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Showing posts with label Cupido. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cupido. Show all posts

Jan 27, 2017

DC Horoscopes: Feb 2017 Solar and Lunar Eclipses

February 2017 'Wild Card' Eclipses with Murky Karmic Conditions

In February 2017, the first eclipse of the year is a Lunar Eclipse on February 10, 2017 @22Leo followed by the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pisces in the 19 South Saros Series. Here are both charts set for Washington DC; please enlarge to read notes for not all chart factors will be discussed in the following text:

Lunar Eclipse @22Leo28 Feb 10, 2017 7:32:49 pm est:

Solar Eclipse 19 South February 26, 2017 9:58:19 am est:

19 South last manifested on February 16, 1999 @27Aquarius, the position of US natal Moon (We the People) for those who use a late afternoon chart (July 4, 1776). The next Solar Eclipse in 1999 was the 'King of Terror' (or 'Alarm') eclipse which had apparently been predicted by doctor, seer, and astrologer Nostradamus with its Fixed Grand Cross of planets in mid-degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. And into the New Millennium, we know what the so-called 'War on Terror' brought the world, don't we?

The August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse is aka, The Mother of All Eclipses because it's in the 1 North Saros Series. 1 North will repeat across the continental US as The Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017 @29Leo, a critical degree that conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant and his rising star Regulus. This will 'pull in' his natal Mars @26Leo as well and gives us pause when we consider that Mr. Trump was born into the 2 Old North Saros Series which occurred on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini--conjunct America's revolutionary planet of anarchy, Uranus. His natal Uranus is prominent in his natal 10th house (the world stage) and my suspicion is that the US and global Million Woman Marches the day after his inauguration, plus, other protests against Trump's Uranian presidency are only the beginning of the disruption and chaos he and his ilk will cause. I sincerely hope not, but there it is.

Unconscious Lunar vs Conscious Solar

All that aside, my purpose in this post today is to publish the February 2017 Lunar and Solar Eclipse horoscopes (set for DC) but also to mention a bit about the role of a Lunar Eclipse in relation to a Solar Eclipse. Naturally, the astrological Moon represents the unconscious and the Sun aligns with the conscious mind. Instinctive habits and childhood are in the realms of the Moon while one's adult personality and purpose are solar functions symbolically seen in horoscopes by the Sun and its condition via sign, degree, house placement, and aspects to other planets and points.

With a Lunar Eclipse, the sign relates to how we instinctively respond to karmic events and circumstances so the February 2017 Lunar Eclipse in Leo signifies pride, vanity, conceit, egoism, and drama with a potential for leadership qualities. If there is spiritual support for karmic progress to be made it is seen via the house polarity of the eclipse, a Full Moon, and in this case, the Lunar Eclipse manifests across the 6/12 victim-savior axis in Washington, as you see, and this also includes Health Matters, Jobs, Police, and Civil and Military Service. And of course, in Mundane Astrology, politics, backroom deals, large institutions such as hospitals and prisons, karma (reaping what's been sown), and self-undoing are associated with the secretive 12th house of The Unconscious.

As you see, the previously occurring Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 (Sept 1, 2016) is also in 12th house of this chart but there's a new solar influence coming on February 26th which will override the effects of the Virgo Solar Eclipse and its themes of truth-tackling and realism--which struggled because it was opposed by delusional, deceptive Neptune in Pisces. On one level, Neptune has expressed in the Collective as fake (Neptune) news or facts (Saturn). Yet realistic, authentic Saturn does not care for Kellyanne Conway's promotion and use of "alternate facts" as on the January 22nd Meet the Press (video)! But what else does Mrs. Conway have to offer the public? She may hear Mr. Trump's "You're fired!" sooner than she thinks if he no longer considers her useful.

Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway.

Still, it is a fact that the February 10th Lunar Eclipse occurs prior to the February 26th Solar Eclipse, a condition reflecting the waning or declining phase of the Moon from Full brightness to New shadiness. This suggests a passive response on our parts to what the Pisces Solar Eclipse has in store for Humanity (11th house). And since the 11th house is also the house of the US Congress (senators and reps alike) we may expect Neptunian actions of a secretive and/or undermining nature to be taken against the public with Pisces ruled by Jupiter, sub-ruled by Neptune--and Neptune as Key Planet (a 3m-22s-degree orb to the Solar Eclipse).

So instead of Neptune influencing a solar eclipse by opposition as in September 2016 into 2017, Neptune will now conjoin the February Solar Eclipse which hints at the confusion, delusion, disappointment, obfuscation, lies, and even fraud and corruption which may be expected from a Trump administration peopled by amateurs, propagandists, anarchists, bankers, and foreclosure kings (like nervous tic Mnuchin). And with Neptune as ruler of mass media, some political pundits, media personalities, and reporters are already kow-towing to Trump's way of doing things (as in, no criticism allowed). The Trump administration prefers hiding behind Neptune's mask and a solar eclipse, the dark of the Moon (publicity), in the shady sign of Pisces is an opportune time for unpopular activities.

However, there are several planetary patterns in the charts, particularly in the Lunar Eclipse chart describing the public reaction to the Feb 26th Solar Eclipse conditions. Two Kite patterns (high-flying success) involve the Moon (We the People) and one Kite includes the Sun (leadership). A Mystic Rectangle of practical mysticism made up of positive sextiles and trines provides inspiration, and two T-Squares (though one only expresses at MC and involves corruption and improbable schemes) tell a tale of 'The Big Picture' directed by powerful Pluto at 18 Capricorn, the Uranus-Neptune New World Order degree spotlighted in 1993. This apex Pluto parallels asteroid Cupido which denotes The Family, The Underworld Syndicate, and Corporatism which are the puppet-master entities that exploit us. Jupiter-Uranus = apex Pluto suggests devices that transform the world (Munkasey) and/or sudden changes in financial conditions (Ebertin).

The Lunar Eclipse's degrees of Moon and Sun are revealing for Luna is at the 'worst foot forward' or 'foot-in-mouth' degree of Leo and the Sun's Sabian Symbol is: "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws" which may refer to Mr. Trump (his Leo Mars-ASC-Regulus on the Leo end of the Full Moon) and Vladimir Putin of Russia, a country known by its symbol of a Big Bear.

With Pisces There Are Karmic Implications Afoot

The karmic implications of a (secretive) Pisces Solar Eclipse imply much difficulty uncovering hidden relationships and the causes of negative conditions due to a multiplicity of veiled factors which are made even more obscure because the Virgo-Pisces axis and solar eclipse are intercepted--here, across the Self-Will axis (5/11) in Washington, DC. A karmic stalemate is in force as the eclipse manifests and affects the Collective (around the time of the Feb 10th Lunar Eclipse) although the interception will disappear as the chart and the year progress. Dream interpretation may be helpful for those who are interested in finding insights as they drift up from the personal and the Collective Unconscious--as long as taking action isn't allowed to be stymied or negated by Piscean apathy or laziness.

My suspicion is that most people could agree that the positive traits of Pisces such as compassion and creative inspiration are much preferred when dealing with societal problems and issues rather than austerity measures that cause suffering such as cutting social programs of Medicare, Medicaid, and/or Social Security. Such cuts will not only cause suffering and harm to the American people but will seriously affect the US economy, damage already in the works under the GOP 'repeal and replace' ideology meant to sabotage the ACA.

The time for apathy has long passed, dear reader! For as progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann has often said, Democracy is not a spectator sport...participate!

Related: Karmic Planets Hit Natal Chart of Donald Trump including Saturn, planet of realism and accountability.

Dec 16, 2016

Will The Trump Administration Bring On the New Crusades? (w/ Guest: Jeff Sharlet) video

On my book shelf is The Family, the book by Jeff Sharlet, Thom's guest discussing here the threat of the Christian Right fomenting within the Trump administration. Religious zealots in the Oval Office in spite of America's traditional separation of church and state? Thanks, Trump voters, but you've been had in so many ways and will take our nation hostage to an incompetent who will delegate the boring tasks of governing to VP Pence, the theocrat:

Hasn't the US military been used for years as 'crusaders' to proselytize the Middle East?

Well, just for the sake of curiosity, where was asteroid Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate;Corporatism) when the non-religious, delusional never-asked-forgiveness-because-I've-never-sinned Mr. Trump was born? In quite a pile-up with his natal Moon, South Node (of the Moon), asteroid Lilith, and Hopi Prophecy star, Ras Alhague @22Sagittarius.

VP-elect Mike Pence was born with Cupido (which can also signify romance similar to asteroid Eros) retrograde @26Lib11. Curiosity mildly satisfied. Concern unmitigated. Wonder how soon Sunday worship will be regimented into effect?

If you wish, 'look inside' Jeff's book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power. Apparently, if this is a secret, it's about to spread all over us. And I type this as a Protestant Christian - because Theocracy is about as unAmerican as you can get, but most of all, because you cannot legislate morality!

Jun 3, 2015

Astrology and the G7 Summit June 7 and 8, 2015 Schloss Elmau, Gemany

June 2015: Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Japan, the US, Canada, and the European Commission Hunker Down

Details concerning the June 7 & 8, 2015 G7 Summit in Germany are available for the curious. Included are this year's motto ("Think Ahead. Act Together"), key topics, and what this year's symbols stand for though obviously symbols can represent a variety of levels of reality, all tucked neatly beneath their outer meanings. Let's consider this year's crop of 3 symbols mentioned on the website, above:

1. A mountain. Said to be chosen because of the G7 2015 venue in the Alpine location of Schloss Elmau, Germany in Upper Bavaria. (Note that Adam Weishaupt set up the May 1, 1776 Illuminati society--in Bavaria.)

A mountain symbolizes a pyramid and it's no stretch with these 'power elites' to assume that that would be a pyramid of power. The concept of a mountain pilgrimage also comes to mind and what a centuries-long pilgrimage it's been for generations of bossy power grabbers determined to march the world toward Global Government. Simultaneously they manage to squish all the fun out of life for those who get in their way with more mayhem in store if that's what the establishment of a new order takes " consent or by conquest," a new world order freak once threatened.

2. Seven lines. On the face of it, these allegedly symbolize for the 2015 Summit (another mountain reference!) the '7 routes that lead toward a common goal'--the pinnacle, one presumes. Note the emphasis on the number '7' as in, "The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh" in the Sabian Symbols. Many people recognize that it's late days for their global agenda and the ideas of a change and a turning point have been felt by you and me but have also continually promoted by the media and others as the New Millennium has careened along with higher (lower!) levels of primal violence, depopulation, and greed used a tactics against decent people. "Hope and Change" was a mighty handy if tiresomely deceptive campaign slogan, wasn't it?

Noting also that the 2015 begins on the 7th, perhaps you know that 7 is the number of the Universe as well as being found in the Bible (seven times seven), in Hebrew and Greek cultures, and in other places and systems such as references to the Japanese concept of the Seven Lucky Gods. Perhaps the summit attendees from Japan can share how lucky the seven of them feel to be 'in charge' while busily climbing the pyramid of power which also has the distinction of being a symbol for the original satanic corporation, the Tower of Babel.

Plus, who can forget the 7 days of the week, the 7 known planets prior to the discovery of Uranus, or the 7 weeping sisters of the Pleiades constellation with its difficult stars such as Alcyone? (You may remember that Alcyone was eclipsed in May 2012.)

3. Colors. The colors of the 2015 summit are said to 'reflect the countryside of the Wetterstein mountain range and the architecture of Schloss Elmau'. Since color symbolism depends on particular cultures and since I know little of German culture or know what colors Angela Merkel prefers, I'll let you figure out what the G7 2015 colors portend.

Thing is, since Germany plays the role of G7 president this year, Merkel fronts for their stated (and hidden) goals which include "the upcoming UN conferences on international climate protection and the post-2015 agenda" and naturally the global economy is said to be a target, too.

Astrology Notes: Sun in Traveling Gemini and Moon in Two Signs

Now astrologically there are many hints and clues to be found nestled within the horoscopes of June 7 - 8, 2015 in Scloss Elmau, Germany. What I tend to do with summits and other group endeavors is to set up at least two horoscopes for the beginning and ending dates--the first for 12:00 am local time, the second for 11:59 pm even though the events probably wind up earlier and begin later in the day or the morning. This covers the Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious) degree positions and naturally provides the signs and any sign changes which may occur. Midpoint pictures, aspects, planetary significators, rulers, and other factors of course apply but I prefer not to type it all out in a blog due to my theory that no reader has patience or the interest in reading what would amount to a small book.

There's Venus Again

Yet for this summit I shall mention a few general chart factors such as the secretive meeting's beginning lunar phase of Dissemination (+234:01; spreading information) and the fact that 12:00 am on June 7 is an Hour of Mars @17Gem59. Instigator Mars is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and thus isolated from the rest of the actors (planets.) This degree conjures images of the June 2004 G-20 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia USA which was brazenly held precisely during the last (current) Transit of Venus (17Gemini), then the second Transit in 2012. Now many folks hoped the Transits would herald an increase of feminine leaders in top positions (such as Hillary for US president 2012) but with my usual Capricorn-tinted lenses, I had to lean toward an increase of paternalism (militarism, aggression, police state on the rise, GOP 'war on women', etc.) Of course, Angela Merkel leads the G-7 this year and as noted, Hillary still wants to be #POTUS -- both are females, yes, but rather Martian ones, imho. Neocons in skirts are not really an improvement toward the common good though you may disagree.

So the G7 Summit 2015 begins with Sun in Gemini, Moon in Aquarius. This is a Double Air combo of The Thinker who handles people with great insight and skill while weaving clever arguments. Detached and observant, such actors are under the faulty impression that complete objectivity is possible (the arch-objectivist Ayn Rand comes to mind with her frosty survival of the fittest selfishness, and the world certainly seems to be bedeviled by such depopulating speculators, brigands, and cheats who pretend to govern while breaching the public trust at every turn. Guess this summit is a meeting of the cream of the crop.

As for America, transit Pluto in mid-Capricorn remains within orb of its ongoing opposition to US natal Sun (POTUS), challenging the power of his office. Plus, US Sun happens to conjoin goddess star, Sirius, which implicates ancient secret societies and hints of the paternal-maternal blending of energies ('war on women' or worship of women as Madonna-esque child-bearers vs whorish sex symbols), and now in 2015 we see on a major magazine cover another sex-related issue of transgenderism more clearly than we could guess in 2004. After all, polarities must become one eventually--and no genders will be necessary in heaven.

Moral Deformity Behind Closed Doors?

Now the June 7th Sun @16Gemini has a Sabian Symbol of note: "A Woman Agitator Makes an Impassioned Plea to a Crowd"...Angela? Is that you? Curiously, the latest possible degree and symbol within our time frame is 18Gemini: "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese," a symbol relating to those having "specialized objectives" and a sense of exclusiveness (Jones.) And yes, a need for more isolation turns up in the two horoscopes along with "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" (Saturn @1Sag), Corporatism and The Syndicate (Cupido conjunct Venus in early Leo conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury), "dreams about agricultural policies" (Agenda 21? engineered famines? chemical and GMO contamination of food supplies? the latest Moon position reaches US natal Ceres which conjoins our nation's Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy, oppression, and exploitation), fortunate decisions, manipulation viafalse flag ops, feverish haste toward realizing goals, the use of religion as a tactic or diversion, vacillation and quick tempers, the illusion that they are free of all traditions and societal conventions, and "delusions about popular support for current policies" once the Moon nears deceptive Neptune in Pisces and the luxurious spa empties of its pampered patrons.

With the Moon leaving Aquarius and floating into Pisces during the summit, we note that a Sun Aquarius-Moon Pisces blend is a more emotional Air-Water mix of energies which gives the attendees a sea-change toward communication, dreaminess, and cunning. Journalism is spotlighted as summit intentions and goings-on are touted as being quite different than they actually are--and much of the world mistrusts these jokers. This is a chameleon blend that 'blows with the wind' and may be truth-challenged as shown in a famous quote by an English writer who was born under the Sun AQ-Moon Pisces combination, Arnold Bennett, so let's close with a few of his words of wisdom spoken from experience which perfectly describe conditions in 2015:

"Journalists say a thing that they know is not true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true."

Agreed, in most cases. So if you hear of any results or policies issuing out of G-7 Summit 2015, get ready for flights of fancy, well-worn propaganda, and facile assurances of the good intentions of 'world leaders' who must meet in secret far away from the public's prying eyes in order to speak freely and make their draconian plans.


Recommended for more details: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jun 20, 2013

Was Journalist Michael Hastings Assassinated? (video of his burning car)

On the Mysterious Death of Journalist Michael Hastings

by Jude Cowell

As soon as I heard of the death in a 'car crash' of Michael Hastings in Los Angeles I set up a horoscope of the tragedy (June 18, 2013 at 4:30 am PDT; source: news reports) and saw that signatures of mayhem were afoot.

Since then I've been on alert for information on what entity or issue he was researching because the info might turn out to be full of clues as to the How, Why, Where, and Who of this very sad matter. Known for his game-changing Rolling Stone article on General Stanley McCrystal--The Runaway General--Mr. Hastings was a fearless truth seeker of the sort that no power manipulator tolerates for long once their revelations become too inconvenient or interfere too deeply in The Power Game.

'Naming names' is a dangerous business in the power-mad world of Politics.

At impact, Pinto cars can explode and burst into flames. A Mercedes will not:

News Update 6.20.13: police don't suspect any foul play and await results of a toxicology test.

Original post continues here...

Below, you see the 'crash' horoscope with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 rising (our nation's 'totem' planet of revolution and rebellion) along with transiting Mars @12Gem44 with Gemini being the sign of traveling Mercury and of writers and journalists. Sun and Jupiter are rising as well and are about to conjoin in their yearly meet-up which may indicate a promise of sunlight cast upon someone of a Jupiterian nature: generals, politicians, bankers, religious leaders, professors, etc.

It's an Hour of controlling Saturn (stoppage; loss), plus, in the transiting 2nd house (National Treasury and Earning Ability) are Mercury the Scribe or the Messenger still within orb of vengeful Venus, with both planets stimulating the starry Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux--each with writing and creating talents of their own.

Actually, the first moment I heard of his death I was reminded of the mysterious death (assassination) in Summer 1991 of writer Danny Casolaro whose natal Mercury @19Cancer conjoins these writers' planets and stars. His bathtub murder occurred under the influence of an 11 South Solar Eclipse that hit his natal Mercury that summer with themes of: 'the need for sudden reforms; old ideas and methods fail and new systems are required to deal with events--any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' (Brady.)

Mr. Casolaro had researched and was about to publish a book on The Octopus, as the global crime syndicate is sometimes called--names would be named and those names could not allow that to happen. (Note that conjunct Desc is Cupido, a descriptor of The Family, The Syndicate, Corporatism.) The last manifestation of 11S was at a critical degree (29Can26) on July 22, 2009 and you may draw your own conclusions from that date and the events of 2009. (There are also resonances between PROMIS spying software in 1991 with its alleged 'backdoors' and the current NSA Prism surveillance program but they're beyond the scope of this post.)

Here's a bit that I wrote a while back concerning Danny Casolaro (no edits):

Casolaro's murder/assassination (Aug 9/10, 1991) preceded the Great Conjunctions of the New World Order planets, Uranus and Neptune: Feb 2, 1993 (19Cap34), Aug 20, 1993 (18Cap48), and Oct 24, 1993 (18Cap33--the chart I generally use as the NWO's birth chart.)

However, transit North Node (NN) was pointing to 18Cap45 (NWO's Uranus/Neptune Conjunction degree '18Cap') the weekend of Casolaro's death by deep wrist-slashing...a similar mode of death as UK's nuclear expert Dr. David Kelley's mysterious 'suiciding' of July 17, 2003--when tr Chiron (The Wound) was at 14Cap37, conj tr Neptune-Pluto midpoint - at the same degree of tr Neptune during Casolaro's last weekend in Martinsburg, West Virginia. This is 3 degrees past the UK's natal Sun and opposes the US natal Sun, the two players with the most to gain from Dr. Kelley's demise.

(Casolaro checked into the Sheraton Inn "shortly before noon" on Aug 8, 1991, if you'd care to take a look.)

So did Michael Hastings and his reporting 'fly too close to the Sun'?

Asteroid Icarus may say, Yes, especially since it represents an archetype that may be used to signify assassination. Here I've penned in the asteroid's position @9AQ00 Rx in the 9th house of Publishing, and outside the chart, the natal placements of natal Sun 7AQ55 and Mercury 13AQ01 of Michael Hastings, born January 28, 1980 ('noon' EST) in Burlington, Vermont. Therefore, natal Sun-Mercury = June 18, 2013 Icarus.

Getting back to the chart's Ascendant @8Gem28 (the event itself), we know that combinations of Mars-Uranus signify explosions and fires (and fast traveling), and at Ascendant the pair denotes those who find pleasure in upsetting others, abusive people who impede one's progress (ex: assassination), acts of violence, accidents, upsetting events, physical injury, and/or arrest.

The 18 North Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series of Michael Hastings indicates that accidents and physical injury are themes in his life (he covered wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and lost his fiance there in an explosion.) And here we see that the chart's Hammer/s of Thor (or, Fist/s of God) point to the 10th house Neptune @5Pis20 Rx (conjunct President Obama's natal 1st house Chiron Rx), a planet associated with death and assassination as is Pluto @10Cap37 Rx in the 8th house of Death and Transformation.

Well, there are more chart factors to discuss yet I must mosey for now. Watching his car burning reminds me of the Illuminati's 'eternal flame' of assassination, a possible implication that I despise with every fiber of my being. Yes, this is a post I had hoped would not be necessary but the video above made me determined to record some of the astrological portents concerning the untimely, cruel death of truth-finder and American patriot, Michael Hastings. I hereby thank him for his valuable service to our nation. May he R.I.P.


Historic events of June 18.

Nov 30, 2011

Celente on US econo-trends 2012 (video) w some Astrology 11.30.11

November 29, 2011: economist Gerald Celente discusses ugly topics such as MF Global, John Corzine, 'missing' money, looted pension funds, and what's coming down the *pike for the US economy in 2012.

Part 1 of 2

"The Goldman-Sachs Gang, the Merrill-Lynch Mob, and the Morgan-Stanley Marauders" get no respect from Mr. Celente, an attitude with which I totally agree. "The whole system is collapsing--the money's not there," he asserts. Hence a government cover-up continues with martial law on its way wherever necessary--as if law abiding, dissenting Americans are the problem instead of the outlaws in Washington, on Wall Street, and in capitals the world over!

Part 2 of 2


The current looted/heisted financial condition of America is not a 'R v D' issue at all but is part of a long process mounted by usurpers of a mafia-esque, global domination persuasion and planned many years ago by people like Albert *Pike.

In Mundane Astrology, I often use asteroid Cupido to represent The Syndicate, The Family, Corporatism. Today Cupido clocks in @ 00Vir25, conjunct a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus (success if revenge is avoided), and parallel transiting Mars 9Vir11 (ugh--George Bush's natal Mars.)

The Jupiter-Neptune pair of speculators, fraudsters, spendthrifts, wastrels, and grand schemers has again met up with tr Uranus, the radical reformer and anarchist, and their midpoint picture is once again in force after a brief respite--as always, any, all, or none may apply to an economic condition and the criminal embezzlers near you:

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump (or a crash--jc); suddenly recognition of a difficult situation; disruptive events that have no real explanation (see Celente video above! jc); decisions based on odd or unusual theories about the effects of the supernatural; unaccustomed confusion. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Today, as the Moon sails through Aquarius, sign of We The People's natal Moon (July 4, 1776), our day is suffused with the socially concerned, idealistic vibes of Sun Sag-Moon AQ, a combination of energies shared natally by several famous people including: Andrew Carnegie, Caroline Kennedy, John Kennedy Jr, Richard Leakey, Louisa May Alcott, Phillip K. Dick, Woody Allen, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Margaret Mead. Here are two quotes from two of them which may relate to our current topic on many levels:

"The machine threatens all achievement."

-R. M. Rilke

"As a people we have developed a lifestyle that is draining the earth of its priceless and irreplaceable resources without regard for the future of our children and people all around the world."

-Margaret Mead

How sad in 2011, as we face the watershed year of 2012, to know all too well by decades of experience just how correct they both were in their assertions.

As for New World Order instigator Albert *Pike--still revered by some:

(He) "designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order."

Read more here as we see their illuminized plans for a Third World War moving ahead bwo the Pentagon.

Furthermore, Mazzini's letter includes a description of where we are now:

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion."

(My caps and italics.)

Just as Osama bin Laden hoped! 'Thanks' Bush-Cheney and Obama for furthering Islamic radicals' plan for America's collapse. Well, I have mentioned here many times the Sabian Symbol for 9/11's Moon (We the People): '28Gemini' = BANKRUPTCY.

Read more on Pike's letter to Mazzini here which includes analysis of both arch conspirators.

So who was playing the role of US president when the Illuminati planets, Uranus and Neptune met up in Great Conjunction three times through 1993 thus beginning the modern cycle of conspiracy? Bill Clinton, of course! Will I ever tire of typing the Sabian Symbol for their conjunction of collusion and control?

Apparently not. Because it describes perfectly current conditions such as riot police actions against the peaceful demonstrators of Occupy Wall Street and all other rights movements around the globe.

Uranus-Neptune '18 Capricorn' = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship" which Marc Edmund Jones gives as SUPERVISION, and Dane Ruhyar as POLITICAL POWER.

positive expression: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches (such as the Mark of the Beast? jc);

negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): smug or strong-armed paternalism.

Britain controls US politics bwo the Bank of England, a Rothschild endeavor so in my opinion, the British government has much to answer for on Judgment Day for it may be described as America's shadow government (Saturn/Neptune = 'leaders deceive about the exercise of control; a leader capitulates'--Munkasey.)

Not to let the Federal Reserve Bank of New York off the hook but you notice that the UK government is not a member of the European Union--perhaps because it's more special than many people realize.

Well, the timing must not be quite right for total global financial collapse with
stocks rallying today as six central banks move to ease the EU financial crisis so we know that someone is making money, don't we?

Of course, there may be another explanation for why central banks acted now--did a large European bank come close to failing last night?

A la the Bible, maybe it's finally time for Steve Keen's idea of declaring a
debt jubilee
to offset the trillions of dollars the central banks stole from the people--and jubilee into oblivion the House of Rothschild's ill-gained profits!


Interesting sites with topics worth pondering:

Democracy Now!
Thom Hartmann
Conversations with Great Minds
What Really Happened?
Progressive Blog Digest
Julie Demboski's Astrology

Oct 13, 2011

South Korea visits US = 'A Sleigh Without Snow' 10.13.11

After the US Congress sold out US workers once again this week by passing "free" trade deals with South Korea, Panama, and Columbia, today's visit from President Lee of South Korea has transiting Mars 15Leo conjoined with tr Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate; Corporations) which is, one supposes, an apt picture of the global elite's drive to merge America into a 'one-world-government' which is a long range plan that "free" trade agreements are designed to facilitate.

Taking a quick glance at some of today's events in Washington by way of horoscopes set for the White House and for the Capitol Building later today when President Lee delivers an address to a Joint Session of Congress, we see Presidents Obama and Lee holding a presser at 12:20 pm edt (Hour of the Moon) with 20Sag33 rising which makes money planet Jupiter (still retrograde in money sign Taurus) the chart-ruler. When chart-rulers are Rx you know something is amiss or at least, there will be delay in the areas that planet rules, and money, largess, and expansion are part of Jupiter's realm.

Big laugh just now as I type: *Amy Goodman just reported on Democracy Now! that NYC Mayor Bloomberg informed the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators that they'll need to clear out of Liberty Square on Friday (tomorrow) so it could be "cleaned." The Occupiers are sending out a request for cleaning supplies--they'll clean it themselves. HA! Love it!!! Back to the "free" trade shenanigans in DC...

Now whenever dignitaries meet in Washington DC or elsewhere, a peek at which planets are conjoining synchronistically for the event is in order.

Today, tr Saturn (authority; managers; leaders; lawmakers; lawyers, etc) is just moved beyond conjunction with the Sun 19Libra59 at 12:20 pm edt, and the Moon (the people; the public; publicity; a woman) meets with Jupiter Rx at 7Tau+...Sabian Symbol '8Tau' = "A Sleigh Without Snow"...SUSTAINMENT...

positive expression: a complete and effective alignment of self with whatever greater possibilities may remain unrealized in a given milieu;

negative (unconscious/shadow side): a cheerful tolerance of today's frustrations in the vague hope of a better tomorrow.

Well, I don't know precisely what President Lee expects from Washington (a lot, I'll wager) with his shady "free" trade agreement but that 'vague hope' is known by a majority of American workers to be a pile o'merde when it comes to 'jobs creation' in the US...outsourcing of jobs is much more likely.

One more note (since if I don't publish this soon the events will be over)--VP Biden, our erstwhile, proud-to-be-a-Zionist fellow, will host a luncheon for the Lees at 1:15 pm edt today with 2Cap56 rising along with the tr Venus/Neptune midpoint (appreciating how reality can be altered; indulging another's fantasy for personal gratification; union with persons of a peculiar disposition.)

Also at 1:15 pm edt, tr Pluto @ 5Cap05 rises, and asteroid Atlantis ('America'; where we feel doomed; abuse or misuse of power) is at MC.

Of interest in relation to the US government is a midpoint at Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations; Public Status) with these potentials for expression:

Mars/Pluto = MC: ambition; self-confidence; facing overwhelming force without power; danger through intervention of a Higher Power (US?); learning how to gain and use power or extreme measures for increasing status in the world (Washington DC, the teacher); fulfillment of certain ambitions by attaining recognition and influence.

Well, as long as the global elite's one-world-government project grinds on with America scurrying to take the lead, I suppose it's still quite trendy and smart to suck up to Washington politicians.


*Amy Goodman is also reporting on the Canadian warrant to arrest George W. Bush for war crimes when he attempts to address an economic forum in British Columbia next week--an "economic" forum!!! Who's crazy here? Is it me? ;p

For more info, you may wish to check out current news coverage and issues at the Thom Hartmann website with texts and broadcast videos available, and a Forum to join.

Midpoint pictures: Reinhold Ebertin; Michael Munkasey. Sabian Symbol info: Msrc Edmund Jones.

Timings mentioned in this post are taken from the White House LIVE site of streaming videos.

Aug 20, 2011

Rally in DC! Freedom Square Oct 6, 2011

America Ours or Theirs? We-the-People v Corporate Interests

by Jude Cowell

Beginning on October 6, 2011 in Freedom Square, Washington DC, the majority of the American people have an opportunity to show our strength in numbers and turn up for non-violent resistance against the corporate direction America has taken which is now displayed by presidential hopefuls who are not speaking to the true condition of this nation but furthering the corporatist agenda.

The October 2011 Movement will mark the 10th anniversary of America's invasion of Afghanistan, a war that rages on while being a part of the bankrupting--financially and morally--of our nation. (Such extremist dynamics are explained below in the historical Timeline you'll find linked near the end of this post.)

Click the site's link above to sign a petition pledging to be in Washington DC on or after October 6, 2011, and check out the movement's Human Needs, Not Corporate Greed agenda which tallies most closely with the majority's sentiments and desires at this crucial time in US history.

(Read the text of the pledge below.)

Names of those who have so far taken the October 2011 attendance pledge are listed as well and include Bill Moyers, Larisa Alexandrovna, Jane Hamsher, Chris Hedges, Sibel Edmonds, Ray McGovern, and Matthew Rothschild, editor of The Progressive Magazine (though he carries world banking's House of Rothschild name. Go figure. Or, see Timeline link below.)

If taxing the rich doesn't offend you, if ending wars, bringing home our troops, and cutting military spending seem part of a rational agenda to get the American financial system back on its feet, this could be the movement for you. Issues such as getting money out of politics, ending corporate welfare, protecting workers' rights, transitioning the US to clean energy, reversing environmental damage--all the things that the US government is ignoring or avoiding--are on the October 2011 agenda and if reversing direction on any of these issues appeals to you, please visit the website and see if there's anything you can do to help!

Plus, you know that October 2011 times the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget at a time when government spending should be expanded, not curtailed, if we wish our nation to continue its existence. (Why, it's almost as if a coup is underway! And the austerity touters are foaming at the corners of their corporate mouths to hurriedly create more loss, despair, and poverty in this country than their cold heartedness already has. It feels like we-the-people are in their crosshairs.

What To Do Now? We Are Not Powerless!

Then will we-the-people allow transnational corporations to continue ruling what should be our citizens' roost? Can we-the-people watch as Arab Spring protests lead the way in standing up to the tyranny of dictatorship while we busy ourselves playing trivial, inconsequential Smart Phone games? If so, that would make 'Smart' Phones more intelligent than we are!

Now keep in mind the basic tenet of the October 2011 Movement: non-violent resistance. The protest begins 8 days prior to the dedication of the new monument honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr on the Washington Mall on August 28, 2011, the precise day of America's Saturn Return (#3 of 3 conjunctions by transiting Saturn to US natal Saturn 14Lib48--Saturn is exalted in Libra, sign of the Balanced Scales of Justice, a balance our Justice Department tends to fall short of on a regular basis.)

Of course, Saturn rules such things as stone, granite, monuments, and permanence, along with matters such as responsibility, accountability, restriction, and austerity--and austerity is what the current US status-quo governing body and its corporate backers (bankers) have in mind for the entire US population's future. But the power elite's accountability for the resulting consequences (suffering, loss, despair) of their wealth-pilfering measures will somehow, they think, be avoided with only the disenfranchised taking the fall and paying the price they highhandedly set and extract...blood from a stone?

Income Inequality, a Gap That Can Be Closed!

Yes, Pluto/Chiron's plutocracy and oppression never had it so good in America since the late 1920s and 1930s. Will we-the-people sit down for this? Or stand up and be counted on October 6, 2011?

Lessons from an Arab Spring

People acting in accord in large numbers in a coordinated fashion can deprive any tyrant of legitimacy by asserting their discontent and withdrawing any and all consent to a tyrant's rule--tyranny can be resisted! This includes the tyranny of big banks, for as you know, the US Federal Reserve wears a 'federal' or 'public' mask while acting as the private corporation of governors and share holders it really is.

Yet even nonviolent resistance can bring difficulties to a population--but what are we facing at their hands now with Austerity 2012 about to be implemented in full earnest? Sadly, US presidents are powerless against these actors since all are placed in the Oval Office by the same elite forces and powers of Big Money and Corporatism that undermine our nation as I type.

Even readers who disagree with this author's continual harping upon a One World Government conspiracy against us, our hopes, and dreams cannot fail to see that current events are undermining this nation's people, sovereignty, and future. What the despots have in mind for our children and their children is demonstrated in the austerity measures now being established.

President Barack Obama, Our Hero? Not So Much

Considering his recent flowery rhetoric and grand plans for jobs creation, I do hope President Obama's ideas for improving our lot are implemented very soon to bolster the US economy, but really: without banding together, what are our chances for real improvement given the last almost-three years of expended political capital, 'free' trade touting (and now, new calls for same), and corporate advice too readily whispered in our Oval Office out of our earshot?

My fret today is that we-the-lazy must finally face the fact that only by our own efforts will America be rescued from the global banking syndicate of crime, take-overs, and greed. Will a Progressive leaders arise? We need them Now!

So is there Anyone who still holds dear the quixotic notion that 'corporations are people' who care nary a fig for those not members of the power elite class? Shall we be snuffed out without a whisper of complaint?

I pray our damaging direction will be diverted and I ask that if you are reading this post and agree with supporting nonviolent resistance against the heartless, imperial path this warring nation's government insists upon, you will stand with the October 2011 Movement by passing along the word, and/or donating to the cause, and, if possible, showing up in Freedom Square on or after October 6, 2011 to add your voice to this protest!

For if America was worth the blood, sweat, and tears it took to found her, how can we-the-people possibly allow our nation to lapse into a plutocratic, theocratic tailspin?

Take The Pledge

"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries remain in Afghanistan Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that occupation goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., with others on that day or the days immediately following, for as long as I can, with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate machine by occupying Freedom Plaza until our resources are invested in human needs and environmental protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We will be the beginning."

Not mentioned is October 6th participant Matthew Rothschild in this intriguing Timeline of The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock which includes info on attempted and successful assassinations of US presidents, and on the American 'Civil' War and the reasons it was fomented and fought. Also, President Andrew Jackson's battle against the central bank of the US is noted, the first of which was instituted under the guidance of Rothschild agent, Alexander Hamilton, a rat in George Washington's cabinet, and a political foe of Thomas Jefferson.

Its eventual success was assured in December 1913 when an infiltrated US Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act and thus we see how 'The Fed' works against the American people today.

Note: My last sentence in no way lumps in my personal sentiments or beliefs with those of Texan Rick Perry's recent 'treasonous' critique of the Fed's Ben Bernanke which may or may not have been sincere on Perry's part. The 2012 candidate is just another tiresome Republican corporatist shill after all, mavericky as his personality may seem. But he'll tow the H of R line if he wants to enter the Oval Office as Commander-in-Thief because to become US president, you must agree to be led by the nose by the global banking syndicate and its agents. Ask President Obama. He knows it all too well. jc

Of similar concern to Americans who wish the US to continue--or regain status as--a sovereign nation is the quasi-religious group The Famuly (aka, The Fellowship) with which Republican John Ensign (among many other political men) has lived in their C Street house. Ensign was born in Roseville, CA, on March 25, 1958, hour unknown.

Therefore, you may be interested in a recommended post by asteroid researcher Mark Andrews Holmes's John Ensign Natal Chart Asteroid Analysis.

In Mundane Astrology, I primarily use asteroid Cupido as an all-purpose significator for The Family (Fellowship; Brotherhood), Corporatism, The Syndicate) though undoubtedly there are other astrological representatives for the concept of those who act in concert toward shared interests or common goals.

Jun 2, 2011

Massey Energy name change fools few as Romney enters race in N. H.

That was quite a performance yesterday to mark Massey Energy's name change to Alpha Resources though those who have experience with the safety-challenged company don't seem to be fooled by the obvious public relations ploy. But Massey shareholders decreed!

Meanwhile, in an apparently unrelated event, Mitt Romney (former management consultant advising corporations on how to 'reinvent themselves') will announce today (12:30 pm edt) that he is indeed a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Yet so far, rebranding himself on the health care reform issue (his program as governor being the model for Obama's reform bill) hasn't gained much traction with the public but we'll see how Romney manages the presto change-o as the 2012 campaign drags on. Especially since his past corporate work experience includes changing bad names into 'good' (aka, new) in order to hide true and already demonstrated characters.

Here's a SO'W post concerning Mr. Romney's activities during the 2008 presidential campaign when he attempted to reinvent the Democratic Party as the party of Big Brother! It seemed to me then that the shoe fit the other (Republican) foot a little more comfortably, though in 2011 it's admittedly become awfully hard to tell the difference. With our Rs v Ds, it's become a sad case of pot calling kettle black.

Perhaps that's partially because Washington's Big Brother oligarchs are all just power elite rulers of a feather when propagandistic push comes to real world water boarding.

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am est Detroit, Michigan

Still, one understands Mitt Romney's public relations talent which is natural: he was born with a very close Moon conjunct Jupiter aspect in Scorpio, sign of big business and corporations. Natal Sun 22 Pisces conjoins Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and squares Uranus which makes him an unpredictable, arrogant fellow with a big ego.

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not be in a good phase for being elected US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check it before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Actually, his emotions are actually quite expansive (Moon/Jupiter) and a temper may be shown behind closed doors (Scorpio.) Well, who doesn't, right?

Wealth indicator, the Sun/Jupiter trine, helps with public relations as well for optimism always 'sells' in America yet the aspect indicates a certain apathy with a desire for only moderate demands to be made upon his time and freedom. Can a White House schedule provide him this? Some say it worked well for the multi-vacationing George Bush!

A wide conjunction of Mercury Rx (oration; speeches; thought procresses) with activist Mars 6Pis14 gives some oomph in the political opinion department yet the conjunction occurs in obfuscating, deceptive, creative if self-deluded, Pisces. An interest in social service (Virgo/Pisces) is indicated.

Is Romney's Progressed Moon Phase a Presidential Factor?

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not have evolved into a good phase for election as US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check its veracity before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Progressing his natal horoscope, we find that Mr. Romney's Sun/Moon phase is now third quarter, the crisis in consciousness phase which began on November 29, 2008 at 21AQ44. Now I don't remember when he dropped out of the 2008 campaign but it isn't surprising that he realized the imperative of doing so prior to the November election as the third quarter mark closed in upon his expansive aims.

Now just as it really counts toward his presidential aspirations, Romney's Balsamic phase begins on September 22, 2012 at 10Ari24 though the Sabian Symbol for '11Ari' is of note:

"The President of the Country"! IDEALIZATION.

Positive expression: the self-sacrifice required of anybody who would become the creative representative of eternal value (the presidency); negative/unconscious/shadow side: an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness of vain pretense.

(Those are my italics with an addition of 'unconscious/shadow side'; from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Will his natal Sun/Jupiter trine allow this amount of self-sacrifice?

Plus, the thing about the Balsamic phase in a Secondary chart is that it indicates a time of endings, partings, and separations though it can also have a 'taking over responsibilities for someone who's just left' vibe, along with a certain prophetic flavor. Leaving home for Washingotn may be a possibility, too. Also, shady deals may be made during this Dark of the Moon phase (perfect for a White House-White Lodge tenure, I know.)

But generally, it is not a phase of new beginnings unless someone else flakes out first.

Hmmm...wonder if Mitt Romney could be more easily selected as US president next time around?

Because his Secondary New Moon occurs at 28Tau42 on February 23, 2016 which is better timing for starting such large enterprises as the helming of our American Corporation of greedy, power-mad Oligarchs.

Heads-Up: C-SPAN will carry Live Mitt Romney's nom bid announcement today at 12:30 pm edt from New Hampshire.

Oh, and Gretchen Morgenson (co-author of Reckless Endangerment) is guest today with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! which should be an informative interview concerning Goldman-Sachs and Wall Street crimes.

If you miss the broadcast, check the website to watch the video.


Dates for the candidate's Lunar Phases may differ slightly if another birth hour is used. jc

May 27, 2011

Patriot Act extended as US Pluto rises 5.26.11

It's quite a horoscope that describes President Obama's extension by auto-pen signing of the main provisions of the US 'Patriot' Act just minutes before expiration at midnight. I'm looking at a chart set for the Capitol Building, Washington DC, at 11:59 pm edt, May 26, 2011. The president was awakened from his slumbers while in France in order to sign the extension of the draconian spying act against innocent US citizens which is now in place for four more years.

Kentucky's Rand Paul spoke out against extension of the Act's provisions that allow the government to 'troll through your FaceBook account," set up roving wire taps for no particular reason, etc....though with no planets out of bounds, all the actors (planets) are cooperating so I'm having difficulty locating Mr. Paul in the horoscope unless his objections were part of a staged 'protest' which all of Captiol Hill knew would go nowhere on our's only political theater, dahlink, suitable for heading off serious complaints and dissension, and thus keeping the natives quieter than they might otherwise be.

Besides, the deed is now done.

At 11:59 pm edt, 27Cap18 was rising in DC as was US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx; Sabian Symbol: "A Large Aviary" and we and our communications and library records are the ensnared birds within the military industrial complex's Big Trap.

President Obama's May 26, 2011 Secondary Progressed (SP) Jupiter arose as well for it has turned Direct by progression and now sits @ 27Cap19. (However, his SP Saturn @ 23Cap15 remains retrograde as both planets are natally, with n Jupiter 00AQ52, a degree which conjoins US Inaugural Sun - the leader - every Inauguration Day at noon est...and on Jan 20, 2009, his Jupiter conjoined Mercury Rx, too. BHO took the Oath of Office twice due to Justice Roberts' flub, as you'll remember. And yes, it's possible that the 'flub' was no accident but an attempt to counter the effects of Mercury's oath-taking function being retrograde on Inauguration Day 2009....or, perhaps the Universe was in cahoots!)

Also rising just before midnight are two midpoints which create the following word pictures, one with secretive Neptune, the other with techo-expert Uranus - the two together are the Illuminati Planets with America's symbol of the capstone Eye Over the Pyramid of power (or, Sun Over the Mountain) of surveillance coming to mind; any, all, or none may apply:

Neptune/NN = ASC: experiencing deceit from others; disappointments; ignoring the reactions of other people.

Neptune/NN = n Pluto: exercising of a bad influence upon associations between people; increased need for isolation from the influences of society; willingness to use destructive forces to protect privacy and isolation if necessary. (Robo-signing draconian legislation from another continent can do that for ya.)

Neptune/NN = BHO's SP Jupiter: the desire to exploit others or being exploited (probably both - jc); placing great hopes upon associations and being let down; aspirations to expand one's goals.

('Neptune/NN' = a leadership unwilling to consider the demands of its people.)

Uranus/MC = ASC: hasty action; sudden adjustment to new circumstances(NWO: wake up, Barack, and sign this before it's too late!?)

Uranus/MC = BHO's SP Jupiter: ability to use electronic means (auto-pen!) to publish ideas; success with innovative work; the joyful realization of plans.

('Uranus/MC' = reform as a national goal; radical changes in methods of enforcing policies; social changes force leadership to new ways of looking at old practices.)

The combination of America's rising Pluto with Mr. Obama's rising SP Jupiter creates an interesting midpoint picture as well...

Jupiter/Pluto = ASC: the ability to read other people and their intentions, especially if they also seek power (!); the desire for power; far-sightedness; organizing talent; prudence; personal advancement.

Naturally, the US natal Mercury/Pluto opposition (surveillance; spying; control and manipulation of thoughts, reports, communications; propaganda) affects the ASC/DESC axis, and Venus 13Tau39 (in 3rd house of Communications) sits upon what every four years is our Inaugural Ascendant (= the Presidential Oath of Office to protect and defend the US Constitution - oops! Venus rules Taurus and the presidential office.)

Venus is interesting, too, because she now conjoins Fixed Star Menkar (victim of the Unconscious) in the constellation of Cetus the Whale. This indicates the obscene amounts of info that is swept into the NSA's large surveillance net (the trolling effect) along with we-the-people as symbolic Jonahs. Jonah was commanded by God to tell the news but he refused until he'd spent three days inside the whale's belly. With the 'Patriot' Act, our efforts aren't necessary - the NSA simply takes our information surreptitiously - and with no accountability for their abuse of power against our right to privacy.

At Midheaven (The Goal; the WHY? Point) 19Sco33 is another descriptive star: Zuben Eschemali (to go against society) which describes what has been done against the American people and to anyone wishing to communicate with any of us. Another keyphrase for Z. Eschemali (Beta Libra) is: social reform for personal gain. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

These New World Order types are playing for keeps as you may have noticed.

And of course, there's the ancient tradition for the 19th degree of Scorpio (ruled by warring Mars and co-ruled by powerful, manipulative Pluto hiding beneath his sneaky Cape of Invisibility) as the "accursed sign of the accursed degree" but that's an outdated portent in our modern day, right?

Now, as you know, asteroid Cupido stands for several things on various levels but here I usually cite it for its meanings such as: The Family, The Syndicate, Corporatism, and in this horoscope it does not disappoint for it is spotlighted by the Sun 5Gem33 in the 4th house of Homeland and What We Need to Feel Secure. (Not free or private, but allegedly secure. Corporations gain mega-millions through our spying agencies, tech companies, and the Pentagon.)

Jupiter/Pluto Turns Up Again

The Sun has just moved past President Obama's natal Moon 3Gem21 during the current G-8 Summit in Deauville, the reason he used an auto-pen to re-shaft us from France on our right to privacy. His natal Jupiter/Pluto midpoint 18Sco55 sits upon the extension's MC = ambition; advantages in one's occupation; promotion and advancement; great luck.

The 'Jupiter/Pluto' combo itself = plutocrats; the desire for power - Ebertin; Munkasey adds these potentials; self-destructive forces that stem from official corruption; criminal elements with great influence; destruction of legal documents.)

That last would be the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Readying for Election 2012? Don't miss this: Tweeters warned against Election Day tweets.

Plus, today Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! will tell us about the Internet 'filter bubble' - what they're not telling us about the Internet - so you may wish to check it out. I'd always figured there was one but didn't know what to call it. Amy Goodman is also reporting right now on the extension of the Patriot Act. John Nichols of The Nation magazine is being interviewed about the Wisconsin court decision that went against Governor Walker's union-busting...checks and balances!

And I wonder what Thom Hartmann will have to say about the president's robo-extension of draconian surveillance power?

Apr 4, 2011

Is the US infested with the Hegelian Dialectic?

In an attempt to make sense of the mess the US is in, the following article link is posted for your consideration with an excerpt:

The Hegelian Dialectic is designed to get us into a frenzied defense or offense of a particular idea or thesis. The natural outgrowth of the original idea is the opposite idea or anti-thesis, which will breed it’s own defense and offense. The predetermined answer of the Elite will be the synthesis of both sides of the conflict.

In America, the most familiar Hegelian Dialectic is the Republican and Democratic parties. On the right we have the Corporatist, Fascist, Republicans that are pro debt, pro war and pro corporation. On the left, we have the Socialist, Communist, Democrats that are pro tax, pro social issues and pro labor. Both of these two fight back and forth every year in a contrived scripted dramaknown as Washington politics. The synthesis, of these two seemingly opposite ideas, is this middle of the road “lesser of two evils” mess we have now. Read more....


Now there's a basic reason I've often mentioned on this blog Washington's Capitol Hill Theater - it's all theater, dahlink. They don't govern in Washington, they manipulate us while serving their corporate masters. And their illusory D v R-lib v con-blue v red script keeps we-the-people divided and conquered. So please stop following a political 'party' and follow OUR best interests - for someone needs to.

And yes, I heard that President Obama has announced his 2012 candidacy online which was to be expected. However, I don't care who plays the role of Mouthpiece-in-Chief, it's how cruelly they dissolve our republic and sovereignty, destroy our freedom documents, ignore our social contract between the generations, and further disenfranchise the American people - those things matters most to me.

How inconvenient the Tea Party must have seemed to them for a time! But they quickly recovered when the Koch Brothers and others took over what was originally a grassroots movement. Now, like 99% of Washington politicians, the Tea Party has become a tool of corporatism.

What are two of Corporatism's prime signatures in Mundane Astrology charts? The combo of Pluto/Chiron, and asteroid Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate.)

For further reading on such topics as Hegelian philosophy, here's a rabbit hole to follow which includes an image of the modern natal horoscope of the 'New World Order' because that's really the power elite's 'end game' which we're talking about here.

Feb 10, 2010

Inauguration 2009's Mercury Return Feb 10, 2010

When President took his (first) Oath of Office on Jan 20, 2009 at noon est, Capitol Building, Mercury was Rx (resulting in his second oath-taking and plans gone awry as we've seen) and @ 00AQ41, a degree Mercury revisits today at 3:39 pm est.

The oppressive and transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint now stomps upon Inaugural 2009 Mercury along with the Neptune/Pluto midpoint, all at 00AQ+. Any, all, or none may apply:

Nep/Plu = Mercury thinking and acting while under strange influences; the inability to think independently (yet pretend that, as President, you are in control!); many plans incapable of realization; sensitive nerves; learning how to gain control or power; gathering info about transformation; communications are other than they appear; deception as a strategy; loss of centering. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

In the Mercury Return chart set for DC today, Mercury is setting on the Descendant 28Cap52 which places US natal Pluto setting as well. But perhaps more to the point, Mars 5Leo14R opposes Mercury, becoming exact in March. After mid-April this influence will dissipate.

Since astrological Mars represents males between the ages of 25 to 36 (give or take a year or so), one wonders if Presidential security should be upped. Certainly the President's announcements and plans are being argued against by martian-minded opponents and his communications may be particularly under attack (I'm listening to Fresh Air now about cyber-security and all the hacking the US government has undergone for years now - it's gotten much worse and Mr. Obama was clued in on how crucial the problem is for America when he took office. His May 29 speech last year mentioned cyber-security importance.)

Mars is also apex planet in a YOD (Finger of God pattern; special task; crisis) between Jupiter and Pluto, a pattern I've mentioned in a previous post. In short, this indicates misdirected hostility from Mars, a crisis may permit a new start and the use of mobilized forces (sounds like something many people are concerned about in the US: imposition of martial law as the US gov's police state mask is removed for real. Forces are gathering.)

Asteroid Icarus 29Cap24, the risk-taker with a possible connection to assassination, is at a critical 29th degree, and conjs Mercury and US natal Pluto, a picture I do not care for. Asteroid Cupido (corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) still rides along with Pluto, the ultimate villain of the piece.

ASC 28Can52 gives Moon as chart-ruler yet Luna makes no applying aspects to planets, only a conjunction with North Node 20Cap56 ('20Cap' a critical degree) (4A06) and Moon is involved in a propaganda-esque midpoint picture - Snowpocalyse? Or...

Mercury/Pluto = Moon: obsessive needs for privacy or power; speaking from the heart convinces people; a woman with emotional communication power.

Well, there are several other factors of note in Inauguration 2009's Mercury Return chart for 2010 but the real world is calling my name and I must reply by motoring into the city.

Therefore, I highly recommend to you an article by Julie Demboski on the Empowerment of the New Moon during this Balsamic Moon phase, aka, the dark of the Moon. (New Moon Feb 13, 2010 @ 25AQ18 9:51 pm est.)

Adios, amigos!

Sep 24, 2009

Mercury out of Shadow 6Lib13 Oct 14, 2009

This image is the horoscope of the minute that Mercury reaches original retrograde degree 6Lib13 and begins moving forward beyond Shadow area of the zodiac - Oct 14, 2009, 2:39 am edt in DC.

Mercury's rulership of thinking processes, communications, oration, debate, negotiations and contracts, writing, travel, and the neutral planet's Trickster, Messenger, Teacher, Trader guises make it the most significant planet in any chart.

And considering that the opening session of the United Nations this week has yielded some globally significant speeches, plus the many other mercurial things that are going on in the collective, gives me a good reason to publish this chart of the minute the Messenger leaves the Shadow.

During Rx periods, mercurial issues and events don't just come to a halt, as we know, though travel glitches may occur, and plans may have to be rethought, revised, or redone. Putting newly developed or revised plans into effect, however, may go smoother if one waits until Mercury turns Direct, which occurs on at Direct Station on Sept 29, 2009.

Yet with Very Important Issues, one may wish to wait further until Mercury leaves the Shadow, which in the case of this Rx period, is @ 6Lib13, Oct 14, 2009. One thing about Mercury Rx periods is that what seemed such a good idea or plan during Mercury Rx turns out to be riddled with holes when Mercury subsequently turns Direct. And waiting to implement ideas until Mercury leaves the Shadow range of degrees only increases their chances for successful implementation.

As you see, the greater benefic, Jupiter 17AQ10, is moving forward on Oct 14 from his recent Direct Station. Neptune Rx @ 23AQ49 is conj Desc from 6th house with Chiron's health influence there, too. The possibility for Health Insurance Reform is not in a strong position in this chart but a cadent house (6th) indicates preparations continuing.

Another reason I want to publish this 'out of Shadow' chart is that it contains two interlaced YOD patterns (YOD = Finger of God; highlighted in pink) and a Mystic Rectangle formed between Venus, Saturn (conj with Venus at critical or crisis 29th degr), North Node (NN), Mars, and Uranus. This is the 'practical mysticism' configuration as described by Bil Tierney in his Dynamics of Aspect Analysis. One must be willing to accept a point that is not a planet (NN) to call this a Mystic Rectangle...some astrologers are willing, some aren't. I am.

Rebel and Awakener Uranus 23Pis37 Rx is important because it is involved in both YOD patterns. In 8th house, Money, Transformation, and Death issues may be on his radical change agenda; in Pisces, scientific reforms or inventions may become more prominent; Uranus conj Juno (in Mundane charts, the abuser or the abused) indicates new and sudden 8th house concerns.

Will more financial abuses be uncovered? With our rotten-to-the-core economic and financial systems and the high and low level abuses so far, you don't need Astrology to tell you that that's a distinct possibility.

YODs indicate: special tasks, turning points, and/or crisis situations, so keep an eye on these Uranian infused YOD patterns as October nears and leads to November. An 'October Surprise' may be on political activist Uranus' menu as well.

Click chart image to enlarge, if you may, for I've written upper right the midpoint pictures which are formed by the two YODs. Mercury's 'out of Shadow' moment occurs during a Saturn Hour with Saturn conj Venus, planet of relationship, values, aesthetics, and smaller amounts of money. Saturn rules 6th house of Health, Work, and Service, and co-rules (AQ) 7th house of Partnerships and Others.

As you see, a rising Moon is also at a critical 29th degree: 29Leo21 which conjoins, and rises with, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Regulus...keywords: success if revenge is avoided. If one indulges in revenge, what has been previously gained may be lost. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.)

A 3rd house Sun 21Lib03, the chart's ruler, approaches lovely Fixed Stars Spica and Arcturus but isn't quite there yet. Asteroid Cupido is in 3rd house of Communications as well, with keywords: The Family, The Syndicate, Corporations, and oddly enough, Art. 'Cupidity' is also a possibility with Cupido along with a piercing quality (Cupid = Eros and the arrow.)

Instigator Mars, of quarreling and warring inclinations, is tucked inside the behind-the-scenes 12th house where many political deals are made; Mars sextiles the Venus/Saturn conj as one of the bases of the Mystic Rectangle pattern, and rules 4th and 9th houses.

Things may be said to 'begin' in this chart in the 9th house of Foreign Lands, Long Distance Travel, Higher Education, and Religion and Philosophy (Aries.) The Higher Mind is also the province of the 9th house, so will a mercurial 'higher plan' be revealed?

Mars is less than one degree from conjoining the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse degree ('systems fail; new methods and ideas are needed; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed', Brady's Predictive Astrology ); Mars conjunct South Node (SN) is an indicator of violence and war.

With this particular mercurial chart set for Washington, DC, it's clear that America's (mis) adventures in the Middle East are on Mercury's mind, and I think that plans for escalation or de-escalation of US troops may be revealed more fully in October 2009 - and with a few political dirty tricks gumming up the works and the process.

Jan 2, 2009

Coal Ash Flood 12.22.08: Saturn opposing Uranus

Dec 22, 2008 marked the largest environmental disaster of its kind in US history, the coal ash flood - or 'spill' - in Kingston, Tennessee, 40 miles west of Knoxville at the Kingston Fossil Plant

The initial estimates of the size of the carcinogenic sludge were woefully short and it turns out from aerial photographs that the actual amount is 5.4 cubic yards, enough to flood over 3,000 acres one foot deep. Three houses were destroyed by the coal ash flood which occurred when an earthen retaining wall gave way after much rain and cold temperatures.

And since coal ash is not regulated as a hazardous material, we may be hearing - or experiencing - more such disasters.

My guess is that we already have on some level - unless you like arsenic and mercury in your drinking water - because unlined ponds for capturing this lead and thallium infused muck are the preferred way the US coal industry and the TVA like to 'handle' this health threat.

In other words - they don't. No one had a plan for if/when the holding pond failed! So I have to say: don't debate the regulation of this hazardous material - line the nation's holding ponds, for cryin' out loud...line first, debate later.

Planets and Stars:

Dec 22, 2008, Kingston, TN, at appr 1:00 am est gives 5Lib31 rising, chart-ruler Venus 16AQ23 conjunct wounding Chiron in 5th house of Risk-taking, Gambling, and Children who may suffer nervous and reproductive disorders from such material which contaminates ground water.

Venus applies to conj with watery and often deceptive Neptune (5A46.)

At Midheaven is 6Can07, a Water sign, with Mercury 15Cap19 and Jupiter 26Cap43 in 4th house, along with the Pluto-Chiron midpoint of corporatism, oppression, racism, environmentalism, and disenfranchisement of all kinds.

The sign Cancer has nothing to do with the disease, cancer, but in this case, it seems too descriptive for comfort - and at the WHY? Point of the chart (Mc.) Of course, we associate business and making money with the sign, Cancer, along with protection and security.

And we can't miss the fact that Dec 22's early hours were the perfecting of Sun conjunct Pluto at a World Point. At 1:00 am est: Sun 00Cap46; Pluto 00Cap54, with Mars 26Sag13 nearby, all in 3rd house of The Neighborhood, Sagittarius the sign of the foreigner.

Asteroid Atlantis was conj Sun/Pluto as well - keywords: abuse of power; feeling doomed. Not a fun trio, that's for sure.

There are three midpoint pictures of note:

Mars-Pluto = Sun: accident potential; passionate attack to achieve an objective; upset of plans that is irredeemable; intervention of some undeniable force or authority. Guess the Tennessee Valley Authority might be included in that last one.

Moon-Neptune = Mars: weakened system.

Uranus-Asc = Mars: making things happen raucously; devil-may-care attitude. (All midpoint pics: Noel Tyl.)

Did I mention that asteroid Cupido (corporations; The Family; brethren) arose at 1:00 am? Cupido 6Lib00 - which makes it a transit to George Bush's natal Neptune. And like Eros, Cupido has a link with piercing (as with Cupid's arrows.)

Now I'm not making a case for sabotage, I'm just noting what's in the chart for Kingston's coal ash flood of Dec 22, 2008. At least I don't think I am. Seems with the 'weakened system' and poor planning and support, it was an accident looking for a place to happen.

Conjunct Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream), Saturn 21Vir41 opposes Uranus 19Pis00 (a Water sign) and we always look to Saturn when we think of 'earthen' and containment, which the pond did not do. Uranus (sudden events; lightening) in Watery Pisces affected the earthen retaining wall (Saturn) which should have been well-lined (Saturnian boundaries again.)

Well, Saturn was dissed, and he does not like that. Will this disaster prove that his lessons can be learned and applied by an AWOL government? I say 'AWOL' because as an American citizen, I did not give my government leave to become slack and sorry! Did you?

My heart goes out to the folks who live near this disaster which could have been lessened or avoided if such materials were regulated and government agencies performed their duties to protect the American people rather than the coal industry's bottom line.

But why fret? The TVA says mercury and arsenic levels in the area's drinking water are "barely detectable" so make mine a double over ice, would ya?

Aug 13, 2008

Saturday's Lunar Eclipse over DC 8.16.08

Here's a freshly notated image of Saturday's Lunar Eclipse set for the White House, Washington DC, August 16, 2008, perfecting at 5:16:24 pm EDT.

This Moon Eclipse is a buddy of August 1's Solar Eclipse (the 'Olympics Eclipse') and both are related to the economy through linkage to the NYSE...the August 1 Eclipse is in the same Series that the NYSE was 'born' into...see both Eclipses discussed here as possible market paranoia bubbles on the front burner.

But here the Lunar Eclipse chart is set for the White House with attention toward Politics - Bush and Putin, and the current conflagration in Georgia and South Ossetia.

You see that the Jupiter/Pluto (plutocracy; men of power and wealth; striving for power) is rising so we have a midpoint picture...there are no patterns formed in this chart (T-squares, Grand Trines, etc):

Jup/Pluto = ASC: being known as an organizer and special achiever; prudence; far-sightedness; personal advancement; the desire for power. ('Prudence' is a Bush Sr word.)

Also angular at Mc (The Goal) we see...

Sun/Asc = Mc: seeking mental or intellectual contacts; attainment of esteem and respect; personal recognition esp through the profession.

That strong-arming is afoot in the Caucasus is obvious and you don't need Eclipse charts to tell you that. And since I've lost the ability to listen to the words of 'world leaders' at merely surface value, it seems to be more posturing and political theater, dahlink, with an emphasis on consolidating the old Russia (or Soviet State) as Putin continues nabbing ocontrol of natural resources - gas, oil and grain while undermining American power (what power the neocons led by Bush-Cheney haven't dispensed with already - plus, Neptune...oil, gas, at a 'Russian' degree, '23AQ"..."A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws.")

That Bush is in disagreement with Putin's actions is no given in my book, but we shall see how things play out - the whole sad mess is being perpetrated while Bush is still in office which is no coincidence. McCain would be gung-ho for more war but would Obama?

Mercury 11Vir18 is quite active being the apex of two midpoints - and is conjunct Bush Sr's natal Asc...Mercury is his natal chart-ruler...Mr. New World Order himself.

Sun/Mars = Mercury: ready for action; the desire to bring plans to realization; the thinking fighter or the leader in a struggle or fight; alertness; fast talk, fast travel.

Venus/Saturn = Mercury: searcing for the ideal; thinking about ways to feel fulfilled, to improve relationships, to feel wanted; sober thinking; visualizations of stark reality; narrow-mindedness; separations in relationships.

The Jupiter/Uranus midpoint has been on the collective path (North Node) for several weeks now...

Jup/Uranus = NN: showing oneself cheerful in the presence of others; a fortunate new aquaintanceship; striving together with others for a common purpose. (The Beijing Olympic Games fits this bill! And did you see Bush and Putin chuckling together as the Russian aggression answered Georgia's aggression toward South Ossetia?)

You see critical/crisis degrees on the Mc/Ic axis, 29Ari/Libra which relates to the many crisis situations on the table at the White House and on the world stage.

Perhaps the Sabian Symbols might elucidate the evolutionary landscape. Since the axis degrees are 29:46, I'll give both 29Ari/Lib and 30Ari/Lib using Lynda Hill's more modern analysis where she includes 'Cautions' along with Keywords...

~Mc = The Goal; Ic = The Drain or Foundation of the matter~

Mc '29Libra': Mankind's Vast Enduring Effort to Reach for Knowledge Transferable from Generation to Generation...

keywords: handing down possessions or knowledge; knowledge being changed, modified, or updated; teaching by example; the wisdom of the ancestors; research into history; striving for answers; reference books, encyclopedias, and the spoken word; the gift of knowledge.

caution: believing that one knows all; information, knowledge, or riches inherited by only the select few; fundamentalism; reliance on tradition; doing what's always been done, regardless of the reason.

Mc '30Lib': Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head...

keywords: looking at the signs; wisdom that transcends book knowledge; philosophy; having a knowledgeable demeanor; making wise decisions regardless of hard-line opinion; the head, skull, or cranium; predicting the future; wit and style; seeing others' potential; receding hairlines.

caution: over-analysis and reliance on intellect; being a know-it-all; having a bossy attitude; thinking that doesn't clarify issues but muddies them; taking things far too seriously; people with 'highbrow' attitudes; feeling weighed down by intellectual concerns.

Ic '29Aries': The Music of the Spheres...

keywords: voices bringing messages; attunement to the messages in Astrology; harmonies, chrods, keys, octaves, tones; the beauty of the planets; the measurement of time; circadian rhythms; days of the week, dancing to the wind, humming of bees; sending love; Numerology; sound healing; the Atomic Clock.

caution: inflating rational ideas; delusions or enlightenment?; rejecting the obvious intuition in favor of more intellectual answers; getting lost in abstractions; loving the sound of your own voice; not listening to obvious messages.


Ic '30Aries': A Duck Pond and Its Young Brood...

keywords: nurturing, contentment; realizing limitations; reliability; psychoanalysis; finding friends or family that enrich life; family patterns and analysis; feeling safe in one's environs; being the mother duck; foster and adoptive families; communes and communities; facing the music that you've composed.

caution: denying one's own needs for sake of the 'brood'; narrow-minded attitudes; feeling stuck; not wanting to leave the nest; not inviting others in; borders erected to keep others out; distrusting those who are 'alien'; smugness or exclusivity; being lost in the crowd or not wanting to stand out. ~

Occurring during an Hour of Mars, we may be certain that this Lunar Eclipse will be stirring things up as all Eclipses are want to do, and which testosterone-driven Mars does best. And warrior Mars is nearing a crisis 29th degree himself - let's consider '28Vir' first...

'28Vir': A Bald-headed Man in Uniform Has Seized Power...

keywords: male hormones running rampant; dominating others' mental space; Samson's hair; strutting one's stuff; taking positions of power; 'wearing the pants in the family'; directing and organizing many people; the government; the military; letting others express their opinions or have a say; decisions based on logic; taking action or command.

caution: pushing too hard or fast; putting on a show because one is in uniform; power-tripping; being cruel or domineering; opportunism, corruption, misuse of power; taking charge because one can; domestic violence; strict rules for living; not listening to others.

~notice under 28Vir's keywords, mention of the family - Cupido 15Leo23 is conjunct 8th cusp of High Finance; Cupido is used by this astrologer as a significator for The Family, the Zionist Christian organization behind many of the world's war woes - you'll recognize them by their annual congressional "National Prayer Breakfasts"...Cupido also stands for the world crime syndicate, fascism, and corporatism, and shares the duty with plutocratic Pluto/Chiron two bodies which conjoined to help usher in the New Millennium (Dec 30, 1999) upon the US (Sibly) Asc...'12Sag': "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows." And it has.)~

Mars '29Vir': A Man Is Gaining Secret Knowledge From an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading...

keywords: learning from ancient mysteries; study and its rewards; reading between the lines; finding clues from the past and applying them to the present; being privileged to look into something special; The Bible, the Torah, and the Koran; alchemy; manuscripts; secret papers; classified documents; scribes.

Hmmm...Mars is busy these days, isn't he?

And with chart-ruler Saturn 9Vir39 sitting upon the natal Mars of George Bush, his focus and determination are being tested - Saturn is applying to a helpful trine with Jupiter rising, yet Rx, and Saturn rules Jupiter here and is opposite US natal Sun (not good for US monetary funds which Bush has tapped into several times too often.)

That Putin is remaining in control of Russia beyond the normal 8 years may be a pattern for Bush to follow in the US - in other words, I'll see Bush is out of American politics when I believe it.

Unaspected Uranus 21Pis42 and Rx is on-the-loose and working on its rebellious own - and also in 2nd house of Resources and Money, causing more financial upsets.

Neptune and Moon rise on August 16 with Fixed Star Mirfak in the constellation Perseus (young male energy; challenge-oriented) and, of course, we've just had the Perseid meteor shower peaking on August 12 & 13.

With asteroid Tisiphone (retaliation) being at 00Cap and between the Asc degree and powerful Pluto, the chances for retaliation of some sort are increased along with Mars still within orb of opposition with radical Uranus. Pluto/Asc = power over one's environment; willpower; ambition; dictatorship; the desire to being others under one's rule. (Ebertin.)

One could say a 'bumpy ride' is indicated by this Eclipse - financially, politically, and militarily - and one would be in aggreement with this, your reluctant astrologer.


~see the August 2008 Eclipses discussed in relation to George Bush's natal chart here if you wish.~

midpoint pictures from Tyl and Ebertin.