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Showing posts with label Midas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Midas. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2012

Astro-Notes on DNC 2012: Aldebaran Rising

DNC 2012: Aldebaran, Midas, Pan, and US natal Uranus Rising

by Jude Cowell

Some people think that Charlotte NC with its Bank of America headquarters and its "Wall Street of the South" vibe is a tone deaf choice for the location of the Democratic National Convention 2012 given Charlotte's overflowing homeless shelters and lack of unionization on behalf of workers' rights. So you may as well know that this blogger is one of those who think that very thing--especially with President Obama's acceptance speech set for September 6, 2012--to be delivered at the Bank of America Stadium!

Even so, a smattering of cosmic info is in order so that we may consider DNC 2012 from a higher plane than Politics usually deserves if only to keep our Political Astrology flag flying here at Stars Over Washington. Therefore, the following is my attempt to do just that though later updates may be necessary prior to and during the event itself which takes place September 3, 4, 5, and 6, 2012 in Charlotte.

If you're curious about RNC 2012, click An Astro-Peek at RNC 2012 and for the themes of the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series in which both political conventions fall, you may wish to try this.

Sept 3, 2012 Charlotte NC 12:00 am edt: Aldebaran Rising

Along with US natal Uranus (revolution; freedom), gold-hoarder Midas rises with trickster Pan and the horoscope shows sometimes-trickster Mercury 4Vir01, planet of votes and speeches, in 4th house (Foundation of the Matter) with the Sun (leader) @ 11Vir04 conjunct Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior.) Presumably, President Obama, who garnered enough delegates (2778+) on April 3 to be the 2012 Democratic nominee, wants to be considered a 'savior' of the nation which echoes the heroic Apollo-Sun god theme of DNC 2008 in Denver, CO as you see in this video--remember the stage set with Greek columns? Only a laurel wreath and toga were missing from his royal Sun-in-Leo frame:

Curiously, at DNC 2008, asteroid Apollo was then @ 9Vir20 conjunct Saturn 11Vir03 which DNC 2012's Sun conjoins. This gives the Obama presidency a Sun/Saturn theme and points to America's natal (July 4, 1776) problematic Sun/Saturn square which I believe highlights the checks (square) and balances (US natal Saturn in Libra, sign of balance) which the US Congress (Saturn = lawmakers, managers) are meant to provide for the shiny yet self-protective, shrewd, and business-oriented US presidency (Sun in Cancer.)

Sun/Saturn squares tend to bolster inner maturity and leans a person toward authority taken seriously and the patient achievement of goals by taking one step at a time.

Aldebaran rising indicates 'success through integrity' for political participants of DNC 2012 though the presence of Midas and Pan rising may temper the indication somewhat considering the fraudulent system We the People are mired in--and the recent JOBS Act has rolled back some of the financial regulations in place from years ago! Perhaps the Democrats will explain how that can be good for the US economy and for the constantly scammed and financially struggling American people.

Speaking of which, the Moon (We the People) begins the enterprise in 11th H of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes and at 11Ari45, has moved beyond excitable, sparkly Uranus 7Ari33 Rx, also in (its own) 11th H. Besides Midas and Pan rising we see a 1st house, protective Jupiter 14Gem48 in the sign of chattiness so we may expect many speeches, some of them l-o-n-g. But they should be quite entertaining though some or all of them may be somewhat duplicitous (Gemini)--well, it is Politics after all, right? Scientific topics may be forthcoming as well.

How Will DNC 2012 Proceed?

To answer this question let's look at the three applying aspects of chart-ruler Mercury which are as follows:

1. sextile Mars (2A48) @ 6Sco49 in 6th H of Military Service, Work, and Health: we'll hear well-informed speeches on these and other topics from people who want our approval--their delivery will sparkle dramatically and draw every one's attention for this is a great aspect for warm and friendly public relations though gruffness may put some listeners off; supporting the underdog is a major theme along with getting others to cooperate on such concerns (already tried, yes, but more of it may be forthcoming especially since the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse conjunct Alcyone--something to cry about--will have made its themes and events known before September. Of course, the next presidency may be what we'll all cry about!)

2. trine Pluto (3A00) 7Cap01 Rx in 8th H of Big Business (plutocrats and bankers on-board and those who are not so on-board the Obama Train this time): intellectual assets will be on display, causes-and-effects of our financial dilemma are sure to be discussed realistically (which the neocon Bushies can't do--how could they?), ethical standards, youth programs, and market speculation topics are on the menu, and organizational talents will be apparent; a weak spot may be environmental issues and what to do about the damage already incurred.

3. opposite Chiron 7Pis09 Rx in 10th H of Public Status and Career (and still in process of completing President Obama's five-fer Chiron Return--his is a mentor-guru kind of 1st H Chiron--may I call you Joe?): alchemy! as minds function at optimum, occultists or an initiate is indicated (Clow) and since it's President Obama's time of Chiron Return and he's the nominee once again, I expect he's The One the powers-behind-the-throne (Bilderbergers, etc) have selected to play US president once again.

The Obama Selection 2012 may be described in part by a midpoint picture in the Sept 3, 2012 horoscope for the sacred warrior archetype of Mars/Chiron = Pluto (of the wealthy plutocratic ruling elite), and we have ourselves an astrological peep-eye, you Knights, you!

Plus, there's one midpoint picture with the Sun (leader) at apex...

Venus/Saturn = Sun: having simple tastes but enjoying extravagant displays; honors received later in life.

Of interest to this picture is what Michael Munkasey writes of Venus/Saturn in his brilliant book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, under Politics and Business and including the Hegelian Dialect's Thesis-Antithesis (leading to Synthesis) implications:

Thesis: restrictions on wealth or income (millionaires paying their fair share in taxes? jc); law enforcement that avoids difficult or cumbersome issues; new social or creative values enforce change on an endeavor; building the value of an enterprise.

Antithesis: restrictions on how society functions (we know--stop it! jc); a law enforcement bureau that derives pleasure from restricting the movement of people.

Also noted in the Sept 3 horoscope is a T-Square configuration which creates two midpoint pictures since the North Node (public contact) @ 29Sco14 in 6th H conjoins Inaugural Moon 2009 and reminds us that our financial and social crisis conditions (after 8 years of Bush-Cheney) continue to hinder America's forward development...any, all, or none may apply:

Mercury/Neptune = 2012 NN: discussing joint plans and ideas; encounters with prescient people or mentalists.

Mercury/Neptune = 2009 Moon: intuitive thoughts bring confusion and questions; a sympathetic understanding of others; receptivity to subconscious stirrings or images (propaganda); a deceived or deceptive woman. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Okay, President Obama's acceptance speech must be detailed later along with other factors so let's close this particular DNC 2012 post with the Image for Integration that relates to the convention's opening and its Sun Virgo/Moon Aries blend, an Earth-Fire combo of energies with a 'bulldozer' flavor describing the do-er who can enthuse others with his strongly held convictions though he may be verbose and scathingly critical at times:

"A jolly rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses and kindly good humour."

(Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

To be cont'd with the changing signs of the Moon and the evening event of September 6 particularly noted...

Feb 5, 2012

Newt Denies his Bohemian Grove attendance! (video); and Jupiter/Uranus

Playing dumb when confronted with the reporting of your attendance at Bohemian Grove rituals may make sense when you're desperate to play president. Here's Newt Gingrich being placed on the 'male-prostitute' spot by a gutsy young man (thanks, young man-- Newt's confrontation with the truth is priceless!)


For more info and videos concerning the annual gatherings amongst the Redwoods of California of political, business, and entertainment industry bigwigs (and hired servers)--a social affair where calling on the devil seems to be the order of the night, scroll a bit to this blog's Search Bar and type in 'Bohemian Grove' for various entries on this pagan conflagration of 'fire worshippers' who act as social tinkerers and 'leaders' when wearing business suits.

You know, some say that Russian mystic and artist *Nicolas Roerich, an adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, led the White House under the auspices of 'Black Majick' and that if the American people had known what was really going on, FDR would have been ridden out of Washington on a rail, or worse.

Now I don't know how true the myth but the District's association with the Goat of Mendes gives me pause for wondering about evasive old FDR who took control of our nation at the same time that devilish Hitler rose to power...and both under the influence of the same Solar Eclipse, the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' of Feb 24, 1933 @ 5Pis28--which conjoins President Obama's natal Chiron and tr Chiron 2012.)

Were AH and FDR both working toward a 'New World Order'? My suspicion is, Yes, each in his own way with both countries wanting to man the helm of Global Government. In the Eurozone, Germany now ascends monetarily while the US has been financially heisted and weakened--on purpose, thanks to the SEC, Wall Street, transnational bankers, rating agencies, and the Fed.

View the 1933 eclipse horoscope with its interlaced YODs of crisis and a few chart details here. Why, in 1933, the Fed was only 20 years old!

*Nicolas Roerich born October 9, 1874 St. Petersburg, Russia; at noon: Sun in mid-Libra, Moon 4Lib37 (or could be in later degrees of Virgo); Mercury in business-oriented, ruthless Scorpio; Venus 2Sag05 (conjoined by our last Solar Eclipse Nov 25, 2011 #@ 2Sag37--the 'Super Committee' eclipse), Mars 14Vir35 (Mars is in Virgo now indicating his Mars Return 2012), Jupiter 12Lib58 conj n Sun, Saturn 7AQ40 Rx, Uranus 14Leo28, Neptune 29Ari47 Rx (@ critical degree), Pluto 22Tau20 Rx (conjoined on May 28, 2000 by the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction = Pluto: attaining aims slowly but surely; violent changes or restrictions; immense efforts - Ebertin.)

Natal North Node (NN) 26Ari40 Rx conjoins his Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) 26:24 which conjoin his natal Midas 26:03 and all are snugged between his natal Chiron 20Ari24 Rx, the Wound (so he was born during a US Chiron Return) and often-delusional Neptune...Neptune/NN = lack of community or team spirit.

Hmm. Reminds me of the uncooperative attitude of Republicans and DINOS on Capitol Hill (circa Jan 20, 2009--Jan 20, 2013) who do not need to be named here. (Note: Ebertin gives the Jup/Uran combo of energies on a negative level as: 'obstinate adherence to one's own principles from inherent opposition rather than from true conviction; magnifying or exaggerating everything'. As noted, for we know who the undermining jackasses are.)

Anyway, Roerich's PE falls into the 2 Old North Series: 'unfortunate news concerning relationships; a glum and difficult series bringing potentials for separation and the ending of unions, yet taking quick action may bring positive results.' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) A Solar Eclipse last manifested in this series on July 1, 2000 @ 10Can15 which greatly affected US natal planets in Cancer, mainly Jupiter '6Can' (monetary policy) and the Sun '14Can' (the leader, or, leadership; the president.) In fact, this eclipse degree was triggered on July 1, 2011 by a Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12, the initial eclipse in a new series.

As for his financial expertise and advising of FDR on monetary policies, Roerich was born with the promise of lucky breaks and financial opportunities because a Jupiter/Uranus sextile (60 degr) attuned him to the financial cycles and peaks of Jupiter and Uranus (as timed by their sextiles and trines) of his day. The Jupiter/Uranus cycle is the "ultra-important" one when it comes to stock markets and business/monetary cycles, says Sybil Leek in her book, The Astrological Guide to Financial Success (1972.)

Jupiterian growth + Uranian change = peaks and fluctuations, with Uranus associated with Technology and Industry; their adventurous blend also indicates scientific discoveries and inventions, broadened horizons, and far-seeing plans and activities.

Not that the current opposition of societal planets Jupiter (growth, investment) and Saturn (restriction, loss, austerity measures) isn't important as well. But they sure are behaving stubbornly especially if we use them to represent Ds (Saturn usually but these days, Jupiter) and Rs (Jupiter traditionally, but these days, Saturn.) The Jupiter/Saturn opposition phase is "strongly recessive," says Sybil Leek. Can you feel it, even with Jupiter moved ahead into Earthy, practical Taurus and Saturn hanging back at the end of Airy Libra? Things are shifting now...

So Jupiter's growth function works well with Uranus' change function, a teamwork that denotes business peaks which may be clearly seen--not only with Astrology--but in stock market records which detail the approximately 3 1/2-year business cycle of Jupiter and Uranus (3.45 years actually.) Many traders know of the 3 1/2 year cycle yet few if any can explain the How or Why of it--unless Financial Astrology is employed for timing purposes.

("Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do." - J.P. Morgan Sr.)

The current monetary cycle as timed by the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Uranus began, of course, with the three-fer we experienced from 2010 to 2011 with their first meeting standing out due to its occurrence upon a World Point of Manifestation, the Aries Point, as you'll remember:

1. June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18
2. Sep 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43
3. Jan 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02

In markets, Aries = war, weaponry, iron and steel, transport, policing-fire fighting-security services, surgery, adventurous enterprises, mining, oil drilling, and other Martian sectors; Pisces = oil and gas, oceanography, water travel, fisheries, footwear, drugs drugs and more drugs (including vaccines and contraceptives--in the news now), entertainment, art galleries, antiques, religion, mysticism, state bonds for civic development (Leek), and other Piscean sectors which include the military as does Aries.

Naturally, we may expect that market and economic issues will continue to need close attention during Spring 2012 as the Sun reaches Vernal Equinox (00Ari00:00) on March 20, 2012 and highlights this monetary/business cycle while forming a midpoint picture:

Jupiter/Uranus = Mar 20, 2012 Sun: far-sightedness; inventive minds; illumination of one's best position in any circumstance; great success (Ebertin; Tyl); incorporating new ideas (Munkasey.) Well, someone is doing okay, right?


Our current 'ultra-important' financial period: June 2010 + 3 1/2 years = end of 2013, early 2014; or, Jan 2011 + 3 1/2 years = mid-2014, so the parameters are: end of 2013 to mid-2014. Not being of a trading or speculating disposition, there's not a lot I plan do with this info personally but those who are planning ahead in their careers just now may be able to use the suggested periods as a 'far-seeing' financial guide for future expansion and reforms in Technology if in nothing else.


Further reading: 2011's Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

A Blog Note to my Readers: due to an upcoming relocation, my blogging time will continue intermittently until things settle down in early to mid-March. This will entail new tech equipment which I am looking forward to enjoying so please stay tuned for it seems that the broadening energies of Jupiter/Uranus may just knock upon my blogging door yet! Jude

Oct 31, 2011

Illuminati Protocols, then Midas and Pan show up

Video: Anonymous Explains the Illuminati Protocols The following presentation contains what may be a few controversial statements and as one blogger I cannot vouch for all that is asserted. Yet much of the information tallies with my research last year for an article in the November 2010 edition of Julie Demboski's Eclipse E-Zine (now an excellent Newsletter) titled, American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun. In my attempt to meld Astrology with American History for a bit of insight into how, why, and when America's ship of state changed course so drastically (as it seems to many of us), the gist is that in November 1905, America's progressed Jupiter symbolically performed a Station Retrograde, seeming to stand still on its Secondary Progressed degree, and the periods of actual time on either side of the date of this change of ideological and financial direction to a more inwardly focused level, marks a significant time frame of important events that I highlight here for further study. Have at it, if you may! You'll find the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of the US and more. Neocons, Intriguers...and My, How Time Doth Flee Yes, we Americans do tend to forget the recent past very easily (traits of butterfly Gemini--natal sign of US Mars and Uranus--and foggy Neptune, in Mercury-ruled Virgo on July 4, 1776.) Perhaps this post may spur someone to follow up on the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a long-standing, mysterious, and notorious piece of propaganda and--well, see what you think. Some sources say it's a vicious forgery (pdf of text.) And I've read that The Protocols first turned up in France in the late 1890s so you know what Great Conjunction that identifies as a mover-and-shaker in this matter--the two that together make up what astrologer E. Alan Meece has presented as the Horoscope of Modern Humanity which is timed by the beginning of the current Neptune/Pluto cycle on the dates listed here: Neptune conjunct Pluto: 1. August 2, 1891 @ 8Gem38 2. November 5, 1891 @ 8Gem19 3. April 20, 1892 @ 7Gem42 In the 1890s, the Robber Baron Era (aka, the Gilded Age), three titanic Great Conjunctions occurred upon US natal Uranus 8Gem55, planet of Technology and Progress, so we're looking at a series of formations of a Historical Midpoint Picture between planetary titans. In Mundane Astrology, I usually look at planets in horoscopes as archetypal (and sometimes particular) actors, plus, quirky genius Uranus operates as America's 'totem' planet of Freedom, Independence, and Equality:
1891/92's Neptune/Pluto = US n Uranus: rebellion against artificial pursuits; impersonal attitudes toward antisocial activities; unusual means for changing reality; unusual, mystical, or supernatural experiences; peculiar discoveries; adventurous ego-thrust; making waves to reach the shore; possibly aberrant behavior. (Munkasey; Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)
And you know which objects now travel within the 8-10 degree range of Gemini, right? Midas and Pan--the gold-hoarders of the world hanging around with the satanic goat of mendes folk. Symbolically speaking, of course. The following video contains an explanation of the Illuminati Protocols which were first published for public consumption in 1905, the year that America's Progressed Jupiter performed its Station Retrograde and stopped moving in Direct motion. Was there a synchronicity at work between the US government and Illuminati agents? Perhaps so. And the position of US Progressed Jupiter in 2011? Still Rx and in mid-Cancer which conjoins the natal Ascendant degree in the Horoscope of the Pentagon, America's 5-pointed Death Star now serving as the military-enforcement arm for the Illuminati's New World Order agenda. Midas, Pan, Jupiter (Jove or Zeus!), the three outer, transpersonal planets of The Sky, The Sea, The Underworld--Astrology provides us with powerful archetypes for describing powerful arch deceivers as they play their roles on the World Stage! ~:~ *The Pentagon: April 29, 1942 10:30 am ewt Washington DC, historical record; a dual midpoint picture involves the Pentagon's feisty Mars @ 2Can02, the testosterone-driven planet of war and conflict which goes badly awry when he's ill-used and his energy misdirected and mismanaged: 1. Saturn/Pluto = Mars: brutal efforts to start a new order (Tyl); ruthlessness; brutality; activating plans for much destruction or upheaval; continuing restraint on activities that adulterate, contaminate, or poison (nuclear, uranium, anthrax, bird flu, etc--'restraint'? oh dear); a need to use power in order to continue activities. 2. Uranus/Pluto = Mars: fanaticism; coercion; the mania of destruction; the stage of bending or breaking; purposefully loud, disruptive activities that make others uncomfortable (torture? bombing?); headstrong and demanding when forcing ideas or plans. Both pictures contain indications of torture, among other psychotic behaviors which, considering the natural law of karma--reaping what is sown (as mentioned by Anonymous in the video)--portends ill for those who ruthlessly visit brutality and upheaval upon others. And the US government pretends to do it all in the name of We The People!

Jul 13, 2011

FDR tests our progress, White House debt meeting 7.13.11

As the debt ceiling-budget stand-off continues in Washington DC with Republicans drooling over their big chance to roll back FDR's New Deal programs and slash the tires on LBJ's Great Society jalopy, some words from Franklin Roosevelt's Inaugural speech of Jan 20, 1937 seem appropriate for the short-sighted on Capitol Hill.

Actually, I believe theses Utopians are very long-sighted since the plan to change the course of America (from what we-the-people have always been led to believe it is) is coming to austere fruition before our eyes (austere for us, dandy fine for them, they think.)

So being more on the side of FDR-style politics in times of financial troubles, and wishing the best for the American people if not for the radical, success-at-any-cost politicians now infesting Capitol Hill, I'm republishing a brief excerpt from FDR which for me sums up much of the question of 'what sort of country do we wish America to be?'

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

Since progressive Uranus is America's totem planet of independence and freedom, the current transit of asteroid Midas in the range of 8 to 9 Gemini places the Midases of the world directly upon US natal Uranus 8Gem55.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich just said on the House floor, "Stop playing political games with Social Security." For whatever good it does, thanks, Mr. Kucinich. In spite of what Republicans say over and over, Social Security is hardly an "unfunded entitlement program" since by law workers pay into it (some of us pay 100% of the tax because we are self-employed) - the fund has been stolen blind by Congress, and we're left with an I.O.U. which now the GOP doesn't want to pay back. They don't want to pay on the credit card account Bush-Cheney ran up for 8 years either and they knew what they were doing when they passed the indebted baton on to President Obama, a Democrat.

Part of a long-range plan!

Now here are two more FDR quotes which vibrate all through the current financial impasse in Washington DC along side the quote mentioned above:

“Don’t forget what I discovered that over ninety percent of all national deficits from 1921 to 1939 were caused by payments for past, present, and future wars.”

“Not only our future economic soundness but the very soundness of our democratic institutions depend on the determination of our government to give employment to idle men.”

Save money, oil, and gas: stop our foreign wars! Or have war profiteers begin picking up the tab which is really theirs anyway.

Meanwhile, though jobs are elusive in our nation and this greatly reduces receipts for the US Treasury Department with which to pay our bills, Capitol Hillers are embroiled over the incandescent light bulb ban issuing from the bill signed by George Bush to wipe out the cheaper bulbs in favor of the more expensive variety which, here in the room where I type, casts a gentle glow from a lamp in similar fashion to mood lighting and which is hardly sufficient for seeing what you need to see.

Wednesday July 13, 2011 White House 4:00 pm edt: Rs and Ds Meet Again

As for this afternoon's debt meeting at the White House @ 4:00 pm edt, 21Sco26 rises with the austere Moon/Saturn midpoint in tow. US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is our first natal planet to rise, it's a Moon Hour (changes, fluctuations), and the Moon 3Cap15 approaches wealthy Pluto 5Cap49 Rx in 2nd house of Earning Ability, Self-Worth, and Money. NN is there are well signifying the direction (NN) the meeting will take concerning 2nd house matters.

Moon '4Cap' = "A Party Entering a Large Canoe" and naturally one must wonder which political party this may refer to: the Democrats joining in with the extreme austrity measures of the GOP? Or the Republicans backing out of the no-tax-hike corner they put themsleves into by listening to the likes of Grover Norquist and Karl Rove? We'll see if any changes occur today within this ideological stand-off which threatens to make social-financial conditions much much worse for the American people who now struggle to get by.

Can a total collapse of America by these chaos-creating Utopians be avoided?

Jun 6, 2011

Midas on America's Path to Destruction set in 1971

Mighty Midas and Financial Collapse 2008

by Jude Cowell

Pondering Our Collapse While We Watch Others Fall is one article that knocked me for a loop concerning the engineered financial collapse enabled by the Fed (as in the 1930s) and it has inspired a peek at the horoscope for August 15, 1971 when a well-instructed Richard Nixon took the US off the gold standard.

This date and act, says the article, mark when America's 'path to destruction' was set as we-the-people were turned from the golden or even the silvered road and plopped upon the paper path which forked into an imaginary, shadowy trail of credit extension beyond our means, usury interest rates, revolving credit balances, and so on. Of course, the act meant that our debts weren't intended to ever be paid back lest the hapless rise above slave status and the plutocrats miss stealing a worker's last nickel.

Well, I Am Spartacus. How about you?

Actually, President Nixon and 15 advisers decided to take action to "protect" the US dollar against "foreign price-gougers" - their justification at least - and they didn't consult or advise the international monetary system first - a rare move!

And as we know from experience (Lincoln, JFK, maybe McKinley), US presidents who think to mess with the international financial system of gangster banksters tend to be taken out of office by forced resignation or something

Yet so far, there's little to worry about on that score during the presidency of Mr. Obama with his Goldman-Sachs cronies surrounding him in a White House where corporate special interests rule the day and Republicans can't stand the idea of consumer protections for the, the populace.

Last word I heard is that Republican and Democratic politicians on Capitol Hill still occasionally refer to themselves as "representatives of the people" though some measure of self-deception on their parts may be in evidence since we must first fool ourselves before we can successfully hornswoggle others.

May 1, 2011

Horoscopes of New/Full Moons of May 3 and 17, 2011

With this post, Stars Over Washington passes the 2,700-post milestone and begins to reach toward 2,800 entries so let's discuss the horoscopes of May 2011's two lunations: a New Moon on Tuesday May 3, 2011 (12Tau31; seeding phase) and a Full Moon on Tuesday May 17, 2011 (26Sco13; culmination or fulfillment phase of the Sun-Moon cycle.)

Click to enlarge; New Moon chart lists US natal placements, outer:

New Moon '13Tau' = "A Man Handling Baggage"...INDUSTRY...pos: an effective self-confidence and virility in normal living; neg/unconscious/shadow side: a dissipation of self hood and a depreciation of all ambition through the performance of drudgery without protest.

Hour of Mercury 16Ari39 in 2nd house; Sun/Moon conjunct both the 3rd cusp and US Inaugural Ascendant (President's Oath of Office); transiting Midas (gold) conjoins IC (End of the Matter; The Drain) and tr Orpheus (sad songs; grief; loss of partner) joins the chorus along with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 which echoes transiting Uranus, planet of disruption and rebellion, now in US natal 4th H of Domestic Scene and Real Estate; one of the power asteroids, Hidalgo 8Sag32 Rx, is at MC, the Aspiration and Goal Point of any chart.

In 8th H is lonely, isolated Saturn 11Lib46 Rx about to pass into 7th H of Partnerships and Public Enemies; as you know, on two levels, Saturn also represents managers and the Democratic Party in a Mundane Astrology horoscope; US Saturn Return still in progress with Uranus 2Ari50 (conjunct Hermes, the Magician and Astrologer) in wide opposition to Saturn as status quo continues to battle progress and describes a primary planetary signature of the Obama administration and presidency, the Saturn/Uranus opposition.

Two midpoint pictures are rising on the Ascendant:

Mars/NN = ASC: comradeship; vigorous cooperation; Family or family ties.

Jupiter/NN = ASC: pleasant associations; finding or locating people; responding to those who have separated from the group.

Chart-ruler Saturn has a co-ruler Uranus bwo Aquarius rising; their applying aspects are not very comforting:

Saturn Square Pluto (4A24) and Uranus Square Pluto (4A32) make the repetition of their T-Square the keynote pattern and societal vibe of this New Moon chart. We've seen the mdpt picture of this difficult Cardinal T-Square before and we hear its energies expressed by events described in the news each day...

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality and violence; concealing changes to activities; ending extreme practices that hinder progress; drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; a desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure. (This T-Square remains in force in the Full Moon chart, below.

Uranus makes a helpful trine (120 degr) to MC 8Sag12 which indicates goals that are aided by Uranian genius, creativity, originality, and sudden renown; Uranus trine MC favors occupations in Science, Space, Astrology, and Technology fields.

Well, the Moon's North Node (NN) of Destiny, Future Direction, and Public Contact falls in the 10th H of Career and Public Status and it's in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker; this NN is in 1st H of the US natal chart most often used, the Sibly version (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) with '13Sag' rising and MC 00Lib53 - where tr Saturn 11Lib46 Rx now hangs out making accountability and responsibility our government's primary lessons.

Raising the US credit limit to keep from defaulting on our nation's debts is one of our accountability lessons. That our government has put the nation in such a pickle (with no good answers) belongs on the red ink side of the political and banking classes' ledgers, and was aided and abetted by shady, wealthy string-puller, Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the olde countrie.

Calendar Note: during the dark phase of the Moon - before the New Moon of May 3rd - there's May 1st, aka, International Workers' Day and a day of protests, demonstrations, and civil rights movements which may be seen in contentious protesting Mars and the rest of the testy Aries line-up opposing staid Saturn, planet of government, law, business, and The System.

Yes, the New Moon's Cardinal Aries energy is obvious from the line-up of Uranus, Venus, Mercury, and Mars from 1st H into 2nd H and frustrated by restrictive Saturn in Libra. And with watery Neptune now in its sign of oceanic Pisces and Chiron 4Pis51 being the first to rise (and on its way to President Obama's previously discussed Chiron Return), we may wish to consider the mdpt pictures formed which point to deceptive, fraudulent, dreamy Neptune.

The Jupiter/Pluto pair highlight Global Bankers (the US Fed, IMF, World Bank, etc), Royalty, the Pentagon, SCOTUS, Religious and Educational Leaders - and those who are capable of mounting Large-Scale Projects, plus, pacts with foreigners and criminal elements with great social influence.

The Mars/Pluto duo is more primal: our military, and the security forces aligned with them, are spotlighted, along with clandestine agencies, suppression and torture, war, weapons, chaos, the violence of zealotry...and the police state. Foggy Neptune provides a secretive mask and a smokescreen of confusion and doubt.

Jupiter/Pluto = Neptune: unclear goals in life; drawn to mystical religions and abstract ideas; confused thoughts and plans; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into one's own format.

Mars/Pluto = Neptune: illusions about what the use of power can do; lies, flattery, or deception from others; drug-induced illusions; a weak will to proceed with unpleasant tasks; implacability or irreconcilability; cunning and deceit; disaster caused by water, gas, oil, or toxicity; a desire to harm others secretively and unobtrusively (without leaving fingerprints, a Washington DC specialty! And America's natal Mars/Neptune square adds as usual a confused or deceptive practices/motivations tone to the picture.)

With Cancer on the cusp of the 6th H and most of the self-protective, canny sign in 5th H of Creative Pursuits, Gambling, and Risk-Taking, we may expect fluctuations, changes, and new beginnings (New Moon) in both 5th and 6th house matters in May 2011 along with the Moon's ability to provide publicity in these areas along with 3rd H Communications and Travel issues and 2nd H matters of Earning Ability and Valuations stimulated by the presence of a New Moon.

May 17, 2011 Scorpio Full Moon over Washington DC

Across the Victim-Savior 6/12 axis, Full Moon 26Sco13 is in 6th H of Military and Police, Service, Work, Health, and Daily Rounds; Hour Mars 4Tau38 conjunct 12th cusp of Karma, Self-Undoing, Behind-the-Scenes, Large Institutions (Hospitals, Zoos, Congress), and Politics. As you see, since the May 3 New Moon, only Jupiter and Uranus remain in Aries for Mercury and Mars have moved on into Taurus, a sign whose shadow traits include intolerance and greed.

Sun 26Tau13 conjoins Fixed Star Algol (intense female passion and rage), which, along with nearby Capulus (intense male passion and rage), are associated with the Middle East.

Plus, Mars/ASC = Sun: a love of fighting; excitability; quarrels and mishaps; intense teamwork.

Opposite the Sun, the Sabian Symbol for the May 17, 2011 Full Moon @ '27Sco' = "A Military Band on the March." "Foolhardy self-exploitation" is the shadow side of this degree. Opposite degrees are Illumination Points, a natural facet of a Full Moon chart which always contains a relationship-or-awareness dynamic.

Sun '27Tau' = "A Squaw Selling Beads" with its shadow side = "A retreat within and an acceptance of the sterilities of life as the manifestation of selfhood." (A bad bargain! Are these sterilities the longed-for austerity enforcements touted by the GOP?)

Interestingly, President Obama's natal MC (Goals; Aspirations; the WHY? Point) falls at '28Sco' and US Inaugural Moon (we-the-people) on January 20, 2009, was positioned at 29Sco45. Since this is a Mars-Hour Full Moon chart and Scorpio has a Mars-Pluto influence, will a number of our troops return home soon at or near this culmination point? My prayer is that they pack their bags very soon and head home! (And there's "A Man Handling Baggage" vibe in the New Moon chart, above.)

Chart-ruler Mercury 2Tau03 has just entered 11th H of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes; Mercury applies thrice showing how things will proceed from this Full Moon:

1. Mercury conj Mars (2A46 = two + minutes, hours, days, weeks?) indicating ideas being brought into physical manifestation, giving or receiving instructions, sales and trade activities, an urgent need to travel, and/or transport issues. Discussions involve military service, education, communications activities, and possible surgery concerns. Plus, Mercury rules 4th cusp and 5th cusp which has a critical-crisis 29th degree upon it.

2. Mercury sextile Chiron (3A12) gives mercurial minds strength and exactitude, extraordinary ability to manifest plans, and the communication skill to convey meanings and knowledge to others. (Clow.)

3. Mercury trine Pluto (5A17) indicates research and investigations paying off with satisfying results, debts or favors being repaid, lost items being found, making shrewd business decisions, and property assessments of a higher value turning up. Publishing (Pluto) by the media (Mercury) is favored under this fortuitous aspect as are nuclear concerns...perhaps there will be a break-through of good news in the ongoing Fukushima disaster in Japan as they try to contain the radiation.

Besides the same Saturn-Uranus-Pluto and Jupiter-Pluto-Neptune pictures from the New Moon chart remain in the May 17, 2011 Full Moon horoscope which provides a descriptive narrative within one picture - as always, any, all, or none may apply:

Mars/Neptune = Uranus 3Ari27 and happy in the Aquarian 11th H: life crisis; a suddenly emerging weakness; disadvantages through lack of energy, or changing energy levels (power outages? a weakened military force? Republicans manage to collapse the US economy to make Obama look bad for 2012?); unusual stamina to speed up outcomes; a noisy rebellion against aggravating visions forced by others; an unconventional approach to forcing idealism or socialism on others. (!)

Listed on the chart, you see that there are three T-Squares which form mdpt pictures:

Sun/Moon = MC: union; marriage; harmony.

Sun/Moon = Neptune: easy upsets; discontent; self-torment; mistakes and misunderstandings; illusions or deceptions; shared suffering; an undermining of associations; delusions about what can be done and what it will take to do it.

Generally, the Sun-Moon combo in Politics and Business indicates these potentials: how the people's will is applied when taking a country in new directions; the international reputation of a nation; national will forcefully imposed by leadership; smears on a nation's reputation; pessimism flows through the population or lawmakers. (Munkasey.)

(Note: my pessimism is due in large part to our lawmakers being lawbreakers. jc)

Having power-grabbing Pluto 7Cap09 Rx (god of the criminal Underworld) conjoining the 8th cusp of the Full Moon chart may indicate mysterious forces which continue to destructure and transform America, our financial system, and traditions.

Finally, as you see, the 22AQ28 ASC of the May 3 New Moon chart (when set for Washington DC; ASC = the WHAT? Point) is at Midheaven (WHY?) of the May 17 Full Moon chart, a synchronicity linking together these two May 2011 lunations a little more closely than they might seem otherwise, and placing the New Moon's DESC (Partnerships) at the IC (Endings; HOW?) upon the very foundation of the Full Moon's culminating manifestation.

Such are the lunations of the Merry Month of May 2011 as they look from Washington DC!

There are two Solar Eclipses upcoming: June 1, 2011 @ 11 Gemini which conjoins US natal DESC of the Sibly chart and affects US natal Uranus, planet of revolt and disruption. Plus, the July 1, 2011 SE @ 9 Cancer will trigger a wild card surprise relating to America's Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Cancer, sign of Homeland and of Business.


Hope everyone saw last night the White House Correspondents' Dinner with SNL's Seth Myers presenting the entertainment! I admire Seth's comedic talents and thought he did a great job making the Washington political and media establishments laugh at themselves - as did the President who lampooned a self-important Donald Trump (in attendance) unmercifully. But The Trump wasn't laughing.

Even so, Washington should laugh at itself more. We do. To keep from crying. jc


Midpoint pictures from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey.

Nov 18, 2010

George H. W. Bush to receive a Medal of FREEDOM?

While I'd be more likely to issue Bush Sr a warrant for his arrest, The White House is awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 15 honorees and one of them is New World Order promoter and implementer, George H. W. Bush.

What Orwellian madness is this? Well, obviously, the one-world-government types have infiltrated every public and private institution and are recognizing their own so that the world may admire them (except I don't.) Perhaps this qualifies as something of history rewrite for the re-education of future generations.

While he's still 'with us' (in a manner of speaking), let's consider the natal horoscope of George H. W. Bush who was born on June 12, 1924 at 11:45 am edt in Milton, MA. His birth data comes from many sources: see his Astro-Databank page for details and chart image.

Here is a list of Bush Sr's planetary placements with a few additional factors:

ASC 11Vir09 conjoins Fixed Star Zosma, one of the 'victim/savior' stars; MC 7Gem39 (transiting Midas has been conjunct his MC for a while now as is asteroid Pan; US natal Uranus conjoins his n MC); n MC = n Uranus/NN (Uran/NN = radical political activity): desire to bring plans to fruition with others; assurances of help from those who share your destiny; professional recognition; teamwork paying off.

Sun 21Gem22 in 10th house of Public Status; Sun conjoins US natal Mars so his ego has been intimately tied up with US military and might.

Moon 17Lib56 in 2nd house with tr Saturn approaching n Moon which is a sobering and possibly depressing time; this man has had his Uranus Return so at his advanced age of 86, vulnerability to health problems increases, and the wife may suffer a setback of some kind); note: tr Jupiter and Uranus will be entering his 8th house w/ 8th cusp 5Ari08; either planet may cause major health setbacks with Jupiter's expansion tendency and Uranus causing sudden disruptions and separations.

Mercury 29Tau24 in 9th house will have November 21, 2010's Full Moon 29Tau18 spotlighting it and timing a culmination of some kind; this is a 29th degree of crisis.

Venus 17Can27 Rx is in a wide conjunction with n Pluto 11Can21 with Venus/Pluto giving a strong will, passions, and possible sexual indulgences; his n Pluto was precisely conjoined by tr NN 11Can56 when JFK was shot in Dallas - when GHWB was CIA Director, and the revolutionary pair of tr Uranus 9Vir49 and tr Pluto 14Vir04 were snugged around his n ASC = Uranus/Pluto: an enhanced ability to focus on the kind of world which must grow out of today into tomorrow; reading how restless others are with the status quo; application of force.

Mars 25AQ28 in 6th house of Health is being undermined by tr Neptune which indicates increased difficulties with physical activities, deception and confusion reign, and fraud turns up on the menu; Mars conjoins n SN = a loner who acts upon decisions that disregard the opinions or circumstances of others, lashes out in anger which antagonizes others and causes opposition, and has desires which he acts upon and which tend to be out of harmony with societal standards.

Jupiter 14Sag11 Rx in 4th house, strong in his own sign, and Rx = 'a maverick' holed up in the comfy digs of the family compound.

Saturn 25Lib50 in 2nd house, in wide conjunction with n Moon which gives an ambitious streak and tends to identify emotionally with material wealth; this pair may describe his marriage to Barbara Bush who's only one year younger than her husband but has tended to look older than him through the years;

Uranus 21Pis26 in 7th house and square his n Sun = eccentricity, erratic behavior, original but often impractical ideas (like a world government?), a dislike of routine, and strong self-will which can become a fraternal group member and a leader of organizations.

Neptune 18Leo08 in 12th house of Politics along with NN 25Leo14; Neptune/NN in Politics and Business = leadership that neglects the growth and progress demands of the population or important groups; spies (CIA) or terrorists (9/11? JFK?); drug policies which avoid important concerns (the original Bush fortune, I've read, was founded upon the opium trade), and ill-adapted and inadequate hospital or medical systems; scandals caused by foreign concerns (Munkasey; other midpoints by Tyl and Ebertin.)

Bush's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series is the 16 South: 'issues of wasted energy or misdirected motivation especially when dealing with groups' which last manifested in 1996, next: 2014. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Interestingly, Bush Sr shares his Sun Gem-Moon Lib combo with another old cuss, Henry Kissinger, who so famously propagandized us with, "Henceforth the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

Really? Then this must be a reference to their version of a 'NWO peace'.

So there! If you didn't know anything at all about G.H.W. Bush's natal horoscope and psyche, you know a smidgeon now. If only someone could please explain to me how this relic of the NWO, with its agenda that intends totalitarian harm and chaos toward society, can possibly deserve a Presidential Medal of FREEDOM?



Update Nov 18, 2010: be sure to check out Erin Sullivan's excellent astro-comparison of the horoscopes of Bush Sr and Jr as suggested by Alex D'Atria.

Nov 5, 2010

The Fed: "Return to Jekyll Island" w a Scorpio New Moon

In what may be considered by some a 'return to the scene of the crime', today and Saturday, members of the Federal Reserve Bank are again meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, where their shadowy entity, the private and central bank of America, was hatched in response (allegedly) to the bankers' Panic of 1907.

If the script sounds familiar since Financial Collapse 2007/2008, it should.

Here's something I wrote on the topic in February 2010 with a link to an article by astrologer Jessica Murray who shares many of my feelings about the Creature from Jekyll Island...the Fed.

Now their meeting is taking place under the rays of a New Moon 13Sco40 which conjoins the retrograde station degree of Venus (October 8, 2010) and with Venus' role in evaluations, she's proving important in financial considerations with the steps the Fed has taken this week to dabble in and tinker with the US economy.

Now Venus performs her station direct in 2 weeks (Nov 18) @ 27Lib40 and will leave her shadow (move past the degree of Rx station 13Sco13) the third week of December 2010 - just in time for Christmas but in tandem with the financially worrisome Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 which seems to indicate market problems (crisis-turning point YOD directed toward the eclipse's 8th cusp when set for Washington DC; asteroid Midas and Pan nearby in 8th house; chart image included.)

Let's look at the Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio of the New Moon which signifies the Fed meeting today and tomorrow on Jekyll Island. A Water-Water blend can 'go with the flow' and is highly imaginative and intuitive; Scorpio is the sign of Big Business,
Finance, Secrets, and Transformation.

New Moons in Scorpio are about gathering all info and becoming an adept (as mentioned in my American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun article in the just-released Fall 2010 issue of Eclipse magazine - the US had a Progressed New Moon in Scorpio in relation to the article's topic.)

Sun Sco-Moon Sco: astutely perceptive, intensely private, wary, and stubborn with uncompromisingly strong convictions. There is a jealous and sarcastic flavor, too, with relentless willpower and a crusading nature.

This double Scorpio combo is loathe to share its fears and tends to take itself too seriously; its cynicism can be limiting.

Sharing this blend in his natal chart is Dracula author Bram Stoker, whose words may apply to today's topic:

"Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."

(Since I'm typing from near Athens - up the road from Jekyll Island where we once frolicked on the beach as children - I guess that makes me a city dweller, of sorts. And I don't think highly of the power elite's style of financial vampirism.)

Now let's consider the Images for Integration for the Sun Sco-Moon Sco blend which infuses the darkened atmosphere of the New Moon 13Sco40 and the Fed meeting on Jekyll Island:

'A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research.'

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Seems to me that that's what the Fed and their colleagues have left the rest of us: a pile of manure.

Jul 30, 2010

Lunar Eclipse 29Gem21 Horoscope Dec 21, 2010

Set for Washington DC, the horoscope of the December 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse 29Gem21 has financial and business implications for the USA and falls upon a critical, crisis-ridden 29th degree. Old business needs to head on up and move on out, but will it?

(Please click image to enlarge the horoscope.)

So perhaps I'm skipping ahead a bit posting the Dec 2010 Lunar Eclipse chart now since much will occur between now and the end of the year - but I think it's pertinent to today's debate on the potential for a double dip recession here in America. I will focus on the eclipse as it pertains to America yet because other nations and entities will be affected by the eclipse as well, I will list them and which of their natal planets are affected at the end of this post when I update it later on. So bookmark, if you wish, and leave your own comments, if you will.

Lunar Eclipse December 21, 2010 3:13:16 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Mercury which is Rx and Lord of the Eclipse; Moon and Mars are out-of-bounds; ASC 6Sco57 with Venus 13Sco55 rising; Eclipse falls across the 2/8 axis of Shared Resources, Big Business, Transformation, Earning Ability, Possessions, and Talents.

You see a full 2nd house containing Mercury 26Sag16 Rx, Sun 29Sag21, North Node (NN) 2Cap44, and Pluto 4Cap57 conjunct Eros (a piercing); Mars is just barely in 3rd house @ 10Cap10. Mars and Pluto are opposing US natal planets in Cancer which are marked outside the chart and snugged around 9th cusp. Even the transiting SN 2Can44, a separative Saturnian point, is affecting natal Venus in December 2010.

(Other natal placements from America's natal chart are marked as well as is Inaugural Moon 2009 which sits upon President Obama's natal Mc - here both are being transited by the difficult Mars/Saturn midpoint in 1st house...Mars/Saturn = Moon (the people): moodiness or depression; a fit of weakness; Mars/Sat = Mc: the power of resistance; endurance; necessity to overcome many difficulties; mourning.)

Lord of the Eclipse Mercury makes only one applying aspect, a square to moneybags Jupiter indicating judgments made based on insufficient or faulty evidence, a search for an easy way out, poor planning, and a lack of the discipline needed to attain goals. Check the business and financial facts before furthering your plans and don't jump to conclusions! Especially with a Solar Eclipse opposing US natal Sun (the leader) awaiting us on the other side of the New Year - at another critical degree.

In the Lunar Eclipse chart, Mercury represents its usual things: young people, communicators such as reporters, pundits, and writers, commerce and trade, modes of travel, and thinking processes. Equipment breakdowns are possible, and contracts and negotiations proceed with difficulties, fits and starts. Mercury Rx often indicates delays or mistakes, and reviews and rethinking are needed.

With a red dotted line, I have taken the liberty of sketching a sort of YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; special task; Finger of God) with the Pluto/ASC sextile focusing on the 8th cusp, in Gemini, the dualistic sign of duplicity and multiplicity. Problems continue as this Lunar Eclipse reveals hidden secrets in finance and business. And there's trickster Pan 6Gem47 Rx ('panic') sits upon the eclipse's 8th cusp with gold-hoarding Midas 8Gem27 Rx nearby and conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55.

With 'Big Business' Scorpio rising, Mars and Pluto rule the chart; their applying aspects are as follows:

1. Mars semisquare Neptune 26AQ27 (1A18) in 4th house and still visiting with America's natal Moon (we-the-people) causing a sense of rootlessness, homelessness and foreclosures, and a large amount of fraud directed at royally hornswaggling us. Chiron 27AQ07 is there, too, which shows that our perceptual shields are wide open - we know that fraud is the order of the day but generally most of us feel powerless (Moon/Neptune) to do much about it. (We must not give up on America!!!);

2. Mars semisquare Chiron (1A57), and thus US natal Moon: irritation with wounding leads to action and/or emotional outbursts (?);

3. Mars square Saturn 16Lib06 (5A56, and in the midst of our US Saturn Return 14Lib48 = 12th cusp) = aggression alternates with apathy, timing may be off, and hindsight is 20/20.

Pluto's applying aspects are as follows:

1. Pluto sextile ASC (2A00): willpower to persevere, can move forward and recover, and has a need to overcome the fear of, and obsession with, loss.

2. and 3. Pluto opposing Moon (5A36): bitterness and resentment toward those who want to control us, and a need for compromise; 3. extremist or manipulative behavior, a lust for authority, and intolerance toward unfair social or political systems.

You see marked on the chart (in pink) a multi-T-Square which is dissociate with both Mutable and Cardinal planets involved, and all are pointing to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces in the 5th house of Speculation, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits.

Though not apex here in a T-SQ, Mr. Hades still forms a midpoint picture with the societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn so we have...

Jupiter/Saturn = Pluto: any amount of work or trouble in order to attain the desired aims slowly but surely; immense efforts; separation; restriction; violent changes (Ebertin.)

Pluto is apex in two other midpoint pictures...

Sun/Mars = Pluto: fanaticism or one-sidedness in work; making great efforts; unscrupulous procedures; overtaxing one's strength; violence; war.

Venus/Neptune = Pluto: a painful renunciation.

Well, that's it for today. I hope you'll check back soon and we'll continue considering the next eclipse, the Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010.


Update Oct 19, 2010: actually what I want to add here relates in part to the next Solar Eclipse of January 4, 2011 which opposes US natal Sun (the leader) and to the Sygyzy Moon (previous lunation) of the attacks of 9/11/01 = a Lunar Eclipse on June 21, 2001 @ 13Cap39, the degree and minute of the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse - issues and conditions of 2001 return to 2011.

Plus, the upcoming Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse falls, as you know, upon a crisis degree 29Gem21 (one degree from 9/11's Moon) and bodes ill for financial markets and the US economy. With the Solar Eclipse of Jan 4, 2011 stimulating a crisis degee (13Cap38/39, we find in its Sabian Symbol ('13Cap' = "A Fire Worshiper") that 'overestimation of personal capacity' is a caution for this degree which may affect many areas of life but here we speak of financial considerations and war preparations.

Interestingly, the January 2011 Solar Eclipse has 00Can36 upon its 8th cusp (High Finance; Transformation; the Occult) when the chart is set for NYC (4:02:32 am est) which conjures for us the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series prior to the 9/11 attacks = *3 North Series which manifested on June 21, 2001 @ 00Can11, a World Point of Prominence:

'overexcessive; traumatic transformations through news received, perhaps concerning young people; large-scale projects are wanted yet one must not get carried away'. As we know, the Bush-Cheney administration and the Pentagon did get very much 'carried away' as they intended all along (with One World Government plans, y'know), and our nation teeters upon the brink of bankruptcy now (9/11's Moon '28Gem' (we-the-people) = "BANKRUPTCY.")

* paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology

There are more time/degree links to the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse and one is even closer by degree: the Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2001 which is the Syzygy Moon (prior lunation) to 9/11/01 and occurred @ 13Cap39 precisely conjunct Jan 4, 2011's Solar Eclipse degree. Similar issues return, and may relate to terrorism and war, yes, but also relates closely to banking failures and/or financial crashes, sad to say.

The Lunar Eclipse degree of June 21, 2001 00Can11, appears on the 8th cusp of the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse when set for NYC and July 5, 2001's Venus at crisis degree 29Tau55 exactly opposes 2009's US Inaugural Moon 29Sco45 and sits upon the DESC in the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse chart.

And when we set the July 5, 2001 Lunar Ecl chart for the White House, we get the Mars/Pluto in Sag pair snugged around the chart's IC ('the drain'; endings; domestic scene) so we have:

Mars/Pluto = MC: learning to gain control and use powerful or extreme measures for increasing stature or standing; fulfillment of certain ambitions by attaining influence; principles which propel you to success; dealing with might on either side of any issue; major job maneuver; ambition and confidence; danger from a higher power. (Munkasey; Tyl; Ebertin.)

Michael Munkasey gives the Mars/Pluto combo of energies as: 'using police or military forces against criminal elements; attacks using powerful weapontry; a police state with rigid military controls; using suppression and torture as a means for enforcing policy; wars; mayhem; chaos; rape; exporting political theory and upheaval to others as an objective. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

That last (which i italicized) reminds me of the Bush-Cheney-neocon 'justification' for preemptive war: "fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here." Orwell much?

Okay, I know this info is on the convoluted side, but if you've managed to stick with me so far, let's recap: the prediction by astrologers and economists that a market crash may be upon us by the end of 2010 is shown in certain eclipse horoscopes which relate to the attacks of 9/11/01 and its lunations.

Jan 4, 2011's Solar Eclipse time links by degree to the Lunar Eclipse which occurred prior to the attacks of 9/11/01 (both @ 13Cap38/39) along with 9/11's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse (PE) 00Can+ so we may expect similar conditions and issues to arise as we near the end of 2010 and during the first half of 2011.

And if we remember, there were early New Millennial market problems such as the Dot Com Bubble/Crash, plus, market failures and totterings ushered in by the attacks of 9/11 (World 'Trade' Center), so we get a picture of 9/11's market influences rippling into 2011 (including 9/11's unusual 'stop-put options' when mysterious entities made mega-bucks out of the ashes of the World Trade Center attacks, and other market anomalies of that time) which may be reflected by the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @ 29Gem21 (technology and communications of Gemini) since 9/11's Moon 28Gem is conjoined by the Lunar Ecl as well as by Jupiter (money) 28Gem21 in the July 5, 2001 Lunar Ecl chart. The Jan 2011 Solar Eclipse's 'Balance of Power' flavor points to potential trade imbalances such as China's manipulation of its currency.

So as you know, we always look for at least 3 indicators in support of a event or factor in horoscopes before we predict what is likely to manifest in the physical realm. Concerning the end of 2010 and the first half of 2011, there are many indicators of societal problems that they have resulted in this convoluted analysis which I salute you for courageously reading to the end.

Combining Material with Spiritual: Chiron's Bridge and Purpose

Concerning difficult times ahead, let us close with excerpts from the Foreward of The Astrological Aspects by the great Charles E. O. Carter whose Law of Nativity and Rule of Excitation must be kept constantly in mind when predicting physical manifestations, whether positive or negative:

"No material influence, astrological or otherwise, can separate man from spiritual and ideal Realities; in fact, so called evil is frequently the instrument by which he is brought to these things.

On the other hand, man is not called upon to deny the special use and value of material things, but he is required, for his own happiness, to appraise them at their true worth, and not to suppose that they are either nothing or everything.

Seeking to avoid responsibilities and difficulties is both futile and ignoble, whether we seek to do so by material means or by mental or magical methods. Such courses have never been advocated by any of the known Great Teachers of mankind, or even by those leaders of mankind who are honoured exoterically, such as Washington, Lincoln, or Mazzini. On the other hand, we should be merely foolish if we neglected all honourable and reasonable precautions in dealing with our emergencies.


On the other hand, fatalistic views and phrases and arguments that are designed to portray man as the pawn of fate, depress the vitality of body and mind, lead to despair and torpidity, and have a genuine kinship with death. Hence they cannot be true, for it is impossible to believe that man is so constituted that he can only flourish whilst cherishing a false belief in a non-existent freedom.

Finally, I hope that nothing that follows will distress the reader. It is useless to speak as if such an aspect as Mars square Uranus is as pleasant a companion as, say, Mercury conjunction Venus. Science must be frank, Scientists must be courageous and prepared to face facts. But many an apparently difficult configuration will improve upon acquaintance, and few indeed are the horoscopes that do not contain a large portion of good, even in a worldly sense.

As regards the higher part of man's nature, his rational, moral, and aesthetic faculties, it is my firm belief that, if we choose to unfold them, no stellar influence can prevent us, though it may place obstacle and hindrances in our path. There are parts of our lives which the stars do seem to a large extent to dominate, and there is yet greater part which they undoubtedly can affect, both favorably and adversely. It is for us to place our treasure where they cannot penetrate; no easy task, it is true, but probably the only one worth performing."

Charles E. O. Carter June 1930

Oct 10, 2008

Weekend in Washington: where big bankers meet 10.11.08

This weekend the big money boys and gals are meeting in our nation's capital to chew the fat and wonder aloud how their policies are treating the masses, and how to better cover any shining tushes as may be necessary.

Did you know that there's a personal name asteroid called Rockefellia? (Not a typo.)

The extra 'i' shows how one must settle for similar spellings when it comes to personally named balls of dust and debris that hurtle through space. Each has a heliocentric North Node and Rockefellia's is approximately '18 Libra' - and the Sun's zodiacal position this weekend clocks in at sunrise on Saturday (10.11.08) at 18Lib31.

That's synchronistic enough for me.

By 4:00 pm on Sunday (10.11.08) the Sun reaches 19Lib52, and btw,
'19Lib' is the Fall of the Sun degree...but hey - it's opposite the Sun's Exaltation degree '19Ari' if you prefer to see the astrolabe half full.

So what about the Moon, the daily timer of the whole affair?

Moon begins at sunrise on Saturday at 5Pis19 and reaches 23Pis36 by 4:00 pm Sunday - and conjuncts-crosses-passes tech-savvy Uranus Rx
(Uranus 19Pis36 - 19:33) in the process.

The Sun Lib-Moon Pisces blend has an instructive Image for Integration:

"The curtain comes down, the actor takes off his mask and, in privacy, looks into the mirror to find himself as a child of six with his imaginary friend." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)
~I could say sumpthin' but I won't. Aint Bea wouldn't like it.~

Now Moon-Uranus contacts relate to emotional excitement, strong self-willedness, attentiveness, ambition, female reformers, fanatics, and even some metaphysical science lovers. Will a financial astrologer or two be consulted by these elite power-mongers? Ha!

Well, if old J. P. Morgan himself could use Astrology and the cycles it describes to forecast favorable financial cycles, then this gaggle of ducks certainly can, or have someone do it for them.

"Millionaires don't use Astrology," J. P. pronounced, "billionaires do." Touche!

Other indications with Moon-Uranus contacts are fear, anxiety, and sacrifices toward special objectives. A change in one's circumstances and assistance from others may be part of the weekend picture as well which includes the people (Moon.) (Ebertin, The Combination of Stellar Influences.) Excitable (Uranus) publicity or public relations (Moon) may result.

The asteroid Eros is said to be strong when in contact with the Sun as it will be Saturday and Sunday. Eros = 'the piercing' and with the Sun as Leo's ruler relating to the heart, deeply felt separations may be on the menu esp with Mercury Rx - not the best time for negotiations, or at least, do read the fine print. Loopholes may be secreted into documents with Mercury Rx.

Yet agreements are definitely needed, but Eros piercing the Sun in Libra, sign of partnerships, may indicate a breach just when the world needs extraordinary cooperation. Can these professional negotiators and financiers pull a rabbit of harmony out of their fancy top hats?

Now you've noticed that the Sun's Sabian Symbol for Saturday's sunrise degree, '19Libra' = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which is the Symbol of the day. And yes! the term, robber barons, comes to mind. Well, old J. P. was one of 'em, too.

Plus, '19Lib' is the degree of America's Secondary Progressed Mars now Rx (and as such, in need of retraction and redeployment, and less spending on military misadventures. In fact, US tax payers can't afford to invade Mayberry RFD now even if we tried which is considered a + by some folks including my Aint Bea.)

Okay, perhaps not all the participants are robbers (or maybe some of them are bandits in plain sight - right under our snoots.)

When the Sun rises Saturday, at Midheaven (the Why? or Aspiration Point of the chart) nestles another telling asteroid on this important chart angle...Panacea.

Will fatcat money mavens deliver a panacea for our panic?

Asteroid Pan Rx in early Gemini is at the Foundation Point (Ic) of Sunday's 4:00 pm chart...which answers the questions: Why? Panacea - How? Pan.

ASC = What? "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding", and Where doth it lead? to '19Ari' = "The Magic Carpet of Oriental Imagery."

First thought: perhaps they're heading for Dubai as soon as our pesky problems are smoothed and papered over!

As you know, the sign Gemini and the archetype of Pan are both associated with trickster elements in myth and horoscopery. Then there's gold-worshipping Midas Rx and still less than 3 degrees from ancient Pan, which is linked with Capricorn, the mer-goat (or the Goat of Mendes, if you prefer - we are talking Washington, DC here.)

So whatever panacea or poultice they decide to apply after this weekend's meetings end and lofty conclusions from on-high are pontificated to the worried rabble, we-the-masses must hope that these financial 'experts' will finally show themselves worthy of the trust which they so thoughtlessly tossed aside in their gold rush to world domination - and allow the global economy to heal from the wounds of their careless and grasping ways.

Jun 30, 2008

Bush signs war funding bill with Moon in Gemini

With Congress on holiday break this week, the lights at the Capitol Hill Theater were dim today as George Bush signed the $162 billion war funding bill.

Though Bush struggled against America's umemployed as not worthy of an extra 13 weeks of benefits in a worsening job market, and even as he whined about giving our soldiers an increase in GI Bill funding for receiving a better education after risking their lives for Bush-Cheney war profits, George signed his scrawl this morning as the Gemini Moon was nearing asteroid, Midas, that lover of gold of mythical proportions.

Not much of an audience for a limelight-loving Leonine performer, but it had to do for the lame quacker.

Here are the Sun/Moon Images for Integration for the morning of June 30, 2008:

"A performance of a puppetshow at an infant school Christmas play...A family plays a game of charades...Young children enacting a play wedding in the garden." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, Santa is surreptiously filling his bag with lots of goodies, to be sure, but the emphasis on puppets and charades doesn't sound very dependable for people with real needs, does it?

Perhaps the charade is that there are billions left to be spent!

Yet I happily send along Congrats all the Senator Jim Webb who insisted on the GI Bill how about a post for Senator Webb in a new Democratic cabinet?

Mar 24, 2008

JP Morgan's natal chart being triggered

With entity JP Morgan Chase in the news now with its role in purchasing part of Bear Stearns, you'd have to be completely incurious not to wonder what planets might be currently triggering old JP's natal chart, so I took a peek:

Go to my WordPress Page: JP Morgan + March 24, 2008 transits where you'll see Morgan's natal chart with its YOD pattern between Moon, Saturn, and Pluto; plus, more details on the top financier of his day (April 17, 1837--March 31, 1913.)

And appropriately, even old King Midas has joined the throng!

Nov 6, 2007

New Moon in Scorpio, Friday, Nov 9

Here's a link to my current post on the New Moon in Scorpio this Friday, Nov 9, which gives the Sabian Symbols for both degrees, "17Sco" and "18Sco."

The New Moon occurs in Washington at 6:03:02 pm est, in 6th house of Work and Health.

Transit Pluto 27Sag19, has recently conjuncted al Qaeda's natal Saturn (when ambitions must be tempered with patience and control), but is now triggering n Uranus (tech advances; government affects freedom. Any Uranus/Pluto contacts do, of course, tend to be explosive and revolutionary.) (Al Qaeda: Aug 11, 1988; Peshawar, Pakistan.)

Mars 12Can15 (his Rx degree of Nov 15) is supportively trining this New Moon, as is Uranus 14Pis52, which gives a preceptive and sensitive Water Grand Trine to which the Moon joins in:

Sun/Moon = Mars: drive for fulfillment; energy helps or disrupts associations; serval awareness in partnerships; the realization of joint objectives.

Sun/Moon = Uranus: urge for freedom; independent actions; inner rebellion; lack of adaptability; sudden conflicts and shared upsets.

Rising in Washington in the New Moon chart is asteroid Midas, his greed for gold renowned, and Sun is parallel Pluto (similar to a strong conj, a timing device.)

Nebulous, confused, and deceptive Neptune 19AQ16 squares the Scorpio New Moon from 10th house--Neptune conj MC, in fact. And with Scorpio being the sign of intell agencies, spying, and big business (including mining), it will be interesting to see what appears as the light of the New Moon increases.

Oct 25, 2007

Today in Washington and NYC

"Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just." --Thomas Jefferson

So do I, as should we all. (Physical) water is not the only thing in short supply.

Image: sunrise 7:33:01 am edt, Washington, DC, Oct 26, chart-ruler Mars in 9th house of foreign enemies, conj Fixed Star, Alhena, to have a mission. Mars is inconjunct Chiron at IC. (You'll find Chiron mentioned below.)

Click-to-enlarge chart to read my scribbles because it's on to New York...

As the fairy dust settles from last evening's Full Moon, we find that at 3:00 am edt in midtown Manhattan, Explosives in NYC's Mexican Consulate so explosive Mars is still busy in 'the homeland' (Cancer), out-of-bounds and lobbing makeshift explosives from a bicycle.

3:00 am in NYC brought up Bush's natal Virgoan Mars, just after tr Saturn, whose Hour it was. Saturn Hours are good for things like taking responsibility and for control, with an air of restriction and inhibition involved. This lobbing was a diversion of some kind, and indicates that activist Mars has more trouble in store. What else is new, right?

So Bush has this goin' on: Mars/Saturn = ASC: obstacles caused by others; illness; separation; bereavement; struggling for every step of advancement; possible health threat. (Will his colon come back to haunt him?) (midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin.)

Saturn will be restrictvely conjuncting his natal Mars soon (health concerns continue.) It's a period when circumventing rules is ill-advised and relationships with males may be interrupted or broken off entirely. Loneliness increases, yet a reaffirmation toward long-term goals is also possible. Kind of a 'stay the course' transit (ad nauseum.)

But back at the Mexican Consulate:

At the WHY Point of the chart (MC) was tr asteroid, Midas, the King, greedy lover of gold, and at IC (the HOW Point) was asteroid, Bacchus, keywords: denial; substitution; management of uncomfortable emotions. This lobbing occurred only a couple of hours after the Full Moon, Moon 3Tau46, "4Tau": "The rainbow's pot of gold."

3Tau08 is the Discovery Degree of Chiron, the Wound or the Wounded Healer, which is again splat upon Dick Cheney's natal Sun (10AQ48)--a transit which may spiritualize (Chiron) one's purpose in life (Sun), or indicate wounded vitality (health issues--with Cheney, probably heart-related. They do say he has one.)

And speaking of Politics in America, have you ever been to the Edge of Petrified Forest?

Sep 3, 2007

Midas and the London subway workers strike

Most of London's subway shuts down Monday evening at about 6:00 pm, with Saturn as chart-ruler and applying to transiting South Node, a separative point.

The Tube will be sorely missed until it meets its workers once again. And the Saturn-SN flavor shows the extreme discomfort the strike is causing the city of London and how it will inconvenience...other workers.

MC = "30Sco"..."The Halloween jester" and Moon is out-of-bounds and conj Pan, a trickster element.

Midas, grubber of gold, is hanging out around "8Gem" these days which is the "An industrial strike" *degree. Guess it's about mo' money. And it probably should be. Hope it works out for them and their families.

Give some up, Midas!

*Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

Apr 18, 2007

VA Tech and the Moon

After grieving yesterday and Monday, yes, k.c., I have been looking at charts for Monday's violence with its Mars/Uranus = NN lining up, and Mars in Pisces (he was apparently on meds for depression--look out drug-makers) being squared by Venus in Gemini--and Venus conjunct asteroid Midas.

Venus in Gemini--two women--or the duplicitous woman? Money-mad Midas and Venus were in the 2nd house of Money when the violence began.

Mars/Uranus = NN: sudden events shared with others; execution of extraordinary and unusual enterprises; hyperexcitability.

Tr NN is conjunct Fixed Star, Achernar, risk of rapid endings...and this configuration isn't perfected yet.

The midpoint itself...Mars/Uranus = urge for freedom; suddenly available energy application; a test of nerves; dominant will; tremendous urge to action.

Just after 7:15 am on Monday, the midpoint of oppressive Pluto/Chiron was at MC. What concerns me now is that at 7:51 am that day, the Moon reached 12 Aries and beyond:

"13Ari": "A bomb, now safely concealed, fails to explode" which speaks of the infinite capacity of the world to absorb and nullify the destructive acts of man.


pos: a dramatic rejection of any accomplishment falling at all short of very deep or hallowed purpose;

neg: a waste of opportunity and a futile expenditure of self through vanity or petulence.

After hearing that the school had been receiving bomb threats before Monday, I don't like mentioning the Moon's degree esp considering that Cho's whereabouts between the two shootings are unknown and hopefully being retraced successfully now. Are they considering the possibility of bombs being tucked away?

Cho's actions were a "dramatic rejection" of the values of the school, the faculty, and the students and of the hallowed purpose which schools attempt to instill in their students.

But for some kids the hyposcrisy rings hollow rather than hallowed. How sad that no one listened to the warnings about this young man.