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Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Jun 16, 2012

6.19.12: A Gemini New Moon, TPP, and Obama v Romney

A Gemini New Moon, Romney, Obama, and A Draconian "Free Trade" Pact

by Jude Cowell

Wondering about the significance of the June 19th New Moon @28Gem43? Then let masterful Dipali Desai fill you in with pertinent astro-details and insights!

Coming so close to Summer Solstice 2012 (Wednesday June 20), this New Moon perfects at 11:02 am in the edt time zone, is disposited by Mercury (ruler of communicative Gemini) during a Mercury Hour, plus--Mercury is the only planet out-of-bounds. Whew! Lots of Mercurialism going on next week with a New Moon signaling a new cycle of activity beginning in the realms of Mercury (trade, commerce, journalism, travel including air and space, plans, thinking processes, teaching, speechifying, and more.) Plus, '28Gem' is a degree of BANKRUPTCY in the Sabian Symbols and the June 19th New Moon stimulates the Moon of 9/11/01 for it's something of a Lunar Return to the 9/11 horoscope.

Additionally, Moon and Mercury (the 'heart v head' combo) are engaged in supportive mutual reception for Mercury (what I think of as our solar system's 'tofu planet' for Mr. Speedy takes on the flavor of whatever it contacts) is now zooming through the zodiacal sign of Cancer, sign of Home, Nurturing, Self-Protection, crabbiness, caginess, and shrewd business maneuvers. And with its New Moon position @21Can15, we know that a US Mercury Return will soon occur, another 'new cycle' indicator for our nation.

However, restrictive Saturn 22Lib47 Rx in Mercury's natural 3rd house of Communication provides a bit of braking or delay by squaring Mercury in 11th H of Groups where the New Moon occurs (edt) while the Venus 8Gem45 Rx-Jupiter 1Gem47 duo in the New Moon's 10th H of Public Standing (both disposited by Mercury) contact US natal Uranus 8Gem55 and continue to affect the Republican Party's assumed presidential candidate Mitt Romney's natal ASC 1Gem01 and 1st house NN 5Gem29.

These expansive contacts are giving Mittens an airy lift of his thinking, plans, newsworthiness, and visibility though with all the unstable Mutable energy, the good effects may be temporary or alternating. As you know, in Washington DC, Mercurial thievery seems to be a constant and methinks we're very wise to mistrust any politician of any partisan persuasion who expresses a desire to join that particular club of elites! Yes, Mitt has been rapping at the club door for years and this former resident of DC had a good chuckle this past week when Mr. Romney said of Mr. Obama that 'talk is cheap'--for Mitt was talking when he said it.

Now with Venus to US n Uranus (plus the June 5/6, 2012 Venus Transit in mid-Gemini), unusual or unorthodox alliances are being formed, one of which is the super-secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a draconian "free trade" deal (Mercury) between Asian nations and America which, among other Global Governance goals, will set up an international authority (tribunal) to which the US will bow, thus totally destroying US sovereignty with no legal recourse for the American people--ever. This makes a visit to an imperative for We the People--and we must forget Washington's tiresome 'con v lib/R v D' divide-and-conquer tactics and propaganda before all is lost.

And yes, my fellow Americans, communist China may join later as and when it will. Although an official site makes it all sound quite mild, others such as myself aren't nearly as complacent. If the radical reforms are so beneficial, why was the pact formed in complete secrecy during its nascent stages (2008--2010)? More offshoring of US jobs is afoot! This is a negative for President Obama's re-election campaign dreams for details and text now emerge in the light of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem20 (conjunct Alcyone--this pact is indeed something to cry about) along with the June 6 Lunar Eclipse (conjunct US natal ASC) and its uncovering-of-secrets function for TPP's "free trade" details have been leaked in line with the current (un-)veiling Neptune in oceanic Pisces influence. Such a leaky White House! Makes me wonder if the identity of the GOP mole will soon be leaked!

Now Back to Mitt Romney: March 12, 1947 9:51 am EST Detroit, MI

The political nature of these transits to Romney's Uranus-NN pairing in the personal 1st house denotes a 'political association advocating reforms' flavor (R. Ebertin.) Romney's natal 2nd H of Money and Earning Ability is affected as well with the June 19th New Moon occurring therein--cusp 25Gem00; some fluctuation in his campaign funding efforts--up or down--may be forthcoming as well once the new cycle begins and culminates two weeks later at the July Full Moon in Capricorn. Of course, revelations of financial double-dealing are possible for Romney with Gemini, the sign of multiplicity and duplicity--here in money matters (2nd H.)

President Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii

Yes, the Gemini planets of June also affect President Obama's natal 4th H Moon 3Gem21 which sextiles his n 6th H Mercury 2Leo20 but is squared by n Pluto 6Vir59 in 7th H of Partnerships. Natal 7th H also contains his 'political associations advocating reforms' duo of Uranus-NN in Leo which is in much closer orb than Romney's Uranus-NN in Gemini.

In addition, it may turn out to be politically significant--especially in the realms of speeches and goals--that Mercury's Rx Station @12Leo33 on July 14, 2012 is a direct 'hit' to President Obama's natal Sun @12Leo33--and will recur with a direct Mercury--but I can't type about that now since I'm in process of adding such notes to the first-ever issue of Stars Over Monthly which is coming soon!

May 31, 2012

Bilderberg meeting Chantilly VA May 31 - June 3 2012

The following video is about one month old but it relates to the policy-setting Bilderberg meeting of May 31 - June 3, 2012 being held this year in Chantilly, Virginia. We discussed previously how during Campaign 2008 Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton 'disappeared' from the campaign trail and were confirmed to be attendees of the meeting in June 2008, also in Chantilly, VA.

This was the meeting at which Hillary Clinton was given the news that it would be Barack Obama moving into the White House (though she'd waited so long to occupy the Oval Office in her own right.) I imagine one reason for his selection was Mr. Obama's natural talent for swaying the masses with his rhetoric, don't you? Must be his natal Mercury in dramatic Leo! Plus, the conjunction between easily deceived Neptune in the US natal horoscope (if you use our national Sibly chart, July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--Neptune 22Vir25), planet of the masses, and President Obama's natal Mars at the same degree, our 'rock star' connection, still manages to keep many Americans from seeing his actions and motivations clearly through obfuscating Neptune's veil.

And it pains me to say it because I love America, the America my ancestors fought and sacrificed for, but whether January 21, 2013 brings a presidential oath by neocon puppet Mitt Romney or a second term for President Obama--both funded by basically the same entities, sceptors, and crowns--we get a continuance of the globalist agenda now beggaring our coffers to establish world domination through war. We the People must now stand up for ourselves and for our country and so I must agree with Alex Jones that one way to do this is to: Occupy Bilderberg!

So please don't even think of staying home from the polls on November 6, 2012 because it gives these arrogant jokers the idea that we're apathetic and don't care what happens to our country--or to our children. Their children will be just fine, thanks.

Now here's a previous post concerning the oh-so-secret Bilderberg Group and how people the world over are awakening to their madness.

Mar 28, 2012

An Astro-Peek at RNC 2012

As Above, So Below--Even When There Be Political Conventions

by Jude Cowell

Some say that the earthly and the celestial may be successfully blended once inner harmony and patiently learned skills are meshed and in sync. Completely out of step with this harmonious dream arise Politics and political conventions in America. Like a chronic condition that should have been tended to and healed long ago, they afflict us every four years on the presidential level.

In the public realm much political pontificating goes on in between for our consumption and it's not as if propagandists can sit on their laurels for more than the shake of a lamb's tail. Unrelenting brouhaha is our fate along with endless war while the globalists have their way, an ancient way of Reason and Enlightenment when man's reasoning was thought to have usurped the perceptive intellect ("I think, therefore I am"--Descartes.) And of course, the Uranus-Neptune pair represents the very broadest concepts of the Enlightenment for they are the planets of the European movement of the 17th century in which it became unfashionable to admit that truth may be revealed to man's perceptive intellect.

As you know, Uranus and Neptune have gone on to become the planetary reps of the New World Order with their energies concentrated all through 1993 as they met in Great Conjunction three times (Feb 2, Aug 20, Oct 24) at and near '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER ("negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism"--The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Yes, some revolutionaries glow with noble aims while other men of lower characters play their roles in the drama and are aware enough to manipulate and use the noble to create cacophony masquerading at times as a symphony, a constant babble really, in the great Piscean struggle: will humankind swim up or swim down? With oceanic Neptune now ensconced in his own watery realm of perceptions, dreams, and visions, it's time to set our higher courses individually as well as collectively.

Back to Earth with a Thud?

Can we by use of Astrology's lens investigate the celestial Cosmic Clock and cast its information upon Earth's actors now embroiled within their tasks and intent on gaining success, power, wealth, and the opportunity to lord it over others?

Well, your personal level of involvement in political matters, dear reader, is your own affair, but disclosure: I cannot promote an idolizing of the characters playing upon the world stage (past, present, or future) whether politician, preacher, guru, pope, mogul, general, scientist, academic, celebrity, or other. This blog was never meant for that!

Still, the American people and the rest of anyone who pays attention to US Politics (and the Conventions are like giant super bowls of power mongering, aren't they?) will be dragged through the political mud from August 27 until the evening of September 6, 2012, a time frame which covers both parties' political Conventions.

For use in this post and in subsequent posts on this topic, I shall limit my inquiries to 12:00 am the first day to midnight of August 30 with horoscopes set for Tampa, FL. An astro-peek at DNC 2012 will be forthcoming and may appear in the now under construction Stars Over Washington News, a monthly report by electronic subscription which perhaps you will consider sampling when it hits the pavement.

No matter who the nominees are and the victors turn out to be, on Monday January 21, 2013 at noon est, a caterpillar hatches, the butterfly's wings spread, the much-touted presidential baton will, we presume, again be passed to the next Oval Office dude with ceremonies and embassy balls--or handed to oneself in the case of Barack Obama. A lamentable question: does the Office of the Presidency remain the American Ideal we've been sold as The Model which Washington has always followed, and has never sullied by fraud, deception, or greed?

It is this Capricorn's belief that somewhere deep within the hearts of We the People, we know that the usurpers' taint has left a permanent stain and that our presidential choices are directed and selected, not elected. And yet we must rise to the occasion and Vote in the November 6 election. Discouraging a large turn out of voters on November 6 is a main tactic of political agents and operatives so one way for us to counter their ill effects upon our political and social systems is to show up en masse at voting booths, as crooked as the count may be.

For democracies only work if the people who are governed give consent to be ruled--and it turns out that they appreciate the results of services rendered by public officials on behalf of the collective, aka, society. Yet those in public office who break trust with the American people while hiding their true motivation and darker purposes may deceive us for a while as they work to tear down civilization--by their fruits we shall know them.

In order to further society's downfall and assure their own primacy at the pinnacle of worldly success (where there are more resources--the I Got Mine You Get Yours Mindset of The End Justifies the Means cabal with a Social Darwinism twist as informed by Ayn Rand Objectivism), they depend upon the public's apathy about what they do and how they do it, 'quaint' ethics be da**ed. But as a famous public speaker once said while slouching at a lectern, Fool me once shame on......well, you get the idea.

The Big Show Begins: RNC 2012 and Political Astrology

From August 27 to August 30, 2012 the Republican National Convention will heat up in sizzling Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Bay Times Forum. What cream will rise to the top? Will the GOP entertain and impress the voting public with a brokered convention?

Or is a Romney-Santorum ticket the perfect foil to a second-term Barack Obama? And, can either GOP candidate keep his foot out of his mouth and old scandals under wraps long enough to be nominated? Plus, is Jeb Bush only kidding about not accepting the nom?

Such exciting questions! Such nail-biting considerations!

Following on the boot heels of RNC 2012, the Democratic National Convention 2012 will be held from September 3 to September 6 in Charlotte, NC. The event's first three days will proceed from the Time Warner Cable Arena but the last night (September 6) will be held at the larger Bank of America Stadium where President Obama is expected to accept his party's nomination to serve a second term and to use stirring rhetoric in an acceptance speech that thrills the masses.

Yet we must look away from the Obama/Bank of America connection! Especially if you've read Matt Taibbi's Bank of America: Too Crooked to Fail. (When Mr. Obama's DNC speech location was announced weeks ago, I cringed. Isn't this one of those tone deaf political decisions? Of course, Charlotte NC is where BoA headquarters are located so...)

Now just for the record, if during one or both Conventions we should hear a bunch of "Democrat Party" childishness, "Republic Party" must also be parroted. And then they'll both sound equally lame and foolish. So be it.

Let's Start with August 27

In this basic bit of astro-tracking for the dates of RNC 2012 there may be a message in the stars that reflects upon actions and events below. Naturally, the Saros Series of the Pre-Natal Eclipse during which both Conventions take place is the 14 South in which the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 fell (horoscope shown) so events will express all or some of the flavors and themes of 14S such as: an obsessive idea (Mercury-Pluto content = propaganda galore) is finally accepted and leads to a breakthrough (Jupiter) after a period of hard work, and to political conflicts (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

RNC 2012's planetary portents open with a shaking Fist of God pattern having the Uranus/Pluto square at its base, a generational conflict. In Cardinal signs (Uranus 7Ari47 Rx v Pluto 7Cap05 Rx), we find them in fated degrees since both = 7, or 8, if you prefer to round up. The Fist is shaken at speedy little Mercury 20Leo41 and we think of such correspondences as the Occupiers of the 99% Movement, of reporters and bloggers, communicators of all kinds, thinkers, plus, all mercurial pursuits such as trade, commerce, transport, travel, and speechifying. Showy (Leo) speeches and/or tricks (Mercury) may be expected, of course, for there's a lot riding on this election for everyone, as you know.

The horoscope for August 27, 2012, Tampa, FL, at 12:00 am edt shows 26Tau23 rising with Jupiter 14Gem04 in first house, a fortunate portent; this makes Venus (valuables, evaluations, relationships, the attraction principle) @18Can58 in 3rd H of Communications the chart-and-convention-ruler, so Venus' applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects hint of the proceedings and their results of RNC 2012. Yet Venus makes no applying aspects at all of major concern which emphasizes her sign and house placements and any other factors such as conjunctions or parans with Fixed Stars, midpoint involvement/s, chart angle connections, etc.

('19Can' has significance to be mentioned in a later post.)

Cancer is our national Venusian sign (@ 4Can) and you know that US natal Jupiter 6Can and Sun 14Can are posited in the self-protective, business savvy sign of The Crab. Naturally, Neptune's sojourn in Pisces resonates on deep levels with our Cancerian Moon-ruled Venus (July 4, 1776.)

It is, in fact, an Hour of Mercury and there are two T-Square patterns which create midpoint pictures though neither involve Venus. Still we may wish to consider them:

NN/ASC = Neptune 1Pis40 Rx (near Chiron 7Pis29 Rx, both in 10th H): wrong impressions and perceptions; weakened or terminated unions or associations caused by lies and deceit (well, we seem to have ensnared a slimy fish on our cosmic hook from the get-go!); (the midpoint of NN/ASC = personal relationships.)

Sun/Neptune = NN (public contact; Sun = leadership, Neptune = acting, propaganda, the masses, veils and masks, fraud, etc): demonstrating a negative or weak attitude in the company of others; links to people or groups which have ties to the occult; ridding oneself of bad ideas.

Now Mars 2Sco16 and Saturn exalted in Libra @ 25:48 are in the 6th H of Service, Work, Health (insurance reform), and the Military denoted a certain stop-and-go vibe to the Convention. Will the stage show run smoothly? The NN mentioned in the midpoint picture, above, @ 00Sag24 in 7th H shouts out the military again for '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" and the Republican Party has definitely staked out that territory these last decades (with certain Democrats as enablers--most of them actually even if they seem not to--they follow the same global governance script but with different styles.)

So we may expect American wars, weaponry, troops and other related issues (in the House of Others)--and Venusian evaluations--to be on the RNC 2012 menu. And with Sun (nominee) opposing deceptive but inspired Neptune in its own sign of sneaky, often confusing Pisces (and representing the masses and the media) it's way too idealistic to expect that we'll get real info from the GOP candidates' RNC speeches concerning their plans for what's actually in store for our nation if we should fall for, or be pushed toward, another neocon presidency.

Yet I type the above in spite of potentials in 2012 for poorly directed SCOTUS decisions to affect election outcomes and the possibility of re-counts because the Justices may again overstep the bounds of what was meant to remain a three-branched government with royalty and all allegiances to monarchs left back in the olde countrie.

To be continued...

Mar 26, 2012

Obama confident of re-election--or already selected?

Update Mar 27, 2012: the real story behind President Obama's hot-mic moment.

Original post begins here:

You gotta love it when open mikes catch unguarded conversation between global power grabbers like Obama's Nuclear Summit Gaffe which tells a lot.

Is President Obama that confident of his re-election in November 2012?

Or do his remarks support my constant grousing of the last few years that movers and shakers like the Bilderberg Group in June 2008 (at their Chantilly, VA meeting) selected Mr. Obama to play the role of US president over Hillary Clinton, in part because his rhetoric so thrilled the masses which therefore would make the American people more amenable to their global domination plans, at least for a while?

After all, the Electoral College decides our president and vice president, not We the People.

As I've mentioned before, in 2008 the GOP ran the Old Man and the Unread as 'candidates' against then-popular Mr. Obama and his star power (his natal Mars conjunct our national Neptune, planet of the masses, and together, Mars/Neptune gave him a rockstar glow and charisma which, as usual with unreliable Neptune, has faded to a large extent though Neptune still throws a veil over his true motivations and actions.)

Well, it must be quite easy to exhibit confidence as you reassure other world 'leaders' when the powers-behind-the-throne are in your corner and you're championing a rigged game.

Oddly enough, I've had the same feeling about the GOP and the clowns--a One Percenter, a Bedroom Spy, and Newt--they're parading about in 2012, taking up space in the news! Is this a fake campaign? Can they be serious?

Whether fake or not, Mr. Obama will 'win' in November and global domination policies (war) will continue apace which, of course, they will no matter who fills the role of Mouthpiece of the White House.

Mar 18, 2012

2012's 5 Super Moons begin April 6

2012's Super Moons, their Sabian Symbols, & more

by Jude Cowell

Here is a list of the five Super Moons occurring in 2012 with three cosmic events added for a somewhat fuller celestial picture of this pivotal year:

1. April 6: Full Moon @ 17Lib23

2. May 6: Full Moon @ 16Sco01

>>May 20: Solar Eclipse @ 00Gem21

3. June 4: Lunar Eclipse @ 14Sag14

>>June 24: Uranus/Pluto square perfects (one of seven in years 2012 to 2015--civil unrest and generational clashes continue across the globe)

4. *Nov 13: Solar Eclipse @ 21Sco57

>>Nov 28: Lunar Eclipse @ 6Gem47

5. Dec 13: New Moon @ 21Sag45

As you know, 2012 lunations will emphasize the Aries/Libra (1/7), Taurus/Scorpio (2/8), and Gemini/Sagittarius (3/9) polarities and houses with all their usual concerns and issues.

Below are the Sabian Symbols for each lunation's rounded-up degrees with Keywords and their negative (unconscious/shadow side) expressions since we're talking Politics, that **"organized system of hatreds":

1. '18Lib' = "Two Men Placed Under Arrest"...CONSEQUENCE...

neg: total inappropriateness of impulse and act; conjoins US Secondary Progressed Mars Rx--a Full Moon brings a culmination of some kind--US troops (SP Mars) pull back (Rx) from Afghan villages as Pres. Karzai requests? Yet perhaps his request is for public consumption only! More police actions on US soil are on America's Mars Rx menu as well, sorry to say.

2. '17Sco' = "A Woman the Father of Her Own Child"...NUCLEATION...

neg: a characteristically anarchist self-sufficiency;

SE: '1Gem' = "A Glass-Bottomed Boat in Still Water"...CURIOSITY...

neg: a lack of effective participation in reality because of continual indecisiveness;

3. LE: '15Sag' = "The Ground Hog Looking for Its Shadow"...REASSURANCE...

neg: lack of self-stability and ingrained timidity;

4. SE: '22Sco' = "Hunters Starting Out for Ducks"...ENTERPRISE...

neg: a callous exploitation of all life;

5. '22Sag' = "A Chinese Laundry"...SECLUSION...

neg: unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority.

(Note: for the positive expressions of these degrees and for further explanation of them, please refer to The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones, or to other versions of the symbols as you wish.)

Now speaking of topics relating to Earth's silvery satellite, here's a suggested post on Saturn and the Moon's South Node with South Node being a Saturnian point in any horoscope.

Plus, you'll never haplessly wander astray from Luna's intuitional path by visiting your Auntie Moon...definitely a recommended destination on the Web.

And here are a few astro-notes concerning Spring Equinox 2012 (aka, Aries Ingress with Sun @ 00Ari00:00) which arrives this very week although warm temperatures have preceeded it--in Georgia, we expect more 80+-degree days coming up!

For a few Campaign 2012 astro-notes you may wish to check out Candidates' Sun-Moon personality blends though a brokered convention for the GOP seems likely since the 2012 offerings from the Party of Special Interests are quite shabby which makes me wonder if they're aiming for the White House in 2016 instead--you know, like 'the Elder and the Unread' duo the GOP 'ran' against Bilderberg favorite, Barack Obama, in 2008.

Yes, the name of Jeb Bush comes annoyingly to mind...annoying, after 8 disastrous years of Bush-Cheney neoconnism which include the Attacks of 9/11, the Constituion-busting 'Patriot' Act and boondoggling 'Homeland Security' money pit, Bush's Hurricane Katrina sorriness, two pre-emptive wars still being fought on credit card, the unfunded presciption drug mandate, No Child Left Behind which has weakened our schools and the future prospects of our children, and Financial Collapse 2008 which must be the largest financial heist in history and has led to the Bush Depression.

Plus, I suspect you can easily add other items to Bush's list, can't you?


*The Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 looks dificult enough with its progandistic, obsessive Mercury/Pluto content (and conjoining Fixed Star Alcyone's 'something to cry about' which also has a wet weather connotation, or even 'disrupted Internet and/or Power Grid' implications) but the November 28 SE may be even more fraught with difficulties--plus, it's the Pre-Natal Eclipse of the much-touted Winter Solstice 2012 (horoscope displayed is set for DC and shows Jupiter Rx under stress.)

The November Eclipse degree itself is at apex (focal point) of a YOD (crisis; Finger of God pattern in the horoscope indicating paradoxical and/or dire situations which demand attention and correct action.

How often do you suppose correct action is taken by Washington politicians in spite of what it may mean for re-election goals and power-grabbing purposes? Seldom if ever? Yeah, that's what I thought, too.

Another factor is that the Nov 2012 SE hits US natal Uranus (8Gem55), planet of sudden events, disruptions, and anarchy (especially with Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, says R. Ebertin); plus, the midpoint pictures formed by the YOD pattern on Nov 28, 2012, with Moon at apex and Sun within the sextiling planets, gives these potentials according to R. Ebertin--as always, any, all, or none may apply:

Mars/Saturn = Moon (the people): illness; weakness of will; moodiness or depression; with Sun (leadership): an inability to meet all demands or to master all situations (so often of DC's own making--jc); illness or death.

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: cold feelings; melancholy; tragedy; with Sun: sparing no pains in one's work (will the powers-that-be again sway public sentiment bwo false flag ops as with 9/11 and the Saturn/Pluto opposition? Mars and Pluto are conjoined in the eclipse horoscope indicating force, zealotry, and war weaponry--jc); renunciation; privation; physical toil and overexertion.

Venus/Pluto = Moon: overly intense emotions; strong creative powers; (in Mundane Astrology, contacts between evaluating Venus and wealthy Pluto can have revenge and/or bankruptcy connotations--jc); with Sun: great creativity; peculiar relationships.

Venus/Mars = Moon: strong emotional impulses; with Sun: an urge to establish unions (including sexual ones with this passionate duo--jc.)

A current don't-miss from economist Paul Krugman: The Power of Plutocratic Pettiness.

**From Henry Brook Adams' quote which astutely defines the practice of Politics--and We the People are the dupes and pawns they organize against in order to gain wealth and retain power, and to make it all possible, they keep the people divided and conquered. "R v D"? Puh!

All midpoint pictures from Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences.

The term 'SuperMoon' is happily credited to master astrologer Richard Nolle of AstroPro.

Mar 2, 2012

America's tangled web: 9/11 Families v Saudi Arabia

"In the eyes of posterity it will inevitably seem that, in safeguarding our freedom, we destroyed it. The vast clandestine apparatus we built up to prove our enemies' resources and intentions only served in the end to confuse our own purposes; that practice of deceiving others for the good of the state led infallibly to our deceiving ourselves; and that vast army of clandestine personnel built up to execute these purposes were soon caught up in the web of their own sick fantasies, with disastrous consequences for them and us."

--Malcolm Muggeridge (May 1966)

Saudi Arabia May Be Tied to 9/11, Two Ex-Senators Say.

Recap: 9/11/01 8:46 am edt Manhattan, NY: 9th house void-of-course Moon '28 Gemini" = "Bankruptcy" of the American people and government; 9/11's Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence = Dick Cheney's natal Mars; occurred during Bush-Cheney administration: 9/11 attacks and the Big Heist: Financial Collapse 2007-2008.

See US Downgrade to AA+, GOP progressed chart tells of Bankruptcy (horoscope shown.)


Andrew Breitbart February 1, 1969 -- March 1, 2012

Yesterday, at the shocking news of Mr. Breitbart's untimely death, I set up a noon natal chart for him along with a death chart for "shortly after midnight" at the Ronald Reagan Medical Center UCLA and what I saw almost caused a post to be published asking if anyone involved the investigation is looking for a tiny puncture wound or for an untraceable toxin in his bloodstream. Since the moving van comes tomorrow I have no time to follow up now but will add this disturbing link so that I can pick up on the topic later:

Will Damning Obama Footage Still Be Released After Breitbart's Death? which you may or may not wish to read and view.

Mar 1, 2012

Barack Obama hearts Teddy Roosevelt? Uh-Oh!

March 1, 2012

Just an interesting article link for you today meant especially for those who like to read about historical figures: Contrarian: Teddy Roosevelt Laid Bare from History Today which questions the wisdom of President Obama's hearkening back to Teddy Roosevelt and the early days of Progressivism in America.

Now if I weren't packing for the moving van, I could really get goin' on the Astrology of Teddy R! Instead, here's a bit of Astrology concerning TR's natal chart which includes his intriguing quote about America's invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn).

US natal Neptune 22Vir25 + US natal Saturn 14Lib48 = US natal Midheaven (Goal; Aspiration) in the Sibly horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA; MC 00Lib53, a World Point of Manifestation...kind of like 'Manifest Destiny', the idea of expansion without end, as we now see--and expansive Jupiter ruling US natal ASC.)

Saturn/Neptune = delusions about the real leadership. (Munkasey.)

Saturn/Neptune = MC: materialism v idealism. (Ebertin.)

Feb 7, 2012

Feb 7, 2012: a Full Leo Moon for President Obama

February 7, 2012: Full Moon 18Leo32 4:54 pm est White House

Full Moons bring up for our consideration issues of relationships, full awareness, and perhaps a fulfilment or an ending in some domain of life; they are the culmination of something begun at the last New Moon, the seed stage of a monthly process, two weeks prior.

Today the Sun 18AQ32 conjoins Mercury 18:56 upon the natal Ascendant of President Barack Obama which indicates a day or so when the president's personality shines and his goals may be favorably spotlighted.

But that isn't all concerning this afternoon's Full Moon in Leo for it reflects the same degree of the eclipse forecasted by doctor, seer, and astrologer, Nostradamus. But let's let sleeping lemurs lie for now and focus on the Leo/AQ axis of Will emphasized this afternoon which includes all the facets of Sun-ruled Leo (proud; regal; a leader; creative; egotistical; Divine Child) and Aquarius, ruled by Saturn with genius Uranus as its higher octave influence.

Aquarius: the humanitarian, philanthropist, intellectual, professor, technician, and, perhaps above all, scientist--describe the usual suspects in the archetypal realms of our dualistic world for the celestial sign of the Water Bearer.

Yes, everyone loves a Full Moon! Well, almost everyone since sneaky stuff by the crooked might better remain undiscovered if perpetrated on or near a New Moon, a 3 or 4 day period when nights are darker.

Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii: Sun 12Leo/Moon 3Gem.

Also, today's Full Moon may be significant for the president on the action-energy-motivation level since Mr. Obama is smack dab in the midst of his Mars Return 2012 (22Vir35: Jan 14, Feb 1, June 18), the Full Moon horoscope shows transiting Mars 21Vir40 Rx conjoining a somewhat difficult star, Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream )--and this extended Mars Rx period is crossing and re-crossing the Midheaven (Goal; Career; Public Status) of VP Joe Biden.

We've sees one example of the Denebolan quirkiness of May-I-Call-You-Joe in his oft-reputed train rides home each evening from Washington DC all the years he served in the Senate.

Yet as long as President Obama labors underneath squares from transiting Saturn to his natal Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (opposite natal Mercury 2Leo), Saturnian blockages and obstacles to all his ideas and plans will continue to be placed in his way with constant delays and restrictions along his path; his authority and executive powers are being challenged by opponents of the neocon/neo-liberal persuasion.

Glad Mr. Obama decided to get over his SuperPAC scruples since foreign and domestic corporatists and other billionaires and monarchists will be purchasing the White House more brazenly than ever before if We The People don't come out in droves and VOTE Democratic on November 6, 2012. The Supreme Court is already out of control, let's not add to their corporatist number by voting GOP.

(Independent here, but really, we have no better choice than wimpy and not-so-wimpy Democrats.)

But enough of Politics, that 'organized system of hatreds'...there's a just-past Full Moon tonight which will still be gorgeous over head and the morning hours here in Northeast Georgia were very foggy and chilly today so a silvery plethora of moon beams would be most appreciated this evening!

Now I ask you: Who better to inspire us over the lovely Full Leo Moon of February 7, 2012 than Auntie Moon herself?

This image of a Full Moon is brought to you by Secret Moon Art.

Jan 22, 2012

2012 Candidates' Sun/Moon Personalities

2012 Campaign: Butterfly v Utopian v Royalist v Moralist

by Jude Cowell

Now that our 2012 election year has arrived, why not compare and contrast the personality blends of the 2012 candidates: Obama, Gingrich, Romney, and Santorum? This may be quite easily accomplished by considering each of their Sun (adult; conscious mind) and Moon (child; the unconscious) combinations through their signs, elements, and modes.

Rick Santorum's birth hour is unknown to me ('noon' is used), Gingrich's birth time seems to be somewhat in question ('born in middle of night'; 11:45 pm or 3:00 am are often used; June 17, 1943 Harrisburg, PA), Mitt Romney's is said to be correct (LDS maintain major genealogical records, as you know, so correct birth certificates must be especially prized, I would think; March 12, 1947 9:51 am est Detroit, MI), and Mr. Obama's hour, date, and place of birth seem to have been settled upon: August 4, 1961 Honolulu, Hawaii @ 7:24 pm AHST.)

Yet because Mr. Santorum's Moon remained in Aquarius for the 24-hour period of his birth, his natal Sun/Moon blend is not in dispute. Thus, let us proceed with the Sun/Moon personality blends of the 2012 candidates--here are brief notes with each man's Images for Integration from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey, and the names of a few notables who share these personality blends:

1. Barack Obama Sun Leo/Moon Gemini: (Fire-Air = a 'live wire'; ideas well-communicated with eloquent rhetoric; joie de vivre; clever and charismatic); a long-winded debater; lives at a fast pace; boredom is to be avoided.

Sun Leo/Moon Gem = a visionary; analytical, humorous and quick-witted; organizing talent; high aspirations; on the cutting edge of social change; restless and sociable; over-rationalizing; can act as a rebellious child; detached from feelings. (Barry is a Sun-Mercury type.)

Images for Integration: "On a bright summer's day a butterfly turns into a radiant being...Children singing 'Happy Birthday to You' at a celebratory birthday party."

(Obama's blend is shared natally by: Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Amelia Earhart, and Benito Mussolini--a royalist, an aviation pioneer (drones?), and a dictator.)

2. Newt Gingrich Sun Gem/Moon Sag (Air-Fire = same as Mr. Obama, above, but with an Airy Sun and fiery Moon, this blend becomes a 'hot air balloon' suitable for reaching the giddy heights, and describes a Utopian Idealist who "sees ever more distant sunny shores to which the human race can travel; loftier vistas, and wider horizons. Alternatively, if this type gets on a high horse, they can be very moralistic, knowing exactly what is good for us"--Harvey. (Newt is a Mercury-Jupiter type.)

Sun Gem/Moon Sag: to be influential is of greatest importance; planning and outwitting (Tyl); flamboyant communicator; verbose; open to experience (ex: 'open' marriage?); optimistic, generous, and resilient; the scholar and eternal student; moral teacher (!); an Eternal Seeker; intuitive leaps (supports his natal Mercury/Uranus conjunction in Gemini); breezes along on his quick wit; impatient with feelings and about taking responsibility for own actions; a need to know it all.

"Images for Integration: The Pied Piper leads his merry band of youths to the amphitheater on the hill for an afternoon of music lessons, philosophical teachings and baseball...A young man goes abroad to attend university and becomes a foreign correspondent."

(Correspondent for whom? Well, the "Pied Piper" image obviously refers to Gingrich and the Republican rout of Congress in 1994 with its theatrical, Newt-inspired 'Contract with America' propaganda.)

(Gingrich's blend is shared natally by Douglas Fairbanks, Guy Lombardo, Judy Garland, Beverly Sills, Bruce Dern, Barry Manilow--and, from the royal class, Prince Rainier of Monaco.)

3. Mitt Romney Sun Pis/Moon Sco: (Water-Water = an intuitive type who goes with the flow of the mainstream; 'drinks in life's experiences and nothing washes over' him; can go misty with emotions--tears may flow; this 'wet' combo in Politics describes a compassionate person with no doctrinal purity (and many would say Mild Mitt resembles that remark!) who may be thought of as a 'wet blanket' at times--yet still waters run deep; clearly reasoned arguments and objective judgment may be lacking since this is a highly subjective combo of energies with a flair for the irrational--what is felt is his reality yet he may lean toward ultra-rationality to hide tender subjectivities.

Sun Pis/Moon Sco: 'the agony and the ecstasy'; complex and psychologically insightful; stubborn; rigid feelings; a rich imagination; exploitation v hardship; self-sacrifice v self-control; highly subjective with emotions, convictions, and opinions ruling decisions; becomes frustrated when misunderstood; great mental capacity if prejudices are moved beyond; appears to take things lightly but is very interested in life's deepest mysteries. (Mysticism?) (Mitt is a complex dude all right, for Pisces and Scorpio have rulers and co-rulers so he is a Jupiter-Neptune-Mars-Pluto type of cuss!)

"Images for Integration: Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath...Longfellow's poem The Secret of the Sea."

(Romney's blend is shared natally by Johnny Cash, Steinbeck and Longfellow, Bernadette Peters, Cyrano de Bergerac, David Livingstone, David Niven, Elizabeth Taylor, and Prince Andrew, Duke of York (a royalist link, personality-wise.)

4. Rick Santorum Sun Tau/Moon AQ (Earth-Air = a clearheaded, rational, scientific approach; innovative; productive; a practical idealist; conscious impulse is to build, organize, and consolidate; 'comes to grips' with reality; far-reaching efforts; supportive and adaptable; dry sense of humour; can lose touch with emotions; tends to become stuck in a pragmatic, cost-effective mode.

Sun Tau/Moon AQ: confident; morally sound; capable intellect; resourceful; holds fast to ideals, committed to principles; independent; shrewd and tenacious; a natural rapport with people; can inspire confidence in others; stubborn and prone to inertia when things don't go his way; an over-confidence that can seem conceited or arrogant. (Rick is a Venus-Saturn-Uranus type.)

"Images for Integration: A country squire holds the summer fete in his garden; all monies raised are divided equally between the three charities in the village - the Friendly Farmer's Trust, the Local Artists' Guild, and the Quakers' Orphanage."

(Santorum's blend is shared natally by: Nikolai Lenin, Nikita Khrushchev, Burt Bacharach, Charlotte Bronte, George Lucas, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Orson 'Rosebud' Welles.)

According to their personality blends as detailed within this Astro-Peek, we seem to have running for the US Presidency in 2012:

1. a community organizer, radiant butterfly, and intellectual;

2. a Utopian Idealist, hot air balloonist, scholar, and Pied Piper;

3. an economic royalist (as FDR termed the predatory class in 1936), wet blanket, and a teary-eyed 'Mr. Still Waters';

4. country squire, cost-effective scientist, and moralist

So who do you think should grab America's helm on November 6, 2012 if you were basing your preference on the candidates' personality blends?

Two natal chart Astro-Peeks available on this blog:

Newt Gingrich with his Sun/Moon opposition squaring natal Neptune, and Mitt Romney with a Moon/Jupiter conjunction in late Scorpio which will have been opposed by transiting Moon and Jupiter Rx in early Gemini on Inauguration Day 2013--will they activate, or oppose and close a cycle for him?

A view of President Obama's natal chart is available on expert astrologer Donna Cunningham's SkyWriter blog.

Plus, you may wish to view one of my posts concerning Mr. Obama's natal horoscope (shown) with a few details.

Candidate Rick Santorum (May 10, 1958 Winchester, VA) has not been analyzed astrologically by this astrologer until the smattering you see here today.

Now as another massive storm system approaches the Athens, Georgia area I'll be lightening-cautious and mosey along for the time being... jc


A Sad News Note: Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords will resign from Congress. Sending Warm Regards to this courageous lady, her family, and friends. jc

Used but more or less unharmed by this post:

Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey; Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology, Noel Tyl.

Jan 16, 2012

Obama's Mars Return 2012: Jan-Feb-June

Mars Returns for Presidents, Too

by Jude Cowell

Saturday January 14, 2012, marked the first of three returns of transiting Mars to President Obama's natal Mars position 22Virgo35, a 'three-fer' Mars Return for the president, the effects of which will last for the 2-year cycle (orbit) of the warring planet of action, aggression, quarrels, and desire nature.

When Mars returns to natal position, a rush of energy returns to the native and a new cycle of activity begins as the natal condition of Mars is emphasized. Hopefully, an injection of Martian testosterone will not be sent hurling bwo missiles or bombs from the Pentagon or White House toward other nations.

With Mr. Obama ('BHO') having Mars veiled by America's natal Neptune 22Vir25, we may expect the 'rock star' vibes of Mars/Neptune to be in evidence on some level even while the combo's disappointment and disillusionment influences continue to bedevil a Democratic presidency under siege from a GOP that, as usual, believes that only one of its minions is suitable to steer the White White helm.

The Condition of Mr. Obama's Natal Mars

The natal horoscope of Barack Obama (August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; ASC 18AQ01; MC 28Sco58) shows 10th-house-ruler Mars 22Vir35 in 7th H (Open Enemies; PArtnerships) near 8th cusp 25Vir55 (Corporations; Shared Resources; Debt, Credit, etc); Aries is intercepted in 2nd H showing a potential for karmic conditions relating to money and values; natal Mars applies to two planets:

1. semisquare Neptune 8Scorpio (1A02) showing minor irritation between actions and ideals; Mars and Pluto share rulership of Neptune bwo Scorpio, and n Pluto is also posited in fussy Virgo.

2. trine Saturn Rx 25Cap20 in 12th H of Politics and Karma; a Mars/Saturn trine indicates self-discipline, talent with military and police work (inform the GOP!), and improves all the favorable qualities of Capricorn such as a sense of responsibility, duty, accountability, control, prudence, caution, and stability.

The triple dates of the president's Mars Return 2012 are as follows:

1. January 14: Mars makes no applying aspects so house position (7th) and sign (Virgo) are emphasized; however, the red planet separates from trining the Sun 24Cap01 (1S27, from 7th H to 11th H of Groups) as the Sun approaches his natal Saturn, good for a very productive rush of energy into the psyche.

Mars rules 2nd H (Monetary concerns; Earning Ability; Values) with disruptive rebel, *Uranus 1Ar11 there, and Scorpio appears on the 9th H cusp of Foreign Lands, Higher Educaiton, and Philosophy. In Mercury-ruled Virgo, Mars is focused, dedicated to work and daily matters, and wants to be the authority in all details. (George W. Bush has a Virgoan Mars but enough about him.)

2. February 1: Mars is in Return 4th H, and makes no applying aspects as in #1, but separates from opposition to Venus 22Pis36 in Career-oriented 10th H; Mars rules 11th H (Aries) and 6th H (Sco); Mars sesquisquares Mercury (1S07), denoting an irritant between his thinking and his actions. The stand-off between Venus and Mars--possibly karmic since both are at 22 degrees--shows awareness of relationship issues with much potential for financial disagreements, plus, tax policy issues may be in the forefront including the misguided payroll tax cuts that undermine our Social Security Insurance program every time they're allowed.

Actually, BHO's Mars Return oo February 1, 2012 is key for the president (and thus for America) because, using the Moon as a timer, Mr. Obama has a Lunar Return 3Gem21 a mere two hours after new Martian energy rushes in which gives a Moon/Mars signature to Mars Return #2. ('Moon/Mars' = enterprises begun with great vigor--Ebertin); Mars is Rx, Mars/Pluto rule 6th H of Military and Police; Sun 12AQ32 times BHO's 'un-birthday'--Sun opposing natal Sun in Leo--so it's a primary date during the year when one's agenda should be re-assessed in relation to goals--and a course change should be implemented, if needed.

3. June 18 finds a more active Mars in the Return chart with three aspects to Mars' credit, two applying: sextile Mercury 19Can55 conjunct Fixed Star Castor in 12th H of Politics and Karma; Mars is posited in 3rd H conjunct 3rd cusp 20Vir53, and rules MC 22Ari52 (goals, aspirations = war?) and 5th H (Scorpio.)

Mercury @ 19Can55 recalls the 12 South Solar Eclipse 19Can24 of July 11, 2010 with its financial stress, delays in financial progress, and market fluctuations; this was a South Node eclipse so energy drained out rather than rushed in--though the capping of the BP-Deepwater Horizon blowout seemed to be taken care of 4 days after the eclipse. (Last I heard, BP oil is still leaking into the Gulf but other oil disasters and the Fukushima Meltdown have occurred since.)

View the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse Horoscope which, curiously enough, shows Mars in Virgo--or, not so curiously, since 2010 is one Mars cycle ago.

Next applying aspect of Mars is a square with the Moon (We the People--4A22) with an 11th-house Moon 18Gem13 approaching the Sun 27Gem53 (12th H); a Moon/Mars square shows possible emotional outbursts, problems getting along with women, aggression, and resentment when anyone interferes with goals. Mother-in-law issues may be on the White House menu as well though even BHO's political enemies shouldn't wish that on him if they know how karma tends to come back atcha!

Also in BHO's June 18, 2012 Mars Return horoscope, Mars separates from a square with the Sun showing recent problems with or blockages from enemies (oil transport blocked at Hormuz by Iran?) and obstacles to action which can result in greater concentration on the forceful attainment of aims.

Plus, Moon 18Gem13 stimulates the recent Lunar Eclipse of December 10, 2011 which spotlighted speeches, writers, negotiations, trade, commerce, and transport. As you know, in December 2011, DC was awash with the payroll tax cut stand-off and extension of unemployment benefits, matters which must be re-addressed in a few weeks. See the Gemini Lunar Eclipse Horoscope w details if you wish which shows a T-Square pattern between Sun/Moon and--you guessed it--Mars, and which event-wise marked the alleged 'end' of the US Occupation of Iraq.

Well, there's a brief astro-peek at President Obama's Mars Return 2012, and considering how loudly Washington is saber-rattling toward Iran, my sincere hope is that waging yet another war is not the "new cycle of activity" indicated by President Obama's extended Mars Return which occurs three times in 2012 and taints his (and our nation's) entire year with concerns over aggression, contests of strength and will, and other Martian activities and interests.


For further Martian reading try US military operation against Iran would be a grave
. Because it would.

Next Solar Eclipse: May 20, 2012 conjunct Alcyone (horoscope shown set for Washington DC, as usual.)

Walking down a 2010 Memory Lane to Capitol Hill: Senate Blocks Homeless Veterans' Bill (includes video.) Any 'lawmaker' blocking such a bill--or sneaking poison pill legislation into it--should spend two weeks living under a bridge, imho--sans iPhone or Blackberry, the worst punishment of all.

Looks more and more like Mitt Vulture Corporatist Romney will be the Republican nominee for president. You aren't seriously considering a vote for the GOP in November 2012, are you? It will be interesting to see how an elitist Mitt of a Mormon persuasion fares in the S.C. Primary on Saturday, January 21, 2012 especially with prominent Protestant ministers deciding to back a Catholic Rick Santorum.

Personally, if I were tempted to vote anti-Democrat (like if I hit my head on a Diebold Voting Diverter Machine and stunned myself silly), it would have to be for candidate Stephen Colbert...


*Uranus @ 1Ari11 conjoins the precise degree and minute of President Obama's recent Secondary Full Moon 1Ari11, a time when one should begin re-evaluating one's extension into the world for culmination is reached. A midpoint picture is formed with these potentials: Sec Sun/Moon = tr Uranus: acting independently; sudden events or separations in partnerships; sudden conflicts; shared upsets (Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)

Because today is Martin Luther King Day you may wish to read his Beyond Vietnam Speech of April 4, 1967--delivered exactly one year prior to his assassination.

The popular social and religious leader of the 1960s (Uranus conjunct Pluto in mid-Virgo = uprisings, riots, protests--now they square which brings up similar events and issues) greatly annoyed the powers-that-be which then took Dr. King out of the American picture for his combining of the strengths of the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, and the Workers' Movement into a globalist threat--a threat against globalists, who now threaten and throttle all Life as we know it with austerity for the people which helps fund more luxury and power for them.

Now it's 2012, and if you haven't, please consider the Occupy the Supreme Court efforts (Jan 20, 2012 @ noon!) of Move to Amend which refers to the corporation-favoring Citizens United SCOTUS decision of January 2010, that abomination which further undermines a nation that once favored Democracy and democracy over Plutocracy and its oppression.

Or at least, it seemed to for a while, didn't it?

Dec 20, 2011

US Iraq withdrawal a "smokescreen"-- John Pilger (video) w Mars/Neptune smoke

(GRTV) – Announcing the Iraq war was ended, Barack Obama told US troops on 14 December 2011, “The United States military is the finest fighting force in the history of the world.”

What he didn’t say is that since 1945 the US military has been directly responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people and that America has in that time overthrown 50 governments, including democracies, and intervened in at least 30 more.

John Pilger has something to say about that:

Mr. Pilger makes very good points as always but to my mind, it isn't just America doing these things according to her own plans, it's globalists directing her as she acts as their military arm on the world stage for their ultimate goal of world domination.

Then there's the question of Iraq coming more under foreign domination with Iran leading the bunch. Bush screwed up every business he ran before he played president, so it's a given that he'd screw up Iraq and turn the nation into a Christmas gift for Iran.

Well, if you keep up with Astrology you know that demonstrated here in the real world is that dratted conjunction between President Obama's planet of war, Mars, and US natal Neptune obscuring his true motivations and actions. This synchronicity between 1776 and 1961 (Obama's birth) triggers--or as war profiteers might say, supports--America's smokey fog of war tendencies, Mars square Neptune, which makes it easy for others to bamboozle us while Washington seems to think America is being so very very smart.

Of course, some people might say that our tiresome Mars/Neptune square energies now waft around Capitol Hill this week and through the Halls of Power as Congress plays games with the American people's lives.

But like a caller said a few minutes ago on C-SPAN's Washington Journal: I really don't care whether member of Congress get their holiday vacations this year since they've allowed Tea Party members to ruin the Christmas of people and their kids who depend on unemployment insurance benefits for next year.

So what does Stars Over Washington want for Christmas?

A government that gets its act together on behalf of the American people who sent their members to Capitol Hill to 'do the people's business'--and which stops trying to dissolve or collapse itself on instruction from foreign agents and the crime bosses that some call "global bankers."

Dec 19, 2011

12.19.11 House votes @ 6:30 pm as Orwell Rolls Over

Tonight at 6:30 pm est, when recorded voting begins in the House, America's natal Mercury Rx '25Can' ("A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power") rises which shivers me timbers and chills my bones. It's an Hour of Mercury 6Sag21 in 5th H of risk-taking with Mercury as the planet of votes, messages, and negotiations.

Our national Mercury rising indicates a re-vote since it's retrograde natally.

The environmental sweepstakes known as the Keystone 'XL' (Xtra Large) Pipeline so full of contaminated aquifer possibilities for a thirsty American public is tucked inside last I heard so we may wish to consider briefly the horoscope for tonight's session. The oil refined from this monstrosity won't be for the US but for overseas sales. (Go figure what dupes we can be--this project's glowingly touted job creation numbers are inflated by TransCanada with the GOP parroting them--but any pipeline construction jobs are temporary at best.)

But some say it's quite a coup for a Republican Party used to coup'ing on a regular basis (exs: 1994, 2000, 2010.)

Monday December 19, 2011 6:30 pm est Capitol Bldg: the crime scene

ASC 20Can51, a critical or crisis degree which brings up the Dark and Light Twins, Castor and Pollux; MC 4Ari02 with radical Uranus 00Ari41 just crossed the Aspiration Point and tarrying upon the Aries Point of Manifestation (= US natal IC, The Drain); Sun 27Sag43 and Pluto 6Cap54 are both in 6th H of Work-Service-Health and powerful Pluto is in a pile-up with asteroids Hygeia (health/hygiene), Lilith (glamorous ladies; also associated with Israel), and Icarus Rx, linked to flying too close to the Sun (over-extension); Icarus is often active in charts during assassinations whether reputational or physical.

Moon Applies: from Saturn to Jupiter

1. The first factor of note in the horoscope is, of course, the applying aspects made by the chart ruler which in this case is the Moon 23Lib22 in 4th house and approaching inhibiting, depressive Saturn 27:26. (Saturn = lawmakers; the Democratic Party, or leaders.)

However, Luna conjoins two Fixed Stars of note at 6:30 pm: Alphecca (Alpha Corona Borealis: 'being offered a crown--but there's a high price; back-biting situations'--linked to Princess Diana's natal Venus--her unofficial title, "the Queen of Hearts" cost her dearly); and Spica (Alpha Virgo, the wheat sheaf; associated with Demeter, goddess of the harvest and mother of Persephone (Kore) who was abducted by Pluto, god of the Underworld--'potential for brilliance; respected knowledge, insight, or talent'.)

2. The second applying aspect of the Moon is a dreamy trine with Neptune 28AQ35 in 8th H of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Big Business, Corporations, etc, for the 8th is Scorpio's natural house in our Western Tropical Zodiac, or at least in popular astrological thought. Perhaps the media (Neptune) will polish up the congressional story for our happy consumption--and the trine will only make their fakery easier to promote and to accept at face value by a gullible public.

For as you know, fraudulent, obfuscating Neptune remains within orb of US natal Moon 27AQ33 (foreclosures, homelessness, sense of rootlessness; robberies; fraudulent schemes--like this megabus bill that Congress and the corporate bosses who wrote the various versions of it are trying to slide by us--plus, floods, other natural disasters, and a potential for loss. Yes, the unstable real estate and economic conditions in the US are easily described by Neptune to US Moon (we-the-people.)

3. The third applying aspect of the Moon which may clue us in to how things will proceed from tonight's House session and vote is a square (90 degrees = blockage; obstacle) with evaluating Venus (which may also represent a lady or ladies.) This aspect indicates delays and inhibitions yet it does not rule out success though there may be jealousy somewhere within the environment; confidence may ebb and responsibilities must come before pleasure (our House of Scrooges is not yet on holiday break!); an upside is that such interference can inspire greater efforts which eventually lead to success but even so, Moon SQ Venus promises no increase in popularity with the public.

4. Last is the Moon's applying opposition to a Jupiter Rx in the money sign of Taurus. This doesn't sound promising to me for those who want or need the payroll tax cut extended but it may sound awfully good to those who work against (opposition) the good (Jupiter) of the American people (Moon) in order to pad their already fat bottom lines, with Jupiter representing Corporatism, groups and organizations that should be protecting (Jupiter) the Earth rather than pillaging its shared-by-all resources like sneaky saboteur Pluto up from the Underworld when he's not counting his gold.

Also of interest to any financial topic today is that the US is currently experiencing a transit of Venus 29Cap02 to US natal and Sec Pluto (27--20 Cap) which describes a time when taking charge is necessary and all details must be planned in order for plans to succeed.

Orwell Ro*ls and Congress Su*ks as O*ama Capitulates

Now the authorization dynamite included in tonight's megabus bill which grants the president--any president--the ability to detain, arrest, rendition, or kill American citizens abroad and at home, without any accountability, is what I should be writing about since America's basic character will be irrevocably harmed by the draconian provision President Obama seeks to insert in the bill, on instructions from his global masters.

One background astrological factor describing this sad, unAmerican circumstance relates to our Secondary Progressed Mars ('Sec') which performed a Retrograde Station by progression in 2006 (exact date depends on which US natal horoscope you prefer to progress) @ '19Lib' = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding."

'Keynote: Protest against disharmonic social privilege. GROUP PROTEST'. (Rudhyar.)

Naturally, this is also a picture of the 99%-Occupy Movement as it protests against just such out-of-bounds social privileges of the 1%--the percentage of them who are the robbers and crooks thus highlighted by US Sec Mars Rx's symbol. Sec Mars Rx denotes our re-turning soldiers from Iraq, too, but hopefully it will not look forward to a declaration of martial law.

Yes, this symbol (word picture) sounds like quite a few political, military, financial people we could name, those of a five finger discount persuasion. And of course, the Tea Party revolt, the Occupy Movement, and US police state tactics used against peaceful citizen protesters, are all expressions of a Mars frustrated by its now-Rx condition, and not so well placed in mild Libra. The sign Libra is good for war though but naturally, Libran diplomacy would be so much better for all but weapons designers and manufacturers, and other war profiteers--plus, US politicians who are bankrolled and thus represent them in Washington.

Another background factor is the current Solar Eclipse season during which this legislative end-run around our freedom documents is taking place against our civil liberties--the 'peculiar turn of events' eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 (horoscope shown.) Last week, I had thought of the MF Global 'missing trillions' of John Corzine as 'a peculiar event' since their customers' money went pouf! (like a hacking heist?) and no one seems to know where the funds could possibly be.

Fear of Government the Greatest Fear of All

Yes, the Change We Can Believe In of Barack Obama, who with his advisers now attempts such character-diverting legislation that will dissolve our civil liberties and threaten our safety to a vastly unaccustomed degree, may be the prize-winner when it comes to 'a peculiar turn of events' at the end of 2011 into 2012 as Washington codifies laws that will bring the 'War On Terror' to the US homeland more fully than we can yet appreciate.

Well, no matter how things turn our tonight ('peculiar'?), let's see what transpires on and after Christmas Day 2011 when Jupiter in Taurus finally turns Direct @ 00Tau22 because, after all, who doesn't expect the megabus bill not to pass the House at some point in the near future. But in looking at the horoscope for tonight's vote, I doubt seriously that a majority of the American people will approve of what Congress and the White House are perpetrating against we-the-people on behalf of shadowy actors, as tonight's Moon in balancing Libra comes up against what should be a merry and jolly Jupiter.


Annoyingly, former White House denizen Austan Goolsbee says that we who oppose the water-defiling Keystone XL Pipeline are "naive" and I agree with him in the sense that it's naive for us to think that our concerns are any part of the legislative process in Washington DC, as we've all noted before.

An Astro-Note: on our Cosmic Calendar in a few days is Winter Solstice 2011 which falls on December 22 this year when the Sun(the leader) reaches the World Point of 00Cap00:00 (horoscope shown, set for DC) and almost immediately squares transiting Uranus @ AP, a willful and erratic combination of ego-based energies.

Progressive Recommendations: Move To Amend (sign the petition against Citizens United!), Thom Hartmann, and Democracy Now!

Dec 6, 2011

Horoscope: Winter Solstice 2011

Winter Solstice 2011: Sun SQ Uranus, Pluto oppo US natal Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

Before Winter Solstice on Thursday December 22, 2011, when the Sun reaches 00 degrees Capricorn, ancient sign of The Mer Goat, there occurs a Lunar Eclipse on December 10, 2011 @ 18Gem11 (horoscope shown.)

By December 22, the Moon will be in Scorpio and approaching its Inaugural 2009 crisis degree of 29Sco45--our financial troubles continue. Here you see the Winter Solstice Moon in 2nd house in the chart set for the White House (fluctuations in finances), and with the Jupiter/Saturn opposition poised upon the 2/8 money axis, we may expect Capitol Hill's ideology-driven expansion v restriction/generosity v austerity arguments to continue during winter season 2011/2012 as certain entities work to dismantle America, and politicians pretend they're unaware of this long term, traitorous project.

As you see (click chart to enlarge), the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag25 sits upon Winter Solstice 2011's 3rd cusp of Communications in DC--this 'peculiar turn of events' eclipse timed the 'Super Committee' which "failed" as most people expected it would. Personally, I think it did what the powers-that-be wanted it to do but that topic is beyond the scope of this post but one reason I say this is that setting up a 'Super Congress' undermined the US Congress and its oversight function.

Here's a post showing both the Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse horoscopes of November 25 and December 10, 2011.

Stumbling Beyond December 16, 2011

Between December 10 and 22, lies December 16, 2011, when another Capitol Hill government shutdown reality show potentially looms for public appreciation (and meant to weaken the US government further.)

Then today, President Obama speaks in Kansas in an attempt to echo a famous and important speech delivered by Teddy Roosevelt. But as you know, present presidents courting comparisons with past presidents is always an iffy political risk!

Horoscope shown: Winter Solstice December 22, 2011 12:30 am est White House, Washington DC; it's an Hour of feisty Mars at crisis degree (17Vir) and working busily in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions.

This may describe President Obama's health care legislation (Virgo) as a continuing target of his martian opponents on either side of the aisle.

No planets are out-of-bounds so all actors (planets) are on the earthly plane and participating in their various ways; it's a Balsamic phase of the Moon (326:01) when things can go bump in the night and often do. It's possible that a hidden Mars in 12th H is up to no good in the house of Politics.

However, Mercury makes no aspects at all to any planets in the chart so its position in one of its natural houses (3rd) emphasizes mercurial pursuits such as messages, speeches, and transport, along with its sign placement--here, in Detriment in expansive, broad-viewing Sagittarius. Hopefully, our soldiers will return from abroad as safely as possible.

The presence of America's natal Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 (conjunct President Obama's natal Mars) snugged around the Solstice 2011 ASC gives a midpoint picture of some concern: Sat/Nep = ASC: limitation of freedom; oppressive circumstances; depression.

Chart-ruler Venus 1AQ48 is in 4th H (Real Estate; the Homeland; Environment; 4/10 is the Security/Career axis) conjunct Fixed Star Altair (the Eagle--the Sun rises with Altair at this time of year) and near US Inaugural Sun 00AQ+--the president.

The midpoint of the Robber Baron planets, Neptune and Pluto, conjoins and veils Venus and the president along with the plutocrats' midpoint, Pluto/Chiron @ 4AQ14. Venus rules 1st H and 8th H of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, and Taxes, and rules Jupiter Rx, here at a degree of violence--Hitler's 'trigger degree' (his natal Sun.)

Then Jupiter's Direct Station occurs on Christmas Day 2011...will holiday consumer sales pull a large enough rabbit out of America's financial hat?

For a clue about how things will proceed in America from Winter Solstice 2011, we look to any applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus:

1. Venus sesquisquare Mars (0A34; 135 degr, a complex, interlaced square--octile = 8) indicates intense, dynamic interaction between them--between the White House and activist Mars, frustrated in Virgo, and active in the Behind-the-Scenes 12th H.

On one level, the Pentagon and US military are described here by warring Mars in the house of Large Institutions; protesters such as those in the Occupy DC movement may also be denoted and show the complex relationship between the democratic forces of the 99% Movement and the president's political considerations and limitations; secret enemies are also indicated by a 12th H Mars; along with equipment breakdowns.

The Venus/Mars aspect shows that concessions are expected by and from both sides and clever tactics will be used to have one's way; provocation in order to blame others for problems will continue to be part of the tiresome Capitol Hill Theater presentations which supposedly pass for congressional action these days. Simultaneoulsy, America's fabled invisible/secret government is rising (US Sat/Nep = ASC; Saturn = government; Neptune = secret/invisible.)

2. The only other applying aspect made by Venus is a trine (2A57) to the Ascendant 4Lib45 which shows harmony between Venus (and the president) with our secret government entities (US Saturn/Neptune = ASC.)

Plus, wealthy Pluto 6Cap58, planet of secret manipulation, sabotage, foreign bankers and cabalists is at the Foundation of the Solstice 2011 horoscope--it's the closest planet to an angle, in fact, and thus prominent. Pluto's transformation and destructuring of our country continues to undergird the basic problems we face with Mars and Pluto ruling 2nd H of Values and Earning Ability bwo Scorpio on 2nd cusp; the plutonian EU debt crisis affects America's bottom line (4th H) and the world's hopes for recovery.

(This Pluto action opposing US natal Jupiter 5Can56--here, at MC--may indicate a cutting of war costs but so far I've not taken seriously the proposed scaling back of US war expenses by war profiteers who control our government from the Pentagon but are puppeteered from central banks such as the Bank of England. It puts the stand-off between transiting Pluto in Capricorn on display at MC through US natal Jupiter with its power struggle indications and lack of financial progress as bossy 'Mr. Hades', god of the Underworld of Crime stands in the way of our financial success.)

What's Rising in First House? And Where Is Fraudulent Neptune?

Saturn in 1st H (plus, US natal Saturn rising) shows limiting, inhibiting conditions and many delays with a potential for losses; since Saturn here is ruled by Venus, issues of deflation/inflation/stagnation are on our 2011/2012 menu. Plus, as you see, nebulous Neptune remains within orb of US natal Moon with its sense of rootlessness, foreclosure and homeless conditions, and Fraud to The People. Floods, other natural disasters, and water-gas-oil-related matters remain potentials as well.

(Note: Saturn's link to loss is karmic but is only for gains that were garnered through fraudulent means or too-easy efforts such as lucky Jupiter usually brings. Those who honor Saturn's lessons of responsible actions, accountability, honesty, conservation, and caution are usually spared the worst of Saturn's restrictions.)

However, in spite of it all, the star of our Solstice Show, Sun 00Cap00:00, trines fortunate Jupiter, an aspect which may aid matters since such enthusiasm, optimism, and confidence can lead to breakthroughs of good fortune. And everyone knows that the NYSE depends on confidence! However, a Sun/Jupiter trine doesn't seek challenges and may even be lazy yet this energy can provide a boost to those who do seek or work with challenges and may harmoniously improve relationships--and the 1st house Saturn, exalted and strong in Libra, may provide strength for this easy (lazy!) aspect to manifest improvements especially in the action-oriented Cardinal signs of Capricorn and Taurus.

Interestingly, a more wavering Water Sun/Jupiter trine appears in the natal horoscope of 2012 Republican candidate Mitt Romney (Scorpio/Pisces.) Here's what I previously wrote about this don't-challenge-me aspect in Romney's natal chart:

"Wealth indicator, the Sun/Jupiter trine, helps with public relations as well for optimism always 'sells' in America yet the aspect indicates a certain apathy with a desire for only moderate demands to be made upon his time and freedom. Can a White House schedule provide him this?"

Read more on Mitt Romney if you wish.

Uranus square Pluto's Upheaval Potential Upped by Sun/Uranus

Obviously, the energies of the Sun/Uranus square at Cardinal Points of world manifestation tell a tale of self-willedness, eccentricity, authority issues, and perhaps unprincipled behavior; plus, a strong desire for power is noted--and a Sun/Uranus square is also found in the natal horoscope of Mitt Romney!

Dynamic Planetary Patterns

A major T-Square is set up between societal planets Jupiter and Saturn which points to evaluating Venus (and the presidential Sun) which creates the following midpoint pictures--all, any, or none of these potentials may apply:

Jupiter/Saturn = Venus: discontent; a lack of endurance or tenaciousness (an accusation already heard concerning Obama's lackadaisical 'advocacy' on behalf of America's Middle and Working classes--jc); changing fortunes; a touch of reserve (the Fed? jc); jealousy due to social recognition given to others. (All mdpt pics: Ebertin; Tyl; Munkasey.)

Now who do we know that could be jealous of a Democratic presidency? ;p

A second T-Square is visible between Pluto @ IC, MC (conj US n Jupiter), and ASC:

Pluto/MC = ASC: procuring an important position of recognition no matter the conditions; a person of fame.

Substitute US n Jupiter for MC and we have Big Banking boiling on the hob:

Jupiter/Pluto = ASC: far-sightedness; prudence (in DC?!! jc); organizing talent; a desire for power; personal advancement; focusing on how to use and discard other people; added self-importance; ego definition; reading the intentions of others especially if they seek power.

Well, I for one, am an American who does not 'seek power' so if politicians want to 'read my intentions' they have only to consider that America is my only nag in the race--a race that many actors in Washington are determined to handicap until our nation, government, and social safety net are dismantled and we cry out in unison for a 'New World Order' of totalitarianism and feudalism.

The last planetary pattern is a 'Grand Cross' marked by dotted lines--I've placed it in brackets because it only contains two planets with two chart angles at which to manifest--between Sun, Uranus, ASC, and MC. Even if we don't wish to call this a Grand Cross, the pattern sets up several midpoint pictures with which I shall close this post:

Sun/MC = Uranus: revolutionaries, rebels, anarchists; a sudden change of objectives; inner conflicts; on-the-job training.

Pluto/MC = Uranus: indefatigability; endurance; a sudden attainment of aims with irresistible power; unexpected occupational changes (Occupiers? jc)

Sun/MC = ASC: increased need for honesty about how to help the lives of others; associations.

Sun/US n Jupiter = Uranus: speculation; gambling; a sudden turn or success.

Sun/US n Jupiter = ASC: devotion to social aspirations; shared success; meetings.

And the transiting midpoint of Jupiter and Neptune (speculators, wastrels, grand schemers), the planetary duo describing the Obama administration due to their Great Conjunctions all through 2009 which conjoined US natal Moon in Aquarius--continues to point to Uranus at Aries Point ('Utopians'--Ebertin) so I'll add the mdpt picture one more time...

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: imagination v reality; sudden recognition of a difficult situation; coming down to earth with a bump.

And that bump may occur during the Moon's darkened Balsamic phase here denoted in the Horoscope of Winter Solstice 2011. Considering the rampant fraud in Washington DC, on Wall Street, and elsewhere, can new scandals and leaks be very far behind?


As always, you are cordially invited to leave your on-topic opinions and remarks in a Comment!

Be advised that all spam is moderated and deleted.


UPDATE 5:18 pm est: just puiblished, a sister post concerning Winter Solstice 2011's
Sun Cap/Moon Scorpio blend of energies.

Today, December 6, 2011, is a National Day of Action called for by Occupy Wall Street--foreclosed homes will be occupied in attempt to save homeowners and families, including in the suburbs. Thank You, Occupiers! jc

Progressive sites and issues of interest:

Thom Hartmann, Move to Amend (sign the petition refuting the undemocratic Citizens United ruling of the Supreme Court in Jan 2010), Democracy Now!, and Max Igan's The Crow House where you may wish to read about Trust Law...because We-the-People ARE the law!

Nov 17, 2011

OWS, Uranus, and some Astro-Highlights Dec 2011

OWS, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, Uranus & Jupiter Direct, & a Capricorn New Moon

by Jude Cowell

As today's Occupy Wall Street Day of Action unfolds in NYC and across the globe I'm studying a couple of horoscopes in particular. So many charts to read, so little blogging time!

As you know, events are moving very fast in the real world lately though the illusion, fraud, deception, and speculation of the Jupiter/Neptune pair continue to affect matters as Neptune's bubbly nature merges with Jupiter's tendency to inflate. The positive side of this planetary influence is Jupiter/Neptune's sense of The Grand Spirit which I believe inspires the Occupy Movement--excepting the violence of agents provocateurs, and the down-and-outers who are attracted to Occupy encampments but who may not always conform to OWS standards of good behavior--or are not able to due to their overwhelmingly bad social conditions and habits.

As you've seen since yesterday, even 84-year-old women such as Dorli Rainey are pepper sprayed as if in punishment for freely expressing their views in America circa 2011, not such a Land of the Free anymore but definitely marking a return to being a Home of the Brave.

For as previously stated on this blog, all the strong-arming brutality is occurring under the Barack Obama administration--but notice he's not been in the country or even on the continent for days though he's due back in Washington this Saturday (11.19.11.)

....Astrologically, the strong-arming brutality may be found beneath our noses in black and white in the Uranus Direct Station horoscope--ex: the triggering of the degree of a not-to-be-spurned Venus at IC...

'18Cap' = "The Union Jack"...SUPERVISION...positive expression: the self's ever widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches (total surveillance saturation and the total heisting of our resources by wealthy gold-hoarding crooks--jc);

negative (unconscious/shadow side): smug or strong-armed paternalism.
(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

No, America isn't broken (or broke!), nor is the American Spirit. But thieves, gangsters, and political thugs are in the house and must be held up to examination, ridicule, and potentially, they must be held for trial and prosecution.

President Obama "Missed" His Chance to Play Wall Street Sheriff

No laundry list here of our disappointments over President Obama--you know the list anyway. (His natal Mars--energy-action-motivation-conflict--is veiled by US natal Neptune 22Vir25--so you're surprised he's extended and expanded WAR while promising otherwise?) And my suspicion is that he never meant to hold anyone on Wall Street accountable and rewards were forthcoming through corporate bail-outs and other means.

Yes, it is understandable that as he took office and in the days since, President Obama couldn't and can't bite the hand that fed him and led him into the Oval Office, plus, it's a mighty cushy job and all. However, a small astro-peep-eye! here: the dynamic energies of the Pluto/Chiron midpoint that crush--sit atop--Inauguration 2009 MC is telling of the US gov's Aspirations and Goals in Jan 2009 when the presidential oath-taking had to be done twice, as you know, with Inauguration 2009 Mercury (oaths; vows) Rx and combust the Sun @ '1AQ' describing the repeated--Rx--event. The oath-administering gaffe by Chief 'Justice' John Roberts (GOP) set the tone for their "Make Obama Fail" campaign ongoing--as if his first oath at noon wasn't official or binding on some weird ideological level where most of today's Republicans exist in their heads.

On my TV now is excellent coverage of the Occupy Movement by Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman detailing the events of OWS, including an interview with former Police Chief Norm Stamper who was on duty during 1999's Battle in Seattle (a label the media saddled the stand-off between patriots v riot police at the WTO Conference (which opened the New Millennium with its 'free' trade nonsense and other draconisms that have resulted in massive losses of US jobs) was rejected by protest.

So ordering pepper spray to be used on peaceful protesters was wrong, Stamper now says. Wrong then, wrong now! In 2011, a difference is that if The System feels threatened enough, police departments and their associates will act more heinously for they are more organized, trained, and ready for martial law enforcement than the first big push back in Seattle 1999.

Anyway, the two charts I'm studying are the Uranus Direct Station horoscope (shown below) of December 10, 2011 (just hours prior to the December 10 Lunar Eclipse @18Gem11), and the Capricorn New Moon chart of December 24, 2011 (@2Cap34; not shown.)

At the Dec 24 New Moon, Uranus 00Ari44 will be moving direct, still triggering its Direct Station degree, but not its minute (00Ari39 v 00:44) which shows how far the planet of revolt, protest, and upheaval has traveled since its Station Direct of Dec 10...not much, and the temperamentally sensitive Aries Point and US n IC are still ruffled--easy to do wherever feisty Mars rules.

It is my belief that the state and condition of Uranus, America's 'totem' planet of Freedom, Independence, Revolution, and exceptionalism is vastly important in both December horoscopes yet you only have to turn on the news, check news feeds, or watch videos to see that Uranian catabolic action is drenching everything it touches. Using the 'Sibly' version of the US natal chart, shows rebellious Uranus crossing and re-crossing our natal IC 00Ari53 (Foundation; Homeland; Endings) which well describes the uprising spirit of The People arriving in the US--since June 2010 and continuing--following the spirit's inflamed beginnings across the Middle East--Tunisia and Egypt being the stand-out locations for now because that regional story is not completely written by any means.

(For non-corporate news try Thom Hartmann.)

It seems America has found her Voice of Dissent as have our compadres in other lands, and what we see when watching coverage/videos of police in riot gear beating and arresting Americans exercising their Right to Free Speech is We the People pushing back--at last!--against a long-planned 'New World Order' of Bossy McBosses.

As we've witnessed The People's push back in the Middle East since February 2011 (Arab Spring), perhaps many in the US couldn't believe their eyes or grok what they were seeing, but it's become difficult to ignore the encroachments, batons, pepper sprays, and jail cells of a Globalist Agenda determined to establish an imperial one-world-government whose true intent is hidden behind a 'free' trade mask, among other obfuscations and ruses which our politicians are well versed in. They take prep classes, you know. Very organized are they but they can be tripped up!

Crisis Time: Jupiter/Neptune, Uranus, and US natal Midheaven

Dissolving Neptune 28AQ24 remains within orb of US natal Moon (The People) with its rootless-homeless-foreclosure-fraud-flood-storm vibes and as such, our n Moon can replace Neptune's spot in the following equation based on the YOD planetary pattern (Finger of God; crisis; crossroads; turning point; special task) formed by the sextile between the froth/inflation pair Jupiter and Neptune here 'pointing toward' US natal MC 00Lib53, where the sextile is supplied an outlet for dynamic expression on the World Stage...yet here, the energy expresses behind-the-scenes in the political 12th H:

Jupiter/Neptune = US n MC: speculators; visionaries; fortune hunters; wastrels; squanderers; harm or damage through thoughtlessness (or fraud, I would add--jc); philanthropists (a positive expression is a few of the wealthy volunteering to pay their taxes. Or is theirs a dreamy and empty Jupiter/Neptune proposal?)

For weeks now in transits, we've had the midpoint picture of Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation. (All midpoint pics from R. Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)

If we replace Jupiter with US natal Moon we have: Moon/Jupiter = n MC: socially minded or religious people; confidence; popularity.

Below is the Uranus Direct Station horoscope on which are penned a few notes that will not be mentioned so please click to enlarge and check them out, if you wish.

A Point of Change? Uranus Direct Station @ 00Ari39 in 6th house of Work, Health, Service (Police & Military); December 10, 2011 1:06:19 pm est White House, United States of America; Hour of activist Mars 13Vir09 in 11th house of Groups/Associations & Hopes/Wishes; Mars squares Sun/Moon (opposed and nearing eclipse degree of 18Gem11) and the Nodal Axis (click the Dec 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse chart link for more info on this problematic T-Square.)

Moon with South Node of the Moon

Nodal degree, a karmic or fated point, has Moon 14Gem19 conjoining the South Node end of the axis with its Saturnian, separative tone. Moon conj SN shows bad timing and difficult circumstances which are karmic (reap-what's-sown) in nature. We as a people should have been in the streets over these disenfranchising issues years ago! Perhaps President Obama is correct but on a different level than he meant: we have been a little bit lazy and have gotten a little soft--in the Social Protest department.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the Nodal axis is the Sun 17Sag52 (leader) in 3rd house of Communication and I suspect that Orator-in-Chief Obama may deliver a prime time address to the nation concerning the Occupy Movement at some point before December 2011 ends. Sun/NN links indicate major events occurring, seeking public contacts, and/or the growth and expansion of power.

This expansion of power is borne out by Venus (valuations; money; attraction principle; relationships) @ '18Cap', the degree of 1993's Uranus/Neptune conjunction/s marking the New World Order realm. Their last Great Conjunction occurred during the Age of Enlightenment/Age of Reason in mid-Sagittarius. Here as you see, vengeful-when-scorned Venus is at the Foundation of our Uranian Matters (Uranus to US IC) with Utopians (Uranus in Aries = Utopians, says Ebertin) stirring up the most basic issues within American society (our 4th H.)

And the Uranian concept of Equality is one of them.

ASCENDANT 14Lib19 at 2:04:19 am est

US natal Saturn 14Lib48 rises as does transit Saturn 26:36 in 1st house, a condition you'd usually rather not see in any horoscope--Saturn in 1st H shows delay, inhibition, restriction, and contraction in Horary Astrology with 'loss' also a potential. Basically, status quo Saturn and progressive Uranus are now inconjunct one another, a time in society when priorities are difficult to establish, self-deception abounds, and the adoption of new methods will tend to be resented as people try desperately to hold onto old concepts (like corrupted, rotten to the core Capitalism?)

Now in America, we tend to count our Saturn exalted in Libra as signifying Congress (lawmakers) and the Legal System (SCOTUS, Department of Justice, regional courts and judges, etc.) Jupiter 00Tau47 Rx opposing Saturn suggests that markets are unstable, plus the (long-planned and manufactured--"EU was set up to fail"--or set up in too great a haste) crisis conditions within European Union finances are on tap with Germany perhaps acting as the main significator in a financial situation which may very well affect US banks and our economy.

(Jupiter's Direct Station occurs the day after the Dec 24 New Moo on Christmas Day 2011 @00Tau22. Will this change of Mr. Moneybags' direction be too late to boost retailers' quotas for 2011? Note: their quotas are always trumped up--I worked in the retail fashion industry in my 20s and I can tell you that retailing CEOs cry wolf annually for it helps them cut corners for the sake of the bottom line and shareholders, of course--in pursuit of The Almighty Dollar, as we used to say.)

Oh Venus, Make My Wish Come True?

Chart-ruler Venus is detached--out-of-bounds (OOBs)--so who knows what the NYSE will be worth in December 2011, plus, it's a difficult season anyway during the Jupiter/Saturn opposition as expansion/growth vies with restriction/contraction--ex: the Gang of 12, aka, the 'Super' Congress or Committee will have spewed out its recommendations before Uranus turns direct--or will it? Little public lip service has been paid to the concept of addressing imbalances during their secret negotiations other than Republicans presenting a theatrical 'balanced budget' amendment in the House this week--and in July 2011, too.)

Ho Ho Ho: Our Greater Benefic, Protective Jupiter

Once abundant Jupiter turns direct on Dec 25, 2011 in money sign Taurus (the Bull of Wall Street), perhaps funds and policies that benefit The People will be freed to do some good in our society. An alternate potential: the 1% will pay themselves bigger bonuses and dividends than previously planned--just because they can and because many of them are bitterly pouting because we dared complain over our usury-rate indebtedness to foreign entities, and over financially oppressive conditions imposed by a self-selected group of elite plutocrats, a group which includes the military industrial regime/complex and global investors.

Moon/Venus and Mars/Neptune

Also at Aries Point is Moon/Venus = Uranus: quick actions are dictated by feelings. However, the inconjunct between Moon and Venus shows that actions need careful calibration to be most effective, or effective at all.

This picture focuses the square-peg-round-hole energies of the Moon/Venus *inconjunct (the applying aspect to chart-ruler Venus) on rebellious, radical Uranus. To me this denotes that no matter how the 'Super' Congress ham-fistedness turns out, major financial and social (Venus) adjustments (inconj) will be forced upon the population (Moon) if the Gang of 12's central banking bosses surmise that they can get away with it.

However, the Occupy Movement and the amount of attention being paid to it may have made that elitist assumption a bit less of a done-deal though The Man's riot tanks and swat teams are ready to rumble, unless I miss my guess.

Additionally, the stressful Moon inconj Venus aspect contains a 'grit teeth and bear it' flavor which makes clearly discussions of our problems quite difficult. But maybe not as much as before since the Moon is in communicative Gemini, ruled by the planet of young people, Mercury! But uh-oh: the deceptive, often confused or misdirected Mars/Neptune energies are in play which echoes America's natal Mars/Neptune square...

Mars/Neptune = Mercury: receptive or sensitive minds; many plans without a chance of realization; nervous weakness from drug use or misuse of energy.

This very public Geminian Moon wants to relate and communicate while relational Venus in private wants primarily to control (Capricorn) the relationship with the public (Moon)--and our public finances. With the IC involved bwo Venus, Real Estate valuations are on the menu, too--and Venus rules the 8th H of Big Business, Credit, Debt, Contracts, Transformation, and the Occult. Yes, control of public perception over monetary conditions and other social ills is an imperative for the US government--this is and has always been the case. (US natal Jupiter '6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"...this tendency was easier to hide in 1776!)

Hopefully, Washington won't follow the 'interrupt Internet service' plan of communication control, or worse: Uranus to US n IC = a disrupted or hacked power grid?

When The People Push Back: 1999 and 2011

Here are a few Astrology notes I posted concerning the media-labeled Battle in Seattle, if you're interested. There are two planetary trios of concentrated energy in the chart/s for that day (Nov 30, 1999, Seattle, Washington, using sunrise) which suggest protests, use of force/abuse of power, and a police state/oligarchic agenda:

1. Pluto/Chiron (the Plutocracy-Oppression team) = Sun 7Sag59/ASC, opposing US natal Uranus (revolt; anarchy--I suggest that WTOers, Bilderbergers, illuminized administration officials, globalist bankers, and their agents were anarchists against US sovereignty first.) The WTO Protests in Seattle will be 12 years ago as of Nov 30, 2011, m'peops! President Clinton(Sun) was acting in accord with Pluto/Chiron's instructions or, under the sway of plutocrat advisers (of which he is now one.) See 1999 in this 1990--1999 Timeline which includes some EU shenanigans, as you'll see.

2. Uranus/Neptune = Mars (3AQ21 at sunrise--'3AQ+' is Jupiter's position in the Inauguration 2009 horoscope, as I tiresomely remind you all the time)...this is a picture suggesting instability; misdirected energy; lameness or paralysis.


Blog Note: some text was just lost and though there are more factors I'd like to mention on these Aries Point/OWS topics for you, ATT&T is having trouble keeping me connected to the Internet this week. I've fought it all day but am finally wumped out with their 'misdirected energy' so if you've emailed me or commented on one of my blogs this week, please be advised that my replies, comments, and/or posts are necessarily on the spotty side at the moment, thanks to big gorilla ATT&T. Typos there be in this post and they must be corrected later. jc

*an inconjunct (150 degrees) is aka, a quincunx and contains crisis and/or health vibes even without the YOD pattern adding to its complexity.