring) at the Battle of Agincourt and yet my current fuss is this: precisely why is a flag or banner with a red cross on a white field prominently displayed in the following painting of a tableaux of Thomas Jefferson's presentation to Congress of the completed Declaration of Independence? You see the red cross floating over Jefferson's head so is this a wordless message revealed via symbol? For one thing, Jefferson's effects after his death (on July 4, 1826) included a Rosicrucian decoder intended to read and write secret messages. And yet it was Great Britain where Rosicrucianism became uppermost, with Templar Freemasonry sprouting and growing wildly in the New World of America (though some say the two brotherhoods united at some point).

Here are details on John Trumbull's famous painting, above, of the moment Thomas Jefferson presented the first draft of the Declaration of Independence to John Hancock, president of the Second Continental Congress, on June 28, 1776. Last I heard, the 12' x 18' masterpiece hangs in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building. Standing with Mr. Jefferson are John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Benjamin Franklin.

Now as you know, Mr. Jefferson was a quiet man who whispered and stuttered when he spoke, and keeping secrets was a natural inclination for such a man particularly when involvement in certain activities could forfeit you your fortune and your life. Perhaps wisely, Jefferson never admitted actual membership in any secret society that I know of but we can surmise his knowledge of principles, plus, Monticello sported paintings of the three men whose intellect he admired most: Bacon, Newton, and Locke.

So I confess that there are times when the idea of an alleged "Book of Secrets" that's said to be for very few eyes suggests to me that whatever American secrets there be are totally different from what we've been propagandized through the centuries to believe about our Platonian, Utopian nation, the only country ever founded upon an ideal. From capstones, hollowed out crevices in cornerstones, and whatever is secreted under DC's Ellipse, to that infamous "Book", We the People surely must have stunning revelations ahead of us if Bacon's Vision is ever fully revealed. We may not like it but there it is.

Now with the recently denied potential of electing the first woman president, I had speculated that if such a thing happened, it could be symbolized by flipping over America's Great Seal in order to bring the more esoteric, unconscious symbols on the reverse more fully into our conscious minds. You know--the 13-step 'pyramid of power' which relates symbolically to the Midheaven degree and sign (on or about 26 Capricorn these days) in America's inaugural horoscopes (January 20th noon Capitol Building) -- the area of the Zodiac where Pluto in Capricorn now creeps. Plus, a late Capricorn MC places US natal Pluto Rx there as well along with America's progressed Pluto at 29 Capricorn, a critical or crisis 29th degree (as is 26 Cap). On Inauguration Day/s, our opposing Mercury Rx at IC echoes, along with sneaky Pluto at MC, the whisper of a nation of secrets, spies, hidden rulers, and a veiled mission.

And since Pluto was discovered in 1930, let's go ahead and say that when Freemason President Franklin Roosevelt had Inauguration Day changed from early March to January 20th (March 1933 to January 1937), he knew exactly what he was doing and what would eventually happen: transit Pluto in Capricorn ('the dictator') would hit the highest, most visible spot in US inaugural horoscopes, the Midheaven, the point of Goals and Aspirations...the pinnacle of worldly power, we might call it...and this would symbolically signify a display (MC) of might and Empire (Pluto in Cap) meant to be seen worldwide across the globe and denote Saturnian control (Capricorn) of the Earth itself.

How quirky that someone has selected a braggart nationalist like Mr. Trump to implement the final stages of Global Government when that's just the kind of thing he campaigned against! Perhaps he's only intended to corral Americans into place while continuing the destruction of the US Constitution that stands in the way of open borders and worldwide corporatism...they've already dispensed with the Constitution in the realms of habeas corpus, preemptive war, and brutal suppression of peaceful protest.

So here is another question: wonder if the Utopian society the Founding Fathers envisioned bares any resemblance at all to the crap government that anarchists have been busy downgrading America to? Because with Trump losing the popular vote on November 8th, consent of the governed is totally missing as is 'a mandate' for president-elect Trump and his austere sidekick, the boo-worthy Mr. Pence of Indiana.

Wikimedia page of the top image {Public domain} of St. George on his steed surrounded by 'rosy crosses'.