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Jan 16, 2019

December Eclipse ends 2019 w Jupiter and Pluto Issues

December 26, 2019 12:13 am est: 3 South Solar Eclipse @4Cap06 conjunct Jupiter @5Cap20 3rd and 4th houses in Washington DC. ASC 4Lib32 conjunct the natal Neptune of Donald Trump and America's natal Saturn-Neptune midpoint; Hour of Mars (@24Sco30 in 2nd house of the National Treasury and conjunct Trump's natal IC of Endings); Mars is leader of a BOWL shape denoting a selfish trailblazer alone against the world (M.E. Jones).


Most midpoint pictures and pairs referenced in this post are from Ebertin, Tyl, and Michael Munkasey which you see penned into the center of the chart: "Saturn-Neptune: a leader capitulates."

This is one of the possibilities of this planetary combination which, in America's 1776 chart (5:09/10 pm LMT) conjoins our natal Midheaven (1Libra). Saturn-Neptune also rises in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY) showing his early environment as oppressive and difficult. Whether Trump will capitulate before or by December 2019 is anyone's guess (being the unpredictable Uranian that he is) but I type today on January 16, 2019 with the Bob Barr confirmation hearings ongoing and the ultimate fate of the Mueller report in doubt if/when William Barr becomes Trump's Attorney General. Mr. Barr, if confirmed, may redact or withhold all or part of the findings in spite of the public's need to know.

Now the Saturn-Neptune pair in society may also represents such things as: secret or invisible government, socialism, communism, Marxism, and so on. Weakness, illness, suffering caused by others, oppressive family circumstances, sense of "being out of the group" (Tyl), plus, a feeling of confinement or inhibition may also apply.

Jupiter, North Node, Mercury

Now let's note that fact that although protective Jupiter @5Cap20 conjoins the 3 South Solar Eclipse (themes listed, below), however, Jupiter simultaneously opposes America's natal Jupiter (5Can56) which suggests a period when no one is impressed, efforts are overblown, there is discontent, and a lack of funding and resources. The Jupiterian North Node of future direction @8Can22 points toward the natal Mercury of Donald Trump which, as you know, is afflicted by a square from his natal Neptune @5Libra--which rises in this chart. Some potentials for Saturn-Neptune with more Neptune involve 'presenting newly visualized views of reality or the future; dissolving rigid or outmoded structures; breaking through rigid patterns; inspiration derived from drugs'; and/or, 'illusive heightened awareness using escape' (Munkasey). Now you may agree that at least some of these potentials describe what Trump has done or attempted to do from the Oval Office and he has done them with the oppressive quality of Saturn-Neptune attached. As I type, the Trump Shutdown continues to afflict our nation.


In the Solar Eclipse horoscope, chart-ruler Venus @7AQ18 is posited in 4th house and conjoins US natal South Node (karma; getting the 'brush off'; bad timing--Ebertin) so we have that not going for us. The lack of aspects by Venus emphasizes the sign and house position of the money planet of relationships, diplomacy, and values (currency devaluation?) so I imagine that American diplomats (if we have any by then) will not be 'acing it' as they already aren't under Putin puppet Trump (boy, did Hillary call it in the 2016 Campaign debate!) But whether or not Trump is history before, by, or just after the end of 2019, America has some serious rebuilding to do from the damage he, the GOP, meddling billionaire donors, Murdoch, Putin, and perhaps others have caused.


Then there's the unaspected Neptune in 6th house (Civil, Military, Police Services) still floating through its own shady sign of Pisces but here with a materialistic view of the world for Neptune's usual lofty inspiration is not shared with the others planets--and Neptune's deep sense of isolation increases as its dreams are kept to itself.

Sun, Moon, Nodes, Midpoints

Now I shall briefly mention the midpoints affecting Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction (or his Sun-NN opposite along with natal Uranus in Gemini) but suffice to say that difficulties ensue caused by Mars-Saturn and Mars-Pluto in the 22--24 degree range of Sagittarius.

Saturn, Pluto, Vertex

Plus, restrictive Saturn is at a critical degree (20Cap) and transformative Pluto @22Cap11 conjoins the natal Vertex of Donald Trump as the two heavy weights ready for their Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46--spot-on Big T's natal Vertex of fated encounters.

December 2019 Solar Eclipse Themes

Now the initial 3 South Solar Eclipse on August 13, 1208 OS @27Leo10 conjoins the natal degree of Trump's rising Mars (and his ASC 29Leo and royal Regulus) and 1208's Pluto @10Leo15 conjoins Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02). Therefore, Trump's birth in 1946 basically timed a Pluto Return to the initial eclipse that began the 3 South Saros Series with the following eclipse themes listed, below (which are also penned upon the chart, top center). Plus, a Solar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is all about authority figures and our relationship to them. Karmic progress via the correction of past mistakes is possible only if the negative, constrictive traits of Capricorn are avoided such as selfishness and greed within the realms of government and business. Sadly, that greedy horse left America's selfish barn years ago but this eclipse in Capricorn gives the American people another chance for karmic improvement! Now here are the 3 South Themes:

'Sudden endings of associations or relationships, possibly involving a younger person; traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken via Pluto content in the initial eclipse' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). And as I said, August 1208's Pluto in Leo = Trump's natal 12th house Pluto--unaspected in his natal chart and "overshadowed by shadows." (For historical comparison, 3 South eclipses also occurred in the years 1911, 1929, 1947, 1965, 1983, 2001, and will again in 2038.)

So yes! For the sake of America and the common good, yours truly is cheering for Donald Trump--to clear outta Dodge before the sheriff arrives if he knows what's good for 'im. And take his sidekick Pence with 'im.

A Very Much Related Previous Post: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? with the royal star's caution, "success if revenge is avoided." Too late for that!

Jan 13, 2019

DC Horoscopes: February 2019 New and Full Moons

Left: New Moon @15AQ45 February 4, 2019 White House Washington DC; Hour of Mars @23Ari31 in the very visible 10th house and approaching 'wild card' planet Uranus. This explosive planetary pair blend their energies during 'dangerous times' and there is US natal Saturn (legalities, justice system, Robert Mueller) conjunct the New Moon IC, the Basis of the Matter. This New Moon phase culminates with the Full Moon of February 19, 2019 @00Vir42 conjunct royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided') and the natal Ascendant (and Mars) of Donald J. Trump.

Now as you see, transit Saturn (highlighted in blue, 6th house) @15Cap22 conjoins the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') prior to this New Moon, an eclipse which perfected on the evening of January 5, 2019 and will forever be imprinted upon the opening of the 116th Congress with its theme of 'joining a new or unusual group and gaining a great deal' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Our newly elected House representatives of the Democratic persuasion certainly did that!

Below right is the February 19, 2019 Full Moon conjunct Regulus horoscope which shows asteroid Nemesis rising ('the unbeatable foe' or, 'divine retribution') in Gemini along with gold-hoarding Midas. The Full Moon falls across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis and squares fixed star Alcyone ('something to cry about'). Follow the link for my original post which was composed prior to the brutal Trump Shutdown which began at midnight on December 22, 2018 so I'm thinking the cosmic picture here refers to the suffering of the American people and Trump's sabotage of the US economy using as an excuse his vanity project 'the wall' that he and Republicans could have funded and built during the two years they had control of House and Senate. The timing of the Trump Shutdown leveled extreme stress upon federal workers coming just before Christmas, and I believe that Trump was encouraged to time it to prevent much of the 116th Congress/Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House publicity from taking over the airwaves. Plus, Trump wanted a 'showdown' with Speaker Pelosi and to present her with a crisis to deal with instead of the progressive agenda (he hoped)--why else wait for her swearing in as Speaker? Of course, Sean Hannity of Fox News and the other Murdoch shills advised him of this necessity and as you know, power-grabber Trump hates it when someone or an event takes away what he considers 'his' spotlight. Alcyone's tears of affected federal workers and others with no paychecks with which to feed their children are of no consideration for we know what Trump has already done to children.

Yet predictably, if Big T can figure out how to end his Shutdown without too much humiliation, he'll attempt to claim the 'savior' side of the Virgo-Pisces axis! That's unless 25% of the US government inactive is the permanent condition the GOP has longed for all these years. If so, 25% may be just the start with full collapse their ultimate goal (and Putin's).

So please enlarge the images for more chart details for relief may be in sight because the expected revelations from the Mueller investigation are apparently part of the lunations' revealing and uncovering functions in February which will lead into the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis for New and Full Moons can uncover inconvenient facts and secrets much as Solar and Lunar Eclipses do in their disruptive Uranian 'wild card' sort of way. And often it takes a crisis to lead ultimately to improvement!

A Related Post with Horoscopes: Trump plus Pelosi.

Jan 10, 2019

DC Horoscopes: the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis

January 10, 2019: Today as the Trump Wall stalemate as 'justification' for the bogus, harmful Trump Shutdown continues, news that the Mueller investigation nears its end comes as potential if partial relief to the current level of tension and frustration in America. It is reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will begin downsizing his staff soon and that acting AG Rod Rosenstein is preparing to step down from the DOJ, timed by William Barr's assumption of the AG post once his confirmation hearing, apparently scheduled for next week (possibly Tuesday January 15th), wraps up successfully. Then it will probably take several weeks more for Mueller's staff to prepare then present the report which may or not be 'hidden' by Trump supporters in the Department of Justice.

Not all my notes are mentioned in this text so please enlarge the image for more details:

Politically, it seems that the returning Mr. Barr is a shoo-in for the AG post circa 2019 but meanwhile, the fate of the Mueller report is uncertain due to 'Bill' Barr's pre-judgment of the Trump investigation's legality and the iffiness of the timing of Mr. Rosenstein's departure while still managing to protect the investigation against assaults by the guilty-acting Mr. Trump. This week we find that Robert Mueller's report may possibly 'drop' in March 2019 if not in February, so above are the DC Horoscopes of the March 6th New Moon @15Pis47 (conjunct difficult Achernar star of 'crisis' and/or'rapid endings') and deceptive, delusional Neptune (16Pis08), planet of mass media, the masses, lies, fraud, propaganda, bubbles, contagion, fear, paranoia---all in the 10th house of Career and Public Standing when the chart is set for the White House (same for Washington DC). As you see, Mercury is at Station and has turned retrograde which suggests review, reconsideration, or perhaps someone changing their mind about their plans (edit: or a 're-port'?). Sorry to say but Mercury conjoins another difficult star, too--Scheat, a star of misfortune.

Now as you know, a New Moon phase represents a 'seeding' of a new cycle of activity yet this one is clouded by veiling, disguising Neptune, just recently moved beyond its 5th conjunction of 5 (Dec 29, 2018) in the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return (14Pis01) Horoscope. Visions of Republicans obscuring Trump's antics and illegalities come to mind although a few GOPers have ventured from behind the curtain and jumped the sinking ship. Perhaps more will stand up and follow suit by March, no matter what secrets Trump, Putin, and/or others hold over them. Yes, I want to believe that not all Republicans are compromised, don't you?!

Then upper right, you see the culminating Full Moon of March 20, 2019 @00Lib09 which perfects a day prior to Spring Equinox 2019 and shows testy Mars @23Taurus conjunct Trump's natal MC and simultaneously nearing the natal Mars of Speaker Nancy Pelosi where raging star Algol blinks. This Full Moon @00Libra, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, conjoins the natal Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal; Aspirations) of the United States of America (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT, Philly) so that a cosmic picture of timing and fulfillment is shown by the bright rays of the March 2019 Full Moon yet as I type at you in January, your guess is as good as mine, if not better, as to what Trump and Washington politicians have in mind--assuming that they have a definite plan for our nation at all--other than chaos as they shove our nation toward a constitutional crisis via authoritarian dictator-wanna-be Trump's extreme efforts to unduly expand executive power by ignoring the principles and requirements of the US Constitution.

Jan 7, 2019

Jan 5, 2019

Nancy Pelosi: Speaker of the House 2007-2019

Below is a bi-wheel of Nancy Pelosi's two stints as Speaker of the House of Representatives circa 2007 (January 4) and 2019 (January 3). Charts are set for noon, the symbolic opening of a new Congress--the 110th in 2007 and the 116th in 2019. Notes are penned on if you care to enlarge the image, and midpoint pictures in force for both stints are listed, below, along with prominent 2019 conjunctions to the 2007 planets although your eagle eye may spot more:

As always with midpoint pictures, any, all, or none may apply and are subject to activation by transit and progression. The following is a comparison of midpoint pictures between Speaker Pelosi 2007 and Speaker Pelosi 2019:

Midpoint Pictures January 4, 2007 noon est Capitol Hill

Sun 13Cap57 = Jupiter-Neptune (speculation; deceiving or being deceived); = Venus-Pluto (acts of elimination); = Mercury-MC (achieving prominence and recognition through hard work and determination. Note that the first two planetary pairs relate to finance, investment, and extravagance or waste.

Pluto 27Sag09 = Sun-Jupiter (great success or complete failure; great good luck; pursuit of fortune; an inheritance).

Mercury 12Cap25 conjunct MC = Sun-MC (communicating intentions; gaining experience; seeing one's way to achieving goals).

North Node 18Pis09 of public contact = Neptune-ASC (goals involve persuading groups to your points of view; suffering from falsehood, fraud, or malice via disharmonious people; rumors.

Venus 00AQ42 conjunct US Inaugural Sun = Sun-Neptune (a value system based on dreams of an easy life; disappointments; a weak constitution); = Mars-Uranus (strong passions; dogmatism).

Midpoint Pictures January 3, 2019 noon est Capitol Hill

MC 10Cap07 = Mercury-Pluto (good coping ability; keen powers of observation, judgment, discernment; prudence; foresight; ability to arrange matters well; leadership; great perception of any situation; resourcefulness -- 'Mercury-Pluto' = success as a speaker.

Mercury 27Sag50 conjunct 2007 Pluto: 'gaining power, gathering valuable information'; = Sun-Jupiter (getting ideas across; successful thinking; good news; success via speaking and acting; recognition; = Jupiter-Saturn (desire to make changes; effective communication; using media to publicize ideas and plans).

Jupiter 12Sag conjunct US natal ASC = Mercury-Venus (successfully expressing values; an advantageous union); = US natal ASC (appreciation for proper behavior).

Pluto 20Cap 41, a critical-crisis degree = Venus-Neptune (suspicions about deceptive practices; criminals using elaborate cover-ups for fraud or deceit; disguising waste); a painful renunciation.

Saturn 11Cap41 = Sun-MC (better planning toward implementation; necessity to make difficult decisions; reserve.)

As you see, 2019 Mercury conjoins 2007 Pluto (notated in the text, above, and on the chart, upper middle; 2019 Saturn conjoins 2007 Mercury denoting serious training, instructions, and broadening of skills; responsibilities increase, and delays are involved with Mercurial things such as communications, planning, commerce, trade, and travel (Trump Shutdown?).

2019 Neptune @14Pis08 nestles between the 2007 Uranus-North-Node midpoint and pair of radical, anarchistic, progressive politics in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions such as Congress, and Karma which forms a picture of potentials including: meetings with unusual people (new congress members?), undermining of associations, being suddenly deceived by others, and/or people who are easily impressed by others. Note that this position of nebulous Neptune is the natal degree of the Republican Party (1854) which had its final exact Neptune Return on December 29, 2018. Plus, 2019 Neptune conjuncts 2007 Uranus which suggests changes in society are due but with confusion and disorientation involved as technology conflicts with ideals.

This looks to me like a cosmic picture of Republicans undermining House Democrats (old news!), in particular the progressive wing of the party and - tiresomely - the pro-people policies they and Nancy Pelosi support (to the extent that she does).

And finally, 2019 North Node conjoins 2007 Moon 27Can42 suggesting major publicity, emotional and/or spiritual ties between the congressional ladies, families and children in attendance at both events, and Speaker Pelosi's expression on January 3, 2019 of this being the 100-year anniversary of Women gaining the Right to Vote!


Midpoint sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; Solar Arcs, Tyl.

Jan 2, 2019

New Millennium 2 South Eclipse repeats Jan 5, 2019

As we've previously discussed, on January 5, 2019, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the New Millennium in the 2 South Saros Series repeats @15Cap25 as you see in the bi-wheel charts, below, with Capricorn the sign of government, law, and business. Additional notes are penned around the charts including natal placements of Donald Trump (in lavender-pink), plus, some of the primary transits coming soon to the New Millennium chart (in blue). 2019 Saturn and Pluto tend to bring instability to finances, politics, and the social order and are prominent, and the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse Ascendant (28Leo08) set for DC conjuncts the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump which personalizes the eclipse for him. Plus, 2001 Saturn @24Tau34 Rx sits atop the natal Midheaven (Aspirations; Goals) of Trump along with furious Algol of Medusa fame. Please check the notes on the bottom of the chart for upcoming Jupiter and Saturn transits which begin on January 10, 2019 with Jupiter to Pluto which suggests large-scale projects (border fencing?), and increased power, money, and control for plutocrats if for no one else:

Also noted on the chart (in orange) is the disruptive 'wild card' Solar Eclipse @10Can36 which perfects in the 3 North Saros Series on July 2, 2019, something of an early "birthday gift" for America and falling between US natal Jupiter (5:56) and Sun (13:19) with natal Venus of evaluations and values (3Cancer) nearby. 3 North preceded the Crash of 1929, the attacks of 9/11/01 and, in 1983, links to Reagan's 'trickle down economics' scam from which the American people continue to suffer.

Around the 8th cusp of $hared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Corporatism, and Transformation, quirky Uranus is poised to turn Direct, then careen into Taurus and the 8th house (May 19, 2019) from where it opposes 2001 Mars (in 2nd hou$e), and squares 2001 Neptune (which happened to conjoin US natal South Node in 2001). None of this sounds good, I agree, but we can hope that perhaps the New Millennium Horoscope will prove to be completely useless for looking ahead.

And of course Technology planet Uranus opposing Mars, planet of action and motivation, may describe rebellions, separations, disruptive, rash, or erratic actions to be taken, and unexpected dangers that may occur such as cyber intrusions (hacking, theft) against financial and/or other institutions (ex: continued massive data breaches as we have had with Equifax and Marriott). Squaring networking Neptune, transit Uranus suggests internet disconnections via mysterious entities or enemies, and the possibility of societal unrest especially in relation to civil rights. Reality continues to be under siege along with the promotion of idealistic or faulty notions.

As for current societal conditions, the break up of huge monopolies is long overdue in America for they keep wages down and stifle innovation, among other ills. Can transit Uranus in money sign Taurus catalyze such major changes from the 8th house of the 2001 chart? Well, one thing we know--that with Uranus all results tend to be totally unpredictable and we never know when or if they will strike at all!

Dec 30, 2018

Death Horoscope of George Washington Dec 14, 1799

Astro-Notes on the Death of George Washington with Eclipses of Influence

by Jude Cowell

If you wish, view the natal horoscope of George Washington, Rodden Rating: AA; born February 22, 1732 (NS) 10:00 am LMT Colonial Beach, Virginia; ASC 18Tau28 ('19Taurus': "A Newly Formed Continent"); MC 29Cap34 ('30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference" and natal IC (Roots) '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution.")

Below is my proposed Death Horoscope for George Washington set for a speculative time of 10:12 pm LMT, Mount Vernon, Virginia on December 14, 1799 after supervising his estate on a cold, snowy day (Dec 12), eating dinner still wearing his wet clothes, and riding out again the next day (Dec 13). Historical records give his time of death between 10 and 11 pm on the evening of December 14 and I'm using 10:12 pm because of the several Angular planets in the chart, both transit and natal (natal placements are in blue around the chart; also note that the difficult Saturn-Uranus midpoint rises at 10:12 pm = mourning and bereavement. Please enlarge the image to read my study notes which include the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of his death, plus, the even closer to the event Lunar Eclipse @20Taurus (sign of the throat) which hit Washington's natal ASC-DESC axis on November 12, 1799; (ASCendant = the physical body.) Themes of Washington's 4 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") are penned on, lower right in orange, along with the date and degree of the next 4 North eclipse at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Cancer, a major cosmic event (to be posted on later).

Mars = fever and infection (with Neptune = infectious disease)

Closer than the eclipses to the evening of his death was his then-in-force Mars Return of January 5, 1798 with transit Pluto square natal Mars (details in the center of chart), plus, his next Mars Return (23Sco13) which perfected on December 15, 1799--the day after his death; Mars at the IC (endings) is highlighted in lavender-pink, and along with contagious Neptune and wounding Chiron, present a trio of infection and disease made much worse by the three attending doctors (Chiron):

ASC 3Vir14 makes Mercury chart-ruler yet with no Ptolemaic application, this denotes the importance of Mercury's sign, Saturn-ruled Capricorn, and house placement (5th h of Risk-Taking). It's an Hour of feverish Mars yet instead of reading Washington's Death Horoscope in the usual way, I shall use Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences and the biological correspondences it provides for the planetary pairs present in the horoscope. The biology of the pairs will be added to medical notes taken from 10 facts about the horrific death of George Washington, plus, another excellent source on the topic: PBS NewsHour's July 4, 2011 article The 9 Deadly Diseases That Plagued George Washington all through his life. Among them are diphtheria (throat, breathing), tuberculosis (lungs), malaria, dysentery (bowels), quincy (tonsillitis), pneumonia (lungs), smallpox (age 19), and carbuncle, a growth on his face (was it cancererous? no one seems certain.)

My idea is that after his cold, calamitous 5-hours-long ride in snow, hail, and high winds on December 12, 1799, the return of one or more of these chronic infections may have played a part in his suffering (or been a prime cause) during his final days--diphtheria in particular since its symptoms resonate with his condition as he took ill (see below).

Add to his weakened constitution the ineptitude of the physicians who attended him and debated how to treat him which included certain awful "remedies" of the era such as bloodletting. Over 10 to 12 hours they removed approximately 35% of the blood from his system which naturally left his immune system weaker than before, created a 'water-blood imbalance' and possibly brought or worsened bladder issues (Moon-Saturn) which could have resulted in shock during his final hours of "calm." Shock would have contributed to or caused his subsequent death. And the Mercury-Saturn pair suggests inhibited speech which his throat condition certainly provided. His last words? "Tis well," murmured to his personal secretary, Tobias Lear.

During Washington's later hours of misery, the application of Spanish Fly (Cantharides--a powder made from the dead bodies of a certain beetle, a known toxin) was a major medical misstep for its application to his throat, the source of his complaints, caused blistering, diarrhea, and kidney inflammation which only increased his agony. This hideous powder was a "false remedy" (Jupiter-Neptune) and did not remove poisons from his system, as apparently they'd hoped.

Now the symptoms of George Washington once he took to his sickbed were as follows: a terribly sore throat, trouble swallowing, difficulty speaking, convulsions, distress, expectoration of phlegm, and bouts of suffocation (which followed his gargling of vinegar and sage tea, if not before). Note that diphtheria symptoms include an extremely sore throat and a pseudo-membrane at the back of the throat which can cause suffocation. Also note that a tracheotomy to ease his labored breathing was suggested but since it was a new procedure, it was not employed. Diphtheria also releases a toxin into the bloodstream that damages the heart - was his heart previously damaged? (Saturn-Uranus = heart blockage; Rising = mourning and bereavement--opposite Pluto = major harm, and a tremendous fear of loss).

Now as you know, Virgo-Pisces is the victim-savior axis (6/12) and it rises and sets in the horoscope (ASC '4Virgo' = "A Colored Child Playing with White Children"...freedom for Washington's slaves was part of his Will which he wrote himself on July 9th--however, Martha freed them all sooner than he'd specified--good on her).

As you see, 1799 Uranus, planet of shocks, is in Virgo (bowels) and is apex planet of a T-Square between Sun and Jupiter = a sudden turn. Expansive Jupiter Rx @26Gemini conjoins Washington's natal South Node, a Saturnian point of separation--similar to 1799 Uranus in Virgo opposing GW's natal Venus (critical @29Pisces) = separation from a female or females, broken relationships. Plus, rising in 1st house is Uranus conjunct Saturn-Neptune, the pair of 'weakness and sickness' - triggered by Uranus = 'sudden illness'. GW's first natal planet to rise in the Death Horoscope is his 6th house (Health) Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of balance. Perhaps the Venus-Jupiter pair hints at over-rich or sugary foods and/or possibly diabetes.

Now George Washington suffered with bloody dysentery and debilitating abdominal pains off and on during his lifetime and who can deny that the torturous 'treatments' he received during his final days, including at least one enema, were nauseating and obviously could make most any chronic condition worsen. Few men could withstand it!

Plus, the T-Square's Sun-Jupiter opposition is interesting for biologically the pair suggests 'tissue elements of the organs, particularly the glands, regenerative functions of the blood' (unless it's been pilfered via a wrong diagnosis (Jupiter-Neptune); plus, Sun-Jupiter is 'particularly important for the restoration of health'. Yet tragically with so many forces against him and medical knowledge lacking, it looks as if the sterile (Step-?) Father of Our Country didn't stand a chance of restoring his health. And priding himself on his Capricorn habit of punctuality (Moon @16Capricorn, a reigning need via Saturn, ruler and keeper of Time) he just had to eat dinner in wet clothes. And what did he eat for dinner? No idea but I do know that the Sun-Jupiter pair can also point toward 'illness through the wrong nutrition' with corpulence as one result. The Jupiter-Uranus pair also applies to our topic for its biological influences suggest: 'the organic rhythm of life; peristalsis of the intestines; convulsive fits; colic with no time limit; magnifying or exaggerating everything; zealous representation of one-sided views'--and 'a turn of destiny'.

Now there are other health indicators of disease in Washington's Death Horoscope such as a semi-square between Jupiter-Saturn ('chronic disease; an organic defect (e.g. tubercular cavity in the lungs); gall and liver functions'. So since GW contracted tuberculosis during an island trip with his brother who wanted to recuperate from TB, his lungs probably didn't aid him during his last-ever throat infection which could have triggered a relapse of diphtheria or other infection/s. Even the Venus-Saturn square is problematic for biologically this pair can represent such conditions as 'glandular malfunction' or 'atrophy', 'swollen glands', 'goiter', and/or 'pulmonary emphysema'. And we should include Sun-Saturn (sesqui-square, a health indicator) for the pair suggests potentials for: 'cell death; rheumatism, hereditary afflictions, and/or arterial sclerosis'.

Whew! There are more health indicators in the chart worth mentioning but that's gracious plenty for one post--and we have only to read about them, not have them greatly magnified by incompetent, ill-informed physicians who were concerned about being blamed (just like doctors nowadays). So my kudos go to any reader who made it to the end of this astro-consideration of the Death of George Washington. And...

May The General R.I.P.

A Related Video: Where Is the Tomb of George Washington?

Above image: 'Portrait of George Washington' by Gilbert Stuart {public domain}

Dec 28, 2018

1929 'Black Tuesday' Solar Eclipse repeats July 2, 2019

Not to Worry But to Inform

by Jude Cowell

Here you see a re-posting of the DC Horoscopes of the opening of the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019 at noon est, Capitol Hill, Washington DC (inner) with the 3 North July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse @10Can37 (outer) conjoining the IC of the 116th Congress. Of interest financially is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's natal Jupiter @18Aries opposing Trump's natal Jupiter @18Libra in rising and setting positions in the chart (denoting their wall-funding stand-off most likely along with the Trump Shutdown, and then $ome), plus, the fact that a 3 North Solar Eclipse @18Taurus preceded the 1929 'Black Tuesday' Crash, with acquisitive Taurus, sign of money, growth, and possessions, snorting like the 'Bull of Wall Street' and an apt symbol of Wall Street greed and gold-worshiping.

Now as you may know, a previous SO'W post displays both DC Horoscopes of the 3 North July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse @11Cancer and the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Capricorn with wealth-hoarder Pluto in Capricorn ('The Dictator', aka, the 'Underworld Crime Boss' and/or the saboteur of governments) creeping nearby and getting ready for his tryst with karmic Saturn @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020--conjunct the natal Vertex (fated encounters) of Mr. Donald J. Trump.

Will the karmic imperative of 'reaping what was sown' prevail?

3 North themes: news involving a young person and or that transforms a situation; information causes worry or obsessive thinking; large plans are wanted which can be positive but don't get carried away (paraphrasing Brady's 'Predictive Astrology').

For more info, follow the 'July 2019 Eclipses' link for the 3 North Eclipses, one of which was the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of 9/11/01 for it perfected as the 2001 Summer Solstice Eclipse @00Cancer, one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation where prominent events tend to happen on the Global Stage.

Are We Setting Up the Destruction of the Planet? - Thom Hartmann

Keep Updated by following Thom Hartmann's Facebook Page.


Related Posts with Astrology include: Uranus to Taurus: "Nature's Revolution"! showing all three horoscopes of disruptive Uranus to earth sign Taurus, sign of growth, exact on May 15, 2018, November 6, 2018, and finally - on March 6, 2019 and DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2019.

And for a cosmic overview of 2019's background energies you may also wish to see The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes.

Dec 22, 2018

Is There a Silver Lining for Trump in 2019?

December 22, 2019: with Christmas prep in full swing and out-of-town guests expected soon, plus, the fact that multiple major events will transpire between now and September, I shall venture a peek at the September 28, 2019 New Moon Horoscope set for the Capitol Building, Washington DC. Many of my thoughts on this significant New Moon in relation to Donald Trump are penned upon the chart if you don't mind enlarging the image to read them but below are a few chart details that stand out to me.

The New Moon @5Lib20 (9th house) conjoins the natal 2nd house Neptune (5Lib55) of Mr. Trump who, one assumes, may still inhabit the Oval Office in September 2019. Seeds are being planted which may blossom around the time of the next Full Moon of October 13, 2019 @20Ari14, a critical-crisis degree. Other potentials in the New Moon chart include a 'silver lining' (Jupiter-n Uranus = tr Neptune) or one who is guided by 'false perceptions' which Big T certainly is, and of course, both potentials can apply.

Asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) conjoins Trump's natal Ascendant in 8th house, and rising at the New Moon is transit Saturn conjunct South Node, a doubly karmic indicator of reaping what was sown in the past--perhaps that's a depressive cosmic indicator for our sabotaged America.

And there's powerful manipulator Pluto with his 'hidden wealth' following at a critical-crisis degree (20Cap). Pluto in 1st house = large-scale events that no one person can control.

Naturally, this difficult Saturn-SN-Pluto trio in 1st house conjures an image of the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction which will conjunct the natal Vertex of Donald Trump with fated undertones which may denote a meeting with karma and/or may also suggest his release from presidential responsibilities with little if any damage--through resignation, impeachment, indictment, and/or an ill-deserved pardon for his crimes. Or is death suggested by Saturn-Pluto = natal Vertex? Well, that's for a Higher Authority to decide, not this lowly novice astrologer!

Other notables are the September 28, 2019 transits shown in the chart which conjoin or oppose the natal planets of Mr. Trump whose natal placements are highlighted in lavender pink, outer. Besides New Moon conjunct his natal 2nd house Neptune (a new cycle of shady finances or a financial revelation hidden until the next Full Moon?), natal Jupiter and his guiding planet, Uranus, are triggered by transit Venus (17Lib38) to Jupiter (exaggeration, overindulgence, or the 'good life' calling) and transit Jupiter opposing natal Uranus (exact 3 times in 2019: February 1, June 23, and September 28, as you see--a transit of sudden changes in career, routine, and/or relationships, a longing for greener pastures or golf courses, and nervous feelings as responsibilities and other people present obstacles, limitations, and restrictions.)

As you see, transit North Node @13Can53 conjoins the US natal Sun and suggests the US presidency in the spotlight, plus, 7th house can indicate open enemies which many folks believe can describe Donald Trump. Still, 7th house is the house of Partners and Relationships as well so we'll see if the conjunction denotes significant meetings with POTUS. Then there's US natal Jupiter (5Can56) setting on the New Moon's Descendant (in DC) with Jupiter's Sabian Symbol of "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests," which has always been a pretty good description of Washington politicians in general, don't you think?

Two other difficult 2019 transits for Mr. Trump (not shown in this New Moon chart) which I want to mention are the three times that transit Saturn @17Cap55 will square Trump's natal Jupiter, so strong via its Stationary condition as part of his Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of speculation and grand schemes. This square denotes potentials for that 'down on his luck' feeling (such a martyr!) as Big T's goals and dreams are challenged or limited by responsibilities and/or by authorities--perhaps, legal eagle Saturn will finally demand accountability if he (Mr. Mueller) hasn't already! The three exact 'hits' perfect all through 2019 on: February 25, July 6, and November 25, 2019.

And we mustn't forget the ego-deflation of transit Jupiter opposing Trump's natal Sun (@22Gem55 in natal 10th house of Career and Public Status) three times in 2019 on March 11, May 11, and October 29. Problems include overreach, depleted finances, and others who steer him in the wrong direction (as Fox News heads already do). Opposing forces restrict and principles are compromised (if he held any) during 2019.

Of course, other important transits will affect Donald Trump's natal chart during 2019, some positive, some negative, but they must be for another post or two. Hopefully, you'll stay tuned for them and for other posts to be published as soon as my schedule allows including 2019 eclipse details. And remember that your on-topic comments and shares are always much appreciated by yours truly! jc

Now here's a recent post with my considered view of some early 2019 cosmic events bwo Political Astrology through a common-good lens, plus, a link to Robert Cosmar's insightful 2019 Forecast for America via YouTube. And perhaps at or around Spring Equinox 2019 conditions will provide benefits for some if not for others! And as you know, a Spring Equinox horoscope, aka, Aries Ingress, represents conditions for an entire year and may be referred to until the next Spring Equinox which makes it the most prominent of the Cardinal Point Ingresses.