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Showing posts with label astro-politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astro-politics. Show all posts

Sep 25, 2009

G-20 Pittsburgh: Sun Lib-Moon Sag 9.25.09

Here are a few details on today's astrological weather by way of the Sun-Moon blends.

Moon is out-of-bounds which tallies with G-8 or G-20 Summits' tendency to cordon off the people so world 'leaders' don't have to see or experience protesters' rage, and for the participants' safety. These summits are where Pluto and Chiron meet with their combined energies signifying class warfare, oppression, corporatism, and the other nasty, often violent, -isms of Pluto/Chiron.

And the Pluto/Chiron midpoint, now @ 26Cap17, is on the Nodal axis on the end called the Head of the Dragon (North Node), along with America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx and out-of-bounds.

At 9 am edt, NYC, Sun 2Lib36 was on the verge of leaving the behind-the-scenes 12th house and entering 11th house of Groups and Associations. I don't know the exact minute that President Obama began speaking this morning, but it may well have been just after 9 am. If so, the ASC 23Lib24 brought Fixed Stars Arcturus (a different approach ) and Spica (potential for brilliance) with it.

At Mc 27Can25 was SN, with Mars 18Can39 in 9th house.

Now here are the 'Images for Integration' for today's Sun Lib-Moon Sag combo which morphs into Sun Lib-Moon Cap at 7:44 pm edt this evening.

Sun Lib-Moon Sag: Bob Geldof spins Band Aid out of the air to help famine-stricken Africa...An educationalist creates a Palace of Discovery to feed and stimulate young minds.

The workaholic Sun Lib-Moon Sag blend can tend to over-stretch and over-estimate its capacities, and may appear proud and aloof from others. Yet it does have a flair for persuasion and publicity, and for seeing the larger vision with new ways of doing things. (Well, it's their 'larger vision' and 'new ways' that always concern me for it's responsible for shoving the world onto the sorry NWO path we're now on, imho. jc.)

This blend is shared natally by Art Buchwald who wrote, "I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn't want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me."

Sun Lib-Moon Cap: At the annual Christmas party, the chairman dresses up as Father Christmas and hands out new gold-engraved stationary for everybody...The Statue of Liberty. This is a blend of blatant self-interest vs cooperative spirit, and has a subtle talent for manipulation and an overly sensitive ego that takes offence very easily.

It is shared natally by Bobby Seale who asserted that, "We must start coming forth with our energies...our intellects, and our abilities to see what is right and what must be done, so the suffering will stop, and the phrase 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' begins to make some human sense."

At this tipping point I'd be quite prepared for the people's suffering to stop the world over. Wonder what the G-20 Summiters will be doing about that?

Sep 23, 2009

UN natal chart + 9.23.09 transits

Here is the natal chart of the United Nations, Oct 24, 1945 4:45 pm est, Washington DC; from historical record as cited in Marjorie Orr's The Astrological History of the World; click chart to enlarge.

With the acitivities at the UN today, I'm publishing the UN's natal (founding) chart - inner marked in green - with the transits for 10 am edt this morning, Sept 23, 2009.

Born during an Hour of Mars with Mars, the chart-ruler, conjunct controlling Saturn in 4th house, we see the military action principle of the UN and the chance for homeland control with the conj in Cancer, 4th house.

Tr Mars 17Can32 shows a new 2-year cycle of activity beginning soon as the UN experiences its Mars Return in early Oct 2009. And today's Mars may well represent President Obama (male between 35 - 45 years old, give or take) especially with 17Can32 in the center of US natal Cancerian planets (3 - 25 Cancer, with 25Can being the position of our n Mercury Rx.)

Today's Mars is also stimulating the UN Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, 1 North, whose keywords are: unexpected events involvig groups place tremendous pressure on relationships; issues loom large; hasty decisions are ill-advised as information is distorted or possibly false; (paraphrasing Braday's Predictve Astrology.)

As noted on the chart, 1N is the same Series as the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse of Nostradamus fame, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' or the 'King of Alarm (or 'Terror')' Eclipse which ushered in the New Millennium with fraud, grief, terror plots, and false flag ops, and its rigid Fixed Grand Cross that included a Mars/Saturn opposition.

My posting time is once again brief, so I'll close by typing for you the green highlighted scribbles I've put on the left of the chart, a midpoint picture from the UN's natal chart that involves Uranus/Neptune, the combo of the New World Order (see video posted below for their 1993 dates of conjunction)...

Uran/Nept = Pluto @ 11Leo43: the Big Picture demands a certain course of actio which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (says Pluto): easily influenced or impressed by others; at the mercy of others. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Today's Sun conjuncts US natal Midheaven 00Lib54 (Pres. Obama to the pentacle); tr Pluto 00Cap42 conjuncts UN's n South Node - Pluto/SN is an indicator of violence and war. Add that to Mars approaching n Mars/Saturn and this may indicate UN activities that include discussions of military actions already occurring, or perhaps military planning sessions as part of their current agenda.

And transiting SN continues stimulating the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse @ critical 29Can27, the 'systems fail; new ideas and methods are needed to deal' eclipse.

NPR at noon is reporting that the Mr. Obama is calling for a new era of cooperation in the world...which may also be known as...a NWO. See this blog's sidebar for an apt quote from Henry Kissinger concerning Mr. Obama's presidency.

Any thoughts?


Very sad to hear of the terrible dust storm in Australia and I do hope my Australian friends are okay. -jc.

Aug 31, 2009

Fueling Fires: out-of-bounds Mars in Cancer Sep 1, 2009

Tomorrow is Sept 1, 2009, and once again America is spending part of our summer alight with raging wildfires, especially in California, which means we're again having trouble with an out-of-bounds Mars, now conjunct US natal Venus @ '4 Cancer' and in process of intimating his activist self between Venus and our nation's natal Jupiter '6 Cancer' - and you know that Cancer is the sign of Home, Domestic Scene, and Family.

Yes, testy, testosterone-driven Mars, god of war, quarrels, and a dedicated fire-starter, is 'in the house' (Cancer.)

US Venus/Jupiter = tr Mars: preoccupation with opportunity; trying to make things happen successfully; stirred up feelings; strong powers of wishing.

(Any~all~none may apply on various levels at different moments.)

Even California's Mt. Wilson Observatory is at risk as the fires' area doubled overnight.

Prayers for safety go to the folks in our western coastal regions from this gnat of a blogger on the eastcoast. CA has enough troubles from underminers already, doesn't it? (And I suspect that a few of them are on the public payroll, but that's a grouse for another post.)

Well, if you notice Politics at all, ya gotta love the Sabian Symbol for Mars' current position @ '4 Cancer' which may also be considered as Venus' position in the US birth chart..."A Cat Arguing with a Mouse"...'JUSTIFICATION...

positive expression: a gift for persuading others to accept the motives of self and to co-operate with its ends;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: interminable quarreling with the nature of things.'


The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

Aug 26, 2009

Sen. Ted Kennedy passes, North Node to his natal Saturn

The sad news about Senator Ted Kennedy's passing late last evening after his year-long battle with brain cancer was expected but sobering. Flags fly at half mast in Washington, DC, and I, the reluctant astrologer, feel compelled to see what transits were in effect to his natal chart. So far I've only found "late last night" rather than an exact time of death.

Blogging time is brief again today (tomorrow will be better), but there is the senator's Saturn in his first house @ 29Cap49, with the transiting NN 29Cap43, pointing and saying that Saturn the Timekeeper has run out the clock. Venus 29Can22 opposes at the tr South Node, and conjunct the current Solar Eclipse degree of 29Can27.

His was the system that failed (7.21.09 Solar Ecl = 'systems fail.')

Sen. Kennedy's natal North Node 26Pis15 in n 2nd house has a planetary visitor as well: Uranus 25Pis30; Sun 2 - 3 Virgo approaches his problematic Moon 6Vir25 and Neptune 6Vir44 conjunction in 8th house.

Last last night (using 11:30 pm edt), Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, at the family compound, Moon 17Sco32 was in the senator's natal 10th house and opposing his n Chiron 18Tau58, and the transiting Mars 00Can16/Pluto 00Cap44 opposition falls across his natal 6/12 axis of Health and Hospitals.

And with natal Sun representing 'vitality' there are several transits to his natal Sun 2Pis32 (2nd house), most of which hare separating: Sun, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. All are oppositions or minor squaring aspects.

Last night's Mercury 00Lib16 is in the senator's n 8th house conjuncts America's natal Midheaven ('Sibly'); Saturn 22Vir12 conjuncts US n Neptune (in Virgo, sign of Work - he was quite a 'workhorse') indicating loss; tr Mercury/Saturn midpoint = natal SN 26Pis15.

The Mars/Pluto opposition upon World Points of Prominence square his natal Nodal axis, so perhaps we have what the senator will be remembered for...

Tr Mars/Pluto = n NN: working with others to change the world.

May you RIP, Senator Kennedy.

Aug 19, 2009

Leo New Moon in Washington DC 8.20.09

New Moon 27Leo32; August 20, 2009, 6:01:31 am edt Washington DC, Hour of Saturn; chart-ruler Sun; New Moon opposes Jupiter Rx, Chiron Rx, and Neptune Rx 21 - 25 AQ (conj Descendant...but mostly the New Moon opposes Neptune.)

Sun/Moon = Neptune: misunderstandings in relationships; discontent; deception.

Midheaven (Mc = The Goal/Aspiration Point) 14Tau41 conjunct US Inaugural ASC (Presidential Oath of Office - on January 20s every 4 years at the Capitol Building.)

New Moon opposes US natal Moon in AQ (Sibly chart); US natal Moon now being transited by Neptune...sense of rootlessness; family relationships either become eroded or spiritually closer; mystery and confusion abound; creative and promotional talents may prosper.

Highlighted in orange, you can't miss the big honkin' YOD (Finger of God pattern, sextile base pointing to apex planet/ this chart it's Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune in AQ) since it kind of overlays the ASC of the New Moon chart here, with Venus/Saturn midpoint at ASC:

YODs signify special tasks, talents from an odd genius, neuroses, turning points, crises that seemingly have no solutions - the cosmos may have to give a hand, and/or adjustments which must be made. A diverging path is indicated, but things can't be rushed. Appropriate to the public discourse, there may be health or medical connotations to a YOD pattern as well.

And on a spiritual level, it's where one picks up the higher thread in order to follow God's will rather than work toward selfish aims at the expense of others...especially when outer (transpersonal) planets are involved in the pattern.

Venus/Saturn = ASC: emotional inhibitions; shyness; seeking solitude; separation.

Jupiter/Neptune = ASC: living in an unreal world; speculation; sharing great hopes with others; appearing to live in a world lighted by personal imagination and an emotionally rationalized agenda.

Perfecting during a Saturn Hour, we see emphasised with this New Moon (a new cycle beginning) that Saturn in 2nd house conjs Fixed Star, Denebola, keywords: to go against society; to swim against the mainstream.

Also in 2nd house of Earning Ability is Mercury, Exalted in Virgo 24:29 which sextiles US natal Mercury 24Can+ Rx, making car sales a continued hot tamale - at least for those who seek out the opportunity (sextile.) 'Cars' and 'sales' are both of Mercury's realm; trade issues are on the president's menu.

Highlighted in green is the T-Square configuration between Mercury/Uranus and Mars 26Gem36 (apex) in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Friends, Hopes, Wishes.

Merc/Uran = Mars: nervous drive finds the mark and usually pays off; courage; determination; the instincts of a fighter hitting home; summing things up quickly and acting accordingly; sudden success; nervousness; assaults; a sudden realization of ideas.

These T-Squared energies may signify the recent arrest of the hacker who stole the most credit and debit card details ever (since his last big online heist - he's already in jail) along with two or more accomplices who are represented by Mars in multiple and duplicitous Gemini (Gem = communications; Merc/Uran = computers; Mars = males, and more specifically, Mars = instigators and agents.)

You'll notice that much hinges upon Saturn at the New Moon because the old timekeeper is the one planet involved in both the YOD and the T-Square.

Well, hopefully you can click to enlarge the chart and read a few more details. I don't especially care for this New Moon chart although it is said to be a powerful one as New Moons go. Creative projects should really rev up over the weekend which gives the Moon time to grow in light. Perhaps I'll draw.

And yes, you're right. The crisis situation between the New Moon and the spiritual~health~speculation trio in AQ (Jup, Chir, Nep) is descriptive of the health care 'debate' going on now, and of our health care systems' decrepitude and frauds.

So with a new cycle beginning in spirit-of-endeavor Leo, perhaps around the time of the Full Moon in two weeks, we'll be in sight of a resolution of some sort. Or at least we'll have more details on the bill.


The pressure from the YOD is so extreme, it breaks up the whole system into smithereens, and the legislative process turns into a bigger mush than it is now, if their Political Theater is to be believed. And I always think that most of their rehearsed bluster is 'on purpose', meant to slow things down, or to not pass bills the powers-that-be don't want passed. (Gotta protect that bottom line.)

(Originally about the health care reform efforts, I said that the proof would be whether Congress acts on behalf of the people and accomplishes something practical, or whether reform languishes in willy-nilly-land. Not my original words, but you know what I mean - show me the outcome of all their fine 'debate' - aka, wing-flapping and squawking to establish or maintain pecking order.)

Plus, as you see notated in 12th house, with the Moon's South Node conjunct July 21's Solar Eclipse 29Can27, we're all getting the full treatment now from the Eclipse's 'systems fail; new methods needed' influence.

After all, how many times have you heard or read the word 'system' in the news in recent months?

Midpt pics: Tyl; Ebertin; any-all-or-none may apply.

Aug 10, 2009

Horoscope of US Mars Return: Aug 12, 2009

US Mars Return: August 12, 2009, 3:15:40 am edt, Philadelphia, PA; Hour of Jupiter; Disseminating phase (the 'getting out the info' stage.)

Details are published at Jude's Threshold, if you're interested in the whys and wherefores.

Jul 16, 2009

USA's 'Franklin' natal chart: Uranus in Gemini rising

There is much to say on behalf of the 'Franklin' natal chart for America with 9 Gemini 17 rising along with Uranus, planet of disruption, rebellion, individualism, and independence. The archetype for Uranus is one of freedom issues and in Astrology having Uranus rising indicates an ability to cope and deal with whatever comes up.

Plato's 'ideal form' - searching for the ideal - is part of our view of ourselves and with this chart, there it is in black and white: Uranus rising in Gemini, sign of Youth, Communications, and messenger of The Good News.

The Uranian Ideal is part of America's best nation ever! myth - or truism, if you're a believer, and of de Tocqueville's 'individualism' archetype for our nation which he described for Europe's edification after his 1831/32 tour.

Yet for best expression, Uranus always needs a handy and willing Saturn (form; realism), and fortunate America was born at a time of a Saturn/Uranus trine...Uranian ideals put into the form of America's freedom documents and expressed through authority (Saturn.) We're an inventive country of patents, too!

Click to Enlarge

The Franklin chart indicates a nation born during an Hour of Venus; out-of-bounds are: Venus, Mars, and Pluto in 9th house of Overseas - Pluto in 9th house is perhaps a picture of America's overseas puppet-masters who continue their throttling and plundering of our nation, and hidden not as well lately by a wimpy Congress who gave up its governmental oversight function years ago.

(All versions of the US natal chart have the same OOBs planets. With this post I attempt to address primarily some of the planetary factors which differ in the 2:21 am chart.)

Legend has it that astrologer and almanac-printer Benjamin Franklin (who would have been unaware of Pluto's and Neptune's existences) insisted that the signing of the Declaration of Independence take place at this early hour of July 4, 1776 (Philadelphia, PA) yet Franklin could not have yet known of Uranus, discovered in 1781. If so, it would seem that the Universe knew more about such things than mortal man, and I have no qualms with that idea. Synchronicity!

And if Ben did check the celestial picture for this earthly event (he would certainly have been aware of Astrology's As Above, So Below precept) he was engaging in Electional Astrology, of which he and his fellow Freemasons were fully in favor of using for such an important undertaking. They would have known that the resultant horoscope would inscribe a 'stamp' or imprint of a certain character upon the nation forevermore.

So here I investigate the Gemini Rising (or as I think of it, the Franklin chart) of America with Moon at Midheaven - public status (Mc) as ruled by/of/for the people (Moon) which is at least what America purports to be in the world at this most visible point in any chart - the Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point.

Moon conjunct MC favors entertainers, politicians and other thespians. Yes, you may see 'Hollywood' there if you look closely! Hollywood has long been involved in the US government's propaganda activities which promote the 'rule of the people' myth.

The midpoint of Moon/Pluto (propaganda; public relations campaigns triggering our deepest emotions and reigning needs) conjuncts US natal South Node (SN), an unconscious point in any chart which relates to the past, and to neuroses...and which has now been stimulated into action by the Solar Eclipse of Jan 26, 2009, the 'New President' Eclipse or Ring of Fire Eclipse, if you prefer.

And thus presidential candidate Barack Obama represented himself as a vehicle of 'change', 'hope', and improvement with the Jan 26 Eclipse (11 North Series) having a lofty flavor of 'changing groups with which you mix through ideas or travel' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Well, so far the president has certainly improved his own position in life, hasn't he? Ours? In process, they say.

So in the 2:21 am chart, some of America's natal planets change degrees (besides the Moon) and are one degree earlier in the zodiac (2:21 am vs 5:10 pm of the Sibly version): Sun 12Can44, Venus 2Can21, and Mars 20Gem57 in 1st house of Self, and thus rising. Mars in 1st house is a perfect descriptor for our constant 'find or make an enemy if there isn't one' mindset. And of course, Mars squares Neptune in 5th house, indicating confused motivations, deluded - or inspired - men, and/or activism in the ideological sphere.

Naturally using '2:21 am' puts planets in different houses (departments of life) than the Sibly or other versions show, along with new ASC/DESC amd MC/IC axes.

And the Franklin chart gives a Finger of God (aka a YOD) pattern which the other charts don't show - Moon/Chiron = Neptune, in 5th house of Creative Pursuits, Romance, Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Children.

Moon/Chiron contacts are the 'perceptual shield is open' pairing, and a sextile between them indicates an understanding of how emotions (Moon) help or hinder spiritual progress. There is innate healing ability once maturity is reached, but one must understand that healing is possible before it can occur.

Moon sextile Chiron creates deep compassion for the needs of others, and for years we've been told that Americans perform more charitable giving than any other nation. The current financial collapse of Bush-Cheney's 2008, designed and manufactured as I personally believe it to be, has interfered with this charitable giving function, but there's hope that more and more Americans will return to our natural way of being. And it's now needed more than ever - for ourselves and our brethren.

If politically they call this, protectionism, it's from their own selfish motives, certainly not on behalf of our common good. The law of karma - the Bible's 'reap what you sow' principle - might say to us, 'share, don't hoard when others are in need'!

Plus, Moon at Midheaven instantly lifts up the image of Moon-based things such as homeland, security at home, and apple pie...mama! No other version of America's natal chart does this, unless I am much mistaken. (Let me know if you know of one.)

Now the apex planet in the YOD configuration is Neptune 22Vir25 in 5th house, showing us the place we should 'pick up the thread' of what must be done to serve Universal Principles, and idealistic Neptune loves such concepts.

Yet Neptune in Virgo is in its detriment which indicates a generation whose imaginative faculties are thwarted by adverse material circumstances. Are you feelin' it now?

This placement heralded the Great Depression of the 1930s yet simultaneously harkens forward to our current circumstances which, to my way of thinking, originally ramped up years ago through out-sourcing of US jobs to foreign markets - and CEOs and world bankers decided this course of action. Did they think it would never lead to the current dwindled opportunities for the ordinary guy and gal in the US? I think they understood very well the undermining course for America upon which they embarked.

And remember that the proof will be in the results of their actions - forget the Astrology of it, if you like. (Astrology is only a language and a tool for understanding ourselves and the events in the real world - and elite manipulators *use Astrology, too, especially for timing their actions.)

So...US natal Neptune is in the sign of Work = unstable working conditions - which have made possible our much-touted job-switching abilities and 'upwardly mobile' status now impaired by a the globalists' bottom line and larger agenda for world control (Pluto in Cap's rule from afar: US n Pluto in 9th house.)

Inspired and/or charitable work is also indicated by Neptune in Virgo, and practical Virgo is one of the archetypes of nurturing along with Ceres, an asteroid that is placed in 10th house (see: Pluto/Chiron 8Pis51 in 10th house) so along with 'nurturing' comes one of plutocracy's favorite duo, Pluto and Chiron by midpoint, where their powers synergize into something more forceful than they can affect separately.

On another level: plutocrats own grains and other commodities - they control our food sources, and monkey with our security (Ceres) from their lairs far away.

Investigating the YOD further

In his masterful book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney gives info on apex Neptune in a YOD pattern as those who remain in their emotional ivory towers when it comes to compassion (just send along a check?) and view the harshness of the real world form a comforting distance. Sounds like America's former 'we're insulated by wide oceans' delusion which the attacks of 9/11 destroyed. Neptune's tendency toward irrational fears have thus been exploited - by our own government.

Apex Neptune in a YOD must undergo constant adjustments emotionally and psychologically in order to adapt to the environment - in this case, Virgo = the work environment, and hard-to-diagnose health conditions (they've certainly confused us there with chemical additives and metals that interrupt endocrine systems; greater structure and definition is need in the realm of the sextiled planets - Moon in AQ, Chiron in Aries, sign of pioneering and body-part ruler of the head.

The above comments on the Moon/Chiron apply as well.

Apex Neptune's inner adjustments may start out hidden and subtle, not becoming apparent for years, and when they do, the YOD-like fork in the road intuition becomes very strong in the public character and these issues must be dealt with (see this blog's sidebar message!)

Yet as always with a YOD ('special task; crisis; major adjustment') the best course is often to allow things to play out naturally without stressing about the issues. But I think the current social tinkerers and chaos-creators make this particularly difficult because interfering with the natural course of history is their delight and their modus operandi.

Naomi Klein defines it as 'Shock Doctrine capitalism' of wars, famines, genocides, natural disasters ill-prepared for, plus, market bubbles (Neptune) that suddenly burst and make a mint for certain players (I'm thinking of You, Goldman-Sachs) - those who have set up win-win situations for themselves at the people's expense, and devil take the hindmost (where the people huddle together as the Neptunian masses.

What should be the good part of this apex Neptune is that once the fork is reached, a correct application of the energy is to then flow with the new direction that is indicated by the 'fork in the road'...universal unity of life, devotion to an emotional ideal, to unearthly beauty, and to ultimate love are guiding forces. Yet 'the blind leading the blind' may seem more the acting archetype at this juncture, as one-world-government plans play upon and manipulate us through the concept of univeral unity!

That there is much spiritual flavor this YOD pattern I have no doubt, for America is known for her deep emotional responses to religion (quite embarrassing at times to those of other cultures.) Yes, we-the-people need healing on the deepest of levels and that is the spiritual level, but not with flowery emotions and fake gurus.

Well, with transiting Pluto again at 1Cap+, which you see by clicking the image to enlarge the chart with its many chicken-scratch notations (transits are written outside the chart and highlighted in pink for 12:04 pm edt today) - so the dragon of wealth, prestige, and power is re-entering the 8th house of the Franklin chart.

This perhaps times 2009's financial sleights-of-hand more perfectly than other US charts, but perhaps you disagree. (There are things to be said for each version, as you know!) 'Financial sleights-of-hand' are part of 2009 as the year of the Great Conjunction of the speculation pair, Jupiter and Neptune.

So I'll close for now with another difference in this particular chart which affects the Mc/Ic axis - click to enlarge and you'll see the midpoint of Jupiter/Neptune at Ic, the Foundation of any chart and also The Drain...which 'boomerangs' its energy toward the 10th cusp (Mc) and tells us something about the Founding and the Founders of America, and we-the-people, and which I believe resounds to our current circumstances through the universe's 'the end is in the beginning' principle so well-described by Astrology...

Jupiter/Neptune = Mc: visionaries; speculators; fortune-hunters; philanthropists; spendthrifts and squanderers; a potential for all kinds of indulgence.

The shadowy 'they' made their profits off our labors for years, now they're draining America dry.

Can you feel it?


*As J.P. Morgan, Sr once informed us, "Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaries do."

"There is much to say" about the Franklin chart, as I said, and I can't get to it all in one post. My plan is to refer to this chart again in future, if you'd like to keep it handy or calculate one of your own. That would be excellent. jc

Jun 30, 2009

Will financial collapse be probed? I knew it was You, Reagan

The Washington Independent is asking Who Will investigate the Causes of the Financial Crisis? and apparently Congress is mulling over setting up a congressional committee to investigate after all.

But the list of possible names for the panel has a few huge clunkers on the Republican side in particular, most notably former senator from Utah Jake Garn, the same financial deregulator who sponsored the Garn-St. Germain Act signed by Reagan in 1982.

This would be the act that allowed Savings & Loan Associations to run amok with speculations that led directly to the S&L collapse (from which a certain member of the Bush dynasty had to be rescued by Poppy and the American people.)

The S&L crisis was then used as justification to author the easily passed Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act which Paul Krugman cites (op-ed linked below) as putting responsibility for the current financial collapse squarely on the shoulders of President Ronald Reagan (where so much of it belongs, I agree.)

Who can forget former VP Cheney's defense of the Bush administration's and the GOP's drunken-sailor spending by saying that "Reagan proved deficits don't matter"? You'd have to go a long way to find a larger crock than that. Actually just go to Cheney's VP desk and the early Iraq war plans ("what we need is a new Pearl Harbor"), and Cheney's monkeying around with the US air defense system on the morning of 9/11/01...well, okay, you'd have a hard time choosing from the scam and crime lists of certain political cusses on 'both sides of the aisle,' as they love to say.

Yes, Paul Krugman's recent op-ed tells of Ronald Reagan's signing the Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982 which opened the door to the deregulation of the mortgage industry and cordially invited in the frauds of today.

Here is the horoscope with a few details on the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 in case you haven't seen it (Sun/Moon conjunct George W. Bush's natal Ascendant!) The post was written before I found info on the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act and before I realized the significance of its passage which leads directly to today's heist. (Thanks, Alex!)

And check out the text of President Reagan's jolly remarks at the Garn-St. Germain Act's signing ceremony in the White House Rose Garden on Oct 15, 1982 - 11:03 am, as you'll see here.

"All in all, I think we hit the jackpot," beamed Reagan, as noted by Paul Krugman in his op-ed linked above.

And I'm certain Reagan felt that way since the signing of the act occurred so near Mr. Reagan's Jupiter Return of Oct 11, 1982! The signing ceremony was held 4 days later on Oct 15, 1982 with Reagan's remarks (as noted in the text linked above) delivered at 11:03 am edt, White House, DC.

You have to love it when the actual time appears on a speech's text!

Now this was during a Saturn Hour, with an unaspected Jupiter conjunct 12th cusp (a karmic spot in a chart if there ever was one - we're paying heavy debts now and into the future thanks to these past sorry actions of Reagan & pals; plus, Reagan was born with Jupiter conjunct South Node, an unconscious point in any chart, see *Jup conj SN details below) moneybags Jupiter (the Guru) had returned in 1982 to the zodiacal position held at Reagan's Feb 6, 1911 birth!

Sometimes Astrology can be so amazing especially when Big Events are occurring and the archetypes are acting right under our studious noses.

And, of course, you know that in Mundane Astrology (Political Astrology; Astro-Politics), Jupiter represents the Republican Party, Saturn the Democrats - which actually makes the Dems more traditional and conservative, with the Rs as the radicals with big money burning holes in their pockets if it's taxpayer money, but lining deep pockets when its theirs to pilfer. And with the Democratic Party being the older of the two, Saturn fits them on that level, too.

So what does it mean that the signing-ceremony chart's Jupiter is unaspected?

(Chart is viewable at the end of this post.)

That Mr. Jupiter is acting as a law unto himself (and Reagan was acting on an unconscious level through his SN - unless Astrology had informed him - unconscious preoccupations are the hardest to transcend, as you know.)

So Jupiter isn't playing with the other actors (planets) in the scheme, a condition which emphasizes Jupiter's meaning by sign and house placement, and in this case, by the fact that this is Reagan's Jupiter in Scorpio, sign of Big Business and Wheeler-Dealing. Scorpio's natural house is the 8th of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Shared Resources, Transformation, the Occult, etc.

Jupiter in Scorpio indicates ruthless (Sco) striving for possessions and wealth (Jup), possible recklessness as bounds are over-stepped (Jup), and a tendency to delve into secret matters including the occult. Reagan's secret dealings with Iran come to mind as he orchestrated the delay of US hostages' release in Tehran and thus undermined the presidency of Jimmy Carter. Scorpio is also linked to betrayals, spying, and the Eagle of the US as it soars and surveys the world (from space, as it turns out. Naughty naughty Google Earth, too.)

Concerning the Reagans' known use of Astrology, perhaps the whole process of the finance-based bill's mark up, passage, and signing were timed with RR's Jupiter Return since this is usually an auspicious time of reward. By Reagan's "jackpot" comment mentioned above, he obviously was aware of what he was doing on a financial level, imo, and welcomed its promised abundance with which Politics had supplied him before (Jup conj SN.)

A Scorpionic Jupiter expands the will and one's sense of pride, while giving much subtlety to the personality. You've probably read through the years comments from those who knew him that they never really felt they "knew" him well - that even Mrs. Reagan couldn't enter all his self-absorbed ponderings. This self-absorption is part of Jupiter in Scorpio, often a moody and brooding sign.

At the North end of Reagan's natal Nodal Axis of Destiny is natal Moon 13Tau43, indicating that he was a hit with the American people for the most part (Moon conjunct US Inaugural Ascendant 13Tau+); or at least his reflection on the public image screen was pleasingly dazzling (including his film career.)

What we couldn't see as well was his ideologue Jupiter sitting on the tail of the dragon (SN) while making these important, far-reaching transformations to our financial system (Sco.)

Perhaps that's why the current financial collapse, a natural outcome of Reagan's signing of the Garn-St. Germain Act 1982, feels as if we're attempting to hang on to the tail of a dragon. The fire is burning the people - Moon - at the Northern end (NN = future direction), but the past (SN) has caught up and is knocking us over with the disastrous swish of a Jupiterian politician's tail!


*Jupiter conjunct SN: social and ethical objectives clash with prevailing social customs creating conflicts of interest; delays and difficulties are experienced in relation to, or encountered in, foreign lands (delaying the resolution of the US hostage crisis and its October Surprise, plus, Iran-Contra and arms planes being shot down with a survivor who pointed directly at the White House - a big oops for The Gipper!) (Jup/SN: The Astrologer's Handbook, Sakoian and Acker.)

More financial and political stars upcoming:

Soon to be of note financially, politically, in business, and law enforcement matters (Capricorn) is the July 7 Lunar Eclipse which will affect US natal Sun 13Can19 (the leader) so keep an eye on our president since Lunar Eclipses tend to reveal hidden things that must now be dealt with - and I rather doubt this indicates only a butt smoked behind a bush in the Rose Garden.

Also: if you click to enlarge the Garn-St. Germain chart just below, you'll see that in the 8th house is the Solar Eclipse which manifested before the act's signing, from its Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, the 2 New North. If you read Brady's Predictive Astrology, you find that this Series' flavor is that of the #16 card in the Tarot deck known as 'The Tower' - when we experience a sudden collapse of lifestyles, confusion reigns; transformation and rebuilding after the dust settles; this reshaping has far-reaching effects and will change peoples' directions in life through the sudden collapse of existing structures.

Well, that certainly describes what's been going on currently especially if you consider the Garn-St. Germain Act to be the grand-pappy of 2008/09's econo-collapse.

And worrisomely, the difficult Solar Eclipse of July 21/22, 2009 is related by its occurrence at '29Can' which may trigger the sensitized degree of the July 20, 1982 Eclipse at '28Can' (2 New North) - both opposing US natal Pluto (27Cap) and progressed Pluto (29Cap.)

The July 2009 Solar Eclipse indicates systems failures and old methods/ideas suddenly need to be replaced by new ones; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed. So the 1982 and 2009 Eclipses are linked by degree, not Series.

Well, I really wish, lone reader, that I could be more positive about this stuff, but the Lunar and Solar Eclipses of August 2008 brought bad financial news and events that I didn't want to discuss either, yet I would've been remiss not to do it anyway, mostly at Jude's Threshold (see sidebar of Pages.)

So there's little else to say now except, hang on tight - this too shall pass! jc

Oct 15, 1982, 11:03 am edt, White House; highlighted in red is a YOD pattern of 'adjustment, crisis, and/or a special task' pointing to Chiron Rx in Tauru$, sign of the architect and builder, and in 6th house of Work, Health, and Service.

Enlarge chart to see the planets in sextile that are pointing to Chiron; Reagan's natal placements are highlighted in blue around the chart; some US natal placements are noted as well; signing of the bill occurred with the Sun conjunct Reagan's natal Midheaven (Mc) 21Lib16; US natal Neptune in Virgo is at Midheaven at 11:03 am edt - deception, including self-deception.

The Mc/Ic axis of this chart is where the current stand-off (opposition) between Saturn and Uranus has fought for control and the old ways (Saturn) vs radical progress (Uranus) and is affecting career/public standing (Mc) and home/security/real estate matters (Ic) by way of the Garn-St. Germain Act.

In lower right corner is written the midpoint picture formed between the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto (Nov 2, 1981), triggered at the act's signing Oct 15, 1982 by transiting Saturn 24Lib46 which gives...

Jupiter/Pluto = Saturn: adjusting the big picture to meet more with convention; difficulties; separations.

The Jupiter/Pluto cycle we're embroiled in now (Jup/Plu = plutocrats; people who tackle big projects; exploitation of the masses; wastefulness; squanderers and speculators; law and economics professors, etc - Ebertin) began in December 2007 when America's economic weaknesses began to show in the housing sector as the recession started, and the Fed announced an interest rate cut only a few minutes before Jupiter and Pluto met and conferred over drinks to discuss their very ambitious political and financial aims.

Jun 8, 2009

McChrystal to 'shield Afghans from violence'

Whaa-a-a? Have these guys been re-reading 1984, or what?

Petraeus' doublespeakin' man in Afghanistan is about to shield Afghans from violence which is how the US will tell when we've 'won' the war.

"It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." Henry Kissinger

All this reminds me of the natal chart of Henry Kissinger, born May 27, 1923, 5:30 am (-1:00), Furth, Germany (rated AA), whose Airy Sun Gem-Moon Libra - communicator of 'peace' - aided him with this little nugget of overarching wisdom mined from his war experiences...

"Henceforth the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

No matter how many bombs it takes.

Apr 5, 2009

US invasions 1898 - 1934 and the Free World

"Between 1898 and 1934, the Marines invaded Cuba 4 times, Nicaragua 5 times,Honduras 7 times, the Dominican Republic 4 times, Haiti twice, Guatemalaonce, Panama twice, Mexico 3 times and Columbia 4 times," Washington has intervened militarily in foreign countries more than 200 times."

"If the people are not convinced (that the Free World is in mortal danger) it would be impossible for Congress to vote the vast sums now being spent to avert danger. With the support of public opinion, as marshalled by the press, we are off to a good start. It is our Job - yours and mine -- to
keep our people convinced that the only way to keep disaster away from our shores is to build up America's might."

- Charles Wilson, Chairman of the Board of General Electric and Truman appointee to head the Office of Defence Mobilization, in a speech to the Newspaper Publishers Association, 1950 #


And if you'd like to view the horoscope with a few details of America's first ever overthrow of Hawaii - if you'd like to snag a peek, please click.

Or you may wish to try our nascent overthrow's birth chart here which has an image of the chart with some details - including info on the current Neptune-Pluto septile (51 degr 26 mins), as aspect said to be karmic in nature.

1890 Hawaii's innocence! How blatantly imperialist could the US government have been? Admittedly, we were young in the occupation business, but we're older than that now. You'd think we should know better, but apparently we don't.

And fearless "leaders" don't care - they're busy stirring things up!

Ah yes, the 1890s: the Gilded Age, the Generation of Materialism = the Robber Barons' collusions marked by the Great Conjunctions of Neptune-Pluto 7 - 9 Gemini, where asteroid Midas, of gold-hoarding fame, now transits.

Well, I agree that sugar can be dangerous, but really now.

The Roman Empire bludgeoned. Must we continue the model, Pres. Obama?

Apr 4, 2009

Full Moon April 9, 2009: Sun Ari-Moon Libra

For the culmination stage of March 26's New Moon 6Ari08, we have a Libra Full Moon on April 9, 2009 which I have detailed for you with the chart set for Washington, usual astrological and political shenanigans.

This Full Moon gives us a Fire-Air Sun Ari-Moon Libra blend to consider as relationships of all kinds are highlighted now.

Full Moons are oppositions (which always tell of relationships or partnerships) and Aries-Libra is the natural sign polarity of relationships. Rulers Mars and Venus are passionate about getting together - or arguing about why they can't!

Sun Ari-Moon Libra indicates issues of who has the power - me or others? This is a vivacious, charming, outwardly confident pairing, but it vacillates between independence and dependence.

An inner 'heroic picture' may be nursed, yet others may not 'see' the heroism. Head and heart clash over and over again, and the resulting frustrations can destroy self-confidence.

Idealism and hopefulness abound with Sun Ari-Moon Libra in its 'live-wire' Fire-Air combo which is shared natally by William Hazlit, who brilliantly observed:

"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."

Image for Integration: 'A conductor leads an orchestra with passionate conviction and a vibrant, pulsating organism of musical perfection is created to the ecstatic uplifting of the audience.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Now - if you click and read the above-linked post concerning April 9's Full Moon, note that Venus Rx 00Ari34 (conj World Point 00Ari00) is now hanging out with asteroid Terpsichore, the orchestrator in April 2009's Full Moon drama in Washington.

Yet on another level, art-loving Venus and music-scorer Terpsichore are possibly about to unleash new, enticing music upon the planet!

And we could all do with some new tunes, couldn't we?

Feb 11, 2009

Horoscope of Lincoln's Inaugurations 1861 + 1865

Horoscope of the Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln on March 4, 1861, "shortly after 1 pm" Oath of Office administered by Chief Justice Taney; Capitol Building, Washington, DC; highlighted in green.

by Jude Cowell

Please enlarge chart for Outer Notations:

1865 Inauguration in pink set for symbolic noon (because I've found no reference to its exact hour); US natal (Sibly) in blue; Lincoln's natal positions in yellow.

Chart-ruler Moon applying to a square (blockages) with nebulous, delusional, confusing Neptune, planet of the masses; plus, Moon in a national chart = the people; the public. This indicates that some idealizing of Lincoln was going on with resulting confusion, disappointment, and disillusionment for some.

Aries Point 00Aries15 is at MC which puts America's natal IC (Endings) in a topsy-turvy relationship to this Inauguration's MC/IC axis with USA's natal MC at 1861's IC (IC is connected with death as one type of Ending.)

11th house of Groups and Associations has a zealous, violent duo - Mars conjunct Pluto in intolerant, stubborn Taurus. I mention the Mars-Pluto conjunction in this manner because multi-term presidencies may be represented by the first Inaugural chart as a whole as well as the subsequent charts so I believe this violent combo relates to the war and, obviously, to his assassination.

Yes, we know what the nation's passions led to soon after Abe's 1861 Inauguration - the Civil War (Apr 12, 1861; 4:30 am LMT, Charleston, SC - with the Mercury-Neptune conjunction rising but with Mercury 24Pis56 and Neptune 29Pis57 = ASC: potential overreaction to others; being exploited.)

As you know, Pres. Lincoln was assassinated on the evening of April 14, 1865 at Ford's Theater in DC where all the festivities are happening as I type this evening. Pres. and Mrs. Obama are scheduled to attend, last I heard, and BHO may make remarks after the program.

But back to the 1861 chart:

South Node of the Moon rising gives an isolation/loneliness feel to the chart along with a 'standing alone in one's field' flavor to this presidency.

Mercury-Neptune = MC: to go the wrong way; lies; far-reaching plans; sympathy.

The radical political pair of Uranus-NN is also at MC:

Uranus-NN = MC: joint goals; professional recognition.

You see rebellious Uranus 8Gem08, which is near America's natal Uranus 8:55 (lower left has the dates of USA's triple Uranus Return - note #3 is April 1, 1861); 1861's Uranus has just crossed Lincoln's natal IC indicating a major change of residence (White House) along with domestic and family disruptions and separations which affect Career (MC) as well.

North Node is conjunct the most recent Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Series (and 20Cap is a critical or crisis degree); 7N's flavor is one of 'deep, long-hidden passions suddenly surfacing' (Brady) such as in the Civil War when brother fought brother, and in Lincoln's and his enablers' drive toward the presidency.

One more thing important to note here which you see marked in pink : 1865's Inauguration had the unknown-at-the-time Chiron, the Wounded Healer, conjunct Sun @14Pis11 within 23 minutes...just over a month before his death. To me this suggests Lincoln (Sun) having a destined mission to fulfill (Sun-Chiron), but also the wounding (Chiron) of a president (Sun).

This circumstance is echoed in Lincoln's natal chart for the star connected to healing and rebalancing - Ras Alhague - rose on his day of birth as Mercury was at IC - his words and oration (Mercury) are healing (Ras Alhague) even after his death (IC). And we should add that Ras Alhague also has a link to prophecy.

This post has been updated for clarity: June 18, 2020 by jc

For more information on this and related topics see NPR.

My favorite Lincoln quote during the Civil War has to be, "If this is coffee, bring me tea. If this is tea, bring me coffee."

Obama "fearless" on economy? + EU's natal planets

Here's an interesting view from abroad on Pres. Obama's economic stimulus bill, his chances for success, and some details on how the EU is handling similar financial issues.

The European Union was hatched at midnight CET of Jan 1, 1958, Brussels, Belgium. Here are the entity's astrological particulars, beginning with Rising sign/degree, and including this afternoon's transits (tr) in italics.

You'll notice much action by way of several transits in 5th house of Gambling, Risk-Taking, and Creative Ventures:

ASC 29Vir36;

2nd cusp 23Lib35: Jupiter 28Lib35; Neptune 4Sco26; NN 8Sco40;

3rd cusp 23Sco38: Mars 6Sag10; Saturn 19Sag26; Mercury 26Sag49 Rx;

IC 29Sag29: Sun 10Cap01; tr Pluto 2Cap36 ; tr Mercury 27Cap20 ;

5th cusp 5AQ22: Chiron 14AQ50; Venus 15AQ17; tr Mars 5AQ38 ; tr Jupiter 8AQ46 ; tr NN 9AQ15 ; tr Chiron 21AQ17 ; tr Sun 23AQ20 ; tr Neptune 23AQ55 ;

6th cusp 5Pis31; tr Uranus 20Pis59 ;

DESC 29Pis36; tr Venus 6Ari41 ;

8th cusp 23Ari35; SN 8Tau40; Moon 10Tau23 ;

9th cusp 23Tau38;

MC 29Gem29;

11th cusp 5Leo22; Uranus 10Leo49 Rx; Pluto 2Vir08 Rx; tr SN 9Leo15 ;

12th cusp 5Vir31; tr Saturn 20Vir15 Rx; tr Moon 24Vir+.

The speculator pair of grand visions - Jupiter/Neptune in 2nd house of Earning Ability and Values form a midpoint picture with NN...

Jupiter-NN = Neptune: lack of clarity in objectives of being or working together; sharing the spirit but not much else, esp in the way of grounding. (Tyl.)

Here are the rest of the EU's natal midpoint pics...

Jupiter-Pluto = ASC: being known as an organizer or special achiever (Tyl); prudence; the desire for power (Ebertin.)

Mercury-Pluto = Jupiter: publicity; persuasion brings success; gaining a good reputation.

Saturn-ASC = NN: unpleasant circumstances with others;

Neptune-MC = Pluto: the supernatural as a professional focus; strange happenings on the job or in the home. ~:~

As you see above, restrictive, somber Saturn will be conjuncting ASC when the venerable lesson-bringer reaches 29Vir36 in October 2009, a time of facing reality, being accountable, and being ones true self (whether you want to or not.)

It will be May 2010 before disruptive rebel Uranus crosses the DESC and moves into 7th house, possibly causing break-up within the Union or at least a new way of partnering - and, of course, Uranus reserves the right to act as catalyst earlier or later than expected.

Also in early 2010, as 5Cap is reached by tr Pluto, the god of the underworld and/or the secret hand will be within 5 degrees' orb to natal Sun 10Cap02, a time when power issues surface and aggression and intensity are highlighted.

Circumstances may provoke resentment and resistance toward those who are perceived as manipulative or who have more power and control; the EU could become more formidable during the transit of Pluto to natal Sun.

Natal Jupiter 28Lib35, in 2nd house, is conjunct the degree of the EU's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) which is in the 14 North Series, and whose keywords are:

a most peculiar family of eclipses heralding an acute time of confusion in relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness; despair, a draining of energy (and of money??), and peculiar events; clear judgments are difficult as the eclipse affects the chart - there's too much confusion and possibly delusion to make important decisions. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The 14N Series last manifested on Nov 13, 1993 (22Sco) and will occur next on Nov 25, 2011 (2Sag.)

Jan 8, 2009

Horoscope of Obama econo speech 1.8.09

At George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Barack Obama gave a speech today on the US economy and what his administration plans to do about it.

Calling for Congress to get busy - day, night, weekends - and work with him, the president-elect gave what George Stephanopoulos of ABC News called essentially "a SOTU address."

Here you see the charts for his speech's beginning and end, and I wish I had time to spare to blurb about it now.

You see the Moon in Gemini leaving 3rd house of Communications and entering 2nd house of Earning Ability. He started speaking at a Mercury Hour - appropriate for speeches - and ended at a Moon Hour which is appropriate for change, publicity, and public needs.

Tomorrow, Jan 9, will be Barack Obama's Jupiter Return so you see Jupiter 00AQ42. Moneybags Jupiter left 11th house of Groups/Associations/Hopes/Wishes and entered the more viisble 10th house of Public Standing/Career.

There are several midpoint pictures formed, but no patterns (T-squares, Grand Trines, etc.) You'll see a few other notations if you click the charts to enlarge.

Other than that, I'll have to return later to add a few notes including the midpoint pictures, if anyone is interested...for now, gotta motor!

UPDATE 6:00 pm: Mars as chart-ruler is out-of-bounds and working on his own for ill or good, and makes no applying aspects in either chart which puts strong emphasis on his mavericky OOBs status and his house and sign position.

Mars really is working in a pure Capricorn-10th house mode, and 10th house is Cap's natural house. This points directly to Mars' exaltation in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) and thus indicating the most efficient and focused use of Mars energy and drive in the zodiacal pantheon.

Here are the midpoint pictures from today's speech beginning with its start at 11:14 am est with harmonious Moon-Jupiter rising. I'll place an asterisk by the pictures that are in effect at his speech's start and end...

Moon-Jup = ASC: confident; being happy and well-accepted; an expansive nature;

*Sun-Pluto = Mars: carving new perspectives; enormous drive; strenuous self-application; the desire to perform record achievements; ruthlessness; working to the point of physical breakdown (ex: he called on Congress to work with him - days, nights, weekends to write/pass his economic stimulus bill - and I say that if it was so friggin' necessary to work like that for Wall Street, then it's Main Street's turn);

*Mercury-Pluto = Sun a persuasive speaker; a keen observer; desire for recognition; championing an idea or attitude that prevails; communication skill;

*Venus-Mars = Mercury: an actor; thinking of progeny;

*Venus-NN = Neptune: making promises that are hard to keep; disappointment or falsehood in relationship;

*Mars-Neptune = Jupiter (BHO's natal Jupiter, too): inspiration; a fortunate turn or break after disappointments; disappointments under otherwise fortunate circumstances; enjoying the cloud's silver lining; a break in the nick of time;

Mars-ASC = Neptune: magnetism and charisma; disharmony in the work environment; a lack of energy; diminishing creative power;

*Uranus-Neptune = Venus: high sensitivity; a fantasy life;

At 11:31 am est, additional pictures had formed:

Nep-ASC = Uranus: sudden troubles through others; succumbing easily to the influence of others; being harmed, hindered, or defamed by others; hoping for luck; some day one's ship comes in;

Nep-Mc = Jupiter: the inclination to put all of one's eggs in one basket; speculation; gambling; dreaming, hoping, feeling sure somehow that all will be well;

Pluto-Asc = Neptune: the misfortune to suffer from the actions of bad, malicious, deceitful people in one's environment; experiencing a most awkward situation; fight against rumor; vision to fulfill; embarassment to transcend; something paranormal influences situations.

And here's a doozy that became exact as he spoke...

Mars-Pluto = Mc: confidence; ambition; dealing with might on either side of any issue; major job maneuver; unusual capabilities for life advancement; ambition; facing overwhelming force without power (or without money? George, Hank, and Dick got it all.)

Well, there they are. And as usual with midpoint pictures they act in an any, all, or none way and are more likely to be active when triggered by transits, progressions, and lunations. The speech chart/s will always be 'triggerable' as time goes by and as planets from their chart positions here, and in future, meet or aspect the other planets/points in the chart/s.

The most obvious example is that the Sun 18Cap32 will conjunct today's Jupiter degree (and BHO's natal Jupiter) on Jan 20, 2009, noon, Capitol Building, Washington, DC!

Yet we can say that the third planet in each equation is a trigger, so they are provided here in a general environmental sense, yet as noted, wherever we see Jupiter, we see a trigger: the natal Jupiter of president-elect Barack Obama.
Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin.

Jan 5, 2009

Leon Panetta a double Cancer

By now you're heard the news that Barack Obama announced a surprise appointment today of Leon Panetta for CIA Director.

Panetta as Clinton's Chief of Staff (1994 - 1997) sat in on intell briefings so he does have a clue how things work and how policy is shaped by intell, but Dianne Feinstein is among critics who would prefer an intell professional instead.

Obama and his team are fretful of taintedness with torture, etc, in the usual ranks of the CIA, and I see his point. Thus, he has named an outsider of sorts.

Panetta was a congressman from California from Jan, 1977 to Jan, 1997, and had changed his membership from the R Party to the D Party way back in 1971 because of Civil Rights issues. He was Director of the Office for Civil Rights under Nixon.

Panetta's book, Bring Us Together: The Nixon Team and the Civil Rights Retreat" came out in 1971 and it does not refer to a weekend off but to Nixon's creepy southern strategy of not enforcing civil rights or voting rights laws.

Born June 28, 1938 in Monterey, California, Leon Panetta has Sun in Cancer and Moon in Cancer - he was born during the New Moon phase.

The weightiest midpoint picture in his natal chart (and it doesn't depend on a correct birth time which I do not know) involves one of the astrological signatures for plutocrats...Jupiter-Pluto.

Jupiter-Pluto = Uranus: fanatical striving for improvements; quick exploitation of every situation; sudden reforms and quick developments; intense application of resources to establish new perspectives; an adjustment to new circumstances; over-turning the tables; getting back on track or finding a better one.

The Jupiter-Pluto pair of energies is given by Ebertin as 'the desire for power (plutocrats), a desire to lead the masses, organizers of large projects, professors of economy and law, squanderers and speculators; spiritual and intellectual leadership.'

Uranus intensifies and activates the plutocratic pair, and of course we know the circles he runs in.

Now here's some info on Sun Cancer-Moon Cancer, a Water-Water blend which indicates sentimentality over the past and lots of creative imagination:

perceptive and shrewd; charming, poetic, and romantic; a brooder who can overflow with pent-up feelings; strong desire to be needed and appreciated; intuitive economic sense; excellent memory; witty and kind-hearted; self-deprecating sense of humor; accurate perceptions of others; extremely subjective.

Critics to Panetta's appointment to head the CIA are vocalizing their objections today including California's Dianne Feinstein who incidentally shares natally Panetta's Sun Can-Moon Can combo, as do Nathaniel Hawthorne, H. D. Thoreau, and John D. Rockefeller.

Now here are Sun Can-Moon Cancer's Images for Integration for this family-oriented man who may not have professional intell experience inside the agency, but can use his abundance of security-minded Cancer to rule the CIA roost...and America does have three natal planets in Cancer - Panetta's natal Sun is conjunct US n Jupiter:

'A performance of a puppet show at an infant school Christmas play...Young children enacting a play wedding in a garden...A family plays a game of charades.' (Chas & Suzi Harvey, Sun Sign-Moon Sign.)

Now I could say some dark things about that last image relating to The Family, the Brotherhood, Jupiter-Pluto, etc, but I won't.

Let's wait a while and see if Panetta's appointment by Obama holds Water first! He should have a year or two to operate in Washington DC again - this time as head of the CIA.


Al Franken is declaring himself winner of the Senate seat which once belonged to his mentor, Paul Wellstone, who was assassinated in a plane crash (yes, I said it: assassinated.)

Dec 29, 2008

Jefferson's 1st Inauguration 1801

"Bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression."

Words spoken by Thomas Jefferson on the occasion of his 1st Inauguration, March 4, 1801, back in the day when the significator of a US president, the Sun, was at 13Pis+ on March 4, with 1801's Moon in early Scorpio (3:23.)

The Water-Water combo of Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio may give us some information about what was in the air on the day of Jefferson's first inauguration between the leader/Sun and the people/Moon which reflects the leader's traits.

With Water being the element of feelings, imagination, and intuition, a double Water emphasis gives a mainstream-go-with-the-flow flavor to the day. The experiences of life are to be quaffed and one may gush with feelings, go misty with emotions, and easily dissolve into tears.

Nostalgia and sentimentality are usual with Water-Water blends which long for times gone by and may be considered a 'wet blanket' by fiery types. This is the caring and compassionate 'wet' combination when it comes to Politics rather than the doctrinally pure 'dry' type; plus, it's a poetic and imaginative blend that wants emotional security and comfort food every chance it gets.

Its shadow side is to remain emotionally clingy in relationships and to suffer from a lack of objectivity. In men, this combo may result in an overly detached, unemotional, and ultra-rational approach - Jefferson and his friend Voltaire knew a lot about reason and rational approaches.

The Sun Pis-Moon Sco blend adds an ability for psychological insights, along with stubbornness and complexity. This is the appreciator of the tragedy and comedy of life which has the will to expose exploitation and hardship; it is strong and courageous in adversity.

Emotions are difficult to voice although sympathy is there in abundance; criticism can be scathing, and a cantankerous streak may become evident when heels are dug in on certain issues. There is quiet strength and intensity to this combination with an instinctive understanding of others through its 'psychic sponge' capability.

Intellectual ability is deep and stable once prejudices are by-passed, and there are many areas of interest including mysticism and miracles. One's own company is preferred which gives the acute perceptions time to form and enlighten as great mysteries are delved into.

Weaknesses are a tendency to over-rely on personal opinions, irrational suspicions, unawareness of persistent prejudices, negative self-absorption, a love of sensationalism, and a tendency toward use of manipulation in order to gain power. (In Washington?!)

Charles & Suzy Harvey give these Images for Integration for the Sun Pis-Moon Scorpio blend:

"Longfellow's poem, The Secret of the Sea...Steinbeck's novel, The Grapes of Wrath." #

Well, I thought a stroll down 1801 Inauguration Lane might be interesting since America is preparing to do it all over again 208 years later.

So just to recap from previous posts, this January 20, 2009 at noon, the Sun-Moon blend is Aquarius-Scorpio...

Images for Integration:

"A researcher presents his findings to colleagues at a 'Science For Humanity' Conference...A scientist dissects a scorpion with great tenderness and absolute precision...Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

So! it seems the sea still keeps her secrets 20,000 leagues down...

Nov 15, 2008

Inauguration 2009 midpoint pictures

US Inauguration 2009, Washington, DC, 12:00 pm est.

These midpoint pictures are all transits and represent general atmosphere, tone, or background flavors for the inauguration of our new president. If you can manage to read my scratches, you'll see that they are mainly positive.

You will, however, notice my least favorite planetary pairing, Pluto-Chiron (plutocracy; corporatism and other -isms; primal violence; oppression) at Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart - aka the WHY? Point.

The Pluto-Chiron = Mc picture is perhaps softened by happy, successful Mars/Jupiter there as well - for the day if not for the 4-year term.

Of course, on another level it may indicate that behind-the-curtain plutocrats (our secret government) are successful through and happy with the election of Senator Obama...which is admittedly my suspicion because he couldn't have been elected/selected without their approval.

Even so, I'll be hoping and praying for America, my only nag in the race! And for Barack Obama as leader - for even with all his talents, he'll be needing all the prayers he can get.


You may view the full image of Inauguration 2009's horoscope here if you desire.

Nov 12, 2008

Full Moon of the Mystic Rectangle 11.13.08

Full Moon 21Tau15, Nov 13, 2008; 1:17:18 am est, White House, Washington, DC; Moon in 9th house, Sun 21Sco15 in 3rd house...and it's a chart full of challenges and gifts of the skills to meet them!

Now of course, the Moon is exalted in Taurus and very fat and happy - here we see Luna preening at her Taurean fullness as she reflects the Sun in Scorpio.

With Virgo ascending, the Taurean 9th cusp indicates a down-to-earth view of religion and philosophy; views are fixed (Taurus) and not likely to easily change.

Also there's insistence on the just handling of finances and relationships with a Taurean 9th cusp. One must be careful though with Taurus' shadow side: intolerance and greed.

Moon in 9th house has an emotional attachment to 9th house matters of religion, philosophy, and higher education. Social values come from childhood teachings with a 9th house Moon, with the 9th house's natural ruler, Jupiter, exalted in Cancer, the Moon's natural sign.

However, this emotional bias and identification with traditional values can limit the scope or depth of spiritual understanding, or there can be inspired intuition with this Moon placement - and with a celestial Mystic Rectangle overhead we may hope the latter is the case.

Sun in 3rd house likes words well said and Sun here spotlights communications. Since a Full Moon is the culmination of things begun at the last New Moon ('6Sco': "A Gold Rush"), and since the economic crisis is in the airwaves and on every one's menu, perhaps we'll be hearing something soothing for a change in the next two weeks concerning finances.

This Full Moon is part of a pattern, a Mystic Rectangle, a configuration consisting of two oppositions (the other being Saturn oppo Uranus) with planets sextiling one another on each end. In this chart you see the Mystic Rectangle highlighted in blue.

Not much has been written about this lovely-named pattern, but Bil Tierney says it indicates practical mysticism and points out that the sextiles and trines (Moon sextile Uranus; Sun sextile Saturn, so naturally Moon trines Saturn, Sun trines Uranus) gives opportunity for the awareness-revealing oppositions (Sun/Moon; Saturn/Uranus) to be utilized creatively. (Tierney, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.)

So the challenges that oppositions normally bring are more effectively encountered than would be otherwise expected with the sextiles and trines easing the conflict and discord into satisfying resolutions.

Yippee! Who doesn't like satisfying resolutions?

Well, right. Some people do prefer things stirred up in order to justify their gripes and make way for what they see as improvements. Them, we can do without.

And with a Mystic Rectangle, the cosmos gives us chances for more balance in relationships (oppositions always relate to relationships, and sextiles and trines are considered helpful in Astrology) and makes possible an objective evaluation through intuition and insight.

Occurring during a Sun Hour, this Full Moon shows Venus still out-of-bounds (OOBs) and thus not part of the system of energies here. At a World Point, 00Cap45, we see her just beyond her hook-up with Pluto, a conjunction which has a bankruptcy influence, as well as other flavors I won't repeat from a previous post.

Actually, it looks to me as if Lady Venus is sashaying Pluto back into Capricorn for more breakdowns and restructurings!

Highlighted in pink is a T-Square with Sun/Moon pointing to Neptune 21AQ30 in 6th house of Work; Health; Service. This makes nebulous, spiritual Neptune the apex planet of a T-Square.

An apex planet directs the energy of the opposition and can indicate the general tone of the entire chart - especially since the opposition in question is the Full Moon. Here's the midpoint picture using Tyl and Ebertin...

Sun/Moon = Neptune: misunderstandings in relationships; inner discontent; deceptions and illusions; self-torment; one who is easily upset; the undermining of associations.

This apex Neptune tells the tale for which the Mystic Rectangle is needed!

And what about the Saturn/Uranus opposition? Any help there?

Well, Saturn is being quincunxed (inconjuncted - 150 degrees) by Neptune - and vice versa. Inconjuncts are often involved when there are health problems, and Neptune in 6th house indicates conditions which are difficult to detect or are incorrectly diagnosed. (Planets in Aspect, Rob Pelletier.)

Saturn inconj Neptune: stay away from those with infectious conditions! (Easy to say and usually hard to do.) There is a compelling spiritual motivation to bring social order to chaos, but programs with unclear goals should be avoided (such as 'Bailout Bills'?)

When Saturn and Neptune are inconjunct, it's typical that those who serve are abused in some way - self-protection becomes extremely important. This morning NPR reported that an American aid worker and his driver have been killed in Afghanistan. And thus it goes.

Plus, there is a tendency for those who would serve to take on too much or to feel responsible for what should be the tasks of others - Senator Barack Obama comes to mind and scapegoating by some will be a real temptation or possibility with his presidency. (His awareness of these tendencies will help.)

The good news is that beneficent Jupiter, who often acts as a guardian angel, is applying in trine to Saturn (0A53) and sextiling Uranus (separating, but 00S00 - they are both 18:50!) so an olden term in Astrology for Jupiter here is: Thales planet, or Thales Point.

In (American) Political or Mundane Astrology we use Jupiter to signify the Republican Party, with Saturn for the Democrats. In this lovely trine, we see the peaceful transfer of power now occurring in Washington between the parties and administrations.

Uncomfortably for this reluctant astrologer, Jupiter is still on the '18Cap' degree, which is the New World Order degree in my book due to its activation at the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in the early 90s when Bush Sr called for the NWO.

The current financial crisis, engineered as it may be, is the opportunity they've been working toward, and you've heard the words, "a new economic world order' in the news lately, haven't you?

Actually, I'd say it's more a culmination of their plans which are in process of being realized by the opportunity they created with the economic meltdown. How excited the shadowy 'they' must be!

Back to the Full Moon chart:

At the Ic, or Foundation Point, I have marked its 11Sag33 because it is the position of Dec 30, 1999's conjunction of the plutocratic corporatism pair, Pluto and Chiron. The midpoint of Sun and Pluto is there as well, so because it's about polarities, we have...

Sun/Pluto = Mc: power games with important consequences; striving for power; consciousness of objectives and goals; vocational crises; violence with emotional consequences.

The Sun/Pluto pair, says Ebertin = 'craving for rulership and disadvantages through the former; the power of attainment; pioneers; martyrs; rulers; leadership; danger; arrogance; fanatical aspirations; creative power.'

Orating Mercury in deep-thinking Scorpio is in Nodal Degree (same degree as the Nodal axis - here, 13) which represents a fated or karmic condition. And their midpoint is one degree from Pluto which is close enough for us to consider the midpoint picture formed...

Mercury/NN = Pluto: the thrust of intellect; lording it over others; the desire to be intellectually superior.

Plus, there are two other planetary pictures in this chart...

Mercury/Mars = Sun: putting one's foot down; making a point strongly; standing up for one's position; enjoying a good argument; a man of quick decisions; manly and brave thinking and acting; a positive or firm demeanor; determination; the ability to succeed.

NN/ASC = Mars: team spirit; an intense working together with colleagues; an association or organization fighting to uphold its common ideas and principles; working for the common good; the do-er. (This may partially describe the do-er that the Saturn/Neptune inconjunct will take advantage of...or maybe not.)

Whew! That's a lot at the Base of this Full Moon chart but all we have to do is listen to, watch, or read the news - no Astrology necessary.

And with Saturn rising, the Saturn/Uranus opposition is on the menu from the get-go. This pair of planets is associated with the Middle East, and with Israel and Palestine in particular.

And of course our November 4 elections was the day the opposition perfected, with a few more votes to be counted (Dec 2 is a senate run-off here in Georgia - Chambliss vs Martin. My local radio station just announced that John McCain will be coming to GA to stump for Chambliss - McCain's first stumping (other than last night's TV appearance where he touted Palin's future endeavors) since he lost the presidency. Goody for us, but will it be enough to help the Bush-loving Chambliss?)

(Counterpunch! It's an hour later and they're now announcing that Obama campaign field operatives are on the way to GA to help with Jim Martin's grassroots organizing - yes! and thanks. Chambliss needs to go.)

Now Back to Saturn/Uranus:

So we may say that their opposition is the 'Full Moon' of the Saturn/Uranus cycle which began with their conj in 1988. (I'll not repeat previous blurbs about this cycle.) This means that issues from 1988 resurface for resolution (Mystic Rectangle!) - or for brewing tensions to fully express.

The chart's Kite patterns are marked with penned dashes and I hope you can see them both. Kites are actually modified Grand Trines with a planet/s at a fourth point opposite one of the trine's planets and simultaneously sextiling the other two planets.

You see the kite tails I've drawn - one on Saturn, one on the Moon, which operate here as stimuli for the trines' creative outpouring of special skills and talents.

So a Kite adds more chances for successful use of Grand Trine energies which are gifts from the cosmos. This is an Earth Grand Trine which emphasizes the calming, comforting, and attracting power of a Grand Trine pattern...very magnetic.

Earth Grand Trines accumulate and skillfully manage assets and resources with common sense, and having a Taurean Moon as a driving force may bring solid results.

But for whom? we may rightfully ask.

This chart seems to indicate that working for the common good may now bring positive results for the people as this Full Moon shows us the way. And Moon in a national chart = The People.

In conclusion: my hope is that with all this good will from On High, the world can find a better path now which is being kindly lightened by the rays of a lovely Taurean Full Moon.


My excellent friend, astrologer Monica Starr, has posted an article about tonight's Full Moon in Taurus relating it to the natal chart of the New York Stock Exhange. (Nov 12 or Nov 13 - depends on your time zone since the Moon is full at 1:17 am est - I set the above chart for DC, Eastern time zone.)

Monica is well-versed in Astrology AND financials so you'll want to see what she has to say about this Full Moon occurring in one of the money signs - Taurus, a sign that is nothing if not on the bullish side.

Nov 3, 2008

John Cusack on paying off the debt

No Currency Left to Buy the Big Lies

By John Cusack

No more money left to pay off the debt, the wreckage in the wake. The orgy of excess has drained every bottle, smashed the furniture and left the cupboards bare. All that's left is derivative debts -- bets between liars and lies. Trillions of dollars. It turned capitalism into a Ponzi scheme for trading worthless paper.



John Cusack was born in Evanston, Illinois on June 28, 1966 in the midst of the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo. In fact, Mr. Cusack first drew breath a mere two days prior to the third of three conjunctions...*June 30, 1966, 16Vir06.

Which makes him intensely electric and deeply catalytic like...rock'n'roll. And since the Moon remained in Scorpio for the full 24 hours of his birth date, we may wish to consider the personality blend of actor, social activist, and Huffington Post blogger, John Cusack.

Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio: perceptive; self-protective; secretive; investigative mind; romantic; sensual; compelling; resourceful; emotionally brooding; possessive; resourceful; tenacious and daring; sharply incisive vs sentimental.

Deeply fascinated by what makes others tick, this Water-Water blend has not an unkind cell in 'its' body. Preoccupied with hidden realities and the truth behind the facade, this blend is of use in an acting career and in blogging on politics.

Analytical powers are concentrated and uplifted by a reverential but determined attitude to get to the truth.

In relationships security and intrigue are desired - not easy to find in one relationship. Yet emotional strength and commitment to loved ones add charm; there's a shrewd business sense and courage in times of crisis; moodiness and defensiveness may cause problems occasionally (but wait 2 or 3 days and all should be well when the Moon changes signs.)

Images for Integration: When preparing his genealogical tree, a young man discovers the lost grave of his great-great-grandmother...Under a full Moon an exorcist performs a life-giving ritual: the possession fades away and a child's life is saved. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey.)


Uranus conj Pluto:

*1. Oct 9, 1965 17Vir10;
2. April 4, 1966 16Vir28;
3. June 30, 1966 16Vir06.

While the recent financial charades and heists were being announced and perpetrated, transit Saturn triggered this Conjunction, our current cycle of Uranus-Pluto, energies which together love to overturn the status quo and create brand spankin' new perspectives...then restrictive Saturn came along...

Uranus-Pluto = Saturn: tendency toward autocratic leadership (ya think?); egotism; 'my way is the best way'; pressure from others; toppled from position. (Tyl.)

So if you can't find Washington, Wall Street, world banks, Bush, Paulson, and the rest of the bandits lurking within that midpoint picture, I don't know what to do for ya.

Nov 1, 2008

America Battered by Bush

America Bruised and Battered is an article which takes an in-depth look at the presidency of George W. Bush. It's a surprisingly easy read unless you have blood pressure issues!

The article contains 5 parts and it's interesting reading with a different outlook on our '19% approved' president whose days in office are, we may hope, numbered.

Any of these may be read as stand-alone articles, but all are informative for a shell-shocked American people:

Part I: America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors
Part II: A Gambler Who Bet Everything on Iraq
Part III: It Wasn't Just the President Alone
Part IV: Bush on Trial?
Part V: The Job Ahead

You'll also find photo galleries of the Bush presidency including an album of "Funny Moments" of the scowler-in-chief including his bike-topple with right palm and face showing wounds - good for palmists to a take a peek at Bush's clawprint; plus, one link in the photo gallery section takes you to "Interactive Graphic: Obama and Biden vs McCain: The Candidates in Profile."

There's also an interview I find especially informative with neoconservative scholar Robert Kagan - he who early on counseled 'regime change' for Iraq (published Oct 27.) Of course, Kagan justifies his position and advice by decrying the way the war was mishandled.

This I don't buy from him or from any of the others because chaos is a major part of their world domination plans, antisocial as it is. To them our misery is "worth it." Naomi Klein chronicles this brilliantly with her explanation of Shock Doctrine to which the world is being subjected by a world crime syndicate. (I added world crime syndicate here - I'm not sure that Klein uses these exact words. But I do.)

Not that ineptitude wasn't shown in the Bush-Cheney invasion/occupation, but unintended consequences were simply sucked into the 'big picture which must be followed - very little option to do otherwise' as Astrology describes this sort of highhanded behavior from the holier-than-thou crowd.

You know - any mistakes they make can't be mistakes because they made them - and all is right with the world (on their say-so.)

So do you know my first thought when I saw the article's Part I topic: "America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors"?

The Sabian Symbol for George Bush's natal Mars, the planet of action, energy, desire nature, and the god of war..."10Virgo"..."Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" (reminds you of Cheney's 'Dark Side' doesn't it? Just two bubblethink noodleheads goin' to war based on lies with obscene profits on their to-do lists. And Rummy, Cheney's pal, intimately involved, of course. Such profitable chicken hawk fun!)

Here's Dane Rudhyar's take on "10Virgo"..."Keynote: The growth of true understanding, born out of the transcendence of duality even while immersed in the world of duality." SELF-TRANSCENDING ACTIVITY OF THE MIND." (An Astrological Mandala.) Bush Bubblethink?

But perhaps even more to the point concerning George Bush's Martian energy, action, desire nature, and war-promoting is Rudhyar's details for '9Virgo..."An Expressionist Painter at Work"...Keynote: The urge to express one's individualized sense of value regardless of tradition. ORIGINALITY.

...what is expressed is usually the reflection of a deep catharsis with emotionally charged and often tragic overtones."

My italics, and yes, tragic overtones are the basis of the Bush presidency as millions of Iraqis flee for parts unknown and Americans are tossed out of their homes and (if certain partisans have their way) their voting rights taken away...because they're now homeless.

'Twas a grand plan, si? Make millions off 'em then toss 'em out on the sidewalk with their most basic American right pilfered so as to skew the 2008 election/s...because every little bit helps the GOP when it's steal election time in America.

So if the other George ~Orwell~ isn't skirming in his grave, I'll be an out-of-control cheeky monkey on a bicycle.

As TV's Craig Ferguson says,"Re-miiiiinnnnd you of anyone?"