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Dec 31, 2019

When Will America Fall Like the Roman Empire? (w/ Edward J. Watts) - plus Astrology

From May 2019, here is an informative discussion between Thom Hartmann and Professor Edward J. Watts, author of Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell into Tyranny.

Among their topics are the Fall of the Roman Empire in comparison with the teetering-on-the-edge American Empire (my description), the Powell Memo and the damage it has caused, how easy-to-name mega-donors have corrupted Politics and politicians in our era and the societal conditions this sets up, and more:


Related SO'W posts include but are not limited to:

The Powell Memo: a Genesis of Corporate Control (horoscope shown);

Then, from 2017--Trump's early days of sabotaging America via the Oval Office--comes Are We in the Decline of the American Empire? (w/ guest Charles Sauer);

Are We Waiting for the Empire to End or Are We Witnessing It? (displays a Horoscope of the Roman Empire);

Plus, in another discussion with Thom Hartmann earlier this year, economics Professor Richard Wolff Reveals How Empires End.

And as astrologers well know, US natal Mars turned retrograde by progression in Summer 2006 (@18Libra--conjunct the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump!)--energy turned inward against ourselves--and has been enthusiastically greasing the skids on our downward path. Meanwhile, you'll remember that America extended herself as far as she could naturally go in the world when our July 4, 1776 founding horoscope's Sun (leadership) and Moon (We The People) evolved into a Progressed Full Moon (4Vir10/4Pis10) in December 2008, significantly marked in time by the Crash of 2008.

And to make matters more confusing, corrupt, deceptive, and secretive, transit Neptune in shady Pisces has been veiling and shielding US POTUS Sun in Pisces ever since which for me describes in part the Republican Party's irrational support of the gangster in the White House who pilots our ship of state into every reef and rock he can find.

Looking ahead, the Cosmos has scheduled a Lunar Eclipse in January @20Cancer conjunct starry Castor--see: January 2020 Impeachment Trial and a Lunar Eclipse if you wish.

Dec 29, 2019

Stars Over Washington's Top Five Posts of 2019!

Happy New Year to All! As of December 29, 2019 12:00 pm est, here is a list of Stars Over Washington's Top 5 Posts of 2019 in order of popularity and linked for your convenience:

1. Astrology of Our Vulnerable 2020 Election a topic (and horoscope) I plan to write about again in coming days now that the Trump impeachment has occurred and the November 2020 Election is creeping up on us, rigged as it may be;

2. When Will the GOP Cave on Trump?, an insightful Tarot reading by Mary Ann of Revealing Light Tarot;

3. The March 2019 Lunations of Crisis (horoscopes shown);

4. Nancy Pelosi: Speaker of the House 2007 and 2019 (horoscopes shown);

5. New Millennium 2 South Eclipse repeats January 5, 2019 and thus imprinted Saturnian cosmic energies upon the entire year and gave emphasis to our relationships with authority figures. The January 2019 manifestation of 2 South has also been known on SO'W as the Eclipse of the 116th Congress.

And look what almost made SO'W's Top 5 List for 2019: Trump with Regulus Rising: Revenge Time! which includes a link to my original post concerning this royal star of Persia and unsavory Trump's destiny if he ignores the Caution of Regulus. And he does.

How We Are Controlled and Why Most People Can't See It - clip

From 2018 comes episode 319 from Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series via American Voice Radio:

Dec 28, 2019

Your Right to Know How Corrupt Government Really Is

Speaking of corrupt government officials in the news, here is the November 1, 2019 episode 396 from Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series of presentations via YouTube and American Voice Radio:

A fan of independent media you are? Then you may wish to support the work of Max Igan at Patreon.

Dec 23, 2019

Trump Is What Happens When Americans Forget What Fascism Looks Like

Here's a recent Thom Hartmann segment with a discussion of fascism with information that unfortunately will probably pass unnoticed by the very Americans who need to hear it most:


Now here are 3 links to previous astro-posts concerning such topics:

1. Horoscope of the Third Reich (1933 into 2017) where you'll see the 1933 abomination's Ascendant with 1933 Chiron Rx rising along with Trump's 1946 natal Midheaven (his Goal) plus, enraged Algol dragging along, and the fascist entity's Midheaven @24Capricorn where the karmic Saturn-Pluto Conjunction will combine energies on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex 22:51, a point of fated encounters, changing work conditions, and/or wish fulfillment). 2020 Saturn-Pluto = 1933 MC suggests potentials for: severity; one-sidedness; separation (flight); a desire to rise from difficult circumstances (Ebertin). Like impeachment?

Well, I wonder if 'flight' could refer to a certain culprit hightailing it outta town because handcuffs await? (Trump's resignation would be an improvement--notwithstanding a Pence assumption to power, theocracy in tow.)

Thing is, the Reich's 24Cap Midheaven and nearby Venus act as the tail of a (ruthless, high-flying) Kite pattern (1933 MC = Saturn-Pluto 2020) with 1933 Pluto Rx @21Can59 as the Kite's nose. For Third Reich data I refer you to Campion chart #126 in The Book of World Horoscopes. Starkly speaking, this is a cosmic picture of the conflict between Good vs Evil playing out on Planet Earth...Love of Life vs the Cult of Death. I choose Life. How about you?

2. Another Thom Hartmann segment in which Thom sounded the alarm in 2016 by informing us that Trump Using 'The Big Lie' Tactic Invented by Goebbels which also contains a bit of complimentary Astrology added by yours truly, plus, for the curious a link to the natal horoscope of the misshapen Joseph Goebbels.

And 3. March 23, 1919: Mussolini's Fascist Party (an Eclipse Timeline).

Is This a Haunting Solar Eclipse from 1777?

Having just declared independence from Great Britain's King George III as of July 4, 1776, our wet-behind-the-ears democratic Republic might not have seen coming an eclipse of US natal Sun (13Can19) quite as soon as 1777 but that's just what the Cosmos held in store for America, her founders, and her populace. An eclipsed Sun, whether signifying goal or personality, is cosmically marked for ill or good, or at the least, an imperative must be carried out in order to successfully reach a goal if karmic progress is expected or desired. Of course, both benefits and setbacks are often part of such a solar picture as well relating as it does to the solar archetype of the hero's journey and its struggles and pitfalls along the way. We may certainly place George Washington in the starring role.

Now the particular Solar Eclipse in question manifested on July 4, 1777 at 7:23:44 pm LMT @13Can10 - America's first birthday! - and I'm setting the horoscope, shown below, for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as the capital representing America as a whole during that historical era. (Follow the 1777 link, above, for a list of historical events.)

This lunation occurred within the 14 North Saros Series with themes of 'a peculiar turn of events, despair, illness, unexpected happenings in finances, confusion in relationships, a draining of energy'--there's more which can be read in a previous post concerning Valley Forge. For you see, this 1777 manifestation of a 14 North is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of General George Washington's and the Continental Army's Winter at Valley Forge, a period of hardship, misery, cold winds, bare feet, and illness.

Perhaps here we should note that it's been 8 years since the last occurrence of a 14 North Eclipse @2Sagittarius (which you may remember as the 'Sequestration Eclipse' of November 25, 2011 and the peculiar formation of a 'Super Congress'); the next 14N will perfect December 5, 2029 @14Sagittarius.

So my primary point for this post is that, considering Astrology's sensitive degrees and how eclipses work through history especially when fixed stars are involved, (US natal Sun conjunct Sirius, for example, plus other stars penned upon the chart, below), it seems significant to me that America's natal Sun @13Cancer (July 4, 1776), a critical-crisis degree, continues under the sway of 14 North themes particularly as they applied to events of 1777 for it isn't as if we can ever erase our collective history from our psyches or from our personal genetics if we descend biologically or idealistically from America's Revolutionary era.

At least as a Child of the Revolution I know I can't erase such history, and this is one of the several things my genealogical research of ancestors has shown me. So until further notice, 13 Cancer remains our national Sun degree of leadership (substandard as it is these days) and the 1777 Solar Eclipse comes along with it--is cosmically attached to it.

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes:

Now one of the reasons I decided to publish this particular eclipse chart tonight is the restrictive Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 coming on January 12, 2020 (a new cycle of their energies suggesting a struggle for freedom). The struggle is intensified by the fact that, as you can see, the 14 North eclipse brought with it a karmic imperative, a Thor's Hammer pattern, aka, a Fist of God, between the Saturn-Pluto square (destruction of the existing order) and at apex, independence-loving revolutionary Uranus the Rebel @13Gem00, America's 'totem planet' of war and revolt. As a midpoint picture we have Saturn-Pluto = Uranus with potentials for: 'brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of possible losses' (Tyl).

So although there are differences in the quality of the struggle for freedom then vs now, it is no less a karmic imperative to do battle with the forces and entities that oppress us and this very much includes the cyber war under which we now struggle along with the threat of worsening conditions. Yet there is a major difference: despair is not an option!

And so, dear reader, if you can and if you dare, please search the eclipse horoscope to "clearly analyze the matters at hand" (see Saturn-Pluto, lower left) because rhyming concerns of historic proportions have found us again. Or better yet, skip the chart and spring into action before the war for independence from foreign control (Pluto out-of-bounds and abroad!) is lost and Our America is forever altered.

14 North themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Dec 21, 2019

Mick Mulvaney and Saturn-Pluto 2020

Saturn, planet of authority and accountability

This is a quick peek at the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction (January 12, 2020) @22Cap46 and where it potentially lands in the untimed natal chart of acting WH Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney born July 21, 1967 in Alexandria, Virginia and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dad was in real estate, mother was a teacher, as his Wiki bio reveals.

Now since no accurate birth hour is known for Mr. Mulvaney (last I checked), I hesitate to spend more than a minute on his cosmic condition, plus, he may be pushed out the White House door any moment by a furious Donald Trump looking for a scapegoat to blame his crimes upon. But that is the crucial point of the matter in my opinion so let's consider where the upcoming difficult cosmic pairing will hit in Mr. Mulvaney's chart even though we must ignore his natal houses and cusps.

See Politico's White House Braces for Mulvaney's Post-Impeachment Exit. Braces for? Or demands? Perhaps I'd better type more quickly!

July 21, 1967

Mulvaney's natal Sun is in late Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap32) while his Moon is in late Capricorn or early Aquarius so the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction will squelch his natal Moon if its position at birth is soon after midnight (12:00 am edt Moon 22Cap11 would be a direct hit). If this is the case, Mr. Mulvaney may have more than Trump's rage to deal with. But if his Moon is in Aquarius (or is well beyond 23 Capricorn and forming a Full Moon), Saturn-Pluto won't be as strong and/or may not affect him overmuch except in the house where 22Cap46 falls in his horoscope (if only we knew!)

But that's not all, for Mulvaney has a certain natal midpoint @21Cap30 that definitely will be hit by the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction and it is a difficult one in and of itself--Mars-Saturn of 'destructive energy' fame.

This cosmic circumstance for the fellow suggests a few difficult potentials such as Saturn-Pluto with more Saturn ('initiating terrible retributions; the final destruction of established patterns; realism about good vs bad; questioning what can be eliminated or kept) plus, Mars-Saturn with Pluto (extreme measures taken to apply force directly to those who are no longer able to defend themselves adequately; intense energy applied toward goals; respected activities are corrupted), and Mars-Saturn with more Saturn (loss of momentum from a lack of drive by leaders; deficiencies in planning; prudence and caution disregarded as pressure is brought for completing stalled work) - Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey. Could that be pressure from boss Putin?

And of course, you remember that Donald Trump was born under the Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture with its brutal, cruel, death-dealing, rage-toward-destruction energies that Mr. Mulvaney should wish to avoid at all costs--if he can.

Yet this vicious picture has one saving grace, according to Reinhold Ebertin, so let's cling to this: Intervention of a higher power. Thus we can, at the least, hope that this potential will favor beneficial outcomes for us all despite the vengeful, blame-avoiding nature of Donald Trump. As long as the 'higher power' isn't an entity manipulating Trump operatives from a foreign land.

Winter Solstice 2019 and a Scorpio Moon

December 21, 2019: Between the House Vote to impeach Trump (December 18th) and family holiday plans and celebrations there's been no time to publish the Winter Solstice 2019 Horoscope so I'll add a few chart notes here along with my drawing, Blue Winter's Path.

Winter Solstice December 21, 2019:

Sun to 00Cap00:00 at 11:19:40 pm est (Washington DC horoscope); 3rd quarter Moon (crisis in consciousness phase), solar hour, with Sun in 4th house focusing on Real Estate, Mining, Roots, the Domestic Scene, Security, and Endings, and Moon @9Sco00 in 2nd hou$e leading a BOWL shape of planets. We The People are feeling Scorpionic these days and on into 2020 at least until Spring Equinox 2020 (March 19 with Moon in Aquarius). And naturally, intense, brooding Scorpio involves such realms as research, investigation, spying and surveillance, Big Business, death, the occult, and regeneration. Death and regeneration resonate with the 'traumatic transformation via news received or short journeys' and 'sudden endings of associations possibly with a young person' vibes of the December 26, 2019 3 South Solar Eclipse @4Cap06 with Capricorn's governmental, legal, business, investment, authority, and accountability connotations.

Also in 4th house with the Sun are protective, expansive, broadcasting Jupiter @4Cap24 (heralding the Christmas 2019 Eclipse which Jupiter will conjunct), Saturn @20Capricorn, a critical-crisis degree, and powerful Pluto @22Cap04 sitting upon the natal Vertex of Donald Trump (22Cap51 = karmic encounters) where the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction will perfect on January 12, 2020. Saturn's position at Winter Solstice also portends the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Cancer conjunct Castor, a revealing lunar eclipse which may provide information about a Senate Impeachment trial in early 2020. And obviously, the January 10th Lunar Eclipse is the Syzygy Moon of the Saturn-Pluto rendezvous approximately 2 days later plus, the Christmas 2019 Solar Eclipse is the karmic conjunction's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE'). Follow the link to view both eclipse charts.

Additionally, the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse helpfully provides clues concerning our collective reaction to the December 2019 Solar Eclipse conditions and events with the two eclipses emphasizing the Cancer-Capricorn security axis and its home vs career issues and concerns. Sign rulers Moon and Saturn suggest ambition and strategy although some indication of depression or emotional suppression may be involved--and yes, the harsh Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in January may add to such difficulties for some folks depending on how the conjunction affects their planets.

Also in the Winter Solstice 2019 chart is a hint of freedom-closeness issues (Moon-Uranus oppo) along with the lunar-led BOWL pattern's tendency to suggest people on a mission and/or the advocacy of a cause (Jones). (Impeaching and removing Trump perhaps? A majority of Americans want that, please). And naturally, intense, brooding Scorpio involves such realms as research, investigation, spying, surveillance, Big Business, Insurance, Debt and Credit, death, the occult, and regeneration. To me, 'death' and 'regeneration' resonate with the 'traumatic transformation via news received or short journeys' and 'sudden endings of associations possibly with a young person' vibes of the December 26, 2019 3 South Solar Eclipse @4Cap06 with Capricorn's governmental, legal, business, investment, authority, and accountability connotations. Note that 3 South eclipses have occurred in the years 1911, 1929, 1947, 1965, 1983, and 2001. And here's what I hope is only a cosmic curiosity: the 3 South Solar Eclipse of November 1, 1929 perfected @9Scorpio, the position of the Winter Solstice 2019 Moon.

So as you can see, the "Black Tuesday" Crash of 1929 occurred under the influence of the close-enough 3 South Eclipse in 'Big Business' Scorpio.

Another significant factor in the horoscope set for DC at Winter Solstice 2019: 20Vir34 rises which brings up fixed star Denebola (out of the mainstream; to go against society) and this star conjoins the natal Midheaven of Joe Biden. Is there a 2020 Campaign message about candidate Biden's aspirations here? What do you think?

However, the chart's Midheaven @19Gem15 places Trump's natal 10th house trio of Uranus-North-Node-Sun smack dab upon the most visible point of the chart and gives Winter Solstice 2019 Geminian and Uranian flavors with all that Mercury-ruled Gemini and the disruption and radical reforms of shocking Uranus (Trump's guiding planet). So in relation to Uranian Trump's conduct, we may expect a continuation of duplicity, quirkiness, deception, chaos, upsets, change, superficiality, insults, protests, many communications, gossip, commerce, trade, travel, new and fluctuating ideas and plans, to spew out of his quixotic, sneaky mind.

Winter Solstice 2019's Cosmic Weather

Yes, there are several other chart factors of note, but let's close with a few indications of the Earth-Water Sun Capricorn-Moon Scorpio combination of energies which necessarily must involve the signs' malevolent rulers Saturn, Mars, and Pluto. As a trio, these three karmic culprits suggest Trump's enraged, brutal, even murderous, natal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto. That he intends to take revenge for the Democrats' vote to impeach is a given especially considering his natal Mars rising with royal star Regulus (success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that been gained will be taken away). From all indications (plus, his retaliating nature), revenge will not be avoided. So for now, Big T is like a cobra ready to strike. And the Winter Solstice 2019 North Node @8Can25 in 10th house (the head of the dragon) continues to direct us toward Trump's natal Mercury (8:51) while transit South Node (the tail of the dragon) is ready to swipe transit Jupiter (conflicts of interest; social and ethical aims clash with prevailing customs; and/or obstacles due to bad timing--Sakoian and Acker.)

But back to the Sun-Moon combo of energies - first, an apt quote from Clement Atlee, rival of Churchill, who was probably born under the influence of the Capricorn-Scorpio personality blend: "Democracy means government by discussion but it is only effective if you can stop people talking." I shall assume he was criticizing government's tendency toward 'all talk and no action' (aka, all hat, no cattle) which gets little if anything useful done. Excessive propaganda and overblown boasting fit in there somewhere.

Yet Earth-Water is a practical, nourishing combo with the innate wisdom to know what is important and what is not. Sun Capricorn-Moon Scorpio (best results when leaders and the people work together) supplies courage, dedication, and a "heroic strength of character." The ambition of Capricorn blends with Scorpio's passion and emotional self-control which often creates an attraction to law and social reform, plus, the pair supplies the knowledge that we'd better be prepared for future attacks. Knowing where we stand on significant issues is a must which relates quite easily to campaign proposals and policies touted by the 2020 candidates. All of them including Trump if he manages to stand for re-election. Common sense is definitely a feature of this blend so, personally speaking, if voting for Trump in 2020 (which is a vote for Putin) seems like common sense to you, Lord please help America.

For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Dec 20, 2019

January 2020 Impeachment Trial and the Lunar Eclipse

December 20, 2019: Unless you, dear reader, exist inside a hyperbolic chamber, you're aware that Speaker Nancy Pelosi may withhold Trump's Impeachment case from the Senate until January 2020 or possibly later due to Senator Mitch McConnells' threat of a rigged-for-Trump proceeding with no documents and no witnesses testifying. The willfully blind Mr. McConnell intends to, in a word, abort.

Cosmically speaking, there is one timing event that may attend the Senate trial of Donald Trump no matter the trial's date: the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Cancer conjunct Castor - near Trump's natal Saturn, planet of accountability. The next Lunar Eclipse won't perfect until June 5, 2020 @16Sagittarius so a Senate trial prior to that date will fall under the auspicious lunar rays of the January 2020 eclipse and those of the December 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse (next solar eclipse manifests at Summer Solstice 2020--more on that in a future post).

Now as you know, both solar and lunar eclipses tend to uncover secrets, broadcast inconvenient facts, leak intell, and/or point out all manner of ugliness via their karmic rays. Lunar Eclipses are excellent spotlights that reflect and reveal hidden things especially since the astrological Moon in Mundane Astrology relates to the Collective Unconscious. And after all, eclipses aren't known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' for nothing! For disruptions and sudden changes of direction--in similar fashion to astrological Uranus--are often triggered and/or timed by eclipses and not necessarily on their exact dates of manifestation. Plus, due to the sensitization of degrees, eclipse influences can last for months or years.

So if you care to take a look, a recent post was published showing both the DC Horoscopes of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap06 and the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Cancer (20Can/Cap = critical-crisis degrees--and here we are). In this case, the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse provides cosmic information on our reaction to events brought by the December 2019 Solar Eclipse. Also shown in the charts is the fact that the transiting North Node continues to point toward Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51) (see below) suggesting public contacts concerning his communications, facts, reports, and commercial enterprises (Mercury), and meetings, tribal and otherwise, which would include his rallies.

Then on a side note (or is it?!), perhaps you'll agree that it's quite curious that the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Cancer 'eclipses' the rising Jupiter Rx in the Moscow Miss Universe Pageant 2013 horoscope! Will darker secrets of Jupiterian Trump's 2013 Moscow visit finally be publicly revealed?

Now here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning the natal Mercury of Donald Trump:

Mercury in (tribal) Cancer indicates a mind that is influenced by deep-seated emotional patterns and desires which cause one to look at some facts while ignoring others. This allows bias, prejudice, a lack of objectivity, and incorrect judgments to result. A good memory may be denoted due to the emotional intensity associated with various thoughts and learning often occurs through osmosis rather than by traditional teaching methods. The osmosis accounts in part for his tendency to 'listen to the last thing he heard someone say' and then to spout it as his own thought which can change in a flash due to high susceptibility to the thoughts, opinions, and attitudes of those in his environment (ex: FOX News). Emotional appeals hold particular sway over Mercury in Cancer's thinking with patriotism on the top of the list (Cancer = home, homeland, family, mother, women, real estate, nurturing such as food, comfort, familiar surroundings). As you must have noticed, Mr. Trump exhibits 24/7 the Mercury in Cancer trait of believing that whatever is done or spoken within his environment is directed expressly or exclusively toward him.

And now as 2020 approaches, it pretty much is.

Related posts include: More details on the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse may be found here; Horoscopes: Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House 2007 and 2019; and still in force until June 2020 is Trump's Solar Return 2019 Horoscope where we see, among other things, his goals opposed and his massive ego deflated by transit Jupiter then in process of opposing Trump's natal Sun in Gemini. Will Donald Trump reap the wind in 2020? We'll sleuth for clues in his Solar Return 2020 horoscope soon.

Blog Note: no labels will be added to my SO'W posts until further notice due to Chrome's recent upgrade which interferes with the publishing of Blogger posts: everything freezes when labels are added. Hopefully Chrome (Google) will manage to straighten out its self-inflicted kinks before very much longer. jc

Dec 19, 2019

DC Horoscopes: Trump-Eclipse-Impeached!

December 19, 2019: With Christmas celebrations around here today my blogging time is brief but I shall post below a DC Horoscopes tri-wheel with Trump natal in center, the July 2, 2019 3 North Solar Eclipse in the middle, and last evening's Impeachment of Donald J. Trump timed for 8:09 pm est when the Vote was first called for. Circled are significant contacts between his natal (unaspected) Pluto @10Leo02, the 3 North Eclipse's Midheaven @10Leo04 (chart set for Washington DC, Sun-Moon @10Can37 in the midst of America's Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio), and last night's Impeachment Vote Ascendant @10Leo04.

UPDATE Dec 20, 2019: excerpt from my previous post on current transits to the Republican Party's natal planets: Republican Party Horoscope "July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT (Sun 14Can27 Mercury 10Leo05; Moon 28Sco00 ) Ripon, Wisconsin" to note that Mercury @10Leo05 is also pinged by Trump's natal Pluto, eclipsed by the 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019, and was rising with Trump's Pluto when the Impeach Vote was called for at 8:09 pm est on December 18, 2019. A significant midpoint picture thus formed denoting an intense desire to 'control information, its sources, and its dissemination' (Mercury-Pluto = ASC; Munkasey). Ruthlessness toward hiding secrets was and is involved.

Apparently the Cosmos is playing peep-eye with Underworld 'god' Pluto, Trump's hidden-in-12th-house planet of underworld mobster connections via its degree and symbol. Rounding up we have Pluto-MC-ASC: "11 Leo" = "Children on a Swing in a Huge Oak Tree...negative expression: laziness exalted as a virtue." Its Illumination Point (opposite degree/symbol) is "11 Aquarius = "Man Tete-a-Tete With His Inspiration"...negative expression: complete self-obsession." (Jones).

Other contacts currently in play include transit North Node conjunct Trump's natal Mercury, and transit Pluto opposing Trump's natal Saturn (authority challenged--by a higher power?) and I'm certain you'll spy others:

3 North theme: news that transforms a situation (Brady).

And btw: Putin is boasting and laughing at what a Russian agent Trump is. Which means that in 2020, a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin. Check out Malcolm Nance on The Stephanie Miller Show for details.

Dec 16, 2019

2019--2020 Transits to Republican Party planets

Donald Trump Points Up Toward the Cosmos

During the Civil War, The Election of 1864 was "A Different kind of Election" during which Abraham Lincoln won his second term with 55% of the popular vote. The National Union Party, as the Republican Party was temporarily called at that time, counted Mr. Lincoln as a member.

Now with all the turmoil in America and the Republican Party in a bright spotlight we may wish to search for any major planetary transits to the Republican Party Horoscope. Thing is, there are at least two such horoscopes in circulation (that I know of!) yet with both set for 1854, we can be assured that the transits are in progress of affecting the party and its members with the main difference being one of timing of the transits' exactitude.

There are two Republican Party horoscopes in my files: March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT (Sun 00Ari05 conjunct Mercury Rx 5Ari18; Moon 20Sag27) Ripon, Wisconsin, and July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT (Sun 14Can27 Mercury 10Leo05; Moon 28Sco00 ) Ripon, Wisconsin. Either chart may be set for other hours depending on the choices made by various astrologers. (Note that no Angles or cusps are included or considered in the following.)

Current Transits of Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus

The 2019--2020 transiting planets I'm noting today are the exact Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (noon est) which 'hits' the natal Jupiters in both charts: March 20 Jupiter @22Cap59 and July 6 Jupiter Rx @23Cap52--with both Jupiters 2 to 5 degrees from Chiron in Capricorn (Chiron Rx on July 6, 1854), and transit Uranus on January 12, 2020 @2Tau39.

Now as I type (December 16, 2019 12:45 est Raleigh NC) transit Saturn @19Cap58 and tr Pluto @21Cap53--both moving in direct motion--are aligning for their big meeting on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal vertex!) and to me it seems their energies are already affecting the Republican Party via its Jupiter and its Uranus (@1Tau30 on March 20, 1854 and 3Tau48 on July 6, 1854). Let's list them as separate transits:

2019-2020 Saturn conjunct 1854 Jupiter denotes a period of serious spiritual and economic concerns and possible restrictions in these realms; if prosperous it's time to share and to give back, plus, divergence from or breaking of rules, laws, and traditions leads to limitation, frustration, and delay.

2019--2020 Pluto conjunct 1854 Jupiter indicates a time when greater power and influence is sought in the political and financial realms (which may or may not succeed); total honesty is required for best results, exaggeration and misrepresentation can backfire, and social and/or religious reforms may inspire fanaticism and intolerance.

2019--2020 Uranus conjunct 1854 Pluto (@1Tau30 on March 20 and 3Tau35 on July 6, 1854) tends to bring abrupt shifts and changes in society and serious psychological adjustments that are necessary and may trigger hidden fears and complexes that are difficult to directly and honestly confront. And as you know, Uranus-Pluto energies combined suggests potentials for: riots, revolutions, protests, upheavals that bring changes in government, upsets, unrest, violent acts, subversive activities, the enforcement of decisions, the process of transformation, and 'collapse of the old order, construction of the new' (Ebertin). To Uranus-Pluto Michael Munkasey adds, "sudden new criminal acts." We see these every day!

Jupiter Expands What He Touches

In closing, we may also wish to consider the midpoint of harsh Saturn-Pluto with 1854 Jupiter as apex of a midpoint picture with potentials for: religious and social fanaticism, sacrifice, difficulties caused by illness (Ebertin); trouble with authority, trying to save what's left, staying out of trouble, adoption of the austere (Tyl); and/or, people with leadership and power to dispense (Munkasey).

Well, there's my spot check on the cosmic condition of the Republican Party (aka, the Trump Party) in our current day. If this post seems helpful or revealing at all perhaps you'll Share and discuss the topic among yourselves!

Dec 13, 2019

What Could The US Afford If Billionaires Are Taxed? - clip

December 13, 2019: Here's an interesting 4-minute segment from today's Thom Hartmann broadcast based on an article in The Guardian which asks a very important question: