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Showing posts with label 7 South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7 South. Show all posts

Apr 17, 2023

Election 2024: our Make-or-Break Moment

by Jude Cowell

In Thom Hartmann's April 17, 2023 Daily Take What's Behind the GOP's War Against Democracy?, Thom states that, "Election 2024 may well be the equivalent of the November 1932 German elections: a make-or-break moment for American democracy." Because as you know, Hitler did end up in control of the German government.

Confirming the date of the historic event, we find that the German federal election was held on November 6, 1932 with the Nazi Party's share of votes falling by 4%. Follow the link for more election details.

Then, since eclipse cycles echo historical cycles and bring along similar events and societal conditions, we find that the two Solar Eclipses of 1932, first on March 7 @16Pis32 in the 6 North Saros Series, the second on August 31, 1932 @8Vir09 in the 6 South Series (in which the November 1932 elections occurred), have already repeated in our era with the 6 South operative as I type but in process of morphing into the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 - this Thursday in the Eastern Time Zone (12:13 am - see bi-wheel, below).

April/October 2022 Solar Eclipses: 6 North/6 South

6 North April 30, 2022 @10Taurus; Themes: 'relationship to authority figures; accepting commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability'.

6 South October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio; Themes: 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy with great force in relationships; sudden events; huge efforts in a group activity'. In the Midterm Elections of November 2022, this manic energy managed to finagle through gerrymandering and other means, the 'maga' House of Representatives. So our 2022 Midterm Elections are equivalent to Germany's November 1932 federal elections according to the solar eclipse cycle - with only partial success for Nazis, then and now.

Horoscopes: 'Maga Mob Attack (inner) and 7 North Eclipse 2023 (outer) showing 7 North 2023 Conjunct Mars 2021; plus, other notes

So now we face the energies and themes of a 7 North Solar Eclipse about to manifest on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, conjunct the position of the January 6, 2021 Mars, the warrior planet of anarchy and sedition. Besides being what I've previously termed, Hitl*r's birthday eclipse, this manifestation of a 7 North Eclipse brings us an Eclipse-Mars contact which functions as a Sun-to-Mars transit, an action-oriented indication of plans that can be set in motion (a timing device), that physical efforts are on someone's to-do list, and a suggestion that others are attracted and/or encouraged to join in.

Yet negatively, there are unpleasant circumstances due to hot-headed or impatient activities, and predictably, injuries can or will result. One thinks of militia-minded malcontents such as those we watched go "wild" on our TVs in 2021, inspired by the seditionist-in-chief, the Mango Mussolini who continues to hang around the neck of the United States of America.

For more info concerning such difficult topics see a previous post: Horoscope of the Third Reich (1933 into 2017).

Eclipse notes: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Apr 11, 2023

Astro-Notes: TN Rep. Justin Jones

The Wikipedia page of Tennessee politician Justin Jones gives his birth details as August 25, 1995 in Oakland, California. As you've heard, Rep. Jones and his colleague Rep. Justin Pearson were expelled from the Tennesee House of Representatives on April 6, 2023 for disrupting proceedings in the Republican-controlled legislature based on the two Justins joining an ongoing grass-roots protest on behalf of gun control reform - and the fact that they 'dared' speak out in a powerful way. For as you know, the people's protests have been activated by the March 2023 mass shooting at Nashville's Covenant School.

Folks of all ages, ethnicities, and colors are coming together to push for common sense gun control legislation, and so when Randi Rhodes opened her broadcast earlier today, she happily asserted that, "We Have a Movement!" Because her and my Flower Power generation knows that coming together over pressing issues is exactly what the American people must do in order to effect karmic improvements within our society. Things don't have to be this way and the old pasty white anti-societal Republicans need to take their hateful paternalism and go!

So below is a quick mark-up of dual charts: a natal horoscope for Justin Jones set for noon in absence of an accurate birth time (lower left) and his 15 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse (upper right) which occurred April 29, 1995 @8Tau56 and which naturally is accurately timed:

15 South Themes: 'release of tension as a lingering situation suddenly clears but with a sense of group or collective loss or grief' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Last 15 South @20Taurus in 2013; Next 15 South @00Gemini in 2031.

Of note is that the high-handed expelling of Reps. Jones and Pearson from the Tennesee House of Representatives occurred on April 6, 2023 under the influence of a Full Moon @16Lib07 although in Nashville, the Full Moon perfected on April 5th at 11:34:30 pm CDT with the Sun conjunct wounded healer centaur Chiron (15Ari52), a signal of a major quest in the works, so perhaps the Sun-Chiron Conjunction is the cosmic symbol of our New Movement - and the Conjunction is in pioneering Aries, the sign where all endeavors begin!

Another Significant Solar Eclipse

Then in closing, we should mention that the 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 will conjunct Rep. Justin Jones' natal Mars @21Lib50 which suggests that an issue will finally be settled for or by him, or negatively, that rash or violent events may need to be guarded against - or some combination of both possibilities will be present.

If you wish, check out the horoscope of the Flower Power Solar Eclipse of November 1966 for it sports a cosmic peace symbol of planets.

Apr 6, 2023

British Royalty Nazis and a 2023 Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

The natal chart of Wallis Simpson the American divorcee who married the abdicated King of England, Edward VIII, are known to have been supporters of German dictator Hitler in a Nazi kind of way. Note that this is only my quirky way of describing their degraded values yet many sources are available online and in books which concern the couple's fascist and Nazi sympathies. One connection: their multiple meetings with Oswald Mosley, head of the Union of British Fascists, an organization that was apparently disbanded in 1940.

Once he had abdicated the throne, Edward and Wallis were married on June 3, 1937 in Paris where they lived most of their lives together; both passed away there, Edward on May 28, 1972 of throat cancer, Wallis on April 24, 1986, possibly through Alzheimer complications. Follow the above links to view their natal horoscopes separately.

Meanwhile, below is a bi-wheel of Wallis Simpson's natal horoscope, the 10:30 pm version (but there are other versions such as 7:00 am with 27Cancer rising and Moon @12Libra) on the inside, and the upcoming 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Libra (outer) which will 'eclipse' Wallis' natal Moon in the 10:30 pm natal chart while opposing her natal Mars @21Ari42; in other words, the October 14, 2023 Eclipse activates her natal Moon-Mars opposition with potentials for hidden information to be uncovered that, if ignored, karmic setbacks will occur through past mistakes being repeated; the October 2023 Eclipse opposing her Mars, strong in Aries, denotes resentment and tug-of-war conditions.

And if we add Edward's natal Pluto (19Ari26 Rx) to the Moon-Mars-Eclipse mix we get the barbaric animalism and gang violence perpetrated by fascists, Nazis, and other Underworld criminals that now target democracy as in past decades. These are their tactics toward governmental take-over with Trump acting as their mobster figurehead and threatending violence toward all who would hold him to account for his alleged crimes. Mobster tactics!

7 South Themes are penned on the chart and are highlighted in orange:

Emotions Count: Major Lunar Aspects of Edward and Wallis

Edward: his Moon-Saturn square denotes a brooding man with Mummie issues. A crafty, cunning, calculating personality is indicated along with limited emotional expression and distressing memories that made him a prisoner of the past. A moody isolationist with an inferiority complex, Edward's Moon-Saturn square reveals a bleak view of life, an austere attitude, and can place a 'dark cloud' over his head. Trouble with women is a given, and an awkward shyness is exhibited. His lack of confidence could not inspire others to have confidence in his lackluster leadership ability. Alan Oken labels the Moon-Saturn square, The Cold Heart.

Wallis: her Moon-Mars opposition across the Aries-Libra axis of Partnerships reveals a volatile emotional nature that tends to lose its temper over petty domestic annoyances, and leads to quarrels especially when under the influence of alcohol. Irrational actions can damage relationships with others and a carelessness with other people's money is often present and leads to debts and financial losses. Mummie issues are problematic for Wallis as with Edward, and impatience with routine indicates the restless nature of a wandering spirit. Emotions are pent-up and violence may have been a natural facet of her nature along with easy eruptions of rage. Sexual perversions or aberrations are suggested with her Moon-Mars opposition, support for which is penned on the bi-wheel, above, through a midpoint picture of Sun-Neptune = Venus. Alan Oken labels the Moon-Mars opposition, Don't Tred On Me.

In closing, I direct your attention to the lower right corner of the chart where listed is the 7 South Eclipse's Mercury-Chiron opposition and its demand for answers, plus, the fact that transit Mercury conjuncts the natal Jupiter of Donald J. Trump and is simultaneously opposed by transit Chiron @17Ari37 Rx. Expanded thoughts and plans are indicated along with Trump's own 'demand for answers', plus, a potential for overseas travel (!) for the Mango Mussolini. The opposition from transit Chiron to his boundary-ignoring Jupiter hints at his moral and ethical conflicts now shown in stark relief via the multiple allegations and litigations that now must be penciled onto Donald's desk calendar and which represent the legal gauntlet that awaits him.

Mar 25, 2023

In 2023 Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse

Trump's Progressed Moon Plays a Role in 2023 Events

by Jude Cowell

Back in January 2023 on SO'W, we discussed the fact that the 7 South October 14, 2023 Eclipse 'hits' Trump's Progressed Moon ('SP') at its 'crisis in action' Cresent Phase degree of May 24, 2023, or in other words, the two cosmic occurrences - one in real time, the other symbolic - will conjunct @21Libra and some odd minutes when the October 2023 Eclipse perfects upon his SP Crescent Moon degree which times the beginning of a new life cycle for him. Additionally of interest with Moon in Libra, is that a suggestion of destiny is involved, and of course, all eclipses are known as karmic 'wild cards of the Universe'.

Now in this instance, I'm using his SP Luna as a timing agent via its degree. And it's possible, say TV pundits, that no significant legal action such as indictment will be taken against the orange albatross until May although this time link suggests to me that late September into October 2023 should be an important time period for Trump and his woes which will be affected by plenty of other transits and progressions mitigating or otherwise influencing the proceedings on into 2024, the year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus (his pair in beneficial trine aspect of luck and protection) @21Taurus in Trump's 9th house of Legal Affairs and near his natal Midheaven of Public Status.

Then will "Teflon Don" manage to escape accountability once again? Perhaps, but let's not forget the caution of his royal Regulus rising with belligerent Mars, and the trouble that taking revenge can bring: a loss of all that's been gained.

As for his SP Moon/7 North Eclipse connection, this real time + symbolic cosmic time link reveals a Sun-Moon-Moon signature which suggests bringing protection on some level for self or others, and/or a need for relief, possibly supplied by a woman or other family member. And naturally, with the Sun-Moon combination denoting marriage partners, it's tempting to think of his current wife Melania although another woman or women could be involved as well. Could this indicate Stormy? Well, her natal Pluto does conjunct Trump's stationary Jupiter at the "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" degree!

Also tempting is a consideration of the themes of 7 South Solar Eclipses in relation to Trump's SP Moon with its Venusian-Libran vibes (until his SP Moon symbolically advances into Scorpio in early 2024, adding Scorpio's intense Mars-Pluto vibrations to his emotional landscape - and his SP Ascendant has also entered Scorpio). Plus, it may be significant in some way for Trump that 7 South is the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') into which son Barron Trump was born! Then was anger Melania's midwife? Well, Trump's 'Stormy Night' did occur while Barron was only a few months old so I suppose the faithless cad of a husband's testosterone-driven Mars rising in lusty Leo is rashness personified, no matter the consequences.

Now Themes of 7 South Eclipses include the tremendous anger, power, and force of a Mars-Pluto square due to the one in effect during the initial 7 South Eclipse of June 22, 1248 with Sun-Moon @8Can03 (conjunct Trump's gossip-mongering Mercury squared by deceitful Neptune). 7 South possibilities are for huge obstacles to "suddenly clear" or, "a pending potential crisis will move through the life very rapidly" (B. Brady).

Undoubtedly, we think of the multiple lawsuits and potential indictments that this man, 'overshadowed by shadows' faces as I type. And admittedly, my personal hope is that if huge obstacles suddenly clear for this career criminal, his pathway will open toward a prison cell door. And I'm certain you've noticed that Trump's recent behavior posting a mocked-up photo of his tiny hands brandishing a baseball bat next to a photo of NY AG Alvin Bragg has obvious Mars-Pluto square implications. Yes, the image was deleted later but the deadly message was successfully sent to Herr Trump's receptive comrades.

So let's consider a paraphrasing of what Alan Oken has written about a Mars-Pluto square as it potentially affects individuals such as the cantankerous narcisist and wanna-be dictator, Donald J. Trump:

People with extremely violent tempers who let nothing stand in their way, they make devastating enemies who can act like a b*mb clearing the way by wiping out what has already been established; The Annihilator. As most anyone may agree, this is definitely the mood that he and his nazi comrades are in as they strive to take fascist control of our country.

So! Despair and giving up are never options in the cause of Justice, my dear pro-democracy reader, yet these are some of the current influences upon old man Donald Trump whose 12th house midpoint picture, Pluto = Mars-Saturn (the death axis) while apex Pluto, the underworld figure, spy, and assassin, just keeps on expressing its harmful energies against humanity in the form of: "brutality; the rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm (death of many people)," according to Reinhold Ebertin.

And these sinister energies support, among other planetary factors in his natal chart and psyche, his Goal Point (Midheaven) with enraged demon star Algol upon it, a star quite often found twinkling prominently in the natal horoscopes and psyches of serial m*rderers.

A Closely Related Post: Spring Equinox 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power. Resonating with all the "bombshell" news stories of late, the 2023 Spring Equinox Midheaven in Washington DC, the Goal Point = "5 Gemini": "A Radical Magazine Displays a Sensational Front Page."

Also Related: America's Initial Mars-Pluto Cycle which began in the Saturn-ruled sign of governmental, legal, and business-oriented Capricorn.

Note: 'SP' = Secondary Progressed, the day-for-a-year method of progressing a horoscope to see how things will evolve. Also we should note that "21 Libra" falls within a degree range that once was termed the Via Combusta, the Burning Way, and with transit Mars now in sensitive Cancer, this vintage astrological condition may relate to Trump's arsonist tendencies which are another indication of the potential harm and acts of revenge he obsessively aims at the entire world.

Feb 22, 2023

Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2023-2025, plus, President Carter

Note that eclipse themes are listed for each Solar Eclipse, and the prominent one for America, and thus for the world, within this time frame is the prophetic, visionary Total 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024, a presidential election year, perfecting @19Ari24:01 conjunct wounded healer Chiron which is approximately 1:24 degrees shy of America's 1776 Chiron (20:08).

Now one of Chiron's archetypal roles is priestly, so it seems that our nation's spiritual lacks, moral degradations, and missteps are coming home to roost with the chickens, dear reader, and have always been made more difficult to navigate and correct due to political interference of the corrupt kind. Now it's crisis time, and We the People are made targets of America's enemies in a variety of ways. When you turn on 'the news', I know you see this being played out - on TV to cause as much despair within the populace as possible.

The "blow back" is understandable since Washington has always made a big deal out of US politicians as "representatives of the people" as if all of the ruling class act and behave as a majority of us would have them do. Yes, the elected class should represent their constituents and their needs, and should work to solve our country's problems, yet no matter how anyone looks at the issue, the karma of bad leadership now lands upon all our doorsteps.

All Eclipses Are Karmic, aka, Cosmic Blinks From Above

President Jimmy Carter Oct 1, 1924 7:00 am CST Plains, Georgia: Pluto conjunct Sirius

Meanwhile, you've heard the sad news that President Jimmy Carter has now entered hospice care, so there goes one of America's most decent leaders. How different America might have been without Reagan cheating Mr. Carter out of a second term. It boggles the mind!

So here's a question: do you consider it synchronistic that Jimmy Carter was inaugurated in 1977, the very year that Chiron was discovered? Was Christ Consciousness on display at the Inauguration of Jimmy Carter and all through his life?

As his natal horoscope reveals, the natal Chiron of Jimmy Carter falls @23Ari31 and if you're wondering about his Chiron Return, his was a three-fer: May 29, 1974, September 27, 1974, and March 29, 1975, at 50 to 51 years old. Obviously, the presidential election of 1976 soon followed.

Now to me it seems significant that Mr. Carter's next Lunar Return (13Sco47), chart set for Plains, Georgia, perfects on March 11, 2023 (8:47:35 pm est) with transit Uranus opposing his natal Moon (as the sky god has for a while now). His March 2023 Return Moon is in 1st house of Physical Body and leads a Locomotive shape during a Saturn Hour. The Uranus-oppo-natal-Moon transit is a health indicator, and suggests domestic scene changes or disruptions as his entering hospice care at home attests. And as you know, karmic Uranus is a planet of separation.

So in closing, have a peek at President Carter's 1977 Inauguration Horoscope if you wish, with its Fixed T-Square and a 12th house Chiron @27Ari23, sign of the pioneer. And please note that the unedited post was written way back in 2010 on a day when I must've been awfully fussy.

Jan 30, 2023

Oct 2023 Eclipse hits Trump's Progressed Moon

A 2023 Cosmic Spotcheck on Trump via an Eclipsed Moon

by Jude Cowell

Just a quick posting tonight of two horoscopes: the October 14, 2023 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Lib07 (themes are penned on, upper left) and the Secondary Progressed Lunar Crescent horoscope ('SP') of Donald Trump which perfects on May 24, 2023 @21Lib33. So a new life phase or passage begins in May, then in October along comes the 7 South Eclipse (October 14, 2023) to conjunct or 'eclipse' his symbolic SP Moon with the 7 South's forceful Mars-Pluto energies so the question is: will he be able to use these cosmic energies or will they blight his course soon after he enters a Crescent phase of life?

Note: The rounded-up Sabian Symbol for "22 Libra" = "A Child Giving Birds a Drink at a Fountain = Keyword: SOLICITUDE; positive expression: creative concern for others by which an individual comes to experience his own immortality; negative" (unconscious/shadow side - jc) "expression: superficial effort for transient popularity" (M. E. Jones). The negative expression sounds exactly like the superficial Gemini to me as he desperately attempts to regain power by hook or crook. Besides, I suspect that the orange oldster doesn't believe he'll ever pass away! Well, isn't that going to be quite a surprise?

Now of course, everyone knows that Trump is determined to 'rise from difficult circumstances with tenacity' (see SP Saturn-Pluto = SP Midheaven) and he has seemed to be gifted with much endurance along with his severe, one-sided outlook. But will the old "Trump magic" manage to keep his mojo on course for the duration, despite all those who wish he'd simply shut his gob and fade away? Well, small actions can have tremendous consequences during a 'crisis in action' crescent phase of the Moon, the lunar phase that comes next after his Progressed New Moon of September 18, 2019 (@3Virgo) when he was still crouching in the White House, robbing us blind, and betraying our country to the highest bidders.

Yet admittedly, Trump's life must have been tres boring since Joe Biden took the reins of power and Trump, craving excitement, is itching to get back in position to fulfill his agent orange duties against America and the American people (his Leonine Mars opposes US Moon in Aquarius for those who use such a July 4, 1776 horoscope: we're targets).

So besides all this, let's get to the point of publishing the two horoscopes shown, above: so you can see how Uranus, planet of anarchy, zealotry, and fanaticism, affects the October 2023 7 South Eclipse, and how his SP Uranus relates or effects Trump's Crescent Moon at the same degree but in quite a different way. One is by trine, the other by inconjunct.

For him, SP Uranus @21Gemini conjuncts his SP North Node (indicating radical politics and unorthodox associations) and his SP Uranus trines his SP Crescent Moon (providing help and support from colleagues and groups - see the center of his SP chart).

However, in the real time 7 South Eclipse chart, Uranus Rx @22Tau13 forms an inconjunct (150 degrees) to the Libra Solar Eclipse, and this shows descriptive implications (see upper right corner) of fanaticism and points toward people who hold spiritually incorrect social attitudes such as anarchists who revolt in order to destroy. As we've seen, destruction of American Democracy is their - and their masters' - goal. So these are the barbarians that America is dealing with now, just as Germany and the US did in 1933 when a 7 South Eclipse occurred @28Leo.

Now I may not have explained my meaning very well, but to me these cosmic circumstances and time links from 2023 to 1933 suggest a foreshadowing of the birth of Herr Trump with his natal Mars @27Leo rising with Regulus, a royal star of worldly success as long as taking revenge is avoided, for if not, all that has been gained will be taken away. And no one deserves such a fate more than you-know-who.

Jan 2, 2023

2023 Eclipses yet a bit of Cosmic Relief

As Above, So Below: Year 2023

by Jude Cowell

As astrologers know, upon occasion, a year is devoid of Great Conjunctions between planets Jupiter through Pluto so that current planetary cycles and energies can carry on as-is, at least affording societies a sense of stabilization, however minor or temporary. This doesn't mean that during a conjunction-free year all conditions are positive, of course, and variations still alternate and morph into new conditions, but there is some sense of relief from new cycles of combined planetary energies suddenly adjusting our lives with their strong influences.

Such a year is 2023

Previously, the Great Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction perfected @23Pis59 on April 12, 2022 with all the speculation, grand schemes, bubbles, and fraudulent or fantastic tales the pair can bring - and in shady Pisces, sign of contagion, confusion, creativity, dreams - and spirituality. Negatively, hypocrisy has become a go-to for many operatives of the political class, while scandals, losses, deception, and political conflicts have only increased. Significantly, visions may have positive or negative implications for society and for me, fascist and nazi "visions" are ill winds of brutality and violence which must be redirected away from the shores and institutions of our democratic Republic, America.

For a political focus on 2022 see Why 2022 Was a Major Legislative Year for the Democrats although some opportunities were missed and others were simply dropped or neglected. And of course, Midterms 2022 brought a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus (16Tau+) along with more voters in favor of democracy and preferring a moderate path for our country, but with one major exception: Republicans managed to finagle a measure of control of the 118th Congress via the House of Representatives. Therefore, major wastes of time, money, and energy will begin in Congress on January 3, 2023 as congressional J6 conspirators attempt to shield their treasonous culpability and justify their anti-constitutional intentions. Foolish legal situations will continue to be used by the guilty as delaying tactics against justice.

Then the next Great Conjunction will occur between Jupiter and Uranus @21Tau50 on April 21, 2024 with its breakthrough energies containing potentials in the realms of science, health, technology, even finances. Look for opportunities, inventions, changes of destiny, optimistic outlooks, and successful speculation, but there are also chances for new or revised religious and/or philosophical conflicts, zealotry, and stubborn adherence to one-sided views. No change there! Still, a visionary Great American Eclipse occurs April 8, 2024 @20Aries with its path of totality splitting our country from the Southwest to the Northeast. For details see Why the 2024 Eclipse Will Transcend the 2017 Eclipse with more cities in 2024 'eclipsed' or affected by its energies.

Meanwhile, another cosmic factor enters the 2023 picture: solar and lunar eclipses with their disruptive, Uranian ability to trigger changes of course, and scandals due to sudden revelations of inconvenient facts coming to light. For as you know, no year on Earth can escape effects from the Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe' so here's a list of all 2023 eclipses in order of occurrence:

1. April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse @29Ari50 in the 7 North Saros Series, which on February 24, 1933 manifested as the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' @5Pis29. This I have labeled as a "blood lust" eclipse due to its theme of deep passion (B. Brady) and current events of barbarism, brutality, and thuggery now sweeping the globe and assaulting democracy. Note that transit Saturn will hit this degree in late April and early May 2023, and into early 2024, signifying people who are capable of carrying out the themes of the 7 North Eclipse - or attempting to.

Notably, Saturn in Pisces implies struggles with opponents (R. Ebertin), and additionally, in 2023 this eclipse forms a cosmic time link with warrior planet Mars' position during the MAGA insurrection/coup attempt of January 6, 2021 which adds to the need for close scrutiny of militant white nationalist groups during early 2023 and beyond. Hopefully, our protective agencies are better prepared for armed uprisings, just in case - especially since this repetition of a 7 North eclipse qualifies as a 'birthday eclipse' for Herr Adolf - and people who now "work toward the take-over goals of Herr Adolf" are aware of this. In fact, time-keeper Saturn conjunct the 7N eclipse of 1933 is a cosmic signpost for those who care to read it.

2. May 5, 2023 Lunar Eclipse @14Sco58: more uncoverings and leaks! Meanwhile, we must continue keeping an eye on the radical planet of anarchy, Uranus in Taurus, and the upheavals, shifts, separations (Uranus) and intolerance (Taurus) it reflects within the financial, technological, earthly and environmental realms.

3. October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse @21Libra in the 7 South Saros Series; 7 South eclipse themes include forceful Mars-Pluto square energies, plus, potentials for 'pending crises' to rush through our lives, yet obstacles can suddenly clear (B. Brady). Results are unpredictable.

4. October 28, 2023 Lunar Eclipse @5Taurus closes the list of 2023 eclipses by spotlighting potentials for the positive and negative traits of Venus-ruled Taurus such as steadiness, growth, durability, and reliability; negatively, traits such as bullheadedness, intolerance, and greed will continue to be expressed by the anti-societal folk for whom the common good means nothing.

So there it is. Hopefully, this first post of 2023 will be handy in some way for those who prefer democracy over tyranny!

Oct 3, 2022

Oct 2022: Stars Over Washington is 17!

Shall Stars Over Washington Continue Its Mission?

by Jude Cowell

In two weeks, on October 16, 2022, Stars Over Washington completes its 17th year, and is already gray around the muzzle! Below are dual images displaying SO'W's original founding chart of October 16, 2005 (lower left), plus, its Solar Return 2022 Horoscope with Mercury in Libra rising; astro-notes are penned on for those who care to read them:

In the Return 2022 chart, the Goal Point ('MC' @11Can30) when rounded-up gives an intriguing symbol, "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message"; conjunct MC from the 9th house of Publishing is the out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Moon @9Can03 - conjunct fixed star, Alhena, keywords: "To have a mission." Add to this the fact that the Moon's rounded-up symbol is "A Large Diamond Not Completely Cut," and so I reluctantly surmise that SO'W isn't done yet and should be carried forth into 2023 (although I have been puzzling all year over such possibilities: SR 2022's Seesaw shape of planets = pros vs cons).

My uncertainty as to its continuance is due in part to the fact that as a novice astrologer, I see ahead that 2023 contains personal difficulties via a double Saturn transit, so I'll keep writing and publishing for as long as I can - always for the sake of America and the common good. However, you may as well know that karmic Saturn rules four of my natal planets, so we'll have to see - and naturally I'm taking precautions already since I know of these transits ahead of time.

Note: If you wish, check out the "Chinese Woman" link, above, for a view of my illustration of the symbol, plus, some expansion concerning the degree's meaning.

And so, as turmoil covers the Earth, the following is what I really want to type about today. But please note that readers who are overly sensitive to esoteric, existential, eclipses as portents, and/or eternal considerations may want to skip the rest of this post - and absolutely no blame if you do!

Turning Point: The Woman, The Dragon, The Child - and an Eclipse (Sun-Moon)

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 12 we find a certain description,

"Now a great sign appeared in the heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars."

The KJV gives this as "a great wonder" while the Revised Standard Version of the Bible says, "a great portent." - which is part of what I wrote in my ephemeris on the October 2005 page under the listing of the October 3, 2005 7 South Solar Eclipse @10Lib19. A great sign, wonder, portent! Well, here's all that I wrote and no, I didn't list where the information came from, but here it is for your consideration in light of Earth upheavals and other current events of a turbulent nature which some ascribe to an existential crisis,

"October 3, 2005 Solar Eclipse 7 South is said to be the eclipse of Revelation 12 - the Great Portent." And the woman's identity with her garland of twelve stars and sun and moon connections? This may well be a reference to the Constellation of Virgo (the maiden), the second largest constellation in our skies. But are there 12 stars in the Virgo constellation? No, not now but there may have been previously because above the maiden's head there's a circle of stars, and due to precession it's possible that Coma Berenice is indicated as well. Then in the SO'W Solar Return 2022 Horoscope, we find feminine asteroids (archetypal figures) within the Virgo-Pisces polarity: Ceres and Demeter in Virgo, and Juno, Diana, and Astraea, the star maiden of justice, purity, and innocence.

And yes, the October 2005 manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse that inspired Stars Over Washington, meaning that under its themes, yours truly felt compelled to create the 'personal weblog' you're reading right now - because of my anger against "what politicians were doing to the place," aka, America (exs: preemptive war; "Homeland" Security; The "Patriot" Act). And so I can tell you, dear reader, that 7 South themes contain a deeper meaning for me now than in 2005. How could they not?

7 South Themes: "Immense power, anger, and force" of the intial 7 South's "Mars square Pluto is channeled into this family of eclipses" (via the Mars-Pluto square of June 22, 1248). {}"Huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through very rapidly; either way, things will seem to move at great speed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now as you may or may not know, Mars-Pluto square energies are formidable and on a mundane (political) level suggest power struggles, jealousy, destructive anger, and the urge to take revenge. Well, we both know who in the political realm this sounds like so his name shall not be mentioned in this post, not this time.

As for SO'W, I can only hope that such powerful energies and themes have been used on a positive level through the years for then something useful can be accomplished. And Capricorns do like to be of use, you know!

So in closing, mention should be made of the next manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse for it is soon-coming and occurs @21Lib07:33 on October 14, 2023. It isn't a Total eclipse, only Annular so its potency will be somewhat muted, thankfully, since all 7 South eclipses carry the forcefulness of a Mars-Pluto square within them. However, the eclipse in October 2023 will fall between the planetary pair of strong political opinions, Mercury and Mars - and Jupiter @13Taurus during the eclipse conjuncts the North Node of destiny in the SR 2022 Horoscope, above, which suggests religious groups interfering in legal processes, and closed legal societies (M. Munkasey).

So perhaps we can agree that these potentials are already underway with America's tradition of separation of church and state underfire by bossy theocrats, ideologues, and mafia-esque criminal types determined to take total control of our country. Therefore, we must out-determine them and use the Mars-Pluto energies ourselves toward positive outcomes!

Now if only fussy words in a political astrology post, significant eclipse portents, and Biblical passages could inspire lovers of democracy to bestir themselves in November and Vote Blue in droves for the sake of America!

An Additional Note: A cosmic time link exists which directly affects America and the 2024 Presidential Election thanks to the 8 South Solar Eclipse @10Libra of October 2, 2024, the Prenatal Eclipse of Election 2024. Falling at 10 Libra, this activates by degree, fully or partially, the themes of the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005 which you see marked within the lower left horoscope's 2nd house so that the themes of both eclipses could combine in a variety of ways when 7 South returns in October 2023. jc

Sep 8, 2022

The Dangerous Eclipses of 2023

September 8, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Below you see a mocked-up image of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of year 1933 and year 2023. As you see, the dangerous, even sinister, Solar Eclipses of 1933 repeat in 2023 in the 7 North and 7 South Saros Series; their Themes are also listed along with other years in which 7 North and 7 South eclipses occurred. Historical events of those years make interesting reads.

So will this be my final forewarned-is-forearmed post of warning concerning the neo fascist/nazi global network of criminals planning once again a take-over of America after failing in their attempt against FDR in 1933?

Since I'm a pro-democracy American with Revolutionary War ancestry and uncles who fought nazis in Europe during WWII, it most definitely is not:

Please print or enlarge image for better viewing. Thanks! jc

Previously on SO'W: A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before (1933). So no matter who, Vote Blue to Save American Democracy!

Apr 23, 2021

A Natal Chart for Senator John Kennedy (R-LA)

April 23, 2021: If you're curious about the contrary Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) his Wikipedia bio page can supply a few details. Born John Neely Kennedy on November 21, 1951 in Centreville, Mississippi but raised in Zachary, Louisiana, Mr. Kennedy served as Treasurer of Louisiana from January 10, 2000 to January 3, 2017, the date he was sworn in to serve in the US Senate.

For your consideration, I've rustled up a 12:00 pm (CST) natal horoscope for Senator Kennedy which shows Sun in late Scorpio and Moon in late Leo (a Sun-Moon square = "Me Against Thee" - A. Oken). Yet if born on or after 4:35:30 pm CST, his Moon is in Virgo, sign of The Critic, which, considering his typical performances on Capitol Hill, just may be the case. However, if born earlier with Moon in dramatic Leo (he's a lawyer, politician, and show-off), the Sun-Moon personality of the two Fixed (rigid) signs makes more sense to me so I'm going with that. Besides, a Virgo Moon would give him a pragmatic, supportive Water-Earth blend of conscious and unconscious energies while Water-Fire suggests a steamy, volatile, intensely personal blend that cannot step back and see things from an impersonal viewpoint. And with a Watery Sun and Fiery Moon, this is the combo of the 'passionate crusader' so you can see why I suspect a Leo Moon for John Kennedy (- Charles and Suzi Harvey).

So! Below is a speculative Natal Horoscope for John Kennedy with many of my study notes penned on such as: Mercury out-of-bounds ('OOBs' = off-planet ideas?) and a Pisces North Node which can indicate secret meetings with odd people and/or associations which can harm the community. Now as you see, he was sworn in on January 3, 2017 (at his Nodal Half Return) with the Sun opposing his quirky Uranus Rx which happens to conjunct Sirius (the scorcher), so compromise with fellow senators was not on his agenda. Also note that his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 7 South Saros Series contains a tremendous amount of anger, power, and force (belied by his 'lazy' southern accent when questioning those he considers beneath him) thanks to 7 South's initial eclipse with a Mars-Pluto square (from Leo to Scorpio! with Saturn involved!). A crisis-ridden 7 South Eclipse will repeat on October 14, 2023 @21Libra.

See lower right for a few notes on the intensely emotional Moon-Pluto pair. And it's possible that the senator may have grown up with one of those infamous "smother mothers"! And, deep inside, harbor a reigning need for power, leadership, and applause.

Meanwhile, Mr Kennedy's Sun-Moon square implies relationship troubles or frustrations (due to ego, pride, and stubbornness?), and suggests that he's hypersensitive to criticism so please treat the speculative chart gingerly! Because with a Venus-Saturn conjunction, Mr. Kennedy is a discontented, dissatisfied kind of guy whose Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo personality combo has no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with him or stands in his way.

So in case you missed his recent 'grilling' concerning voter suppression in Georgia, see Senator John Kennedy Thought He Could Get the Best of Stacey Abrams (credit to MSNBC's The ReidOut); let's just say the senator fell short of his objective:

Lower left: Two natal midpoint pictures are in force for the entire 24 hours of his birth day no matter his time of birth: Mars-Uranus = Pluto and Mercury-Pluto = Neptune. A few of their potentials are listed although others, more dangerous, shocking, or draining, may apply as well. Also note that Mr. Kennedy's natal Uranus @13Can33 conjuncts US natal Sun so perhaps the non-traditional ideas and unorthodox methods he brought to Congress in 2017 have to do with the presidency of the United States and/or how leadership was established on July 4, 1776 in relation to the principles embedded within the Declaration of Independence.

Just a few thoughts. What do you think?

Nov 12, 2020

Our Crisis and the 7 South Eclipse: Mars Square Pluto

2020 Election = 2020 Crisis and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

Not long after the premiere of A Birth of a Nation, on the evening of Thanksgiving, November 25, 1915, itinerant preacher William Joseph Simmmons brought together 15 friends and a few aging original Klan members atop Stone Mountain, Georgia, built an altar, burned a cross, and declared himself imperial wizard of the invisible empire (Nixon's "silent majority'?) of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Upon the altar he had placed a Bible, an American flag, and an unsheathed sword, then uttered a macho-esque incantation involving a "practical fraternity among men" as he declared himself imperial wizard of a morbid brotherhood of malcontents. Perhaps we can agree that modern-day representatives of this hate-filled "fraternal brotherhood" now cling to power as they, with 'macho' Trump, hunker down in the White House and do everything they can to disrupt America's traditional peaceful transition of power. For within the shadows, the Klan's network has grown, spread, and infiltrated the halls of power, much as it did in the early years of the 20th century - and not just in America.

Occurring during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, a prominent racist of the post-Reconstruction era, the revival of the Klan in 1915 openly revealed their renewed drive toward societal supremacy based on skin color and was promoted as "taking an active part in the betterment of mankind" (as if primal violence could effect such an outcome!). Its motto: Non Silba Sed Anthar a mixture of Latin and Gothic that means, "not self but others." Of course, 'gothic' suggests ancient Germanic tribes, and obviously, their idea of "betterment" involved (and still involves by such groups of our day) the "purification" of the white race, the obsessive, irrational goal of a death cult mentality.

Meanwhile, in the Atlanta, Georgia of 1915, the Atlanta Constitution promoted an attempt to normalize and gain acceptance for what had occurred atop Stone Mountain that dark night. Here's an image of the newspaper's November 28, 1915 clipping:

Atlanta Constitution, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons: "impressive"?

Now to limit the appearance of this post as any sort of a tribute to the Klan, defunct as the group is said to be yet ideologically cloned these days by various groups and sub-groups, here are a few astro-notes concerning the 7 South Solar Eclipse which influenced the Stone Mountain 1915 cross-burning instigated by William J. Simmons, along with a warning from yours truly that a 7 South Eclipse will repeat on October 14, 2023 @21Libra (fore-warned is fore-armed):

Solar Eclipse 7 South August 10, 1915 @17Leo12 expressed the tremendous power, anger, and force of a Mars-Pluto square based on the initial eclipse of 7 South (June 22, 1248 OS @8Can03--conjunct Trump natal Mercury; 1248 eclipse Mars 8Leo34 SQ Pluto Rx 8Sco09: obstinate Fixed energies; 2020 Uranus Rx now opposing 1915 Pluto = clashes over power and control; mass social movements; shifts in political and social institutions, plus, 2020 Uranus square 1915 Mars suggests unpredictable behavior and disruption). A T-Square of potentials is formed thanks to 2020 Uranus, the Utopian zealot, reactionary rebel, and anarchist: Uranus-Pluto = Mars: 'fanaticism; acts of violence; the mania of destruction; the stage of "bending or breaking"; injury; accidents (R. Ebertin).

So if we dare to add the potentials of this unpredictable T-Square to the possibilities of the Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 rising at noon in Washington DC (a cosmic time link 1915-to-2020), it increases our cause for concern that a Klan-riddled White House gang is spoiling for more than simple election lawsuits and social media complaints in their attempt to vindicate Trump and morph the US into an even more brutal era of hatred and conflict. For an ill-gained "win" for Trump now would be a win for dictatorship over democracy, and a sinister victory for 'the Klan'.

And it seems to me that a prominent feature of the August 10, 1915 Solar Eclipse horoscope is the fact that it contains a midpoint picture of potentials for 'rage, the fury of destruction, bodily harm, and the death of many people'-- yes, it's Mars-Saturn = Pluto which is one of the natal midpoint pictures of Donald Trump (previously discussed in multiple SO'W posts). Yet curiously, the picture also contains another possibility: 'intervening of a higher power' (R. Ebertin). I can only guess what this might mean if it applies at all to our current conditions of crisis! First thought? Hidden hands. Manipulation from afar. Or something more domestic.

Now naturally, there are other cosmic factors supporting these forceful Mars-Pluto flavors and passed down through the generations, many of them mentioned in previous SO'W posts. But best of all, mitigating factors of beneficence also exist, as always, which is a very good thing, isn't it?

Besides, there's a bit more to consider about 7 South Eclipses before this post ends. For one thing, 'huge obstacles' such as the hefty, obstinate Trump could suddenly clear! I say this because the theme of 7 South includes a positive flavor of 'huge obstacles suddenly clear' or a negative expression = 'a rapidly-moving crisis manifests' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Now some might say that the crisis began with the Trump regime (nope--we may wish to time its genesis as far back as the Jamestowne Colony when Angolan slaves were introduced into society, 1619) and most people agree that its ill effects are current and ongoing through the generations. And it's possible that these difficult energies could peak in October 2023 with the 7 South Eclipse in Libra, hence the warning in this post.

Yet how soon tensions between the negative forces darkly working against society led by figurehead Trump vs actors such as Joe Biden who promotes goals and principles of diversity and inclusion will or can dissipate remains to be seen as President-Elect Biden attempts to take the reins of power and Trump yaps at his heels. Today is November 12th and as the days go by since Election 2020 on November 3rd, a quick resolution of our 'Trump problem' appears remote and full of dangerous, sinister undercurrents suggested by a threatening Mars-Pluto square of devastation and success-at-any-cost machinations. As for Rs vs Ds, there's plenty of viciousness to go around in US Politics but I willingly admit to considering the GOP to be the worst of the bunch - the bottom-feeders in our society with 'grim reaper' McConnell leading much of their anti-societal efforts. Maybe we can appreciate the paradox of money-loving bottom feeders who consider themselves to be the 'cream of the crop'!

And so, dear reader, my fuss is over so please help me decide: is our current American crisis a Shakespearean drama of titanic proportions? Or is it a super-villain vs hero extravaganza of a generously bankrolled blockbuster?