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Dec 26, 2020

2020 Ends as Trump plays Medusa the "dark one"

The Head of Medusa by Paul Rubens; Dguendel, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

In or around 1618, Peter Paul Rubens painted the severed head of Medusa. And from circa 2017 to 2020, Donald Trump has subjected the American people and the world to the 'star' upon his natal Midheaven (The Goal Point), Algol (Beta Perseus), aka, the Head of Medusa or the Gorgon's Head. As one of his final hurrahs, a balking, sulking, vengeful Trump now holds many more lives in his claws, lives which he may add to his growing list of deaths from his mishandling of the Covid contagion. Meanwhile, many pundits, reporters, writers, and politicians are attempting to describe how and why a golfing Trump is behaving as he is.

Well, with Astrology and star lore at our disposal, let's see if a consideration of Algol and Medusa can enlighten us as to the objectives of Donald Trump, what motivates him, at what should, by all rights, be the end of the line for his misbegotten "presidency." After all, Diana K. Rosenberg says that Algol is often found in criminal and murder charts.

Vicious Algol in late Taurus

Algol is the Head of Gorgo Medusa, say Ebertin and Hoffmann, and the name is derived from the Arabic Al Ghoul (Brady says Ras Al-Ghoul) meaning, "demon," "evil spirit," or "devil." (If you watched the TV series, Gotham, you recognize such a demonic character by name.) And note that 'The Dark One' also shows up in the TV series Once Upon a Time. So a ghoul he is! Especially nowadays when we count the Chinese Astrology description for Algol: "piled up corpses," a goal the WH gangster has reached by doing basically nothing about the coronavirus as if "herd immunity" is the correct way to handle a pandemic rather than furthering the exercise of a hidden depopulation agenda.

Meanwhile, Trump's pile-up continues for want of a stimulus package unless Monday and Tuesday (12/28 and 29) bring override votes from both House and Senate. That's a massive bargaining chip Trump holds in his tiny claws, isn't it?

Ebertin and Hoffmann go on, "Algol is part of a double star system...Its darker brother" (nebula Capulus) "circles the brighter star in about 69 hours, in such a manner that an occultation for nine hours appears as viewed from Earth and this gives a periodical change in brightness." {}"The dark one has the property of pure Saturn character: the lighter one" (Algol) "corresponds not only to Saturnian influence but also to Mars-Uranus-Pluto nature." The stars viciously blend both feminine and masculine rage and the fury of destruction into the psyche of Donald Trump - now with transiting Pluto opposing his natal Saturn in tribal Cancer so that his attempts to impose his authority are challenged by powerful forces and his lifetyle is subject to major alterations.

As for Algol's 'Mars-Uranus-Pluto nature', the Trump "administration" and his Klan-infused White House were imprinted by vibes of Mars-Uranus at the February 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pisces, and the combustible planetary pair again conjunct on Inauguration Day 2021 @6Tau44. Tragically, we saw effects of the Mars-Uranus combination on Christmas Day just passed expressing brutally and explosively in Nashville, Tennessee. (My condolences to all those affected and to the city of Nashville which I have visited a few times in the past.)

Now an on-topic reminder may be in order - that Trump was born under the influence of an extremely destructive midpoint picture of potentials with his 12th house Pluto at apex - Mars-Saturn (the death axis) = Pluto: 'deaths of many people; murder; brutality; bodily injury or harm; intervention of a higher power' (R. Ebertin). In previous posts concerning his 12th house of the Unconscious, I have called Trump "a man overshadowed by shadows" and nothing has occurred to change that tragic assessment. Gangstas gotta gangsta.

So as we see, ruthless Algol in a natal chart can embue an individual with an intense, consuming passion that, if thwarted, results in a devouring anger and rage (Brady). Contained within the energies of Algol often lurks an unconscious obessession with taking revenge so perhaps you'll agree that we need look no further for an explanation of Mars-rising Trump's current behavior spurred by his loss of the November 3, 2020 Election and the subsequent rebuffs he has experienced ever since - rebuffs instead of the rescue he desparately seeks.

And so I must wonder if the mythological defeat of Medusa using a mirror (to avoid looking directly at her) suggests one way to handle the very snakey Trump - by holding up a mirror to his cruelties and actions so that he might finally see how others see him while he departs the political stage with devil's tail between his stubby legs. Holding up a mirror is what some of those pundits and others have been trying to do and I appreciate the ones who 'cover' Trump in such a way.

But for this grizzled old astrologist, Astrology and star lore say pretty much all that needs to be said about Trump's current, erratic behavior especially considering his natal Uranus in the Mercurial sign of Gemini, a sign that in some of its natives worries that it may be going crazy. Well for me, bang the gavel because the jury is in on that tragic King-Lear-esque determination.

Algol details: Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation (1971), by Ebertin and Hoffmann; and Brady's Book of Fixed Stars. Also note that in Anthony Louis' book, Horary Plain and Simple, he adds to Caput Algol: 'losing one's head, decapitation, horror, fires, sickness, violence, damage to neck and throat', and he concurs with D.K. Rosenburg on, criminality.

Dec 25, 2020

December 2020 Government Shutdown Timed by a Full Moon?

December 29, 2020 Full Moon in Cancer: Trump Fears Losing the Dream

by Jude Cowell

As you've undoubtedly heard, the quixotic Mr. Trump may cantankerously decide to gift the American people with a partial Christmas Government Shutdown 2020 laced with his unique brand of sour-puss politics over the omnibus Covid-relief-and-government-funding bill he'd hinted all along that he would sign.

Instead, he has balked. And has basically ruined Christmas in America by abusing his power.

Meanwhile, the House, to be called briefly back into session by Speaker Pelosi on Monday (12/28/20), will vote in an override attempt to bypass Trump's massive objection and if that effort is successful, the Senate could vote to override Mr. Whimsical's bulky recalcitrance on Tuesday (12/29/20), the day of a Full Moon @8Can53 (10:28 pm est; see horoscope in linked post, above). Now as you know, Full Moons signify a culmination stage of activities, perhaps a fulfillment of plans seeded at the previous New Moon (or before) and in this case, that would be the New Moon @23Sag08 - in other words, the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 (which hit Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn, karmic planet of authority and accountability). So we find that 4 South themes ('strong emotions over money and/or relationships; an urge to suddenly end relationships' - Brady) are intimately involved in Trump's balking posture which may be appreciated via the 4 South Eclipse conjuncting his natal Sun-NN opposing Moon-SN across the mutable, changeable Gemini-Sagittarius polarity where truth and ethics matter.

Add to this the fact that December 14, 2020 was the day of the Electoral College Vote which didn't go his way and so We The People are being made to suffer under a cluster of cosmic and earthly factors now burrowing under the vengeful skin of his royal Balkiness, with his natal Leo Mars always opposing US natal Moon in Aquarius.

Significantly, all the year-end financial fuss is rather closely timed by the December 29th Full Moon which, as the Cosmos would have it, shines its bright rays revealingly upon the natal Mercury of Donald Trump (@8Can51 - only a two-minute orb!). And where his natal Mercury goes, along must trail his fantasy-spinning, error-prone Mercury-Neptune square.

Now as you know, astrological Mercury's many roles in the realms of Commerce include trading, negotiating, and making deals, and who can forget that Mr. Trump is well known for considering himself an expert in the making of them. However, in our time of crisis, we find that Despite His Boasts, Trump Again Is No Deal-Maker as Congress Seeks Pandemic Relief Bill yet the "brooding lame duck" seems to pride himself on his late-comer status in the year-end legislative process as he throws his typical monkey wrench into the works from the sandtraps of his luxurious Florida golf course.

While US taxpayers once again foot the bill for Herr Spanky's Christmas vacation, no matter how bad-tempered it turns out to be.

For a peek into January 2021, you may wish to see 117th Congress Opens.

NASA image above: Mercury

Dec 23, 2020

Two Horoscopes: Another Starving Time for America?

December 23, 2020: Jamestown Colony Conditions vs America 2020/2021

Since millions more Americans have 'slid' into poverty this year through no fault of their own, I wonder if you've run across the 28-minute video Starved: Our Food Insecurity Crisis, a necessarily disturbing report by WQED Pittsbugh. And maybe you've noticed that America is in the midst of a three-fer Ceres Return with asteroid Ceres in Mundane Astrology representing food supplies, grains, corn, milk, infant formula, care and protection, families and mothers, and other nurturing concerns. (Plus, Ceres on SO'W also signifies democracy for obvious reasons).

And note that on July 4, 1776, Ceres @8Pis41 was joined by the plutocratic midpoint of exploitation, Pluto-Chiron. (See US Ceres Return Horoscope #3 of 3 which perfected on December 20, 2020.) Plutocrats in control! Which to me means that food and production shortages and supply chain interruptions are under their control as well along with the toxic additives lacing our foods and ruining the health of the American people for years: shown in part by 1776 Neptune in the health-related sign of Virgo. And as you see in the charts, below, 2020 Neptune Rx in contagious Pisces is lining up in opposition to 1609 Neptune and Mercury suggesting potentials for racial and religious persecution; fanaticism, deception, error, loss - conditions already in effect.

Now it's beyond the scope of this post, but the 1930s era of the Great Depression can be included on a list of 'starving times' in the US (soup kitchens then, food banks now) as well as other periods you may know of. Why, some folk might say America has never Not had times of starvation in our country with children going to bed hungry on many a tragic night through the generations. Sadly I must agree with that opinion. And I'm looking toward Pluto-Chiron plutocrats.

And so the following Autumn Equinox horoscopes are for examining the Starving Time in Jamestown Colony (Winter 1609 - 1610) and for our current crisis conditions at Autumn Equinox 2020 - and with a possible worsening on the way (see the chart's YOD pattern of crisis, turning points, special tasks, and karmic opportunity). So this post of a chart comparison is kind of a 'Starvation in America then and now' affair.

Even so, you may or may not see very many contacts between 1609 and 2020 planets although I'm curious to know what you do discover if you wish to leave an on-topic comment. A few of my study notes are penned on the charts such as: 1609 Saturn Rx @5AQ49 conjuncts what came to be America's natal South Node, a double Saturnian indication of loss and separation, and as you see, a karmic Saturn Return approaches the 1609 position on February 1, 2021 and this will repeat or reiterate the Saturn-SN potentials - if the 1609 horoscope holds any sway over current conditions at all. But there's yet another indicator: 1609 Saturn conjuncts Autumn SQ 2020's IC in Washington DC, and IC = the Basis of the Matter. Significant? You decide! Certainly astrological Saturn, planet of karma, Time, and old age is closely associated with restriction, loss, endings, separation, isolation, lack, concentration, and consolidation.

And so as you see, there's more 2020/2021 planetary action approaching 1609 Saturn from transit Jupiter (easing of burdens - for Trump?) and transit Pluto (the past becomes important to current events, seeking more political power, intolerance and fanaticism possible). Astrological Jupiter increases and expands while Pluto deepens and transforms. Your thoughts?

Wonder how the Horoscopes for the 1609 and 2020 Winter Solstices compare or contrast? For more of such information, one of us will want to set up the charts.

Now here's a forward-looking Horoscope of what will hopefully be better times: DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2021, a chart that's 'good-for' an entire year!

Dec 18, 2020

Can the US Constitution Handle Today's Problems?

Someone Has a Ready-Made Answer to This Disturbing Question

by Jude Cowell

In an article first published in The Nation, the US Constitution is deemed "incapable" of meeting the crises we now face. In American Democracy Was Never Supposed To Work we can read about Founding Fathers purposefully kneecapping democracy in order to protect wealthy plutocrats such as themselves, an idea heard often enough in recent years. It's a plan that continues to work against the common good to this day. Even so, amending the Constitution is a scary thought for who can be trusted to tinker once again under its venerable hood?

Meanwhile, we know that weaknesses in our political system make it necessary to institute more corrective measures than just removing a kicking-and-screaming Trump from the White House. However, certain operatives and saboteurs in and against the US have for years worked to undermine We The People's trust in government to such an extent that the Biden administration must find ways to regain such trust. No one thinks it will be easy. Everyone knows it's an imperative.

So now that years of undermining America have brought us to this chaotic pass, with a Constitution few have faith in and some are disloyal to, the Hegelian Dialectic scam - create a problem so you can offer the solution you were determined to implement all along - seems ready to be further foisted upon us as Americans are marched into a 'New Order' - well-timed by the Great Conjunction-Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn at Winter Solstice 2020, a 'new order' of major reforms and restrictions that the world is supposed to clamor for because nation-states can't handle such massive problems. However, it's the path to global authoritarianism so don't look too closely!

And so for your consideration, or re-consideration, here is the Horoscope of the US Constitution from a previous post (which is why the chart doesn't have the most current transits around it) and as you see, the current Capricorn heavyweights, plus, Saturn now moved into Aquarius as of December 17, 2020 (and Jupiter about to do so) are all in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of karma, self-undoing, and secret enemies. And Large Institutions such as the US Congress:

Related Posts: Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session and An Updated Horoscope of a New World Order (1993) based on the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment planets that inspired America's founding and principles, now perverted.

Dec 17, 2020

DC Horoscope: Barack Obama's Jupiter Return to DC

December 2020 Brings a Very Interesting Jupiter Return and Judicial Possibilities for Barack Obama

by Jude Cowell

Little did yours truly expect she would ever again be publishing the natal horoscope of former President Barack Obama but here you see an image of it (lower left) in dual chart formation along with his December 23, 2020 Jupiter Return (upper right):

Jupiter in Aquarius: a sense of social justice, humanitarianism, good fellowship, knowledge of human nature, democratic ethical values, distrust of Chauvinistic nationalism, respect for karmic law, indecisiveness (Ebertin; Sakoian-Acker.)

Now I don't have to tell you, dear reader, how a Joe Biden presidency 'brings along' Barack Obama in many ways and on multiple levels. With former VP Biden as former President Obama's mentor (his natal Chiron in Pisces requires mentoring for best results), it now seems to be Mr. Obama's turn to mentor President Joseph Biden! And actually, there are multiple indications in his 2020 Jupiter Return chart which I shall list, below, of the potential for an official position in the Biden administration for Barack Obama so I may as well divulge such a possibility: Attorney General. Well, I wouldn't complain, would you?

Of course, there are other possibilities ahead including unofficial advisor/mentor so naturally only time can tell. And note that a 'shadow presidency' could also be suggested especially since Mr. Obama's natal Jupiter @00AQ51 will be exactly highlighted by degree and minute at noon on Inauguration Day 2021 by the 2021 Inaugural Sun (POTUS/Oath of Office) - @00AQ51! The cosmic synchronicity can hardly be more plain. Transit Sun to natal Jupiter suggests courage and confidence, plus, the involvement of the judicial system, one of the aforementioned Attorney General potentials (or even a SCOTUS Justice nomination?) Of course, this beneficial transit was also in effect for both of Obama's own Inaugurations, and the majority of the American people (and the world!) in spite of problems, were much happier then.

Other planetary contacts are involved of course, but here are three more 'official position' factors, judicial or otherwise, that I've so far spied in Barack Obama's 2020 Jupiter Return Horoscope ('good' until his next Return in 2032) though of course you may notice others, and I hope you will!

Transit Pluto conjunct natal Saturn: work and lifestyle are completely altered; attitude adjustment required in order to accept responsibilities; abuse of authority must be confronted and corrected.

Jupiter-Uranus = Neptune: favorable prospects after loss of position; new ideas to make the world a better place. (Yes, please!)

Pluto-ASC = Sun: determination to end forms of injustice and replace harmful practices; authority which is aware (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey).

Now perhaps it's true that these planetary factors won't be enough to spur judicial or official involvement in the Biden administration for Mr. Obama but as previously noted, only time can tell!

Dec 16, 2020

Two Horoscopes: Christopher Ruddy w Newsmax TV

December 16, 2020: With the holidays fast approaching and my typing time growing briefer each day, here's a quick posting of a bi-wheel of horoscopes. Inner is a speculatively timed (by Moon to 00Cap00:00 because a personality blend of Sun AQ-Moon Cap seems to me to suit Mr. Ruddy better than an AQ-Sag combo of energies but check out both blends if you're curious) natal chart for NewsmaxTV founder and CEO, Christopher Ruddy, journalist and author of a book about the 'strange death' of Vince Foster, along with a 6:00 am est horoscope for the launching of NewsmaxTV (NYC; exact hour of first broadcast unknown). Besides operating from Manhattan, the network also maintains headquarters in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Sugar Land, Texas.

For as you know, during these closing days of the Trump 'administration' multiple suggestions of a Trump foray into broadcasting have been floated, plus, the White House denizen apparently favors NewsmaxTV over Fox TV for his political entertainment and soapbox. Perhaps you noticed that in July 2020, Trump encouraged viewers to "dump Fox News" after Fox reported poll numbers that infuriated him. Tsk. He also suggested the pro-Trump OANN (One America News Network) as an alternate option.

Bi-Wheel inner: Christopher Ruddy January 28, 1965 "9:21:14 pm" est Mineola, New York (he grew up on Long Island, says his Wikipedia bio); outer: 'NewsmaxTV launched' June 16, 2014 "6:00 am est" New York City (Eastside Manhattan):

Chris Ruddy's potential Sun AQ-Moon Cap's 'Images for Integration': "A revolutionary is elected president...An alien civilization comes to Earth to rescue man from imminent destruction." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad). Note that this is the natal Sun-Moon blend of freakish author Ayn Rand, inventor Thomas Edison, and President Abraham Lincoln.

Now most of my study notes are penned on the chart/s, as you see, but let's close with the themes of the Solar Eclipses that Ruddy and NewsmaxTV were 'born' or hatched into. Ruddy's is the 2 South Saros Series @11Sag55: "joining unusual groups and receiving a great deal from it" (last 2 South occurred @15Capricorn on January 5, 2019 as the 116th's 'New Congress Eclipse').

NewsmaxTV's 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse @8Tau51 ('PE") fell into the 16 South Saros Series with themes of "issues of wasted energy or misdirected motivation especially in groups; no real action should be taken" (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Significantly, the Halloween 2020 Full Moon @8Tau38 conjunct transit Uranus, planet of disruption and chaos, intensely activated or spotlighted the themes of the NewsmaxTV Solar Eclipse (conjunct by degree). However, radical zealot Uranus the anarchist is quite capable of disruption and upheaval even without the laser focus of a Full Moon acting much like a revealing Lunar Eclipse.

A Related Post: Joe Biden's Inauguration Day 2021 Lunar Return.

Dec 13, 2020

January 6, 2021 Horoscope: House Republican Coup?

December 13, 2020: Below is the 10:00 am est (speculative hour) DC Horoscope set for January 6, 2021 Washington DC in case anyone wants to view it. Apologies that my usual study notes are scribbled all over the chart:

See Republicans plotting attempt to deny presidency to Biden on floor of the House if Trump gives the word: report by Tom Boggioni.

Fomalhaut Rising: 'success through integrity' and 'noble ideals'!

Despite this time of uncertainty, insecurity, and paranoia it seems apparent to me, with my decided preference for democracy and a Constitutional Republic, that 'integrity' on Capitol Hill is in short supply considering the rash of secession fever that many Republicans seem to be laboring under, and continually worsened by super-spreader Trump.

And whew! That voting planet Mercury changing directions on Election Day 2020 just keeps on keepin' on, doesn't it? Reminds me of Trump saying he was winning, then he wasn't (because he had told his supporters not to vote by mail). And you see in the January 6th chart, the combustible Mars-Uranus duo nears exact alignment on Inauguration Day 2021 (@6Tau44), here in 2nd house with testy Mars at an impatient, critical 29th degree of fiery Aries. And check out Neptune @18Pis35 rising in 1st house conjunct Anti-Vertex (Republicans with their natal Neptune in Pisces) and apex of two midpoint pictures (NN-MC = Neptune: separation through disappointment or deceit; a grievous loss; losing contact). You'll find a second picture's potentials penned on the chart, lower right, plus, there's an interesting picture of possibilities involving Saturn, planet of authority: Neptune-MC = Saturn: inability to get over losses; suffering from wrong actions; insecurity; uncertainty; lack of clarity (Ebertin).

Then there's chart-ruler Jupiter's one applying Ptolemaic aspect (square Uranus) which is penned on, lower left. Hey maybe the Jupiter-Uranus combo of energies will bring America the pair's famous potential for a fortunate turn of events!

Dec 12, 2020

SCOTUS Rejects Texas Lawsuit To Overturn Election - Thom Hartmann

From December 11, 2020 here's a segment from the Thom Hartmann broadcast concerning some really interesting SCOTUS news that's enough to make Herr Spanky Trump pout:


Say, remember in June 2020 when a Mars-Neptune conjunction affected the natal (1790) Saturn of the US Supreme Court? (SCOTUS 1790 horoscope shown.)

Dec 10, 2020

Pluto to 00AQ00 in 2023 and 2024: Midpoint Pictures

December 10, 2020: What are potential results when transit Pluto reaches 00AQ00 and activates and/or deepens the effects of the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ00? As you know, since 1937 00AQ00 is the approximate position of US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) which personalizes for America, the American people, and the US presidency the triggering of this Zodiacal degree. Transit Pluto last 'hit' this degree (00AQ00:00) 5 times beginning on April 4, 1777 until December 1, 1778 when, by then, the violent Marseillais Trio (Jupiter-Neptune-Mars) of the French Revolution was in process of aligning from Virgo to Libra.

(Follow the above link for potentials of the midpoint picture that forms at Winter Solstice 2020 with US POTUS Sun at apex.)

Years 2023 and 2024: Reform and Rebellion

Possibilities for 2020 Jupiter-Saturn = 2023/2024 Pluto include: 'a total reversal of plans; extreme changes; intense business activity; violent changes/reforms; restriction; separation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; fearlessness; control of the situation' (N. Tyl; R. Ebertin; M. Munkasey). Ebertin adds a footnote to this picture that it can lead to "enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered." Oh yes, it certainly does have to be considered.

Ebertin also identifies the Jupiter-Saturn duo as possibly representing entities such as, "professors and teachers of law, clergymen, politicians, government officials, civil servants of the administration, relatives, and/or fellow tenants." Biological Correspondences: "organic defects (ex: tuberculosis), a chronic disease; functions of the gall and the liver." (The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad.)

In Our Modern Era, Transit Pluto Enters Aquarius

For your consideration here's an Image of the Midpoint Pictures that form when transit Pluto reaches 00AQ00:00 twice due to the creeping planet's retrogradation. The first temporary entry into Aquarius occurs on March 23, 2023, the second entry on January 20, 2024 conjunct the Sun since, strangely enough, the date is one year prior to Inauguration 2025:

Note: as with all midoint pictures, any, all, or none of their potentials may express at formation but are subject to activation by transit and/or progression and, in Uranian fashion, can be particularly sensitive to activation by solar and lunar eclipses.