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Mar 18, 2020

Crisis and the June 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope

Tiger by the Tail, a 4 North Eclipse, and A World in Crisis

by Jude Cowell

March 18, 2020: In a January 1, 2020 SO'W post we considered the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope, re-published here:

But that was before the CoronaVirus ("COVID-19") crisis stepped into the spotlight as a global contagion and now we find that a vicious, deadly assault upon civilization has begun. Plus, a cruel new phase of cyber war has been launched and threatens various institutions, industries, and organizations, both medical and otherwise. Nothing new, just more problematic for ill patients and the doctors and hospitals who treat them.

Are hackers susceptible to COVID-19? Of course! Everyone is.

Summer 2020 into December 2020: Crabs and Tigers

That the horoscope of the June 21, 2020 Solar Eclipse @00Can21 in the difficult 4 North Saros Series casts a different hue upon 2020 events when the chart is viewed in hindsight is understandable so perhaps a few chart factors should be brought forward here. As noted in my previous post, 00Cancer00 is a critical degree and a Cardinal World Point of manifestation and recognition where global events can occur and come to light. If we wish to include in the eclipse picture Betelgeuse at the end of Gemini, we can add the star's keywords: fevers and/or acute illnesses.

Now obviously, all eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that tend to disrupt the even flow of earthly events and have long been seen as omens of catastrophe. However, in modern Astrology, most astrologers prefer to say that they presage a variety of events both negative and positive, and yes, they disrupt lives and place us on new paths much as erratic Uranus can do--usually while uncovering inconvenient facts, secrets, and scandals in the process. (And their background influences are active during historical events.) So as you know, a particular eclipse's configurations with other planets and points in a horoscope are all important for how its energies and themes express, plus, the presence of fixed stars, if any, must be considered for stars and eclipses work through or with one another (ex: Betelgeuse).

Eclipse Note: the previous 4 North Solar Eclipse perfected on June 10, 2002 @20Gemini--near US natal Mars--and an ill-advised war in Iraq soon followed; 4 North's initial eclipse occurred May 25, 1389 (OS) @12Gem08 with Pluto conjunct North Node @24Taurus (conjunct Trump's natal MC and enraged Algol). Plus the 1389 eclipse's doubly karmic Pluto-NN pair suggests "common destiny of a large mass of people" (Ebertin) and can be described as having a "tiger by the tail." That we have! So far from my chart studies I have to agree with Donald Trump that current viral effects may alter our lives for the rest of 2020 and beyond. My fret is that this medical catastrophe will be used to make permanent restrictive laws and regulations, even the implementation of martial law on the streets of America. You feel this too, don't you? The old 'crisis as opportunity' as they say in China. China! Or "shock doctrine" as Naomi Klein has ably informed us.

So as seen in the above horoscope, the planet of unexpected events, Uranus, rises yet positively this can also signify coping ability. And with Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces, a cosmic picture of infection and contagion of epidemic proportions can be seen--in the 12th house of Hospitals which in the US are now in danger of being overwhelmed by large volumes of contagious patients. That our nation's healthcare systems are unprepared for the onslaught caused by such a crisis is a circumstance that must be laid upon the door step of DC politicians, their donors, and others who have supported Republican austerity measures through the decades while snatching taxpayer monies from our National Treasury to support the foreign wars they profit from. Are these direct results of America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected actions and misguided ideals? I think so although you, dear reader, are welcome to disagree.

The massive funding now under discussion in Washington DC could further weaken America's financial resources although some measure of strengthening of the economy should also occur if money is properly distributed. Meanwhile, my cynical mind wonders if this is part of the plan all along--the plan to bankrupt and collapse the USA. However, such a conspiracy theory of sabotage is beyond the scope of this post so perhaps it will be for a another day. Besides, SO'W is replete with similar theories already!

Now as you know, America was founded in 1776 with Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in Cancer and for a solar eclipse manifesting in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, karma is at work for we all must reap what we sow (including Donald "blameless" Trump). Additionally with a Cancer eclipse, family ties are suggested along with genetic inheritance and it's an emotional and highly receptive period when people tend to hide in their shells like crabs! Well, sheltering in place is the order of the day in March but with continued 'restrictions, restraints, separations, and illusions' to come if the themes of the 4 North Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse influence earthly events from June to late November into December 2020. And they will.


In Addition:

Occurring just prior to Summer Solstice 2020, you might find a previous post June 2020 Transits to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope of interest with its focus on June 18, 2020. Plus, you'll notice in the 2017 Inauguration chart (center of the bi-wheel) that infectious Mars and Neptune were 'fore-tellingly' conjunct in Pisces! Who knew?

Then previous to June 18th, Donald Trump's 2020 Solar Return occurs with--you guessed it--a Mars-Neptune conjunction which has the transiting Saturn-Uranus midpoint sitting atop and suggesting a weakening strength or a weak condition of some kind.

But no cheers here for as I constantly remind myself: however Trump goes, so goes America. And as I've asserted many times on SO'W since 2005, America is my only nag in the race.

As always, your on-topic comments concerning this post are welcome and please share if you care or dare! jc

Mar 16, 2020

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2020

March 16, 2020: Well, here it is, the DC Horoscope of Autumn Equinox 2020, timed by the moment the Sun reaches 00Lib:00:00 on Tuesday September 22nd at 9:30:31 am EDT with Scorpio rising in DC. Chart-ruler Mars (co-ruler Pluto) makes two applying aspects in the chart, a square to Saturn (1A36), then a square to co-ruler Pluto (4A27) and of course, a Rx chart-ruler ups the chances of delays and difficulties, temporary though they may be:

As you can see, 6th house Mars is retrograde and symbolically moving back toward opposition with rising Mercury in Libra (24:15) suggesting that previous debates will continue (opposition exact September 24th at 6:53 am) but the two dynamic squares from Mars are what take precedence as to how things will proceed. Note that the Sun @00Libra conjuncts America's natal Midheaven in our nation's late afternoon chart (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) as is the case every year. Significantly, this particular Autumn Equinox chart contains the November 3rd 2020 Election--assuming that voting goes on as scheduled, even with the fly in our ballot ointment being voting planet Mercury stationing and changing direction on Election Day and possibly suggesting changed minds if not machine glitches and/or hacking. So how will things proceed within Autumn Equinox 2020 conditions?

According to chart-and-Equinox-ruler Mars, forceful in his own sign of Aries and in 6th house of Service and Health, a square to restrictive Saturn (still strong in his own sign of governmental/business oriented Capricorn) indicates frustrations, delays, and difficulties aggravated by Mars Rx, as noted. Resistance to authority, bad timing, and threats are potentials and patience is necessary for these conditions are only temporary and should clear up soon after Mars turns Direct on or about November 14th.

However, transit Mars goes on to square powerful Pluto, the wealthy, stealthy manipulator, and karmic conditions ramp up as intense power struggles are engaged, jealousy may rear its ugly head, and motivations are of a vengeful nature. Some form of destruction is evident, military battles are a possibility, and anger turns to rage as past actions interfere with current progress. Various plans may have to be delayed yet if this forceful Mars-Pluto energy can be positively channeled, much can be accomplished. Whether with positive or negative results depends upon motivations of the people involved including opponents.

Now there are several other chart factors of note in this chart but since I'm feeling rather fussy tonight, I shall leave many of them for you to discover and, if you wish, leave your on-topic comments with this post.

Yet for anyone desiring more information, here's some concerning the 4 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of this Equinox (Eclipse @00Can21 conjunct 9th cusp). Or if you're wondering about the upcoming Solar Eclipse that the Autumn Equinox 2020 South Node (@23Sag56 in 2nd hou$e of the National Treasury) points toward--and allows for potentially draining conditions of resources--check out the 4 South eclipse themes that conclude 2020 in December on this handy list. Also, see lower right for dates of the three-fer Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions which suggest ongoing actions taken by the Federal Reserve, plus, large projects by movers and shakers. Oddly enough, we might wish to note that the November 12th conjunction @22Cap52 (not '21:51' as erroneously scribbled) conjoins head-on the natal Vertex of Donald Trump (22:51). Can he turn things to his advantage as he so often does? We'll see, especially with his lucky Jupiter-Uranus trine.

Meanwhile, my friends, we can say that Autumn Equinox 2020 is full of financial and economic indicators seen in part by a problematic YOD pattern (see upper right) of crisis or a turning point (full of karmic opportunity) between money planets, the speculating pair of bubbles, inflation, risk-taking, and grand financial schemes--Jupiter and Neptune (sextile here but conjunct in the 1792 NYSE Buttonwood chart). Plus, there's values planet Venus @18Leo07 in the visible 10th house, so some new perspectives concerning upcoming conditions of change and fluctuation which are also suggested by a 2nd hou$e Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius--will be in order by September or probably before considering the mess we're already in with global shutdowns and financing. Unfortunately, US currency issues are possible so perhaps it's crazy to think it but a measure of Venusian diplomacy could be on America's menu, led by--a woman?!

The Truth About The Corona Virus Test Kits - Thom Hartmann

March 16, 2020: for those who may have missed it, here is a recent segment from Thom Hartmann concerning CoronaVirus test kits and results:


Astro-Notes on the CoronaVirus outbreak in China

Apparently New Year's Eve 2019 is the date that people in Wuhan, China first presented with the viral infection if reports are true. I assume that when that date is given it refers to our Western 'New Year's Eve' and not the Chinese New Year which began January 25, 2020 (Year of the Rat). On that evening, the Moon conjoined Neptune in mid-Pisces with Moon, Neptune, and Pisces as markers for illness and for possible infection or contagion. (As you know, Neptune is the urge-to-merge planet.)

Now usually the impressionable, sensitive Moon-Neptune pair tends to conjure lovely images in the minds of most earthlings, however, their conjunction on that particular date also met with a certain fixed star of turbulence, Achernar (Alpha Eridanus) and seems to have activated or reflected the star's keywords: crisis (at the end of the river) and/or a risk of rapid endings. And tragically, for some folks across the globe, rapid endings it has already been. And for many societies including America, a crisis has presented itself, and everyone is at risk.

So perhaps a quick consultation with the great Reinhold Ebertin concerning the biological potentials of the Moon-Neptune pair could be instructive to some degree while keeping in mind that Moon = the people and relates to health and the physical body while Neptune = the Collective, the masses, and contagion. Plus, shady Pisces (often a sign of weakness, feebleness, and/or sickness) describes the secretiveness of attempting to keep quiet about the facts of the contagion--and the fact that governmental leaders cannot be trusted to reveal correct data to the public especially when their election chances and careers may be affected--even when their unreliability sacrifices other people's lives! Yes, some politicians keep that extreme 'Ayn Rand selfishness' as their me-first goal in all things.

Biological Correspondence of Moon-Neptune:

"Paralyzed blood circulation; an over-balance or over-accumulation of water in the tissues of the body; a deficiency of the osmotic function functions relating to the utilization of the cell salts (disturbance of consciousness or awareness, also a break in consciousness; eye diseases)."

The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin

And to delusional Moon-Neptune in the realms of Politics and Business, Michael Munkasey in his book on midpoints adds, "scandals involving production or other quotas". You know, like the belated production in the US of CoronaVirus test kits?

(The 'cell salts' link, above, takes you to Jude Cowell Astrology where I posted a video by The Scottish Astrologer sharing which cell salts are necessary for each sign of the Zodiac!)

Mar 13, 2020

Catch Nicole Sandler's interview w/ Lawrence O'Donnell

March 13, 2020: Just a quick heads-up concerning a recent interview conducted by radio broadcaster Nicole Sandler and Lawrence O'Donnell, host of MSNBC's The Last Word. Their conversation actually began on Twitter a couple of weeks ago and resulted in Nicole issuing an invitation to discuss the topic of Socialism and Lawrence's O'Donnell's on-air admission that he is a socialist. Not once but several times through the years he has publicly said this and if you find such topics of interest, check out their conversation which Nicole re-aired today during her Friday guest stint as host of The BradCast.

Nicole says she has all but stopped watching MSNBC due to the large number of disaffected Republicans appearing on the network with their anti-Trump grumps and you may wish to hear Mr. O'Donnell's response.

Plus, here is a segment of The Last Word from March 12, 2020 with Rep. Adam Schiff in a discussion of the CoronaVirus outbreak in the US and the administration's response to it.

Mar 11, 2020

March 2020 and the Modern Humanity Horoscope

March 11, 2020:

Health Indicators, Eclipses, and the Modern Humanity Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

In April 2015, the Horoscope of Modern Humanity was published here on SO'W as found in E. Alan Meece's book Horoscope for the New Millennium (1996). Based on the Total Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 in the 2 Old North Saros Series and on the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto in early Gemini, one notable feature is that America's July 4, 1776 Sun @13Can19 conjoins the chart's Midheaven which suggests our nation's leadership and importance on the world stage during our current age. Yes, America's prominence may be passing, but there it is on the chart for all to see.

Of course, current progressions of the 1892 horoscope can reveal current conditions so I'll add a Secondary Progressed ('SP') Chart, below, with a few health indicators and an emphasis on the SP Ascendant (@23Cap40) where natal Mars rises, where the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction hit, and where the three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 will meet (see bottom, right). A few other notes are scribbled upon the chart if you wish to enlarge for reading. For instance, there's a sesquisquare between Sun in Virgo, sign of health, and Jupiter Rx in Aries, suggesting 'illness through wrong nutrition' (Ebertin). Sesquisquares can work as health indicators (see bottom, left) along with semisquares. Yet the Sun-Jupiter duo when working together positively indicates 'regenerative functions of the blood' and 'the restoration of health' (Ebertin).

1892 Horoscope Progressed to March 12, 2020 12:00 pm edt Washington DC:

Themes of Modern Humanity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse: 2 Old North

Now the 2 Old North series contains difficult themes, among them 'unfortunate news about personal relationships, thoughts of separation, and/or the ending of a union. However, a quick grasp of what must be done and quick action can bring positive results' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). Perhaps you remember that a solar eclipse manifested in the 2 Old North series on July 13, 2018 @20Can41 (a repetition of Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse!) and was stimulated on January 10, 2020 by a Lunar Eclipse, also @20Cancer, a critical degree--and both conjoined Castor, a creative star but one with potentials for 'crippling of limbs, mental illness, sudden fame, loss, and/or murder' (A. Louis). As you know, a star's expression depends upon which planets the star conjoins and with an eclipse there (a 'wild card' of the Universe, aka, a 'cosmic blink'), unexpected results tend to occur in similar fashion to the electrical energies of erratic Uranus. Stars may actually 'work through' eclipses, in fact, and vice versa.

Perhaps mention should be made of US natal Sun conjunct Sirius, The Scorcher, aka, the Dog Star, supplying potentials for wealth, ambition, luck, pride, fame, honors, and occult interests. Understandably, dog bites may also be a 'gift' of Sirius.

Well, let's dare to look ahead a few months, for on July 5, 2020, a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse manifests upon the IC of the Modern Humanity Horoscope which suggests domestic concerns possibly with a security flavor, and/or revelations in the realms of US leadership and government.

And finally! This brings me to the point of this post: that the Horoscope of Modern Humanity's 4th house Mars @24Cap58 (spotlighted by a Lunar Eclipse @24Capricorn on July 16, 2019), is being activated by both transit Saturn and Pluto, fresh from their January 12, 2020 Conjunction (@22Cap46 conjunct Trump's natal Vertex) with the following possibilities: health or illness connotations and restraining conditions (ex: quarantine) of transit Saturn conjunct Mars, then transit Pluto conjunct Mars suggests aggressive or intense physical actions, karmic situations and opportunities, secret actions or motives, and/or research and development.

Plus, difficult potentials formed when the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction hit the 1892 Mars and I suspect their effects are still ringing in Modern Humanity's ears. So using midpoint pictures of Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin, here are a few of their potentials; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions:

2020 Saturn-Pluto = 1892 Mars: 'activating plans for much destruction or upheaval; energy to continue restraining activities which contaminate, adulterate, or otherwise poison (or infect? jc); a need to use whatever means or power are available to continue working; the necessity to fight for one's existence; maltreatment; ruthlessness; violence; fighting battles to keep life going; enormous undercurrent of frustration; a gun with a cork in its barrel'.

Do any of these potentials remind you of the coronavirus threat?

Above Photo: Mars (NASA; Hubble)

Mar 10, 2020

Is America on Edge of Recession? (w/ Richard Wolff)

March 10, 2020: here's an insightful discussion of the US economy and its current challenges between economics Professor Richard Wolff and the always informative Thom Hartmann:

Neptune in Astrology: Contagion, Erosion, Corruption, Deception, and Secrets

Now I don't know about you, but I'm ready to give urge-to-merge Neptune floating through contagious Pisces some very loud boos. Besides, you know that Pisces is also the sign of fragile health and of course seniors and folks with underlying medical conditions are most at risk of succumbing to Covid-19. Our financial prospects are being undermined now as well and recessive conditions are a mark of Neptunian activities. Other planets are doing damage, too, but it's Neptune in Pisces I'm fussin' about at the moment.

So when can we look forward to transit Neptune leaving its own sign of watery Pisces and entering fiery Aries? Not until the very end of March 2025 for about 6 months or so. Then the Gaseous Giant meanders back into Pisces the third week of October 2025 and makes her final crossing of the Aries Point during the last week of January 2026 where she'll laze about in Aries, to-ing and fro-ing, until 2039.

Besides contagion, infection, fear, and paranoia, Neptune in Pisces has brought to the Collective surface interests in mysticism, psychism, ghosts, seances, UFOs, divine inspirations, perceptions from higher realms, Astrology, cravings of all sorts (particularly for drugs), loss, vagueness, ocean changes, floods and mega-storms, bubbles (including economic ones), deceptions, delusions, illusions, disappointments, pathological tendencies, hypersensitivity, and/or pessimism--to name a few.

Considering Neptune's 164-year cycle, it feels as if long-term karma has left its calling card for humanity.

However, with Neptune in Aries we may expect a continuation of hypersensitivity, and for some, a love of humanity will blossom. There may be longings for far distances, remote viewing could become more of 'a thing', expressions of rich feelings could be heard more often, confusion may reign off and on, insane ideas will astound, while some folks are prone to feeling a sense of aimlessness or nervousness. Yet from some gifted people will come dreams and plans that benefit the social welfare and make a real difference in society!

Mar 8, 2020

Jeff Sessions Trying To Win Back Trump's Heart - TYT

March 8, 2020: Well, I do declare! If it isn't another pearl-clutching episode of As the White House Turns brought to us by Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks:

Perhaps you recall the drama between Trump and 'his' Attorney General Jeff Sessions which culminated in November 2018 when Trump fired him just as transit Saturn in early Capricorn stomped Sessions' natal Mars!

Mar 7, 2020

Federal Judge calls out Bill Barr on cover-up of Trump

March 7, 2020:

Now that 'AG' Bill Barr's "one-sided narrative" of the Mueller Report has been called out by a federal Judge Reggie Walton for Barr's "misrepresentations" of the report meant to hide the guilt of Donald Trump, it appears that current transits of the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse (@24Cap04) continues to be triggered by transit Pluto (today @24Cap24) so we know that karma is in the houses of Barr and Trump. And of course, the January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 perfected very near the July 2019 Lunar Eclipse degree. Transit Saturn, planet of realism and accountability, reached 24Capricorn in late January 2020 while transit Pluto has been on degree since late February 2020.

Meanwhile, much of the underhandedness of Bill Barr, fake AG, is now revealed via Buzzfeed's Jason Leopold and his article published March 5, 2020 followed by an update the evening of March 6, in case you missed it.

Mr. Leopold's FOIA request is leading to the redacted information in the Mueller Report being cited and soon reviewed (Mercury now retrograde!) - if the DOJ complies - by Judge Walton but credit is also due to powerful Pluto in governmental Capricorn for acting as catalyst (revealing lies and abuse of power) along with the ability of all eclipses, including Lunar ones, to uncover secrets (the redacted portions of the Mueller Report and its true conclusions against Trump) and for bringing to light what could not have remained hidden forever.

But here it is and now Judge Walton has ordered the DOJ (Barr) to produce the reasons for the redactions in the Mueller Report so we'll see how that proceeds. It won't be enough to dissuade Trump voters from his corrupt side because pathetically, it seems that no crime by Trump ever will.

Mar 4, 2020

Astro-Notes on Joe Biden and the CFR

March 4, 2020: Not to Dissuade But to Inform

by Jude Cowell

For some time now it's been known that 2020 candidate Joe Biden, he of the Democratic persuasion, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, or is somehow associated with the social tinkering group. The following post is intended to inform anyone who is unaware of what such an association has meant and what it could mean in US Politics if former VP Biden enters the Oval Office once again--this time as president. Take the information with a grain of salt if you wish but don't cast your vote on November 3, 2020 without considering! And as always, your on-topic comments are welcome.

The CFR website has a page on Democratic candidate (and probably the party's 2020 nominee for POTUS) Joseph R. Biden for those who care to look. The Council on Foreign Relations was founded on July 29, 1921 with headquarters in New York City and an office in Washington DC. As we can see, the group will be 100 years old next year. Its statement on why the organization (aka, a think tank) was founded sounds pretty good to anyone unaware that the CFR is a promoter of the One World Government agenda, what elites once called the 'New World Order' (1993 horoscope shown). Maybe they still call it that, I do not know. But I do know that CFR members have infested the White House through several decades so having CFR Joe back there again and calling the shots can make little if any difference to America's "march" to global government (which means good-bye to 'nation states' and to US sovereignty) - other than the exalted mission of removing from office Herr Trump and the global crime syndicate/s he's in league with. An improvement? We can hope.

(Personally, I prefer a civilized society to Trump and his natal midpoint picture of horror and brutality, Mars-Saturn = Pluto, which is excessively violent, crass, cruel, and obviously on the barbaric side. As a maternal type, Trump's tendencies are naturally way over the line for a common-good supporter such as myself.)

So from the vantage point of March 4, 2020 in the throes of the 2020 campaign, it feels to me that the American people are caught in the crossfire between the CFR syndicate of experts vs figurehead Trump and his underworld criminal operatives and saboteurs who banded together to take over the White House, the US Supreme Court, and the US Congress. Meanwhile, as you've noticed, some pundits are calling the November 2020 Election the most significant ever and with this yours truly must agree even though I believe that social tinkerers purposefully set things up to be this way. Plus, with voting planet Mercury changing directions on that day I must wonder if the potential that the 2020 Election will be cancelled by Trump or by others--so that he can make a grandstand play for permanent control. Voting machines across America are so compromised after all yet election officials and politicians have had plenty of time to do something about the situation but didn't. Wonder why?

So please pardon me, dear reader, if I recognize the 2020 conflict as basically part of a final contest between Good and Evil. It's how I roll, and of course, you don't have to agree in spite of the super-karmic January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction--two archetypal devils meeting @23Capricorn, a degree of governmental authority (DeVore) and forming a more or less steel trap clamping shut against society--against civilization. In fact, the corruption of the US legal system has been an integral part of the saboteurs' take-over plan. Could and will a President Biden fix it? I truly hope so and am willing to give him a vote and a chance to try!

Social Tinkerer and Early CFR-er David Rockefeller

Now perhaps you've read before the following quote by David Rockefeller which was previously published in a 2009 SO'W post:

"{For} as David Rockefeller said in his speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991:"

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Surely preferable? Dear reader, in your opinion, does his holier-than-thou elitist attitude serve as justification for world domination?

Well, here's David Rockefeller spouting off again and bringing a complicit mainstream media directly into the globalist picture:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years but the world is now more sophisticated & prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war but only peace and prosperity for the whole of authority.” - David Rockefeller, member Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderberg/Trilateral Commission, June 5, 1991." (My italics.)

Peace and prosperity! For elites only?

Well, for me such revelations suffice as tells: greedy world bankers with a history of finagling global financial crashes and waging lucrative wars while continuing to exploit the masses--and a complicit intellectual elite who are no more honest than they have to be. For in recent years I've noticed that many such 'elites' in journalism, politics, and other fields 'answer' questions with phrases like, "What I can tell you is--". Is this phrase what they've been instructed to say publicly and nothing more? Is that all they can say without revealing too much of the agenda? Do lies always follow?

Well, anyway, I had a peek at CFR's 'noon' horoscope of July 29, 1921 (NYC) and discovered that the CFR was founded under some interesting midpoint pictures. Below is a list of a few of them with their potential manifestations--note that midpoints are always subject to future transits and progressions but some may never express at all ('noon' chart Angles are not included):

Jupiter-Pluto = Neptune: 'being deceptive; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into one's own format; cheating'.

Neptune-Pluto = Mars: 'used as a tool for other people's interests; succumbing to external powers; great personal magnetism to set things right, or rejection of actions because of misunderstanding'.

Neptune-North-Node = Jupiter: 'exploitation'.

Venus-Mars = Pluto: 'the conquest'.

Venus-Jupiter = Sun: 'advancement in life; being appreciated'.

Sun-Mercury = Mars: 'nervous drive; energies to tackle a project'.

And if we wish to include the position of the Taurean Moon at noon we have Uranus-Neptune (the NWO pair) = Moon: 'emotional conviction, realistic or fanciful; the sense of being on the right track to do one's best'.

Well, it's a fact that transit Pluto in 2017 reached 18Capricorn ('POLITICAL POWER'--Jones) and triggered the 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction (18Capricorn) and the midpoint picture the trio formed has seemingly acted as a karmic timing device for the globalist agenda:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: 'the big picture demands a certain course of action, which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). Sounds like an offer they couldn't refuse! Then was Donald Trump aware of such a demand in 2017? Is Joe Biden aware of it in 2020 and 2021? Is Trumpism part of the agenda or against it? He pretends to be against globalism but is he? Will there be a Bidenism?

1921: A Sinister Solar Eclipse for the CFR

Now the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the CFR occurred on April 8, 1921 @17Ari59 in the 13 South Saros Series with themes of 'sinister energy underneath; potential constitutional crisis; striving for group endeavors, either positively or negatively' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Then is it poetic injustice, or simply a cosmic synchronicity, that the PE of the third of three conjunctions of NWO planets, Uranus and Neptune (October 24, 1993 Sun @1Sco24, Moon @29AQ; Uranus-Neptune @18Capricorn--horoscope linked, above), also fell into the sinister 13 South Saros Series? And when is the next 13 South Eclipse?

In 2029.

Now here are Two Natal Horoscopes of note: David Rockefeller (an untimed chart, but born in 1915, he was a powerful Saturn-Pluto kinda guy, plus, a double-dealing double Gemini). And Trump opponent (unless they're secretly on the same page!) Joseph R. Biden. How tragic for America and the world if it turns out that these two players are cheering for the same ultimate result while vying for the same WH catbird seat?

Well, there's more to the CFR situation, of course, but I'll hush my fussin' for now and add that midpoint potentials herein are suggested by master astrologers Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey, and do leave your on-topic comment with this post if you feel so inclined. And please Share if you dare. Oh! And be certain to vote on November 3, 2020 for anyone but the current crime-boss-in-chief!! jc

Mar 3, 2020

DC Horoscope: Donald Trump Solar Return 2020

March 3, 2020 Dual Images upper right: Trump Solar Return June 13, 2020 8:00:29 am edt Washington DC; Solar Return ('SR') Sun 22Gem55 in SR 12th house, SR Moon 25Pis30 in SR 9th house conjunct SR Midheaven ('MC'); Hour of Jupiter Rx in SR 7th house conjunct 7th house Pluto Rx; SR Saturn Rx 1AQ05 conjunct US POTUS Sun (Oath of Office January 20, 2017 noon EST @00AQ49).

Lower left: Donald J. Trump natal horoscope June 14, 1946 "10:54 am" edt Queens, NY.

The SR Mars-Neptune conjunction in SR 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legal Affairs conjoins the SR Saturn-Uranus midpoint (see midpoint picture, below) - all in shady, secretive, infection-prone Pisces, with Pisces on the 9th cusp. Sneaky things may be hidden here! And note that the Sabian Symbol for Mars-Neptune: "21Pisces" = "A Little White Lamb, a Child, and a Chinese Servant." Of course, a "servant" could describe Trump controlled or compromised by China (via money laundering), or it could have something to do with the beginning of the Wuhan virus with its most at-risk targets (or victims, such as seniors and children) represented by an innocent "child."

Then as you know, the 12th house is the Neptunian realm of the Unconscious, Politics, Large Institutions (ex: Congress), Self-Undoing, Karma, Secret Enemies, and, in relation to our topic, Hospitals and/or Illness (opposite the 6th house of Health and Service).

Along similar 6th/12th-house lines, the Mars-Neptune pair suggests, among other things, 'susceptibility to epidemic infections' according to Reinhold Ebertin (see right, center), and possibly 'fevers, weakened stamina', 'rioting over national healthcare', and/or 'hypo-adrenal conditions'.

Turbulent Circumstances

Therefore, since the world is under threat of the corona virus as I type, and because Trump's SR 2020 horoscope shows links to health concerns and weakness issues, this post will primarily relate to medical potentials particularly when it comes to Donald Trump (whose health could not possibly be as strong as 'they say'!) Of course, what's shown in his SR chart could be only due to the contagion itself and the circumstance that America is stuck with--a fact-and-science denier who's 'dealing' with the contagion along with the 'help' of VP Pence (put in charge to soak up any blame that accrues, I suspect; we'll see). On the brighter side, perhaps the viral threat will be over or mostly over by mid-June! After all, Trump's natal Jupiter-Uranus trine does make him quite the fortunate fellow and we could all use a lucky break on this one.

So let's get the troubling midpoint picture out of the way (political, social, biological), then we'll discuss Trump's 2020 SR Sun and SR Moon, the primary considerations in a Solar Return chart that's 'good for' an entire year. The following will contain a jumble of my usual sources: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey; any, all, or none of the potentials may result or may be triggered by transits or progressions later on.

Saturn-Uranus Energies Combined with Mars-Neptune

As a midpoint, 'Saturn-Uranus' suggests potentials for 'counter-revolutionary rule, violent people, quarrels, avant-garde vs the conventional, the need to fight for gains, exciting the status quo, and/or heart block'.

Add Mars in contagious Pisces to Saturn-Uranus and several possibilities are suggested such as 'the wrong use of energy, violent acts, forced release from tension or strain, great efforts and toil, challenging others for a decisive contest or fight, deprivation of freedom, injury, tremendous upheaval possible in rebellion, calamity, or over-exertion, anxiety about how things will proceed'.

To Saturn-Uranus add Neptune, strong in its own sign of Pisces, and we have potentials for 'falsehood or malice caused through weakness, resigned to the inevitable, abandonment of resistance, weakening strength, separation, bereavement, masked changes designed to break traditional roles, the delusion that change will improve traditional methods, breakdown under emotional pressure', and/or 'a new vision fighting to be understood'.

As for Trump's SR 2020 Sun and Moon, here's a list of chart factors (not including the SR 10th house Uranus 9Tau09 which is unaspected and thus unencumbered by outside influences and acting independently in spurt-like bursts of activity--this echoes his chaos-loving natal Uranus, his guiding planet):

We should also note that powerful Pluto 24Cap28 leads the tilt of a BOWL shape denoting a leader with a mission or an advocate for a cause. Unfortunately, the mission and cause seem to be implementing an anti-constitutional dictatorship in America (Pluto in Capricorn = "the dictator"--Ebertin). Then in the 6th house of Health lurks the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse 4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series of 'traumatic transformation', this SR 2020's PE. But soon the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse will manifest with 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, separation' (as in quarantine?), 'illusions', and 'events that block' (Brady).

Cosmic Conditions of Trump's 2020 Solar Return Sun and Moon include but are not limited to:

SR 2020 Sun in the Cadent 12th house (transitions, fluctuations, preparations, steps taken behind the scenes), along with the North Node of future direction (at a critical 29th degree) suggests solar events taking place near the end of the period--just before his 75th birthday June 2021. But in 2020, even the 9th house SR 2020 Moon complies for the 9th is also a Cadent house of preparation--and Trump's SR 2020 Sun and Moon square one another which suggests challenges, conflicts, frustration, and blockages between goals and needs; a Sun-Moon square in a Solar Return chart may suggest dynamic energy but is unfavorable in general, and may count as as a 'health aspect.'

Other SR Sun aspects: Mars-Neptune conjunction square SR Sun, Mars square SR Sun, and the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction quincunxes (150 degr) his Sun--all suggesting health-related conditions and adjustments needed, with the SR Sun naturally being same as his natal Sun (vitality).

Transit Mars square Trump's Sun often denotes aggression, conflicts with males, and/or head injuries or blocked vitality. And transit Neptune square his Sun indicates that his leadership position is difficult to maintain, confusion and deception reign, and formerly reliable resources may become elusive or eroded. Transit Neptune square his natal Moon (21Sag12) suggests even more confusion and disorganization along with undermining conditions (which can include health concerns). As you know, that's one trouble with a natal opposition-what squares one end squares the other, plus, his Gem-Sag Full Moon is on his (karmic) Nodal Axis. Additionally, Uranus in Taurus, sign of the throat and shoulders, forms a semi-square (45 degr) to both SR Sun and SR Moon--another health indicator which may be merely an irritant or a mild or minor issue. Hope his bone spurs won't act up! See the midpoint picture this forms listed, below.

A closer look at his SR Moon in mutable Pisces suggests potentials for drug involvement (also with Mars-Neptune), and/or physical fragility (yep and yep, I'd say). and with Luna in Pisces, there could be travel (of course), family concerns or loss, new conditions in the domestic sphere, or even a change of jobs (fingers crossed!)

Yet the SR 2020 chart does show beneficial opportunities and a 'ray of hope' for Trump such as the two sextiles (60 degr) from Jupiter and Pluto toward his SR Moon. Apparently, his influence upon the public remains in force although his tendency toward self-righteousness, being stuck in the past, and experiencing a measure of loss through habitual thinking will also continue.

Now before I forget, we should also note that wealthy/stealthy Pluto is the SR planet closest to a chart Angle and thus takes precedence in the chart as 'he' leads the BOWL toward the SR 6th house of Health, Daily Rounds, and Service (Civil, Police, and Military).

Obviously, the Trump coup continues, perhaps with some of its 'reforms for improvement' hidden beneath the corona virus scare and the future restrictions he and his authoritarian comrades have in store. For as we see, the planetary trio of heavyweights appearing in the SR 7th house of Partnerships suggests potentials for 'religious and social fanaticism' and/or 'difficulties caused through illness'.

Now let's close with a few potentials of the SR 2020 chart's four midpoint pictures:

Sun-Moon = Uranus: 'isolating oneself; unusual twists of fate; using Astrology'.

Mars-North-Node = Uranus: 'accidental breaks in the thrusts or tensions of important meetings; disinterested presentations'.

Neptune-North-Node = Uranus: 'disruption and agitation via the actions of others; sudden displacement then isolation' (this picture turns up in the DNC 2020 horoscope).

Venus-ASC = North Node: 'easily meeting others'.

Well, there it is, my glancing assessment of Trump's Solar Return 2020 Horoscope. And if I added one more cosmic factor of curiosity it would be that the SR Ascendant 22Cancer12 brings up Inauguration 2017's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to January 20, 2017) which is, was, and always will be, the Full Moon of January 12, 2017 conjunct the natal Saturn of the 'unaccountable' yet Saturnine Mr. Trump.


As always, your encouraging shares and tweets are always much appreciated! Got on-topic comments? Then leave them with this post! jc

Feb 29, 2020

Symbolism of The Trump Purging of Government

February 29, 2020:

Symbolism, Virgo-Pisces: The Victim-Savior Axis

At Axios we can read about Trump's "Deep State" hit list he's using to purge government officials who are 'disloyal' to him. Because having and retaining your conscience doesn't jive with working for narcissist despot Donald Trump.

Now sometimes a Sabian Symbol, regardless of its zodiacal degree, seems uppermost within the Collective and it appears to me that Trump's purge of government is one of those cases. Aptly, the Symbol I'm thinking of occurs in shady Pisces, sign of many talents and negative traits, among them paranoia, fear, corruption, fraud (via bubbly 'Jupiter-Neptune'), contagion, rumors, deception, hoaxes, secrets, scandals, psychism, and, on a good day: compassion, sympathy, empathy, creativity, inspiration, and/or spirituality.

So here I'll add the Symbol of purging according to Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology along with the Symbol's negative expression, plus, its Illumination Point (the degree opposite, '25 Virgo'):

'25 Pisces': "The Purging of the Priesthood" = "Keyword: REFORMATION; negative expression: blind bigotry and vindictiveness."

'25 Virgo': "A Flag at Half-Mast" = "Keyword: RESPECT; negative expression: superficial self-dramatization."

And if you're wondering why I don't include the Symbols' positive expressions, well that's because it's Donald Trump we're talking about.

Feb 28, 2020

Moon-Tracking DNC 2020 and RNC 2020

February 28, 2020: Solar and Lunar Considerations for DNC and RNC 2020

by Jude Cowell

Dual Images: DNC opens July 13, 2020 Milwaukee, WI "12:00 am" CDT (upper right); RNC opens August 24, 2020 Charlotte, NC "12:00 am" EDT (lower left). Charts are set for 12:00 am in order to 'snag' the earliest positions of both Sun (leadership) and Moon (We the People; the public mood). The DNC lasts until the evening of July 16th while the RNC winds up during the evening of August 27th. Ranges of motion of Sun and Moon over those dates are listed, below.

Both conventions fall under the disruptive influences of the 4 North Solar Eclipse which perfects at Summer Solstice June 21, 2020 @00Can21, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation, fame, recognition, and global events. Eclipse themes include potentials for: 'restraint, restriction, separation, inhibition, and illusion along with events that block progress and a tendency toward misjudging strength or the situation' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). One wonders if the corona virus contagion is included within these themes since by Summer public gatherings may be limited in scope, barely attended, or cancelled. Be that as it may or may not be--

DNC and RNC 2020: Tracking the Sun and Moon

Tracking both Sun (leadership) and Moon (the public mood, plus, you and me) through both charts/conventions over the length of each party's dates of activity (from 12 am to 11:59 pm each day) can be revealing. First comes the Democratic National Convention from July 13 to July 16, then the Republicans take center stage from August 24 to August 27. Note that during RNC 2020, Donald Trump enjoys a Lunar Return (to 21Sag12 conjunct his natal South Node) on Wednesday August 26th at 9:53:26 pm edt with Mars trine Moon (things hum along, males cooperate) and Neptune continues its off-and-on square to natal Moon (shifting alliances, undermining obstacles, confusion, lethargy, and/or deception). A lunar return at this particular time may be an indicator of people returning to Trump as their candidate or nominee based on emotional considerations and/or unconscious motivations. Also, on August 19th perfects RNC 2020's Syzygy Moon, a New Moon @26Leo35--conjunct Trump's natal Mars which denotes a new cycle of activity for him, plus, a seeding of new plans with his typical Martian qualities of aggression and brashness.

There are three Sun-Moon blends during each political party's convention thanks to Luna changing signs; the following notes are primarily from Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey, and one of their "Images for Integration" is included to describe each combination of energies:

With the convention's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) actually the Lunar Eclipse of July 5th (@13Cap37), DNC 2020 opens July 13th with Sun Cancer-Moon Aries, a steamy, perhaps scalding or sterilizing Water-Fire blend with a Moon-Mars influence that comes out fighting, is passionate about individual rights, combines tenderness with bravado, and has a patriotic heart committed to personal values. Yet a sharp tongue may be evident along with a brisk, authoritative manner hiding that sensitive lunar-ruled Sun sign. Image for Integration: "A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause." Note that Luna enters Taurus on July 13 at 12:33:49 pm CDT giving a second blend to consider, plus, the Moon conjoins Uranus @10Tau16:33 on July 14 at 9:13:56 am CDT denoting potentials for emotional excitement, restlessness, a sudden change of circumstances, an unusual woman, a humanitarian doctrine expressed via rapport with all nationalities, and/or feelings of anxiety.

And so July 14th's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus is a practical Water-Earth blend with Moon-Venus vibes that suggests the intuition, responsibility, and tenaciousness of a practical idealist and the talent of a natural psychologist. However this blend can become stubborn, fussy, and autocratic at times while exhibiting old fashioned values, shrewdness, and an ability to listen to the needs of others, but with a tendency toward subjective prejudices. Image for Integration: "A flourishing family business."

Then on July 16th at 12:19 am CDT, Luna enters Mercury-ruled Gemini and an ethereal Sun Cancer-Moon Gemini Water-Air blend begins to flavor DNC proceedings. This chatty combination suggests potentials for self-deprecating humor, wittiness, sensitivity to others, and popularity but can tend toward indecisiveness or vacillation. Shrewd yet warm-hearted, this perceptive blend is that of a natural teacher. Image for Integration: "A family plays a game of charades." (This word picture makes me wonder if the outcome of the DNC's political performances is predetermined and meant only as entertainment for the masses! But that's my cynical nature typing after almost 15 years of peering at DC Politics through the revealing lens of Astrology. You, dear reader, certainly don't have to agree!)

Now for the three Sun-Moon blends of RNC 2020. And stay tuned for the most significant midpoint pictures in force during the whole of both conventions for they'll be added to the end of this post.

RNC 2020 opens on August 24th with Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio, a practical Earth-Water blend influenced by intense Mercury-Mars-Pluto vibes. This blend suggests dedication, resourcefulness, loyalty, subjectivism, opinionation, and piousness; it prefers to get on with a useful, dutiful, well-defined job. Analytical, rational, and critical, folks influenced by the vibes of Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio are far more emotionally motivated than they believe themselves to be, tend to exhibit a fighting spirit, and can be fanatical about "getting it right." Note that anti-abortion laws may be part of this picture and its Image for Integration is: "A zealous insect-lover stands quietly in the bushes observing the mating habits of the praying mantis." (Nosy much?) And actually at its opening the Scorpio Moon precisely opposes radical Uranus in Taurus with potentials for erratic or nontraditional behavior, anti-social conduct, and a tendency to misjudge other people.

(So both DNC and RNC contain strong Moon-Uranus influences which may be exciting but hint at sudden reforms, emotionally immature people, and/or leaders who rule by whim. That's on both sides.)

Then on Tuesday August 25th at 8:48:54 am EDT, Luna enters Sagittarius creating a Mercury-Jupiter flavored Sun Virgo-Moon Sag combo of Earth and Fire, the scorched-earth blend of a bull dozer. Under these influences the convention's atmosphere turns rather restless yet remains under a measure of control--plus, criticism takes on a more moralistic tone. Offended beliefs and high standards for others lead to emotional distance and aloofness yet rules and traditions can be tossed away or ignored when it's personally convenient for rule-makers. In part, 'prim and proper eccentrics' may be who is described here.

Finally, RNC 2020 closes the evening of August 27th with a Sun Virgo-Moon Capricorn combination of energies, a double-Earth blend, its deepest fear that of losing control. Luna enters ambitious, austere, authoritarian Capricorn in the early afternoon at 1:36:39 pm EDT after floating out-of-bounds of the earthly plane since 8:30 am EDT, a detached and/or alienated condition for the public's Moon. This may suggest some loss of audience or public favor especially since the Moon simultaneously conjoins its own transiting South Node which may suggest a loss of popularity and/or bad timing. Meanwhile, ambition, skepticism, workaholism, and polished professionalism are exhibited onstage along with a basic expectation to 'get back what's been given' (or, a tit for tat attitude? too much austerity?). Long-held convictions are a driving force while rational justifications for every action and goal are well-rehearsed and ready for presentation. For this blend let's add two Images for Integration: "A headline: Small town boy makes good...Fine bone china," perhaps with an emphasis on China.

Now to close, let's consider the two significant midpoint pictures which remain in effect during each convention:

For the Democrats the ongoing influence is Neptune-North Node = Uranus creating potentials for 'self-willed motives that upset group expectations; becoming upset over the anti-social conduct of others; a sudden displacement from associations; and/or the undermining of relationships'. I suspect this may refer to the DNC taking away the people's choice of Senator Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee but of course this situation may morph into different circumstances by July. However, the Neptune-NN pairing does suggest anti-social conduct and a lack of community spirit from any angle--and Michael Munkasey in Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets reveals it as "a leadership which is unwilling or unable to consider the demands of its people." Add the Moon to the midpoint picture (when Luna meets Uranus @10Taurus!) and we have 'someone feeling ostracized' (Tyl). Is that We The People whose preference is being ignored by the DNC, Bernie being cheated, or both?

As for the Republicans, the ongoing midpoint picture through the entire shebang is Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto with potentials for: 'immense effort, violent changes, separation, restriction (resonates with 4 North eclipse themes listed, above); intense business activity, a total reversal of plans; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation; fearlessness; and/or major change of situation'.

Note: All midpoint pictures in this post are a combination of Tyl, Munkasey, and Ebertin with a little bit of yours truly tossed in.

Well, there's my limited assessment of DNC 2020 and RNC 2020 through a Solar-Lunar lens. As always your on-topic comments are welcome and all gracious Shares are much appreciated! jc