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Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts

Oct 27, 2010

Solar Eclipses: 2010 = 1992

Being in the remiss I have rushed here to post a link from Oct 20, 2010 (in case you missed Amy Goodman's report and haven't had a chance or the heart to keep up w the massive mortgage fraud perpetrated in America by the very same big banks we-the-people gave all those mega-bucks to) on Democracy Now!

Sea-ruler and dissolver, watery toxic Neptune has been washing over and over US natal Moon (we-the-people), and US Secondary Progressed Moon recently conjoined Sec Neptune so a shipload of wobbly conditions arrived in the people's harbor (Moon); Neptune also signifies the masses.)

Fraud is one of Neptune's faces as well with men hiding behind masks all around us, in every institution like the tentacle of a sinister, globe-throttling octopus. This octopus has engineered and plotted until our national Boxcar of Abundance has careened off the rails by the machinations of a clawful of Bolsheviks (and other factions clambering for control of the micrpohone) as history repeats on several levels.

Fortunately for us, this script of treachery and gangsterism (Pluto/Chiron) may be described (translated) for a different understanding since Astrology brings in the element of Time and so gives a fuller picture especially when planetary archetypes are factored in. Shall we indulge?

My guess is that 2010's Solar Eclipses - operative about 18.6 years ago (and 18.6 years prior to that, etc, and due to their Saros Series repeating approximately every 19 years like Great Cosmic Clockwork) - is trying to tell us of similar societal themes, some of which really need closure on an honest footing - from the year 1992 - January 4, 1992, to be precise; Solar Eclipse 13Cap51 in the 12 North (12N) Series:

sudden opportunities come along to accept greater responsibilities, most likely due to another person's inability to carry on; events may be difficult but results are good for self-esteem and harmony. (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

This is the one I cheekily called the New President Eclipse since it occurred Jan 26, 2010, only 6 days into the Obama administration's taking over the helm and he obviously took on responsibilities: Dubya couldn't run a 3rd time and McCain was too old, Palin too inexperienced.

So if we cast our minds and Kindles back to 1992 for the issues and concerns of that era, we're seeing repeating themes turning up on our plates and in the news in 2010. The power elite agenda from 1992 is still on the boil and their To-Do List shortens. Or maybe that's a Done-Done List - or will be soon for they've convinced themselves they cannot fail with their oh-so-attractive goose-stepping style. Puh!

Anyway, prior to the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus/Neptune, the illuminated pair, 1992 saw a rigidly Fixed Saturn/Pluto square (Saturn AQ, Pluto Sco) which the world has similarly groaned beneath in 2010 (Saturn Lib, Pluto Cap); Queen Elizabeth called 1992 her "annus horribilis" for what one assumes relates to three out of four marriages of her children ending in divorce along with the Windsor Castle fire.

(You'll find that the video of George Bush Sr announcing the New World Order is re-embedded below because 1991 ushered in 1992. There's some discrepancy concerning the date so I'm not certain Bush gave the address on September 11, 1991 or not though much has been made of its foreshadowing of September 11, 2001. Whether it was on Sept 11, 1991 or around that time, the NWO shout-out to the future sounds chilling enough coming from those dead, wonky eyes and Republican neocon war profiteering mouth.)

As you know, when using Political Astrology's magnifying lens to look at squirmy Politics, I like to consider the presidencies of the years in question; of course some years are transition years and two presidents (1992) baton-pass during that 'peaceful transition of power' pap they feed us, and on some level, I suppose you could say it's correct as far as it goes. Of course, assassinations are special cases that skew the schedule (or do they? For NWO purposes, I think they're meant to put things back on track!)

How would you like to be put into the Oval Office by people so powerful and ruthless, they 'take you out' if you don't follow their script? Nor would I.

Yes, despite pompous presidential inaugurations in DC, throwing a fancy ceremony is no guarantee that anything substantive has changed or will change in US policy, foreign or long as the one world government script is being followed there's only one outcome the win-at-any-costers will countenance. Trampling those who dare stand in their way is of no moment to this gaggle of globalist psychopaths.

So! Check out events of 1992 as a mate for 2010's proceedings if you dare. Bill Clinton's dance card was full then and outgoing prez Bush Sr was a player being a former CIA Director and NWO president. Of course, Poppy's televised upchuck at a 1992 state dinner in Japan is on every one's favorites list on YouTube circa 2010.

2010 Solar Eclipse #2

The second Solar Eclipse of 2010 is the one we're basking in now (to the extent that some can and their homes aren't being washed away by larger forces such as mortgage fraud, systemic robogate, or a tsunami) - the 12 South which manifested on July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 conjunct Fixed Star Castor which can bring loss as well as murder, and yet it's a star of writers like
Danny Casolaro
who was born with his Mercury (writers, journalists, reporters, speakers, traders) conjoining Castor's degree. Here's a link to a video concerning the Casolaro murder about which Bush Sr and Bill Clinton should have been grilled.

(There's also a FaceBook page for Danny Casolaro but I can't figure out how to permalink you to it. My non-techie credentials remain intact!)

So the current July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse is in the 12 South Series: successful outcomes to long term worries; a worrying or draining issue will at first seem worse, then clear.

In late June-early July, I used the flavor of 12S to give me hope prior to BP's current capping of the Deepwater Horizon well, and sure enough, they managed it four days after 12S occurred. Plus, 12S will be the PE of the 2010 November midterms so perhaps the alleged rout of Capitol Hill Democrats won't be as massive as polls now seem to indicate.

Now I'll leave you with an ugly video which has been posted here before. Bush Sr's confidence about NWO-implementation is stark as we consider how well the march toward global fascism has so far succeeded since the attacks of 9/11/01 with Financial Collapse 2008 serving as an integral part of their one world government plan.

Oct 16, 2010

CIA, KKK, and an astro-peek at the CIA natal chart

Here are some disturbing excerpts from an email alert just received with the full story's link provided at end:

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 05:33 PM PDT

(GlobalResearch) – By assigning covert action roles to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it is as if the White House and Congress had legitimized the Ku Klux Klan to operate globally. That’s because the CIA today resembles nothing so much as the “Invisible Empire” of the KKK that once spread terror across the South and Midwest. Fiery crosses aside, this is what the CIA is doing globally.


Allowing it to operate in secret literally gives the CIA the mythical Ring of Gyges. In Plato’s Republic, the owner of the ring had the power to become invisible at will. As Wikipedia puts it, Plato “discusses whether a typical person would be moral if he did not have to fear the consequences of his actions.” The ancient Greeks made the argument, Wikipedia says, that “No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked out of the market, go into houses and lie with any one at his pleasure, kill or release from prison whom he would, and in all respects be like a god among men.” The CIA, like Hitler’s Gestapo and Stalin’s NKVD before it, has provided modern man the answer to this question. Its actions illuminate why all criminal entities, from rapists and bank robbers, to Ponzi scheme swindlers and murderers, cloak themselves in secrecy.

There are innumerable examples of how American presidents have authorized criminal acts without public discussion that the preponderant majority of Americans would find reprehensible. Example: it was President Lyndon Johnson who ordered the CIA to meddle in Chile’s election to help Eduardo Frei become president. If they had known, U.S. taxpayers might have objected to such a use of their hard-earned money to influence the outcome of another country’s elections. But the public is rarely let in on such illegal foreign policy decisions.


As I write, today, October 11th, 2010, Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel of Argentina called on President Obama to revise U.S. (imperialist) policies toward Latin America. He questioned why the U.S. continues to plant its military bases across the region.

That’s an excellent question. If the U.S. is a peace-loving nation, why does it need 800 bases the world over in addition to 1,000 on its own soil? Americans might recoil in disgust if they knew of the CIA’s numerous assassinations of the elected officials of other nations. Is it any wonder Americans so often ask the question, “Why do they hate us?” As historian Arnold Toynbee wrote in 1961, “America is today the leader of a world-wide anti-revolutionary movement in the defence of vested interests. She now stands for what Rome stood for. Rome consistently supported the rich against the poor in all foreign communities that fell under her sway; and, since the poor, so far, have always and everywhere been more numerous than the rich, Rome’s policy made for inequality, for injustice, and for the least happiness of the greatest number.”


CIA spies have conducted their criminal operations masquerading as officials of U.S. aid programs, business executives, or journalists. Example: The San Diego-based Copley News Service’s staff of foreign correspondents allegedly was created to provide cover to CIA spies, compromising legitimate American journalists trying to do their jobs. While the murders committed by the KKK likely ran into the many thousands, the CIA has killed on a far grander scale and managed to keep its role largely secret.


...historian (Arnold) Toynbee noted: “America is today the leader of a world-wide anti-revolutionary movement in the defence of vested interests. She now stands for what Rome stood for.” ##

Now there's yet another apt comparison between the in-peril American Empire and the fallen Roman Empire (which is alive and thriving inside the Vatican's Jesuit Illuminati network.)

You'll find more CIA info within the article, so if you wish to read the rest - here's a link to Sherwood Ross' The CIA, the KKK and the USA.

And here are the official FAQs and answers about the CIA directly from the horse's severed head as we might be forgiven for saying. Note that the CIA works for the president according to "applicable law"!! Given all the heads of state the agency has installed, deposed, and/or assassinated through the decades and the people 'renditioned' into torture chambers, the US must have many laws allowing such actions which its citizens know nothing about (Patriot Act notwithstanding.)

Plus, you may note within the article a mention of Barack Obama as being a former CIA operative. Hmmm...his parents, too?


The US Central Intelligence Agency's Wiki bio gives its original founding as: President Harry Truman's signing of the National Security Act on July 26, 1947 aboard what was the first presidential aircraft, the Sacred Cow. Does this make the CIA and our armed forces America's Sacred Cows? Their out-of-bounds secret budgets would seem to indicate so as they 'run the show' and set the tenor for our terror-exporting imperial plutocracy.

Now I don't know just where Truman's Sacred Cow was parked during the signing ceremony so I'm using 'Washington DC' as a location for a speculative horoscope of the birth of the CIA since I assume that Langley, VA was set up as its headquarters at some later point in time and that the signing did not occur there.

Chart shown: July 26, 1947 12:00 pm edt, with the Pentagon's natal ASC at Mc, the Why? Point of any chart; Hour Venus 22Can10; Sun 2Leo49; Moon 22Sco34; NN 00Gem40 conjoins difficult Fixed Star Alcyone (exile; suffering; something to cry about); CIA's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series = 3 North @ 28Tau42 = 'traumatic transformations; worrying news that transforms a situation; obsession with large plans but don't get carried away' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) How very interesting that 3N is the same PE as the attacks of 9/11.

Click chart to enlarge and hopefully you can read my scribbles; the formation of the CIA occurred under the cruel auspices of a Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, and both are planets of control and were opposing one another upon the US natal ASC/DESC axis on 9/11/01. Highlighted in blue upon the chart you see Michael Munkasey's analysis of the Saturn/Pluto combo: use of secret police (and military agencies); upsets in existing checks and balances.

That sums up The Agency rather well, I think. As listed top right, US natal Neptune 22Vir25 (veils and deceptions) had three midpoints upon it on July 26, 1947: Saturn/Chiron ('letting go the rule of the father' - make that 'founding fathers'), Moon/Venus ('minority groups and how a country helps preserve their heritage and culture' - or not), and the oppressive, disenfranchising duo of plutocracy, Pluto/Chiron.

The explosive pair of revolution, Uranus and Pluto, are both out-of-bounds and working on their own outside the realm of the other planetary functions. South Node = '1Sag': "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" in the Sabian Symbols; the Mars/Uranus midpoint 21Gem03 conjoins US natal Mars (god of war); US natal Saturn 14Lib48 is rising at noon and secretive, deceptive, fraudulent Neptune 8Lib23 has just arisen as well.

This gives a Saturn/Neptune vibe to the noon ASC so here we see the 'secret' or 'invisible' (Neptune) government (Saturn)' indication mentioned in the article linked above.

CIA's Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (which is not dependent on an exact birth time) sits atop the US natal chart (Sibly; Mc 00Lib43)...Jupiter/Pluto = 'growth of security or spy agencies; self-destructive forces which stem from official corruption; greater powers for religious leaders; extreme depletion of resources; criminal elements with great social influence; destruction of legal documents; pacts with foreigners on the use of force or weapons' (Munkasey) - all of which seem to me to apply to the CIA's operations.

1947 Jupiter/Pluto = US n MC: ambition and industriousness; advancement and promotion; great luck; the desire to succeed as manager; rising above petty ideas and inclinations; respect from others for great accomplishments in society. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

There is also a 'hidden square' (256 degrees) between Uranus and Neptune, the Illumination/Illuminati planets which relates to the all-seeing eye that has turned out to be all about complete surveillance of the American people and everyone else, too. (I think I feel a surveillance satellite passing over my head as I type.)

So here's what I wrote about the 'hidden square' in the US natal chart in a post concerning the use of a Scorpio Ascendant for America as a 'spy agency' or 'spying activities' natal chart. Yes, the Uranus/Neptune 'hidden square' applies to America's 1776 horoscope no matter which ASC (birth time) is used for July 4, 1776.

And as you know, among other things, the sign of Scorpio is about spying, secrets, manipulation, and betrayal, with strong-arming, clandestine, cloaks of invisibility, extreme force, and weaponry Mars/Pluto vibes. So let's close with the difficult Mars/Pluto and Mars/Saturn midpoints at Mc (The Goal) of (this version of) the CIA's natal chart...for even if noon was not the actual hour of Truman's signing of the bill, these midpoints did cross the Midheaven that day all the same...

Mars/Saturn = Mc: the power of resistance; endurance; the necessity to overcome many difficulties; silent pride; mourning and bereavement.

Mars/Pluto = Mc: dealing with might on either side of any issue; major job maneuver; confidence and ambition; danger through the intervention of a higher power; operations ('ops'); unusual capabilities for advancement in life; learning how to gain control of and use powerful or extreme measures for increasing your standing or stature; principles that propel you to success; fulfilling certain ambitions by attaining influence.

(Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Sep 27, 2010

Sep 11, 2010

Sun-Moon blends of 9/11/01 and 9/11/10

Today marks nine years since the attacks of 9/11/01 when the Sun was in Virgo and Moon in Gemini. Naturally, the Sun is in Virgo today was well, but expectably the Moon's sign is different.

9/11/01's Solar Return to 18Vir51 occurred today at 12:42:27 pm edt in Manhattan with the Moon at 4Sco25, so let's briefly compare the two Sun-Moon blends, then and now. Rising was 00Sag46 with '1Sag' being the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" for its Sabian Symbol.

9/11/01: Sun Vir/Moon Gem is an Earth-Air blend indicating rationality, innovation, and efficiency and describes a temperament of the practical idealist who thinks and plans a course of action, then acts without emotional considerations. Oddly enough, there is a conscious impulse to build, consolidate, and organize and to make one's efforts as far-reaching as possible.

I say 'oddly enough' because one might wonder how destruction of buildings on that day can apply here. Perhaps something was under construction in the then-new Bush-Cheney administration which needed the shock value of the attacks in order to prosper and grow. As with most things mysterious, we could say, follow the money to see who highly profited from these heinous acts - and add 'power grabbing' to the mix since politicians were and are intimately involved.

Earth-Air is the 'dry as dust' combo of energies of someone who is adept at mastering the mundane world with a cost-effective, scientific approach.

2001's Sun Vir-Moon Gem is a combo of mental dexterity, refined tastes, and coolness. This describes a conscientious worker who takes play just as seriously as work. Opportunities come for shrewd advancement and are relished; analytical abilities and organizational skills meet with a flair for communication and presentation.

This is a good blend for linguists, analysts, journalists and writers but may result in overly critical, overly intellectual attitudes toward life and relationships; pessimistic moods are a potential along with 'too much information'.

(We certainly saw the film of the WTC attack over and over and over again on CNN as well as on other channels, didn't we? Shoving the images into our collective memory were they.)

Images for Integration: A precision engineer develops new methods of communication...A raconteur potters in his garden.

9/11/10: Sun Vir-Moon Sco is an Earth-Water blend, the 'Mud, mud, glorious mud' combo of energies. It's potter's clay on the wheel ready to be formed - the bricks, tiles, and concrete of construction. There is an innate wisdom to understand what is important and what is not, and both material and emotional security are required. Caring and loyal, this blend must be watchful of developing a limited viewpoint.

2010's Sun Vir-Moon Sco blend is discriminating and dedicated, resourceful, emotionally controlled, and long-suffering (nine years!) Health is a prominent issue (first responders?) and opinionation may be evident.

This combo possesses a servant's loyalty mixed with a tycoon's lust for power! (A description of the attendees of today's observance? That would include VP Joe Biden and Mayor Bloomberg, I do believe...tsk tsk.)

A proud inner voice must speak up and have its say. Improving methods is a must for this blend, along with a need for concentrated work. The combo describes a 'humble soul with hidden depths' as it strives to keep feelings bottled up. Care and concern for family members runs deep and responsibilities are taken seriously; a caution is a tendency to seek vengeance when pushed into a corner (today's anti-mosque protests?)

Emotionally charged opinions limit thinking with Sun Vir-Moon Sco, a combination that lives by a 'work before play' motto.

'Images for Integration: An impassioned doctor contributes statistics and personal views at a forum discussing anti-abortion laws...A zealous insect lover stands quietly in the bushes observing the mating habits of the praying mantis.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

That last image is almost too weird to comment on (my bold) especially since praying has occurred in NYC today...perhaps a description of secret service agents watching the proceedings?

Well, my small astro-effort here is based on a desire to pay respects on this day to the families and friends of the victims of 9/11/01. No disrespect is meant in the least and I hope my post is not taken as such. Plus, I send a personal shout-out of solidarity to my cousins and their families who live very near Ground Zero.

9/11/01 - 9/11/10
May all its victims R.I.P.

Jude Cowell

Aug 19, 2010

Spooky for markets? The Hindenburg Omen

The fabled Hindenburg Omen is a stock market crash indicator that some say is in play now and may time a collapse by the end of 2010.

A few days ago I posted on market crash predictions with a Gerald Celente video - perhaps you viewed it. Mr. Celente has a good track record for market predictions and he's saying 'crash by the end of the year', etc.

In my post, I list the current Solar Eclipse Series we're now in since July 11, 2010, the disturbing 29th-degree Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010, followed by the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse at critical degree as a shaky time period for financials. All fall into the 2/8 money axis for Washington DC.

Here's more info from Mr. Hindenburg Omen himself Jim Miekka who says, Exit the market. Seems there are other trends besides the 'Hindenburg trigger' that should be taken into account other than the H Omen which was triggered in mid-August (last week.)

Yet going around saying such things is often a self-fulfilling prophecy!

Besides, not all Hindenburg Omens lead to crashes but crashes tend to have H Omens foreshadowing them. Plus, speaking of old Paul von Hindenburg, in May 2007 I posted on the actual Hindenburg Disaster of May 6, 1937 because it was the 70th anniversary of the horrendous event. Just so you know: Nazi propaganda was involved.

Historical records give us the exact time of the disaster so you may find its horoscope of interest, plus, there's a link to a video of the disaster itself in the post if you've never seen or heard this particular slice of history which had to have been the 9/11 of its day. And glory be! The airship's explosion into oblivion was caught on film so it was viewed over and over and over just like the attacks of 9/11 - seared into the collective's consciousness.

The Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series of the Hindenburg Disaster is the 11 North: sudden change of groups with which one mixes either through travel or through ideas; separation implied, but with successful outcomes (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

11N last manifested on January 26, 2009, 6 days into the Obama presidency, so I nicknamed it the New President Eclipse for what I presume are overly obvious reasons.

Aug 11, 2010

Pluto and the Bankruptcy of America

Update 8.11.10 8:10 pm edt: here's an article relating to my post below:

Reagan insider: 'GOP destroyed US economy'

By Paul B. Farrell

We've arrived at a historic turning point as a nation that no longer needs outside enemies to destroy us, we are committing suicide. Democracy. Capitalism. The American dream. All dying. Why? Because of the economic decisions of the GOP the past 40 years, says this leading Reagan Republican.

(And he oughta know.)

My original post begins here:

You know when I read or hear things nowadays about the bankruptcy of the United States, I always feel the Moon on 9/11/01 at '28Gemini' = "Through Bankruptcy, Society Gives to an Overburdened Individual the Opportunity to Begin Again."

Keynote: A release from unbearable pressures, freeing one for new tasks.

The bankruptcy proceedings mentioned here should not be construed as referring to a fraudulent type of bankruptcy. At least in the United States bankruptcy does not imply a moral condemnation, tahter, it means that individual failure cannot be separated from the health of the community. The special nature of the whole is implied in the failure of the part to perform adequately under particularly harsh economic conditions. A society which enthrones the principle of ruthless competition must also develop mechanisms to exteriorize the principle of compassion.

The latter was at first emphasized by Northern Buddhism, and soon after by Christianity. The concept of atonement is directly related to that of release from unbearable economic pressures in bankruptcy.

Here we have...(a) "leaving behind," a LIBERATION FROM THE PAST.

(An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar; his italics and CAPS.)

As the media and politicians have repeated over and over since The Towers were destroyed: the world is now changed and there's no going back. And as I've stated previously in many posts, bankruptcy of the we-the-people and of the nation was perhaps the primary motive for the attacks of 9/11 (World Trade Center) - and 9/11's ripples, and the costs of the wars it supposedly justifies, have led to precisely that desired outcome.

It's meant much less money for me and you, dear reader, but lots more money for the power elite to funnel into that mysterious money hole!

Yet there's one more thing about the US being bankrupt now: the culpability of Washington politicians who should have seen it coming and governed to head it off. My deepest suspicion is that they didn't want to head it off.

Alternately, perhaps it was their own greed and dishonesty that made a higher force (represented in charts by Pluto or combinations with Pluto such as Jupiter/Pluto, etc) impossible to outwit. Financial collapse would have been forced upon the US government as a necessary trial to go through on the path to a (supposedly inevitable) New World Order.

At the very least, US politicians sold us out because they couldn't or wouldn't take a stand on the people's behalf and protect us from Pluto, The Dragon. For when you search for 'where all the money went', first check Pluto's lair, is my best advice.

So are we still America, Land of the Free? Bosh! Check out the numbers of the current prison population in the US and you'll soon find that to be quite a massive fallacy, another empty 'dream' politicans and propagandists sold us as long as it was useful to them.

As I often say, America is my only nag in the race. Now I must add: in spite of how they've hobbled her!

So that's what I think in a nutshell. What do you think?


For your entainment: can Mr. Alan Greenspan be ever so slightly amewsing?

Aug 9, 2010

9/11 Truth billboard goes up in California (hurrah!)

If you've read this blog more than once or twice, then you may be aware that I consider the Attacks of 9/11 to be either a false flag op compliments of the US government, or at the very least, 9/11 was enabled by Washington.

So you know I love this: the first 9/11 billboard advising us to question the truth has been put up in California, apparently on Thursday, August 5, 2010.

If architects and engineers doubt the official version of that day, then why won't the rest of us?

It Still Matters What Really Happened

After all, the 9/11 attacks allegedly gave 'legitimacy' to the SCOTUS-installed Bush-Cheney dual presidency and are still being used by President Obama as Washington's 'justification' for invading the Middle East, a justification that I intuited was bogus from the start.

Plus, the US has a history of setting up explosive events (false flag ops) in order to ramp up the emotions of Americans (and make us feel our interests and safety are at stake) so we'll march to war to do the bidding of the power elite. The ploy has worked so well for them in the past, why stop, right?

So let's question the official story. Because 9/11/01 is most definitely one of those emotionally manipulative, explosive events.


A Keeper: the Complete 9/11 Timeline which has had items added as recently as July 2010.

Jul 10, 2010

Close friend: Dr David Kelly's death cannot be suicide

Previously unreleased evidence seems now to be under consideration by the British government relating to the 2003 'suicide' death of UN weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly during the run up to the Iraq invasion and the toppling of Saddam Hussein.

Working as Dr. Kelly's translator in Iraq, US Air Force linguist Mai Pederson had her testimony disregarded in the past but new attention to the case has opened up her dossier of evidence to a level of public scrutiny.

Pederson asserts that Dr. Kelly predicted his own death in conversation with her - not that it would occur in Iraq, but in the woods near his Oxfordshire home. He unfortunately turned out to be correct.

You know, I spent many an hour in 2003 and 2004 studying the horoscopes of Dr. Kelly's death, his body being found (July 18, 2003 9:20 am BST according to news reports at the time), and his solar natal chart (birth time unknown; born May 17, 1944 in Rhondda, Wales; sunrise 5:24:56 am BST) and it's really too much to reconstitute all of my research now in only one post. Impossible actually for there are too many factors involved.

But here are some general highlights still in my files with 'death' North Node (NN - fated encounters) @ 27Tau45 conjoined with nasty, violent Fixed Star Algol intense feminine rage) which is traditionally associated with the Middle East along with its neighbor, Capulus (to lose one's head.)

The July 17, 2003 chart is set for a few minutes after his reported leaving of his house for a walk and because tr Jupiter 21Leo15 conjoins Mc 21L15 @ 2:59:36 pm BST, Oxford, UK...angular Jupiter or Moon are most often present at times of death: so Jupiter comes closest to fulfilling this angular condition, hence my precise timing.

July 17, 2003's NN also conjoined Dr. Kelly's natal Sun indicating an important meeting, encounter, or contact on that day.

Kelly's natal Saturn/Pluto midpoint was being transited by 'death' Venus: delays in destruction of things of value or beauty; troubled by the loss of love; a love of seclusion; renunciation of an association; estrangement and alienation.

You may wish to see this article on the looting of the Baghdad Museum in the early days of the US invasion. I can't get over the feeling that there may have been more going on with Dr. Kelly's last encounter than possible love matters or obvious war intelligence. There is an indication that the top UN nuclear weapons expert may have known secrets about the execution of the attacks of 9/11/01 as well with his natal Jupiter conjunct Venus' position on 9/11/01 which in turn conjoined the 'King of Terror Eclipse' degree (August 11, 1999.)

At his last encounter, Sun/Jupiter = Mercury: conclusion of a contract or agreement; reflecting on one's health (his was not so good - jc); a fast mind able to react to rapidly changing situations (his or someone else's - jc); traveling; a healthy outlook (which undercuts the case for 'suicide' - jc); publishing (did he plan to publish what he knew? Would he not be dissuaded? - jc.)

In Kelly's solar/sunrise natal chart, the Moon/Pluto midpoint is @ 27Tau44 which is conjoined on the day of his death by the karmic NN...

n Moon/Pluto = tr NN: upsets in associations due to lack of adaptability; being drawn to women of power or wealth. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey midpoint pictures, as always.)

Well, Dr. Kelly had a Lunar Return on July 18, 2003, about 12 hours after his death. Natal solar Moon 18Pis52 was in 10th house of Public Recognition as the story spread across the globe. Plus, there is an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect (165 degr) between testifying, negotiating, message-delivering Mercury with the Lunar Return's Mc...

Mercury QD Mc: driven to share ideas, info, or intell with others without any thought of the consequences; focus is on 'how do I get ahead?' (Reeves, The Quindecile.)

One must wonder if the focus also might have been on 'how do I avoid violent assassins while also saving my reputation and career?' But his walk in the woods turned out to be a fool's errand on all levels.

Also, just prior to his death, Kelly's 12-year reward cycle of Jupiter, his Jupiter Return (18Leo46), occurred on July 5, 2003 with n Jupiter applying to only one aspect - a semisquare to controlling Saturn (0A16.) Semisquares may have health consequences (though assassins trump them every time.)

And perhaps it's interesting in a synchronistic way that today's position of Jupiter conjoins Dr. Kelly's 2003 Jupiter Return Midheaven, the Goal Point for I have questioned in the past (long before reading the above-linked article about Mai Pederson who is stated to have had 'high-level links to US intelligence agencies' and who had rendevous'd with Dr. Kelly in various locations including in the US) whether a lady was involved with, or at least present at (or just prior to) his death since the horoscopes indicate the possibility.

His Jupiter Return Mc? '4Aries' = "Two Lovers Strolling Through a Secluded Walk." Perhaps knowledgeable, generous Jupiter is trying to share intell with us!

Okay, so the Jupiter Return chart is only based on a solar natal chart for Dr. Kelly, yet the Mc's Sabian Symbol seems too applicable to the events of July 17, 2003 to be ignored by this reluctant astrologer.

And my druthers would be that my more able Astrology colleagues are on the Forensic Astrology case, for time won't allow me to spend very many hours re-studying the strange death of Dr. David Kelly, much as I'd like to. So if you, dear reader, have any info or opinion on the situation, do leave a comment and/or a link here and we'll discuss.

And perhaps further news of the hopefully re-opened investigation will come forth sans the whitewash of the Hutton Inquiry.

Jul 4, 2010

More on the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse in Cancer

If you're looking for more astro-details on the upcoming Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 Virgo Magic may have just what you're looking for, including info on the recent Lunar Eclipse 4Cap46 conjunct Pluto of June 26, 2010.

With Capricorn ruled by Saturn (fear) and Pluto's deep fear factor involved in the cosmic picture, the fear of loss (Cap) and how to cope with it (Pluto) is on every one's menu on into 2011, which will be The Year To Get Through as best we can!

The July 11 Solar Eclipse is in the 12 South Series which has a time link to its last manifestation so we may expect similar issues from that year to reappear - or, the exact same issues in various guises may re-rear their hoary heads for the world's reconsideration and, hopefully, for better solutions.

Last time, 12S manifested on June 30, 1992 @ '9Can' so Cancerian issues of security, safety, domestic concerns such as real estate, homelessness, refugeeism, food, grains, and milk - anything that nurtures and protects - were on our minds and in the headlines as they are again. Plus, nowadays we have genetic engineering of seeds and food supplies to worry about along with changing weather patterns interrupting growing seasons; famine cannot be ruled out.

And of course, 1992 is one of the years of the 90s decade that the New World Order was rearing its (ugly) head in a more public way than ever before with Bush Sr's mentions of it as a venture which will be successful. Then came 1993, studded with the Great Conjunctions of enlightening planets Uranus and Neptune, the pair which this reluctant astrologer considers to be a signature of the Illuminati and their plan for world domination. You may disagree, and that's okay.

In 1992, Uranus and Neptune were within orb but not as strong as they would be in 1993 when partile (exact.)

Yet it seems obvious to me that Bill Clinton's election to the presidency was part of the NWO agenda with NAFTA's 'free trade' pretending not to be code words for the dissolving of borders, nation states, currencies, and, yes, the United States of America. In the news now is the UN calling for dumping the US dollar.

Yes, 'thanks' must go to Bill NAFTA Clinton, as I call him.

Also, the first bombing of the World Trade Center took place under his watch as perhaps a sort of a dry run for 9/11 though I doubt any WTC attack victims of either year would appreciate my typing that. Still, both attacks are part of a process which is my point today on America's 234th birthday as the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse draws near - and occurs one week into our nation's Solar year.

A bright spot has to be 12S's astrological implications that 'things at first seem worse, then clear with successful outcomes' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) but if the Eclipse influence helps any of the dire conditions we face, the 'then clear' part could come in early 2011, or later this year since a Solar Eclipse's influence lasts from one to the next, approximately 6 months. (Though a strong one may take effect up to 2 weeks prior to its actual occurrence.)

So will BP's efforts to stop the Gulf Coast oil gusher bear fruit in mid-July as they've said it might, before their previous estimate of August? Well, Cancer the Crab does live in Gulf waters after all! Or should I say, lived?

A Few Historical Events of 1992

Britain's Queen Elizabeth dubbed 1992 her 'annus horribilis' with Windsor Castle damaged by fire (and eventually she had to foot some of the bill, poor thing!), plus the marriages of three out of her four children ended in divorce (Charles and Diana formally announcing their separation in December.)

Financial scandals were in the news as usual, and a loss-infused Saturn/Pluto square brought a bleak, heavy mood similar to what their 2010 square brings now (though their square didn't become exact until March 1993, prolonging its effects.)

The Serbs bombarded Sarajevo, heating up the Balkans conflict and the UN condemned 'ethnic cleansing' by the Serbs as a war crime. (War is a crime, imho.) More marriage troubles appeared as Nelson Mandela and his wife separated (like Al and Tipper Gore?); the venerable Lloyd's of London revealed massive losses; in New York, John Gotti was convicted of murder and racketeering.

(Gotti may be gone, but murder and racketeering remain.)

Also in 1992, race riots erupted in Los Angeles after Rodney King's video-taped beating by police was shown ad infinitum on TV, Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida and the Bahamas, and women priests were allowed to minister in the Church of England after much wrangling and controversy.

On January 8, 1992 while visiting Japan, President George Herbert Walker Bush was poisoned (my theory) at a state dinner, vomited into the lap of Japan's Prime Minister, then promptly fainted. Influenza was said to be the cause. Perhaps. But if I'd felt that ill before dinner, I would have begged off and had a tray sent up!

Oh, and did I mention that Bill NAFTA Clinton was elected US President? Bet Poppy B threw up again when he heard that.


A more complete list of the events of 1992 by month may be found here.

Moon Phases, a drawing from my Secret Moon Art collection of cosmic images with an occasional bit of Astrology blended in.

Jun 7, 2010

US-Israeli spy-ties, 9/11, and our Mercury/Pluto

Since the events of 9/11/01, an aroma of betrayal has wafted here and there, off and on, through alternative news venues and smelling stinkily like Israel spies on, and in, the US of A. "Not true," say Israeli spokespersons.

There have been questions about how Israel could possibly have avoided knowing ahead about the WTC attacks (they have a habit of spying on Arabs) so why not spill the life-saving beans to your bestest, gosh-golly-darn'dest, bosomest of buddies, America (Once) the Beautiful.

Now surfacing - on FOX News, of all places! - Israel spends most of its spying time and money on industrial and militarial thefts bwo surveillance in and from the US. Guess the fat checks America sends the Israeli government pays for something fun after all.

Anyway, my online time has been interfered with by thunderstorm systems of late so I'm just now glomming on to this story. Read, if you will, and tell me what you think of the matter.


btw: doh! it strikes me that nothing emphasized on FOX News is there by accident. If it's aired, you can be sure there's a political reason. And that goes just as much for major network 'newscasts'. This describes America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition, y'know...'control of the media' and 'the press used as propaganda dissimulators' (see my previous post from this morning for more details!)

Of course, the above situation with US-Israeli spy-ties may indicate that the US did know ahead of time about the attacks of 9/11 because of spywork - whether courtesy of Israel, another source, and/or from within US government spying agencies themselves.

At least, we know that someone knew ahead of time...because someone made mega-million$ on the NYSE. Now was that Goldman Sachs? ~:~

May 11, 2010

Has Elena Kagan 'coddled the Saudis'?

Has President Obama's SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan coddled the Saudis and protected them from being sued by our 9/11 families and survivors?

Well, if she did, she did it by direction from the president.

And I wouldn't expect our patootie-covering Congress to care one jot since the lack of a trial keeps the question of Saudi finances under wraps along with possible US government involvement in the attacks of 9/11, and some unsavory reciprocal financial deals that would stink up the place if not kept under a tight seal.

Guess it's just one win-win situation after another when the crooks are in charge!

May 5, 2010

Was the May 1 Times Square bomb attempt a 'drill'?

For those who feel that the investigation and quick arrest of a suspect in the May 1, 2010 Times Square car bomb attempt seems a little too 'easy' to accept at face value, you may wish to consider the possibility that the Times Square bomb attempt was actually a 'drill'. Eyewitnesses have that impression.

Hmmm...if so, this would give May 1 shades of 9/11 and Cheney's actions on that morning, but with different results. It would also give the Obama administration firm footing inside the exploitation-of-the-masses door of Politics.

This must be why I'm paying little attention to the GOP's 'May 1st is Obama's Katrina', I mean, propaganda. This undermining of a Dem president may be little more than political factions vying and lying to be top dog - and vice versa!

May 1, 2010

Our Cardinal Squares and a Cross to bear 2010 - 2014

A previously published article on the upcoming Cardinal Grand Cross, which is about to kick civilization's booty, has garnered quite a few readers on my Jude's Threshold tapestry blog so if you missed it, here's a link for you.

You'll find that I touted master astrologer Jessica Murray's writings on the subject for I'd be daft not to, wouldn't I? As you may know, Jessica is the author of Soul-Sick Nation: An Astrologer's View of America where she puts our racked-with-guilt nation on the sofa and under Astrology's lens to diagnose our deepest problems, without sentiment or rosy illusions.

Now here are a few general notes on the planetary squares (90 degr) formed as of Spring 2010, a harrowing time, for the planets involved have not been in this particular pattern since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Not comforting? I know!

Saturn SQ Pluto: this aspect is the poster child for the 'sore losers' among us and the populations of countries across the globe may be described here along with other soreheads and malcontents of the governmental and terrorist persuasions. (Yes, they are very often one and the same.)

The Sat/Plu square brings out bitterness and strife in the collective, and, depending on the houses where Saturn and Pluto now traverse in individual charts, perhaps for you and me as well. Feeling threatened and grasping control seems to me to be one of the square's main issues or goals as emotional and financial security form a platform for well-deserved dissent by the masses.

The Sat/Plu square is a crisis-stop along the way within the current Sat/Plu cycle which culminated with the attacks of 9/11 at their opposition, therefore, issues relating to 9/11 will be in the news with more force than of late.

Envy of those in power make clashes inevitable especially given how governments have mismanaged and embezzled national monies (done on purpose, as I always assert, to collapse national governments) and officials are now in process of beggaring their populations, as if they weren't beggared enough before.

Uranus SQ Pluto: this doozy may affect November 2010 elections in the US since it spawns an atmosphere of apathy in most folk who think there will always be others willing to stand up for their rights and freedoms. But let's not be too sure of that - Vote in November!

The Ura/Plu square brings a time of dramatic events as evidenced during their square of 1931 - 1934 when the entire globe was financially and socially affected and revolt! was the catch-phrase. That these are Cardinal squares gives them world-changing potential (Ari/Lib-Can/Cap is the Cardinal axis involved, indicating outgoing energies.)

Danger signals include popular movements and political machinations which tend to rise up during just such an apathetic time, so speak out even if you can't show up for demonstrations. History reminds us that Hitler seized power under these revolutionary energies, along with his doppelganger, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. One of them was simply nicer and more patient than the other and still tended to follow the laws of the land when he had to. Can you figure out which was which?

Yes, tyrants are on the rise under the auspices of these difficult squares so don't accept any political movement at face value or you may be grievously disappointed when all the varmints eventually show their true hand...and it favors, more than anything, a claw of the devil guiding the New World Order.

And remember that riots play right into the NWO's claws along with their use of false flag ops to ratchet up our rage and direct outcomes, so beware, my friends, for restrictive laws tend to be enacted based on the illusions and deceits of false flag ops.

Now, jolly Jupiter's expansive energy will join quirky, rebellious, innovative Uranus at World Point 00Aries00 on June 8, 2010 so we have an expanded and thickened plot to consider:

Jupiter SQ Pluto mixes in additional rebellion tendencies as authorities are further challenged; expecting large returns from little or no investments now is pointless so we may experience more roiling of world stock markets. (Plus, Jupiter is on the verge of opposing Saturn, two planets which under gird markets and social stability - expansion vs restriction. Our current Jup/Sat cycle began May 28, 2000 @ 22Tau43; their opposition indicates a culminating or fulfilling phase of projects begun in 2000. Yes, the New Millennium plans of the Illuminati are marching apace in 2010 and crashing our world with it - as they've planned all along.)

When working together, Jupiter/Pluto = pacts with foreigners on the use of force or weapons (US and Russia? Others?); growth of spy agencies, surveillance, and greater power is gained for religious leaders (will this give Mitt Romney a boost for a prez campaign? Huckabee, anyone?)

The 'large-scale undertakings' and 'big bankers' duo of *Jup/Plu also has 'self-destructive forces stem from official corruption or moral laxity' connotations; criminal elements have great social influence, legal documents may be destroyed, and there are tremendously destructive natural disasters. (But this doesn't rule out that 'natural' disasters can have a man made component to them that makes things worse.)

As you know, Jupiter and Pluto held a Great Conjunction 'meeting' on December 11, 2007 @ 28Sag24, a day the Fed met to discuss and announce interest rate cuts just a few minutes before the Jup/Plu conjunction became exact! So on one level, we might think of Jupiter as 'the Fed' of bankers conclaving with their higher-ups in the NWO...aka, god of Hades, draconian guardian of the world's riches - power-driven Pluto of secret hand fame.

Plus, is it mere coincidence that December 2007 is now referred to as the 'official start of the current recession'? The Jup/Plu cycle began then and the current Jupiter/Pluto square represents a crisis point in their cycle and brings much dissent among those who are disenfranchised and bereft by global banking policies which steal from the poor (and from middle class America) in order to give to the rich.

So with May now declared 'Robin Hood Month' it's quite a perfect time for a rehash of the legend of Robin Hood, isn't it? The film with Russell Crowe starring as the arrowed-one opens on May 14.


*Source: Michael Munkasey, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.

Apr 23, 2010

Dick Morris on Clinton, Reno, and Waco (video)

Yes, I know that former Clinton adviser Dick Morris is appearing here with Sean Hannity to promote his new book, 2010. But to me, little has ever seemed or been right about the Siege at Waco or the Oklahoma City Bombing which Timothy McVeigh said was his answer to the take-over of the Waco Compound by President Bill NAFTA Clinton.

Mr. Morris says in the video above that he doesn't know what Attorney General Janet Reno held over President Clinton's head concerning Waco which prompted him to reappoint her for a second term as US AG.

Yet some of us suspect that the 'what' related to the Inslaw Corporation's PROMIS software which the US government had stolen from Inslaw in the 1980s (Reagan!)

PROMIS (or its upgraded progeny) was originally created for legal firms to use but was soon seen as much more than that: a way to track anybody's financial dealings and whereabouts worldwide - in any language. The software was subsequently sold to the governments of many nations and, some say, to Osama bin Laden as well - but with a backdoor for eavesdropping which the US could use in whatever secretive, damaging ways it thought to devise.

One of My Sources for This Post

In Michael C. Ruppert's book Crossing the Rubicon, he titles Chapter 10 as, 'PROMIS: Controlling the Data' and says the software was 'rigged' when it was sold to the Canadian government, and that it is "peering into Americans' private lives," among other uses.

He also says that PROMIS "crossed a threshold in the evolution of computer programming." And it was first developed in the 1970s! Mr. Ruppert also asserts that PROMIS was part of and connected to "insider trading on 9/11."

This is one of the many things that makes me wonder how the attacks of 9/11 could have been such a 'big surprise' to the US government, or to those who profited from the crime by way of insider trading (one culprit I'm looking at is you, Cheney.)

Yes, the whole Inslaw-PROMIS factor was part of what investigative journalist Danny Casolaro was researching back in *August 1991 (think 'Bush, Sr', too - don't forget Operation Desert Storm which Bush hailed then as "a triumph of the New World Order") when Casolaro was brutally murdered/assassinated in a West Virginia motel after going there to meet with a mysterious foreign man in order to nab more evidence on the worldwide crime syndicate he dubbed The Octopus.

When Is a Mystery Not So Mysterious?

Taking the bait, Mr. Casolaro expected the new evidence to tie up loose ends for his book's publication, and needless to say, the murder scene contained nary a scrap of the painstaking notes that he was known to have had with him that weekend.

(New Moon the afternoon of Casolaro's murder @ '18Leo' which would turn out to be the degree of the August 11, 1999 'King of Terror' or 'Alarm' Solar Eclipse which continues to have a 'financial terrorism' flavor to it. His murder occurred under the rays of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the New World Order planets, @ '18Cap' = strong-armed paternalism...POLITICAL POWER.)

Slick Willy On the Scene

Now don't assume for a moment that I don't think Bill Clinton was protecting a boatload of shady dealings by the US government, politicians, and others when he ordered the destruction of David Koresh's Waco Compound, for you would be wrong.

But do Clinton, Koresh, and the Siege at Waco tie in with Inslaw and PROMIS? They do if what I've read is true: Koresh's compound had PROMIS (or its illegal progeny) on-site in what was quite a communication hub, or hive, of activity. Was Koresh using a version of PROMIS software to spy on the US government's, CIA's, and Clinton's shady dealings? Was 'CIA asset' Osama bin Laden being protected for future use?

Does any of this relate to what Janet Reno blackmailed President Bill Clinton over?


*Casolaro's brutal murder occurred during the 11 South Series of the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 1991 @ '19Cancer', the same degree of our next Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 which is in the 12 South Series. The two Eclipses are linked by degree so both conjunct Fixed Star Castor, the writer, with keywords: murder, crippling of limbs, sudden loss or fame (A. Louis, Horary Astrology Plain and Simple.)

With his global criminal syndicate expose, Danny Casolaro was reaching for fame but got loss instead.

(Plus, '19Can' is one degree from Pluto's Discovery degree of 1930 adding plutonian spy, death, nukes, and 'secret hand' connotations to these Eclipse pictures; nuclear topics are turning up often in the news already and in this realm, the ongoing Saturn/Pluto square and Uranus/Pluto square are of no comfort whatsoever, are they?)

Therefore, we may soon expect similar events or more mentions of early 1990s events to come up for re-examination this summer, with 11 South's (1991) flavor: a need for sudden reforms to deal with events; old ideas, methods, and/or systems will fail; any blocks (Casolaro, US consumers, and bankers' debts?) may be violently or tragically removed (parphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

As you see, 11S is the Series that repeated in Summer 2009 (Eclipse of July 22, 2009) when the systemic financial collapse reached its current fulfillment - or the first stage of it, sorry to say; July 2009's Ecl @ 29Can27, a crisis 29th degree, with '30Can' having a "A Daughter of the American Revolution" influence - when the world financial system was said to be on the brink of complete failure 2009. Crime-syndicates-are-us?

Well, since you may have noticed that the MSM never reports on the $550 billion electronic run on US banks for about two hours in September 2009, I shall ask you...PROMIS, anyone?


Update: in a similar financial vein of interest, I've just found a fresh article on Wall Street's and Goldman Sachs' market rigging.

And for further reading try David Rothscum's Crash course on why 9/11 was an inside job.

Apr 14, 2010

Sunshine upon Cass Sunstein

President Obama's staffer Cass Sunstein wants conspiracy theory groups, forums, chat rooms, and real-world groups, to be infiltrated and undermined.

Apparently those darned pesky doubters who refuse to take government propaganda at face value are spoiling all the NWO fun!

Well, if there are any dreamers left in America who hoped that the presidential baton-passing on January 20, 2009 would include bringing Bush and Cheney up on charges for 9/11, illegal invasions, or anything else, I guess your rose-colored glasses have been sat upon by now.

But if not, the above linked article, which includes links to other sources, should break them in half on the holding-accountable front.

Mar 5, 2010

SCADs: 9/11, Iran-Contra, Watergate, MLK assassination, etc

SCADs are 'State Crimes Against Democracy' and tend to be called 'conspiracy theories' by those in power who wish their backdoor dealings and collaborations to remain secret along with their culpability.

9/11, Iran-Contra, Watergate, various assassinations...the list of SCADs and suspected SCADs gets longer all the time and goes back to LBJ's and McNamara's Vietnam and before.

And you know what they say when you have thorny problems to root out: you must first identify demons in order to fight and vanquish them.

Feb 12, 2010

The Olympic Games, 9/11, and the Illuminati Flame

Everyone knows without researching that 'eternal flames' burn on JFK's and Princess Diana's graves, and on others. Their obvious connection to the Olympic torch may not be as well known to many but they should be if we ever hope to see things as they really are.

So when transiting Saturn conjoined America's natal Neptune 22Vir25 (and President Obama's natal Mars simultaneously) in late August 2009, the 'grim face of reality' transit (Saturn = realism and a drench of cold water, Neptune = illusion, deceptions, and dreams) made this an imperative for the American people to deal with, and for some it seems to have aided in tossing off the rose-colored glasses that most folk tend to wear so happily.

Yet others still can't or won't 'see' what the Illuminati has been illuminating for centuries...their control and manipulation from behind the curtain of illusion as they take action when a sudden change of direction is thought to be necessary for furthering their agenda of domination.

A political assassination tends to have that effect and I doubt anyone can deny it.

Tonight with the Vancouver Olympic Games underway (and right off the bat - the death of a luger - perhaps a tragic accident), the Olympic Eternal Flame
(so often protested by the people including in Vancouver) burns brightly several miles north of here and I want to shine a light on these 'movers and shakers' who deserve to be more than outed, they deserve to be prosecuted. Difficult, yes, since all institutions are now infiltrated by them including justice systems of every nation.

In Dallas, after JFK's assassination in Masonic Dealey Plaza, the Scottish Rite of Freemasons erected an obelisk (another favorite, an Egyptian-esque symbol similar to that in Mecca, now that I think about it) and placed a brazen 'eternal flame' at the site which marked their mayhem and his sacrifice.

And I'm reading that an 'eternal flame' was lighted soon after the attacks of 9/11 at Ground Zero which, if true, shouts out the perpetrators or their backers, at least. Now I haven't been to NYC since pre-9/11, so if you've seen the flame or some rep (such as a statue) of it there, please advise. Think of Rockefeller Center with its golden statue of Prometheus with a torch, the torch of illumination, knowledge, and the Sun.

As you know, mythical Uranian Prometheus stole fire (Mars) from the gods for mankind's use and was punitively chained to a rock (Saturn, ruler of Capricorn) with a great eagle (Scorpionic symbol) arriving each day to eat his liver (Sag = the liver) which regenerated (Pluto) itself each day.

Perhaps obvious 'fire' references to the US' atomic bombing (Pluto) of Japan might be inserted here. And I tend to think of Illuminati in Mundane Astrology work when I consider the Sabian Symbol (Babylonian symbols intuited by a psychic named Elsie Wheeler in 1925 after 10 years' worth of study of Charubel's work from 1898; his interpretations were primarily for Ascendants' degrees) for '13 Capricorn' = "A Fire Worshiper" as relating to the subject of Illuminati and their arrogant interference in the natural course of events and the 'eternal flame' which ordinary folk unknowingly 'worship' at these gravesites - and in the Statue of Liberty's hand, among other places.

And of course, if we use the degree of a symbol without rounding up, we get an Illumination Point (the opposite degree which holds unconscious information) that illuminates America's natal Sun degree of '13 Cancer'. (When rounded up the US Sun = '14Cancer' of course.)

There's less than one degree difference there. Columba and her dive-bombing doves would be proud of modern-day fire worshipers who balk at absolutely nothing to achieve their ends! (See site link below for more details on Columba.)

Well, if you can take more of the subject I ask you to check out a site with a plethora of info on this and related subjects such as Atlantis, other secret societies, and conspiracies.

Guess I should close with the rest of the '13Cap' info from Marc Edmund Jones, no slouch in the Babylonian department himself...

Keyword: is ideality brought to the point of miracle...

positive expression: extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: consistent overestimation of personal capacity.

Note the emphasis on the 'exaltation of the self' and 'its ambitions'...and on 'every resource of the world' which they apparently are hoarding in a dark cave somewhere after the financial collapse of 2008/09/10+ - which makes this sort of info of intimate concern to everyone on the planet, now and in future.

Here's a related post with links to follow and interesting videos to watch about the global agenda uncovered.

And perhaps I can add one more apt symbol for '11 Pisces' where transiting Jupiter is headed in early March 20-10...

"Men Seeking Illumination"...Keyword: DEDICATION...the immortality of man as dramatized in some form of apostalic succession, or a living tradition of spiritual achievement. The divine spirit is fundamentally a matrix of itself...", he goes on, and one may wish to consider the 'apostalic' succession of Illuminati bloodlines that undergird the exaltations of their will to dominate us now. The DaVinci Code was based on the ridiculous idea (propaganda) that Christ had children with Mary Magdalene - an absurdity that would completely undermine His ministry and sacrifice if you allowed the fantasies of these 'illuminated' Luciferians to take hold of your imagination.

To continue with '11 Pisces'...

pos: high accomplishment in an effective alignment with ultimate reality;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: obvious hypocrisy.

And a massive web of lies and deceit...a matrix of tentacles, I would add.

Dec 22, 2009

TIME interview with coverboy Bernanke

Here is a link to Time Magazine's extended interview with Ben Bernanke who says he doesn't think the monetary policy of the Fed merits any blame in the 2008 financial collapse.

Whaa-a-a? Then Bernanke and Greenspin apparently drink from the same heady brew in the secret chambers of hallowed financial wizards.

Financial effects from the attacks of 9/11 ripple still with subsequent low interest rates to plump up our economy looking like a ploy, a wizard's trick to impress Osama bin Laden...see, that didn't hurt one bit!

Dec 1, 2009

Bush deliberately let bin Laden escape to justify war - video

Just as I always thought, as did many other Americans in Dec 2001 and since: Bush-Cheney deliberately allowed Osama bin Laden to escape in order to justify the neocons' illegal invasion of Iraq and accomplish their long-desired overthrow of Saddam Hussein and his statue in Baghdad.

You know the lack of Bush's respect for US soldiers has been demonstrated through the years by many things: lying to take the US into illegal wars, lack of equipment to keep them safer while in battle, shabby medical care once they return home (if they return at all), re-deploying soldiers who deserve a break, 'privatizing' the war, leaving rank and file to answer for Abu Ghraib abuses, Blackwater gangsters - the list is endless.

Now someone speaks out to say that our soldiers were pulled back from capturing the very reason - bin Laden - the Pentagon invaded Afghanistan in the first place so more of our troops could risk and give their lives for a sham cause that makes the rich richer.

And this treason came from not one but two draft dodgers, Bush and Cheney!

Notice I didn't include the attacks of 9/11 as false flag ops. Which is why I just did.

But Tora Bora was Dec 2001 - now it's December 1, 2009

Then tonight at 8:00 pm est, President Obama will make Bush's misdirected course of action even worse by announcing a ramping up of America's imperialist mistakes, missteps, and bullheaded hubris which adds prayer to my menu for tonight and 'going forward' about you?

See my previous post for the natal chart of Afghanistan with transits for Dec 1, 2009. You'll find tonight's presidential announcement post with the 8:00 pm West Point, NY chart linked therein.

Ron Paul video from The Kudlow Report: Audit the Fed

The Kudlow Report has Rep. Ron Paul 'debating' a bow tie concerning the Fed's secretive ways and lack of transparency, and how you can't run an economy based on fiat money.

And the bankrupting of America continues.

But I do hope Rep. Paul's bill is passed since our nation is screwed anyway - we may as well know the details of the Fed's coup of our government by their financial crime syndicate and the treachery and treason it took to bring America down.

Ripples issuing from 9/11/01...9/11's Moon @ '28Gemini' = BANKRUPTCY.