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Showing posts with label Castor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Castor. Show all posts

Jun 21, 2018

Summer 2018 Eclipses are repeats of 1928

2018 Summer Solar Eclipses: Time Links to the Eclipses of 1928

Of Time Links and Cosmic Blinks by Jude Cowell

Since the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) in the 2 Old North Saros Series occurred on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini (conjunct US natal Uranus--descriptive of Mr. Chaos), 2 Old North has repeated in the years 1964, 1982, and on July 1, 2000 @10Cancer among the US natal planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, Sun). An eclipse in this series will manifest again on July 12, 2018 @20Can41, a critical or sensitive degree in the Zodiac. However, this post partially concerns an earlier manifestation of a 2 Old North eclipse--the one that perfected on May 19, 1928 @28Taurus among the stars of The Pleiades a constellation which also happen to contain the natal Midheaven of Mr. Trump (25Taurus) conjunct the nasty star of rage, fury, and violence Algol of Medusa's Head fame.

Now as we've discussed previously, 2 Old North themes are difficult and include 'separation, the ending of unions' (or alliances, one imagines), and 'unfortunate news regarding personal relationships although quick action can bring positive results' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). So Donald Trump has that goin' for him from late June into July and beyond.

But then, it so happens that another cosmic blink manifests on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 as The Tower Eclipse with its theme of 'collapse of lifestyles or plans' and the necessary 'rebuilding' which must follow once the 'dust settles' (Brady). This is the 2 New North series repeating from its manifestation of June 17, 1928 @26Gemini--the initial--the very first eclipse in the 2 New North series. On the level of current physical events, we already know that The Tower Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms and we may expect (if 'wild card' eclipses ever bring expectable results!) that any or all election losers will feel its collapse theme in similar fashion to drawing Tarot card #16.

And is it cosmic synchronicity that in 1928 Ireland's William Butler Yeats's The Tower collection of poems was published?!

Some Things We Know We Know

Now since we know that history rhymes (rather than precisely repeating) we may wish to consider historical events of 1928 especially given what's been going on in the US this year with the kidnapping and caging of children at the border by the Trump regime, a self-created fiasco that threatens to continue into 2019 and probably beyond for Trump slightly changed his tune and now intends to imprison and criminalize entire families. Yes, the arrival of waves of refugees is a crisis for any country, I agree, but Trump's ways are not my ways--and his are not traditionally those of our nation toward asylum seekers and small children. His harsh actions demonstrate the ways of a man without a conscience and having not a speck of empathy toward humanity.

Furthermore, Trump and his handmaidens are said to have no plan to ever reunite the children they separated from their grieving parents since April and, in fact, are attempting to blame anyone but themselves for their cruel decisions and craven actions. My first thoughts upon hearing of this nightmare is that it shows what lengths a man like Trump will sink to in order to score political points and grasp the money to build 'the wall' he demands--and I can't help but wonder if the kidnapped children will be auctioned off at some point to the highest bidder. Well, obviously, this idea shows how little yours truly thinks of Trump and his ilk who pretend to be better than they actually are.

Other things we know include the fact that eclipses influence history by working through individuals whose natal charts are activated by said eclipse, and the repetition of one's Prenatal Eclipse can certainly suggest a person who becomes a participant in historical events of the day especially if other conditions are ripe--such as a man playing the role of the so-called 'leader of the free world' which does not include migrant children and their parents in lock-down whether they are asylum seekers in the US or not. Such is Donald Trump with his 2 Old North PE repeating on July 12th though its influence can begin any day now--and it brings the influence of one of the dark vs light Gemini Twins along--Castor with its themes and potentials for mental illness, crippling of limbs, sudden fame or loss, and/or murder (Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, A. Louis). An eclipse perfecting upon a fixed star is a strong indicator of events manifesting in the wider world.

As for history 2018, those who are curious may wish to follow a link to a brief World History Timeline 1928--1929 for clues or comparisons of events which may rhyme once again during Summer 2018 and into 2019. Or perhaps echo is the better word for as a certain child thief psycho of earlier decades asserted, “The weak must be chiseled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel.” And they called it the Hitler Youth Movement.

May 7, 2018

Rudy Guiliani: Sun Gemini-Moon Leo plus Eclipses

A Brief Astro-Sketch of Rudy Guiiliani

by Jude Cowell

The natal data and horoscope of former NY mayor Rudy Guliani is rated A (from memory) if you'd care to take a look. Ascending is 29Vir47 with 29Gem06 at Midheaven, the Career and Public Status Point--which makes Mercury ruler of his chart and public status. His Mercury @12Tau50 (8th house) is unaspected (see details, below) and has an interesting Sabian Symbol:

'13Taurus' = "A Man Handling Baggage." That he does! Dane Rudhyar gives this degree a Keynote of: "Self-mobilization for social advantage"...COMPULSION FOR GAIN." This identifies Guiliani as "a man of ambition" (not that we need Astrology to determine that).

Yet with the task master planet of authority and authenticity, Saturn, at Midheaven, one must wonder if the placement's usual 'fall from grace' caution applies to Guiliani or will at some point apply. For as you know, Mr. Guiliani is Donald Trump's current 'face' on national TV and his recent appearances have stirred more turbulent storms rather than quelled them (perhaps purposefully!). For more Rudy info, I highly recommend last night's not-to-be-missed 15-minute segment by HBO's John Oliver on Rudy Guiliani.

And from Stephen A. Crockett a few minutes ago: Rudy Guiliani is Either a Spy for the Left, an Idiot, or Both Because He's Destroying the President With Every Interview.

Additional Rudy Astro-Notes

Born May 28, 1944 at 2:30 pm EWT in Brooklyn, New York (King's County), Mr. Guiliani's Air-Fire 'live wire' personality blend of Sun Gemini-Moon Leo resonates strongly with Trump's Gemini and Leo planets. Rudy's high-frequency, erratic Sun @7Gem16 and Uranus @8Gem49 conjoin at the degree of Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree in the 2 Old North Saros Series which repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer (among the twin stars Castor and Pollux!) 2 Old North themes are: unfortunate news and separations though fast action can bring good results (Brady). Both Guiliani and Trump have quirky Sun-Uranus conjunctions though Trump's conjunction has North Node in between. So how long will Uranian Trump keep Uranian Guiliani as adviser when they both love to hog center stage? One must wonder. We should also note that this degree range of Gemini is that of America's natal Uranus of 1776--our nation's totem planet of independence, freedom, revolt, disruption, and separation.

Yes, Sun Gemini-Moon Leo personalities prefer center stage, thanks, and can become haughty when feeling unappreciated. It's a colorful combination of conscious and unconscious energies with its eye to the main chance and although Rudy was disappointed not to be chosen for White House service in 2016, he's there now, as improviser and shill for the braggart--in-chief. Fantasies of royal blood sustain his efforts toward performing to impress and thereby to improve his own social position yet a Saturn-Neptune square--angular in his chart--suggests tendencies toward fear, paranoia, confusion, and involvement in scandals and intrigue. Well, scandals and intrigue are givens under Donald Trump (who also has royal ambitions with kingly Regulus rising) so Rudy must feel quite at home now--assuming he still works for 'kingpin' Trump by the time I complete this typing!

We should also consider that Guiliani's natal Moon @23Leo49 conjoins ego-expanding Jupiter in Leo (20:02) and his Moon is close enough to Trump's natal Mars rising to add vigor and perhaps emotional upsets to their association. As for taking center stage, a Leo Moon's reigning need for constant approval, applause, and public performance is well known. So Rudy's emotional need for attention is bottomless but so is Donald Trump's so they have that not going for them.

Plus, Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and dishonesty is supported by Neptune Rising Rudy who was born under a highly imaginative Mars-Neptune sextile (2S02) and preference for fantasy over reality. Rudy's powerful out-of-bounds Pluto in Leo conjunct his natal Mars suggests involvement with weaponry, the military, violence, and/or underworld crime and of course his Mars-Pluto duo was busy while he was a mayor instituting draconian policing policies against certain New Yorkers. Born less than two years prior to Donald Trump, these men share Mars and Pluto in romantic Leo placements though not conjunct by degree--both have had three wives, and both are associated with violence.

Changeable Mercury in Stubborn Taurus in Charge!

Leader of a BOWL shape tipping across his Career axis, Rudy's 8th house Mercury in Taurus rules his chart (physical body; Virgo ASC) and Gemini Midheaven (Career; Public Status--both angles at 29th critical degrees) yet these degrees conjoin Cardinal World Points of Fame and Fortune (00Libra-00Cancer). Yet little Mercury, planet of communications and negotiations, is unaspected in his chart which emphasizes his corporate/big-business and occult 8th house and inclines him toward inflexibility and a lack of adaptation to change. Unaspected Mercury (which I've called the 'tofu planet' for soaking up the planetary energies it touches) benefits from contacts with other planets but here, alas, Mercury cannot. This indicates that Rudy is not inclined to weigh all sides of an issue and has difficulty recognizing alternative theories, ideas, and opinions. His communications occur in a spurt-like manner, he appears to be hyperactive, and his interests are limited. Plus, some threat of eventual mental deterioration may be present which is something that Geminis tend to worry about anyway via their "am I going crazy?" anxiety (a dual mind: Castor vs Pollux, light vs dark, etc.) One look at Rudy's wild eyes and we may wonder about his mental capacity, too, along with his 'colorful' rhetoric, questionable logic, and obsessive topics.

Rudy Guiliani's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE')

Prior to his birth, Rudy's PE in the 18 South Saros Series perfected on January 25, 1944 @4AQ32 in his 5th house and at birth was opposed by his natal Mars (3Leo34--and by extension, his n Pluto 6:44). 18 South themes echo those of Donald Trump's 2 Old North PE: endings, partings, separations, anguish, grief--but new situations can bring positive results' (Brady). Cynically, this can be said to describe Guiliani's profiteering on the WTC attacks of 9/11/01. Plus, a PE in Aquarius denotes one who doesn't see past events as a burden but as karmic opportunities and a guide for future development. And when I mention 'karmic' I always mean reaping what's been sown, a natural law of the Universe (which effects even Donald Trump whose karmic overload must be huge--but we each have our own). In Aquarius, Rudy's PE indicates that "whimsical changes and contradictory efforts interrupt karmic progress and add to the accumulation of karmic debts." (Rose Lineman; my italics).

Well! Perhaps I should leave SO'W now and see if Rudy is still 'the face' of Team Trump!

Sep 29, 2017

The Pentagon's Progressed New Moon 2017

Did you notice recently that a bi-partisan Senate passed a bill for much higher defense pending worth billions of dollars? The New York Times wrote about it. That's where our health care money went along with funds for other needs of the American populace: lining the pockets of the Pentagon's 'conquest-at-all-costs', 'global cop' perpetrators.

Instead of cutting the over-bloated military budget so that Congress can take care of our needs, they came together to provide Trump a 'win' of several more billions of dollars than he'd asked for! This outrage spurred a peek at the Pentagon's natal horoscope and a check-in on the current secondary progressed (SP) phase of America's military 'death star' and wouldn't you know? Recently the Pentagon had an SP New Moon which perfected on March 22, 2017 at the critical degree of 20Cancer27.

Now using fixed stars in progressions is traditionally a no-no so I apologize for considering that the Pentagon's 2017 SP New Moon at 20 Cancer is significant. But it is the degree of fixed star Castor, one of the dark-light twin stars along with Pollux. Castor key words include sudden fame or loss, crippling of limbs, murder, and mental illness (which perhaps can be stretched to include sufferers of PTSD). These keywords are found in Anthony Louis' book, Horary Plain and Simple.

And in his Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas DeVore adds for Castor: "The mortal one of the heavenly twins; associated with Apollo" (the "sun god", an asteroid/archetype that rises @29Leo45 in the natal chart of Donald Trump who thinks he is one). DeVore also gives a few key words for Castor: violence, sudden fame, honors, followed by disgrace or imprisonment. Rising: weakness, sometimes blindness; injuries to face." Also, you note that 29Leo was the position of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017.

Money, Guns, and a Little Butter

Now astrologers use an SP New Moon to time a new cycle of activity that lasts approximately 28 years or so which apparently shows that the Pentagon and US military generals have no intention of tossing out their world domination plan and Global Cop initiatives--no matter what it costs the American people and no matter how many dire needs of We The People remain -un or -under funded. It's money for Guns over Butter for Pentagon generals and their current POTUS puppet Donald Trump!

Therefore, I shall assert that if America really is as "broke" or is "bankrupt" as some politicians love to assert, We The People can look to the Pentagon, private contractors (mercenaries), and to hidden CIA black ops budgets when we decide to 'follow the money' out Washington's back door.

After all, who can forget Mr. Trump's 2016 Campaign during which he was asked about America's "crushing debt" and how he would 'handle' it while playing POTUS and he responded with, Yeah, So I'll Declare America Bankrupt!? As you know, this financial tactic worked for him personally in the past and he's shown since January 2017 that America is little more than a corporate cash cow for him anyway so...

Dec 20, 2016

DC Horoscopes: Dec 2016 New Moon w/ Jan 2017 Full Moon

Image: Dual Horoscopes December 29, 2016 New Moon @7Cap59 and January 12, 2017 Full Moon @22Can27:

The December 2016 New Moon in Capricorn conjoins a difficult fixed star, Facies, one of the 'victim stars' with potentials for: violence, war, death, blindness, detachment, frigidity, leadership ability, perfectionism, earthquakes.

The first lunation of 2017 in January, a Full Moon in Cancer, falls between the Dark-and-Light Twin Stars Castor and Pollux. Both stars suggest creativity, in writing particularly but Castor's potentials also include such things as: sudden fame or loss, crippling of limbs, mental illness, and murder, while Pollux's potentials are: murder, disgrace, rape, cruelty, success with Astrology or the occult, and danger from large animals, poisons, or...women.

As for Washington DC, on January 6, 2017 the new 115th Congress convenes and puts their official stamp on the December 19, 2016 Electoral College vote for Mr. Trump. You remember December 19th - when the Electoral College failed in its prime mandate to protect the US presidency and the American people from a dangerous demagogue president like loutish Donald the Demagogue? Still, my hopes are for Trump's 'plans' to work for the benefit of all Americans - even though the billionaire class he favors already has a huuuuge running start.

Related: Star Lists.

Jul 13, 2016

Horoscope: US Moon Return on Election Day 2016

November 8, 2016: Synchronicity and Sadness

by Jude Cowell

Since basic notes are penned upon our November 8, 2016 Lunar Return horoscope (please enlarge to read), I'll simply add a few thoughts in the following text. This Return chart is based on America's July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA horoscope which many astrologers use as the US natal chart--the date, if not that precise moment.

On November 8, 2016 at 11:37:43 am EST, the critical degrees of 20Capricorn and 20Cancer are rising and setting which makes status quo authoritarian Saturn the chart-ruler. Saturn @15Sag 12 is in the 11th house of Groups and Associations and is within US natal 1st house having been plopped on our nation's Ascendant, crossing and recrossing, for some time during which we've seen Republican attempts to hold Hillary Clinton accountable. Some little effort has been made to hold Donald Trump accountable for his several financial irregularities as well, and of course, President Obama never completely escapes the moral high horse of the Republicans.

Yet Moon Return Saturn provides a bright note. See it, upper right on the chart for chart-ruler Saturn applies to a trine with Uranus in 3rd house, giving a lift to business and financial sectors, and possibly affecting student loans or other economic matters. (My nag in the race is eternally the American people, oppressed by a greedy ruling elite.)

Then there are the Democrats--those who fund them and those who tend to vote for them--who have also participated to varying degrees in the Hold Accountable Political Sweepstakes as transit Saturn has lurked about, ready to file lawsuits if they were deemed beneficial to the litigant. Tragically for the American people and our form of government, our degraded justice system has continued to perform in a less than stellar manner as our nation's formerly exalted-in-Libra Saturn now progressed and retrograde in betraying Scorpio can attest.

So is this a significant synchronicity we see with a US Lunar Return occurring on a very important Election Day? To me it seems so. Here the Moon (27AQ09) rises in the 1st house but only after contentious Mars, at a critical 29th degree, rises. Powerful, wealthy Pluto has just arisen @15Cap23, conjoined with the lovely fixed star, Vega, and a few hours earlier, the Sun arose with Vega (aka, Wega), a star with potentials for: luck in Politics, wealth through dealing with the government, but also fleeting fame and double dealing. Problems via mother also may apply (A. Louis).

And with Mars and Pluto (ruler and sub-ruler of Scorpio) rising, we have what may be a picture of force, violence, compulsion, war, and/or nuclear potential rising. The 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies may be involved since the Moon is ruler there with 20Cancer on the cusp and Twin stars Castor and Pollux spotlighted, the light and dark twins. Both stars denote creativity yet murder and other crimes and scandals are tucked away for future reference (via either the Clintons or Mr. Trump, if he's the GOP nom.)

Okay, there is much more to say about this curious horoscope with its synchronicity standing out like a you-know-what thumb but I won't just now--except for one question: is a Lunar Return on Election Day 2016 a symbol of the American people (Moon) re-turning to Hillary Clinton, also signified by the Moon (a woman)? The planets are in a Locomotive shape with political planet Jupiter in the lead and indicating a high-powered executive. The Scorpio Midheaven, Sun, and Mercury (just past Hillary's Mercury Return!) seem to whisper if not shout her name while wifely Juno (politics) @00Sag conjoins Hillary's natal Jupiter. Also @00Sag is the day's Sun-Saturn midpoint which hints at good fortune for an older person (Grandma Hillary?) and this pile-up spotlights the degree's Sabian Symbol: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Plus, Sun-Saturn links to karma and Mrs. Clinton apparently expects to garner the White House Oval Office for her past efforts towing the Global Government line (which must include the corporate coup, the TPP).

This militaristic word picture reminds me of Hillary Clinton as neocon with her warhawk-esque stance that the baton-passing on January 20, 2017 will give a nod to in Washington's quest for perpetual war and world domination. Was she anointed from the start to follow the 'new world order' script? In my opinion, yes, she was, and the overblown Political Theater which the Mainstream Media has pedaled 24/7 as "Campaign 2016" has done its best to disguise that very sad fact.

Now let's close with the one chart factor that may override all the others and 'run away with the chart' and the day's big event: Mars at a critical 29th degree is unaspected. Is this Donald Trump going it alone to the White House? Perhaps, or does Mars represent former President Bill Clinton who will be the very first First Gentleman we've ever had in the White House? It may even be the temperament of Hillary Clinton which the latest tell-all book says was explosive and nasty in her days as First Lady. Well, I'll add here what I understand about an unaspected Mars and let you decide his or her identity--or identities:

When Mars, the planet of motivation, energy, and action is not aspecting other planets (actors) in a chart it is able to express its traits in an undiluted, unrestrained fashion since limitations from other planets are nonexistent. This is a first-house Mars rising which emphasizes its Aries nature and its aggressive warrior tendencies. Here, Mars rules the 3rd house of Communications and the 10th house of Career and Public Status so these departments are where his unrestrained, boundless energies will express most visibly.

An unaspected Mars tends to be self-centered which may be seen as he acts in his own self-interest (this describes most politicians in general!). He prefers to be in constant motion, always on-the-go, or, he may operate in fits and spurts. A lack of compromise may also be evident along with an independent mindset that is compulsively one-pointed in its focus. Although components in his psyche are missing, boundless enthusiasm may be noted though the negative Martian traits such as aggression, anger, violence, a me-first attitude, and foolhardiness (where angels fear to tread, etc) are unmodulated by planetary influences for he listens very seldom to others and disdains advice. Bad tempered may be a mild description depending on how often things go his (or her) way.

Then if we add a Martican 'never admits to his mistakes' we can envision Hillary's fly in the ointment as Mr. Trump playing the spoiler role as the unaspected Mars who runs away with the Oval Office on November 8th. Plus, there's Mars' Sabian Symbol for '30Cap': "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs"...'EXECUTIVE POWER' (Rudhyar), a picture which speaks of an 'occult hierarchy' and a 'supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings.'

Hmm. That sounds like those who select presidents--those often described by Max Igan as, "the powers that think they be."

But then there is the feminine influence on US Presidential Elections of the 8-year Venus Cycle...


For more info on unaspected planets, see Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

Jul 4, 2016

A Curious Synchronicity: Summer 2010 and the War of 1812

With today being July 4th I've been reading about the War of 1812 which I know very little about. Fought between American patriots and British forces, the Royal Navy, and certain Native American tribes wanting a federation of their own (with British encouragement in order to limit US expansion), the War began on June 18, 1812 and ended by Britain and American signing the Treaty of Ghent. It was events of this war that inspired Francis Scott Key to pen The Star Spangled Banner, our national anthem.

And what is the curious synchronicity between the War of 1812 and the summer of 2010? Perhaps you remember another act of British aggression that occurred in Summer 2010--the Deepwater Horzozon Oil "Spill" in the Gulf of Mexico which we lay at the feet of the British Petroleum Oil Company. Or should I say, the BP Corporation? Here's my original post on BP's oil disaster which includes the Independence horoscope of Mexico and the horoscope of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Fiasco itself with power asteroid Hidalgo rising.

Both events, the start of the War on June 18, 1812 and the massive 2010 oil leak (in which Halliburton also played a major role) that attacked the US coastline occurred under the influence of Solar Eclipses in the 12 South Saros Series.

And so the theme of 12 South applies to the War of 1812 of British aggression and the BP oil attack of 2010--the first event involved France, the second involved Mexico: long term draining issues at first seem worse then suddenly clear with successful outcomes. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) In 1812, 12S fell @22Pisces which suggests sea and naval action; in 2010 12S fell @19Cancer, another watery, oceanic hint plus 19 Cancer+ rounded up hits a difficult fixed star, Castor with its potentials for murder, loss, and/or the crippling of limbs (A. Louis). BP cut corners and people died, if you remember. And of course, the financial issue of trade lies beneath both events.

So it seems that yours truly is on Britain's case this Independence Day! And here I'm fussing against The Empire in spite of the genealogy research I've done lately into my own English roots. Could it be I fight against myself?

Related: the natal chart of France (no text--chart only; basic astro-notes are penned on) and Smithsonian Magazine's 2012 anniversary feature The Ten Things You Didn't Know About the War of 1812.

Sep 1, 2011

Mundane Matters: Riots, Upheaval, and Mars Square Saturn

Moments of Mundane Astrology 2011

by Jude Cowell

In an attempt to catch up with some Astrology reading online this morning, I came across Mary Plumb's excellent Moon/Mars Square Saturn post from August 2011 on her Mountain Astrologer blog which reveals the path of a busy Mars, upstart and warrior, as The Fiery One triggers riots, upheavals, violence, and enraged feelings around the globe.

Plus, in the article's footnotes, Mary notes the triggering of Summer Eclipses by god of war, Mars, which has been out-of-bounds of the earthly plane for several weeks but is now back within the fold of our planetary panoply, though at a difficult spot in the Zodiac--19Can08 this morning. Therefore, Mars will soon conjoin the Twin Stars, Castor and Pollux (20--24Cancer), with both stars possessing murderous and cruel implications on the mundane level of life, creative as they may be when linked to our natal planets.

A Major Supporting Role

Of course, the Uranus/Pluto square, close to exactitude last on August 8, 2011 (horoscope shown, set for DC), plays its supporting role in the violence as well, recalling their extreme, intense influence of riots, protests, head-knocking, and Civil Rights/Anti-War/Workers' Rights demands of the mid-1960s, time of their last Great Conjunction in mid-Virgo.

So with radical rebel Uranus and sabotaging, manipulating Pluto square (90 degrees = frustration, blockages, obstacles) one another from initiating Cardinal signs (Aries and Capricorn), they're ready for action.

This pits a Mars-ruled actor in me-first Aries against a Saturn-ruled actor in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business--and Mars/Saturn is a difficult combination of energies with 'persistent war' and 'taking what belongs to others' connotations.

For some relief, however, the Mars/Saturn combo has an off-on/hot-cold/stop-go flow of energy and thus, of influence so we should take breaks where we can.

Rick Perry: Preacher, Prez Candidate, or Both?

Then, for Rick Perry fans (or those like me who dread his presidency if we should be so daft as to vote for one) astrologer Alex Miller over at Daykeeper Journal has published an instructive article detailing Perry's history and career--then Alex delves into the Astrology of Rick Perry's natal chart and soon identifies Perry as a Sun/Pandora personality with all the unleashing the blend suggests.

So check out the article, if you missed it, and you may find yourself joining the Be Very Afraid Camp concerning Gov. Rick Perry, presidential candidate. As if you weren't a card-carrying member already!

Plus, in June I posted briefly here on the natal planets of Rick Perry (a related video is included) which amazingly is the most-viewed post on this blog at the moment.

How crazy is that?


Of potential interest to those in America who care about our Social Safety Net and think that Tax the Rich sounds more than logical about now--especially if it means that Granny won't have to resort to eating cat food for din din--follow the link just below. For as noted in yesterday's post on Jupiter now retrograde in greedy Taurus, it's time for Jupiterian philanthropy from the 'haves' of the world, not more draconian, Saturnian austerity to create more 'have-nots'!

Why, it's almost as if the global power elite want to collapse the world economy so that as the dust clears they can rebuild a global system in their favorite beastly image--oh wait! That is their Plan. And most of our sorry Washington politicians are their willing handmaidens! They and their careers would be tossed overboard (or x-ed out a la Castor and Pollux!)) if they didn't play along though most, I suspect, have been part of the totalitarian game from the moment they were 'read in' and found out how they supposedly would benefit.

Please visit The Other 98% and join in their actions at Town Hall meetings and elsewhere, if you care and dare!

For as Thom Hartmann says at the end of his broadcasts: 'Democracy begins when you show up--tag, you're it!

Aug 13, 2011

Horoscope: a sinister Solar Eclipse 2Sag37 Nov 25, 2011

Solar Eclipse November 25, 2011: A Peculiar Turn of Events

by Jude Cowell

A Solar Eclipse in early Sagittarius, fiery sign of The Seeker, occurs in Washington DC on November 25, 2011 at 1:09:36 am est during an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes, and unstable conditions in Mutable Sagittarius.) Lord of the eclipse is Jupiter through the Jolly One's rulership of Sag, but Mercury Rx is chart-ruler through the Ascendant (ASC) 21Virgo17. Mercury also rules this Midheaven and US natal Mars and Uranus. Gold-loving MIDAS and Pan (panic, panorama, pan-hellenic, pan-American, panacea) continue traveling in tandem with US natal Uranus 8Gem55, here in 9th house of Philosophy, Religion, and the Justice System (what little of one we still have.)

This Solar Eclipse falls in the 14 North Saros Series, details below. A 14N eclipse last occurred in 1993 @ '22Sco', the year of the Great Conjunction/s of NWO planets, Uranus and Neptune, which conjoined during the Age of Reason (aka, The Enlightenment.) Their cycle is approximately *171 years long.

Both horoscopes shown below (which are the same eclipse, differently marked by yours truly) reveal Fixed Star Denebola rising, keywords: to go against society; out of the mainstream--this is VP Joe Biden's natal Midheaven (MC) degree/star; our VP is an avowed 'Zionist' and seems to be proud to acknowledge it. Does a Zionist stance in America 'go against society'? I believe it does for those who desire a sovereign America that doesn't spend all its money on war while we-the-people go without the basics of life as our society crumbles around our ears. If the power elite's plan wasn't clear before 2011, it should be now, even to the politically apathetic.

The Mercury/MC midpoint is rising as well: Mercury/MC = ASC: propagating one's opinions which influence the environment; thinking/writing that spur advancement or growth. Mercury, ruled here by idealistic guru and money man Jupiter, has a 'grand plans' connotation. And if we place US natal Mars in the equation in the MC's stead, we get another picture for Nov 23, 2011 which lasts the life of this eclipse's influence:

Eclipse Mercury/US n Mars = ASC: stormy or turbulent proceedings.

Yes, our warring US natal Mars in duplicitous Gemini tops the chart at MC (Goals; Aspirations) which makes the US military and our government's actions 'most seen' in the wider world. In fact, the misguided energy/idealistic motivations/veiled or confused motivations of our natal Mars/Neptune square is front and center, with natal Neptune 22Vir25 first US planet to rise in this chart putting our unfortunately misdirected square at two Angles, ASC (WHAT?) and MC (WHY?)

Are more military invasions for deceptive reasons on the Pentagon's drawing board? This chart indicates Yes, or perhaps only dealing with the wars we've already forced upon other nations, wars which are not going as well as Washington would have us believe. Yet since eclipses tend to reveal hidden things and once-secret crimes or scandals, this fact may become even more evident as the 14 North eclipse season grinds on into 2012.

Another thing about Mars square Neptune: there's difficulty facing reality (see 14N info below.) Sinister, subversive forces can gain control which this eclipse's Mars working behind the scenes in the 12th H of Politics and Secret Deals describes. Conjoining the president's Pluto, what deals will be made? Is Obama's physical safety in question? He's a US president with enemies, so it always is. And he's half black, a fact that some just can't get over.

Yes, a Mars/Neptune square is compelled to blame others when things go wrong in an attempt to divert criticism. Sound like any nation you know?

Note: America's natal Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work and Health, has always been an unstable placement indicating idealistic yet dissolving work, employment, and health conditions. Notice that in the US, health insurance is primarily attached to employment, a linkage in process of being jettisoned for financial reasons.

And the US-FDA barely performs its role of protecting our health as its budget twists upon Congress's conservative chopping block and corporations defy regulations that affect their almighty profits, the health of Americans be dam*ed.

First displayed is a skimmed-down version of the chart with a few details not included in the text below: hemispheric emphasis (Self/Other is balanced; emphasis on Private over Public sector, including the eclipse in 3rd house), asteroid Hera Rx (keeping accounts, bringing to account, or balancing accounts, legalities or legal partnerships) conjoins the Solar Eclipse 9Can12 of July 1, 2011 in this chart's 10th house (Public Standing) which has direly affected the US natal Sun/Jupiter conjunction (5-14 Cancer; plus, US Sun conjuncts Fixed Star SIRIUS: the mundane becomes sacred; the fire of immortality.) But these days, America doesn't seem so immortal after all with attacks coming from without and--worst of all--from within.

Then there's America's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) degree 00Pis33, here in 6th house of Work, Health, Military and Police Services, which has been crossed and re-crossed recently by both dissolving Neptune and wounding/spiritualizing Chiron.

America's PE 00Pis33 (12 South Series) repeated last on July 11, 2010 @ '19Cancer' which conjoined Fixed Star Castor (pos: to write or create; neg: murder; crippling of limbs; loss (A. Louis.) This one @ '19Can' eclipsed the UK's natal Moon, the people. Then the Solar Ecl of July 1, 2011--the one in force as I type, eclipsed UK natal Sun, leadership, and we lament the UK's violent troubles now.) 12S = 'successful outcomes to long term worries' (this eclipse timed the capping of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout in mid-July 2010); 'issues at first seem worse, then clear,' - Brady.

The Flywheel of the Universe: Jupiter v Saturn

The Jupiter/Saturn pair of societal planets--one expands, one constricts and the tension keeps our solar system's planets in their courses...yin-yang!--hold prominent roles in the eclipse chart with a stand-off across its 2/8 money-values axis as our debt, economic, and austerity issues--stirred up more than improved by political gamesmanship--continue. Jupiter 1Tau57 is Rx, and Saturn in balancing Libra is conjoined by asteroid Hopi, keywords: ambush or prejudice. Yes, I do hope the work of the un-Constitutional 'Super Congress' improves US financial and societal conditions but I'm not holding my breath...

Ex: eclipse Saturn conjoins Fixed Star Arcturus (Alpha Bootes, a pathfinder; a leader who protects people as they embrace a new lifestyle (-Brady.) A 'new lifestyle' of want, loss, and need caused by others' greed, it seems. Can the much-touted, totalitarian, sucky 'New World Order' be nearly upon us?

Jupiter and Saturn here, plus the date of the eclipse, indicate the November eclipse's timely connection to the deadline of the 'Super Congress' recommendations on November 23, 2011. Since this eclipse occurs on November 25, it falls too close in time/date to be uninvolved in these super-external financial deliberations of a US Congress which now vacates once again their oversight duties laid out in the Constitution.

Now here is the second version of the Nov 23, 2011 Solar Eclipse chart with my usual loaded application of details added. Artists can be so messy, yes? Well, don't place a pen or pencil near me unless you want this sort of thing to happen!

Click either chart to enlarge. A few details appear on both charts.

As you see, activist Mars 6Vir47 is working busily in the behind-the-scenes 12th H of Politics, Secret Deals, and Hidden Enemies--and 'he' conjoins President Obama's natal Pluto, a transit for him indicating a time to be forceful, purposeful, and more focused. There's a need for patience and concentrated efforts yet jealousy, revenge, and danger are part of the scene. Something the president was karmically meant to do comes along; imperative is evaluating investments ("invest in America!", he says but will he be able to with so much opposition from a GOP intent on his--and our--failure?), and investigating a mystery may also indicated. Will 'leaks' confuse issues even further and contribute to America's slow recovery?

An Earth Grand Trine--But in Houses of Water: 4, 8, 12

Well, if leaks occur, they will probably tie into financial and political concerns since Mars is involved in an Earth Grand Trine pattern with 8th H Jupiter Rx in money-loving Taurus (the Bull of Wall Street), and powerful, subversive Pluto, now destructuring all institutions and systems of the Saturnian kind (Capricorn, sign of Government, Law, and Business.)

Evaluating Venus 28Sag26 nears Pluto in 4th H of Real Estate, Homeland, and Finalities across the Security axis (4/10) with Venus conjoining Fixed Star Acumen (enduring attacks which weaken--not a good portent for the US housing foreclosure mess which will continue well into 2013 or even 2014.

Now Grand Trines in materialistic Earth signs usually provide a calming, comforting, soothing energy for it prefers to preserve the status quo (here, the system of Capitalism?) Earth Trines tend to attract resources and do not respond well to drastic, critical life changes (beware 'Super Congress' recommendations and the automatic "trigger"!)

Tangible support and worldly position are offered by an Earth Grand Trine if resources are skillfully managed--but as we know, this has not been the case by the US government, the over-extended, tapped-out American public, or by the fraud-infused global banking industry--unless you happen to be a member of the power elite of such organizations. Of course, if they manage to crash the world economy as they seem intent on doing, their money will be worthless, too, until the next currency is set up, a plan already on-tap, I suspect. ('Amero'? Watch the brief video at the end of this post.)

So the Mars-Jupiter-Pluto trio plod on, focused upon goals, and inspired by a dynamic vision (Utopians!) of an ideal structure which most of us feel is debasing our nation. Yes, the losses of Financial Collapse 2008 undermined what little confidence in government's good intentions we may have felt (as NWO creeps intended), and events of 2011 have not improved our negative outlook about the US government's ability--or, some say, desire--to bolster our society, and place we-the-people's needs over corporations' bottom lines, have they? (See Cupido in 12th H--corporations, The Family (Doug Coe?), The Syndicate, including the global Organized Crime network which some have called, The Octopus.

There's a Uranian Planet named Cupido, too--here, conjunct Mercury Rx and the IC...The Drain (see 14N info below: 'draining of energy'--the power grid?)

And though Earth Grand Trines can sense their own power and strength, the usual oh good! feeling most astrologers get when a Grand Trine of opportunity is present in a horoscope, is here tamped down by the reality of difficult conditions caused by the extreme inequality of income in this country (though Britain rivals the US in income imbalance which pushes The People's backs against walls of austerity in both our nations. Austere Saturn is posited in a money house (2nd) with evaluator Venus ruling; Venus also rules the 9th H of Philosophy and Foreign Lands such as America's Biggest Creditor, China. Plus, restrictive Saturn rules the 5th H of Risk-Taking and Gambling.)

In 7th H of Open Enemies, Legal Affairs, and Partnerships, is Utopian rebel Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, conjoining US natal IC, as mentioned above. Utopianism is now in America's 'house'! Trickster, magician, and alchemist Hermes continues hanging about in transit with Uranus, planet of revolution, liberation, and disruption: strikes, protests, and sit-ins (indicating peaceful demonstrations, hopefully, the only way to best the armed shock troops already being sent out to control us with their Darth Vader looks.)

As mentioned above, explosions cannot be ruled out especially with activist Mars in the secretive 12th H squaring the Solar Eclipse--and Uranus helpfully trines the eclipse as nebulous, deceptive Neptune squares it as well. Difficult aspects tend to block an eclipse's more positive expressions though dynamic energies of a square can also stimulate action. Mars opposed Chiron which brings in the sacred warrior energy though its ideals and guiding light are not guarnteed to be fact-based.

So with testy Mars ruling 8th H of Debt, Credit, and Big Business--and Jupiter Rx posited there and ruling 4th H of Real Estate where Pluto resides, and Pluto as co-ruler of the 3rd H of Neighborhoods and Communications, I see the Earth Grand trio of planets in the closed circuit of energy of the Trine representing the 'Super Congress' (aka, 'Super Committee') which the US Congress has brazenly set up to deal with problems they wish to avoid taking the heat for as austerity of a 2nd H (Money; Worth Issues) Saturn 25Lib07 opposes Jupiter in greedy Taurus, intolerant of the poor whose threadbare benefits it wishes to cut.

In 6th H of Work and Health, Neptune 28AQ12 Rx has re-entered Aquarius and moved closer once again to US natal Moon (we-the-people) which continues this difficult transit for America with its 'sense of inferiority, rootlessness, homelessness, and loss as fraud (Neptune) is visited upon (by transit) the American people (Moon.) Neptune represents the fraudsters, banksters, and the media in collusion against the working class and all those in need who are disenfranchised by larger forces.

As you know, disappointment, despair, and uncertainty have trailed in Neptune's oceanic wake--including disappointment with President Obama's failure to uphold the value of protecting the Middle and Working classes--shown astrologically by his natal Mars (motivation, desire, action, energy) precisely conjoining US n Neptune, a tenuous connection. This astro-link is one I groused upon in posts many times before and after Mr. Obama entered the White House! "Few if any in Washington will cooperate with him if he intends to 'help' us", I blogged. Well, do they?

Chart-ruler Mercury Rx 20Sag03 Conjoins IC

Now ordinarily I would begin such a horoscope analysis by listing any applying aspects made by the chart-ruler but that isn't necessary with this Solar Eclipse chart because there are none. This emphasizes the sign and house placement of Mercury, and its retrograde condition. A Rx chart-ruler indicates delays, shortcomings, and limiting conditions and events which interfere.

Mercury conjunct IC portends more American moving in with relatives (Rx = moving back in with parents, or parents with kids!), and/or the home being used for study, work, and communications--aka, working from home. Mercury, planet of young people, oration, contracts, negotiations, news, commerce, trade, and thinking processes, is in its detriment in Sagittarius, and denotes those who are concerned with attitudes rather than facts, and with codifications of social thought in religion, higher education, law, and philosophy. The 'Super Congress' comes to mind.

Plus, conjoining the 3rd cusp 16Sco57, you see asteroid Atlantis (a stand-in for America, a nation founded as the Utopian vision/dream/ideal of a 'New Atlantis' in the New World--ripe for the plundering of natural resources) with Atlantis's keywords, abuse of power; where we feel doomed, which intimately relates to the legend of Atlantis, the Lost Continent.

Note: this posting was interrupted on Saturday by a lightening storm--the following is my completion of this article. Your on-topic comments are invited, as always but be advised that All Spam will be moderated and deleted so don't waste your time on that.

UPDATE 8.15.11: back today, Monday, to continue this article for you!

Let's look at the 14 North Saros Series itself. To get a better idea of its potential influence, I shall quote directly from the excellent Bernadette Brady's book Predictive Astrology, my italics:

"A most peculiar eclipse family heralding an acute time of confusion in personal relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness. Unrequited love, despair, confusion, a draining of energy, a peculiar turn of events. No important decisions should be made concerning incoming events as there is too much confusion and possible delusion to make clear judgments."

14N has manifested in the years 1903, 1921, 1939, 1957, 1975, 1993, (Nov 2011), and will next occur in 2029. Its initial eclipse occurred on April 29, 1074 (OS) @ 13Tau54 (our US inaugural ASC each January 20th at noon, DC) with Venus @ 4Ari57 which is the position of Uranus now (Venus/Uranus = extravagant or erratic with money!) America's PE 00Pis33 in 1776 (which our nation carries as a permanent part of national identity) has testy Mars 00Pis30 upon it.

A Muddy Saturn/Neptune Vibe

There's a Saturn/Neptune opposition in the initial eclipse chart of 1074 which denotes a natural distrust of competitors and irrational fears of failure which cause a retreat from competition (stock market? jc); this creates a vicious circle or self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, and when finding others deceitful, some use this as justification for acting deceitfully, too.

Financial loss and great difficulty facing reality are prevalent.

Well, you may not agree that an initial eclipse in a Saros Series can still have meaning centuries later but I believe the Saturn/Neptune opposition speaks directly to what's going on in 2011. Can you feel it?

Now what else may we expect from the November 25, 2011 eclipse? Since it's ruled by Jupiter, then Jupiter-ruled and 9th house matters will be uppermost for the revelations and events it portends. Long distance travel (including that of President Obama), religion, philosophy, higher education, and the legal system are key areas for the revelations and events. Transportation, transport workers, banking (of course!), and the extension of US power into the world are on tap, as noted, supported by US Mars at MC.

Will one revelation concern crimes and zealousness of the US military (Mars in 12th H conjunct Mr. Obama's Pluto)? Surveillance scandals? 12th house matters such as hospitals, prisons, and grand reforms ('Super Congress' recommendations due November 23, 2011) are on the eclipse agenda. Yes, death, as previously noted, is somewhere lurking, for a noble, monarchist, or a head of state, with scandals on the rise!

Plus, the 3rd house position of the eclipse @ 2Sag37 indicates worker discontent, potential accidents, and possible strikes, protests, and...hate to say it, but riots may turn up. Also of note is that the Nov eclipse opposes President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini which relates personally to him, his wife, and family though it may be only that emotions (Moon) are stirred up.

The 14N eclipse @ 2Sag37 triggers a few natal planets worth noting:

NYC (Uranus 1Sag42), the White House (2Sag11), NASA (Mars 1Gem58), Roswell NM (Moon 00Sag04 and Mars 2Sag13); also, Afghanistan (Neptune 4Sag55 Rx), Australia (NN 29Sco50), China (Chiron 5Sag29), Mexico (Jupiter 1Gem23), France (Mercury 00Sag08 and Venus 2Sag23 Rx), and North Korea (Moon 2Sag17.) I'm certain there are more triggerings but these are what I have in my files.

As for the US horoscope, the December 20, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 conjoins US natal Mars and this chart's Midheaven which indicates a watershed time for the effects of the November 25 Solar Eclipse eclipse and is probably when most of the scandals and crimes will be revealed--on or about December 10th by the light of the Full Moon.

November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse Midpoint Pictures

Still in effect will be the speculator-wastrel pair's midpoint with disruptive Uranus in Aries at apex. As always, any, all, or none may apply:

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: coming down to earth with a bump; imagination v reality; sudden recogntion of a difficult situation.

And the eclipse itself is at apex of--you guessed it--the Mars/Neptune midpoint....

Mars/Neptune = Sun: discontent; weakness; an undermining of health (well, for one thing, we know radiation is doing that-jc); danger of infection; dissolution of a body.

Mars/Neptune = Moon: crooks; nervous weakness; feeling inferior; danger of infection.

Sun/Pluto = (unaspected = detached) Mercury: consciousness of aim or objectives; organization; prudence; aspiring to intellectual supremacy; an orator with suggestive powers.

Moon/Pluto = Mercury: special far-reaching plans; pursuit of comprehensive ideals with great zeal; public speeches or writings that wield great influence ('Super Congress'? A rising dictator? Other? jc)

Mercury/Pluto = Venus: a ruthless desire to control others.

Mars/NN = Saturn: disadvantages through unions or associations; teamwork that is rendered more difficult as time goes on ('Super Committee'> jc); separation or a case of death. (All pictures from R. Ebertin.)

Another word about the unaspected Mercury 20Sag03 Rx sitting precisely on the IC, the Foundation and Basis of the Matter: its Sabian Symbol for '21Sag' - EXAMINATION seems to me to relate directly and unfortunately to the 'Super Congress' and its report (Mercury) due November 23rd--and the degree's negative expression of "distorted vision" and for the purpose of grasping power (Sun-Pluto).

No, not everyone is impressed by Utopian Uranus-in-Aries's vision of global domination and totalitarian control. Plus, the Jupiter/Saturn opposition across the Money axis of this chart echoes their Conjunction of May 2000 @ '23Tau': "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Magnificent Gems"--the ones they've stolen from the US Treasury and the people's pockets and pensions, turns out.

And remember that the eclipse's "peculiar turn of events" vibe can well describe the unprecedented set up (staging) of a 'Super Congress' as if our regular government just can't handle current problems!

Meanwhile, the practical Earth Grand Trine, closed circuit energy as it is, links the high stakes planetary trio as mentioned above, with subversive, wealthy Pluto conjoining asteroid Panacea, something that seems an improvement yet does little actual good. It's all in the mind! Yet money planets Venus and Jupiter in an opportunistic trine (120 degrees) are in Mutual Reception and thus support one another in their efforts.

Now will this medicine be what we-the-people need from a power elite who buy off our Congress with fat donations and other considerations? I don't think so, though perhaps decent reform may be instituted to aid the struggling Real Estate market (Venus in 4th H, Jupiter in 8th. This would be a harmonious and welcome change which we may experience more fully once Jupiter resumes direct motion and releases some of his wealth. However, the ourrageous Republican 'Trickle Down Economics' won't work as it hasn't all along. Eight years of Bush-Cheney should be enough to convince anyone of that. And here we are.)

So shall I leave it for you to decide for yourself if the 'Super Congress' medicine is efficacious as November nears and the ASC's negative expression ('22Vir') makes itself known: subtle exploitation of the unwary = PREROGATIVE..."A Royal Coat of Arms."


Inspirations for this post: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; The Astrologer's Handbook, Sakoian and Acker.

Please pardon any pesky typos: adding an Update to my original post does not allow a Save of Draft or spellchecking, and my eyes and fingers are quite wumped out with this much typing! jc


*The earlier Great Conjunction of scientific Uranus/Neptune occurred in mid-Sag: '16Sag' = "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship" = ALERTNESS, negative: aimless expectation. Their 1993 conj/s were at or about '18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies on a British Destroyer' = POLITICAL POWER, negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism; the conj of Oct 24, 1993 times a modern natal chart for the NWO.

Through the Sabian Symbols of two eras, we see how NWO promoters have sharply focused themselves in time for Year 2012. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones, and Solar Fire software.) Yet I do believe that the Rothschilds of Europe and the Rockefellers of the US have much to answer for in the sweet bye-n-bye, and for now, should be identified and prosecuted for crimes against humanity (Denebola rising!) along with all enablers and colluders of the satanic persuasion, and with regular citizens serving on the jury--if we could catch the elusive reptiles.

NAU = North American Union of America, Mexico, and Canada:

Aug 1, 2011

Horoscopes: Obama's Solar Return 2011 w his Sec Full Moon

The Solar Return 2011 Horoscope of President Barack Obama w Sec Full Moon

by Jude Cowell

President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 pm AHST and the Sun returns to natal position this year on August 5, 2011 at 3:07:01 am edt; the Solar Return chart (SR) below, is relocated to the White House.

Here's his SR 2011 horoscope; please click to enlarge:

(Blog Note: the above image of the President's SR 2011 is a re-upload since its original posting mysteriously 'disappeared' from its slot. Hopefully it will now remain in this post. And since I'm just getting the hang of a new scanner--with too many bells & whistles--you may have to click-to-enlarge the image for better viewing. Thanks! jc)

Original text continues here:

Solar Return charts describe an entire year until one's next birthday and may be divided into quarterly sections for timing purposes with the Angular houses representing the first 4 months of the solar year (counting from the date of the return chart, here August 5th), the succedent houses (2,5,8,11) showing the next 4 months (here December 2011, January, February, March 2012), and the cadent houses (3,6,9,12) indicating conditions in the last 4 months before his August 2012 birthday.

As you know, there are many considerations when reading a SR chart such as:

angular planets (and the one closest to an angle: here it's Pluto conjunct Descendant (powerful/manipulative/wealthy partners), next is Mars conjunct Ascendant--their opposition is first-up for Mr. Obama who now deals with the GOP debt ceiling/default stand-off with Republicans determined to protect the rich man's purse: update 7.31: tentative debt deal announced @ 8:40 pm edt with US natal Moon rising--possible votes in House and Senate today, 8.1.11), the house of and aspects to natal Sun (here in 2nd house with evaluating Venus showing money and Treasury concerns continuing into December 2011 and beyond), the sign, house, and aspects of the SR Moon (here in Libra in the 5th H of Risk-Taking), the first natal planet to rise (here Mr. Obama's natal Venus has just risen and is conjoined by activist Mars, grumpy in Cancer), SR planets aspecting the natal and progressed charts, SR house rulers (of course), hemispheric emphases, where natal planets fall in the SR chart, and other factors to fill out the SR picture.

President Obama's SR 2011 hemispheric emphases: 5/5 for public and private sectors (balanced), and the edge is slightly on the Self-Directed side with 6 planets in the eastern hemisphere, 4 on the western side of Others.

Of course, the SR chart must always be compared to natal and progressed charts and a fuller picture is gained by considering the year's worth of Lunar Return charts along with the SR.

Just four days after the president's birthday, on August 8, 2011, the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto square perfects most closely with Mars @ 3Can25--just crossing this SR ASC. Click to view the horoscope. Societal issues from their conjunctions of the mid-60s surface for dynamic resolution or worsening. Mars crossing his SR 2011 ASC highlights that period as a time for action and may be explosive and/or full of zeal, especially since Mars opposes power-mad Pluto.

SR 2011 Midpoint Pictures

So if you've read this blog before, you know I favor the use of planetary midpoint pictures and here, the first four have been in effect for weeks for all of us but are personalized for Mr. Obama during his SR 2011 year; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to activation from transits and progressions:

Mars/Pluto = Uranus (in Aries, Uranus = Utopians): brutality; sudden disasters of great consequence; stirring up or altering conditions.

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: sudden recognition of a difficult situation; imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump.

Jupiter/NN = Neptune: instability; unreliability; indecision or vacillation; disappointment; getting sober again.

Saturn/Neptune = NN: common or joint suffering; mourning.

A mdpt picture particular to the president's SR 2011 chart:

Pluto/ASC = Uranus: constant anxiety and restlessness; extraordinary upsets and incidents; accidents.

(Mdpt pics: Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

Planetary patterns include a 'double' YOD (Sun/Saturn = MC; Venus/Saturn = MC, with both indicating separation and isolation, part of the job description for any US president; tr Saturn square natal Sun is a time (here, for all of his SR 2011 year) of inhibiting people (not good for the ego), challenges that bring delays, sobering events, rules and red-tape annoyances, and determination toward goals being seriously tested. This is an echo of our US natal Sun/Saturn square, and blockages from or by legal actions are implied.

Also there is a Kite pattern with Neptune and Chiron as the 'tail', and a Mystic Rectangle ('practial mysticism') involving Mercury, Pluto, Mars/ASC, and shaman Chiron (in process of a Chiron Return to Mr. Obama's first house Chiron in Pisces.)

Mercury 1Vir00 Rx opposes Neptune 00Pis00 Rx--about to return to late degrees of Aquarius--which indicates a time of falling victim to competitors' subversive tactics. Yes, I know--this describes his entire presidency so far, but we can expect political games and tricks of Rs v Ds to continue as the 2012 campaign heats up. (And no, we don't need Astrology to tell us that!)

SR 2011 Sun in SR 2nd H indicates a continuing emphasis on financial matters for the president with asteroid Cupido (Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) @ 12Can58 conjunct US natal Sun (the leader) and parallel Mr. Obama's SR 2011 Mars, still out-of-bounds (OOBs) and in Fall in Cancer where the Testy One tends to be emotionally touchy--it doesn't take much to set him off.

The Solar Return Moon denotes the emotional tone of his year along with the type of daily and domestic matters he will deal with. In Libra, SR Moon reflects: harmony in domestic conditions along with sensitivity in detecting imbalances in the environment, the number of social events may increase, women play more important roles in the proceedings, and cooperation is the key word.

SR Moon in SR 5th house brings change, fluctuation, or transition in any or all 5th H matters (children, risk-taking/gambling, creative pursuits, romance) along with emotional dependency on relationships, and/or a tendency to be unrealistic about partnerships or unions. Libra is an Air sign which resonates well with Mr. Obama's Airy natal Moon in communicative Gemini. Sounds like his emotional weather for the year will be an improvement over the solar implications for ego battering, or ego challenging at the least.

Another thing about SR Mars 1Can17 (besides the fact that it conjoins the president's natal Venus to the minute): this martian catalyst 'reaches forward' to November 2011 and squares Mr. Obama's Secondary Full Moon @ 1Ari11 on November 6, 2011. Below is the horoscope of his Sec Full Moon, the timer for just how far one may stretch or expand into the outer world in appr. 28-year increments, from New Moon to New Moon. How the timing of his Sec Full Moon plays into Mr. Obama being elected for a second term is uncertain for I believe that if the powers-that-be want him for a second term, they're have him. But how would a second term go for him after 'peaking' in November 2011?

Well, as we see now, our US Sec Full Moon 4Vir10, which occurred on December 24, 2008, has marked a time of dimming light for America and a reining in of our expansionist tendencies. And of course, Financial Collapse 2008 marks the obvious beginning of our decline though it was years coming. Perhaps the tentative 'debt-default deal' allegedly reached last evening between Congress and the White House (and yet to be passed by both Houses) well describes America's 2008 Sec Full Moon condition for it places limits on US financial over-spending including military budget cuts.

So here you see the Sec Full Moon horoscope; please click to enlarge; you may be interested in the notes, lower right, with a few details on the president's progressed inconjunction between the Aries Moon and Venus in Virgo. Another inconjunct (quincunx) appears between Sec Jupiter 27Cap19 (conjunct US n Pluto 27:33 Rx) and Sec Uranus 28Leo19 (conjunct his Sec NN...Uran/NN = radical or reformist political groups.)

Jupiter inconj Uranus indicates that adjustments are required between political aims (Ura/NN) and financial (2nd H) and societal conditions necessary to pull them off. These finances and conditions involve partnerships (7th H) with the Jupiter/Pluto connection denoting those who are responsible for large projects such as war, the world banking industry and plutocrats, and global religious organizations.

As you know, this Sec Full Moon 1Ari11 conjoins the IC of the US natal chart (Sibly; 5:10 pm LMT--changes at home) with Sec Sun 1Lib11 @ US n MC (Home v Career/Public Standing.) On November 6, 2011, the transiting Moon conjoins his Sec Moon (a Progressed Moon Return) along with tr Uranus 1Ari06 Rx, with Moon/Uranus themes of excitability, changes, new lifestyles, and possibly chaotic conditions.

(The November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse opposite his natal Gemini Moon may not help matters with its sinister undercurrent, I suspect, but that's a post for another day.)

There may be a tragic deception or illusion (Sun/Neptune = Pluto) affecting society--one potential by then, is that more info will have come out concerning the current 'debt-default deal' and its dire affects on our weakened economy and possible consequences which harm the ill, weak, young, and elderly. We'll see since it's early days on that and for the non-constitutional 'Super Congress' they've created to finagle the bill's ultimate provisions.

Well, take a look at Mr. Obama's Sec Full Moon horoscope and see what you think. We can discuss the chart more at length as November 2011 nears, if either of you wish:

ASC/DESC axis 20Can/Cap34 at critical or crisis degrees, Fixed Stars Castor and Pollux, the Gemini Twins, rise with their 'dark twin-light twin' vibe which may be said to describe in part President Obama's mixed parental heritage. Moon in Mars-ruled Aries indicates rashness or over-eagerness, a personal will influenced by feelings, and/or a lust for power.

Sun in Libra (1:11) is @ the Sec Full Moon's Point of Illumination opposite, a unconscious point of awareness. Sun in Libra denotes sociableness, adaptation, constancy or a lack of firmness, diplomacy, the importance of partnerships, and being motivated by a public spirit. He is independent yet needs others!

Until Sec Moon reaches Taurus in 2+ years after Nov 2011, the combo of Sun Lib/Moon Aries (Air-Fire, whereas his natal Sun Leo/Moon Gem = Fire-Air) gives President Obama a restless and willful nature, a sense of justice, and an entertaining personality with a feisty but cool-headed aura. He can really defend the underdog with this combination, but will he?

An awkward stubbornness when reaching one's limits is evident with this Sun/Moon combo which does not bode well for acceptance of the Nov 2011 Sec Full Moon as marking the natural limit of his expansion into the world--but perhaps his 'cooler head' will prevail within himself on that score and realism will set in. Or, perhaps Mr. Obama will ignore this portent and lose his re-election bid in 2012, an outcome which must be determined by many other astrological and societal factors which are outside the scope of today's column.

Natally, Sun Lib/Moon Aries is shared by two people who illustrate glimmers of Politics within these famous quotes:

"Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned." - Dick Gregory

"A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man." - E. E. Cummings



Resources: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey; Identifying Planetary Triggers, Celeste Teal.

Aug 17, 2010

Celente predicts market crash by end of year (video)

Gerald Celente has been correct a bunch of times about our financial prospects. Here he's predicting a possible stock market crash by the end of 2010. This post's title should read, audio. Pardon.

Then does Astrology, also a system of cycles as in the realm of finances, concur?

Right now we're 'between' two Solar Eclipses, both of which indicate financial stress and/or weakness. July 11, 2010's eclipse @ 19Can24 conjoins difficult Fixed Star Castor and is in the 8th house (Washington DC.) Round up to '20Can' and we have a critical or crisis degree as our economy continues its struggles. I agree with Mr. Celente's interesting, practical views on how the US should again become a nation of artisans, tradesmen, merchants to counteract the way we've become: clerks, shelf stockers, and short order cooks.

On January 4, 2011 another critical-degreed Solar Eclipse @ 13Cap39 falls in the other money house, the 2nd (in DC) in the 13 North Series: energy concerns large, ambitious group projects which will require a separation from an existing bond; initially events bring separation, then a joint achievement. (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) This eclipse opposes US natal Sun in Cancer which focuses its energies on the President.

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles the January 2011 eclipse as: The Balance of Power. She notes that the eclipse is in the degree of Fixed Star Manubrium: flaring heat. Will markets heat up only to explode with a boom that affects world markets?

(This eclipse may also be a war indicator but that's out of the scope of this post.)

If markets crash, perhaps the clincher that ties the bow will be the Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 at a critical 29th degree: 29Gem21, in 8th house for Washington DC, and near World Point 00Can00. This places Sun in 2nd house, of course, which highlights again the 2/8 money-valuations axis. With the Lunar Eclipse in the last degree of Gemini, disruptions and delays concerning communications, travel, young people, trade and commerce are possible since the Lord of the Eclipse, Mercury 26Sag16 is retrograde in 2nd house.

Perhaps there will be another mysterious who-done-it? electronic run on US banks similar to the so far unexplained one the NYSE experienced in Sept 2008.

Then in the Lunar Eclipse's 4th house of Domestic Scene are Neptune and Chiron both sitting upon US natal Moon (26 - 28 AQ) so wounding and fraud to the people! and home losses continue as will the effects of April's BP-Gulf Oil Gusher whose oil is reported today to have migrated along the ocean floor much farther east than formerly known or disclosed...toward Florida.

So! Gerald Celente and I are quite a depressing pair, aren't we? Difference is, he knows whereof he speaks when it comes to markets and gold runs. I'm only reading charts and hoping for the best to miraculously come out of a bad eclipse season!

Yes, in many ways, 2011 is a pivotal year of the last few pivotal years. The public's confidence may have wavered itself out of existence as someone's 'shock doctrine' has been practiced upon the American people (and others) and I think President Obama's Goldman-Sachs Cabinet of advisors have steered him wrong when it comes to getting the US out of the financial ditch.

For they've further instituted a corrupt financial system that needs dismantling more than it needs 'rescuing'...all of which makes one wonder: did the power elite plan for the US economy to be ditched all along?


Please note: this eclipse analysis is a general one for Washington DC; any personal results for you and yours must be gleaned through the eclipse's relationship to your own chart bwo contacts with natal planets, houses, and aspects. Don't let free floating anxiety get ya! And if, like me, you've lost all confidence in Washington DC's interest in working honestly on behalf of the American people, please retain your confidence in America's first principles and have faith in we-the-people of good heart.

Which may be my polite, southern way of saying, Washington Politicians S*ck.

And, Scr*w the Bolsheviks.

Jun 7, 2010

Fixed Stars, the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse, and market instability

With Fixed Stars Castor 20Can14 and Pollux 23Can13 straddling the Ascendant in the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope set for Washington DC, the energies of the twin stars will be front and center as the summer season begins.

The chart of Summer Solstice 2010 indicates that these archetypal energies are first up for the third week of June 2010 and include such potential influences as:

Castor (MERCURY-Jupiter-Mars-Venus-Saturn-Moon-Uranus flavors) = crippling of limbs; sudden fame or loss; murder; mental illness.

Pollux (MARS-Moon-Uranus) = danger of disgrace; murder; rape; cruelty; danger from large animals, women, or poisons; good for Astrology and the occult. (Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis.)

Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer 2010

The next Fixed Star to rise in the Summer Solstice 2010 chart is Procyon 25Can47 which conjoins US natal Mercury Rx @ 24Can12 (in 8th house of the Sibly chart = 5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776) and I've always considered '25Can' to be a very interesting degree in relation to the founding of America.

'25Can' = "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" which conjures the Pluto-esque realms of invisible power and invisible helmets, doesn't it?

That our nation's founders had contact when in Europe with
founder Adam Weishaupt is not always considered important by some but this author finds it an intriguing premise. Click to view the Illuminati horoscope (Bavarian sect) - May 1, 1776 - which of course has several planetary placements similar to America's natal chart; you'll notice that idealistic Jupiter conjoins US natal Mars which makes a 'Mars to n Jupiter' transit for Weishaupt and his organization...

Mars conjunct n Jupiter: having an exaggerated or expansive part to play in events; personal potentials broaden under present circumstances with a greater enthusiasm for expansion of spiritual and cultural awareness.

As you know, America was founded with her Mercury opposed by secret hand Pluto, an aspect suggesting issues of mind control, propaganda, surveillance, and intellectual autonomy and manipulation of mercurial things such as young people, the press, and our basic thinking processes.

Whether American minds have ever been truly 'free' from Pluto's meddling interference is something of a question when isolated puppet master Pluto, wealth-hoarder supreme, is determining the direct of a nation.

Then there's the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse (chart shown) with Scorpio (big business; betrayals and spying) rising with the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, two of the main actors on 9/11/01 during their opposition.

Saturn/Pluto = ASC: concentration upon important matters; assessments of how to work with those in power; an environment that gives an impression of silent power or continuing influence; being placed in cumbersome or difficult circumstances; separation; melancholy; mourning or bereavement. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Click and you'll notice 8th house involvement (Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformation, Death, the Occult) which relates to the above info for Fixed Star Castor which is being triggered by the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24, plus, '20Can/Cap are crisis or critical degrees, as you know.

Basically, 8th house crises are indicated yet the Solar Eclipse itself describes problems that at first seem worse, then clear with good don't panic! The July 11 Eclipse is in the same Series (12S) as America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (@ 00Pis34 in 1776, where Chiron transits now.)

That stock markets may be affected adversely by the July Solar Eclipse and by its herald, the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse conjoining secretive Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, is a distinct possibility for Summer into Autumn 2010, and we'll soon take a peek at what the Horoscope for Autumn Equinox 2010 entails for our nation.

To me it seems that Reagan's dodgy 'Morning in America' has become a melancholy Mourning in America as part of a long process of government by remote control.

Apr 26, 2010

US Sec Progressions April 2010: Moon to Neptune

April 26, 2010: America's Secondary Progressions are displayed below with the chart upper right set for Philadelphia, PA, our nation's natal location; lower left is our Sec chart re-located to the White House.

Some differences appear between the two locations as far as the houses go, as you see. Click to enlarge the image and you'll find a few of my notes scribbled there but for today I'm focusing on Sec Moon (our daily rounds, domestic and security issues) nearing conjunction with Sec Neptune, exact in October 2010.

These Sec Moon-Neptune implications for the US are emphasized by the fact that transit Neptune (nearing the end of Aquarius) has been affecting our natal Moon for a while now - US n Moon ranges from 18 to 28 AQ, depending on which US natal chart you prefer from July 4, 1776.

As mentioned in previous posts, tr Neptune to natal Moon (we-the-people) is an unstable time of feeling a sense of rootlessness and loss, even despair, as home foreclosures continue to decimate families, increase the US homeless population, necessitate movings-in with Mama, put refugee and immigration issues on the table, make commitments hard to keep, and bring thousands of US soldiers home to face overwhelming difficulties as they return to the country they and their families sacrificed so much for.

An atmosphere of dissatisfaction with dwindling options and weakened financial conditions are shown in part by home owners walking away from their mortgages in droves which this transit well describes, especially with such conditions now being undergirded, or ramped up, by the Sec Moon-Neptune conjunction you see here. The peak of this Sec conjunction will be in October, and there will be a lessening of its effects by the end of 2010.

Tr Neptune to n Moon also indicates thievery and fraud. We-the-people could use some protection from Capitol Hill and the White House more than ever before yet recent and ongoing legislations fail to protect us to any appreciable degree as special interests of Big Industry hold corporate sway over the Capitol Hill plutocrats when it comes to the lowly US consumer...weakened and deceived (Nep) consumers (Moon), politicians bought and paid for.

April 26, 2010 Sec Progressions, Philadelphia and White House: Hour of a Rx Saturn in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, Betrayals, and Surveillance:

As you see in the Philadelphia chart, our Sec Moon 20Vir21 is poised to enter Sec 2nd house (Earning Ability; Values; Self Worth) with Sec Neptune already posited underminingly in 2nd h and causing confusion and deceit in financial matters and loss of workers' incomes. (US natal Neptune 22Vir25 is even closer to being joined by Sec Moon 20Vir21 than the later-degreed Sec Neptune 26:17 Rx; Sec Moon exactly conjs Sec Neptune in about two months = June 2010, just prior to the financially stressful July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24, in 8th house for Washington DC, and conjunct difficult Fixed Star Castor.)

Opposite this 'watery' Moon-Neptune action, the 8th house (Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Legacies, Transformations, Death, the Occult, etc - with deceptive, confused Pisces on the 8th cusp) has the Venus/Chiron conjunction snugged around the 9th cusp in the White House version - this is a very sensitive point at the end of the 8th house (in both charts.) Venus-Chiron has to do with sacrifices on the altar of relationship and with money issues but perhaps you, lone reader, already know more about Venus/Chiron than this reluctant astrologer!

Sec Venus opposing Sec Mars Rx indicates our warring activities and their bankruptcy of (what used to be) our Treasury; Sec Mars Rx shows military weakness through overstretching, plus, military police actions of a police state used against the people; Sec Mars in a national chart usually indicates terrorism on home soil, including false flag ops used against the people.

Sec Moon 20Vir21 conjuncts Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: to go against society, or, against the mainstream...perfect for swimming in or against the Lunar-Neptunian tides of dissolution and fraud, I suppose. This seems to relate in part to homeowners walking away from upside down mortgages especially since Neptune can so often bring a kind of loss due to dissolving conditions - and Virgo is the sign of The Worker and Server which relates to high unemployment.

We might also expect natural and other disasters involving water and oceans (the recent 'explosion' on the Gulf of Mexico oil rig platform, with Neptune = oil, and the sea being a good example.) Food supply issues may be in the news, along with toxins ('additives') that are put into our foods by Big Chem as noted in such films as Food, Inc and TV's Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution - these and related issues will be emphasized more strongly going forward. They must be addressed more honestly.

And I should mention that Neptune relates as well to mass media, the entertainment industry, and to propagandizing; the Moon links to the public and public relations campaigns, as does the Moon's North Node (NN)...'contacts with the public'.

Now let's consider the Neptune/North Node midpoint sitting upon the ASC in the Sec chart set for the White House...'Nep/NN' = anti-social elements; a lack of community spirit (Ebertin); as you see, Moon will be in Nodal Degree when 'she' reaches Neptune 26Vir17 (Oct) and the White House version of our Sec chart shows Neptune and Sec Moon @ Nodal Degree (26) for October, showing karmic conditions in play.

(Being a Saturnian rather than a Uranian astrologer, 'in Nodal Degree' gives America a 'reaping what was sown' flavor to Moon-Neptune-NN, which is what I mean by karmic or fated conditions. Of course, Wall Street fraudsters and banking gangsters are giving us a lot to reap and plenty to weep about.)

From Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey - as always with midpoint pictures, any, all, or none may apply...some factors are noted on the chart image, but here I'll type out all of the possibilities for you...

Nep/NN = ASC: suffering from inhibitions; feeling uncomfortable in the presence of others; experiencing deceit and untruthfulness from others; being duped or disregarded (Hello, Capitol Hill? your constituents are calling - jc); disappointments; appearing strange to others; ignoring the reactions and attitudes of other people; mentally repressing outside influences while concentrating more fully on one's own needs.

Well, there's a brief snapshot of America and her evolutionary condition as of April 26, 2010. Yes, we're in a dire state, and we don't need Astrology to tell us that for we can simply look about the place.

Yet the one thing Astrology brings to the table which no other system can is the element of Time with its cyclic timing ability making it possible to see that by the end of 2010, at least some of the undermining influences of Moon-Neptune will lessen for we-the-people.

Now send the Wall Street fraudsters to jail, SEC - you paper tiger, you!

Note: @ bottom right you see "Sec Jupiter turned Rx by progression in 1905 - conjunct Pentagon's natal ASC" but our Jupiter's Rx Station of 1905 was in early Gemini; here you see Sec Jupiter 15Can34 - still Rx - and now conjunct the Pentagon's n ASC = bottomless money pit for war profiteering generals, ideologues, politicians, contractors, and for the secret society types who foment wars the world over and funnel US resources into plutonian coffers and imperial projects.

Apr 23, 2010

Dick Morris on Clinton, Reno, and Waco (video)

Yes, I know that former Clinton adviser Dick Morris is appearing here with Sean Hannity to promote his new book, 2010. But to me, little has ever seemed or been right about the Siege at Waco or the Oklahoma City Bombing which Timothy McVeigh said was his answer to the take-over of the Waco Compound by President Bill NAFTA Clinton.

Mr. Morris says in the video above that he doesn't know what Attorney General Janet Reno held over President Clinton's head concerning Waco which prompted him to reappoint her for a second term as US AG.

Yet some of us suspect that the 'what' related to the Inslaw Corporation's PROMIS software which the US government had stolen from Inslaw in the 1980s (Reagan!)

PROMIS (or its upgraded progeny) was originally created for legal firms to use but was soon seen as much more than that: a way to track anybody's financial dealings and whereabouts worldwide - in any language. The software was subsequently sold to the governments of many nations and, some say, to Osama bin Laden as well - but with a backdoor for eavesdropping which the US could use in whatever secretive, damaging ways it thought to devise.

One of My Sources for This Post

In Michael C. Ruppert's book Crossing the Rubicon, he titles Chapter 10 as, 'PROMIS: Controlling the Data' and says the software was 'rigged' when it was sold to the Canadian government, and that it is "peering into Americans' private lives," among other uses.

He also says that PROMIS "crossed a threshold in the evolution of computer programming." And it was first developed in the 1970s! Mr. Ruppert also asserts that PROMIS was part of and connected to "insider trading on 9/11."

This is one of the many things that makes me wonder how the attacks of 9/11 could have been such a 'big surprise' to the US government, or to those who profited from the crime by way of insider trading (one culprit I'm looking at is you, Cheney.)

Yes, the whole Inslaw-PROMIS factor was part of what investigative journalist Danny Casolaro was researching back in *August 1991 (think 'Bush, Sr', too - don't forget Operation Desert Storm which Bush hailed then as "a triumph of the New World Order") when Casolaro was brutally murdered/assassinated in a West Virginia motel after going there to meet with a mysterious foreign man in order to nab more evidence on the worldwide crime syndicate he dubbed The Octopus.

When Is a Mystery Not So Mysterious?

Taking the bait, Mr. Casolaro expected the new evidence to tie up loose ends for his book's publication, and needless to say, the murder scene contained nary a scrap of the painstaking notes that he was known to have had with him that weekend.

(New Moon the afternoon of Casolaro's murder @ '18Leo' which would turn out to be the degree of the August 11, 1999 'King of Terror' or 'Alarm' Solar Eclipse which continues to have a 'financial terrorism' flavor to it. His murder occurred under the rays of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the New World Order planets, @ '18Cap' = strong-armed paternalism...POLITICAL POWER.)

Slick Willy On the Scene

Now don't assume for a moment that I don't think Bill Clinton was protecting a boatload of shady dealings by the US government, politicians, and others when he ordered the destruction of David Koresh's Waco Compound, for you would be wrong.

But do Clinton, Koresh, and the Siege at Waco tie in with Inslaw and PROMIS? They do if what I've read is true: Koresh's compound had PROMIS (or its illegal progeny) on-site in what was quite a communication hub, or hive, of activity. Was Koresh using a version of PROMIS software to spy on the US government's, CIA's, and Clinton's shady dealings? Was 'CIA asset' Osama bin Laden being protected for future use?

Does any of this relate to what Janet Reno blackmailed President Bill Clinton over?


*Casolaro's brutal murder occurred during the 11 South Series of the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 1991 @ '19Cancer', the same degree of our next Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 which is in the 12 South Series. The two Eclipses are linked by degree so both conjunct Fixed Star Castor, the writer, with keywords: murder, crippling of limbs, sudden loss or fame (A. Louis, Horary Astrology Plain and Simple.)

With his global criminal syndicate expose, Danny Casolaro was reaching for fame but got loss instead.

(Plus, '19Can' is one degree from Pluto's Discovery degree of 1930 adding plutonian spy, death, nukes, and 'secret hand' connotations to these Eclipse pictures; nuclear topics are turning up often in the news already and in this realm, the ongoing Saturn/Pluto square and Uranus/Pluto square are of no comfort whatsoever, are they?)

Therefore, we may soon expect similar events or more mentions of early 1990s events to come up for re-examination this summer, with 11 South's (1991) flavor: a need for sudden reforms to deal with events; old ideas, methods, and/or systems will fail; any blocks (Casolaro, US consumers, and bankers' debts?) may be violently or tragically removed (parphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

As you see, 11S is the Series that repeated in Summer 2009 (Eclipse of July 22, 2009) when the systemic financial collapse reached its current fulfillment - or the first stage of it, sorry to say; July 2009's Ecl @ 29Can27, a crisis 29th degree, with '30Can' having a "A Daughter of the American Revolution" influence - when the world financial system was said to be on the brink of complete failure 2009. Crime-syndicates-are-us?

Well, since you may have noticed that the MSM never reports on the $550 billion electronic run on US banks for about two hours in September 2009, I shall ask you...PROMIS, anyone?


Update: in a similar financial vein of interest, I've just found a fresh article on Wall Street's and Goldman Sachs' market rigging.

And for further reading try David Rothscum's Crash course on why 9/11 was an inside job.