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Showing posts with label Antares. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antares. Show all posts

Jun 30, 2016

Global July 2016 - Steve Judd Astrology

Chiron retrogrades, Mars turned direct last evening (June 29th 7:38 pm EDT but won't pass shadow degree until August 22--conjunct Antares again), and more July 2016 cosmic news from Steve Judd:

Apr 16, 2016

The Fed's New Moon, Mars Rx Station 2016, and Yellen's Secret Meetings

April 2016: Is a Global Financial Collapse on the Horizon?

As you may have heard, Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen this past week called to order a few secret emergency meetings, one with President Obama, as detailed in an article from ZeroHedge: Day After Obama Meeting, Yellen Confirms Fed "Focused on Main Street...Helping All Americans" yet such an altruistic aim is quite a different story compared to the Federal Reserve Bank's usual modus operandi.

So with tomorrow's Mars Retrograde Station @8Sag54 it may be 'profitable' to have a look at the Fed's New Moon horoscope of December 1, 1910 when Senator Nelson Aldrich, German banker Paul Warburg, and the J. P. Morgan agents and other New York bankers masqueraded as "Hunters Starting Out for Ducks" and left New York City by midnight train for a few days in order to hold their secret meetings in private on Jekyll Island, Georgia. While there, a New Moon perfected, as you see below, and this darkened period is when feathers flew as plans were hashed out to form America's central banking system, the one Janet Yellen now heads as 'The Fed'. Of course, at that time the Banking Panic of 1907 was used to justify such desperate and aggressive action:

Also note that there is a T-Square between the Jupiter-Saturn opposition with its energies expressing at Midheaven, the Goal Point of the chart. This culmination of Jupiter and Saturn by opposition had begun with their Great Conjunction @14Capricorn on November 28, 1901 so things had been simmering for some time; Jupiter-Saturn relates to government officials (ex: Senator Nelson Aldrich also 'hunted ducks' and his name was placed atop the 'Aldrich Plan' to hide culpable bankers' fingerprints) and to philosophers, to checks and balances, and to issues of expansion vs restriction. Of course, 14Cap opposes US natal Sun (the president) which spotlights Woodrow Wilson 'taking destiny in his hands' with this bankers' charade--one of them was his son-in-law.

Now you know that in Astrology Mars acts as a handy dandy trigger of events. You also know that a planet is extra strong when stationing on a degree as Mars will do Sunday April 17, 2016 @8Sag54 at 8:14 am edt--conjunct the difficult star Antares (good fortune but sudden loss) and the Fed's New Moon of 1910 @8Sag49. Is this significant? Well, there are echoes from 1910 to 2016 since the Fed is now having secret meetings. Especially when we consider that many economists (and astrologers) have been prognosticating financial collapse in 2016. Will this year (or 2017) bring the complete collapse of global markets and currencies that Neoliberal Utopians of the von Mises-Hayek persuasion have long planned in order to fully implement an agenda of World Government via control by money? The US central banking system was implemented in order to control money, the US government, credit, and gold/silver markets. If the Monetary Trust's incremental plans aren't timing out quite right or a bit too soon for their ultimate purposes it won't be for lack of planning.

And yes, Tyler Durden's article linked above includes Janet Yellen's gentler Main Street objective for "helping all Americans" and it would be super to be able to believe that the current threat of collapse is not merely a timing issue. But if you believe her concerning Main Street, it might be good to first consider the above chart in light of the April 17th Mars Rx Station hitting the Fed's New Moon at its inception, plus, the knowledge that testy Mars will Station Direct @28Scorpio at the end of June, re-enter Sagittarius the first week of August, and join this New Moon's meeting and planning Mercury @19Sag28 (in the corporate/big business 8th house of the chart) on or about September 11, 2016.

Significant? Well, both New and Full Moons can behave much like Eclipses with a New Moon acting as a Solar Eclipse, a 'wild card of the Universe' which can cause disruption in similar fashion to bolt-from-the-blue Uranus while uncovering inconvenient secrets no matter how long they've been hidden.

For one reason, 2016 Mars to 1910 Mercury seems significant to me because trickster Mercury is apex planet of a YOD pattern (special task; turning point; crisis) as you see, highlighted in pink--with Mercury in the 8th house of Finance as noted. So before I close this fussy post, I'll add a few midpoint picture potentials below for 1910 Mercury and for 2016 Mars as apex planets of the YOD between secretive, fraudulent dreamer Neptune (@21Cancer, near US natal Mercury Rx--and soon to oppose US natal Pluto in Capricorn, a power-and-resource-eroding transit) sextiling both the 19Taurus Ascendant and North Node, a point of encounter and future direction. These wayward bankers in 1910 redirected America's future direction all right by finessing a central banking system which the American people never wanted--see the cartoon, below. NY bankers and their allies illegally and surreptitiously shoved a bill through Congress on December 23, 1913 and President Woodrow Wilson doltishly signed it. Then they pretended it was law.

(And this illegal banking system is what 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders argues against on the campaign stump though he must be aware that 'breaking up the big banks' will never be enough to stop these crooks who embedded themselves into the US government and took control of our economy decades ago in the shadow of a New Moon when things tend to go bump in the night. Hopefully, transit Mars won't trigger the bump or the night.)

So here are the YOD's midpoint pictures using Ebertin and Tyl for guidance; see if you think any of them applied to circumstances in 1910 or apply now to the big mess they've engineered and which seems to be nearing a major tipping point:

Neptune-NN (lack of community spirit) = 1910 Mercury: making secret arrangements and deceiving others; false expectations; unreliability. With 2016 Mars: inability to adapt to circumstances or conditions; disharmonious working environments.

Neptune-ASC (exploitation, illusion, deceit, abuse or betrayal of confidence; liars and crooks) = 1910 Mercury: malicious scheming; exploitation of others; guided by wrong impressions; misconceptions about other people; taking the wrong path. With 2016 Mars: angry upsets or quarrels; suffering harm or damage; primitive or instinctive urges wrongly expressed; unpleasant teamwork.

And now we could do worse than to close with an often cited statement by Rep. Charles Lindbergh Sr from December 23, 1913, and one of the famous cartoons of the era:

"This Act established the most gigantic trust on earth. When the president signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed..."

For more information you may wish to check out The Fed Octopus.

Jan 9, 2016

Mars in 2016 - Steve Judd video

2016: Mars in Scorpio and Sagittarius

In 2016, year of the US presidential campaign and election in November, warrior planet Mars performs a 6-month retrograde period beginning in mid-April, just as he reaches pugnacious, belligerent Antares (9Sag), and the action planet's period of inverted energies lasts way too long for anyone's comfort. Frustration, irritation, and aggression are Martian themes, as you know, and many secrets will be leaked or coughed up during the year along with lies revealed. This may be of interest to 2016 candidate Donald Trump with his Mars rising natal chart though other candidates will be affected as well. For example:

At the end of February, early March 2016, Mars crosses President Obama's natal Midheaven (MC), the Career and Public Status point, and he will be very busy with political projects and self-promotion (which includes promotion of Democratic Party concerns and candidates). it can also denote a time of danger, tension, haste, and/or anger for him in relation to such themes in the public sector. In early June MArs conjoins his MC again and at the end of June MArs stations Direct. Inaugural Moon (We the People) in 2009 is involved as well when Mars conjoins the 29 Scorpio position (30Sco = "A Halloween Jester" degree.) In Politics, this symbol always reminds me of the famous 'October Surprise' perpetrated by the Reagan campaign against Democrat Jimmy Carter in days of yore.

And when testy Mars moves within range of an opposition to President Obama's 3 Gemini Moon more irritation, anger, and potential danger will be evident at the White House (his Moon is in his 4th house of Home). Caution and moderation are advised for him, his family members, and for us, the American people as part of his political family. These Mars-to-Moon periods will occur during March and August 2016.

A hint of better news is that transit Mars will be moving direct after having left his shadow (9Sag where he stationed Rx in April) in August prior to Election Day November 8, 2016 though Mars will be at a critical 29th degree in governmental Capricorn. Rounding up we have '30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference...OPPORTUNITY...positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative (shadow/unconscious) expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others." Wonder if activist Mars will allow it to remain secret? And will their be explosive events when Mars meets Pluto @15Cap in October?

For more details concerning energetic Mars in 2016, check out this very informative presentation by Steve Judd:

A related video by Steve Judd is Neptune in 2016 which includes the difficult Saturn-Neptune square, a phase of their cycle which began in 1989 in the degree range of 10--12 Capricorn.

Please note that this post was prepared without reference to the 'wild card' interruptions of Solar and Lunar Eclipses which also tend to reveal secrets and lies. Here's a list of eclipses through year 2022 where you'll see the two Solar Eclipses of 2016--on March 9 @19Pisces (Total and in the 18 South Series) and September 1, 2016 @9Virgo in the 19 North Series. Obviously the 19 North eclipse acts as the Pre-Natal Eclipse of both Election Day 2016 and Inauguration Day 2017 so 19N themes will influence both events and outcomes. Plus, if you wish, type 'Eclipses' into the sidebar of SO'W for several more entries concerning these solar and lunar 'cosmic blinks' in relation to our nation's past, present, and future.

'30Sco' and '30Cap' symbols from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Marc Edmund Jones.

Oct 15, 2015

Why The Crash of 2016 Will Happen - Thom Hartmann (plus, Antares)

For your consideration:

Saturn, a New Moon, a Scorpion, and a Malevolent Star

Okay, this is probably of no moment but during the secret Federal Reserve System's planning session held on Jekyll Island, Georgia in late 1910 between "duck hunters" Senator Aldrich, newly arrived German banker Paul Warburg, agents of J.P. Morgan and other financial firms, a New Moon perfected at 9 Sagittarius (rounded up from 8+), a degree area that transiting Saturn will reach in December 2015. 'Addressing problems' is one of the more positive potentials for the midpoint picture this creates in relation to events of the 1910 New Moon: Sun-Moon = tr Saturn though 'more disciplined work habits', 'working consistently to achieve results', and 'increased restrictions on progress' are possibilities. Though thinking that Glass-Steagall would be reinstated in order to reign in big banks is, of course, too much to expect! Perhaps the idea that the current brouhaha over chip cards will contribute to Saturnian restrictions on holiday spending and merchant profitability is more like it.

So as you know, the days immediately surrounding a New Moon are considered 'the dark of the Moon' phase (aka, balsamic) and a good time for perpetrating shady activities within a shadowy environment--the actions you want to hide. Even the name of the Fed endeavor is shady and meant to deceive the public for it is neither 'federal' nor does it hold assets in 'reserve' for it is a private corporation created to take control of the US government, the National Treasury, and the credit system with crashes and bubbles included.

And while today's media notes that only 158 families have contributed 50% of political donations in the early stretch of Campaign 2016 to certain candidates of a Republican persuasion, let us further note that in 1910, membership in the Jekyll Island Club (the private, isolated location of their treasonous drafting of a plan to control the money and credit of the American public) was by inheritance only. Then 100 years later in November 2010, the modern crop of Fed bankers were spotlighted by the Washington Post as, Fed has starring role in 'Return to Jekyll Island' making it obvious that the New Moon of 1910 and the planning sessions their ancestors attended under cover of a 'duck hunt' remains a point of pride and achievement for them.

However, yours truly has found no information on whether any ducks lost their lives in 1910 or in 2010 but the American people have certainly lost livelihoods, savings, and pensions many times before and since 1910 viaFed-induced bubbles, collapses, the overprinting of US currency, and just plain fraud.

Naturally, astrologers recognize the 8/9 Sag degree area as that of a royal star of Persia, Antares, the Watcher of the West, a malevolent and destructive influence (deVore.) Yes, Antares provides success yet indicates their financial venture and subsequent control and manipulation of the US economic system and government is fueled by obsession of the kind that eventually leads to downfall and the loss of all that's been gained through intensity being used even when it's unnecessary. Antares (Alpha Scorpius) is the Heart of the Scorpion and refers to the Celtic myth of the scorpion on the frog's back who caused his own death via his inability to control his deepest, darkest nature.

So with a sense of inevitability, here is the fable of the Scorpion and the Frog (we're the frog):

Sep 4, 2014

United Arab Emirates (UAE) Dec 2, 1971

In case you need the info, here are the horoscope details for the Persian Gulf's #UAE federation as provided in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

The proclamation was made at noon on December 2, 1971 in Dubai, the federation's capital; ASC 27AQ44; MC 7Sag36; 10th house Sun 9Sag29 opposite 4th house Moon 9Gem06; At Midheaven (The Goal), Jupiter-Neptune = Sun which denotes potentials for: speculation, irresponsibility, deceiving others or being deceived, squandering physical strength. Neptune 3Sag03, planet of oil, gas, and mysticism conjoins MC from the 9th house side so another midpoint picture is formed, Sun-Neptune = MC: being sensitive or impressionable, a negative outlook. Some measure of paranoia may apply as well.

Two Fixed Stars ('Watchers') are prominent: natal Sun conjoins Antares, Moon conjoins Aldebaran.

Sun = leadership; Moon = the people

4th house Moon conjunct 3rd house Saturn Rx 2Gem30 snugged around the IC 7:36 (ambition, strategy, depression); 1st house Mars 14Pis43 rises; right now the transiting Saturn-Pluto midpoint hits natal Jupiter 15Sag40 indicating potentials for: religious and social fanaticism, self-sacrifice, simplicity, and/or excessive modesty.

Unless the membership has changed or late, the UAE federation includes Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharja, Ajman, Fujaira, and Umm al Quaiwain.

Midpoint pictures: Reinhold Ebertin, 'The Combination of Stellar influences'.

Jul 26, 2014

Transit Event Jan 2015: Uranus 12Ari56 conjunct South Node

An Incidental Astro-Consideration: Uranus/South Node Together at Last

by Jude Cowell

As nearly as I can tell, the transit of disruptive rebel Uranus (a zealot and anarchist when in Mars-ruled Aries, says Ebertin) with transit South Node of the Moon, a Saturn-ruled point of separation and unconscious behaviors yet there are potential talents meeting at 12Ari56 on January 20, 2015 during the wee hours after 2:00 am est--something like 2:26:20 am if I had to guess but check it for yourself, plus any other times the two might have been at same degrees/minutes. SN points toward Saturn and his usurper Uranus (Ouranos) and the antithetical relationship they played out in a father v son myth-y sort of way. Or, perhaps archetypally speaking they're always 'at it' somewhere in the Universe with no resolution in sight and none wanted--a 'restriction v freedom' stalemate, a conflict older than the hills and much more fatiguing for us all. Particularly in Israel-Palestine with the Saturn-Uranus duo signifying the two enemies stewing within their continual conflict in an endless cycle of revenge.

As you know, '12 Aries' is traditionally considered a critical degree as is its opposite degree, '12 Libra.' Take this as you may if you use such factors in your horoscopic considerations. Yet the line must be drawn somewhere and we'll be at this all day if we don't take a stand for simplification and brevity in chart studies and writings. However, even moderation must be moderated, as a wise fool once asserted.

Now what can quirky genius Uranus, the one I call America's 'totem planet', be up to while traveling with the Moon's South Node? Uranus, The Awakener (aka, The Witness) has been activated every time we go to war though it's true that Uranian action may spring upon us early, on time, late--or not at all. And when US natal Uranus has been triggered, we're not talking little skirmishes and hidden coups but World Wars and whatnot.

Guess we should face it ahead of time that Uranus-conjunct-SN carries vibes of disruption via war and revolution, sad to say, though its effects depend on where and how other horoscopes/planets are contacted from the 12-13 Ari/Libra degrees. Also, social changes that upset communities and individuals we see already, plus, technological shifts that throw off our usual balance may appear and our methods must be quickly adjusted to keep up especially since unpredictable catalyst Uranus isn't much interested in pausing for slowpokes!

Then as we might expect given our nation's history with atom-splitting and big-a*s explosions that kill large numbers of people at will, US natal Uranus @8Gem55 possibly qualifies within the first degrees of Gem/Sag, the so-called 'nuclear degrees' (so named due to empirical records meticulously kept.) Plus, 8/9Gem is awfully close to Royal Star Aldebaran which we've discussed more than once before--'The Watcher of the East', 'the Bull's Eye'. And of course this means Aldebaran is positioned in the Zodiac opposite Royal Star Antares, also discussed here in a priorly fashion so I'll not bore either of us unnecessarily tonight.

As noted, in a horoscope the potential results of either of these two stars falling upon a very sensitive 'hair-tigger' axis (00--9 degrees Gem/Sag is how I count it) depend on which planets and points are in paran or aspect with those degrees/stars, a fascinating part of Astrology, Star Lore, and Archetypal Mythology so well championed by expert astrologer Bernadette Brady (see her Predictive Astrology and especially Brady's Book of Fixed Stars. One sensitivity trigger was the Mars-Uranus conjunction @5Gem08 on January 16, 1944, an indication of war, weaponry, and explosions.

Still in effect: transit midpoint picture with Pluto at apex--Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: denial of guilt from responsible parties. Well, yes. We hear a lot of denials within the public discourse these days, don't we? And yet his mask slips so that even the downtrodden of humanity now sees Pluto's naked obsession to destroy and reduce to chaos before rebuilding--the Utopian "order out of chaos".

Now who do you suppose is the owner of the 'will' mentioned above--the will that wants to kill large numbers of people simultaneously? A tragic course of action and too drastic to be allowed by decent folk who prefer to live in peace thanks. Whom do we know who acts unconsciously under such destructive influences?

Well, these days horoscopes regularly show his nom de plume, wearing his dark mask...and it's creepy Pluto plodding through harsh Capricorn, sign of structure and status quo--and of gilt-edged stocks and bonds. Seems to me that 'the puppet master' allows his death mask to slip more and more often these days, have you noticed?

US natal Mercury '25 Cancer': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" (Solar Fire software); natal Mercury Rx opposes natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--manipulator Pluto was out-of-bounds, pulling strings from afar even then.) Why, Surveillance is the US government's middle name out of the gate! Exs: General Washington's spies during the Revolution and Benjamin Franklin's postal and other surreptitious activities imply a deep American obsession (Pluto) with details, news, gossip, facts, votes, orators, reporters, writers, travel and transport, teaching, and other Mercurial stuffs and doings. Working with secret and/or dangerous information is something of a 'talent' or skill around these parts as shown by our natal Mercury-Pluto opposition.

January 20, 2015?

Well, that's about all I shall say for now concerning the upcoming in-tandem transit of Uranus-to-South Node, the 'tail of the dragon' as it's been known since ancient times. Wonder how disruptive the slap of the dragon's tail may be this time around since the presence of South Node here hints that whatever 'it' is, it will likely be intense, electrical, and will echo something that occurred in the past being brought forward for our further consideration?

Jan 15, 2014

March 6, 2014 Jupiter Direct Station and Gridlock in Washington

Washington Gridlock 2014 and the Stations of Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

Well, quarrels and gridlock continue in our nation's capital as 2014 rolls along toward Spring. Astrological Jupiter, the *banking and financial planet of large proportions and (usually) generosity, remains in retrograde until its Direct Station of March 6, 2014 when it seems to pause at 10Cancer26, in the 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking when the horoscope is set for Washington DC.

As you remember, Jupiter's Rx Station occurred on November 7, 2013 @20Can30, a critical degree (in 11th house in the DC chart) with 24Leo09 rising. Curiously, the Jupiter Direct Station chart of March 6th shows 24AQ04 rising, the Jupiter Rx ASC's opposite degree and the Illumination Point. Plus, in the Direct chart, ASC 24AQ04 brings up US natal Moon (We the People)--but also asteroid Hopi (ambush or prejudice but also...hope which springs eternal.)

The IC (Foundation of the Matter) of the March 6th horoscope is conjoined by trickster Pan and gold-hoarding Midas along with Royal Star Aldebaran (potentials: courage; warmongering; military leadership; violence; sickness--A. Louis) which places Antares (potentials: war; legal problems; fires; quarrels; suspicion; violence; honors and riches but sudden loss--A. Louis) at MC, the Goal Point of the chart.

As predicted on this blog that sequester cuts would be nixed for the Pentagon's sake, does anyone believe the now-restored funds in the military budget won't result in America's continuation of waging war and beginning new ones (under the guise of 'intervention' and other such euphemisms) across the globe? Yes, our domestic needs are sacrificed for the sake of war abroad--it's the same old guns vs butter argument which the American people tend to lose.

Politically and financially, there is 'fateful deception' going on between the two horoscopes of Jupiter's Rx and Direct Stations (Sun-Neptune = Pluto) via the use of illusory, spiritual, or psychic forces to persuade. The November 7, 2013 Rx chart shows warrior Mars @13Vir17 rising as contentiousness over foreign and domestic matters has resulted in the ongoing gridlock in Washington, as we've seen on many occasions.

Of course, if you've read this blog a few times, you may know that I consider most of the frustrating Political Theater 'gridlock' and 'stalemates' in government to be part of a script written elsewhere for US politicians and media types to follow as they further ensnare the American people in global government implementation. To me, that means that the two political parties are little more than factions of the ruling class who have been promised large gains via their cooperation (if not controlled by blackmail or threats to family members.)

Cynical me? Oh yes. Washington's perfidies made me that way and yet I love my country. After all, it isn't what they say or promise the public, it's what ends up happening that matters most. And so often these days, a majority of us don't agree with our government's actions or how they spend our tax dollars. It seems the NWO freight train just keeps chugging down the fast track though supra-nationalists must get worried now and then that their plans aren't coming to fruition.

So! May we expect some improvement once Jupiter turns Direct on March 6th? Yes, forward plans may be put into action though improvement may not be felt until the Jolly One moves past his shadow degree of its Rx Station of November 7, 2013 which is 20Can30. (The transiting Moon is at 20Can+ as I type!)

This cosmic event occurs on June 1, 2014 at 1:13:40 pm EDT with the 'success' midpoint of Venus-Jupiter at MC, and Jupiter just fertilized by the Moon @26Can46. Moon-Jupiter contacts generally portend happiness and/or sucess, even if it's only temporary. However, tr Pluto @13Cap03 Rx (secret wealth; sabotage, etc) remains in opposition to US natal Sun (the leader; the president) suggesting that recent and current titanic power struggles and stalemates will continue to bedevil the president's programs pertaining to both foreign and domestic matters for and in the US, along with the tr Uranus-Pluto square (generational conflicts and blockages) as a major part of the rebelling, protesting, striking, rioting, and obstructing gridlock of Washington DC.


*Also pertinent to this post: often The Banker, Jupiter's roles may include The General, hence its connection to war, military expenditures, and conquests of territory, and it conglomerates into Corporations, hence its connection to corporate governance and finances. Plus, Jupiter can also play roles as Politician, Broadcaster, and Religious Leader. Jupiter's importance to our nation cannot be overestimated for if we use it, America's July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT chart with Sagittarius rising is ruled by expansive Jupiter. And if another natal chart timing is used for July 4, 1776 (such as the Scorpio rising chart), we have the Sun-Jupiter conjunction to account for our national Jupiterian characteristics and tendencies.

Jun 7, 2013

Surveillance America: our national Mercury-Pluto in the news

We Forfeit Our Privacy for Alleged "Security"

by Jude Cowell

Okay, I suppose it seemed to some readers that I protested too much during my 8 years of writing this blog concerning America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition denoted in part by the Eye in the Pyramid's floating Capstone symbolizing the US government's overreaching spying tendencies which were allegedly justified by the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01.

With massive surveillance of US citizens codified by George Bush's signing of the USA Patriot Act on October 26, 2001 (video below, though Clinton and others had managed to erode the Constitution and Bill of Rights prior to 2001), the NSA and other spying agencies have had their naughtiness leaked to the press this week as you certainly cannot have missed.

As Rachel Maddow pointed out on on her broadcast last evening, let's not forget that John Poindexter was appointed by Dubya to head the TIA--Total Information Awareness unit of Homeland Security--Poindexter of Iran-Contra fame and prison sentence. Review its Big Brother logo if you wish and marvel at neocon audacity--the Eye of Surveillance casting its snooping rays upon a globe with the motto "Knowledge Is Power"! The 'TIA' label and logo were cancelled when the public freaked out over its nasty implications but obviously the program's surveillance practices have only increased as technology improved its abilities.

A quick peek at a horoscope of October 26, 2001 (White House--"This morning--" said Bush at the Act's signing) shows that at 10:54 am edt in Washington DC, Pluto @13Sag36 rises with its obsession for control and manipulation, and still in conjunction with US natal Ascendant as the planet of power, assassination, and the Invisible Cape was on September 11, 2001. As you know, transiting Saturn Rx (also a karmic planet of control and restriction) was @14Gem11 opposing Pluto and sitting atop US natal Descendant. A cruel, brutal, karmic combination is Saturn-Pluto.

Warring star of violence, Antares, is conjoined by Pluto the Spy, and Jupiter @15Can36, conjoins the Pentagon's natal Ascendant. Curious is the Sabian Symbol of Pluto's degree: '14Sag' = "The Pyramid and the Sphinx" with its Keyword: CERTIFICATION. My supposition at the time was (and is) that the so-called USA Patriot Act was considered by global government types as a certification of their total surveillance plan necessary for continuing to implement totalitarian control of America and the entire globe.

Illumination Point @29Virgo: "A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge from a Paper He Is Reading" (emails, etc!!)..."DISCOVERY. "A symbol of the world's conservatism...The fixity of idea by which human beings preserve their culture is also a protection for all hidden wisdom and unsuspected ways of knowing, since the deeper awareness is merely a broader reference or a further application of stabilities which constitute a universe at large." Positive expression: "imagination brought to the full of its powers through conscious effort"; Negative/shadow side: "loss of common sense in pure supposition." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

'Wild Cards of the Universe': Eclipses Uncover Secrets

Now I could type much today concerning these topics but my schedule won't allow so yet I must include another Sabian Symbol which this week's leaks (predicted by the Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @22Scorpio--an influence on Election Day 2012--as noted then conjoining America's 12th cusp of Politics, Secret Enemies, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing--Scorpio = secrets and spies) lift up for our consideration as they appear in every news media.

Adding the Illumination Point opposite this degree is even more illuminating, but first see this on PRISM software, if you haven't or check out The Nation's Greg Mitchell on the Prism program; some italics and bold are employed to focus upon our topic:

'29Pisces' = "A Prism"..."VALIDATION...The reliability of normal processes and the consistency of true intelligence are the foundation of a common knowledge which man has been expanding through the centuries, and his continuance of the control he has gained over his environment is a promise of much more wonderful achievement ahead." Positive expression: exceptional accomplishment through judgment of unusual accuracy; Negative (Shadow Side--jc): fatuous pride of intellect.

Note: remember the US government's PROMIS software scandal of the early 1990s? Writer Danny Casolaro was murdered to keep his in-progress book on The Octopus (global crime and banking syndicate) from being published along with his knowledge of PROMIS--all his notes mysteriously disappeared from the Virginia hotel room the weekend his voice was silenced. Anyway, PROMIS was sold with 'backdoors' in place and we now hear of 'backdoors' to Internet servers. If Apple "never heard of" Prism, perhaps the program was called by another name.

Does it seem curious that first President and Master Mason George Washington's natal Venus position is 29Pisces? Or that PROMIS software may have been purchased by David Koresh, killed in the horrendous Clinton-Reno Siege at Waco?

Well, bless my Mercury-Pluto! Here's something I posted in 2011 concerning America's surveillance obsession, Mercury-Pluto: US Patriot Act 10th anniversary (Eye on the US dollar bill shown), and here's a view of the natal chart of the Pentagon with a few astro-notes included.

Plus, there's a related post Hylan, Bernanke, and the Fed to consider, if you may, for NYC Mayor John F. Hylan often spoke of "tentacles", "cats' paws", and "invisible government". Visit Hylan's Wiki page here which contains an excerpt of his most famous speech on such tentacled topics.

And since Stars Over Washington contains almost 4,000 entries (since 2005!) you may wish to scroll to the Search Bar of this blog and enter something like 'Eclipses' for a list of previous posts on leaks and the uncovering of secrets if you're interested in more than the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of November and December 2011 (both horoscopes shown).

Please note that tomorrow's New Moon (June 8, 2013 @18Gem 11:56 am edt) stimulates the Lunar Eclipse of December 2011 at the same degree. We might fairly say that We the People and all our communications (Gemini) are in process of being 'eclipsed' by an overreaching Surveillance State intent on forcing global government.

And they all worked so hard to scam us into giving up our right to privacy!

May 16, 2013

May 2013 Scandals Infuse Tea Party with new steam

Bubbling on the Hob: Reheat and Serve

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps current scandals and pseudo-scandals now plaguing the White House will keep boiling long enough to add steam to the near-deflated Tea Party movement, perhaps not. But for now we may as well pass the buttered scones and jam for we know Republicans won't let a good scalding cup go cold when there's a chance to further undermine the presidency of Barack Obama.

Here you'll find, if you please, some basic information on the history of the Tea Party movement which seems to have begun with blogger and Seattle mom Keli Carender (aka, Liberty Belle) and her organization of a "Porkulus Protest", plus, the rant by Rick Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on February 19, 2009. Was his supposedly off-the-cuff remarks inspired by corporate bank rollers who then backed 'grassroots' Tea Party rallies?

Yes, for the president and his Fail-Obama Republican opponents, February 2009 was a very busy month and the first full month of the president's first term. Here's a ramble down memory lane with President Obama signing the Stimulus Bill on February 17, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. The horoscope I have is set for Denver when the Sun 29AQ15 conjoined Midheaven (The Goal Point) with Mars and Jupiter conjunct @10AQ08/11 and US natal Mars in Gemini rising (12:13:54 pm MST):

At 12:13:54 pm MST, there formed a 'Fist of God' planetary pattern (aka, Thor's Hammer) between austere Saturn @19Vir50 Rx in 4th house squaring the Ascendant @22Gem56 and pointing toward the Mars-Jupiter conjunction and the North Node @9AQ07.

In addition, the Moon (the public) @9Sag10 was in 6th house at that time and conjoining Royal Star Antares with its volatile theme of: obsessed with success..The People and the hot-natured Tea Party movement?

And of course Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion, money, investment, and expenditures and was on its way for a first Great Conjunction (of three all through 2009) with Neptune, the inflationary pair of bubbles, speculation, and spend-thriftiness. Their first conjunction perfected on May 27, 2009 conjunct US natal Moon--'little sense of reality; involved in speculation'--Ebertin.

Yet I don't recall the 2009 Stimulus Bill as creating millions of jobs as advertized and promised but I do believe it saved quite a few!

Nov 21, 2009

JFK assassination: Sun, Mercury, Moon Returns 2009

The brutal assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov 22, 1963 @ 12:32 pm CST in Dallas, Texas is now in process of having 3 Returns to 1963's degrees.

Charts set for Dallas, in order of occurrence, they are:

Nov 21, Saturday @ 4:05 pm CST is the assassination chart's Solar Return in Return 7th house, the degree's repeat of where the Sun (leader) was positioned at the moment of the dirty deed when the Sun was @ 29Sco44 in 9th house with no major aspects; Solar Return (SR)'s Moon 27Cap30 in 10th house conjoined US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx.

Nov 22, Sunday @ 1:37 am CST is the assassination chart's Mercury Return (9Sag45 conj Royal Star Antares, keywords: success if obsession is avoided, or obsessed with success); Merc Return Moon 2AQ11 in 5th house; 5th cusp = JFK's natal Ic 23Cap46 (Ic = 'Death; Endings'...his Ic is conj SR 2009's Mc, so we may expect media and public attention on this, the 46th anniversary of his death.)

Nov 22 @ 8:05 pm CST is the assassination's Lunar Return, with the Moon representing the public or the people @ 11AQ16 in Return 8th house with Jupiter 19AQ50, Chiron 21:30, and Neptune 23:47. This is a Neptune-to-natal-Uranus (n 23AQ43 Rx) transit for JFK describing a time of unrealistic expectations, confusions, deceptions, and disorientation in the atmosphere that stimulate societal changes; ideals conflict with economic and technological conditions which impact methods in unpredictable ways; NN 22Cap19 is near JFK's natal Ic in Moon Return 7th house.

One point about JFK's natal Uranus 23AQ43 Rx is that it was his first natal planet to rise in the assassination chart indicating shock, disruptive events, the unexpected, rebellion, upsets, alienation, and/or separation. (We got them all with this one act.) In fact, with his n Uranus so near US n Moon shows a 'shock to the people'; JFK's n Uranus is in his n 4th house and makes four aspects to n planets: squares to n Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, and a trine with Venus in Gemini; his Mercury and Mars are in Taurus, 8th house.

Moon Return's Mc 26Pis36 has just been crossed by transiting Uranus 22Pis44 Rx; Saturn 2Lib22 is at the Foundation of the chart in 4th house; Moon Return Sun 00Sag55 is in Return 5th house with Venus 18Sco54.

The Saturnian South Node (SN) of the Moon is a point of separation, and of past events and behaviors. In the Nov 2009 Moon Return chart, JFK's natal SN is conj ASC 11Can40; his n SN = 11Can15, an interesting degree considering how America's relationship with China has changed over the last 46 years. I say this because of the Sabian Symbol for '12Can' which conjuncts US n Sun by one degree...

'12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" which has a Keynote from Dane Rudhyar: 'The revelation of latent worth in an experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning.'

Don't we wish! I believe larger forces and powers were battling over and above the US presidency in 1963 - as they continue to do.

So between the Solar Return's Sun Sco/Moon Cap, through Sunday's Sun Sag/Moon AQ in both the Mercury and the Lunar Returns, we actually have three sets of Sun/Moon energies within the three Return charts and with Sun Sco/Moon AQ in between, all of which influence the anniversary weekend in relation to the 1963 assassination when dark forces diverted America's direction once again. (This 'eternal flame' crap has become overly tiresome, oh illuminated ones who meddle.)

Let's look at the 'Images for Integration' for the three combos:

Sun Sco/Moon Cap: "A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact." (My italics.)

Sun Sco/Moon AQ: "A hovering hawk surveys the world, at one with nature...An exotic moth emerges from its chrysalis, in perfect form, a specimen of the sublimity of nature's intelligence." (This blend is the one from 1963 and I have stated here or elsewhere that the 'hovering hawk' reminds me of an in-the-zone sharp shooter, a sniper. Or two.)

Sun Sag/Moon AQ: On a tour of primitive lands, a university professor goes through a tribal initiation and becomes a blood brother of the chief."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Sun: solar, leader, the adult, purpose, hero's journey; Mercury: thinking processes, intellect, communications, commerce, trade, news and reporting, changes, travel; Moon: the public, the people, emotions and feeling them, the unconscious, the family, nurturing and food, the inner child, fluctuations and changes.

When a past event has three Returns on, or almost on, the anniversary date of the event itself, the three cycles emphasize the event's importance and stimulates attention being paid to it, particularly with the addition of the Lunar Return.

So if we find ourselves discussing JFK's assassination more than on most anniversaries past and expressing our thoughts and feelings about it, we may be unconsciously tapping in to the Sun, Mercury, and Moon energies on that day in Dallas, Nov 22, 1963 at 12:32 om CST - in the Masonic Square of Dealy Plaza.

published Nov 22, 2009 @ 3:06 am est

Sep 3, 2007

Congress reconvenes Sep 4, 2007

After their summer break and in spite of all the People can do, Congress reconvenes Tuesday, September 4, as I've been warned. And thus the infestation continues.

There are 'poisons' in the air, quarrels in the wings, and a thousand other things-- and of course, Tuesday's chart represents the entire week, while we Sheeple admire or deride the performances which our congressional actors and other governmental thespians shall deliver.

Oh! and al-Qaeda and others are watching, too.

Yes, my peepers were put on and a stealthier-than-usual peek was taken at the transit charts for Tuesday over the Capitol Building--for sunrise and for 9:00 am EDT. It is stealthier because of the methods employed bwo composite (blended or averaged) charts done with Tuesday + the R's and the D's natal charts respectively.

Transits for 9.4.07 sunrise 6:43:40 am Capitol Bldg:

Sun/ASC 11Vir32 conj Fixed Star Zosma, keywords: victim or a savior, conj Bush Sr natal ASC... "11Vir": "A white stud racing at full speed, his bit white with foam" (Adriano Carelli, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.)

note: click chart to enlarge for more details--but now my computer is crashing, E-link is off service, and I'm shutting down until later--as you know America's 'two-party system' is really just one big happy party entering a large canoe--elites vs the miserable masses. Actually, make that a's more modern.

Now we're all feeling a sense of foreboding esp with the Sep 11 Solar Eclipse in Virgo, but this entry must be completed later...and today IS a holiday of sorts here in America, after all!

Back now after a household catasprophe--can't stay long, but first here are a few notes on Tuesday's transits to the natal chart of the Republican Party:

Mercury 28Vir28 conj n Mars: information received motivates or inspires action; giving or receiving instructions; a pressing need or urge to travel; sales and business may involve: sports, vehicles, communications or computers, military matters esp equipment, education, or haircuts. Yep--haircuts.

Jupiter 11Sag09 (conj the Pluto/Chiron conj degree of Dec 30, 1999) has lately Stationed Direct upon the R-Party's ASC 9Sag47. This also conjuncts the warring Fixed Star, Antares, keywords: obsessed with success. Jupiter to ASC is a time when grand jestures are made in order to impress, and people may have or get the idea that there's higher status or importance than is the case.

Greed or self-indulgence leads to negative outcomes now--just ask the not-gay bathroom guy. (Please tip your attendant.)

Then there's the long-time-coming tr Uranus to n Neptune 15Pis53. This has been in effect ever since Uranus got to the mid-degrees of Pisces---longer than I'd care to remember. And Ura/Neptune, as you know, is the New World Order pair of 1992-93 when their Great Conjunction took place: "18Cap"...smug or string-armed paternalism.

Uranus to n Neptune upsets the status quo with an increased need to fulfill ideals and spiritual aspirations--yet individuals have little if any personal control. Freedom of expression disappears, and others make decisions which the Collective will regret.

A Uranus-Neptune period was between 1934 to 1949 when demented ideals were touted in Germany as personal freedom and equality were mocked and trampled upon with tragic results. A style of this fascism is being seen again since their hook-up in 1992-93...we're in the thick of it now, m'peops, and it's being spread by elitist globalist types who think chaos is just dandy and "worth it" along with their syndicate minions to do much of their dirty work.

They do what they like as long as they have their *sidedoor to slip out of...their loophole or secret trapdoor, their state-of-the-art escape hatch.

And yet the Davison Composite (C/Dav) chart blending Tuesday's transits + the Dem Party itself shows an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect between Uranus and Neptune.

Uranus QD Neptune: idealism influences rebellion; disruption of idealism and/or unity; deceit disrupts the status quo (there's that status quo again); there can be heightened idealism and compassion, and unification through innovative ideas and insights.

Two more QDs are in evidence.

Mercury QD Pluto: manipulation and cunning by using communication and information; domination of discussions; perceptions are transformed through communication of powerful ideas.

Saturn QD Pluto: old systems self-destruct; societal leaders use force, manipulation, and ocntrol which transforms rigid structures; alternately, authority may be influenced by mass consciousness.

Are there any QDS in the C/Dav chart of the Republicans? you ask.

Mars QD Saturn: aggressively and ruthlessly driven toward goals, ambitions, and achievements; physical limits are pushed to prove oneself---wookaholism; clashes with authority.

Mars QD MC: sreps on others to get ahead in career; driven by the need to reach the top; passionate and confident.

Neptune QD MC: illusion and deception used within career; has idealized perceptions about who one is in the world; intuitive and insightful; can play a role in spiritual arenas (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

As you see in the charts, the D-Party has more going on in the top hemisphere--more on display for the public, one supposes. They also have more midpoints in the C/Dav chart than the Rs do. Look for provocative behavior, plus some surprises and innovations put forth this week in Washington.

America could sure use improved behavior on Capitol Hill and in the White House. Thankfully, Bush is off the continent so once again I ask: can't the locks be changed?

And one more thing about Tuesday--around 4:00 pm edt, Moon catches up to Mars at the Venus Transit degree of June 2004 (the Sea Island, GA G-8 Summit...

"18Gemini": "Two Chinese men speaking Chinese in a western crowd."

A Venus Transit is when unexpected and unusual alliances are forged--those pesky Vulcans!

*Today Bush slipped out a White House "sidedoor" (more like a secret tunnel, si?) to fly to Baghdad for seven whole hours "on the ground." Actually I don't know if they were 'whole' or not. Then he jetted off to the Summit in Sydney, AU (and to my Aussie friends--you're welcome to 'im! But I forget--you have a varmint of your own, don't you?)

Check out my recently published content on AC:
Kitten from Bushie