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Oct 15, 2011

Halloween 2011: an astro-peek at Edgar Allan Poe

Whenever Halloween Rolls Around

by Jude Cowell

Well, it's almost Halloween 2011 and time for remembering the original inventor of the Detective Novel, Mr. Edgar Alan Poe. You'll find a previous post does just this as the Astrology of Edgar Allan Poe's life and death is discussed with his natal horoscope shown.

(Blog Note: the 'Poe Toaster' link in the above post is no longer live so here's an alternate item from Wikipedia which states that no mysterious Poe Toaster turned up at his gravesite in 2010 or in 2011 which apparently heralds the end of a 60-year tradition of honoring the esteemed author and critic in the middle of the night.

October 9, 2011 marked the 162nd anniversary of Poe's birth in 1849. Intriguingly, his violent death under mysterious circumstances includes a potentiality that the practice of Politics was intimately involved!

Plus, as you've heard and Professor Robert Reich laments, there's been another untimely and unfortunate death recently--that of the long term insurance provision in President Obama's health insurance legislation.

So considering the season, let's all give a hollow cheer for an apt Sabian Symbol, the one for Inauguration 2009's Moon (we-the-people in Mundane Astrology for the US) which on January 20, 2009 noon est Capitol Building clocked in at a crisis-critical 29th degree: 29Scor45. (Moon in Scorpio, the Halloween season's favorite sign of mystery and betrayal--but thankfully of regeneration!)

Rounding up Inaugural Moon 2009's degree, we have '30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester", and I think, m'peops, it's become quite clear that--Boo!--we've been tricked not treated once again.

12 Laws Used to Stifle Occupy Wall Street

Oct 15, 2011: Rania Khalek has published a round-up of the 12 Most Absurd Laws Used to Stifle the Occupy Wall Street Movement including what other city police departments (and their illuminized bosses) are up to.

Yes, The Establishment is workin' mighty hard to squelch any expressions of the demands of We-The-People--for justice and equality--ironically, two things you'd think the US government would be in favor of since its neocon Vulcans are so fond of fighting illegal wars based on exporting such stellar conditions to foreign lands!

Now 'exporting democracy' is one of their ruses, to be sure, yet the irony of the US government's untenable position on the matter of Wall Street Greed and Corruption--and on many other matters--shows how stupid and gullible officials think we are.

Yet if the Obama administration had taken office in 2009 and proceeded to prosecute the guilty for their financial crimes, it probably wouldn't be faced with the slogans and chants of Occupy Wall Street in 2011, investors wouldn't be leaving the market in droves, confidence in Mr. Obama and our capitalist system would be higher, and the US economy would be better off.

Yes, it's true what they chant on the streets:

This is what democracy looks like!

Especially when 'democratic' leaders aren't doing an honest job and are abandoning the America people to the (lack of) mercy of corporate bankers and internationalists with their not-so-secret agenda to fulfill.

For further reading, try this list of members and participants in the Bilderberg Group of world bosses including Bill Clinton, Rick Perry, and others whose names and reputations we all know...or think we know.

You'll also find my assessment of candidate Rick Perry's natal horoscope here if you're mildly curious. Alex Jones video presentations are included though viewing them is not required. jc

10.15.11 Occupy Wall Street Call to Action! Times Square NYC 5:00 pm edt

OWS Oct 15, 2011: "A Youth Holding a Lighted Candle"

by Jude Cowell

Call To Action! October 15, 2011: Occupy Wall Street and a Global Day of Action for the 99%! Congregate in Times Square NYC @ 5:00 pm edt.

Occupy protests of solidarity are now sweeping across the face of Planet Earth--Hurrah!!!

New York City 10.15.11 @ 5:00 pm edt sees the ongoing Jupiter/Neptune midpoint (the speculators, wastrels, and grand schemers pair) still being triggered by political activist Uranus in action-oriented, Mars-ruled Aries which gives an apt picture of events for those with Astrology principles in mind.

This is the 'imagination v reality/sudden recognition of a difficult situation' picture as Mayor Bloomberg grapples, and the mainstream media continues their mock-puzzled commentary on what is truly a grass roots movement by 99% of The People who are fed up with global elite criminality and corruption.

Still Rx in Taurus, Jupiter (Mr. Moneybags) and Venus in Scorpio have moved beyond their opposition of yesterday with its extravagant/wasteful/social climber vibes and 'moderation is needed' caution.

Perhaps of more concern is today's applying opposition between Jupiter and changeable Mercury, planet of youth, communication, oration, trade, commerce--and of course, youth make up most of the numbers of Occupy demonstrators though not exclusively. Mercury opposing Jupiter can make mountains out of molehills (but perhaps that's for corporate-shilling reports to do), and signifies those focused with fanatical zeal upon their goals (which the media says they don't have!)

Mercury oppo Jupiter also indicates a need for balance and moderation in one's plans and speech--and there's Jupiter in Taurus parallel fixed star Ras Alhague: 'a desire to create balance or healing'. The applying trine between Jupiter and wealthy dragon Pluto 5Cap06 continues as well with the Jupiter/Pluto pair potentially signifying: plutocrats, those who exploit others, squanderers, speculators, law and economics professors--and leaders of uprisings!

October 15, 2011 begins with Moon in late Taurus, Sun in Libra, and ends with Moon in Gemini (6:51) with Luna crossing into Gemini at 10:14 am edt conjunct fixed star Alcyone (beware: Alcyone = 'something to cry about'...tear gas? More pepper spray?)

Occupy Wall Street's Call to Action starts during an Hour of the Sun with the sensitive Sun/Neptune midpoint at Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations; Public Status) so we have a picture of impressionability, mental and emotional stress (graduating with excessive student loans and no job prospects can do that to ya as well as losing your home and/or job with a family to feed), and a negative outlook. Of course, it's possible the negativity is on the side of our now-naked emperor banking class all duded up in their imaginary threads of integrity and superiority.

Either way, the presence of Sun/Neptune shows tendencies toward exploitation, deception, chaotic conditions, and/or scandals though inspiration may be present, too.

At 5:00 pm edt, 21Pis24 rises, making the speculator pair, Jupiter and Neptune, the chart-ruler and co-ruler. Jupiter's applying aspects are its trine with Pluto (1A56) and an opposition to Mercury (3A13) as mentioned above; Neptune makes only one applying aspect, a trine with the Sun in Libra, an extremely creative indicator showing that events should work out quite well today.

UPDATE 7:30 pm: turns out I was overly optimistic with that last statement: the NYPD is surrounding the protesters this evening with huge nets to round them up like sardines so the trine of the Moon--the people--with Neptune emphasizes Neptunian nets as NYC attempts to dissolve (Neptune) the protests. :(

Now back to our Jupiter/Neptune...

(You'll remember that 2009, President Obama's first year in office, saw a three-fer of Jupiter and Neptune conjunctions which all fell upon US natal Moon ('27AQ' = We-The-People) and I blogged its 'reality v imagination/becoming involved in speculation/instability and wastefulness' connections until my typing finger fell off because that and other cosmic factors detailed an undermining of whatever Mr. Obama purported to do to improve the economy and the lot of the American people.

Of course, I use Jupiter in mundane charts as the representative for the Republican Party and everyone has seen how GOP obstructionism has gummed up the works--not that I fully embrace the president's "the GOP won't let me" excuse for the sorry lack of helpful actions coming out of Washington DC. As I've blogged for years here and elsewhere, the ruling class has set itself against The People, and yes, this is Pluto/Chiron-inspired class warfare of oppression, exploitation, and disenfranchisement perpetrated by an ivory-towered Oligarchy.)

Mundane Moon = We-The-People

Another factor of note is that President Obama's natal Moon 3Gem21 returns to natal degree at less than one minute before 5:00 pm edt today when the rally begins! ('4Gem' = "Holly and Mistletoe Bring Christmas Spirit to a Home".)

In keeping with the critical events of this day--and with Mr. Obama's Lunar Return for I suspect he's feeling pressured from all sides, both youthful Mercury and powerful Pluto--the Moon in Gemini (sign of youth as noted) is apex in a YOD pattern involving today's Mercury/Pluto sextile thus creating a midpoint picture of emotional communication power, adaptability in thinking and speaking, and/or an obsessive need for more power and control (surveillance? agent provocateurs in the crowd?)

As you know, a YOD (Finger of God pattern) indicates crisis, a crossroads or turning point (as Occupy Wall Street becomes global?), and/or a special task. Adjustments must be made with two quincunxes (150 degr; aka, inconjuncts) involved.

And Mercury/Pluto, the propaganda/surveillance pair which oppose one another in America's natal horoscope, denotes potentials in Politics and Business for:

high security and intell activities (I'll wager all demonstrators are being thoroughly 'checked out' by The Establishment); political talk that offers abrupt changes (for the better would be good); communications satellites (spies in the sky) and contacts with intell agencies; toxic gases (and pepper sprays); business or transportation secrets; breakdowns in road networks (traffic jams?); self-destructive impulses in business (crony capitalism, for one.) (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey.)

An apex Moon in a YOD pattern indicates emotional trauma and vulnerability spilling over from the past yet if this energy is well-managed (as I expect of Occupiers it will be) it can provide a great ability for making destined changes, a reorganization of the emotional nature, and a strengthened inner foundation which attends to the interests of The Weaker as it clarifies and directly expresses personal needs. (Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.)

The YOD's apex Moon reminds me of the 'human microphone' and the Assemblies the Occupiers use to communicate and to make group decisions.

Today's Sabian Symbol for youthful Mercury ('4Sco') is "A Youth Holding a Lighted Candle" = THE POWER OF SYMBOLS (Rudhyar.)

Jupiter Rx in Taurus (Shadow Side: Intolerance and Greed)

Another factor today involving growth-oriented Jupiter is an obsessive-compulsive quindecile (165 degrees) between The Jolly One (well, he's usually jolly but these days he's a bit under siege, as he deserves) which shows those who are driven toward fame, recognition, and/or success; also evident is opinionation, judgmentalism, and egocentricity. This expansive Sun/Jup aspect has an "I am the greatest" connotation with a king/queen complex in tow. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

'The greatest'? 'King/Queen'?

One thinks easily of politicians and other egotists accustomed to being in charge. What they're decidely not accustomed to is having We-The-People continuously raining on their one-world-government, New World Order, totalitarian parade.

So I say, Rain On, Occupy Wall Streeters...Rain On!


Weekend coverage of the Call to Action rallies is provided by the excellent real journalists at Democracy Now!

Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.

UPDATE 9 am: brief notes on today's Sun-Moon blends are now available on my Jude's Threshold blog, if you're interested. jc

Oct 14, 2011

Oct 14, 2011: Sun in Libra parallels Rigel!

When I noticed today that the Sun 20Lib+ is in *parallel to Fixed Star Rigel, I wanted to give a shout-out to lovely Rigel, The Educator star in ancient Astrology and one that is linked to an angle in this blogger's natal horoscope.

Hence I'm rather fond of regal Rigel! ((Ree' gul) And since the star is the left foot of Orion, I suspect you've spied it twinkling in the heavens, especially now in Autumn with constellation Orion The Hunter showing prominently in our night skies.

Rigel (Beta Orion) which is tropically positioned in mid-Gemini, has a magnitude of 0.3 and a declination of 08S12'21" (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars) and can be used on all four points of charts in all latitudes except the extremes of the poles.

Star lore concepts include being 'under Osiris's protection' for its symbolism of the Pharaoh's pinioned birds (under Orion's feet) representing the subjects of the Pharaoh. The myth goes that gentle Osiris brought education and civilization to all the lands he ruled, and the 'pinioned birds' were not a negative symbol but a positive one of people receiving the wisdom and protection of civilization.

Now some star lore experts such as Robson have identified Rigel with ambition and that is often the case when Rigel is linked to angles or planets in a horoscope. But for me it's the educating side of Rigel--effort made for the gain of others rather than for personal gain--that describes the vibes of Rigel.

Why, the very laws of planetary motion were figured out by the great Johannes Kepler of lasting fame who was born with Rigel culminating (at MC) as wise Jupiter set!

*parallels are used in Astrology for timing purposes and are similar to strong conjunctions. Osiris and Orion issue from the same archetype; the three stars in the Belt of Orion are thought by some to be the direction from which the Christ will return "bringing His reward with Him" and are said to correspond to the Pyramids at Giza on Earth...As Above, So Below.


Well, our wimpy Congress skedaddles from the Capitol Hill scene of their many crimes this afternoon (if you can find one of 'em on The Hill as late as 3 pm, I'll be a monkey's aunt) for another week-long break while millions of Americans--their constituents--remain unemployed and struggling for basic necessities. And this break comes after the toil of selling out US jobs once again by passing a triple "free" trade pact with South Korea, Panama, and Columbia.

Isn't it odd what legislation our theatrical Congress can manage to 'come together' on to pass in a 'bipartisan' fashion?

Guess we can always check in with Occupy Wall Street demonstrators to see a model of what democracy actually looks like since its image has become tainted and Swiss-cheesy on our Masonic Capitol Hill.

Oct 13, 2011

South Korea visits US = 'A Sleigh Without Snow' 10.13.11

After the US Congress sold out US workers once again this week by passing "free" trade deals with South Korea, Panama, and Columbia, today's visit from President Lee of South Korea has transiting Mars 15Leo conjoined with tr Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate; Corporations) which is, one supposes, an apt picture of the global elite's drive to merge America into a 'one-world-government' which is a long range plan that "free" trade agreements are designed to facilitate.

Taking a quick glance at some of today's events in Washington by way of horoscopes set for the White House and for the Capitol Building later today when President Lee delivers an address to a Joint Session of Congress, we see Presidents Obama and Lee holding a presser at 12:20 pm edt (Hour of the Moon) with 20Sag33 rising which makes money planet Jupiter (still retrograde in money sign Taurus) the chart-ruler. When chart-rulers are Rx you know something is amiss or at least, there will be delay in the areas that planet rules, and money, largess, and expansion are part of Jupiter's realm.

Big laugh just now as I type: *Amy Goodman just reported on Democracy Now! that NYC Mayor Bloomberg informed the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators that they'll need to clear out of Liberty Square on Friday (tomorrow) so it could be "cleaned." The Occupiers are sending out a request for cleaning supplies--they'll clean it themselves. HA! Love it!!! Back to the "free" trade shenanigans in DC...

Now whenever dignitaries meet in Washington DC or elsewhere, a peek at which planets are conjoining synchronistically for the event is in order.

Today, tr Saturn (authority; managers; leaders; lawmakers; lawyers, etc) is just moved beyond conjunction with the Sun 19Libra59 at 12:20 pm edt, and the Moon (the people; the public; publicity; a woman) meets with Jupiter Rx at 7Tau+...Sabian Symbol '8Tau' = "A Sleigh Without Snow"...SUSTAINMENT...

positive expression: a complete and effective alignment of self with whatever greater possibilities may remain unrealized in a given milieu;

negative (unconscious/shadow side): a cheerful tolerance of today's frustrations in the vague hope of a better tomorrow.

Well, I don't know precisely what President Lee expects from Washington (a lot, I'll wager) with his shady "free" trade agreement but that 'vague hope' is known by a majority of American workers to be a pile o'merde when it comes to 'jobs creation' in the US...outsourcing of jobs is much more likely.

One more note (since if I don't publish this soon the events will be over)--VP Biden, our erstwhile, proud-to-be-a-Zionist fellow, will host a luncheon for the Lees at 1:15 pm edt today with 2Cap56 rising along with the tr Venus/Neptune midpoint (appreciating how reality can be altered; indulging another's fantasy for personal gratification; union with persons of a peculiar disposition.)

Also at 1:15 pm edt, tr Pluto @ 5Cap05 rises, and asteroid Atlantis ('America'; where we feel doomed; abuse or misuse of power) is at MC.

Of interest in relation to the US government is a midpoint at Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations; Public Status) with these potentials for expression:

Mars/Pluto = MC: ambition; self-confidence; facing overwhelming force without power; danger through intervention of a Higher Power (US?); learning how to gain and use power or extreme measures for increasing status in the world (Washington DC, the teacher); fulfillment of certain ambitions by attaining recognition and influence.

Well, as long as the global elite's one-world-government project grinds on with America scurrying to take the lead, I suppose it's still quite trendy and smart to suck up to Washington politicians.


*Amy Goodman is also reporting on the Canadian warrant to arrest George W. Bush for war crimes when he attempts to address an economic forum in British Columbia next week--an "economic" forum!!! Who's crazy here? Is it me? ;p

For more info, you may wish to check out current news coverage and issues at the Thom Hartmann website with texts and broadcast videos available, and a Forum to join.

Midpoint pictures: Reinhold Ebertin; Michael Munkasey. Sabian Symbol info: Msrc Edmund Jones.

Timings mentioned in this post are taken from the White House LIVE site of streaming videos.

Oct 12, 2011

Uranus to US 4th house as Anonymous says, Bankers Are the Problem (video)

So the first time I saw the film V is For Vendetta in 2006, I loved its message, its history lesson, and its insouciance. Now it's 2011 and members of the activist hacking group Anonymous have taken to wearing the oddly affecting mask from that film as in the following video.

But don't fret over the fellow's mask for it's global bankers who are at the bottom of the world's tragedies and They are the scary Anonymous says, The Bankers Are The Problem:

As it turns out, disruptive Uranus moving into America's 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland since 2010 and squaring powerful string-puller Pluto has brought a new era of public activism with radical, populist, grass roots, anti-corporate Uranian ideas for how our world can be rather than what plutocratic one-world-government promoters have told us it must be.

But the illuminized globalists are wrong.

So please wake up your friends and tell them the news! After all, The 5th of November rolls round again in about 3 weeks...


Scroll down the sidebar if you wish a video reminder of Bush Sr's 20-year-old freaky shout-outs for a 'New World Order' and if you type those words into the sidebar Search Field, you'll find many posts on that and similar topics, some containing quotes from public, corporate, and secret society figures touting--and revealing their own culpability--in their satanic take-over plan.

Love of money is the root of all evil. And money is what all global bankers and their minions dearly love. Mankind? Not so much.

Info Wars's Alex Jones says that Republican nom candidate for 2012, Herman Cain (once an agent for the Kansas City Federal Reserve), is backed by the (Skull & Bones) Pillsbury family! Given Mr. Cain's demonstrated globalist views, the connection doesn't surprise me one bit.

Guess that makes Herman Cain a real-life 'Dough Boy'!


UPDATE 12 noon edt: mundane astrologer Ed Kohout has alerted me to an article detailing who is paying NYC policemen to pepper spray Occupy Wall Street protesters in their faces. My fret is that more brutal tactics against peaceful demonstrators are planned by the corporate titans who run the US government.

As you know, the strong-arming of dissenting US citizens is happening on President Obama's watch-- and many if not all of those pepper sprayed for wanting improvements in America probably voted for him!

Read more here. Thanks, Ed! jc

Uranus conjunct Neptune, the Illuminati-NWO pair that last met during the Age of Reason in mid-Sagittarius, conjoined three times in 1993--at '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER...negative manifestation: "smug or strong-armed paternalism."

And here we are.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Occupy Houston and the Fed's Monopoly Money (video)

Here is controversial TV-radio host and author Alex Jones with a bullhorn at the Occupy Houston rally and a little girl with a placard you may wish to read!


If you've missed it, why not scroll down the sidebar just a bit for a link to Rolling Stone's article, Meet Alex Jones?

Oct 11, 2011

Inauguration 2009 horoscope w Occupy Wall Street (9.17.11)

The horoscope of Inauguration 2009 (January 20 @ noon Capitol Building) is shown here with the transits of the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), September 17, 2011, solar (sunrise) chart set for Manhattan, NY; OWS is aka, the 99% Movement.

Click chart to enlarge and you'll see the OWS Moon 19Tau23 and Jupiter 9Tau49 snugged about the Inaugural ASC (President's Oath of Office = the presidency); also on the Inaugural ASC is the transiting midpoint Mars/Neptune which is interesting to me since many posts have been written here concerning the fact Mr. Obama's natal Mars (motivation, energy, action, desire nature) conjoins US natal Neptune 22Vir25--to the degree--with Virgo the sign of Work, Service, and Health (and having a 'police/military service' vibe.)

(Note: the Moon/Jupiter pair will repeat at Inauguration 2013 but in early Gemini, rising in 1st house; chart set for Monday January 21, 2013 noon est Capitol Building--since Jan 20, 2013 falls on a Sunday; ASC = '16Tau' instead of the usual '15Tau'--the last Jan 21st Inauguration was Ronald 'death squad' Reagan's.)

Uranus in Aries: The Awakener!

The Awakening of the American People (transit Uranus to US 4th cusp 00Ari53 = anarchists, radicals, protesters in the Homeland) which the current Occupy protests represent is shown on one level by the dreamy Mars/Neptune link between horoscopes as this Mars/Neptune (deceptive or inspired actions, confused motivations, loss of males, overseas wars, mass police, men who undermine, etc) echoes the problematic Mars/Neptune square found in the US natal chart/s (July 4, 1776, any hour you choose to use. Our national Sun/Saturn square is now highlighted as well showing authoritarianism of leaders.)

Sniffy me!

Since I'm under the weather this week with allergies of the ragweed kind, I have sparse energy with which to discuss these two charts (dual and complex as they are) but I'll do the best I can and will simply mention a couple of factors, then point anyone who hasn't to visit the excellent news coverage by Independent Media (listed below) of the Occupy protests across America--including the vicious, hateful police attack during the OccupyBoston demonstration last night (at 1:30 am Tuesday) on US war veterans whose American flags were wrenched from their hands and thrown to the ground before they were tackled by an over-reactive riot-geared police force--people obviously on the payroll of The Man, not The People.

How description their actions! For 'throwing America to the ground' is the goal of these proto-fascist usurpers of our government. And it took the attacks of 9/11/01 to more firmly establish them in seats of power.

Now we know that no matter who orders such brutality against peacefully assembled Americans expressing their grievances against The Establishment, this police state behavior is happening on President Obama's watch. Yes, the GOP must be secretly cheering this though they certainly have expression problems of their own on the subject (see Herman Cain's coldhearted comment below.)

However, for the sake of the president's political aspirations, he'd do better for 2012 to jump on-board more than he has so far rather than dangling haphazardly off the populist cart with the White House's barely concealed contempt. As The Nation's Katrina Vanden Heuvel said yesterday to Amy Goodman, Mr. Obama is "behind the curve" and has "lost his momentum" with the environmentalists, young people, liberals, Independents, and others who voted for him in 2008.

Deserving Desertion?

Well, if Mr. Obama is or feels deserted, he deserves it for we wouldn't wander if he were what he was promoted to be! Good oration is never enough when real problems exist en masse, Mr. President. You said to push you, so here is Occupy Wall Street on your Oval Office doorstep. Be pushed!

Confronting The Bull of Wall Street

Since We-the-People Bailed Out Wall Street Banks do we own them? Then we may protest their corruption all we like! Besides: what victim, being disenfranchised and ignored, is self-destructive enough not to chant for clarity and justice in American society--and for social improvements when times are tough?! The 'special interests' and their paid-for political reps of Washington DC must be feeling a might insecure about now--good! We The People Rule whether they know it or not. Without our consent they have no power.

Positive v Negative = Yin v Yang = Jupiter v Saturn

Very notable in the OWS chart are the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, forming a transiting midpoint upon revolutionary Mars 29Can00 on Sept 17th, a critical 29th degree picture which describes the Occupy Wall Street Movement about as well as any one factor can do...and the Jupiter/Saturn cycle closely relates to financial markets and conditions!

These days in our global society, Jupiter's expansion principle seeks balance with Saturn's restriction/contraction tendencies and we know who's on the growth side while the 99% languishes on the margins, our futures stunted by Wall Street greed and criminality which are aided by duplicitous politicians. Financial Collapse 2008 was no 'accident', it was long-planned, imho, and astrological indicators show more lacks to come for 2012 and beyond, sorry to say.

As you know, Jupiter and Saturn hooked up on May 28, 2000 and their collusion heralded the zeitgeist of the much-touted New '23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"--and that's how America has been--a cash cow--for the criminal upper crust ever since...just one Big Heist. Yes?

Well, here's the major midpoint picture from September 17, 2011 which I'm spotlighting today--see if you think any of its potentials apply to current events:

Jupiter/Saturn = activist Mars: new efforts to effect positive changes; introducing duress as a tactic for forcing social change; discontent; added irritation over delays for new beginnings (like implementation of their feudal, 'Big Brother', totalitarian 'new world order', aka, a Utopian
'one world government' of the Illuminati? jc.)

How patient and mild the protesters--very impressive!

Progressive sites and broadcasts (video available):

Thom Hartmann (Thom!);
Democracy Now! (Amy Goodman);
The Nation blog w Occupy Wall Street updates (Greg Mitchell);
Brave New Films (Robert Greenwald who has a new film on the Koch Brothers, a must-see.)

Plus, there's HuffPo's recent article on how bullying billionaires the Koch Brothers (of Tea Party backing fame) stand to make a mint--in spite of the environmental degradation the US will suffer--from the Keystone XL Pipeline which President Obama could nix with a stroke of his Oval Office pen, if he only would.

Or I should say, If only his financial backers would allow. (See Inauguration 2009 chart with US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx and plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint at MC, The Goal point; this places US natal Mercury Rx is at IC which emphasizes America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition of surveillance and propaganda.)

Now, for those who wish to become involved, it may be timely to paraphrase Thom Hartmann at the end of all his broadcasts:

"Democracy begins when you show up--tag, you're it!"

Yet there's a caution: Beware agent provocateurs who seek to undermine the 99% Movement by use of violence. And conservative commentators have ramped up their usual violent rhetoric, as expected--seems that some long-nosers have broadcast that the OWS protesters "hate freedom" (!!!), a silliness which attempts to turn the 99% Movement's message of moral clarity upside down.

Oh! And as Thom Hartmann noted in today's broadcast, Republican 2012 nomination candidate *Herman Cain says that "if you don't have a job--blame yourself."


So I guess tonight's Republican "debate" on TV, which is expected to attack Mitt Romney's record as MA governor, should be either interesting or, more of a mangled train wreck showcasing pathetic people parroting corporate talking points. Again. With some quirky personality traits tossed in to 'impress' the public, if at all possible after 8 years of Bush-Cheney policies that have led us to this.

Wonder if the 99% Movement will be mentioned tonight? But which corporate shill among them, if any, shall dare?


UPDATE: *Here's a nifty, brief analysis of Herman's Cain's diabolical counter to the president's jobs plan which is actually Cain's (not Abel's) wealth distribution program for the rich called, 9-9-9 which even an apathetic doltbrain can see is a not-so-subtle reference to the Biblical '666', the mark of the beast. And its title is done in a backhanded way with the digits upside down, a tactic Satan often employs in our dualistic world as a shout-out to his followers.

Other satanic signs/symbols include 'the goat horns' hand jesture, the use of 'one eye' (Gaga's hair over one eye, head bowed showing homage to the Eye of Horus), and popular use of black-white and/or checkered patterns.

Well, if I'd known about that last one years ago, I would not have drawn 'checkered floors' into some of my racier illustrations. Really. What bad form! And their use was never meant as a satanic symbol of any kind, not from me.

Yet in my own defense, I shall say as an artist of some years that checkered floors can make a decent design element in drawings or paintings for their perspectives can be monkeyed with and made to look quite interesting, don't you think?

Blog Note: those who read Astrology charts may wish to study the horoscopes shown above if they haven't, spotlighting the connections between them, and I hope you do. Leave your on-topic comments here, if you wish, for I plan to feel better soon. Thanks! jc

(Midpoint pictures from M. Munkasey and R. Ebertin.)

Oct 10, 2011

Occupy Wall Street live video w Aries Full Moon chart of 10.11.11

Monday October 10, 2011: This week the US Congress gavels in on Tuesday October 11, and the president's jobs bill may be taken up--not passed, for that would make too much sense--but 'taken up' on Capitol Hill with President Obama seen by some as pushing his financial plan as bank protests grow.

If the jobs bill will bring relief to the 99%, let him push! And let the politically minded GOP get out of the way.

Meanwhile, peaceful Occupiers in Washington DC are on shaky ground with their permit expiring today and no one seems to know what will happen to protesting Americans who are also speaking out against US wars which were begun with falsehoods and have gone on for way too long.

Today protests against America's corrupt capitalist system begin their 4th week on Wall Street (live video below) as other cities across the country join in including Kansas City where the people know what you and I know that, Corporations Are Not People.

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

The Light of an Aries Moon with a Jupiter/Pluto Midpoint

A Full Moon @ 18Ari24 on October 11, 2011 represents the culmination or fulfillment phase of something begun at the last New Moon of September 27, 2011 @ 4Lib00 (horoscope shown) which emphasized the ongoing opposition of string-puller Pluto to US natal Jupiter 5Can56.

(During the Great Depression, transiting Pluto conjoined America's planets in Cancer; now Mr. Underworld has changed his tune and opposes our Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and eventually our Mercury Rx, too, as efforts continue to dismantle and dissolve FDR's New Deal programs. Apparently global bankers such as the Houses of Rockefeller and Rothschild were on board with the Roosevelt presidency's financial policies but now they're working hard to harvest the last decades' abundance away from the American people--and so far succeeding too well.)

The Occupy Wall Street protests actually began on Sept 17--ten days earlier than the September New Moon. Astrologer Lynn Hayes has written an excellent article on the movement's genesis which she calls the Beginning of Uranus/Pluto in the US, a reference to the current Uranus/Pluto square in their cycle which issued from their Great Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s, a time of social upheaval and the anti-war and civil rights protests of my generation.

The 1960s mid-Virgo Uranus/Pluto conjunction may be found in the 4th house (Foundation; Basis of the Matter) of the Full Moon horoscope you see below.

Click to enlarge the chart to read a few notes which won't be covered in this text.

ASC 29Gem39 (29, a critical/crisis degree) makes 5th house Mercury 27Lib49 the chart-ruler; Hour: Sun 18Lib24, in its Fall in Libra and conjunct US Sec Mars Rx--'19Lib' = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding (peep-eye, Wall Street!) Sun and Saturn are about to hook-up, a time of serious issues, hard work, and a call for responsibility for the culpable; Saturn opposing the Full Moon shows depression of the people, but can also indicate ambition and strategy being employed.

The speculator/wastrel/grand-schemes pair, Jupiter and Neptune, rule the MC through Pisces; restrictive Saturn rules 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, and Transformation, with the degree of the 8th cusp 19Cap40 implicating the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune (1993), the Illuminati/Enlightenment/NWO pair of energies.

In 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking, evaluating Venus 3Sco32 conjoins US *Sec Saturn Rx indicating the American people's (Aries Moon = 'I Am the People') fed-up condition (Full Moon opposition) and dissatisfaction with America's imperial wars (Sec Mars Rx) being waged abroad and the financial embezzlement, loss, and system-gaming they have engendered while lawmakers tell us US coffers are bare and domestic budgets must be cut (Venus/Saturn) with an austere hatchet when it comes to the needs of the American people.

How Things Proceed: chart-ruler Mercury applies to these planets and ASC:

1. trine Neptune 28AQ22 Rx (0A33: cold logic won't intrude upon inspiration; instincts rule; intuition--or Twitter--leads us to the right place at the right time.)

2. trine ASC (1A50: knows limits; capitalizes on talents and abilities; seeks approval.)

3. trine Chiron 1Pis05 Rx (3A16: wise old souls seek healing--Clow.)

4. conjunct Venus 3Sco32 (5A43: discussion of common goals with partners or allies; advice or information available which concern legal matters, joint ventures, or contracts.)

Not bad, as applying aspects go! Plus, Mercury rules young people, trade, commerce, oration, slogans, plans, negotiations, and many other mercurial things.

Mercury also rules the Full Moon's 4th house of Real Estate and Domestic Scene, and the president's natal Pluto in Virgo. (I refer to Mr. Obama as 'president', and not to Speaker of the House Mr. Boehner who seems confused on the issue at times.)

As you see, rising in first house is the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12 which falls within our nation's line-up of Cancerian planets--and precisely between our national Sun and Jupiter, a factor you and I knew would be trouble.

President Obama's natal, quixotic Chiron/Pluto opposition is in full view (MC/IC) and is notated upon the chart along with a T-Square (Pluto/ASC = Uranus in Aries ( = Utopians and other anarchists; Uranus also is The Awakener, as mentioned in protesters' chants) so we have a picture of extraordinary incidents and upsets, constant anxiety and restlessness, and potential changes of environment.

Pluto/Chiron = plutocracy; oppression; disenfranchisement; primal violence; racism and other -isms and agents of oppression.

A Grand Trine which includes North Node (NN = encounters; meetings; future direction; publicity) ropes in the October 11th Full Moon along with a feisty Leonine Mars so that three pictures are formed:

1. Moon/Mars = NN indicates vigorous cooperation with others, and women as associates.

2. Moon/NN = Mars shows energetic advocacy of unions or associations and vigorous teamwork (teamsters? jc)

3. Mars/NN = Moon brings in more feminine participation along with 'soul contact' vibes present within enterprises of mutually sympathetic people.

You may wish to click and view the participants in a rather involved Kite pattern with ASC as the Kite's 'tail', and Fixed Stars Polaris ('to show the way') and Betelgeuse ('success which is not blocked') rising and directing the Kite's high-flying inspirations and a prognosis for success.

Of note to current financial topics and other large endeavors is a Minor Grand Trine (highlighted in pink) if one includes Midheaven (MC = Goals; Aspirations), an angular point where Jupiter/Pluto (in trine) may express the pair's big banker/wheeler dealer energies. This pattern creates a significant midpoint picture:

Jupiter/Pluto = MC: industriousness; ambition; advantages in one's occupation; advancement and promotion; great good luck. (Ebertin.)

Jupiter continues his delaying Rx phase in Taurus, a money sign with a shadow side that includes greed and intolerance.

Well, moneybags Jupiter (Republicans) and manipulative Pluto (the dragon guarding the world's hidden riches, and robbing us all) are certainly simpatico (trine) this week and so far are quite successful in their Make Obama And America Fail campaign...their midpoint sits upon the Full Moon's Goal Point (MC.) But this means that Jupiter/Pluto also sits upon President Obama's natal Chiron in Pisces--and affects goals with the wounding--or talent--that Chiron, The Key, always provides.


Note: when protesting, Beware Agent Provocateurs!

And if you dare, check out the 'peculiar turn of events' potential in the horoscope of the upcoming Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37, a date perfectly within range of describing the recommendations from the 'Super Congress' (aka, 'Super Committee') which are due on November 23, 2011.

For full coverage of this first-ever Anti-Authoritarian Movement, please visit Democracy Now! where updated news and interview texts and broadcast videos are readily available.

*Around here, I use 'Sec' to denote Secondary Progressions, 'Minor' for Minor Progressions, and 'Tert' for Tertiary Progressions. jc

Oct 8, 2011

It's Draconid Meteor Time! October 8, 2011

Look up, for the Draconid Meteor Shower is all around us!

Space Weather News for Oct 7, 2011

DRACONID METEOR SHOWER: On Saturday, October 8th, Earth will pass through a network of dusty filaments shed by Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. Forecasters expect the encounter to produce anywhere from a few dozen to a thousand meteors per hour visible mainly over Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East. The meteors will stream from the northern constellation Draco--hence their name, the "Draconids."

Check SpaceWeather News for full coverage of the event including observing times and a live audio stream from a meteor radar. #

Plus, you may wish to visit a previous post concerning the Draconids and constellation Draco the Dragon and its alpha star Thuban, an interesting star linked to planets in the natal charts of two past giants: Pablo Picasso and Sir Isaac Newton.

Political Astrology, the Age of Saturn, and the elusive Rule of Law

On America's Natal Chart, Saturnalia, and Ed Kohout

by Jude Cowell

Well, once mundane astrologer Ed Kohout commented on one of my recent posts, I discovered the articles he published in December 2008 and January 2009 concerning America's odd *Sibly natal horoscope, the US Constitution, the Masonic laying of cornerstones in DC, and the significance of Fixed Star Sirius in the US natal chart, among other topics.

Now what do modern politicians in Washington mean when they tout a return to "the rule of law"? Can they really intend mankind's regression to that Saturnian Age of old? Well, America's natal Saturn is exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice and the balancing thereof.

We're still working on getting that 'balance' part down pat so perhaps it's old fashioned of Capricorn me to assume it but doesn't the US Constitution already establish America under the rule of law?

Being birthed with Saturn in Libra gives our national character a conscientious, loyal, and industrious streak so how crazy that modern politicians seem intent on causing America's downfall (natal Saturn in 10th house of the Sibly chart = fall from grace if Saturnian responsibilities are ignored as Washington GOPers and their allies are determined to do, 2011) through lack of accountability for the guilty, breaking our social safety net contract/s between the generations and dissolving public institutions, and the rampant corruption to our capitalist core of governmental, financial, and other systems.

Concerning political "rule of law" references, Harry Reid is sometimes guilty of making them but G.H.W. Bush was fond of spouting the phrase, too--I can hear him now. Especially if I scroll down this blog's sidebar and watch the video of Bush Sr calling for a New World Order with a "credible United Nations", and "the rule of law--not the law of the jungle," as Poppy threatened in 1991 (or 1990--there is some disagreement on the date of his NWO utterances.)

Or, is someone trying to hide the date of Bush's famous NWO shout-out--"Sept 11, 1991"? That's ten years to the day of their "new Pearl Harbor" event that sent America into war and perpetual occupation of the Middle East, as long-planned by global-minded Vulcans. And our troops were sent there by way of lies, as usual--half-truths used as a tool for deception. How very Machiavellian of them.

Yes, politicians' "rule of law" references point us toward the Saturnian Age, aka, the
Golden Age of ancient mythology which seems to be the level of 'reality' upon which our Washington politicians operate within their privileged Beltway Bubble, doesn't it?

As you know, it's easy to be super-idealistic when you're physically removed from the problem and from the real-world consequences which your ideologies and actions set in motion--and that other people pay for.

How appropriate that I'm typing this post on Saturday--Saturn's Day--in a word, Sabbath. For as you know, the Vatican set up their Christ's Mass--'Christmas'--to coincide with the traditional date of the Saturnalia (at Winter Solstice) so 'the church' would gain in popular appeal amongst pagans who were feasting, dancing about the place, and not contributing to the pope's coffers.

So! If you're interested in America's founding and other such historical topics as seen through the useful lens of Political Astrology, check out Ed Kohout's Emersion: An Alternative Study of Electional Astrology in Political History without Saturnian delay.

And if you haven't, a visit to the Ed Kohout website may be overdue for there you'll soon spy Ed's excellent study of the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel along with brilliant mundane articles on the Astrology of America's Masonic (and I would add, Illuminati-Sionist Rosicrucian) beginnings.


For further reading, excellent Political Astrology articles may be found @ Theodore White's Global Astrology (October 2011 Forecast now available), Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe, Nancy's Starlight News, and Alex D'Atria's Political Astrology with Comet info by Mark Andrew Holmes.

Oct 7, 2011

Occupy Wall Street (Sat-Uran-Plu): Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts!

As I searched for a particular reference hidden in the almost 3,000 entries on this blog (whew!), I ran across a previous post detailing the frustrating yet dynamic Cardinal T-Square between Saturn/Uranus (in opposition) pointing toward an apex (focal) Pluto.

On one level, we could say that 'old' (Saturn) is being 'transformed' (Pluto) into 'new' (Uranus, and in Aries that means, 'Utopia'--but that's bosh!)

If you click, please scroll down a ways into the post for the explanation of the midpoint picture formed in May 2011 between three heavy-weight planets...

Saturn = the past, Time, tradition, form, function, age, systems, scaffolds, responsibility, accountability, restriction, constriction, boundaries, bones, skin, teeth, spinal column, the status quo, delay, decay, long term efforts, patience, perseverance, endurance, and such.

Uranus = the future, futurism, creative genius, sudden inspirations, innovation, behavior, originality, Science, Astrology, upheaval, upsets, restlessness, quickness, sudden shocks, lightening, electricity, like a bolt from the blue, group activities, disruption, The Witness (a 'sudden sense of self'), The Awakener (in Aries, Uranus = *Utopians, anarchists, and/or radicals with political inclinations), the Higher Octave/Frequency of Mercury, oddness, eccentricity, separation, and more.

And Pluto? You mean Mr. Underworld, the Dragon who guards the world's riches? The Oligarchy of plutocrats under which we toil and struggle as billions of people teeter on the brink of enslavement or extinction?

Well, he-who-employs-assassins has become tiresome to type about, frankly. Pluto is apex planet in the Cardinal T-Square pattern, and an ace manipulator of the high-powered corporate executive kind. The full Cardinal midpoint picture info may be found by clicking the link above, if you wish.

Actually, I'll go ahead and tell you my guess: that the midpoint pic's "rebellion against one's lot in life" sums up quite well the general motivation/s of the Occupy Wall Street protesters, don't you think? Our younger generations are the ones whose futures have been stolen, purloined, embezzled, and gambled away with verve and insouciance.

So where else should OWS protesters be than occupying Wall Street? America needs to cease her occupation of foreign lands though Corporate America wishes that we-the-people not pay attention to that very inconvenient, bought-on-credit-card fact. Seems global bankers are up to their old Rothschildian tricks: they make much more money by making 'loans' to governments and by pushing private debt and responsibilities onto the public ledger.

Wall Street, Main Street, Pennsylvania Avenue: Jupiter-Neptune-Saturn

In these difficult days, there are calls for the Philanthropy of Jupiter and Neptune, not the mean old-fashioned stinginess of a sour, grouchy Saturn. Wall Street gentry should want to take a closer look at themselves and their anti-social behavior--and the news for them is, I for one don't want their stanky money. But I do want their control of the US government to erode and their crimes to be addressed and tried in an honest courtroom, not a whitewashing one.

Plus, I believe that fair taxes should be levied to re-balance society's financial inequality for our see-saw has thudded to one side and we can't get off the ground--we are in a word, oppressed. So Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts or raise taxes on the wealthy 1% of Americans at least for a period of time--say, three to five years perhaps? And wouldn't it be logical if those in charge kept in mind the old "If that doesn't work, try something else" strategy, as FDR and others have often said and used.

Then blessings shall be showered all around!

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Boo CEOs but Mourn Steve Jobs.

Hurrah! The coming together of movements and groups in NYC such as Occupy Wall Street, Labor Unions such as the Nurses' Union, Code Pink, Civil Rights activists, Gay-Lesbian activists, and other organizations, groups, and persuasions (protests are now happening in 500 US cities and counting!) shows that the Global Spirit of Revolution has finally infected America big time and my prayer is that progressive reforms that lift up The People will sweep across the US and every land!

Jupiter/Neptune, ruler/co-ruler of Mystical Pisces = Religion/Spirituality and Grand Schemes

Watery Neptune is, after all, about to dip her toe again into the compassionate tides of Pisces...but where we ultimately wash up depends on how we handle things from now on.

Here's the usual-suspect list of the well-connected and the speculating Forbes 400. Discretion is advised.


*"Uranus in Aries = Utopians": Reinhold Ebertin, The Combination of Stellar Influences.

For much more on progressive topics try Thom Hartmann and Amy Goodman (texts or videos of their broadcasts are available.)

I Am The 99%!!! Are you?