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Nov 5, 2019

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio

Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States; by Steve Petteway [Public domain]

Brief Astro-Notes re: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

November 5, 2019: Since the natal horoscope and data of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, pictured above, are rated X (date with no accurate time), and because she likely will be the Justice who will decide on an upcoming case involving scofflaw Donald Trump (poetic justice!), I'm typing a few notes concerning Justice Ginsburg's personality blend using her double Water Pisces-Scorpio Sun-Moon combo of conscious + unconscious energies.

Related: Ian Millhiser's November 4th Vox article A federal court of appeals just demolished Trump's claim of immunity from criminal investigation.

Born Ruth Joan Bader on March 15, 1933 in Brooklyn, King's County, New York, her Sun-Moon blend reveals her as an individual with tenacity, courage, acute perception, and a deep intellectual capacity. Emotional and intuitive, the personality of Justice Ginsburg is passionate, dedicated, and possesses deep psychological insight into other people's motives. She exhibits strength in adversity and stubbornness once a decision has been made. Unafraid of the truth, the Justice may not be easy to live with, yet has an innate desire to help and heal others who are in despair, an admirable quality in my estimation.

Her complex Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio blend is shared by the natal charts of some interesting folk including: Johnny Cash, George Harrison, Bernadette Peters, explorer David Livingstone, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and author John Steinbeck who informs us that, "It is the nature of man as he grows protest against change, particularly change for the better."

And according to Longfellow,

"Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong."

Well, I'm not certain how the Steinbeck quote applies to her but perhaps you'll agree with me that tenacious, notorious Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, cancer survivor, definitely has that last concept well covered!

In closing, here are several inspiring Quotes by Ruth Bader Ginsburg and I'd like to cherry-pick three of my favorites off the list for your consideration:

"A gender line...helps to keep women not on a pedestal, but in a cage."

"A constitution, as important as it is, will mean nothing unless the people are yearning for liberty and freedom."

"I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability."

For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Nov 2, 2019

Trump Flees To Avoid Taxes! - Thom Hartmann commentary

Here's a brief segment from November 1, 2019 by Thom Hartmann commenting on Donald Trump's latest financial scheme: to abscond from New York state to Florida in order to avoid taxes and protect his assets in case of bankruptcy:

New York! If you can make it there you can make it anywhere. But if not, just high tail it down to Florida with your bad self.

A possibly related post: Trump's Mar-a-Lago and 1 North Solar Eclipses of 1927--2017; 1 North: 'information is distorted and possibly false' - isn't it always with tax evaders, deadbeats, and cheaters like Trump?

Oct 30, 2019

Exposing Republican's Malicious-- Christmas Plans?

October 30, 2019: Here's a segment from today's Thom Hartmann broadcast in which Thom reiterates his famous Two Santa Claus theory because he sees Republicans beginning to use it yet again:

And you know that to distract from his impeachment woes, Trump would just as soon pull another government shutdown as mismanage the US economy in some other way, or endanger our national security for the benefit of his pal Putin, right?

Plus, speaking of Christmas 2019 reminds me of our previous discussion concerning the December 26th Solar Eclipse that ends 2019 with Jupiter-Pluto issues, and how the Jupiter-Pluto duo relates to plutocrats, to the Federal Reserve, to other domestic and global banking and investment matters, and to large-scale project managers, contractors, and wheeler dealers of all kinds.

Is Election 2020's New Moon Prior Predictive?

Attempting a Realistic Look at Election Day 2020 via its Prior New Moon in Libra

by Jude Cowell

As you know, the Electoral College Votes on December 14, 2020 after the popular votes are cast (and possibly 'flipped' or somehow tossed into File 13) on November 3, 2020.

One predictive method for determining the outcome of an election's popular vote is a consideration of the New Moon Prior to the election--in this case, it's the New Moon of October 16, 2020 @23lib53 which perfects at 3:30:54 pm edt (Washington DC) with 15AQ26 rising and 3Sag29 at Midheaven (The Goal and Career Point). And as the Cosmos would have it, the October 16, 2020 New Moon Horoscope's Midheaven sports the natal Ascendant of Joe Biden but before Democrats grow too giddy, Election 2020's North Node @21Gemini points directly toward Trump's natal North-Node-Sun conjunction in his 10th house, his natal Uranus @17Gem53 chaotically guiding the throng.

(Note that the 2020 New Moon Prior culminates @8Tau38 with a Boo! at the Full Moon of October 31, 2020.)

Now there are several predictive techniques for reading a New Moon Prior to Election Horoscope and for an overview of them I direct you to E. Alan Meece's new book Horoscope for the New Age for full details including both favorable and unfavorable aspects for getting oneself elected.

But briefly for this post, it's a negative for a candidate if the election is held contemporaneously with her/his Saturn Return, and, disruptive Uranus near the Nadir of the New Moon Prior chart denotes upset for the incumbent party. My preliminary study of the New Moon Prior chart, plus natal charts of the top candidates, shows that changeable Uranus Rx @9Tau17 is in 3rd house (Washington DC) near the Nadir (and the IC) but is closer to Nadir when the Equal House system is employed. (I tend to use Placidus which gives 3Gem29 at IC, Biden's natal Descendant degree.)

Therefore, can unpredictable Uranus end the residency of the current occupant of the White House based on New Moon Prior Horoscope indications?

If so, it must be in spite of Election 2020's North Node conjunct Trump's natal Sun and what is basically a Nodal Return for him (public contacts, new alliances). This, plus Election Day's Moon-North-Node conjunction (which can denote union or estrangement!) may indicate that the public (North Node) and America's future direction (North Node) favor Trump (public Moon to his Sun-NN) yet more study is needed to make an assessment--and even then a definitive answer may not result. Because, besides the fact that Astrology can't tell us everything, my personal feeling is that too much election cheating and gerrymandering of districts occur these days to have confidence in election outcome predictions via Astrology. Plus, there are difficulties awaiting us in Election 2020's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Horoscope (4 North) with its themes of, "restriction, illusions, restraints, separation, and obstacles; strengths or the situation are prone to misjudgment; best advice: wait until the eclipse passes before taking any real action." (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Well, we can't wait because November 3, 2020 is Election Day in the US assuming that all goes as planned. And the fact that voting planet Mercury @25Lib53 at station begins the day in retrograde motion but turns Direct at 12:49:33 pm edt is significant of such potentials as minds being changed, results delayed, and/or votes being mysteriously 'flipped' by partisan cheaters, paid operatives, and/or foreign hackers. Additionally, the sign of Venus, her cycle associated with the US Election Cycle, is in Libra (8:27--8:40) which predicts victory for the incumbent party. Sorry to type this indicator but there it is. If Venus were in Sagittarius in November 2020 as in November 2016, this would indicate an upset by an outsider, aka, victory for the rival candidate.

Now again I ask myself, is Uranus in conservative Taurus at Nadir enough to upset the outcome of the 2020 Election according to the New Moon Prior Horoscope and in conflict with Venus in Libra? Several cosmic factors go against the 'sky god' planet's interference on November 3, 2020 but the planet's shocking, electrical qualities may suddenly surprise us all especially since Donald Trump must first navigate the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 conjunct his natal Vertex (of fated encounters and changing work conditions) which times a peak in the cycles of karmic Saturn and Pluto as they oppose and balefully scrutinize Trump's natal 11th house Saturn in watery Cancer.

So with both Saturn and Pluto opposing his natal Saturn--already within orb (and later, opposing natal Venus affecting relationships, finances, and legal matters)--a negative period arrives when Trump may feel regret over his past actions and crimes--if only because (hopefully!) he's being held accountable for them for the first time in his life. Restrictions and a lack of freedom will chafe, structures or systems he's depended on will be significantly altered (will his network of mobster supporters jump ship?), his authority will be successfully challenged by higher powers (powerful Pluto 'trumps' Saturn!), and he must accept whatever losses, failures, and disappointments come his way.

Of course, negative karma must eventually have its way, but what I most dislike about this negative period for Trump is that its portents and conditions relate to our nation as well. Yes, he's a rubbish POTUS, I agree, but he's the one who's been playing the role unless and until he resigns from office, is somehow removed, or goes belly up in a natural sort of way. Then our nation would fall under the yoke of theocrat Pence, a hideous possibility for those of us who prefer America's principle of a Wall of Separation between Church and State a la President Thomas Jefferson's letter of January 1, 1802 to the Danbury Baptist Association. Yes, I am a Protestant Christian--one who prefers to worship and follow my faith when and how my conscience pleases--with no orders from the White House, theocrat or secular. No matter any American's faith or lack of it, we're all accustomed to religious freedom and will tragically long for it if political theocrats and dominionists manage to toss it into the dust bin of history. Yet you can't legislate morality but tell that to the GOP.

So! However things turn out in November and December 2020 (via popular and electoral votes), this particular Child of the Revolution is eager for We The People to begin rebuilding our nation as soon as possible in reaction to the damage that predatory Trump and his decrepit gaggle of oligarchs and mobsters have visited upon America through their obsessive need for power, control, and the plundered wealth of others.


Blog note: either one of the links to two Astrology books, above, may qualify as an #ad - jc

Oct 26, 2019

When Will Transit Neptune Reach the Aries Point?

Whenever there's an activation of the Aries Point (and/or the three other Cardinal Points--00 degrees Libra-Cancer-Capricorn) by transiting planet or progression, a major cycle begins and significant global or large events are apt to occur. As it turns out, the world will experience such vernal activation by transpersonal planet Neptune leaving its own sign of Pisces and reaching the Aries Point for the first time in our modern era on March 30, 2025. This is the first Neptune-Aries-Point conjunction since the 19th century and was in effect during America's Civil War.

Now as you know, astrological Neptune rules multiple realms and possibilities, all of which are easily accessible in astrology books and online so I'll not attempt to list them here (having done so in previous posts). Yet obviously, the Collective Unconscious is one such important realm via Neptune's association with the 12th house in horoscopes of all types with Neptune's 'magic wand' influence being either positive or negative, or some combination of both. Plus, in Astrology the planet's urge to merge and Divine Source implications are basic features of its nature along with natural disasters involving water or other liquids, and/or contagions and poisons. Of course, when it comes to monarchy as a form of government, the word deluge comes easily to mind.

So when may we look forward into the distant mist of time and spy transit Neptune's next entry into Mars-ruled Aries at Aries Point and what cosmic weather may be expected from the Zodiacal shift of this gaseous, karmic planet that wears many masks and disguises? After all, the 12th is the Unconscious house of karma where Neptune co-rules with traditional ruler Jupiter (also known for his boundary breaking or neglecting ability).

According to my Solar Fire Gold v9 software, transit Neptune next catalyzes Aries Point on March 30, 2025, as noted above. Due to retrogradation, other conjunctions to, or within 2 degrees of, the AP occur including in late January 2026 and beyond.

As for the energy shift, Neptune in Pisces has been a period when peace and harmony were possible though not necessarily achieved, as you know, and interest in psychism, mysticism, and the occult has been on the rise along with inspired creativity. Negatively, this is a period of contagions and epidemics, losses, deceit, illusions and delusions, scandals, fraudulent schemes, bubbles about to pop, propaganda, pathological tendencies, fear and paranoia. Everyone's credibility and authenticity are now questioned, even challenged, and none more so than in the realms of Politics, Law, and Business via shady characters pretending to be honest, aboveboard, and worthy of the positions they hold (in spite of rigged elections!). Certainly Neptune's handmaidens the masses and the media are major parts of the elusive bargain of confusion, illusion, and lies in advertising, networks (social and otherwise), and in politics.

Once Neptune floats into Aries, will society be any better off?

This placement denotes a period when comes the realization that spiritual regeneration is imperative and may be accessed by the masses. Neptune was last in Aries in 1861/62--1874/75 when the spiritist or spiritualist movement was in high bloom across the US and parts of Europe. In America, the movement had received a huge boost on March 31, 1848 when the two Fox sisters of Hydesville, New York, began "communicating" bwo "knocking sounds" with the "spirit" of a murdered peddler allegedly buried in the cellar of the little girls' house. Then in 1888, one of the sisters admitted that they had faked the entire thing although she later recanted. Now I should probably mention here that I personally do not believe in disembodied 'spirits' knocking or otherwise so my hope is that such a deluded craze will never again sweep across this or any other land--no matter ectoplasmic Neptune's sign.

So for the negative potentials of Neptune in Aries this time around in its 164-year cycle, let's stick to reality as much as possible--a reality which unfortunately may include dealing with issues such as spiritual pride, insane ideas, and an annoying abundance of egotism!

Above image: Neptune Ascends, a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell.

For more Neptune stuff why not visit my Hollywood Horoscope blog Neptune's Silver Screen where you might discover astro-notes concerning a favorite classic film star--and no politics!

Oct 25, 2019

America, Saturn-Neptune, Eclipses, and Donald Trump

In a January 2019 SO'W post concerning the December Solar Eclipse that ends 2019 with Jupiter and Pluto issues, multiple mentions were made including the Saturn-Neptune pair of energies, Donald Trump, and Republican operative Bill Barr who was just coming into the DOJ picture with his senate confirmation hearing occurring as I typed. (And note that Jupiter-Pluto is the 'wheeler dealer' and plutocrat duo.)

Now one reason mention was made of Saturn-Neptune in the post is that their midpoint rises in Trump's natal chart as it does in the December 26, 2019 Eclipse's DC Horoscope (chart shown in the above post) with vibes of depression and limitation of freedom (Ebertin). Another reason to keep our collective eye on the Saturn-Neptune duo (the "illness axis," Reinhold Ebertin calls it--conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant, his nibs himself born into an 'oppressive family environment') during these harrowing days is that it relates to such realms as the social welfare programs constantly under attack by the Republican Party (most of whose members I tend to think of as misfits of the human race). Apparently the party's past "compassionate conservative" slogan no longer applies if indeed it ever did.

So below is a hodge podge of dates and associations for the Saturn-Neptune pair so famously representing hidden or secret (Neptune) government or control (Saturn)--and of course imaginary + real, lie vs fact, and idealism vs materialism also apply, plus the -isms such as Communism, Bolshevikism, Marxism, Capitalism, Socialism, Nationalism, Patriotism, Nativism, Zionism, conservatism, 'Trumpism'--labels invented by hidden manipulators to divide, conquer, exploit, and weaken populations who might think to rise up against the 'ruling class'. Fact is, We have the numbers, they have the desperation to hold on to power and control.

Now as you know the Saturn-Neptune cycle lasts approximately 36 years and their last conjunction was actually a three-fer due to retrogradation yet all during 1989: 1. March 3, 1989 @11Cap55; 2. June 24, 1989 @11Cap14; and 3. November 13, 1989 @10Cap22. See Events of 1989, an extremely busy year, domestically and abroad. The next Saturn-Neptune conjunction occurs only once on February 20, 2026 @00Ari45, the Aries Point where global events tend to manifest. Note that this conjunction in 2026 will conjoin the IC of the natal chart of America that I tend to use most often (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA).

Obviously, we are now mired within the third period (3 x 12 years = 36) which began on November 13, 1989 @10Cap22, a degree stimulated by the July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse @10Can37 in the 3 North Saros Series--between America's Jupiter and Sun; this is the eclipse series we're in as I type.

Now here are Saturn-Neptune's Hegelian potentials within the realms of Politics and Business, some of which may sound appropriate for our times:

Thesis: Delusions among the real leadership; long lived programs which have no real purpose; policies which restrict spies; misusing law officers; inefficient use of capable expert advice; mistaken religious leaders.

Antithesis: Leaders deceive about the exercise of control; deficient business practices exposed; respected persons involved in questionable practices; reliable equipment failures; a leader capitulates. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Looking ahead: the first eclipse of 2020 is a Lunar Eclipse. Here's a view of its DC Horoscope.

And in case you missed it: Saturn-Pluto and Our Social Safety Net Chickens.

Oct 22, 2019

Oct 21, 2019

April through October 2019: the Sun-Uranus Cycle

by Jude Cowell

April 22, 2019 Easter Egg Roll; The White House from Washington, DC [Public domain]; wikicommons

October 21, 2019: With the Sun in late Libra about to oppose erratic Uranus in early Taurus by transit on October 28th (4:15:10 am edt), a consideration of the Sun-Uranus cycle seems appropriate especially since the fellow now playing the POTUS role, Donald Trump, is a Uranian chaos-creator with his natal 10th house Uranus oriental in Mutable, changeable Gemini behaving as his whimsical, disruptive guiding planet. And of course, Trump is an original, a Sun-Uranus person with only his Gemini North Node snugged between them which partially explains his ability to excite (Sun-Uranus) the public (North Node) with rallies and disrupt with tweets--with Sun representing a leader and his ego thereof.

The Sun-Uranus Cycle in 2019

The cycle began on April 22, 2019 when the Sun and Uranus conjoined energies @2Tau31:40 along with transiting health asteroid, Hygeia (2Tau42) so in this post, we'll take a look at US events on and within a couple of days of April 22, 2019. As you see in the photo, above, the annual White House Easter Egg Roll was held on April 22nd with a costumed Easter Bunny big as life (on the right, not center) in attendance. We can only hope that the fantasy-prone Mr. Trump wasn't fooled into believing that one of his imaginings had come to life like Jimmy Stewart's 6-foot rabbit Harvey. "Six-foot-three-and-a-half-inches--let's stick to the facts," says Stewart's character, Elwood P. Dowd. If only Dowdy Donald would!

Now as you know, all planetary conjunctions are like New Moons which time the beginning of a new phase of activity, and their oppositions, like Full Moons, represent the culmination, awareness, and fulfillment stage. So for the Sun-Uranus cycle of 2019, April 22 to October 28 encompasses the current cycle from 'New to Full'. This indicates that something Solar-Uranian begun in April will come to fruition or end in late October so a search for US and global events of April 2019 would be fruitful for the curious while keeping in mind current events and those over the next few days of October 2019--and until late April 2020 when a new Sun-Uranus cycle begins. (Primarily this post refers to US events which are on-the-boil just now, not that others aren't.)

Another related event occurred on April 22, 2019--the announcement that new cases of measles were reported, amounting to the 2nd worst outbreak in the US in nearly 20 years with 22 states affected. Of course, "nearly 20 years" points toward the Jupiter-Saturn cycle and perhaps the Nodal Cycle of 18.6 years so their involvement could be notable. And as mentioned, health asteroid Hygeia was spotlighted by the April 22nd Sun-Uranus conjunction with astrological Uranus often representing the 'new' or the 'novel' and the goal-oriented Sun activating public announcements and events.

In addition, two other events around April 22nd were: the redacted Mueller Report was released on April 18, 2019, and on April 23rd, it was reported that 156 people across 10 states were hospitalized due to consuming E. Coli in ground beef, another Sun-Uranus-Hygeia event. (I'll mention here that the health of Donald Trump is a constant topic of discussion and a deep concern to us all but you already know this!)

As for Politics or Business, let's consider the willful, unpredictable Sun-Uranus pair within those realms; here are the pair's potentials as quoted from Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of The (Your) Planets which helpfully provides the Hegelian form of analysis:

Thesis: Political changes that shape the quality of all efforts; reforms which initiate changes to authority or power; legislation mandating major reforms in policies; revolutions which bring fundamental changes.

Antithesis: Rebellions designed solely for the removal of an existing leader; the changes which accompany upheavals; rule makers or interpreters battling decision makers; a contrary head of state with unusual habits.

Now I'm not emphasizing any of these potentials as 'what we're now dealing with' in Politics and Business because I'm certain that you, dear reader, can ascertain them for yourself and have opinions of your own. But I will add that in the physical realms, Sun-Uranus relates to 'blood pressure abnormalities' such as an overweight man can trigger within himself while furiously raging against those who stand in his way, who defy him, who testify against him, and/or who inhibit his life-or-death need to follow Putin's agenda to sabotage and collapse the United States of America. (Note that to Sun-Uranus, Ebertin adds, "heart neurosis.") As for the House's current impeachment investigations of Donald Trump, some amount of information in the Mueller Report has been recently mentioned within the public discourse and could certainly come up again as depositions are given to various committees.

Video (6m40s): The phone call that could get Trump impeached.

Now naturally, other planetary factors are in process of influencing conditions and events within the April to October 2019 time frame, either in support of Sun-Uranus potentials, or against them. One obvious cosmic factor of influence is the unpredictable Scorpio New Moon of October 27, 2019 @4Sco25 opposed by erratic 'wild card' planet Uranus Rx--for New Moons can influence events and reveal inconvenient facts in similar fashion to 'wild card' solar eclipses. So this particular Solar-Lunar cycle begins with the seeding of new ideas and plans just as a Sun-Uranus cycle culminates and unpredictable events 'led' by Trump continue to affect and influence the Collective--and the rest of the world--as his authority and integrity are challenged by the powers that be.

Therefore, we may expect that some measure of fulfillment, full awareness, and/or culmination will occur under the revealing rays of the Taurus Full Moon (19Tau52) of November 12, 2019 which perfects within Trump's 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legalities and, looking ahead, we find that a new Sun-Uranus cycle begins during the last week of April 2020 in the 6-to-7-degree range of Venus-ruled Taurus.

A Related Cosmic Event: 2019 Halloween: Mercury Rx Is King of the Fairies; plus, in review there's Uranus to Taurus: Nature's Revolution.

Oct 16, 2019

Oct 27, 2019 Horoscope: New Moon opposes Uranus Rx

Here you see the DC Horoscope of the October 27, 2019 New Moon @4Sco25 in 4th house opposed by erratic Uranus Rx @4Tau36 in the publicly visible 10th house. The 4/10 security axis is activated during this Hour of Mercury (11:38:21 pm edt Washington DC) as is the Taurus-Scorpio polarity which suggests the financial, investment, and corporate matters and issues.

Now the Sun-Moon-Uranus trio forms a midpoint picture of potentials for 'unusual twists of fate' (Munkasey), and/or 'sudden conflicts or upsets', 'separation', and 'an urge to act independently' (Ebertin). 'Sudden developments' may also be expected (Tyl)--not that any of this would be anything new considering recent events in US Politics.

But the thing is, New Moons if prominent can affect events much like solar eclipses which tend to disrupt, cause changes of direction, and uncover inconvenient facts, secrets, or scandals in similar fashion to quirky Uranus. And of course, this is why eclipses are often called 'wild cards of the Universe' and have karmic or fated vibes to them. So after reviewing this New Moon horoscope, I believe that this particular lunation in intense, Big-Business Scorpio (sign of spies and surveillance) is capable of such disruptive influences and directional changes, plus, with its Ascendant ruled by the Moon, fluctuations, changes, and publicity are givens.

So if this is the case, then deep insights that get to the root of problems, and avoidance of expressing the negative traits of forceful Scorpio will aid society's karmic progress within the conditions and problems we now face. As you know, those negative traits are vengeance, cruelty, betrayal, hatred, and retribution and will be much more difficult for some players to avoid expressing than for others. And my suspicion is that things will become even clearer by the light of the next Full Moon on or about November 12, 2018 @19Tau52--in Trump's natal 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legal Affairs--a good place for Luna's revealing rays to shine.

Now admittedly, there's a ridiculous amount of information nestling within this New Moon horoscope but it's simply too late to type it for you now. Even the tempting Grand Cross involving Mars conjunct US natal Saturn and the New Moon's IC, and Saturn snuggling near Pluto (6th house) cannot inspire me to perpetrate more typing at this late hour (1:20 am edt). Suffice to say that harsh conditions surround us.

Yet mention must be made of the 12th house (of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions) and the North Node posited therein (future direction; public contacts) for it points directly at the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of this New Moon, a solar eclipse which you may remember manifested on July 2, 2019 @10Can37 in the 3 North Saros Series. 3 North is the PE of the 9/11/01 attacks and also of 1929's Black Tuesday and it tends to bring 'news that transforms a situation', 'over-excessive energy', and 'large plans that are undertaken' which is okay if folks 'don't get carried away' (Brady). Of course, as with anything in life or astrology, eclipse energies can influence events positively, negatively, or some mixture of both.

And since we've had a plethora of transformative news of late what with the ongoing impeachment inquiry in Congress, whistle blowers, and diplomats coming forward to testify against Trump, I'll leave the eclipse themes and the Scorpio New Moon horoscope in your capable hands for now, dear reader, for I do trust you implicitly, you know.

Please Share If You Care, and you're welcome to leave your on-topic comments or queries beneath this post as you wish. Just remember--no ads for your website or services for they will not be published. jc

Oct 15, 2019

Oct 15, 2019: Russians swamp Stars Over Washington

Just a quick note to say Hello to the multitude of Russian visitors to Stars Over Washington today. I'm not certain what you're up to, if you're actually reading posts out of genuine interest, or what else may have caused such an onslaught but you're seen so Hello just the same. jc

Oct 14, 2019

Will Trump Retaliation Against Diplomats Ruffle Regulus?

Well, here's a stinky kettle of fish: White House will retaliate against diplomats who don't cover for Trump during testimony. Naturally, reading this reminded me of Trump's Mars rising in dramatic Leo with royal Regulus and the star's well known Caution: 'success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that has been gained will be taken away'.

And so, one more time (yes, I'm fatigued by the whole thing, too) I ask Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?. His longed-for fall from grace is not being appreciated by his nibs at all and we've seen how retaliation is an obsession of Trump's with his natal Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, @22Sag24 Rx conjunct his South-Node-Moon conjunction (20--22Sag; 4th house) with both Luna and the Saturnian Node relating to unconscious drives and inherited tendencies. Apparently, his deep need for revenge and retaliation is a natural 'talent' so hopefully said diplomats will be able to withstand the onslaught of hatred from this vicious, cornered man who has everything to lose.

Oct 12, 2019

2020 Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire Horoscope

October 12, 2019: As a sort of follow-up to my October 10th post Are We Waiting for the Empire to End or Witnessing It? here is the Horoscope of the Roman Empire as provided by Nicholas Campion in his classic The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #255; basic chart-notes are scribbled about, as you see, so please enlarge if you wish to read them:

The Roman Empire--"the Birthday of the New Order"--Campion p. 249

ASC 4Tau34 so 10th house Venus is chart-ruler in materialistic Taurus but with no applying aspects which emphasizes her sign and house position; the Venus-Pluto midpoint rises = 'wielding great influence over others' (Ebertin), and as you know, 'goddess' Venus is an archetype of Mary and of other older goddesses such as Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, even Ceres (the mother) which figures prominently in various symbols across Washington DC (Masonic emblems such as wheat shafts, etc, with Virgo the Virgin an obvious identifier). Plus, America's 'Columbia' falls within this panoply. Yet we mustn't forget the ancient Roman Cult of Mithras, the gold-loving 'god' worshiped by Roman soldiers--especially since gilt-edged Trump must admire him, too.

Now the Roman Empire became 'a thing' during a certain Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE'), of course, and in 8th house you see highlighted in red its PE @20Sag08 which perfected on December 13, 028 BC (conjunct Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction of awkwardness and emotional deprivation). Unfortunately, my software doesn't go back that far for eclipses so I have no themes to provide here. Yet a few clues may be ascertained by the fact that the eclipse manifested in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (opposite the empire's natal Jupiter Rx @20Gem58). Jupiter the General leads a Locomotive shape of the planets and is ruthlessly determined on success. Note that ideal-oriented Jupiter, planet of expansion, adventure, and the crossing of boundaries, rules both 8th and 9th houses--spheres of the occult, death, and of foreign lands and philosophy.

So when a PE is in Sagittarius, negative tendencies can naturally interfere with karmic progress so I shall list the potentials here for your consideration: religious convictions which may or may not be spiritually correct, misguided beliefs, misplaced idealism, and/or false optimism. The development of a spiritual philosophy is a best-results requirement of a Sag Prenatal Eclipse with Jupiter ruling codified religion. Here, Jupiter is retrograde which may suggest the blending of church and state with the state having the stronger role initially and the church as hidden manipulator. Please note that I wasn't there at the time so this is only speculation on my part.

On January 12, 2020 Saturn and Pluto Confer as Karma Occurs!

Now one reason I've taken a closer look at the Horoscope of the Roman Empire and am publishing the chart here for future reference, if needed, is to locate the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. As you see, Saturn-Pluto @22Cap46 will conjunct the empire's Sun @21Cap33 at Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal and Aspiration Point (aka, The Why? Point), toil, sparing no pains in one's work--Ebertin--and will oppose the empire's natal Saturn Rx (16Can56 ) and Pluto (26Can51)--their midpoint @21Can53. Additionally, natal Mercury @26Cap19 is roped in to these difficult, karmic energies as well along with its natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of secret projects, hidden motives, clandestine manipulation, dangerous activities, spies, and a tiresome tendency to interrogate others. This qualifies as transit Saturn and transit Pluto opposing natal Saturn and natal Pluto (abuse of power and authority issues challenged; battles for control engaged).

To say the least, it will be riveting to see what developments take place on an empire-collapsing and/or world government level as 2019 ends and 2020 continues heating up as the American Empire is shaken to its core by a gang of saboteurs and infiltrators with fascist tendencies resulting in a further disintegration of democracy and ultimate collapse of the US government if the hollowing out of our traditional institutions is allowed to continue.

And yet as world history shows, old orders must always give way to the new. But what species of 'new' will be implemented should be the choice of humanity, and not of those who are determined on the destruction of civilization!

A recommended video (8m35s) narrated from A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn which opens with the timely question, "Empire or Humanity?