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Jun 11, 2021

Horoscope: 2021 Saturn opposes Trump n Pluto #3 of 3

by Jude Cowell

June 11, 2021: As you know, restrictive Saturn, karmic planet of Time, authority, authenticity, realism, limits, death, and/or loss (if deserved, or the time draws nigh), now traverses the sign of Aquarius where the Old Man rules along with eccentric, progressive Uranus (unless you're a complete traditionalist!) so we should note that the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square in rigid Fixed signs (AQ-Taurus) over our heads signifies the current R vs D stalemates in Congress (status quo vs progress), plus, global society is experiencing a general conflict between the old order vs a new order, nowadays in the form of democracy vs authoritarianism (or, fascism/neo-nazism).

Note that when in Aquarius, reality-based Saturn can signify practical ideals and plans, but for less grounded types can denote eccentric expectations that lead to disappointment, or, ambitious plans without a firm foundation.

Now today's post is for considering major 2021 transits to the natal chart of Donald Tr*mp, a demagogue I'd hoped to never type about again.

Yet certain 2021 transits to his natal planets are significant for the American people (through his nibs as a recent figurehead of the country, now trying hard to remain politically relevant - and solvent). These transits may be used as a lens through which to ponder the wider cosmic influences affecting our society and affecting other nations and cultures across the globe, at least until he is completely removed from the world stage. So here goes:

Below is a color-coded bi-wheel with Tr*mp's natal chart in center, with the third of three transit charts (outer) showing legal eagle Saturn opposing his natal 12th house, unaspected Pluto (10AQ02 vs 10Leo02) which represents the several legal battles and lawsuits that his delusional, underworld self is embattled by. As you know, his Pluto = his Mars-Saturn midpoint, the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin, and signifying brutality, destruction, and the deaths of many people, as we've experienced.

Several midpoint pictures are listed on the chart, plus, the transit that times the chart is highlighted: Saturn oppo natal Pluto with potentials for: 'a time of limited resources, authority directly challenges and threatens power and control'. We may expect that his popularity will continue to plummet with transit Venus in Capricorn opposing natal Venus in Cancer, and the ability to 'face the truth' certainly is not one of his strong suits (Pluto oppo natal Venus: 3x in 2021 exact on February 18, July 10, and December 25).

Meanwhile, as many astrologers have noted, transit Neptune in shady Pisces has been squaring his natal Sun-Moon opposition and Nodal Axis (fated!) suggesting his personal condition of illusion, fantasy, discontent, isolation, and the undermining of relationships. (For as you know, since the Tr*mp Mob Attack of 1/6, droves of supporters have been deserting the sinking bulk of Herr Tr*mp. See The slow disillusionment with Trump continues - 'slow' Neptune = disillusionment, disappointment, fraud, deception, karmic loss.) And of course, Neptune in Pisces is the natal placement of the Republican Party (1854), sometimes called the Conspiracy Party.

It seems that the GOP has used Neptune's return to Pisces to time their current undermining and erosion of the federal, centralized US government - as such hotheads did in secession days culminating with the Civil War - but that's a fuss for another day.

So for Tr*mp, all of 2021 is unfavorable for 'exacting revenge' (his favorite pastime!), 'calling in debts', and/or 'working against tradition or authority'. Plus, transit Pluto opposing natal Venus indicates that it's time to face the truth (as if!) and may trigger bankruptcy filing since resources are limited; relationship conflicts are also suggested. However, these potentials do not address any hidden wealth (Pluto in Leo) he has squirreled away, although that possibility may be disputed by some since he's always been known to be a fortune-hunting wastrel (see lower left).

So as noted, the following horoscope displays the 3rd of three oppositions to natal Pluto. 1. March 16, 2021; 2. August 4, 2021; and 3. December 13, 2021. Admittedly, he may or may not be located in Mar-A-Lago, Florida in December 2021 - and should not be since it's a place of business, not legally a residence.

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes which include more transits and a few midpoint pictures which denote potentials for 'gloom, separation, perversions, infection, illness, obstacles created by others, mourning, living in a world of illusion, acting and pretending, insecurity, uncertainty, pursuit of wrong objectives, little sense of reality, damage through thoughtlessness, fortune-hunting and squandering (Ebertin; Tyl).

And of course, the 'biggie' is the fact that the Saturn-Uranus square involved with his natal Pluto forms a major T-Square of difficult potentials - Saturn-Pluto square Uranus = 'sudden violence; brutal efforts to start a new order' (with Tr*mp at the helm, he hopes), and/or 'an attack regardless of potential losses' with apex Uranus in Taurus taking the reins, leading the mob, and suggesting the radical politics of zealotry and Utopian anarchy.

Jun 9, 2021

So Is AG Merrick Garland up to the task at hand?

Above Image: The US Department of Justice ('DOJ') Washington DC

Why Not Ask the Planets!

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday June 9, 2021: In today's Live broadcast of the Thom Hartmann program, Thom expressed his concerns about AG Merrick Garland, for one thing because of the recent DOJ decision to continue defending Tr*mp in the E. Jean Carroll rape case, and stated that AG Garland should leave the Department of Justice. To paraphrase Thom, "He's a nice guy but he's not up to the task." Thom also noted that some number of Tr*mp appointees remain in the DOJ, plus, Merrick Garland is a known Republican.

Thom also advanced an idea concerning events during AG Garland's brief stint as head of the DOJ: is he being bullied?

Now regular readers of SO'W may remember that yours truly is not fond of spending much time on horoscopes for which we have no accurate timing such as the case with Merrick Garland's natal chart. Born in Chicago, Illinois on November 13, 1952, Merrick Garland has a Scorpio Sun and a Libra Moon for Luna remained in Venus-ruled Libra for the entire 24-hour period. And of course, airy Libra is the sign of The Scales of Justice.

So the point of this post is that AG Garland's 'noon' position of Mars @23Cap53 reveals that the recent Mars-Pluto opposition has had his natal Mars within its forceful grip of power and control. Is he being bullied? Well, if he ever were going to be, this transit is perfect for the expression of such difficult karmic energies for any current problems may be due to actions taken in the past. Here are some possibilities:

Transit Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn conjunct natal Mars suggests a period when an obsessive focus on competition may be in evidence, and may involve potentials for secrecy and deep research. Intensity affects relationships, especially with males, and there could be an unhealthy sexual involvement. Naturally, this can suggest a potential for an embarrassing scandal to turn up, plus, blackmail is always a possibility when surroundings and events involve the political realms. Physical danger and threats are potentials as well when revenge and/or anger are motivations (of his or of others toward him).

Meanwhile, transit Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer has been opposing the AG's natal Mars (efficient and exalted when in Capricorn) so a feeling of hitting his head against a brick wall may have been experienced as an equally determined show of force meets any aggression or self-will that he may have shown so that issues of wasted energy can be a result. And as you know, an opposing Mars to natal Mars can literally signify male personages in the environment, people determined to have their way at any cost. Pushy people!

Now of course, other planetary factors should be considered concerning this topic (and I would if I knew his birth time) such as his Mars squaring a natal Saturn-Neptune conjunction (social service work), plus, there's a wide opposition between his Mars and unpredictable Uranus in Cancer (is he drawn to reactionary politics of the GOP? taking uncharacteristic actions? Both? Neither?).

Even so, the forceful transiting Mars-Pluto opposition seems to me to contain monumental energies at a karmic time affecting AG Garland's planet of action, energy, and motivation, and can suggest that some form of bullying by a higher power has occurred or is occurring - either physically and/or by some form of intimidation that could risk the wellbeing of his daughter or another family member. After all, transit Mars is in Cancer, sign of The Family and of 'patriotism' and take-no-prisoners nationalism.

You may also wish to see Merrick Garland: Sun Scorpio-Moon Libra with Scorpio ruled by Mars, 'co-ruled' or at least influenced by powerful Pluto. And here's the DOJ 1934 Dedication Horoscope along with the agency's Progressed New Moon of August 2020.

Jun 8, 2021

Coming in early July: America's Solar Return 2021

US Solar Return 2021: So Far Our Democracy Has Weathered 245 Years

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday June 8, 2021: This summer we can expect America's Solar Return to our July 4, 1776 Sun degree (@13Can19:19; mundane Sun = leadership) to perfect actually on July 4th (at 10:51:37 pm edt; horoscope shown) which is not always the case. However, as you know, everyone's Sun always returns to natal degree within one day or on their birthday. For those who prefer a late afternoon horoscope for the founding of this illuminating 'experiment' in self-governance with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising (I tend toward '5:09 pm LMT' because it places Cardinal World Points of manifestation and recognition on the MC-IC angles of the chart but I'm not wedded to this chart and don't mind calling it 'speculative') - in the Solar Return 2021 Horoscope ('SR') we find US natal Moon rising (ASC @26AQ30) when the chart is set for Washington DC. If you follow the above link you can see this for yourself.

Also of note is that all planetary returns repeat whatever aspects a returning planet makes in the natal or founding chart; for America that would be Cancer Sun square Saturn exalted in Libra, a time for taking responsibility, having to measure up, and delayed rewards) yet a mitigating factor of optimism is the US Sun-Jupiter conjunction with Venus in Cancer nearby.

Also rising in our SR 2021 Horoscope are the assertive, destiny-changing Uranus-MC midpoint (hastiness, excitement, sudden adjustment to new conditions - Ebertin), and transiting Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation (against anti-democracy seditionists? count me in for as I've typed on SO'W multiple times through the years, America is my only nag in the race - which includes the common good, a sovereign nation, and a Republic replete with democracy).

Now readers familiar with the natal horoscope and planets of the former guy (that some call the KKK's Grand Dragon) know that US SR 2021's ASC @26AQ30 conjunct US natal Moon places agent orange's natal Mars in Leo upon the SR 2021 Descendant so his aggression (Mars) targeting the American people continues (see the Tr*mp vs America Synastry Grid). Yet admittedly, no Astrology is necessary to realize any of this concerning the revenge-loving fellow so fond of retaliation who was contentiously born with hot, fiery Mars rising (if 10:54 am is his actual birth time on June 14, 1946).

Plus, the heat has recently been turned up via former guy's threat to run for Congress in 2022 but this seems like a stretch, doesn't it? For one thing, a seat in Congress is not elevated enough for Mr. Ego and the thought of his laziness with a bunch of paperwork on his desk is laughably absurd. Yet could a congressional seat be a stepping stone to another presidential run for agent orange? For many politicians it definitely could be but he's not a 'regular' politician, is he? Or one at all to my way of thinking.

Besides, his 'grand', wide physical presence in Congress, the place he sent shock troops to attack its members on 1/6, would certainly shake up congressional proceedings like no one else could do. Stop them entirely, one supposes. His antics could easily shut down the US government as he has done multiple times before. Which makes me wonder: could the Capitol Building (Masonic temple as it is) be made safe enough for such a 'grand' figure?

Meanwhile, one thing seems certain to me based on many things including the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope: demagogue Tr*mp is not done harming and undermining our nation. And with a Democratic Party seen as weak, milque-toast, and possibly not up to the task of again successfully beating back (the now Tr*mp-style) neo-nazism (aka, neo-fascism), it falls upon We The People (US natal Moon rising in our SR 2021 chart!) to make clear that draconian authoritarianism is totally unacceptable because We The People prefer to Keep our Republic as We were challenged to do by Benjamin Franklin on September 17, 1787 (shown: US Constitution Horoscope with Mercury-Pluto = MC: the ability to cope).

So to close this fussy post, here's a question for you: do you know that the Midpoint Pictures in the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope perfectly describe many of the outcomes the American people experienced while Tr*mp was crouching (rent-free) in the White House? I thought you did.

Jun 7, 2021

VP Harris to Guatemala with Mars-Pluto opposition visiting the nation's Mars-Pluto Square

Image: Guatemala City; Rudy Cano, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Three Horoscopes for Guatemala but One Chart Stands Out

by Jude Cowell

Monday June 7, 2021: As you know, this week Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden's point-person on immigration, is visiting Guatemala and Mexico concerning the whys and wherefores of US-Mexican border immigration. So far, reports are that she's telling leaders they must "restore hope" their people. (Actually, the entire world needs hope restored where it's lost but that's a fuss for another post.)

Now The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (#ad) contains three horoscopes for Guatemala. The third chart (#142; March 21, 1847 "noon" Guatemala, GUAT; ASC 4Can41; Sun 00Ari31; Moon 6Gem26 conjunct Jupiter 10Gem22; Mars square Pluto 24Ari50 and Venus 23Ari23; Saturn 6Pis35 conjunct Neptune 29AQ02) stands out to me due to its Mars @27Cap55 for as you know, on Friday June 5th, by transit Mars and Pluto opposed one another with Pluto well within orb of America's natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33.

Besides the destructive opposition signifying the well publicized stand-offs in Congress, in a previous post I've related the Mars-Pluto opposition of 2021 to the G-7 Summit in early June 2021 in Cornwall, UK, and particularly to the Biden-Putin rendezvous said to be happening on June 16th. Of course, Mars-Pluto as a pair of energies resonates with major force and power such as the two leaders and VP Harris represent. But that post was written before I'd seen the 1847 horoscope of Guatemala and noted VP Harris' timely visit with the leaders of Mexico and Guatemala this week!

So if you set up the 1847 horoscope for Guatemala (my real-world schedule is overfull today or I'd display it here!) you'll see that the country's 1847 Mars-Pluto square's potentials for violence and for wiping away established conditions is now triggered by the transiting Mars-Pluto opposition, plus, there are other violent indicators in the 1847 horoscope (exs: Pluto-SN conjunction = war; people relocate due to violent conditions, etc; Mars-Uranus = Saturn: violence; heavy injuries; separation - Ebertin). These factors relate to social conditions in the country in 1847, of course, but they remain influential in 2021.

In closing, we should note that the Mars-Pluto opposition of 2021 signifies the culmination, fulfillment, and/or awareness phase of their current cycle which began with the Mars-Pluto Conjunction of March 23, 2020 @24Cap43 conjunct Jupiter @23Cap13 - with Saturn @00AQ04 conjunct US Inaugural Sun which at that time represented dictator-wanna-be Don*ld Tr*mp who likes to pretend that America's immigration predicament was somehow better under his and racist Stephen Miller's slipshod tutelage.

As for VP Harris' current visit South of the border under the Mars-Pluto influence, the planetary combination contains some positive potentials as well such as 'extraordinary force and vigor', 'great self-confidence', 'great ambition', and 'attainment of success through excessive effort' (R. Ebertin).

Then may such potentials of strength and vigor restore hope for us all!

Jun 3, 2021

A "Ku Klux Kaucus" with Trump the Grand Dragon!,_1862.jpg">Book Cover: Knights of the Golden Circle: shades of the KKK

June 3, 2021: This morning Democratic Underground published a Thom Hartmann commentary concerning the Republican Party becoming the "Ku Klux Kaucus" with Tr*mp as its "Grand Dragon." The former guy's bigoted followers filing happily in a row behind the wide caboose of their 'dear leader' always reminds me of mama duck with babies waddling and quacking along behind her. In Sabian Symbols this word picture resonates with "30 Aries": "A Duck Pond and Its Brood." "RELIABILITY: positive expression: an accustomed competency or ease in dealing with immediate circumstances; negative" (/shadow side - jc): "a tendency toward provincialism or an acceptance of life with an altogether uncritical complacency." (Jones). (You'd better not criticize Herr Tr*mp or else!) So could narrow-minded 'provincialism' echo the 'America First' slogan and propaganda used by Tr*mp and previously used by the Klan in the 1930s? I believe the same cloth has been cut, dear reader.

Then we must note that the "30 Aries" degree and symbol will be spotlighted on April 20, 2023 by a significant 'cosmic blink', a Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series which also manifested on February 24, 1933 @5Pisces as what yours truly terms, the 'Fascism Rising' Solar Eclipse. And 7 North manifests after the 'Nazi Rise to Power' Solar Eclipse of 1932 which repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (post shows two 1932 eclipse charts, one set for Berlin, the other for the White House). So even without Astrology, we already know that there be major challenges ahead - and these two eclipses can be taken as signposts on the way to the draconian duck pond.

So if you wish, check out the hate group's Wikipedia page for details on its (vile) history and the three versions or eras of the Ku Klux Klan (1865--1871; 1915--1944; 1950--present day, with reportedly having 5,000 to 8,000 members). Plus, politico also has details on the Klan's founding on December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, TN by radical Republicans. (Circle = Greek kyklos + the Gaelic word, clan). 'Tis said the sore losers of 1865 initially formed the group as a "social club"!

As for the original KKK, its creation inspired by the outcome of the Civil War and the resulting Reconstruction that grumped them up really badly, here's a previous post concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act that cramped their style for a while. This law has been mentioned as possibly being used in the prosecution of scofflaw Donald Tr*mp. And as a Southerner with Civil War heritage and a preference for a sovereign America, I won't mind if they do.

Plus, in today's news: The remains of first-ever Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forest and his wife are now in process of being disinterred and relocated. Apparently, Nathan and his Missus aren't as welcomed in Memphis as they once were.

Now, in case you missed it, here's a link to a previous post containing the Third Reich Horoscope of 1933 (Campion #126). And have you noticed with transit Saturn in Aquarius that the Reich Stag Fire Horoscope is in process of a three-fer Saturn Return - 3 times all through 2021?

Jun 1, 2021

Can the August 2021 Full Moon plop Trump into Power?

No Plopping of course, Just Reflecting: As Above, So Below!

by Jude Cowell

June 1, 2021: As you've heard, former guy Trump is telling people down in Mar-a-Lago that he expects to be re-instated as president by August (!) so naturally, at the very least, a peek at August 2021 lunations could be interesting. (Chart below: outer = Trump natal planets highlighted in lavender). Of course, such fantastical remarks could be merely part of a money-making scheme, an attempt to keep his various scams afloat and donations coming in.

Cosmic Weather August 2021

First comes a New Moon @16Leo14 on August 8, 2021, a time of seeding plans and the beginning of new activities. No, '16Leo14' isn't conjunct his natal Mars-Pluto midpoint but it is very near his Uranus-Chiron midpoint (16Leo24) of chaos-creating (his specialty). Plus, his 'lucky break' midpoint of Jupiter-Uranus @17Leo40 could possibly be stimulated by the August New Moon, especially if he's aware of it.

From New Moon to Full: Culmination, Fulfillment, Full Awareness, Relationships

My suspicion is that the cosmic clincher, if there is one in August, has to be the Full Moon of August 22, 2021 @29AQ37 and Sun @29Leo37 - conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant-Descendant axis, as you see in the Full Moon Horoscope, above. The bright rays of a Full Moon can act much as a Lunar Eclipse would do with revelations, uncoverings, leaks, disruptions, endings, sudden changes, fulfillment, and/or an illuminating spotlight cast upon the former guy and his fantasy-prone political activities. And often scandal/s may suddenly appear in the news cycle.

Why, it's even possible that at this very moment he and his enablers are devising malicious schemes going forward that he thinks will catapult him back to power "by August" and now muses upon the exciting prospect - and the revenge he'll soon take upon his non-supporters, critics, and the American people (his natal Mars opposes US natal Moon, as we've felt already). Meanwhile, with his ASC-DESC axis involved, royal Regulus (now @00Virgo instead of 29Leo as in 1946) will also take part in the "stormy proceedings" and you know the star's caution: to avoid taking revenge or all that's been gained will be taken away.

("Stormy proceedings" = Mercury-Mars = Ascendant - R. Ebertin.)

Yes, there are a few cosmic factors that may turn out to be more negative than positive for the Orange One such as the Full Moon's Saturn-Neptune midpoint conjunct the Full Moon (feeling emotionally drained; pessimism; a low character) - and guess what? This transit of the Saturn-Neptune midpoint falls precisely opposite Trump's natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint which conjuncts his natal Ascendant (at birth!) and suggests potentials for oppression, depression, emotional suffering caused by others, and/or limitation of freedom (R. Ebertin). Now there's something that would interfere with his political 'come back' dream! And note, lower right, that transit Jupiter Rx @26AQ54 opposes his natal Mars in proud Leo, marking an inauspicious time when efforts on a grand scale may collapse under their own weight!

Now in closing, mention should be made of chart-ruler Mercury's two applying Ptolemaic aspects (listed lower left). First, an opposition to gaslighting Neptune (4A04) suggesting: ideas and plans that are purposefully deceptive, misleading, and/or dangerous; hidden facts, misunderstandings; confusion, mistakes, disappointments; misperceptions; underhanded behavior; and/or unfavorable business negotiations. Add to this a triggering of Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of deception, falsehood, lack of discrimination, and fantasy. (And as you see, his natal 2nd hou$e Neptune @5Lib50 is his first natal planet to rise in the Full Moon chart so that his speculator trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter are rising front and center.)

But then Mercury trines powerful Pluto (6A27), a more favorable condition denoting that personal power can be successfully utilized or wielded, research can pay off, and/or promotional campaigns and/or propaganda may have the desired result. But not necessarily for Trump, of course, so we'll have to wait and see who or what benefits more - tyranny or democracy.

And so, dear reader, Trump's 'August idea' seems wacky and little more than a vanity project, I agree, and hopefully there are other worthy chart factors for those who care to find such information in the August 22, 2021 Full Moon Horoscope. If so, I'd love to read your conclusions if you care to share them in a comment but do make sure your name is attached because no comments from 'anonymous' or 'unknown' will be published or considered. And as always, your encouraging FB Shares or Tweets of this post are very much appreciated! jc

Edit June 2, 2021: You know that Trump himself WAS The Great American Eclipse of 2017, right? Well, I neglected in this post to add that the August 22, 2021 Full Moon echoes and activates the 2017 Eclipse which also fell across the former guy's natal ASC-DESC axis so that similar themes hang around as we continue to deal with the orange varmint, the Republicans, and their authoritarian inclinations of tyranny and control. jc

May 31, 2021

DC Horoscopes: July 2021 Lunations and such

America July 2021: New Plans Made, Then Culminating

by Jude Cowell

May 31, 2021: On the occasion of today, Memorial Day 2021, and as A Child of the Revolution, yours truly chooses to share the following post on behalf of a sovereign America and the common good. Below is a dual image of the two July 2021 Lunations set for Washington DC.

First, on July 9, 2021, comes a New Moon @18Can01 (lower left) exact at 9:16:29 pm edt in 6th house (DC). In the DC chart, Luna rules the 6th house of Work and Service while the Sun rules the 7th house of Partnerships. Rising is 1AQ03 which lifts America's Inaugural Sun (Joe Biden) and bold Altair the eagle with it but with its solar power snugged between karmic planets Pluto and Saturn, both retrograde ('Rx') which suggests that some measure of renunciation, even privation, may affect the presidency - unless Mr. Biden, his team, and his high-powered backers can turn the energy around and use it on behalf of democracy and the American people.

One thing we know - there exist anti-American entities who will attempt to create difficult conditions in order to undermine the agenda of President Biden. (See Nemesis the foe @28Scorpio in the New Moon's 10th house conjunct the President Biden's Scorpio planets.) In addition, can anyone disagree that uplifting the common good is simply not a (neo) fascist objective and never was? Obviously, seizing power and forcibly taking control of America is their current objective as it was on July 1, 1933 when they approached General Smedley Butler with their malicious take-over scheme against FDR and the democracy-preferring American people. Note that representatives for the era's big bankers were among the treasonous group in 1933. Do you think it's different this time around?

And you know that cosmic evidence exists! For 1933's anti-FDR fascists were influenced by the background energies of two solar eclipses, one in 1932 in the 6 South Saros Series, the other in 1933 in the 7 North series. And so as eclipse and historical cycles will have it, it will soon be time for 6 South and 7 North eclipses to manifest again on: October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio and April 23, 2023 @30Aries. Wisely we should mark our calendars and be watchful before, during, and after these high-powered, 'cosmic blink' lunations of disruption and/or directional shifts just as many folk already are. For as progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann oftens reminds us, "Democracy is not a spectator sport"! Which means, be active, do what you can!

Now as for July 2021, the stage of culmination, fulfillment, and/or complete awareness is reached with the Full Moon of July 23, 2021 @1AQ26 (upper right chart), the very degree that rises in the New Moon horoscope so for this and other reasons we may expect in July a focus on President Biden, but more broadly on the White House and the Office of the Presidency, plus, July brings our nation's annual celebration of our hard-fought independence from overbearing monarchy, cosmically known as America's Solar Return 2021 which we discussed in February 2021 (horoscope shown).

Plus, previously we noted the June 24, 2021 Capricorn Full Moon as society's reaction to the June 10th Gemini Solar Eclipse which is a 5 North Solar Eclipse that precedes both July 2021 lunations. This June 24th Full Moon @3Cap27 floats society from the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of 'Mercury-Jupiter' and into the Cancer-Capricorn axis with its 'Moon-Saturn' influences that suggest potentials for security concerns, home-vs-career issues, ambition, strategy, direction, possible illness (chronic or acute) and/or depressive or serious conditions.

Note to SO'W Readers: If you appreciate the work and effort it takes to create Political Astrology content for Stars Over Washington, why not become a Patreon subscriber to encourage the continuance of SO'W? Even a donation of $1 per month helps with monthly expenses! So if you wish, just look for 'Jude Cowell' on patreon dot com and show your support if you can! jc

May 28, 2021

The Shocking Truth - Why GOPers Want More Poverty & Crime - Thom Hartmann

May 28, 2021: Here's an informative segment from Thom Hartmann's May 27th broadcast noting something that Republicans don't want We The People to know or consider, that: "Poverty is the mother of crime," (Marcus Aurelius):


Now here are three previous SO'W posts that concern organized crime and criminals in America using the 'organized crime elements in society' pair of Neptune-Pluto which met in Great Conjunction three times in 1891 and 1892 at 7--9 Gemini - conjunct US natal Uranus:

America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime (posted January 22, 2020), and America: the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy (April 16, 2021).

And the last time I checked this year's contacts to Modern Humanity's Eclipse Horoscope (April 26, 1892 @7Tau05) was on March 8, 2021 with transit Uranus @7Tau43 conjunct and activating the Eclipse and its 2 North themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'separations' (Brady). Obviously, any eclipse in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus (the bull - of Wall Street) calls for reliability, perseverance, and persistence toward solutions while avoiding the negative traits of the sign which can include extravagance, inflexibility, possessiveness, and/or indolence. Otherwise, karmic progress is limited if not all together missing.

Meanwhile, there is another factor I'm compelled to mention which concerns the Modern Humanity Horoscope and its 6th house Mars @26Cap52: that the June 5, 2021 Mars-Pluto opposition denotes a potential for danger, even brutality, due to the opposition's forceful, warlike energies doubly affecting Modern Humanity's Mars for within the opposition: 2021 Mars opposes 1892 Mars (aggression is met with an equally strong force; conflict; battles) while simultaneously 2021 Pluto conjuncts 1892 Mars (aggressive physical actions driven by revenge, anger, competition, secrecy, and/or strong passions).

That Modern Humanity's 1892 Mars is posited in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service, plus, Health, Work, and Daily Rounds, will be significant if these difficult energies express in the physical world upon Modern Humanity's planet of activism and aggression, Mars, in (governmental) Capricorn from where Mars acts at his most efficient.

May 26, 2021

DC Horoscope: The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction 2022

The Promises of Jupiter-and-Neptune

by Jude Cowell

May 26, 2021: Below is a DC Horoscope of the upcoming Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune @23Pis58 on April 12, 2022 (in 9th house when the chart is set for Washington DC). Perfecting at 10:43 am edt, we find 4Can29 rising with US natal Venus and Jupiter which gives a pleasant air to the entire chart and conjunction. The Cancer Ascendant makes the fluctuating Moon the chart-ruler and, lower left, you see the two applying aspects that Luna makes with messenger Mercury, then evaluating Venus. These aspects suggest potentials for restlessness, successful communications, but perhaps a few uncomfortable social situations:

At Midheaven ('MC'; the Goal or Aspiration Point) is 13Pis10 which handily brings the bubbly, cheery, speculation-inflation pair of Jupiter and Neptune to the cosmic party - here joining forces in the very visible 10th house of Career and Public Status. Apparently, the whole world will be able to 'see' what the planetary pair has simmering.

However, the only aspect to or from Jupiter and/or Neptune are sextiles of opportunity from transiting North Node of the Moon (thus, a trine to or from the South Node). A Jupiter-NN sextile (60 degrees) suggests good fortune with all expansive enterprises and promotional activities which require cooperation from the public (NN), plus, some form of conventional religious involvement may be offered. Meanwhile, a Neptune-NN sextile indicates an ability for harmonizing with and influencing social trends or customs, wth perhaps a bit of spiritualism (or spirituality) tossed in. A talent for subtle evasion helps some people circumvent such Neptunian influences if they so desire but naturally, nebulous Neptune can always bring a sense of confusion to any situation, even deceit, corruption, paranoia, fear, and fanaticism. And yet compassion and sympathy for the disadvantaged can seep into our hearts, even so, bringing charity along with them.

And yet until April 2022, we remain under the auspices of the last and current Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction which was actually a three-fer all through 2009 when US natal Moon in late Aquarius was directly touched by Jupiter-Neptune's mystical wand of dreams and visions. You'll remember that 2009 began the era of President Barack Obama with the uplifting vibes of his 'rock star' persona, as his persuasive motto, Yes We Can, was promoted across the land, and vibes of Jupiter-Neptune were imprinted forever upon his presidency. Of course, the Jupiter-Neptune pair often represent promotion with grand spirits and schemes that are always 'sure things' but which often contain an element of overpromising (perfect for Politics). And note that scandal, religiosity, and/or political conflict can come along in the wake of expansive Jupiter and watery, oceanic Neptune.

Yes, in April 2022, a new batch of 'lack of reality' and 'pretense' will continue to cast a glittering spell across the globe, timed by the next Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction - this one in shady, secretive, contagious, mystical Pisces (see the center of the chart for the Sabian Symbol for "24Pisces"). High seas, fish, and shipping or boating may be in the news to a surprising degree. And if I were you, I'd be on the look-out for visions (of 'UFOs'?), marvelous technical inventions and special effects, and of course, get-rich-quick schemes that can trip you up and drain your coffers if you don't watch out!

Because All That Glitters Cannot Possibly Be Gold

In closing, below is a previously published dual chart displaying both the 2009 and 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions for easier comparison. Prominent as you see, is the 2022 Mars-Saturn near-conjunction in late Aquarius affecting the Great Conjunction of 2009 which suggests potentials for being let down by others (unreliability), faulty schemes of speculation, false hopes that don't work out, pessimism, loss, disappointment, and/or possibly illness for some. So while glitter is always seductive and more pleasant, keeping our grasp firmly upon reality will be necessary and most helpful in 2022 and beyond - if we can manage it.