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Apr 10, 2013

April 10, 2013 New Moon conjoins America's Chiron in Aries

4.10.13 New Moon @20Ari40 conjoins America's Chiron in natal 4th House

by Jude Cowell

If you're reading this post, you probably know that New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle of events which culminates approximately two weeks later in a Full Moon. In the case of today's New Moon, the cycle culminates (or, reaches a fulfillment of some kind) on April 25, 2013 with a Lunar Eclipse @5Sco45.

With so much happening in Washington DC this week, the New Moon may be starting new phases concerning many issues--ex: gun control legislation as the families of Newtown CT victims blanket Capitol Building halls, the president's budget which is to be announced today (at 11:00 am edt, so I've heard), and other legislative and political endeavors. Well, I can't write about them all especially since this is a very busy month at my house and eking out enough time to blog has become quite a challenge.

Plus, I'll wager that you've already found several articles online concerning today's lunation--one such with excellent insights on the Aries New Moon by top astrologer, Julie Demboski.

Now most of the New Moon articles do not contain references to Politics, Washington DC, or faithless, corrupt politicians, but of course, mine must.

New Moon @20Ari40, as stated, conjoins or conjuncts America's natal 4th house Chiron (20Ari08) so it seems appropriate to consider the basic (natal) condition of our national Chiron by sign, house, and aspect. And naturally, whatever planet aspects today's New Moon forms the same transiting aspect to our Chiron. So let's begin with some info on Chiron in Aries and its 4th house position ('Sibly' chart, July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA):

Applying and Separating Planetary Aspects to US Natal Chiron:

1. US n Mercury square n Chiron gives great mental perception and intuition but leads to extreme opinionation. (US Mercury @24Can11 Rx in 8th house.)

2. US n Saturn @14Lib48 in n 10th house opposes n Chiron, an aspect which describes conflict with the more rigid elements of society (Nolle) and a "rigid fighter for humanitarian causes" (Clow.) Of course, the American Revolution is part of this energy as are all the Chiron aspects described here--and they are part of the American psyche that we carry with us into the future.

3. US n Sun (@13Can19 in 7th house) squares n Chiron (6A48) indicating difficulty letting go of control (Clow) and of authority issues. You probably know that the natal Sun of the Republican Party conjoins US natal Sun which apparently gives the paternalistic GOP a constant sense that they should always be the party in charge of the US government.

4. US n Mars (@21Gem22 in 7th house of Partners and Open Enemies) sextiles n Chiron but the aspect is separating (1S14) so there's an unconscious quality to it. This is a 'sacred warrior' signature and I'm certain America's meddling misadventures across the globe is what you're thinking of as am I for it gives our nation a sense of being able to 'do anything' it so desires and adds the courage to try.

Chiron in 4th house identifies us as the God-Motherhood-Apple Pie nation and Richard Nolle says that our "roots hold the key to destiny" with "a cultural legacy that predates and survives it." Yes, we have a deep connection to our revolutionary roots, don't we? Discovering who we really are in the world has been a major task for our nation though most of the people I know don't agree with Washington's assessment of "our place" as the belligerent gorilla on the march toward conquest and domination.

Chiron in Mars-ruled Aries denotes "pioneers, trailblazers, and mavericks" (Nolle) and this sign position supports the 'sacred warrior' mentality our government has exalted to the point of exhausting its citizens, our National Treasury, and our nation's credibility as a "humanitarian nation" who only wants to "spread democracy" for altruistic reasons. Puh! That mask slipped long ago.

Well, in a horoscope set for Washington DC, the April 10, 2013 New Moon falls into 1st house with 22Pis34 rising. And since Pisces is ruled and co-ruled by expansive Jupiter and fraudulent Neptune, the inflationary speculator-wastrel-grand-schemer pair whose Great Conjunction/s of 2009 are imprinted forever on the Obama presidency, perhaps we should consider that the New Moon's Jupiter-Neptune midpoint sits upon attracting Venus, planet of values, evaluations, small amounts of money, and relationships. (Maybe Michelle Obama's recent Freudian slip of being a "single" mom tells us more about their relationship than the president wishes us to know! Oh, and she really needs those bangs trimmed!)

Testy shootist and activist Mars is strong in his own sign of Aries along with Venus, it's an Hour of the Sun (goals), and Mercury, planet of communication, agreements, voting, bills, negotiations, trade and commerce, is rising in confusing, murky yet inspired Pisces with America's natal Neptune in Virgo setting in the chart (conjunct Descendant 22Vir34, along with the president's natal Mars.)

As for today's financial and budgetary issues, 3rd house Jupiter in Gemini is unaspected except for a separating square to Chiron, but austere Saturn @9Sco32 is Rx in 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Transformation, and Death--inconjunct Uranus in 1st house (@9Ari11) which indicates difficulty in setting priorities in obligations, and a feeling of binding restraints and social burdens with a tendency to cling to the past. (Pelletier.) Will an out-of-the-loop Jupiter 'run away' with the chart for the next two weeks?

Are new conflicts beginning with the Sabian Symbol of the New Moon? '21Aries' = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring"...EXERTION. The negative manifestation of this degree is "blind rebellion and a willingness to squander every resources on pseudo values." (Jones.) Now this sounds like obstructionist Republican filibusters to me though a sense of stepping back from committing political suicide may help prevent the GOP from filibustering a Thursday vote on gun legislation. We'll see since their arrogance knows no bounds.

Then there's powerful, wealthy string-puller Pluto in 10th house of Public Status and Career which may denote the visibility of the Newtown families lobbying Congress on behalf of their tragically murdered children (Pluto, the assassin)..whose sweet faces I cannot forget.

A New Moon for Newtown?

My sincere hope is that with today's New Moon, our politicians will begin to think first of our citizens' needs and less of the agenda of the special interests who lucratively pay congressmembers to obstruct the will of We the People. For after all, Chiron in any horoscope is not only the Wounded One, The Key, and The Blindspot--He's also The Healer.

Apr 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher: iron Saturn rising

April 8, 2013 UK PM Margaret Thatcher Passes Away Peacefully

by Jude Cowell

Since former Prime Minister of Britain Margaret Thatcher passed away today I want to make note of the event on Stars Over Washington though a complete analysis of her natal horoscope has been published elsewhere many times over. You may wish to view her natal horoscope along with that of Meryl Streep who played her in the film at Solaris Astrology.

One basic way to describe the 'Iron Lady' is to point out key planetary contacts in her natal chart which I am about to do.

A-rated birth data: October 13, 1925 9:00 am GMT Grantham, England; Hour of Venus @2Sag04 in 1st house; ASC 15Sco16 (the Eagle Point which is shown clearly by her beakish nose--no disrespect intended); MC (The Goal) 3Vir51 with Moon 28Leo37 (conjunct Royal Star Regulus--she ended life as a Baroness) and Neptune 24Leo13 in 9th house. As my post title implies, Saturn 13Sco46 rises in 12th house of Politics and Karma giving harshness to her early life as the working class daughter of a grocer, but Saturn also supplied her with a conservative demeanor and steely self-discipline later on, building upon success one brick at a time.

Jupiter-Pluto (Plutocracy), Sun-Uranus (willfulness), and Moon-Neptune

A powerful Jupiter-Pluto opposition (0A15; 14Cap29-14Can44) across the 2/8 money axis indicates a deep determination toward material security and a tendency to challenge others by questioning their ideologies and asserting her own deeply held dogma. This opposition has a 'savior' quality to it which may use other people's finances or financial circumstances against them in order to gain victory and advantage.

However, using one's Jupiter-Pluto energies in an anarchistic rise to power only creates resentment and bitterness, and Lady Thatcher was, as you know, a deeply divisive figure within her own country at the height of her power and seems to be more revered in the US than at home particularly by American conservatives who sometimes include her in their idolatry of Ronald Reagan.

Actually, her natal Mars applies to a square of dynamic tension with moneybags Jupiter and powerful Pluto, so Jupiter-Pluto = Mars: leadership; a desire for great achievements; organising talent; publicity; application of controls to suit one's particular purposes. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

Mars (energy, action, motivation) square Jupiter shows her as having a need for self-discipline in order to put tremendous physical and mental energies to best use. Time refined her goals and her ability to deal with them; a talent for public speaking is denoted by this aspect, as are feelings of impatience and of being threatened by competitors--yet much determination is given toward achievement. A certain accident-proneness is there and is echoed by her PE's theme (see below.)

And Mars square Pluto indicates a forceful nature, aggression when in pursuit of objectives, and a tendency to become abusive when denied or frustrated.

Now the closest applying aspect to natal Sun is what we want for describing her essence, isn't it? That would be a Sun-Uranus inconjunct (2A58)--but only because I'm counting the inconjunct (150 degrees) as a major aspect. Otherwise, there is no major applying aspect to natal Sun which highlights the Sun's natal house, sign, and degree of 19Lib30 in 11th house of Groups and Associations--good for collective endeavors such as Politics where she could shine. (Also in 11th house are Venus and Mars 9Lib27.)

Sun inconjunct (quincunx) Uranus denotes one who is susceptible to the 'you're the only one who can do it' guilt trip placed upon her by others--well, perhaps she was the 'only one' who could take over UK politics in 1979 with her isolated, controlling Saturn rising. In fact, being imposed upon and feeling challenged by others was part of her personality which is supported by Saturn, planet of responsibility, accountability, authority, and burdens, rising. Lady Thatcher was Saturn whose realm includes lead and other heavy metals such as iron and steel, as well as government, law, and business.

Another planetary pair to mention is her Moon-Neptune which supplied emotional sensitivity, imagination, and sometimes a tendency to daydream (!) A challenging professional life is a must with a Moon-Neptune conjunction in order to keep one productively busy, preferably in work that is publicly oriented and free from boring routines. When meeting new people she may have felt disoriented in some way so they were categorized according to her own manner of thinking. And perhaps she held an appreciation of poetry and art with her Moon-Neptune conjunction, and perhaps a liking for liquid refreshments.

Descriptively, Thatcher's 9th house Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (18North) now sets in her Secondary Progressed chart (SP) with SP Descendant @28Can20. 18N themes are: 'high stress levels, a taxing of strength, potential illness or accident, and obsessive thinking and worrying' (B. Brady.) During her lifetime, 18N also manifested in the years 1943, 1961, and 1997 (next in 2015.) Angular planets are often active at death, and in progressions, her SP Jupiter 00AQ39 is rising, thus angular, and her natal Venus 2Sag04 conjoins SP Midheaven signifying that her life will be popularly on display for the world to view and appreciate.

As for the most public angle of her natal horoscope, the Mercury-Pluto midpoint sits atop her natal chart thus relating to Career, Public Status, and guarding and/or dealing with important secrets as a goal--Mercury-Pluto = MC: leadership; great resourcefulness; deep perception of any situation; good coping ability; arranging matters well; prudence or circumspection; keen powers of judgment or discernment.

Let's close by considering potentials for one of the midpoint pictures from the initial solar eclipse of her PE Series (18N) which first manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34:

Mars-Saturn = Uranus (1Sag26): intense drive; breaking loose; accident; struggling to gain independence. (Mdpts pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

Well, today is the day that PM Margaret Thatcher finally broke loose as she gained independence from the earthly plane and now all her struggles are over. May the Iron Lady R.I.P.

Now here is today's Mother Jones article to burst the Thatcher bubble of lionization in the US of this divisive politician.

Apr 4, 2013

Horoscope: Martin Luther King Jr Assassination

That Balcony in Memphis as Mountain Tops Fall

by Jude Cowell

April 4, 2013: with today the 45th anniversary of the assassination of Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, here's a horoscope of the gunfire at 6:08 pm CST Memphis, TN, on April 4, 1968. Please click to enlarge the chart image and read a few basic astro-notes I've scribbled messily about.

Note: current online sources give a time of '6:01 pm' but the horoscope you see here is from my files of several years ago. 7 minutes difference would change the midpoints at ASC and MC, of course, but I'll simply provide this timeline link and you may do what you wish with the discrepancy. Cusps change by one or two degrees but planets remain in the houses as you see here.

Moon out-of-bounds (OOBs) denotes faulty emotional connections; Hour of Mercury = killed for the rhetorical skills of his inspiring speeches, and for his mercurial plans to unite the Civil Rights and Workers' Rights movements with the Anti-War movement against the Vietnam War. Ascendant 12Lib46 brings up US natal Saturn 14Lib48 (the US government's responsibility?), plus, Dr. king's natal 6th house of Service, Work, and Military. Opposite is his natal 12th cusp of Karma, Self-Undoing, Hospitals, Secret Deals, and Politics which has Aries Point of Recognition on it @00Ari25--where wounding Chiron sat on April 4, 1968 at 6:08 pm CST, Memphis.

More Chiron activity is noted since Mars, the shooter, @5Tau53 in the 7th house of Open enemies, conjoins Dr. King's natal 12th house Chiron @5Tau25, which was stationary (highlighted) at his birth. Natal Chiron can, of course, in its mentor-guru role, relate closely to preaching and teaching, and in Taurus, indicates a crisis over the preservation of values, and to physical body concerns (such as murder, in this case.)

You see the karmic Sun-Saturn conjunction setting in the chart (at Descendant) and considering other chart factors along with his natal horoscope, Dr. King's growing authority and his popularity made him a major threat to the powers behind the throne which guide America's Oval Office. Same goes for Robert F. Kennedy who was assassinated under many of the same planetary signatures but in this chart, Dr. King's Part of Fatality is conjoined by the Sun (leadership) and karmic Saturn, planet of loss and stoppages.

And there's the explosive Uranus-Pluto near-conjunction (exact in 1965--1966 in the range of 16--18 Virgo which includes the critical-crisis degree of 17 Virgo) in the secretive 12th house, but the reason I mention it today is its hit to US natal Neptune @22Vir25 which formed a midpoint picture:

Assassination Uranus-Pluto = US n Neptune: uncertainty; insecurity; peculiar nervousness when excited (Tyl.)

Penned on the chart is a transiting midpoint picture which seems apt for any assassination--Neptune-MC = Pluto (wealthy Mr. Underworld, the assassination orderer): criminal offenses.

Dr. King's first natal planet to rise in the chart is his 8th house Saturn @25Sag21; his opposing 2nd house Mars @21Gem53 Rx conjoins America's natal Mars (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia) which supports the idea that dealing with his natural authority (Saturn) and his Civil Rights activism was top of the assassins' menu. And I suspect that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover didn't approve of Dr. King or of his motivation for his progressive activities (Mars and Mars.)

Chart-ruler Venus rules Dr. King's natal Ascendant, too (13Tau48 with NN 28Tau38 in 1st house) and vengeful Venus makes three applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects in the assassination horoscope:

1. Venus trine Neptune (0A57) indicating potentials for the expression of charades by masters of disguise, spiritual activities, charitable events, glamorous images, and/or illusions of all kinds.

2. Venus inconjunct Jupiter (1A04) signifies those who have over-expectations of others (like, trusting the wrong person or being 'sold out'?) and victimization in relationships. And since both Venus and Jupiter are money planets, financial problems or inconsistencies are possibly being described here.

3. Venus opposite Uranus (1A12) shows separation issues in relationships, possible extravagance and/or erratic behavior with finances, prejudice in the environment (Ya think?), and values clashing against those of a different background and/or generation.

The one-degree of application relates to one hour--he was pronounced dead about an hour later at 7:05 pm.

Also rising is the Jupiter-Neptune midpoint = ASC: speculation; sharing great hopes with others (Ebertin); an emotionally rationalized agenda (for Dr. King, or for the enemies who had him killed.)

Additionally, two midpoint pictures affect the Moon (the public; King's physical body) so let's add their potentials: Saturn-Pluto = Moon: renunciation; feelings trampled in relationship; giving up giving; frigid emotions; the tragic destiny of a woman. Plus, Sun-Pluto = Moon: attempts to project power and persuasion; brutal suppression of feelings (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Sun in Mars-Ruled Aries, Moon Exalted in Cancer

Since my blogging time is brief these days, let's close with some info on the King assassination's steamy Fire-Water blend of Sun Aries-Moon Cancer which were of influence on that day:

Volatile, clannish, devoted, with a mix of independent-dependent, this combo of energies denotes a daring adventurer who can say the right thing at the right time ('apples of gold in pictures of silver'?) Creative and inspirational, Aries-Cancer indicates a charismatic leader who easily catches the imagination of audiences with a dramatic flair.

There is, however, a moodiness that can undermine projects and an oversensitivity that leads to emotional defensiveness; motivating people is a talent and makes space for expressions of convictions about 'what is good for humanity'.

"Images for Integration: The Salvation Army...A lightening storm at sea gives way to a peaceful, radiant dawn...A child in a fit of petulant fury runs away from home." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)


Chart Note: Around the horoscope you may spy Dr. King's natal planets penned in--that's his natal Pluto (power, manipulation, wealth, transformation, death) near the top (Goal Point = MC) of the chart along with America's natal Sun (the president), Jupiter, and Venus in self-protective Cancer; transiting Moon conjoins US n Venus; Dr. King's natal Sun @25Cap08, is in the 4th house of Endings, and conjoins US natal Pluto @27Cap33 Rx, planet of assassination; two Stars of Egypt, Sirius (the mundane becoming sacred) and Canopus (the great navigator and pathfinder) are also on display at MC.

Now I've never believed the FBI surveillance reports about Dr. King's extracurricular romances though it may be true, for here we find glamorous Lilith at IC and preaching Jupiter Rx in Leo, the sign of romance. Be that as it may, it's obvious that the leadership plans of Dr. King, RFK, and others of their era were not on America's future path intended by the powers behind the throne, and if they'd been allowed to live and lead, things would probably be very different in our nation now.

Natal chart data used for Martin Luther King, Jr: January 15, 1929 12:00 pm CST Atlanta, GA.

Mar 31, 2013

Dennis Kucinich interview: drones, GMOs, and more (video)

From the following video I discover from former congressman Dennis Kucinich that he was redistricted out of the US Congress by Democrats in the Ohio state legislature--his fellow party members! Guess a politician asking 'too many' questions and expecting truthful answers becomes inconvenient after all these years...

Holding Bush accountable, our Orwellian State, and other pertinent topics are included in this 12-minute video interview; for more videos on a variety of subjects, you may wish to visit Forbidden Knowledge TV forthwith.

Because Dennis Kucinich was born October 8, 1946 at 5:53 pm in Cleveland, Ohio, his Sun-Moon personality blend is Sun Libra-Moon Pisces, an Air-Water concoction of mistiness that loves delving into mysteries--plus, his natal Mercury is in early Scorpio. View his natal chart here where you'll also find bio details.

Sun Libra-Moon Pisces denotes a sensitive soul who is adaptable, social, and romantic. His perceptive intellect may be partially responsible for getting him redistricted off the national political stage especially since social equality is very important to a personality with this blend. With the mind of a detective, Mr. Kucinich has an uncanny ability to see past surfaces, and he is, as we've observed, a natural worker on behalf of others.

Here's the 'Image for Integration' for the Libra-Pisces combo as given by the Harveys in their excellent book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign (Sun = conscious mind, Moon = the unconscious):

"The curtain comes down, the actor takes off his mask and, in privacy, looks into his mirror to find himself as a child of six with his imaginary friend."

Hmmm...he does seem to retain a certain childlike innocence about him which is fine with me since we are directed by Scripture to "see directly as a child" for best results!

Curiously enough, this Sun-Moon blend is shared natally by (satanist-occultist) Aleister Crowley, actresses Carole Lombard and Lillie Langtry, playwright Eugene O'Neill, and former Canadian PM Pierre Trudeau.

Mar 28, 2013

'The Red Tape Diaries: Veterans' Benefits' (Jon Stewart video)

Last evening on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart was brilliant while being hilarious concerning the shabby treatment the US government provides for our returning war veterans. in case you missed it, here's an excerpt--please overlook the lack of my embed success:

It seems to me that it's the same millionaires and billionaires and/or their colleagues and kin who profited and profit by the US invasion and occupation of the Middle East, passed the cost of war to US taxpayers, and now hide their profits and other profits offshore in order to avoid paying US taxes which would help support the United States of America. And of course, it's primarily America's Rich People's Party, the Republicans, who protect the status quo of the war profiteers' little win-win set-up.

The insidious yet blatant lies told by Bush, Cheney, and the others to take us to war negate the US taxpayers' financial burden for the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld wars. Now if only we could find a way to allow the select few old men who start wars learn to pay for them.

And yes, JG, US progressed Mars turning retrograde in 2006 relates directly to returning war veterans, the increased arming of America, lagging gun control proposals, financial thievery, and our impaired (thanks mostly to Bush and Cheney) ability to take action and/or fight when such action is actually called for because the Bush-Cheney wars have made us weaker and more vulnerable and despised as a nation--precisely what global government types want.

Clues are the Sabian Symbols for US Mars turned Rx by progression, '18Lib' and '19Lib':

'18 Libra' = CONSEQUENCE: "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" (a word picture which seems so far to describe Julian Assange and Sgt. Bradley Manning quite well rather than the war criminals who invented shoddy reasons for taking American troops into the oil-rich Middle East and who brazenly continue to lie about it all to this day. The negative connotation of this degree = "total inappropriateness of impulse and act" (M. E. Jones) with both 'impulse' and 'act' being within the province of astrological Mars, god of war.

'19Lib' = DIVERGENCE: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which may include Cheney's 1% Gang. (You know that the invasion of Iraq included a ransacking of antiquities from the Baghdad Museum, right?) Negative ramification of '19Lib': 'abnormal mistrust of everything worth while.'

As Jon Stewart has said, "Corporations are people, but they're not Americans."

2013's Five Eclipses: dates, degrees, astro-notes

List: Dates & Degrees of the Five Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2013 (EDT)

by Jude Cowell

Eclipses, sometimes called 'wild cards of the Universe', often reveal the hidden and trigger what needs triggering in similar fashion as does planet Uranus. If nothing else, they provide a celestial spotlight upon the zodiacal area of a horoscope in which they fall. The following is a list of the eclipses of 2013; additional astro-notes are included:

1. April 25 Partial Lunar Eclipse @5Sco45 (Mars-Pluto);

2. May 9/10 Annular Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 (Venus);

3. May 25 Appulse Lunar Eclipse @4Sag08 (Jupiter);

4. October 18 Appulse Lunar Eclipse @25Ari45 (Mars);

5. November 3 Hybrid Solar Eclipse @11Sco15 (Mars-Pluto.)

As you see, 2013 begins with eclipses across the Taurus-Scorpio axis, creeps into Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius in May, triggers Mars-ruled Aries in October, and ends with a Solar Eclipse again in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, the Occult, Spies, Secrets (and Leaks), Mystery, Betrayal, and possibly, Death.

Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology, the Saros Series and themes of the two Solar Eclipses are as follows:

May 9 @19Tau31 is in the 15 South Series with background themes of a sudden clearing of a tense situation which brings loss that's group-related or collective rather than personal (or, only personal.)

November 3 @11Sco15 (where transiting Saturn hangs out of late) is in the 16 North Series with themes of ideas being illuminated, a sense of inspiration, release of unconscious material (or someone's hidden secrets or a murky agenda is exposed), and wise insights arrive which may be acted upon beneficially. The initial eclipse in the 16N Series (February 15, 1599 OS @6Pis02) contains a Uranus-Neptune trine which inspires unconscious material to float up to the conscious mind. In 1599, their trine was between the signs of Aries and Leo.

Both the Taurus eclipse in May and the Scorpio eclipse in November have manifested in the modern era in the years: 1905 (Einstein's miracle year--Uranus-Neptune really inspired him!), 1923, 1941, 1959, 1977 (year of Chiron's discovery @3Tau08 Rx), and 1995; next manifestations of 15S and 16N will be May 21, 2031 @00Gemini (as did the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20--conjunct Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation), and November 14, 2031 @22Scorpio.

Click for NASA info on the visibility path of the May 9 (or 10, depending on your location) Annular Solar Eclipse and the November 3, 2013 Hybrid Solar Eclipse. Links to years of other eclipses are included.

Mar 22, 2013

March 22, 2013: Senate "vote-a-rama" w a Fire-Fire blend

How For Goes Thy Senate Vote-a-Rama 2013?

by Jude Cowell

In case you missed it, PBS has the scoop on today's Senate "vote-a-rama" though I must award Public Broadcasting a Big Phooey for falling in with the GOP line by using "entitlement" in their article when mentioning the American people's under-threat social safety net programs.

Taking a look at today's astro-portents, perhaps a picture can be captured of Vote-a-Rama energies. At 2:17 pm edt, the excitable pair of Mars and Uranus conjoin at 8Aries+ so we may expect idle posturing and an empty pretense of good will to be shown. ('8Ari' = "A Large Hat With Streamers Blown by the East Wind"--Jones.)

Plus, if senators actually intend to accomplish anything, it should be done prior to the Moon's last aspect of the day (Moon square Saturn at 11:38 pm edt) after which Luna is void-of-course until the wee hours of Saturday when she joins in with the crisis-crossroads-turning-point YOD configuration involving Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto ('trying to save what's left; adoption of the austere'--Tyl.)

In fact, looking at a 6:00 pm edt chart of today (3/22/13) and one for 11:59 pm edt, two YODs are in formation at 6:00 pm--by 11:59 pm, there are four YODs if we count the oppressive Plutocracy pair's pressure upon We-the-People's Moon...Pluto-Chiron = Moon @ 10Leo55. Ouch!

And with Moon in Leo, We-the-People are in the mood for a Friday and weekend of fun and entertainment, not austerity-implementation by politicians who will be 'debating' the issue of whether or not congress members, slack as they are, deserve automatic pay raises! I think most Americans can save them the effort by asserting that the majority of them Do Not Deserve the Pay They Already Receive, much less raises for their sorry mal-practicing performances of recent years.

Still in effect is the Neptune-NN (deception with the public) midpoint where manipulative propagandist Pluto sits giving people difficulties when attempting to blend their perspectives with that of others. However, the late evening YOD that forms tonight includes a lovely Moon-Jupiter sextile at its base (good for PR.) Alan Oken has called this the 'ray of hope' aspect so we'll see if anything beneficial issues forth toward the public from the bowels of the US Senate tonight--especially since its midpoint picture is rather telling:

Moon-Jupiter = Pluto: the big picture and the power to make it appear; major plans for major triumph (Tyl.) Mmm-hmm...but is it a triumph for the American people?

Topics of the day and evening may also include: the legality of drones (freaky draconianism and law-breaking), abortion (politicians get your noses out of our bedrooms and doctors' offices--and zip your pants lest you create a baby politician), and repeal of the Affordable Health Care Act (too expensive to repeal it even if its critics are correct--aka, boat left harbor.)

Now voting Mercury hangs out at 6Pis+ all day into the night and everyone knows Pisces can be murky, confused, deceptive--or, inspired by compassion. So let's look at the Sun-Moon blend in effect all day into night for it's a creative, volatile, and dramatic (to answer the question posed by the above-linked article) Fire-Fire combination which can get very down in the dumps when things don't go its way:

Sun Aries-Moon Leo is full of pride and optimism and describes idealists with tremendous passion--even leaders and heroes. 'Fiery feeling and sharp intellect' combine within a big-thinker mix that's full of conviction as those with 'large personalities' take center stage. A childish insistence on 'my way is the only way' may be the attitude shown along with massive ego needs that blind true self-perception (lookin' at You, Republicans!); plus, in Arien fashion, large objectives are sought before debris from previous projects is tidied up.

Let's close with a word picture which may or may not symbolize any of our senate players acting in the March 22, 2013 Political Theater tragi-drama:

"Image for Integration: After slaying the black dragon of sloth and greed, the young warrior is knighted by the one true king. He marries the maiden of purity and they live happily ever after." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, if only the people of the world could live happily ever after! And perhaps we could without the self-serving meddling of greedy, power-mad politicians, none of whom deserve pay raises for refusing to govern on our behalves, or for their fumbling ineptitude when they do.


Astro-Note: 3/22/13 at 6 pm edt: Sun 2Ari26, Moon 7Leo48; at 11:59 pm edt: Sun 2Ari41, Moon 10Leo55, and I believe the '2-3 Aries' degrees of the Zodiac is an area of no follow through; DeVore's Encyclopedia gives '2Ari' as: 'abscesses' and '3Ari' as: 'birds, aviators; collisions; goitre'. Nice.

Mar 20, 2013

"Divisionism Does Not Create Empowerment" (Max Igan video)

With such topics as "Banking Cabal" and "genetic tinkering" upon us, as always, Max Igan makes more practical sense than we find from any propagandizing announcer-playing-journalist in the mainstream media:

For the rest of this presentation, you may wish to visit its YouTube page.

Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed

America's Great Seal, reverse

Was the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed for Propaganda Purposes?

by Jude Cowell

"What reaches the heart without going through the mind is likely to bounce back and put the mind out of business. Propaganda taken in that way is like a drug you do not know you are swallowing. The effect is mysterious; you do not know afterwards why you feel or think the way you do."

-Mortimer Jerome Adler

And this is one of my concerns over a mysterious change to a symbol and the increasing public interest in the reverse side America's Great Seal with its 13-step pyramid and floating capstone's All-Seeing Eye of Horus. Some suggest that we're in the midst of a paradigm shift of consciousness which relates to a more feminine perspective in the collective unconscious as we 'lean forward' ("Hillary in 2016"??) and this may be true.

But the left-right brain hemispheres figure in as well along with the control of right eye-left eye. Why is this significant to America's Great Seal symbolism?

On July 13, 1856, artist, historian, and contributor to Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Benson Lossing, illustrated the reverse of the Great Seal with the All-Seeing Eye (of Horus, or, as America's Founding Fathers tended to call it, the Eye of Providence) but instead of publishing the image with the usual right eye (controller of our left-brain rational functions such as critical thinking and logic), Lossing drew the symbol on the capstone as a left eye indicating right-brain intuitive, feminine, non-verbal functions. (See the quote, above.)

Cornell University keeps archives of Harper's so if you wish to view the Lossing image and page, click here.

The left eye represents what philosophers have long called The Window to the Soul for it reveals our true identities. In Astrology, the natal Moon sign signifies this along with childhood memories and the Unconscious. Of interest to those who appreciate Astrology's revealing capability is that the Sun (right eye, consciousness)--Moon (left eye, unconsciousness) blend which was in effect on July 13, 1856. Upon inspection, the Sun-Moon blend turns out to be Sun in ocean-related, Moon-ruled Cancer, and Moon in occult-loving, mystical Scorpio. Plus, in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin gives the Sun-Moon combo as, The Eyes!

July 13, 1856: Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio is a Water-Water blend which acts on the intuitive-feeling-imaginative level of consciousness which is misty-eyed, emotional, and nostalgic for the past. Was a subliminal signal being sent to the American people to subtly influence how we receive and process information? Well, we know we're one of the most propagandized populations in history, right? Or perhaps the signaled change was intended more for those who were involved in occult (hidden) activities? Was it time to change how the public was being fed information?

Or perhaps the switch was merely a slip or two of an artist's pen though for publication you'd think Mr. Lossing, who must have been quite detail-oriented, would have been much more careful with a national symbol, now wouldn't you?

Benson Lossing: February 12, 1813 Beekman, NY (Wikipedia); at noon LMT, his Sun = 23AQ40; Moon = 20Can59, and detail-oriented Mercury @6AQ51 conjunct his natal Pallas (wisdom; strategy) and US natal South Node; also, Lossing has a natal midpoint picture perfect for an artist...Venus-Pluto = Sun: great creativity; an unusual sense of form. (Ebertin.)

For more info on Astrology and Washington DC, check out our Nation's Capital Is Teeming with Astrological Symbols. Because it is.

Rockefeller looked forward to a New World Order

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications who directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years but the world is now more sophisticated & prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war but only peace and prosperity for the whole of authority.”

David Rockefeller, member Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderberg/Trilateral Commission, June 5, 1991.

Mar 17, 2013

Horoscope: May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in Taurus

After Spring Equinox 2013 arrives, the Cosmos has a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse in store for us (secrets and leaks continue to be revealed?), and on May 9, 2013, a Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 manifests during a Moon Hour of changes and fluctuations. Here's a horoscope of the May Solar Eclipse set for the White House (as a representative of the United States of America):

Chart shown: May 9, 2013 8:28:23 pm EDT White House, Washington DC. Ascendant 24Sco23, MC 6Vir15 (conjunct President Obama's natal Pluto), and with unstable, gaseous Neptune @5Pis09 at IC, conjunct the president's 1st house natal Chiron (5Pis19 Rx), and opposing his natal Pluto which indicates erosion (Neptune) of power and control (Pluto)--unless his wealthy backers support him as president in spite of it. With transiting Pluto now opposing US natal Sun (the president), I'm not certain they will, are you? For huge power struggles ensue...

Please click to enlarge the image and perhaps read a few basic notes with the eclipse taking place in the Cadent (preparation) 6th house of Service (Military, Police, etc), Work, and Health in Washington. Venus @00Gem28 in 7th house of Partnerships conjoins the degree of the difficult Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 which triggered Fixed Star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation with its something to cry about and/or exile themes. Multiplicity and duplicity are characteristics of the dual sign Gemini, as you know, and an unaspected Jupiter @19Gem23 approaches US natal Mars @22Gem, planet of war, strife, and contention though it is often a fortunate transit for Jupiterian luck may favor Mars' physical endeavors.

Yes, the May 20, 2012 eclipse related and relates to the ongoing, reckless economic and budgetary stalemates now playing in our Capitol Hill Theater and which are damaging our nation's standing in the world along with Mr. Obama's presidency and the US economy with it. Odd really, since the Republican Party has always given much lip service to how 'strong' our nation must be perceived abroad. Yet sometimes since 2009, it feels as if the GOP is inviting attacks by staging their intransigent, provocative behavior. And the secessionist vibe? "A house divided cannot stand." But apparently that's what some entities want so that a full coup may be established in Washington DC.

Well, with the May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in the 15 South Saros Series, we may expect financial dramas to continue for Taurus is a money sign, ruled by evaluating Venus, as shown so obviously by the sculpture of the Taurean Bull on Wall Street. (Yet I still get the creepy feeling that the secret-ritual Cult of Mithras is lurking within our financial and governmental shadows! Click and scroll down to see a bas-relief of 'Mithras as Atlas'!)

Astro-Note: in 1776, US natal Pluto began @27Cap33 Rx and has now progressed to 29Cap+; along the way Mr. Invisible Power crossed '28Cap', a degree which *Adriano Carelli gives as "Atlas Carrying the World on His Back" which brings up Sen. Paul Ryan's favorite obstructionist and survival-of-the-fittest idol Ayn Rand because of her book Atlas Shrugged in which wealthy, pouty corporatists take their financial marbles and beat a hasty retreat from their ungrateful victims. There are no coincidences and apparently US stock-dumping has been going on for while now.

Themes of the 15 South Saros Series for May 9, 2013--until November 2013:

Release of tension as a lingering situation will suddenly clear but with a sense of loss or grief that is more collective or group-related than personal (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Chart-rulers of the Scorpio Ascendant you see above are Mars and sub-ruler Pluto but all we can surmise from their applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects (since Mars applies only to conjunction with the SN = war, violence, or a stepping aside from them) is a spotlight on the Uranus-Pluto square (0A39) in Cardinal (initiating action) signs from the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Values, and Earning Ability to radical Uranus @10Ari44 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Speculation, Creative Pursuits, and Children.

Thus, the Uranus-Pluto square of titanic generational clashes may gobble up the May 2013 Solar Eclipse cake, or at least the crumbs left over by an unaspected Jupiter which, as such, works in a one-pointed, intense manner--"all or nothing" is a good phrase for an unaspected planet, and here moneybags Jupiter in Gemini, sign of trade, commerce, transport, and communication, insists on providing growth and investment in our country although at the moment, he is not tied in with the energies (planets) of the May 9th eclipse horoscope. However, this Jupiter can be highly influential when he acts and this may denote what the president is able do toward investment without interference from the obstructive input of Congress. Or, perhaps the GOP will finally get wise to itself and cooperate for the good of our nation!

Now Uranus is the catalyst or apex planet of two midpoint pictures:

Mercury-Neptune = Uranus: going 'far out'; sudden new ideas.

Mars-Neptune = Uranus: reaching for 'pie in the sky'; energetically following the dream.

Plus, one picture is angular at Midheaven (The Goal Point) where it may manifest, and its combined energies also affect President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo:

Jupiter-ASC = MC: successful positioning; being in the right place at the right time.

Jupiter-ASC = natal Pluto: strong image; influential; leadership.

The Sun and Moon are involved in pictures, too:

Sun-Mars = Mercury: alertness; ready for action; fast talk; busy travel.

Moon-Mars = Mercury worrisome preoccupations; irritability; nervousness.

Other midpoint pictures appear as well and include the 'lucky break' pair, Jupiter-Uranus:

Jupiter-Uranus = Mars: changing fortunes; drive and determination toward success.

And since Mars @14Tau29 conjoins US Inaugural Ascendant (the Office of the Presidency) on January 20th at noon, Capitol Building, we have:

Jupiter-Uranus = Inaugural ASC: knowing the best will happen; optimism and self-confidence; success; fortunate twists in the way things transpire.

Well, I like that last one as long as the American people are included in the Jupiterian festivities. So maybe I'd better stop typing on that fortunate note!

Other topics in the news include threats from North Korea; here's a previous post: Astro-Notes on North Korea's Natal Chart.

*Adriano Carelli, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.

Today's midpoint pictures from Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs; as always, any, all, or none may apply.

Mar 13, 2013

Horoscope: Full Moon in Libra March 27, 2013

Mar 27, 2013 Full Moon @6Lib53: Continuing Resolution or Government Shutdown?

by Jude Cowell

Update Mar 31, 2013: thanks to a with-it reader, it's been noted that Wednesday's Libra Full Moon is a perfect descriptor of the week's SCOTUS arguments (Mars) on Marriage (Libra) Equality. What a great observation! Should we include Uranus transiting me-first Aries to denote equality?

Original post begins here, sans marriage references (except for '7th house of Partnerships') even though any full moon may describe relationship issues! And of course, Libra is the sign of Justice's Scales of Balance...

Here you see the horoscope of March 27, 2013's Full Moon at 6Libra52, in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies when the chart is set for Washington DC (Capitol Building):

Chart shown: March 27, 2013 5:27:18 am edt Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of the Sun @6Ari52 in 1st house along with first planet to rise, Neptune @4Pis03 conjunct Fomalhaut, a Royal Star in constellation Piscis Australis and the brightest; key themes: magic, mysticism, lofty ideals; when active, Royal Stars always carry a challenge--here, to maintain the purity of ideals and visions (Brady), things which dreamy Neptune knows much about.

And of course, we think of the 'new pope' conclave going on this week at the Vatican but I have chosen not to blog about crisis-plagued cardinals who brought their challenges upon themselves through lack of purity. Expecting the Vatican to go forward with pure morals is like expecting right wing GOPers to find a conscience, though you may disagree if you like.

Rising after Neptune are Mercury @9Pis34, priestly healer Chiron @11Pis05, Venus @6Ari32 conjunct the Full Moon's Sun, Uranus @8Ari23, and testy Mars @11Ari42--a full house. As you know, Full Moon phases are about relationships and partnerships, awareness (of relationship dynamics and other things), and possible stalemates, a condition the US government has decided to use against We the People.

So not only is the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter YOD of crises, special tasks, and turning points back within orb (Jupiter @11Gem06 conjunct IC 11Gem20), we find that another YOD is found in the horoscope, or two YODs is we use catalyst Uranus which will close the gap soon as it nears 11Aries (and hits the Full Moon's Mars which may result in high emotions and disruption relating to matters influenced by the March 27th Full Moon.

At YOD's base: a sextile with austere Saturn @10Sco25 Rx posited in the 8th house of Shared Finances, Corporations, Debt, Credit, etc; Saturn's partner in the sextile--and in a mutual reception of friendliness--is Pluto @11Cap30 in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Wishes and Hopes. And visions of austerity where the wealthy are made wealthier, according to Sen. Paul Ryan who again must be reminded that he and his party lost on November 6, 2012. He's tooting the same austerity-for-the-masses horn with his 'budget plan' even though a majority of the American people said No! to his plan on Election Day 2012.

As you see from the Ascending sign and degree--27AQ24--America's natal Moon rises, aka, We the People, and our needs are 'coming up' along with the social program funds (taxes) we paid for years--and pay still, keeping our end of the bargain--which is under threat of being heisted by Washington politicians for the benefit of wealthy one-percenters who prefer their masses standing in long soup lines, too weak and encumbered to shake pitchforks at castle windows.

Issuing from the March 27, 2013 Full Moon horoscope:

Yes, any time there's a Moon rising, it represents unstable conditions with fluctuations and changes afoot. Now let's look at the applying aspects of chart-ruler Saturn and co-ruler Uranus which are in aspect with each other:

Saturn inconjunct Uranus (2A02) indicates problems with priorities and obligations--clearly! A Saturn-Uranus inconjunct (aka, quincunx) was in effect on Election Day 2012 but austere, restricting Saturn was Direct--and the Republican Party's budget ideas were rejected, another Saturnian word. And of course, contracting Saturn is one of the two societal planets, the other being expansive Jupiter, with the tension between them keeping our Solar System's planets in their courses.

A Saturn-Uranus inconjunct (150 degrees) denotes those who try to hold on to the past with all their might and as they desperately try to force old concepts into acceptance rather than new methods and ideas. Since I know this reminds us both of facets of the neanderthal-based Republican 'war on women', I won't mention it other than to mention it. Flexibility is the only cure! Yet Saturn-Uranus is a brittle combination of energies which may break before it bends.

Saturn then applies to a helpful trine (120 degr) with rising Neptune (6A21), an aspect denoting those with enormous responsibilities and which can bring about positive changes in society. This is a willing 'helping hand', in fact, and bodes well if those who wish to obstruct improvement and investment in our society can be somehow pushed out of the way--which is exactly what a majority of us called ourselves doing when we re-elected President Barack Obama in November 2012.

And since a Saturn-Neptune trine relates closely to writers and journalists, I believe we're seeing some effect of the trine when reporters and TV talking heads question more fully the assertions made by interviewees like Paul Ryan. The Media could really help things improve by holding to account politicians and others who spout odd theories and mathematical formulas which do not 'add up'.

Dec 30, 1999's Great Conjunction of Plutocracy's Pluto and Chiron @11Sag

At MC (The Goal Point of any horoscope) is 11Sag20 and the good news is that the Public Sector 10th house is ruled by Jupiter which now moves Direct (since Jan 30, 2013) so financial matters may proceed. Banker Jupiter will soon be out of orb from its conjunction to US natal Uranus 8Gem55 which takes our natal Uranus away from apexhood in the Saturn-Pluto YOD pattern and its midpoint picture I love to hate for we now suffer under its draconian birth pangs:

Saturn-Pluto = n Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses. Add Jupiter at apex and we have potentials for: adoption of the austere; trouble with authority; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left.

Now that's pretty much what the Washington Political Theater is scamming us with at the moment, and have done for decades (taking over America is certain actors' long-term project), or, as some would say, for centuries.

One more thing about the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter YOD--the Saturn-Pluto midpoint falls at MC in the Mar ch 27th Full Moon chart which denotes: hard hard work to rise from difficulty; major separation as a last resort.

The additional YODs are formed by the Mars-Jupiter sextile which points toward an 8th house Saturn in secretive, spying, business-loving Scorpio so we get a fortunate pair of energies in stress with Mr. Status Quo:

Mars-Jupiter = Saturn: pulling in one's sails; having to toe the line; struggling with impulse.

If we allow for Direct Uranus to enter the scene (and knowing that the disruptive planet of rebellion and anarchy has been within orb of this YOD before) we have:

Jupiter-Uranus = Saturn: patience and practicality introduced to boundless self-projection; temperance over excess. (All mdpt pics today from Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs.)

Planetary Aspects of March 27th's Libra Full Moon

As you see, the March 27th Full Moon in Libra, sign of balance, justice, partnerships, and war, causes lunar fluctuations in relationships while making a few applying aspects. Here's a list of the Full Moon's 5 aspects in order of occurrence with the Luna's natural sign, Cancer, on both the (risk-taking) 5th cusp and the (work-military-health-daily rounds) 6th cusp:

1. Moon opposite Uranus (1A31) indicates emotional and mental stress for The People as many decisions must be made. Resolution can be found but a feeling of being crushed is evident.

2. Moon inconjunct Mercury (2A41) shows more stress (inconjuncts = difficult adjustments) showing emotions (Moon) and intellect (Mercury) interfering with one another; reasonable evaluations are impossible if feelings enter logical thinking, and reactions may be out of all proportion with the truth.

3. Moon trine Jupiter (4A14) with Jupiter conjunct the 4th house's cusp relates to domestic matters, home, and security. Is Jupiter playing his role as guardian angel? Well, we need several if we can get them! And of course, the Real Estate market is said to be improving and we may hear more of this under the rays of the March 27th Full Moon in Venus-ruled Libra--including lawsuits against fraud-committing mortgage lenders. Yet the facts of the cases may remain unclear with Mercury in confused, often deceptive, Pisces. Still, their trine indicates some amount of happiness, good fortune, generosity, and/or glad news especially for those of good character.

4. Moon square Pluto (4A38) is a fly in our improving ointment for it denotes difficulty letting go of the past, plus, blockage (square) from wealthy, stealthy Pluto, manipulator and controller of The Underworld, toward the populace and our reigning needs (Moon) which causes us apprehension, anxiety, and heavy burdens.

Note: dontcha 'love' politicians? They embezzle, misspend, and waste America's financial resources, make huge profits off our hard work, then stick We the People with all their bills, plus, their own fat paychecks.

5. Moon opposite Mars (4A49) indicates opposition from radical reformers and activists (Mars-Uranus) of the 25--35 year-old generation, give or take a year or two. Some politicians, their staffers, and reporters are in this age category though loose canon shooters may be as well, as is the NRA (Mars = weaponry and those who use it.) A Moon-Mars opposition tends to bring crises, criticism, and resentments, with 'hitting back' in anger a definite possibility. Aggression and lack of patience may be noted which lead to quarrels, debates, and emotional outbursts.

So that last aspect is basically Luna joining in with the ongoing generational Uranus-Pluto square in which we again deal with issues we thought were settled by legislation in the 1960s when they last met three times in Great Conjunction at 17 Virgo, a critical-crisis degree. To close, here are two midpoint pictures formed by the Moon-Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-Square/s:

Moon-Mars = Pluto: demanding nature; powerful opinionation.

Moon-Uranus = Pluto: sensationalism; bombast; a fanatical push for fulfillment of needs (Full Moons are phases of fulfillment/culmination--jc.)

Well, if you've read this far I hope my post with its sorry political implications won't ruin the beauty of the Full Moon on March 27, 2013! A March Full Moon is, after all, considered the annual Worm Moon so click for more info and a video concerning this earthy and seasonal topic.

But also remember please to keep your eye on the wormy infestation eating at the core of the US government as it purposefully and willfully creates havoc and chaos in our lives while enriching the wealthy at our expense.

Further reading on cutting Social Security benefits and other dumb ideas that the president is offering the austerity-promoters of the Republican Party may be found on the website of Senator Bernie Sanders who always points out that (though fiscal vultures want to get their claws on SS funds), the Social Security insurance program contributed not one nickel to our debt problems. And not one penny either so let's keep it off the cutting table, Mr. President--raise the taxing cap instead.


Yes, there are other factors worth considering in the horoscope shown above, so please leave your on-topic comments with this post as you wish! jc