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Jun 28, 2021

George Packer and the Recuperation of America

by Jude Cowell

"Equality and Self-Government are interconnected here," - George Packer

Monday June 28, 2021: As you might expect, my morning began with an informative interview posted to Al Franken's podcast of June 27th, George Packer on How It Got So Bad in America and How It Could Get Slightly Better which, in case you missed it, is a must-listen for those who care about our country and the direction the US is headed if we don't beneficially reform our ways. Suggestions for America's betterment are included.

In their wide-ranging interview, topics such as 'Newt Gingrich' ("It's Newt Gingrich," says George Packer: "There was nothing conservative about {him}, "He was a radical") which resonates perfectly with the subsequent radical reactionary Republican Party of our era, aka, the Tr*mp Party. As you know, in Political Astrology such terms describe chaotic planet Uranus, the Utopian zealot, anarchist, and radical reformer. And Tr*mp's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his 'guiding planet' (last planet to rise before his Sun; fyi mine is 4th house Jupiter in Capricorn).

George Packer's latest book Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal is now available via Kindle and the audio version. #ad

Plus, another astrological point worth mentioning is a certain cosmic link: that Newt and Donald share the same personality blend of 'Peter Pan' and 'The Pied Piper' as noted in a previous post about Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius, the zodiacal polarity of truth vs falsehood-- integrity vs immorality--fact vs fiction axis through which Tr*mp brought us "fake news" and "alternative facts," among other bizarre, misguided things. Obviously, this polarity's communication-propaganda-'religious' vibes have played a large part in the success and eventual disgrace of both men, and Mr. Packer asserts that Gingrich was "consumed by the fire he lit," and that at some point Tr*mp will also be consumed (by his own conflagration).

Now for a cosmic look ahead you may wish to try Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 and 2022 (both horoscopes shown). Note that as I type in June 2021 and until their next Great Conjunction of April 12, 2022 @23Pis59, society remains under the 'dreamy' influences of the third of their three conjunctions in 2009. Follow the link to view the 'current' 2009 (until April 12, 2022) Jupiter-Neptune horoscope with its scandals, hypocrisy, fraudulent schemes, inflationary bubbles, dreams, visions, and political conflicts galore. Why, you may even wish to credit Jupiter-Neptune influence with the abundance of "UFO" sightings which now seem to be worthy of notice by some sectors participating in the public discourse such as the US military, mainstream media, and Politics. Is an "alien landing" of manipulation and fear being planned by the elite class? What do you think? jc

Jun 25, 2021

December 2021's 5 New South Solar Eclipse: Benefits!

by Jude Cowell

June 25, 2021: Below is a DC Horoscope of the December 4, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 in the 5 New South Saros Series with its themes of 'benefits, good news, peak experiences, joy' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

As you see, chart-ruler Venus @22Cap19 conjuncts the IC (Foundation of the Matter) while applying to a conjunction with powerful Pluto @25Cap07. Some consideration may be due to this particular degree range of Saturn-ruled Capricorn since '23 Capricorn' is a degree of governmental authority (N. DeVore) and '25 Capricorn' is, critically, the cusp of the 24th Lunar Mansion. In addition, mercenary star Terebellum (Omega Sagittarius), although faint, is located within these degrees as well. So Venus to Pluto (see lower left) suggests strategic manipulation in order to gain control. Financial matters, even bankruptcy, are also suggested as well as criminal elements having influence. Of course, we don't need Astrology to tell us America has been seriously infiltrated by such corruption.

And for those who prefer a US horoscope with 11--13 Sagittarius rising, this Solar Eclipse hits directly upon the Ascendant of such a chart which then personalizes the 5 New South Eclipse of December 2021 for America and further enhances the significance of expansive planet Jupiter. However, if you prefer a different version (July 4, 1776, or other--) then the eclipse falls within a house other than the Ascendant (1st or 12th house) and affects the activities of that house and the houses also ruled by the eclipse-and-chart-ruler/s.

Now located with the Eclipse in the 2nd hou$e is Mars @23Sco40 as leader of a BOWL shape of planets so here we have an activist or combatant promoting the 'advocacy of a cause' or 'having a mission'. A further identifier is the fact that this Mars conjuncts the natal IC of Donald Tr*mp which may be what I like to call a cosmic peep-eye especially since he is known or suspected to have been born with testy Mars rising in royal Leo.

One more Tr*mpian note is that his natal Jupiter @17Lib27 (at Station on June 14, 1946) conjuncts this Ascendant while Speaker Nancy Pelosi's natal Jupiter conjuncts the Descendant reminding us of their previous political stand-offs. Yet a comfort is always to consider the Sabian Symbol of his greedy Jupiter at '18Libra': "Two Men Placed Under Arrest".

Then with critical-crisis degrees on the security-minded MC-IC, we find one of the Gemini Twins, Castor at Midheaven ('MC') - positively a creative star, yes, but also with its negative potentials for 'sudden fame or loss, murder, mental illness', and/or 'the crippling of limbs' (A. Louis). Everyone knows our society is at a critical stage of development, this is not news!

So here are my final notes: the Moon rises with royal star Antares (We the People feeling feisty!), Mercury @15Sag13 (conjunct Arachne: the internet?) accompanies the Solar Eclipse and suggests the need for logic and reasoning power which emphasizes the sign and portents of this Eclipse: Sagittarius, so that karmic progress can be made by an honest search for truth and by utilizing moral concepts and ethics. However, misplaced idealism, misguided beliefs, and false optimism must be avoided for best results (R. Lineman).

So agree or disagree, I personally feel such uplifting concepts are much more likely to be utilized now that America is helmed by President Joe Biden.

As always, dear reader, your on-topic comments and observations are welcomed as are any kindly Shares! Jude

Jun 23, 2021

June 22, 2021: No Debate on Voting Issues - says scorned Venus

Wednesday June 23, 2021: As you've heard, yesterday all Senate Republicans voted No on a motion to merely debate Voting Rights issues that now challenge the very continuance of our democracy. Unsurprising of course, yet yesterday's political tableau is said to have been performed for the benefit of Democratic Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Arizona's Kyrsten Sinema, to make clear to them the complete lack of cooperation of the Republican Party to anything the Biden administration wants to accomplish on behalf of the American people.

In looking at the horoscope of yesterday's vote, said to have begun at 5:30 pm edt on Capitol Hill, rising is 23Sco23 bringing along the natal IC of Donald Tr*mp. But there's a another factor that jumps out of the chart in relation to the proceedings - that yesterday's Venus @24Can47 (conjunct US natal Mercury Rx, a lovely transit for matters that require cooperation - by the willing) opposes Pluto in the horoscope of this, the 117th Congress (January 3, 2021 12:00 pm est; see horoscope, below). As you know, Venus is a money planet (actor, personage, archetype, lady) that can become enraged, venal, and vengeful when scorned (as the still-smarting, grudge-holding Herr Tr*mp has been).

A few astro-notes on the Venus-Pluto combination of energies seem to me to describe in large part many of the factors undergirding yesterday's no-vote and, besides the transit itself, who better to put Venus-Pluto in perspective than Michael Munkasey with his Hegelian form of potentials in Politics and Business:

Thesis: Extremes of private wealth hidden in secret places; genetic alterations; model or beautiful waste processing or disposal systems; persons who wish to transform the natural beauty of a country.

Antithesis: attracting elements of organized crime; a breakdown within the fabric of society; volcanic activity deep within the earth which causes great destruction of financial or agricultural centers.

Transit Venus @24Can47 opposes 117th Congress' Pluto 24Cap16 across the 4/10 axis of Security and indicates a period of obsession, jealousy, possessiveness, cut-throat competition, and underhanded manipulation. Alliances, partnerships, and joint ventures undergo vicious power struggles and conflict while past slights seem to gain importance even though they may have nothing whatsoever to do with present circumstances (grudges). With passionate Venus-Pluto in the picture there are issues of fanaticism involved, plus, tremendous wealth, possible bankruptcy, a need to hide criminality, and/or destructive impulses to destroy or ruin people and/or things (ex: We The People's right to vote - as part of an anti-democracy campaign to establish the US as a fascist state run by a betraying GOP).

Above is the 117th Congress Horoscope with June 22, 2021 planets (5:30 pm edt) penned around the chart and highlighted in green. Voting planet Mercury is stationing Rx and turned Direct 29M 52S later @16Gem07:37 - conjunct royal star Rigel. ASC @23Sco23 = Saturn-MC (conjunct 117th's 8th cusp) indicating hindered development. This degree in Scorpio also sports the 117th Congress's Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, but also divine retribution.

Jun 22, 2021

Astro-Notes on the Dixiecrats of 1948 and their spawn

by Jude Cowell

Back in the day, a gaggle of anti-Civil-Rights Southerners, known as the Dixiecrats, met in Birmingham, Alabama and on July 17, 1948 nominated South Carolina Gov. Strom Thurmond for president and Mississippi Gov. Fielding L. Wright for vice president. The Truman and Democratic Party programs supporting Civil Rights for the disenfrachised victims of our country had enraged them, apparently enough to secede from the Democratic Party and proceed to row their own political canoe of States' Rights, racial segregation, white supremacy, Southern Nationalism, and other regressive attitudes and policies ('Jim Crow' laws once again being one of them even though the far-right party officially dissolved in 1948 - but we still have the GOP; I suggest that Dixiecrat ghosts continue to haunt us now.)

Plus, President Truman's Executive Order 9981 ended discrimination in the US military, a major faux pas in the eyes of the racist Dixiecrats. (Side note: Strom Thurmond became a Republican in 1964, and in the November 2, 1948 General Election, he received only 39 Electoral Votes and 2.4% of the popular vote.)

Now these events of 1948 occurred soon after the harsh, cruel energies of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 11, 1947 @13Leo07 and the two karmic planets remained in royal Leo by the time of Governor Thurmond's nomination on July 17, 1948, but with an orb of 8+ degrees. And of course, Sun-ruled Leo is the proud, vain sign of the natural leader while a self-satisfied Moon-Jupiter conjunction perfected that very evening in the 20-22 degree-range of Sagittarius (conjunct you-know-who's tiresome, needy Moon-SN conjunction).

Additionally, the formation of the Dixiecrat Party and Thurmond's nomination fell under the cosmic influences of a 4 North Solar Eclipse with its themes of: 'restraint, restriction, inhibition, separation, illusion, and a 'misjudgment of strength or the situation' (Brady). If 4 North themes sound familiar it's because we recently struggled through them again, thanks to the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer.

Inconveniently, the natal horoscope of politician Strom Thurmond has no accurate birth time but check out the chart if you wish. Born December 5, 1902 in Edgefield, SC, you'll find an impressive line-up of planets in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (Mercury-Sun-Venus-Uranus) and with Jupiter @13Aquarius, he possibly was born with an expansive Moon-Jupiter conjunction, not an unusual pairing for a glad-handing politician whose Mama had always assured him that he could be anything he wanted to be, you see. And this vision-of-grandeur belief, if repeated often enough, can sometimes lead to a presidential run!

Yet also visible in Strom's chart is a dynamic T-Square in effect no matter his birth time: Uranus-Pluto = Mars (@23Vir10 - square US 1776 Mars and conjunct US Neptune) with potentials for: 'fanaticism and violence' (R. Ebertin) and/or an 'impulsive, demanding nature' (M. Munkasey). Then as you know, the Uranus-Pluto duo, his a rebellious opposition, suggests potentials for engaging in extremely violent destruction, anarchy, and revolution (A. Oken).

Well, that's enough fussing about my fellow Southerners and their undistinguished actions in US history. Why fuss? Because if you've read SO'W before this you may remember my assertion that the American people must directly face our monsters - 'Dixiecrats', Jim Crow laws, bigotry, violence, and otherwise - if we wish to have any hope whatsoever of vanquishing them and entertaining the better angels our nature.

Personally, my money is on a constitutional America and democracy. How about yours? #

Update July 7, 2021: Expert astrologer Gary Lorentzen has informed me that Richard Nixon invited the Dixiecrats to "formally join the GOP" on August 5, 1968, aka, Nixon's Southern Strategy. This date falls within the 6 North Saros Series with themes of, 'relationship to authority figures, or, the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are presented due to another person's illness or unreliability' (Brady). The last 6 North eclipse occurred in 2004 @30Aries, the next will manifest on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus. Therefore, this political 'slight of hand' amounted to a gaggle of racists joining the Republican Party.

Florida's Ron DeSantis: Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius

Brief Astro-Notes by Jude Cowell

US Representative Ron DeSantis; official portrait; 113th Congress

Tuesday June 22, 2021: Can Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ('noon' chart shown, thanks to Marjorie Orr) possibly become the GOP's 2024 candidate for the presidency? Well, his resume pre-politics is stellar with a history degree from Yale, a law degree from Harvard, serving as a Naval Reserve officer and JAG, attorney for Seal Team deployed to Iraq, former US Rep. Ron DeSantis is just about everything draft-dodger Trump never was. DeSantis has described himself as a "mini-Trump" yet with his current poll numbers higher than those of the exiled "Dick A L'Orange" (props to Steven Colbert!), the Trumpiness of DeSantis may or may not aid him in the next race for the White House. Yes, 40-something Gov. DeSantis may have baggage but it seems to be lighter than the steamer trunks that old 70-something Trump lugs around. Barring huge scandals of romantic or financial proportions, the Florida governor could become a political 'star' for the GOP.

So in case you missed it, here's a Morning Joe segment from earlier today discussing the potential presidential candidacy of Ron DeSantis. And below are a few astro-notes on his Sun-Moon personality blend which holds true no matter his birth time on September 14, 1978: he's an Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius sort of guy. Yet we should also mention his Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Mercury-ruled Virgo which obviously aided him in his studies toward higher degrees and in his legal work and suggests that plenty of hard work and concentration have been his primary way of reaching his objectives in life. Even so, DeSantis has gained a significant level of power within his sphere of influence through his organizational ability and by working within The System (ruled by Saturn). However, several planetary contacts of 2021 into 2022 are unfavorable for his plans but will lighten in time for political events of 2024 and 2025. More on that later if Ron DeSantis continues to be considered as a possible candidate.

Now his natal Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend of conscious and unconscious energies denotes a man of shrewd intelligence, one who is capable of impartial analysis. His (lawyerly) focus tends to be on "black and white facts" while dispassionately distancing himself from other people and from his own feelings. A bit of a people-watcher, he's a self-controlled fellow with a streak of perfectionism supplied by Virgo (the critic). Yet there is social concern, plus, a measure of friendliness via his Aquarian Moon. (Note that a candidate's natal placement in Aquarius can resonate well with the American people for a presidential hopeful!)

In closing, here is one of his Sun-Moon blend's Images for Integration provided by the Harveys in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign (#ad), then a quote from a fellow also born under the influence of the Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend, author and broadcaster J.B. Priestley (1894--1984):

Image: "Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order."


"The real lost souls don't wear their hair long and play guitars. They have crewcuts, trained minds, sign on for research in biological warfare, and don't give their parents a moment's worry."- J.B. Priestley.

And some of those "trained minds" hold Yale and Harvard degrees.

Jun 21, 2021

Ohio Horoscope: Trump's First MAGA Rally since 1/6

Monday June 21, 2021: It has been announced that Tr*mp's first MAGA 'Save America' Rally since his failed January 6th insurrection (aka, his attempted neo-nazi coup of the US Congress intended to keep his wide caboose lounging in the Oval Office by stopping America's peaceful transfer of power) is scheduled for June 26, 2021 7:00 pm edt at the Lorrain County Fairgrounds in Wellington, Ohio. At last his circus barker personality can fully express itself within its native environment!

So it occurs to me that perhaps a dear reader or two of this post would care for a peek at a 7:00 pm horoscope set for this exciting political event (assuming the rally isn't cancelled). Note that most of Tr*mp natal planets are penned around the outside of the chart and are highlighted in lavender. You'll want to note the Mars-to-natal Pluto transit for its karmic intensity and possible expressions of jealousy and revenge:

Naturally, it's doubtful that Tr*mp's June 26th appearance and evening of rhetoric (whines, belly-aching, falsehoods, insults) will actually begin at 7:00 pm precisely and if so, this chart may act primarily as a symbolic or speculative horoscope for those who keep up with such things. But as you see, warring Antares rises at 7:00 pm but Tr*mp's first natal planet to rise is his Moon @21Sag12 closely preceded by his South Node, a combo that does not make for the best timing or the most popularity with the public. Of course, his 10th house Sun-North-Node conjunction in sparkling Gemini gives him plenty of contacts with the public but for emotional, unconscious reasons (Moon-SN) things don't always turn out so well for 'His Touchiness'.

And actually, this horoscope suggests to me that with chart-ruler Jupiter retrograde ('Rx') in the 3rd house of Communications and making no applying aspects in the chart, his reception may not be quite as uplifting for this narcissist extraordinaire as he wishes, plus, a Rx chart-ruler tends to denote some form of delay if not cancellation. However, his grand Jupiterian utterances will probably be repetitious (Rx) even though they may begin later than advertised. And with Jupiter and Mercury issues in evidence it's even possible that travel difficulties may occur.

Meanwhile, there's the rally's Midheaven ruler Mercury, planet of oration, speeches, and messages (happy in one of his own signs) for it also makes no applying aspects which is why I splashed, "A speech that goes nowhere?" across the MC angle, the most visible point in any chart and The Goal or Aspiration Point. And yet Mercury @16Gem46 (7th house) turned Direct on June 22nd, and conjuncts royal star Rigel ('to bring knowledge to others; to educate'). But as you see, traveling with transit Mercury is asteroid Cupido which signifies The Family, Corporatism, and/or The Syndicate (a reference to underworld criminal elements).

Well yes, Tr*mp will 'bring it' (although 'it' may be more on the gossip or overpromising side than the knowledge side) but that doesn't mean his rhetoric will impress anyone but the most zealous fanatic and bigot. Plus, scandals are never far away from this amateur politician and much can go astray during the 5 days until June 26th.

So in closing, for your consideration here are two dynamic planetary patterns in the 7:00 pm horoscope detailed as midpoint pictures of potentials using Reinhold Ebertin's and Michael Munkasey's interpretations:

T-Square: Mars-Saturn = Uranus: an unusual power of resistance; application of brute force; sudden accident or illness; separation or a case of death. And Mars-Saturn with US Inaugural Ascendant ('14Taurus') = separation; obstacles; illness; mourning.

Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God): Saturn-square-Uranus = MC: releasing old ideas that no longer work (new whines in an old, out-of-shape bottle? jc); accepting change; rebellion; provocation; separation.

And if you will, please Share if you care! jc

Jun 19, 2021

August 2027 Solar Eclipse: System Failure

Saturday June 19, 2021: It's a brand new National Holiday today, America's first in 40 years! Yet a GOP congress member is grousing about it. Expectable, yes, but shamefully begrudging nonetheless. Apparently his fragile white ego feels somehow lessened by the recognition!

Another Issue: the 11 South Solar Eclipse of 2027

With company coming this weekend, my typing time today must be brief so I'll simply post the following Solar Eclipse Horoscope of August 2, 2027 with my study notes penned on and a mention of my primary fret: that its 11 South themes of 'old ideas and methods fail, new systems are needed to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' suggest a failure of govermental, financial, and/or social systems in America, and perhaps around the globe. Because you see, such difficult results could be consequences of current and recent events as finagled by opponents and enemies of the United States and spearheaded by the anti-democratic Republican Party:

(11 South themes: Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. #ad)

Jun 16, 2021

CPAC 2021 Dallas in July: Will Trump Appear?

June 16, 2021: CPAC 2021: Acting and Pretending

Jude Cowell

The line-up of CPAC 2021 speakers is a regular who's who of authoritarian fanatics of what some might call lovers of Nazism, gaggled together in Dallas, Texas from July 9th to 11th in the glorious year of 2021. Yay.

Follow the link to view a page of pandering portraits of the scheduled-to-speak culprits, most if not all Republicans (or purporting themselves to be) of the Trumpish persuasion. Will The Tr*mp blow in, cape swirling, like a conquering hero (thanks, Hil!), emboldened by rallies he hopes will be well attended? Or will ego deflation be in evidence because his mojo deserted him along with his former crowds of adoring fans?

Now July 2021 CPAC is less than a month away as I type but your guess is as good if not better than mine as to whether Herr Spanky will show or not in Dallas and in what condition. So it may be handy to have a peek at the July 9--11, 2021 time frame and see if there's anything interesting going on in the heavens which might reflect earthly proceedings in Texas and reveal information on US society's current condition.

Well, there is!

For in particular, a new cycle of activity begins within the darkness of a New Moon perfecting @18Can01:40 on July 9, 2021 and here's its horoscope set for Dallas, Texas:

As usual, my messy study notes are scribbled upon the chart for those who wish to read them, and a few of cowardly Tr*mp's natal planets are penned around the outside, highlighted in lavender. Rising is the Neptune-MC midpoint which is how this post got its "acting and pretending" title. But the Neptune-MC duo of 'deceit in career' also suggests potentials for 'criminal offenses, spies which undermine national security, and/or official scandals of very large scope or proportions' (Munkasey). Sounds familiar especially whenever agent orange is involved.

Now as you see in 1st house, CPAC Saturn Rx @11AQ49, chart-ruler making no applying aspects which emphasizes its sign and position, continues to oppose Tr*mp's natal Pluto (10Leo02 conjunct his deadly Mars-Saturn midpoint) so he has that karmic transit challenging his sense of power and control (Pluto in royal Leo). Karmic 'victim-savior' conditions are suggested due to the intercepted Virgo-Pisces polarity across the 2/8 axis of Money and Corporatism. Yet it's powerful, wealthy Pluto Rx @25Cap44 the plutocrat that rises first and leads a Locomotive shape of planets which suggests a ruthless high-powered executive determined on success. At any cost, no doubt, for the stakes are high.

However, the main point of this post is to emphasize The Goal of CPAC 2021 (MC = Midheaven @2Sco42) which is looking to and planning for the future as indicated by the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Sco00:06 conjunct this MC. So 6 South will be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Midterms 2022 when the GOP plans to "be forceful" and "take power." Yet we don't need Astrology or eclipse themes to reveal this for the GOP makes it obvious through their current election-rigging tactics and state legislations intended to oppress the vote (having to cheat to 'win' as they do). And who can forget Tr*mp's attempted 'Stop the Steal' coup of 1/6/21 and the threats of further violence that apparently are being planned? I'll never forget 1/6, will you?

Additional 6 South themes include 'exerting huge efforts in group activities' (Brady) and containing 'manic' energy. Can overly mild Democrats successfully meet and overcome such manic power and determination on behalf of democracy? That's this child of the Revolution's primary fret these days and it's why I keep posting here about such disturbing topics, including certain upcoming eclipses (which are known to influence historical events).

So speaking of historical events, we've previously discussed the fact that the October 25, 2022 6 North Eclipse @2Scorpio is a repetition of the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse of 1932. Now this eclipse repeating in our day may not make you, dear reader, feel fretful for America's sake but for me the repetition of 6 South themes functions as a cosmic signpost on the way to authoritarianism, or what some call 'fascism in America' - unless the forces of democracy meet its vicious anti-societal energies head-on with equal if not greater strength.

Then to further complicate matters, Midterms 2022 on November 8th will include a Lunar Eclipse @16Tau00:53 ("-swords vs torches"!) which is marked on this CPAC horoscope in the foundational 4th house, not too far from the disruptive anarchist and radical reactionary planet of zealotry Uranus (@14Tau06 - conjunct Menkar and US Inaugural Ascendant = the Presidential Oath of Office). So if a Uranian change of presidents is on anyone's menu for whatever reason, may it be VP Kamala Harris stepping in!

Note: if you wish to view both the New and Full Moons of July 2021 set for Washington, DC try this. Curiously, the July Full Moon @1AQ26 does spotlight the US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) - and Full Moons time culmination stages, don't they? And can act in similar revealing fashion as lunar eclipses.

And in case you haven't, you may wish to look into America's future as revealed by the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope which I've fretfully titled, Cowboys and Tyranny.

Jun 15, 2021

Horoscopes: Putin Inauguration 2000 w/ Biden-Putin Meeting June 2021

June 16, 2021: Biden-Putin Rendezvous a Pluto-South-Node Affair

by Jude Cowell

On May 7, 2000 when Putin was first inaugurated in Moscow, Russia, 'new world order' planets, Uranus and Neptune, were in Aquarius (6AQ34/20AQ41). Then on June 16, 2021, when Presidents Biden and Putin are said to be meeting face-to-face, Saturn Rx @13AQ03 wedges his restrictive, karmic self directly between the Uranus-Neptune midpoint of May 7, 2000. This past-and-present trio creates a midpoint picture of potentials including: 'instability; loss; restraint on idealistic reforms' (ex: 'nwo' zealotry demanding America's loss of the helm?); 'depression; mourning; changes of direction; a need for recognition; a clash between ambitions and projections' (Tyl; Ebertin).

Now as you know, Saturn's degree and sign were significantly emphasized recently by its Station Direct on May 23, 2021 @13AQ31:01. "14AQ" = "A Train Entering a Tunnel": "Keyword: PENETRATION - the possibility of shortening the length of time needed for progress by cutting through obstacles and delays" (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar). And we should mention that Saturn resumes forward motion on October 10, 2021 @6AQ52:43 - conjunct Putin Inauguration 2000's Neptune (6AQ34), the 'grim face of reality' transit when money matters must be closely scrutinized and misunderstandings will occur in relation to Russia and Putin's leadership. (Also of note: you may remember that 6AQ was the position of transit Neptune on 9/11/01 - conjunct US natal South Node when past actions and betrayals by the US government caught up with the American people.)

Tail of the Dragon (SN) Swipes The Dragon (Pluto): Then and Now

Now why is this post subtitled, A Pluto-South Node Affair? Because Putin's Inauguration 2000's South Node @27Cap01 is being 'hit' by June 16, 2021 Pluto Rx @26Cap16 (on his way to US Pluto Return/s all through 2022 so South-Node-Pluto influences in relation to Russia and the US will be lasting awhile.)

On the bi-wheel, lower right, some of the SN-Pluto potentials are listed such as: 'a self-will out of harmony with society; resentment; misundertandings; a victim of circumstances' (that are beyond personal control and indicating karmic conditions such as war, violence, and/or mass migration due to such disruptions. As noted, these difficult potentials are doubled because June 2021's South Node @10Sag39 conjuncts May 7, 2000's Pluto Rx @12Sag12, leader of a Locomotive pattern of the 'powerful executive ruthlessly determined on success'. How? Well, as you know, the Pluto-Chiron pair denotes plutocracy (plutocrats), exploitation, primal violence, racism, and other -isms such as communism, bolshvikism, socialism, capitalism, etc. For ruthless oligarchs in charge, it's always success at any cost! This includes the use of violence, as we've seen.

So is 2021 Saturn's restriction on 2000 Uranus-Neptune part of the "Train Entering a Tunnel" picture? Well, we know that with major undertakings and reforms in both Politics and Business, Saturn's timing function is the key to success for rash actions most often lead to failure.

And naturally, the current Saturn-Uranus square (new order challenges old order; progress blocked by status quo energies) in rigid Fixed signs undergirds events and conditions these days - and the two planets are square one another in both charts: Saturn square Uranus 2000 (0A42) and their square in 2021 (0S06) with both at 13 degrees which suggests karmic or fated influences issuing from the start of the current cycle of Saturn-Uranus conjunct 3 times in 1988 (Reagan) at 27--"30Sag." Well, is the Vatican involved too? It so often is.

Now you'll spy several more prominent factors lurking in the two horoscopes but let's close with two things: the potentials contained within the midpoint picture of Uranus-Neptune 2000 (the 'new world order' duo) = 2021 Saturn:

'restraint placed on idealistic reforms' (timing!); 'loss; instability; mourning; staying put causes loss of confidence' (Tyl; Ebertin).

And the potential expressions of the Uranus-Neptune pair in Politics and Business as provided in Hegelian Dialectic form by master astrologer *Michael Munkasey:

"Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolution or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Antithesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information' (ex: cyber hacking); 'movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems."

*Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.