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Showing posts with label FDR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FDR. Show all posts

Oct 10, 2012

Fat Cats of the Revolution w a crisis-degreed Eclipse

Of Fat Cats, Eclipses, Inheritance, and JP v FDR

by Jude Cowell

In what must be a facetious manner, J.P. Morgan's Jamie Diamon says he "should have caught London whale's trades. No kiddin'!??

Well, I've yet to forget how the House of Morgan, a banking entity known in America as various forms of "J. P. Morgan & Co.", backed the ploy to depose President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the mid-1930s because of his New Deal programs and I would not be surprised if biological and philosophical spawns of past traitors continue to bedevil us as they fight for the same cause--to dismantle, collapse, privatize--the social safety net of the American people and its coffers along with LBJ's Great Society programs.

According to most plutocrats, it seems that money is only worth the plutocrat it bails out. The needy? Forget them. Streets lined with tattered soup kitchen customers won't bother the conscienceless wealthy class nary a jot, they have bigger pictures to consider.

Can you tell I've begun reading The Plot to Seize the White House by Jules Archer?

After the last four years of extremely poor behavior on the parts of the Republican Party and its Tea Party wingers (and their corporate backers such as the Koch Brothers), the historic tale of Smedley Butler and the uncovering of what might have become more than the coup of a presidency but an assassination attempt by--you guessed it--high-flyin' financiers colluding their shriveled little hearts out in smoke-filled back rooms--well, I don't have to tell you that old J.P. and his ilk backed the entire enterprise to rid themselves of FDR and install a Fascist regime with its reins in but a few select claws.

Yes, I know it's considered impolite to ever mention the concept of Fascism in relation to current actors, political or otherwise, but really now! For how long must a spade be a litter box pooper-scooper in disguise?

In the 1930s, the Robber Baron types, their spawn and kin, used the ruse of "Return to the Gold Standard" as cover for their activities and true purposes while the American Legion whistled a Jupiterian tune! So right away you can see how certain moneymen took great exception to the rule of President Franklin Roosevelt who took the US off the gold standard among other things that enraged the wealthy class.

Reminds me of 2012 and how Wall Street and other financial titans have pretended to get their feelings hurt when President Obama referred to them as "fat cats"! As if they aren't...

Now here's the president in a 60 Minutes segment which aired on *December 13, 2009 in which "fat cat bankers" are called out but who have managed to avoid the 'pitchforks of the people' and the Justice Department prison sentences so far:

November 6, 2012?

If this fat-cattiness is the sort of behavior you prefer at the top of the heap running this nation--while trusting them to 'care' about US workers--then you probably think Slippery Mitt is your guy. He loves the corrupt vulture capitalist system so much, he intends to corrupt it through more de-regulation! But what will happen when No One in business in this country trusts anyone else because everything has been rotted out by too many people following examples set by crooks of the global underworld crime syndicate? Doing any sort of business will become absolutely impossible. But never fear for perhaps we'll have Mittens performing his best Reagan impression to inspire Americans into some form of greatness up on a hill somewhere...


*December 13, 2009 falls into the 11 South Solar Eclipse Saros Series which manifested on July 22, 2009 @29Can26, as you may recall. Of course any 29th degree is a critical or crisis degree, and the Sabian Symbol for '30 Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...INHERITANCE. (Jones.)

11 S themes include: 'the need to make sudden reforms; old methods or ideas fail and new systems are required to deal with events; issues must be handled in new ways; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.' (Last occurred 1991; next: 2027.) (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady.)

Not such easy eclipse themes to inherit and deal with during the first year of your presidency, are they? And with the opposing party opposing and undermining everything you do! Why, it's almost as if certain Washington politicians with all their Masonic trappings and finery knew of 11S's reputed influence making it a near-certainty that to trip up President Obama, they'd trip up America, too--plus you, me, and all our kin.

So what do you call such sour grapes behavior by a group of sociopaths who with each generation imagine themselves to be the only legitimate presidential occupants of the Venusian Oval Office? En masse we voted for Barack Obama, yet they--as was done in the mid-1930s against FDR--attempt to depose the president as insufficient and not up to the task!

Aug 14, 2012

'Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill' (video)

Anything to keep from typing the bromance-y names, "Paul Ryan" and "Mitt Romney" for a while...actually, the following documentary is particularly fascinating for those who are curious about Early America, Freemasonry's and Rosicrucianism's roles in the founding of the 'New Atlantis' (that shining city on a hill, D.C.), mystic and astrologer to *FDR, Nicolas Roerich (Oct 9, 1874 NS '12:00 pm' St. Petersburg, Russia), Sir Francis Bacon (born a Tudor, some say--and Queen Elizabeth's son), Blavatsky, Benjamin Creme, Manly P. Hall, Scottish Jacobites exiled to America and bringing along the 'Stone of Destiny' or 'Holy Grail' in pre-Revolutionary days, Gnostic Templarism, a long-range plan by secret societies for the ultimate establishment--and satanic idea--of a global new world order, and much more!

You may find one of Roerich's natal midpoint pictures quite interesting:

Mercury-Pluto = Uranus: 'an irresistible power of suggestion; fanatic pursuit of plans'. (Ebertin.) Either of these possibilities tallies rather closely with what I've read of this Occult practitioner--and something of a guru was he.

Now here is "Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill":

Check out other intriguing videos and full-length films and documentaries here.

*It was under FDR's watch that the capstone-pyramid-Eye of Horus was first printed upon the US dollar bill; in Jonathan Alter's The Defining Moment, the author mentions that Nicolas Roerich was an associate (astrologer) of Franklin Delano Roosevelt during FDR's presidency, thanks to Henry Wallace (mentioned in the video above) and as you know, FDR was a Freemason as have been many US presidents. Funny how mainstream authors tend to leave out such biographical info about their subjects such as, "initiated into the __ Lodge of Grand Orient Templars" and other such esoteric tidbits as that.

Sir Francis Bacon (Tudor) Feb 1, 1561 NS 7:42 am LMT London, England (source: Rodden Rating: C, astrodatabank/William Lilly.) Note: you may wish to type Roerich's and Bacon's names into this blog's sidebar Search field for previous mentions.

Additional Note: if you scroll down the sidebar far enough I suspect that the link to the topic of Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg, VA) is still there...this is where the 'Stone' and/or an Occult manuscript detailing the so-called Great Plan for America may have been secreted when it was first purloined to our shores. Or not. Prominent early Americans once attended the church including Thomas Jefferson, wrote Manly P. Hall.

Jun 7, 2012

1934 v 2012 in Politics (video)

Upton Sinclair 1934 and Greg Mitchell 2012

by Jude Cowell

Yes, Republicans have been attempting to 'roll back New Deal programs' since FDR set them up in the 1930s and it seems that he was inspired by Upton Sinclair's EPIC efforts in California (kind of like Obamacare being inspired by Mitt Romney's healthcare program when he was governor of Massachusetts!) Turns out the year 1934 is significant to our current circumstances as Greg Mitchell writes today in The Nation in Wisconsin: When Big 'Outside' Money First Dominated a Key Political Campaign


Here is a video concerning Sinclair's campaign which may remind you of our 2012 embroilments and debates on poverty vs wealth via 'trickle-down economics' in unequal, listing badly America:

You may wish to follow the above link to Mr. Mitchell's article where you'll find other such videos on the California governor's bid of social-ill-exposer Upton Sinclair, and more.

Now here's one of my favorite quotes from author Upton Sinclair, a Sun Vir-Moon Can personality born September 20, 1878 at 9:00 am (he supplied his birth data to the AFA Data Exchange) in Baltimore, Maryland with 5Sco26 rising and compassionate Neptune conjunct Chiron in Taurus, both Rx. A critical 29th-degree Saturn Rx (29Pis39--conjunct the Aries Point of Fame) forms the nose of a high-flying Kite pattern opposite natal Sun 27Vir27; the sides of the Kite are formed by idealistic Jupiter (27Cap20 Rx) trine powerful Pluto (26Tau22 Rx.) As you know, the Jupiter-Pluto collaboration may indicate politics, publishing, banking, and those who mount large-scale projects--aka, 'special achievers'.

Here's Mr. Sinclair now:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"

To which I always reply to myself, Yes. It is. Being excessively greedy is how they acrue massive wealth, that and using others to get ahead. Curiously, the social change/unrest pair of Uranus and Pluto were square one another in 1934 as in 2012 (to 2015.) In 1934, Uranus was in Aries as now (Uranus in Aries = Utopians--Ebertin), then spent some time in early Taurus, and 1934 Pluto from his position in late Cancer opposed US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) rather than just creeping up on our n Pluto in Capricorn until eventually Mr. Hades will return to his US natal Pluto position all through the critical year of 2020.

Feb 4, 2012

'Eye of the Phoenix--Secrets of the Dollar Bill' (film)

For years I've planned a SO'W column on America's Great Seal, both sides, with their Egyptian/Freemason symbols. A phoenix rising from the ashes--from a fire of its own making uncomfortably reminds me of the attacks of 9/11 and the US government's misdirected response which has turned our nation into a bird of quite a different feather than that of the majestic eagle we've been led to appreciate as our American symbol.

And yet an eagle's excellent eyesight as it soars high above is perfectly echoed by invasive spy satellites overhead, circa 2012. For your consideration, here's a full length film on just such topics; the views expressed are the film's own and this blogger may or may not agree with them:

Today a direct Pluto @8Cap30 arose at 5:08 am est with Fixed Star Altair (the eagle) 5:05 am est; keywords for Altair: boldness and determination. Some of spying Pluto's keywords: power, control, subversion, transformation, death, rebirth. Death and rebirth like...a phoenix.

The Sabian Symbol for '9 Capricorn' is "An Angel Carrying a Harp" which sounds quite comforting--as long as it isn't a HAARP, a government program begun in 1997 and which may not be what it purports itself to be.


'9 Cap' symbol is from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones.

Updated January 8, 2020 with US pyramid-of-power eye-in-capstone image from the dollar bill.

Nov 1, 2011

FDR assesses "economic royalists" in 1936 (video)

Here is President Franklin Roosevelt's assessment of the "economic royalists" of his day in a speech he delivered to the 1936 DNC, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

On the evening of June 27, 1936--when we hear FDR speaking here--the Sun's position @ 6Can09 conjoined the natal Moon of President Roosevelt and since Cancer is ruled by the Moon which relates to publicity and to The People, we can be quite certain that FDR was thoroughly enjoying himself onstage and feeling (Moon) quite completed on the level of ego satisfaction (Sun.)

The Moon sign also tells about the people's mood and the audience seems happy to reflect (Moon) FDR's personality (Sun) back to him.

Oh! And '6Can' conjoins US natal Jupiter 5Can56...

Sun/Moon = Jupiter: desires for joint enterprise, growth, and possessions; shared success; happy relationships.

Venus is there as well, adding to the excitement and FDR's compassionate presentation. Why, even orator Mercury, ruler of FDR's natal ASC and MC, plays into the tableaux you see caught on video, for The Speechmaker and Announcer is at FDR's natal MC 15Gem10 (Aspirations; Career; Public Status), and all is conjoined with the lovely star Rigel (to teach them; to bring knowledge.)

FDR, a great teacher, with his uplifting rhetoric and his fireside chats.

Now Sun/Moon = Jupiter is dandy as far as it goes yet there is more than 'relationship' and 'marriage' indicated by blending the Sun/Moon combination of conscious (Sun; adult self) with unconscious (Moon; childhood self) energies.

In his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey adds to our Sun/Moon understanding in the areas of Politics and Business:

Thesis: methods of applying the will of the people when taking a country into new or important directions; reading the people's attitude as you make national policy; a country's international reputation.

Antithesis: national will forcefully imposed by leadership; pessimism flows through lawmakers or a population; loss of face in international politics; smears on the national reputation.

When Jupiter makes three, potentials are created for: taking too many directions all at once; a philosophy develops for coping; seeing and using opportunities to personal advantage (politicians!); a better life philosophy develops.

On June 27, 1936, transit Neptune 14Vir17 (acting, pretending, the media, the masses, propaganda, glamour) in 12th house of Politics sat near FDR's natal Ascendant 17Vir22 which has Uranus 17:55 rising in his natal chart (a sense of being able to cope with anything.)

Therefore, a midpoint picture is formed involving the Enlightenment planets, Uranus and Neptune (whose October 1993 Conjunction @ '18Cap' times a modern natal horoscope for the New World Order of our day) and FDR's natal ASC--as always, any, all, or none may apply:

Natal Uranus/tr Neptune = n ASC: your views of others are gained through insight and intuition; an enhanced talent for focusing on people and/or tasks; how conditions affect concentration and the ability to generate ideas; instability.

With tr Neptune crossing natal ASC, FDR was experiencing self-esteem issues (feeling abandoned, helpless, weak--and of course his polio and wheelchair are in the picture--or not in the picture because The Press cooperated in downplaying his paralysis.) Yet Neptune has a theatrical streak as well and FDR had been known to call himself "an actor" and "a juggler."

When Neptune traverses a person's 1st house, others may find him elusive yet attractive, for reasons they know not why. Often people left his enthralling company only to realize he'd bamboozled them out of discussing what they came to discuss.

Instinct is deepened under this transit, and one's spiritual inspiration may become more exalted, reality isn't at the top of the list (some contemporaries thought FDR was quite a liar), and personal goals may be achieved because others find them mysteriously appealing!

Well, that's a brief snapshot of the evening of June 27, 1936, Philadelphia in relation to the horoscope of our 'New Deal' president who spoke out against economic corruption and the high-handed plutocrats and banksters who perpetrated it.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt born January 30, 1882 NS 8:15 pm LMT Hyde Park, NY; ASC 17Vir22 (a critical degree); MC 15Gem10; Sun 11Aq07 conjunct pleasant Venus 6AQ02 in 5th house of Romance and Risk-Taking. This is a Jupiter/Neptune conj, and Pluto/Chiron conj personality--all in Venus-ruled, comfort-loving Taurus. Also conjoining a natal planet that night was tr Uranus conj natal Saturn 6Tau05, a time of challenging rules and regulations, and when new or unorthodox methods are introduced.

(Mdpt pics: Munkasey; Ebertin. Chart details from astrodatabank.)

Jul 20, 2011

Horoscope: Social Security Act w July 18, 2011 transits

Horoscope: SS Act, signed August 14, 1935 with transits for July 18, 2011 8:00 pm edt Washington DC, outer; 1935's Hour: Sun; final dispositor: Sun; Phase: Full Moon 182:31; Mars and Jupiter rising in Scorpio, a big-business, money sign.

Robber Barons ride roughshod again!

Because last evening, July 18, 2011, in a 234--190 vote, the Republican-ruled House of Representatives passed their theatrical, Constitution-busting Cut, Cap, and Balance proposal which would gut our delicate economy to the quick and destroy America's social safety net (such as Social Security which is a self-sustaining insurance program.) It won't pass the Senate but if it does, President Obama will veto it, he says. Given the amount of human suffering its passage would assure, we may only pray that Mr. Obama stands up in a determined manner on behalf of the American people.

(Today the Rs are reported to be voting to ruin the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, yet another kowtow to their globalist, trans-national, corporate masters. The tax on SS benefits which Reagan imposed as president should be repealed--it taxes a tax!!)

Here you see the natal horoscope of the Social Security Insurance Act signed by President Franklin Roosevelt on August 14, 1935, exact hour unknown (using 'noon' at the White House: scroll down this blog's sidebar to view a video of the signing with its driving force, Frances Perkins, among the group surrounding FDR who worked with her in a progressive partnership from which the American people have benefited for 76 years.

Perhaps you remember that community worker Frances Perkins witnessed the horror of people jumping out of the windows of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory building when fire destroyed their lives so horribly, and presaged the 9/11 tragedy as The Twin Towers collapsed with people jumping to their deaths on NYC sidewalks again. Frances Perkins was behind our SS insurance program (along with Eleanor Roosevelt!) in an attempt to counter oppressive plutocrats and deliver much-needed aid to we-the-people.

Yes, I'm currently reading The Woman Behind the New Deal about Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins, among other things.

US plutocrats/oligarchs/corporatists in 1933 had assumed FDR, once in office, would be their easily-manipulated toy and pawn; signings such as the SS Act in 1935 demonstrated differently--and enraged them. As we see, the high and mighty continue their battle against 'the little man' circa 2011 as social safety programs--the 'contract between generations'--is put on the congressional chopping block. The GOP argument that this action is necessary due to the US financial situation is a huge pile of bull feathers laced with manure.

In the horoscope: ASC 10Sco11 with Mars and Jupiter rising shows the WHAT? Point of the chart (ASC) as '11Scorpio' = "A Drowning Man Rescued" which the program was designed to do, and it's interesting to me because of Grover Norquist's 'drown in a bathtub' philosophy now fully embraced (in public!) by a GOP whose Reagan-esque "government is the problem" and "starve the beast" mantras denote their deep determination to gut and dismantle all social safety net programs established by FDR's New Deal (Uranus) and LBJ's Great Society (Jupiter.) This includes Social Security insurance which is independently funded by contributions and thus is not part of our deficit, debt, or default problems.

(Where our SS funds actually are is for another post! If they're not on-hand, we should ask Congress, the US Treasury, and the White House to 'show us the money' and to pay back what they owe to the 'trust' fund thanks to over-expenditures on three wars, and Bush tax breaks for the rich--though some say the money is invested in Treasury bonds and is available.)

Now as you know, the financial battle in Washington concerns party ideology (ex: 'Swords v Torches') and how our financial resources are to be used. Apparently, the Vulcans at the Pentagon have more wars they wish to wage! But personally I agree with Thom Hartmann on such issues: Stop the Wars, Heal Americans. And perhaps if our money-printers, the Federal Reserve Bank, were actually federal and had reserves, things would be improved toward our alleged of-by-for-the-people democracy.

At Midheaven (Mc), the WHY? Point or Goal of the chart (the signing) is '18Leo' = "A Chemist Conducts an Experiment" which seems to refer to FDR whose 'try something and if it doesn't work, try something else' philosophy of dealing with the 1929 US financial crash of his era (click for Black Tuesday horoscope.)

At the signing's Foundation (the Base or End of the Matter, the Ic) is '18AQ' = "A Man Unmasked" which I think refers again to FDR who was in process of disabusing wealthy class plutocrats (FDR's class by birth) of the notion that there were no limits to how shabbily, unfairly, and cruelly US citizens and workers could be treated by the ruling elite of his day.

"A Drowning Man Rescued" indeed! But no longer, if Republicans and Tea Partiers have their cold hearted way in 2011. It seems the monarchists' "Let them eat cake" has become "Let them drown" which shows their equal disdain (aka, hatred and contempt) for the masses.

On Descendant (Whereto?), the Partnership axis, is "11Tau" = "A Woman Sprinkling Flowers" which relates to care and concern, and to Frances Perkins, I assert. It took Ms. Perkins much shepherding of FDR and others with cooperative teamwork between all involved parties to get the SS Act passed and signed!

Well, click the chart to enlarge and read a few basic notes. Here I shall simply focus on two major transits (July 18, 2011) to the SS Act chart, Sun to Pluto (specific to last night's theatrical return-to-1966-spending Cut, Cap, and Balance vote--staged on behalf of the Tea Party, but also to the bi-partisan 'Gang of Six' actions and recommendations issuing from the Senate.)

Here are potentials for the two transits; the first one is a one-day-only affair relating to yesterday and last evening's activities involving powerful Pluto; the 2nd transit is longer-lasting due to a retrograde phase of Jupiter, planet of rich men, gurus, professors, military generals, and the GOP--in Taurus, a money sign with its underbelly of greed, intolerance, and prejudice:

1. 2011 Sun to SS's Pluto 26Can19: use of power emphasized; stronger aggression, self-will, and intensity are shown; becoming more formidable or dictatorial; resentments are provoked; manipulations come into view.

(Note: this is a Pluto-opposing-US-natal-Pluto transit indicating titanic power struggles as plutocrats were 'let down' by FDR's 'standing up' for the suffering poor and by his acts which helped to establish a Middle Class in this country; it relates as well to war between nations as the US was taken into WWII during FDR's presidency.)

2. 2011 Jupiter to SS's Uranus 5Tau31 Rx: issues of physical and intellectual independence surface; unpredictable inspirations; an egalitarian approach to dealing with others; personal networks expand; seeking to enlarge one's participation in events; areas such as finance, investment, fund-raising (tsk tsk: do they ever stop?), technology, travel, astrology (!), and group activities/projects are highlighted and broadened.

As you know, Jupiter will Station Retrograde on August 30, 2011 @ 10Tau21, Station Direct on or about December 25, 2011 @ 00Tau22 (a degree of violence), and will pass beyond his shadow (10Tau21) on or about March 18, 2012. It may be after that date before the ultimate fate of the American people's under-fire social safety net programs is known, or the positive or negative effects from Washington's monkeying with them is fully appreciated and experienced.


For further reading and participation in our democracy before it dwindles away, try Van Jones' Rebuild The Dream.

Jun 6, 2011

Dancing w Thomas Jefferson June 4, 2011 (video)

No Dancing Allowed, Says Saturn!

by Jude Cowell

Since the early days of America's existence, the powers that be have built up founder and Declaration of Independence author Thomas Jefferson to be our Icon of Freedom. Indeed, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial on the lunar Tidal Basin in Washington DC contains an imposing statue of our American Sphinx, a Francophile who must have turned a musical toe or two while enjoying the Parisian society of his day.

Video below: On Saturday, June 4, 2011, another 'dance-off' occurred only 3 days after a Solar Eclipse manifested @ 11Gem02 atop the Jefferson Memorial's dedication ceremony Saturn 9Gem21. The Memorial's dedication was held in 1943 during the transit of America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 (planet of freedom, independence, rebellion, revolution, and disruptive protests) by authoritarian and lawmaker Saturn.

President Franklin Roosevelt presided over the Memorial dedication on April 13, 1943, the 200th anniversary of Mr. Jefferson's birth (April 13, 1743 NS; Shadwell, Virginia; birth time usually listed as 1:53 pm LMT but is conflicted/unverified.)

May and June 2011

With rebellious Awakener Uranus (America's planetary totem) now @ '4Aries', it is interesting to note that the noon horoscope of the dedication ceremony of April 13, 1943 for the Thomas Jefferson Memorial now has transiting Uranus crossing the Midheaven of the chart (The Goal; Aspirations) and bringing disruptive dancing By, Of, and For The People with it while we remember and honor the principles of freedom and independence which Jefferson embedded and ingrained within our national documents!

The 1943 Saturn to US natal Uranus transit sounds suspiciously similar to current events such as being arrested (restrictive Saturn) for dancing in a public memorial space (free-wheeling Uranus.) Ramping up the political stakes, the US is now in the midst of a (30-year cycle) Saturn Return with the third of three conjunctions occurring on August 28, 2011.

Yes, a Saturn-to-Uranus transit occurred under Nixon's watch in the 1970s along with a reciprocal transit: Uranus to US natal Saturn (14Lib48.) Obviously, dynamics of the Saturn-Uranus dichotomy (status quo v progress; old structures fall so the new can be established; stagnation v reform) were heavily highlighted during the Nixonian era. As you know, Nixon removed the US from the gold standard which, among other things, made full payment of the citizenry's debts difficult if not impossible.

Here are brief descriptions of the reciprocal Saturn-Uranus transits of the early 1970s; Saturn and Uranus were precisely opposing one another on Election Day 2008 which marks the Obama administration with their brittle vibrations:

Saturn to n Uranus: circumstances restrict personal freedom and independence and attempts to take new approaches are stymied or delayed; unorthodox methods are nixed by authority; frustration results from a lack of planning; endless red tape creates delays but don't give up since thoughtful and careful organization can still win the day. (Or, Win the Future, as you prefer.)

Uranus to n Saturn: circumstances challenge or bring change to areas governed by tradition, rules, regulations, and laws as re-evaluation and review become necessary. These areas may be considerably altered while retaining the basic structures of society.

Fast forward to 2011, and it's tradition and stability on the chopping block as Pluto now deconstructs Capricornian systems and forms and topples world leaders and economies, and our national Saturn Return highlights the debt ceiling impasse now challenging America's ability to pay her debts if the nation's credit limit is not raised by August 2, 2011, as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner insists it must be...or we'll be in for a world o'hurt which may crash the remnants of a shaky global economy.

Yet total global financial collapse of the old is just what the New World Order ordered so their carefully planned agenda seems to be running on schedule.

Meanwhile, all this makes me want to dance the night away with Thomas Jefferson who warned us against many policies (standing army, foreign wars, a debilitated press, etc) now used and bedeviled by the Utopian Usurpers among us whose best ideas include criminal activities such as the resource plundering and population control allowed by endless war and brash anti-sovereignty invasions.

Further reading: America enters WWII.

Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe serving up Political Astrology articles, horoscopes, and more.

What I'm reading now: American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson.

Apr 8, 2011

11:04 pm Obama on TV: Shutdown Avoided 4.8.11

Did I just hear a Breaking News announcement from President Obama that a government shutdown has just been avoided less than one hour before it would happen? A temporary spending bill has passed, says his nibs, yet with Mercury Rx and Pluto turning Rx at 4:51:03 am - in a few hours - who can know such a hapless and wispy bill's ultimate fate?

No time to put up the chart of his announcement (it's late) but my Solar Fire software is showing 00Sag47 rising at 11:04 pm edt in Washington DC. And my local CBS channel was featuring military families who wouldn't get paid during a shutdown - and then the President's special announcement broke in with the mercurial good news.

Interesting because the Sabian Symbol for '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" which may have awakened Dems and Repubs to how both parties would be perceived by the general public if they proceeded with their shutdown script. How can they ask our valiant soldiers (many families of which live paycheck to paycheck) to keep fighting on behalf of Imperial America if they're not being paid?

As you may have heard in the news earlier today, lack of pay makes it difficult for them to concentrate on their warring efforts if they have to worry about their loved ones - and bills - at home.

But you know already know one of my favorite quotes which is allegedly from FDR:

"In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."

Yet here's someone who disputes that FDR actually said those words. Still, after living in DC twice in my life (many moons ago) and soaking up the cynical atmosphere of our premiere city so full of blackmail, cynical politics, and intrigue, I shall stand by the sense of the utterance if not its purported utterer's attribution.

You may wish to check this blog's sidebar for a quote that is from FDR to Colonel House...two grand poobahs with their noggins together. It's quite a doozy.


Previous post on a similar topic from 2007: Homelessness Rising where I unhappily had to predict soup lines across America.

And how about a blog with insightful Astrology articles: Starstruck Astrology - enjoy!

Jan 23, 2011

SOTU Address 1.25.11, then Saturn's Rx Station

Virgo, sign of Work, Service, and Health, will be rising on Wednesday night, Jan 25, 2011, when President Obama begins the second State of the Union Address of his presidency. We have President Woodrow Wilson to thank for returning us to the auspiciousness of giving the SOTU out loud for a joint session of Congress and the rest of us.

You may wish to read a few astro-details here. (Apparently, Mr. Obama will begin speaking at 9:00 pm, not 8:00 pm. This wasn't clear when I typed the previous post but both times are briefly covered.)

Then, about 4 hours later, on Thursday Jan 26, 2011 at 1:10 am est, staid Saturn, planet of the Democratic Party in US mundane charts, performs a Station Retrograde, a time when the Old Man will seem to stand still, muster all his strength, and concentrate on one degree - in this case, 17Lib14.

This Station Rx is within orb of US Secondary Progressed (Sec) Mars, Rx by progression since 2006 when Bush-Cheney and the Pentagon practically broke our military forces, and a police state began to be set up in earnest in the US. Circumventing rules, regulations, and laws is not advisable during this time and issues of lack or loss (Saturn) for police, military, and/or males in general may be in the news.

Saturn remains Rx until his Direct Station 10Lib27 on June 12, 2011 at 11:52 pm edt in Washington DC, with Sun 5AQ56 (the leader) conjunct US natal South Node (separation.) And Pluto will be Rx by then and at apex of the Saturn/Uranus midpoint again after taking a small break:

Sat/Uran = Pluto: a desire to overcome a difficult through extraordinary efforts; violence, brutality; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure (war.)

As Saturn's Direct Station occurs on June 12, 2011, Moon 2Sco17 will conjoin US Sec Saturn Rx, and there's a Mercury/Saturn square in force, an aspect of inhibited imagination, traditional and conservative thinking, and narrow-mindedness. Moon/Saturn contacts represent health concerns, melancholy, and ambition, of course. Or perhaps, melancholy about ambition or health issues.

Saturn and Uranus are now lining up in opposition as on Nov 2, 2008 across the Vir/Pis axis (presidential election), but this time across the Cardinal Ari/Lib axis which always relates to relationships/partnerships. The last Great Conjunction/s of the brittle past (Sat)/future (Uran) combo of energies occurred 3 times in 1988: Feb 13, June 26, and Oct 18...all in the 28/30-degree range of Sagittarius.

The Saturn/Uranus duo is associated with the Middle East...with Palestine and Israel in particular.

The explosive Uranus/Pluto square lines up as well and points to their Great Conjunction/s of the mid-60s, a decade of social disorder, strikes, and protests.

Saturn, Guardian of the Threshold

After June 12, 2011, Saturn begins to move forward and re-cover his territory in the Zodiac until he passes his Jan 26th Station Rx degree (17Lib27) which plunks this week's Saturn Rx Station squarely within our nations' ongoing Saturn Return. The usual Saturnian issues and concerns are very much on the minds of most Americans now: accountability, responsibility, law, learning lessons - and recovery from losses which has been brought to us, in large part, by Saturnian institutions and the status quo of a greedy business community where corruption is ensconced as king.

One midpoint picture on June 12, 2011 is telling for it is a replay that was in force on January 20, 2009 and indicates that conditions for the people (Moon) are similar or worse now than they were in early January 2009: Saturn/NN = Moon: loneliness; inhibitions; using public assistance to find value in life; standing alone in life; widows and orphans. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Yes, public assistance is okay for mega-corporations, and for congressmembers with gold-plated health care provided them by US tax payers, but for the people perched on or near the lower rungs of society, it's a different story, according to Congress.

Now with Social Security said to be on the Democratic chopping block (and it better not be!), Saturn's Rx Station may help describe the Dems' about-face on one of their core principles: social help for the aged (Saturn.) Will Dems become flip-floppers extraordinaire? Will FDR be inspired to roll over in his grave? It would seem so.

The Sabian Symbol for '18Lib' may inform us:

"A Retired Sea Captain Watches Ships Entering and Leaving the Harbor"...Keynote: The capacity to gain an objective and calm understanding of human experiences in which one was once deeply involved. CALM MIND.

And Saturn's change of direction at '10Lib' on June 12, 2011?

"Having Passed Safely Through Narrow Rapids, a Canoe Reaches Calm Waters"...Keynote: The self-control and poise necessary to reach a steady state of inner stability. RELIEF. (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)

Perhaps someone will 'rescue' Social Security.

That dedicated, humble Virgo rises for the president's SOTU Address 2011 tells us that we'll hear of jobs creation, trade, health insurance if not care, the tattered social contract between the generations, and basic necessities of life including food supplies; meanwhile, prudent Saturn adds steadiness and calm to the picture.

Whether President Obama's address (with its call for both parties to work together on the dire problems faced by the American people) leads to action which successfully improves employment and social conditions in and for our nation will be the next big question for Democrats and Republican alike.

Jan 10, 2011

Moment of Silence: Moon = AP at Ic of US natal chart

Thinking of Tucson as Left Blames Right, Right Blames Left

On C-SPAN just now, neoconner Bill Kristol just asked if Palin isn't responsible for the violence in Tucson on Saturday (better her blamed than him, I guess.) Now he's defending George Bush and the 'attacks' on Bush while he was president for "consciously" lying and getting people killed (in his wars - his, Cheney's, and Kristol's.) As if the whole thing weren't planned all along with ginned up intell and propaganda doing the trick to lie us into war again. One has to assume that war planners have to know that soldiers sent to fight will be maimed and killed.

Kristol is accepting questions now and he's certain to have some interesting views on such topics. He just compared Paul Krugman (who criticized Sarah Palin over Tucson which is what Kristol just did but more mildly) to Joseph McCarthy! The old McCarthyism propaganda!! Pardon me, I need another cup of tea just to listen to this dribble, with several inches of snow and ice outside and still falling which makes a cuppa a double necessity.

Makes me wonder who thought Bill Kristol was an appropriate guest for C-SPAN this morning on the topic of political hate speech leading to violence, no less. Perhaps at Kristol's level of power, he decided to do the show to fend off criticism of his father's neocon movement.

After the 11:00 am Moment of Silence at the White House and Capitol Building a few minutes ago, it seems of interest to me to provide you with a link to a post on the Tax Day Tea Party of April 15, 2009, the "New American Revolution" as bull's-eye-loving Dick Armey, Sarah Palin, and others so raucously term it.

After Saturday's shootings in Tucson, this particular peacenik's prayer is that the revolution hasn't begun violently - the pen really is mightier than the sword. Yet the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto square is approaching, after all in action-loving Cardinal signs (issuing from the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in the mid-1960s @ '17Virgo', a critical/crisis degree, and a violent time in America - of anti-war protests, Civil Rights protests, and political assassinations by higher powers. You know: the higher powers the kid in Tucson took unfortunate action against in our propaganda-spouting government. 40 years on and you'd think we'd learn.)

Moment of Silence January 10, 2011 in Washington DC with Moon in Aries rising in DC (an Aries Moon is the significator of "I AM the people", as Moon in Aries Robespierre was fond of saying to justify his crimes - against the people of France); Moon at AP conjoins America's Ic (endings; the drain; the HOW? Point of any chart) in the Sibly version of the US natal horoscope, the degree of the June 8, 2010 Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus.

Jupiter/Uranus = Moon: prudence; far-sightedness. Plus, the image is of the Moon (we-the-people) at our lowest emotional ebb (Ic) today over violence (Mars rules Aries and guns.)

Yes, it seems an obvious and honorable thing to have a brief ceremony in Washington today in honor of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims yet I have to say it: seeing President Obama and the First Lady standing there in silence, heads lowered, cameras clicking away, looked and felt more like a photo op than anything else. Sorry. My big mouth.

And it remains to be seen how Saturday's tragedy in Tucson will lead to more security tightening in America when, imho, it's gun control laws that concern guns purchased with no background checks and guns with repeating rounds - pardon, but I don't know what they're called) that need improving along with the US government coming clean about its role in shoving the backs of the American people against the wall from where they know we'll eventually explode.

(The gun Loughner used in Tucson was purchased with an "instant background check", not that anything criminal would have shown up on him which points to our pathetic mental health system letting society down, another of my soap boxes of grumpiness.)

The GOP take-over or funding of certain Tea Party groups has shown how this dynamic can be ramped up while pretending to care about better governing. (I don't refer to Tea Party rank and file members - I mean manipulators like Mr. Koch, Mr. Armey, Mr. Beck, Mrs. Palin, and who knows who else.)

Perhaps you remember that Congress went into secret session in March 2008 to discuss their security needs and where they'd all hunker down when the depth of the financial crisis became clear which it did a few months later. (And they're acting similarly this week to discuss their own security concerns! Seems a given to me that "why do they hate us?" will be purposely misinterpreted after Tucson just as it was after 9/11/01 - in order to bolster the creation of a police state in America.)

The secret session was the meeting where all members' phones had to be surrendered at the door, and any details of the meeting's occurrence came to the public through Rep. Ron Paul who did not attend (congressional sessions are supposed to be public, not private. He said he'd attended such a meeting during his earlier days in Congress; the time of the chart you see below is from his remarks.)

Now perhaps you think Congress' rare closed-door session in 2008 can have nothing to do with our current tragedy and the steps our government will be taking in order to protect congressional members, staff, and other officials from public wrath as the US gov continues implementing globalist draconian policies meant to collapse this nation and our lives with it.

But I think it does.

If for no other reason than what Franklin Roosevelt so famously informed us: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

You betcha!

March 13, 2008 Capitol Building 7:30 pm est; Hour Saturn (control; authority); Mc (The Goal) = '12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" (certainly our biggest creditor, China, had a message for Congress); Mystic Rectangle pattern includes: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Pluto, and Saturn; Moon (the public) is out-of-bounds as is Mars; Moon/Pluto = Sun: special far-reaching plans.

Now the Thom Hartmann Show is on TV and Thom reports that Tucson shooter Loughner may have had a link to 'the American Renaissance', a white supremacist, anti-government group. Perhaps he did - or is this planted info to deflect attention from neocon win-at-any-costers like Bill Kristol? Mr. Hartmann wouldn't do that, but right-wing political propagandists would.

So now The Right is putting out a message of "Democratic congresswoman a liberal"? Oops! Seems they may not have thought that one through very well and for better deflection from the consequences of their operatives' violent rhetoric, they may need to "reload".


If you missed it, you may wish to read today's Fresh Air feature on Arizona's lenient gun laws (audio available around 5:00 pm est today.)

Dec 27, 2010

Quotes about a 'New World Order' (FDR, Nixon, Bush, 9/11, etc)

An interesting link has been added in SO'W's sidebar with Quotes of Note concerning the establishment of a New World Order (aka, a new world economic order.) From the linked page I'm lifting the following excerpt and will hook you up near post's end with a link to the complete list of quotes.

The first one you've probably read or heard before. It's the second one that ties together some of my recent discoveries as I finish reading Jonathan Alter's The Defining Moment about FDR. So far I'm finding no mention of any particular NWO stuff by Mr. Alter, and no hint of FDR's notable Masonic membership (initiated October 11, 1911 NYC.) But the UN is present, of course.

Change in America?

Between FDR's March 4, 1933 Inauguration and his 2nd Inauguration on January 20, 1937, the character and leadership (Sun) of the office of the US presidency were morphed from Jupiter/Neptune's Piscean (March 1933's Sun 13Pis41 w Moon 16Gem41 @ 1:08 pm est, the time of Oath-taking as stated in Mr. Alter's book) into Saturn/Uranus' Aquarian (January 1937's Sun 00AQ15 w Moon 11Tau44 @ noon.)

FDR was often thought in his day to be a lightweight in the intellectual department, and his continual nodding while saying, "Yes, yes, yes" gave people the impression he was agreeing with them! He considered himself an 'actor', 'juggler', and 'magician' and had many rhetorical tricks and flourishes as a 'gifted orator' (see quote, paragraph 2!) Yes, FDR was famous for his 'fireside chats' meant to sway the American people to his way of thinking, and oftentimes the campaign worked:

In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal (1958) he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

At the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

Really? Well, that's not too surprising since FDR was born with revolutionary *Uranus Rx rising in mid-Virgo!

Both his natal ASC and Uranus Rx are @ '18Vir' = "Two Girls Playing with a Ouija Board." Mr. Alter quotes some of FDR's contemporaries as trying to put a finger on a certain air about the man and 'feminine' is one of the possibilities. 'Ouija board' seems to refer in part to mysticism and use of the occult such as Freemasonry and other societies might engage in.

Well, to read more such notable quotes on the establishment of a New World Order or one-world-government (since knowledge is power) click here.Some of it may surprise you including who said or penned them and how widespread NWO touting and envisioning was even decades ago...some say all the way back to the founding of America though I retain serious and sentimental doubts that the totalitarianism and fascism of today's Zionists and Trotskyite neocons (and their competitive attempts to gain control of the global government's helm and grandly unite Capitalism with Socialism) were just what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

However, there is that pesky Saturn (government; authoritarianism; Capitalism) and Neptune (secret; invisible; Socialism) pair atop (The Goal) of America's founding horoscope in the Sibly version: Saturn/Neptune as a planetary pair of energies collectively signifies Communism and Socialism.


*Uranus rising = coping ability, and a magician, just as FDR professed!

Nov 20, 2010

Inauguration 2009: Pluto/Chiron = Midheaven

Today as I organized my papers, charts, magazines, and Astrology books, I ran across a copy of Dell Horoscope Magazine from December 2002 with an article on Chiron authored by Canadian astrologer Roderick Benns.

A tidbit within the article caught my Political Astrology eye, for it intimately concerns the Inauguration 2009 horoscope's Midheaven (Mc), the Goal-Aspiration Point of any horoscope.

Here I quote Mr. Benns' analysis of the midpoint picture Pluto/Chiron = Mc, which was in effect on January 20, 2009 noon at the Capitol Building in Washington DC, with noon being the official time that an old administration ends and a new one begins. In this case, we speak, of course, of the presidency of Barack Obama and of the status (10th house) of the United States of America...

"Pluto/Chiron = Mc: status in life challenged or wounded by necessary transformation of perspective."

For comparison, Bush Inauguration 2001 had Pluto/Chiron @ 19Sag02 from the Pluto-Moon-Chiron line-up in 8th house of Transformation, Death, Debt, and Big Business which gave us: Pluto/Chiron = Moon (we-the-people); his 2005 Inauguration had Pluto/Chiron @ 10Cap21 showing the oppression-plutocracy duo's midpoint as it progressed in transit closer to US Inaugural Mc in the 26/27 degree range of Capricorn...a process well-described by Astrology.

January 20, 2009

(Also at Mc in Inauguration 2009's chart - Mars/Jupiter = Mc: opportunity for success; growth by using all forces or energy available. Tyl; Munkasey. Of course, US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is at Mc as well with natal Mercury Rx at Ic; Mercury/Pluto = persuasion; propaganda; deep perception; intelligence activities; communications satellites; political talk which offers disruptive changes.)

Now the world-bank-engineered Financial Collapse 2008 has certainly brought a new perspective to most Americans concerning our nation's place in the world (which is what the 10th house is all about.) But why is America's collapse deemed to be necessary? As part of an agenda now 'marching' the planet toward a New World Order (sometimes referred to as a 'new economic world order'.)

That's why we hear many hints of currency collapse and devaluation in the news these days which have big implications for the US dollar losing its place as the global reserve currency. And 2011 seems to be a pivotal year, if my astrological studies (and those of others) are correct.

So here's a previous post with famous quotes concerning the NWO and a link to one-world-government promoter David Rockfeller's statement about how we're being "marched" toward it; this describes a very long-term process.

But no, a so-called NWO is not a given, folks, at least not in the form they wish: totalitarian control and global serfdom for the people after 'population control' (genocide) has been accomplished on a scale we cannot now imagine. This will leave more natural resources for the survivors, as you may know - the select few the power elite deem worthy.

All of this NWO madness is one of the main reasons I spend many hours blogging in complimentary fashion while hoping that a few readers will pass around the info so that all may have a chance to become aware of the false reality the power elite has created to keep our attention diverted from what they're up to - and their ploy very much includes the entertainment industry and its decades-long lowering of our moral standards.

After all, TV didn't put 'Survivor' (as in, survival of the fittest, an obvious shout-out to Darwin's theory) on the air years ago and call it a 'hit' for nothing.

For as former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt informed us - and a truism followed by this blog's populist slant...

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."


More instructive quotes for America 2010/2011 from FDR who obviously, unlike most of today's politicians, knew the difference between man made laws and the natural laws of the universe:

But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings.

Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.

Confidence...thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live.

Don't forget what I discovered that over ninety percent of all national deficits from 1921 to 1939 were caused by payments for past, present, and future wars.

Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.

Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.

I am neither bitter nor cynical but I do wish there was less immaturity in political thinking.

I believe that in every country the people themselves are more peaceably and liberally inclined than their governments.

It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.

It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

I do not look upon these United States as a finished product. We are still in the making.

Aug 9, 2010

New Moon in Leo tonight; Fed to meet Tuesday 8.10.10

Tonight's New Moon 17Leo25 perfects at 11:08 pm edt, the start of a new cycle of activity for the month. Be sure to check out Mandi Lockley's Lions in the Dark post concerning the Leo New Moon.

And tomorrow, August 10, 2010, the Fed is to meet to talk about how things are going and to plan their next move, if any.

Therefore, the following partial text is from Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1933 Inaugural Address. The bold is my own emphasis in view of Tuesday's Fed meeting:

“Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted. True, they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit, they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. There must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing. Small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, on unselfish performance.”

How history repeats with slight tweaks!

Today, August 9, 2010, is the 4th time that transiting Pluto opposes US natal Venus 3Can06 (Sibly) - yet the DOW closed slightly up today. The next and final opposition will be on October 18, 2010. Then lumbering, transformative Pluto will move on to oppose US natal Jupiter, not a transit I'm looking forward to since pessimism abounds, and aspirations must be tamped down - including political ones.

The 3 hits from manipulative Pluto to US n Jupiter 5Can56 are:

1. January 17, 2011
2. July 8, 2011
3. November 20, 2011

As you see, 2011 is our Pluto-to-Jupiter year.

Of course, other helpful transits and progressions will be occurring simultaneously along with difficult ones. And as for the November 2010 midterm elections, the Pluto oppositions to Venus may indicate opposition to lady candidates, or perhaps they show a relationship (opposition) between lady politicians and puppet master Pluto, the Dragon who guards the wealth.

This could be, since on November 2, 2010, tr Venus is Rx in early Scorpio (co-ruled by Pluto), Pluto is within orb of opposing our nation's natal Venus, yet tr Venus sextiles tr Pluto. A Venus-Pluto sextile may indicate control in relationships with possibly a dominant-submissive vibe. No, sextiles (60 degrees) aren't always 'good' - there's a potential for death to be used as an asset such as past memories that are used to motivate others to help in the present, perhaps to the point of using blackmail.

Another societal difficulty we're currently mired in is well-described by the ongoing transit of deceptive Neptune, planet of inspiration (and fraud) to US natal Moon 27AQ10 (the people) which was first exact on March 13, 2010.

There are two hits remaining, one of them week after next:

Wednesday August 25, 2010, and the last exact hit (thankfully) will occur on January 14, 2011. This is a dispiriting contact bringing us a sense of rootlessness and we may expect foreclosures, homelessness, and possible refugeeism to continue. Water damage is almost a given with oceanic Neptune on our case, and the BP-Gulf Oil Gusher is part of the transit, too. Plus, more cases of fraud may be unveiled which is no surprise given how slack society - and society's 'false leaders' - have become.

A Trickle of Good News?

Yet what do 'they' always say is one of the good things about Astrology? It tells us when transits and their influences will end. And these difficult influences will end, m'peops!

They will end.


Blog Note FYI: posts may be more sporadic than usual for a few days since my phone and internet service provider is in the neighborhood all this week so my service has been 'off-n-on' today. Right now, I have internet but no dial tone!

Another Note: lately I'm studying the 'Jefferson chart' for the US which is why I add 'Sibly' when planetary positions are from the US Sibly chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT); the Jefferson chart is for same date, 6:30 pm LMT. jc

Nov 21, 2009

Astrology of the Nov 21, 2009 Health Reform vote

"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Tonight on Capitol Hill a procedural vote is scheduled for 8:00 pm est on the Health Care Reform Bill of Senator Harry Reid. My previous post cites an afternoon NPR Breaking News alert that Dem Senator Blanche Lincoln will be voting with her party thus giving them the elusive 60 votes needed to avoid a Republican filibuster.

Formal debate on the bill can begin after the Thanksgiving break if Dems get 60 votes, says C-SPAN.

Now I'm of two minds on the whole subject of this bill due to the tiresome 'unintended consequences' that so many congressional bills cause and lacking trust in my overly aggressive government, I believe most of the 'unintended' results are actually intended. But maybe that's just me - or FDR, who said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

So let's take a brief peek at tonight's horoscope set up for: Nov 21, 2009 8:00 pm est, Capitol Building, Washington, DC to see how things may get on during this Saturn Hour of control and authority:

ASC 17Can04 making the 7th house Moon 28Cap56 (conjunct US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx) the chart-ruler. Applying aspects to the Moon are indicators of the proceedings as they move forward this evening.

Sun sextile Moon (0A56); Moon trine Saturn (3A21) with Saturn the planet of the Democratic Party in Mundane Astrology; Sun 29Sco51 conjuncts 2009's Inaugural Moon 29:45 and Sun = leadership in a mundane charts. This times a promise of health care (insurance!) reform which the Obama administration made to the American people. Remember the president said that our economic woes are based on a health care system and its costs being out of control. (Just paraphrasing him there. That Reid's bill will repair the cost situation is a risk.)

Moon also sextiles (60 degr, an aspect of opportunity - and 60 votes needed!) Mc (The Goal Point; Mc 29Pis04 at 8 pm) very closely - 0A08.

Of course, the vote will probably not begin precisely at 8:00 pm; at 8:09 pm, Moon reaches *29Cap00 - a critical or crisis degree as is the Sun's 29Sco); at 10:10 pm, Moon will enter Aquarius, 00AQ00, which conjuncts the US Inaugural Sun (president) degree but also 2009 Inaugural Mercury Rx which described so well President Obama's second Oath-taking due to Chief Justice Roberts' mess-up. Mercury - oaths and votes; Rx = do-overs.

This indicates to me that the president's imperative to pass health insurance legislation has a good chance to be forwarded this evening with the vote at 8:00 pm.

However, if Lincoln and Louisiana's Mary Landrieu change their minds later on, the bill could be in trouble.

Mercury 9Sag19 in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling indicates the ladies' concern over their own future political prospects; Mercury conjs Royal Star Antares ('anti-Aries, or anti-Mars') with contentious Mars 15Leo03 in 2nd house of Money and Values. '15Leo' is the Lion's Point degree and one of the Dark Moons (w'mat2 @ 15Leo29)) conjuncts Mars indicating that something is being hidden about Mars' position or by Mars himself. (Mars = males between the ages of 25 to 35, give or take a year or so.)

Mars opposite Jupiter 19AQ43 in 8th house of Big Money and Transformations) which means the instigator also opposes Mr. Obama's natal ASC. Chiron and Neptune 23AQ47 are posited in 8th house as well showing the inflationary pair of speculators (Jup/Nep) readying for their 3rd and final Great Conjunction of 2009 on Dec 21.

As you know, their conj occurs again on the US natal Moon (Sibly chart) so we have a midpoint picture to consider with 'grand schemes' Jupiter/Neptune as given here previously, and blending Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey's interpretations....

Jup/Nep = n Moon: going with the wind; little sense of reality; losing oneself in plans; becoming involved in speculation, instability, wastefulness; uncertainty about what is real and what is not.

If you, lone reader, have been feeling this way lately, you are not alone!

Well, I meant to cover tonight's T-Squares, one of which has Pluto (1Cap54 in 6th house of Health) as its apex planet in a Cardinal T-Square once the Mc hits 00Ari00, but if I keep typing it will soon be 8:00 pm!

This apex Pluto, planet of secret control, is a loner who refuses to share his power - he doesn't 'play well' with the other planets (actors) and has a chip on his shoulder which makes compromise impossible within his intensely driven goals.

Pluto's only aspects in this chart are: square Saturn (0S22); semi-sq Venus (0S41); sesqui-sq Mars (1A53); and a separating square to the Midheaven. In short, Mr. Pluto isn't happy and yet he is at apex of the Sun/Moon midpoint (29Sag24), so we have...

Sun/Moon = Pluto: increased opportunities for personal and social contributions to be recognizes more universally; important secrets that help achievement. (Munkasey.) Noel Tyl says, "critical time of development."

Also of note: a **Cardinal T-Square indicates concentrated focus being applied toward major here-and-now goals; looking before leaping is necessary for there may be unintended consequences.

It's those unintended consequences I fret about for the American people even if tonight's vote reaches the magic number of 60, and a reform bill eventually becomes reality. White House Reality isn't the same as Common Good Reality!

Finally, in a previous post on the health care/insurance reform subject I stated the possibility that the bill's passage may be timed on, or soon after, the Dec 21 hook-up of grandly spirited (if overblown) Jupiter/Neptune, the speculators.

We'll soon know, won't we?


* Moon to '30Cap' a degree which Dane Rudhyar gives as, "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs." 'Keynote: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power. EXECUTIVE POWER.'

Rudhyar goes on to mention business and politics, 'inner Government' and an 'occult Hierarchy' or 'White Lodge' which for me points directly toward the White House and Freemasonic America. Beware deep Pluto's desire for control of DNA stats for everyone. The plutonian Aryan superiority complex continues - underground.

**Cardinal T-Square/apex Pluto details from Dynamics in Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney.

If you like Political Cat Limericks A Kitten Called Palin is now published at Lim's Limericks as a further attempt on my part to aggravate aggravated Palin minions and operatives. Sure it's a measly attempt, but I'm only the typist there, not the poet. We must blame Mr. A. Cat for that!

Apr 15, 2009

US strangled by a financial oligarchy

Perhaps you caught Terry Gross' interview today with former chief economist of the IMF, Simon Johnson who says that breaking up America's financial oligarchy is the country's only hope of recovery. (Read or listen.)

Yet here's someone who only partially agrees with him.

Professor Johnson (MIT's Sloan School of Management) was at the IMF in 2007 and 2008(seems to me he was in the quick money shuffle, but what do I know?), yet he makes a lot of sense: the US government should nationalize banks so they could wipe out bank shareholders, replace failed managers, clean up the balance sheets, and then sell the banks back to the private sector.

Now I'm definitely no economist and my brain is chocked full of antihistamines at the moment, but isn't this much of what FDR did a few decades ago?

Financial oligarchy: government officials and elite members of the financial sector that run the country like a profit-seeking company.

This gives, he points out, the financial sector veto power over public policy.

And we don't have to read about it, we experience and suffer by it every day.

Sounds like an apt description of America's birth chart with Pluto in Capricorn - in the second house of Money and Earning Ability...meaning that we-the-people have had public policy and the common good overridden by the ruling elite since day one. Johnson speaks of 'balance' yet there is no balance in such an arrangement unless good faith and common decency are part of the picture.

One difference now is that 98% of them care not a wit for the common good which they consider expendable to their world domination plans. In fact, it's an obstacle to fulfilling their long-held vision.

And I notice that Prof. Johnson makes no mention of a new world economic order which, if in the works, must be an agenda he is very well acquainted with.

Well I'd have to say that 'financial oligarchy' is what we're saddled with all right - for several years, years which include Simon Johnson's time at the IMF. And I've not yet found mention of just which private persons or entities would be the lucky ducks to buy back the scrubbed banks.

But perhaps Russia could advise us on that.

Aug 6, 2008

Obama - McCain: two peas in a global pod

Here's what I've been trying to say for years concerning the course America is on: no matter who inhabits the White House come January 20, 2009, it's all of a Trilateral Commission piece.

Let The August Review connect the global elitist dots better than my blog-as-blog-can approach ever could:

Obama and McCain: pawns of the global elite

As stated previously using astrologese, America's natal Neptune 22Vir+ conjunct *Barack Obama's natal Mars (rockstar illusions) will have old man Saturn for a visit whether Obama is ensconced within the Oval Office or not. And McCain's natal planets aren't doing much better these days, so the fix is in for whoever the global elite select to do their bidding.

Do I like being so negative about the campaign and our "hopes" for America? Nope. Actually I'm not sure it should be called a 'campaign' at all unless it's a campaign to see which shill can make the one-word-government medicine go down our gobs with the least amount of gagging and fuss.

Our strength in numbers is the only thing they fear, you know...part of the reason they've engineered us into such dire straits financially with loss of homes, scrounging for supper, and so forth - because you see...

A hungry man is not a free man...I've forgotten who said it but he told the truth at least once in his life, didn't he?

Back on New Years Day 2006, I posted a blurb with a telling excerpt from FDR's Jan 20, 1937 Inauguration speech on the test of our progress which contrasted with what I perceived to be the class warfare stance of George W. Bush.

In 2006, some readers thought I was overstating this issue, but they can't and don't say that now - their tunes have changed key.

Ans when the elite Rockefellers and their ilk put FDR in the White House they were fooled in thinking he was 'one of them.'

Quelle surprise! The New Deal aided America out of the dumps, with its programs only now being handidly and finally dismantled 2008. FDR's presidency was not what they bargained for at all!

Still, as a class, they've done okay for themselves through the years, haven't they? Much of their success through fraud is due to Congress' collusion, of course, and Senator McCain has been in the game for 26 years...he has much more "experience" than Senator Obama (at pocket-lining.)

And the McCain campaign wants us to think that that's 'a positive!'

So why not stay home on election day, you ask, if you feel this grumpy about it all?

Because that's one of the few days of the year politicians actually notice that I - that WE - exist. No matter how long and drawn out the vote tallying may be, I'll be in the booth with bells on, they just won't be ringing a decent tune for America as I'd prefer.

So as Walter Cronkite used to say, m'peops: and that's the way it is.

Not how it should be in "democracy spreading" America but sadly, the way it really is and we, in our apathy, have many elitists to thank for it - along with our uninvolved selves.

Now where's that soup line Washington politicians are stirring up for our din din? Because I think I smell what they're cookin'. Do you?

Apr 3, 2008

US economy: what would FDR do?

Stephanie Salter has an article concerning not just Washington DC's FDR Memorial but some of Roosevelt's policies, economic and otherwise.

What Would FDR DO? contains some of the quotations which are engraved in his Memorial in red granite and apply with lasered foresight to today's financial and other societal woes.

Why, it's almost as if he knew ahead of time...

On Jan 20, 2006 I published this: 1933 calling: Hello? also citing a little FDR in quotes such as this...but not this one:

"The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one party, or one nation. It must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world." Mar 1, 1945

As a lifelong American, one of the Flower Power Generation, this can still evoke in me what it always has--a warm fuzzy feeling about the longed-for unity of all humankind.

Except it's 2008, and I hear his words through a different lens--or perhaps a lens that has been polished into more clarity--FDR's bon mots are code words for the one world government--the New World Order--that we should be fearing, but are kept busy wondering instead where the next house payment is coming from.

(The lens has been polished by the rag of Bush, Clinton, and their like.)

It also is apparent in FDR's words that "one party" can't do it--is a signpost to our "illusory two-party system" which is actually one party in disguise--grinding down our defenses ("con vs lib"; oft-repeated propaganda eventuallly seeps in as truthiness), while rearranging the world to suit their interests both financially and socially, and using revolution and chaos to stir pots, if that's what it takes to perfect the witches' broth.

It Takes a Village, eh Hillary?

Jan 20, 2008

What's for dinner, America? Soup!

Leather-Sole-of-Shoe Soup is a thing of the past, you say? Only because in 2008 it will have to be Plastic Stew!

A post from Oct 2007, Homelessness rising: Bush vs FDR, has a link to an earlier post, FDR: a test of our progress which I recommend.

If you're a returning and homeless war vet or know one, if you're a family who bought into the American Dream of home ownership--loudly promoted by a newly installed George Bush (his come-on to the dubious subprime loan victims who bought into the scheme--the duped dreamers), you may wish to consider a comparison (contrast, actually) between Pres Franklin Roosevelt and our current infestator of the White House's crooked nooks and cranies.

Soup lines across America where the rich get richer by sneaking their greedy fingers upon the scales and the taxpayers foot the bill.

Isn't that the set-up in Iraq and the entire so-called WOT? The rich profit while we pick up the tab. At least Roosevelt and some of his contemporaries had more shame than that.

Is this the population control tactic as exercised during the French Revolution?

Rebel if you must, at the suggestion, but I suggest you hold your final judgment on the issue until all the plastic shoes drop into the cauldron, for you may be getting hungry any day now with the globalists in charge.

Oct 7, 2007

Homelessness Rising: Bush vs FDR

Now I know that Bush and cronies are allergic to social net programs that aid those who aren't as fortunate as 'the elite' but after years of their class warfare, homelessness is on the rise in America. Who didn't see that train coming? It's a no-brainer under George Bush.

Please read a few words from FDR's Inaugural speech of Jan 20, 1937:

FDR: a test of our progress which mocks the ridiculous compassionate conservatism swill the GOP used against the American people--well, at least against the gullible who like holding onto their holdings even if it means the return of soup lines across America!

On today's menu: Cold-Heart Soup which will be served...cold.

May 24, 2007

war drums will go on and on

AP: House approves war-funding bill by a vote of 280-142 so here's this from the SO'W What's Wrong With This Picture (if anything) Department:

From US taxpayers it's:

$93 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan--until Sep 30 (that's 4 short months) vs a 70- cent-per-hour increase for working Americans who are struggling to keep food in their children's tummies and a roof over their heads. God help them if they should get a tummy ache from inferior food which the FDA--also tax-payer funded--lets through so their pals and relatives can make more moola bwo outsourcing ingredients to the cheapest bidder.

Esp since their local Emergency Room (assuming it hasn't been closed down) is overflowing.

FDR tests our progress.

soup lines across America?