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May 17, 2023

Can Nazis Be Defeated Like This Again? - Thom Hartmann

For more on this topic and other issues of the day, visit Thom Hartmann.

Eclipse Cycles Time Similar Historical Events

by Jude Cowell

As readers of SO'W know, a Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Saros Series - the same family as the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse of August 1932 - has already repeated and its theme of 'being forceful, taking power' brought along a partial electoral victory at the 2022 Midterms allowing maga Republicans to commandeer the US House of Representatives. We've seen what an amateurish 3-ring circus that has been as they pretend to govern while undermining the rule of law, yapping at the heels of President Joe Biden, and attempting to follow orders from their wealthy overlords. And sporting AR-15 pins on their lapels as silent threats.

My point is, We the People are in the thick of a struggle against barbaric Nazis with racism and 'Aryanism' the arrows in their hate-filled quivers as before. But unlike in WWII, the battlefields are different and the criminals are more sophisticated and organized, so that focus, not apathy, must be maintained if we are to vanquish the enslaving enemy once again. For as you know, freedom, once lost, is difficult to regain.

My suspicion is that there are enemies of America who use cosmic factors as timing agents: an obvious example is 1930s Pluto in Cancer (the magician) now opposed by Pluto in Capricorn (the dictator) for a while longer, as a 'Full Moon' culmination opportunity to fulfill little Adolf's perverted dream of global domination when democracy could be banished from the Earth, and creepy Pluto, as a symbol of death and transformation, could bring the primal violence, extremism, and exploitation needed to enforce tyrannical government against the will of the people. That our nation has now experienced her first-ever Pluto Return (27Cap33) in 2022 must have seemed like a perfect excuse for transformative activities.

Then looking ahead, we have another watershed moment in time: the third of three Great American Eclipses to 'look forward to' with its 8 North themes of visions and good ideas although as a Mars-ruled Aries Eclipse manifesting in 2024, an election year, I must wonder what disruptions, revelations, and wild cards the Cosmos has in mind for our democratic Republic.

May 16, 2023

May 16, 2023: Mars-Pluto opposition squares Jupiter

Today transit Jupiter @29Aries conjoins and enlarges the themes of the 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023, Hitler's birthday - themes of (blood) "lust" and "deep passions long-hidden that catch people off-guard" (B. Brady). Take care out there, folks, don't let anyone catch you off-guard, especially for the rest of May into June! The sensitized, critical 29th degree of Mars-ruled Aries has long been prominent in the US - it's the position of the Sun in the American Revolution Horoscope, and also the position of hothead Mars on January 6, 2021, Trump's 'maga' coup attempt of sedition. Jupiter to Mars can temporarily expand the active role of combatants in societal affairs and may refer to militia men, and the actual military itself. Even police state actions may be indicated.

Now to make it clear, my personal assertion is that my Revolutionary War ancestors do not approve of the attempted coup for the sake of - of all things! - an economic royalist like gold-lover Trump who holds monarchical delusions of grandeur to become a perpetual despot--exactly the tyranny the Revolution fought against and freed us from! Now naturally, I'm speaking on their behalf knowing something of the sacrifice, loss, even death that they and their families - my families - suffered during that harrowing time.

Now, it's harrowing times once again, and today transit Mars @27Can42 opposes not only transit Pluto (00AQ18 Rx) over our heads but also opposes US progressed Pluto (29Capricorn), a complex opposition that squares transit Jupiter @29Ari55 and, as a midpoint picture, contains potentials for: "wars; rape; mayhem; chaos; attacks" (M. Munkasey). See why I said to take care out there, folks? Of course, these are issues society is already dealing with so the T-square may be simply reflecting them.

Then two more cosmic links are occurring: transit Pluto @00AQ continues its conjunction to US Inaugural Sun, a role of power now inhabited by President Joe Biden. Obviously, a power game and a contest of wills is in progress as the President squares off against a maga GOP holding the US economy hostage - or else economic collapse that, if it results, they hope to blame on Joe Biden. In addition, Pluto @00AQ continues to activate the recent Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 which times the start of a new 20-year economic and social order!

Meanwhile, the global economy is also being held on the edge of collapse by power-mad, sore-loser Republicans with Confederacy sentiments that, as you know, include "a dark vein of intolerance."

So in light of the current Mars-Pluto stand-off of force and control, here's a Horoscope of the first moment that America's Mars-Pluto Cycle began. Check where transit Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter are today in relation to our country's initial cycle, for the clock is ticking:

A closing note: yes, there may a lifting of the T-square energies once transit Jupiter travels into Taurus a few desgrees. The Great Benefic enters Taurus today, May 16, 2023 at 1:20 pm edt. This is, however, the solar position of little Herr Adolf so a measure of ego expansion by nazi-types may occur for some people while others may end a project they began about 12 years ago. Then tomorrow evening, May 17th, a Jupiter-Pluto square becomes exact at 9:11 pm edt which suggests views and plans that are too broad or encompassing to be ultimately successful. jc

May 15, 2023

Karmic Saturn and US National Security

Saturn, Pluto, Karma, and America's Enemies

by Jude Cowell

Way back in December 2017 we discussed the horoscope of Russia - Flag Raised 1991 and what we now understand were - and are - connections between agent orange and Vladimir Putin. And later, evidence was plain to see when the two men met at Helsinki, Finland in July 2018 with the Sun (leadership) conjunct Trump's natal Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, authenticity, in watery Cancer, sign of tribalism, nationalism, and self-protection.

A form of patriotism may be noticed as well with this placement such as a demagogue wrapping his arms around an American flag as if to snuff it out. Then as you know, Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer tends to love its own independence but tends toward discontent, crabby emotions, and aggravation caused through karmic ties and family connections. And all while Trump's Saturn @23Can48 squelches US 1776 Mercury, a serious contact that agent orange has used in his favor, seldom if ever in ours. Naturally, censorship and free speech are issues with and for Trump. Plus, his Saturn-to-US-Mercury connection actually ropes in America's 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition of secrets and surveillance which, I suspect, relates to his theft of government documents and the alleged sharing and sale of them to America's enemies, both foreign and domestic. All this occurring across the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security and Ambition, Domestic Scene and Career.

So in the scheme of things, old man Trump's 11th house Saturn has turned out to be a big deal when it comes to America's national security and the national security crisis that a disloyal agent orange has targeted against We the People and democracy itself. Even his pet 'build a wall' project falls into a Saturn (wall) in Cancer (shell of protection--easily broken or washed away) category, watery and crumbling as it's been - and with Bannon's financial fraud involved. Plus, abuse of power is always a potential with the harsh, compressed energies of the Saturn-Pluto combination.

So perhaps for the purposes of these topics, the December 31, 2021 Horoscope of the third time that transit Pluto in Capricorn opposed Trump's natal Saturn might be informative in view of the sinister, evil duo of Saturn-Pluto which met in Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 - conjunct Donald Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters (see John Townley's The Vertex: Crossroads of Destiny):

And for those who use a late afternoon horoscope for America (July 4, 1776), the fact that Trump's rising Mars @27Leo opposes, and will always oppose, We the People's Moon @27AQ describes the anger, resentment, and grudges Mr. Revenge holds against his "fellow Americans" and toward anyone who stands in his tyrannical way. So for this and a thousand other reasons, Herr Revenge cannot be allowed to again fondle the keys to the White House with his tiny fingers itching to push The Button.

So please, dear reader, Vote Blue in 2024 as if your democratic Republic depends on it. Because you know that it totally does.

Also appearing on SO'W: Saturn-Neptune and Trump's Deep State Shadow Government. Plus, on May 24, 2023 Trump's Progressed Crescent Moon phase begins and in October its degree will be 'hit' by the 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Libra so you won't want to miss 7 South's Mars-Pluto implications for the orange marauder and for society in general.

May 11, 2023

Midpoint pictures of a Neptunian GOP: Crossing the Great Water

Image: You May Cross the Great Water; pencil on paper; Jude Cowell Art 2006+

As you know, the Republican Party, founded in 1854 with Neptune in mid-Pisces, experienced its first-ever Neptune Return, a multiple affair occurring in 2017 into 2018 - the "Trump years." These days, a few pundits have noted that the party is circling the drain, a perfect metaphor describing the dissolution, loss, and ending of what was once an actual political party, now morphed into a Trumpish death cult of violence. These watery circumstances inspire my use of the above image with which to begin this post:

With messenger planet Mercury now retrograde, here's a review and a quote from a vintage SO'W post written and published way back in 2013 (sans edits) which then contained a video that's no longer available for viewing. Remaining, however, is a bit of Astrology concerning the 1854 horoscope and planets of origin of the Republican Party which may be of interest considering the current GOP/maga cult's extreme, seditious behavior against the Federal Government, and their vile threats and acts of violence against Americans who reject their fascist views on behalf of a democratic America:

As you may already know, there's an interesting midpoint picture in the GOP natal horoscope which to my way of thinking, applies closely and basically to their current modus operandi and it involves the 'confused, confusing, or hidden self image' duo of Sun and Neptune:

Sun-Neptune = Uranus: upsets caused by ignoring reality while dreaming; indifference toward others (M.M.).

Now feel free to disagree with me on this (as always!) but both potentials contained within this midpoint picture when added together undergird much of the anti-governing Republicans' lack of good faith behavior these days and in other days when things don't go their way enough to suit their massive egos.

After all, the party's current progressions show another descriptive midpoint picture: Saturn-Pluto = North Node (future direction): a destiny about holding or abusing power. (Michael Munkasey.) And what the Republican Party with their austerity measures has in mind for the future of the American people is found nestled within this midpoint picture's analysis by Reinhold Ebertin: the misery of the masses.

Of course in 2023, what conveniently muddies the waters for many Americans, too busy or apathetic to pay much if any attention to politics, is the fact that Republicans and Democrats 'switched' parties thanks to tricky Richard Nixon's and Barry Goldwater's campaign ploy called the Southern Strategy which turns up in a previous post concerning the The Dixiecrats of 1948. You'll find Tricky Dick's crabby claws involved with 1948's Dixiecrats linked directly to 1968's Southern Strategy.

And whether FDR actually said it or he didn't, my years residing in Washington DC and studying our blighted politics makes it clear to me that, to paraphrase the famous quote: Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happens you can can bet it was meant to happen. And I must add that timing is the primary ingredient for success, as DC astrologers well know. For only Astrology adds timing to an analysis.

So all this for me begs a question or two:

Are We the People mere pawns in what has essentially become only a One Party System of Politics with one side playing the devil's advocate role in order to create the appearance that our grievances are at least being heard? Is this why progressed policies that would improve our lives have become so difficult to pass into law because 'the fix is in', the ultimate result of the game already determined? Was this starkly revealed in 2017 when transit Pluto reached the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction (the 'nwo' duo of Enlightenment) with its potential for: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; little option to do otherwise"? (Noel Tyl.)

If this is even partially so, then tragically the GOP's current shove toward fascism and nazism can turn out to be a cosmic picture of America circling the drain, to be drowned in Grover Norquist's infamous bath tub, and it will include, to the world's sorrow, the drowning of democracy. Yet this will be made easier for them if we let Republicans win in 2024.

Besides, years ago Grover revealed the GOP's plan for America. Didn't you believe him?

May 9, 2023

The Fall of Tucker Carlson, and the Making of Candace Owens - The New Yorker Radio Hour


For the self-styled "angry forgotten man" Tucker Carlson on SO'W there's only one Astrology offering so far, but unfortunately more such posts may have to appear especially if he runs for the presidency: On the Eclipse of Tucker Carlson whose natal Sun in late Taurus conjuncts angry Algol and asteroid Midas, lover of gold. Yes, Tucker was born into the 7 North Saros Series and a repetition of his personal Eclipse Series, the 7 North, is operative right now since manifesting @29Ari50 on April 20, 2023, the anniversary of Herr Adolf's birthday.

Then Along Comes Expansive Jupiter

Adding to current eclipse energies is transit Jupiter, planet of broadcasters, politicians, financiers, religious figures, corporatists, and fatty grubs like agent orange (who just today has been ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll $5 million for assaulting and defaming her). For Jupiter has reached 29 Aries+ which expands the energies and influence of the current 7 North Eclipse with its themes of blood 'lust, deep passion that catches people off-guard' (Brady). 'Caught off-guard' such as Tucker's recent, sudden firing from his Fox program. Meanwhile, Jupiter conjunct the 7 North Eclipse indicates the variety of immoral activities now occurring in society, with their influence widened.

So if I had to select an immoral activity or two being symbolized, even activated, now in US society it would be the May 10, 2023 'Trump Townhall' to be broadcast Friday night on CNN from St. Anselm College (Goffstown, NH), with the college's motto of: Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Psalms 111:10). Well, due to his godless behavior and being himself a prince of lies, this explains one of the many reasons that Herr Trump is a one of the dumbest morons ever to walk the Earth.

Then another big honkin' immoral activity is the pro-Hitler event of May 12-13, 2023 to be held at the Trump National Doral, Miami. Plus, we should also note that transit Jupiter is conjuncting the position of militia man Mars @29Ari54 during the maga coup attempt of January 6, 2021 which used primal violence with the intention of stopping or interfering with the peaceful transfer of power from saboteur Trump to President Joe Biden.

In other words, it's a Jupiter conjunct Mars transit which times a period of attraction to physical events, travel, and male-based activities. The caution is that participants must avoid overconfidence in the potential success of an enterprise since it may collapse under its own weight.

Maddow: Trump's anti-Semitic speakers welcomed to pro-Hitler Event May 12, 2023

Pro-Hitler forces in the US are continuing their "Reawaken America Tour" including a pro-Hitler event to be held this weekend at Trump's National Doral golf resort May 12 and 13, 2023. The event sports quite a line-up of Nazi supporters including Eric, and I suppose, Donald Trump. In fact, many of the maga crazies will participate.

So for pro-democracy voters who may not be certain who to avoid in the 2024 voting booth and who to stop sending money to, the list of the Doral event's speakers is a handy way of identifying the traitors to American Democracy, although the list may not contain every name.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reports:

So here's a question: if these anti-societal saboteurs who love Herrs Adolf and Trump "reawaken" America, then won't their followers be woke? Of course, their actual intention is to indoctrinate the masses with their bigoted brand of hatred and resentment against humanity!

And here's another question with cosmic implications:

Which planetary pair relates to concepts of awakeness, wokeness, awareness, or of the lack thereof? That would be The Enlightenment duo, Uranus-Neptune, which last met in Great Conjunction three times in 1993 in the 18-to-20-degree range of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, traditionally the sign of government, law, and business. Since their cycle lasts 171 years, 1993 began their current cycle.

Then on a political level, the Uranus-Neptune duo indicates potentials for "changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future" along with "revolutions, strikes," and "subversion" (Munkasey) but I am compelled to add that the domination dreams of the Austrian psychopath of the 1930s and 1940s and his death cult are not 'new' at all but are as old as evil itself. Therefore, We the People must awaken to the fact that these fascist criminals are current-day Nazi lovers who consider themselves in line to continue Herr Adolf's barbaric mission to ethnically "cleanse" the world.

So for readers who dare to look at such difficult conditions, and in the spirit of Forewarned is Forearmed, please note that transit Saturn in early Pisces will join, even activate, the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 which suggests that Saturn in Pisces symbolizes, on a deep level, America's enemies who have taken on the responsibility of carrying forward Herr Adolf's mission of primal violence in an updated attempt to take control of America and thus destroy democracy from the face of the Earth.

So in closing, here's Thom Hartmann on another anti-America event: Trump's May 10, 2023 "townhall" on CNN, tomorrow night: my guess is that Trump will be wearing his best fascism cap!

May 7, 2023

Robert F Kennedy Jr and The Great American Eclipse of 2024

by Jude Cowell

With the son of RFK, environmental lawyer turned anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., challenging President Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination, the natal horoscope of what is basically a spoiler-for-Trump must be made available because the paperwork has been filed, and astrologers like to have natal information to work from.

So sleuthing about the Internet I found that astrologer Matthew Swann had gathered the deets on RFK Jr from the family's astrologer in the mid-1970s, while summering on the Cape during his childhood. Of course, a 'noon' horoscope for RFK Jr may be set up if you prefer, but I'm going with the birth time provided via the Twitter account of Matthew Swann, @blackswann1111, and the helpful reply I received to my query about the source of RFK Jr's birth time: 5:32 pm est.

Robert and the Solar Eclipse of Election Year 2024

One cosmic synchronicity that stands out in relation to the candidate's 2024 nomination bid is the 8 North Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 - conjunct Chiron @19Ar24 - for it manifests upon Mr. Kennedy's Midheaven ('MC') when his chart is set for 5:32 pm est. Of course, the MC is The Goal Point of a natal chart and involves Career and Public Status - on the World Stage in the case of public figures.

So here's a messily notated bi-wheel with RFK Jr's January 17, 1954 Horoscope in center and the 8 North Eclipse Horoscope of April 8, 2024, outer, with 8 North themes penned upon the chart, upper right; themes are highlighted in orange. Plus, a dual image of both charts with no study notes at all is displayed, below:

For further details, you'll find political information in The New Republic's Who Are These Supposed Lefties Who Love Robert F. Kennedy Jr?

Well, I lean toward the Democratic Party myself, and although you didn't ask, my opinion concerning RFK Jr's bid for the White House is that with Trumpers like Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, and Alex Jones promoting and praising him, RFK Jr's candidacy should be criticized and ridiculed as often as possible for the sake of retaining democracy in America. Because the political leanings of these three ideological fellows ('far-reich' bobbleheads) suggests to me that apparently, Mr. Kennedy may be a fan of a certain Hungarian dictator.

Yet to be fair, as with most people there are positives concerning him as well (ex: public service, a family thing), however, RFK Jr is against aid for Ukraine which throws his sentiments toward Russia, and he stated that Tucker Carlson is, "breathtakingly courageous" after their interview on what turned out to be Carlson's final TV show on Fox.

But despite all my fussing, the primary aim of this post is merely to provide for the curious reader a natal horoscope for the "democratic" conspiracy theorist of a famous family who seems poised to muck up the 2024 Election on behalf of win-at-any-cost Donald Trump, the agent orange who must be lovin' Kennedy Jr's popularity with far-left "Democrats." Touted popularity, that is. Besides, it's a truism that far-leftists have more in common with far-rightists than with those of us in the political center.

So to close, I'll just add that a Democrat who's against democracy and prefers tyrants cannot pass any political test with this particular Daughter of the Revolution, which would make RFK Jr one of those DINOs. And a stealth operative for what was once the GOP.