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Showing posts with label Mercury-Neptune square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercury-Neptune square. Show all posts

Jun 13, 2017

June 13, 2017 AG Jeff Sessions testifies under a Mercury-Neptune square

Scheduled today at 2:30 pm edt on Capitol Hill is an open session with Attorney General Jeff Sessions who will answer the senators' questions (or not) under the day's confusing influence of a Mercury (testifier; communicator; speaker) square Neptune, planet of delusion, deception, fraud, the media, the masses--you know the list. The assimilation of information is faulty as we see with Donald Trump who was born with the same aspect between Mercury and Neptune resulting in loose lips, indiscretion, misconceptions, lies, and a 'sneaky mind' (Oken).

Under this problematic square, who's right and who's wrong is a confusing matter and cold logic is missing although inspiration and intuition may be enhanced and illusions may be promoted. It's a tricky period during which Mr. Sessions has placed himself on the hot seat in a public forum to basically defend himself--and Mr. Trump.

Will undisputed facts reach right conclusions? As an astrologer, I doubt it. As an American, I sincerely long for facts to point in the correct direction yet I fret that today's testimony by AG Jeff Sessions will make little or no difference in the end.

Image: Donald Trump natal horoscope June 14, 1946; tomorrow is Trump's 71st birthday but his Solar Return for 2017 is actually today.

Related: June 8, 2017: Comey Testifies under Trump's Sun Gem-Moon Sag Blend.

btw: I neglected to mention earlier that at 2:30 pm edt today on Capitol Hill, Jeff Sessions' natal vague Neptune in Libra was rising followed closely by transit Jupiter! And an out-of-bounds Mars @6Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter) opposes (challenges) AG Sessions' natal Mars in Capricorn. (Dec 24, 1946 'noon' Selma, Alabama).

Jun 8, 2017

June 8, 2017 Comey testifies under Trump's natal Sun Gem-Moon Sag

Sun Gem-Moon Sag: It's All About Mr. Trump

It's June 8, 2017 and former FBI Director James Comey is testifying today to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Trump-Russia topics under today's Sun-Moon blend (Gemini-Sagittarius) which happens to be the natal blend of Donald J. Trump.

This is an Air-Fire combo of energies of one who is inquisitive, has a vivid imagination, and is usually able to wiggle out of tight squeezes. However, a lack of mental discipline can lead to recklessness, a word often used to describe Mr. Trump's actions especially in the realm of his tweets which are by many people considered to be official statements of the president of the United States of America. Additionally, this blend's tendency toward indiscretion supports his indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square which inspires many misconceptions for his sneaky mind (Oken) to imagine and embroider upon.

Also of interest is tomorrow, June 9, 2017, the day of Jupiter's Direct Station @13Libra (which echoes Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter Direct Station @17Lib27 in 2nd house and sandwiching along with his Neptune his natal Chiron) which will contain a Full Moon @18Sag53 (again, an echo of Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition conjunct his Nodal Gem-Sag axis) which perfects at 9:09:32 am edt. Transit Neptune squares this Full Moon and suggests illusions, deceptions, and discontent.

A Jupiter Note: Mr. Trump's last of three conjunctions in his current Jupiter Return period occurs August 4, 2017.

Now as you know, Full Moons time stages of awareness, culmination, and/or fulfillment on some level or levels, relate to relationships, and, in this case, 'bookends' the prior New Moon (May 25th @4Gem46). Endings of relationships are possible as is the uncovering of secrets under the rays of a Full Moon. Plus, prominent Full Moons can act much as eclipses (Full = Lunar Eclipses, New Moons = Solar Eclipses) - as 'wild cards' of the Universe - by revealing hidden things and disrupting earthly events. It remains to be seen the legal or political fall-out from Mr. Comey's testimony today and the last time I checked Mr. Trump Twitter feed (it's now 12:30 pm edt) he had not begun to 'live tweet' private citizen James Comey's testimony in an attempt to counteract it. Not yet.

But suffice to say, with or in spite of astrological portents, there will be fall-out.

Here's yesterday's post concerning today's Comey testimony (tri-wheel charts shown).


For more Gem-Sag info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

May 27, 2017

May 28, 2017: Laughingstock-in-Chief Returns to DC

His Arabian-European roadshow ended, Donald Trump returns to Washington DC tomorrow, Sunday May 28, 2017 as multiple publications across Europe and at home call him a laughingstock who should be impeached.

Astrologically, might we fault transit Saturn now adversely affecting Mr. Trump's Sun-NN/Moon-SN opposition? How about the natal indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square that blabs intel, tweets insults, and forms misconceptions of reality everywhere it goes? Plus, Trump's natal Saturn, planet of authority, authenticity, accountability, and gravitas is in Moon-ruled Cancer, the sign of Saturn's detriment, and is in wide conjunction with natal Venus, a combo of discontent. Neurotic reactions are quite typical for those born under Saturn in Cancer's rays.

Other potentials with Saturn in Cancer include estrangements from relationships, emotional sensitivity, a deep need for respect from others, and attempts to hide inner feelings in order to preserve dignity. 'Aggravating circumstances due to family ties' (Ebertin) may partially describe Trump's return to America under the darkening cloud of his serious Jared Kushner problem and his purported 'private channel to the Kremlin' request to the Russian ambassador.

Saturn in Cancer also suggests defensiveness, need to be taken seriously (calling him a laughingstock won't do it), emotional touchiness, excessive water retention and weight gain, and a strong attachment to material and financial possessions and we have a fit description of an unfit Donald as forces within and without the US government attempt to remove Mr. Trump from office and, one supposes, force upon the American people the theocrat VP Mike Pence.

May 18, 2017

The Prenatal Eclipse of Special Counsel Robert Mueller

As you've heard, yesterday (May 17) the former head of the FBI Robert Mueller was appointed Special Counsel (aka, Independent Counsel) to lead the FBI investigation into the Trump administration's Russia connections and improprieties.

Mr. Mueller's birth hour seems to be unknown but his birth date shows a dramatic Leo Sun and either Moon in the last decan of Pisces or in Aries. Luna's range on that day (August 7, 1944 NYC) is from 21Pis29 to 6Ari18; the Sun's range: 14Leo30 to 15Leo27. His Moon is ruled by either Jupiter (co-ruled by Neptune: secretive Pisces) or by activist Mars, ruler of pioneering Aries.

(Personally I'm leaning toward a Pisces Moon for several reasons, not the least of which is that the Sun Leo-Moon Pisces blend is that of a very famous spy born under its sway: Mata Hari! A Leo-Aries double Fire personality blend is a volatile combination and unless he's explosive in private, this doesn't seem to fit him, imho. On his day of birth, the Moon conjoined the Aries Point at 1:43:10 pm which gives him a good chance of a Pisces Moon--too compassionate to lead the Bureau? Perhaps. But oh so secretive!)

Now since a birth hour is unnecessary for determining Robert Mueller's Prenatal Solar Eclipse, we know that his 'cosmic blink' occurred on July 20, 1944 @27Cancer, a degree opposite US natal Pluto Rx, a powerful undercover/underworld planet often associated with spies, surveillance, stealth, manipulation, control, and extreme wealth.

In fact, Mr. Mueller's PE in the 19 North Saros Series has recently repeated--on September 1, 2016 @9Virgo and is the PE of both the November 8, 2016 Election and the 2017 Inauguration of Donald "Fake News" Trump with its themes of: realism, coming down to earth, becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is, and constructive truth tackling (Brady's Predictive Astrology). As you may have noticed, Mr. Trump makes up his own truths, lives in an imaginary world where he never makes mistakes (!), and where his Libran Jupiter often pouts that it "isn't fair" that people dare to criticize ("mistreat") him!

So even though yours truly is no fan of the Deep State and its political and media representatives now working 24/7 to undermine the Trump presidency, my hope for our nation's sake is that Special Counsel Mueller will be able to tackle the truth about the several compromising conditions America now faces thanks to the unsuitable, amateurish presidency of the dictator-loving, Mercury-Neptune-squared, indiscreet Mr. Trump, our very own Eclipse Baby whining and sulking in the Oval.


Coming Soon: June 9, 2017: Jupiter Stations Direct at the Sag Full Moon. Then on August 7, 2017 a Lunar Eclipse perfects @15AQ, as noted in opposition to Mr. Mueller's natal Sun in mid-Leo which may or may not be significant for him and/or for the investigation.

As we've previously discussed, 19 North is also the PE of Trump's adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner...and is the PE of the FBI! No wonder Robert Mueller remains popular at the agency--the Bureau and the former Director are cosmically in-sync.

If you wish to look ahead, here's a list of the 2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes.

Apr 20, 2017

Seeding at NATO Summit May 2017: Trump to Attend

Earlier during his White House tenure it was announced that Donald Trump would attend this year's NATO summit on May 25th in Brussels, Belgium. The summit is scheduled for May 24th to 25th so let's check the cosmic atmosphere of the 2017 summit via Moon and Sun, shall we?

The method I prefer when there are multiple dates to consider is to begin at 12:00 am Local Time for the date and location, then use an end time of 11:59 pm on the final date and location. This covers any possible after-event schmoozing by various attendees or perhaps late-night behind the scenes deals. In the case of NATO summit 2017, the Sun is in Mercury-ruled Gemini, good for communications, agreements, negotiations, compacts, news, and other messages, and the Moon is in Taurus on May 24th, then shifts into Gemini, forming a New Moon @4Gem46 as she floats. This denotes a time when seeds are planted for future harvest. In Brussels, the New Moon perfects at 9:44:24 pm CEDT and the political duo of Mercury and Mars will also be in Gemini.

New Moon May 2017: "5 Gemini" = "A Radical Magazine Displays a Sensational Front Page."

So we know that this year's summit will be held during a Dark of the Moon period (3 days prior to a New Moon) when shady dealings are done and are (they hope) kept hidden in shadows from public view, at least until plans can be implemented. Of course, in Mundane Astrology, the Moon signifies publicity, public relations, and the public itself. However, a Gemini Moon tends to be chatty and suggests ups and downs (moodiness that may include despondency) so we'll see how close to the vest the meetings' details are kept or leaked. After all, radical magazines must have sensational front pages! No word on whether attendees should bring along their consciences over the results of actions taken. As with all 'global elite' meetings, my feeling is that they are advised to leave consciences at home, if they possess any.

And since Mr. Trump is a Sun Gemini with North Node and Uranus in Gemini he should feel quite within his Mercurial element with the Gemini New Moon and the darkened secretiveness of the proceedings particularly now that he has repudiated his own previous critique of NATO as being "obsolete" and not paying their fair share (his Stationary Direct Jupiter in Libra in natal 2nd house of Money and Values talking: "that's not fair!"). And perhaps you remember that Mr. Trump announced his presidential campaign in June 2015 under the influence of a Mercurial Gemini New Moon!

For general details on the May 25, 2017 New Moon (chart set for Washington DC) here's a previous post on the topic of May 2017 Lunations which includes mention of our US Mars Return (22Gemini) on May 22, 2017--made more significant since the Trump administration is triggering a new War on (of) Terror, a new Cold War, a new phase of the War of Drugs, more bombing in the Middle East, and other Martian activities of the warrior planet in duplicitous Gemini. ('Can America fight two wars at once?' US Mars in Gemini, says, Yes! Even though a debilitated US Mars turned retrograde by progression in 2006.)

Cosmic Atmosphere for May 24 and 25, 2017

May 24, 2017 Sun Gemini-Moon Taurus, an Air-Earth blend of the rational, objective, and practical idealist. This combination of energies suggests an entrepreneurial spirit (such as that possessed by you-know-who) and a desire to pursue bright ideas. Turning ideas into reality is its specialty and factual evaluations are a must. However, a certain midpoint picture in effect during the summit gives pause on that score: Mercury-Pluto = Neptune (which now veils US Progressed Sun in Pisces = POTUS) which hints at such potentials as inefficient research, falsified data or documents, the use of deception, and/or the concealment of information in that 'knowledge is power' kind of way.

Sun Gemini-Moon Taurus is the natal blend of spy and author Ian Fleming and of railway tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt whose revealing quote informs us that, "What do I care about the law? Hain't I got the power?" Such an attitude some might apply to Mr. Trump as well and, born with an indiscreet, fact-distorting Mercury-Neptune square of misguided perceptions, he may turn out to be one source of leaks from the 2017 summit!

May 25, 2017 Sun Gemini-Moon Gemini, a double Air combination of a childlike yet natural communicator full of ideas and political schemes. Archetypes of this blend include the juggler, actor, thinker, planner, circus trapeze artist, and mimic. Mercurial to its toes and often charming, emotions are not its strong suit nor is looking under surfaces where darker motives reside. Still, this blend loves to meet new people who can be thrilled at its performances. We can expect that the Gemini Mr. Trump (if he actually does attend on May 25th) will be cheery and charming at the summit as long as he's the most famous person in the room. If he isn't most famous, he and his traveling Sagittarian Moon will not attend.

Sun Gemini-Moon Gemini is the natal blend of Britain's Queen Victoria and of actor John Barrymore who brings insight concerning this blend with, "One of my chief regrets during my years in the theater is that I couldn't sit in the audience and watch me."

Can we assume that the narcissistic Mr. Trump, as he plays the role of US president, could well profess the same self-awareness?

Related: NATO and the Stationary Jupiter of Mr. Trump (includes link to NATO's foundation chart of 1949).

Mar 27, 2017

Donald Trump hearts President Andrew Jackson!

A Natal Chart Comparison: Donald Trump's Idolatry of President Andrew Jackson

by Jude Cowell

President Andrew Jackson? Vicious! say his modern critics. And based only on Jackson's instigation of the tragic Trail of Tears, made possible by the imperial Indian Removal Act, I must concur (and having Native American heritage myself as do many 'native' Georgians via Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas).

Mr. Trump wants his presidency to resemble that of 'populist president' Andrew Jackson and of course with Mr. Trump we've noticed a wide streak of intolerance for 'the other' even though he ran for office as 'the other' and 'the outsider' in an attempt to pretend a great chasm exists between himself and The Establishment that permeates Washington DC. So with Trump we have 'the other' hating 'the others', all the foreigners among us as if most if not all of our ancestors weren't immigrants themselves at some point. Ironic enough for us? Then why not consider the two natal charts and planets of these men of power, one a military general born in 1767, the other a real estate mogul born in 1946--and both initiated Freemasons.

Two Versions of Andrew Jackson's Natal Chart

With no known birth hour for Jackson firmly proven, you may wish to check out the two versions shown at astrodatabank of Jackson's March 15, 1767 morning chart and the rectified version set for March 14, 1767 11:24 pm LMT (rectified by Isaac Starkman). Plus, other birth times are noted such as Grant Lewi's '2:00 am' speculation. Both Jackson's charts show a Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo personality blend so we have that goin' for us.

House cusps are different, of course, for Andrew Jackson: the March 15th 'morning chart' gives 25Ari50 rising with quirky genius Uranus (25Ari50) in tow suggesting one with great coping ability. Uranus-ASC describes one who is alert and responds quickly and individualistically to whatever occurs. And of course, Mars-ruled-Aries is the sign of the pioneer and adventurer which certainly describes Andrew Jackson who, as president, embodied the physical implementation of America's much-vaunted Manifest Destiny, the Jupiterian impulse that native American tribes were in the way of. Uranus in Aries is the zealot and anarchist, the Utopian idealist, according to Reinhold Ebertin, and we've certainly experienced this since transit Uranus entered Aries in 2010 (ex: the Tea Party, an early expression in the Collective of this riotous placement.)

Another feature of Jackson's Aries Rising chart is that it places powerful Pluto (11Cap39) at Midheaven (MC), the Goal Point of the chart. Pluto conjunct MC = power, control, violence, plus, more coping ability (Pluto) in the realm of Career and Public Status. Transit Pluto now conjoins this MC and a three-fer Pluto Return occurred for Jackson all through 2014.

As for Jackson's rectified chart with 00Sag54 rising ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire"), MC = 12Vir08 where transit North Node pointed in September 2016; his natal Jupiter @17Vir10 Rx and natal Moon 19Vir46 conjoin this Virgo MC from the 10th house side. In political realms, Moon-Jupiter often indicates ineffective leadership which may not precisely describe Jackson's White House tenure and I doubt it could be said to describe his military leadership (ex: the Battle of New Orleans.)

Planetary Links Between Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson

Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) = '1946'; Jackson = '1767' so let's see if any planetary contacts exist between the two men's natal charts but not including Andrew Jackson's house cusps, Ascendant, etc:

1767 Saturn 13Gem44/45: Saturn is closest to 1946's natal Uranus-NN-Sun political trio but with a 4-degree+ orb, a weak link. 1767 Venus (@11Aries = "The President of the Country"!) is widely opposed by 1946 Neptune (5Lib50 Rx) denoting potentials for strange circumstances to develop along with deception, mistrust, confusion, and a lack of cooperation from others. Neptune opposing Venus makes bankruptcy a distinct possibility (Mr. Trump already has already bankrupted businesses including a gambling casino--how is that possible? no customers?) and naturally false promises and financial schemes are implicated, plus, misunderstandings and disappointments in relationship matters are prominent expressions of this link.

Now with 1946's Mars 26Leo and Ascendant 29Leo (conjunct royal Regulus), we find 1767's Neptune @3Vir15 Rx nearby which creates a midpoint picture of note: Mars-Neptune = ASC which adds an unstable quality to their relationship (and with Trump's tendency to change his mind on a whim or notion, we'll see if his idolatry of Jackson has staying power). Transit North Node @3Virgo now points toward 1767's natal Neptune, a 'lack of community spirit' indicator that may also describe the public's current notice (NN) of Jackson's ideals or ideology (Neptune). Additionally, the potential for misunderstandings is increased by 1767's Mercury @3Ari31 opposed by 1946's Neptune Rx.

Note that 1767's Mercury-Neptune inconjunction of adjustment adds difficult energies to the confused misunderstandings and disappointments of this link while 1946's problematic Mercury-Neptune square contains the probability of distorted perceptions, false promises, overblown fantasies, and falsehoods. Mercury rules rhetoric, while Neptune rules propaganda, the media, and the masses, unwashed though they may be. Add to that the tendency to use others (as illustration, as a behavioral model, etc) and we have Trump using Jackson as propaganda icon for Trump supporters who idolize Andrew Jackson themselves.

Two 'war' and 'violence' links exist between Jackson and Trump: 1767's South Node, a karmic point of separation and neurosis, is conjoined by 1946's Pluto @10Leo02 and of course this occurs in the egocentric sign of the natural leader, royal Leo. The other link is 1767's warrior planet Mars @22Tau23 conjunct the MC (Goal Point) of the 1946 natal chart, not a positive thought at all especially when considering the militaristic Mars Rising personality of Donald Trump with his rising Regulus and the star's caution: 'success if revenge is avoided'.

Mar 25, 2017

2017: Transit Neptune Veils US Progressed Sun in Pisces

With December 24, 2008 marking *America's Secondary Progressed (SP) Full Moon @4Vir10 (SP Sun 4Pis10), transit Neptune in Pisces has been nipping at the heels of our nation's SP Sun, an astrological significator for the evolved position of the role of US president. As you know, US natal Sun began at 13Cancer in 1776 conjunct starry Sirius, the pagan goddess star; from 13Cancer US Sun has now progressed/evolved to 12Pisces+.

US SP Sun and transit Neptune @13Pisces: "A Sword in a Museum: EXAMPLE...positive expression: personal power in living common ideals; negative: ridiculous pretense of epic merit." - Jones; this symbol relates to Mr. Trump's idolatry of populist president Andrew Jackson but that must be a post for another day.

In Astrology, the SP Full Moon denotes how far one can 'rise' in the world at that time--a person's or an entity's limits--and America reached such a culmination stage at the end of 2008 with the massive heist of our National Treasury (overseen by Bush and Cheney and passed on to Barack Obama whose entire presidency bares the imprint of the Great Conjunction/s of speculation-inflationary pair Jupiter and Neptune, three times through 2009; the world remains under that planetary influence until the Great Conjunctions of 2020). During the Great Heist, financial resources of We the People were also spirited away and the culprits were then rewarded by US taxpayers for the privilege of being bamboozled by Wall Street bankers and traders. Well, the Virgo-Pisces polarity is the victim-savior axis, after all.

Neptune-to-Sun Casts Shade Upon US Leadership

So what can be expected when Neptune veils the Sun in the shady, delusional, secretive, confused and confusing sign of Pisces? Certainly Neptune in Pisces expands the potential for paranoia within the Collective and we've definitely experienced that--and Mr. Trump is no exception to the phenomenon. Naturally, Infowars' and FOX News' conspiracy theories come to mind, the wilder the better for a paranoid Mr. Trump to tweet out across the globe like a Neptunian-Piscean infection. Desperate to be popular, how disgruntled (enraged!) he must be to find that a finagled White House tenure does not guarantee him high approval ratings--he actually has to perform well as president, the representative of We the People!

So now in 2017, the US SP Sun (POTUS) has reached 12Pisces+ and transit Neptune has continued floating on or nearby that degree since temporarily entering its own sign of Pisces in early April 2011, soon backing into Aquarius, then re-entering Pisces to stay in early February 2012--all on President Obama's watch but not yet veiling US SP Sun until, at the very end of March 2013, transit Neptune hit our SP Full Moon's Sun position of 4Pis10 (and again on February 1, 2014, thanks to Neptune's retrogradation). By that time, Mr. Obama's SP Sun had entered Libra--at the very top of America's natal chart, the very visible Goal Point of Career and Public Status.

Update March 26, 2017: don't miss Maureen Dowd's Donald, This I Will Tell You.

Note that Mr Trump's SP Sun has now progressed into Virgo from Leo, beginning @22Gemini conjunct US natal Mars, the warrior planet--you know he wanted military tanks in his inauguration parade, right?! Shades of North Korea! Even US SP Mars Rx @18Libra conjoins Mr. Trump's natal stationary direct Jupiter @17Lib27 which bodes ill for the expansion of war plans especially since his natal Neptune is near enough to call him a Jupiter-Neptune kind of speculator and wastrel--and Jupiter-Neptune is Obamacare's signature planets along with US natal Moon = 'involved in speculation; dreaminess; little sense of reality'--Ebertin.

So as we can see, US POTUS has been plagued by Neptune's eroding, undermining influence for years now and with fact-challenged Donald Trump in office, the public discourse has seen truth vs fiction and 'fake news' issues (aka, propaganda) balloon into the stratosphere, partially thanks to Mr. Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of distorted perceptions, falsehoods, fantasy, and paranoia. Leaked secrets (Pisces/Neptune) seep from the White House and undermine his personal integrity (Sun) as president, plus, fanaticism and illusions inspire fanciful notions as his qualification for leadership of the country is called into question. It's a confusing period for the prime focus of this Neptunian-Solar transit as goals that inspire his ego drive (which is the focus) fail to materialize if and when they are based on misguided or unrealistic notions.

Perhaps you agree that the misguided snatching of health care insurance away from millions of Americans via the (failed) GOP 'health care' legislation this last week may be considered part of the Neptunian-Solar picture for Republican congressional leadership and for the fact-challenged, egocentric Donald Trump, our POTUS of the moment.

For it's a hazy and unstable time when the Sun of leadership attempts to hide behind the illusions, falsehoods, and secrets of astrological Neptune!

Now let's close with the Thesis and Antithesis potentials in Politics and Business as given in Michael Munkasey's excellent book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets; much of this particular example of the Hegelian Dialect may sound familiar:

Thesis: A leader with the ability to thrill the masses through visions of a great future (my italics); projection of the "good times"; an ability to respond to the needs of consumers by offering products based on popular concepts (like Trump Steaks or Trump University? puh! Or is Mr. Trump himself a 'product'? jc).

Antithesis: A leadership which goes to excess and exhausts itself on impractical schemes (like a wall on the entire US-Mexico border? jc); inflation which drains resources; budget deficits; drug problems; promises made but not backed up with substance or intention.


*Progressions issue from natal horoscopes which in this case is the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA chart which puts Cardinal World Points of Prominence on the MC-IC of the US natal horoscope. Setting the US natal chart for a different hour on that date would give a slightly varied timing for the Full Moon's perfection but would not alter the Sun-Neptune implications. jc

Oct 14, 2016

Ed Schultz and John Nichols - video (plus, 'Trump vs GOP' Astrology)

Natal Charts Reveal Differences Between the Republican Party and Nominee Trump; Schultz and Nichols Discuss GOP Coup and the Party's 2016 Nominee

With much confusion reigning these days between Donald Trump and the Republican Party, can a brief comparison of their natal horoscopes reveal the whys and wherefores? Below is a brief list of chart factors between them which describe, I believe, at least some of their difficulties.

And please check out the October 13th video of progressive broadcaster Ed Schultz speaking with The Nation's Washington correspondent John Nichols concerning troubles within the Republican Party and the Party's issues with its own 2016 nominee Donald Trump.

A bi-wheel image of the natal charts of the Republican Party and Mr. Trump shows some of the planets and points between the two that conjoin although opposing planets reveal some of the turbulence between them. (Remember earlier in the 2016 campaign when 'Trump is not a Republican' was a prominent talking point heard regularly in the news?)

Yes, both entities have the same Sagittarian Moon position which conjoins Trump's natal South Node of neurotic behavior and (Saturnian) separation! Fixed star Ras Alhague is also there (see 'Sapphire Star' post, linked below). But as current political events (to endorse or not to endorse, that is the Q) confuse, we see the nominee's natal Neptune (5Libra50 Rx) rising in the Party's chart (ASC 4Lib23) in opposition to the Party's natal Mercury (5Ari18 Rx) suggesting misunderstandings, confusion, deception, illusions, errors, and loss. This condition is worsened by the fact that Trump was born with a Mercury-Neptune square of distorted perceptions, gossip, and a problematic relationship with the truth.

With Mercury square Neptune, discreet he is not yet this relates to what so many Trump supporters admire: that he 'tells it like it is' (or, how he and they think it is). Well, at least some of his observations are correct enough to discomfit The Establishment and the GOP hierarchy (and Democrats!) as Mr. Trump inconveniently reveals information that Washington is desperate to keep hidden from the masses.

A second factor of note is the Mars-Ascendant-Mars trio at the end of Leo (conjunct royal star Regulus, the king-maker) and the Party's natal Mars @00Virgo21 Rx in the 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, and Politics. Mars also acts as a Bucket handle for the GOP with Mars in Virgo exploiting every situation and criticizing every opponent. Meanwhile, Trump's chart shows a Bowl shape of planets with quirky rebel Uranus leading in Gemini, sign of deals and commerce. This denotes one who is a 'convincing' orator who scatters his energies. Plus, as you know, Gemini and Virgo square one another though both signs are ruled by shape-shifting Mercury who knows a lot about lying.

Now here are Ed and John discussing Trump and the GOP:

Image: natal charts of the Republican Party (inside) and Donald Trump (outside).

Let's close with another chart factor which is penned across the top of the image: the Republican Party's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) @8Sag33 and Donald Trump's Pre-Natal Eclipse @8Gemini48 precisely opposing one another--and both eclipses have themes of 'endings, partings, separations' attached. Plus, Trump's PE is also his Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to birth) which emphasizes the importance of his eclipse--and 8Gemini55 is the position of America's 1776 'totem' Revolution planet of radical reforms, chaos, and disruption, Uranus (also a planet of separation).

So in charts from 1854 and 1946, the degree range of 8/9 Gemini-Sagittarius spotlights fixed stars Aldebaran (success through integrity) and warring Antares (obsessed with success) as the Republicans attempt to win the White House (and down-ticket slots) on November 8, 2016 (not November 28th, Mr. Trump!) with their candidate constantly making headlines that simultaneously offend and distance large groups of American voters.

And yet...Nationalism promoter and protectionist Mr. Trump does talk big against the New World Order globalists, doesn't he? As if he alone would be able to act on America's behalf and grasp control of the transnational banking syndicate that he himself has taken huge loans from! Perhaps someone should tell him that the role of US president has become more of a facade of power in the world than it is the real thing.

A few related posts, videos, and Astrology:

Life Themes: the Pre-Natal Eclipses of Clinton and Trump; Donald Trump: Natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; and Trump Campaign Chief's Strong Ties to Putin Revealed - clip (w Astrology) which concerns Paul Manafort who 'stepped down' from Trump's campaign but remains behind the Russian curtain.

Sep 21, 2016

Astrology Explains: Donald Trump Loves to Shake Things Up!

Quirky Uranus and November 8, 2016: It's The Prepared vs The Unprepared

by Jude Cowell

Since his presidential bid announcement on June 16, 2015, candidate-turned-Republican-nominee Donald Trump has done one thing really well--turn US political campaigning on its head. Is there a reason which can be discerned from his natal chart? Is his rock-the-boat nature for real or merely an act?

Yes, all can be explained as astrologers Lynn Hayes and Alex Miller reveal and it concerns Mr. Trump's natal Uranus in Gemini so close to his Gemini Sun. By this one aspect astrologers know that he was as hard to limit or control in childhood as he is now.

And of course, some political pundits have said, "he's a child" which is also borne out by the chart emphasis on Gemini, sign of the child or the eternal youth. And with Gemini also being the sign of the trader, deal-maker, trickster, publicist, magician, juggler, salesman, and communicator, many of us sometime cringe at his weird behavior, off-the-cuff remarks, sophomoric insults, and his extreme self-awareness (that's Sun-Uranus again--Uranus is often called, The Awakener, and he sleeps very little, he says). Plus, when Donald wants advice, he consults himself and his "very good brain".

Add to his Geminian-Uranian traits the fact that quirky, disruptive maverick Uranus simultaneously opposes natal Moon in Sagittarius (a natal Sun-Moon opposition, a 'Full Moon' personality so relationships are all-important) and we see that Mr. Trump possesses a deep need (Moon) to be involved in the affairs of others (Moon-Uranus). His lack of boundaries and indiscriminate sharing of information (Mercury square Neptune) are displayed almost every time he speaks unless guided by a teleprompter and a pre-written speech. Have you noticed that he seldom seems to realize how much information he 'gives away' when he speaks?

Now all these planetary factors (and others) explain to some people (such as yours truly) how Trump The Unprepared is temperamentally unsuitable and unqualified for the job of US president which requires a much more discreet personality and deeper, more wide-ranging political knowledge than this Solar-Lunar Uranian naturally possesses. Can he learn? Ruh-roh! He only listens to himself, he informs us.

Talents? Oh yes, Mr. Trump has plenty of them. But are they the right talents for this particular job? After all, presidential campaigning is more than just a PR stunt...maybe not much more but it is not a book sales marathon or a 'new hotel' promotional event.

In light of all this (and unless you, dear reader, disagree), we do need a majority of American voters to stir themselves to prevent a farcical Trumpian outcome on November 8th--even if it means swallowing our misgivings and voting for an alleged 'progressive' such as Hillary Clinton whose discreet (some would say too discreet!) and studious Mercury-Saturn square is more suitable for the serious role of US president.

Related posts: Donald Trump: natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper; Wedding Day Astrology of Melania and Donald Trump; Astro-Notes on the September 26, 2016 Presidential Debate (#1 of 3); Election Day 2016: an Unaspected Mars in Capricorn.

And here's my post on the Astrology of Mr. Trump's June 2015 campaign announcement New Moon in Gemini even though someone has removed the video from SO'W. Perhaps we should credit his overly sensitive Mars rising in proud Leo! But not to fret for here's a link to Mr. Trump's 51-minute cringe-worthy campaign announcement video in case you wish to refresh your memory.

And for a little Astrology about Hillary: A White-Clad Hillary Clinton Accepts the Democratic Nomination which is not a fashion review but a babble concerning the White Goddess.

Sep 5, 2016

Washington DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2016

Here they are! The horoscope and season few have been waiting for: Autumn Equinox 2016, chart set for the White House, our national Masonic lodge and main beehive of activity nestled in our nation's Masonic capital! Admire its chart-ruler Mars in 2nd house of National Treasury and applying to a square with Jupiter the General, financier, politician, and/or religious guru @2Libra49 in 11th house with the Libra-ingressing Sun!

As is the case annually (and though many astrologers prefer a different rising sign such as Scorpio), the Sun conjoins US natal Midheaven in the Sibley chart of July 4, 1776 5:09 pm, MC = 00Libra53, a Cardinal World Point) and as you see, transit Jupiter tops the US natal chart, a time of optimism, promotion, and possible rewards; important changes are occurring, not the least of which will be a new president. Of course, with Sun-Jupiter we can expect extravagance and overestimation of worth, strength, and/or ability but I'll let you decide whether this describes the US government, a particular politician, and/or a presidential wanna-be. This equinox chart covers Election Day 2016, as you know, until Winter Solstice 2016 which will relate to Inauguration 2017 (Winter Solstice 2016 post coming soon-ish).

Of, by, for...

General Blogging Note: please pardon that mockery is often involved in my posts for we may owe it to ourselves to ridicule Washington DC politicians and their enablers every chance we get since they purposefully dropped the ball on what was set up as 'our' democratic republic of America--in breach of the public contract and trust are the Utopian zealots and have been for decades (centuries). Some politicians pretend in public that they are not Utopian zealots but they are and personally, I consider them to be infiltrators infesting our country and capital as you can plainly read in the description of Stars Over Washington (underneath the title, above). It isn't our form of government that's the trouble, but we do need all termites, moths, and socio- and psycho-paths kicked out or locked up.

Enlarge the following image to read my notes on the chart, if you wish. You see the T-Square of tension between the Mercury-Neptune opposition pointing toward Saturn which denotes potentials for pessimism and gloomy reactions which may not be valid (Tyl). And since Donald Trump is the candidate born with the fantastical Mercury-Neptune square (Hillary has a Mercury-Saturn square, as you remember, a policy wonk is she), the tension and gloom could be primarily a side dish on Mr. Trump's plate for Autumn 2016.

Update Sept 6, 2016: okay, I'm ending this post now without the chart notes I meant to type for the original post but the hour grows late and I should publish this now because I want to link the Autumn EQ 2016 chart to the article I'm writing today for Jude Cowell Astrology, my latest foray into the wild west cyberworld of astrology blogging. If you're curious, the article is about transit Jupiter entering Libra during the 2nd week of September and about the Libra New Moon of Sep 30, 2016 and it includes a bracing video presentation concerning these cosmic matters and others by Astrologer Patricia!

Aug 30, 2016

Election Day 2016: an Unaspected Mars in Capricorn

Previously we discussed how Election Day 2016 is a day of a US Moon Return (mundane Moon = We the People) and mention was made of the fact that Election Day Mars is unaspected at a critical 29th degree (of governmental Capricorn). Of course, 29 Capricorn is just before 00 Aquarius, the degree of US Inaugural Sun (the leader) so the eagerness, vitality, and ego of an impatient Mars hurries toward the presidency.

But with no aspects to Mars, what's to be expected? Is anything expectable or predictable with an unaspected planet? Not really, but since it's a Big Day in America, let's investigate the condition of Mars on November 8, 2016...

Now stop me if you've heard this before, but an unaspected planet is unmodified by other planetary influences so that its sign becomes emphasized along with the house of the unaspected planet if it is the only planet posited in that house. Also the house ruled by the unaspected planet may also be emphasized and show where the planet's energies are operative or focused.

With Mars, planet of motivation, energy, and action with a tendency toward aggression, conflict, and activism, the me-first quality of the planet will be prominent. In a contest for the presidency this is no surprise but is made more evident by the Martian temperament of one of the 2016 candidates who was born with royal Regulus and testy Mars rising in Sun-ruled Leo (sign of the natural leader) in his natal chart. When you're as proud and self-important as Mr. Trump it must be all but impossible to ask God for forgiveness (Trump thinks he's never made a mistake or committed a sin, so why ask?) For a few details about his reigning need, see his natal Moon in an article, linked below.

Now since Mars on a psychological level is already driven to separate and act apart from outside influences (for advice Mr. Trump consults his own brain, as you know), its unaspected condition on November 8, 2016 suggests Mr. Trump may express himself in an even more independent fashion than previously. And there's no telling what his Leonine ego will devise if he wins the Oval Office! Under girded by a natal Mercury-Neptune square, what he devises may often be off-the-mark because it's based on wrong or distorted perceptions.

Unaspected Mars acts in ways that are true to his feisty nature and in Capricorn, this must involve efficiency and directed efforts via Saturn's rule of Capricorn. Compulsion, unconscious motivations, and being in constant motion are possibilities as well, plus, we may note a stunning level of self-centeredness and an emphasized self-interest (though such personality traits have been noted before for Mr. T--any of his positive or negative traits will be greatly magnified if he wins the Top Job and can fire people on a whim--in fact, ruling on a whim is one of the better descriptions of what a Trump presidency would be like).

Of course, astrological Mars also signifies males between the ages of 25 and 35, give or take a year or so, and to soldiers, police officers, and villains, so the same traits may be applicable to any of them and to male voters on November 8th and to down-ticket candidates of the male persuasion.

So Mars' unaspected condition affects Election Day matters similar to how a singleton planet could and all the negative traits of Mars may be on display during election week including irrationality, a lack of control, forcefulness, and/or violence. In these, and in other ways, an unfettered Election Day 2016 Mars in Capricorn may brazenly 'run away' with the day's window-sill pie which may also be a hint about the hacking of and tampering with voting machines which is already a problem in Illinois and Arizona.

Mars '30Capricorn': "A Secret Business Conference"...Keyword: OPPORTUNITY...positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life (which Mr. Trump asserts that he has); negative/shadow side: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

And for more information, let's look at the Illumination Point directly opposite which is '30Cancer': "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unite; neg: the ultimate betrayal of self hood by a false assumption of superiority (Jones).

Also note that this position of Election Day 2016 Mars denotes a Mars-to-natal-Pluto for America which is extended by our national Secondary Progressed (SP) Pluto @29Cap, a transit with karmic undertones and lots of intense energy. This transit may point toward the military, of course, but may also relate on some weird level to the number of voters who think a Trump presidency is meant to be or that it's time to elect non-professional politicians so why not Trump.

Actually, we had an experiment with how that sort of electing could turn out when Tea Partisans were elected to seats on Capitol Hill which to me was not impressive for the betterment of our nation and society--the government shut down was costly in dollars and Sequestration cuts (US Scorpio Rising chart shown) have been a mistake on several levels. You may disagree, but there it is.

Related: Donald Trump: natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; DC Horoscope of the Sequestration Solar Eclipse of November 2011; and Astrology of the September 26, 2016 Presidential Debate.

Aug 4, 2016

The August 11, 2016 Aquarian Full Moon Spotlights Campaign 2016

Astro-Musings by Moonlight on the Presidential Bid of Donald J. Trump

by Jude Cowell

The August 11, 2016 Full Moon @25AQ51 conjoins America's natal Moon though this may depend on which natal horoscope for our nation is used. All of July 4, 1776 gives We the People an Aquarian Moon yet a one-degree orb of influence widens depending in the 'birth' time of the natal chart and there are several to choose from due to conflicting historical sources.

(I tend toward the 5:09 pm LMT chart which gives a 27-to-28-degree Moon).

For the purposes of today's post, and considering what is going on in our nation (the 2016 campaign for the presidency and congressional seats that are up for grabs), let's say that the Full Moon of August 11, 2016 falls upon US natal Moon denoting a fulfillment or culmination of some kind and may act in similar fashion to an eclipse as lunations sometimes do. That is, in a 'wild card' Uranian manner of unexpected outcomes or events--something new or novel entering the picture.

When the August 11th chart is set for Washington DC, the Full Moon falls across the 1/7 house polarity of Self-Other, Partnerships, and Open Enemies, further personalizing this lunation for We the People and our relationship with leadership. Trining the Sun and sextiling the Moon from the 9th house is Uranus Rx @24Ari21 which makes the radical political planet the Thales Planet or Point with a Sabian Symbol of "A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meaning." Perhaps an intriguing revelation will (again) turn up and affect the campaigns of Mr. Trump and/or Secretary Clinton. Has opposition research something more to reveal?

Mundane Moon represents publicity, the public, emotional moods and trends, but also women--is the August 11th Full Moon shining more brightly on Hillary than on Donald?

Okay, but here's the thing: the chart also shows a crisis-turning point configuration--a YOD pattern--with the Moon-Uranus sextile at its base (leaders who rule at a whim with little sense of how their enterprise is seen by the rest of the world; an emotionally immature person place in an important and visible leadership role--Munkasey). Sound like anyone we know? There's more!

Moon-Uranus points toward apex Jupiter in 2nd house ($) @25Virgo25 so that Mr. Moneybags, the mogul and promoter, is revealed as one who is given opportunities to broadcast himself and his social concepts in order to stimulate mass consciousness. This apex Jupiter has dropped his former long held beliefs (of the liberal Democratic variety?) and adopted a different world view and this has provided the opportunities to expound, broadcast, and promote himself and the new beliefs that now inspire him. Rarely doubting the rightness of his ideas, apex Jupiter in Virgo ( sign of The Critic) has a strong impact on society; however, mismanagement, over promising, and extreme self-aggrandizement result in fateful consequences that are not the positive improvements he promises.

Note that planning Mercury @23Vir09 (planet of orators, dealers, reporters, and voters) and money planet Venus are also in the 2nd house of Earnings and Values (and the National Treasury in a mundane chart--can you imagine Mr. Trump getting his gambler's mitts on that?) indicates sudden news received. Will Mr. Trump drop out of the running? What are the odds, ask the New York Times this very morning!

Previously I have written that Hillary Clinton's natal Mercury-Saturn square is more preferable for a leader (more realistic) than Mr. Trump's fact-distorting, falsifying, confused Mercury-Neptune square (murky!) and I stand by that assertion. And since the DNC wrapped up at the end of July (and in spite of high unfavorables on both sides), it looks as if the voting public agrees.

Plus, it may be telling that the August 11th Full Moon is within the influence of the current March 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse of endings, partings, and separations for August 11th is not within two weeks of the September 1st Solar Eclipse with its realism and seeing old situations for what they truly are themes (Brady).

Will one day soon the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump be only a bad dream the American people awakened from before it was too late? I'm setting my alarm clock in hopes!


Recommended for more info on YODs and other planetary patterns: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney.