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Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts

Sep 26, 2018

Friday Sept 28, 2018: The Kavanaugh Vote?

An observation today rather than a post. That if Senate Republicans follow through on their plan to stage a vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court on Friday September 28, 2018 at 9:30 am edt the natal and unaspected Pluto of Donald Trump (@10Leo02) will be dominating and manipulating the scene, the vote, the hour from the Midheaven of the horoscope, the most visible point of any horoscope--the Goal and Aspiration Point.

Here's an excerpt from a previous post regarding Trump's unaspected Pluto:

Unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of the Unconscious suggests one who is 'overshadowed by shadows' (Tierney) with Pluto, the isolationist, being the planet of Psychology, Psychiatry, and persuasion. There are subterranean forces within his psyche that are totally fragmented from the rest of his personality and because they are buried, he is unaware of them which gives them even greater primal power. This, I believe, suggests the "he can't help himself" remarks that perhaps you've heard from commentators and reporters (exs: all-hours tweeting about former Miss America, Alicia Machado and her weight gain, and other crass behaviors and remarks that set him back in the polls).

Unaspected Pluto is the essence of overwhelming compulsions and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto (the plundering plutocrat and manipulator) needs aspects to other planets in order to modulate its extreme tendencies. But with Mr. Trump, Pluto doesn't receive them, and nor do his other planets which could use the regeneration principle that Pluto could supply via aspect. And we have to say that Pluto's association with nuclear weapons is difficult to accept if under the thumb of Mr. Trump, the plutonian.

Also note that astrological Pluto is the planet of the Underworld, death, waste and pollution, destruction, de-construction, sabotage, threats, and criminal organizations. When it comes to autocrats in government, any plutonian regeneration must include new forms and reforms that a majority of Americans will reject and resist. And rightly so.

Jul 31, 2018

August 2018: Is Trump's Mojo Wilting?

Based on Donald Trump's dismally dropping support among Midwestern voters some pundits are saying that the Trump-Putin 'Summit' in Helsinki, Finland with its anti-America flavor was a turning point in Trump's popularity if not his White House tenure. Is Trump's mojo wilting? we might ask. Did it have far to fall in the first place? Are tall towers phallic enough for him?

Well, I posted on the Helsinki 'summit' at the time as Trump reporting to Putin and sad to say, nothing has occurred or been said since that changes my personal opinion as an American on the unacceptable circumstance of Trump sucking up to Russia's Putin. If you wish, follow the Trump-Putin link, above, for astro-notes on the horoscope you see re-posted here. And keep it under your babushka that no matter how Trump and Putin behave or what they say, Putin's long-term plan to collapse the USA is on-track and thriving with a compromised Donald Trump in the White House and the white supremacist Republican Party all-in on the global government game.

For as we saw with transit Pluto recently reaching the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction degree of 18Capricorn (NWO/POLITICAL POWER: smug or strong-armed paternalism--Jones) under Trump, 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). This makes me wonder who's Putin's boss behind the scenes! Does the name begin with Rothschild?

Feb 2, 2018

Astro-Notes on Devin Nunes (R-CA)

As you may have noticed, Wikipedia provides details on the life and career of Devin Nunes (R-CA), Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, memo-writer, former Trump transition team member, and seeming lapdog of kingpin-in-chief Donald Trump. Devin Gerald Nunes was born in Tulare, California on October 1, 1973 so let's have a brief peek at his natal planets (no birth hour known, 'noon' is used though the Moon remained in Sagittarius for the entire 24 hours) and any current transits affecting them.

First, a Sun Libra-Moon Sag (Air-Fire) personality combo of the 'live wire' suggests one who is idealistic, intelligent, enthusiastic, and has a sense of 'missionary zeal'. He may see himself as a 'mouthpiece for the grand vision' but may over estimate his capacities. This blend has a 'flair for persuasion and publicity'. Personal problems may be hidden by workaholism and a lack of introspection is supported by what may be a fantasy-prone Moon-Neptune conjunction and a problematic Mercury-Jupiter square of grandiose ideas, aspect of The Exaggerator (A. Oken). Blindness to his own deeper motives can affect the obsessive, single-minded pursuit of his goals--and he's highly susceptible to sales pitches from unreliable types such as Donald Trump.

Natal Sun Libra-Moon Sag is shared by humorist-journalist-writer Art Buchwald and one of his most famous quotes may apply to our subject, "I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn't want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me."

His Mars-Jupiter square (Mars Rx in Taurus) denotes unreliability in group obligations which sounds much like the behavior the semi-recused Nunes has exhibited as Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. 'Fighting holy crusades' (Sakoian) are part of his Mars-Jupiter tendencies along with wasting other people's money, extremism, and glorifying war. Fanatical social or religious beliefs and involvement in controversial political issues are indicated as is hypocrisy.

Sun-Pluto, an Unaspected Venus, and Mercury-Uranus

Another important feature of Devin Nunes's chart is that natal Venus in Scorpio is unaspected (and in mutual reception with Pluto in Libra which conjoins his natal Libran Sun adding to his tendency toward obsession with power and certain personal compulsions). Unaspected Venus denotes a social 'wallflower' whose sociable instincts and perspectives are under-developed. Sporadic or compulsive actions may be noticed for he is less driven to reflect or deliberate before taking such action. Typically, little moderation or restraint are shown and a one-pointed focus is supported by an unaspected Venus in Scorpio, a sign obsessive and brooding enough all by itself. Additionally, a jealous or vindictive nature may also be a problem with Venus in Scorpio.

Also notable is a wide conjunction between Mercury and Uranus denoting an inventive and opinionated mind which may border on genius of some kind, or simple contrariness. Plus, in support of his unaspected 'wallflower' Venus, Jupiter in Aquarius means he relates to other people in a detached or aloof way although societal concerns (AQ) are evident as well. Broad interests are denoted (supported by Jupiter in AQ) and may include Technology, occult topics, and/or Astrology. Perhaps like many politicians, Devin Nunes may be a Freemason!

As for current transits to his natals, there are at least three major ones:

1. Transit Mercury conjunct natal Jupiter 2AQ18 (stimulating his Mercury-Jupiter square); 2. transit Mars conjunct natal Neptune 5Sag13; and 3. transit Jupiter conjunct natal Venus 21Sco22:

1. ideas and activities involve politics, writing (of memos?), and publishing. Legal decisions may be prominent and international communications may play a role. 2. a period of unwise decisions and actions, confusion, misunderstandings, and secret motives that may come to light; who did what and why is difficult to ascertain. 3. benefits are possible via alliances and associations, but overindulgence or extravagance may occur. Overestimation of relationships causes them to seem more promising than they really are (beware Trump!) and the compromising of principles is a potential to avoid; prudence and moderation are needed (though they must be gleaned from natal planets other than his unaspected Venus).

The Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Devin Nunes--and Donald Trump

Prior to his birth, on June 30, 1973, a Solar Eclipse manifested in the 11 South Saros Series @8Can31 a degree which precisely conjoins the natal Mercury of Donald Trump! Trump, born on June 14, 1946, would have experienced this eclipse of his natal Mercury and if one had the time one could look back at Trump in June 1973 and see what he was up to at age 27 (if one cared!) Mr. Trump's Solar Return horoscope of 1973 should include the 11 South eclipse but also the one before, the 11 North @14Capricorn (and of course, at age 27, the Mercurial Uranian Trump's Saturn Return around that time would provide a fuller cosmic picture; you've noticed Trump's trouble with taking responsibility for his actions and with being authentic and reliable--his Saturn in Cancer = discontent and hypersensitivity--Ebertin; neurosis and emotional scars--Sakoian).

11 South themes: old ideas or methods fail, new systems and sudden reforms are needed to deal with events under an 11 South eclipse; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed. (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady). The last 11 South was on July 22. 2009 @29Cancer26; the next 11 South will be on August 2, 2027 @10Leo (conjunct Trump's natal Pluto). Hmm-m-m...has Trump got Nunes under his intimidating thumb? Or is it pay-offs and bribes?

The initial 11 South eclipse occurred on June 14, 1360 @00Can48 (OS), one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation so the PE of Devin Nunes should be viewed through a double Cancerian lens of Fame, Recognition, Fortune--and the shrewd sideways scuttling of Cancer the Crab...scuttling toward secret contacts at the White House in the middle of the night!

Well, there's my quick peek at Devin Nunes, agree or disagree. Plenty more chart factors are worth noting so I encourage you to take a look at his chart yourself. And why not watch expert astrologer Maxine Taylor as she compares the solar natal chart of Devin Nunes with those of Donald Trump and Sally Yates. Maxine's video was posted on March 29, 2017.

For more personality blend info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Above image is the official portrait of Congressman Devin Nunes.

Jan 26, 2018

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2018 w Neptune at MC

Spring Equinox 2018: Kassandra Rising, Sun conjunct Nemesis, and Neptune at Midheaven

by Jude Cowell

March 14, 2018 Update: additional astro-notes are now posted regarding the Sun-Moon cosmic weather of Spring EQ 2018 if you're curious! Original post begins here:

In a December 10, 2017 post I published a dual image of the Spring Equinox 2017 and Spring Equinox 2018 horoscopes for the sake of comparison and I labeled planet Neptune the "star of the show" for its angular prominence in both charts. As you know, the 164-year-old Republican Party is in process of a Neptune Return and this can be related to their current nebulous control of the three branches of government, plus, a conservative majority on the Supreme Court of the United States. Neptunian back room meetings are prominent on Capitol Hill as always but perhaps more so these days, thanks to Mr. Trump and the GOP.

And we should note that Neptune in its own sign of murky Pisces indicates potentials for pathological leanings and inclinations, mysticism, cravings, and pessimism (Ebertin); to this I would add such things as paranoia, fear, propaganda, instability, secretiveness, contagion, and shady activities. You may disagree, but there it is.

Below is a stand-alone horoscope of Spring Equinox 2018 (aka, the Aries Ingress) set for Washington DC. You see the 10th house Neptune @14Pis32 conjunct Midheaven (the Goal-Public Status-World Stage angle) and most visible spot in any horoscope. Neptune here suggests people on a spiritual mission--or public disgrace and since we're talking Politics (and considering all that's going on in DC), I must expect the latter, plus, some form or forms of dissolution as more congressmen step down or vow not to run again). Hidden motivations are also suggested by Neptune-MC, and written above the MC is "GOP natal Neptune 14Pis01" so they are the party most heavily affected as the GOP's Neptune Return trundles on through 2018 with disappointment, disillusion, delusion, dishonesty, instability, and perhaps inspiration in tow. As for a spiritual mission, the furthering of America's Secret (Neptune) Destiny may be referenced here. In the chart, the 2nd house North Node of future destiny is in Leo, sign of leadership, so America's next Nodal Return occurs this summer.

And if We The People play our cards right, perhaps karmic progress can be made especially since the Equinox's Prenatal Eclipse (PE) @27AQ07 on February 15, 2018 (here in 9th house) conjoined (or eclipsed) the US natal Moon of July 4, 1776 in the 1 South Saros Series with its themes of: flooded with ideas and options (Brady). Actually, Solar Eclipses in Aquarius, sign of humanitarianism, suggest just that--karmic progress is made when the past is used as a guide to future development rather than being seen as a burden (Rose Lineman). Open-mindedness is a must so obviously, Trump-style bigotry, misogyny, and zealotry must be overcome--and now is our opportunity to do so once and for all--if a majority of us take it advantage of it.

Now as you see, rising is 4Can54 which brings up asteroid Kassandra (the prophetess who tells the truth no one believes), plus, US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (POTUS) and hints that US currency evaluation issues are rising (as they are) along with budgets and funding (as usual). The chart-ruler Moon @8Tau035 is in the 11th house of Groups and Organizations with Taurus a money sign further indicating financial concerns of the public (Moon) and suggesting the lunar tendency toward publicity. However, as chart-ruler, the Moon makes no major applying aspects to other planets though there are waning trines to both Mars and Saturn snugged 'round the Descendant angle of Partnerships. (See the above link for additional Solar-Lunar info.) Plus, austere, conservative Saturn conjoins fixed star Facies (key phrase: ruthlessness or the victim).

All this bodes ill for partnerships and alliances with Washington (Trump), and also points toward the ill will between Mr. Trump and his many opponents. Note that Trump's first natal planet/s to rise in this chart are his 11th house Venus and Saturn in Cancer (partnership break-up/s?); his natal Ascendant is in 3rd house so no doubt we'll hear and read much about and from the put-upon Mr. Trump. Meanwhile, we must attempt to keep up as best we can with what the government is doing behind our backs while the distracting turmoil is going on for the Trump Distraction is very useful for saboteurs, foreign agents, and the current crop of coup-mongers in our government. Yet the Moon is apex of a midpoint picture with ASC-MC denoting feelings and intuition in the lead, plus, attitudes toward the feminine sex in general. This picture is emphasized along with the Moon's sign and house position. Plus, there's Luna's ruler-ship of both the 1st house (Spring season) and 2nd house (National Treasury; Values, Earning Ability; Issues of Self-Worth).

In addition, Sun reaches Aries Point during a Moon Hour so fluctuations and changes are in store within various realms, financial included (US natal Pluto is in the corporate 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Death, and Transformation). Note also that unmarked on the chart is the Moon conjoining two fixed stars: Hamal, the alpha star of Aries (to follow one's own path) and Schedir, the Queen. News of change for Elizabeth II? Perhaps. She will turn 92 years young on April 21st this year and the transiting North Node will very soon point toward her natal Leo Moon.

Now on the evening of March 20th, Luna does go on to sextile Neptune at 10:42 pm EST which denotes a need to guard against delusion, deception, fraud, and falsehood. But since we're talking Politics here, I know you're continually aware of such a need! For after all, astrological Neptune is planet of the masses, and also of the media whose mission of spouting propaganda at We The People on behalf of the power elite seems never-ending. This may be part of the Neptune-at-MC picture, I suspect, along with the dissolution of various government agencies now ongoing.

And although I neglected to enter it on the chart, 'dog star' Sirius @14Cancer (The Scorcher) rises in 1st house and can represent many concepts: the goddess, goddess worship, renown, dog bites, and, according to Nicholas Devore, denotes great dignity when rising. But whose dignity I cannot say! Can you? Special Counsel Robert Mueller's dignity perhaps?

Also in the public 10th house are wounded-wounding Chiron @28Pis24, Sun @00Ari00:00 conjunct transiting asteroid of divine retribution, Nemesis (POTUS vs The Establishment, the 'unbeatable foe'?), and Mercury @16Ari32 conjunct Venus @16Ari59, the Kabbalistic Shekinah pair with its 'divine presence' and 'sacred feminine' vibes. So considering the currently touted 'rise of the feminine' in America, perhaps Sabian Symbols for '16Aries' (the 'karmic confrontation' degree) and '17Aries' will be revealing:

"16Aries": "Brownies Dancing in the Setting Sun" = INVIGORATION: positive: simple good fortune together with unlimited opportunity as the direct fruitage of effort; negative (unconscious/shadow side): delusions of adequacy with a complete inability to act in real self-interest.

"17Aries": "Two Prim Spinsters" = DIVORCEMENT: positive: utter fidelity to self and all its special idealizations of its own capacities; negative: an increasing exaltation of shallow interests and a witless pretense of distinction and great virtue." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones).

Well, that's all I have to say for today about Spring Equinox 2018 in Washington DC. You may certainly find more chart factors worth noting in your own opinion and I hope you will!

Evaluating Venus-related News: Trump vs Mnuchin: Strong vs Weak Dollar.

Related Posts include: GOP's March 6, 2018 Neptune Return (#3 of 5) chart if you're curious; other Return dates are listed in the post. Also see Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms, aka, 'The (structure-collapsing) Tower Eclipse'.

Now here are some 'Kassandra Blessings" for us all:

Oct 29, 2017

The GOP Pro Life? More Like Anti Life

Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes writes:

The GOP, Pro Life? More Like Anti Life

by Kevin Estes

Over the last few days, some old Obama era laws have been repealed or are in the process of being repealed, such as removing the regulations on birth control, enabling employers to not cover birth control for religious reasons, and proposing to repeal the Clean Power Act, which would result in an increase of pollution, which would result in a decline in the quality of life for everyone. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has also announced the reversal of protections of transgender citizens from discrimination in the workplace, making them once again prone to harassment, which results in a lower quality of life. And the whole year, especially the summer, was known for continuous efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, which would have resulted in millions losing coverage, reducing their quality of life. Get a pattern here? The Republican party is known as the "pro life" party, because of their opposition to abortion, but does that really make them pro life, when the vast majority of their policies negatively effect the quality of life of the American citizens?

In a word, no.

Any political party that supports taking away people's health care with the replacements allowing insurers to deny coverage for pre existing conditions, that supports cutting programs the neediest citizens depend on in order to support tax cuts for the wealthy, as well as wars where innocent people die, that supports eliminating environmental restrictions, resulting in a lower quality of air to breathe, supports the discrimination of the LGBT community, supports easier access to semi automatic weapons (I do not support taking away of guns in general, as a disarmed population leads to tyranny), and supports restricting access to birth control, which prevents the abortions they're against from taking place, is not truly pro life. You cannot be pro life and support policies like this, that will have a negative effect on the quality of life of the American citizens. Not to be divisive, but anybody who votes Republican and/or supports Trump is supporting these policies.

And the thing is, most people who vote Republican are Christian. If you're a Republican and reading this, do you really think Jesus would be in favor of anti life policies, like those of the Republican party ever since Reagan's presidency? Would Jesus support cutting people's food stamps or taking away people's health care in order to fund wars and tax cuts for the wealthy, when the wealth gap has never been more extreme and is only getting wider? Would Jesus support restricted access to birth control, even though it prevents abortions, which are more risky? Would Jesus support everybody having low quality air to breathe?

From what I've read in the Bible, very doubtful. Yet Christians, by voting Republican, are supporting policies that are so against the very nature of the Christ they worship every Sunday. Jesus said nothing about gay marriage or abortion, yet said that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich masn to enter the Kingdom of God, chased the bankers out of the temple, and said "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God". Does any of that fit the GOP's political platform?

The Aquarian Age

In astrology, it is well known that we're in the transition period between the Piecean Age and the Aquarian Age. Christianity is a product of the Piscean Age, as shown by one of its symbols being a fish. The shadow side of Pisces represents illusions, and the Piscean Age has been full of illusions, mainly how our current financial system is supposedly good for us when the rich are getting richer at the expense of everyone else, and how we supposedly have a voice when the elite oligarchs control our elected officials. The conservative Christian mindset, that they are actually following Jesus' teachings, can also be considered an illusion. In this transitional period, new ideas are gaining momentum, such as single payer health care and Universal Basic Income, which would have been considered crazy 15 years ago, and the combination of the truth coming out (Aquarius rules truth), as well as these new energies, has the elite scared of losing their power, and thus the politicians they control are in the process of increasing the suppression, to slow down the inevitable change. This is why both the GOP and the Democratic party have been more extreme than ever the last few years, to divide us.

What should we do to really be pro life? Simple. Treat others how you'd want to be treated. Jesus also said "Love your neighbor as thyself. There is no commandment greater than these", and it is no secret that we've gone far away from that. Going back to doing that is the only way to be pro life, as well as overcome the oppressors, as they want us to be divided and at each other's throats, so we can't unite as one.

Thanks for sharing your views, Kevin! jc

The above article originally appeared October 6, 2017 on Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog. For more of his millennial viewpoint informed by astrological considerations simply type 'Kevin Estes' into the SO'W Search box you'll find in the sidebar.

Sep 28, 2017

Trump, the Presidency, and the GOP? Neptune at Work!

Can Loosening Neptune Be Knitted Together?

by Jude Cowell

Since February 2011, transit Neptune has floated through its own sign of Pisces and is now @12Pisces+ as September comes to a close. And spotlighting the sign Pisces, we basked beneath the rays of a Full Moon @13Pis53 on September 6, 2017, and who can forget the last Pisces Solar Eclipse on February 26, 2017 @8Pisces in the 19 South Series? Its cosmic Piscean implications of instability, fakery, and erosion are imprinted forever upon Mr. Trump and his loosely staffed administration.

Yes, this Neptune in Pisces transit has proven to be a murky proposition full of shadows and white hoods and when shady Politics and in-breach-of-the-public-trust politicians are factored in, there stirs a poisonous stew of scandals, secrets, corruption, falsehood, propaganda, the media and the masses, delusion, dissolution, undermining efforts, instability, weakness, confusion, over-sensitivity, disappointment, pessimism, distrust, incorrect perception, weird imaginings and notions, spies, breaches--leaks--hacks, other types of theft, draining, networks, webs, the Internet, masks, drugs including alcohol, oil-gas-water issues including floods and toxic poisons and chemicals, sabotage, sneaky criminal activities, hiding one's true character, false public images and public relations work, obscuring and veiling, misrepresentation, metaphysical interests, the supernatural, visions and dreams, plans without any real prospect of fulfillment, finagling and rigging (ex: elections), and a major potential for financial and/or religious fraud.

Now you, dear reader, may think of more connotations involving the merging qualities of astrological Neptune.

After all, in the worldly realms of Politics and Society, there grows paranoia, fear, fanaticism, gossip, epidemics and contagions of various sorts which seem to take precedence over Neptune in Pisces' admirable ability to inspire, show compassion and charity, and divinely uplift to the heights. Yes, I do believe that in 2017 America is in need of a spiritual awakening as much if not more than ever before!

For it may turn out that the future of our Republic depends upon such an awakening from elusive Neptunian dreams (ex: 'The American Dream' - see The Real Meaning of The American Dream.)

But here we shall stick with the worldly material and political realms.

So with otherworldly Neptune very busily at work these days, it follows that several of SO'W's topics would be infused with Neptunian vibes and undermining activities of various sorts, so a list of recent efforts involving Neptune, Mr. Trump, the office of the president, and the Republican Party might provide a loose knitting together of Neptune's recent activities--some by transit, some lurking in progressions, and some emphasized by the timing of planetary returns:

Transit Neptune in Pisces Veils US Progressed Sun (POTUS)...peep-eye!.

2017: Republican Party Now Having Its Neptune Return.

2017 Neptune Hits American Revolution's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in Pisces in the 11 South Saros Series.

Will Neptune's power to erode increase as 2017 ends?

Winter Solstice 2017: a Neptune and Sun-Saturn Season (horoscope shown with Neptune @11Pis42 rising in Washington, DC implies that more scandal, erosion, and sabotage via Neptune in Pisces is on America's 2018 menu.)

Trump Inauguration 2017's 2018 Solar Return which looks ahead to the Trump administration's future, and thus to the future of America--now sabotaged from without and within.

Part 1: The Natal Horoscope of Donald Trump which includes a link to Part 2.

Plus, don't miss a previous post by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes who provides an overview of Neptune through the signs in his Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Society.

And for info on the expansion of Neptunian vibes concerning fraud, get-rich-quick schemes, over-promising, and inflated notions, simply add societal planet Jupiter to wispy Neptune and you have potentials for speculation, gambling, financial bubbles, money laundering, deceit, and illusions about growth. This dreamy duo appears in the natal chart and 2nd house of 'real estate mogul' and alleged billionaire Donald Trump--and with wounded/wounding Chiron sandwiched between! (See his natal chart, linked above.)

Now the following may sound extremely familiar--even to readers of a Republican persuasion: Jupiter-Neptune's Hegelian Thesis and Antithesis potentials in the realms of Politics and Business as given in Michael Munkasey's excellent book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets:

Thesis: Expansion and elaboration of ideals or dreams; policies of expansion and growth; ideals mirrored in a religious context; churches espousing a moral philosophy for all; foolish or unfounded legal situations.

Antithesis: Scandals about growth, values, or belief systems; hypocrisy growing as a form of internal policy; a legal system where ethics and morals are based upon favors and payoffs; degradation in systems of justice.

Sep 26, 2017

Are There Fascists In America? Yes and They Aren't Who You Think They Are

Sept 26, 2017: an excerpt from today's Thom Hartmann broadcast with a question that seems more appropriate each day:


For years Stars Over Washington and other blogs and sites have featured warnings about such potentials. Here are eight posts closely related to the topics discussed by Thom Hartmann in the video excerpt, above:

Hitler's Progressed New Moon Exact: February 24, 2017: Is It Fair to Compare Trump to Hitler?

The Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse February 24, 1933 (chart shown).

At least two planetary returns stimulated the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse horoscope since Mr. Trump slithered on to the political scene--during his 2016 campaign, in fact, and both planets are prominent in the natal chart of Mr. Mars Rising: Violent Protests as Rebel Uranus Returns to its Fascist Solar Eclipse Degree and Jupiter in Virgo Now Triggers the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933: If Not Nominated Candidate Trump Signals Riots for RNC 2016.

Major General Smedley Butler and the Fascist Take-Over of the US - video w/ Eclipses.

Remembering Henry A. Wallace: Our Mystic Vice President.

National Journal: The Rise of Dark Money and the Koch Party.

The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump (Berlin's parliament building set ablaze under the influence of the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse).

Sep 2, 2016

What Did President Truman Think About Republicans?? video (w Eclipses)

Although it makes me feel sad for our country and for our system of government, here is Thom Hartmann reading President Harry Truman's description of the Republican Party which sounds eerily similar to a modern day assessment:

And here is a related post from 2015 entitled Harry Truman's NSA and Pluto's Covert Actions which includes brief details on President Truman's natal chart, Freemason as he was.

Speaking of Freemasons and politicians, have you had a chance to check out the History of Freemasons and the Skull and Bones video? Recently I read somewhere (I'd tell you where if memory served!) that Yale's Skull and Bones Society is purely an Illuminati endeavor and as you know, the Bushs, John Kerry, and many other 'politicians' are members of this secretive group (though few if any will admit it).

Also related is a post on the 16 North Illuminati Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11Scorpio, so called because 16 North's initial eclipse in the series brought events via the trine between Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune (the last conjunction/s of which occurred three times in 1993 during the first term of President Bill Clinton--@18Cap = strong-armed paternalism). If curious, see Historical Events of 2013 and you may discover something of a light-dark nature.

Actually, it's amusing to remember that during the 16 North eclipse's 1995 manifestation (00Scorpio), I began drawing on black paper which I had not done since high school art classes! So I wonder: in 1995 were you doing anything that brought light to dark? Yes, chiaroscuro art has always been a favorite of mine and a pretty good example is one of my top-viewed drawings Spooky Fairy Night which was perpetrated by manipulating white pencil on black-as-night paper!

Of course, that may be what we call the night of Election Day 2016 once our a-shambles political system with its rigged voting machines gets through with us.

16 North manifested or will manifest in the years: 1905 (Einstein!), 1923, 1941, 1959, 1977 (Chiron discovered!), 1995, 2013, 2031, 2049 (Brady).

Aug 9, 2016

If Trump Quits, Would His Replacement Be Even Scarier? - video

Thom Hartmann poses an interesting question and so close to the November 8th election: who could (or would) replace 2016 Republican nominee Donald Trump on the GOP ticket and how awful would this be?

And may I say that as a *child of the Revolution, I deeply resent how the political establishment has gone along with the power elite who have provided the American people with a rock and a hard place in the 2016 selection of the next president (as if our votes matter) and yes, I believe this was done on purpose precisely at this time to further the instability and disintegration of the US government and the other institutions we have traditionally depended upon. As I've blogged for years (as have others), forget the Rs vs Ds/cons vs libs ploys--this is class warfare of a most vicious kind.

Here's Thom:

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism; replace 'Statism' with Nationalism and you have Mr. Trump, the Mussolini wannabe.


*My occasional reference to A Child of the Revolution is due to ancestral participation in the fight for independence, yes, and to the '30 Cancer' Sabian Symbol which is the Illumination Point of my natal Mars @30Capricorn. I dissent from the destruction of all that they fought, sacrificed, and died for--and reserve the right to do so on behalf of my country. jc

Jul 17, 2016

"Trumpified" Republican Platform: Less Porn More Wall - clip

You couldn't miss the news that tomorrow, July 19, 2016, the 2016 Republican National Convention opens in Cleveland, Ohio with the true face of the Republican Party revealed in part by the nomination of Donald Trump (the Klan takes the White House??) and the necessarily "Trumpified" Republican platform which is avoidable in order to continue scamming Trump supporters into voting for Nationalism in November:

One illogical discrepancy that keeps bothering me about Trump voters is that Trump wants more militarization of police, more authoritarianism, while many of his supporters keep weapons and ammo ready in case the government comes after them. These folks seem to think that a militarized police force is a good thing that will never be used against them! Am I missing something?

Jun 8, 2016

Swing States Already Purging Democrats from Voting Rolls - video

Stars Over Washington sends Congratulations to Hillary Clinton and her shattered glass ceiling after last night's results.

Given the unfavorability ratings of GOP nominee Donald Trump, Republicans will have to cheat to win on November 8, 2016. Actually the cheating has already begun though I doubt that Mr. Trump cares how he 'wins' the (Venusian) Oval Office for he seems to be an 'end justifies the means' kind of self-promoter. The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins reports:

May 5, 2016

Growing List of Republicans Voting for Hillary Over Trump - video

May 5, 2016: With many Americans seeing little if any difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties (both follow the corporate global government script but with different ideas of how to implement the 'big picture' agenda) and since Campaign 2016 has proven to be such a cluster f*** of lies, sophomoric insults, slanderous accusations, evading-the-issue debates, and disappointing choices, it makes sense that some conservative voters might wander into war hawk Hillary's aisle on Election Day 2016 in order to avoid Mr. Trump.

Here's David Pakman reporting:

Apr 18, 2016

GOP Doing Everything Possible to Dismantle Democracy - video

Although I personally tend to blame both political parties for breach of the public trust in a multitude of ways these last decades, there does seem to be a particular leaning on the side of the Republican Party's anarchists and zealots wanting to "dismantle", shut down, obstruct, undermine, drown in a bath tub, destroy, and/or otherwise coup the US government as discussed here by Farron Cousins and Howard Nations:

Talk about a previous post! Here's one from December 2005 when Stars Over Washington was barely two months old concerning a similar anti-democracy topic: Chiron-Uranus Types in Government. Its points may sound familiar these 11 years later especially since transit Uranus in Aries (anarchists, Utopian zealots--Ebertin) is conjoining off and on America's natal Chiron @20Aries. Uranus in Aries describes, among others, the tea partisans who infiltrated the US Congress on the Koch Brothers' dime and would rather shut down the US government like cowardly traitors than actually govern our nation which imho puts them in breach of the public trust.

Apr 7, 2016

Trump’s Secret Lobbyist Meeting Proves He’s Just Like The Other Repugs - video

Republicans have been protesting too much for too long against Donald Trump as their nominee for me to believe they won't support him, how about you?

Mar 29, 2016

For A Split Second, Paul Ryan Actually Showed Maturity - video

Farron Cousins comments on Paul Ryan, then a little Astrology appears, below...

Related posts: Paul Ryan for President at a Brokered Republican Convention? and why not have a brief Astro-Peek at Paul Ryan? Then there's the horoscope of the RNC 2016 Full Moon @27Capricorn which precisely eclipses America's natal Pluto.

The RNC Full Moon conjunct US natal Pluto makes me wonder if plutonian sabotage lurks in July amidst the Republican National Convention in order to avoid a Trump nomination! Of course, Pluto can also denote violence out of control and during RNC 2016 the spotlight of a Saturn-ruled Full Moon will shine upon manipulative Pluto. As you know, Reinhold Ebertin says that one of the roles of Pluto in governmental Capricorn plays is The Dictator and this (as America nears her first-ever Pluto Return/s, three times exact in 2022) seems part of an ongoing campaign of sorts to totally take over the US government. Does Trump campaign rhetoric sometimes seem to drift into 'take-over the country' territory? For me it does, but you decide for yourself, as always. I am open to changing my mind about a lot of things.

For more news, commentary, and interviews visit The Ring of Fire.

Mar 24, 2016

Dems & DOJ Have Done Nothing on Voter Suppression: 2016 Disaster Awaits

The entire Campaign 2016 has become something of a disaster for several reasons but voting conditions on November 8, 2016 may take the cake. It seems maddening and hypocritical how often Washington has pontificated to other countries on How to Hold Elections while they've managed to gum up US elections so effectively in about every way possible:

Visit Ring of Fire Radio for reports on various topics.

Mar 8, 2016

Morning Joe - Giving Up on Trickle Down?!? - video

March 8, 2016: glad that Thom Hartmann is talking about what Joe Scarborough said about the trouble with the Republican Party though I'd like to tell Mr. Scarborough that this isn't all:

Possibly Related: Obamaism vs Reaganism: Jupiter-Neptune and Pluto-Chiron. Note that both Cruz and Rubio were born with major Jupiter-Neptune signatures though Rubio's conjunction is closest with Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius (relates to others as a Sagittarian) unlike Ted Cruz whose Jupiter is in corporate-minded Scorpio (relates to others as a Scorpion, an Eagle, and/or a Serpent. Both have grand plans and ideas but are not necessarily reliable.

Now Pluto-Chiron plutocrats drench the place. You know, the two bodies last conjoined at the end of 1999 and their combined energies ushered in the New Millennium as much as any other cosmic factor shoved the Collective into the 21st century. And that's even if you consider the New Millennium to have started on January 1, 2001, not 2000.

At 12 Sag (which is often used as the US natal Ascendant (our rebel nation), the Sabian Symbol for the 1999 Pluto-Chiron conjunction is: "ADJUSTMENT" "A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows" which could refer to any of the 2016 candidates, agreed? In political realms, the symbol sounds the most like crowing Cruz or bellowing Trump to me, but you must decide for yourself. The karmic degree just before is 11 Sag: "The Lamp of Physical Enlightenment at the Left Temple" with the keyword, RECONCILIATION." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) Wouldn't that be good? And yet...

The Pluto-Chiron cycle lasts about 60 years from conjunction to conjunction and has to do with transformation of mass consciousness and the deepest levels of reality. (Nolle). Among other things, the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse resonates with Pluto-Chiron concepts and suggests conditions of the 1930s within the Collective Unconscious (to those who have eyes to read, ears to hear). America's Inauguration Ascendant (the Oath of Office, the Presidency) at '14 Taurus' (noon, January 20, Capitol Building Washington DC) rises with difficult star Menkar, of the Cetus the Whale constellation, and relates closely to the president as mouthpiece, saying what must be said. As you know, it was Teddy Roosevelt who turned the White House soapbox into a "bully pulpit" though the adjective "bully" might obviously refer to Taurus the Bull, and is not necessarily a synonym for 'great, handy, efficient,' or, 'groovy' pulpit from which to preach. Anyway, the exploits of Jonah in the whale's belly for three days are indicated even though it was FDR who changed our Inaugurations from early March (Cancer rising, 1933) to January 20th in 1937 with Taurus rising. The 1930s again.

Ancient ones among us remember that George H. W. Bush, in his quest for more power, called trickle down policies 'Vood Doo Economics' which tells you the level of realism involved. And with the September 2016 Solar Eclipse themes of 'realism, coming down to earth, seeing old situations for what they really are, not what you thought they were' (Brady's Predictive Astrology), we can only note that candidates Bernie Sanders and possibly Donald Trump are the only ones who come close to filling that bill in Campaign 2016. The congressional record of Bernie Sanders can be and has been fact-checked while Mr. Trump's business and tax records are more elusive to public scrutiny, his resume inconclusive. Mob ties may be in the wings.

There are other candidates to be wary of for the simple fact that (according to my mother), we should, "Never trust a man who says, Trust Me." Great advice. Because you can't.

Democrats please don't stay home on November 8, 2016.

Mar 2, 2016

Mar 2, 2016: Chris Christie for Attorney General? - Thom Hartmann reports

Lately when I see Governor Chris Christie and 2016 candidate Donald Trump stumping on the same stage and in cahoots I see two organized crime figures (or pawns), one from New Jersey, the other from New York. Yet as a southerner gazing toward the big city from way down here in Georgia, what else should I see?

Then I think of Mafia originator Mazzini, colleague of Confederate General and head of the Scottish Rite masons Albert Pike, and the subversive Knights of the Golden Circle, the Civil War, the collusion of southern secessionists and their foreign backers who planned and perpetrated the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, the NRA, the KKK, the CIA, Alabama Governor George Wallace's multiple runs for the White House, the...

Feb 28, 2016

This Week Proves Donald Trump Owns The Insane Republican Party - video

Do you think the hierarchy of the Republican Party are truly distressed over the popularity of candidate Donald Trump? Or is Campaign 2016 an elaborate hoax meant to vanquish another plank of the American political system--voting? When I hear that some Democratic voters are crossing over to vote for Donald Trump it puts me in mind of a dissolving two-party system that is two-party only because it's rulers vs populace, not R vs D or con vs lib:

#UniteBlue on November 8th to keep America anchored in the 21st century while leaving the 19th century behind!

The poll, upper right, closes February 29th and so far, it's all about Ted Cruz being unsuitable for any high office which shows how discriminating and wise are SO'W readers!