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Showing posts with label Full Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Full Moon. Show all posts

Jun 4, 2013

June 8 2013 New Moon--Full Moon June 23 2013

With the upcoming New Moon in Gemini on Saturday June 8, 2013, here's a smidgeon I posted about it today on my WordPress blog concerning its Sabian Symbol: "A Large Archaic Volume if you're curious (well, Gemini is the sign of curiosity!)

In addition, you'll find very useful information on Saturday's Gemini New Moon by moseying over to read Depali Desai's excellent overview at Celestial Space. Plus, Libra Seeking Balance provides valuable information if you're interested.

The June 8, 2013 New Moon is the seeding phase of activities that will come to fruition/fulfillment/culmination at the Full Moon of June 23, 2013 @2Cap09 (7:32 am edt), a day when Luna is quite active so it will be a busy day for most people. Her aspects after perfection are a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio (11:58 am edt), a sextile to Neptune in Pisces (12:28 pm edt), a conjunction with powerful Pluto in Capricorn (8:37 pm edt), and she rounds out her daily tasks by squaring radical Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries (11:27 pm edt.)

As you can tell, Lady Luna sprinkles fertile moon beams over the Water Trine between Saturn and Neptune, then goes on to alert the difficult Cardinal Square energies between Uranus and Pluto...which does not sound to me like a very quiet weekend at all.

Hope I'm wrong!

Mar 13, 2013

Horoscope: Full Moon in Libra March 27, 2013

Mar 27, 2013 Full Moon @6Lib53: Continuing Resolution or Government Shutdown?

by Jude Cowell

Update Mar 31, 2013: thanks to a with-it reader, it's been noted that Wednesday's Libra Full Moon is a perfect descriptor of the week's SCOTUS arguments (Mars) on Marriage (Libra) Equality. What a great observation! Should we include Uranus transiting me-first Aries to denote equality?

Original post begins here, sans marriage references (except for '7th house of Partnerships') even though any full moon may describe relationship issues! And of course, Libra is the sign of Justice's Scales of Balance...

Here you see the horoscope of March 27, 2013's Full Moon at 6Libra52, in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies when the chart is set for Washington DC (Capitol Building):

Chart shown: March 27, 2013 5:27:18 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of the Sun @6Ari52 in 1st house along with first planet to rise, Neptune @4Pis03 conjunct Fomalhaut, a Royal Star in constellation Piscis Australis and the brightest; key themes: magic, mysticism, lofty ideals; when active, Royal Stars always carry a challenge--here, to maintain the purity of ideals and visions (Brady), things which dreamy Neptune knows much about.

And of course, we think of the 'new pope' conclave going on this week at the Vatican but I have chosen not to blog about crisis-plagued cardinals who brought their challenges upon themselves through lack of purity. Expecting the Vatican to go forward with pure morals is like expecting right wing GOPers to find a conscience, though you may disagree if you like.

Rising after Neptune are Mercury @9Pis34, priestly healer Chiron @11Pis05, Venus @6Ari32 conjunct the Full Moon's Sun, Uranus @8Ari23, and testy Mars @11Ari42--a full house. As you know, Full Moon phases are about relationships and partnerships, awareness (of relationship dynamics and other things), and possible stalemates, a condition the US government has decided to use against We the People.

So not only is the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter YOD of crises, special tasks, and turning points back within orb (Jupiter @11Gem06 conjunct IC 11Gem20), we find that another YOD is found in the horoscope, or two YODs is we use catalyst Uranus which will close the gap soon as it nears 11Aries (and hits the Full Moon's Mars which may result in high emotions and disruption relating to matters influenced by the March 27th Full Moon.

At YOD's base: a sextile with austere Saturn @10Sco25 Rx posited in the 8th house of Shared Finances, Corporations, Debt, Credit, etc; Saturn's partner in the sextile--and in a mutual reception of friendliness--is Pluto @11Cap30 in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Wishes and Hopes. And visions of austerity where the wealthy are made wealthier, according to Sen. Paul Ryan who again must be reminded that he and his party lost on November 6, 2012. He's tooting the same austerity-for-the-masses horn with his 'budget plan' even though a majority of the American people said No! to his plan on Election Day 2012.

As you see from the Ascending sign and degree--27AQ24--America's natal Moon rises, aka, We the People, and our needs are 'coming up' along with the social program funds (taxes) we paid for years--and pay still, keeping our end of the bargain--which is under threat of being heisted by Washington politicians for the benefit of wealthy one-percenters who prefer their masses standing in long soup lines, too weak and encumbered to shake pitchforks at castle windows.

Issuing from the March 27, 2013 Full Moon horoscope:

Yes, any time there's a Moon rising, it represents unstable conditions with fluctuations and changes afoot. Now let's look at the applying aspects of chart-ruler Saturn and co-ruler Uranus which are in aspect with each other:

Saturn inconjunct Uranus (2A02) indicates problems with priorities and obligations--clearly! A Saturn-Uranus inconjunct (aka, quincunx) was in effect on Election Day 2012 but austere, restricting Saturn was Direct--and the Republican Party's budget ideas were rejected, another Saturnian word. And of course, contracting Saturn is one of the two societal planets, the other being expansive Jupiter, with the tension between them keeping our Solar System's planets in their courses.

A Saturn-Uranus inconjunct (150 degrees) denotes those who try to hold on to the past with all their might and as they desperately try to force old concepts into acceptance rather than new methods and ideas. Since I know this reminds us both of facets of the neanderthal-based Republican 'war on women', I won't mention it other than to mention it. Flexibility is the only cure! Yet Saturn-Uranus is a brittle combination of energies which may break before it bends.

Saturn then applies to a helpful trine (120 degr) with rising Neptune (6A21), an aspect denoting those with enormous responsibilities and which can bring about positive changes in society. This is a willing 'helping hand', in fact, and bodes well if those who wish to obstruct improvement and investment in our society can be somehow pushed out of the way--which is exactly what a majority of us called ourselves doing when we re-elected President Barack Obama in November 2012.

And since a Saturn-Neptune trine relates closely to writers and journalists, I believe we're seeing some effect of the trine when reporters and TV talking heads question more fully the assertions made by interviewees like Paul Ryan. The Media could really help things improve by holding to account politicians and others who spout odd theories and mathematical formulas which do not 'add up'.

Dec 30, 1999's Great Conjunction of Plutocracy's Pluto and Chiron @11Sag

At MC (The Goal Point of any horoscope) is 11Sag20 and the good news is that the Public Sector 10th house is ruled by Jupiter which now moves Direct (since Jan 30, 2013) so financial matters may proceed. Banker Jupiter will soon be out of orb from its conjunction to US natal Uranus 8Gem55 which takes our natal Uranus away from apexhood in the Saturn-Pluto YOD pattern and its midpoint picture I love to hate for we now suffer under its draconian birth pangs:

Saturn-Pluto = n Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses. Add Jupiter at apex and we have potentials for: adoption of the austere; trouble with authority; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left.

Now that's pretty much what the Washington Political Theater is scamming us with at the moment, and have done for decades (taking over America is certain actors' long-term project), or, as some would say, for centuries.

One more thing about the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter YOD--the Saturn-Pluto midpoint falls at MC in the Mar ch 27th Full Moon chart which denotes: hard hard work to rise from difficulty; major separation as a last resort.

The additional YODs are formed by the Mars-Jupiter sextile which points toward an 8th house Saturn in secretive, spying, business-loving Scorpio so we get a fortunate pair of energies in stress with Mr. Status Quo:

Mars-Jupiter = Saturn: pulling in one's sails; having to toe the line; struggling with impulse.

If we allow for Direct Uranus to enter the scene (and knowing that the disruptive planet of rebellion and anarchy has been within orb of this YOD before) we have:

Jupiter-Uranus = Saturn: patience and practicality introduced to boundless self-projection; temperance over excess. (All mdpt pics today from Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs.)

Planetary Aspects of March 27th's Libra Full Moon

As you see, the March 27th Full Moon in Libra, sign of balance, justice, partnerships, and war, causes lunar fluctuations in relationships while making a few applying aspects. Here's a list of the Full Moon's 5 aspects in order of occurrence with the Luna's natural sign, Cancer, on both the (risk-taking) 5th cusp and the (work-military-health-daily rounds) 6th cusp:

1. Moon opposite Uranus (1A31) indicates emotional and mental stress for The People as many decisions must be made. Resolution can be found but a feeling of being crushed is evident.

2. Moon inconjunct Mercury (2A41) shows more stress (inconjuncts = difficult adjustments) showing emotions (Moon) and intellect (Mercury) interfering with one another; reasonable evaluations are impossible if feelings enter logical thinking, and reactions may be out of all proportion with the truth.

3. Moon trine Jupiter (4A14) with Jupiter conjunct the 4th house's cusp relates to domestic matters, home, and security. Is Jupiter playing his role as guardian angel? Well, we need several if we can get them! And of course, the Real Estate market is said to be improving and we may hear more of this under the rays of the March 27th Full Moon in Venus-ruled Libra--including lawsuits against fraud-committing mortgage lenders. Yet the facts of the cases may remain unclear with Mercury in confused, often deceptive, Pisces. Still, their trine indicates some amount of happiness, good fortune, generosity, and/or glad news especially for those of good character.

4. Moon square Pluto (4A38) is a fly in our improving ointment for it denotes difficulty letting go of the past, plus, blockage (square) from wealthy, stealthy Pluto, manipulator and controller of The Underworld, toward the populace and our reigning needs (Moon) which causes us apprehension, anxiety, and heavy burdens.

Note: dontcha 'love' politicians? They embezzle, misspend, and waste America's financial resources, make huge profits off our hard work, then stick We the People with all their bills, plus, their own fat paychecks.

5. Moon opposite Mars (4A49) indicates opposition from radical reformers and activists (Mars-Uranus) of the 25--35 year-old generation, give or take a year or two. Some politicians, their staffers, and reporters are in this age category though loose canon shooters may be as well, as is the NRA (Mars = weaponry and those who use it.) A Moon-Mars opposition tends to bring crises, criticism, and resentments, with 'hitting back' in anger a definite possibility. Aggression and lack of patience may be noted which lead to quarrels, debates, and emotional outbursts.

So that last aspect is basically Luna joining in with the ongoing generational Uranus-Pluto square in which we again deal with issues we thought were settled by legislation in the 1960s when they last met three times in Great Conjunction at 17 Virgo, a critical-crisis degree. To close, here are two midpoint pictures formed by the Moon-Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-Square/s:

Moon-Mars = Pluto: demanding nature; powerful opinionation.

Moon-Uranus = Pluto: sensationalism; bombast; a fanatical push for fulfillment of needs (Full Moons are phases of fulfillment/culmination--jc.)

Well, if you've read this far I hope my post with its sorry political implications won't ruin the beauty of the Full Moon on March 27, 2013! A March Full Moon is, after all, considered the annual Worm Moon so click for more info and a video concerning this earthy and seasonal topic.

But also remember please to keep your eye on the wormy infestation eating at the core of the US government as it purposefully and willfully creates havoc and chaos in our lives while enriching the wealthy at our expense.

Further reading on cutting Social Security benefits and other dumb ideas that the president is offering the austerity-promoters of the Republican Party may be found on the website of Senator Bernie Sanders who always points out that (though fiscal vultures want to get their claws on SS funds), the Social Security insurance program contributed not one nickel to our debt problems. And not one penny either so let's keep it off the cutting table, Mr. President--raise the taxing cap instead.


Yes, there are other factors worth considering in the horoscope shown above, so please leave your on-topic comments with this post as you wish! jc

Feb 23, 2013

Horoscope: Feb 25, 2013 Virgo Full Moon w Austerity notes

Feb 25, 2013's Full Moon Spotlights 'Austerity v Growth' Solutions

by Jude Cowell

On his blog at The Nation, John Nichols writes how Sequestration Sacrifices Jobs to Save Billionaire Tax Breaks as radicals work to impose austerity against the American people in order to redistribute wealth toward the top as their basic priority.

And I believe the Full Moon in Virgo (sign of Jobs and Work) which perfects on Monday, February 25, 2013, details among other things the 'sequestration' stand-off now occurring in Washington and relates to our delinquent Congress reassembling itself next week for business on Tuesday, if not on Monday. Here's the Full Moon horoscope with a few notes:

Full Moon @7Vir23, February 25, 2013 3:26:03 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC: Hour of Jupiter (money, growth, investment; ideology) with Jupiter @7Gem28 in 11th house of Groups and Associations (conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55 which usually brings social, financial, and political improvements.) Jupiter is apex in a T-Square with the Sun-Moon opposition (all three at 7 degrees = karmic, or fated--reaping what's been sown), and Pluto @11Cap03 is the Thales Point or Planet (trine Moon, sextile Sun) in 6th house of Work, Employment, Service which is meant to be a 'help' to the oppositional situation.

However, Pluto remains involved in a sextile with Saturn (another fated pairing @11/11 degr--both are 'karmic' planets) which formed the base of the crisis-laden YOD pattern (apex Jupiter Rx) in the Winter Solstice 2012 horoscope, a pattern which ably describes the social fanaticism, enforced monetary controls, and denotes 'brutal efforts to start a new order' which Saturn-Pluto want to establish (and which will send the US economy back into recession or worse, thereby undermining the second term of President Obama along with our nation; hopefully, POTUS isn't in on the billionaires' fanatical schemes.)

By the end of March (and I'm pinpointing the March 27th Full Moon for possible resolution--culmination--of these difficulties or at least, a can-kicking down the road agreement which may ease tensions a while), the difficult YOD configuration of Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto re-forms as direct Jupiter moves into orb of the pattern (beginning on March 10th.) On March 29th at 2:36:15 pm edt Capitol Building three YODs are shown which add complexity to conditions already manufactured into a cluster-fug by politicians and their wealthy backers.

As Mr. Nichols says, "America is not broke" and 'sequestration' "is the start, not the finish, of a process that undoes economic recovery and causes job losses to spike by even greater numbers." He calls out Simpson-Bowles for "promoting schemes such as 'chained CPI', the slashing of cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients that will squeeze the buying power of seniors and people with disabilities and further impeded growth. That will cost even more jobs."

Now as you know, 'growth' and investment are concepts of Jupiter which will soon move back into the line of fire of Saturnian austerity coupled with Plutonian control of wealth and power. Austerity measures have caused severe damage overseas (see Paul Krugman's Austerity Europe) where implemented yet Simpson, Bowles, the GOP, and various 'privatizing' billionaires of international persuasion want to sock it to We the People as they exploit the current budget difficulties--most of which they purposefully created--in order to benefit the wealthy and further take over the helm of our nation. No, they have no loyalty to America or to the social safety net that has aided the American people and the US economy for decades--and perhaps they wish that austerity will hide their years-long embezzlement and other fraudulent practices.

And considering the suffering, harm, even death that their austerity plan will bring to real people, I must consider their proposals as population control measures meant to decrease our number and leave more resources for the greedy.

Now back to the horoscope you see above. Perhaps you can read my notes if you click the image to enlarge. Two factors I want to mention are the T-Square/s formed by the Full Moon and by deceitful Neptune opposing the Moon across the 2/8 axis of National Treasury (2nd H) and a full 8th H of Debt, Credit, Taxes, Shared Resources, Corporations, Transformation, and Death. Neptune is oriental (rising before the Sun = a chameleon) and the planets form midpoint pictures, any, all, or none of which may apply--and note that evaluating Venus is at a critical-crisis 29th degree conjunct 8th cusp as she nears fraudulent Neptune in Pisces:

Sun-Moon = Jupiter: pressure to change an entire value system (Venus = values--see 'accepted social norms', below); taking too many directions at once; a philosophy for coping with life; opportunities used to advantage; desires for joint endeavors, expansion, and possessions; success.

Moon-Neptune = Jupiter: grand imaginings and plans; far-reaching wishes; fantasy; enhanced ability to read people's motives and put these into a political context; compassion and sympathy (warning: a conscience and concern for the common good may be needed to feel these-jc.) (Munkasey; Tyl; Ebertin.)

We may also wish to consider the potentials for expression in Politics and Business for the Sun-Moon and Moon-Neptune pairs of energy, according to *Michael Munkasey:

Sun-Moon: Thesis: how the people's will is applied to taking the country into new or important directions; the international reputation of the country (in the crapper, thanks to Washington's Political Theater squabbles--jc); reading the attitude of the people when making national policy.

Antithesis: national will forcefully imposed by the leadership; a loss of face in international politics (GOP delays and ridiculous arguments over Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense? -jc); pessimism flows through the population or lawmakers.

Another midpoint picture may be of interest to our topic for it may create a bright spot in our dreary situation and forms a Minor Grand Trine if we don't mind counting the Ascendant (8Leo18) as a place for the expression of its energy:

Uranus-ASC = Jupiter: 'new approaches to solving social or legal problems; optimism'...or, more negatively, 'new opinions which are contrary to accepted social norms.' (Munkasey.)

'Accepted social norms' such as acting as our brother's keeper and honoring the social contract between generations the way an allegedly Christian nation ought to do?

Ascendant 8Leo18:

Well, there are many other chart factors that deserve consideration but let's close with chart-ruler Sun's applying Ptolemaic aspects to determine how matters will proceed from the February 25th Full Moon...

1. Sun square Jupiter (0A04) spotlights wheeler-dealers who are arrogant, pompous, and immoderate and need to re-order their priorities; truth is bent to accomplish goals (success-at-all-costs) but this will cause them complications later on; others are expected to accede to the demands of manipulators who want to avoid keeping promises (such as social safety net programs--plus, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square underlies current unrest, riots, strikes, protests, and revolutions and supports the breaking of contracts in generational stand-offs.)

2. Sun sextile Pluto (3A39) may represent two groups: varmints who are uncompromising, self-reliant, and wish to control the world; totally certain of their ideals, they become impatient when expected to listen to the ideals of others, and, knowing that 'knowledge is power', they withhold details from others in order to maintain control and make it difficult for others to mount challenges to their plans; on another level, this sextile denotes leadership acting as mediator in order to reconcile opposing sides and find solutions; a desire to aid the less fortunate is evident.

3. Sun trine Saturn (4A04) indicates leadership (Sun) which finds acceptance of responsibility (Saturn) for others to be easy, and knowing how to take advantage of opportunity is inherently understood (doing things 'the right way at the right time') which results in reasonably defined goals meeting with success.


*Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey.

Note: as Venus nears conjunction with Neptune in veiling Pisces, some mention of the pair's influence in Politics and Business may be worth our attention since it relates to potentials for an inflated treasury as a way to manipulate growth, those who gain wealth from oil, gas, and/or chemicals, exaggerated or misstated resources (ex: 'America is broke," says the GOP), scandals over deceptive practices or the misuse of the treasury, spies in the financial system (hackers? turncoats?), monetary fraud, and/or subversives who wish to gain access to finances (ex: those who would 'privatize' Social Security funds, dissolve even more pension funds and other savings programs, and establish austerity over the people in order to channel wealth upwards.

Here are a few recent posts concerning similar topics for March 2013:

Sequester Fester and Jupiter's Path, Horoscope: Mars to Aries Point March 12, 2013, March 2013: December 2012 YOD re-forms w apex Jupiter, and Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2013.

Dec 23, 2012

Greenspan admitted The Fed is above US law (video); plus, Full Moon coming

Former protege of Ayn Rand, Mr. Greenspan Speaks about The Fed

by Jude Cowell

Here's a 48-second snippet from 2007 of Jim Lehrer interviewing Alan Greenspan who headed America's Federal Reserve System for several years:

Text of the full interview may be read here. A link to Mr. Greenspan's book is included if you're so inclined. As you know, reporter Andrea Mitchell has been married to Mr. Greenspan since 1997 and I continue to find it curious that her news program appears on the demi-progressive MSNBC. Yet MSNBC and NBC are Rockefeller enterprises after all.

For videos on a variety of topics visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Fiscal Schmiscal, Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

Here's an intriguing opinion piece on Rockefeller-Obama Republicans which makes the case that President Obama panders to the Republican Party--not because he doesn't negotiate well (as Rockefeller media and others propagandize), or that he's "weak"--but because he's one of them.

Related reading: Who's Done More Damage: Bernie Madoff or Alan Greenspan?

Stage Craft: It's All Political Theater, Dahlink!

Fast-forward to the current 'fiscal cliff'-sequester negotiations of December 2012 and we continue to see Mr. Obama putting certain concessions 'on the table' than what progressive voters who re-elected him expected since he now so obviously has a mandate from The People to protect us. Social Security? Mr. Obama campaigned on not including it in the fiscal deal since it has no part in creating the deficit. But now 'on the table' is a potential change in SS cost-of-living raises which will affect millions of seniors through disguised cuts as the years go by, thus removing money from the US economy, money that would've been spent. And that doesn't mention the potential for suffering.

Yes, FDR's New Deal programs are under seige by plutocrats as they've been from the time they were set up. But their enemies in 2012/2013 may prove more successful at gutting them than ever before for the culprits are hiding behind the cleverest mask of guile yet taken up by America's plutocratic class of power elites...aka, "the Democrats."

Yes, I do hope I'm being a paranoid Capricorn (very possible!) with this theory and that none of the above is the case, and that the label 'Democrat' still means We the People have a fighting chance to have our concerns addressed and resolved on Capitol Hill with some measure of honesty and clarity toward a 'more level playing field'. Plus, the nasty thought of 'population control' based on a 'survival of the fittest' creed (of Ayn Rand and others) comes to mind because of the coldhearted behavior of Washington politicians, whatever their party label.

So whether you bought that badly-acted Boehner Herding Cats matinee on the evening of December 20, 2012 or not (and their subsequent skedaddle out of town for Christmas break), don't be surprised if things turn even weirder and crazier during the last week of December--under the light of the December 28th Full Moon which takes us whimpering across the expiring-tax-break threshold into 2013. (Full Moon and 'fiscal cliff' horoscopes shown.)

That Lunar Madness under a Full Moon increases the number of crimes has been documented after all, as some police departments have attested--or, is it only because more activity occurs on Moon-lit nights?

Wonder if The Moon Society has studied the phenomena?


Here's a preliminary post on the Inauguration 2013 Horoscope with a bare minimum of astro-notes and analysis until early January.

A Holiday Blog-Note: with family coming into town, this is my last SO'W post until after Christmas Day 2012 so I wish y'all a safe Merry and a Happy!Jude

Nov 28, 2012

Horoscopes: 'Fiscal Cliff' w Full Moon Dec 28, 2012

A 'Fiscal Cliff' Resolution Around the December 28, 2012 Full Moon?

by Jude Cowell

A few days ago, Mother Jones published an enlightening article What's Happening: Fiscal Cliff Explained, in case you missed it or haven't been paying much attention to the end-of-2012 Political Theater performances about to continue on Capitol Hill.

As you know, it was Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke who coined the term "fiscal cliff" back in Summer 2011 during the last performances of America's debt and deficit crises which, thanks to the grandstanding gridlock acted out by Republicans and the Tea Party congressmen they hide behind--plus, their foils, the Democrats--our nation received its first-ever credit downgrade since records began to be kept in 1918. We can thank the GOP for that. Apparently Mr. Bernanke wished to spur Congress on to doing their jobs efficiently and stop the political-ideological stalemate but as we know, it didn't have that effect in 2011.

That this is a set up to force an unacceptable agenda upon the American people may be the case, and in fact, Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr calls the "fiscal cliff" a "foolish austerity bomb" created by the US Congress with Democrats playing 'good cops' and Republicans starring as the 'bad cops'.

Now with the re-election of President Obama this November 6th, most Americans must pin hopes on his determination to protect our working class families while assuming that Congress will actually govern as per Capitol Hill tradition, yet who can say? The "fiscal cliff" (or, hill, slope, curve, whatever) won't actually take quick effect precisely at 12:00 am est on January 1, 2013, of course, but will soon become more obvious as the November 2011 sequestration cuts affect social programs, the Pentagon budget, and other programs--the dispensable and the indispensable alike--and lead us back into recession (aka, depression.) The tactics being used in Washington are like a slow austerity throttling of the US economy not unlike the European model if carried to extremes as 2013 proceeds.

Unless the White House ploy to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire on January 1, 2013 @12:00 am est and then pass new tax cuts for the 99% after we slip slide into 2013 is an honest plan.

America's Militant Mars Must Cool His Heels

Of course, astrologers know that America's natal Geminian Mars (war, action, energy, initiative, police forces, etc) turned retrograde by progression in 2006 (in Libra) while Bush was 'manning the helm' and his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were in full swing and overtopping the national credit card, creating in large part our fiscal problems Now. The Rx period of our Mars will last approximately another 74 years--80 years all together--and it echoes the same Mars condition of Germany during their difficulties decades ago. You've probably noticed recent references by US pundits and journalists to the Weimar Republic (natal chart data given below), begun by the socialist revolution of 1918 which preceded by two decades Hitler's rise to power in the 1930s. (That's a second mention of 1918 in this post.)

Now political pundits on my TV say that even the GOP doesn't want sequestration to take effect for it would slash our military budget though I suspect it has as much to do with their share holding status in weapons companies and other war-profitting endeavors as it does maintaining America's hold on global territories and the natural resources and antiquities of other nations. Feel free to disagree, but there it is.

Horoscopes shown: January 1, 2013 12:00 am est ('Fiscal Cliff'/Tax Cuts Expire) and December 28, 2012's Full Moon

Before we consider the horoscope of the December Full Moon, let's view the later horoscope for January 1, 2013 at 12:00 am est, set for the Capitol Building. The chart's Midheaven @8Can16 (MC = The Goal; Aspirations) highlights the December 28, 2012 Full Moon, and I believe the Full Moon chart (below) shows most clearly the "fiscal cliff" potential and what is so far another congressional stalemate as a major YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; crossroads; special task; karmic opportunity) involving Jupiter Rx(planet of money, bankers, generals, professors, priests, beliefs, ideals, and ideologies); Jupiter also happens to conjoin US natal Uranus 8Gem55 placing both planets at apex in the YOD configuration with a Saturn-Pluto sextile at its base.

Since Full Moon phases bring culmination or fulfillment, perhaps the January 1, 2013 expiration (sunsetting) of the Bush tax cuts with tax increases for All, and the purposefully engineered "fiscal cliff" threat, may not be addressed by our barely functioning Congress until around December 28th or in the few days prior to New Year's Day 2013--or after. Our political thespians do like to keep We the People on the edge of cliffs of all kinds, don't they?

Actually, investing Jupiter doesn't perform his Direct Station (when financial matters can move forward) until January 30, 2013 @6Gem19 (in the foundational 4th house of the chart set for DC.) Tr Jupiter will again conjoin US n Uranus 8:55, a favorable time for politics, finances, and group endeavors (more on this transit, below.)

Image above: January 1, 2013 12:00 am est Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Mars; Mercury @00Cap57 (a Cardinal Point of Manifestation which spotlights Winter Solstice 2012 with Sun 00Cap00:00) disposits Jupiter and is out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane--plans beyond reason? Intellectual folk working alone? Unusual accomplishments? Unlawful trading? Journalists out of the loop? All, none, or other?

Below you see the chart of the December 28, 2012 Full Moon @7Can05 (conjunct Fixed Star Mirzam (The Announcer; rises before Sirius which you see in the 8th H of Finances, Credit, Debt, Shared Resources, and Transformation--its Cancer cusp indicates changes/fluctuations and the stock market may be very upset by then. Plus, the 8th cusp and the Full Moon are snugged within America's natal planets in Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, Sun (3--14 Cancer) which may show that eventually We the People will be pleased with the results of this latest manufactured embroilment on Capitol Hill--as long as upper class toffs begin paying more of a fair share. Markets may improve as well once the fiscal dust settles.)

Yet There's Trouble Before We Rest

Yes, it's an Hour of Mars, planet of conflict, and the ASC @8Sag33 brings up Royal Star Antares (quarrels, suspicions, violence) opposite Aldebaran (military leadership, courage, warmongering) which sets with Jupiter 8Gem07 Rx, tr Midas, tr Pan, and US natal Uranus--quite a fiscal and political pile-up. The December 2012 Full Moon is the Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) of the January 1, 2013 'fiscal cliff' horoscope, shown above.

More Chart Details:

This Full Moon perfects at 5:21:10 am est; horoscope set for the Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour Mars (@1AQ52 Mars energizes US Inaugural Sun 00AQ+ or, in 2013: 1AQ+, 'the president'); Mars is in 2nd H of our National Treasury, Values, and Earning Ability indicating initiating action and a potential for conflict in these matters; chart-ruler Jupiter is weakened, his beneficence delayed in the preparatory 6th H @8Gem07 of Military and Police Service, Work, and Health, and conjoins by transit US n Uranus 8Gem55, an extended period of independent actions and thoughts when involvement in group endeavors or causes may bring gains as our personal networks expand.

Difficulties and adjustments come from a very close Sun-Jupiter inconjunct (1A01) showing potential for generosity to the point of wastefulness, rigid legalisms, relationship problems, and/or making promises that are hard if not impossible to keep (so typical of politicians and other Jupiterians.) Given Washington's purposefully engineered 'fiscal cliff' scenario, the 'promises' may relate to social programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

As you see, the Sun also applies to conjoin powerful, wealthy Pluto (2A06) (the power behind the throne) and forms a helpful sextile with authoritative Saturn (2A09.) The Sun-Pluto combo denotes policy changes foreign or domestic, influence coming from crime organizations and from plutocrats, extreme amounts of corruption, and/or the use of secret police to control others. A Sun-Saturn sextile shows a tendency to be careless over large expenditures and programs, yet uncompromisingly penny wise-pound foolish over smaller matters. Limits and boundaries are of prime concern with this sextile so Washington's usual overstepping tendencies may be held in check, at least for a while.

Yes, the pairing of Sun-Jupiter relates to our national reputation on the world stage, religious or philosophical concepts that tie our country to predetermined outcomes (congressional sequestration; the Norquist no-tax-increase pledge, disadvantageous trade deals, etc), and/or an executive leader battling the justice system of a nation (because of Election Day 2012 re-counts or fraud? Other?) This Full Moon casts a silvery reflection upon January 1, 2013 at 12:00 am est when the foolhardy, unaffordable 'Bush tax cuts' are set to expire (as originally set up in 2001) unless a lame duck session in December is used by the president in some way, or a deal is made to fight that fight in 2013 while extending in 2012 much-needed tax cuts for those with incomes under a certain amount such as $250,000 for a couple.

As you know, tax cut monies the Middle Class and workers receive are soon put back into the economy while additional funds for the wealthy only sit sunning on a Cayman Islands beach while having a cocktail and good belly laugh over the forcing the fallacy of 'trickle down economics" on us again.)

Jupiter orbits faster than quirky Uranus as chart-ruler is involved in an applying sextile with 4th H Uranus (Uranus = radical reformers and zealots when in Mars-ruled Aries) denoting valuable opportunities for success and growth which may be presented by those of a different generation. This condition echoes the generational conflicts and uprisings the world now experiences through the Uranus-Pluto Cardinal square. Original, adventurous ideas are indicated by the Jupiter-Uranus sextile in fields such as teaching, politics, philosophy, finances, science, religion, and astrology though some of those affected by this sextile may become resentful and harshly critical of others even though it's the beam in their own eyes that need attention. The Republican Party comes to mind.

Planning Mercury @25Sag10, ruler of 7th and 10th Hs, is in 1st H and in Nodal degree (fated or karmic; NN-SN @25Sco-Tau29 across the 6/12 axis); Mercury rules commerce and trade as well as communications and is related to stock markets, with the Nodal axis related to encounters and to future and past directions. And since Mercury and the separative SN are inconjunct (need for adjustments), we may expect a falling back on past behaviors ('debt-default crisis' of August 2011?) at SN even though such neurotic behavior does the American people no good and may further undermine our country's future.

Now as you see, there is a Kite pattern in the chart (a Grand Trine, plus) with the Sun-Moon opposition of the Full Moon part of the high-flying picture. In fact, Sun and Pluto make up the nose while the Moon is the Kite's tail and is conjunct, as noted, Fixed Star, Mirzam (aka, Murzims; Beta Canis Major: carrying a message--Brady) which may relate to a message from We the People directed toward our government, or a message concerning a myriad of various things as conflicts turn up (Jupiter square Chiron) and the oppressive, violent Plutocracy duo of Pluto and Chiron, here in an opportunistic sextile aspect, keeps 'its' finger on the public pulse and contacts us through spokesmen/women who, though they may wish to hide it, are agents for the promotion of global governance more than they are American politicians with We the People's interests on top of their to-do list.

Now since chart-ruler Jupiter is retrograde, the delays and stalling it causes will be mitigated or released once the planet's Direct Station occurs on January 30, 2013, as noted. Applying Jupiter forms an inconjunct with the Sun 7Cap05 (1A01), a square with Chiron (2A14), a sextile with Uranus (3A24), and a helpful trine with Mars (6A14.) If we take the Sun to signify President Obama, we see that he will meet with Pluto of the plutocrats and/or, the underworld, by year's end. A Sun-Jupiter inconjunct shows those who must be on guard for opportunists using the ideas of others as their own; taking over what should be the responsibilities of others may be evident, and moderation in all things is advised.

At MC (The Goal), we find America's problematic n Neptune 22Vir25 and our Progressed Neptune 26Vir12 Rx, too. This places Us natal Mars 22Gem in 7th H of Partnerships and brings with it the difficult Mars-Neptune square our nation is famous for: misdirected energy; unconscious motivations; self-deception; the fog of war.)

Now you see the Kite pattern with the Full Moon as Kite's tail; Sun and Pluto are at its head with restrictive saturn ruling both, plus the 2nd H of Earning Ability and Resources, while Saturn himself @9Sco15 is posited in 11th H of Hopes/Wishes, Groups and Associations. Mars 1AQ52 in 2nd H is ruled (or, co=-ruled with Uranus) by Saturn as well and has just conjoined US Inaugural Sun, a time of increased energy and determination for the president.

As you know, Kite configurations are modified Grand Trines and are indicative of success--a 'creative outpouring' is possible (B. Tierney.)

So what of the midpoint pictures found in the December 28, 2012 Full Moon horoscope with which we end Year 2012? Let's list them with a few details and include the YOD's base, the Saturn-Pluto sextile, for a fuller explanation.

Let's close by detailing a few of the primary midpoint pictures formed by planetary patterns (YODs, T-Squares, etc) in the Full Moon chart and other pictures with planets or points at apex--details are gleaned from Noel Tyl and/or Reinhold Ebertin--any, all, or none may apply but notice the last picture, the one that most concerns me about events of the last few years and Washington's entire 'fiscal cliff' scheming:

T-Square--Sun-Saturn = Jupiter: fortunate separations (from Over Grover and The Pledge?); good fortune of old, ill, or serious persons.

Sun-Saturn = US n Uranus: crises; unusual circumstances; fluctuating attitudes; separation; imprisonment; seclusion; mourning.

YOD pictures--Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: adoption of the austere (White House agrees to 'entitlement' reforms that harm the weakest among us?); trying to save what's left; trouble with authority.

Saturn-Pluto = US n Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack regardless of potential losses; sudden violence.

Weimar Republic natal data: November 9, 1918 1:30 pm CET Berlin, Germany; source: Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes and historical record.

Sep 29, 2012

Sep 29, 2012 Aries Full Moon conjunct Uranus Rx!

In about 20 minutes edt, the Full Moon perfects @7Ari22 after sailing past Uranus Rx @6Ari31. Crackling excitement is always in the air with a Moon-Uranus contact and since this is a Full Moon, the opposition of quirky, surprising Uranus to the Sun makes for willfulness and provocative circumstances.

Naturally with a Full Moon we think of relationships and this one in particular since the Aries-Libra axis is being reflected in the Moon's glow. Sun Lib-Moon Ari is an Air-Fire blend of energies so the phrase "live wire" comes quickly to mind.

This sociable combo is perfect for a Saturday night of parties! Yet it contains political vibes, too, and is shared natally by a comedian-activist and a poet, both of whom are quoted here:

"Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned."

-Dick Gregory

"A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man."

-E.E. Cummings

Well, I'm quite certain they each had very good reasons for saying so...


Astro-Note: the event-packed 2nd issue for Oct-Nov-Dec 2012 of Stars Over Washington Monthly just went out tonight! Get your printable copy delivered to the Inbox of your choice by subscribing here for a Special Holiday Price of $15 for 3 months of Political Astrology aimed at Washington, DC! jc

Jul 21, 2012

On Romney's Progressed Lunar Phase (Balsamic)

(The following should be filed under Sometimes You Just Want to Be Wrong...)

A Few Astro-Reasons Why Mitt Romney Could Take the Cake on November 6th

by Jude Cowell

Now I know that Mr. Romney won't know what to call the cake, but he may just take it and rush into the White House on January 21, 2013, much to my chagrin...

In 2011, I mentioned on this blog that Mitt Romney enters a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase by progression on September 22, 2012, just in time for the November 6, election/s. As you know, Balsamic phases are the dark of the Moon, just prior to a New Moon whether by transit (real time) or progression (moving the natal chart ahead approximately one degree per year of life to gain hints about one's evolutionary progress and 'time of life'.)

The Balsamic phase of the Moon often relates to 'taking over where another has left off' and/or may bring endings, partings, and separations. Natally, this phase describes one who is born with a prophetic streak (ex: George Orwell) but here we're talking about progressions. Now if you follow the link above, you'll find some info on Romney's Secondary Progressions and his Natal Chart data with the correct birth time--9:51 am, though some of my earlier posts here about Mr. Romney do not have his birth time (which Astrodatabank provides, as I discovered later on, for SO'W is quite gray around the muzzle, you know!

Therefore, today's post is an update due to the fact that November 6th is upon us, and I had not fully considered in 2011, as Romney entered the presidential race (again!), that the November 6, 2012 election/s will be affected by the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio with its 'joy through commitment; taking on responsibilities' theme (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) My point is that I'd taken Romney's SP Balsamic phase as inauspicious for starting a new presidency when it could also describe a 'taking over' of duties when another (President Obama?) could not, for some reason, carry on. I don't want to believe it, but there it is.

Yet when endeavors are begun under the influence of a Balsamic Lunar phase, they often do not last the duration or end suddenly which may indicate a presidency of less than four years if Romney wins (or, 'wins' if the election is skewed and marred as in November 2000 with voting Mercury moving retrograde on Election Day 2012 as in 2000. And you know what miseries that wrought for America. Say, one of the Romney sons isn't named Chad by any chance, is he?)

Another consideration is what Secondary Progressed Lunar phase has President Obama reached in life? Well, he's on the downside of a SP Full Moon which was exact on November 6, 2011 (precisely a year before this year's election!) @1Ari10 which conjoins US natal IC (The End of the Matter; The Foundation) in America's natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Phildelphia, PA.) This degree was recently transited by radical Uranus and conjoins the Aries Point of fame, recognition, and prominence of course, but this may not be enough cosmic fuel to garner Mr. Obama a 2012 election victory though the 'light' of his SP Full Moon certainly hasn't faded completely (his Disseminating phase begins March 13, 2015.) And 2012's election outcome may depend almost entirely on how successful GOP dirty tricks against him turn out to be.

Will the American people succumb to a vulture capitalist as CEO-president? For a different outcome, a landslide for Mr. Obama will be necessary, sans dancing leave your sofa on November 6th and it will be there when you return.

Meanwhile, candidate Romney, who seems to be in possession of the greater campaign chest of gold and rubies, has a boost from the Sabian Symbol of the degree at which his SP Moon enters the Balsamic phase which may possibly be supported by the theme of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse occurring within the two-week time frame of influence upon the 2012 election/s. His SP Balsamic Moon degree (10Ari24), rounded up is:

'11 Aries' = "The President of the Country" which I confess chills my soul with its "1% president" implications that intend to gut our social safety net programs to the bone in order to gift even more Corporate Welfare to those who have no need of it--plus, the degree's word picture has a negative/shadow side connotation for something which Romney seems to me to possess in great Jupiterian abundance: vain pretense.

Now, a la Ann Romney, that's all You People need to know about my concerns that Mitt Romney and clan will take all the cake. And being greedy, they'll gobble up all the crumbs, too.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii (Sun Leo.)

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am Detroit, MI (Sun Pisces.)

Jun 30, 2012

Full Moon 7.3.12 inspires video embed of Mysterious Structures

The Entire Sign of Capricorn a Mystical Labyrinth

by Jude Cowell

On July 3, 2012 a Full Moon occurs at 12Cap14 at 2:52 pm edt (Washington DC), the day prior to America's Independence Day 2012. Using the rounding-up method to determine degrees, the Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon of July 3rd is '13Cap' = "A Fire Worshiper" which relates to how man knows he must "--demonstrate his ultimate independence of his circumstances or else surrender his own potentialities forever. Here is ideality brought to the point of miracle. The keyword is MAGIC. When positive, the degree is extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions; negative: consistent overestimation of personal capacity."

Now in Campaign 2012, we are being encouraged--or propagandized, depending on your political viewpoint--by President Obama to move in a Forward direction, or, as some say, to Lean Forward. Then let's do so now with the July 3rd Full Moon and consider the next degree's symbol--'14Cap', for it is after all the Illumination Point of America's natal Sun degree @14Cancer (Sun = the leader) which will be triggered on July 4th at America's 236th birthday--a ritual of sorts:

'14Cap' = "An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved in Granite" relates to "--the ability of man to capitalize on opportunities thus brought to focus in himself and his world at large again and again. Here is an absoluteness of self as it proceeds to express itself with a true conviction, and a completeness of its achievement as it acts with the over-all perspective of which it is capable. The keyword is FOUNDATION. When positive, the degree is a gift for bringing all things into a pattern of convenience and thereupon precipitating an inevitability of desired results; negative: meaningless limitation."

(Source: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones born Oct 1, 1888 8:37 am St. Louis, MO: ASC 10Sco08, Sun 8Lib50, Moon 16Leo34, Mercury 3Sco01, Venus 00Sco50, Mars 14Sag15, Jupiter 3Sag08, Saturn 17Leo14, Uranus 17Lib04, Neptune 2Gem08 Rx, Pluto 5Gem44 Rx, 3rd cusp = '12Cap'; as given by the author himself.)

And so, having '14Cap' prominent in my own natal chart, I hereby embed the following 43-minute video from which was sent along by the excellent Forbidden Knowledge TV and illuminates all manner of ancient bas-reliefs, megaliths, henges of stone, and other mysteriously built monuments and observatories, as well as constellations such as Cygnus the Swan (or, The Vulture in some cultures.)

But this blogging Capricorn of a Saturnian Astrology persuasion isn't an 'alien-UFO' sort of gal so the video is presented in a spirit of entertainment for our July 4th holiday yet is meant also for those with archaeological interests, or even those with an artistic eye!

Now when the narrator goes into the "did aliens build it?" mode, that's when I feel expected to "strain at a gnat and swallow a camel" to paraphrase Scripture. For it seems much more likely to me that the mathematical principles--natural laws--which undergird our Universe and the architectural forms with which great structures were built in ancient eras--pyramids being a prime example--were discovered and understood by various cultures throughout history, or, as is probably the case--the knowledge of which were passed down through generations and this is how great structures such as cathedrals and henges were constructed in many spots all over the globe.

Why, the 'Sacred Geometry' of Freemasonry (aka, the Architecture of the Universe) is a perfect example of this passing down of information which provides mankind with the templates for understanding and utilizing universal principles as set forth by The Great Mathematician, our Creator.

Just look at the architecture of Washington DC and think of all the Founding Fathers who are known to have been Freemasons. If the Capitol Building and other structures in The District (with their domes topped by artful representations of goddess Venus as Isis, Freedom, Columba, Innana, etc) aren't Masonic 'temples', I'll lunch upon this keyboard...

Okay, I'll hush for now...enjoy!

Q: Did you know there's a Labyrinth Society? Neither did I.

Feb 7, 2012

Feb 7, 2012: a Full Leo Moon for President Obama

February 7, 2012: Full Moon 18Leo32 4:54 pm est White House

Full Moons bring up for our consideration issues of relationships, full awareness, and perhaps a fulfilment or an ending in some domain of life; they are the culmination of something begun at the last New Moon, the seed stage of a monthly process, two weeks prior.

Today the Sun 18AQ32 conjoins Mercury 18:56 upon the natal Ascendant of President Barack Obama which indicates a day or so when the president's personality shines and his goals may be favorably spotlighted.

But that isn't all concerning this afternoon's Full Moon in Leo for it reflects the same degree of the eclipse forecasted by doctor, seer, and astrologer, Nostradamus. But let's let sleeping lemurs lie for now and focus on the Leo/AQ axis of Will emphasized this afternoon which includes all the facets of Sun-ruled Leo (proud; regal; a leader; creative; egotistical; Divine Child) and Aquarius, ruled by Saturn with genius Uranus as its higher octave influence.

Aquarius: the humanitarian, philanthropist, intellectual, professor, technician, and, perhaps above all, scientist--describe the usual suspects in the archetypal realms of our dualistic world for the celestial sign of the Water Bearer.

Yes, everyone loves a Full Moon! Well, almost everyone since sneaky stuff by the crooked might better remain undiscovered if perpetrated on or near a New Moon, a 3 or 4 day period when nights are darker.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii: Sun 12Leo/Moon 3Gem.

Also, today's Full Moon may be significant for the president on the action-energy-motivation level since Mr. Obama is smack dab in the midst of his Mars Return 2012 (22Vir35: Jan 14, Feb 1, June 18), the Full Moon horoscope shows transiting Mars 21Vir40 Rx conjoining a somewhat difficult star, Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream )--and this extended Mars Rx period is crossing and re-crossing the Midheaven (Goal; Career; Public Status) of VP Joe Biden.

We've sees one example of the Denebolan quirkiness of May-I-Call-You-Joe in his oft-reputed train rides home each evening from Washington DC all the years he served in the Senate.

Yet as long as President Obama labors underneath squares from transiting Saturn to his natal Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (opposite natal Mercury 2Leo), Saturnian blockages and obstacles to all his ideas and plans will continue to be placed in his way with constant delays and restrictions along his path; his authority and executive powers are being challenged by opponents of the neocon/neo-liberal persuasion.

Glad Mr. Obama decided to get over his SuperPAC scruples since foreign and domestic corporatists and other billionaires and monarchists will be purchasing the White House more brazenly than ever before if We The People don't come out in droves and VOTE Democratic on November 6, 2012. The Supreme Court is already out of control, let's not add to their corporatist number by voting GOP.

(Independent here, but really, we have no better choice than wimpy and not-so-wimpy Democrats.)

But enough of Politics, that 'organized system of hatreds'...there's a just-past Full Moon tonight which will still be gorgeous over head and the morning hours here in Northeast Georgia were very foggy and chilly today so a silvery plethora of moon beams would be most appreciated this evening!

Now I ask you: Who better to inspire us over the lovely Full Leo Moon of February 7, 2012 than Auntie Moon herself?

This image of a Full Moon is brought to you by Secret Moon Art.

Nov 12, 2011

Jon Stewart 'hearts' Rick Perry brain freeze! (video) as a Listening Parrot Forgets to Talk

Jon Stewart!

Rick Not-Ready-For-Primetime Perry doin' a Texas 2-Step 'cos 3 just won't come to this 'Parrot Listening Then Talking' fella.

What I mean by citing the Sabian Symbol (word picture for a degree of the Zodiac) below is that Perry's diverting, substandard 'debate' performance confirms to me a suspicion that Gov. Perry's stated objectives are primarily only talking points fed to him by political strategists--points that he must memorize, write on his hand or on paper, or read from a teleprompter--whatever he's counseled and instructed to say by his handlers.

Wonder if anyone has checked the deja-vu Texas governor's back under his suit jacket a la the debatin' George W. Bush? Was it Karl Rove feeding Dubya his answers? Will we ever definitively know?

All My Exes...

Meanwhile, it's 2011 and Rove's parrot bungled his lines in what passes for a political debate in the US.

Now you don't really believe a buffoon such as Perry can be calling any high level shots, do you? He's a shill who pulls the plug on inmates and signs away Texas's assets to the highest bidders. As governor, Perry executes human beings who may or may not be guilty of their alleged crimes. Even with forward strides in DNA identification, in Texas and much of America, who can tell?

Well, if Rick Perry has lost any sleep over his duties and forgetting his lines as a result, may I recommend melatonin for more REM phase sleep. Cutting down on caffeine consumption might help, too.

But there's another thing.

America's political class by and large is in great need. It is in need of being scoured out of all crooks and betrayers of American sovereignty. This includes all those who tout the US government as Not Functioning, or who go on and on about how government is 'too big', too overbearing, etc (thanks, Bush-Cheney regime--you're the Terror Twins who took down the Twin Towers--Gemini = trade, commerce, and other words, civilization), or how government is 'failing', etc etc, need to be pushed out the door.

In fact, I'd be in favor of a brief amnesty for political crooks if it would encourage the little rats and weasels to scurry for their lairs.

(I knew it was YOU, Bacon.)

Well, as far as Campaign 2012 goes, I hope Jeb won't show up to bat for the Rs who are even worse than the Ds. Some political party name-changin' ought to go on up in here, m'peops.


Political parties should call themselves what they actually stand for, factions, warts, and all. And be expected to live up to their names. If not, we know that secret purposes are on top of their to-do lists, not finding viable solutions on behalf of the America people. So far, Perry seems to be the only one of them who can't list up to three things they'd change yet they are what needs changing if they don't believe in America anymore!

For you know it's way too late in the day for mask-wearing to continue to be allowed by The People. 'Public servants' and officials who take Oaths to serve, protect, and defend this country and its citizens but who also take what they consider to be higher oaths are no longer wanted in service to The People. They have abused the public trust and as such are in breach of contract with the American people.

This circumstance has gone on for decades so it's not as if they haven't proven themselves to be brigands, gangsters, and thieves long before now.

For more progressive ideas visit Thom and text of Thom's broadcasts are available.

Rick Perry Memory Gaffe Described by Nov 10 Full Moon's Sun Symbol

As you know, in Political Astrology, a branch of Mundane Astrology, the Sun represents the leader or the president which Mr. Perry kinda dreams of being, he says, and the Sabian Symbol (word picture) of the Sun's degree during November 10, 2011's Full Moon @ '19Tau' (Sun '19Sco') is a telling tableau that I believe relates to candidate Perry and his painful brain freeze segment during the recent Republican debate (11.11.11.)

'19 Scorpio' = "A Parrot Listening and Then Talking" = CONVENTIONALITY.

Positive expression: exceptional skill in bringing the whole tenor of transient circumstances to the service of a personal aspiration ("Oops!" rp and jc);

negative (unconscious/shadow side): idle mimicry and self-gratifying pretense.

(Quoting The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Now if I had to guess (and most commentators and political pundits seem to agree), his most recent gaffe seems to be Farewell to Perry 2012 (see The Perilous Perry Pattern.) This is a view based on the symbol's meaning in relation to Perry's obvious lack of personal connection to his 'own' list of the US gov departments he'd abolish like a White House monarch with the Magic Wand of Imagined Mandate--to be brandished over our lives without any forethought for consequences or blowback. It's the austere right-wing way.

And so the Sun's degree and symbol at the Nov 10, 2011 Full Moon (Sun/Moon phase of fulfillment-culmination-awareness) naturally opposes the Moon's degree making the solar degree the Illumination Point where deeper awareness of unconscious material may be found.

Jon Stewart certainly found comedy treasure in the moment!

(Of course, all degrees have Illumination Points opposite them which is a good way to delve into that blueprint of your unconscious, your natal horoscope--perhaps finding first causes--by 'flipping' all the zodiacal positions in the natal chart and reading the Sabian Symbol (or other system of symbols) for each planet's and cusp's Illumination Point degree. Exs: '1Ari' = '1Lib', '10Leo' = '10AQ" are IPoints. Voila! Your shadow self peeks out with a mercurial wink.)

The Full Moon/degree synchronicity here indicates that the Perry campaign impetus has gone as far (out) as it can go, at least for now. Mars in Leo may have favored Perry but now the more serious, studious sign of Virgo with impetus planet Mars, does not. His quick comeback and handling of his mess-up was pretty good but will not be enough unless all other candidates blaze up and flare out.

My point is, Gov. Perry's hollow performance, with ideological details near-memorized yet void of any true conviction--is linked to the mimicking parrot archetype and reminds me of a friend's parrot years ago, a bird that sometimes messed up on his rehearsed sayings, sometimes on purpose, as it turned out. He was good at pithiness though.

Scary Perry?

Becoming dizzy with the circus lights/look-at-me-world aspects of a situation does not work on TV for anyone who wants to gain or retain a reputation for cool poise and composure. Cool he is not, and Perry seems to me to be the sort of person who tends to laugh inappropriately, such as those who snicker during funerals. And with the GOP now presiding over what they hope will be America's memorial service (R.I.P.), perhaps giddy laughter and murmured justifications such as, Oops at the prospect of lousy leadership are about all the American people care to muster at the moment.

In between our LOLs, that is--at this masterful display of what does work on TV. So view Jon Stewart enjoying his comedic opportunities while feeding his family on The Daily Show above, if you haven't already! Laughter really is one of the best medicines for our ills and the more we ridicule the powerful, the better we'll feel and the less puffed up they will be.

But let's keep the tar simmering on the national hob and our feathery ducks plucked in case we get a chance to use them.

Crazy As It Seems

So who can GOP voters turn to now? Well, they say that popularity polls are on the upswing for Newt!


Our purposefully inefficient, quarreling Congress has inspired a credt rating agency in China to issue (during a TV interview--not good) the US government a debit downgrade warning.

Now you'd think the opinion of Washington's main creditor would carry some weight and get Capitol Hill's nattering noggins bent together and turning out economic consensus amongst them in spite of their tiresome ideological differences.

To do otherwise, and suffer the indignity and financial results of a downgrade compliments of the Chinese government, shows who wants America to fail and collapse which is by its very nature treasonous endeavor committed by zealots with bigger fish to fry than upholding US sovereignty.

Nov 8, 2011

Taurus Full Moon w Pluto opposing US Jupiter 11.10.11

Looking at the horoscope of the November 10, 2011 Full Moon @ 18Tau05, the current transit of powerful, subversive Pluto in Capricorn opposing US natal Jupiter 5Can56 is spotlighted with tr Pluto at Midheaven in Washington DC.

Perfecting at 3:16:02 pm est, this Full Moon--with Sun 18Sco05--conjoins the transiting 2/8 axis when the horoscope is set for DC--the Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Big Business, Transformation, Death polarity. Something comes to fruition/culmination during a Full Moon so we may hear financial news described by this astrological indicator with Tau/Sco being the natural signs of the 2/8 axis.

Rising at 3:16:02 pm est in DC is 11Ari04 ('11Ari' = "The President of the Country" yet rounding up, it's '12Ari' = "A Triangularly Shaped Flight of Wild Geese" which may bring up the potential for a wild goose chase or it may be simply a reference to the Autumn season. However, its "Keynote: An idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order" plops us right back into the tiresome realm of 'new world order' topics. Arghh!)

With Aries rising, chart-ruler Mars (war; military; soldiers; police; energy-action-motivation) is at a critical-crisis 29th degree (*29Leo50, conjunct Fixed Star Regulus 00Vir00: success if revenge is avoided) on the 6th cusp; 6th house matters include military, police, and fire services, along with Work, Service, and Health. Perhaps more facts will be revealed (Full Moon) in the Air Force body parts scandal--see Air Force Morgue Admits Losing Troops' Body Parts which ought to shame them, you would think. This reminds you of US soldiers' mis-burials that were revealed last year at Arlington National Cemetery, doesn't it?

Well, the Sabian Symbol I find most intriguing in the Nov 10, 2011 Full Moon chart, is the Full Moon's degree--'19Tau' = "A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean" which is traditionally used to represent America herself for obvious reasons (E pluribus unum--out of many, one.)

Yes, our nation was once the new kid on the continental block, wasn't it?

Let's see what Dane Rudhyar has to say about '19 Taurus'...his italics:

"Keynote: The surge of new potentiality after a crisis.

When the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness freed from its attachment and contamination, a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the Virgin SPACE. What will it be used for?

(...) The "technique" is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor."

Hmmm...if the rational ego is no longer a "controlling factor" does this mean that austere neocons are due to lose at least some of their high-handed control over state governments?

That'd be good. For one wants to be very cautious when tempted to place man's ability to reason above the awesomeness of a Creator Who provided us with our reasoning ability in the first place!

So one more time on this blog, it's Pluto opposite US natal Jupiter: power plays and unfavorable conditions mark financial and professional status; someone stands in the way of success and progress (Mr. Hades--the plutonian central bankers of the world as they're doing in Europe with Greece and Italy) though what has truly been achieved will not be destroyed ('credit' built on air doesn't count); measures taken to improve finances will be defeated; political aspirations should be kept on-hold for now as major power struggles continue.

Pluto at MC may be of interest to our political topic as well for there is a desire to remake one's public status or society itself by way of Pluto's regenerating and coping capabilities, and either fame or notoriety will result. Scientific or occult interests--including Astrology, magic, physics or atomic physics--may be on the Full Moon menu and in the news.


*Mars @ '30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter"..."Keynote: The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are inevitably to be shared with all men."

So...more news about WikiLeaks or Julian Assange's legal troubles? NSA spying on Americans' emails/phone calls or more about the legalities of GPS tracking devices? Hacking by Anonymous and/or others? White House memos blowin' in the wind? Disputes aired over intellectual property rights? We'll soon see!

Then, in three shakes of a lamb's tail, it will be time for the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37 (which directly affects the 'Super Committee recommendations due Nov 23), then the next Full Moon occurs, a Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 which eclipses by conjunction our US natal Mars, and is squared by a Virgoan Mars from the 8th hou$e in the horoscope set for my former residence of Washington DC.


Cited: An Astrological Mandala by one of my favorite astrologers, Dane Rudhyar.

Sep 27, 2011

New Moon at '4Lib' = "Unbeaten Paths Illumined" 9.27.11

Sept 27, 2011's New Moon @ 4Libra = "Unbeaten Paths Illumined"

by Jude Cowell

A new cycle of activity began today with a New Moon in balancing Libra and it perfected at 7:08:36 am edt, so you've probably seen the New Moon horoscope set for the White House, right?

Therefore, it is very timely to consider in mundane fashion the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon's emphasized degree which arose in the DC chart with Ascendant @ 4Lib51; then I'll include the next degree of '5Lib' for good measure since the 360 degrees of the Zodiac--the Circle of Life--represent evolutionary progress as one degree morphs into the next. Today I'm quoting only Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala because I'm without my usual library this week and am blogging at you from historic Acworth, Georgia (about a hour north of Atlanta.)

If you tend to ponder such topics such as one-world-government, New World Order, Illuminati, King of Jerusalem, Merovingian bloodline, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and/or the Global Power Elite, the following info on today's New Moon may be somewhat unsettling--yet such are the times in which we stew. So if you're faint of heart, dear reader, I suggest you cut and run now lest you soon realize the implications of this new cycle of activity and the degrees it emphasizes.

'4Lib' = "Around a Campfire a Group of Young People Sit in Spiritual Communion"...Keynote: The necessity to unite with kindred spirits as one enters unbeaten paths illuminated by the still-insecure light of a dawning intuition of new values.

As one partially visionary leader said a few years ago: "Beaten paths are for beaten men." The urge to create a new society and respond to new values leads the pioneer to the wilds, which represent the state of planetary possibility--i.e. the as-yet-uncultured, the virgin forest. Around the fire of a common dedication (or at least a common hope!) minds and bodies can commune, forming a "chalice" or Grail for the reception of creative inspiration.


If a new society is to be built, those who yearn for it (ex: Henry Kissinger, GHWB, other power elites and monarchic heads--jc) or perhaps have envisioned its outlines (Bilderbergers, CFR, IMF, Club of Rome, etc--jc), should commune. But communion is useless where no central "fire" burns, IN-SPIRITING the group.

Note: It seems the world is due for a mysterious scandal, crime--or death--as noted by the rather sinister Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37. if such a death occurs from Nov 2011 into 2012 and an 'eternal flame' is placed over the grave site of a notable individual or individuals, we may wish to consider its 'fire' to be a calling card of the Illuminati or the defunct group's biological and ideological descendants who now labor to institute, after years of planning, their psychotic recipe for a totalitarian world regime.

It gets worse...

'5Lib' = "A Man Revealing to His Students the Foundation of an Inner Knowledge Upon Which a "New World" Could Be Built"...Keynote: The necessity for the youthful spirits to learn from a Teacher who through his long experience has been able to reach solid and illuminating truths, i.e. "seed ideas."

An old saying is just as valid today as ever: When the pupil is ready, the Master appears. But he may appear in many disguises. What matters is not the Master, but the Mastery he "re-veals." It is veiled in his person. It has to be contacted through his person, rather than in his person. Devotion to a guru may be the way, but sooner or later it should be transmuted into reverence: the truth within the disciple saluting in true humility the truth in the Teacher.


What is evoked by the symbol is the essential, withal rather mysterious, process of TRANSMISSION. What is transmitted, if the situation is really adequate and understood (at least tentatively) by all participants, is not merely knowledge. It is actually "being-ness."

And naturally you thought of how New Moons lead two weeks later to Full Moons which mark the fulfillment or culmination of something begun at the last New Moon, the seeding phase of all new cycles.

And for a 'guru'? Perhaps you thought of Bavarian Illuminati founder and guru of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin Adam Weishaupt?


Too weighty for you? Rather forgeddaboudit? As you wish. Of course, I don't blame you in the least--maybe you'd rather mosey over for a view of some lunar-inspired artwork on display in one of my art gallery blogs, Secret Moon Art! jc

Mar 19, 2011

Vulcans to Libya, a SuperMoon, & Iraq War's Solar Return March 2011

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Allied Aircraft Flying Over Libya

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has confirmed that coalition planes are in the air above Libya. "Our air force will oppose any aggression by Col. Gadhafi against the population of Benghazi," he announced in Paris.

More at NPR.


Astro-Note: the Iraq War's Solar Return 2011 occurs March 20, 2011 at 4:55:59 am BAT -3:00 Baghdad, Iraq; ASC 1Pis17 w the Neptune 29AQ30/Chiron 2Pis37 duo rising; Hour Mars 19Pis44 in 1st house and out-of-bounds and precariously motivated in Pisces. Transiting Neptune at a critical 29th degree approaches Iraq War's natal 12th H Uranus 00Pis30 (planet of rebellion and radicalism), a time when there are unrealistic expectations about societal changes, social breakdowns, and ideals and spiritual goals that conflict with current financial and technological conditions: as before, precarious.

Tr Pluto 7Cap24 has now crossed the war's natal Midheaven (The Goal; The WHY? Point) and nears the Piscean Mars 9Cap11. Thus, a midpoint picture forms at the very top of the radix chart: Mars/MC = tr Pluto: extraordinary zeal and tremendous vigor; the desire to bring immense tasks to a successful conclusion. (Ebertin.)

That would be a long-desired goal yet there are many portents in the natal and Solar Return 2011 charts which I won't bore you with on this SuperMoon day. But when tr Saturn, now @ 15Lib01 Rx, reaches Iraq War's natal 7th H Moon 23Lib06 (the people),
a valley of depressed feelings and despairing emotions will be experienced as staged and engineered by a spidery global network of warhawks, Vulcans, arms dealers, and other profiteers.

The Vulcans Are Forging Their War Tools Again

Disturbingly, the Iraq War's Solar Return chart for March 20, 2011 - it's 8th anniversary so the 9th year now begins - shows tr Hidalgo (power; expecting obedience) and Lilith (an archetype associated with the Middle East, especially with Israel; also, spies, surveillance, & potential betrayal) are at SR Midheaven (MC 12Sag10 = US natal ASC) of the horoscope which signifies a tag team effort possessing superior forces to bring down the government of Libya....another "coalition" which has been approved by the UN Security Council for enforcement of control in Libya as our Western Imperial March across the region continues with oil and gas (SR Neptune and Chiron rising) the main issue to be dealt with.

Now which entity on the world political stage do you think the Iraq War's SR 2011 Hidalgo in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius represents?

SuperMoon in Virgo March 19, 2011

Today is March 19, 2011, day of a SuperMoon, a lunar phenomenon which tends to herald disaster or catastrophe. Starting another war, this time in Libya, is one form of disaster begun by men who sit far away from the melee lest their pretty minds be stained or unduly ruffled. Yet all Full Moons and today's SuperMoon in late Virgo indicate the culmination and fulfillment stage of seeds planted at the New Moon of March 4, 2011 @ '14Pis' = "A Lady in Fox Fur." (We note how often we hear Hillary Clinton's name in the news of late.)

Then on a more personal, inner level which addresses our deepest concerns, my friend Julie Demboski has published a column on the SuperMoon that is not to be missed. The Full Moon of March 19, 2011: Birthing Uranus in Aries contains Lunar food for Mercurial thought with Uranian insights for all who care to listen. Thanks, Julie!

Mar 18, 2011

SuperMoon or Full? March 19, 2011 lunation in Virgo

If you're contemplating upon the Full Moon of Saturday March 19, 2011 @28Vir48 and the fact that it qualifies as a 'SuperMoon', as the phenomenon was titled by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979, then you'll want to read the list (1954 - 2036) provided of natural disasters which have occurred within 3 days of a SuperMoon.

Now Astronomy does not concur on the subject of influence upon the Earth's weather systems even though simple New and Full Moons have been admitted to cause high and low tidal changes - well, even your Aunt Granny Fanny knows that. In Astrology, the Moon is said to rule the Unconscious, the physical body, and tells us about Mom's side of the family (along with our reigning needs.) And we know that the menstrual cycle of females is based on the lunar month because ideally, 'falling off the roof' (or, a 'visit from Aunt Flo') normally comes about every 28 - 31 days for a human being of the feminine persuasion...a Moon cycle.

But the idea that a Moon's perigee (closest approach to Earth) or apogee (farthest) could affect earthly weather conditions and thereby cause harmful storm systems, earthquakes, or volcanoes? Quelle Impossible! (That last was typed with a very bad French accent, as you can tell!)

Astronomers refer to the SuperMoon phenomenon as a perigee-syzygy being the cusses that they are (kidding!) As for weather effects, Saturday's SuperMoon is in Virgo which is an Earth sign; Moon rules the ocean bwo Cancer, the Crab: will part of Japan sink like Atlantis allegedly did after abuse, misuse, and/or overuse of power, as the myth goes?)

Well, personally I lean toward Mr. Nolle's argument: that extreme Supermoons tend to bring dangerous weather events somewhere in the world within 3 days after exactitude, as if we need an extra catastrophe right now. Hopefully the world will avoid turbulent weather though I have no real inclination to sleuth into which locations are most geo-stressed at the moment.

(Plus, transit Uranus to Aries Point and at zero declination - with its quirky, wild card, out-of-the-blue energies being affected by instigator Mars - has been gracious plenty for me to ponder in recent weeks.)

Besides, my friend Theodore White has just published info on recent and upcoming upheavals within our Moon-ruled atmosphere for I know he's been busy creating an overview of certain astro-weather conditions and global outcomes which we're all now dealing with on one level or another. The recent Cardinal Grand Cross is addressed as well, plus, Theo has included an article on facing current challenges authored by the excellent Lynn Hayes, and something by yours truly.

And in case you missed it, here's a link to a previous post Pegasus and the Virgo Full Moon of 3.19.11 with an image of the SuperMoon horoscope.

All in all, Saturday's Full Moon of Super proportions promises to be a gorgeously bright and glorious sight at which to marvel if no clouds block our views. Astrological exactitude occurs @ 2:10 pm edt, Washington DC, but by evening it should still be beautiful as it rises.

And whether visible to our physical eyes or not, we'll all know that on March 19, 2011, the mysterious Moon is glowing and sailing beyond us as Luna performs another monthly round as our heavenly lantern to light humanity's path.


Also by Richard Nolle: Chiron: The New Planet in Your Horoscope, The Key to Your Quest (published 1983, just six years after the discovery of Chiron.)

Wishing a Joyous and Safe Purim for those who celebrate!


Drawing: Full Moon at Green Arch Observatory from one of my art blogs, Secret Moon Art.

Mar 4, 2011

Pegasus and the Virgo Full Moon of 3.19.11

Image: Horoscope of the Mar 19, 2011 Full Moon 28Vir48 in 3rd house @2:10 pm edt, Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour Moon (changes, fluctuations, publicity); Moon conjunct asteroid Nemesis; Sun 28Pis48 in 9th H conj Uranus 00Ari26, conj Fixed Star Scheat (Beta Pegasus); chart-ruler Moon applies: inconjunct Neptune 29AQ30 (0A42) in 8th H, and opposition Uranus (1A39) in 9th H.

1. Moon inconj Neptune in 8th H (Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, and Transformation) describes a population (Moon) that is over-extended, vulnerable to deception, and has a weakened immune system (healthwise and financially.)

2. Moon oppo Uranus shows our mental and emotional stress and keyed-up nervous systems which need extra rest. (But no Big Green Moths that lead you to sleep-drive or sleep-eat, please!)

Moon, Sun, and Mars

From ancient scrolls (Moon '29Vir') to coiling serpents (Sun '29Pis'), this Full Moon chart is chocked full of interesting symbols and portents for the rest of March 2011 with the Full Moon as culmination of something begun at the last New Moon of March 4, 2011 (today.)

An unaspected Mars 19Pis29 in 9th H of Foreign Lands/Travel and Philosophy/Religion/Higher Education stands alone and adds wild card potential to what is already a wildly disruptive placement: Uranus, again at the Mars-ruled Aries Point. This conjoins US natal Ic as issues from June 2010 may be brought to the fore again since Jupiter and Uranus formed a Great Conjunction there (00Ari18) on 6.8.10; Jupiter/Uranus = a lucky break or win; associations with science, technology, discovery, and exploration; civil unrest; legalities used against strikes, protests, and rebellions; reforms that originate with religious principles.

Our nation's unionized states and the undermining of collective bargaining rights come particularly to mind.

Mars is, however, tied in with the chart energies through the trail of dispositorship: chart-ruler Moon by Mercury, Mercury by Mars, and Mars by Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator pair; Mars and Jupiter are in mutual reception, and...

Mars/Jupiter = Sun: organizational talent; success; leadership; a love of enterprise; resolving to correct errors in judgment.

Mars/Jupiter = Uranus: breaking loose; explosive expression; domination; finding the best political approaches during times of unrest; abrupt uses of social forces; sudden changes in competitive rules,

Agitator Mars' Sabian Symbol: '20Pis' = "A Table Set for an Evening Meal." And in The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli gives an apt word picture for this degree: "Full Moon" = super-rational logic, or no logic at all; a noble soul soaring above the miseries of every day life; a lofty imagination; men in public life led by by merely political principles and sticking to empirical methods; idealists.

Goals, Aspirations, and Ambitions

The Goal Point of the Full Moon (FM) chart is the Mc 13Ari31 ('14Ari' = "A Serpent Coiling Near a Man and a Woman") which has the Mercury/Jupiter midpoint upon it giving the energies an outlet for easy expression upon the World Stage (10th H):

Mercury/Jupiter = Mc: optimism; a wealth of ideas; a good speaker, businessman, or scientist; recognition of principles brings fulfillment; successful planning; a desire to build up (an army?)

(Note: all mdpt pics on this blog are from Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

The Mercury/Jupiter midpoint itself relates to a budget strained by inflation or over-expansion (which sums up the US financial condition that US politicians and banksters enabled, engineered, and/or allowed w the GOP seeking to roll back FDR's New Deal and gut LBJ's Great Society programs, no matter who suffers grievously), legal decisions which affect commerce or transportation, plans for growth, religious leaders who crave political power (Huckabee? other?), persuasive advertising (propaganda), luck with gambling schemes, and/or clever proposals. (Paraphrasing Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

Working behind the scenes in 12th H of Large Institutions and Karma are America's natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury Rx; opposing is US natal Pluto at Descendant which puts our natal progandistic, spying, political-talk-offering-abrupt-changes-to-some-functions Mercury/Pluto opposition on the Full Moon menu.

At the Foundation of the chart, (Ic = Home; Domestic Scene; Homeland; Security), lurks Saturn Rx, still within the process of our nation's Saturn Return. Saturn here and Rx indicates delays and restrictions, and may depress issues relating to the Real Estate market and the foreclosure process; tough controls may be implemented within security programs, and there are potentials for mining and/or weather catastrophes.

Also there may be slyness, deception, and plans beyond all reason connected with Mercury/Jupiter contacts.

As you see, the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, will be opposing one another off and on for some time; this is the culmination or fulfillment phase of their Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems" which I believe relates directly to the Great Heist of US Wealth which peaked with Financial Collapse 2008 (Bush-Cheney=Paulson, TARP, etc.) As you know, the heist is ongoing and may have been specifically in its planning stages around the time of the May 2000 conjunction - if so, both Rs and Ds are implicated; the Jupiter/Saturn cycle affects trade, commerce, and stock markets.

Meanwhile, the Saturn/Uranus quindecile (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) is making itself felt big time by disruption of governing systems while breaking rules and regulations in defiance of law and order; Saturn QD Uranus is driven (QD) to use innovative ideas (Uranus) to break old or outdated concepts (Saturn.) (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

As we read in the news, traditional Saturn's status quo is freaked out by Uranus' progressive, radical ideas and ideals. The Saturn-Uranus cycle is associated with events in the Middle East, particularly with Israel and Palestine; their last Great Conjunction/s occurred 3x in 1988 @ 27-30 Sag, degrees which were triggered when tr Pluto passed over them just before Mr. Underworld entered Capricorn.

Another picture is formed with secret hand Pluto as well:

Sun/Saturn = Pluto: an increased will to retaliate against others for slights; overwhelming rigidity and inflexibility; a disciplined person who wants power; developmental inhibitions due to illness; threat of loss in health or relationship; pressured to change one's entire value system.

The Nodal Axis in Play with Nemesis and Pegasus

Listed on the chart (click to enlarge, upper right) you see the double T-Square patterns of:

Sun/Moon = NN: associative and joining qualities; adaptation; commencing an association; contacts; joint success; groups that help achieve aims.

Moon/Uranus = NN: restless and excitable contacts; ambitious associations; creativity and inventiveness.

With the destined and futuristic North Node in 6th H, we may expect the energies of the March 19th Full Moon to release in the areas of Military, Police, Daily Life, and/or Health Concerns.

So! We have Nemesis (divine retribution; an unbeatable foe) contacting the Full Moon (the people) which falls between America's natal Neptune 22Vir25 and our Secondary Progressed Neptune Rx, opposing the Sun conjunct Fixed Star Scheat in Pegasus, constellation of the winged horse, plus, unpredictable lightening rod Uranus at the Aries Point of World Manifestation.

Pegasus relates to the number 4 of Physical Manifestation with its stars forming a square in the sky, and this links the constellation to the great square of the Sun - the four Equinox and Solstice Points; horses indicate speed and domestication and Pegasus is known in all cultures through the centuries; Scheat's key themes are: a lover of intellect, great mental creativity; Rigor adds turbulence; Ebertin adds a need to get past a 'mortal accident' and then there's a great flow of mental creativity. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.

Pluto Still Pulling Strings

Powerful, subversive Pluto 7Cap24 in 6th H of Military-Police Service, and Health remains as apex planet at the Saturn/Uranus midpoint, so the world continues to labor under the dire effects of:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality, violence; a desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion; concealing changes to activities; drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation (labor union busting? austerity cuts that harm the people and interfere with economic improvement?)

Since Saturn rules Aquarius, the sign on the Full Moon's 8th cusp - which is sub-ruled by Uranus - 8th H matters are intimately involved with the above indications; penned on the chart are two powerful midpoints conjoining the 8th cusp in Washington: power-craving Sun/Pluto and radical Uranus/Pluto.

And we might even say there's a critical YOD pattern of sorts with the sensitive Moon/ASC sextile at its base and pointing to a crisis-degreed Neptune 29AQ30 (still within orb of US natal Moon 27Aq10 = fraud to the people)...

Moon/Asc = Neptune: feeling wiped out; self-delusion and deception from others; pretensions of concern; falsehood on the part of women; peculiar dislikes.

Neptune, planet of toxicity, is masking tr Ceres (security concerns; food supply, grains, milk; nourishment); FDA actions and inactions may be in the news again with Neptune's mass media emphasis.

And then at Midheaven, and ruling 2nd and 11th houses, is orating, planning, negotiating Mercury, speedy planet of trade, commerce, communications (speech-makers and writers, reporters and bloggers), thinking processes, and crossroads.

With Mercury posited at '17Ari', we have a picture of "Two Prim Spinsters" which negatively indicates 'an increasing exaltation of shallow interests and a witless pretense of distinction and great virtue.' (Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Ouch! Well, perhaps since this is a mundane chart concerning Politics and political thespians, we may wish to extend the word picture for '17Ari' to include the society-deceiving political 'spin-meisters' of Washington DC.


Yes, there are many other factors to consider in the Full Moon horoscope of March 19, 2011 and big doings are afoot across the nation and the globe so if you wish to comment, discuss, or opine, please leave your on-topic remarks along with any links to related topics. Thanks! Jude