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Showing posts with label We The People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label We The People. Show all posts

Dec 20, 2016

Why Is It That Americans Always Get Screwed??? The Banksters! - video

If you've wondered why We The People seem to be every plutocrat's dupe, guinea pig, and cash cow, try this from Thom Hartmann:

One astrological factor in the US natal horoscope of July 4, 1776 which relates to the exploitation and oppression of the American people is the plutocratic Pluto-Chiron duo with its midpoint conjoining US natal Ceres (grains, food supply, security needs...) @8Pisces, the position of the upcoming Solar Eclipse of February 26, 2017 in the 19 South Saros Series.

And in a fit of cosmic and political synchronicity, 19 South also manifested on February 4, 1981 @16Aquarius - conjunct the natal Sun of Ronald Reagan yet it wasn't a 19 South but a 19 North Solar Eclipse that affected the 1980 Presidential Election and the 1981 Inauguration of Reagan just as 19N does now with Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017. These are the sort of astrological factors that support the idea that Reagan's first term and Trump's upcoming first term may share more tendencies in common than many people yet realize. Yes, 1981's favor-the-rich trends are repeating in 2017.

And of course revealed is the ongoing plutocratic Republican agenda to dismantle New Deal and New Society programs that aid the non-wealthy (enabled by corporate Democrats) which will be on steroids under a paternalistic Goldman-Sachs Pence-Trump administration - Trump the tweeting mouthpiece and diverter-in-chief, and Pence the actual administrator.

Related: Horoscope: Reagan Inauguration 1981, January 20, 1981, with wound and blind spot Chiron in Taurus rising (crisis in values) at noon, Capitol Building Washington DC. A link to Reagan's first inaugural address is included in the post. A comparison with Mr. Trump's inaugural address should be interesting although incomplete sentences may prevail over Reagan's eloquence.

Eclipse Note: an eclipse in the 19 South Series repeated once between 1981 and 2017 on February 16, 1999 @27AQ08 and conjoined the July 4, 1776 position of US natal Moon (We the People) and set us up for the delusions, illusions, and distortions of the fabled August 11, 1999 'King of Terror' (or 'Alarm') Solar Eclipse with its Revelation-based Fixed Grand Cross. 1N is often called The Mother of All Eclipses being in the 1 North Saros Series which first manifested on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 (opposite a future US natal Sun). One historical event of 1639: it was the year of the first Colonial Constitution.

1N repeats on August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant and has a label of its own: The Great American Eclipse.

Nov 29, 2016

Criminalizing Dissent: This Is How It Begins - video

Apathy is a luxury we can no longer afford and is no longer any sort of excuse in America for non-participation in our 'democracy'. That's basically how We the People got into the political jam we're in today:

Read, watch, listen: Thom Hartmann.

Donald Trump? America is his cash cow now.

Sep 27, 2016

Anonymous: Message to the United States Government 2016 - video

The US government, aided and abetted by the global corporate syndicate, is working to undermine the US Constitution. Tyranny has been the result of this infiltration and the time for resistance is Now.

Update Dec 5, 2022: the video by Anonymous has been deleted from this post by unseen forces and, as it turns out, it's the Republican Party of Herr Tr*mp wanting to delete the US Constitution because the orange albatross thinks destroying it will shove him back into the Oval Office again so he can steal more national security documents and make mega-profits off the Office of the Presidency. Again. Oh, this would greatly please his foreign handlers. jc

Original post continues here with mild edits for clarity:

The main purpose of Stars Over Washington: "Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them..."; so types yours truly, A Child of the Revolution, whose ancestor, Francis P. Power of Maryland (1756--1818), joined John Glover's Marbelhead Mariners and risked his life participating in the ferrying of George Washington and 2,400 troops and artillery across the icy Delaware River, December 25/26, 1776, and who fought in the Battle of Trenton which changed the tenor of the Revolutionary War.

Therefore, writing SO'W is the least I can do for the sake of America! Jude

Related posts include: Christmas Day and a 'Double' Ancestor (the natal chart of my 4th-great grandfather (paternal and maternal!) David Barnett born that auspicious day, December 25, 1776 in Christiansburg, VA); The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777; and the natal Horoscope of the US Constitution set for September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and showing the document's Sun Virgo-Moon Sagittarius blend of 'moral certitude' -- which is one of the reasons that criminals are determined to be rid of it and We the People must be even more determined to defend it.

Jude Cowell

Sep 21, 2016

Here’s Why Millennials Distrust Hillary Clinton - video

As you've probably noticed, Millennials (ages 18 to 34) are not wild about voting for Hillary Clinton and may not turn out in November at all thanks to the Democratic Party sneakily favoring her as nominee over Senator Bernie Sanders (who would have won by a landslide much to the chagrin of the 'powers that think they be'):

For more reports, bravely step into The Ring of Fire.


And yet...perhaps the very important Election Day 2016 (November 8th) will attract a large turn out of voters for it coincides with a monthly US Lunar Return with the mundane Moon in American charts signifying We the People, plus, America's Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius combo is known for its humanitarian social concerns and political interests.

'The powers that think they be' is an apt description of the global ruling elite often used by Max Igan.

Sep 19, 2016

Big Pharma Terrified That Medical Marijuana Will Kill Their Deadly Opioid Business - clip

It isn't only opinion anymore since evidence has turned up concerning Big Pharma's knickers in a knot over medical pot legalization ruining their lucrative sales of synthetic cannabis, not to mention that our country's high levels of opioid dependency might decrease if a safer choice were available. Public health is no concern of Big Pharma!

Well, here's Farron Cousins on the controversial topic and you may also wish to check out coverage from The Intercept:

It seems to me that the American people should be well ready by now to demand an end to draconian oppression by a government that sentences citizens harshly for a crumb of marijuana while letting Big Bankers (translation: Big-Bank Robbers, money launderers, inside traders) walk free with no negative consequences after the global heist they perpetrated a few years ago. They know what they did.

Tragically, the level of criminality winked at by a nation is the level of the government that fails to protect its own people from such abuse, then commits it. So maybe that's it! Money grubbing abuse of power is the game for those who dare cross the line of honor and decency while pretending to be politicians and civil officials "serving" on behalf of "We the People". The old of-by-for is considered an antiquated relic of the past (along with nation-states and the US Constitution) by the futurist zealots and sociopath Utopians who imagine themselves as the powers that be.

For as Max Igan said recently, "the world is run by a bunch of lying criminals," and that in ten words pretty much sums up our collective condition and apathetic blindness, ya think?

Jul 20, 2016

July 21, 2016 Trump RNC Acceptance Speech under US Moon's Aquarian Rays

In Campaign 2016 Cosmic Synchronicity Abounds!

by Jude Cowell

Besides the fact that Election Day 2016 sports a US Moon Return to We the People's natal degree (27AQ09 5:09 pm LMT in 1776) we also have a Moon (or, Lunar) Return this Thursday evening (7/21/16) when newly coronated GOP nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to deliver his big speech of acceptance with bluster and brag.

And as you know, last evening (7/19/16) when Mr. Trump was officially nominated to run for the presidency, a Full Moon over Cleveland, Ohio perfected upon US natal Pluto (27Capricorn). Fear, paranoia, propaganda, and contagion spread stealthily as creepy Pluto took control of the proceedings and military-style police stood at the ready inside and out in case Pluto inspired an act of violence to burst out.

Astrologically, Full Moon phases denote complete awareness, polarity in relationships, culmination, and/or fulfillment of something begun in the dark of the previous seedling New Moon. July's last New Moon @13Cancer conjoined US natal Sun (the president) on Independence Day 2016 indicating the beginning of a new cycle of activity. This New Moon's degree in Trump's Sun-NN-Uranus sign of Gemini (the Messenger, Trickster, Magician, and Deal-Maker) temporarily winked at bright Sirius, the Egyptian goddess star (aka, The Scorcher) and the dramatic scene plays under the patronage of the Political Theater now being acted onstage--this week in Cleveland, next week in Philadelphia, PA, where the New American Masonic project claims its roots on this continent.

Then of course, the spectacular Donald Trump Plays President production of promotion and big promises (that can't or won't be delivered) actually began on cue under a different New Moon (25Gemini) over a year ago on June 16, 2015 in NYC's Tower of Trump and since then I have typed aloud wondering if last evening's Pluto-infused Full Moon in Capricorn was on some mystic level a fulfillment of the June 2015 New Moon of Trump's announced intention to grab the presidency. Donald hankers for a new job to conquer, you see, a job where he has more...control of a plutocratic variety. Can he fill the power elite's bill? Or, if elected, will Trump only act as a less-than-four-year place holder for the guy the Bilderbergers and their hidden enablers the Rothschild bankers really want in the White House: VP Mike Pence, the theocrat?

Okay, maybe not. But if Mr. Trump does finagle a stint in the Oval Office it will be quite a bit of cosmic synchronicity for one hefty circus barker to carry upon his shoulders even though born with energetic Mars and royal Regulus rising. But I think that most people suspect that the skim-the-surface, superficial Mr. Trump primarily desires to possess the look and status of the US presidency rather than do any heavy lifting (that's what underlings are for.) Isn't Shortcut his middle name?

Yet we mustn't leave out Washington's traditional *pocket-lining from the job description! After all, the Trump campaign is said to be empty pockets heading into the General Election (ask his offspring where the money went) but the fellow does know a lucrative deal when he sees one. Plus, with the Oval Office position best described as America's mouthpiece (TR's bully pulpit), Mr. Trump the Mercurial, short-attention-span Gemini will do quite well at that as long as they let him make it up as he goes along, pay less than contracted, and stop all that fact-checking on his reality-distorting Mercury-Neptune square.

However, if the Selected One turns out to be neoconish Hillary Rodham Clinton, at least we'd get a deeper thinking, realistic if traditional, Mercury-Saturn square!

*'traditional pocket-lining' refers to the Sabian Symbol for America's natal Jupiter @6Cancer: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

Feb 21, 2016

Horoscope: US Moon Return on Election Day 2016--We the People!

Have you seen the horoscope of our national Lunar (Moon) Return for November 8, 2016 which happens to be General Election Day 2016? Here's the chart, below. Please enlarge the image to read my messy-as-usual notes for it seems America will be hatching 'an exotic moth' that day since we already acccommodate the 'hovering hawk' of NSA total surveillance:

Venus @25Sag47 in 11th house is out of bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane and acting according to her own unusual or possibly skewed perspectives yet is in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms) with Jupiter (Sag/Libra) which leads a planetary Locomotive of success (which could signify Mr. Trump with his Jupiter in Libra.) Meanwhile critical degrees grace the ASC/DESC axis of Self and Other and manipulative gold-hoarder and power-grabber Pluto has just risen into the 12th house of Karma, Secret Deals, and Politics while testy Mars at a critical-crisis 29th degree readies to rise and take control of the situation. Following activist Mars closely is asteroid Hidalgo who seeks higher status, an exotic social climber, we might say. But is Hidalgo the 'exotic moth' a majority of We the People will vote for?

Actually, Mars rising is Donald Trump's planetary signature but he expresses it with a dramatic Leonine flair! Plus, there's the 8th house 19 North Solar Eclipse @9Virgo to contend with and its realism vibes which will take precedence since late August-early September as expressed in large part by candidate Bernie Sanders. However, you see the Scorpio Sun and Mercury at the top (Mc) of the chart which suggests Scorpio Hillary Clinton (natal ASC, Mercury, Venus, Chiron, Sun) at the Aspiration/Goal Point of the Lunar Return chart and in her natal 12th house of Politics. Is the American public feeling futuristic (AQ) enough to toss out establishment candidates? Polls have said so but November 8th is what tells the conservative vs progressive tale one more time.

For more info, let's look a bit closer at the degree of a planet that often triggers action:

Warrior Mars at '30Cap': "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs," a symbol which relates to an "occult hierarchy," or, the "White Lodge" (the White House.) Also "seeing through the facts" is involved with this degree referencing EXECUTIVE POWER (Rudhyar) which resonates well with US Politics, this year's major political election, and the oppressive, exploitative corporate structure behind the US government. Plus, the Illumination Point of '30Cap' uncovers what I believe also relates to Election 2016 rhetoric and proposals and to a basic American tradition:

'30Cancer': "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...GLORIFICATION OF THE PAST." Have we learned anything from war at all?

Sabian Symbols from An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.

May 18, 2015

'The Nightmare of every Government on Earth' (Terence McKenna)

TerenceMcKenna #Government #PeacefulPeople #StrengthInNumbers #Organize #WeThePeople #99%

Terence McKenna is right, you know. 99% of us is a lot more people than the piddly little 1% of them, many if not all of whom are morally deformed and decrepit.

Dec 31, 2014

Video: "How The Elite Stay In Power" - A Message for The People of the World

A New Year's Message for The People in only 5 minutes 29 seconds...

My thanks and regards to Alexandra Bruce at Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending along a heads-up about this video! Jude

Feb 4, 2014

Horoscope: Spring EQ 2014 (Aries Ingress) w Jupiter and Sirius Rising

As you see here, Spring Equinox 2014 (aka Aries Ingress 2014--Sun to 00Ari00:00) occurs on March 20, 2014 at 12:57:09 pm EDT when the horoscope is set for Washington DC, my former place of residence.

Please click image to enlarge and hopefully you can read a few factors penned upon the chart since not all notes will be mentioned in the following text.

Any year's Spring EQ chart works as a background for the astrological year: for comparing to other charts, watching transits, keeping up with planets hitting Angles, entering Houses, forming aspects, etc. And with President Obama's shout-out in his recent SOTU Address that 2014 be "a year of action", we may wish to keep a squinty eye on the transits of Mars, planet of action, motivation, energy, war, and activism. here, Mars @25Lib14 Rx is conjoining North Node, a point of encounter, so the results we may expect are meetings, cooperation, teamwork, and, negatively, males (soldiers, policemen, etc) to be swept along with the impassioned masses.

However, as you see in the chart, banker, guru, adventurer, broadcaster, politician and/or general Jupiter @10Can46 rises with Fixed Star Sirius close behind...'The Scorcher' denotes 'the mundane becomes sacred' and is the Dog Star of ancient Egypt. Plus, Jupiter, moving direct since March 6th, is again the handle of a bucket pattern and as such is the focal determinator of the planets opposite which represent a particular and uncompromising direction of effort for the nine actors (planets), plus Chiron (the Healer and Priest.)

In that sense, Jupiter-as-handle adjusts his efforts and alliances where they count most; on a positive level for 2014, he acts as the instructor and inspirer of others. Negatively, handle Jupiter--now amongst America's natal planets in Cancer--Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun (leader)--is the malcontent and agitator full of unrelenting zeal. There are many persons in the US which this can describe including broadcasters, reporters, economists, pundits--and maybe a few bloggers, too.

Yes, extravagant Jupiter is prominent in the Spring EQ 2014 horoscope and rules the 6th house (cusp 9Sag40 conjunct warring Antares--6th house = Military and Police Service, plus, Health, Work, and Daily Rounds); Jupiter also rules the 10th house of Public Status, the World Stage, and Career through its MC cusp @24Pis59 (along with deluded Neptune--inflation, conflation, speculation, fraud, grand plans? Jupiter rising has grand plans, too.)

Now the Sun @00Ari00:00 is in the 10th along with rebel and anarchist Uranus @11Ari45. Unexpected events may affect America's public standing during 2014 (not that it hasn't been affected a lot in the last several decades.) President Obama is scheduled to kiss the Pope's ring in Rome in March which may be one of the manifestations of this 10th house Sun. Reportedly, one topic they will discuss is The Poor of the World. Hmm. Will the scandal-plagued Vatican Bank help out?

Moon (We the People) in Scorpio, ruled by forceful Mars and Pluto

A chart factor which must always be considered is any major applying aspects formed by the chart-ruler to see how things will proceed--here, the Moon @17Sco21 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits, and Children. Since it's an Hour of the Moon, we may expect changes, fluctuations, and publicity concerning these departments of life and which relate closely to America with our natal Sun (13Can19) rising--our first natal planet to rise--and this supports the 10th house implications mentioned for the Aries Sun, above.

Well, the only applying aspect made by the Moon is a conjunction to status quo Saturn @23Sco02 Rx in the 5th house. The energies of this duo when blended denote depression and oppression--especially of women (the Moon)--but can also lead to ambition, strategy, and a more realistic direction, usually in business matters. Here there is a corporate tone as well since they are posited in the Big Business sign of Scorpio.

Of special interest is the dynamic Cardinal T-Squares that are formed due to the Jupiter-Pluto opposition across the ASC/DESC axis of Self-Others. the 'Others' are secretive Pluto of toxin fame and one link is to environmental issues such as the destruction of America's water tables through gas fracking, the Keystone XL Pipeline, other pipelines, and chemical spills from holding tanks and ponds, and from train 'accidents'.

As you see, Jupiter-Pluto point toward the 10th house Uranus yet a Grand Cross is formed if we include the US planet opposite Uranus (or soon will be again), natal Saturn @14Lib48. This supports what we don't need Astrology to tell us--that things are complex and issues difficult to solve--and that's assuming that everyone on Capitol Hill wants to solve them.

Banking Jupiter rising hints at more economic stalemates with US natal Saturn and investing Jupiter having different perspectives on how money should be spent or not spent. The old Guns v Butter paradigm comes to my mind though you may disagree, as you wish!

Meanwhile, in a contest of wills, transiting Pluto of the Underworld continues to challenge US natal Sun in a titanic power struggle of no-compromise proportions and it is immediately on the menu for Spring Equinox 2014 as We the People deal with austere Saturn and Venus (money, values, relationships) in 8th house of Credit, Debt, and Corporations, inconjuncts (150 degrees = adjustment) the Spring EQ 2014 Ascendant (13Can55) and US natal Sun (13:19) which denotes tendencies toward over-compromising, over-extension, and security and protection concerns in Finances and other 8th house matters. Coercive measures may be used due to a 'success at any cost' mentality.

Fortunately, Jupiter rising in self-protective Cancer really likes to provide protection and is part of a Water Grand Trine pattern with the Moon, Chiron, and Ascendant. Plus, a Water trine supports the protection implications and needs of the 2014 chart and season during which a more spiritual attitude (Chiron) will be most helpful (Saturn-Neptune = ASC) rather than enforcing a materialistic one.

As always, your on-topic queries and comments are welcome! However, please do not use this post or any other to link to your own advertisements. Thanks, jc

Jan 28, 2014

Feb 14 2014 a Full 'Snow' Moon in Leo

Feb 14, 2014 Full Moon in Romantic Leo, Sign of the 'Natural Leader'

by Jude Cowell

Since in Georgia we're facing possibly a major snowstorm this afternoon, I'm looking at the Washington DC horoscope of the Full Moon on Valentine's Day February 14, 2014, what is traditionally called the 'Snow Moon' for obvious reasons.

Perfecting in DC at 6:53 pm est, this particular Full Moon is personalized for America by its degree of 26Leo12 with Sun @26AQ12 falling upon US natal Moon @27AQ10 (We the People). A Full Moon (fulfillment or culmination phase that relates to relationships, alliances, and full awareness) highlights the Leo-Aquarius axis of Self Will and there are romantic v humanitarian vibes going on with this Fire-Air blend.

Occurring during an Hour of the Sun, we find the horoscope showing several planetary patterns and one is a T-Square between Sun and Moon and Mercury and Moon--all pointing toward an apex Saturn @23Sco06 in 3rd house of Communications, Neighborhoods, Siblings, and Primary Education. Midpoint pictures are formed and indicate potentials for addressing problems and issues, separations, weakened systems, and possible depression 'if the tide has turned' (Tyl.)

Apex Saturn, a karmic planet, in a Fixed T-Square describes those in executive positions who are extremely dedicated to their preferred causes which they focus upon with laser-like obsession, an indomitable will, stubbornness, and--as we might expect from the austerity lovers of Washington--with a deep need to control others. In fact, ambition is the main motivation in life and they are always on guard to make sure personal vulnerabilities are not exposed. So determined toward concrete goals are they that abusive tactics toward those who stand in their way are used whenever necessary. Character assassination and 'the power of the half-truth' comes to mind.

Sun and Moon are involved in a Hard Rectangle pattern as well along with the Jupiter-Pluto opposition and speedy Mercury Rx in 6th house of Work, Health, and Service. This pattern denotes a condition or situation in which the opposition's actors (here, Jupiter and Pluto) are under tremendous yet indirect pressure to reconcile their differences. Yet greater antagonism is also a potential due to the pattern's semi-squares and sesqui-squares. In other words, though cooperation and compromise are much needed in Washington, they continue to be dirty words for many of our politicians with axes to grind and major corporate supporters to obey.

The Uranus-Pluto Square Slings a Hammer of Thor at the American People

The midpoint of Uranus and Pluto, two generational planets squaring (blocking) one another (next exact square on April 21, 2014), form a Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God) configuration that points toward (conjuncts) the Sun (leader) which conjoins US natal Moon (We the People) and thereby affects the Full Moon @26Leo12. This difficult condition lies across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis of the 6th and 12th houses.

Midpoint pictures form from the Hammer pattern that include potentials for great tension, revolution or rebellion, indomitability, change through force, catastrophe, extreme dedication to goals (sounds like Saturn, above), and/or introducing unique ways to represent old methods into new explanations. Daring, ambition, and intuition may also be prominent by the light of Snow Moon 2014. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

So with a multiple-day power outage predicted, and snow now piling up on the ground outside my window north of Atlanta, I'll close with a *famous quote (below) and offer you a link to a Valentine's Day Full Moon article that has romance and relationships as its focus and not politics at all! See Full Moon on Valentine's Day: Your Emergency Preparedness Guide by Matthew Currie.

*Sharing the Sun AQ-Moon Leo blend natally is Frederick the Great who informs us that, "My people and I have come to an agreement...they are to say what they please, and I am to do what I please." Sounds to me like the current state of things in America!

Jan 18, 2014

"Taking Back the World"-- Max Igan (video)

In 2014 the World Is Up for Grabs

There are 40,000 new laws coming into force in 2014 via Obamacare, and President Obama has called for 2014 to be a year of action. Maxwell Igan, in the video presentation embedded here--Taking Back the World--offers better solutions on behalf of The People and says similar things about 2014, beginning with a relevant quote from historian, author, and social activist Howard Zinn.

For you see, government's old 'divide and conquer' tactic has worked well for their purposes up until now and enticing diversions abound within the False Reality in which so many of us are ensnared with our eyes mesmerized by fancy tech devices--stumbling about in our Collective Coma, as Max calls it. However, things are out of balance all over the world between government and The People and so we must wake up to the fact that 2014 is The Year to Unite...and Take Back Our Power!

Yes, it's time to 'avoid the rabbit holes' because in 2014 the world is up for grabs. So. Are you in?

Please visit the Full Circle Now website. Particularly for those who love Mother Earth, Gaia, it's a gorgeous experience!

Aug 22, 2012

"There exists a shadowy government--"

Chalmers Johnson, who clued me in a few years ago on such topics as The Sorrows of Empire, and Blowback wrote about what he called "the president's private army"--the CIA--in an article from 2007, Agency of Rogue.

Of interest to those who are familiar with America's so-called 'Sibly' natal horoscope (there's more than one) set for 5:10 pm LMT (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA) our nation's 10th house Saturn exalted in Libra and 9th house Neptune in earthy Virgo created a midpoint picture with natal Midheaven (MC = The Goal) which perfected in approximately 1780 (natal Saturn about 4 degrees from Neptune divided by 2 = Saturn-Neptune midpoint.) With controlling Saturn in Mundane Astrology signifying government, law, and business and nebulous Neptune's secret-invisible-shadowy things often masked or hidden (in America's case, 'in plain sight' apparently), we have:

Saturn-Neptune = MC: using inefficient methods when completed work is needed (Munkasey); peculiar loss of ambition; giving up or capitulating to demands of the environment totally (Tyl.)

Or we may simply say that The Goal for this nation was to set up and maintain a shadow government built on secrecy and deception which All the World sees at US natal MC! And you know, the more I read about how America's Great Seal images are based on Illumnati symbols (a secret society of Utopians who wish to demolish all governments and other civilized institutions and systems), I'm almost ready to believe just that even though it's difficult to accept that America's Founding Fathers were so crass as our present-day politicians or that they set up our nation to fail (Saturn in 10th house = 'fall from grace' if Saturnian themes are neglected as they've been--and fittingly, they weren't aware of Neptune in 1776.)

Who Else Knows About This?

As Senator Daniel Inouye informed us in 1987 (during the money-diverting, arms-dealing Reagan administration which helped fund and set up the following):

There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from law itself."

That's one good reason why they tell us we're broke! And perhaps it partially explains why, in spite of millions of Americans protesting against the US government's preemptive wars, invasions, and occupations in the Middle East, We the People are seldom if ever listened to by our "representatives" who obviously dance to a different tune than of a government "--of the people, by the people, for the people," as President Abraham Lincoln described our country when closing his Gettysburg Address of 1863.


May 19, 2012

A Message to the American People from Anonymous (video)

Does the behavior of the members of the US Senate and House of Representatives ever make you wonder whose influence and on whose behalf they act under? Votes like this show their main influence cannot possibly be We the People:

Jan 17, 2012

Jan 18, 2012: Internet Blackout v SOPA (w We the People's Moon)

Note: Stars Over Washington will not be published on Wednesday, January 18, 2012, in solidarity with the Internet Blackout movement. Twitter, Wikipedia, Google, and other sites will participate in the Blackout; see SOPA details below...

Washington Mall DC January 18, 2012: Occupy Congress! Plus, SOPA and Tracking We the People's Aquarian Moon

by Jude Cowell

How encouraged I am that thousands of Americans (and hopefully no police department 'plants' embedded with protesters with a mission to cause trouble and discredit peaceful Occupiers) are occupying the US Congress and elsewhere today thanks to travesties of SCOTUS justice like Citizens United!

If I had a chance, I'd join them in my former city of residence and add my voice to the throng of citizens no longer under the illusion that certain anti-government operatives, who now act as members of Congress, have no intention of upholding official oaths taken to dutifully carry out the functions of their various offices in allegiance to the sovereign nation they serve and on behalf of the constituency they allegedly answer to.

January 18, 2012: Blackout Day! Save the Internet, Beat Back Corporate Raptors!

Today you can hear all about SOPA and the fight against censorship of the Internet in its current disguise as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) which the US Senate is to vote upon on January 24, 2012 by visiting progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann.

Thom and his skillful, plucky staff broadcast today using two laptops and a camera due to a plumbing leak above their regular studio in Washington DC. Kudos all around! (And it couldn't have been sabotage, of course! In DC? Pshaw!)

Yes, this draconian corporate ploy to take-over the Internet will, among many other things, throttle free speech online and continue the transnational drive to commercialize, privatize, and destroy all institutions and functions of our society that are meant to protect the Common Good--here, by censoring what is or isn't published or accessible on the Internet.

Is corporate censorship and re-directs the types of experiences you want as you go about your business online, fellow Americans? Many of our favorite blogs may simply go pouf! forever with nary a trace. A challenging stand-off is clearly upon us in the current form of SOPA v We the People.

Now I have groused in the past about how America was founded upon a corporate structure model (monarchistic Old World/British financial system), perhaps unfairly for it's true that what was necessary in the 1770s may not be precisely what is needed now unless it is done with integrity.

Astrologically we might look at US natal South Node (of the Moon, We the People), a point denoting past behaviors, some of which no longer work in present circumstances and so must be ID'd as 'neurotic'. The negative side of Aquarius? Detachment, cold feelings, an overly rational approach, and other such things as we've seen recently demonstrated during the 2012 Republican debates--often, by booing audiences!

But SN also denotes inherited talents or weaknesses--every case is individual, so the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, with its edgy, super-rational sides of Science, Objectivism, and Futurism, contains America's natal Moon if we use July 4, 1776 as our nation's day of founding. An Aquarian SN shows a need for us to use past ideals and visions to develop ourselves and to act independently on our own behalves in the here and now. (Enter Occupy Wall Street and Move To Amend!)

As you know, America's birthday was promoted by our founding fathers as 'July 4, 1776' even though few signatures were affixed upon the Declaration of Independence on that date. One assumes participants had to consider protecting their own hides from British arrest, after all! And I guess that the other signers of the DoI on August 2, 1776 pretty much tidied things up. Typical to our nature in 2012, what we now honor as our "Freedom Documents" were not universally admired in Philadelphia or in the country at the time though it's easy to forget that now through the rosy glow cast upon our nation's founding through decades past...America was founded upon "an Ideal", "an Idea", or "a vision", as they say.

A 'shining city on a hill' with a global 'mission', that's us.

Here Come Saturn, Uranus, and Plato

Naturally, for astrologers the American Ideal can bring up the planetary duo of Saturn (form) and Uranus (Ideal) and Plato's Ideal Form upon which America was founded--Uranian genius needs a container (Saturn) or it will never manifest in the world and may spill to the ground. Happily, on July 4, 1776, Saturn and Uranus were in beneficial trine (120 degr) to one another from Gemini to Libra, mental Air signs, which describes an ease of pouring by the founders!

A Saturn/Uranus trine tends to project into the future with an excitement about accomplishments and prospects of all tomorrows; a lack of arrogance is shown, and sharing resources, knowledge, and lessons learned from experience are seen to be of benefit to future generations. Measured risks are preferred to iffy speculations, and ideals are based on solid foundations; optimism about the future and high values and ethical standards are upheld (paraphrasing Rob Pelletier.)

And so our Uranian mission in the New World to establish an 'experiment' of an ideal society where brotherhood, equality, liberty, independence, and all other noble ideals of The Enlightenment are held high--'of-by-for' The People--makes me interested in how a horoscope for America's founding would look if the Moon--We the People--were placed at the chart's highest point: the WHY?, or Goal/Aspiration Point of any chart, the Midheaven (MC) which is the most visible and public spot in any horoscope.

Before we do this, I'll use a handy feature in my SolarFire software that animates a horoscope as if it's a clock so that all planets rise, culminate, set, conjunct Angles--however they will on a certain date of a 24-hour period. This gives us a range of degrees for each planet though of course many of them change positions very little if at all.

Not so, the fast-sailing Moon...

The range of the Moon's degrees on July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA along with the first and last Sabian Symbols which relate directly to the American people's reigning needs of our Aquarian Moon are:

Earliest: 12:00 am LMT Moon 16AQ49 '17AQ" = "A Watchdog Standing Guard, Protecting His Master and His Possessions"..."Keynote: The development of the capacity to protect oneself and to safeguard one's individual rights under complex social pressures."

"The more creative the person, the greater his or her NEED FOR PROTECTION."

Latest 11:59 pm LMT Moon 1Pis16 "2Pis" = "A Squirrel Hiding From Hunters"..."Keynote: The individual's need both to ensure his future subsistence and to protect himself from aggressive social elements."

"The need for SELF-PROTECTION and caution is ever present."

(An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)

Amazing how both symbols' explanations favor closely in the self-protection department!

Government Of-By-For We the People...really?

An interesting horoscope forms with Moon at MC (18AQ21) if we wish to consider a natal chart for Government of-by-for We The People. On July 4, 1776, Luna reached MC in Philadelphia (according to my Astrology software which may be off a bit due to earthquakes, Moon wobbles, two centuries passing, etc) but it's tallying in for Moon conj MC at 2:33:45 am LMT, with ASC 12Gem22 and a rising Uranus (8Gem53), America's totem planet of freedom, revolution, and such, so it's an ability to cope with anything picture when Uranus rises (as FDR has natally.)

This puts the explosive Mars/Uranus duo rising at 2:42 am LMT on that date, so that it conjoined the Ascendant and created a mdpt picture of its own: Mars/Uranus = ASC: upsetting events; arrest (as mentioned above); physical injury; excitable people; committing acts of violence. (Ebertin.)

The fact that Moon at MC occurs only after 2:00 am is a potential if the story of Thomas Jefferson lifting the first copy of the Declaration of Independence from Dunlap's printing press at such a late hour is true. Well, copies had to be made at some point for the public and for a public reading--they didn't just appear on paper as if by magic!

A difficult Fist of God pattern between our national Sun/Saturn square (within orb all that day) pointing toward the very Moon of which we speak--indicates that We the People have a sacred duty to perform which includes difficult, complex energies. Have we performed them before? Of course, but as with History repeating and similar societal issues continuing to come up again and again for resolution, our duty remains in 2012 if we wish to participate in this, our democratic, high-minded 'experiment' of republicanism, which we still like to call, America.

(Midpoint picture--any, all, or none may apply: 'Sun/Saturn = Moon: emotional depression from organic disturbances; fear; feeling inferior; inhibitions; separation from females; bereavement'; the Sun/Saturn combo relates to: suppression, karma (Saturn is a 'karmic' planet that can bring manifestation of what was sown), decisiveness and determination, and to the ability to maintain one's position in life. -Ebertin.)

That last can describe US leadership and its determination to stay on top once a powerful pinnacle has been attained.

Well, here's the symbol for a Government of-by-for We the People when The People's Moon is placed where it should be: at the Goal/Aspiration/WHY? Point of America's natal horoscope though the symbol's application in the New Millennium has gone beyond a more provincial or personal meaning when we think of corporate toxins with which our cells have been drenched in honor of bottom lines and profit-taking globalists and the company shareholders who adore them:

Moon/MC '19AQ' = "A Forest Fire Is Being Subdued By the Use of Water, Chemicals, and Sheer Muscular Energy"..."Keynote: The skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness of karmic 'visitations'."

"There is a need for total mobilization of energy and a deep sense of INDOMITABILITY."

Isn't that what We the People with our Aquarian streak intuitively know--that together as One Voice, we are Indomitable and can change the totalitarian direction being forced upon our country by anarchists who infiltrate the Halls of US Power yet refuse to govern the nation, and if they do, they do it badly--against the Common Good by which We the People must sink or swim as a nation and a people.


Want a view of yet another US natal horoscope that may be worth a peek? How about America's Sygygy Moon of July 1, 1776 with Moon in Saturn-ruled Capricorn opposite Sun in Cancer?

Moon Shining Across a Lake, a pencil drawing imported from Secret Moon Art; (c) 2012 by the artist.

Mar 25, 2008

Obama's anti-war speech Oct 2, 2002

NPR has a feature recalling the day of then-Illinois Senator Barack Obama's anti-war speech in Chicago on Oct 2, 2002--approximately two days prior to his Mars Return in Virgo.

As you know, Mars Returns time new 2-year cycles of activity--and Mars is the god of war. As you may know, Obama's natal Mars is conjunct to-the-degree America's natal Neptune, planet of idealism, illusions, and dreams.

Hence his touted 'rock star status' is real, but perhaps that's the wrong word when Neptune is involved. Actually, the public projects upon the screen of his image, more like.

Well, since there are no YouTube or other video of his anti-war speech dissing political hacks like Karl Rove, here's the speech's transcript if you'd care to read it--and then perhaps you may pardon me for the following cynical political rhyme:

Lone Ranger for President!

And if we should end up with a President Obama, he'll be lone in Washington, imho, for who's going to allow him any cooperation or credit for accomplishing anything the People want or need?

btw: here's a previous post, "that hellish path blindly", a quote from his speech, where I linked to the same transcript of the same Obama speech (just lookin' out for ya, m'peops! We the People!)

Dec 26, 2007

my year of blogging dangerously

Blogging in 2007 has brought everything from electronic tagging to frisky hackers to a few of my favorite posts. Not favorites because of my writing or lack thereof, but because of the subjects themselves blended with Astrology's ability to look under the hood.

In no particular order, here's my Top Seven List ranging from Political Astrology to a snarlyrhyme about a certain politician whose deeds bring cries for Impeachment upon his bald pate:

Spotlight on Mercury: John Edwards (has link to Spotlight on Mercury: Barack Obama--hope to add candidates to this Mercury series in the next week or so, schedule willing.)

Sept 11 2007 Solar Eclipse chart with details--special for its date and Sun's degree from 9/11.

Eugene Debs still speaks convincingly (Debs' life and times remind me of the old film on TV yesterday, Meet John Doe (1941) where Gary Cooper's character begins as the pawn of the Hearst-esque robber baron media and ends by giving them what-for. Yay. Now where's my 2007 John Doe Club?)

America's Winter Solstice 2007 (this post-with-chart is good until Dec 2008--a year's shelf life--and has the Winter Solstice 2006 chart along with a link to Dec 11's Great Conjunction of Jupiter conjunct Pluto post.)

America's 2007 Solar Return (details and comments with link to chart's image published on one of my Gather Pages.)

Using the Moon in Electional Astrology (published at Jude's Threshold--not about political elections but about choosing propitious times to begin things.)

And then-n-n? a few snarlyrhymes were written this year and my fave might have to be Ode to Cheney for its impeachy flavor.

News, whatever that means: my favorite info sources in 2007--again in no particular order--continue to be:

NPR, The August Review, and Huffington Post, with fave political blog: George Washington's Blog for quite obvious reasons (contains much 9/11 info.)

So as 2007 closes up its tattered suitcase, my hope for 2008 is that people like Mike Gravel, with his refreshing honesty, will find themselves ruling the roost in Washington. I know...fat chance, as the pocket lining of Capitol Hill's fatcats continues apace, America's commerical and residential real estate goes to the highest foreign bidder, and the imperialist empire's military industrial complex bankrupts America down to her last penny.

Well, thanks for moseying down memory lane with me, Lone Reader, and wishing a Happy New Year to waylaid America and to the rest of the disappointed World

This blog written, as always, in honor of and hope for:

Aug 3, 2007

a squinty eye on Congress

Because astrologers much prefer to have exact times for setting up charts--whether it's for persons or events--I was happy today to find a Library of Congress website that gives bills, resolutions and their statuses, and the congressional schedule--times noted.

So often we get stuck with "approximately", or "shortly after" the hour, etc...which makes it scintillatingly challenging to use angles, planets, degrees and such to pinpoint a correct time, and all astrologers are accustomed to doing just that esp with rectification work.

Rectifying charts to a correct birth time, for example, while fascinating, is one of the more time-consumimg facets of astrology--how much easier to have the correct time in the first place.

Why no one has given me a heads-up on the existence of this marvelous resource, I don't know, but it should make my charts more accurate as far as congressional shenigans go. Feeling pretty miffed about it, but that will pass...

So...have you met 'Thomas'? Named after Thomas Jefferson, this site has search features for bills, resolutions, for what's happening on the floor NOW--why, it's stunningly helpful for using the time-focused art of astrology. is great for when you need to know What, Who, How, and WHEN (it's the Why that remains highly questionable.)

Oh! And Bush signed the new and improved we're-draconian-so-that-you-don't-have-to-be "Homeland Security" bill today. Yippee.

It's more of America's increasing isolation and police state mentality on the way for John Q. Public as the USA's Secondary Progressed Mars Rx focuses inwardly on the Lunar-named "Homeland" for now more than ever their target is We The People.

Besides--Saturn's "Fatherland" was already taken.