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Jun 27, 2019

The Natal and Progressed Chiron of Donald Trump

Chiron as Mentor, Wound, Healer, Blind Spot, and The Key to Self-Awareness

Here you see a hand drawn version of the Secondary Progressions ('SP') of Donald Trump set for today, June 27, 2019, and showing his SP Chiron @19Lib39 in SP 12th house conjunct SP Venus, SP Siva (the creator-destroyer), and natal Jupiter.

Listed on the chart, lower left, is his natal 2nd house trio of Neptune 5Lib50 Rx, Chiron 14Lib54 (conjunct US natal Saturn--he wounds our legal system and institutions and/or is wounded by them), and boundary-breaking Jupiter Stationary Direct @17Lib27. Now as you know, the Jupiter-Neptune pair is one of grand spirit, feeling quietly special (quietly?), rumor and scandal, inflation, balloons and bubbles, high promises, idolatry, speculation, political conflicts, and tricky legalisms. That blind spot Chiron is in the midst of this expansive pair of energies calls for some serious consideration, perhaps in a future post, but at the least, it appears that some measure of Trump's speculating, overpromising, seduceable behavior is unconsciously perpetrated. He 'just can't see it' so exactly how much self-awareness Trump has to employ is something of a mystery to me, if not to you.

Please feel free to enlarge the image for more info on the condition of Trump's Chiron, and more. Such as his SP New Moon @3Vir00:12 which symbolically perfects on September 16, 2019 within the confines of a Bundle shape of planets, the shape of a dictator (as with Mussolini's natal chart according to Marc Edmund Jones.) Yes, it's all very fascinating concerning this complex, flawed individual yet much of it is beyond the scope of this post for my main objective today is to share details concerning the natal and progressed Chiron of Donald Trump, blind spots, flaws, wounds, and all.

So here, by gracious permission of the author, master astrologer Richard Nolle, are details on Trump's natal Chiron in Libra in 2nd house, and his SP Chiron progressed into 12th house quoted from Richard's excellent book Chiron: The New Planet in Your Horoscope, The Key to Your Quest. (Center left on the chart see Chiron conjunct chart-ruler Venus.) And note that we find from Trump's wide conjunction natally and his closer SP conjunction of Chiron and Jupiter that he's a 'zealot on a mission'--a maverick 'always chasing rainbows' and broadcasting expansive, fanciful visions which he sells to his gullible supporters. And though buyer's remorse has begun to set in for many of his victims (exs: US farmers; factory workers; voters) he remains ensconced in the Oval Office as I type...fearful, desperate, and dreading legal exposure and accountability via Robert Mueller's July 17th testimony on Capitol Hill while tweeting a lot--usually insults--and sleeping very little as Election Day 2020 creeps ever nearer.

So following are details from Richard Nolle interspersed with a few observations by yours truly.

Chiron in Libra, sign of relationships, focuses on just that "both concretely and in the abstract," writes Richard Nolle. Chiron's mentorship function when in Venus-ruled Libra involves "comprehending one's impact on others" for this transactional fellow and requires a mentor "whose all-encompassing vision creates an aesthetic order from the mysterious matrix of chaos." Yes, Uranian Trump admits he rules by chaos! And to me his Chiron in Libra placement in part reveals Hegelian machinations probably taught him by his favorite mentor, the unethical, disbarred lawyer Roy Cohn--to create a problem or a difficult condition, then rush in playing the hero who solves everything, usually by doing what he was determined to do in the first place. This resonates with Big Donnie's 'only I can fix it' mentality although successful outcomes are so very debatable. Still, the job of sabotaging America gets done in one way or another and he is proud to be chosen as the public leader of the pack (of jackals).

Natal Chiron in 2nd house of Values and Possessions

"Value is an important keyword to this natal Chiron position. Despite its unfortunate commercial connotations, value means far more than just a price tag. The things you value most are the ones you take for granted, the ones which in their absence would have a way of turning your whole life topsy-turvy. With this Chiron placement often comes a strong proselytizing urge aimed at preserving one's values for posterity by cultivating these values in others. For these natives, fulfillment may consist of developing their various gifts and imparting them in a legacy to others, whose appreciation is accepted as a testimonial to the very value that means so much to the native.

Should they fall prey to the misguided notion that theirs are the only true values, these people can become cynical and manipulative in the extreme. But as long as they realize there can only be dishonor in placing one's own values over and against all others, they are not likely to suffer messianic delusions. The key to self-fulfillment for those born with this Chiron emphasis generally entails learning to handle some natal endowment, perhaps a talent, trait or socio-cultural legacy. Through these and like possessions they are led to a meeting with the mentor who will reveal to them their path of destiny."

Did Roy Cohn and perhaps Roger Stone reveal to 'messianic' Trump his path of destiny--to the White House? Stone and others encouraged Trump for decades toward his political ambitions.

To this placement, Richard adds that a 2nd house Chiron is shared natally by cultist-writer L. Ron Hubbard, populist politician Louisiana's Huey P. Long, and conservative writer-politician Clare Booth Luce. Quite a controversial bunch of propagandists!

Now for Trump's SP Chiron in the 12th House of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Hidden Enemies

"Isolation is always in some sense a keyword for this Chiron type which symbolizes one who chooses to be as far from the crowd as possible (physically or psychically, as the case may be). Of course no one is an island, so to speak, bt to the extent these natives do take part in society they do so by playing a tile which is at most merely a fraction of their full individuality. They seem to belong to two worlds (maybe ore), and the world of commonsense reality tends not to be their strong suit. Nevertheless some of them play a role that attracts public notice. When this happens the native generally manages to maintain privacy despite the limelight by projecting a deliberate smokescreen. Through misinformation, exaggerated behaviors or otherwise acting out of character, this type is adept at maintaining a private sanctuary even under the most inhospitable circumstances.

Self-imposed solitude is no mere affectation for these people. They are alone with their inner selves not just be choice but by necessity. Those among them who may be unable to maintain the necessary degree of physical or psychic solitude by their own resources may find such solitude imposed on them by their social environment.

Mentors appear to natives of the twelfth house Chiron as martyrs, persons who sacrifice themselves to atone for the actions of others. In some cases the native may follow the mentor's example to the point of total self-sacrifice. Whatever its mundane outcome, this person's Quest is in some essential respect a solitary path. It is a path of self-transformation, whether personally chosen or imposed by others, that brings the native through a 'black night of the soul' -- from which no one can emerge who is not transmuted."

Richard adds examples of those with natal Chiron in 12th house including ventriloquist Edgar Bergen, anthropologists Margaret Mead and Carlos Castaneda, would-be assassin of racist presidential candidate George Wallace Arthur Bremer, boxing champion
Muhammad Ali, and astrologer Tracey Marks, author of Your Secret Self: Illuminating the Mysteries of The Twelfth House, a revelatory book that even Donald Trump might benefit from if only he would read more than one page at a time. Of course, we know that he's perfectly satisfied with himself so no transmutation is to be expected any time soon--not by choice, that is.

And on the possibility of a 'black night of the soul' for Donald Trump, my suspicion is that this is what he now experiences every long and tweety night as he awaits the dropping of whatever hammer (if any!) that has his scofflaw name on it.

Any thoughts?

Jun 26, 2019

July 17, 2019 Mr. Mueller to Testify as Regulus Rises

On July 17, 2019 at 9:00 am edt, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller is to testify before two congressional committees in back-to-back open session detailing his Muller Report findings, followed by closed session questions and answers. As you see, this will be a mere day after the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04--an illuminating eclipse that reflects Mr. Mueller's natal Circe Rx (@24Cap29: where we rescue or seek rescue) while eclipse Pluto Rx @21Cap50 conjoins Mueller's natal Nemesis Rx (@21Cap45: divine retribution; the unbeatable foe). Plus, the 9:00 am chart angles and cusps conjoin the natal Angles and cusps of Trump's natal chart including enraged star Algol at Midheaven.

No, the subpoena Mr. Mueller insisted upon receiving (or he wouldn't testify) is not considered a "friendly" one according to news reports but it will be answered by the law-abiding Mr. Mueller and his legal-eagle team on July 17th, obstructions by Trump and Barr notwithstanding. Since Mr Mueller no longer works for or at the DOJ, I hope his testimony goes forward without a Trumpian hitch.

Now there is much to say about all the pertinent horoscopes involved but in the flush of this exciting morning, I haven't the time to type much of it. However, at precisely 9:00 am on July 17, 2019, Capitol Hill, royal star Regulus rises just as it does in the natal chart of Donald J. Trump although for Trump in 1946, Regulus was still @29Leo. But now the star of 'success if revenge is avoided' fame is @00Virgo, the more practical Mercury-ruled, detail-oriented sign of discrimination and purification (when expressing at its best, plus, The Critic--the one Trump is very scared of). Perhaps here I may be pardoned for remembering a previous SO'W post wondering Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? for if revenge is not avoided (and who will disagree that 'revenge' is big T's middle name especially with his Mars in brash Leo rising?) all that has been gained will be taken away.

In addition, there's the harsh January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 conjunct Trump's natal Vertex ('VX'; @22Cap51), a point of fated encounters, changing work conditions, and possible endings, a karmic event for him (and thus for America) if ever there was one. Simultaneously, transit Saturn (strong in Capricorn sign of government, law, and business) opposes Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer while transit Pluto aligns to do so as well. So as we know, abuse and misuse of power issues are involved in this period for Trump and his authority is challenged on a vast and permanent scale.

As for testifying Mercury the Messenger, planet of reports, reporting, reviews, and "do-overs" the little guy is retrograde which may signify the two (actually four) sessions on July 17th (a 'speaking again' for Mr. Mueller) and could also simply denote his repetition by voice of what is in his written report which he will "stick to"--and hopefully a clarification of what was misrepresented in the report by AG Bill Barr. Of course, Mercury Rx may also indicate that Mueller's July 17th testimonies won't be the end of the matter yet we don't need Astrology to tell us that! Did you say "media circus"? Well, a curious synchronicity is that Mercury @1Leo08 will conjunct the natal 12th cusp of Donald Trump and you know that the unconscious 12th house contains such realms as Politics, Large Institutions (exs: Congress, hospitals), Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies, and Karma: reaping what's been sown. But I must suppose that a straight jacket is too much to wish for even if needed.

So if we may agree, dear reader, karma is a natural law which no one escapes in the end and this must also include the likes of Donald Trump, his associates, and his family of crime.

But things get more curiouser! For testifying Mercury Rx @1Leo08 will conjunct and activate the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse while opposing US POTUS Sun (00AQ+). This Lunar Eclipse was first to imprint upon year 2019 (after the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse @15Cap25) and you'll find some quite interesting info and astro-links in that previous post!

Also related: February 19, 2019 Full Moon Conjunct Royal Regulus making Regulus the star of the year!

Jun 25, 2019

Moon-Tracking the Dem Debates June 26/27, 2019

There's an appropriate midpoint picture that forms during both Democratic Debates the evenings of June 26 and 27, 2019: Venus-Neptune = Uranus (@5Tau+): 'the politics of vanity and deceit' (Munkasey). Noel Tyl adds potentials for: 'intensified fantasy setting up impractical expectations; going too far'; and/or, 'susceptibility to exploitation through ego aggrandizement'. Well, all these possibilities sound like US Politics in general as practiced in 2019, don't they? And with both political parties described in one handy midpoint picture brought to us by the Cosmos and emphasized by Campaign 2020 getting underway.

Now as you know, the sign of the Moon reveals info on current societal trends and the public mood of the moment so checking the Sun-Moon signs for both nights, we find Sun in early Cancer--June 26 9:00 pm edt Miami, FL conjunct US natal Jupiter @6Cancer ("Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" -- perhaps a book deal or two may result from a presidential campaign--or is this a hint of Senator Elizabeth Warren's perennial financial topics?), and the public's Moon in Mars-ruled Aries revealing some measure of riled up feelings and social activism. So the first debate shows a Water-Fire Sun-Cancer-Moon Aries blend which suggests quick, shrewd minds, impatience, sharp tongues, and the tendency to hide behind a 'brisk, authoritative manner when feeling vulnerable'. Plus some debater or two may stir up trouble where there isn't any! A political tactic for their own purposes, of course.

The more descriptive 'Image for Integration' for the first debate's Sun Cancer-Moon Aries combo of energies is: "A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause." Yowsa!

Then for the second debate (June 27, 2019 9:00 pm edt), Luna moves into Venus-ruled Taurus and is already slightly beyond erratic Uranus by 9:00 pm edt with the planetary pair suggesting emotional excitement for some viewers/voters and emotional detachment for others. This can also apply to one candidate or another at the same time, plus, Uranus these days tends to signify chaos-creator Donald Trump, the Uranian.

Now a Taurus Moon reveals a public mood in need of preserving values and traditions and desiring the attainment of more settled conditions rather than rocking the boat. Whether this atmosphere favors former VP Biden over Senator Sanders time will tell although to me it sounds more like voters leaning toward a staid Joe over a reformist Bernie (even though Sanders is more popular with the public at large--plus, I'm not considering personal planets of the candidates in this post) -- or, another status quo vs progressive candidate. Whatever the public preference may be at the end of June 2019, there will be plenty of time for sentiments and emotions to shift.

June 27: Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus is a pragmatic Water-Earth blend suggesting practical realism, sensitive responses to public appeals, and 'belief in the worth of every individual' (more of a Democratic thing than a Republican ideal, don't you agree?). However, subjective prejudices may be in evidence yet with a caring maternal quality expressed. Actually, the comforts of home may be on the menu with this blend and may include America's long-touted, patriotic apple pie symbolism at some point. Plus, Taurus-Cancer denotes a Sun-Moon sextile so folks will want to help the candidate of their choice by providing benefits!

Now in Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys provide three 'Images for Integration' for the Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus blend and frankly I'm not certain which might apply more closely (if any!) to the second Democratic Debate and its debaters so I'll close this post with all of them for your consideration:

"A family photo album...A flourishing family business...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape."

Any thoughts?

Above image: Trail to the Moon, a lunar inspired drawing by yours truly.

Jun 24, 2019

Trump a TransPluto figure but Saturn-Pluto time nears

Image: Donald Trump's Precessed Progressions January 12, 2020 12:00 pm est showing his SP Pluto-TransPluto-MC-Saturn rendezvous. His non-precessed Progressions for that date show SP MC @1Leo34 conjunct his natal 12th cusp so SP Saturn @3Leo has yet to symbolically cross SP MC, but it will happen soon.

Astro-Notes re: TransPluto

When spoken of or infrequently used in Astrology, TransPluto is most often referred to as a hypothetical planet which may or may not actually exist. Well, it is said to orbit even farther away from Earth than distant Pluto itself yet according to expert astrologer Lynn Koiner, TransPluto Is Real! Now whether you agree with such an assessment or not, Lynn's article contains pertinent information concerning TransPluto and while reading it I recognized the bedeviling Donald Trump as the TransPluto figure who's been keeping the world awake each night with his wacky and deplorable--yes, deplorable--antics, bigotry, insults, propaganda, and criminal activities since his escalator descent of June 16, 2015 to announce his prez bid--expertly timed by a seed-planting New Moon @25Gem07 that very morning.

Now some folks consider TransPluto to be 'more plutonian than Pluto' but there's more...

For four years later we 'know' Trump better and it seems that the archetype of TransPluto described in Lynn's article--"Personality keywords: The Perfectionist/Perfectionism, Self-Sufficiency, The Reformer Complex, and Alienation"--apply directly to Mr. Trump (so determined to reform and rule the world which was Hitler's goal, too) so I hope you'll check out Lynn's assessment if you're unfamiliar with her research for these terms apply to Donald Trump much more deeply than my limited knowledge of TransPluto could ever have guessed. Plus, they support other chart factors and the work of other astrologers on the topic of Trump's childhood and the harsh criticism from Mom and Dad--especially Dad in his case--which made Donald the flawed, fear-driven, greedy individual he is today. Plus, Don Sr now passes on the crazy and treats his own sons in a similar witheringly critical fashion, Don Jr in particular.

(See astro-notes on Trump's unconscious 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies and Hospitals--he's a man 'overshadowed by shadows'.)

Yes, such childhood issues apply to each of us, of course, for whose parents weren't narcissistic and made mistakes that continue to affect us negatively as adults? However, not everyone behaves as vengefully and achieves on the grand scale that the misshapen Donald Trump has with his bottomless pit of emotional needs for applause, approval, and his compulsive desperation on the material plane for more and better--and no criticism allowed. That's where the alienation comes in--work alone and no one can get close enough to you to criticize the flaws you fear you have. At least, that's his work method...alone for he can 'do it all' better than anyone else (as you may have heard!).

But his work conditions and/or methods may change drastically once the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020 occurs @22Cap46--precisely opposite Trump's natal 11th house Saturn in watery, Moon-ruled Cancer, a sign of self-protection and nationalism, and simultaneously conjuncts his natal Vertex (which relates to transformation at or in work, and to fated encounters). Plus, old man Saturn, planet of work, brings karmic lessons to us all and when opposing natal Saturn, negative conditions form which relate to past actions (and mistakes--and in his case, illegalities), plus, regret, failure, and a lack of progress often result. That's if the individual hasn't acted with integrity and taken responsibility for his actions as Saturn demands. Yet a lack of conscience can soften the blow and we may soon see whether or not Trump has one or no--if so, it is hidden deep within.

Now this particular fuss actually began unbidden when I had a look at Trump's Secondary Progressions ('SP') set for January 12, 2020 which shows his SP TransPluto at SP Midheaven and snugged right between his SP Saturn (in SP 9th house) and SP Pluto (10th house)--all at 3-5 degrees of ego-based Leo.

(Note that Lynn Koiner's article mentions that TransPluto is in its fall in Leo, with a negative connotation of selfishness and pomposity; that in his childhood Trump's parents cruelly activated such traits and embedded his deep fear of failure ("so much winning!") is no excuse for his adult, childish, unfeeling behavior.) Of course, there are several other chart factors supporting these problems in his psyche but today the focus of this post is his TransPluto.

And so on the mundane political level of so-called Trumpism, I consider the January 12, 2020 blending of harsh Saturn and Pluto energies in governmental, Saturn-ruled Capricorn to be a cosmic echo of, or a timing device related to, Trump's SP trio of Pluto-TransPluto-Saturn. And considering that restrictive Saturn and transformative Pluto are within orb of opposing the fellow's natal Saturn (and natal Venus, too--venal Venus, so vengeful when scorned), a period of alterations, discension, separations, work-related difficulties, and the winds of destiny are suggested and may finally greet Donald Trump at the crossroads in early 2020 or later.

EDIT Jan 1, 2023: now hoping they meet at the crossroads very soon in 2023! jc

Jun 23, 2019

July 2019 Eclipse hits 'Berlin Wall Falls' Horoscope

On the topic of new and old orders falling, being built, and morphing into the next, here is the timed horoscope (via news report; RR: A) of the Fall of the Berlin Wall November 9, 1989 where we see Jupiter Rx exalted in Cancer and rising and, it turns out, awaiting its 'eclipse' which occurs on July 2, 2019 in the form of the 3 North Solar Eclipse @10Can37 (chart set for DC, not Berlin); please enlarge the image since my study notes are penned on the chart and will not be repeated in this text:

The horoscope of this global event, a major signpost along the dusty trail toward the draconian 'New World Order' (which some say is actually the 5G 'Smart' Grid), reveals a variety of cosmic time links to planets, conjunctions, and lunations within the 2019--2022 period and I believe that this is partially because those in charge (lurkers behind the curtain--'presidents' and politicians are mere figureheads) use--have always used--occult methods such as Astrology to time their devilish activities. You may disagree but there it is.

Naturally, with the sign Cancer involved, plus, the planet Jupiter, financial implications or complications are suggested by the July 2 Eclipse and by the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (@24Cap04--near US natal Pluto and opposing US natal Mercury--security, surveillance concerns and/or spying scandals exposed? Even Cancerian food supplies may be affected).

So which planets in Mundane Astrology are associated with old and new orders?

We can point to Saturn (old; the past) and Uranus (new; the future) and consult their 45-year cycle for timing purposes. Their current cycle began when they last conjoined three times, all in 1988: February 13 @29Sag55, June 26 @28Sag47, and October 18 @27Sag49 during the presidency of Ronald Reagan who, among other things, signed a trade agreement with Canada in 1988, if memory serves. And of course, on November 8, 1988, George H. W. Bush was (s)elected president and continued to experience some measure of fall-out from his Iran-Contra role, hidden as it was intended to be. Meanwhile, karmic Saturn went on to meet with Neptune in Capricorn three times in 1989 (@10-12Cap). Yet for our topic today--years 2019--2022--we should note that the next Saturn-Uranus Conjunction won't perfect until June 28, 2032 @28Gem01, opposite their 1988 meet-ups.

Therefore, I'm 'calling it' for the two societal planets as timer--Jupiter and Saturn, for their conjunctions relate to the beginnings of new social, financial, religious, and political orders which endure for about 20 years, with the current cycle in force since May 28, 2000 (@22Tau43). So in case you haven't seen it, here's a DC Horoscope of the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction at Winter Solstice which conjoins and activates America's POTUS Sun degree (00AQ+) on December 21, 2020, just in time for Inauguration 2021.

A prominent midpoint picture will form--Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Solar Arcs, Tyl).

Related: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021.

Jun 21, 2019

Gemini Trump in Moscow with Miss Universe 2013

Here's an overdue peek at the planets during Mr. Trump's 2013 visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant, the one where tapes were allegedly made of Trump in the Presidential Suite. Apparently the reason the reputedly raunchy session with Russian working girls occurred in Trump's Moscow hotel room during the trip was to 'defile' the bed where the Obamas had previously stayed. To me, if so, this 'reason' makes Trump's lewd depravity in Moscow seem even worse via bigotry and his jealousy of Mr. Obama's popularity which Trump can never achieve. He says he's a germaphobe so the event couldn't have happened but such a condition would not have kept him from watching!

Yes, Moscow November 2013 must have been a busy if not a whirlwind weekend trip for Donald Trump. For one thing, the Miss Universe Pageant 2013 provided him with millions of dollars and a chance to make puppy eyes at Vladimir Putin who is perhaps Trump's primary role model in the realm of cold-blooded dictators. Held on November 9, 2013 at the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, a suburb of Moscow, the pageant now provides a handy reference point during the trip itself whether Trump's private goings-on were lewd or not. He has in the past repeatedly denied that he spent the night in Moscow as detailed in the Comey Memos. Yet perhaps one of the the more important points is that Trump and Putin could have met although reports say otherwise (I'm imagining Putin's dark-windowed limo waiting for Trump in an alley beyond the Crocus City Hall building and a furtive promise to help shoehorn Big T into the White House).

Well, here's a brief CNN video about the pageant which ends with a screen shot of Trump's post-pageant tweet to Aras Agalarov on *November 11, 2013 at 8:39 am (see chart notes, below). His informative tweet said, "@AgalarovAras I had a great weekend with you and your family. You have done a FANTASTIC job. TRUMP TOWER-MOSCOW is next. EMIN was WOW!". How one spends a weekend without spending at least one night is anybody's guess. Emin is Agalarov's son, a singer, and of course those are Trump's CAPs not mine.

NPR published Timeline of events yet so far I've not located an exact start time for the pageant so let's choose 9:00 pm Moscow Time on November 9, 2013 in case such a chart is needed for future reference. Note that Miss Venezuela, Gabriella Isler, was crowned Miss Universe in 2013--and you'll remember that beforehand, Trump had tweeted like a little gurrl wondering if Putin would become his "new best friend."

As usual, my study notes are penned upon the chart so hopefully you might enlarge the image to read them if you wish. You'll see that a few of Trump's planets are around the outside (like his natal Saturn--first to rise in this chart, followed by his Venus in watery Cancer) but in green are added planetary transits for today (June 21, 2019) so as you see, the problematic South-Node-Saturn-Pluto trio that everyone now deals with conjoins the Descendant (17Cap15) of this horoscope (the 7th house of Partnerships, Alliances, and Open Enemies) and which threatens his Saturn-Venus by opposition (conflicts, under pressure, and difficult legal matters).

Rising Jupiter Rx @20Can30 conjoins fixed star Castor (see the center of chart for Castor's key concepts--expanded or increased by Jupiter) and the 2013 pageant's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the inspirational 16 North series is highlighted in red; the PE snugs between Saturn and North Node with the pair's very interesting 'mystery of the three days' implication according to Ebertin (Saturn-NN); reflecting a public event, the Moon @10AQ23 conjoins asteroid Juno the 'Queen of Heaven'--or in this case, Miss Universe!

And notably, the passionate Venus-Pluto conjunction opposes Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51 in his 11th house of Groups, Hopes, Wishes) suggesting such potentials as: lasciviousness, desire for sensual pleasure, thinking about sexual relationships (and I would add, thinking about large amounts of hidden money and/or bankruptcy), talking about sexual diseases, and--last but not least--attracting elements of organized crime (ex: the Russian mob).

Also showing in the chart are: high excitement about ambition (Moon-Uranus = MC) promiscuity and suspicion (Neptune-NN = Venus), making contacts who can be helpful (Mercury-Saturn = NN), and fateful deception (Sun-Neptune = Pluto, the wealthy, powerful manipulator, saboteur, and criminal). Besides, when transit Pluto opposes anyone's natal Mercury possibilities include mental manipulation, obsession, and struggles for control which may involve investigation and/or the misuse of secret or confidential information (such as making tapes of naughty activities for the purpose of blackmail) while thoughts and self-expression are transformed in some fundamental way. And although greater personal power is sought, this is a negative period so plans are unlikely to turn out for the better.

A 'Trump tweet' horoscope set for November 11, 2013 at 8:39 am est NYC shows 12Sag24 rising with the harsh Saturn-Pluto midpoint (concentration upon important matters which lie before you--Ebertin--and 12Sag is often considered to be America's natal ASC: cumbersome circumstances), the Sun had reached 19Sco19 conjunct the pageant's sexy Sappho (@19Sco51 5th house, above) plus, two difficult stars in Scorpio, and a Pisces Moon had snugged between Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx in the 3rd house of Communications which suggests to me that Trump's tweet expressed a lot of unconscious emotional energy while attempting to exercise a considerable amount of psychic manipulation.

Jun 20, 2019

August 11, 2019: both Jupiter and Uranus stand still!

June 20, 2019: Here is the August 11, 2019 Horoscope set for Washington DC at the moment (9:37:13 am edt) when Jupiter Stations @14Sag30 (3rd house of Communications) then begins forward movement (as it seems from Earth). Transit Jupiter reaches 15 Sagittarius on or about August 30 and will pass its April 10 Direct Station degree of 24Sag21 (when the planet's retrograde period began) on November 5, 2019 at 9:36:31 pm est after which Jupiterian issues, concerns, projects, and people will make better progress and horizons will broaden. Plus, in the realms of Politics and Finance, a Jupiterian figure's delaying tactics may cease to be effective in November although some improvement in such matters may be noticed around August 11 or afterward.

As you see, Jupiter's August 11, 2019 change of direction chart shows 27Vir34 rising and 27Gem14 at Midheaven so that Mercury in Moon-ruled Cancer (just barely into 10th house) rules both the Ascendant and the Goal Point (MC) yet the Messenger planet makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects in this chart which emphasizes its sign and house positions. Naturally, the Sabian Symbols are enlightening for the degrees of each planet, eclipse, station, angle, etc but only the symbol for Mercury's degree (rounded-up to '30 CANCER') is penned upon the chart, upper center..."A Daughter of the American Revolution". Make what you will of this!

Now Jupiter is highlighted in green (if you can see it!) and rebellious Uranus is highlighted in pink because Uranus also changes direction on August 11, 2019 @6Tau36:54, turning retrograde 12 hours and 49 minutes after Jupiter's about-face. As a pair, the combined energies of the Jupiter-Uranus duo indicates potentials for reforms and breakthroughs but also for 'civil unrest (strikes, protests) due to legal or religious systems that stifle justice for the common people' and/or for 'applying legal methods against breakdowns in order' (Munkasey). Often the duo relates to scientific breakthroughs and discoveries (at conjunction--their next on April 21, 2024 @21Tau50) along with a tendency toward a certain form of deafness when the opinions of others are not wanted to be heard!

Now let's note that the 2019 Mars Return of Donald Trump occurs the next day--August 12, 2019 (marked upon the chart, lower right). Also, this chart shows the Sun's return to its and the Moon's degree of the August 11, 2018 eclipse--The Tower Solar Eclipse @18Leo41. Significant in 2019? Probably since Establishment agencies, politicians, and their enablers continue their attempts the break down or destroy the various towers that Trump built! Or at least, they pretend that his destruction is their goal. But are We The People being fooled by a political charade with tyranny the goal? I ask because history tends to rhyme so I must wonder if America's Trumpian lesson echoes the fate of the Roman Empire which eventually gave up its republican form of government and turned toward autocracy and the one-man-rule of Augustus Caesar. Now we watch as "stable genius" Trump and his minions work hard toward converting our nation into this very thing. Any thoughts? No?

Well, here are a few words from a book I'm currently reading and recommending (stop me if you've heard this one):

"No republic is eternal. It lives only as long as its citizens want it. {And} when a republic fails to work as intended, its citizens are capable of choosing the stability of autocratic rule over the chaos of a broken republic...Rome offers a lesson about how citizens and leaders of a republic might avoid forcing their fellow citizens to make such a tortured choice." (Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell Into Tyranny, by Edward Jay Watts).

And as most if not all Americans know, Benjamin Franklin is famous for his answer to a question which echoes from America's founding days...what form of government was created in 1776? "A Republic, if you can keep it."

Sadly I must doubt that the Trump voters of 2016 fully realized the risk they took by replacing our republic, broken as it was, with an autocracy--not of order and stability but one made unstable by more chaos than we had before under the 'guidance' of Uranian Trump who doesn't seem to have ever met an authoritarian dictator he doesn't intend to emulate.

Two Related Posts: 2019 'Wild Card' Uranus Activates The Tower Eclipse and Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

Jun 19, 2019

June 18, 2019: Trump Opens Campaign 2020 in Orlando

Last evening in Orlando, Florida, survivor Donald Trump introduced the 2020 Campaign to a large crowd eager to chant and applaud their favorite demagogue currently playing the POTUS role. Check out Gabby Orr's Politico article Trump stages his greatest show yet (updated at 10:39 pm edt last evening) for details on the rally's proceedings which began with the familiar chords of the predatory Eye of the Tiger and ended with Trump's usual You Can't Always Get What You Want. One assumes that Trump fans in the chanting crowd may not have realized the irony embedded within the lyrics of that last Stones tune but the title of the album the song issues from is appropriate for a violent man born with Mars-Saturn = Pluto..."Let It Bleed."

Anyway, I digress. Or do I? Well, who cannot when Trump's the topic?

Astrology of His Risings and Settings with natal Neptune at Midheaven

If you wish, please enlarge the image to read my notes messy as they be.

Above is an 8:00 pm edt horoscope of June 18, 2019 Orlando, Florida which I'll most likely use in future as the Opening Horoscope of the 2020 Campaign--at least in relation to Trump's bid for re-election for I've not found the moment he took the stage after Don Jr and Mike Pence spoke (chart time may be adjusted as needed). Note that most of the notes penned on the chart concern last night's rally with few concerning Trump's natal chart itself although his chart surrounds the 8:00 pm chart as a bi-wheel, as you see. This emphasizes Trump's natal South-Node/Moon conjunction rising while his Sun-North-Node-Uranus sets on the 8:00 pm Descendant...placing his transactional nature (Sun-Moon opposition) in the WHAT? and WHERE TO? positions. Unstable Neptune at MC suggests 'hiding in plain sight' but a percentage of his followers refuse to see his fraudulent nature. His problematic Moon-SN does not suggest popularity, you know, although there's a great need for it, and my suspicion is that the general public is not much impressed by last night's performance.

Ascending is 22Sag42 ("23Sag" = "Immigrants Entering a New Country"--one of his favored topics and targets, of course) which makes Jupiter Rx @18Sag25 rising the chart-ruler. Jupiter, the politician, financier, guru, and General, is strong in his own sign (of 'the outsider' or 'foreigner') yet is weakened by his retrograde condition--plus, he makes no applying aspects in the chart. However, even though he's weakened, Jupiter leads a Locomotive shape of the planets signifying the 'ruthless high-power executive determined on success' (Jones). Plus, as noted lower left, you see that Venus opposes Jupiter Rx (6A18), an aspect between two money planets, exact on June 23rd with transit Venus also conjuncting Trump's natal Uranus (17Gem53 in 10th house of Career and Public Status); this, and other current planetary indicators, suggests problems or separations in relationships, particularly with females, and a Venus-Jupiter opposition denotes extravagance, wastefulness, and social climbing--someone child-like and in need of moderation. Wonder who?

Then as you see, Trump's discontented natal Venus-Saturn conjunction snugs around the 8:00 pm 8th cusp of Shared Resources and Big Business with the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 cosmically scheduled to oppose his watery Venus and Saturn in self-defensive Cancer. And as with all 'wild card' eclipses, revelations may occur and disrupt as more scandals (with the ladies and/or with finances) and inconvenient secrets turn up as Summer 2019 proceeds. Yet it's doubtful that anyone needs Astrology to inform them of such goings-on in the mobster-style life of Donald Trump.

Now as expected, last evening Trump Sr regaled the audience with several golden oldies such as grousing against his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton and the 2020 Democratic field of candidates, all of whom want to "splinter us into factions and tribes." Tribes! Pot calls kettle on that one and on other insults and brags which you may wish to read about in the Politico article, linked above. A fave of mine has to be when he added a gem of a whopper: "If I deleted one email, like a love note to Melania, it's the electric chair for Trump." So much hokum packed into one goofy claim, and certainly one of his intended distractions! First, he's said to never use email, plus, he surely must be joking about sending Melania a love note! And the "electric chair"? He said it, not I! And of course, the 'royal Trump' does not escape our fatigued attention.

Well obviously, hypocrisy and grand fantasies made their usual cameo appearances in Orlando as they do whenever Trump opens his mouth, wearing his nationalism and tribalism on his sleeve as his natal Mercury-Neptune square of 'loose lips' tells tall tales and misperceives situations. So not much of his rhetoric was fresh last evening but unveiled was Trump's new-ish campaign slogan for 2020: "Keep America Great" which suggests that our nation has been improved under his tutelage, no matter how many brown children must be caged in order to 'make it happen'. On that score alone, I strongly dissent.

Another interesting natal planet of Big T on full display at 8:00 pm in Orlando was his Neptune Rx at Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal/Aspiration Point of any horoscope. Also at MC were three midpoints thus creating a few pictures we may wish to consider to see if they apply to our topic:

Mercury-Jupiter, Mars-Jupiter, and North-Node/ASC conjunct MC and Trump's natal Neptune combined their energies which suggests potentials for: favorable arrangements, zeal, a person fond of talking (guess who?!), bamboozling or misleading people, falsehood, unfaithfulness, plans without a chance of realization, failures, a powerful imagination (his nibs), successful deception, trusting in good fortune, an expression of communal sense (he fibbed), and/or a tendency to 'lose the solid ground underfoot' while speaking (Ebertin). He often does this although my ears couldn't make it to the end of his pontificating to find out. So when he loses the thread he simply continues talking in goofy fashion for after all, he loves the sound of his own voice, as you've noticed. No telling what he'll say off-script!

Now in closing, there's much more to the charts yet I'll only mention two more items--that the lovely, successful, ego-expanding Sun-Jupiter midpoint conjoined US natal Neptune (22Vir25; penned on the chart, lower right) last evening which denotes the crook and/or feebleness, according to Ebertin. Add to that the fact that Trump's natal Sun-Moon midpoint @22Vir03 also conjoins US natal Neptune constantly so we find ourselves with easy upsets, illusions, deceptions, and mistakes. To this I'll add, sad disappointment and loss.

And that's about all I wish to type about 73-year-old Donald Trump today so if you've managed to read this far, I do salute you, dear reader!

Leave your on-topic comments with this post if you wish, and please Share if you care! jc

Jun 18, 2019

Oil Crises, Tankers, and the YODs of 1973 and 2019

With the world oil supply under threat of disruption by a ginned up case for war against Iran thanks to the renegade Trump gang, I took a look back at an excerpt from a previous post (linked below) concerning the Arab Oil Embargo of October 17, 1973 which includes the founding data for OPEC; note the organization's stated goal:

"OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) September 14, 1960 9:00 +0:00 Baghdad, Iraq; OPEC's stated goal: to regulate the supply of the world's oil. Formed via conference which began at 11:00 am, a speech was delivered, and a resolution signed; hour approximate. Source: The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion, chart #422."

For your consideration, here is an informative report on current events Trump Pushing War with Iran? from The Young Turks:

Now the Washington DC Horoscope of the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 is remarkable not the least because of its interlaced YODs of crises, turning points, and karmic opportunities. And as you know, both Neptune and Pluto are associated with oil and other such resources while on a different level, watery Neptune represents oceans and seas. Astrological Pluto may operate as an assassin, a hidden actor or cause, or a saboteur, and together, Neptune-Pluto as a pair relates to organized crime syndicates, subterfuge, mysticism (and the supernatural).

June 2019

So if we compare the planets of the 1973 Oil Embargo with current planets and events (as 'guided' by Trump, Pompeo, and probably by war hawk Bolton--plus, pal Putin, or even Britain--is this oily scheme why his nibs visited the Queen recently?) we may wish to consider one of the 1973 chart's YOD patterns in particular--the YOD with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at its base. For in the 1973 chart, this oily YOD points toward warrior-activist Mars Rx @4Tau09 (in 7th house at sunrise edt, Washington DC) with the trio's midpoint picture potentials consisting of: succumbing to external powers, being used as a tool for other people's interests, lack of energy (Ebertin); added compulsion to to use violence to achieve aims (Munkasey); rejection of actions due to misunderstandings (Tyl). To that last I would add: because very few people believe Washington's lies-into-war anymore.

Now the 2019 potentials have been activated by transit Uranus in early Taurus for the quirky disruptive planet of chaos has come along to 'replace' Mars in the above equation so we have such possibilities as: unusual means to escape from or change reality (Uranus is fantasist Trump's guiding planet because it is oriental in his natal chart), impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities (Munkasey); making waves to get to shore, possibly aberrant behavior, disruption to gain recognition (of the need for war with Iran?), courage (or fools rush in!?), and/or adventurous ego thrust (as always with Big T's huge ego); flair for the unusual, adventurous, mystical, supernatural, and/or peculiar discoveries (Ebertin).

But perhaps a more basic planetary echo and cosmic time link from the oil crisis of 1973 has to be that 2019 Uranus the rebel conjoins 1973 Mars, a planetary tango which suggests explosive possibilities (as already seen via the two Japanese oil tankers) and the dangerous conditions the world now faces on behalf of someone - most likely a group of weapon-forging Vulcan-esque someones - who intend to benefit from the waging of war and strife and who are aided and abetted by religious fanatics who arrogantly assume that they know what's best for the entire planet.

(Above midpoint potentials are paraphrases of The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; Solar Arcs, Tyl.)

Jun 16, 2019

Chaos in Hong Kong as Pluto conjoins China's Jupiter

A two-minute Bloomberg video Why Did Hong Kong Erupt in Chaos? explains the massive peaceful protests in the streets of Hong Kong concerning a new law allowing extradition to Mainland China and the people of Hong Kong are not amused.

Astrologically, the eruption of the masses (crowds made larger by Jupiter's involvement) relates to the fact that the January 12, 2020 Conjunction of heavyweight planets Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 will perfect upon China's Jupiter (@22Cap21 on September 21, 1949 2nd house, and 22Cap35 on October 1, 1949 in 12th house--both Communist charts found in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes charts 60 and 61). Both karmic planets of control are now well within orb of China's Jupiter in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business.

However, more to the point of the current chaos and protests in Hong Kong, today transit Pluto @22Cap32 conjoins China's Jupiter 1949 denoting a period when greater power and influence are sought in the realms of economic expansion and politics, yet exaggerating their importance tends to backfire. Reformist activities (ex: new laws) demand total honesty, and intolerance and fanaticism are distinct possibilities during this karmic time. And transit Saturn to China's Jupiter indicates a time of give-back and/or when a slower return for efforts may be expected. Obviously, Saturnian restrictions may affect Jupiterian freedoms.

Finally, let's add potentials of the midpoint picture formed by Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left' (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl); and, 'social fanaticism' (The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin).

Naturally as a common-gooder, I send my best hopes for favorable outcomes to and for the good people of Hong Kong. May all stay safe.

Horoscopes: Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions 1982 and 2020 (charts set for Washington DC).