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Jan 22, 2011

Feeling Rich? Perception Matters

Jan 21/22, 2011: Public Radio's MarketPlace has an interesting interview you may wish to read or listen to which concerns the fact that it isn't level of income alone which makes a person admit that he or she is "rich." It's just as much a matter of perception: the perception of what it means to be rich that affects our ideas about wealth and taxes, and our self-images of where we are on the wealth ladder so skewed toward the benefit of the upper .01%.

Say, for the first time in months, I've been snooping around the MarketPlace website this morning while listening to the program on the radio (in northeast Georgia, that's Saturdays @11:00 am est) and the site has blog action in place on various money-related, economy-related, and culture-related topics.

Ah, that good old disenfranchising Pluto/Chiron midpoint of the Plutocracy pair of celestial bodies; one associated with the death archetype (Pluto), the other with wounding, healing, and blind spots (Chiron), and both deeply transformative on their own levels when used in horoscopic work.

Class Warfare is Pluto/Chiron's favorite chess game so if you feel your dreams have been checkmated and thoroughly trounced recently, the primal violence and pillaging tendencies of Pluto/Chiron's over-arching plan for complete take-over may be the basic reason why.

And as you know, 00AQ+ is the position of the Sun near noon est each year that the US holds a public Inauguration ceremony to swear in a new president in Washington DC. And for Barack Obama, orating announcer Mercury was in that degree as well and retrograde.

But let's not discuss again Inaugural 2009 Mercury's condition with its indications of brilliant communications, deals, negotiations, and speeches - and possibly of bills that may be reviewed, re-voted on, and repealed.

Instead, let's talk about the fact that the transiting midpoint of Pluto/Chiron, which was at Midheaven in the Inauguration 2009 chart (the Goal/Aspiration Point), has been squelching and directing our Inaugural Sun 00AQ+ (the president) for months now, off and on. So has Neptune/Pluto (the Robber Barons)!

Therefore, President Obama's continued habit of surrounding himself and populating the White House with such Pluto/Chiron actors from the bubble-wrapped-from-all-harm investment world of Wall Street (London, Brussels, Beijing) may be shown as Pluto/Chiron = the President of the United States, for it's time for the chips to be called in and the offer that can't be refused to be enforced.

As in, 'the big picture demands a certain course of action; little option to do otherwise' (*Uranus/Neptune = Pluto; Noel Tyl.)

So with transiting Pluto (power, manipulation, wealth-hoarding, violence, atomic/nuclear power, death, destruction, transformation, assassins and spies) now approaching the Ic (7Cap04, End of the Matter; The Drain; The Root) of the Atomic Bomb Drop on Tokyo, Japan (Aug 6, 1945 9:15 am JST; historical record) chart, let's pray that the global power elite aren't planning a nasty surprise to mark the much-touted end of 2012.

Other transits and progressions will offset and counterbalance this tendency, of course, and I hope such milder energies prevail over the destructive agenda of god of Hades and the Underworld, Pluto (aka, The Pope, The Dragon, and representing the Merovingian bloodlines allegedly coursing through the reptilian veins of super wealthy global elites who want all the Earth's resources for themselves and their hatchlings. Forget you.)

Do I believe that course men will end the planet with nuclear bombs? Nope. I believe that God will call an end to our planet's madness. But the Pluto/Chiron-ers and other arrogant win-at-any-cost types can certainly cause lots of damage and misery in between.


*Uranus/Neptune is the planetary pair of The Enlightenment and Illumination and together are an astrological signature for the New World Order/Illuminati crowd. Their third and final Great Conjunction of Oct 1993 marked a new, modern phase of the NWO with its key Sabian Symbol: '18Cap' = POLITICAL to read more.

Transit Pluto to Atomic Bomb/Tokyo/1945 chart's Ic 7Cap04:

1. Feb 27, 2011
2. May 22, 2011 Rx
3. Dec 25, 2911
4. Aug 28, 2012 Rx
5. Oct 9, 2012

Fives 'hits' stretches out the transit's effects from prior to Feb 2011 all the way to Oct 2012 and beyond (until tr Pluto passes appr 12Cap04.) These days, a lot can go wrong - and right - during a one-year-seven-month period, and we'll be hearing more and more propaganda in the media on nuclear topics as Time limps and careens on.

Jan 21, 2011

JP Morgan Profits Big from Food Stamps (video)

Giving 'a finger in every pie' new depth of meaning, JP Morgan is the largest processor of Food Stamps in America. What could possibly be wrong with this picture?



New Blog Feature in Sidebar: just under my Tweet feed, you'll find 'Freemason US Presidents and VPs'. If you're unaware that some number of US presidents were followers of The Craft (or associated in some way with Freemasonry), you may wish to be initiated into the knowledge. Rosicrusianism is harder if not impossible to document as is Illuminatiism but their muddied hoofprints do turn up here and there in America.

Jan 20, 2011

Pluto opposes US natal Jupiter: Is America run from Beijing? video

The following presentation arrived in my Inbox last evening so I'm posting the 5-video series by Lindsey Williams in case you want to leave a comment or opinion about its topic and assertions:

Transition to tyranny: America has been swallowed up by the globalists and will now be run from Beijing:

Is it ironic that after America set up or propped up puppet governments all over the world, Washington may now be a capital of puppets jerked around by Beijing? With Communist Party leader Hu Jintao royally feted by President Obama at the White House this week, it's no wonder Washington's marionette strings are showing.

And it's tempting when using Mundane Astrology to count 'secret hand' Pluto (The Dragon, symbol and favorite mascot of China) as one of the 'powerful, wealthy partners' opposing America's natal planets in Cancer which includes US natal Sun 14Can, our leader.

'14Can' = "A Very Old Man Facing Dark Space to the Northeast"...SANCTION:

positive expression: a highly effective enlistment of deeper and hidden elements of life for some momentary end;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: lack of purpose and utter chaos in understanding.

But which Sabian Symbol describes the American people? Using the US Sibly natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA), we-the-people = '28AQ"...

"A Tree Felled and Sawed"...IMMEDIACY:

pos: man's uninhibited and enthusiastic desire to be at work or to mobilize everything around him in his own interest;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary surrender to hard or unrewarding effort through a total lack of imagination.

Transiting Neptune still hangs about the US Moon causing floods, massive storms, fraud, deception, disillusion, and media campaigns against the American people.

Now both symbols for US Sun (the leader) and Moon (the people) can relate to the Iroquois Confederation from whence most of our 'freedom documents' were inspired...the northeast - the League of the Iroquois and the Great Law of Peace. In fact, a contemporary of Benjamin Franklin, Cadwaller Colden, wrote that the Iroquois had "outdone the Romans."

For further reading on such topics I recommend Founding Fathers, Secret Societies by Dr. Robert Hieronimus...subtitle: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Decoding of the Great Seal.

And I don't know about you, but considering how the US government has been steadily selling out our nation's future and sovereignty these last decades, I'm feeling pretty much 'felled and sawed'.

Jan 19, 2011

What is Democratic Socialism?

As I meandered around the Web this morning while watching the US-China PR mummery at the White House being shown on C-SPAN, I ran across Senator Bernie Sanders' recent remarks on how Social Security benefits have nothing to do with the US deficit.


Then I ran across a pdf that explains how Sen. Sanders labels himself: a Democratic Socialist.

The whole warm-fuzzy political theater now on display in Washington is designed to soothe the American peoples' fears over China, the place US jobs have gravitated toward since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Richard Nixon opened the door (as Teddy Roosevelt had pined for at the turn of the 20th century), Reagan strutted in, and we-the-people have been paying with our livelihoods and our national sovereignty ever since.

Meanwhile, other US presidents have continued the globalists' sell-out agenda (Clinton's NAFTA, CAFTA, and the illusion of 'free trade') until the US looks more like a 3rd world country every day while the Chinese people work hard for the money and dream of better lives. Now this is what Politics can do for global populations: build up, tear down, tinker with people's lives - and all with the power elite's bottom line upper most in their reptilian brains.

Democratic Socialism sounds better than the glaringly bad deal we've been handed by our own government officials who may be found lurking within the US Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 pair of Communism-Socialism-Fascism-inner-and-secret-government signature which falls near US natal Midheaven in the Sibly chart:

Saturn/Neptune = Mc: use of shortened, inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, completed work is needed; taking a definitive stand on practices which lessen the quality of life; giving up and capitulating totally to the demands of the environment; peculiar loss of ambition; wavering between idealism and materialism; emotional suffering; moodiness; a peculiar character. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Michael Munkasey, in Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, gives the Political and Business implications for Saturn/Neptune; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions):

Thesis: Delusions among the real leadership; long lived programs that have no real purpose; policies that restrict spies; misusing law officers; inefficient use of capable expert advice; mistaken religious leaders.

Antithesis: leaders deceive about the exercise of control; deficient business practices exposed; respected persons involved in questionable practices; reliable equipment failures; a leader capitulates.

As you know, the Saturn/Neptune cycle is approximately 36 years in length. Their last Great Conjunction occurred in 1989 as the Reagan presidency morphed into that of George H. W. Bush who loudly touted the New World Order:

1. March 3, 1989 @11Cap55;
2. June 24, 1989 @11Cap14;
3. November 13, 1989 @10Cap22.

As you see, these positions in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, have a weighty encounter within range for an important state visit: transiting Pluto.

Saturn/Neptune = Pluto: denial of guilt from responsible people; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories; punishment for those who've allowed decay and decadence to persist; tremendous awareness for potential for loss; feeling downtrodden; workers' rights campaigns.

Since Pluto moves very slowly, this transit will be particularly difficult for society and America is emphasized here due to our Cancer planets (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun 3 - 14 Cancer) in opposition to underworld god, assassin, and spymaster Pluto triggering the effects and the aftermath of Saturn/Neptune in 1989, the year that Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus conjoined for the first time since the 15th century.

Historically, the triple conjunction marked a pivotal moment and its long lasting effects will continue to play out for decades to come. Yes, 1989 saw the 'end' of the Cold War yet it's interesting how often we hear that phrase from the media and politicians today.

Jan 18, 2011

Washington DC iced in Today, Hu Jintao lands 1.18.11

It's been years since I lived in the District of Columbia but if you do, you awoke today to major iced in conditions.

Here in Georgia, we received a layer of crusty ice over several inches of snow last week, now it's DC's turn to slip'n'slide. Bridges are especially treacherous under these conditions yet I suppose President Hu Jintao, leader of the Communist Party in China, will be landing on US soil all the same for four days of meetings with President Obama and (our mostly corrupt, self-serving) business leaders.

Then on Wednesday at 4:20 pm est, there will be a Full Moon over Washington. You may be interested in viewing its horoscope and reading about its crisis-degree condition during Hu Jintao's visit, and for its revealing Sabian Symbols: Moon '30Can' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" and Sun '30Cap' = "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference".

A revolutionary spirit does seem to be in the air as many people have felt, yet continuing trade between China and the US is in the best interests of both nations and the world. And as for secret conferences, it's seldom easy to keep things hidden or secret in the light of a Full Moon, in spite of any one's inscrutability!

Yet realistically, it's always easy as pie in Washington DC and in Politics to lie about what was really discussed yet they say that Hu Jintao doesn't do press conferences. Guess our guys will have to do the spinning. But not to fret, for they have plenty of experience - it's truth they have trouble with.

C-SPAN is billing Hu's visit as a US-China Summit and notes that a small dinner will be held tonight at the White House in President Hu's honor.

And since US taxpayers are responsible for tonight's dinner tab, we may wonder if Democracy and Communism will drink a toast to one another this evening.

Jan 17, 2011

Full Moon over DC 29Can27 Jan 19, 2011; Hu Jintao to Washington

When China's President Hu Jintao arrives in Washington DC on Tuesday evening January 18, 2011, the Moon's darkened phase will be under way with the Full Moon 29Can27 perfecting Wednesday Jan 19th at 4:21:20 pm est in Washington.

The first Full Moon after a Solar Eclipse (1.4.11) is important as the culmination or fulfillment stage of seeds planted at the New Moon (prior eclipse.) Rising 19Can38 is the degree of July 11, 2010's Solar Eclipse in the 12 South Series:

successful outcomes to long term worries or illness; a draining issue at first seems worse, then clears with successful outcomes (all eclipse info in this post paraphrases Brady's Predictive Astrology as usual.)

Considering the longstanding and alleged tussle between America and China (our biggest loan-officer) over dollar-yuan issues and trade imbalances, let us hope such success will resound to the benefit of China's and America's people, and not just to the benefit of NWO promoters who desire a global currency. And yes, Fixed Star Castor rises as well with keywords: sudden loss or fame; murder. (A. Louis.)

(The sinister influence of Castor is implicated in the end-of-December murder of bio-weapons expert John P. Wheeler along with the critical-degreed Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse 29Gem32.)

At Midheaven (The Goal) 2Ari25 in the Jan 19th Full Moon chart (shown below) is Jupiter at crisis degree 29Pis30 (so near World Point 00Aries and US natal Ic) indicating critical financial issues to be discussed by China, President Obama, and US business leaders including, one assumes, Mr. Bernanke and other Fed officials. Will the US Chamber of Commerce and US Treasury Department bigwigs willingly sit this one out? Impossible especially considering the Sabian Symbol for the full Moon's Sun...

'30Cap' = "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decision in World Affairs"...Keynote: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussion with those who share this power." EXECUTIVE POWER. (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar, who relates this symbol to "inner government", "occult hierarchy", and the "White Lodge"...aka, the White House. What US government the public observes being 'conducted' is PR window dressing to hide the real deals going on behind closed doors, m'peops.)

Add to that, Mercury/Neptune = Mars 3AQ05: acting according to deliberation and experience; inspired planning pays off; realization of plans. (This Mars conjoins US Inaugural 2009's 10th house Jupiter = expansive or exaggerated plans; giving others more credit than they deserve; actions of others expand one's potential for development...further extension of credit as our debt ceiling needs raising?)

And Jupiter/Saturn = Mercury: a long trip; speaking with great maturity; asking the right questions.

The persuasive, spying, propaganda-touting pair of Mercury and Pluto are on the Nodal axis of fated encounters which creates a midpoint picture:

Mercury/Pluto = NN: a desire to dominate; lording it over others.

The current Solar Eclipse Series (13N = groups, associations; breaking an already existing bond leads to joint achievement) which manifested on January 4, 2011 @ 13Cap38 opposes US natal Sun (the leader in a mundane chart) and spotlights President Hu Jintao's criticism of US economic policy as mentioned in the above-linked article with the recent Federal Reserve decision to inject $600 billion into our economy at the expense of other countries' exports (as the media's popular line goes.)

Full Moon 29Can27 Jan 19, 2011 4:21:20 pm est Washington DC; '30Can' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution", the degree of the July 22, 2009 Solar Eclipse in the 11S Series: old ideas and methods fail; need for sudden reforms and new systems to deal with events; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.)

The Jan 19th Full Moon and the 11S Solar Eclipse are in a critical/crisis 29th degree. Here is the Full Moon horoscope with a few details notated on the chart; click image to enlarge and read my scribbles:

It's an Hour of Mars which indicates action and points to Jan 2009's Inaugural Jupiter as noted above and which affects the 10th house of Public Status for the Obama administration and thus for America. The Full Moon's Mars 3AQ05 is also a transit to China's natal Moon (the people), a time of anger and frustration when the pace of life increases and domestic activities are of greatest concern.

An additional midpoint picture of note which relates to mercurial journeys, negotiations, and trade: Saturn/Uranus = Mercury: the ability to hit back under provocation; making great demands; necessary changes; organizing resistance; the act of separation. (Saturn = tradition, the past; Uranus = progress, the future with the tension and energy focused on Mercury, the Messenger.)

How about a list of prominent US-China contacts between our natal horoscopes? Here I'm using China's national chart for Oct 1, 1949 3:15 pm CCT Beijing (from historical record) with the Sibly version of our US natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA):

US Venus and Jupiter (3 & 6 Can) conjunct China's n Uranus (Venus/Uranus = extravagance with money, separation; Jupiter/Uranus = horizons broadened or altered, breakthroughs, political affiliations and independence highlighted; US natal South Node conj China's n Moon 3AQ11 and ASC 5AQ57 shows the US habit of falling back on the resources of China for support, and the hard work of the Chinese people; US natal Saturn 14Lib48 has China's n Mercury 13Lib10 and Neptune 14Lib39 upon it.

Mercury to Saturn shows advice being sought, serious discussions between our two nations, and on another level, our restricted communications. Neptune to Saturn emphasizes communism-socialism concerns; US n Neptune 22Vir25 has China's natal Saturn nearby @ 13Vir09, a double indication of shared Saturn/Neptune motifs such as secret government, and idealism which can be highly misguided, strange, and grim for the masses (Neptune.)

(BTW: I am compelled to add that on Sept 11, 2001, China's Mercury and Neptune were conjoined by transiting Mercury - airplanes - which was rising and crashing into the Twin Towers on that morning; also, tr Neptune conjoined China's natal ASC 5AQ57, a mysterious influence concerning one's self-image in the world. Interesting, yes?)

Other factors in the Jan 19th Full Moon chart and our nations' national horoscopes are of interest but it's time to close this post with two of the Images for Integration for Wednesday afternoon's Full Moon chart which imprints its mark upon the January 2011 visit to the US by Hu Jintao:

"A priest blesses his family before setting off on a pilgrimage...A politician kisses a baby without pretence." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Now it seems the first Image refers to President Hu Jintao's historic journey to the White House under the rays of a critical-degreed Full Moon and 'pilgrimmage' may refer to the symbolism of sun-worshiping that goes on among global leaders intent on instituting one-world-government.

The second Image sounds all but impossible to imagine because pretence seems to be a major requirement for the practice of politics....unless we factor in a certain Sabian Symbol for '12Can' (conjunct US natal Sun 13/14 Can): "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message."

How easy it will be for both presidents to deliver and hear this week's particular financial messages and exchanges we may never fully know until it's too late and the selling-out of America and her citizens has been ultimately and completely accomplished.


Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.

Jan 16, 2011

FDR quote on the Essence of Fascism

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. "

-Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Message from the President of the United States Transmitting Recommendations Relative to the Strengthening and Enforcement of Anti-trust Laws"


Quote compliments of Information Clearing House.

Jan 15, 2011

Did climate change help collapse the Roman Empire?

Having mixed feelings about the report that climate change may have had a part in the Fall of the Roman Empire, I'm posting this link to see if any of my astute readers have an opinion on the matter.

Given today's environmental concerns and debates, one must hold back from typing "history repeats"...oops! It broke through anyway.

And if like me you're interested in Science's cloning of a woolly mammoth project and its possible repercussions upon society, you may wish to check out my freshly updated Woolly Mammoth Chronicles of Science News, links, videos, and poems of frets and misgivings.

How amusing that the Ice Age may be returning bwo of Climate Change - just in time for a mammoth to stomp the Earth again, no?

Thom Hartmann on the 'Party of No' (video)

For nine minutes progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann sums up the dynamics of the recent tragedy in Tucson and gives an historic overview of the conservative 'Party of No' beginning with President Obama's uplifting message about our nation and that of Sarah Palin and her ilk.

The Party of No has quite a laundry list of obstructionism to its credit (debit) and I shudder to think what this nation would be like now if they'd always gotten their way through the decades. Thom mentions one of the more interesting eras, that of the Gilded Age of the Robber Barons. It's their biological and philosophical spawn who continue their heartless plunder across the globe now and threaten a complete rent in the social fabrics of America and every other nation. Their and the *Vatican's vision of a one-world-government drives us forward - yet backward - into totalitarian rule.

So with Monday January 17, 2011 being Martin Luther King Day, I hope you'll take a few minutes to listen to what (imho) places the credit where it squarely belongs for whatever social progress our nation has managed to obtain against the forces of No.

A Goose-Step Down Memory Lane?

Remember that ridiculous GOP campaign slogan of recent days, compassionate conservatism? Compassionate?? Hilarious! We don't seem to hear about that little misnomer anymore which makes a lot of sense considering what John Boehner and the goose-steppers are about to try in Congress next week because they'd rather focus on undermining a Democratic (and democratically elected) president than to move forward on behalf of all the American people, not just their rich contributors and global bosses!


*It's been a while since I mentioned the Vatican here and since you, dear reader, may be a new visitor, I shall repeat what I've always said since further blogging on the Vatican and the Illuminati within it may become necessary at any moment: all through my life some of the most compassionate, kind, and practically helpful people I have known have been of the Catholic persuasion (even while I felt they'd been hoodwinked by their church hierarchy - as have most people in organized religious denominations.)

So if and when I grump against the Vatican on this blog or another, I do and will not refer to ordinary members of the Catholic Church, but to those in the uppermost rungs of power in Vatican City, that bastion of the New World Order and stronghold of priestly pedophilia. jc

Jan 14, 2011

SOTU Address Jan 25, 2011: Sun Aquarius-Moon Libra

It seems a bit early to locate the precise hour of President Obama's State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress scheduled for the evening of January 25, 2011 or perhaps the time isn't yet settled, but an early peek at two possible horoscopes for 8:00 pm est and 9:00 pm est on that evening in Washington DC shows Sun in Aquarius with a 29th-degree Moon in Libra in both charts.

Moon 29Libra in crisis or critical degree describes dire straits for the American people in similar fashion to US Inaugural Moon 2009 (29Sco45) as the Moon strains toward the next sign (Scorpio) but with Moon (we-the-people; the public; our daily lives) ruled by Venus (mental Libra) here rather than by Mars-Pluto (emotional Scorpio) on Jan 20, 2009, the State of the Union in January 2011 may be Aquarian from a leader's standpoint, but the people remain in crisis mode, Mr. President.

So if the Jan 25th date holds firm, we may preview SOTU 2011's energies by considering a few planetary factors along with Jan 25's Sun-Moon blend of the address for it doesn't depend on an exact hour since the Moon remains in Libra.

If the address begins at 8:00 pm, 8Vir13 rises along with Mr. Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo (6:59) which actually brings up his natal Pluto/Chiron opposition: a Seeker whose Quest is to embody, express, and struggle on behalf of archetypal energies seeking to force their way into mass awareness (R. Nolle. ) Also rising is Fixed Star Thuban (Alpha Draco, The Dragon: protecting or making material or spiritual treasures; issues of giving and sharing. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

If SOTU 2011 starts at 9:00 pm, 20Vir18 rises with Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream) along with VP Biden's natal Midheaven; if the affair begins at 8:00 pm or so and lasts until 9:00 pm, Denebola's influence will be applicable.

Sun AQ-Moon Libra is an Air-Air combo indicating graciousness and reasonableness, culture and elegance. Air-Air assumes independence as a right (a typically American theme.) This is the combination of the natural communicator who likes to soar into ideal realms where political, social, and philosophical schemes are invented to improve life (at least in theory.) Yet human feelings tend to be avoided and a keyword for double Air is cerebral.

Therefore, we may expect broad and intelligent viewpoints to be uplifted in SOTU 2011 with clever arguments woven together lacily, and though pundits will say what pundits will say, we the American people may find ourselves hungry again an hour later.

Sun AQ-Moon Libra is a highly idealistic combo with a noticeable humanitarian streak, high intelligence, and tolerance giving a gentle dignity. It 'keeps the faith' (as Tavis Smiley would say) and expresses ideas with conviction and sincerity; this blend is long on theory, but short on practicality. Socially aware, Sun AQ-Moon Libra is concerned with promoting ideas (or, propaganda) and systems that produce a brighter outlook for humanity. (8:00 pm's ASC '9Vir' = "A Man Making a Futuristic Drawing"; 9:00 pm's ASC '21Vir' = "A Girl's Basketball Team" and you know how a certain someone likes playing basketball.)

(Note: if the 'system' promoted is a 'New World Order', I am not impressed. That's the NWO crowd that invaded and occupies Afghanistan and Iraq, you know, and you see where it's gotten us. By 'us' I refer to we-the-people, not the warmongering power elites who wish to rule the world under a fascist Zionist Imperialism. But I digress. Or do I?)

In the end, President Obama's approach as touted in SOTU 2011 may be considered too abstract to do our crisis-ridden populace much practical good, though most people agree that even when pragmatic and useful, the president's initiatives are tiresomely opposed if only because they issue from a Democratic administration. Plus, a SOTU Address isn't meant to be a laundry list of to-dos and already-dids as George Bush seemed to use it but a presidential report on how the nation is doing at this point and as a whole.

Given the times we live in, this may be a tough sell no matter how he approaches it and personally, I wouldn't want the job, would you?

Interestingly, Sun AQ-Moon Libra's Images for Integration are: Anarchists form a committee to overthrow the tyranny of committees...Good friends fall in love and get married. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

A Mercury-Saturn Signature

Since addresses, speeches, messages, and orators are ruled by Mercury, I should note that Mercury is chart-ruler (Virgo) and makes only one applying aspect to a planet: a square to Saturn. Mercury/Saturn squares tend toward traditional thinking which finds it difficult to stay in the mainstream (see Denebola) of progressive or current ideas; change can represent insecurity and perhaps it is our feelings of insecurity which will be expressed by our Orator-in-Chief.

Making plans to see that ideas are implemented is possible and success follows in politics, education, ecology, and science since determination is what is needed. Noel Tyl has called Mercury/Saturn the "signature of the professional writer" and squares (90 degrees) indicate that much effort and hard work has gone into SOTU 2011.

At 16Cap41/45, Mercury is in 5th house at 8:00 pm but in 4th house by 9:00 pm, and conjoins Fixed Star Rukbat (steadiness and strength.)

Sun 5AQ42/45 conjoins US natal South Node (not the best portent for the Sun,
the leader in a Mundane chart for it has a Saturnian separative tone yet underscores the serious vibes of the occasion; perhaps a separation motif will enter by way of the tragedy in Tucson.)

Jupiter @ 00Ari37, the Aries Point of World Manifestation, has left quirky Uranus 27Pis45 behind; disturbingly, expanding Jupiter rises with Algol, a difficult star of rage and fury.

Now let's close this speculative post (speculative for lack of a definite hour which will be announced soon) with a topically apt quote from one who shares the Sun AQ-Moon Libra blend, Nobel Prize winning novelist Boris Pasternak:

"As for men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth."

Well-said. And so true.


Text of President Obama's remarks at January 12, 2011's Tucson Memorial Service.

Natal charts: Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (from BC); Joseph Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 pm EWT Scranton, PA (from memory, Rodden Rating A.)

Jan 13, 2011

Palin post garners interesting readers' comments

That was a healing Tucson Memorial Service last evening and great to hear that Rep. Gabrielle Gifford has opened her eyes for the first time and reached for her husband's hand. What a brave lady!

And President Obama gave a moving performance with his oratorical skills shining and some good points made such as Americans' need to "expand our moral imaginations" and with tinges of Scriptural comfort so appropriate in these sad days.

Here in icy Georgia, it's a new day and time for digging out of a snowbank this morning for it's off to a real world job go I. Therefore, I'm shouting out to yesterday's offering Rhetoric targets Palin w Mars to her natal Moon because excellent comments and opinions both political and astrological have come in which I hope you'll check out by clicking on the Comments tab underneath the post.

So for this blogging gnat, it's time to mush into the city while avoiding patches of black ice. Hope there are no ditches in my auto's immediate future. Later!

Jan 12, 2011

Rhetoric targets Palin w Mars to her natal Moon

Is Sarah Palin the Victim?

Sarah Palin on Wednesday leveled a charge of "blood libel" against those who've blamed the January 8, 2011 tragedy in Tucson on her violent rhetoric against her party's Democratic opponents.

Now I prefer not to blog much about Palin's natal chart but it may be time for SO'W to record a current look at transits to the former Alaska governor's natal placements. As you know, her favorite network, Fox, has seen fit to cancel the Sarah Palin's Alaska show where she preens over the killing of animals.

The natal horoscope I use is for February 11, 1964 4:40 pm pst Sandpoint Idaho; based on this chart (which is in common usage online), here are Mrs. Palin's natal positions:

ASC 19Leo34; Mc 6Tau54; chart-ruler Sun 22AQ20 7th house; Moon 4AQ14 6th h; Mercury 1AQ37 6th h; Venus 1Ari22 8th h; Mars 23AQ27 7th h; Jupiter 16Ari43 9th h; Saturn 25AQ12 7th h; Uranus 8Vir42 1st h conj 2nd cusp; Neptune 17Sco49 4th h; Pluto 13Vir27 2nd h; Chiron 13Pis06 8th h; NN 10Can40 11th h.

You see her 7th house line-up in AQ: Sun, Mars, and Saturn; the pair of revolution and rebellion, Uranus and Pluto, are conjoined in the sign of the critic, Virgo; Moon (feelings) and Mercury (thinking) are conjoined in AQ, a conjunction making her sympathetic to those she cares for, yet emotions can alter clarity of thought, and there's a tendency to accept whatever happens as a chance for enlarging her total worth.

Her ambitious Sun/Saturn conjunction has activist, gun-toting Mars between them (Palin fanatics won't care for this): Sun/Saturn = Mars: abrupt and abrasive mannerisms within an already stern demeanor; a desire to be in charge; fights through rigidity and structure; enhanced ability to endure in competitions; energies feel confined; running hot and cold.

January 2011 Transits to Sarah Palin's Natal Horoscope

Mars approaches natal Mercury which greatly increases mental activity; there are urges to turn thoughts into action; much information flows in and out to the point of chaos due to the high volume of communications, and an aggressive atmosphere is noted; much energy is brought to meetings and discussions which can easily become combative; business activities are more vigorous and competitive, even fierce, and speedy travel may be on the menu.

Mars, god of war and instigator of violence, then approaches her natal Moon, a time when pulses quicken and anger or frustrations lead to temper tantrums for feelings lie close to the surface. Life's pace picks up during this transit and feelings are easily turned into physical actions; danger may become part of the environment. Quarrels (especially with males) are possible along with health issues such as insect bites, cuts, bruises, fever, insomnia, or tummy aches.

As testy Mars nears her Moon/Mercury pair, he then will insinuate himself between them, then move slightly beyond so there are three midpoint pictures which may yield details:

Moon/Mars = Mercury: premature criticism; easy irritability; nervousness.

Moon/Mercury = Mars: keen and sharp judgment; thinking directed upon an objective; primitive, instinctive thinking; a passionate woman.

Mercury/Mars = Moon: 'clearing the air' by means of argument or talking it out; thinking and acting are strongly influenced by feelings; a quarrelsome or nagging woman; quarreling because of a woman.

Now if you follow Astrology and Politics at all, you know that Neptune has been lumbering through Palin's Aquarian planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn) since she burst upon the national scene and consciousness. Her Moon/Mercury conjunction in AQ had already been sprinkled with Neptunian fairy dust when magical Neptune was in early Aquarius prior to the 2008 presidential campaign.

On January 8, 2011, the morning that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot point blank and others were killed or injured, Neptune 28AQ58 was still within orb (5 degrees either side) of Palin's natal Sun. Now I had blurbed about this transit in 2008 on my WordPress blog and I held out little hope for Palin's prospects in the honesty and stability departments. To me it seemed that Neptune's association with Mass Media, fame, and deception were the more important issues based on what I observed of her early on.

So perhaps a recap is in order: Neptune to natal Sun is a time when confusion affects one's ego and self-image (as the media so generously applied lipstick to a pig?); ego-driven goals may have no solid purpose when inspired by unrealistic or misguided notions (like becoming VP, then president); ideals, leadership ability, and integrity are eroded or brought into question (as now); fanaticism is possible (you betcha!) as illusions encourage fanciful expectations; imagination and inspiration may be of the highest order (yet the 'highest order' in Politics is seldom of the spiritual kind.)

Jan 2011's Neptune is well within orb of its dissolving effects upon natal Mars, a period when one may run up against others who misunderstand one's methods or goals which may be considered questionable; physical enterprises and relationships with males are adversely affected (or positively affected depending on circumstances.) Failure to receive recognition is common under this transit and unrealistic enterprises may be engaged in.

Neptune to natal Saturn brings a new approach to how authority is handled yet tradition and structure may disintegrate within current circumstances as the ideals of authority figures are affected positively or negatively - which then affects the individual.

There is a double transit of sorts and both are applying: Uranus conjoining natal Venus and tr Venus squaring natal Uranus. The first transit is a time of instability in partnerships, friendships, and associations of all types, and joint/cooperative ventures encounter unanticipated problems; actions of others cause obstacles in one's pursuits. Unusual social conditions arise, unorthodox alliances are offered, and one is surprised at the unpleasant reactions to what one says, does, tweets - or to the blame-deflecting video one puts out.

Tr Venus SQ natal Uranus indicates awkwardness in social interactions, difficulty when coordinating group activities, and circumstances that feel quite uncomfortable (though they may end up being just dandy fine.)

Now I know that stressful Venus/Uranus contacts are known for their 'divorce' flavor but that's between Todd and Sarah (no comment!)

Another factor of interest is that Palin has recently experienced her Half-Nodal Return (tr NN to n SN, tr SN to n NN), a time when relationships are irreparably broken if they're not strong enough to take the strain, but if strong, they may become even stronger.

Also, transiting Saturn in mid-Libra opposes Palin's natal Jupiter in Aries so bad timing, past failures, and those in authority tend to frustrate one's ambitions; one may be expected to give back what has been generously given (ex: a TV show?) which may strain the budget; one should not defy odds at this time or invite situations which may threaten one's authority, success, or prosperity.

(Perhaps it's a good time for Palin to establish an ixnay on the eetstway for a while? Perhaps she has. I don't Follow her on Twitter so I don't know unless I read it somewhere. Her new video seems to be the primary tool of the day.)

Well, you can find other interesting transits, I know, so leave a comment here if you wish. Of course, there are planetary factors which are simultaneously and currently lending support to her ambitions and progress with more on the way, for the Universe seldom leaves anyone without resources to counter life's negative events and influences, if one will make the effort.

So that's my take on what's affecting the natal chart of Sarah Palin in the wake of the tragedy in Tucson and subsequent criticism of NRA-adoring Palin's colorful way of targeting those she deems to be her opponents. It's a vigorous way to go about things when at least half the population of one's nation falls under a non-neocon, non-lock-and-load label and one just can't seem to tolerate any opposition at all within the win-at-any-cost Machiavellian model of dirty Politics.

In retrospect, one thing seems clear to me about the entire incident: higher powers have engineered financial collapse for just this sort of embroilment in order to further undermine this nation and rent apart our social fabric. The violent actions of a mentally ill young man and the loose rhetoric of Palin and others are but some of the symptoms of a society completely disintegrating after decades of being sold down the river by its own government in league with foreign entities.

That a moderate lady such as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her family are forced to suffer so grievously as 'casualties' toward the ambitious ends of a power elite hungry for world domination only underscores the total lack of human feeling these morally deformed monsters have toward all humankind.


Prayers go out from my direction this day for the victims of the violence in Tucson, the good people of Haiti with today being the 1st anniversary of the horrendous Haiti earthquake, and the good people of Australia now being flooded from their homes. In fact, the entire world could use the power of prayer from any direction it can be garnered. jc

Midpoint pictures from Tyl, Ebertin, Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.

Further reading: The Wrath of Fools and my book review of Cosmic Conflict.