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Feb 1, 2022

Does an Ancient Roman Uprising Rhyme with Jan 6, 2021?

Venatio, Gladiator and Lion in the Colloseum; in oil by Studio artist Firmin-Didot, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

February 1, 2022

Does an Ancient Eclipse Link to Trump and the 1/6 Revolt?

by Jude Cowell

As a Saturnian astrologer fond of the phrase "history rhymes" via similarly repeating events rather than "history repeats" precisely, it has come to my attention during a review of my previous research concerning Masonic Grand Commander Albert Pike that the 'MAGA Mob Attack', aka, Trump's Insurrection of January 6, 2021 meant to retain power by overthrowing the US government, contains a whiff or two, possibly an echo - of the ancient Third Servile War of escaped gladiator slaves who battled against the Roman Empire beginning in 073 B.C. in Capua, Italy.

Escaping from the Capuan Gladiator School using kitchen implements ("choppers and spits") due to the betrayal of their plot, a group of slaves, over 70-strong but soon growing, managed to escape from captivity and a two-year revolt was enjoined as they roamed, raided, and pillaged the land. Once freed, three military leaders had been chosen by the group (a militia?), one of which was the slave gladiator famously known as Spartacus.

Video: Spartacus and the Third Servile War.

However, the revolt, which some historians have called a "civil war" intended to capture the city of Rome, ended for the slave-army in total defeat and approximately 11,000 of the revolt's survivors were crucified, all or thousands of them along the Appian Way.

Meanwhile in our day, Herr Trump demands freedom from a duly elected government and is already in process of mounting another challenge to governmental authority meant to re-grasp the reins of power any way he can - unless The Empire prevents and defeats him. Menacingly stirring the simmering pot of insurrection as it nears the boiling point, Trump's incendiary remarks during a recent rally have the Georgia Prosecutor Asking the FBI for Security Help as the flight risk 'teases' a POTUS run in 2024 and promises his insurrectionists 'pardons' (which may never be granted - he's not known for follow-through, and will promise anything in the moment in order to achieve his purpose: suckers!).

The Servile War Saturn and Total Eclipse of 073 BC with the 4 South Eclipse of December 14, 2020

Now admittedly I possess no thematic information concerning the Solar Eclipse of 073 BC as being a member of the 4 South Saros Series (4S themes are penned on the chart - its initial eclipse occurred April 17, 1624 @28Aries - see lower right corner) but what I'm noting here are cosmic time links such as Sun-Moon-Uranus in 073 BC as an echo of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus (the "swords vs torches" eclipse), and the fact that 073 BC Saturn Rx @23Sag34, acts as the handle of a Sling shape (like a Bucket but more concentrated) and this denotes the leader of the concentrated planetary energies (actors) directed upon a specific goal (freedom! overthrowing the empire!). Authoritative Saturn's leadership is modified by the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in Leo which sesqui-squares Saturn so might 073 BC Saturn represent Spartacus while Mars and Jupiter = the other two leaders of the revolt? (Sun-ruled Leo = ego and pride, and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius = the freedom to range far and wide). Of course, in reality, an actual sling as a weapon reminds us of the small David battling a huge Goliath, yes? Karmic lessons apply.

A Taurus Eclipse Requires a Firm Stand Against Obstacles

My suspicion is that the 073 BC Solar Eclipse @14Tau15 conjunct radical Uranus influenced the Third Servile War (as the first eclipse of the year), an insurrection against the Roman Empire and Army, and that perhaps the eclipse's ancient Saturnian and Taurean energies have been triggered or activated by the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 and by zealous Uranus, once again in Taurus. Plus, there are other planetary contacts (ex: 073 BC Venus conjoined by 2021 Mars at a critical 29th degree) with potentials for violent activities by folks who are prodded into taking action without fully understanding the severity of the consequences. Sound familiar?

Yes, slavery is tied up with the 073 BC Eclipse in mid-Taurus, but in the US such vile conditions now rhyme rather than precisely repeating - even though its evil effects continue to haunt us. Yet perhaps we may agree that a case can be made for citing the economic slavery of Predatory Capitalism within American Plutocracy, and for the lucrative trafficking and abuse of human beings being perpetrated in the shadows. Modern society remains encumbered by karmic conditions which must be confronted and dealt with. And as is often said, it's about time, sealed fate notwithstanding.

Then as we see rising in 1st house, 073 BC Neptune @8Gem50 was conjoined in July 1776 by US Uranus (8:55), a planet of freedom, independence, war, and revolt. Such a transit signifies a period when demented Neptunian ideals can mock issues of equality, personal freedom, and what we now call civil rights, while expression of political and social ideals are frustrated; yet there are opportunities for deep insights into societal conditions emerging from the Collective Unconscious. Well, I think they emerged in 1776 and we'd do best in 2022 by continuing to coax them forward - sans governmental overthrow.

On The Nodal Axis of Fated Encounters with The Dragon

Quirkily enough, one karmic Nodal contact is the 073 BC South Node @23Tau06 conjunct puppet master Pluto (with 'Saturn-Pluto' vibes and disrupted social conditions), and both conjunct the natal Midheaven of Herr Trump where vicious star of rage and destruction, Algol, twinkles. Another contact is the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction at IC which conjoins what turned out to be America's 1776 Nodal Axis (6Leo/6AQ). And although undiscovered until 1930, one of the outer karmic planets in 073 BC, slow-moving Pluto, rises with Castor, star of 'crippled limbs, loss, and/or murder' (A. Louis).

Additionally, by using the Placidus house system as done here, we find that karmic conditions which must be dealt with are further identified by the Taurus-Scorpio polarity intercepted across the 6/12 victim-savior axis. Meanwhile, chart-ruler Mercury rising @27Tau59, planet of travel and trickery, makes no applying aspects in the eclipse chart so its sign and house placements are emphasized:

The above Horoscope of the first Solar Eclipse of 073 BC on May 8th, a Total Eclipse, closely mimics some of the planetary positions of our day (exs: Sun-Moon-Uranus in Taurus and Mercury-Pluto; 073 BC Pluto = 073 BC Uranus-Neptune: "The big picture demands a certain course of action; little option to do otherwise" - N. Tyl; this picture repeated by transit in 2017 as: 1993 Uranus-Neptune Conjunction @18Capricorn = 2017 Pluto). Included are other planetary contacts, aka, 'cosmic time links', with the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 manifesting upon the very day of the Electoral College Vote that Herr Trump takes such great exception to and which he tries to ignore by spouting 'The Big Lie' in order to gaslight his followers into perpetrating his dirty work. (And sending him donations.)

And yet the December 14, 2020 4 South lunation occurred @23Sag08 - conjunct Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn which represents an 'eclipse' of Trumpian authority and control as revealed in the real world by the Electoral College Vote in favor of Joe Biden. With Trump's Inaugural Saturn eclipsed, accountability for his past lapses of responsibility and lack of authenticity while in office are demanded but instead of accepting Saturnian reality and owning up to his mistakes, he's been beefing about his (Saturnian) loss ever since. A notable lack of karmic progress challenges improvements in the US via 'leader' Trump as America's former representative.

So now as shadows lengthen across my keyboard, let's close my fuss of grumpiness with a few links to --

Previous Posts Concerning Power-Related Topics:

Washington DC a 'New Rome? Altair the Eagle says Yes! (contains horoscopes of the 1933 and 1937 Inaugurations of FDR showing when the Oath of Office was changed from early March to January 20th, one with Moon-ruled Cancer rising, the other with Venus-ruled Taurus rising. Compare and contrast both Midheavens, The Goal Points.

Who Is Albert Pike? video, plus his Natal Planets. Ace insurrectionist, Confederate General, and Klan counselor was he.

When Will America Fall Like the Roman Empire?, a Thom Hartmann video, plus, Astrology and a few related links added within.

Civil War 1861: Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands.

Horoscopes: Jan 6th Rally (9:00 am est) with Mo Brooks (natal) who was first to speak.

Jan 6, 2021 'Mob Attack' Horoscope with its 2022 Solar Return. This attack has been described as resembling a medieval battle.

US Pluto Return Feb 2022 with a Moon Return to Jan 6th.

DC Horoscope: Midterms 2022 Brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - conjunct radical planet of Utopian anarchy, Uranus.

Jan 30, 2022

On the Mysterious Death of Nicola Tesla

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you've watch the History Channel's YouTube documentary The Tesla Files: Shadow Government Revealed (S1 E5). Born July 9, 1856 during a midnight thunderstorm in Gospic, Croatia with early Taurus and Pluto rising, Uranian genius Nicola (Nikola!) Tesla's inventions made posible many things such as the wireless technology we employ today. Dying under what seem to be mysterious circumstances on the night of January 7, 1943 in his Manhattan hotel room at The New Yorker, Tesla's files were reportedly gathered up and taken away by the FBI a couple of days after a hotel maid found his lifeless body. By this time, Tesla was very thin and living on warm milk and crackers, plus, the scientist was penniless after a lifetime of inventions (stolen!) and a habit of sleeping only two hours per night.

Apparently, Tesla suffered from a heart condition and died during a Saturn-Uranus-Conjunction period ('Saturn-Uranus' = heart blockage - R. Ebertin). Official cause of death: heart thrombosis. This may be true but it doesn't rule out criminal interference speeding his death along. However, as the above documentary mentions, it could be that Tesla was not being secretly surveilled by government agencies, but was actually working with them. This was, after all, the era of the secret Manhattan Project and other covert projects relating to the war effort and weaponry. Even 'UFOs' became involved in Tesla's story as detailed in the above documentary, and there's a link from there to the commandering of Tesla's files after his death. Perhaps you've heard of the The Majestic Twelve and the conspiracy theories that have swirled out of this secretive group of scientists.

UPDATE Jan 31, 2022: Here's a link to some historical context concerning President Truman and The Bomb. Original post continues here:

Then There's Poor Old Tesla Playing with Pigeons

These days, there are people asking, was Tesla's famous devotion to pigeons more professional than personal? Were secret messages sent to and from a (secretly?) surveilled Nicola Tesla via pigeons he kept on the roof of The New Yorker Hotel? If Tesla was being spied upon by various entities, it's no mere theory that homing pigeons had been used as winged messengers before, by the US military, in fact. And curiously, on an astrological note, for the Vertex ('VX' of fated encounters) at this death (unmarked on the chart but @19AQ55), its rounded-up degree of @20AQ reveals an appropriate Sabian Symbol of "A Big White Dove, A Message Bearer"! In the above documentary, you can see a photo of Tesla's favorite pigeon - and yes, it's white.

Perhaps another cosmic curiosity is that his 1943 Death Neptune Rx @2Lib03 conjuncts - hides - Tesla's natal Nemesis, the unbeatable foe (2Lib22), and of course, sneaky Neptune is the karmic planet of veils, disguises, surveillance, lies, fraud, corruption, speculation, loss, and more. Then rising at 10:30 pm EWT in the Death Horoscope is 14Vir21 which brings up Tesla's natal Icarus, asteroid of 'assassination' and/or 'falling from position' - and possibly being unprepared for the task ahead.

Meanwhile, there's a solar timing device between the charts because Tesla's demise, natural or assisted, came during his un-birthday when the Sun in Capricorn opposed his natal Sun in Cancer, an annual time of reassessment of one's goals for the year. Did a mystery visitor that January 7th insist on a change of direction that Nicola Tesla refused to make? Could it have related to the development of the atom bomb? Well, transit Mercury and Pluto Rx were opposed (across the US Nodal Axis of meetings, encounters, separations) which suggests that someone was determined to undermine existing circumstances along with the spying that comes with this pair. Their opposition by transit echoes America's Mercury-Pluto opposition of July 1776, a cosmic picture of "knowledge is power'.

Yet this opposition can also suggest that Tesla's complex thought patterns may have been unraveling or disintegrating due to longstanding health factors at his age such as the development of brain-related conditions (ex: dementia). After all, he'd reached 87 years old, was subsisting on a poor diet, and had already lived 3 years beyond his Uranus Return/s when things and memories important in the past tend to be let go or forgotten, thus creating a form of mental freedom - in other words, a natural process. Three times genius Tesla's Uranus returned to natal degree (23Tau56 in 1st house): twice in 1940 in June and November, and once in April 1941.

Then on a biological level, Reinhold Ebertin gives the Mercury-Pluto duo a link to 'nerve troubles' and to 'the overtaxing of strength' through 'excessive zeal'. For the brilliant Nicola Tesla, born with primal Pluto rising and thus able to see deeply into reality itself and understand the Universe's cosmic underpinnings, his was a life time of zeal.

And so my suspicion is that a certain midpoint picture of transformation and scientific breakthroughs, which prominently conjuncts his natal Ascendant at birth, could have played a primary part in his zealous life mission and inventions on behalf of the betterment of mankind:

Pluto = Jupiter-Uranus: devices that can transform the world!

And yet the mystery of Nicola Tesla's death remains, with Astrology offering valuable insights while providing no definite conclusion for most of us regarding the 'natural or assisted' question.

Now without further ado, below is a view of the Natal and Death Horoscopes of Nicola Tesla bwo a bi-wheel (his natal chart in center). As always, feel free to leave a name-tagged, on-topic comment with this post if there are any planetary factors you wish to mention for many other cosmic contacts and features between the two charts are worth noting:

Nicola Tesla intended that his inventions would be utilized for the sake of humanity, a mission unendorsed by the corporatists, colleagues, and government officials of his day. Even so, in tribute to a great and ill-treated genius, May Nicola Tesla R.I.P.

Jan 27, 2022

The US Perpetual Union Horoscope 1781

Our Perpetual Union Horoscope with Stars and Asteroids

by Jude Cowell

Because the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were ratified on February 2, 1781, it is constitutionally illegal for a state to secede from the Union. Should someone remind fasc*st Republican sore heads and the neo-naz*s who now try to destroy America's Perpetual Union of this fact? Not that they would care. They prefer to float through a fantasy world of their own design.

However, yours truly prefers realism which includes Saturnian Astrology, so here goes:

A few months ago we discussed the February 2, 1781 US Perpetual Union Horoscope set for a speculative 5:00 pm LMT Annapolis, Maryland, an hour I found online. Tonight I'm happily publishing a more accurately timed horoscope, same date and location, set for 2:37 pm LMT as provided by historian-astrologer Gary Lorentzen (see his vimeo link, below). Planetary contacts with fixed stars are notated on the chart along with a few positions of asteroids on that historic day.

So on February 2, 1781 at 2:37 pm in Annapolis, 15Can51 arose and you'll find the three applying Ptolemaic aspects of chart-ruler Moon listed, lower left corner (in money sign Taurus), plus, a few details concerning the Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Taurus blend of conscious and unconscious energies are penned on, upper right; note that Adlai Stevenson was born under this blend so his famous quote is added: "A hungry man is not a free man":

As you see, The Goal Point ('MC' = Midheaven) has gold-loving MIDAS atop it @26Pis17, while a Sun-Saturn sextile indicates leaders (Sun) who are good managers (Saturn) of resources. A YOD pattern (crisis; crossroads; special purpose) with the Sun-Saturn sextile forming its base is marked but not listed as such since technically it has no third planet, only the 1781 Ascendant (@15Can51 which turned out to be the 1942 Ascendant of our money pit of a Pentagon, and also the position of US Jupiter Rx by progression). Anyway, as a midpoint picure, I've listed "caution" as a primary potential for Sun-Saturn = ASC. A streak of Saturnian conservatism is indicated.

Spotlighted in green, is financier and politician Jupiter, the Great Benefic, @25Sco12, as apex of the Venus-Neptune midpoint, with the picture's deceptive potentials penned on the chart, lower right. Now as you know, like Taurus, Scorpio is also a money sign of Big Business (and spying!) and the Mercury-Pluto conjunction suggests that secrets were afoot. The Syzygy Moon of this event @5AQ00 conjoined wealth-hoarder (or even spymaster) Pluto (New Moon exact on January 24, 1781) so a critical time of development is suggested.

So in closing, perhaps a reader or two may be interested in leaving an on-topic, name-tagged observation concerning this 1781 Historical Horoscope, or the event the planets describe, and this would be an encouraging development for the continuance of Stars Over Washington! jc

A Recommended Presentation is the US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 by Gary Lorentzen.

Jan 26, 2022

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of 2024

2024: A Pivotal Year for America

by Jude Cowell

January 26, 2022

For future reference, this is merely a quick posting of the DC Horoscope of the next Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction of April 20, 2024 @21Tau 49:48 set for Washington DC. The word picture for "22Taurus" = "A White Dove Over Troubled Waters" which can be either a positive or negative indicator with motive being the deciding factor.

Yet as I type, society is now in the final or third stage of the current Jupiter-Uranus cycle which actually sported an extended three-fer time frame for Jupiter-Uranus issues beginning in June 2010 (conjunct the Cardinal Aries Point), September 2010 @28Pis43, and January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. Obviously, these conjunctions occurred during the presidency of Barack Obama.

Listed on the chart, lower left, are a few of the potentials for the combined energies of expansive Jupiter, the Great Benefic, and progressive if radical Uranus such as: freedom issues, group causes, and/or activities within the realms of Technology, Finance, (Politics), or Astrology, with possible breakthroughs and discoveries in Science, Medicine, or Exploration as typical outcomes. In money sign Taurus, Jupiter reaches for financial security and can be wasteful, while erratic Uranus there suggests unusual methods of gaining money, risky speculation, and/or a potential for disruptive earth changes:

Also, a few notes are penned on the chart concerning this Conjunction's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE'), the 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 which is the third 'Great American Eclipse' with its Path of Totality dividing America from the Southwest to the Northeast this time (last time in August 2017, from Oregon to South Carolina). 'Flashes of genius', 'good ideas', and 'visions' may occur under 8 North eclipses.

Also listed, upper right, is the PE of the 2024 Presidential Election; its PE @10Lib03 falls within the difficult 8 South Series of 'loss and separation' (B. Brady). As you see in this chart, Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus is the only aspect made by chart-ruler Jupiter which also rules the 4th cusp via the watery sign of Pisces. You'll note a difficult Mars-Saturn conjunction at IC along with fixed star Achernar with its keywords suggesting "crisis at the end of the river" and/or "the risk of rapid endings." Meanwhile, the Sun-Pluto square reveals someone with a "might makes right" attitude along with a deep craving for power.

If curious or simply optimistic, why not look ahead toward what is hopefully the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

(Eclipse info from Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.)

Jan 25, 2022

NATO and the October 2022 Solar Eclipse of Power and Control

Re-Typing a Post Under Mercury Retrograde!

by Jude Cowell

January 25, 2022

After Blogger erroneously 'ate' yesterday's posting of the following bi-wheel of charts just after my post went Live on SO'W, with today's effort I'll try again with a re-publish of NATO's 1949 Horoscope, its "into effect" chart as signed by President Truman, surrounded by the 6 South Solar Eclipse Horoscope which manifests on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - conjunct NATO's Ascendant (the organization itself). 'Conjunct Ascendant' makes the 6 South Eclipse of 2022 and its themes significant to, or prominent for, the organization and its objectives with issues of 'taking power and control' on the menu.

So with my usual desire to be helpful, 6 South themes of influence are listed on the chart (upper right) highlighted in orange along with a few other details such as potentials offered society by all Scorpio solar eclipses (top left). A prominent NATO midpoint picture is penned in the center of the bi-wheel and in part suggests NATO's 'cautious nature':

Also note that with the October 2022 Eclipse comes a potential for a change of position in Jupiterian realms (Saturn-NN = Jupiter: Senators Sinema or Manchin? Russia and Ukraine?), and the 2022 Eclipse conjunct Venus denotes that material values are on the disruptive 'cosmic blink' menu of the eclipse. In fact, Scorpio's intense Mars-Pluto influences simmer while NATO's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @8Taurus themes rumble in the background with its 'prophetic dreams and visions' vibes that include the requirement to persistently stand against all regressive obstacles (exs: neo-naz*sm, Putin, other incursions and conflicts: wars and rumors of war; and/or Ds vs Rs?) while avoiding obstinacy, intolerance, and greediness which are downsides of Venus-ruled Taurus. It's a tall order, isn't it?

Back In April and August 1949

Yet to me it seems that positive influences (protective, practical Taurus, a money sign of growth and development) must have inspired the formation of NATO (founded April 4, 1949 with US Neptune rising in Virgo and US Mars in Gemini at MC - our hard-to-control Mars-Neptune square - yet negative or misguided influences always wait in the wings for use by unscrupulous participants harboring greedy desires and old grudges.

'Cosmic Blinks' = 'Wild Cards of the Universe' 1932/2022

And so we should note that the manifestation of a 6 South Eclipse in 1932 is the one I tend to call the 'Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse' and includes the fact that the 1932 Eclipse @8Virgo was conjoined by NATO's Saturn-Moon-Sun trio in Virgo as the organization became operational in 1949 - with Saturnian karmic implications of restriction upon 6 South Eclipse themes, thankfully enforced after WWII. (Please note that my relatives fought the Naz*s in WWII and I have not the least intention of cheering for today's version of the brutal blighters.)

NATO's Jupiter Return/s Perfected Three Times in 2020

Then as you see, 2022 Pluto in Capricorn recently conjoined NATO's 1949 Jupiter Rx, exact in December 2020, and marking a Jupiterian-Plutonian period when political and economic objectives become expansive, even to the point of fanaticism, as greater power and control are sought. Simultaneously, transit Pluto also opposed NATO's Mars in Cancer adding a strong hint of conflict to the powerful, manipulated Jupiterian picture. Of course, NATO's Jupiter Rx wields the handle of a Sling shape of its 1949 planets (large and in charge?) and falls within what has become a highly sensitized area of the Zodiac in our era, not the least of which is due to the harsh, compressive energies of the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020. And as noted, NATO's Mars-Jupiter opposition was 'hit' by transformative Pluto, and suggests the potential to attempt more than can be kept under NATO control - unless the opposition's gift of objectivity is carefully and honestly utilized. Perhaps powerful Pluto came along by transit and is supporting this.

Or not. For on this very day, Plutonian despot Putin has threatened America if Washington dares to restrict his expansion into Ukraine, including cyber attacks and/or in other ways of his devising. Meanwhile, gas pipelines from Russia are under threat by Germany. Checkmate?

So as you've heard, "US troops are now on high alert" as are military forces of other countries, members of NATO. And is the number 8,500? Well, hopefully, no US president is hapless enough when facing conflict with a Nemesis to publicly name the true number of troops being geared up for such a disclosure would inform America's opponents!

Saturn-Pluto Conjunct and in Opposition

So obviously, NATO went into effect in 1949 after the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 1947 @13Leo07, the conjunction acting as a cosmic timer of great frustration with limitations and restrictions, although positively their combined energies can provide responsible members of society with endurance, stamina, and an opportunity to create a new framework for dealing with the laws of society. Notably, their exact opposition of 1931 perfected during the hard economic struggles of the Great Depression, and we know what cruelty and hardships the 2001 Saturn-Pluto opposition brought to the world (as manipulated by unscrupulous individuals holding grudges and with a lust for power and wealth).

Meanwhile, we both know that there are many real-world implications suggested by the cosmic links between NATO planets of 1949 and the 6 South Eclipse of October 2022 particularly in light of the current rise of anti-democratic authoritarianism and dictatorships across the globe, harsh and draconian in nature, and once again striving to take over America as it did unsuccessfully in 1933.

In Conclusion: Can Forewarned Be Forearmed?

Now while I don't intend to promote a warlike stance for the US, the above bi-wheel is shown here due to the October 2022 Solar Eclipse 'hitting' or 'eclipsing' the natal Ascendant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, aka, NATO, with forceful 6 South 'taking power' vibes, as previously noted. May NATO be forewarned!

Now admittedly, one of my hopes is that a reader's curiosity may be stirred toward more research and consideration of the possibilities as reflected upon the Earth, then perhaps adding your on-topic observation to this post. However, what most Americans don't want to do is to display excessive upset or paranoia over what Putin might impulsively do as he struggles to gain more territory, power, and status in the world because exhibiting emotional upsets would play into his grasping claws as he continues to undermine America and the democracy he malevolently hates. As usual, such a creature always looks for pretexts intended to 'justify' his actions. Therefore, despite sore-loser Republicans' political opposition to any and all of President Biden's efforts, our faith in American leadership must never be abandoned, no matter what the nay-sayers say!

For more eclipse info see Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

And if you, dear reader, need a lift after reading this rather drab post, why not watch Thom Hartmann's recent interview with Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, More Optimism, Less Gloom in 2022!

Jan 24, 2022

2023 to 2027 and Washington DC

Focusing on June 2023

by Jude Cowell

Since creating Stars Over Washington in 2005, I've always considered transits, progressions, and planetary returns affecting our nation by using one or more of the various 1776 horoscopes for America but the the 12:00 am LMT Washington DC Horoscope of May 3, 1802 reveals a significant transit as an example of upcoming issues and concerns.

Naturally, rather than a mere post, an e-book would have to be written and published in order to contain and discuss all the upcoming transits of note over the next few years, for as the Cosmos would have it, a mixture of both positive and negative transits and contacts are and will be indicated. Well, I can't do this so what you see displayed is a bi-wheel horoscope of one major transit with the outer transit chart set for June 5, 2023 (exact at 12:37:03 pm edt) showing transit Uranus @20Tau27 opposing DC's 1802 Neptune @20Sco27 Rx in 10th house at 12:00 am LMT.

Now as you know, Uranus = Science, and Neptune = Faith and Ideals and these energies may play out in general terms in light of the reciprocal transit in 2026 into 2027 when transit Neptune opposes DC's 1802 Uranus. This reveals a time frame (2023 --2027) and a wider view that we should keep in mind as major shifts, changes, and reforms occur in the USA, or are proposed and rebuffed. Yet we must be aware that a longterm plan by China and Russia is now in pain sight and intends to topple America from global leadership, thus forming a 'new world order' of authoritarianism, as Russia threatens to invade Ukraine territory again.

Astrologically in the US, transit Pluto @00AQ05 Rx on June 5, 2023 has finally reached the January 20th degree of US Inaugural Sun (POTUS Oath of Office) - which is also the December 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn so here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning this topic which may be of a timely interest:

Years 2023 and 2024: Reform and Rebellion

Possibilities for 2020 Jupiter-Saturn = 2023/2024 Pluto include: 'a total reversal of plans; extreme changes; intense business activity; violent changes/reforms; restriction; separation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; fearlessness; control of the situation' (N. Tyl; R. Ebertin; M. Munkasey). Ebertin adds a footnote to this picture that it can lead to "enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered." Oh yes, it certainly does have to be considered.

Reinhold Ebertin also identifies the Jupiter-Saturn duo as possibly representing entities such as, "professors and teachers of law, clergymen, politicians, government officials, civil servants of the administration, relatives, and/or fellow tenants." Biological Correspondences: "organic defects (ex: tuberculosis), a chronic disease; functions of the gall and the liver." (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; #ad.)

Related: Horoscope: Putin's First Inauguration of 2000.

Jan 20, 2022

April-May 2022 Cosmic Shifts and Blinks

April-May 2022: As Above, So Below

by Jude Cowell

Thursday January 20, 2022

With springlike April coming soon and flowery May just behind, here's a round-up of SO'W posts, plus, info concerning prominent cosmic events coming in April and May 2022 that promise societal shifts on multiple levels. The emphasis here is on the US but naturally other regions of the world will also be under these cosmic influences:

April 1, 2022: New Moon @12Pis07 culminating with the Full Moon @26Lib46 on April 16, 2022 (no DC Horoscopes of these lunations have been published, not yet anyway).

April 12, 2022: a new cycle begins of the speculator pair of bubbles, inflation, and political conflicts: Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis59 opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo (Jupiter-Neptune with more Neptune: promotion of strange theories; misplaced altruism).

April 30, 2022: A disruptive, course-changing 6 North Solar Eclipse in Venus-ruled Taurus (@10Tau28--where transit Uranus is as I type). Check out the themes of this 'cosmic blink' eclipse because an authority figure may become unreliable and have to be replaced. Good news is that this is a partial solar eclipse so its energies are not as influential as a Total eclipse would be.

May 16, 2022: Total Lunar Eclipse @25Scor18 near the natal Sun and Venus of President Biden (no DC Horoscope published yet). Which inconvenient secrets of a Scorpionic nature will be revealed or leaked? Will this eclipse relate to an authority figure becoming unreliable? (If so, may it be a secessionist.)

May 24, 2022: Transit Jupiter and Mars Reach Aries Point by leaving shady Pisces behind. Mars in his own sign of Aries desires change, while Jupiter in Aries suggests vigorous leadership and honesty but negatively can bring premature action, over-expansion, and/or moodiness.

May 30, 2022: the merry month of May ends with a New Moon @9Gem03 conjunct US 1776 Uranus (@8:55), America's totem planet of revolt and revolution, and a cosmic marker for changes, shifts, reforms, progress, disruption, and/or radical politics.

So this is the list of cosmic events I have for you today, however, there are almost certainly more April and May 2022 posts coming so do stay tuned!

Above image: 'Cosmic Blinks' paper collage by Jude Cowell

Jan 19, 2022

Notes on America's Jupiter-Saturn Square

by Jude Cowell

As we see in the US Horoscope of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US Jupiter @5Can55 widely squares US Saturn @14Lib48 with both planets happily compatible, even exalted, within their respective signs. Yet when we consider Jupiter's expansion principle squared by Saturn's principle of restriction, their square aspect during that era when America was establishing herself must add a measure of complexity to conditions, then and now.

Sabian Symbols of their rounded-up degrees: Jupiter '6Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" which to me sounds like America's Founding Plutocrats, and subsequent ones through the years. Saturn '15Libra' = "Circular Paths," which can be a basic reference to cycles and repetition, but also to the practice of Astrology - and curiously, this symbol was operative on 9/11/01 as Dubya's plane left Florida and was flown round and round - an attempt to thwart his enemies, one might assume.

Now the Jupiter-Saturn duo contains multiple implications as everyone knows, not the least of which is their status as the two societal planets, plus, all the roles that both planets can play separately in mundane horoscopes. Examples are: Jupiter the banker, guru, corporatist, explorer, military general, philosopher, and Saturn the manager, the senex, the boss, teacher, lawmakers, authority figures.

Additionally, the two planets may be referred to as 'the flywheel of the Universe' due to their expansion-restriction principles (yin-yang!) that keeps all the planets in our Solar System orbiting 'in their courses.' And fortunately for faith-based folks, this relationship can be labeled comforting especially for those who consider that, "Thy rod" (Saturn) "and Thy staff" (Jupiter) "they comfort me."

Yes, it's the Great Benefic vs the Chronocrator, aka, as the 'Time Lord'!

But now let's turn profane and note the planetary pair's effects in Politics - first, the fact that in July 1776, the two societal planets were in square aspect (which on a personal level suggests internal obstacles as square aspects will do and which may signify an essential quest). In 1776 Politics, we could assume that Jupiterian and Saturnian figures were debating difficulties concerning the risky declaration of our independence and related matters on that fabled day (July 4, 1776). A Jupiter-Saturn square implies restlessness, and a tendency to go on to a new project or new phase of an endeavor before completing current matters. Inertia often results as the energies can neutralize each other.

This sounds to me like a description of the day's events because the more complete signing of the Declaration of Independence took place later, on August 2, 1776. So perhaps the Jupiter-Saturn square represents on July 4th a 'shelving' of the matter since there were practical reasons for the delay (and with a retrograde Mercury, a later signing when the planet of signings, documents, details, commerce, and negotiations was moving direct, a more lasting implication for such a document!).

Meanwhile, it's only realistic to admit that a Jupiter-Saturn square can cause misfortune and problems in business and financial affairs, usually through faulty judgment, or, through downright corruption, schemes, and theft. With the square, cautious long-range financial planning may be neglected or be error-filled while a lack of opportunity can affect matters as can bad timing.

However, in Politics a positive indication of the pair is America's tradition of "checks and balances" which has always been an excellent use of these energies - until domestic and foreign saboteurs determined to undermine our government into a state of chaos and collapse, as we now see. Tragically for the world and for Democracy, theirs has been a long-range plan now on steroids since Tr*mp. Timing is everything.

Then on a basic level, over-materialism can be one underlying result of a Jupiter-Saturn square along with ethics and moral issues embedded within a tendency toward over-conservatism such as we see with certain cultish politicians who care more for party than country. Obviously, Predatory Capitalism chimes in with corrupt practices and exploitation which forms an unequal condition in which karmic Saturnian energies overwhelm Jupiterian generosity - with Saturnian austerity measures promoted for and enforced upon the masses while members of the elite and ruling classes enjoy the largesse and good fortune of jolly Jupiter. Autocracy, Plutocracy, Authoritarianism, Dystopianism - we Americans can label it whatever we like but if fully implemented, we will not like it.

My suspicion is that current progressives easily recognize such unbalanced tendencies by "others don't cooperate as they should" and the ever-popular "denial of guilt by responsible parties." Yet we know that politicians cannot legislate (Saturn) morality (Jupiter) but some of the theocratic ones, backed by power-mad financiers, pretend that they can. Besides, role-player Jupiter is also the thespian in their political theater performances.

So here are potentials of the Jupiter-Saturn duo in Politics and Business as provided by master astrologer Michael Munkasey in Thesis-Antithesis form:

"Thesis: The serious side of justice and the law; processes concerning checks and balances; changes in the governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; an expansion within the rocks in the ground.

Antithesis: Too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems."

Related is a previous post concerning the Great Conjunction (or Mutation into the Air sign of Aquarius) of Jupiter and Saturn, with their 20-year cycle timing major changes and reforms in society.

A Closing Note: Any reader with more financial savvy than I possess (a low bar!) may agree or disagree with the tendencies noted in this post and it would be interesting to read your on-topic observations via a courteous name-tagged comment left with this post, if you wish. But as always, no ads. jc

Jan 18, 2022

February 2022: New Moon @12AQ19

Lunations Spotlight the Leo-Aquarius Self-Will Axis

by Jude Cowell

January 18, 2022

DC Horoscope: New Moon @12AQ19:55 February 1, 2022 12:45:51 am est; Washington DC

Rising is 10Sco44 which brings up asteroid Hygeia (health and cleanliness issues) along with Sigma, the lone wolf - both opposed by radical, disruptive Uranus @10Tau53 ('The Witness'). At Midheaven ('MC') is Cupido Rx signaling objectives that involve Corporatism, The Network (criminal or otherwise), The Family ('religious' or otherwise), and/or Culture, Social Events, and the Arts:

Chart-ruler Mars is buttressed by higher octave planet (or is it lower? certainly deeper, more intense) Pluto, the stealthy and wealthy. There are three applying aspects by warrior-activist, even arsonist, Mars listed, lower left, which suggest how things will proceed from the February 2022 New Moon:

1. Mars sextile 4th house Jupiter @7Pis16 (1A39): a period of opportunities for advancement in areas of political aims, international travel, intellectual endeavors, intel acquiring; physical efforts tend to be successful, and professional status may improve; risks may be taken; plus, military actions and/or troop movements may also be indicated.

2. Mars square 5th house Chiron @9Ari16 (3A40): direct dealing is required concerning aggression and sexuality issues and concerns if progress is to be made.

3. Mars trine Uranus @10Tau53 (5A17) and setting: unpredictable or unexpected outcomes to efforts; unusual actions are taken or new methods and procedures may be implemented, often with favorable results; group organizations may be favored.

Plus, you'll note karmic Saturn @15AQ30 conjuncts IC (Endings? Domestic Security? Real Estate? Mining?) of the chart, and restrictive Saturn, planet of Government, Law, and Business is apex planet of a symbolic T-Square pattern with Uranus-ASC at its base: 'quick responses; upsets; excitement' (R. Ebertin); also at apex is the New Moon herself. Upper right you see listed a few potentials of the T-Square when read as a midpoint picture - and I'd be remiss not to mention that danger may be part of the environment around the time of the New Moon and afterwards (unsurprising, I know).

More lunation details may be gleaned through the Sabian Symbol of the February 2022 New Moon's rounded-up degree of "13Aquarius" = "A Barometer: Keyword = INDICATION; positive expression: unusual keenness of observation and exceptional competence in judgment; negative expression: superficial uncertainty and a continual trimming to passing events" (M.E. Jones).

This reminds me of the June 16, 2015 Gemini New Moon's Sabian Symbol ("A Man Trimming Palms") which perfected on the very morning of Tr*mp's freakish escalator ride downward to announce to a paid-for audience what I tend to call his lamentable, bigoted 'prez bid'.

Then for unconscious information we can check the Illumination Point opposite the New Moon - "13Leo" = "An Old Sea Captain Rocking": Keyword = RETROSPECT; positive: each person's unlimited capacity for calling up afresh the powers he has gained in his struggle for self-fulfillment; negative: insensibility to present reality in a full surrender to the past" (M.E.J.). Perhaps this reminds us both of fantasy-based Herr Tr*mp, put out to pasture and golfing by the sea as he plots a return to power with grudges festering inside - and of a regressive 'Republican Party' venerating bygone days of what they consider "glory" in a racist, hate-filled country the white power structure controlled. And they intend to take control again.

Now let's close with a further look ahead at February 2022 for we know that seeds and plans are laid and tend to take root at a New Moon and culminate with the next Full Moon which in this case perfects on February 16, 2022 @27Leo60 at 11:56 am est - fully revealing the natal Ascendant and rising Mars of the orange menace whose testy Mars happens to oppose US natal Moon (We The People) with apoplectic rage and malevolent aggression toward anyone in the populace who disagrees with him or who stands in his way.

Well, like a huge wad of gum stuck on the bottom of humanity's shoe, we both knew that his orangeness would have to show up somewhere in this post.