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Jul 30, 2019

America, Trump, and Eclipses in The New Millennium

On June 21, 2013 the New Millennium Horoscope with chart details and snarky comments (as usual) were published here on SO'W. Feeling this is fair since politics and politicians so often engage in snarkiness themselves, I shall again post the New Millennium Horoscope now that Donald Trump is on the political scene and will add his planetary links to the chart which, imho, are revealing concerning current topics and events in America 2019 under the haphazard 'leadership' of chaos-lover Trump and the swamp creatures he's installed in order to hollow out and transform the US government. As I hope you can see, Trump's natal planets are highlighted in lavender around the outside of the chart and a few solar eclipse notes (highlighted in red) are also entered upon the chart, upper right. Note that the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap07 activates the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the New Millennium so the themes of 2 South and 3 South and their similar events may or may not transpire as 2019 ends and our days fade into 2020. Eclipse themes are like computer programs running in the background of our lives, some stronger than others!

(Please enlarge the image; this is only a partial reading of the chart in order to keep things brief.)

History Rhymes Again for Eclipses Affect History

Of course, if we use history as a guide and the mistakes of the past as our teacher we might consider events of the years in which solar eclipses in these two Saros series occurred (aka, 'cosmic time links'). For 2 South they are: 1910, 1928, 1946 (Herr Trump is born), 1964, 1982 (the year of a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @27Lib36--our current Airy cycle until January 12, 2020), {2000}, {and recently on Jan 5, 2019 @15Cap25 = the 116th Congress--'joining unusual new groups'}. For 3 South the years are: 1911, 1929 (no one likes 1929 for obvious economic reasons), 1947, 1965, 1983, 2001, and {December 26, 2019: coming soon to a Christmas near you).

As for Trump's planetary links to the New Millennium chart, his natal Mercury (8Can51) tweets and propagandizes across the globe at its Midheaven, the most visible Angle in any horoscope and The Goal Point. Rising we find Trump's speculating, inflating, grand-scheming trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter stationary and we don't need Astrology to describe the pompous, air-filled, conman administration of kleptocrats under which we languish while Herr Trump separates families, cages children, and makes his white supremacist loyalties plainly known. (Expressing through his deal-making Mercury in Cancer, sign of tribalism, patriotism, nationalism, self-protection, homeland, children...and business interests.)

And there in 3rd house you see wounded Chiron @22Sag33 conjunct Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction--so tender, so emotionally sensitive...and wounded to the core. Does wounding and harming children now make him feel better about his childhood Mama issues of estrangement and neglect? Did she cage little Donald or simply feel like doing so? From what I've heard, he was a terror (then as now).

Meanwhile, in the chart's 8th house of Corporatism, status quo Saturn Rx @24Tau34, the 'papa planet' of authority, authenticity, responsibility, and accountability, sits upon Trump's natal Midheaven where enraged Algol twinkles malevolently--and the "angry father" appears. Of course, this reveals that around the time of the New Millennium, transit Saturn in luxury-loving, intolerant Taurus conjoined Trump's natal MC and entered his 10th house of Career and Public Status, a period when hard work pays off (if there's been any!). However, blaming others for one's mistakes and failures will ultimately lead to deep regret and an eventual lack of success. This is particularly the case if power and authority have been abused and/or misused and a position of authority ill-handled--just what demanding Saturn never orders.

So not only was Trump old enough to know better in 2000 and 2001, he's way-y-y old enough to know better now. But sadly, old man Saturn's lessons of maturity and taking responsibility for one's actions (and correcting mistakes of the past) went unheeded by the New York Playboy then and in 2019, opportunities for personal improvement have long since passed him by, leaving a disappointed America with a fat blob of a man-baby in Saturn's wake as thespian Trump playacts the authoritative position at the helm of our nation. And he thought it would be "easy"!

Jul 27, 2019

Planet Mars on Trump's Mind - and natal Ascendant

July 27, 2019: As the steamy month of August 2019 approaches and transit Mars in Leo nears a return to its position in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump (August 11 @26Leo46), the hazy focus of his nibs includes NASA's proposed Mars Mission which necessarily must include a stop-over on Earth's Moon. Yet Trump wants to go directly to Mars, no stop-overs and no safety measures. If this sounds to you like a brash, impatient dumblehead know-it-all with only a superficial understanding of space travel and the science behind it who was born with Mars Rising, then we're on the same page in the Trump department.

Now as you know, the Ascendant is considered by astrologers to be the most important point in a natal chart and represents the Physical Body and, in a word, The Self. So in the case of Trump, his Self is Mars, the planet of energy, action, motivation, and desire. (Please note that yours truly would be happy to contribute a modest amount to a Mars Mission Fund if it will help send his nibs directly into outer space, and as far as I'm concerned, Big T can claim ownership of the mineral, water, and any other lucrative rights the alluring red planet promises. After all, red ties, red planet here he comes!)

So what does Trump's Mars-Ascendant duo promise its owner and how does he express its combined energies in the external world? Let's see if we can recognize the combative, enemy-seeking Herr Spanky in any of the descriptions below:

In A Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin states that Mars-Ascendant denotes "a fighting spirit." Check! But there's more, both positive and negative, and I quote:

"Psychological Correspondence: + Tendency to force one's own will upon others, ability to lead or guide resolutely, active teamwork. - A fighting and aggressive spirit with regard to others. A quarrelsome person, inclination to become physically violent. C Advancement in life by the use force." Well, yes. No matter what it costs or how much cheating it takes.

Ebertin continues...

"Biological Correspondence: Prone to accidents. A surgical operation. Sociological Correspondence: Colleagues and coworkers. Bullies and ruffians." Peep-eye!

"Probable Manifestations: + Tendency to drive and push others to get on with their work, successful creative activity in teamwork, forceful attainment of success. - Quarrels conflicts, disputes." Constant quarreling and vicious insults! Yet as most people know, cheating isn't actually winning, it's stealing.

Then the fact that Trump was born with enraged star, screaming Algol, conjunct his Taurus Midheaven visibly adds fuel to his fiery Mars-ASC nature of a roaring lion made more vengeful and threatening by his negative, retaliatory use of royal star Regulus rising. Wonder if Big T ever carries a weapon (Mars) on his person (ASC)? No surprise, if so. If not, his mouth is probably lethal enough for most if not all opponents.

So naturally, being easily provoked to anger and having tendencies toward trouble-making and arsonist behavior can be parts of the Mars-Ascendant combination so now let's consider a few of Michael Munkasey's insights into the testosterone-driven pairing for further information:

"In Relationships: How you evaluate others for their ability to keep up with you physically; urge to show anger toward others; an impulsive shifting mental focus from event to event; scattered energies. With Body or Mind: Pressure or heat within the ocular fluids" (staring directly at the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse can't be good for this!); "elevated blood pressure caused by (the) environment." How could it not be elevated at his weight and with his hot temperament?

"Thesis: a well-trained military and an active armament industry; an ability to focus sharply on the business needs of industry" (always transactional!). "Antithesis: leaders who don't have the will or energy to mobilize their resources productively" (troops sent to the southern border? dreams of vanity-inspired military parades? diverted military funds to build a stupid non-effective if lucrative wall?); "a poorly prepared defense or war making capability" (cyber warfare and 2020 election hacking?); "focusing the efforts of an enterprise upon its energy or armament needs." Why, war profiteering is one of Herr Spanky the Martian's favorite cups o' tea!

Now in closing, here's a view of the natal chart of Donald Trump but please heed a small warning: penned on are the natal planets of Mike Pence sucking up around the outside with planetary contacts of the two men noted. Spy more links between them if you dare!

Previously on SO'W: Is There a Silver Lining for Trump in 2019? in which transit Nemesis comes to call upon Trump's natal Ascendant (29Leo) after aggravating natal Mars and goosing royal Regulus and the star's 'avoid taking revenge' caution with a nasty little karmic tickle.

Jul 25, 2019

August 2019: Time Again for a Trump Mars Return

Astro-Notes on a Martian Combatant: Energy, Action, Motivation, and Desire

by Jude Cowell

First off, in the 2019 Solar Return Horoscope of Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) quite a bit of Mars action is shown (exs: Mercury-Mars = NN: quarrels; Mars conjunct starry Alphard: legal and love problems--especially nasty when malevolent Mars is involved with this star which contains the potential for poisoning of some kind.) Understandable given his White House tenure, his many opponents, and his contentious, retaliatory, and determined nature so obvious via natal Mars in Leo rising with royal Regulus, among other factors of discontent, egotism (me-first!), and greed.

Then in Trump's current Mars Return Horoscope (August 31, 2017; 26Leo46) undermining Neptunian energies are prominent as mysteries, secrets, leaks, scandals, lies, deception, illusions, disguises, propaganda, and outright fraud continue to mar the landscape while Trump's true 'character' is more and more revealed, warts and all, as they say. Plus, every Mars Return is a Mars-to-natal-Ascendant transit for Donald so his 'fighting spirit', nose-thumbing at opponents and challengers, and temper tantrums may be particularly volatile in August.

And so, as his 2017 Mars Return runs its course, a new 2-year cycle of activity will begin for his nibs on August 12, 2019 when transit Mars returns to its position in Trump's natal horoscope (26Leo46). I'm looking at his Mars Return 2019 horoscope set for Washington DC, the location a symbolic choice on my part since he'll most likely be out puttering around in a golf cart somewhere during the steamy month of August and fudging his golf scores the way a cheater would do.

(Note: Trump's Mars Return 2019 chart is not shown here because I'm on the fussy side today and don't care to display it, however, the following text mentions several of the return chart's basic and more prominent features--you'll discover more, I'm certain.)

Donald Trump's Mars Return 2019: There He Goes Again

Mars @26Leo46 August 12, 2019 11:27:04 pm edt Washington DC: Hour of Saturn (@14Cap55 Rx in 9th house with South Node 17:25, Pluto @21Cap12 Rx, and the Moon @23Cap52 conjunct MC and Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51) of fated encounters so perhaps this foreshadows the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 conjunct the natal Vertex of his nibs. Also note that his Mars Return MC @24Cap07 points directly toward the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 and issues, secrets, revelations, and/or scandals on Trump's calendar around that time, not long past, most likely concerning the Saturn/Capricorn realms of control, authority, accountability, law, investment, business, and government. It will be interesting to see how or if Robert Mueller's testimony yesterday affects any or all of these Trumpian issues as Summer 2019 proceeds into Autumn.

Now rising in the Mars Return 2019 chart is 11Tau03 which makes the chart-ruler Venus (@19Leo48 in 5th house with Sun 20Leo07 and Mars 26:46). Evaluating if venal Venus is disposited by the Sun which is in its own sign of Leo, plus, with Return Mars, the trio shows much egotism, willfulness, quarrels, fighting, and venality in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creativity, Romance, and Children. Knowing Mars-rising Trump as we regretfully do, acts of vengeance cannot be ruled out, and a Taurean Ascendant can bring up concerns over real estate, land ownership (ex: farmers and ranchers near the border), security, growth, avarice, obstinacy, cravings, egotism, intolerance (bigotry), and pomposity. Sounds a lot like Spanky, doesn't it?!

Now chart-ruler Venus makes only one Ptolemaic aspect in the Mars Return 2019 chart--a conjunction with Mars (6A57), both in 5th house of Romance and Gambling and suggesting Big T's desire for whatever or whomever 'catches his eye'. Working with partners and/or allies can be pleasurable during a Venus-to-Mars transit for this lazy fellow, and an appreciation for beauty and for luxurious travel may be prominent (particularly since he's a spoiled boy who expects such indulgences). Also note that Mars rules the 7th house of the chart (Desc 11Sco03) so legal affairs can also be affected and increase Trump's 'lady troubles' with additional 'open enemies' and/or lawsuits coming forward--and perhaps his children are involved (Venus-to-Mars 5th h). Plus, with just-turned-direct Jupiter (14Sag30 on August 11) in the 8th house of Shared Resources, pay-outs and pay-offs are distinct possibilities as transit Jupiter picks up speed.

In addition, 'martyr' Trump will continue feeling oppressed by others and will tend to misjudge people while forming ill-advised alliances (so what's new, right?) - he may even 'suffer loss via collusion' (no kidding--'collusion' is actually the word Rob Pelletier uses in his Planets in Aspect for this return chart's Moon-Mars inconjunct (2A53)!)

So in closing, mention should be made that the Aries-Libra relationship axis is intercepted across the 6-12 victim-savior polarity (Washington DC) hinting that there are karmic issues to be dealt with and lessons to be learned for Martian Trump over the next approximately two years of this Mars Return 2019 period. And curiously, the Vertex in his Mars Return 2019 chart is thus intercepted as well within the service-oriented 6th house @18Lib24--conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter Stationary (17:27), the boundary-breaker, which suggests that there are multiple fated issues--financial, diplomatic, medical, and otherwise--which must be confronted and addressed for best results if the scofflaw-in-chief is to enjoy any best results at all.

Jul 24, 2019

The Most Important Moment in Robert Mueller's Testimony! - clip

July 24, 2019: former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified today with the proceedings opening at 8:30 am edt just as royal Regulus arose over the Capitol Building Washington DC (as the star also does in the natal chart of a vengeful Donald Trump). Here are some thoughts about today's hearings from Jefferson Smith ably filling in for Thom Hartmann:

Of course you know that today's timing (8:30 am edt in DC) with Regulus rising places enraged star Algol of Medusa fame at Midheaven, the WHY? and/or Goal Point of any horoscope which echoes Trump's natal Midheaven conjunct Algol so my suspicion is that his nibs found several things to be simply furious about today in spite of what he might tweet as he (erroneously) claims 'exoneration'!

Jul 20, 2019

Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full Video)

It's been ages since yours truly mentioned the following exhaustive overview of esoteric Washington DC, the Federal City's stars, and astrological and Masonic symbolism, architecture, goddesses, 23 Zodiacs, Founding Freemasons, Templars, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and other hermetic topics and visuals--and a long time since I posted on such intriguing subjects myself. But since I'm currently in process of re-watching (Mercury Rx!) a certain 3-hour-plus presentation myself, I want to share it with any SO'W reader who may be Mercurial enough to be curious!

Secrets in Plain Sight was created and published in 2011 by author and researcher Jan Irvin of LogosMedia (formerly Gnostic Media). The breadth of it is quite astounding!

Update 2020: Link to Secrets in Plain Sight.

Related Astro-Posts include: Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City 1791; Our Federal City's Upcoming Progressed Full Moon (January 2024); The Horoscope on Washington DC's Einstein Statue; and, Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election Cycle.

Jul 19, 2019

July 30, 2019 Democratic Debate Detroit, Michigan

Image: July 30, 2019 Democratic Debate 8:00 pm edt Detroit, Michigan.

As the Democratic Debate schedule shows, the next match-up between Democratic candidates will be held July 30, 2019 at 8:00 pm edt (5:00 pm pdt) in Detroit, Michigan. The first night's debate list includes Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, Bullock, Delaney, Hickenlooper, Ryan, and Williamson. Second night (July 31) it's Biden, Harris, Booker, Castro, Yang, Benet, de Blasio, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Gov. Inslee. Both debates are being held prior to the New Moon of July 31, 2019, a seeding of new ideas and plans, yes, but New Moons suggest darkness when things go bump in the night. Around the time of a New Moon is not the best time for activities that need publicity, however, the fact that the July 30th debate begins during a Lunar Hour promises some measure of public notice.

And of course, New and Full Moons are capable of affecting earthly events in similar Uranian fashion to Solar and Lunar Eclipses by disrupting and/or bringing new directions along with the possible uncovering of secrets, scandals, and/or inconvenient facts.

Of course, fulfillment and culmination of such New Moon ideas and plans, many of which will be mentioned during the July 30 and 31 Democratic debates, will occur on or around the Full Moon of August 15, 2019 @22AQ24. Obviously, these July-into-August lunations fall across the Self-Will Leo-Aquarius axis as does America's Nodal axis of destiny (July 4, 1776) with Aquarius at its best the sign of humanitarianism which continues to attach more to the Democratic Party than to the reactionary Republican-turned-Trumpian Party.

Now as you see in the above horoscope, communicating, debating, negotiating, message-bringer Mercury Rx @24Cancer (here ruling the 5th, 6th, and 8th houses) is in process of performing its annual US Mercury Return (24Can11) with all that that implies (US Mercury oppo Pluto Rx). This Mercury Return is a 'three-fer': 1. June 20; 2. July 29; and the third and final conjunction to natal position on August 3, 2019. This period contains off-and-on Neptune trines to our Mercury (intuitive ideas and insights) and Pluto oppositions to it (a 'natal echo' for America) suggesting that info or intel may be misused, and greater control is sought over communications--and including issues of sex against minors. Certainly obsessions and mental manipulation are spotlighted by Mercury-Pluto, plus, we have the 3 North Solar Eclipse energies of July 2, 2019 running in the background with its 'obsessive' theme and 'news transforming a situation' - news that possibly involves young people (Brady). As it has. There's also a Sun-Pluto quindecile in the chart, another US natal echo of ruthlessness and an intense drive to gain power and control. Who do you suspect wants the Democratic nomination more?!

Please enlarge the image because marked on the chart, lower left, is a note about chart-ruler Saturn's lack of applying Ptolemaic aspects which places focus on Saturn Rx's sign, degree, and house position--rising with Pluto Rx and foretelling of their Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46. That Moon (the public) and Mercury are opposed here by this upcoming karmic conjunction (8:00 pm edt in the 12th house of Karma and Politics) hints at the difficulties already felt in the social and political environments and the harsh measures taken by the Trump 'administration' toward children (Mercury) and women (Moon). Such topics are sure to be mentioned during the July 30th debate perhaps early in the evening but if not, they should be. Perhaps the Kite pattern of high-flying success will provide positive energies with the Moon (We the People) as its tail.

But before anyone flies away we should note that the Saturn-Pluto combination of energies also relates to financial matters and to various levels of constriction and compression so we may expect that Senator Elizabeth Warren (she the Moon?) will have the perfect opportunity to discuss America's financial condition and her proposals ("I have a plan") as she attempts to wrest the lead in the 2020 Campaign from Senator Bernie Sanders in the July 30th debate and thereafter.

Yet in closing we must also give a shout-out to Jupiter Rx still leading a Locomotive pattern (of the high-powered executive) - strong in his own sign, yes, but weakened by his retrograde condition (turning Direct August 11). Is this boundary-breaker Donald Trump? My suspicion is that yes, it is, and his empty promises, falsehoods, and propaganda (moneybags Jupiter the politician and broadcaster) continue to affect our public discourse by hideously distorting what should be a democratic American agenda by, for, and of We The People.

If you wish a look back at the previous June 2019 Democratic Debates try my Moon-Tracking post for these were the first and as such they set the tone for the whole Democratic Party enchilada.

Jul 17, 2019

Can Trump Go Too Far or Will Racism Get Him Reelected - Thom Hartmann

My answers: yes he can and has and I hope and pray not.

As you know, Pluto now trods through Saturn-ruled Capricorn (sign of government, law, business), a placement with the disturbing potential of "the dictator" (Ebertin). Power planet Pluto is associated with racism and primal violence along with other -isms (exs: Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, birtherism, nativism, patriotism, nationalism--all exploitative in their various ways). Actually, I tend toward more specificity for evils such as racism by considering the duo of Pluto-Chiron and note that the rise of white 'supremacy' and other racist issues have been purposefully ramped up by social meddlers before and since the dawn of this 'New Millennium' and are 'inspired' in part by the December 30, 1999 Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron @11Sag22 conjunct what many astrologers consider to be America's natal Ascendant (12Sag). So Pluto-Chiron-R-Us in some measure--apparently about 30% or more of the US population in 2019. Why they prefer such darkness I do not know but I know that things do not have to be that way, so says the majority!

Now the Pluto-Chiron cycle is approximately 60 years in length and relates to the Collective Unconscious and the "manifestation of a mass need seeking an outlet at a particular time in history." (R. Nolle). During their cycle, at the squares and oppositions, "fierce conflicts" and "tension" are experienced so today with Pluto @21Cap Rx and Chiron @5Aries Rx we find their first square upcoming at some future point in time.

And as for Donald Trump and politics, here's an informative segment from Thom Hartmann posted July 15, 2019 concerning the racism of Donald Trump (and his ilk); the 1999 Pluto-Chiron Conjunction Horoscope is shown, below:


If you wish, please enlarge the following chart image to read my study notes; prominent is Pluto's agent, Mars @26AQ22 as apex of two midpoint pictures: harsh Saturn-Pluto (assault, brutality, ruthlessness; a gun with a cork in its barrel) and Mercury-Jupiter (the execution of plans; oratory). A cosmic time link is shown by this Mars directly opposing the natal Mars of Donald Trump (26Leo rising) which brings him into the picture on a personal level and reminds us that the Saturn-Pluto-Mars trio resonates all too well with Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto (brutality, bodily harm, murder, deaths of many people--Ebertin). It's the deepest part of him.

Then on January 12, 2020, fuel is added to any and all fires when Saturn and Pluto combine their karmic energies in Great Conjunction @22Cap46--conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters and/or changing work conditions.

So highlighted in green on the chart are some of Trump's natal placements. Plus, you see the Pluto-Chiron conjunction's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @18Leo21 (in 8th house) from the 1 North series which manifested as the 'King of Alarm' (or, 'Terror') Eclipse of Nostradamus fame (aka, 'The Mother of All Eclipses') and heralded the New Millennium. The next 1 North eclipse repeated as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo--conjunct royal Regulus and Trump's natal Ascendant. As you know, its path of visibility split America into two halves, North and South--just like Trump tries to do. Plues, eclipses have the ability to activate fixed stars when they conjoin, you know, into either positive or negative manifestation and my personal view is that we as a Collective now suffer from the negative expressions of a vicious Donald Trump attempting to take America down with him as he goes and daily expresses 1 North's stressful themes of "information is distorted and possibly false" and "unexpected events" (Brady), events and lies through which the saboteur 'rules' by chaos.

Jul 16, 2019

Jan 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse: "A Prima Donna Singing"

As you've noticed, the very first eclipse in 2020 is the Lunar Eclipse of January 10, 2020 @20Can00:13 (Saros #144), a critical degree which conjoins fixed star Castor (to write or create; sudden fame or loss; murder). Additionally on January 10th, the Moon rises with Castor's twin star, Pollux (cruelty; danger of disgrace; the occult; astrology). Please note that these are general potentials of the two stars and are not for a reader's personal application--please consult your chart or your personal astrologer for such information!

In Washington DC, the January 10th Lunar Eclipse perfects at 2:21:11 pm est during a Mercury Hour (changes) with Mercury @20Cap06 out-of-bounds (OOBs) yet by degree conjunct the Sun. Quite a full 8th house, as you see, when the chart is set for DC. Two days later (January 12th) karmic Saturn and Pluto meet in Great Conjunction @22Cap46 and as we've previously discussed, Donald Trump's natal Vertex @22Cap51 will be greeted by Saturn and Pluto's compressed energies. Therefore, fated encounters and/or changing work conditions are distinct possibilities for his nibs and thus for the American people.

In the realms of Politics and Business, turmoil in rigid or older systems and upsets in existing checks and balances are on the Saturn-Pluto to-do list, however, we're already experiencing such things under the wacky 'tutelage' of the racist, sexist, klannish Donald Trump whose roots are of the Germanic persuasion. If he's still kickin' around the White House in early January 2020 (as I suspect although it would be much better if he'd go back where he came from), he'll continue such activities as: hoarding resources, considering methods for destruction or removal, making secret preparations for future restrictions, and/or trying to keep his affairs private or not open to scrutiny (Munkasey).

So as you see, Mercury in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is chart-ruler and makes two applying Ptolemaic aspects in the Lunar Eclipse chart (penned on, lower left). First The Messenger (and planet of puers and puellas) conjoins Saturn (2A26) denoting how things may issue from this eclipse: negotiations and discussions may be hindered, restricted, or delayed, mutual planning might be frustrated, impasses or stalemates occur, and/or treaties are difficult to manage or debate; advice may be sought or given, serious meetings are held, and/or preparation becomes an important issue. Some indication of computer programming may be involved, perhaps in the form of hacks and/or leaks--and besides, all eclipses are 'wild cards' that tend to uncover secrets, disrupt events, and prompt changes of direction in similar fashion to erratic Uranus--especially Lunar Eclipses which are awareness-producing Full Moons.

Then soon Mercury conjoins Pluto (2A36) suggesting that ideas, information, and communications relate to how to gain more power and control, finances and investments may be involved, plus, secrets, intel, and propaganda are on someone's menu. Even orbital weapons and/or communications satellites may turn up as topics in the public discourse, or in private.

Now with the eclipsing Moon opposing Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, and the Sun and the Moon in a mundane chart representing the people and the public, what is suggested here? Lunar signs point toward potentials for: head vs heart, altering facts to suit the public mood (which is Cancerian = protection of home, family, food supply, homeland, business), indecision or vacillation, and/or someone who talks too much but says very little of substance (ex: politicians--and one in particular). Practical vs theoretical economics may be involved (a full corporate 8th house, too, with expansive Jupiter conjunct South Node (lack of popularity; limited funds) in restrictive Capricorn and there's difficult fixed star Facies nearby (ruthlessness or the victim). Note that with Moon opposing Pluto, criminal elements and violence are also suggested along with misuse of resources. Again, we've experienced such things already via Trump and his cronies, mob-connected and otherwise.

My suspicion is that very few Americans are holding their breaths for his nibs to install "the best people" in government for who with qualifications would take the risk after what we've seen? And Trump obviously never intended to make improvements, only to tear down. In fact, his efforts at sabotage have hollowed out the US government just as his handlers and enablers directed while allowing infesting infiltrators their run of the place for spoils and plunder (see the description of SO'W under its title, above--written in 2005: yes, I've been in a snit of miffdom for years over what criminals 'have done with the place'...our America, and I dissent because I care).

The rounded-up Sabian Symbol for the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @21Cancer: "A Prima Donna Singing"...'Keyword: EXCELLENCE...positive expression: an overflowing richness of self through its full command of its own deep and genuine potentials; negative expression: superficial affirmation and unseemly display' (Jones). I suggest you decide which is most often expressed (and tweeted) on behalf of Washington DC Politics these days.

Now there are a few other things I wish to include in this post then I'll hush and leave the chart/s to you, dear reader. One curious factor is unaspected Uranus @2Tau38 stationing and set to quirkily turn Direct in 6 hours 26 minutes. Plus, evaluating Venus and radical rebel Uranus, The Witness, are in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms) with 10th house Venus visible @28AQ23 (conjunct our 1776 Moon, more or less: harmony, sociability, romance?). So disruptive Uranus in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing makes no aspect to other planets, therefore its genius and inventiveness are only operable in the 12th house; brief spurts of nervous energy (ex: tweeting) may be noticed along with discontent and restlessness, plus, Uranus' natural tendency toward detachment, independence, and insistence on freedom of action are sharpened here via isolation behind the scenes. Is this an intriguing cosmic picture of witnesses testifying from or toward the secretive 12th house of Hidden Enemies? And possibly feminine witnesses in the form of Lady Venus? For or against Trump? We can't know for certain until or if such testimony is given. Or tantalizingly obstructed, as the case may be.

But one thing is certain: that Uranus in Mercurial Gemini in natal 10th house is the oriental, or guiding, planet of Donald Trump and its tendencies are definite considerations in relation to the January 10, 2019 Lunar Eclipse chart with Uranus unaspected, for it echoes Trump's chaotic, 'freedom-loving' style of so-called 'leadership' and his love of disrupting everything around him and beyond.

To close, here is a DC Horoscope of the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse chart's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which perfects on December 26, 2019 @4Cap06:

If you wish, check out a previous post with astro-notes concerning the above 'Christmas' 2019 Solar Eclipse. Basically, from late 2019 into 2020 and beyond, our Cancer-Capricorn security issues are distilled or compressed within the 4-to-23-degree range of the two Cardinal signs (and squaring Aries-Libra) and nearby our US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition creeping, surveilling, and monitoring 24/7.

Related: US Mercury-Pluto opposition to be 'hit' by Saturn and Pluto. And for more star info see Anthony Louis' book Horary Plain and Simple.

Above image may not depict a prima donna but she is my drawing Singer in Blue.

Jul 14, 2019

Nancy Pelosi 2019: Neptune conjunct natal Mercury

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (official portrait; public domain) was born in Baltimore, Maryland on
March 26, 1940, birth hour unknown
(RR: X). In such cases, it is typical to set up a natal horoscope using '12:00 pm' and when this is done, Speaker Pelosi's natal Mercury Rx is positioned @17Pis07 and natal Neptune Rx @23Vir49, in wide opposition.

Today I mention Mercury and Neptune, not because of Trump's vastly problematic square between his Mercury in Cancer and Neptune in Libra but because two transits now affect Speaker Pelosi's Mercury and Neptune and both denote periods when being vulnerable to deceit or deception are increased, even predictable: transit Neptune to natal Mercury (3x, third conjunction on or about February 2, 2020) and transit Jupiter square natal Neptune (3x, third square on or about November 3, 2019).

During such transits rational thinking may be hard to attain, grasping reality a concern or a goal, and sticking to an agenda can be difficult. Inspiration increases and high ideals may prosper, it's true, but given that she is in her seventies (as is Trump and other politicians holding on to the their power with all their considerable might!) it seems appropriate to keep an eye on such deceptive transits since the ideals and perceptions (true ones or false) of all politicians inform policies and laws which have major impact on us all. Plus, both Pelosi and Trump were born under the influence of Mercury-Neptune aspects, a similarity that suggests potentials for dreaminess, illusions, and deception--his internal (square), hers external (opposition).

Of course, a strong natal Saturn can mitigate such tendencies (as can other more realistic placements, plus, positive transits and progressions) and I'd trust Pelosi's Saturn in earthy, practical Taurus over Trump's Saturn in watery, emotionally defensive Cancer any day.

So since Speaker Pelosi's natal Mercury opposes her natal Neptune, she is in process of experiencing a generational transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing Neptune in Virgo. This transit may not affect her personally but if it does, some form of persecution may be vaguely felt as generational ideals are pitted against one another.

Sounds much like Speaker Pelosi's tussles (some say "widening gap"--very Neptunian) with AOC and the rest of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), doesn't it?

Jul 12, 2019

Trump Reducing Interest Rates to be Re-elected (w/ Richard Wolff)

Now when it comes to acing the November 2020 Election in order to grab himself a second term, Donald Trump and his enablers have many tactics up their sleeves to game the outcome, tactics both foreign and domestic. One such ploy is discussed here by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann and economist Richard Wolff but imho, like the few positive things Geminian Trump proposes or does as he playacts the role of POTUS, such an idea coming from him is most likely to be light on substance and full of fluff:

For a variety of program segments, interviews, and more check out Thom's YouTube Channel.


DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020.