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Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts

May 3, 2015

"Royal Baby Princess Astrology" - Barbara Goldsmith video

For those who may be interested in the newbie member of the Germanic royal family of Britain, here is a 7-minute+ presentation by Barbara Goldsmith concerning the natal horoscope of the "first princess to be born in 25 years!":

'Baby Windsor' born May 2, 2015 8:34 am London, UK: "very Venusian...charming...and also fiesty." Note Mom's outfit spotlighting 5-petaled flowers of Venus which resonates with occult star symbolism, the pentagram, and .

Be sure to visit Barbara at Your Astrology Signs.

#RoyalBaby #WillandKate #WindsorFamily #RoyalFamily #Britain #monarchy #royals #Venus #NatalAstrology


On the topic of star symbolism you may wish to check out an intriguing post concerning George Washington as a 'star family' member and the alleged relationship between his family coat of arms and a major American symbol, the Stars and Stripes.

And here is a Biblical view of such topics as the occult symbols of Washington DC (ex: Pentagon = pentagram, our national 'Death Star'), George Washington (33rd-degree Freemason), and America's ultimate destiny as the "New Atlantis" established for the purpose of assuming the "global leadership of the drive to the New World Order" -- if you're curious about such things, that is.

#GeorgeWashington #StarFamilies #EnochianPriests #Freemasonry #America #ManifestDestiny #TheGreatPlan #PentagonPentagram #WashingtonDC #NWO #GlobalGovernment #WorldCop

Related: the Pentagon natal chart (April 29, 1942 10:30 am EDT Washington DC; ASC 15Can37; MC 27Pis09). You will note a revealing midpoint picture in the chart between mystical, visionary Neptune and Midheaven (MC--The Goal) with warring Mars which Michael Munkasey gives as: a need to activate plans derived from mystical images...or metaphysical sources," Mmm. The potentials Reinhold Ebertin adds to the Neptune-MC = Mars picture: desire to bring the wrong ideas into realization; study of metaphysical subjects; desire to harm other people; tendency to act without clear understanding or purpose. Sounds about right especially in tandem with other midpoint pictures in the natal chart and the planetary placements and aspects therein.

Feb 15, 2015

"Who Is Albert Pike?" (video) with a view on Pike's natal planets

General Albert Pike December 29, 1809: Jupiterian Plotter

by Jude Cowell

Here's a brief video concerning Albert Pike, Confederate General, major leader of Freemasons, possibly a founder of the Ku Klux Klan and member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, World War plotter and strategist, and the only Confederate General immortalized via statue in Washington DC. Attached to his controversial legacy is a creepy tale that his body lies in a vault at the Scottish Rite Temple a few blocks from the White House yet he's listed among those resting at Oak Hill Cemetery in Georgetown, DC (scroll to the letter P).

Yet bodies can be dug up and moved under cover of darkness, can't they? Thomas Paine's was! Or perhaps only Pike's skull 'graces' the Temple in DC for you know how secret organizations with visions of global power are attracted to death, skulls, and bones. No matter where his remains are located, Grand Poo Bah Pike died at age 81 and is long gone since April 2, 1891...


For more info try this interesting site with articles concerning the Illuminati, Albert Pike, his fabled 1871 letter to Mazzini in which he details plans for three World Wars in order to take over the world, and many more such controversial topics, if you get into those sorts of curiosities. Pike's letter may have been written later by unknown sources since a few of its terms were not in use until after 1871. Hmmm...if so, a fake letter full of sinister intent sounds to me like plotters plotting against a plotter!

As for Albert Pike's natal horoscope, I am reluctant to post a version of it due to his birth hour being unknown and the fact that on December 29, 1809 the Moon left late degrees of Virgo and entered Libra at 3:27:28 am LMT (using Solar Fire Gold v9 software.)

Since Luna is the lead planet of a Locomotive pattern (an indicator of executive ability and achievement--Jones) it's quite inconvenient not knowing whether natal Moon was in earthy, practical Virgo or airy, sociable Libra--one sign ruled by Mercury (in Capricorn), the other by Venus (in Sagittarius.) Both Mercury (communication, thinking, planning, travel, the teacher, writer, magician) and Venus (values, relationships, diplomacy--but also, the goddess of love and war) are interesting in the chart with Mercury conjunct his Capricorn Sun and Venus sextile Mars (in Aquarius) and possibly his chart-ruler with Libra rising. In fact, the close conjunction of Sun and Mercury supports the legend of his genius (allegedly he spoke several languages, was a teacher in his early days, and a Jupiterian figure for certain--the General, the Guru, the Priest, the Professor, the Banker, etc.) Check his photos to admire his widened girth!

As you know, using the Sabian Symbols to rectify a chart is a fascinating, time consuming task yet the symbol for '29 Virgo' (Moon?) seems to me to be appropriate for Pike's occult activities and interests: "A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge from an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading...DISCOVERY." Another curious one is '7 Capricorn' for natal Mercury: "A Veiled Prophet of Power...SUPREMACY." You may disagree as you wish for these degrees are rounded up from the 12:00 am chart until the Moon enters Libra which also moves Mercury ahead to '8 Cap'. Naturally there are many other factors to consider as well and perhaps one of you will take a little time one day and spend it with Albert's natal planets.

With Moon in Virgo, Venus May Be Chart-Ruler

Now since his natal Sun (personality) has no other major aspect to it other than the conjunction with Mercury making our picture here of Mr. Pike's character quite sparse, perhaps a few words about his Venus-Mars sextile are in order since the aspect is retained throughout the 24-hour period of his birth date. This aspect (60 degrees) between the relational Aries-Libra pair denotes a good organizer and a 'talent scout'--one who learns to use people, their talents, and resources in the best ways possible. Making necessary personal sacrifices to reach goals is indicated along with an ability to disguise aggressive tendencies though when needed, forceful assertiveness may be used to the point of bluntness.

For some people born with a Venus-Mars sextile, the 'killer instinct' can be in evidence with a strong need to be in charge. Since Pike was in charge--as a Confederate General, as a global leader of Freemasonry--I surmise that he used the opportunities and abilities contained within this sextile to much advantage. And since a determined imperative for reaching closure is also a trait of a Venus-Mars sextile person, my guess is that leaving things 'pending'---especially a 'new world order' or a Utopian global government--is an envisioned goal passed down through the generations which now inspires our current crop of infiltrators and power-grabbers to complete the job. For we now see the plan outlined in "Pike's letter to Mazzini" occurring across the Middle East and elsewhere with America's "authorization of war powers" that will further the goal of perpetual war and collapse.

But with the current theatrically hesitant 114th Congress, our Commander-in-Chief President 'Nobel Peace Prize' Obama has now asserted that he doesn't need the approval of Congress in order to wage war, war, and more war. After all, even the most apathetic of Americans cannot fail to notice that the Pentagon is waging disastrous war in several 'theaters of operation' already.

"War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it." - George Orwell.

And as truth-teller General Smedley Butler correctly surmised, "War is a Racket."

Add to those common sense truths some freakish thing like Pike's-Bacon's-Weishaupt's Utopian plan and the whole corrupt conglomeration has a distinct odor of depopulation, fraud, and psychosis, don't you think?


Recommended Reading: Understanding Aspects: The Sextile by Alan Epstein; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, both by Marc Edmund Jones.

Jan 24, 2015

"The President Who Told the Truth!!!" video (plus, 1993)

Americans are alerted more each day concerning our nation's founding Saturn-Neptune pair of energies with its secret/invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn) and the long term plan to set up a worldly kingdom in Jerusalem promoted through the centuries by such 'Enlightenment' operatives of rationality as Adam Weishaupt, 'Sir' Francis Bacon (Tudor, son of Elizabeth I), Albert Pike (still sleeping in a tomb underneath Washington DC's Scottish Rite Temple and immortalized in statue in our nation's capital--a Confederate General!, and...satan.

Here's more info and photos concerning Pike and his Statue in Judiciary Square. Now some believe that Pike's letter to Mazzini fomenting World War III and touting a conflict between Islamists and Zionists is a hoax though world events have certainly followed its recommendations so far. Yes, it could be a forgery by the Illuminati or others to provide some sort of historical legitimacy to the global take-over plan. Please note that I provide such topics here for those who want to make up their own minds concerning such things and as a lone blogger I cannot vouch for the content of all article/site links or the videos appearing on SO'W.

Of course, many of America's Founding Fathers were of the Enlightenment persuasion as well for its *Uranus-Neptune vibes inspired many of their day (and ours) to pretend that man is in no need of the laws of God our Creator. So now with the East vs West conflagration brewing on behalf of the so-called 'new world order' that they've determined to implement these many years, we see the ultimate results as America militarily straddles the globe: the totalitarian, heartless, draconian global governance signified on one level by its 'total awareness' eye-over-pyramid symbol.

*In our modern era, the current cycle of Uranus (science) conjunct Neptune (faith)--which also relates to the Pisces-Virgo polarity ("faith and reason shake hands")--began in 1993 on February 2 @19Cap34, August 20 @18Cap48, and October 24 @18Cap33. On this blog and elsewhere I have used the October 24, 1993 date to set up a modern natal horoscope for the 'New World Order' as you see here. As you know, this 171-year Uranus-Neptune cycle began under the first presidential term of Bill Clinton; his second term brought America's natal Saturn turning retrograde by progression in 1996 (authority turned inward, lawmakers such as Congress turned in a different direction) as it remains to this day--from our exalted-in-Libra condition of 1776 into US Saturn Rx in early Scorpio which includes the Big Business sign's occult and transformative qualities.

It seems to me that a most telling Sabian Symbol degree relating to the 'new world order' as timed by the Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s of 1993 is '18 Capricorn'. In An Astrological Mandala Dane Rudhyar describes '18Cap' as "The Union Jack Flies From a British Warship" as its word picture (suggesting imperial empire) and its Keynote as: "The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order". He states that "power is required" yet this power "can easily be misused under pretext of preserving 'law and order'. Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. When this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage."

(This symbol) "brings to us a realization of the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers." And in The Sabian Symbols in Astrology Marc Edmund Jones adds the negative manifestation of, "smug or strong-armed paternalism"..."Keyword: SUPERVISION" and perhaps we may all agree that this is what is being used against us more every day as the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights are undermined by vicious forces.

And now, let us not forget Luciferian Venus and America's past and current bunch of goddess-worshiping crooks and weirdos in government (the Rose Garden, the Oval Office, the Statue of Liberty--all shout-outs to goddess Venus-Isis-Sirius).

'The Venus Project' is headquartered in Venus, Florida and states that it "advocates an alternative vision for a sustainable new world civilization unlike any social system that has gone before"--and the project calls for "a redesign of culture"--all code words for enforcing an over-policed, take-control system sometimes referred to as a 'new world order'--here, attractively packaged under the guise of a mild Venusian mask.

Jan 23, 2015

Congress Seeks Netanyahu’s Direction: ICH

Speaker John Boehner and other sold-out politicians on Capitol Hill are up to something which for me spotlights their deep ambition to create a global kingdom--an earthly kingdom--to be set up in Jerusalem once Christians and Muslims destroy one another like stupid dumble-headed robots.

That's my personal view of how Washington and our Death Star Pentagon continue to stir up World War III. Here's another more informed view: Congress seeks Netanyahu's direction.

Article alert thanks go to the independent news source Information Clearing House.

Concerning Washington DC, esoterism, symbols, and Venus I hereby re-post the following fascinating video 'Secrets in Plain Sight' in case you have a chance to watch:


Dec 20, 2014

Beware: 'Full Moon' Congress in session Jan 6, 2015

January 2015: a Full Moon in Cancer Spotlights the 114th Congress

by Jude Cowell

On January 4, 2015 a Full Moon lights the way as 114th US Congress members saunter toward Capitol Hill to meet in session on Tuesday January 6, 2015. By then, the Capricorn Sun will team with a dramatic Leo Moon, a dictatorial blend of energies suitable for what I call the 'Full Moon' Congress of 2015 with its 'Revolution Rocks the Boat' vibes of regime change that threaten to transmute the very identity of the venerable, traditional institution (Sun conjunct Pluto opposing We the People's Moon across the 4/10 axis: awareness, fulfillment, culmination of career and security objectives).

The January 4th Full Moon issues from the prominent 'World Stage' New Moon of December 21, 2014--Winter Solstice--@00Cap06 which will have germinated plans and projects toward fuller flowering at the January 4, 2015 Full Moon; this cosmic imprint will affect the entire year and for two years, describes the 114th Congress. The Pluto-Chiron midpoint (plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, Capitalism, Communism, Bolshevikism, Nazism, National Zionism, White Aryanism, Socialism, and more -isms than we can shake a stick at) is active in both the New Moon and Full Moon horoscopes and if you look at the chart shown below, you see Pluto-Chiron conjoins the 5th house of Risk-Taking and Speculation @13AQ02/37. Actually, Pluto, Chiron, and the 5th cusp are all at 13 degrees suggesting that a fated or karmic condition is involved--possibly an ancient one at that.

Naturally, the Winter Solstice 2014 horoscope is important in considerations concerning the 114th Congress, at least until Spring Equinox (Aries Ingress) in March 2015, an Equinox which will be imprinted by a New Moon @29Pis27--a Solar Eclipse.

Image: January 4, 2015, a Full Moon @14Can30 perfects at 11:53:14 pm EST Capitol Hill, Washington DC; Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuations, publicity); Angular Uranus at critical degree (12Ari) conjunct tr SN denoting separations of some kind possibly involving technology (breaches, leaks?); the pair conjoins Descendant Suggesting Broken Alliances or Partnering with anarchists, radicals, or zealots:

Please pardon a typo penned on the chart as "115th Congress" which should read as the 114th Congress--thanks, jc

Though it isn't marked on the chart, at Midheaven (MC = Aspirations) are nestled America's natal planets in Cancer (5--14 degrees). The 10th house Moon exalted in her own sign conjoins US natal Sun and Sirius (Alpha Canis Major: the shining one; the scorcher; the fire of immortality). Sirius is the star-goddess venerated by several ancient cultures and active in the founding of America, thanks to our nation's Freemason-Rosicrucian-Illuminati founders who were, it turns out the more I study them, feminine goddess worshipers rather than Christian believers--'Deists' as they are often called in an attempt to make their true allegiances and ultimate goals more palatable to the public.

Even the 10 x 10 shape of The District of Columbia--a diamond laid out by George Washington--is an archetypal symbol of Venus, and Sirius is the Star of Isis. Since Sirius may signify 'great deeds' (Brady), perhaps in 2015 the American people will shake off the politically engineered apathy that assails us and act on behalf of ourselves for a change because I doubt that the changes the GOP have in mind are what most of the public will desire or wish to accept (exs: Medicare vouchers, more dissolution of US sovereignty, lower corporate taxes, fatter political donations, additional banking bailouts on the backs of taxpayers as Wall Street gambles again and crashes the economy, expanded wars, less privacy, less health insurance coverage, more racist legislation, etc.) Plus, a Full Moon conjunct US natal Sun (the president) suggests that a majority of the public is more in tune with White House aims (as they are stated) than with GOP austerity measures which are punitive for us, liberating for corporations and others of the power elite class who have ensnared most of life's advantages as it is--at our expense.

And so I have entitled the Full Moon of Congress 2015 horoscope, "Revolution Rocks the Boat" even though the Uranus-NN = Pluto midpoint picture suggests that billionaire backers (supra-national bankers), plutocrats, and secret society types intend to do the rocking via political action, obstructionism, and propaganda campaigns.

Yet opposite the powerful Sun-Pluto duo, is the public's natal Moon with starry Sirius denoting that We the People must not sit on our hands while Pluto, The Secret Hand (the Vatican and others) effect changes toward totalitarian global government, well on the way toward implementation as it may or may not be. I say this knowing that all or most Democrats are part of the 'Big Picture' as well and must also take orders from hidden bosses of the global 'New Jerusalem' persuasion (and the 'Big Picture' includes the TPP, NAFTA, the UN, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Star Families, the Dragons, etc.)

Few can now deny that 'Total Awareness' and control are their goals which are reflected by the first Full Moon of 2015 spotlighting the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security and Control with Capricorn the Saturn-ruled sign of government, law, and business--at IC, the Foundation or Basis of the chart and of the 114th Congress. And if you enlarge the horoscope you may wish to read (lower left) a few notes concerning the ongoing transit of Uranus opposing US natal Saturn with its 'new order replaces old' connotation seen in part by this Full Moon Congress horoscope, the first lunation of 2015.

Please note that this SO'W post and all others are written from my populist viewpoint and in light of my considered opinion that the 'R v D' ploy is meant to divide and conquer (and weaken) the American people with pointless diversions while hiding the true nature and intent of the 'ruling class' as its members follow the globalist script. They play a 'power game with important consequences' so I look at what actually results from their theatrics rather than at what any politicians say, promise, legislate, or tout. By their fruits ye shall know them.

Now as you know, Cancer is a subjective, self-protective, nurturing placement for the compassionate Moon and reflects the 'reigning needs' and the mood of The People as 2015 begins--and that means all of us, including the less fortunate. These needs must not be allowed to be ignored or neglected by members of the Republican-led 114th Congress of neo-con hawks and Vulcans of war who are anti-government and anti-democracy.

Perhaps the man intended to be the people's standard-bearer, the president, will help staunch the Republican tide about to roll over and capsize our already-leaky boat (which includes our social safety net). After all, in the Foundation 4th house of the chart, you see Mercury @00AQ14 along with Venus (1:59) which times transits of both planets to the US Inaugural Sun--the Office of the President.

Mercury to Sun denotes willpower and communications being used to promote goals along with an originality that can win the day. We're already seeing this condition in President Obama's immigration initiative, the normalization of diplomatic relations with Cuba, and other endeavors. Attracting Venus conjoining Sun adds charm, popularity, easy relationships, and perhaps smaller amounts of money yet both planets are about to oppose Barack Obama's natal Mercury in Leo which on another level describes those who oppose his ideas and plans as Republican rudeness and spite continue. (Edit 2.10.15: Venus in this chart may also represent such figures as Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren as well as other feminine politicos--see more about Venus, below).

In addition, moneybags Jupiter in Leo is retrograde (11th house of Groups) which partially describes the anti-Obama contrariness of Republicans determined to financially stop or delay the president's initiatives from going forward--and this includes 'Obamacare'. Banker Jupiter's path into 2015 has been previously discussed if you'd care for a look.

Yes, Jupiter the General, the Guru, the Professor (as in, Prof. Jonathan 'foot in mouth' Gruber), the Corporatist--the Jolly One's roles are varied and his Rx periods tend to stall plans and activities on several levels. Yet perhaps Jupiter Rx denotes that the continuing stalemate between the White house and Congress will be more evenly matched than a new Congress (un)balanced toward the GOP suggests. In Sun-ruled Leo, ego-driven plans for expansion and investment are under close scrutiny by critics including broadcasters (another of Jupiter's roles) especially around April 8, 2015 and not letting up until after July 2015. Among others, #POTUS will be broadcasting from the Bully Pulpit in order to get his points across to the public while circumventing his opponents' blocking efforts.

Now it's usual in a horoscope to find the Ascendant and Midheaven squaring one another and they act, of course, as places for planetary energies to express. Yet if we wish to gain a bit more insight into what's up with activist Mars in Aquarius (5th house), we find that the warrior planet is apex of a pattern some call a 'Thor's Hammer' (or, 'Fist of God') and this condition depends on the meaning of the ASC-MC midpoint with potentials for: lessening the quality of life, a lack of common or shared goals, leaders who guide through periodic cycles of expansion and contraction, and/or exclusion of racial groups (Munkasey). With Mars as catalyst, this yields a fighters who demand appreciation as they attempt to protect themselves against threats to their lifestyles. Of course, this picture may also describe well-heeled individuals who never seem to hoard enough wealth or resources--and testy Mars isn't known for his sharing qualities, is he?

2015 Begins with a Full Moon in a Cardinal Grand Cross Pattern

Now I have yet to mention the titanic power struggle seen in the Cardinal Grand Cross between North Node, Ascendant, Moon, MC, Sun, Pluto, and Uranus/South Node and which hinges upon the Full Moon, the Nodal Axis (Past and Future direction), the MC (the Goal Point), and the continuing generational conflict of the Cardinal Square of Utopian Uranus and powerful manipulator, Pluto. Civil Rights issues continue to be front and center within their Cardinal Square as 1960s legislative progress is under fire. Also described, the White House v Congress turbulence; the Cross creates several midpoint pictures which you may wish to consider such as the one I penned on the chart and already mentioned, Uranus-NN (radical political groups) = Pluto (the Hidden Hand, plutocrats, saboteurs, etc). Why, just the Pluto opposing US natal Sun transit is enough to describe the power struggles and challenges the president has been facing.

Also prominent in the Full Moon chart as an indicator of good fortune is the 1st house North Node (NN) @14Lib40 which now joins US natal Saturn (lawmakers, judges, managers, our Founding Documents) @14Lib48 and shows that serious meetings are taking place. Though it may suggest limitations on the 'good fortune' of NN in 1st house, Saturn-NN also denotes longstanding ties, foreign enterprises that offer assistance, and/or new alliances forming (Munkasey). Given current conditions in the US, this duo may also point to an encounter (NN) with our national 10th house Saturn, a 'fall from grace' placement that indicates the breach of public contract and neglect of responsibilities and accountability being practiced by many politicians, along with the longstanding determination of certain entities to undermine and collapse the US government and thus control America's direction as global cop and enforcer for a 'new world order' as mentioned and penned on the chart concerning disruptive Uranus in Aries opposing US natal Saturn in Libra.

5th house Mars @24AQ20 conjoins or nears (depending on which US natal chart you prefer) US natal Moon which denotes that the public is very busy as 2015 begins and may act from feelings of anger; our domestic activities are hectic or at least, energetic. In Aquarius, planet Mars loves to reform and here opposes Jupiter Rx though the aspect is separating (2S55) suggesting events and conditions that have already taken place prior to the January 6th Full Moon. This Moon-Mars and setting-Uranus condition may herald more of the public's break with Tea Party politicians such as gasbag Ted "Green Eggs" Cruz--and his Party's rather obvious lack of appreciation for his egoistic efforts.

Chart ruler Venus in Aquarius

Oddly, the first chart consideration has so far been neglected by yours truly and that is Venus as chart ruler (and thus, 114th Congress ruler) and any applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects formed with other planets in the chart. Application of the chart ruler hints at how things will proceed from the January 4th Full Moon, a lunar phase denoting that what was primarily felt in the past is now seen (Rudhyar). On one level this describes the current Republican coup of House and Senate as of November 2014. Yet some political pundits say President Obama has been energized or liberated by this new condition--we shall see as 2015 gets underway.

Now as you see, 4th house Venus is posited in humanitarian Aquarius near US Inaugural Sun as noted above, and makes no applying (waxing) aspects to any of the Full Moon planets. Every planet in this chart is within bounds of the earthly plane so all actors are accounted for and involved yet with the condition of chart-ruler Venus we find that sign and house are emphasized along with the Venus-to-presidential-Sun transit already mentioned. Females and feminine issues are also denoted with any Venus placement.

Plus, a 4th house Venus denotes Real Estate Matters, Security Needs, and Domestic Interests along with projects that beautify the environment. This placement also hints at the attractiveness of our nation for Cuban immigrants who finally may visit their relatives in the US. However, their return to Cuba will involve much complexity and such outcomes cannot be known from the January 4, 2015 Full Moon chart since Venus is non-applying but this does suggest that at least some foreign visitors may endeavor to remain in the US (no application from 4th house).

Note that besides 1st house, Venus also rules the 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies and Inheritances, the Occult, Transformation, and Death and is part of the National Treasury axis, the 2/8 (Republican blocking of Obama's immigration plans via the purse strings?) and if We the People are enraged at Washington DC politicians for providing Wall Street with additional opportunities to gamble with the US economy and our livelihoods and mortgages while spending tax dollars on waging war which fattens their stock portfolios, we have every right to be--even before the December 2014 'Cromnibus' spending bill of last-minute poison pills was passed.

Now on positive levels, Venus in Aquarius signifies potentials for: sponsors who offer protection for those who long for freedom, progressive views concerning relationships, and happy social contacts. Negatively, the placement may also describe those who entertain peculiar plans and ideas (Ebertin) which may not sit well with a majority of the American people for our natal Venus of 1776 is in nurturing Cancer and our Moon is in humanitarian Aquarius.

One example of peculiar plans? Shrinking government until it can be drowned in a bath tub, a favorite goal of the tax-cutting, monarchic Republican Party which has apparently derailed their primary debating Clown Car of ridiculous presidential candidates for 2016. Well, their silly displays have served the purpose the last few years of ignoring real issues and solutions for the American people just as their spiteful obstructionism during Democratic presidencies have done. Undermining President Obama's efforts is a deep and guiding obsession for the GOP!

It's all part of Washington's Political Theater script, folks! And since the US government is owned by foreign entities who do not have America's best interests at heart, US politicians have no option to do other than follow orders.


An upcoming post concerns the horoscope of President Obama's January 2015 SOTU Address so I hope you'll stay tuned to Stars Over Washington! jc

Sep 7, 2014

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2014: Jupiter becomes prominent

Set for Washington DC, here is the horoscope for this year's Libra Ingress, or as I usually call it, Autumn Equinox, 2014. If you click the image you may see my scribbles--it's an Hour of Saturn and with all the sober issues bedeviling the world at the moment it's no surprise that Autumn 2014 continues our serious concerns of a Saturnian nature.

In addition, we are at the square phase (90 degrees = blockages; obstacles; 5A15) of the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle (the two societal planets.) The current cycle began with their conjunction on May 28, 2000 and denotes, among other things, financial difficulties and delays plus, governmental (Saturn) blockages (square) along with lingering after-effects from events and conditions of 2000 and 2001 as the New Millennium got underway. You'll remember the Y2K scam, tech bubbles bursting, and other societal concerns at that time--and this wasn't long after the famous 'Nostradamus Solar Eclipse', aka the 'Mother of All Eclipses'. or, the 'King of Terror (or, Alarm) Eclipse.

Plus, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurred in money-oriented Taurus, sign of the Bull of Wall Street, and paved the way into Millennial monetary robberies, fraudulent trading, 9/11 attacks and the missing gold from the World Trade Center vault/s... at 23 Taurus = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Valuable Gems" (Rudhyar)--all leading up to the Crash of 2007/2008. Plus, the current Pre-Natal Eclipse degree falls in the 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals (ex: trade pacts the American people oppose), and Karma--also in gold-loving Taurus @8:51 (on April 29, 2014.) This Solar eclipse is in the 16 South Saros Series and denotes 'wasted energy and misdirected motivations especially when dealing with groups--take no real action at this time' (Brady.) Sounds like President Obama is well-advised to be cautious and hold off on committing major numbers of troops to Iraq--for now, but it's coming. After, the Iraq War natal horoscope of 2003 did have its Jupiter (The General) Return recently.

Okay, without further fussing, here's the Autumn EQ 2014 horoscope:

Chart-ruler Mercury (26Lib13 in 5th house of Gambling and Creativity) is unaspected so its sign and house position, the houses it rules (1st and 5th), and its dispositor (Venus in 5th house @21Vir34--they're in Mutual Reception so there will be cooperation between Mercury and Venus) is all-important for gleaning details on the character of Autumn 2014. Mercury is, of course, the communicator, messenger, orator, trader, teacher, and young person or student among many other roles for we often consider planets as actors on a stage.

Yet I would be remiss not to mention that Venus conjoins difficult Fixed Star Denebola indicating 'going against society' or, 'against the mainstream' and this to me denotes entities and groups which are doing and will do just that--in Politics at home and abroad, plus, violent actors and usurpers on the march and demanding that more power and control be added to their dubious accomplishments. And yes, this points toward the current crop of psychopaths!

Then there's trickster Pan, retrograde in Gemini (the Mercury-ruled sign of tricksters, traders, and magicians) and rising on the Ascendant (13Gem00) along with America's natal Descendant (Others, Partners, Open enemies) in the 'Sibly natal chart' so we may expect elements of surprise within alliances which the US government forms or has formed and which may now be up for review or revision. Not all is as it seems (propaganda, bait-and-switch) though I can't say that's anything new for a country saddled with a government that lies its people into war based on fraudulent schemes of global domination and control and thievery of natural resources, can you? POTUS apparently wants partners-in-crime for our further misadventures abroad but our cred may be sorely lacking--others may not want to cooperate as Washington thinks they should--or they may promise cooperation then not deliver as they've done before.

Kind of a 'say what they want to hear then do what you want secretly' ploy so typical in Politics and in human nature. Of course America has been guilty of such duplicity as well with US natal Mars in duplicitous Gemini, sign of multiplicity, one of the factors in the Pentagon's insistence that 'of course we can fight more than one war (Mars) at once'. But is it the sane and responsible thing to do?, says our natal Saturn exalted in balanced Libra.

Deceptive Neptune in its own sign of Pisces placed in 10th house shows media propaganda on view as well as contagion issues such as ebola infections continuing across the globe. Astrological Neptune also signifies the masses, scandals, mysticism, spirituality (including Islam), and paranoia, as you know, and Pisces is the sign of The Oceans--will the spreading Fukushima radiation finally be in full view? Will the mismanaged #CDC get its act together? Wounded Healer Chiron, also in 10th h, indicates a definite need for this yet on another level shows infected healthcare workers such as those evacuated to the US from Africa and healed of ebola. Will there be more infected workers to come?

Well, the very moment that the 2014 Sun reaches 00Libra00:00 happens to be during a Balsamic Sun-Moon phase which is the Dark of the Moon prior to a New Moon and indicates shady goings-on, things going bump in the night, a potential for prophetic visions, and/or an endings-partings vibe. Someone may take over where another had to leave off (ex: November 2014 Midterm Elections) and the Stationary Pluto @10Cap59 in the 8th house of Corporatism and Big Business is actually conjunct its transit position in the January 1, 2014 New Moon horoscope--a New Moon conjunct Pluto, a powerful portent for the entire year of 2014 and pointing ahead in the US toward our Midterm Elections, the propaganda campaigns involved, and our changing perspectives. Therefore, transformation in 8th house matters is on top of wealthy Pluto's menu for Autumn 2014.

As you see, US natal Moon in Aquarius (We the People) falls in the 10th house of the Autumn EQ 2014 horoscope thus hinting at the importance placed upon public moods, trends, polls, and perceptions. US natal Sun (POTUS, leadership) @14Cancer (conjunct Dog Star Sirius, one of our nation's many links to Egyptian mysticism, Freemasonry, and goddess Isis worship--yes, 'ISIS', symbolized astrologically and mythologically by planet Venus) falls in the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values. US natal Jupiter @5Can56 conjoins the 2nd cusp and always carries its "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" vibe from July 4, 1776, and of course, wherever the Moon or sign Cancer turns up in a chart we may expect fluctuations and change with a potential for instability.

Here we also find Moon-ruled Cancer on the 3rd cusp of Communications, Early Education, the Lower Mind, and Short Trips with US natal Mercury Rx @24Cancer actually in 2nd house having just left the 3rd. And with transit Pluto stationing mightily in 8th house as previously noted, and America's surveillance-obsessed and secretive Mercury-Pluto opposition affecting both the 2/8 and 3/9 axes, we may expect more secrets revealed concerning financial, trading, corporate and spying, hacking, communication matters. (Wealthy string-puller Pluto begins creeping forward the night of September 22 at 8:36 pm EDT.)

Plus, with the critical-degreed Moon (17 Virgo, sign of The Critic) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Real Estate one wonders how such changeableness may affect the US economy though a fluctuation can be more positive than negative given our lackadaisical 'recovery' that so few of us feel. Problems while traveling may also be indicated yet the Moon in its own 4th house is dignified and may also denote people feeling most comfortable when at home and passing around the apple pie!

However, an unsettling placement is warrior Mars in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of Religion, Philosophy, and Foreign Lands, in the 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (Military, Police, and Civil) denoting military incursions and more actions at home on the weaponized police/Police State front. Mars rules 6th house via the Scorpio cusp and its degree of 00Sco44 points directly toward the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco23. Mars-ruled Aries here is intercepted in the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes and Uranus there in Mars-ruled Aries (Utopians, anarchists, fanatic reformers--Ebertin) may indicate a karmic task has arrived--that the time has come for such infiltrators to be dealt with. Will American voters on November 4, 2014 do just that?

Synchronistically, the transiting South Node (SN)--the 'Tail of the Dragon'--will conjoin disruptive Uranus in January 2015 spotlighting the month that newly elected congress members will take office on Capitol Hill--and possibly be voting for war. Yet along with Uranus-SN's 'war and uprising' connotations, might this conjunction indicate that the Saturnian SN, a point of separation and neurosis (when past ideas no longer suffice to solve present problems and conditions) bring about a release of non-governing, anti-government tea-baggers from the US Congress and from other political positions?

Well, in spite of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square energies of revolt and upheaval 'running in the background' (next exact Square on December 15, 2014, the last on March 17, 2015), this populist common-good blogger certainly hopes so!

Looking Ahead

As Jupiter, generous planet of investment and growth--and possibly representing an expansion of investment in America by the Democratic Party--brightens into prominence and visibility in shiny Leo in mid-November 2014 into 2015 there are several other factors of merit that your eagle eye will notice in the chart above so be on the lookout for transits to the Autumn Equinox 2014 horoscope as you get a chance and hopefully you and I will meet again soon.


Blog Note: though not as constant, my tech troubles continue in an off-and-on-again fashion so my plan if all goes well is to post on the powerful October 8, 2014 Lunar Eclipse asap followed soon after by a look at the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse which conjoins the 6th cusp of the above horoscope so please stay tuned if you may! jc

Feb 23, 2014

World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes reveals...(2-hour video)

Well, it isn't as if we don't already know that the crooks are in charge, right?

Knowing this in general is one thing but if you're easily spooked or already distressed, you may wish to avoid watching the following revelations from Karen Hudes, formerly of the World Bank, concerning the long-planned global plot now afoot because the video contains two horrific hours of information, if you ask me and I've studied Astrology charts of such topics and of devilish chaos-creators (who royally suck) for years:

So let's give a mild hurrah for President Obama making the journey to Rome to meet Pope Francis on March 27, 2014. After all, that gold ring can't kiss itself, y'know, poverty issues to discuss or not!

And another illustrious supplicant will peek out of her palace long enough to travel to meet Pope Francis for the first time: Queen Elizabeth who will spend only one day in the Vatican. But it should be enough time to pucker up and show some respect to the ecclesiastical head of the *goddess-worshiping Catholic Church.

Money on My Mind and My Mind on My Money?

The rest of us really have to wonder exactly which topics and plans are really being discussed when political and religious leaders clump together in such a publicized manner inside what is a very private sovereign state called Vatican City. So if you have about one hour to spare and are curious, you may wish to view an informative History Channel presentation which I hope won't be removed from this blog since I make no income at all from any of its posts:

If the video is removed perhaps its YouTube link will do the trick and whisk you away to the Vatican door. Note: the topic of why US presidents visit the Pope is addressed about 21 minutes in.


*Venus (goddess)--Neptune (worship; idealization) aside, it's only fair to add here what I always do when fussing about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church: that many of the most charitable and kind people I have met and known all through my life have been devoted to the Catholic persuasion. It is only the church hierarchy and their lamentably bad behavior that I complain of, Protestant as I am. jc

Dec 30, 2013

2014 a year of Financial Trio Jupiter, Pluto, and Venus

2014 Financial Planets Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto: Tango or Tangle?

by Jude Cowell

With Year 2014 about to begin with a New Moon @11Cap57 conjunct Pluto, the position of banker-guru-general Jupiter is mightily important because, for one thing, the Jolly One and the Stealthy One (Pluto) lock horns in their annual opposition which perfects on January 31, 2014 @12:17 Cancer/Capricorn. Plus, Jupiter rules America's natal horoscope as well if one uses the July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT chart.

Obviously, we may expect that America's ongoing stalemate between investment wealth vs hidden wealth, along with debt ceiling fusses and called-for spending offsets, will continue as the international banking syndicate jerks around the 99% of us who don't appear to have their allegedly exalted blood(lines) in our veins or DNA.

And speaking of veins, evaluating Venus plays into the financial picture as well and makes a Direct Station on January 31, 2014 @13Cap33:23, the day of the second New Moon in January 2014. A second New Moon within a month is often called a 'Black Moon' since the New Moon phase shines no light until Sun and Moon begin to separate, and we have the first New Moon on New Year's Day 2014, as noted above.

Making these cosmic events specific to our nation and to our commander-in-chief is the fact that Jupiter in Cancer conjoins US natal Sun (the president) while Pluto opposes US natal Sun. And the transiting Saturn-Neptune midpoint, a planetary pair of collective social systems such as socialism, communism, and capitalism (along with suffering, asceticism, loss--and invisible government), conjoins the trio of Jupiter-Pluto-Venus within the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security, Business, Career, and Domestic Concerns.

And of course, the 2014 Jupiter-Pluto opposition is the culmination stage (a 'full moon' of sorts) of their Great Conjunction of December 11, 2007 @28Sag23 during the Bush administration. The Jupiter-Pluto duo has 'concealment of wealth' and 'large-scale projects' vibes, as you know. Well, I guess that beggaring the entire world population via austerity measures and using the US military as part of a global police force may easily be described as 'large-scale projects', yes? And so can collapsing the US government in preparation for total control by global government, more's the pity, though we can refuse to allow it by community actions.

Although 2014 may not entirely be a year of 'smooth sailing' for the American people (or for President Obama with powerful, secretive Pluto opposing him), perhaps politicians will finally sort through ~our~ issues enough to keep America afloat into 2015--but that's not even mentioning Elections 2014, a whole other ballgame that we have to 'look forward' to. No, not much gets done in an election year, yet perhaps that also includes the harm that Congress can do. At least, many economists are not prognosticating 2014 to be a year of financial collapse and, if they're correct, that's something that even evaluating Venus may find worthy of appreciation.

Highly recommended for further reading is an excellent article concerning the cosmic events of January 2014 at Auntie Moon's Blog and joyously, it's a post free of Politics!

And in case you missed them, here's a handy list of 2014's Direct and Rx Planetary Stations in order of occurrence, plus, a list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2014 which will be discussed here in full as the days go by.

So if I don't 'see' you again, dear reader, here or there before January 1st, I want to wish a Very Happy New Year to Everyone! Jude

Nov 4, 2013

Nov 5, 2013: Venus to Saturn-ruled Capricorn until March 2014

With America's presidential office in the White house oval-shaped, and considering all the statues of feminine goddesses sprinkled about the District (plus, there she is uplifting her Illuminati torch in New York harbor), one concludes that Venus was and is very important in the pantheon of idols in our leadership's thinking and ideology.

So whatever planet Venus does in relationships, finances, or diplomacy, it pays to keep a cautious eye upon her for in Astrology Venus on the most basic level represents the attraction principle.

After a sojourn in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, Venus moves into Capricorn on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 3:43 am est. Capricorn is the sign of government, law, and business where Venus must exercise more control and may hold obsolete views. Once in Cap, Venus will soon oppose America's natal Venus (3 Cancer) denoting a time when America's opinions, proposals, and reactions in the realms of relationships, diplomacy, and finances are met with disagreement and...well, opposition.

This is currently the case in many realms, as you know, from US foreign policy-- now gummed up by our government's spying on allies--to draconian drone strikes, to reforming our health care insurance and the health care system some call "the best in the world." Funny how that's a sentiment often touted by those with cadillac health care insurance paid for on the public dime, isn't it?

So when Venus is in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, maturity, constancy and faithfulness are required yet distrust, jealousy, disappointment, separation, and too much of a 'factual' manner may be in evidence instead. Plus, the Moon (ruler of US natal Venus) follows Venus into Cap on Wednesday, Nov 6th, at 4:44 pm est and they conjoin Wednesday evening at 7:22 pm est which may lift spirits a little with a pleasant contact, and/or reveal pretenses so that they may be viewed more clearly and be tactfully dispelled.

But enough! My guess is that if you've read this far you're more than ready to check out an article by expert astrologer Julie Demboski who will give you her perspective on Venus in Capricorn for the planet of love retrogrades on December 20th and will remain in Capricorn until early March 2014!

May 27, 2013

US Venus Return June 2013: Saturn leads a locomotive pattern

US Venus returning to natal degree on June 5, 2013

by Jude Cowell

On June 3, 2013 at 11:10:39 am edt, White House, transiting Venus returns to her natal degree in America's 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) of 3Cancer06. Having an approximate cycle of one year, Venus Return horoscopes tell how the year will proceed within the realms of Venus: relationship-partnerships-alliances, financial matters including monetary evaluation, diplomacy, art and music, social and cultural events.

As you know, Venus rules the principle of attraction (to and from) and in shrewd Cancer, America is attracted to Cancerian-Lunar concerns such as home and business, security needs, food supplies, parental and emotional concerns, creative endeavors, art, beauty, and finances (their supply or lack thereof--here, quirky disruptive Uranus @11Ari49 The Rebel is at a sensitive point in the 8th house of Corporations, Taxes, Debt, Credit, Death, Transformation, etc--near the 9th cusp.)

In any planetary return chart, the natal aspect or aspects of the planet under consideration is very important for interpreting the Return horoscope which in the case of Venus, 'looks ahead' about one year until Venus' next return to natal degree in 2014.

In America's natal 'Sibly' horoscope, Venus only applies to a conjunction with natal Jupiter @5Can56 ('6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--they certainly do) yet in our Venus Return 2013 horoscope, Venus has already moved beyond investing Jupiter (25Gem18.) Both planets are posited in Venus Return ('VR') 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes. Also, Venus rules VR 3rd house of Communications and the 10th house of Career and Public Status.

A Venus-Jupiter conjunction indicates generosity, optimism, and financial good fortune but may lead to indolence, laziness, and too much ease when effort is what's called for. Additionally, Venus rules the separative SN conjunct MC, a time when career moves may be thwarted, bad timing interferes, and old habits are out of sync with current trends--thus, recognition is slow in coming, if at all. Yet with the Nodal axis spotlighting the IC conj NN and 4th house of Domestic Scene, we may expect a few improvements to express there including in Real Estate.

Later in 2013, the 2013 Venus Return chart may tell us something of the financial stalemates in Washington DC which are virtually promised by the GOP-Tea Party with their anti-anything-Obama manner of sore-losership and weird ideology of Weishauptian dimensions, an ideology which includes a centuries-old plan for global governance and domination.

Our June 3, 2013 Venus Return Ascendant is @23Leo46 and thus the chart is ruled by the Sun @15Gem06 which makes no applying aspects to other planets at all. However, the Venus Return Sun does inconjunct NN showing a leader (Sun) and the public (NN) needing some type of adjustment between them in relation to Venusian issues. And since US natal Venus conjoins Fixed Star Mirzam (to have one's say--and VR Mercury @7Can55 conjoins out-spoken Mirzam, we may hear announcements concerning financial and/or diplomatic-pacts-alliances with the day of our VR 2013 showing a peak of such activities and events.

Yet naturally Venus and other planets transiting this return chart's planets and angles, plus, the perfection of return aspects, describe peaks of activity as well.

Now if we use the rounding-up method for America's natal Venus degree (3Can06) we find that the word picture or symbol for '4Can' is: "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse" and here is what Marc Edmund Jones says about this symbol:

"4Can" = JUSTIFICATION. Positive expression: a gift for persuading others to accept the motives of self and to co-operate with its ends"; Negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) :interminable quarreling with the nature of things.

US Venus is looking at You, Capitol Hill-ers of a jackass persuasion!

Then there's the chart's locomotive pattern with Saturn Rx @5Sco39 in 3rd house. Power, genius, persistence, and prophecy are some of the gifts in a horoscope containing a locomotive pattern of planets. Karmic planet Saturn when in Scorpio has a 'survival of the fittest' vibe which points directly to Ayn Rand objectivists and the Social Darwinism that certain politicians wish to impose upon everyone but their exalted selves.

And with Taurus the Bull at MC (The Goal; MC 17Tau17)), we may expect the sign's shadow side of greed, bigotry, intolerance, and racism to continue arguing with the Venusian cat in the House on Capitol Hill when all the cat wants is a warm and cozy spot in the sunshine with perhaps a slice of apple pie as comfort food.

What may aid us is that locomotive Saturn emphasizes the protective Water Grand Trine between Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune so that social and civic concerns are addressed if not entirely solved or improved. See my recent post on Summer Solstice 2013 for more details on the transiting Water Grand Trine with its Saturn-Neptune trine (120 degr) which favors those who work on secret projects such as military strategies and other government enterprises involving skillful analysis; social welfare is also spotlighted by Saturn-Neptune and progress can be made with their trine of opportunity--if no one interferes unduly.

Also at MC is the South Node (SN) of the Moon--and the Moon (We the People) is nearby as well, though on the 9th house side of Midheaven. Lady Luna @11Tau49 is in a fated septile aspect (51 degr) with Return Venus denoting possibly chaotic conditions, and VR Mars @3Gem41 in 10th house conjoins President Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21), a period when feelings lie close to the surface, anger may be expressed, and the pace of life picks up even more.

Well, these are a few considerations of America's next-up Venus Return which leads the list of America's 2013 planetary returns--here they are in order of occurrence; all natal positions are based on our nation's 'Sibly' horoscope of July 4, 1776:

1. June 5: Venus 3Can06

2. June 30: Mars Return 21Gem22

3. July 5: Solar Return 13Can19

4. July 22: Jupiter Return 5Can56

5. August 4: Mercury Return 24Can11 (August 4 is President Obama's birthday.)

Wishing for America and for you & yours many happy returns in 2013!

Apr 16, 2013

JFK: "--a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy--" (audio-video w Astrology)

Well, here it is, an excerpt of a speech President Kennedy gave to the American Newspaper Publishers' Association on April 27, 1961 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel NYC in which he lays his dove-gray gloves on the table and sets himself against a certain entity which "--relies on covert means--" to affect their goals. "--no secret is revealed," asserts JFK though one assumes his remarks didn't suit someone or another since he was completely taken out of the political picture by November 22, 1963:

And what of April 27, 1961? Anything interesting going on overhead with the planets which might fall into the 'As Above, So Below" category as relating to our topic?

First, if you wish, check out a full text of Mr. Kennedy's speech here for it's quite illuminating. Although I've not located the exact hour he began to speak, he does refer to "tonight" so for this reason, and because at 8:00 pm EST NYC a powerful midpoint forms overhead at Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope, I'm using '8:00 pm EST' NYC for the speculative timing of a horoscope of his April 27, 1961 speech. Here are the early Virgo midpoint picture's potential manifestations:

Pluto-NN = MC: one's future depends on contacts and associations; life objectives influenced by associations which cause career setbacks (Ebertin); associations with others are the sine quo non of success (Tyl); life-altering contacts with others.

As you know, the Pluto-NN pairing has connotations which include: the common destiny of a large mass of people; life-significant relationships; mass meetings; identification with a larger group; breakdowns in security (as in Dallas, TX on November 22, 1963?) This pair working in tandem has been called the "tiger by the tail" duo and I allege that President Kennedy may have grabbed the wrong end of the animal all through his presidency with the tragedy of assassination as the result.

As for the Sun (leader; the president) and Moon (populace; publicity) that evening, Sun is in Venus-ruled Taurus, a money sign with a seamy underbelly of greed, intolerance, and bigotry, with the Moon in Airy Libra, a double-Venus signature.

The Sun Tau-Moon Libra combo identifies the evening's 'cosmic personality' as that of a persuasive and diplomatic realist, a social theorist, and philosopher. It is shared natally by precisely the kind of folk we often think of when we think of "ruthless conspiracy" groups--Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati, formed May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt, Germany, and having very similar outer planet placements as America (July 4, 1776.) This Sun-Moon blend overemphasizes rational solutions to every sort of problem, a trait which supports the Uranus-Neptune 'Illuminati' signature of The Enlightenment of Science, Logic, and secular Humanism.

Aptly, the Taurus-Libra blend is also shared natally by India's Golda Meir who informed us that, "A leader who doesn't hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader."

Tragically for the American people and for the nations and treasures we set our caps upon, our leaders long ago forgot how to make that fair assessment from within the cesspool of intrigue and favor-dispensing in which our presidents operated from deep inside our Venusian Oval Office.


Recommended: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Aug 14, 2012

Nikola Tesla: Sun Cancer-Moon Libra w a rare film on video!

Update September 5, 2015: the following text is being retained so that the post title makes sense however, the video referred to gives a message, "this video no longer exists." My original post begins here and includes a few astro-notes concerning the natal planets of inventor (and possible murder victim) Nikola Tesla:

A message has arrived from Alexandra Bruce which sets up the following rare film about the intriguing Uranian, Nikola Tesla:

"This is a rare English-Language film produced in the former Yugoslavia that tells the story of Nikola Tesla's arrival in America and his encounters with Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse and the mighty financier J.P. Morgan, played by Orson Welles.

It portrays one of the most pivotal periods of modern history, during Tesla's development of alternative current, as the global standard for electrification, and the tragedy of this great inventor who aspired to change the world for the better."

-Alexandra Bruce

This is where the Tesla video was embedded before it was mysteriously 'disappeared'.

A Sprinkling of Astrology upon Nikola Tesla

by Jude Cowell

Horoscope: Nikola Tesla July 10, 1856 (NS) 12:00 am -1:01 LMT Smiljan, Yugoslavia 14N35 015E19

Sun 18Can17 (conj Castor and Venus 15Can27--transit Moon 18Can41 conj his n Sun as I opened his chart in my file for the first time in years--such synchronicity is common when a name from the past resurfaces via a reference or a memory which inspires an astrologer to view the natal chart); n Mercury 28Gem26; n Mars 19Lib11 conj n Moon -- he's recently had a Mars Return (with Mars today @24Lib28) but with no activity of his own--he died on or about Jan 7, 1943, NYC; n Jupiter 8Ari37 with today's tr Uranus, The Inventor/The Genius/Electricity, conjunct at 8Ari06; n Saturn 5Can38; n Uranus 23Tau57--Taurus, the intelligent sign of The Architect, Builder, Grower, and Preserver, ruled by Venus; n Neptune Rx @20Pis22 (strong in its own mystical sign); dragon planet Pluto 5Tau33 (some say Tesla's family lineage included the Order of the Dragon as was Count Dracula--that he was a member of the Dragon family line as were John and son John Quincy Adams); Chiron 3AQ48; NN 20Ari06.

Tesla's Sun Cancer-Moon Libra is a Water-Air combo of energies (Sun = conscious mind, Moon = the unconscious), a very creative, misty, and ethereal blend (he was not a practical man especially with finances). With Sun ruled by the Moon and Moon ruled by Venus, Tesla's personality was socially aware, perceptive and super-sensitive yet challenged in the realm of relationships (plus, Venus square Mars). He was a shrewd Cancer who preferred to isolate himself within his protective emotional shell. And with wily old financier J. P. Morgan around (played in the film formerly embedded above by Orson Welles), Tesla was out-foxed in the financial realm which may gave been easy since Tesla was highly focused on his own thoughts and ideas and was largely uninterested in money.

Sun Cancer-Moon Libra: "Images for Integration: Mother Goose recites a poem, surrounded by adoring fairy-tale creatures...A family holds a lucrative sale of its artistic heirlooms to the neighborhood." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Oddly enough this ethereal personality blend is found in the natal charts of George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Bruce Springsteen, and Angela Lansbury.

And to the Sun Cancer-Moon Libra blend, master astrologer Noel Tyl adds that "the emphasis will be on the romantic" (not for Tesla!) and that planet "Venus will be especially important in the horoscope." In Tesla's case, Venus is spotlighted by first squaring Mars (3A44), then NN (4A39), and finally trines Neptune (4A55). Venus trine Neptune added inspiration to his pioneering (Aries) Jupiter (broadened horizons; science; discoveries; breakthroughs) and was greatly activated by the innovative spirit of speedy Mercury in its own sign of Gemini, The Messenger to the gods.

Birth data: Rodden Rating: B; source: bio/autobiography, The Life of Nikola Tesla by John J. O'Neill..."midnight between July 9/10, 1856"; O'Neill was a personal friend of Tesla who was said to have been born during a thunderstorm," astrodatabank; "at the stroke midnight," according to his biography.

And with transformer Pluto rising we see his magnetic charisma and--aided by visionary Neptune in its own creative sign of Pisces, Tesla's extraordinary visualization ability because Pluto rising gives a sort of x-ray vision into the workings of the Cosmos, into the deepest layers of the Universe. And of course, Saturn is the traditional planet of Science, along with Mercury, and add Uranus for lightening, electricity, flashes of brilliance, innovation, inventiveness, and pure genius.

This page updated May 3, 2016. jc

Jun 26, 2012

SCOTUS decisions Thursday--Liveblogged by SCOTUS Blog (w Venus Direct)

Since this Thursday is the last day of the Supreme Court session this term, it's believed that on June 28, 2012 the Court will issue three important decisions including the one concerning President Obama's Affordable Health Care Act of 2010.

The brilliant SCOTUS Blog will be Liveblogging beginning at 8:45 am edt so we can all keep ourselves updated. The blog has upgraded its servers in expectation of many thousands of visitors!

Plus, as you know, Venus, ruler of Libra (sign of the scales of Justice) performs her long-awaited Direct Station on Wednesday June 25, 2012, @7Gem29--conjunct tr Midheaven (Public Standing) in Washington DC (at 11:07 am edt) and will be moving forward by Thursday, the day that SCOTUS makes its announcements, perhaps around 10:00 or 11:00 am edt.

Of significance: Venus stations near US natal Uranus 8Gem55, and is traveling with transiting asteroids Midas and Pan these days. Have many pieces of gold been paid to assure the outcome of the 'Obamacare' decision? It seems as if the Supreme Court justices don't have the moral standing they once enjoyed so you decide.

As for tr Venus to our national Uranus in multiplicitous if not duplicitous Gemini (ruled by Mercury, plant of decisions), this is a time when unorthodox or non-traditional alliances are being formed and unique methods are employed in order to achieve common goals--positively or negatively.

And of course any links between Venus and Uranus may denote relationsip break-ups, or extravance or eccentricity with money.

Still, the Venus Direct Station horoscope shows tr Jupiter 3Gem32 not just near tr Venus, but conjunct President Obama's natal Moon in early Gemini, a prosperous time for attracting popularity, cooperation, and commitments from others so perhaps SCOTUS will leave at least most of the president's Obamacare intact! Plus, Obama Campaign contributions should pick up now if they haven't already.

Well, here's a previous post which includes a little Astrology and was published as President Obama signed the Affordable Health Care Act on March 23, 2010 in case you wish a re-visit as Venus re-directs.


If you're feelin' Venus direct, please consider leaning forward and subscribing to my new Stars Over Washington Monthly newsletter if you're more than a little serious about keeping an eye on Politics and on the politicians of Washington DC using Political Astrology within a common-good slant. SOWM is a 3-month electronically-delivered affair: price $18US. Issue 1 (July-Aug-Sep 2012) is due pre-Independence Day 2012 so if you wish, click here to subscribe.

Thanks! jc

May 15, 2012

5/15/12 Obama-Geithner meeting = Lunar Ecl Dec 2010

For the one reader who may have the time and the Astrology software, check out the December 2010 Lunar Eclipse at 29 Gemini which was the precise degree at Midheaven ('The Goal'; Aspirations) over the White House at 3:30 pm edt today (5/15/12) when President Obama and Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner are said to have met for discussion.

As you know, 29 degrees is considered a critical-crisis point in the zodiac for all signs and we may expect that real-world events such as JPMC's *out-of-bounds risk-taking and CEO Jamie Dimon's being called upon to step down from the Federal Reserve Bank board is part of the crisis here described and which leads back somehow to late 2010, first quarter 2011 in particular. And at 29 Gemini, a World Point of Mannifestation is being triggered since 29 Gem rushes to reach 00Can00, a signpost pointing us toward Summer Solstice 2012.

Let me know what you discover, okay?

UPDATE 5:00 pm et: see Boehner lays down markers on year-end fiscal cliff which notes the Obama administration's extending the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy--in December 2010. So as things now stand, the end of 2012 is expiration time since the over-generous tax cuts (for those who don't need them and will not pass on the largess to any of the 99%) had already missed their sunset...


*Out-of-bounds now of the earthly plane is only one planet--Venus (valuations; money; relationships; the attraction principle) about to perform her rare Transit (Occultation of the Sun) on June 5/6, 2012 in mid-Gemini. Unusual alliances may be made--or broken, perhaps one or some relationships which were formed in June 2004; we'll see. Either way, Venus is in a class of her own and can be astrologically and mythologically represented on certain levels as Isis, Columba, Inanna. Not very comforting, is it?

Jan 5, 2011

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of Jan 4, 2011; 112th Congress opens 1.5.11

Today many new members of Congress are being sworn in, and on Tuesday January 4, 2011, Jupiter and Uranus performed their final Great Conjunction until April 24, 2024.

Three times they've tangoed beginning on June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18 (the Aries Point of World Manifestation), on September 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43, and now @ 27Pis02 which occurred yesterday at about 7:00 am est on Capitol Hill - with both powerful, wealthy Pluto 5Cap27 and asteroid Pallas 5Cap55 (strategy; wisdom; protector of the city state) rising.

'27 Pisces' is the Exaltation degree of Venus, now @ 27 Scorpio, so the Jupiter/Uranus pair are being trined by Venus (valuations, evaluations, relationships, art, attraction principle; small amounts of money) and we may wish to consider a midpoint picture formed by the three...any, all, or none may apply:

Jup/Uran = Venus: your charm when forcing the new upon others; satisfaction gained from creating the new to improve life overall; inconstancy in attachments; happy feelings; narcissism.

Mercury 21Sag+ (planet of oaths) squares Jup/Uran: a series of fortunate breaks; planning on success; confidence; people with many ideas; a fortunate turn in one's occupation; thoughts about the need for change and how to affect it. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

As you know, the Jupiter/Uranus duo is quite special for its optimism, lucky chances, breakthroughs, and blissful realizations. So let's add Reinhold Ebertin's additional info on their combined energies from his book, The Combination of Stellar Influences:

"It is often difficult to assess the nature of Jupiter-Uranus constellations. They indicate, in most cases, inner tensions or strains which are then suddenly released. At one time, the author named this configuration the 'Thank the Lord' position, because people having such a configuration have repeatedly exclaimed the words 'Thank the Lord' after the release of the tension or strain from which they were suffering."

Moving to a source that concerns Politics and Business (Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets) we find that Jupiter/Uranus energies tell a different tale in those realms:

Thesis: application of legal methods against breakdowns in order; strikes or revolutions; growth following periods of reform; modernization opportunities through new labor-saving inventions.

Antithesis: reform originating in religious principles; government where no expansion due to modern principles is allowed; civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system which stifles justice for common people.

112th Congress: Washington's New Cycle of Activity

As Congress opens at this very moment (noon), we may wonder if looking back toward legislation already passed is what America needs most when everyone knows that congressional focus should be on jobs jobs jobs creation!

Yet if we must look back, let's take a peek at Rudhyar's explanation of '27Pis' which somewhat suggests the bliss from above:

"The Harvest Moon Illumines a Clear Autumnal Sky"...Keynote: The light of fulfillment that blesses work well done. Keyword: CONSUMMATION. But in this consummation--this 'karmic' moment--the seed of the new cyclic manifestation is already latent."

Connecting the dots politically with the November 2, 2010 Midterms - the reason for today's big swearing-in on Capitol Hill, the Astronomy of the Super Harvest Moon of September 22, 2010 is interesting along with the Astrology of Autumn Equinox 2010 with the Moon @ 27Pis11 - almost at her Super Harvest Full Moon status and nearing Jupiter 28Pis10 Rx and Uranus 28:33 Rx in 10th house of Career in Washington DC. (Click to view chart image.)

And Jupiter/Uranus = Moon? Sensitivity toward the need to transform your life through a change of religion, moral principles, philosophy; inconsistency in dealing with the forces of change and revolution which occur daily; opportunity for major change; looking ahead to success.

May 14, 2010

View a 3D movie of the ISS! (no special glasses needed)

May 14 - 16, 2010 will be a good weekend to look up!

Space Weather News for May 14, 2010

Today's edition of SpaceWeather News features a remarkable 3D movie of the International Space Station (ISS) recorded by French astrophotographer Thierry Legault. No special glasses are required to see the ISS pop out of your screen in amazing detail.

The movie will whet your appetite for a weekend of bright spaceships and planets.

On Friday, May 14 at 2:20 pm EDT, space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch from Kennedy Space Center on its final voyage to the ISS. An on-time liftoff would set the stage for an incredible sky show. On Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16, many observers will be able to see Atlantis and the ISS flying past Venus and the crescent Moon in the evening sky.

Visit for sky maps and more information. Seeing the ISS is easy if you know when to look.

Sign up for SpaceWeather PHONE and we will call you when the space station is about to fly over your hometown.

Jan 14, 2009

Bright Venus and mythical Atlantis

Space Weather News for Jan 14, 2009

FANTASTIC ICE HALOS: Researchers in Finland have discovered a new way to create luminous ice halos in the night sky. Their tools are as simple as a bright lamp and icy, blowing air.

Some of the arcs they routinely photograph were previously seen only in remote parts of Antarctica. Sample photos and must-see movies are featured in today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

HOURS OF VENUS: Today and for the rest of the week, Venus is at maximum elongation (greatest apparent distance) from the sun. This means the silvery planet is "up" for more than three hours after sunset.

Go outside after dark, face south, and take a long look. Venus is so bright it outshines city lights and even pierces thin clouds. The view through a backyard telescope may surprise you.

Check SpaceWeather for images and more information.


Notes of a reluctant astrologer:

Venus is highly implicated in the Dec 21, 2012 Mayan Calendar vortex of argument and speculation concerning the end of time as we know it, or some sort of catastrophe including, but not limited to, melting of polar ice caps and earth's poles shifting.

Therefore, it's best to keep a close eye on the lady, esp since she signifies America's totem, the Statue of Liberty.

Now you know the purported deal about melting ice caps and mythical Atlantis, don't you? That the prescient Atlanteans hid secret scrolls or manuscripts within the shelter of the Pole/s.

The secrets 'they say' are hidden there are worth melting the ice from a satellite in space, people of earth (as Craig's monkey puppet so often warns) - it seems they contain the secret of if this corrupt planet is a grand place to park your permanent flag.

Still, if any of this stuff is true, I must wonder what the Plutonians will have left to subjugate after all is flooded, soggy, and infested with mold and mildew. Selfish psychopaths, she typed grumpily.

Nov 29, 2007

dry Venus and the Comet's tail grows back

Space Weather News for Nov. 29, 2007

SOLAR WIND DRIES VENUS: The European Space Agency's Venus Express spacecraft has made an important discovery: the solar wind dries out Venus.

Unlike Earth, Venus has no global magnetic field to deflect particles from the sun; when solar wind hits Venus it actually strips away some of Venus' upper atmosphere. Hydrogen and oxygen atoms fly into space, removing from Venus the chemical building blocks of water. This process makes an already hellish planet even worse.

Link to more information may be found below.

COMET 17P/HOLMES UPDATE: Now that the full Moon has left the evening sky, Comet Holmes is visible again. The comet is not as bright as it was when it first exploded in late October.

Most people now have trouble finding it with the naked eye. A quick sweep through Perseus with a pair of binoculars, however, will pinpoint the comet while the smallest of telescopes reveals it to be a truly impressive object.

Comet Holmes now occupies about 10 times the volume of the Sun and it is developing a hint of a blue-green tail. A similar tail was observed in early November, but it broke off during an apparent magnetic storm.

Now the tail is growing back.

Visit for sky maps and the latest images.

Nov 28, 2007

Winter Solstice Dec 22, 2007

December 22, 2007, 1:07 am est, White House:

Sun and Jupiter fuse together at World Point 00Cap00, in 3rd house of Communications, Pluto nearby--and just after the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on Dec 11.

Click to enlarge the image and you'll see the 2006 Solstice chart as well (in green) with my chicken scratch notes squooshed in. It's Jupiter Hours for 2006 and for 2007 which are suitable for expansive, possibly over-inflated Jupiterian things.

Dec 22, 2007:

Chart-ruler Venus 19Sco46 is in 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Values but at what some call the "accursed degree of the accursed sign"...19Sco, a degree which is the neighborhood of two Fixed Stars of mixed-at-best influence:

Serpentis 19Sco: tragedy and misfortune (if your home is foreclosed on, this one's for you.)

North Scale 19Sco22: honor; wealth; distinction; intelligence; good organizer; tragedy; violence; hasty words cause problems; success in sports, religion, war, law, or writing.

Venus also rules the 8th house of Shared Resources, Credit, Insurance, Debt, etc., and is involved by her square with nebulous, undermining Neptune in a FIST of GOD, similar to a strong T-square but with more punch.

And did you know there's lightening on Venus?

Mars 3Can38 Rx is the focal point of this FIST, in 9th house of legalities, foreign travel (and enemies), higher education, philosophy, religion, and such.

This Rx out-of-bounds Mars is conjunct US natal Venus 3Can06--a Venus which is out-of-bounds in the US natal chart as well (July 4, 1776, 'Sibly' chart 5:10 pm lmt, Philadlephia, PA.) Mars to Venus can bring new alliances, joint ventures, and invigorated interactions.

A midpoint picture is formed:

Venus/Neptune = Mars: easy self-delusion; misdirected energy. (Those we've seen lots of in recent years.)

2007 and USA natal chart:

Rising in the Winter Solstice 2007 chart is US natal Saturn and US 10th house which also brings up the US n Sun/Saturn square. Timing can be off with this configuration, and planning must be realistic to succeed. America has had a spotty record on that score, hasn't she?

In fact, the Bush-Cheney regime's lack of realism may be said to be a major part of our current troubles. I would go back to 1999 and the fake presidential campaign of George W. Bush but that's just me.

North Node (the path) is at a critical 29th degree in the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking, a degree associated with destroying ancient lands and monuments (Lynda Hill) and with projecting negative things upon foreigners instead of owning up to your own shadow.

Every Winter Solstice takes the Sun just beyond "30Sag": " The pope blessing the faithful" (the ASC degree in the Jefferson chart for the America, 6:30 pm--MC = "23Lib", conj Spica and Arcurtus) but we'll look again at the Sabian Symbol for "1Cap" using Lynda Hills' 360 Degrees of Wisdom:

"An Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe"...assuming authority and the need for it; accepting the consequences for what that "Claim" could lead to; charismatic leadership; consolidating power.

Caution: power tripping and struggles; overinflated views of one's self (in Washington? !); the continued need to quieten power battles; being challenged by those left and right; demanding attention and that others follow orders; taking over; selfishness and ego-drive; too many chiefs.

As Lao-Tzu said, To lead the people, walk behind them.