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Jun 4, 2017

Aug 2017 Lunar Eclipse Hits The Confederacy's Sun

August 2017: Lunar and Solar Eclipse Alerts for the White House?

In January 2013 I posted here the natal horoscope of The Confederacy with its Sun @15Aquarius. The Confederacy Sun will be eclipsed on August 7, 2017 by a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ and given the infiltration of the White House by Klansmen (or by KKK supporters and sympaticos, Mr. Bannon in particular who just loves to employ the power of dark forces), it seems significant that such a solar relic from America's Civil War past will, in August 2017, be in focus via what can be called the cosmic blink of a Lunar Eclipse--then another blink from the accompanying Total Solar Eclipse as its shadow races across the country from Oregon to South Carolina where the Civil War's first shot was fired.

See Civil War April 12, 1861: Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands.

Now as you know, both lunar and solar eclipses may be described as "wild cards of the Universe" because of their disruptive Uranian qualities such as the ability to upset apple carts and dislodge secrets and other inconvenient information that some would prefer kept hidden. And since a Lunar Eclipse involves the Moon with its correlation to the unconscious and the past (including one's previous actions, behavior, and scandals), we may expect more glaring leaks and uncovered secrets in and around August 2017 and afterward. These may apply in particular to the shrouded-in-secrets White House and its current denizens who are already under much pressure. Besides, that's where the Klan lurks behind every door.

And as various Confederate monuments are being removed in the US it occurs to me to wonder why the most offensive of all (imho)--the statue of Confederate Brigadier General, Freemason, and Klansman Albert Pike--remains on guard in Judiciary Square near the US Capitol Building where Congress meets 'to do the people's business'.

UPDATE July 1, 2020: Good news for fussy me! On June 19, 2020 the (creepy, offensive) statue of musty old Albert Pike was toppled! Follow the link to view a bi-wheel of the toppling horoscope with Pike's natals surrounding it.

So while Googling for information on Pike's memorial statue, I ran across something of a defense of Albert Pike and the long held assumption of his being a Luciferian due in part to his famous quote concerning Lucifer. Check it out, if you're interested, for the blog puts Pike's words into context and I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to form your own conclusion concerning this 'Knight of the Golden Circle'.

Plus, you're familiar with the reputed and infamous letter the 'exalted' Freemason Pike sent to Mazzini (founder of Sicily's Mafia) dated August 15, 1871. Here's an excerpt which actually describes much of the social changes and unrest currently in progress and instigated by the radicals haunting the White House halls and their enablers, public and private:

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light...of Lucifer, brought finally into public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Whether the letter was written by a luciferian Pike or not, its cunning is worthy of Lucifer-Satan's way of thinking--to seduce and take as many souls down with him as he goes as he possibly can. The letter goes on to promote the Masonic plan for World War III which turns up in 2017 as a frequent topic of concern and anxiety. Genuine or not, whoever penned the 1871 letter was, at the least, a master of run-on sentences.

So as Thomas Jefferson famously admitted, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." And so should we all. But somehow the ones perpetrating the Utopian plan of global horror and persuasion upon the world seem unconcerned as if their actions are above natural law. Wonder how shocked they'll be when it turns out that that is exactly what they are not and that they will be held accountable for their actions on Earth and how they oppressed and harmed the innocent...because karma's law of reaping what's been sown applies to every single one of us on Planet Earth...with no exemptions for politicians or bankers.

And this August 2017, either karmic retribution or progress will arrive in America in two forms: a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius (August 7) which will tell us something about our reactions to Solar Eclipse events and conditions, and on August 21 the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo at a critical 29th degree ('The Great American Eclipse') conjunct the natal Ascendant of plotter Donald Trump, a denizen of the White House and a man who listens to self-described Satanist Mr. Bannon with his radical agenda to destroy the US government and rebuild the world in the image of Lucifer.

The August Leo Eclipse: a Potential Ruh-Roh for America

As always, eclipses may trigger disastrous weather and other natural events (ex: Mount St. Helen's is rumbling again, and storms, flooding, and fires are potentials) but there's more to consider because eclipses in Leo spotlight the need to exercise genuine leadership in whatever karmic situations and conditions manifest. Plus, a Leonine 'cosmic blink' suggests a paternal karmic link with an offspring (also denizens of the White House) and cautions against self-centered egocentricity, vainglory, ostentation, pomposity, pride, and other negative traits of the sign Leo--and there's a huge ruh-roh right there in the form of you-know-who.

How unfortunate for America and the world that her current 'leader' can't seem to avoid displaying his negative Leo traits in such constant abundance with his 29Leo Ascendant and Mars rising in Leo conjunct royal star Regulus. And in spite of the star's traditional or else caution, it's tragically predictable with Mr. Trump that revenge and retaliation will be taken which guarantees that at some point, all that's been gained shall be taken away.

Related posts: How to View the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, and here are a few astro-notes concerning White Nationalist Steve Bannon whose Uranus-South-Node conjunction (1953) identifies him as high strung, often irrational, and very upset with changing social and technological trends and conditions.


Check with to locate Lucifer in a horoscope for a specific date; asteroid Lucifer is #1930 which links it to planet Pluto, discovered in 1930, and in Astrology, god of the underworld, a saboteur, assassin, gold hoarder, 'the invisible man of power', and agent of transformation via destruction and regeneration.

For more eclipse info see Your Prenatal Eclipse by Rose Lineman.

Jun 3, 2017

America's Saturn Rx and Summer Solstice 2017

Saturn, Planet of Authority and Authenticity: from Libra to Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

With Summer Solstice 2017 about to arrive at 12:24 am edt on June 21st with Saturn now in Sagittarius highly visible at the top of the solstice chart (set for DC), we may wish to review the past and current conditions of America's Saturn.

In 1996 US Saturn Turned Rx by Progression @3Scorpio under the presidency of House-impeached Bill Clinton whose tenure of turmoil helped undermine the authority, authenticity, and dignity of the Executive Branch and muddied America's reputation on the global stage. Tragic Mars-Pluto (Scorpio) style events of power and brutality involving government authority such as the Oklahoma City Bombing, allegedly a vengeful act committed in response to the Clinton-Reno-FBI Siege at Waco, kept Mr. Clinton busy as the office of the presidency dissolved in tatters, a result cheered by his Republican opponents. (The political strategy of R vs D theatrics is primarily just that--divisive theatrics, since it's really Rulers vs The Ruled.)

Obvious correspondences from the Clinton era to Donald Trump's 'presidential' behavior in the White House circa 2017 may be noted but for those who follow Trump's haphazard presidency--and realize that The Klan now leads America from the White House--it isn't necessary to mention them in this brief post. Mr. Trump is in process of threatening to leave or actually withdrawing the US from previous alliances in which America was leader (Saturn) and our Saturn's retrograde condition is part of that picture.

As you know, Trump's natal Saturn is debilitated in Cancer (Cancer opposes Capricorn, the sign Saturn rules). His natal Saturn is in 11th house, the place of Groups and Alliances, and Trump's resentments run deep while his natal Jupiter Station Direct in Libra relates to others with frequent protestations of "that's not fair!" The retaining of large amounts of money lurks at the base of the issue for the Jupiterian Mr. Trump.

Meanwhile, America's SP Saturn in Scorpio suggests potentials for esoteric, occult, and metaphysical study (which our Founding Fathers possessed as seen in their goddess Venus and Virgo fixations--plus, you've noted Trump's constant use of Freemason hand signals), transformation (destruction, then rebuilding via Pluto), obstinacy, endurance, a more serious outlook, and the urge to delve deeply into difficult problems (Ebertin). All this is quite a change from US natal Saturn exalted in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of diplomacy, values, and the Scales of Justice. Now I know that each sign represents progress issuing from the previous sign, and, one hopes, improvement.

But in this case, America's exalted Saturn of 1776 (trine progressive radical Uranus in Gemini, its brilliance and genius successfully poured into the Saturnian forms of our 'freedom documents' a la Plato) has been degraded now that US progressed Saturn (SP) is retrograde (moving backward) in death-dealing Scorpio while on the physical plane it uses its authoritative energies against (Rx) the American people and against the entire world.

And now we see actor Donald Trump withdrawing the US from certain areas of global leadership which then opens the way for other nations to take control of the power elite's Great Plan for global governance which makes him, knowingly or unknowingly, a foreign agent in the White House.

Perhaps you disagree but there it is.


Related Posts and Horoscopes:

Summer Solstice 2017 Horoscope w/ Trump's Planets added.

The Oklahoma City Bombing Horoscope of 1995.

Dick Morris on Clinton, Reno, and Waco (video).

And speaking of The Klan (and sub-president Bannon lurking behind White House curtains), here's an excerpt from the 2010 article by Sherwood Ross which may be read in full via its link, below:

"By assigning covert action roles to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it is as if the White House and Congress had legitimized the Ku Klux Klan to operate globally. That’s because the CIA today resembles nothing so much as the “Invisible Empire” of the KKK that once spread terror across the South and Midwest. Fiery crosses aside, this is what the CIA is doing globally."

The CIA, the KKK, and the USA.

Jun 2, 2017

Noah Webster invented the word "immigration" (23 Sag)

Described as "an ardent American nationalist" in this informative article, dictionary titan Noah Webster invented the word 'immigration' to define those who remove to a country.

On the thorny Trump-touted topic of immigration, it's only natural that many astrologers refer to the Sabian Symbol for '23 Sagittarius':

"A Group of Immigrants As They Fulfill the Requirements of Entrance Into the New Country"..."Keynote: Consciously accepting the ways of a new stage of experience, in readiness for the opportunities it will present...TRANSITION" (Rudhyar).

To this Marc Edmund Jones adds, "Keyword: ENTRANCE...positive expression = courage in crossing new frontiers and skill in repeating or improving on prior achievement; negative expression = a surrender of the real in a pursuit of the false."

Curiously, self-identified American nationalist Donald Trump was born with his natal Moon-South-Node conjunction in Sagittarius (opposing his Sun-North-Node in Gemini) verynear this degree of "immigration"...and not forgetting that, in the Zodiac, degrees that oppose one another are Illumination Points full of unconscious material.

So given Mr. Trump's political use of America's immigration issue, let's check Jones for the Illumination Point of '23Sag' which is '23 Gemini': "Three Fledglings in a Nest High in a Tree"...ELEVATION: "positive expression: an unconditional creativity exalted to the point of complete freedom from any immediate involvement; negative expression: psychological witlessness and a false sense of release from responsibility."

Pursuing the false, witlessness, elevation of fledglings, lack of responsibility?

The first names that come to mind in 2017 are Donald Trump, daughter-in-chief Ivanka and her hubby Jared Kushner...elevated to the White House (top of the 'tree') although I'm not certain they're witless as much as agents for the destabilization of the US government for the sake and elevation of a foreign government or governments.

House of Rothschild coat of arms:

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.

Jun 1, 2017

Why Is CERN Going to Bilderberg This Year? video

June 1-4, 2017: Bilderberg Meeting Chantilly, Virginia; for your consideration:

In case of deletion here's the video link published by Truthstream Media.

Related Astrology: Moon Tracking Bilderberg June 1-4, 2017.

May 27, 2017 Another informative Truthstream Media video: These 100 Secret Societies Prove Who Really Rules America (57m27s).

May 31, 2017

Donald Trump's opinion of bragging politicians 1999

"My entire life, I’ve watched politicians bragging about how poor they are, how they came from nothing, how poor their parents and grandparents were. And I said to myself, if they can stay so poor for so many generations, maybe this isn’t the kind of person we want to be electing to higher office. How smart can they be? They’re morons.”

Donald Trump, The New York Times 1999 “Liberties; Trump Shrugged” (a reference to Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged)

So, poor people who voted for Mr. Trump and continue to support him: he thinks you're morons. And some people think Trump voters are morons--not because they're poor but because they voted for this unqualified, lewd, emotionally childish moron now wandering the halls of the White House and wishing he were somewhere else.

However, that's not the only interpretation of Trump's words in 1999 to journalist Maureen Dowd. And perhaps you know that Trevor Noah of The Daily Show is credited with 'digging up' the 1999 NYT article. Here's a piece including a video segment of The Daily Show episode where Noah discussed and critiqued Mr. Trump's 1999 quote on bragging politicians and the morons who, as it turned out in 2016, voted for his nibs who played them like a fiddle.

And here's a very much related don't-miss article I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump by Jonna Ivin, with a grateful shout out to my friend, writer Terry Woodson Burger for the heads-up!

Plus, you may wish to see Social Programs Cut? Republicans Can't shoot Butter.

Moon Tracking Bilderberg June 1-4, 2017 Chantilly, VA

2017 Bilderberg "the view from the top of the pyramid of power"

Beginning tomorrow Chantilly, Virginia hosts the 2017 Bilderberg meeting Thursday June 1 until Sunday June 4, 2017. Let's track the Moon and Sun to see what we can see from down here at the bottom of the pyramid of power using June 1st 12 am to June 4th 11:59 pm just to be certain we cover all the secretiveness. For the entire period Sun remains in Gemini, Moon in Virgo floats into Libra:

June 1, 2017 12:00 am edt Chantilly, VA: Sun 10Gem51 conjunct gold-loving asteroid MIDAS (4th house, the Foundation of the Matter). The 7th house Moon 6Vir28; Midheavan (MC; Aspirations) 24Sco45 conjoins the natal IC of Donald Trump. Mr. Trump's attendance doesn't seem to be verified as of yet although a cameo appearance would be his preference, imho, but perhaps he isn't invited! The planet of meetings, negotiations, and communication, Mercury 20Tau04 in one of its favorite houses, the 3rd. This makes Mercury oriental denoting a dot the Is-cross the Ts condition within the work environment. Mercury in Taurus is logical and deliberative but tends toward one-sided views.

The Air-Earth combo of energies of Sun Gemini-Moon Virgo suggests an atmosphere with much mental acuity, intellectual aspirations, and a talent for analysis though nervousness and anxiety may be noted, or even a 'divine discontent'. This is a paradoxical blend of the theorist and the pragmatist who can be honest yet can bend any facts to fit the case, and it is seldom satisfied with the answers given.

'Free reign' is necessary for the best use of these energies and the complete secrecy provided by their shindig location in Chantilly provides them with this. Negatively, a clinical insensitivity to the needs of others is apparent along with excessive fault-finding, criticism, and judgmentalism.

Here are three quotes from two famous folk born under the Sun Gemini-Moon Virgo blend:

"Whence do we Come, what are We, Where are We going?" - Paul Gaugin (my guess: to Hades).

"Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country"; and, "If we cannot end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity." - JFK.

Once the Moon enters Libra on June 2nd (8:03:35 pm edt) and triggers one of the Cardinal World Points of manifestation and fame (is this thespian Trump's stage cue? *00Libra is the MC of the natal US chart I typically use yet I like the Hazelrigg chart, too), a cultured, civilized double Air blend forms. Sun Gemini-Moon Libra suggests an atmosphere of diplomacy, persuasion, wit, and tact. Someone has a gift for the 'soothing phrase' with charm that may be able to affect a deeper understanding between the bitterest of enemies. That's if a lack of commitment and subsequent boredom doesn't set in.

This combo of energies is that of the natural salesman who loves to explore new ideas. The world is its oyster and smoothing over differences is a talent even though facing and dealing directly with issues would turn out better in the long run for 'skimming the surface' and 'living by one's wits' only works for so long (something Mr. Trump could profit from if he were to listen to good advice).

Let's close with quotes from three famous folk who were born under the rays of Sun Gemini-Moon Libra:

"I wasn't really naked. I simply didn't have any clothes on." - Josephine Baker (who could have been describing 'emperor' Trump).

"Read my lips." - George H. W. Bush.

"Henceforth the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace." - Henry Kissinger (really?).

For more details, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.


* Note that the Moon is a timer in Astrology but so is contentious Mars, here, out-of-bounds, and off on his own, as Mr. Trump seems to be (rattling around the White House). Mr. Trump, born with Mars in Leo rising, is very much a Martian (and a Uranianian and a Jupiterian and is very Mercurial) so when transit Mars hits another Cardinal World Point (00Cancer00) during the meeting on Sunday June 4th at 12:16 pm edt, perhaps this describes the stage cue for his appearance, if he shows at all.

In general: the meetings kick off with a Sun-Moon square which suggests resentment at having to make adjustments in order to reach goals. Someone is disgusted that things aren't working out as planned or expected (to which I say, boo hoo). Defensiveness and quarrels are predictable with this square. However, on Saturday June 3rd, Sun and Moon form a pleasant trine so that solutions are found and harmony is restored. A course of action is developed but it's doubtful that the Common Good is intended to receive whatever 'benefits' may result from this weekend's plans, even as the Moon joins Jupiter Rx on June 3rd at 9:43 pm edt--a fancy festivity, perhaps?

(Transit Jupiter turns Direct on June 9th and is already on its station degree which conjoins US natal Saturn--a partial lifting of responsibilities or restrictions with a Saturnian legal flavor.)

Then there's Mercury in Taurus which crosses the natal MC of Donald Trump where the difficult stars of the Pleiades violently rage and rant. This may indicate discussion of terrorist groups and how to utilize them. And is it curious that during the weekend transit Mars is at '28Gemini' the degree of BANKRUPTCY in the Sabian Symbols? '28Gemini' is also the degree of the void-of-course Moon on the morning of 9/11/01 and you'll remember that bankruptcy was indeed the fate or near-fate of the many people (Moon) whose pensions and other accounts were destroyed on that day, not to mention the emotional bankruptcy the loss of family members and friends brings. And once warring Mars enters Moon-ruled Cancer, he becomes even more emotionally touchy!

And speaking of the Bilderberg 'pyramid of power' and global governance here's a previously posted video for your consideration:

And here's the video's YouTube link in case of removal.

May 28, 2017

Safe Glasses for watching August 2017's 1 North Solar Eclipse @29Leo

Safe Eclipse Glasses and the August 2017 Eclipse of Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

Retailer Amazon offers NASA-recommended safety glasses for watching August 21, 2017's The Great American Eclipse, a Total eclipse which cuts a swat across the US beginning in Oregon and leaving landfall in South Carolina.

Also offered is a handy guide (e-book) How to View the Total Solar Eclipse, plus, a view of two horoscopes of the eclipse set for Oregon and South Carolina.

Astro-Notes: Rounding up its degree, this Total eclipse of August perfects upon a critical 29th degree of Leo in the 1 North Saros Series and will conjoin the natal Ascendant of Mr. Donald Trump. A planet or point at a 29th degree of any sign is impatient, unstable, and denotes risky business, or possibly a crisis that must be resolved. Plus, it indicates a 'change of state' (A. Louis) as it struggles toward the next sign (here, Virgo, and royal Regulus, the king or kingmaker: success if revenge is avoided). Fixed stars 'work' through critical or sensitive degrees and eclipses (solar or lunar) and History is affected--but the working is via individuals' charts--such as Donald Trump, in this case. Will his desire to be taken more seriously be satisfied by Mercury-ruled Virgo, a sign more serious, humble, and studious than entertaining Leo, sign of ego and pride? Mr. Trump will be 71 years old in June so I for one remain fairly dubious of much improvement.

Astrological signs point to significant events in August 2017 which must be expected in relation to Mr. Trump and, by extension, affecting the United States of America (assuming the White House doesn't crash down around his ears in June or July). Eclipses are often called 'wild cards of the Universe' due to their Uranian unpredictability so weather and other natural events may be triggered along with other disruptions in society. And as you know, 1 North last manifested on August 11, 1999 @19Leo and is the infamous 'Nostradamus Eclipse', aka, the King of Alarm (or, Terror) Eclipse that imprinted its turmoil upon the New Millennium including the attacks of 9/11.

The Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: '29Leo' = A Mermaid

Keyword: IMPORTUNITY...positive expression: a completeness of quickening to early instincts of the being and a real willingness to trust them; negative (shadow side--jc) expression: a lack of discrimination and an awkward sensitivity (Jones).

(Speaking of awkwardness, cringe along with Trump's Most Awkward Moments on His First Foreign Tour.)

This Is the The Mother of All Eclipses

1 North solar eclipses have occurred in the years 1909 (26Gemini), 1927 (7Cancer), 1945 (17Cancer), 1963 (27Cancer), 1981 (8Leo), and 1999, as noted. Its initial eclipse occurred on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48--opposite US natal Sun @13Can19 (this time links the 1 North to the American presidency and government) so there is a Capricorn lens through which to view the Leo eclipse--not a good fit of energies (Saturn-Sun; 'conceit increases with age'!) which may trigger our US natal Sun-Saturn square, the base of a Fist of God (or Thor's Hammer) pattern that points to US natal Moon (We The People) in our nation's late-afternoon natal charts on July 4, 1776. (See Sun-Saturn info, below)

History and Themes of the 1 North Series

Aside from recent events of the New Millennium, for previous historical events influenced by 1 North eclipses we look first to the years 1945 and 1963. 1N is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) Series of President Truman's dropping of the first Atomic Bomb, and is PE of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the swearing-in of LBJ (27Cancer opposes US natal Pluto Rx, planet of plutonium and destruction). 1 North themes include: great pressure on relationships looms large due to unexpected events involving groups or friends (or sons-in-law? jc); it's unwise to make hasty decisions since information is distorted and possibly false (ex: "fake news"? jc); tiredness or health problems are also potentials (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady).

Tiredness and health problems? Is that like in Sicily yesterday when Mr. Trump opted to ride in a golf cart while the other G7 leaders walked a mere 700 hundred yards? One of my guesses is that his 70-year-old knees aren't what they used to be! Or perhaps Mr. Trump chose to putter along in a golf cart because of his Victorian-era view that Exercise Will Kill You?!

Astrology and Astronomy

Now naturally a majority of astronomers discount the astrological implications of The Great American Eclipse lest Science suffer by association. And if all the warnings of astrologers turn out to be fallacious or misdirected, we shall all be very much relieved. But considering how the amateurish Trump administration has been behaving so far and the constant undermining of his reputation by Deep State actors and others, no one needs astrological portents to forecast a very long hot summer for Donald J. Trump and his White house denizens, and what may be a lasting imprint of crisis and change that are due in August 2017, compliments of The Cosmos.

Note that there is also a Lunar Eclipse on August 7, 2017 @15AQ (horoscope set for Washington DC) with the sign's Aquarian Saturn-Uranus vibes. Lunar eclipses give insight into how people instinctively react to the karmic situations and conditions brought by the accompanying solar eclipse and since a lunar eclipse obviously involves the Moon, past behaviors and reactions, plus, inherited traits and other unconscious factors are at play. Notable is that the August 7th Lunar Eclipse is in the sign of US natal Moon (We The People) and Leo-Aquarius is the 5/11 Self-Will polarity of Risky Speculation/Creative Pursuits and Groups/Associations; with 11th house involvement some type of 'social escape' may occur (Rudhyar) for Mr. Trump--perhaps more golfing?

Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey):

Thesis: the will of the people as defined in the principle founding documents; the checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations; form and definition in an enterprise.

Antithesis: pessimism and gloom as a center focus of policy; older and more distanced leaders; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; a leadership preoccupied with the various forms of law enforcement.

Add We The People's Moon to the Sun-Saturn 'Hammer' pattern and we have potentials for: fear, feelings of inferiority, personal needs under wraps (that's in large part the fault of a purposefully dysfunctional Congress whose members are hired to 'do the people's business' jc), hurt feelings, and a sense of loneliness (Ebertin; Tyl).

May 27, 2017

May 28, 2017: Laughingstock-in-Chief Returns to DC

His Arabian-European roadshow ended, Donald Trump returns to Washington DC tomorrow, Sunday May 28, 2017 as multiple publications across Europe and at home call him a laughingstock who should be impeached.

Astrologically, might we fault transit Saturn now adversely affecting Mr. Trump's Sun-NN/Moon-SN opposition? How about the natal indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square that blabs intel, tweets insults, and forms misconceptions of reality everywhere it goes? Plus, Trump's natal Saturn, planet of authority, authenticity, accountability, and gravitas is in Moon-ruled Cancer, the sign of Saturn's detriment, and is in wide conjunction with natal Venus, a combo of discontent. Neurotic reactions are quite typical for those born under Saturn in Cancer's rays.

Other potentials with Saturn in Cancer include estrangements from relationships, emotional sensitivity, a deep need for respect from others, and attempts to hide inner feelings in order to preserve dignity. 'Aggravating circumstances due to family ties' (Ebertin) may partially describe Trump's return to America under the darkening cloud of his serious Jared Kushner problem and his purported 'private channel to the Kremlin' request to the Russian ambassador.

Saturn in Cancer also suggests defensiveness, need to be taken seriously (calling him a laughingstock won't do it), emotional touchiness, excessive water retention and weight gain, and a strong attachment to material and financial possessions and we have a fit description of an unfit Donald as forces within and without the US government attempt to remove Mr. Trump from office and, one supposes, force upon the American people the theocrat VP Mike Pence.

May 25, 2017

The Origins of Neo-liberalism and How to Stop It (Saturn-Pluto 1947)

May 2017: Here in a recent segment, Thom Hartmann answers a caller on the topic of Neoliberalism. For me Thom's is the best explanation of Neoliberalism I've heard or read. He notes that the term and theory were invented (if that's the word) in September 1947 but was ridiculed for years until Ronald Reagan ('Reaganomics'!) picked it up in the 1980s. We recognize its damaging effects in society through such policies and outcomes as 'trickle down economics', 'free trade', corporatism, oligarchy--with neoliberal policies more and more discredited in the US and abroad as the built-in exploitation continues.

Now if you're familiar with astrological principles, you also recognize Neoliberalism by the two karmic planets that met in Great Conjunction (13Leo07) on August 11, 1947 and therefore imprinted upon the theory--Saturn and Pluto. Their cyclic cosmic clock began anew on that date and a few weeks later the hardship, ruthlessness, and cruelty of 'Neoliberal' policies constellated into an economic theory. It took decades for a US politician to see its 'value' as a political sledge hammer but Reagan (or someone around him) saw in it a major avenue opening toward 'trickle down' financial increase for the wealthy class at the expense (and sacrifice) of the rest of us, the exploitables.

Actually, the Saturn-Pluto duo have an earlier and obvious claim to a brutal fame because prior to 1947 for they met three times from October 4, 1914 (2Can14--conjunct US natal Venus), to November 1, 1914 (2Can04), and the third time on a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation: 00Can54 on May 19, 1915. Obviously we think of World War I, its brutal Saturn-Pluto horrors, and the depressing aftermath as the exploitables climbed laboriously out of the abyss the war created. Yet much wealth was made by warmongering bankers, no doubt.

So as for today's Neoliberalism, we must make certain the discredit and failure of it builds as the cosmic clock winds down for Saturn and Pluto are scheduled to meet again on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (as will the corporate duo, Jupiter and Pluto from April to November 2020 @24Cap+). Markets aren't so grand when Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn (too much Saturnian restriction and contraction, I suppose) so Capricorn vibes of conservatism and soberness are major forces in 2020 though dearth and difficulty may be brought as well.

But placing planetary cycles aside, do allow Thom to speak of Neoliberalism if you will and resist all the 'trickle down' nonsense of the corporate oligarchs that you can muster whenever you get a chance! Here is, The Origins of Neoliberalism and How to Stop It:

Horoscope: Donald Trump Solar Return 2017

Mr. Trump's Solar Return June 13, 2017 2:39:08 pm edt 9th house Gemini Sun; White House

Hour of Mars; contentious Mars, out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and emotionally touchy when in tribal Cancer, conjoins torturous Hades by degree and rules the 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies. War and conflict continue...

Chart-ruler Venus @7Tau27 just barely into 7th house makes no major applying aspect so her sign, house, house rulerships (1st and 8th), and degree are emphasized.

Evaluating Venus in Taurus suggests conservatism, loyalty, love of luxury, and materialistic values and the 8th house is the house of Corporatism, Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Legacies, and such. Death, transformation, and the occult may also be involved.

Significantly, the Solar Return Sun rules the 11th house of Groups and Associations (Leo cusp) so new alliances should form especially with the Leo North Node (encounters) posited there, with Leo the sign of leaders, rulers, and monarchs (weddings, funerals?), and meetings with male personages (possibly involving officers of the law) will occur with transit North Node precisely conjoining Mr. Trump's natal Mars @26Leo (watching transits to this chart during the year will be useful for those who have the time). Plus, speculative ventures and a love of pomp and ceremony will surely be noted through his solar year.

Please enlarge the image to read basic chart notes unmentioned in the following text such as the two Grand Trines, one in Air, one in Fire, representing closed circuits of energy and potentials for laziness and/or protection!

When Old Man Saturn, Lord of Karma, Comes Along

Natal Sun @22Gem55 is in Return 9th house of Philosophy, Higher Education, Foreign Travel, and Legal Affairs. His Sun applies to opposition with restrictive, karmic planet Saturn Rx in 3rd house of Communications which shows Mr. Trump's ongoing troubles and scandals since transit Saturn continues to oppose his natal Sun and North Node (both posited in natal 10th house along with quirky Uranus in Gemini), and conjoin his natal 5th house Moon (22Sag) and South Node (family and/or health issues; separation; lack of popularity). As you know, during this Saturnian phase in his life (which we've discussed in previous posts) Mr. Trump is experiencing increased responsibilities, difficult demands, criticism, and oversight that his enlarged ego does not appreciate. He thought the presidency would be "easier" he said, but taskmaster-lesson-bringer Saturn commands otherwise because unreliability, irresponsibility, superficiality, immaturity, and refusing accountability are completely unacceptable now. Past actions are under a microscope and his typical slipshod, ad lib way of working tends to undermine what must be a more responsible and serious position in the White House.

Wouldn't better organization be helpful?! For cosmic Saturn often brings failure and loss to those who will not heed his instructions for prudence and care and the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse in August (see link below) may tell a disruptive and unpredictable tale for Mr. Trump and, since he's The People's representative, for our nation, especially with judgmental Saturn bringing Trump's executive order/s on immigration under scrutiny and knocking them down (so far). Judges have ruled in ways that limit the power of the presidency in the immigration matter and Mr. Trump's past statements have been used as justification.

Well, perhaps Saturn's Direct Station upon his natal Moon on August 25, 2017 (4 days after The Great American Eclipse which hits Trump's natal Ascendant @29Leo (with rising Regulus) and sizzles his 26Leo Mars will bring at least some of his legal difficulties to conclusion since Saturn @21Sag10 will (seem to) stand still upon his natal Moon on that date--and is within range of his (separative, Saturnian) South Node simultaneously. Of course, this transit may indicate a trial of some sort, an indictment, an impeachment, an important hearing, another legal decision, an event relating to the three 'Russiagate' investigations, or even a divorce or other separation (such as a WH staffer leaving employment).

Will Fortunate Jupiter Step In?

Difficult outcomes for Mr. Trump--unless protective Jupiter, here rising, mitigates Saturnian conditions so that the Trump administration can manage to keep itself intact enough to continue its White House residency. He is, after all, in process of benefiting from a three-fer Jupiter Return, with the third and final conjunction (return to 17Lib27) occurring August 4, 2017, and Jupiter Return horoscopes are 'good for' approximately 12 years. But even his Jupiter Return chart shows Pluto closely squaring natal Jupiter (0A04). However, transit Jupiter's Direct Station is within 2 minutes of this Solar Return Jupiter and occurs on June 9th @13Lib12 under the rays of a Full Moon @18Sag53 (ruled by Jupiter). If feelings of up-down, stop-go energies assail Donald Trump this summer it wouldn't surprise me. Plus...

Transit Pluto Continues His Blockade

Yes, another ongoing karmic condition for Mr. Trump this year is saboteur Pluto Rx @18Cap44 in the Return 4th house (Basis of the Matter; Security; Real Estate; Mining) which continues to square Mr. Trump's buoyant natal Jupiter (Station Direct in natal 2nd house of Money and Values). Of course, Pluto is lord of the Underworld which also relates to the multiple criminal syndicates across the globe, and wealthy, stealthy Pluto is 'the dragon' guarding the riches tucked away in hidden places. (With Mr. Trump I always have the icky feeling that mobsters are hiding just behind the curtain!) Of course, the Deep State (Pluto in Capricorn) and other status quo elements entrenched within the US government are dogging Trump every chance they get and Pluto's association with Publishing identifies the media touting his scandals and alleged scandals 24/7 although Trump and his favorite Neptunian media types are muddying the waters in efforts to rescue him and his presidency while avoiding mention of his glaring incompetency and disdain for rules, traditions, and laws.

Puppet master Pluto square his natal Jupiter may also be playing a role in the blocking of Mr. Trump's legal maneuvers although the sabotage may only be from behind the scenes (as with most sabotage--and leaving behind incriminating fingerprints is a no-no for the win-win crowd of manipulators!)

Now let's consider the double Air Sun Gemini-Moon Aquarius blend of energies in this Solar Return Horoscope since Mr. Trump will have a year of its influence which is quite different from the usual Gemini-Sagittarius influence instilled within him at birth:

Sun Gemini-Moon AQ is a sober yet serious/bright vs light combination. A tendency toward wit and intellect may be noticed as well as an increase in curiosity (much needed!) His natal restlessness and Geminian quest for youth continues but the Aquarian input may help him gain a more in depth understanding of his duties. A search for Truth will continue to be a preoccupation although illusion and deception still swirl around and within him (we mustn't expect too much clarity from his indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square which tends to distort perception, garble words, and inconveniently reveal secrets to the wrong people).

This is a 'reformer' and 'negotiator' combo which should feel quite familiar to him, plus, an increase in reasoning ability may be noted and will hopefully be beneficial to all, thanks to a more detached Aquarian Moon which may resonate more easily with the American people's Aquarian Moon. Actually, a broader view and less subjective viewpoint would be very helpful in his current position as president though this blend's negatives are disturbingly a part of his nature already: talking far too much, allowing his mind to run too fast and neglecting the realities of life, and being disconnected from the painful, darker aspects of himself'. (Paraphrasing the Harvey's Sun Sign-Moon Sign).

Now there are several other important chart factors in Mr. Trump's Solar Return 2017 horoscope, of course, and I trust you to ferret them out at your leisure. But for now I want to close this post with a statement I have made here and elsewhere but which perhaps needs repeating, that:

Although I consider him unqualified and sadly overly flawed to uphold his presidential position, I much prefer that Mr. Trump do well in the role of US president because it means that America does well. And I add here that there are multiple forces, domestic and foreign, determined to undermine his presidency, and these efforts, as a Child of the Revolution, I do not appreciate and certainly do not applaud. Tragically, in effect, it is the US presidency that is being undermined just as it was for 8 years of Mr. Obama. And you know the culprits, the visible ones anyway.

And so I dissent because I care! And if my writing and chart reading seem 'partisan' to you, as some say they are, I completely agree for I am partisan on behalf of the Common Good--and am cheering for a sovereign America to give up the empirical roles of Global Cop and World Conqueror so that the American people may be decently treated by Washington (my former residence) as we should be...a Government Of, By, and For...We The People!


Jude Cowell

Related posts and horoscopes include:

August 2017 full of Mr. Trump's Karmic Returns; Summer Solstice 2017: Saturn at Midheaven; and The Oregon and South Carolina Horoscopes of The Great American Eclipse.