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Showing posts with label police state. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police state. Show all posts

Jun 10, 2013

US Mercury '25Can': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power"

Given my real world schedule, it would be an impossible task to provide in this post a list of current links to articles, videos, and interviews concerning the NSA/PRISM/data-mining/Snowden issues now dominating the 24/7 cycle of the news, and I trust you may find them for yourself as you wish. In fact, such news would be difficult for anyone to miss these days unless they inhabit an underground cave with no Internet connection or phone signal.

And as I always wonder, what should we be attending to when the circus masters of the media say, Look Here, American public! What's going on in an opposite direction that the powers-that-be want us to ignore?

Leaving that question aside for the moment, I wish to further mention notes on America's natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776 @24Can11 = '25Cancer') and its Sabian Symbol as given by both Marc Edmund Jones and Dane Rudhyar. Their word pictures for '25 Cancer' vary slightly and does the Solar Fire symbol used in the title of this post.

"25Can" (MEJ): "A dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder"...DESTINY. Positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; Negative (shadow side--jc): a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania."

(Note the use of "unwarranted presumption" similar to warrantless wiretaps.)

Here's Baraka!

Now let's consider the entire interpretation by Dane Rudhyar for '25Can' = "A Will-Full Man Is Overshadowed By a Descent of Superior Power."

"We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing life's problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in *Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

In this fifth symbol we witness a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner and uncommon ENDOWMENT."

Naturally, with the symbol's "Providential assistance" we are reminded of the Founding Fathers' use of Illuminati symbols upon America's Great Seal, symbols which were placed on the dollar bill under the Franklin Roosevelt administration (he, a Freemason as were many Founding Fathers including numero uno President George Washington)--the pyramid with the floating capstone and the Eye of Providence (or of Horus) that we now know symbolizes total and complete surveillance of the American people and of the entire globe.

E pluribus unum indeed.

Though to be fair, similar symbols had been used by other secret societies besides the Illuminati (May 1, 1776) yet infiltration of other societies has been an oft-used tactic to direct and maintain control over events and outcomes. I believe we see that this is same tactic now used by anti-government types who've infiltrated the US Congress in order to collapse the US government and cull the people in Darwin-esque fashion.

Yes, America's natal Mercury (Rx: inward spying!) is opposed by powerful Pluto Rx in Capricorn, sign of government, law, business (and Saturnian control and restriction) and has been addressed here many times, plus, Pluto's legendary Cape of Invisibility is certainly a large part of our spying picture of manipulation, oppression, and secrecy. When born or founded with a Mercury-Pluto opposition dangerous secrets are dealt with and are sometimes used against opponents when blackmail is deemed a necessary tactic.

*Now Sufi philosophy's concept of the perfect man in some ways seems to tally with Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati theory that man can through reason perfect himself and is in no need of rules, government, religion, etc.

And of course, 'reason' points to The Enlightenment era (the 'Age of Reason') and its planetary significator, the Uranus-Neptune duo. And since I've typed much on SO'W about this combo and its effects that work against society's best interests--meeting in Great Conjunction @'18Cap' as they did three times in 1993 and creating what I at least use as a natal horoscope of the modern-day 'new world order' that now spies on us--I shall add little to the wordage today--except to remind us all of the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' of Uranus-Neptune since it touches upon the topic of this post:

"The Union Jack Flies From a British Warship"...POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers. Keywords: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order." (DR.)

Positive: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches; Negative" (shadow side--jc): "smug or strong-armed paternalism." (MEJ.)

Uranus (progress; technological advances; Science; genius) and Neptune (surveillance, masks, veils, secrecy; the masses; the media) joined forces in 1993 with presidents Bush Sr and Bill Clinton handing them the wrenches with which to destroy the American public's right to personal privacy and thereby fatally wounding our democracy.

May 4, 2013

Remembering the Kent State Massacre of May 4 1970

Since we're now in the contentious throes of the Cardinal Square between generational planets Uranus the rebel and Pluto the wealth manipulator (uprisings, protests, and strikes until 2015--ancient v new), here is an excerpt from my 2010 post concerning the Kent State Massacre of May 4, 1970 with today the tragic event's 43rd anniversary--I remember watching in on TV and despising Richard Nixon:

"Linking 1970 with 2010 is a major factor: the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto midpoint 00Lib06 sitting atop the US natal chart ('Sibly' version: 5:10 pm LMT) which gives us a telling picture worth considering on May 4, 2010, the Kent State Massacre's 40th anniversary, because Uranus and Pluto are in process of squaring off now."

If you're curious, here's the post which shows the May 4, 1970 horoscope with details.

Jul 9, 2012

US July 2012 Progressions Spotlight LIBOR Scandal

July 2012 US Progressions Not a Pretty Picture w LIBOR Implications

by Jude Cowell

In 2006, America's natal Mars turned retrograde by progression. As it 'slowed down' to change from Direct motion to Rx it was what astrologers call, stationary. If ever a non-astrologer (as I assume th author to be!) described America's Secondary Progressed Mars Rx condition and some of its many effects, this would be it.

Here you see a horoscope of America's Secondary Progressions with Mars Rx in SP 2nd house opposite SP Venus in 8th H (2/8 axis of Money, Values, the US Treasury, Corporations, Big Business--you know the affected realms. See the Matt Taibbi interview with Eliot Spitzer, below, concerning the LIBOR scandal; our rage over it will grow as US SP Moon conjoins SP Mars in about two months!) And you know that Mars rules the military, police, and law enforcement--yet the DoJ is AWOL when it comes to corrupt Wall Street and other big bankers and traders yet law enforcement is deployed on the scene more and more when it comes to US citizens' dissent. American citizens being 'policed' with drones is also an outcome of US SP Mars Rx especially with Mars-ruled Aries on US Ic (Domestic Scene; Homeland.)

Please click the chart to enlarge and read a few basic chart factors such as Hour: Moon (changes, fluctuations, and publicity as in Campaign 2012 where image is everything and there's very little substance), and a midpoint picture affecting SP Sun (leader; leadership) which has come into orb with US SP Pluto-Chiron midpoint 8Pis17, the oppressive, corporatist plutocracy duo of vulture capitalists everywhere.

ASC 00Vir38 with Royal Star Regulus rising (success if revenge is avoided--uh oh) shows America morphing from SP Leo rising to the more serious Virgo rising which changes our progressed national chart-ruler from the Leonine Sun (which is never Rx by transit or progression) to Mercury which is, as you see, Rx in the 6th H of Military and Police Service (a growing work sector if you don't mind training to beat down your fellow Americans or occupy other countries), Work, and Health. On the level of Health, Mercury Rx here shows the Affordable Health Care Act under re-view by SCOTUS.

Now this is the same SP Mercury in Aquarius that was apex in a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point) with Neptune sextile North Node which gave us false expectations, and secret arrangements made in order to deceive; Mercury in general describes young people, reporters, bloggers, authors, agreements, trade deals and traders, commerce, speeches, thieves, secrets, and other Mercurial things.

Another disturbing indicator of financial, religious, and political concern is the quindecile (QD; 165 degr) between the duo of Big Banking, Jupiter and Pluto, with Pluto at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Our natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is near US SP South Node, a separative Saturnian point which denotes war, brutality, and hard hard work for Pluto/SN has a Saturn-Pluto tone.

Jupiter is Rx by progression since 1905 when many of our troubles began in earnest as global thugs saw the end of their plan coming nearer to fruition. The banking Panic of 1907 was used to justify the creation of the Federal Reserve System (1910 - 1913) and so a time link is described by the Astrology of it all including the indisputable fact that US SP Jupiter Rx @15Can27 conjoins the natal ASC of...guess which entity?

America's five-pointed Death Star, The Pentagon, our bottomless money pit.

Jupiter QD Pluto paints a picture of an obsessive need for power, control, and success with belief systems, opinions, and religion cynically used as forces for manipulation; ruthlessly gaining advantage is emphasized and major societal shifts are upcoming which must include a transformation of mass consciousness and reordering of perspectives. (Reeves.)

Yes, I am very sorry to report to you both that America's SP horoscope, which shows our nation's evolutionary condition (shown here for July 9, 2012)--as our Founding Astrologers must have seen as they looked into the future--is not in a positive state at the moment and threatens to morph our nation--is in process of morphing our nation--into a financially and spiritually bankrupted police state where total surveillance reigns, and privacy and private property are things of the past. But you don't need an astrologer to tell you this, do you?

LIBOR: like Libra's Mars Rx in a Money House

Below is a discussion on the global bid-rigging that's been practiced for at least ten years by 16 big banks (or more) and issues from the bowels of The City of London (which implicates what Eustace Mullins called The London Connection, the House of Rothschild, the Bank of England, and the British government.) The now spotlighted LIBOR corruption, which affects interest rates on loans and credit cards all over the globe, is simply the latest and probably the greatest of the World Banking Syndicate's crash-the-global-economy projects:

Another view of LIBOR is provided by Robert Reich. Another astrological view of LIBOR may be seen in US progressions with Neptune/MC = NN: sharing bad intentions with others; working with those who share your vision for the future; peculiarities (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

Maybe the rotten-to-the-core revelations of LIBOR will be what Pluto creeping through Capricorn, toppling leaders and destructuring systems, is all about...or, maybe it's just what Mr. Underworld was waiting for as his ruinous methods are now uncovered. Can we expect The System to root out its own worms?

May 29, 2012

Are Local Police Scanning Your License Plate? (video)

US Mars in Gemini turned retrograde by progression in 2006 and its effects continue to turn the energy and action of the police planet, Mars, inward toward the American people, the innocent and the guilty; our national Mars will remain Rx for about 74 more years.

Shhh-h-h! The scanners aimed at your car and collecting data on where you go, how often, and with whom are supposed to be a secret your local police department doesn't want you to know about, you suspicious character you!

Plus, in Minnesota, Americans are being conditioned to see armed National Guard troops patrolling peaceful residential neighborhoods as you can see in this photo. This anti-American-citizen crusade began primarily under the presidency of George W. Bush and continues under President Barack Obama which suggests to me that a Higher Decider is to blame. Well, I've always noticed that the US presidency seems little more than a figurehead and a mouthpiece ("bully pulpit") with little power to make final calls on or changes to what globalists do in their drive to establish world totalitarianism, one of those Pluto-Chiron -isms that decent people love to hate.

In the sidebar of this blog near the top, you'll see three links to America's 'Freedom Documents' which you may wish to read just for old times' sake. But you'd better hurry, they're sinking fast.

So once again, at the risk of boring you, here is the Sabian Symbol for the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron on December 30, 1999 (Clinton!) which melded their oppressive qualities into one. Their conjunction occurred on US natal *Ascendant, the What? Point of any chart and representing America as our Founders designed her to be at the time of the Declaration of Independence:

'12Sag' = "A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows"...ADJUSTMENT:

Positive expression: successful self-establishment through genuine self-expression;

Negative (Unconscious/Shadow Side--jc): idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims.

Hmmm..."unsubstantiated claims" reminds me of how someone has directed the state of Florida to purge suspected non-citizens from their voter rolls in time for Election 2012 and if they toss in the process names of US citizens who have every right to vote, well, too bad. Then may they toss out a few Republicans while they're at it!


*A Lunar Eclipse manifests upon US natal ASC on June 4, 2012 @ '14Sag' (horoscope shown.) Will inconvenient US government secrets come to light? Will they relate to Egypt? '14Sag' = "The Pyramid and the Sphinx." Or, if you prefer the degree rounded up: '15Sag' = "The Ground Hog Looking for Its Shadow." Shadow government, more like.

Source: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.


Links of note:

David Pakman

Thom Hartmann

Democracy Now!

Bill Press

Current TV

Speaking of Current TV, here's the May 4, 2012 gone-viral video of economist Paul Krugman discussing Paul Ryan's tax-the-poor 'budget plan' with host Eliot Spitzer:

Apr 18, 2012

Perhaps the action next week on Capitol Hill concerning the CISPA Draft (that) allows Internet companies to share customer data and communications with the NSA shows rather clearly in the horoscope set for Capitol Hill of the New Moon of April 21, 2012 @ 1Tau35 in 3rd house of Communications.

Not only does the problematic transit of Mars opposite secretive Neptune continue and point toward the North Node (NN), a point of encounter with the public and showing the future path that humanity is embarked upon, but the opposition stimulates America's natal Mars/Neptune square which has so often led the US government into misguided and misdirected actions.

To nose into your Aunt Granny Fanny's emails of photos of her grandchildren and spy on what little Johnny wants for his birthday next year is unconscionable and a massive overreach of US taxpayers' resources as the NSA, Congress, and other agencies and entities use our own money to basically 'strip search' our communications! The waste of such a wide-casting net is difficult to describe much less to fathom its true intent.

Now you know that Mars turned Direct recently at 3Vir40/41 and is in process of trining spymaster Pluto 9Cap32 Rx in 11th H of the April 21 New Moon chart--Mars 3Vir59 is posited in 7th H. So from 7th, 11th, and 3rd houses we have a New Moon (start of a new cycle of activity, as most congressmembers hope) in intolerant, often greedy and possessive Taurus (possessive of our emails and private business!) ruled by an out-of-bounds Venus 14Gem29 ('15Gem' = "Two Dutch Children Talking to Each Other, Exchanging Their Knowledge"--will US citizens' collected data end up in Brussels' Super Computer? Colorado's? Of course this symbol can refer to those of Dutch descent as well.)

So the April 21, 2012 New Moon, Mars, and Pluto are in Grand Trine, a closed circuit of energies which shuts out the public, no doubt. Thing is, the combination of Mars and Pluto indicate potentials for:

conducting clandestine operations, security forces allied with the military, using police and military against criminal elements (like your Aunt Granny Fanny? bosh!), attacks using powerful forces and weaponry, a police state with rigid military controls, use of suppression and torture to enforce policy, wars, mayhem, rape, chaos, and/or exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective. (Munkasey.)

One grave suspicion is that censoring our exportation of political theory is one objective of CISPA bwo the public's emails, newsletters, blogs, articles, websites, etc. Then they can propagandize us even more.

And though Mars/Pluto also links to deviant behavior and to giving in to it, I shall not mention the current Secret Service scandals or other scandals in the news, none of which involve the emails of my Aunt or yours, or indicate that our private communications and photos have anything to do with the lowering of standards at the highest levels of the US government.


April 21, 2012 New Moon 1Tau35 @ 3:18 am edt Capitol Hill; ASC 16AQ37 with veiling, fraudulent Neptune 2Pis37 and Chiron 8Pis31 rising and opposing militant Mars; MC (The Goal) 4Sag18 has NN 5:21 in 10th H showing these new conditions and CISPA legislation on display for all the world to see and for decent people to lament; Venus OOBs of the Earthly plane--doing her own thing--in 4th H of the Foundation of the Matter (4th H = the Germanic sounding "Homeland") with IC 4Gem18...'5Gem' = "A Radical Magazine."

New Moon '2Tau' = "An Electrical Storm"--THE VISITATION. Keynote: the cosmic power able to transform all the implications of natural existence." (Rudhyar.)

Yes, wealthy plutocratic, monarchistic, and popish Pluto in controlling Capricorn relishes being able to transform our natural existence--as he continues working to destroy the US Constitution and our right to privacy with it.


Apr 14, 2012

Economic Tyranny -- Max Igan (video)

In 4 parts here is Max Igan's fascinating presentation, Economic Tyranny:


April 14, 2012 Sabbath, the Seventh Day of the Week:

Though the 'New Age' craze has long been co-opted by one-world-government operatives for false reality purposes, the 'Image for Integration' of today's Sun Aries-Moon Aquarius blend (shared natally by one of my favorite all-time astrologers, Dane Rudhyar) relates rather handily to Max Igan's online work on behalf of Collective Awareness!

"A gallant crusader turns his sword into a computer chip and broadcasts New Age philosophy."

(Image from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Enjoy the video presentation!


Art Note: you're cordially invited to have a peek at one of the pages in my Sketchbook Project 2012 Limited Edition (due in Brooklyn, NY by April 30, 2012!) if you wish!

Apr 13, 2012

Strip-Searching SCOTUS

Another SCOTUS Assault Upon America

Will Americans bah like sheep for yet another outrageous assault from the monarchical Supreme Court Justices who deserve strip-searches of their own for such criminal action against our constitutional principles?

Read The Nation's article on the True Horror of the Florence Decision.

(Sorry but you may have to register or log in to read the article. Poo.)


Important Link: visit Buffet Rule Bill to weigh in on this coming Monday's cloture vote (a vote to agree to vote) on the wealthy paying a higher percentage of their fair share in taxes. And you know you want them to. Note to the 1%: it's okay, you'll still be wealthy.

Jun 4, 2011

Police smash cell phones w our Rights in Miami FL 6.4.11

Now taking a brief break from creating something new today in honor of World Drawing Day 2011 and found a news item that leaves me speechless concerning this fast-forming police state we once called America.

Sounds like their HoSec/Blackwater/Special Forces type of training is paying off for the power elite whose army they be. Or at least a point is being made as with the Jefferson Memorial dance-offs and the resulting over-reactive draconian arrests while the statue of Thomas Jefferson looked on.

So you think you can dance in America? How dare you! Not on the military industrial complex's watch, you can't.

Because as you know, global thugs and plutocrats of the oppressive, primally violent Pluto-Chiron persuasion ain't playin'. Why should they when the midpoint picture energies within the ongoing Saturn/Uranus = Pluto T-Square are still very much in force?

The transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint has reached US natal South Node (SN) @ '6AQ" this year. And that is the position of Neptune (spirituality; mysticism; Divine Source; veils; potential for deception) when the Prophet Muhammad created the world religion of Islam (symbolized by Neptune, planet of oil), and where in the Zodiac nebulous Neptune languished over the world's head on the morning of September 11, 2001. The separative SN is a point showing past behaviors of a neurotic kind.

As a process describing part of a select few's long-term agenda (for they too know the power of Astrology for timing purposes), society now has manipulating, destructuring Pluto in Capricorn (ruled by restrictive Saturn and representing government, law, and business) grasping every controlling puppet string of we-the-trussed as Mr. Underworld lumbers along and eventually reaches his position of July 4, 1776 @ 27Cap33...'28Cap' = "A Large Aviary," a degree given in DeVore's Encyclopedia as: the Exaltation of Mars.

Zealous Mars/Pluto = the Pentagon, the military industrial complex, powerful weapons and those who use or sell them, an overbearing military force, and the strong-arm policing that is on the rise in America.

Jun 1, 2011

Is Strauss-Kahn arrest linked to missing US gold? Midas to US natal Uranus 6.1.11

All the Gold Not in Fort Knox: Midas Conjoins America's Uranus in Gemini

by Jude Cowell

As you know, a partial Solar Eclipse 11Gem02 occurs this afternoon at 5:02 pm edt which 'eclipses' America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 (if you haven't, check out the crisis-ridden YOD pattern pointing to eclipse MC and US natal North Node in Leo.)

Transiting MIDAS, the gold-hoarding archetype, now sits upon US n Uranus and is also 'eclipsed' or spotlighted today so with Gemini the sign of Communications, Trade, Agreements, News - and duplicity - the following information, if correct, demonstrates an eclipse's ability to uncover secrets which has caused my arm hairs to stand up in recognition of what is an even worse financial situation than previously suspected as our government agencies act in league with, or as head of, a global crime syndicate in process of cornering all of Earth's wealth and natural resources.

(See the 4:00 pm UPDATE at the end of this post.)

The report cited reveals that a tremendous amount of criminality is in progress (as everyone knows!) so a major Thank You goes to an astute *reader ('Anonymous') for providing a link to this astounding-if-true story concerning an empty Fort Knox and a US conspiracy against former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn who was arrested at JFK Airport on May 14, 2011 on sex charges. Unless you live under a rock, you couldn't have missed news of his arrest which had soon begun to seem propagandistic to me.

(Not that Strauss-Kahn didn't do what the lady said he did. But it could have presented his detractors with an opportunistic synchronicity for those disgruntled by the 'alarms' he is said to have raised with the Obama administration about non-payment of US gold.)

Now we must 'consider the source' since the report is being touted by Vladimir Putin, yet Russian involvement doesn't make the horrendous details untrue. My guess is that any and all actors and thugs within the global financial system should be considered under suspicion and dangerous until proven innocent of the ongoing heist.

Read Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed for Discovering All US Gold Is Gone which includes mention of Rep. Ron Paul's years of effort to open and audit Fort Knox. But if the report is correct, there's no gold bullion inside to audit.

According to the article, Strauss-Kahn became concerned when (it is said) the US 'began stalling' on its pledged delivery to the IMF of 191.3 tons of gold which was agreed upon in the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement signed by 'the Executive Board' in April 1978 (Jimmy Carter inaugurated on January 20, 1977.)

The payment in gold was to be sold to fund Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) which were set up as "an alternative to what are called reserve currencies."

IMF chief Strauss-Kahn, after becoming alarmed over the US stalling, is said to have been contacted by 'rogue elements' within the CIA (isn't it always the CIA? drug trafficking, assassinations abroad and perhaps at home, etc) who provided 'firm evidence' that all the gold reported to be held in the US 'was gone'.

Now SDRs were invented by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) in 1969 during Nixon's first term 'in support of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system. But two key reserve assets (gold and the US dollar which is now under attack) proved 'inadequate' for 'supporting the expansion of world trade and financial development then taking place'. To me this scenario incriminates the global expansion tactics of the New World Order regime as it claws its way toward a one world government.

Paraphrasing from the above information (click for a better explanation than I can give you): Therefore, the international community decided to create a new international reserve asset under the auspices of the IMF... a few years later, the Bretton Woods system collapsed (1973 during Nixon's second term: is this related to why he was taken down?) and major currencies shifted to a floating exchange rate. Plus, the "growth in international capital markets facilitated borrowing by creditworthy governments."

Pluto Through Capricorn Now Deconstructing World Systems and Governments

And thus, the collapse of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency will result in more propagandizing that a New Economic Order is all that can be done...after the dust settles. Tsk tsk. What a bunch of social engineering liars!

So the Political Theater performed yesterday on Capitol Hill over raising the US debt ceiling or else defaulting on our government's debts which will, it is predicted, crash the global economy, are part of the very same agenda to set up a totalitarianism with institution of a brand new currency (the amero? or an ATM card for better tracking?) now said to be an invention by the Federal Reserve Bank of America.

Related reading: Nazi gold.

Dubya's grandfather Prescott Bush helped fund Hitler in his bid to rule a One World Government.

The August Review which has knowledgeably covered subjects such as gold reserves, the Fed, the IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, CFR, trade agreements, and related topics for years.

May 31, 2011: 40 Signs the Chinese Economy Is Beating the Living Daylights Out of the US Economy.

Rep. Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk.


*Hopefully, Anonymous, your motives are pure and not partisan because Stars Over Washington is devoted to promoting America's general welfare and continuance as a sovereign nation along with my use of Astrology's lens in an attempt at identifying and vanquishing our inner and outer demons. But the fear-promoting imperialistic US government no longer provides a lot of encouragement in those particular areas, does it? jc

American Protest Alert: This Saturday June 4, 2011, Code Pink expects a crowd to show up at the Jefferson Memorial to dance in protest of the recent police state arrests there which proved a sad kick-off to America's much-touted Memorial Day Weekend 2011 (click to see the video of the arrest.)

On a lighter note, here's an Art Heads-Up for those who may be interested: Saturday June 4, 2011 is Drawing Day for 2011 so do join in, if you wish, for it's Special Drawing Rights for all!

UPDATE 6.1.11 4:00 pm edt NYSE: stocks have plummeted 280 points just before the closing bell on this Solar Eclipse afternoon with bank shares taking an especially large hit, NPR reports.

May 28, 2011

Arrests at Jefferson Memorial May 27, 2011 (video)

Looks like Memorial Day Weekend 2011 got off to a rousing start at the Jefferson Memorial, doesn't it? Dance Party at the Tidal Basin?

Meanwhile, the old 'Jefferson rolling over in his grave' adage comes easily to mind especially with his statue towering over the action. And what was that American Uranian word we like to tout at the drop of a baton?

Oh yeah...freedom! Well, Uranus may also inspire radical political movements, protests, and demonstrations, and most anything of a sudden, surprising, or disruptive nature.

Yet to me it seems that someone in charge overreacted. Or was it purposefully overdone to show that the police state ain't playin'?

This one will be filed under For Further Consideration...

May 27, 2011

Is this American justice in Arizona?

After trying several times to add to this blog's sidebar a link to a certain news story under the heading American Police State - and being prevented from doing so by Google's Blogger - I'm adding the article link here: AZ police kill US Marine in botched pot raid.

Wonder what the overlord's objection could be? The word 'pot'? Or the travesty of justice being violently perpetrated by Arizona law enforcement officers against an innocent citizen in his own home?

My sincere condolences go to the wife and small child of our nation's twice-serving in Iraq United States Marine. This you did not deserve.

btw: no 'pot' or other illegal substances were found in the family's home.

Sep 27, 2010

US being molded into a police state

Well, we're back from our weekend in Atlanta and the excellent Dali exhibition at the High Museum of Art. So what do I find as I return to politics and the blogosphere?

It's official: America is a police state, says Dr. Paul Craig Roberts with whom I heartily agree for I believe that the attacks of 9/11/01 have been a signpost along the way.

Look at the engineered Financial Crisis 2008: bankruptcy rates have greatly increased ever since with more home foreclosures lining up in the wings. And what is the Sabian Symbol for the Moon (the people) on the morning of 9/11/01?

'28 Gemini' = "BANKRUPTCY" with the astrological Moon describing a reigning need.

How much clearer could it be that these events are part of an over-arching process to weaken this nation financially and socially and cause we-the-people to plead for a new world order (aka, one-world-government) to 'rescue' us? Some rescue!

The current move to include 'home grown terrorism' on the US government's target and enforcement lists is part of the process toward totalitarianism and world government. Alas, some of us expected and dreaded it when neocon Zionist warhawks usurped the White House in December 2000 (not that Al Gore isn't one of the social engineers, too - perhaps a member of a different faction than Cheney and his ilk.)

And the government proceeds as if everyone trusts that terrorist acts are committed by culprits identified by the US government! Bosh!

So now in 2010, America's becoming a police state should be no surprise to anyone. Our resources have been, after all, used for decades to fund an international police force for the entire world with hundreds of global US military bases at-the-ready.

Besides, you weren't going to use that Social Security check, were you?

Jul 8, 2010

Is US Gulf Coast under military occupation?

Folks who know more about such things than this blogging gnat ever could are saying that military occupation of our Gulf Coast region is underway...more shades of Katrina's aftermath? Part of a process to bring 'change' to America?

Now the majority of Americans are busy going about their daily rounds, taking care of business, and attempting to keep up with bill paying so if they hear this sort of news, military guns seem to be a good idea - for the sake of 'protection' and 'security', as they're propagandized to think.

And we know that US natal Ceres Rx @ 8Pis41 (security needs, issues) conjuncts our natal Pluto/Chiron 8Pis50, the plutocratic duo of oppression, primal violence, nationalism, and other -isms that keep people divided and under control.

But is something more sinister going on on the Gulf Coast? Is the Dobyns version of the US natal chart descriptive of military rule with US natal Mars at Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope? After all, wherever Gemini appears in a horoscope we find duality, multiplicity, and possibly deception, as you know, with Mercury's trickster tendencies having outlet for expression (especially on an angle such as the Mc.)

And the US n Mars/Neptune square places Neptune rising in the Dobyns version of our birth chart as surveillance of US citizens is being ramped up in direct opposition to our country's 'freedom documents'. Dubya did many things in order to set it up with 9/11 as justification and shield, Obama took the baton and is running toward the finish line.

Sometimes I think that Eisenhower's 'warning' about a takeover of a "military industrial complex" was more of a promise than a warning coming from a military General in charge. (Check online and you'll find pages on how 'Eisenhower' was a fake name for a set-up identity! Reminds me of the Obama birth certificate question and it wouldn't surprise me if his identity is fake, sad to say.)

Well, in yesterday's post on the Dobyns chart, I neglected to note (for it's been mentioned here before and a thousand other places) that in 2006, US natal Mars turned retrograde by progression for the first time in US history, a condition which indicates a turning inward of our martian energies (astrological Mars is energy, action, and motivation) so that setting up a police state, riots, protests, strikes, and acts of terrorism - including false flag ops - are bigger potentials now for mainland USA.

Increase of our prison population (especially males) is, of course, likely as the rumors of ramping up of prison and holding pen construction spreads across the land. Well, the US prison system is overflowing already so more building is necessary if you're about to clamp down on dissenters, malcontents, and criminals - the irony being that the elite at the top can be as criminal as anyone - in many cases, more so, for the world is now beset with a win-at-any-cost crime syndicate tentacled across the globe.

Yet one good potential for our Secondary Mars Rx, imho, would be for our troops to withdraw from where they shouldn't have been in the first place. Army boots on holy sand is a picture that's always had something deeply wrong with it.

Anyway, I'll hush now and let you listen to the video, if you will, and will be interested in your opinion on the military occupation of the Gulf Coast issue, if you'll take a mo to leave a comment. Thanks.

(And a special Thanks to Kieron for kindly replying to my previous post's plea! You ask about US Presidents who were Freemasons - the verified lists of members I find tend to end with Gerald Ford. But Clinton is rumored to have links to FM as well as Bush Sr, and the Rhodes Scholarship program may be part of the agenda as may be the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, 'knights' organizations, Shriners, literary groups, and others. Here's a link with some interesting info on the opinions of John Adams and John Q. Adams concerning early Freemasonry, and notice FM George Washington's view about how any institution can be perverted - it's near the end of the page. My thought is that our more recent Presidents have had sense enough - or been warned - to disguise their true affiliations, and/or the organization only releases presidential members' names at some point after they're deceased. Then the rooster crows. jc)

May 26, 2010

US Post Offices with Secret Rooms for Detainment?

It's being reported that US Post Offices across the country are being re-fitted with 'secret rooms' to be used as investigation rooms along with detainment facilities if (when) martial law is declared in America.

The Rx condition of America's Secondary Progressed Mars (as of 2006) would indicate that this is a possibility: when a natal Direct Mars turns Rx by progression, the 'god of war' becomes reactionary and shows the potential for US police and military forces being used on US soil against the people who may - or may not - be enemies of The State.

Is the US government preparing for a national emergency? Or is it creating one where all detractors will be rounded up, interrogated, and held indefinitely?

Click to read the disturbing article and view a blueprint of a Post Office facility in Macon, Georgia, about 2 hours down the road from where I now type. Which means that if I should ever 'disappear' without a trace, my family won't have far to go to look for me. Goody.

Jan 15, 2010

FBI's Most Wanted billboard in Times Square and 1984

Will this be a helpful innovation for society? Or a sign of 1984-esque control and manipulation by the police state?

How odd if the snoots of criminal suspects being splayed across NYC's Times Square provides crooks with a feeling of having 'made it' in popular culture.

Perhaps this tech innovation indicates that Andy Warhol's '15 minutes of fame' is finally being writ large enough for all to see...and fear.

And interestingly, the year 1984 saw two Solar Eclipses, one from the 4 North Series @ 9Gemini, one from 4 South @ 1 Sag:

4N's flavor: a difficult series bringing restrictions, restraints, separations, and illusions; events block, and strength and situations are misjudged.

4S: very strong emotions concerning money or relationships; anger or lust; relationship issues go beyond one's control; can bring a sudden desire to end unions; emotions are blocked or checked in some way resulting in tremendous frustration; avoid rash actions until things settle down (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology .)

Also in 1984 was a Great Conjunction of grand schemers and speculators, Jupiter and Neptune, @ 00Cap01, a World Point where big events tend to manifest. That's why I keep referencing the recent transit of Pluto (god of the Underworld and crime syndicates) as Mr. Invisible, the secret hand, triggered this degree off and on (and is still within orb of influence), and resulted in the following midpoint picture, one astrological factor which unites the much-touted 'Big Brother 1984' with our current times:

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: major adjustment of life circumstances; unreasonable plans; self-projection out of hand. (Tyl.)

Hmmm...'self-projection out of hand'?? Sounds a bit like a techno-billboard of sought suspects hovering over Times Square like a Big Brother-induced method of societal control and fearmongering to me with "high security messages" included.

What do you think?

Mar 31, 2009

Old Bush vs New Obama: as the police state turns



Under the old guy:

"On Monday, March 21, at [a town hall meeting] billed as a "conversation on saving Social Security," I and two friends, Leslie Weise and Karen Bauer, decided to go down and participate in this dialogue. Unfortunately, we were evicted before the President arrived by an as yet unnamed man, because of the content on the bumper sticker of my friend’s car. That bumper sticker said, "No more blood for oil. ... We were parked in the parking lot, stood in line for a half an hour or so, went and sat down in the audience and then were forcibly ejected by a person who was posing as a secret service agent." - Alexander Young April, 2005

One of the latest incidents came when John Sachs, 18, a Johnston High School senior and Democrat, went to see Bush in Clive last week. Sachs got a ticket to the event from school and wanted to ask the president about whether there would be a draft, about the war in Iraq, Social Security and Medicare.. But when he got there, a campaign staffer pulled him aside and made him remove his button that said, "Bush-Cheney '04: Leave No Billionaire Behind." The staffer quizzed him about whether he was a Bush supporter, asked him why he was there and what questions he would be asking the president.. "Then he came back and said, 'If you protest, it won't be me taking you out. It will be a sniper,'" Sachs said. "He said it in such a serious tone it scared the crap out of me."

- Des Moines Register October, 2004

Under the new guy:

"We're going to take questions. All right...Just want to make sure my mike's working here. Here's the deal on questions. First of all, we didn't screen anybody. So there's some people who like me in the audience, some people that don't. Some people agree with me, some people who don't. It doesn't matter. We want to take questions from everybody."

- Pres. Obama, town hall meeting, Elkhart, Indiana Feb, 2009


A shout-out of thanks goes to my friend Alex D'Atria from Modern Astrology who sent along the above information.

Sep 10, 2008

Cindy Sheehan on America and 9/11

Reflections on 9-11

By Cindy Sheehan

Our famous "freedoms" that the terrorists "hated" have been eroded due to the PATRIOT ACT, the Military Commissions Act, and the violent response to protest from our robo-clad police state.

Feb 14, 2008

Bob Barr on "Real ID" Act

Remember Bill? Bill of Rights?

Real ID Act a Real Intrusion On Rights, Privacy

By Bob Barr

If, as proposed in the law, a person must have a Real ID Act-compliant card in order to access a federal building, access any regulated or interstate mode of transportation, or obtain any federal benefit, then we have surrendered to the federal government (that is, federal bureaucrats) the power to deny citizens all manner of activities guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

ICH has full article here.

Feb 13, 2008

Guantanamo to Main St USA

Rape By Any Other Name

Guantanamo Comes to Main Street USA

By Mark A. Goldman

~~Warning: This Article Contains Very Disturbing Video~~

They say that the difference between how democracy in Europe has evolved compared to that of the United States is that in Europe the government is afraid of the People whereas in the United States the People are afraid of the government. That's a dangerous state of affairs and it looks like it's going to get worse.

Informatiom Clearing House has Goldman's article and video here.

Feb 8, 2008

Martial Law: before November?

News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 8, 2008

All items are here:LegitGov Breaking News

'They have permission to 'shoot to kill' in the event of martial law.' The FBI Deputizes Business By Matthew Rothschild Feb 7, 2008:

Today, more than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The members of this rapidly growing group, called InfraGard, receive secret warnings of terrorist threats before the public does--and, at least on one occasion, before elected officials... One business executive, who showed me his InfraGard card, told me they have permission to "shoot to kill" in the event of martial law... This business owner says he attended a small InfraGard meeting where agents of the FBI and Homeland Security discussed in astonishing detail what InfraGard members may be called upon to do...

"Then they said when--not if--martial law is declared, it was our responsibility to protect our portion of the infrastructure, and if we had to use deadly force to protect it, we couldn’t be prosecuted," he says.#

Jude's Threshold now has a Page with the chart of the Aug 1, 2008 Solar Eclipse (10 South Series) which I will be updating with more details as time permits.

You'll see in the chart that on August 1 this Eclipse is RISING in Washington DC at 6:12:30 am edt. And boy is it. Plus, this is the Pre-natal Eclipse of the November elections so we'll want to keep our eyes on it.