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Showing posts with label Alex Jones TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alex Jones TV. Show all posts

Oct 23, 2011

Jupiter-Neptune! Subliminal messages in campaign ads? (video)

It isn't just the over-promising and fib-telling we must be on guard against when listening to candidates of Campaign 2012, it's subliminal messages affecting us on the subconscious plane that may actually sway us the most!

And on the topic of TV campaign ads in the US, am I the only one grown weary with the squeaky clean "And I'm a Mormon" ads now showing in the southeastern market several times an hour (it seems) which manipulate the viewer on a subtle 'we're just like you' level?

Interesting that the primary midpoint picture by transit that is still in effect is the one between the speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune, triggered by tr Uranus in Aries (Utopians, radicals, and/or protesters) which gives a 'reality v imagination' vibe to most proceedings. Jupiter relates to broadcasting and ideology, Neptune to the masses, the silver screen, public relations and propaganda, and disruptive Uranus, now at US natal IC (Homeland; Domestic Scene) again, relates to sudden events, activism, unrest, independence, freedom, and originality.

The sign of Uranus describes behavior so with Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries there's no telling what to expect for there never is with technology-inspiring Uranus. And Mars will be Mars.

Anyway, if you watch the video above, do let me know what you think--on a conscious level!

Oct 12, 2011

Occupy Houston and the Fed's Monopoly Money (video)

Here is controversial TV-radio host and author Alex Jones with a bullhorn at the Occupy Houston rally and a little girl with a placard you may wish to read!


If you've missed it, why not scroll down the sidebar just a bit for a link to Rolling Stone's article, Meet Alex Jones?

Jul 30, 2011

A "Super Congress" will Kill the US Congress (video)

Planning now to write a post on the November 2011 Solar Eclipse which unfortunately for those of us who wish to see America continue as a sovereign nation, relates to the topic Mr. Jones discusses in this 8-minute video of his show.

Plus, transit Neptune in very early Pisces will conjoin Congress' natal Pluto (power) soon and is within orb now...more on that later for much of the current debt-talks-default tiff in Washington is leading up to a constitutional crisis on the way as planned by those who plan such things.

May 27, 2011

Bob Chapman on The Greatest Fraud - video (Jupiter/Neptune)

May 27, 2011: Yes, the info shared here from Bob Chapman is dreary, I know. And so are the world's financial circumstances, thanks to the global banking syndicate of gangsters. Historically Mr. Chapman relates the ongoing financial crisis through which we're being defrauded to how Hitler 'did it' in the 1930s.

The Frothy Inflation of Bubbly Jupiter/Neptune

Yes, the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction/s (the speculation/grand plans pair) that occurred all through 2009 (on May 27 - I began typing this on Friday, the first anniversary, July 10, and December 21) tangoed together squarely atop our US natal Moon (we-the-people) all three times and the trio just keeps on giving...I mean, keeps on taking.

You remember the midpoint picture, right?

Jupiter/Neptune = n Moon: instability; insecurity; wastefulness; becoming involved in speculation; little sense of reality; a desire to dream; uncertainty about what is real and unreal. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Simultaneously this timed a Neptune to US natal Moon transit which brought fraud, deception, lies, loss (Neptune) of homes (Moon), confusion, and a sense of rootlessness to our collective psyche and emotional lives so that even with tr Neptune just barely into Pisces now, the orb is still near enough to affect and undermine us. Unfortunately, Neptune will be backing into Aquarius again for a continuation of The Gaseous One's dissolving effects before re-entering Pisces which it co-rules with Jupiter.

And of course, oil, gas, water, and poisons are ingredients in the fraudulent Neptunian brew of damage and harm as well, with both Moon (ruler of Cancer, the Crab) and Pisces relating to the oceans and all things marine.

Oh, and on that Hitler 'did it' thing? Jupiter and Neptune conjoined @ 8Vir25 only once in the 1930s: on September 19, 1932...conjunct Hitler's natal 11th cusp of Associations, Hopes and Wishes, and opposite America's natal Ceres (security issues and needs; food supply) which conjoins US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint, the Plutocracy duo of oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence, Corporatism, Fascism, and other such cruelty-based -isms that no decent person cares to receive or perpetrate against his fellow man.

For the German despot (who wished to establish a New World Order to be run by himself), events of 1932 occurred during an expansive Jupiter trine natal Jupiter transit, a time when success with attainment of personal goals seems easy and the circumstances and people one encounters are compatible with Jupiter's desire for broadened horizons and gaining more more more. (*Hitler's natal horoscope shows a Sun 00Tau48/Midas conjunction and the Robber Barons' planetary signature, Neptune conjunct Pluto in Gemini.)

Note: since the video above is only Part One, click after the video ends if you wish to hear more of the discussion.


*Adolf Hitler born April 20, 1889 (NS) 6:30 pm -0.52:08 Braunau am Inn, Austria; natal Jupiter 8Cap15; Moon 6Cap38 (both are being triggered by tr Pluto now); ASC 26Lib41 with Syzygy Moon, Morya Rx, and Jupiter/Saturn midpoint rising; Jupiter/Saturn = ASC: the tactician. And physically, this midpoint picture may also indicate liver and/or gall bladder conditions and the testy moodiness that liver impairment can cause.

(Rodden Rating AA from baptismal certificate.)

May 18, 2011

Nomi Prins: The Fed holds America hostage (video)

Former managing director at Goldman-Sachs, journalist, and financial whistleblower Nomi Prins speaks with Alex Jones on how The Fed is holding America hostage.

Part 1 of 2:

Part 2 of 2:

As you know, they're describing the Pluto/Chiron pair of plutocracy, oppression, and primal violence against those who don't fall in line with IMF and World Bank programs. Now Pluto is wealthy and underhanded enough but adding wounded and wounding Chiron to the blend is what forecloses on your family's home, puts you out on the street, robs you of your pension, and laughs 'all the way to the bank'.

America's Dream of Rescue January 20, 2009: Faded

On January 20, 2009 at President Obama's inauguration, the midpoint of Pluto and Chiron was at Midheaven of the Inaugural chart describing The Goal and agenda that Mr. Obama would follow. And while you may think there's nothing to that synchronicity (what is this strange thing they call 'Astrology'?) no one disputes that a Goldman-Sachs crew was put in place in the White House along with a new president.

My intuition has always told me that Barack Obama would not have gained the bullhorn of the White House if Summers, Geithner, and others had not been part of his financial 'team'. The econo-team appointments were announced as Obama moved in to the executive mansion but were already known to him - the Bilderberg Group meeting that chose between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama occurred in Chantilly, Virginia during the 2008 campaign when Obama slipped away from his campaign plane and left Robert Gibbs to explain his mysterious and sudden absence to the planeful of reporters traveling with them.

So if you are awake to the Big Heist being perpetrated upon the American people (and the world's population) but know others who still snooze, please pass on the message and some video links so that we-the-people can finally jettison the R v D/con v lib fallacy and stand together en masse - on the same side - OUR side!


The website of Nomi Prins has details on her books: 2004's Other People's Money (in which she predicted what we're experiencing now) and her latest book It Takes a Pillage.

Doesn't it though?

Another informative video on such financial topics is from John Pilger (Dec 2010.) Post includes a brief astrological discussion of America's Mars/Neptune square (inspired or deceptive actions; confused motivations; massive army), the Obama-Mars/US-Neptune conjunction, and the recent Saturn/Uranus opposition which was totally in effect on Election Day 2008 (status quo v progress) and is thus imprinted upon the presidency of Barack Obama whose natal Saturn in Capricorn has kept the US financial system in place without ruffling too many Wall Street feathers so far.

Looks like we're on our own, m'peops.


Blog Note: the only info I've found online for Nomi Prins' birthdate (in order to set up her natal horoscope) is '1950' which makes it seem that she has knowledge of Astrology's usefulness and prefers her privacy (understandable!) Plus, working in the financial industry for years as she has, perhaps she knows what old J. P. Morgan admitted years ago:

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

Which means that World Bankers know it, too, and time their sorry actions by planetary cycles.

Mar 7, 2011

Prison Planet News & Discussion March 2011 (videos)

It's Video Monday here at Stars Over Washington.

First, the Sunday Edition (3.6.11) of the Alex Jones Show with PrisonPlanet editor, webmaster, and journalist Paul Joseph Watson sitting in for Alex with discussion of the latest breaking news.

And here's a video I missed from February 26, 2011 where "humanitarian cover" for invading Libya is outed as "threadbare" fear confirmed of another imperialist US war?

Feb 4, 2011

WikiLeaks' 9/11 bombshell (video)

No time ('s almost 1:00 am!) to view all of this video from the February 2, 2011 edition of the Alex Jones Show before posting but I thought you might want to join me tomorrow which is when I'll have a chance to watch it all.

Let me know what you think if you have a chance.

Jan 5, 2011

Gladio Operation, pension funds assault, & dead birds falling (video)

Jude here posting from near Athens, Georgia on this the first day the 112th Congress opens. The following presentation from Alex Jones TV is in two videos and includes discussion of the thousands of redwing blackbirds that fell dead from the sky at 11:30 pm on New Years Eve - in Arkansas (not Louisiana as stated below.)

Alex will cover the latest on several key issues including birds dropping from the sky over Louisiana, the economy, an assault on pension funds, the latest in the war on terror, and more. Investigative journalist, author, and syndicated columnist Wayne Madsen joins the show to talk about Operation Gladio.

For further reading and viewing visit where you can deprogram yourself.

Dec 19, 2010

Many Faces and Races run the NWO (video)

Here in three parts: Alex Jones and Bob Chapman discuss A Scientific Eugenics Elite That Believe They're God!


And you know what 'believing you're God' is, right? Lucifer's delusion.

Reminds me of the days when the media would occasionally mention the close friendship between George H. W. Bush and Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey...which then reminds me of Bush Sr proclaiming the soon-establishment of the New World Order, the topic of the videos above, and of this little charmer...

My promise to you: if you watch this video of a wonky-eyed, smug, determined Bush it will supply 100% of your daily minimum requirement of creep factor.

As you know, Uranus-Neptune, the illumination pair, began the modern NWO clock in 1993, at '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER (Rudhyar)...."The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...from Marc Edmund Jones we find its:

positive expression: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: smug or strong-armed paternalism.

"Smug or strong-armed paternalism" covers many people and things such as the NWO types, Hitler (whose second book was entitled, The New World Order), the Roman, British, and American Empires, CIA assassinations and overthrows of duly elected foreign presidents, and the current beefing up of a police state in the US.

As Bush Sr announced, "If we're successful - and we will be..."

Now in his excellent book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey describes the Uranus-Neptune duo in the realms of Politics and Business as:

Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolution or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Antithesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems.

'Nuff said?

Nov 30, 2010

"Austerity is here!" Alex Jones video; US transits of austerity

Video: Alex Jones on Austerity in America.

Well, if someone wanted my top picks of astrological factors that describe our nation's current atmosphere of 'austerity cuts' I would have to cite four:

1. the background influence of America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon of December 24, 2008 when we reached our limits of expansion (4Vir10/Pis) during the throes of Financial Collapse 2008;

2. the transit of Saturn (planet of austerity, realism, restriction, loss, and delay) to US natal Neptune 22Vir25, planet of dreams, ideals, illusions, loss - and the masses which in 1776 was posited in Virgo, the sign of Work, Service, and Health.

3. the transit of often fraudulent, deceptive Neptune to US natal Moon (we-the-people) bringing the difficult transit's ongoing sense of rootlessness, losses of homes and possessions, lies to the people, and the BP-Gulf oil blowout that still bedevils the livelihoods and health of the good people of the Gulf Coast region.

In addition, US Secondary Moon has this year conjoined US natal and Progressed Neptune as well which adds more misery and confusion, and lengthens and intensifies the dissolving effects of Neptune-to-US-natal-Moon transit such as we see with this year's revelation of robo-signed foreclosures, etc. (See sidebar link to John Townley's article on Neptune afflicting America's natal chart, or simply click here.)

Certainly other transits and progressions are playing their parts as well - some positive and helpful, some adding to our woes - but these four are proving massive enough to steal most of the cake from our economy, job market, and dinner tables. (Let them eat GM corn?)

4. the next planetary influence on my austerity list has to be: US Saturn Return, a drawn out three-fer this time, and in progress as I type (14Lib48: Dec 3, 2010, Mar 22, 2011 Rx, Aug 28, 2011.) Accountability is one of Saturn's dearest lessons and perhaps the fresh release from WikiLeaks of docs from the 'diplomatic' community gives an example of such a lesson sorely needed by the US government.

Yes, a return to realism and sanity is definitely indicated during a Saturn Return, and imho, the vision of a one-world-government ruled by the US needs to be abandoned once and for all - even though I believe our nation and people have already been sacrificed on the altar of that agenda.

Our Loss of Illusions

Though transiting Saturn conjoined US natal Neptune only once on August 27, 2009 (this time around in Saturn's 29/30 year cycle), the hit was apparently strong enough given other circumstances and weaknesses.

Around that date and ever since, the Saturnian word austerity rings from Capitol Hill and across the nation and threatens more sacrifice and loss for those tottering upon the bottom rungs of society - with some Americans newly ensconced upon the bottom rungs since the grossly wealthy Oilcan Harrys of the world are having their financial way with those whom they perceive to be their underlings while corporate titans fail to create US jobs - no matter how big or extended the fatcats' tax breaks become. ('Demand' follows paychecks, fellas!)

Yes, Saturn-to-natal-Neptune can mean a dream (Neptune) coming true (Saturn) yet in our financial condition it has brought us its 'grim face of reality' vibe with a huge splash of Saturn's cold water upon the idea of 'jobs coming back'.

Plus, the phrase austerity (Saturn) cuts (Mars) implicates the planet of quarrels and war in the dire picture as well, and many people (self included) think that slashing US war expenditures would be highly beneficial for our national budget. For US tax payers to continue funding security for all of Europe seems ridiculously laughable, and now is financially undo-able.

Watch This Video?

Yes, I too wish Alex Jones would remove the bullhorn from in front of his mouth and calm down so that more people would take his words and warnings seriously. For like most people, I don't respond well to someone shouting at me and am convinced that the info gets through to my pea brain a lot more efficiently when a measured case using lower decibels is made!

And President Obama's announcement of a two-year pay freeze for government workers? It would dovetail nicely and make more economic difference if Washington willingly added a two-year (or permanent) pay cut for all congress members, something that Rep. Marcy Kaptur called for months ago.

To close this austerity-laced post, here's a relevant bit of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Inaugural speech of Jan 20, 1937:

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

To which I add a hearty and common good Amen.

Sep 29, 2010

Glenn Beck shouts out 'global elites' (video)

Glenn Beck, as a national media figure, has never been consistent. While he has been seen on TV supporting big government bailouts, new taxes and unlimited war under the dubious banner of “conservative,” Beck has also made a name as a Libertarian of sorts, and now as a tax-revolting Patriot leader within the Tea Party.

But what Glenn Beck has never done, until now, is come so close to telling the truth. In recent episodes, as on September 22, Beck has highlighted the agenda of “global elites,” while digging up valid information on some very serious advocates of World Government, like Col. Edward Mandell House, the foreign affairs advisor to Woodrow Wilson who helped found the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations. In the same episode, Glenn Beck exposed Eugenics as an American experiment that morphed into the Nazi Holocaust and linked Cass Sunstein with his intellectual ancestor, Edward Bernays, who refined the art of propaganda to facilitate covert social engineering and control. #

Check out the video from the Alex Jones Show:

Excerpt and video compliments of


Born on February 10, 1964 in Mount Vernon, Washington, Glenn Beck has the powerful, revolutionary Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo in his natal chart which rebelliously opposes Chiron in Pisces. A Sun-Mars-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius adds strength toward goals, and though no birth time is known by this reluctant astrologer, there are a few details to be gleaned from a Noon chart which do not depend upon a specific time of birth.

Two midpoint pictures pop out (any, all, or none may apply):

Sun/Saturn = Mars: seclusion; abrupt, abrasive mannerisms within a stern demeanor; rigidity causes fights; an ability to endure in competitive activities; a desire to be in charge.

Neptune/NN = Pluto: exercising a bad influence upon the associations of other people; willingness to use strong destructive forces to protect ones privacy and isolation; increased needs to isolate oneself from societal influences; suffering depressions silently and alone. (Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Born into the 1 South Series of Solar Eclipses, Mr. Beck is concerned with ideas and their enthusiastic expression for he is flooded with new ideas and options. This Series holds an element of haste and of positive outcomes; it last manifested on Feb 5, 2000 - 5 days prior to his 36th birthday which must have been a fortunate year for him for it was a Jupiter Return year, too.) (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

An interesting aspect was in force on Feb 10, 1964, a quindecile between Saturn and Uranus, the status quo vs progress duo which were in opposition in November 2008 during the presidential election of Barack Obama.

Saturn QD Uranus in a natal chart shows one who can disrupt governing systems because of being driven toward breaking old, outdated concepts by way of innovative ideas. There's a defiance of law and order vibe to this QD (165 degrees = obsession-compulsion) for this rule-breaking broadcaster. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Beck's Sun AQ-Moon Cap is an unemotional Air-Earth blend indicating a no-frills approach to social life which makes him a bit of an uptight and aloof spartan; there can be a shrewd honesty as well, and a rational attitude that likes to take calculated risks.

Images for Integration: A revolutionary is elected president...An alien comes to Earth to rescue man from imminent destruction. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

So how do you see Glenn Beck? As a revolutionary president (or one who helps elect one)...or an alien come to rescue Earth? ;p

Aug 18, 2010

Video: How can America keep financing the deficit?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts's articles have been favored on this blog for a while now. Here he discusses the purposeful destruction of America which I've been fussing about on this and other blogs for years. My typing finger is fairly falling off from all my fussing...but honestly, if we-the-people would realize en masse the power we have in numbers and the raging class warfare which has so far successfully kept us divided and conquered ('Rs vs Ds' and other political fairytales), we could take back a government that's supposed to be quite different and people-based than the monster it has become under neocon-Zionist corporatism.

Of course, we'd be taking back a bankrupt government but I'd rather America start from scratch than have what Dr. Roberts agrees is a bunch of 'desperate lunatics' continuing to man the helm as they crash our Swiss cheese ship of state.

So if you're marveling at how Washington and the Fed can continue financing the trillion-dollar-plus deficit, watch this video then click here to view the next 2 videos (about 17 minutes' worth between them.)

Jul 29, 2010

Servicemen discuss local Police State activities (video)

Here's Part I of The Alex Jones Show concerning the activation and deployment of our police and military forces in local areas - of the United States. Wonder what they're expecting to happen? Got an idea what the US government is preparing for?

It's almost as if someone in government is aware of the Cardinal T-Squares and Grand Cross lining up, isn't it? Or more precisely, someone is aware that the soon-to-perfect square between the revolutionary pair, Uranus and Pluto, marks a peak in their cycle which began in the mid-1960s! Are they readying for riots, strikes, protests, and - popular movements by the people against a lying, strong-arming government?

Well, to view Part II click here.

Plus, I had picked up on a tiny story in May 2010 but have not seen mentioned again or explained: the sighting of a United Nations military convoy rolling through Pennsylvania.

Seems to be lots of military training going on in the German sounding 'homeland', m'peops. We should pay close attention while we still can before we suffer a military coup in the US. Oh wait! We already had the first phase: 9/11/01.

Oct 15, 2009

Bilderbergers built the EU: Alex Jones video

Alex Jones with guest Paul Joseph Watson speaking on the Nazis in the early 1940s who envisioned a new European economic empire to be shoved through by consent not by conquest. These top Nazis, the Bilderbergers, are now admitting that they founded the European Union.

The Bilderberg Group is the shadowy crew that then-Senator Obama slipped away during the 2008 campaign to meet with in Chantilly, Virginia.

No details of their meeting have been released that I know of but you may remember that Mr. Obama later was rewarded with the presidency of the United States.

Sep 16, 2009

Alex Jones TV: more power for the Fed + flu vaccine ingredients

Since there are three new videos of Alex Jones speaking on President Obama's being set to give the Fed more power and control over the financial system (us), I'm providing a link to all three rather than embedding them here.

The third video concerns the ingredients in the new flu vaccines you're poised to receive - apparently it's quite some brew they have bubbling on the hob.

Seems everyone is poised on the verge today...