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Mar 2, 2019

Astro-Chart Round-Up: Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr, and Eric

Since former Trump 'fixer' Michael Cohen testified in open session on Capitol Hill last week, more and more often we hear the Trump Clump described out loud as a 'crime family'.

To run such an organization the head gangsta must have a crew willing to operate under the same criminal persuasion--a crew surrounding and protecting him, and willing to take orders and do his bidding. Donald Trump has such a crew with a core made up of Don Jr, Ivanka and Jared, and other son, Eric.

So I decided to make their planets more accessible for future reference by clumping The Clump together into one post with links to their natal charts such as I have access to them presently--some accurately timed, some set for noon:

Donald Trump Jr. (RR: A),
Ivanka and Jared (noon and noon),
and Eric Trump who actually may be the brightest bulb in the box, as it turns out.

Now naturally, these four minions (including Cohen) also appear in other SO'W posts which may be located by tapping or clicking labels of their names below this post, or by entering their monikers in the sidebar Search field. Because that's the kind of power you have, dear reader!

A Related Post: On Donald Trump as Clumsy Liar. Not that he's the only one.

Feb 24, 2019

As Our Tax Returns Shrivel, Big Banks Got $28 Billion In Tax Savings Last Year - TROFIRE

February 24, 2019: The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins reports on some of the negative effects on US taxpayers's refunds 'thanks' to the Trump-GOP Tax Cut for America's wealthy class of greedy piggies:

Remember the golden day of December 22, 2017 when Trump signed the GOP Tax Cut Bill (heist!) then rushed off to the luxury of Mar-a-Lago? And of course the non-empathetic GOP plan includes putting America's social safety net programs on their chopping block in spite of the nationwide suffering, even death, it would cause. Create the problem then pretend you have the only solution--it's so Hegelian!

Feb 16, 2019

On the Fear of Ann Coulter and Donald Trump

Perhaps you've read the excellent column by astrologer Lynn Hayes concerning a certain political flame thrower so happy to be 'in the news' again for her advice to Donald Trump on shutting down the government (December 22, 2018 midnight est for 35 days) and her critiques of Trump that apparently led to his declaration of a national emergency which he announced from the White House Rose Garden today as away to extort billions of dollars of taxpayer money for a dubious "wall" to keep out the marauding hordes Trump fears. Now I ask you, how can circumventing Congress be anything but a power grab by the Executive Branch of government?

Disagree if you must but do check out Ann Coulter's Poisonous Rage where Lynn discusses Coulter's pile-up in Sagittarius of her Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars (Sun conjunct Mars: Miss Independent) and the shadow side of Sag which, according to Dr. Liz Greene, "The Sag is often frightened of making any commitment to the tangible world, because then he'd have to face not only the limitations of form but also the fact that his potential genius might not be quite so boundless and cosmic as he thinks it is." (My italics.) Commitment, tangible, limitations, form--all Saturn's words.

Of course, this fear relates to the ruler-ship of Sagittarius by Jupiter, the planet of boundlessness, expansion, and unlimited potential, plus, the sign's Fire element with Fire's 'dark side' of deep depression when things don't turn out to be as grand as was optimistically expected. Note that with his natal Moon and South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius, Donald Trump suffers from such 'vast optimism vs deep pessimism' issues himself. However, the pair are reported presently to be on the outs beginning with the ill-advised Trump Shutdown--or is their tiff only political theater? If genuine, Trump and Coulter may just be too much alike to get along for the long term especially considering the tendencies of Sag toward self-righteousness and the constant judgment of others, and neither have empathy for other human beings who are treated as if they're only screens upon which Coulter and Trump project their lives of fame and fortune--with the two of them playing 'starring' roles.

Yet astrologically there is one factor between them that's similar yet different: Trump was born with Pluto unaspected while Ms. Coulter was born with Saturn unaspected which emphasizes the distinct possibility of her sashaying through life completely conscience-free. Both conditions are problematic, of course, and few can handle them in a positive way yet we all must choose how we use the planetary energies we were born with. How do you think the two of them are doing so far?

For more on Saturn unaspected you may wish to see my previous post on Justice Neil Gorsuch who shares this problematic condition of 'the loner without a conscience'. Wonder if free-floating fear or anxiety is a feature of an unaspected Saturn, one of the planets known for its 'fear factor'--along with Underworld Pluto, planet of sabotage and creepiness.

Blog Note: yes, relocation is this weekend so Monday will be the start of my 'settling in' week and asap I'll be blogging at you from downtown Raleigh, North Carolina! Wish you were here (to help me unpack!!) jc

Astro-Note: Ann Hart Coulter born December 8, 1961 NYC, hour unknown; Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY.

Feb 5, 2019

SOTU 2019: Trump Cries Wolf!

February 5, 2019: Tonight at 9:00 pm est the 2019 State of the Union address is scheduled after a week's delay due to the Trump Shutdown and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's insistence that 'no SOTU in the House chamber until the government is re-opened'. So Trump cooled his SOTU heels, bone spurs and all, and tonight's the night.

With my astrology software in mothballs due to a recent computer crash, no SOTU 2019 horoscope is possible for this post so here's a bit on the curious fact that at 9:01 pm tonight, the Moon enters Pisces just as the propagandist is set to begin his speech and hours after the February 4th New Moon @15AQ45 has passed. Naturally the sign of the Moon signifies the mood of the public and in sensitive, watery Pisces, Trump may find that the number of folks who show up to witness his diatribe in real time is rather low.

Actually, the Democrats' SOTU rebuttal just after, to be delivered by Georgia's Stacey Abrams, promises to be the more interesting of the two speeches especially since the rhetoric of Trump the Uranian has become quite predictable like a scratchy old record played many times too often. "National emergency at the border!!," cries the wolf once again, this time with the megaphone of the bully pulpit in hand. Do you believe?

Cosmic Influences

A flavor of the evening may be seen by its Sun Aquarius-Moon Pisces blend with the detached, futuristic Aquarian played by Trump and, on one level, the softer more compassionate Piscean played by Stacey Abrams. From the misty, unsubstantial Air-Water combo itself, we may expect Trump to reach out to the public and his 'backers' with the expectancy of having his fragile ego boosted by their positive responses, his 'independent thinking' on display for the world to see and marvel at. His 'mark on the world' just has to be a 'Trump Wall' for he's determined although yours truly continues to wonder if 5.7 billion dollars is the amount of some loan payment Trump has due and he'd prefer to keep all his fingers if you know what I mean. Why won't someone offer him a statue to his 'honor' instead? The pigeons would appreciate it!

Anyway, tonight's address promises a mixture of mind (AQ) and heart (Pisces) although impracticality and Trump's usual evasiveness will be evident as well. His apparent idealism may shine through but so will his tendencies toward gullibility and skimming the surface of things and childishly assuming that he's an expert on any topic you can name. How much 'sway' his words can conjure is unlikely to break any records and an uptick in Trump's approval ratings after tonight's performance may be as elusive a prey as 'The Wall' Nancy says he can't have billions for. A Normandy wall (fence) with upgraded tech surveillance equipment and more manpower and judges on the border, probably. But no bottomless money pit for a 'Wall' as Speaker Pelosi's Aries Jupiter continues going up against Trump's Libran the background a role reversal Mars vs Venus conflict!

As for tonight...

A sensitive soul with a grandiose imagination, Mr. Trump will likely escape for the comfort of his private cocoon once he's done making his case tonight, all hamberders beware! And which mysterious advisers will he phone into the wee hours, hoping for positive encouragement? Drifting off-subject is a distinct possibility with Sun AQ-Moon Pisces, something off-teleprompter Trump tends toward so we'll watch for that if we watch at all.

Now Trump's SOTU 2019 may not qualify as "grand opera" but perhaps it's telling that tonight's cosmic vibes of Aquarius and Pisces are shared natally by two famous film producers, King Vidor and Roger Vadim and will be delivered by circus barker and reality TV 'star' Donald Trump in the leading role of America's current POTUS in the February 5th performance of Washington DC's Political Theater of the Absurd.

Appearing in this post: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; above image, The Orator, a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Feb 2, 2019

Grucci helps Washington DC usher in a new century - New Years Eve 1999

Today is February 2, 2019, the much-touted, seldom-awaited, annual "Ground Hog Day" when the gruff-looking varmint attempts to prognosticate for the US an early or late Spring 2019. Many Americans are snowed in today, and perhaps some are without power, sorry to say. The fear level has been purposefully ramped up by government sources on the already lame electrical grid issue and on other issues so we've got that not going for us. As if America isn't up to the task of defending her cyber self yet for years we've been told how intricately intrusive is the touch of the Total Awareness system we're virtually surrounded and entwined by as its tentacles gather all personal communications and details of our spied-upon lives. Allegedly. Meanwhile, don't give promis, financial tracking, or back doors another thought.

20 Years Ago and Then Some

Basically, the New Millennium has timed if not sparked an announced 'new world order' as the 1776 version falls by the wayside before our very eyes, a natural Saturn-Uranus imperative about every 45 years - brittle and breakable yet necessary. 'Old' Saturn and 'new' or 'futuristic' Uranus last met three times through 1988 under Reagan in the last three degrees of Sagittarius. We are under this sway until their next conjunction (once) @28Gem01 on June 28, 2032.

Now the question of January 1, 2000 as the beginning of the next era vs January 1, 2001 is not a great obstacle to the basic concept of a new order replacing an old order and there are other signs along the road to its full implementation, some of which have been set up ahead of time - very robotic and all yet a cruel master. A devil, in fact. Yet if handled positively, these energies can bring improvements in society such as the progressive ideas now being expressed in the Democratic House of Congress.

And do you know that society is currently under sway of a Solar Eclipse from the 2 South Saros Series which is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series of the New Millennium? Ongoing, the eclipse manifested on January 5, 2019 (US) @15Cap25 with its 'joining a new or unusual group' vibe, plus, 'gaining a great deal' (Brady). Prior to the dawning of the New Millennium, a 2 South eclipse occurred on Christmas Day 2000 @4Capricorn.

So if you're reading this, I figure you could be in the mood to view a 58-second Vintage Video by Grucci of New Years Eve 1999 with the Clintons (not shown) presiding at the Washington Monument that's been lit up like a gaudy Christmas Tree - soo-o-o Illuminati! - but with the capstone of the phallic obelisk mysteriously darkened. And for anyone young enough as to have been unaware of (or, not yet born!) The New Millennium Fireworks on that starry night and the rest of the spectacle, now's a good chance to catch up a little in slightly less than one minute!

A Related Post: Washington Monument: Center of Political Power?.

Feb 13, 2019 Mars Meets Uranus at 1:21 am est

Say, remember when congressional Republicans shoved through their tax cut bill for the wealthy class under the auspices of a Mars-Uranus opposition across the Aries-Libra axis? That was the culmination-fulfillment stage of the bi-annual planetary cycle. A new cycle begins for this incendiary pair via conjunction on February 13, 2019 @29Aries, a critical, impulsive degree - while the opposition's December 2017 elements of "unbridled fantasy" continue to bedevil our economy, our financial futures (personally and nationally), our sanity, and society's communal ability to respond positively and effectively to whatever crisis may befall, economic and otherwise.

February 2019: Can You Hear It?

"A Celestial Choir (is) Singing" (29Aries) and calling on the individual for a "spiritual dramatization to his daily living for himself and his fellows within every range of his powers and skill. The Keyword is VENERATION. Positive expression: a gift for the effective articulation or manifestation of those eternal realities through which all people find themselves at one; negative expression: an acceptance of every fantasy which will flatter the ego." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Now I suspect we both know who acts under the influence of the negative expression of this symbol so I ask you, Is Trump the "immortal instrument" (29Ari) by which America must now be known?

Will no one step up and effectively intervene when a self-identified 'monarch' of a malignant narcissist sabotages our Republic just to pay his debts and/or work in tandem with a snot-nosed thug who leads a mere regional power?

Jan 29, 2019

When will the GOP cave on Trump? - Revealing Light Tarot

January 29, 2019: for several weeks now I have been appreciating the informative, intuitive Tarot readings on politics by Mary Ann's Revealing Light Tarot channel either via fire tv or YouTube. Below is a recent reading which blends Mary Ann's previous experience as a reporter who worked for the Murdoch empire (she's Australian, you know) with a level of intuition, then asks and answers questions as one who keeps up with US politics--specifically with the current multitude of Trump dramas and issues.

This reading is entitled but is not limited to, When Will the GOP Cave on Trump?, a pertinent question of the day as I suspect you agree! Here's Mary Ann:

One way to support Mary Ann's insightful Tarot videos if you wish is to visit the Revealing Light Tarot Patreon account.

Blog Note: as many readers know I am currently in the midst of packing for a move--and my desktop with Solar Fire astrology software went belly-up last week so no 'new' horoscopes can be generated or published for now. Yet for as long as I can, a post will occasionally turn up here so thanks go to all readers who can be patient for a few weeks until my flagship SO'W is back in full swing! Jude

Jan 24, 2019

Trump and Links Between Nazism and the Occult

Are You Odd or Merely Mystical?

Yes, there are links between Nazism and the Occult as you already know and Himmler and Hess were big poobahs in the occult department in the days of the Third Reich, as was Hitler. Then in our day, the Third Reich has had a Progressed New Moon in Taurus on June 6, 2017 about 5 months into Trump's first year in the Oval Office. And that's Taurus, sign of intolerance and hard-headedness when being negatively expressed as bigots tend to do.

Now in horoscopes, one planetary factor to look for concerning such potentials as the occult would be the combination of Neptune with Pluto which can also signify underworld criminal elements in society, aka, organized crime--by aspect, midpoint, transit, or by other connections in a horoscope. Why, one might even wonder if mob-tied Donald Trump entertains such secret occult leanings! Born on June 14, 1946, Trump seems to be influenced by a sextile (60 degrees) between the two karmic planets with Neptune @5Libra 2nd house of Values, and Pluto @10Leo in the secretive 12th house of politics, karma, self-undoing, secret practices, and hidden enemies. Both the slow-moving karmic planets are generational of course but if he is able to respond to the sextile energies between them, he's open to 'invisible realms' (Oken) and this would tie in with his problematic Mercury-Neptune square which interferes with his perception of reality, shows a lack of discrimination, loosens his lips, blocks his hearing, and conjures for him a fantasy world all his own. Then there are the constant Masonic hand signals Trump can't speak without brandishing (exs: the 'ok' hand symbol; forming a downward 'V" with his hands when he sits) suggesting a familiarity with Sacred Geometry or what modern astrologists call Astrology.

Now in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences Reinhold Ebertin spotlights the planetary pair of Neptune-Pluto as denoting The Supernatural which also fits with Nazism's perpetrators and their bizarre interests and rituals. Of course all astrological factors have a positive side as well and with Neptune-Pluto that would be self-knowledge, and perhaps a high level of spirituality if other chart factors concur--and as long illusions don't confuse issues, inspire spiritualism and seances, control via psychism, and/or lead to fraud and corruption. These are hard-to-control energies as you know, and may remain on unconscious levels for many people unless their personal planets are aspected by them.

The Uranian Donald Trump

Then additionally, a link between Nazism, the occult, and Donald Trump may also be seen (by yours truly if not by you, dear reader!) by a consideration of the current cycle of Neptune and Pluto which lasts approximately 492 years. Their cosmic clock began with three conjunctions which occurred on August 2, 1891 @8Gem38, November 5, 1891 @8Gem19, and April 30, 1892 @7Gem42--all within the time frame that the occult-practicing Nazis lived and within the eras of the Robber Barons and the Gilded Age in the US. (Remember the famous quote by financier J.P. Morgan, student of the great Evangeline Adams, that, "Millionaires don't use Astrology; billionaires do." It's all cyclical!) And of course, these days watery Neptune is strong as it floats through its own oceanic sign of Pisces while sabotaging Pluto, planet of power, is tearing up structures and systems as he plods through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, a time of 'the dictator' says Ebertin.

Notably the degree of the Neptune-Pluto conjunctions of 1891/92 hit America's natal Uranus (8Gem55), our nation's totem planet of revolution, independence, freedom, invention, futurism, and...war. This naturally forms a midpoint picture of potentials--Neptune-Pluto = Uranus: 'the propensity and flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, supernatural experiences' (Masonic initiation? witchcraft? Bohemian Grove's creepy 'cremation of care' ritual?), unusual catastrophes (Putin's puppet plays POTUS?), 'peculiar discoveries', and/or 'hypersensitive nerves' (Ebertin).

So how do such otherworldly energies link to Donald Trump? Besides his obvious mobster-like traits and fraudulent schemes, it's his Prenatal Solar Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus (and thus conjunct Neptune-Pluto), an eclipse which manifested on May 30, 1946 in the 2 Old North series, heralding his birth, and which repeated @21Cancer on July 12, 2018 near his natal Saturn in watery Cancer (his 'wall' obsession born of fear!) with themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'endings of relationships'. Yet, 'fast action can bring positive results' for the blighter with the hypersensitive nerves, a fate which supports the current theory going around town that no matter what happens legally and politically to him, Trump will, in some way, land on his bone-spurred feet.

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology; NASA image above: Neptune.

Jan 21, 2019

Horoscopes: Trump Shutdown w Feb 1, 2019 Planets

January 21, 2019: below you see a bi-wheel of DC Horoscopes with the Trump Shutdown chart (December 22, 2018 12:00 am est) in center surrounded by the transits of February 1, 2019. My reason for using February 1, 2019 is that this times the exact opposition of transit Jupiter (Mr. Money Bags) to the natal 10th house Uranus of chaos-creator Donald Trump, a significant transit when financing and business matters may come to a screeching halt, a lack of solidarity is problematic, and everyone wanders off in various directions which makes coordination of group efforts impossible for the moment. Plus, opposing views and opinions abound and there's too much political conflict within Trump's personal network to get things done. All the energy of this transit is focused on one day only: February 1, 2019, so hopefully things will improve as February plods on toward the February 19th Full Moon @00Vir42 which conjoins and spotlights royal Regulus and the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump. (Please note that my February Full Moon post was written when the Trump Shutdown was only a gleam in its papa's eye!)

For as you know, Full Moons mark phases of completion, culmination, and fulfillment begun at the previous New Moon so will the February Full Moon time an end to the Trump Shutdown? Possibly! Yet we can't be certain of prognostications when dealing with the unpredictable Uranian Mr. Trump, plus, transit Uranus is involved, planet of unpredictability, with catalyzing action that disrupts or shocks so that things seldom turn out as any normal person would expect. Actually, the only thing we can expect is change.

Now as you know, Trump's natal Uranus @17Gem53:34 is last to rise before his natal Gemini Sun and is therefore his oriental planet--his 'guiding planet' of gut intuition--with all that disruptive anarchist Uranus implies. Transit Jupiter @17Sag53:34 on February 1, 2019, acting as leader of a BOWL shape in the chart (advocate of a cause), makes one exact opposition from the 3rd house of the Trump Shutdown chart to Trump's quirky Uranus. Then on February 4, 2019 comes a New Moon @15AQ45 (horoscope shown) and the seeding of new plans. Also note that the Trump Shutdown Moon @22Gem59 conjoined his natal Sun (22Gem conjunct NN) while opposing his natal Moon (21Sag conjunct SN) so he probably felt ego (Sun) satisfaction as he called for his shutdown although he's currently not so thrilled with the mess he created and the fact that he continues to be held accountable for it (Shutdown Moon opposite natal Moon = emotional tantrums?).

Trick or no trick in the form of a Senate vote this week, his and McConnell's attempt to switch the blame to Democrats and onto Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not favored although typically the gullible may comply and swallow it whole. I believe that on one level, the Trump Shutdown is Trump's way of retaliating against the American people for voting a Democratic House into power! And it's also his pathetic attempt to usurp power and the spotlight away from Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats which is, of course, against the will of a majority of November 2018 voters.

Now across the bottom of the chart/s below you see three major transits upcoming in relation to the Trump Shutdown including tr Jupiter opposing Shutdown Moon (3x beginning March 11, 2019), tr Jupiter square Shutdown Mars (3x beginning March 16, 2019), and tr Saturn conjunct Shutdown Pluto (at critical degree 20Cap16--3x beginning April 12, 2019) which denote a heavy mixture of political conflict--and dramatic changes for Trump, along with a sense of urgency, and unstable conditions in the realms of power and finances.

As for the Trump Shutdown chart itself is a difficult trio which forms a midpoint picture of power-craving Sun-Pluto conjunct Saturn with potentials for: loss in relationships due to power struggles (Trump natal Jupiter vs Pelosi natal Jupiter); ruthlessness; separation). Then as you see, on or by February 1, 2019 the trio morphs into Moon-Pluto conjunct Saturn with potentials for: grave inhibitions, depression, and mental and emotional suffering (Ebertin)--Trump's Christmas gift to the American people. Noel Tyl adds: feelings of loss, constraint, and the pressure to regroup forces and plan anew. Well, there's a good idea.

So here's the bi-wheel of the two horoscopes in which you will find many more chart factors of interest:

To close, here's a photo of his nibs himself in happier times when he could freely romp and swing a golf club upon greener pastures instead of taking responsibility for the people's suffering he's selfishly caused and the mess he's made which, if not ended soon, will ruin the US economy--just like Putin would do!

Jan 19, 2019

US Progressions w/ the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse

America in January 2019, a Lunar Eclipse, POTUS, Pelosi, and Immigration

by Jude Cowell

January 19, 2019: at 4:00 pm est today, Mr. Trump seems determined to speak on an immigration compromise allegedly intended to jump start negotiations over the Trump Shutdown now in its 29th day. So far Democrats are said to be unimpressed and he has yet to open his mouth. In a chart set up for today at 4:00 pm est White House, there's a problematic Thor's Hammer pattern of Uranus-North-Node (reformers; radical politicians/politics; upsets; restless work conditions) = Venus (diplomacy; values; money--a lady like Speaker Pelosi) which denotes a softening of policies, or the introducing of novel ideas. We'll soon see about that.

Below is a bi-wheel of my intended post today concerning America's current secondary progressions ('SP') with the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @00Leo51 which will directly affect America's natal POTUS Sun (the leader; Jan 20, 2017 @00AQ49 = Trump). As you see, transit Neptune @14Pis35 continues veiling, hiding, obfuscating America's POTUS in deceptive Pisces (with a cosmic peep-eye! to FOX News pundits), and as usual, both charts are over-stuffed with details.

But hopefully those who are interested can enlarge the image, possibly print it, and manage to read the many notes penned on (you will be rewarded!). No apology for my messiness this time, dear reader, because I was amazed at how instructive this bi-wheel turned out to good luck reading it!

Jan 16, 2019

December Eclipse ends 2019 w Jupiter and Pluto Issues

December 26, 2019 12:13 am est: 3 South Solar Eclipse @4Cap06 conjunct Jupiter @5Cap20 3rd and 4th houses in Washington DC. ASC 4Lib32 conjunct the natal Neptune of Donald Trump and America's natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint; Hour of Mars (@24Sco30 in 2nd house of the National Treasury and conjunct Trump's natal IC of Endings); Mars is leader of a BOWL shape denoting a selfish trailblazer alone against the world (M.E. Jones).


Most midpoint pictures and pairs referenced in this post are from Ebertin, Tyl, and Michael Munkasey which you see penned into the center of the chart: "Saturn-Neptune: a leader capitulates."

This is one of the possibilities of this planetary combination which, in America's 1776 chart (5:09/10 pm LMT) conjoins our natal Midheaven (1Libra). Saturn-Neptune also rises in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY) showing his early environment as oppressive and difficult. Whether Trump will capitulate before or by December 2019 is anyone's guess (being the unpredictable Uranian that he is) but I type today on January 16, 2019 with the Bob Barr confirmation hearings ongoing and the ultimate fate of the Mueller report in doubt if/when William Barr becomes Trump's Attorney General. Mr. Barr, if confirmed, may redact or withhold all or part of the findings in spite of the public's need to know.

Now the Saturn-Neptune pair in society may also represents such things as: secret or invisible government, socialism, communism, Marxism, and so on. Weakness, illness, suffering caused by others, oppressive family circumstances, sense of "being out of the group" (Tyl), plus, a feeling of confinement or inhibition may also apply.

Jupiter, North Node, Mercury

Now let's note that fact that although protective Jupiter @5Cap20 conjoins the 3 South Solar Eclipse (themes listed, below), however, Jupiter simultaneously opposes America's natal Jupiter (5Can56) which suggests a period when no one is impressed, efforts are overblown, there is discontent, and a lack of funding and resources. The Jupiterian North Node of future direction @8Can22 points toward the natal Mercury of Donald Trump which, as you know, is afflicted by a square from his natal Neptune @5Libra--which rises in this chart. Some potentials for Saturn-Neptune with more Neptune involve 'presenting newly visualized views of reality or the future; dissolving rigid or outmoded structures; breaking through rigid patterns; inspiration derived from drugs'; and/or, 'illusive heightened awareness using escape' (Munkasey). Now you may agree that at least some of these potentials describe what Trump has done or attempted to do from the Oval Office and he has done them with the oppressive quality of Saturn-Neptune attached. As I type, the Trump Shutdown continues to afflict our nation.


In the Solar Eclipse horoscope, chart-ruler Venus @7AQ18 is posited in 4th house and conjoins US natal South Node (karma; getting the 'brush off'; bad timing--Ebertin) so we have that not going for us. The lack of aspects by Venus emphasizes the sign and house position of the money planet of relationships, diplomacy, and values (currency devaluation?) so I imagine that American diplomats (if we have any by then) will not be 'acing it' as they already aren't under Putin puppet Trump (boy, did Hillary call it in the 2016 Campaign debate!) But whether or not Trump is history before, by, or just after the end of 2019, America has some serious rebuilding to do from the damage he, the GOP, meddling billionaire donors, Murdoch, Putin, and perhaps others have caused.


Then there's the unaspected Neptune in 6th house (Civil, Military, Police Services) still floating through its own shady sign of Pisces but here with a materialistic view of the world for Neptune's usual lofty inspiration is not shared with the others planets--and Neptune's deep sense of isolation increases as its dreams are kept to itself.

Sun, Moon, Nodes, Midpoints

Now I shall briefly mention the midpoints affecting Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction (or his Sun-NN opposite along with natal Uranus in Gemini) but suffice to say that difficulties ensue caused by Mars-Saturn and Mars-Pluto in the 22--24 degree range of Sagittarius.

Saturn, Pluto, Vertex

Plus, restrictive Saturn is at a critical degree (20Cap) and transformative Pluto @22Cap11 conjoins the natal Vertex of Donald Trump as the two heavy weights ready for their Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46--spot-on Big T's natal Vertex of fated encounters.

December 2019 Solar Eclipse Themes

Now the initial 3 South Solar Eclipse on August 13, 1208 OS @27Leo10 conjoins the natal degree of Trump's rising Mars (and his ASC 29Leo and royal Regulus) and 1208's Pluto @10Leo15 conjoins Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02). Therefore, Trump's birth in 1946 basically timed a Pluto Return to the initial eclipse that began the 3 South Saros Series with the following eclipse themes listed, below (which are also penned upon the chart, top center). Plus, a Solar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is all about authority figures and our relationship to them. Karmic progress via the correction of past mistakes is possible only if the negative, constrictive traits of Capricorn are avoided such as selfishness and greed within the realms of government and business. Sadly, that greedy horse left America's selfish barn years ago but this eclipse in Capricorn gives the American people another chance for karmic improvement! Now here are the 3 South Themes:

'Sudden endings of associations or relationships, possibly involving a younger person; traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken via Pluto content in the initial eclipse' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). And as I said, August 1208's Pluto in Leo = Trump's natal 12th house Pluto--unaspected in his natal chart and "overshadowed by shadows." (For historical comparison, 3 South eclipses also occurred in the years 1911, 1929, 1947, 1965, 1983, 2001, and will again in 2038.)

So yes! For the sake of America and the common good, yours truly is cheering for Donald Trump--to clear outta Dodge before the sheriff arrives if he knows what's good for 'im. And take his sidekick Pence with 'im.

A Very Much Related Previous Post: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? with the royal star's caution, "success if revenge is avoided." Too late for that!

Jan 13, 2019

DC Horoscopes: February 2019 New and Full Moons

Left: New Moon @15AQ45 February 4, 2019 White House Washington DC; Hour of Mars @23Ari31 in the very visible 10th house and approaching 'wild card' planet Uranus. This explosive planetary pair blend their energies during 'dangerous times' and there is US natal Saturn (legalities, justice system, Robert Mueller) conjunct the New Moon IC, the Basis of the Matter. This New Moon phase culminates with the Full Moon of February 19, 2019 @00Vir42 conjunct royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided') and the natal Ascendant (and Mars) of Donald J. Trump.

Now as you see, transit Saturn (highlighted in blue, 6th house) @15Cap22 conjoins the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') prior to this New Moon, an eclipse which perfected on the evening of January 5, 2019 and will forever be imprinted upon the opening of the 116th Congress with its theme of 'joining a new or unusual group and gaining a great deal' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Our newly elected House representatives of the Democratic persuasion certainly did that!

Below right is the February 19, 2019 Full Moon conjunct Regulus horoscope which shows asteroid Nemesis rising ('the unbeatable foe' or, 'divine retribution') in Gemini along with gold-hoarding Midas. The Full Moon falls across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis and squares fixed star Alcyone ('something to cry about'). Follow the link for my original post which was composed prior to the brutal Trump Shutdown which began at midnight on December 22, 2018 so I'm thinking the cosmic picture here refers to the suffering of the American people and Trump's sabotage of the US economy using as an excuse his vanity project 'the wall' that he and Republicans could have funded and built during the two years they had control of House and Senate. The timing of the Trump Shutdown leveled extreme stress upon federal workers coming just before Christmas, and I believe that Trump was encouraged to time it to prevent much of the 116th Congress/Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House publicity from taking over the airwaves. Plus, Trump wanted a 'showdown' with Speaker Pelosi and to present her with a crisis to deal with instead of the progressive agenda (he hoped)--why else wait for her swearing in as Speaker? Of course, Sean Hannity of Fox News and the other Murdoch shills advised him of this necessity and as you know, power-grabber Trump hates it when someone or an event takes away what he considers 'his' spotlight. Alcyone's tears of affected federal workers and others with no paychecks with which to feed their children are of no consideration for we know what Trump has already done to children.

Yet predictably, if Big T can figure out how to end his Shutdown without too much humiliation, he'll attempt to claim the 'savior' side of the Virgo-Pisces axis! That's unless 25% of the US government inactive is the permanent condition the GOP has longed for all these years. If so, 25% may be just the start with full collapse their ultimate goal (and Putin's).

So please enlarge the images for more chart details for relief may be in sight because the expected revelations from the Mueller investigation are apparently part of the lunations' revealing and uncovering functions in February which will lead into the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis for New and Full Moons can uncover inconvenient facts and secrets much as Solar and Lunar Eclipses do in their disruptive Uranian 'wild card' sort of way. And often it takes a crisis to lead ultimately to improvement!

A Related Post with Horoscopes: Trump plus Pelosi.