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Jan 5, 2017

Jan 5, 2017 Stars Over Washington's 'Trump Poll': the totals so far

Thursday January 5, 2017 1:50 pm est

As of today the leading opinion in the recently posted Stars Over Washington 'Trump Poll' (A Trump Presidency will be--) is: one big scam. Runner-up is a distopian nightmare, and number 3: the end of America. The 4th possibility has zero adherents, undoubtedly because that answer is a dream come true.

And so I'm proud to say that readers of Stars Over Washington, those who go to the trouble to participate in polls (please do! sidebar, upper right), possess a clear-eyed, realistic view of the ongoing train wreck that is Washington DC Politics 2017 and have faced the haunting specter of the alt-right and theocratic ideologues who will sway Mercurial Gemini Mr. Trump on many social and political issues which will closely affect the American people, undermine the US Constitution, and ruin the US government more than it already has been. And considering Mr. Trump's conflicts of interest, past and current shady dealings, scams, frauds, billionaire buddies, possible mob ties, a basic lack of understanding of the necessary 'blind trust' requirement, and a thousand other issues and protocols that most people understand and would abide by, this freedom-loving fellow (who threatens to jail others and 'loves to fire people') sees only the ironies convenient for him to see. It appears to this astrologer that his fighting, egoistic Leo Mars rising with royal Regulus will signify much of his hot-mess presidency ruled by whim and retaliation.

And as anti-democratic and bigoted as his Cabinet members and staff of operatives may be, astrologically we can expect Mr. Trump's natal Uranus (radical reformer, rebel, anarchist) posited at his birth in changeable, sometimes unreliable Gemini to lead his pack of planets with all the disruptive, maverick, and chaotic energies it and he can muster. For as you know, the sign of Uranus in a natal chart describes behavior and with Trump's Uranus oriental and leading a BOWL shape, chatty deal-making Gemini is one of the main archetypes that We The People are facing with Mercury the ruler of Gemini and his Sun (personality) and North Node (public contact) in the sign as well.

And yet his Mercury in Cancer, sign of shrewd business ability and love of family and country, provides him some measure of perception, intuition, and objectivity (since Mercury is not in his Sun sign) even though his Mercury, planet of thinking processes, is ruled by the Moon (feelings, emotions) so We The People have that goin' for us. We find Mr. Trump's extreme defensiveness displayed via his tweets and remarks that punch back at all detractors ("enemies," he says) since Cancer, sign of the crab, always scuttles sideways to avoid dealing with unpleasant encounters--such as blame, criticism, and other people's opinions and ideas.

However, he relates to others (via Jupiter's sign--his moneybags planet is strong for it's Stationary Direct) as a Libra with the placement's constant "it's not fair!" refrain ringing in our ears, and yet his Moon-South-Node conjunction does not make for popularity and indicates mommy issues, or, at the least, a deep sense of separation from the crowd. This spot in the Zodiac (for him, 22 Sagittarius) is where the karmic planet of restriction and blockage, Saturn, now tromps and conjuncts natal Moon-South-Node and opposes his natal Sun in Gemini. This transit is quite a cosmic Ouch!

And so...

The SO'W Trump Poll remains open until midnight January 20, 2017 (Inauguration Day) and if you haven't, please register your opinion if you have a moment. Multiple answers are acceptable which may come in handy for those who feel torn between the nightmare and the dream come true. That's a tiny little joke, in case you can't tell.


Related Posts include: The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017; Inauguration 2017: Midpoint Pictures and the Sun-Moon Blend (hint: someone's 'blind zeal' is showing); The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump; After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump; and Donald Trump and The Future, a message from activist Max Igan via video.

Additionally, typing the president-select's name into the SO'W sidebar Search field will present many possible reading opportunities for the daring...

Jan 3, 2017

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan Speaks at 115th Congress opening - video

January 3, 2017: the 115th Congress opens, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) delivers soothing remarks, and now that Insult Campaign 2016 has ended, he calls for respect between the parties:

It's going to be a long year. Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2017.

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2017 (Aries ingress)

Below is the Spring Equinox 2017 horoscope set for Washington DC (in its role as representative for all of America). As you see, the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12 is rising and you'll find a link to my notes concerning this eclipse and the August 21, 2017 eclipse ('The Great American Eclipse') at the end of this post:

March 20, 2017 Washington DC: Ascendant @10Pis37; Neptune, planet of dissolution, deception, and fraud, rises which makes the speculation-wastrel-inflation pair of Jupiter-Neptune chart-ruler and co-ruler. Neptune in 1st house with the ASC bracketed by Neptune-South Node (intrigue and unfortunate circumstances, scandals, water damage) also denotes uncertain, unstable conditions that are too big to handle; following Neptune are Chiron, Sun (at Aries Point = World Events), Venus Rx, Mercury at a critical degree, and disruptive zealot Uranus, still opposing Jupiter Rx but separating. This is a full 1st house so a very busy Spring season is on tap.

edit: Plus, as you see, the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse (Spring EQ 2017's Prenatal Eclipse, or PE) @8Pis12 also rises and suggests that its 19 South themes will be affecting the Spring season agenda. Its themes are 'a pleasant surprise; a joyful event, sudden happiness, a lucky break or win, positive changes' (Brady). That's awfully good for a South Node eclipse which tends to indicate a draining of energies but I'll patiently wait all Spring for our ship to come in on Piscean seas, won't you?

19 South last occurred on February 16, 1999 (conjunct US natal Moon @27AQ) and will next manifest in 2035 @19Pisces. Original post restarts here:

We The People React

Then in 10th house we find a very close conjunction of Moon (We The People) and restrictive, depressive, austere Saturn @27Sagittarius, planet of laws and lawmakers. 'Overambitious pretensions' (27Sag) may be in evidence though strategy, ambition, and a sense of direction are positive potentials of Moon-Saturn contacts. Obviously, extreme apprehension (Saturn) affects the public (Moon) concerning the experiences that are coming up as Spring 2017 unfolds.

Also of concern is testy Mars @7Tau28 in 2nd house of the National Treasury. At the Goal Point (Midheaven, aka, MC) is 19Sag13 with moneybags Jupiter ruling there as well. Plus, Jupiter again leads a Locomotive of all the planets in his role as CEO and roughshod executive in a power position ('full steam ahead') leading onward toward fulfilling objectives which have been desired in some quarters since FDR's New Deal programs were instituted. Mr. Trump is simply the latest 'face' upon the austerity monster.

Social and political stability in 2017 are lacking in this horoscope as might be imagined with enemies of our social safety net now in charge of House and Senate and with their mouthpiece-of-sorts (the tweeter-in-chief) and Mr. Pence in control of the White House helm thanks to the Electoral College who overrode the popular vote in November 2016. Here we have another president with No Mandate from The Governed yet he'll act, talk, and tweet as if he's following 'the will of the people'! Yet in this chart the themes of the rising Solar Eclipse are positive and I'd prefer to hold positive expectations for the presidency of Mr. Trump but I think we all know what sort of things to expect instead from his highly suspicious anti-government/anti-New-Deal Cabinet choices and the overly Republican Congress, the 115th.

The 7th house Syzygy Moon (last lunation), a Full Moon @22Vir13, perfects on March 12th conjunct US natal Neptune, a further example of the instability in our society and current fraudulent political conditions in the US. Of course, Neptune also rules the masses, propaganda, poisons, and the media, most of whom colluded with the political class and their shared financial backers during the 2016 Campaign in order to produce such a 'president' to mislead our nation which will be dismantled along with the social safety net the elderly, ill, and weak depend upon. Survival-of-the-fittest guru Ayn Rand didn't believe in coddling the weak, you know (though she herself applied for and received social safety net benefits in her old age, the hypocrite). Apparently, age rendered her a "useless eater" too but don't tell Paul Ryan and his GOP cohorts (and the duplicitous Democrats who helped enable this whole scam). So it seems that the GOP depopulation program has now been officially established.

Well, today is my birthday and I'm rapidly getting a headache just looking at this horoscope and thinking about how these knaves intend to line their and Wall Street's pockets at our expense (as always but on steroids) as 2017 plods along so I'll close for now and hope to add more details to my astro-notes concerning this horoscope at a later date. As I said, social and political stability in 2017 are lacking in the Spring Equinox 2017 horoscope.

And yet we must not falter for our only hope is ourselves.

A Related Post: 2015--2017 Solar Eclipses - see numbers 5 (February 2017) and 6 (August 2017).

Jan 2, 2017

What Does It Mean When The GOP Says They're Undoing FDR's Legacy?

For anyone confused over the intentions for the American people of the upcoming Trump administration and Republican austerians, ideologues, and theocrats, please take 16 minutes to absorb the following segment from Thom Hartmann (Dec 15, 2016):

One of the more hideous and haunting sounds we're hearing in our nightmares is Ayn Rand snickering from her grave at the gullible Trump voters that Randers call the #UselessEaters of society. Chumps!

Dec 30, 2016

Happy New Year! from Stars Over Washington


Please be safe and don't overdo but if you need a morning-after aid Activated Charcoal Capsules are a good idea!

Dec 29, 2016

Jan 12, 2017 Cancer Full Moon in a Cardinal Grand Cross

Politics, White House Transition, and the Revealing January 2017 Full Moon in Cancer

Today on my Jude Cowell Astrology blog I have posted a video report by Barbara Goldsmith on the January 12, 2017 Full Moon @22Cancer27 (posted there not here because I prefer not to change titles that people give their videos and this one is about 'Finding Love', something of a foreign concept in Washington DC political circles). This is a not-to-be-missed video!

This powerful Cancer Full Moon is the first lunation of the New Year and comes two weeks after the New Moon @7Capricorn59 (conjunct victim star Facies) of December 29, 2016 so that 2016 and 2017 are cosmically knitted together into one big hair shirt for the American people thanks to the ongoing train wreck they call the 'Trump Transition' and the specter of a Trump-Pence-Conway presidency looming on the 2017 horizon. That America is improved and not destroyed by Mr. Trump and his anti-government cohorts is my fervent hope for hope must always spring eternal, right?

Now the December 2016 New Moon and the January 2017 Full Moon charts may be viewed here where you can see that the New Moon is rising in the Full Moon chart set for Washington DC, a sign of the knitting together of which I grouse today. You'll see that the Cardinal Grand Cross is highlighted on the chart as well with the Jupiter-Uranus opposition emphasized and engaged in a BOWL shape with corporate CEO and political planet Jupiter in Libra as leader (and, I assume, signifying Mr. Trump, the Jupiterian character, wrestling promoter, newly formed politician, and broadcaster of wild theories he presents as 'facts' and tweets). Mr. Trump is currently enjoying his 12-year Jupiter Return reward cycle, a three-fer this time (dates are listed, below) and I do believe he's feelin' it.

Jan 4, 2017 Update: I neglected to mention that the Jan 12th Full Moon shines upon the natal Saturn of one Donald Trump posited in his 11th house of Groups and Associations. Plus, his Saturn conjoins Venus, a conjunction suggesting a serious focus on relationships but also dissatisfaction--will separation between associations come to light?

As for 2017's Cardinal Grand Cross (or Square), we may expect those in and about-to-be heads of government to act aggressively assertive and impatient which will result in quick but poorly planned actions. A lack of cooperation and assistance may occur (ex: The Resistance) unless these dynamic energies are harnessed by common sense and we've heard an echo of it in the charge (later walked back) by Trump that President Obama has messed with Trump's 'smooth' transition into the White, House. Mr. Trump is said to be a Freemason as many US presidents have been so in my book, Lodge it is. Plus, the presence of anarchic zealot Uranus in the Grand Cross configuration adds to its chaotic, extremist quality which has already been active thanks to the tiresomely ongoing Uranus-Pluto square.

Now astrologer Bil Tierney writes about the pitfalls of a Cardinal Grand Cross: reckless moves, bad timing (Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction supports a tendency toward bad timing), over-assertion, and head-on confrontations which should be avoided if ultimate success is the goal. A competitive spirit is very strong in the Cross which is composed of oppositions and squares yet learning to be more deliberate and thoughtful is necessary for best results. Situational crises will occur that call for decisive action and Trump's typical 'shoot from the hip' method will seldom suffice. Does this self-interested materialist Gemini have what it takes to stay the political course? Maybe not but reliance on theocrat Pence may be even worse for a nation founded on secular Enlightenment principles. If this all sounds like a major identity transformation of America is underway that's because it is. And the ongoing Jupiter-Uranus opposition has given Trump and his team the idea that the world is there for the taking--and they have and they will while the January 12th Full Moon, a phase of total awareness, forecasts the major reconstruction coming in 2020 via multiple planetary conjunctions.

Another cosmic message is provided us by the January 12, 2017 Full Moon in Cancer for it conjoins starry Pollux, key themes: danger of disgrace, cruelty, murder, rape, danger from women or poisons - A. Louis) and although 22Can27 is not within a one-degree orb of US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776), the Sabian Symbol for US natal Mercury may be activated since we're talking about Politics Gone Wrong against the original intentions of 1776 so let's close with the symbol that conjures a vision of the pyramid of power and All-Seeing Eye of Horus (of total awareness, our surveillance state identified by the US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition) purposefully placed upon the obverse side of America's Great Seal and the backside of the dollar bill by Freemason FDR:

25 Cancer: "A Willful Man Is Overshadowed by a Descent of Superior Power" which Rudhyar explains as: 'a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT." And Jones gives the descriptive, negative (shadow side) of this degree as: 'a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania'.

Ah, yes, the inner strength and megalomania of changeable Gemini Mr. Trump with his natal Uranus disrupting the 2nd hou$e of the Inauguration 2017 horoscope. What could possibly go wrong?


Dates of Donald Trump's Jupiter Return/s to 17Libra27 (Stationary Direct, thus strong, and posited in his 2nd house of Money and Values along with shady Neptune Rx @5Lib50 and wounded/wounding Chiron @14Lib54 conjunct US natal Saturn, planet of laws--Jupiter-Neptune is the inflationary/speculator/wastrel pair of fanciful dreams and exaggerated plans: 1. December 4, 2016; 2. April 13, 2017 Rx; 3. August 4, 2017; Jupiter in airy Libra says, "It's not fair!" This represents another 'knitting together' of 2016 and 2017.

Conspicuously Related: current Labor Secretary Tom Perez has sharp words for Trump Transition team probes; Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway, and Dec 2016 into 2017: karmic planets hit the natal chart of Donald Trump.

Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.

Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway

GOP Strategist and Pollster Kellyanne Conway born January 20, 1967

by Jude Cowell

If curious, you'll find basic bio details concerning Mr. Trump's Svengali Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway (nee, Fitzpatrick) on Wikipedia such as the fact that she was born on January 20, 1967 in Camden, New Jersey. Yes, Inauguration Day 2017 marks her 50th birthday! IMDb also has a brief bio about her which gives her birth place as Atco, NJ, 16 miles southeast of Camden.

Now without an accurate birth time I hesitate to embed Mrs. Conway's natal horoscope here but perhaps we might consider her Sun @29Capricorn or 00Aquarius and Moon in Taurus (for the 24-hour period). And we don't need a birth time to check out her Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series (PE) for a smidgen of insight into this highly accomplished lady who will soon accompany Mr. Trump into the White House with her Sun conjunct America's Inaugural Sun (00AQ+), and perhaps her natal Mercury conjoining it as well (00AQ50--2AQ31). Plus, if born around noon with her Moon in mid-Taurus, then Luna conjoins US Inauguration Ascendant which is the Oath of Office itself.

So during the 24 hours of January 20, 1967, the odds are that Mrs. Conway's Sun is in very early Aquarius rather than at the very end of ambitious Capricorn but let's consider the Image for Integration and a few traits of both Sun-Moon combinations in case one seems more descriptive of the lady.

Pragmatic, matter-of-fact Earth-Earth Sun Cap-Moon Taurus: "A wealthy grandfather opens a savings account for his granddaughter on her day of birth; she later becomes a famous artist, inherits a fortune and makes her own." This combo shows an inflexible system of values, an attachment to familiar routine, an overly materialistic mindset, and a stubbornness which comes out most strongly when dealing with people who don't follow the rules. Ruh-roh! If this is her personality blend, dealing with chronic rule-breaker Donald Trump must take a lot of energy and involve a superhuman amount of patience.

Rational, efficient, supportive Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Taurus: "The resident caretaker of a 'New Age' community sips his Beaujolais as he systematically does the year's accounts." This blend can be reluctant to listen to other people's views, be smug and arrogant, and can ride roughshod over others in order to achieve ambitions. We've discussed this blend here before so I won't add any thoughts on 'New Age'/'New Order' operatives (which may not apply anyway) but the double fixed quality of Aquarius and Taurus may provide a clue to her personality which can be seen in the way she usually holds her own during media interviews (plus, natal Mercury, planet of communications, is in fixed Aquarius no matter her birth time and she tends to stick to her point in spite of any interruption).

Now Kellyanne Conway was born into the 4 South Solar Eclipse Series, not the most favorable series for anyone with its themes of 'strong emotional feelings concerning relationships and/or finances; anger or lust; a sense of fate within relationship events that are beyond control; a sudden urge to end a relationship; blocked emotions and a great deal of frustration; avoid rash actions while the eclipse is in effect' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

For Conway, 4 South manifested at a difficult degree: 19 Scorpio, conjunct a malefic fixed star Alpha Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai) which can bring tragedy, misfortune, success followed by a fall, and weighty legal entanglements. Now I don't know if this star has expressed in her life in the past but having an eclipse conjoining this degree strengthens potentials--and to make matters more disturbing, another star conjoins the 19th degree of Scorpio, North Scale. This star tends to add wealth, distinction, honors, and intelligence to the mix yet may also indicate a tendency toward hasty words that cause problems, violence, and/or war. However, good organizing ability is also supplied and she has certainly demonstrated such talent in her political career.

To put Mrs. Conway's 4 South PE in historical and cyclical context, it has manifested in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, 1966 (hers), 1984, and 2002, and will repeat next in the highly significant year of 2020.

For more info and Images see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Additional Note: As I type, Trump's political operative Kellyanne Conway is in the midst of her three-fer Chiron Return/s to natal degree (22Pisces), a 50-year cycle with a Pisces Chiron all about mentors and gurus: 1. April 8, 2016; 2. September 19, 2016; 3. February 8, 2017.

Dec 26, 2016

Dec 29, 2016 Capricorn New Moon = 1940 'Arsenal of Democracy' New Moon both @7Cap

Reluctantly tonight, I'm posting just a brief historical and astrological note to say that the Syzygy Moon of FDR's 'The Arsenal of Democracy' speech ("we have to be...") delivered on December 29, 1940 @7Cap00 will be conjoined--by degree repeated and thus emphasized--by the New Moon of December 29, 2016 @7Cap55 at 1:53:08 am est (White House Washington DC). The concept of weapons and matters related to the US as military, arm of the global corporate syndicate -- tyrants included, may come up in discussions within the public debate. And as 2017 proceeds into 2018, please keep in mind who the true victims have been and are, and who the oppressors are and/or tend to be.

What needs improving upon or avoided during this lunar cycle is shown by 7Cap and 8Cap Sabian Symbols: the inability to distinguish true values from false and idle narcissism (Jones). The presence of Facies energizes these degrees and reflected events though perhaps not in a positive way.

Now since New Moons can disrupt conditions in similar fashion to Solar Eclipses (and Full Moons often activate the unconscious flavors of a Lunar Eclipse similar to disruptive witness and potential genius, Uranus) with eclipses able to reveal or uncover secrets and other things that some would wish to stay hidden. The phrase 'inconvenient truth' comes to mind so look for those if you follow political news. And as we discussed previously, the 7Cap New Moon after midnight (est) Tuesday conjoins difficult Facies, one of the victim stars. Follow the above New Moon link for more info.

So if forewarned can really be forearmed, let's all be cautious with new situations over the next 4 years beginning with the Solar and Lunar Eclipses occurring in February 2017. And we don't need Astrology to tell us why, though a peek ahead at The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 isn't a bad idea. The label for this eclipse which splits America across her tum-tum (the path of visibility stretches from Oregon to South Carolina and from sea to shining sea) sounds basically like Mr. Trump's favorite campaign slogan, doesn't it? He just didn't tell us all his plans...

Trump to Rule by Whim

So please someone remind his nibs of one very important thing -- he has No Mandate from The People. None. If he listens to the anti-government types surrounding him he will soon have no government to rule over and We The People will demand redress for our grievances -- as we should have done long ago in greater (undivided) numbers. Mockery of the Office of the Presidency and/or lowering of standards by Mr. Trump, his staff, or his Cabinet members is unacceptable to the American public.

Pomposity is necessary, yes, but hopefully Mr. Trump will soon realize that his own pomposity finishes a mere second to the protocol-bound, vainglorious image, the self-important pronouncements, quaint traditions, and silk trappings of the US presidency. The Office existed way before Mr. Trump entered Earth's time flux. Destruction of a nation is hardly a memorable legacy for a man in any line of work. Stepping lightly in unfamiliar territory may be warranted and this American wishes for his esteem and success in the role of mouthpiece for the American people. As noted, however, I shall remind him that He Has No Mandate from The People due to his lower popular vote count on Nov 8, 2016. His 'millions of illegal voters' charge is a red herring meant to divert attention from inconvenient facts -- it's quite an unsubstantiated whopper, isn't it? Yet too tragic for our nation to be considered amusing.

The traits and abilities that Mr. Trump has gracious plenty of are easy to list: a natural affinity for expansive, exaggerated Jupiterian behavior of the bounder kind, the cad and the scoundrel, accustomed to having his way and a *petulant pouter when he can't. Temper tantrums aside (Mars rising in boastful Leo with kingmaker Regulus, star of success if revenge is avoided -- but it never is with Mr. Trump), the man insists he has never made a mistake (!like the Pope?!) and some might not hold such a self-deluded misconception against him. Well, I must, and shall not forget it as this unqualified and erroneously certified 'president' proceeds to meddle under the hood of our jalopy of a government, the Supreme Court of the United States, and the USA Congress with its uncomfortable quota of vultures, jackals, and innocent newbies with grand visions of shrinking the US government to a shell of its former self, no matter whose grandmother, grandfather, or perhaps, ill child, is harmed in the process. For many politicians, dreams of Ayn Rand's exalted though posthumous approval of their greedy and selfish acts will keep all austerity away from their own political doors -- as long as the suffering is someone else's (they hope).

And yet, laws written upon paper are only paper, man made and thus subject to error. Plus, each one of us is Sui generis -- and a majority of the great mass of The People of the United States is required in order to make America anything at all...and certainly our nation cannot be described by meaningless political slogans thought up by any demagogue you can name and may have mistakenly voted for while under strange influences in November (such as the rays of Scorpio). Not that Hillary was 100% an improvement over Trump, secretive Scorpio as she is.

Now as General Smedley Butler famously informed us, "War is a racket," so all in all, it has become more clear and thus difficult to escape the knowledge that self-styled 'world leaders' suck in that Machiavellian way of success at any and all costs. But what do the populations of the world expect from a global crime syndicate fronted by figureheads and shills who escape prosecution for their crimes and boundary-breaking by pretending that they're the boss of us all?

Dec 23, 2016

The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017

A Closer View of Inauguration 2017's Unaspected Sun (POTUS)

by Jude Cowell

Previously I posted Inauguration 2017 Midpoint Pictures and its Sun-Moon blend but without noting the midpoint pictures' more specific political implications. Today I want to correct that omission and since I'm often criticized for using a common-good astrological lens through which to view politics, politicians, and their corrupt practices, I shall quote directly from two highly esteemed astrologers and hope that they won't mind (their books on Amazon are linked and recommended, below). Therefore, all doubters may be assured I'm not making this up and may draw their own conclusions as to the condition of the US presidency on Inauguration Day 2017 and the 4-year term of Mr. Trump.

2017 Inaugural Sun: POTUS and the Ego Thereof

There are two prominent astrological factors that describe the presidential Sun (00AQ49) on January 20, 2017 noon est Capitol Building Washington DC: a midpoint picture with the presidential Sun at apex and the fact that the Sun is unaspected - having no angular relationship (aspect) to the rest of the planets (actors). In effect, here is a Sun (POTUS) standing alone and emphasizing the pinnacle of success (10th house) in the sign of detachment (Aquarius).

The midpoint picture is: Sun = Moon-Uranus. Michael Munkasey's interpretation (and yes, I know he doesn't like to be quoted but this is important for the American people!) in the form of the Hegelian Dialectic. As always, any, all, or none of the following potentials may apply and may be activated by future transits and progressions. See if any of this describes someone you know:

Thesis: An enterprise with great insight into the needs of its people, yet one which has a very unusual way for showing care and appreciation toward its population; unconventional rulers with emotional flair.

Antithesis: Leaders who rule at whim, with little sense of how their enterprise is seen by the rest of the world; an emotionally immature person placed in an important and visible leadership role.

Well, yes.

Next let's consider 2017's unaspected Sun which is not usually the state of inaugural Suns in US Inaugurations past. Now I don't have all inaugural charts in my files at the moment, but of the several inaugural horoscopes I do have (including Lincoln, Garfield, Hoover, Nixon 1969, JFK, FDR, Clinton, etc) only FDR's 1937 Inauguration shows Sun (POTUS) alone in the 10th house as in 2017 - but 1937's Sun squares Uranus in Taurus and is opposed by Pluto Rx in Cancer so it is not unaspected but modified by the intense, deeper energies of transpersonal Uranus and Pluto.

When there's an unaspected planet in a chart there tends to be a 'switched on and off' quality to it and in the case of the Sun, which signifies the president in the mundane horoscope of Inauguration Day 2017, the "direction of action the planet takes can be uncertain, spasmodic, and irregular" and its expression is "much harder to control". (The Sun is referred to as a planet in Astrology--jc.) An "unaspected planet's strength is very difficult to ascertain." It can "take on the nature of a singleton in that it can become a conspicuous focus of attention" and has an "unpredictable nature" (as we already know about the changeable, some say unstable, Mr. Trump--jc). It may "undergo periods of spurt-like activity for no apparent reason" (which mimics the sort of action quirky planet Uranus inspires, plus, there's his avoid-the-press use of Twitter technology, the realm of Uranus--jc).

Even so, an unaspected Sun (ego-centrism; essence; purpose) will directly affect the US presidency and thus, the American people with its "island unto itself" quality and the Sun's "autonomous, self-governing nature can be even more emphasized. This condition can accentuate an independent spirit, but not always in a wholesome, well-balanced manner." An unaspected Sun "seems less driven to exteriorize himself" (than an aspected Sun) and "he is motivated to focus on his own self-importance, holding himself in high regard" (no kidding! jc).

"Self-esteem and self-pride are important to him, whether reinforced by his environment or not. As his strength and integrity come from a subjective source, he is less dependent upon outer relationships for ego-support. He can be very rooted within his own inner core of being, regardless of how unstable or chaotic his external surroundings are. Such intense self-centeredness may make him appear unresponsive and aloof, almost as if he is totally absorbed within his own self-made world.

The inner nature does not associate itself very well with other facets of the character, determined by the other planets" though "the remaining planets still function, but without a dominant central life theme to revolve around. They neither help nor hinder the individual's main objectives. Perhaps the drives of these planets are forced to take the back seat, in which they are experienced as mere secondary needs given less attention and development. Instead, the individual may be more intent upon the exclusive development of his pure solar characteristics" (which in the case of deal maker Mr. Trump are Geminian and egoistic in nature, and as you know, chatty Geminis prefer to skim issues and though they cannot stand the idea of being wrong, settling for superficial understanding of issues can often trip them up as they jump to conclusions--jc).

The Inauguration 2017 Horoscope: Mr. Trump's First Natal Planet to Rise

In support of the above descriptions of the Trump inauguration and presidency, his first natal planet to rise in the Inauguration 2017 chart is his 10th house Uranus in Gemini, leader of a BOWL pattern comprising all the rest of his planets. The Bowl is tipped toward Midheaven, the Career and Public Status Point of the chart and signifies a 'scooping up' of experience focused primarily in the public eye and which shows extreme self-containment (as mentioned, above) and a self-seeking personality as noted by the unaspected condition of the Inaugural Sun. A BOWL indicates a mission to be fulfilled and in his case, Uranus in Gemini is related to this mission or cause. Isolationism (a typical complaint of presidents) is suggested since the planet is Uranus, and Mr. Trump has disdained the White House as a residence and prefers to spend half his time as president in his gilded ivory tower in New York (from which many tweets will come).

Now let's close with the Sabian Symbol of Mr. Trump's natal Uranus (17Gem53), rebellious planet of reforms, disruption, and chaos since we'll all be dealing with its quirky implications and, in fact, we already are:

18 Gemini: "Two Chinese Men Converse in Their Native Tongue in an American City"...Keynote: The need for the mind to retain its independence from its physical environment in order to concentrate on its special problems...INSULATION (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar).

Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; and Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.

Related Posts:

The 1969 Nixon Inauguration: Horse Manure, Rocks & a Pig (photos included);

The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump (in his natal horoscope and psyche);

Jan 6, 2017: 115th Congress Counts Election 2016's Electoral Votes as a New Session Begins (though 'rubber stamps' is a better choice of words than 'counts').

Dec 22, 2016

Motives Revealed: Repealing Obamacare Will Give Wealthy a Massive Tax Break - video

Dec 22, 2016: GOP 'Repeal ACA' Motive Revealed to Be - Money!

Republicans have never been completely honest or open about their desire to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare), but a new study by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center reveals that repealing the law will result in massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and raise taxes for many others.

The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains the Republicans' obsession with taking away the health care insurance of millions of Americans:

Yes, most politicians do love their money even though 'the root of all evil' is the love of it!

July 4, 1776: money planet Jupiter @6Cancer = Sabian Symbol "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests," the present-day priority of Washington DC politicians, their enablers, and puppet masters. Now who honestly thinks gold-worshiping game bird Donald Trump will be an improvement?

The United States of America: the most lucrative cash cow of a nation there ever was!

Dec 20, 2016

Why Is It That Americans Always Get Screwed??? The Banksters! - video

If you've wondered why We The People seem to be every plutocrat's dupe, guinea pig, and cash cow, try this from Thom Hartmann:

One astrological factor in the US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776 which relates to the exploitation and oppression of the American people is the plutocratic Pluto-Chiron duo with its midpoint conjoining US natal Ceres (grains, food supply, security needs...) @8Pisces, the position of the upcoming Solar Eclipse of February 26, 2017 in the 19 South Saros Series.

And in a fit of cosmic and political synchronicity, 19 South also manifested on February 4, 1981 @16Aquarius - conjunct the natal Sun of Ronald Reagan yet it wasn't a 19 South but a 19 North Solar Eclipse that affected the 1980 Presidential Election and the 1981 Inauguration of Reagan just as 19N does now with Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017. These are the sort of astrological factors that support the idea that Reagan's first term and Trump's upcoming first term may share more tendencies in common than many people yet realize. Yes, 1981's favor-the-rich trends are repeating in 2017.

And of course revealed is the ongoing plutocratic Republican agenda to dismantle New Deal and New Society programs that aid the non-wealthy (enabled by corporate Democrats) which will be on steroids under a paternalistic Goldman-Sachs Pence-Trump administration - Trump the tweeting mouthpiece and diverter-in-chief, and Pence the actual administrator.

Related: Horoscope: Reagan Inauguration 1981, January 20, 1981, with wound and blind spot Chiron in Taurus rising (crisis in values) at noon, Capitol Building Washington DC. A link to Reagan's first inaugural address is included in the post. A comparison with Mr. Trump's inaugural address should be interesting although incomplete sentences may prevail over Reagan's eloquence.

Eclipse Note: an eclipse in the 19 South Series repeated once between 1981 and 2017 on February 16, 1999 @27AQ08 and conjoined the July 4, 1776 position of US natal Moon (We the People) and set us up for the delusions, illusions, and distortions of the fabled August 11, 1999 'King of Terror' (or 'Alarm') Solar Eclipse with its Revelation-based Fixed Grand Cross. 1N is often called The Mother of All Eclipses being in the 1 North Saros Series which first manifested on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 (opposite a future US natal Sun). One historical event of 1639: it was the year of the first Colonial Constitution.

1N repeats on August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant and has a label of its own: The Great American Eclipse.

DC Horoscopes: Dec 2016 New Moon w/ Jan 2017 Full Moon

Image: Dual Horoscopes December 29, 2016 New Moon @7Cap59 and January 12, 2017 Full Moon @22Can27:

The December 2016 New Moon in Capricorn conjoins a difficult fixed star, Facies, one of the 'victim stars' with potentials for: violence, war, death, blindness, detachment, frigidity, leadership ability, perfectionism, earthquakes.

The first lunation of 2017 in January, a Full Moon in Cancer, falls between the Dark-and-Light Twin Stars Castor and Pollux. Both stars suggest creativity, in writing particularly but Castor's potentials also include such things as: sudden fame or loss, crippling of limbs, mental illness, and murder, while Pollux's potentials are: murder, disgrace, rape, cruelty, success with Astrology or the occult, and danger from large animals, poisons, or...women.

As for Washington DC, on January 6, 2017 the new 115th Congress convenes and puts their official stamp on the December 19, 2016 Electoral College vote for Mr. Trump. You remember December 19th - when the Electoral College failed in its prime mandate to protect the US presidency and the American people from a dangerous demagogue president like loutish Donald the Demagogue? Still, my hopes are for Trump's 'plans' to work for the benefit of all Americans - even though the billionaire class he favors already has a huuuuge running start.

Related: Star Lists.