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Showing posts with label Nazism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nazism. Show all posts

Feb 6, 2022

Nazi Book Burning May 10, 1933 and Joseph Goebbels

Not February 6th but August 25, 2022: An Update

by Jude Cowell

Although the first Nazi Book Burning occurred earlier in May 1933, below is an updated Horoscope of the more famous event that occurred on the night of May 10, 1933 in front of the State Opera House, Bebelplatz, Berlin, Germany. Approximately 30,000 books were set alight including those of Freud, Marx, Hemingway, plus, books on Science, Philosophy, and more. Head Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels spoke at midnight, then bonfires were set in Berlin by members of the German Student Union as well as in multiple university towns across Germany - a campaign of censorship against ideas which were 'contrary' to Nazi ideology.

Highlighted in green, you'll see that natal placements of Joseph Goebbels are all over the event chart! Rising is his natal Scorpio Sun along with his other Scorpio planets, his natal Ascendant @1Leo42 has just crossed Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal: he and his ego are on full display), and the North Node of public contact @4Pis34 points toward his hellish Hades. If you wish, check out Goebbels' AA-rated natal horoscope here.

Please note that this post is being edited on Thursday August 25, 2022 and the above May 10, 1933 Horoscope is now set more accurately for 11:59:59 pm CET Berlin - and, for the purposes of this post - the 1933 Book Burning Horoscope is no longer surrounded by the event's Saturn Return Horoscope (Feb 2, 2022) @16AQ09 as in the original version of this post, but the event's Saturn Return is listed at the top of the horoscope.

A few factors not penned on the chart include: Jupiter at Station Direct (turned Direct 12H 39 M prior @13Vir17:24), the Moon is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane ('OOBs'), the infamous 'Marseillaise Trio' of violence (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) is there in 10th house, and the dynamic T-Square of Mars-NN = Moon also contains another midpoint picture of significance:

Neptune-NN = Moon: 'lack of community spirit; cessation of an inner understanding between people' (R. Ebertin), an anti-societal tactic which we may agree describes a splitting or division of society and which Nazi ideology must have in order to successfully force itself upon a population. And please note that the event's 7 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse @5Pis28 (4th house) is what I've previously labeled the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' - and a 7 North eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @30Aries.

Oct 27, 2021

The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of February 1939 NYC

Such a history has the perverted 'American N*zi Party' that even Wikipedia provides details for the curious.

Said to have been founded in March 1959, the party apparently was dissolved on January 1, 1983 but that specificity could depend upon whom you ask. The assassination of the party's founding leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, on August 25, 1967 in a laundromat parking lot by sniper and former Rockwell follower, John Patler, didn't seem to ruffle the party overmuch for soon the confirmed Hitlerist Matt Koehl took over leadership of the organization. Significantly, Holocaust denier Rockwell had been discharged from the US Navy because of his political views (ex: he 'credited' Jews with the US civil rights movement).

Yet without a specific date in March 1959 for the party's founding, the 1959 Spring Equinox Horoscope can yield interesting information as a symbol of the start of a new enterprise. A quick sneak-peek at the chart (not shown here) reveals the prominent Sun @00Ari00:00 (the Aries Point of World Events) in 2nd house and a 7th house Moon @14Leo10 conjunct the erratic planet of anarchy, Uranus Rx @12Leo36. Notably, the double Fire Aries-Leo blend of the party in 1939 is chocked full of 'big personalities' with zealous activist Uranus in vain Leo suggesting bold, enterprising radicals who gamble, speculate, and are adventurous, wasteful, and licentious.

Is it surprising that this also describes the licentious orange menace?

Well, to me it seems more elucidating to view a bi-wheel of the infamous N*zi Rally of February 20, 2939 held at Madison Square Garden NYC (inner set for 9:00 pm EST) with the "Trump 'victory' announced" horoscope of November 9, 2016 2:49 am EST (outer chart set for Washington DC; from news reports). Many of the planetary contacts (aka, 'cosmic time links') between 1939 and 2016 are circled and a few of the orange menace's natal planets (June 14, 1946) are penned around the bi-wheel and highlighted in pink - notably, his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio rises, and in 2016 the planet of voting, Mercury @24Sco54, conjuncts his natal IC:

Listed are the two Solar Eclipses affecting each event along with their themes: 13 North @29Sco01 in 1939, and 19 North @9Vir21 in 2016 - opposed, you'll remember, by transit Neptune @9Pis16 which continues to cloud, veil, and gaslight 19 North themes of realism and seeing situations for what they really are (B. Brady). For as we know, it's difficult to "come down to earth" as 19 North eclipses suggest when eroding Neptune in shady, secretive, contagious Pisces opposes on every level the very idea of reality in order to keep in power, or re-install, a Jupiterian saboteur-and-despot in the Oval Office so he can finish 'blowing soap bubbles' as his ideological brethren did that dark night in 1939.

Please enlarge or print the bi-wheel if you're curious about more chart factors - Thanks! jc

Jun 16, 2021

CPAC 2021 Dallas in July: Will Trump Appear?

June 16, 2021: CPAC 2021: Acting and Pretending

Jude Cowell

The line-up of CPAC 2021 speakers is a regular who's who of authoritarian fanatics of what some might call lovers of Nazism, gaggled together in Dallas, Texas from July 9th to 11th in the glorious year of 2021. Yay.

Follow the link to view a page of pandering portraits of the scheduled-to-speak culprits, most if not all Republicans (or purporting themselves to be) of the Trumpish persuasion. Will The Tr*mp blow in, cape swirling, like a conquering hero (thanks, Hil!), emboldened by rallies he hopes will be well attended? Or will ego deflation be in evidence because his mojo deserted him along with his former crowds of adoring fans?

Now July 2021 CPAC is less than a month away as I type but your guess is as good if not better than mine as to whether Herr Spanky will show or not in Dallas and in what condition. So it may be handy to have a peek at the July 9--11, 2021 time frame and see if there's anything interesting going on in the heavens which might reflect earthly proceedings in Texas and reveal information on US society's current condition.

Well, there is!

For in particular, a new cycle of activity begins within the darkness of a New Moon perfecting @18Can01:40 on July 9, 2021 and here's its horoscope set for Dallas, Texas:

As usual, my messy study notes are scribbled upon the chart for those who wish to read them, and a few of cowardly Tr*mp's natal planets are penned around the outside, highlighted in lavender. Rising is the Neptune-MC midpoint which is how this post got its "acting and pretending" title. But the Neptune-MC duo of 'deceit in career' also suggests potentials for 'criminal offenses, spies which undermine national security, and/or official scandals of very large scope or proportions' (Munkasey). Sounds familiar especially whenever agent orange is involved.

Now as you see in 1st house, CPAC Saturn Rx @11AQ49, chart-ruler making no applying aspects which emphasizes its sign and position, continues to oppose Tr*mp's natal Pluto (10Leo02 conjunct his deadly Mars-Saturn midpoint) so he has that karmic transit challenging his sense of power and control (Pluto in royal Leo). Karmic 'victim-savior' conditions are suggested due to the intercepted Virgo-Pisces polarity across the 2/8 axis of Money and Corporatism. Yet it's powerful, wealthy Pluto Rx @25Cap44 the plutocrat that rises first and leads a Locomotive shape of planets which suggests a ruthless high-powered executive determined on success. At any cost, no doubt, for the stakes are high.

However, the main point of this post is to emphasize The Goal of CPAC 2021 (MC = Midheaven @2Sco42) which is looking to and planning for the future as indicated by the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Sco00:06 conjunct this MC. So 6 South will be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Midterms 2022 when the GOP plans to "be forceful" and "take power." Yet we don't need Astrology or eclipse themes to reveal this for the GOP makes it obvious through their current election-rigging tactics and state legislations intended to oppress the vote (having to cheat to 'win' as they do). And who can forget Tr*mp's attempted 'Stop the Steal' coup of 1/6/21 and the threats of further violence that apparently are being planned? I'll never forget 1/6, will you?

Additional 6 South themes include 'exerting huge efforts in group activities' (Brady) and containing 'manic' energy. Can overly mild Democrats successfully meet and overcome such manic power and determination on behalf of democracy? That's this child of the Revolution's primary fret these days and it's why I keep posting here about such disturbing topics, including certain upcoming eclipses (which are known to influence historical events).

So speaking of historical events, we've previously discussed the fact that the October 25, 2022 6 North Eclipse @2Scorpio is a repetition of the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse of 1932. Now this eclipse repeating in our day may not make you, dear reader, feel fretful for America's sake but for me the repetition of 6 South themes functions as a cosmic signpost on the way to authoritarianism, or what some call 'fascism in America' - unless the forces of democracy meet its vicious anti-societal energies head-on with equal if not greater strength.

Then to further complicate matters, Midterms 2022 on November 8th will include a Lunar Eclipse @16Tau00:53 ("-swords vs torches"!) which is marked on this CPAC horoscope in the foundational 4th house, not too far from the disruptive anarchist and radical reactionary planet of zealotry Uranus (@14Tau06 - conjunct Menkar and US Inaugural Ascendant = the Presidential Oath of Office). So if a Uranian change of presidents is on anyone's menu for whatever reason, may it be VP Kamala Harris stepping in!

Note: if you wish to view both the New and Full Moons of July 2021 set for Washington, DC try this. Curiously, the July Full Moon @1AQ26 does spotlight the US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) - and Full Moons time culmination stages, don't they? And can act in similar revealing fashion as lunar eclipses.

And in case you haven't, you may wish to look into America's future as revealed by the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope which I've fretfully titled, Cowboys and Tyranny.

Feb 12, 2021

Pluto is Creeping Around 'Nazi Rising' Eclipse planets!

February 12, 2021: A Forewarning: Transit Pluto Can Help Activate Nazism

by Jude Cowell

In one of my previous posts you'll see the 6 South 'Nazis Rise' Solar Eclipse of 1932 set for Berlin, Germany. Meanwhile, the world is again threatened by the rise of such draconian movements of authoritarianism so in view of recent and ongoing events in the US and across the globe, it seems significant that transit Pluto in Capricorn is already within orb of 1932 Saturn (28Cap55 Rx, 10th house in Berlin 1932). Therefore, tr Pluto (@25Cap34 today) has been activating the aspects made by 1932 Saturn in the eclipse chart:

Tr Pluto, planet of transformation and regeneration, recently opposed 1932 Pluto (Capricorn vs Cancer, as we've seen before) and remains within orb of squaring 1932 Uranus, zealous, fanatical, and Utopian when in Aries. Transit Pluto will exactly conjunct 1932 Saturn 3 times: 1. February 9, 2023; 2. July 30, 2023; 3. December 17, 2023 - for the first time ever. So the possible manifestations of this Pluto-to-Saturn transit applies now, through 2023, and into 2024. Of course, in the background of society there are other transits occurring as well, some heavy, some mitigating. But Pluto-Saturn contacts are the weightiest and suggest transformed or altered traditions and structures, current circumstances bringing restriction and limitations, the past affecting the present, ambition that may be 'off the charts' or roguish, and issues of abuse of power which will intenstify and must be dealt with (better sooner than later but tragically, currently sitting Republican senators appear not up to the task of taking an ethical stance and voting against white supremacist Trump which means that his take-over efforts will be emboldened, even strengthened). This adds to the danger suggested by the Nazis Rising Eclipse Horoscope - because history rhymes.

Karmic Planets Saturn, Uranus, Pluto Bring Generational Conflicts

In addition, current Pluto transits to the 1932 planets in the horoscope linked, above, include potentials for assaults from powerful entities upon political and economic structures, no-compromise struggles for control (ex: of the Oval Office), and restrictions upon resources that are necessary for government to function (a longheld Republican dream).

Now if you view the 1932 Eclipse Horoscope, you'll notice a prominent, motivating T-Square of much dynamism between Mars, Saturn, and Uranus (with the Mars-Saturn midpoint as the 'death axis' pointing toward erratic, disruptive Uranus) and this, according to Reinhold Ebertin, denotes 'sudden acts of violence', and Noel Tyl adds, 'breaking loose.'

As always, your on-topic comments and observations are invited as long as your name is attached - No 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown' comments will be published. Jude

Feb 9, 2021

February 9, 2021: Trump On Trial for his Failed Coup

February 9, 2021: A Major Event on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Question: Does Hitler's failed coup d'etat attempt, the Beer Hall Putsch of November 8-9, 1923, historically rhyme with Trump's January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the US Congress? Well, some would say that Nazis were involved in both attempts and yours truly is one of those who would (unhappily) say it. And obviously, both attempts were failures in the government take-over department, so there's that.

Yet here's a difference: we've been informed that Trump will not testify or speak at this week's Senate trial, a wise decision by his lawyers (with perjury an issue). Witnesses may or may not be called but as we found with Trump's previous impeachment trial of January 21, 2020, this week's effort is not actually a trial without them.

Meanwhile, early this morning on the MSNBC website, an opinion by writer Hayes Brown was published concerning 'Trump Trial 2021' and Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch after which Adolf was arrested and tried, as you can read about, above, and sentenced to prison. During his trial "--Hitler turned his time on trial for a failed coup attempt into a propaganda win." So whether we hear from Trump concerning this week's Senate trial or not, (and even though he's deplatformed from Twitter), we know that propaganda is one of his middle names.

It remains to be seen whether the former 'president' can manage to keep his trap shut and thereby avoid interfering in the process during this week. I suspect he can because he must. How about you?

Sep 21, 2020

Will Donald Trump Destroy America? (w/ Sarah Kendzior) - Thom Hartmann

With deep regret as a Child of the Revolution, I must admit that the orange saboteur and his comrades are in process of destroying America as I type:
My best advice: Resist Nazism and its evils in America and #VoteBlue2020
And please keep in mind that the Nazi Rise to Power Solar Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 6 South Saros series with themes that include: "being forcful and taking power" and "huge effort in some group activity" (Brady). May the huge effort be ours.
My thanks to Thom Hartmann for his years of excellent work.

Aug 26, 2020

October Surprise 2020: a Reichstag Fire event?

In the wake of the Weimar Republic, austerity measures were implemented in Germany which aided the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis with their deformed spirits. For details, see fiscal austerity and the rise of the Nazis.

In a previous post (2017) I published the Reichstag Fire Horoscope but erroneously set it for London, UK (not that that's a bad thing it just isn't what I'd intended to do). Today, for future reference, I'm publishing the event's horoscope set for Berlin, Germany (below). Because if a desperate, mean-as-a-snake Trump pulls an October Surprise in an attempt to pervert or prevent Election 2020, you know that a new horoscope set for the location of the Trumpian event would then be necessary. Even so, the 1933 chart could be useful for an astrologer or two.

Now hopefully, the Reichstag Fire 'false flag op' won't turn out to be the original event that Trump copies in some vicious, destructive way in order to force his will upon the American people. Yet we know that his nibs holds grudges and he does like to retaliate. But since his maliciously scheming mind (natal Mercury-Neptune square) is constantly occupied with taking revenge on others, he can most likely think of several possible actions to take that don't involve setting a fire - if he should hear, You're Fired!

As for the Reichstag Fire of 1933, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning this topic:

"Three days after the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse occurred, Hitler and his co-conspirators burned down the Reichstag Building of Parliament to give cover to his rise to power; eight days later, FDR was sworn in as US President for the first of his three full terms, the 4th term being uncompleted, 1933 to 1945."

Of course, there are contrasts as well as comparisons between conditions, events, and people of 1933 and those of 2020, but the primary theme of 'rising to power no matter the cost' (which falls within life's fallacious 'ends justify the means' category) applies to both power-craving, emotionally stunted despots. (And to FDR, too, depending on your p.o.v; Hoover was supposed to win according to the Venus Cycle!) Thing is, 'the cost' of their overbearing actions most often falls upon someone besides the perpetrators, yes? Plus, Trump has even more to obsess over for if he loses the 2020 Election, criminal indictments could very well be in Bunker Boy's future.

Well, now that I think of it, Adolf was something of a bunker boy, too, wasn't he?

A Related Post: Horoscope of the Third Reich with 2017 planets.

Aug 1, 2019

Tarot plus Astrology: Williamson, Warren, and Biden

August 1, 2019: today Mary Ann at Revealing Light Tarot posted to YouTube an illuminating reading on this week's Democratic Debates which focuses on candidates Marianne Williamson and her "dark psychic forces" reference to Donald Trump, Senator Elizabeth Warren and her popular appeal, and Joe Biden and how some Republicans may vote for Biden on November 3, 2020 "just to get rid of Trump."

Note: here's a handy list of the Top 40 Best Tarot Decks of All-Time (2019 Votes).

For astrologers, tarot readers, voters, and others who are not under the spell of Trump (Gemini the magician!) his evil, violent intentions have been clear from the start. What was Nazism but a death cult? And the Klan and white supremacists are dark birds of a feather as well. So as we've previously discussed, Trump's unaspected Pluto in Leo in his 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, and Politics identifies him as a man "overshadowed by shadows," a description of someone ensnared by the evil forces of Pluto, the 'dark lord', a man haunted by his own misdeeds. Of course,
Pluto (of the plutocrats!) relates to the Underworld of death, criminal syndicates (mobsters), and hidden (and nefariously gained) wealth but also to black magic and the mind control techniques Trump employs in his rhetoric a la Herr Hitler. This is one reason yours truly has taken to referring to his nibs as 'Herr Trump" which may be wrong but it feels so right.

To illustrate, here's an excerpt from an October 4, 2016 post concerning his Unaspected and Out-Of-Bounds Planets (my Bold added):

We must put a double emphasis on the condition of Mr. Trump's natal Pluto in egotistical Leo since Pluto is out-of-bounds as well as unaspected. When OOBs, Pluto embodies the lawless, mold-breaking, zaniness of an OOBs planet along with an outside-the-box style of thinking and speaking that breaks boundaries and cannot be under anyone's control. Pluto grabs power (and publicity) and we don't need Astrology to tell us that this describes Mr. Trump to a T.

However, disturbingly for our country, an OOBs Pluto, archetypal god of the Underworld, may also indicate one who is a sociopath and/or a criminal, particularly in the Leonine realms of gold and finances. {} Certainly his oppressive business dealings are in the news via contractors and others who have worked for him but have not been paid, plus, the tax avoidance made possible by laws that favor the wealthy--legal, yes, but anti-societal and hypocritical of him. And the primal violence of Pluto has been part of his campaign--even to the point of hinting at Second Amendment gun violence as an antidote to certain problems via Pluto, the assassin, aided by aggressor Mars (edit: which rises in his chart, and also in 12th house with saboteur Pluto).

And here's an excerpt from a May 18, 2018 post A Ginger Step into Donald Trump's 12th house which applies to today's plutonian topics:

Distorted by years of repression, Pluto in 12th house denotes intense passions, primal fears, and obsessions that for Donald Trump are unevolved because his Pluto is unaspected and detached from his other planets. He may often feel that his ego will be overpowered by others unless he fights 'tooth and nail' for he must win at any cost just to survive. Compulsively he tries one defense then another in an effort to defend himself from attack even though the gained relief may be only temporary and such 'solutions' usually lead to bigger problems later on. Is Trump a bearer of our Collective Shadow? Pluto in 12th says so, and reveals the presence of demonic forces of the unresolved 'sewage' of mankind. Tragically, this supports the theory now being heard in our public discourse that we Americans have the president we deserve.

Today I will add: deserved--but giving We The People the chance to change America's course from the dark side! Marianne Williamson supports reparation, a very good start, and I would add the withdrawal of the US military from the Middle East, and--of course--holding Trump, his minions, and enablers accountable. His kleptocracy of incompetence and exploitation must end!

And who can forget Trump's former (?) handmaiden Steve Bannon who was quoted in a DailyKos article on November 18, 2016 that, "Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power." He went on to say, "It only helps us when they (liberals) get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing." Oh we see you: you're political fanatics and satanists who conjure and use "dark psychic forces" to call upon America's Collective Shadow for support of your vile, violent, anti-American ideas.

So let us remember that although Trump is a TransPluto Figure, Saturn-Pluto Time Nears (Conjunction @22Cap46) which will hit Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51) of 'fated encounters' and/or 'changing work conditions' on January 12th and thus color the entirety of year 2020! Yet the Saturn-Pluto combination of energies can also engender 'the adept' and 'the magician' (Ebertin) so here we are back to Trump the Gemini and a magician of the black arts.

Now in case you're wondering after all my fussing, my 2020 druthers for president in a fair world is Senator Elizabeth Warren whose Sun-Uranus conjunction would be a good debate match for Trump's Sun-Uranus conjunction--hers in Cardinal Cancer, his in Mutable Gemini with his karmic North Node in between. But I see no way that Big Bankers will approve Senator Warren as the Democratic nominee given her policies, or as president if she's the nominee. And Joe Biden? He recently told the wealthy class that "nothing will change" if he's elected and I believe him. So no repeal of the revenue-dwindling GOP tax cut for the wealthy, Joe? Complicity! Plus, there's his somewhat controversial record in politics. Well, as I've stated many times these last few years, I'll vote for a rag mop for POTUS as long as it isn't a Republican. How about you, dear reader? Under Trump's spell are you? Doubtful if you're reading Stars Over Washington!

Above image: 15 The Devil card from The Enchanted Tarot.

Jan 24, 2019

Trump and Links Between Nazism and the Occult

Are You Odd or Merely Mystical?

Yes, there are links between Nazism and the Occult as you already know and Himmler and Hess were big poobahs in the occult department in the days of the Third Reich, as was Hitler. Then in our day, the Third Reich has had a Progressed New Moon in Taurus on June 6, 2017 about 5 months into Trump's first year in the Oval Office. And that's Taurus, sign of intolerance and hard-headedness when being negatively expressed as bigots tend to do.

Now in horoscopes, one planetary factor to look for concerning such potentials as the occult would be the combination of Neptune with Pluto which can also signify underworld criminal elements in society, aka, organized crime--by aspect, midpoint, transit, or by other connections in a horoscope. Why, one might even wonder if mob-tied Donald Trump entertains such secret occult leanings! Born on June 14, 1946, Trump seems to be influenced by a sextile (60 degrees) between the two karmic planets with Neptune @5Libra 2nd house of Values, and Pluto @10Leo in the secretive 12th house of politics, karma, self-undoing, secret practices, and hidden enemies. Both the slow-moving karmic planets are generational of course but if he is able to respond to the sextile energies between them, he's open to 'invisible realms' (Oken) and this would tie in with his problematic Mercury-Neptune square which interferes with his perception of reality, shows a lack of discrimination, loosens his lips, blocks his hearing, and conjures for him a fantasy world all his own. Then there are the constant Masonic hand signals Trump can't speak without brandishing (exs: the 'ok' hand symbol; forming a downward 'V" with his hands when he sits) suggesting a familiarity with Sacred Geometry or what modern astrologists call Astrology.

Now in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences Reinhold Ebertin spotlights the planetary pair of Neptune-Pluto as denoting The Supernatural which also fits with Nazism's perpetrators and their bizarre interests and rituals. Of course all astrological factors have a positive side as well and with Neptune-Pluto that would be self-knowledge, and perhaps a high level of spirituality if other chart factors concur--and as long illusions don't confuse issues, inspire spiritualism and seances, control via psychism, and/or lead to fraud and corruption. These are hard-to-control energies as you know, and may remain on unconscious levels for many people unless their personal planets are aspected by them.

The Uranian Donald Trump

Then additionally, a link between Nazism, the occult, and Donald Trump may also be seen (by yours truly if not by you, dear reader!) by a consideration of the current cycle of Neptune and Pluto which lasts approximately 492 years. Their cosmic clock began with three conjunctions which occurred on August 2, 1891 @8Gem38, November 5, 1891 @8Gem19, and April 30, 1892 @7Gem42--all within the time frame that the occult-practicing Nazis lived and within the eras of the Robber Barons and the Gilded Age in the US. (Remember the famous quote by financier J.P. Morgan, student of the great Evangeline Adams, that, "Millionaires don't use Astrology; billionaires do." It's all cyclical!) And of course, these days watery Neptune is strong as it floats through its own oceanic sign of Pisces while sabotaging Pluto, planet of power, is tearing up structures and systems as he plods through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, a time of 'the dictator' says Ebertin.

Notably the degree of the Neptune-Pluto conjunctions of 1891/92 hit America's natal Uranus (8Gem55), our nation's totem planet of revolution, independence, freedom, invention, futurism, and...war. This naturally forms a midpoint picture of potentials--Neptune-Pluto = Uranus: 'the propensity and flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, supernatural experiences' (Masonic initiation? witchcraft? Bohemian Grove's creepy 'cremation of care' ritual?), unusual catastrophes (Putin's puppet plays POTUS?), 'peculiar discoveries', and/or 'hypersensitive nerves' (Ebertin).

So how do such otherworldly energies link to Donald Trump? Besides his obvious mobster-like traits and fraudulent schemes, it's his Prenatal Solar Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus (and thus conjunct Neptune-Pluto), an eclipse which manifested on May 30, 1946 in the 2 Old North series, heralding his birth, and which repeated @21Cancer on July 12, 2018 near his natal Saturn in watery Cancer (his 'wall' obsession born of fear!) with themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'endings of relationships'. Yet, 'fast action can bring positive results' for the blighter with the hypersensitive nerves, a fate which supports the current theory going around town that no matter what happens legally and politically to him, Trump will, in some way, land on his bone-spurred feet.

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology; NASA image above: Neptune.

Jun 22, 2018

Tweet from Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic)

As Donald Trump shows his true colors more and more clearly, comparisons between Trump, Hitler and the Nazis continue to occur (including here on Stars Over Washington). Some folks use trolling, 'whataboutism', and other methods to defend Trump's actions and rhetoric in vain attempts to deflect criticism from his dictatorial sorriness. And many are quick to triumphantly cite Godwin's Law on Trump's behalf in every online discussion with non-trumpsters.

Well, in case you haven't seen it, here's a tweet from Mike Godwin himself although you may have to copy/paste to follow his link:

Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic) Tweeted: By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I'm with you.

Feb 26, 2017

June 6, 2017 Third Reich: Progressed New Moon in Taurus

Feb 26, 2017: this morning a Solar Eclipse manifested at 9:58 am ET @8Pis12 and tonight activist Mars catches up with radical *Uranus @21Aries, an explosive, often violent combination of energies. This got me thinking about how the Third Reich recently had its Uranus Return/s to natal Uranus degree (19Ari53). These returns were exact on June 17, 2015 (the day after Mr. Trump first announced his presidential bid from behind the shadows of a New Moon @25Gemini), September 4, 2015 (Rx), and March 31, 2016, dates which cover America's 2016 Campaign period and as we now know, the Klan and 'alt-right' folks were preparing to move into the White House under the coattails of Mr. Trump. And so a new cycle of Uranian activities (ex: politics) has begun for Old World Nazis, and I assume, for neo-Nazis, with a devilish force still plaguing the world.

Here's a view of the Third Reich natal chart of 1933 which is the horoscope and data from which issue the following Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moon of the Third Reich, a symbolic 'new cycle of activity' for an organization that is much much less popular than its adherents seem to believe it is:

SP New Moon @4Tau06: It's an Hour of Venus with Venus in one of her own signs, Taurus (the bull), a placement denoting conservative values and a love of jewels and luxury. Also, Venus is in the same degree as the SP New Moon giving a karmic flavor to the chart and cycle yet it is radical zealot Uranus @23Ari58 (the Utopian in Aries) that is nearer the Midheaven (MC = The Goal). Could Uranian favorites chaos and anarchy be on the organization's agenda? The Sun rules the chart but makes no applying aspects at all so 'Sun in 10th house in Taurus' sums up the solar influence while the Taurean Venus rules the roost.

Sun Taurus-Moon Taurus is a double Earth blend of pragmatism, rigidity, and obstinacy. This security-seeking blend saw a certain propagandist and 'social scientist' born under its rays, a man known as 'Karl Marx' (Levi's pen name) who famously promoted the tenet, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Who decides what everyone needs and how much I shall leave to your imagination. Just remember that 'Karl Marx' was funded by the House of Rothschild (N. Hagger, The Secret History of the West).

And as you see in SP 2nd house of Money and Values, the 'Marseillaise Trio' of Mars-Neptune-Jupiter remain a trio as in the natal chart and suggesting violence, terror, and cruel oppression as keyed during the French Revolution. A midpoint picture is formed: Mars-Jupiter = Neptune: falsehood; unfaithfulness; failures; plans without a chance of realization (hopefully so! jc) -- are the potentials, according to Reinhold Ebertin. No fascist USA! is one slogan on display during some of the many protests across the nation since Mr. Trump moved into the White House.

In addition, the violent Marseillaise Trio was a factor on the night of Hitler's Reichstag Fire through which his fascist dictatorship was firmly established. That night, the line-up was Jupiter-Mars-Neptune which emphasizes the speculation and conflating ability of the trio with arsonist Mars in the middle and the Jupiter-Neptune pair relating to political conflict and monetary fraud and waste.

Another 'as you see' in the SP chart is the stunning and disturbing conjunction of the SP Saturn-Pluto midpoint of cruelty, brutality, and violence (see upper right) with the New Moon. This dynamic should be unsurprising to most people who have no trouble mentioning the Nazi's treatment of the Jewish people when speaking of the Holocaust Memorial (unlike Mr. Trump who has himself been the cause of turmoil, use of the military for domestic actions (so far, against immigrants), and 'upsets in existing checks and balances' within our three branches of government. This is a crude man who uses a private police force causing some to assert that Mr. Trump is "playing with fire"...though not a Reichstag Fire, one wants to assume.

Okay, I'll hush for now. In closing, here are two links--one to an essay concerning The Rise of Nazism in Germany (opinions are the author's own). The other contains Astrology and also an interesting video concerning The Fascist Plot to Take Over the US in 1933.

Thankfully, America had General Smedley Butler to foil the plot then...who do we have now?


*This evening's Mars-Uranus conjunction @21Aries at 7:19 pm ET is basically a Mars Return to the Economic Unification chart of Germany as given in The Book of World Horoscopes (chart #132), by Nicholas Campion. The simultaneous transit of Uranus to natal Mars supports the notion of the Third Reich's SP New Moon 'new cycle of activity' since it relates to taking a new approach or direction made suddenly necessary due to circumstances. Actions are highly charged under a Uranus-to-natal-Mars transit, outcomes are unpredictable, there may be separation or estrangement within relationships with males, and it's a dangerous time to confront adversaries. Mars-Uranus when paired also indicate potentials that include operations, accidents, injuries, premature actions, willfulness, intolerance, a test of nerves, fighting for freedom, courage, and/or a struggle for survival (Ebertin).

And speaking of Economics, as of December 2016, Germany now heads the 2017 G20 Summit with the prominent Leaders' Summit scheduled for July 7 and 8, 2017 Hamburg, Germany. Later on we'll have to Moon Track that pretentious gathering of social and economic tinkerers in case there are influences they prefer we not see. Here's a page with a Timeline of G20 2017 events for your perusal.

Germany: Economic Unification July 1, 1990 00:00 CET Berlin; Ascendant 10Pis37 where eroding Neptune, planet of propaganda, the masses, the media, confusion, fraud, and disguises, hangs out these days.

View a brief bio and the natal horoscope of Karl Marx born May 5, 1818 during the 19th century Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius squared by Pluto in Pisces and, as previously discussed, via transit Pluto @18Cap-- 1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: the big picture commands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl) which is the intimidating command that world domination types are currently acting under and why Hegelian chaos is underway via Mr. Trump and his minions. Or is he one of their minions?

Feb 12, 2017

The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump

On February 11, 2017 I posted a video segment of Thom Hartmann discussing the Reichstag Fire that was used to boost Hitler's rise to power, plus, the unsettling correlations of the 1933 event and the un-mandated installment of Mr. Donald John Trump in the White House (with his sidekick, dodgy Steve Bannon, Aryan promoter extraordinaire).

The Reichstag Fire of February 27, 1933 is detailed on the Eye Witness to History website if you're curious about what was done and said that night by those on the scene (who were secretly responsible for setting it). As you see, the date of the event reveals that its Solar Return 2017 occurs a few days from this typing--and a day or less (depending on your time zone) after the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse, a karma-laden affair. Such cosmic time links are worth remembering if Trump and colleagues find a more applicable 'Reichstag Fire' (or, another 9/11) than they have so far.

For you see, spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway's imaginary Bowling Green massacre never happened so the administration had to nix that as their Muslim-bashing smokescreen for who-knows-what reforms they intend to perpetrate, if allowed. Calling out their cow pucky must be done as loudly as possible and of course ridicule and mockery are always useful against fools who take themselves so very seriously while they wreck people's lives and sabotage governments.

Brief bio and natal horoscope of Adolf Hitler.

Related is a previous post displaying the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of February 24, 1933, a mere three days prior to the Fire started via arson which Hitler blamed on his opponents, the Communists, and then used the fire as 'justification' for the events and forced changes that came after. Curiously, the 1933 eclipse was in secretive, karmic Pisces (5:29) as is the upcoming Solar Eclipse on February 26th (8Pis12). Karma, the universal principle of reaping what was sown, is on the cosmic menu these days but with this much Pisces and the sign's own Neptune active as it floats through its favorite sign, humanity seems to be at loose ends when it comes to figuring out how to handle hidden karma, some of which has yet to be revealed. Perhaps this is where the old hindsight is twenty-twenty can come in--after the fact and once it's too late--and after another false flag op has flown. With incendiaries in the White House, what are our chances?

And so I post the following chart for those who may wish to keep tabs on transits to it and its progressions for I don't always have time to do so myself. The chart is set for February 27, 1933 9:45 pm using the coordinates of the Reichstag Building, Berlin, Germany; it's an Hour of an unaspected Saturn in Aquarius and a will that's out of control:

Please enlarge chart to read my notes and you may agree that the parts written on the right that are highlighted in bright yellow just may apply to Mr. Trump, his minions, and backers (foreign as they may be). The activation of the Reichstag Fire chart which describes Hitler's false flag operation with its Sun @8Pis52 is a possibility though not necessarily on the date of the upcoming Solar Eclipse (February 26th) but potentials will be strongest within about 6 months afterward. No, Sun positions are not considered karmic or fated, if memory serves. But then we have the The Great American Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 @29Leo which will be visible across our nation from Oregon to South Carolina (where succession began).

Just the fact that Mr. Trump slogans at us with the word 'great' ad nauseum is enough to bother, if not worry me, how about you? A coincidence? Well, at 29 Leo the eclipse does hit Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant and is close to his rising Mars @27Leo, as well. Hmm. Therefore, its solar influence may be on a personal and/or ego level for Mr. Trump. Proud Leo, you know. Natural leader.

Additionally, the 1933 event's Solar Return for 2017 basically is the Solar Eclipse and look what we have in the White House--people with huge egos like our tweeter-in-chief and Mr. Bannon who are desperate for an excuse to enforce (more) unconstitutional laws and orders upon our nation, to weed out the undesirables (their opinion), 'greatly' enlarge the US military, cut benefits for people who actually need them, ruin what little health insurance we have, and bring on another world war as if Global Government is what the world needs more of. As you know, a 'new world order' was the goal of Adolf, too. Here's a previously posted video Germania: Hitler's Vision of World Government that you might want to check out. Astro-Notes concerning his Death Horoscope are included.

Herr Hitler and His Minions, Plus the Reichstag Fire

And if you're curious, here is a bi-wheel of Hitler's natal horoscope with the Reichstag Fire chart around it; actually, the Fire's planets conjoining his natal midpoint pictures tell an interesting tale, if you care to look:

As you see, the violent Marseillaise Trio of Neptune, Mars, and Jupiter is active as during the French Revolution, and there are indications of the occult, secret societies, and crusaders contained in various factors such as: Pluto conjunct Pollux, Jupiter/Chiron = Pluto, idealistic Jupiter-Neptune = mystics and visionaries and the wrong diagnosis which is what the Nazis gave for the arsonists who were themselves. Hidden karmic factors are shown by the security axis of Cancer-Capricorn intercepted in the philosophical 3/9 polarity, and priestly Chiron @23Tau57 exactly conjoins Hitler's natal 8th cusp, the house of The Occult and of Death. The fire was "under control" by 12:30 am and the Trio were at Midheaven (The Goal Point) so we see: Jupiter-Neptune = MC: visionaries, fortune-hunters, speculators, wastrels, spendthrifts, and squanderers (Ebertin).

Let's close with a view of the intriguing natal horoscope of the Third Reich dated January 30, 1933 11:15 am CET Berlin, Germany. Data source is the historical record and Nick Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #128. You'll see virtually the same position for Chiron which is rising and Rx in the chart (The Quest; the Great Guru (Nolle); wounding, blind spot, mysticism, mentoring) and is part of a KITE pattern with power grabber Pluto conjunct IC as the nose and Venus @19Cap as the Kite's tail. And Chiron rising? Going a very long way in an attempt to force a mentor's value judgments on others (Nolle) which aligns with Venusian concerns and pagan worship.

How curious that Mars-rising mogul Trump sees himself in a similar fashion--as something of a 'Great Guru' (aka, a materialistic Jupiterian) who's all about money and gold and loves to say, "You're fired!" Now surely that wouldn't be Reichstag Fired, would it?