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Apr 12, 2019

Did Julian Assange Step Past Journalism? - Thom Hartmann clip

Progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann has worked in the independent media industry for years and here shares his clear view of what's going on with the arrest and indictment of Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange:


You may also wish to check out the Planets Aspecting Assange's Natal Chart on April 11, 2019 morning London, UK (his arrest and evacuation from the Ecuadorian embassy).

Plus, I am inspired to mention that of course Donald Trump now denies that Wikileaks is his "thing" and that he doesn't 'know' Julian Assange in a transparent attempt to distance himself from the situation. This is a predictable reaction from Trump since Assange was captured and, as we learned from the draft dodger himself, Donald Trump doesn't like people who get caught.

Assange Arrested w Pluto opposing natal Mercury

April 12, 2019: As you've heard, Jupiter-Neptune figure, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame, was arrested yesterday morning in London UK and was unwillingly extracted from the Ecuadorian embassy and pushed into a police van--one day after transit Jupiter turned retrograde opposite his natal Venus in Gemini! This transit indicates a period when cooperation from others is hard to attain, promises can be broken, and discouragement sets in. Other cosmic factors stand out for him now including transit Pluto @22Capricorn opposing his natal Mercury in Cancer denoting such potentials as receipt of disturbing news from the outside world (that the embassy had revoked his residency there that morning, April 10), the arrival of a major crisis causing irritability and distress, and the opinions of others being forced upon him (indictment). Note that his natal Mercury @24Cancer conjoins the natal Mercury (Rx) of the United States of America (1776).

Yet curiously, transit Mercury, planet of communications, hacking, and passwords, trines his natal Mercury indicating a time of many calls, talks, negotiations, agreements, and the need to make connections and to exchange something. Stress, anxiety, and nervousness are shown by multiple factors such as transit Mercury sesquisquare natal Moon (Luna @7Sco42 in natal 12th house of Secrets and Karma), tr Mars inconjunct natal Moon, and tr Jupiter inconjunct natal Mercury--all Mercurial and related to communications, thought processes, ideas, and plans which now for Mr. Assange have gone awry.

Transit Saturn and Uranus are stressful as well with potentials for a social status adjustment (tr Saturn inconjunct natal Midheaven @19Leo57) and sudden changes enforced along with saying good-byes (tr Uranus inconjunct natal Ascendant @1Sag59).

Looking ahead, Julian Assange's natal Sun @10Can38 will be directly 'eclipsed' on July 2, 2019 by a Solar Eclipse @10Can37 in the difficult 3 North Saros Series with themes of: 'news involving young people or news that transforms a situation and can cause worry or obsession; very large plans are wanted but avoid getting carried away'. (Brady's Predictive Astrology). Perhaps you recognize 3 North as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the 9/11/01 WTC attacks, the 1929 Crash, the CIA, and President Andrew Jackson. Or not. Even so, this cosmic solar condition suggests a total change of direction for Mr. Assange who must already be feeling its 'wild card' 'cosmic blink' eclipse energies--so was this challenge fated? One might guess so for he was born July 3, 1971 (3:00 pm AEST Townsville, AU) during a karma-laden Saturn-Neptune opposition.

A natal Saturn-Neptune opposition suggests one who "swims with leaden boots" in his life while trying to float along without paying his dues which are always (at some point) demanded. This opposition can also indicate one with criminal tendencies (which is not meant to cast aspersions upon his dire or trumped-up legal situation). His test now may be intended to inspire him to become more responsible concerning his interactions with society; otherwise he'll be forced to do so by legal actions against him and their limiting consequences.

A previous post showing Julian Assange's natal chart is here (plus Steve Bannon's planets - sorry!)

Above image: my drawing, Chiron Leaves His Cave. Descriptive of Assange's arrest?

Apr 8, 2019

Anomie: Is the Trump Era Unraveling American Society? clip

April 8, 2019: Here is an informative segment from Thom Hartmann published April 5, 2019 concerning what yours truly sees as Trump's ongoing, undermining sabotage of America via what is apparently a fascist-stye Trump-GOP treason agenda:


In case you missed it: Has Trump Already Committed Nixon-esque Treason?, another Tom Hartmann segment (2016) with author Lamar Waldron.

A related astro-post: The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump.

Apr 6, 2019

Not only Was America Not Christian but Founders Invented a Goddess

Now as a Christian myself, I know that this recent segment from Thom Hartmann may ruffle a few feathers in the realms of "America Was Founded as a Christian Nation" (incorrect as that is! the US is more of a Utopian Uranus-Neptune trine affair!) but what Thom says is true: our Founding Fathers set up America as the 'New Atlantis' via principles of The Enlightenment which were secular (based on reason, the Uranian half of the equation) and they 'invented' the goddess Columbia to watch over our nation--our 'totem goddess' we might say (see Capitol Building dome!).

Please allow Thom to explain if you haven't run across the following segment already:

Looks as if Columbia Wants You!


On similar topics, a probably related SO'W post of the previous persuasion: A New Atlantis, Williamsburg, and Our Secret Destiny.

Plus, Is Washington DC the 'New Rome'? Altair the eagle says Yes!

And in case you missed it try Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election.

As you know, founders Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine are known to have been deists so What Is Deism?

Apr 2, 2019

April 2019 Lunations, Nemesis, and AG Bill Barr Stalls

In yet another stalling attempt on behalf of Donald Trump, it looks as if AG Bill Barr will pass the Mueller Report to Congress on or around April 15 (2019) smack dab in the middle of lawmakers' upcoming 19-day congressional recess (April 10 to April 29). If I were a Democrat in Congress I'd make certain to be on hand to receive the thing, however redacted it may be.

Of course, Trump lurks behind the actions of AG Bill Barr because AG Barr is 'his man' and was put into the DOJ position for purposes of creating obfuscation, confusion, and for the use of stalling tactics. The question of whether Barr is the GOP's 'man' seems a given around SO'W though perhaps you disagree. However, you can't disagree with Barr's known history of finagling George Bush Sr off the hook for his role in the Iran-Contra Affair, plus, the pardons Barr enabled for the crooks involved. For sweeping scandals and crooks under political rugs, it seems that Bill Barr is 'our man'.

And when we look at April 2019's lunations (New and Full Moons) we find the April 5 New Moon @15Ari17 opposing Trump's fluffy, problematic Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio (in n 2nd house) and the culminating Full Moon of April 19 @29Lib07, a critical-crisis 29th degree.

Obviously, the Full Moon, the phase of fulfillment, awareness, and relationships, relates closely to current political conditions of a critical nature in America (ex: the Mueller Report and its shadow term paper, the Barr Letter/s he provided in lieu of) as Luna eagerly rushes to enter intense Scorpio, brooding sign of betrayal, cover-ups, deep study, big business, and surveillance. Ruled by brash Mars and sub-ruled by powerful Pluto, Scorpio's dark side also resonates with the concept of chaos, Trump's favorite way of behaving via his 10th house Uranus in duplicitous, variety-loving Gemini (his Uranus is oriental and thus operates as his 'guiding planet'). Of interest to me the last several days, is asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) which has been sitting atop Trump's natal Uranus @17Gemini53 although today (April 2, 2019) transiting Nemesis clocks in @20Gemini--conjunct Trump's natal North Node, and soon his natal Sun.

Yet there's more! Trump's natal Nemesis @16Can40 conjoins two of his natal midpoints: distrustful Mercury-Saturn and power-craving, fanatical Sun-Pluto. In Secondary Progressions ('SP') his SP Nemesis has advanced to 16Leo06 conjoining SP Mercury @15Leo36 (in SP 10th house).

Note that at his birth, Trump's Mercury, planet of communications, and his Nemesis were approximately 7 degrees apart.

These SP conditions support other chart factors indicating Big T's vengeful, fight-for-existence nature.

So perhaps it will be revealing of his nibs that the bright rays of the April 19 Full Moon shine directly upon Trump's current SP Ascendant @28Lib39 on or around the mid-April date that AG Barr and his minions say they will meander with the Mueller Report up to Capitol Hill where (Trump hopes) there will be no one there to answer the Masonic door unless a heroic effort is made to return to DC by an erstwhile Democrat or two. Unless things change and circumvent the proceedings as they so often tend to do thanks to the cantankerous, moody Donald Trump, The Gemini.

Mar 31, 2019

Sunday March 31, 2019: Pandora and Icarus spotlighted

Pandora (1896) John William Waterhouse {{PD-US-expired}}

Today, March 31, 2019, at 2:00 pm edt the Sun @10Aries38 shines directly upon asteroid Pandora who in Greek Mythology opened a jar of all manner of evils and illnesses upon the world and represents a gift that is actually a curse. Rounding up the Sun's degree to '11 Aries' we find an appropriate Sabian Symbol (word picture) for our current woes, "The President of the Country"...POTUS.

Now I'm just telling you what books say on such topics, take your own meaning as you wish (and eliminate the "woes" part if that's your viewpoint; however, I cannot concur). And note that the negative expression of '11 Aries' tends toward "vain pretence."

The Fall of Icarus (1636/37) Jacob Peter Gowy [Public domain]

Then with an intuitive lunar message, at 2:00 pm edt today the Moon clocks in @19AQ46 and reflects her light upon asteroid Icarus who flew too close to the sun during his escape attempt and fell from grace because his wings (which were only fashioned from wax), melted and he was cast into the sea. This resulted, of course, from his not listening to the advice of a higher authority, the voice of experience, we might say. Rounding up Luna's 2:00 pm position to '20AQ" we find a word picture of "A Big White Dove, a Message Bearer" with a negative expression that tends toward "sanctimonious self-deception." Ouch!

Now does Icarus represent on some level America under Trump as a Pandora figure who busies himself knocking out supports of all kinds as he releases ills across our land? That he would fulfill his campaign promise to build roads and bridges--infrastructure--now seems laughable to me for this self-styled "King of Debt", this bankrupt artist extraordinaire. His focus on building a 'wall' instead seems even more inappropriate in the light of such mighty promises of restoration of our crumbling infrastructure.

Plus, Trump and the GOP now planning to take away the healthcare insurance of millions of Americans qualifies as Pandora's illness-releasing in my book--Trump's campaign promises to the contrary notwithstanding.

And yet...are you still hopeful he'll 'come through' for America? If so, then you'll be needing that last little bit at the bottom of Pandora's jar which some believe is, as do I, a tiny little ray of hope!

An oddly related post: Is Donald Trump America's Psychopomp?

'11 Aries' and '20AQ' from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

Mar 29, 2019

Who's on Stars Over Washington this very minute??!!

Let's say, Hi! Here in Raleigh, NC USA it's Friday March 29, 2019 at 12:01 pm edt. The sun is shining and brings a promise of a lovely afternoon in historic Raleigh!

April 1, 2019: Meandering through the halls of Stars Over Washington right now (9:03 pm edt Raleigh NC) and I see no one--not one soul flitting from post to post! Wait--did that curtain rustle? Anyone? Hello?

Mar 28, 2019

How the Pentagon Blew 700 Billion Dollars (w/ Matt Taibbi) - clip

Here is an informative segment from March 22, 2019 (the 16th anniversary of the Iraq War) between progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann and journalist Matt Taibbi, author of Griftopia and Hate Inc.: Why Today's Media Makes Us Despise One Another:


Related posts include: a view of the Pentagon's natal horoscope which shows a revealing midpont picture of potentials with the Pentagon's natal Mars (the warrior) as apex planet: Neptune-MC (Utopian ideas; crooks or swindlers) = Mars: 'the tendency to act without clear understanding or purpose; desire to bring the wrong ideas into realization' (like policing and subjugating the globe at US taxpayers' expense? like depopulating the planet? - jc); 'a desire to harm other people' (as you know, war and perpetual wars always do this - jc); (midpoint picture potentials from Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences (#ad); any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits, progressions, and directions.).

And of course, US natal Mars turning retrograde by progression in 2006 (during Bush-Cheney's Iraq and Afghanistan wars) adds its self-defeating yet weakening fuel to the Death Star's vicious fire (often misdirected---US Mars squares foggy Neptune, Gemini to Virgo) and accounts for much of the violence against ourselves that Americans now experience (exs: mass murders; sad uptick in suicides), plus, it provides a difficult cosmic picture of our returning veterans. As for financial issues including the current military budget, a major influence is that US natal Jupiter turned retrograde by progression in 1905 @15Cancer--conjunct the Pentagon's natal Ascendant and in plenty of time to lie the American people into World War I - what some call, a ritual sacrifice instigated by decrepit old warmongers and profiteers (big bankers) against our younger generations who suffer so 'the elite' don't have to.

Mar 26, 2019

Trump with Regulus Rising: Revenge Time!

Now that AG Bill Barr has covered for him so that Mr. Trump's 'exoneration spin' can swing into full force and he's threatening revenge against all his critics, it occurs to me that this particular phase of retaliation by Donald Trump may be a telling part of the Regulus caution he lives under.

For as you know, royal Regulus rises in Trump's natal chart (assuming its 10:54 am timing is accurate with ASC 29Leo55) so the 'kingmaker' star's caution is especially critical for Mr. Trump: 'success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away'.

So if you wish, see a previous post Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? for more details and a link to Trump's natal horoscope. Plus, for an extra 'punch' of revenge and grudge-holding in his character, it's interesting that Trump's natal Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, is positioned @22Sag24 which opposes his natal Sun (22Gem55) and thus conjoins his natal Moon (21Sag12) - on his (fated, karmic) Nodal Axis! Now with Regulus at Ascendant, Tisiphone on Nodal Axis with Sun and Moon - the man embodies retaliation and revenge. And that is one of, if not his primary, Achilles Heels (which is not so say that he hasn't others).

Therefore, it seems possible to me that the Great Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 (January 12, 2020) conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters will bring him his just desserts after all due to the many ongoing investigations now being pursued around the country, NY in particular (thanks to Mr. Mueller's 'farming them out').

Guess we'll have to see how Trump and America fares as 2019 closes, won't we? And as always, America is my only nag in the race!

Mar 25, 2019

Ari Melber: March 31 1980 Sun Aries-Moon Libra

A few bio details concerning MSNBC's Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber are available for the curious. Mr Melber has a 39th birthday upcoming - born March 31, 1980 in Seattle, Washington. Below you see a speculative natal horoscope for Ari Melber as timed by that day's Full Moon which perfected @11Lib03 at 7:13:52 am PST in Seattle; I'm not going to make a big deal about the chart but here it is in case anyone ever wants it--the Full Moon version, that is. Because to me, his day of birth is cosmically imprinted with the rays of a Full Moon @11Lib03, no matter his accurate hour and minute of birth.

Any other speculation on Ari's birth time is up to you so have at it!

As you see penned on the chart (messily as usual!), his planet of communication and reporting (on TV, no less--he's quite photogenic), Mercury @13Pis22 sextiles Chiron and forms the base of a YOD pattern that points toward the Libran Moon (the public; publicity) and this, I assert, describes Ari Melber's special task in life. What do you think? See chart for sextile details provided by Barbara Hand Clow (as notated above the natal chart).

And since the page linked above states that Mr. Melber married in 2014, divorced in 2017, I'll gingerly mention that his chart displays a telling Venus-Uranus opposition which tends a native toward problematic relationships that, in order to last, must be supported by stability from other factors in the chart and psyche for best results. A strong, sober Saturn is always helpful - his Rx in critical, discerning Mercury-ruled Virgo, and in wide opposition with thinking Mercury in creative Pisces. Yet with any contact between lovely Venus and quirky Uranus, relationships can be and usually are, exciting while they last!

Then what about his Sun Aries-Moon Libra personality blend of conscious and unconscious energies?

Some personality traits can be seen on his MSNBC show The Beat, Ari's love of rap music is well known, and music references tend to turn up on his show in segments and in his commentary. His is a Fire-Air blend, full of exciting ideas that he communicates easily and with zeal. Idealism, optimism, and a charming hospitality may be noticed on screen (and one presumes in person) along with a vivacious streak of chivalry (hero complex?), plus, a large dose of ingeniousness is apparent. Dependence vs independence in relationships (Aries-Libra) proves an important theme in life, though in youth Ari may have been a bit of a flirt. And actually, a Libran Moon person can become quite detached and this coolness tends to attract emotional outbursts from others. Others like the ladies! Still, as an adult Mr. Melber naturally prefers to be in a 'good' relationship (Sun Sign Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

The Harveys' "Image for Integration" seems appropriate for Ari Melber's Sun-Moon blend and perhaps you'll agree:

"A conductor leads an orchestra with passionate conviction and a vibrant pulsating organism of musical perfection is created to the ecstatic uplifting of the audience." Yes, pulsating like The Beat!

Well, perhaps two famous quotes from a fellow also born under the Sun Aries-Moon Libra combo can add a certain something to our tale:

"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves." And, "The art of pleasing consists in being pleased." - essayest William Hazlitt.

Great advice for us all!

Chart Note: the earliest (12:00 am pst) position of the Sun on March 31, 1980 in Seattle, WA: 10Ari45, earliest Moon position = 7Lib29); the latest (11:59 pm pst) Sun and Moon positions are: 11Ari44 and 19Lib21 conjunct Pluto Rx @20lib39 which, in self-aware folk, can give great psychological insight into the psyches of others and an endless well of creativity, yet may also hint at a mother who smothered. Perhaps all three!

Mar 24, 2019

TRUMP WATCH : Will BARR raise the bar? - Robert Cosmar reports

Sunday March 24, 2019: here's the latest reading from expert astrologer
Robert Cosmar
on the topic of the day (week, and month, and year):

Now in case you missed it, you may wish to check out another of Robert's excellent TRUMP WATCH videos concerning the Mueller Report (posted to YouTube March 23rd).


Power Run Amuck, Peculiarities, and Potential Scandals

Note: while looking at March 22, 2019 DC Horoscopes for the 4 to 5:15 pm edt time frame of Mueller Report submission, AG Barr's letter sent to Congress, the completion of the report announced, etc, I noticed that Trump's problematic, fantasy-prone pair of Mercury and Neptune (conjunct in Pisces by transit these days with Mercury Rx until March 28th so the conjunction's nebulous, unclear effects are at their strongest off and on through March 2019, and perhaps a bit into April) are square one another in Trump The Indiscreet's natal chart) acted as two apex planets of a significant midpoint - exact between 3:47 and 4:10 pm edt between legal-eagle planet of karma, Saturn, and Midheaven (The Goal; Public Visibility) which Michael Munkasey gives as:

Saturn-MC = Mercury: 'an articulate, intelligent person who relies on logic and persistence to analyze situations'. Yes, I would say so.

The Saturn-MC pair itself is interesting because it can turn up in charts of important people but can also indicate 'formal rules or roles imposed on the executive branch; restrictions on development within an enterprise'; and/or 'establishes goals that are hard to meet'. With veiling Neptune: 'added delusions that you can not easily cope with problems; increased needs to escape (through drugs); inspiration via maturity and discipline.' Perhaps you agree that many of these potentials sound like the work of the very serious, dedicated-to-the-law Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

For more details see (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets).

So here I shall quote from master astrologer Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs midpoint directory on Saturn-MC ("major changes in family or in the profession; professional change; a major move; a father figure; focus upon ambition") with Mercury: "melancholy; separation thoughts; bad news; professional decisions that are hard to make." With Neptune: "one's position is vague; a lack of clarity; feeling fears."

And in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences Reinhold Ebertin adds potentials for, 'hindered growth; brooding; separation; depressing circumstances'. Any, all or none of the midpoint pictures's potentials may apply to Washington's political and legal players (including US Congress members) and to the American people at large along with other planetary factors, positive and negative.

Mar 23, 2019

March 2019 Full Moon: the Mueller Report is submitted!

Photo: AG Bill Barr (ed: 3/23): The United States Department of Justice [Public domain]

In a previous post we considered the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis including the Full Moon @00Lib09 conjunct US natal Midheaven which perfected on March 20, 2019 at 9:42:45 pm edt in Washington DC. This lunation of culmination, fulfillment, and awareness may be credited with the just-announced last evening (3/22/19) submission of the Mueller Report to AG Bob Barr. At least that's how yours truly looks at the timing of the report we've all been breathlessly awaiting! Follow the link to view the DC Horoscope of the Full Moon, plus, a view of the March 6, 2019 New Moon @15Pis47 conjunct shady, obfuscating Neptune strong in its own sign of secretive Pisces. Of course, astrological Neptune is also the planet of the mass media and the masses, who both demand to see the full report with no edits.

Also note the karmic YOD (Finger of Fate) in the horoscope, a pattern known for timing such potentials as: crises, turning points, crossroads, and special tasks--here, pointing toward the transiting North Node in Cancer which in turn points toward America's natal Mercury Rx--it's Sabian Symbol (25Cancer): "A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder...keyword: DESTINY. Positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "a tendency toward unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) I leave it to you to decide who this describes in our current times.

And do you agree that the Mueller Report certainly relates to America's Midheaven Goals-Aspirations-Career-World-Status Point? How far-reaching in its effects remains to be seen.

You may wish to see Quartz for The Mueller Report Is Done. What Happens Now?

Perhaps the cherry on top for Donald Trump is that Spring Equinox 2019 has brought contentious Mars in Taurus to Trump's natal Midheaven conjunct vicious Algol for all the world to see his various reactions to the Mueller Report which should be interesting and presumptuous if not very pretty.