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Showing posts with label lunations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lunations. Show all posts

Dec 9, 2011

A copper-red Lunar Eclipse Dec 10 2011--when to view

Space Weather News for Dec. 9, 2011

LUNAR ECLIPSE: Sky watchers on the Pacific side of Earth should be alert for a total lunar eclipse on Saturday, Dec. 10th. The disk of the full Moon will turn a beautiful shade of copper-red as it passes through Earth's shadow between 4:45 am and 8:18 am Pacific Standard Time (12:45 to 16:18 UT).

For observers in western parts of the USA and Canada, the event will be magnified by the Moon illusion as the morning Moon sets behind trees, buildings, and other foreground objects along the western horizon.

Please check SpaceWeather News for more information and full coverage of the eclipse as it happens.

Nov 13, 2011

Horoscopes: the Solar--Lunar Eclipses of Nov-Dec 2011

'Wild Cards' of the Universe: November/December 2011 Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

In answer to a regular reader's request, here are images of the November Solar and December Lunar Eclipses of 2011 on the same page. You may wish to click underneath each image to read my original posts containing chart details; click charts to enlarge and hopefully you may read a few additional notes that may not be mentioned in post texts.

First, the November Solar Eclipse with its "peculiar turn of events" vibe:

Chart details: Nov 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37 with America's problematic Mars/Neptune square (Gemini to Virgo--both ruled by Mercury--with US natal Mercury Rx in Cancer: confused or misdirected motivations; inspired actions; deception; men using drugs; massive military) on full display as the eclipse perfects. This chart shows US natal Neptune rising, Mars, planet of war-conflict-protests, at Midheaven (The Goal; Public Status.)

Neptune (loss; deception; fraud) in Virgo, sign of Work, Employment, Service (incl police and military, immigrant agricultural workers, etc) shows unemployment issues on the eclipse horizon to be dealt with (or not, if you're GOP and don't mind crashing America to force an ideological point.)

This places our returning troops and vets (who need jobs and medical care!!) on the world stage (MC.) A bill to hire vets was 'supported' by Republicans last week so we'll see what difference such legislation makes for those who risked their lives on behalf of our nation. It also denotes the Occupy Movement (Mars!), demonstrations, and strikes remaining in the news though my hope is that sit-ins will make a big comeback.

The safer our protests and marches, the stronger the Occupy message will be (and the happier American moms like me will be!)

US Natal Mars Weakened and Self-Deceived by Neptune's Wand

Natal Mars at MC, the most visible point in any chart, indicates that how the US government treats or mistreats our returning troops (and how dot gov has already treated veterans including loss or the burning of body parts) will be a topic on the World Stage into *2012 along with Occupiers and how US cities' mayors, and other government and police officials treat them.

Dual Gemini Tells the News December 2011

Then humankind completes 2011 with a revealing Lunar Eclipse in communicative Gemini, ruled by speedy Mercury, planet of young people, early schooling, pupils, oration, writers-journalists-talking heads, bloggers, travelers, those who serve, the senses, thinking processes, plans, transport, trade, commerce, and other mercurial matters. Here's the Lunar Eclipse horoscope:

Astro-details for this horoscope are here in a column spotlighting an 8th house Mars in Virgo squaring the December Lunar Eclipse, as you see.

Mars Annoys The Collective

A neglected tidbit in the post I will add here: Mars square the Nodal Axis (The Public; Publicity; Future Direction; a Joining Point of Encounter) shows conditions where the action and impulses of Mars (generally, males between ages 25-35, give or take a year or two) are at-odds with current social values. Standards are in conflict (may highlight 'conflict of interest' issues) with society; aggression (Mars) may be inappropriately expressed in the wrong place or at the wrong time.

When Mars squares NN from Virgo, sign of purification and discrimination, the dynamic martian energy can irritate, annoy, and frustrate others for Mars can't or won't act in harmony with the environment, or with colleagues. This aspect may indicate environmental issues as well especially with the Nodal axis connection to the sensitive Moon (here, we the people) which can soak up whatever is in the environment like a sea sponge and may link to contagions of some sort.

Plus, the Lunar Eclipse conjoins US natal Mars (see my scribbles outside the chart.)

Next up in cosmic events and SO'W columns to describe them (As Above, So Below!) is the Winter Solstice 2011 Horoscope which I've begun preparing and intend to publish before many more days flit by...


More reading: USA's First Overthrow: Hawaii where a suit-wearing President Obama has flown for the weekend, to attend APEC Summit 2011 and where yet another US-job-killing trade agreement is listed at the top of our Globalist President's agenda.

You know I like how Max Igan talks about Trust Law and how The People of a nation are the law. Politicians and government officials--the public's employees--simply use police and military forces to uphold manmade statutes and regulations--which are not law.

We The People Are The Law.


*After the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse, a 14 South Saros Series eclipse will manifest on May 20, 2012 @ a difficult spot: 00Gem21, conjunct fixed star Alcyone, one of the Weeping Sisters.

Will they weep because a similar dynamic occurs in 2012 as during the year of the last manifestation of the 14S in 1994, the year of the Republican take-over of Congress and the 'perceived' popularity of Newt Gingrich?


Well, whoever is up in the political polls then, we know that major reforms will continue across America and the rest of the world. And may they be for the benefit of The People.

Nov 12, 2011

Jon Stewart 'hearts' Rick Perry brain freeze! (video) as a Listening Parrot Forgets to Talk

Jon Stewart!

Rick Not-Ready-For-Primetime Perry doin' a Texas 2-Step 'cos 3 just won't come to this 'Parrot Listening Then Talking' fella.

What I mean by citing the Sabian Symbol (word picture for a degree of the Zodiac) below is that Perry's diverting, substandard 'debate' performance confirms to me a suspicion that Gov. Perry's stated objectives are primarily only talking points fed to him by political strategists--points that he must memorize, write on his hand or on paper, or read from a teleprompter--whatever he's counseled and instructed to say by his handlers.

Wonder if anyone has checked the deja-vu Texas governor's back under his suit jacket a la the debatin' George W. Bush? Was it Karl Rove feeding Dubya his answers? Will we ever definitively know?

All My Exes...

Meanwhile, it's 2011 and Rove's parrot bungled his lines in what passes for a political debate in the US.

Now you don't really believe a buffoon such as Perry can be calling any high level shots, do you? He's a shill who pulls the plug on inmates and signs away Texas's assets to the highest bidders. As governor, Perry executes human beings who may or may not be guilty of their alleged crimes. Even with forward strides in DNA identification, in Texas and much of America, who can tell?

Well, if Rick Perry has lost any sleep over his duties and forgetting his lines as a result, may I recommend melatonin for more REM phase sleep. Cutting down on caffeine consumption might help, too.

But there's another thing.

America's political class by and large is in great need. It is in need of being scoured out of all crooks and betrayers of American sovereignty. This includes all those who tout the US government as Not Functioning, or who go on and on about how government is 'too big', too overbearing, etc (thanks, Bush-Cheney regime--you're the Terror Twins who took down the Twin Towers--Gemini = trade, commerce, and other words, civilization), or how government is 'failing', etc etc, need to be pushed out the door.

In fact, I'd be in favor of a brief amnesty for political crooks if it would encourage the little rats and weasels to scurry for their lairs.

(I knew it was YOU, Bacon.)

Well, as far as Campaign 2012 goes, I hope Jeb won't show up to bat for the Rs who are even worse than the Ds. Some political party name-changin' ought to go on up in here, m'peops.


Political parties should call themselves what they actually stand for, factions, warts, and all. And be expected to live up to their names. If not, we know that secret purposes are on top of their to-do lists, not finding viable solutions on behalf of the America people. So far, Perry seems to be the only one of them who can't list up to three things they'd change yet they are what needs changing if they don't believe in America anymore!

For you know it's way too late in the day for mask-wearing to continue to be allowed by The People. 'Public servants' and officials who take Oaths to serve, protect, and defend this country and its citizens but who also take what they consider to be higher oaths are no longer wanted in service to The People. They have abused the public trust and as such are in breach of contract with the American people.

This circumstance has gone on for decades so it's not as if they haven't proven themselves to be brigands, gangsters, and thieves long before now.

For more progressive ideas visit Thom and text of Thom's broadcasts are available.

Rick Perry Memory Gaffe Described by Nov 10 Full Moon's Sun Symbol

As you know, in Political Astrology, a branch of Mundane Astrology, the Sun represents the leader or the president which Mr. Perry kinda dreams of being, he says, and the Sabian Symbol (word picture) of the Sun's degree during November 10, 2011's Full Moon @ '19Tau' (Sun '19Sco') is a telling tableau that I believe relates to candidate Perry and his painful brain freeze segment during the recent Republican debate (11.11.11.)

'19 Scorpio' = "A Parrot Listening and Then Talking" = CONVENTIONALITY.

Positive expression: exceptional skill in bringing the whole tenor of transient circumstances to the service of a personal aspiration ("Oops!" rp and jc);

negative (unconscious/shadow side): idle mimicry and self-gratifying pretense.

(Quoting The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Now if I had to guess (and most commentators and political pundits seem to agree), his most recent gaffe seems to be Farewell to Perry 2012 (see The Perilous Perry Pattern.) This is a view based on the symbol's meaning in relation to Perry's obvious lack of personal connection to his 'own' list of the US gov departments he'd abolish like a White House monarch with the Magic Wand of Imagined Mandate--to be brandished over our lives without any forethought for consequences or blowback. It's the austere right-wing way.

And so the Sun's degree and symbol at the Nov 10, 2011 Full Moon (Sun/Moon phase of fulfillment-culmination-awareness) naturally opposes the Moon's degree making the solar degree the Illumination Point where deeper awareness of unconscious material may be found.

Jon Stewart certainly found comedy treasure in the moment!

(Of course, all degrees have Illumination Points opposite them which is a good way to delve into that blueprint of your unconscious, your natal horoscope--perhaps finding first causes--by 'flipping' all the zodiacal positions in the natal chart and reading the Sabian Symbol (or other system of symbols) for each planet's and cusp's Illumination Point degree. Exs: '1Ari' = '1Lib', '10Leo' = '10AQ" are IPoints. Voila! Your shadow self peeks out with a mercurial wink.)

The Full Moon/degree synchronicity here indicates that the Perry campaign impetus has gone as far (out) as it can go, at least for now. Mars in Leo may have favored Perry but now the more serious, studious sign of Virgo with impetus planet Mars, does not. His quick comeback and handling of his mess-up was pretty good but will not be enough unless all other candidates blaze up and flare out.

My point is, Gov. Perry's hollow performance, with ideological details near-memorized yet void of any true conviction--is linked to the mimicking parrot archetype and reminds me of a friend's parrot years ago, a bird that sometimes messed up on his rehearsed sayings, sometimes on purpose, as it turned out. He was good at pithiness though.

Scary Perry?

Becoming dizzy with the circus lights/look-at-me-world aspects of a situation does not work on TV for anyone who wants to gain or retain a reputation for cool poise and composure. Cool he is not, and Perry seems to me to be the sort of person who tends to laugh inappropriately, such as those who snicker during funerals. And with the GOP now presiding over what they hope will be America's memorial service (R.I.P.), perhaps giddy laughter and murmured justifications such as, Oops at the prospect of lousy leadership are about all the American people care to muster at the moment.

In between our LOLs, that is--at this masterful display of what does work on TV. So view Jon Stewart enjoying his comedic opportunities while feeding his family on The Daily Show above, if you haven't already! Laughter really is one of the best medicines for our ills and the more we ridicule the powerful, the better we'll feel and the less puffed up they will be.

But let's keep the tar simmering on the national hob and our feathery ducks plucked in case we get a chance to use them.

Crazy As It Seems

So who can GOP voters turn to now? Well, they say that popularity polls are on the upswing for Newt!


Our purposefully inefficient, quarreling Congress has inspired a credt rating agency in China to issue (during a TV interview--not good) the US government a debit downgrade warning.

Now you'd think the opinion of Washington's main creditor would carry some weight and get Capitol Hill's nattering noggins bent together and turning out economic consensus amongst them in spite of their tiresome ideological differences.

To do otherwise, and suffer the indignity and financial results of a downgrade compliments of the Chinese government, shows who wants America to fail and collapse which is by its very nature treasonous endeavor committed by zealots with bigger fish to fry than upholding US sovereignty.

Nov 8, 2011

Taurus Full Moon w Pluto opposing US Jupiter 11.10.11

Looking at the horoscope of the November 10, 2011 Full Moon @ 18Tau05, the current transit of powerful, subversive Pluto in Capricorn opposing US natal Jupiter 5Can56 is spotlighted with tr Pluto at Midheaven in Washington DC.

Perfecting at 3:16:02 pm est, this Full Moon--with Sun 18Sco05--conjoins the transiting 2/8 axis when the horoscope is set for DC--the Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Big Business, Transformation, Death polarity. Something comes to fruition/culmination during a Full Moon so we may hear financial news described by this astrological indicator with Tau/Sco being the natural signs of the 2/8 axis.

Rising at 3:16:02 pm est in DC is 11Ari04 ('11Ari' = "The President of the Country" yet rounding up, it's '12Ari' = "A Triangularly Shaped Flight of Wild Geese" which may bring up the potential for a wild goose chase or it may be simply a reference to the Autumn season. However, its "Keynote: An idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order" plops us right back into the tiresome realm of 'new world order' topics. Arghh!)

With Aries rising, chart-ruler Mars (war; military; soldiers; police; energy-action-motivation) is at a critical-crisis 29th degree (*29Leo50, conjunct Fixed Star Regulus 00Vir00: success if revenge is avoided) on the 6th cusp; 6th house matters include military, police, and fire services, along with Work, Service, and Health. Perhaps more facts will be revealed (Full Moon) in the Air Force body parts scandal--see Air Force Morgue Admits Losing Troops' Body Parts which ought to shame them, you would think. This reminds you of US soldiers' mis-burials that were revealed last year at Arlington National Cemetery, doesn't it?

Well, the Sabian Symbol I find most intriguing in the Nov 10, 2011 Full Moon chart, is the Full Moon's degree--'19Tau' = "A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean" which is traditionally used to represent America herself for obvious reasons (E pluribus unum--out of many, one.)

Yes, our nation was once the new kid on the continental block, wasn't it?

Let's see what Dane Rudhyar has to say about '19 Taurus'...his italics:

"Keynote: The surge of new potentiality after a crisis.

When the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness freed from its attachment and contamination, a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the Virgin SPACE. What will it be used for?

(...) The "technique" is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor."

Hmmm...if the rational ego is no longer a "controlling factor" does this mean that austere neocons are due to lose at least some of their high-handed control over state governments?

That'd be good. For one wants to be very cautious when tempted to place man's ability to reason above the awesomeness of a Creator Who provided us with our reasoning ability in the first place!

So one more time on this blog, it's Pluto opposite US natal Jupiter: power plays and unfavorable conditions mark financial and professional status; someone stands in the way of success and progress (Mr. Hades--the plutonian central bankers of the world as they're doing in Europe with Greece and Italy) though what has truly been achieved will not be destroyed ('credit' built on air doesn't count); measures taken to improve finances will be defeated; political aspirations should be kept on-hold for now as major power struggles continue.

Pluto at MC may be of interest to our political topic as well for there is a desire to remake one's public status or society itself by way of Pluto's regenerating and coping capabilities, and either fame or notoriety will result. Scientific or occult interests--including Astrology, magic, physics or atomic physics--may be on the Full Moon menu and in the news.


*Mars @ '30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter"..."Keynote: The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are inevitably to be shared with all men."

So...more news about WikiLeaks or Julian Assange's legal troubles? NSA spying on Americans' emails/phone calls or more about the legalities of GPS tracking devices? Hacking by Anonymous and/or others? White House memos blowin' in the wind? Disputes aired over intellectual property rights? We'll soon see!

Then, in three shakes of a lamb's tail, it will be time for the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37 (which directly affects the 'Super Committee recommendations due Nov 23), then the next Full Moon occurs, a Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 which eclipses by conjunction our US natal Mars, and is squared by a Virgoan Mars from the 8th hou$e in the horoscope set for my former residence of Washington DC.


Cited: An Astrological Mandala by one of my favorite astrologers, Dane Rudhyar.

Oct 22, 2011

Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse Dec 10, 2011 @18Gem11

Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 December 10, 2011 9:36:19 am est White House; Hour Mars 13Vir16 in 8th house and apex of a T-Square between the Sun/Moon opposition (the eclipse) which occurs across the Will Axis (5/11) in DC.

The T-SQ forms a midpoint picture; all, any, or none may apply:

Sun/Moon = Mars: the realization of joint objectives; an urge to bring plans to fruition; the drive for fulfillment; a need to impose one's will; pushing others for quicker progress (US soldiers' withdrawal from Iraq? Mars = the military and/or police; also mercenaries but I do believe they intend to stay and continue lucrative war-profiteering--and on another level, Mars = protesters); anger; focusing on strength.

(All midpt pics: Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

The Sun/Moon combo in Politics and Business (Munkasey) indicates the people's will and how it's applied to taking the country in new directions (we-the-people--our choice!!); a government's international reputation; national will forcefully imposed on the people (we know--they try so hard not to listen to us); pessimistic people or lawmakers (or both? Well, the madness started on Capitol Hill in cahoots with Wall Street racketeers.)

With Mars in Virgo under stress of the Lunar Eclipse T-SQ, we may see deaths of males, soldiers, policemen, firefighters, etc. Will tr Mars move on to trigger the Uranus/Pluto conjunction/s of the mid-1960s as 'he' nears 16/17 Virgo? Fanaticism, violence, and injury could be results, if so.

And there in the 12th H of Politics, Behind-the-Scenes deals, and Karma, lurks powerful manipulator Pluto 6Cap34 at the Neptune/Mc midpoint which gives the chart these potentials: concealing plans from others while scheming about future directions (politicians would sneak and do that? p-shaw!); angry encounters with holy people. Also: Mars/Neptune = Mercury: acquiring mystical or occult knowledge; being adaptable when presenting powerful visions or dreams to others. (No thanks, we-the-people have visions of our own that do not include your bossy selves.)

Gemini Ruled by Talkative Mercury

The eclipse ruler is Mercury which is retrograde (review, redress, reneg, reconsider, redo, etc) in Sagittarius, the questing sign ruled by Jupiter (also Rx, in earth/money sign Taurus, The Bull, and at a degree of violence '00-1 Tau' which is 'Hitler's Trigger degree', his natal Sun.) Jupiter in 3rd house of Communications, Short Journeys, and Neighborhoods denotes an abundance of same yet delays (Rx) may be expected especially on the level of funding; mercurial realms are affected such as transport, mobility, commerce and trade, journalism, speeches and writings, changes, plans, the younger generations (including OWS demonstrators), etc.

Critical degrees occupy the ASC/DESC (20Cap/Can) so the chart-ruler is status quo lawmaker Saturn 26Lib38 in 9th H of Higher Education, Religion, Philosophy, Foreign Lands and Travel, our Justice System (even though it's been bought up by Corporations and Foreign Entities), etc--all the Jupiterian and Saturnian departments. US natal Saturn 14Lib48 conjoins 9th cusp and is apex planet in a midpoint picture though not a very pleasant one:

Mars/MC = n Saturn: excessive zeal causes disadvantages; separations; failures; damage; indecisiveness; lack of concentration; restrained ambitions; pursuit of rewards; making a definitive and recognized mark upon the world (of the beast? that mark?)

So really, the basic consideration, if we wish to see how things will proceed in relation to this Lunar Eclipse (set for Washington DC), is to track any applying aspects made by the ruler of the horoscope which, as noted, is serious, purposeful Saturn (ASC in Saturn's Capricorn; may also operate as significator of the Democratic Party) so we have:

1. Saturn trine Neptune (1A46): spiritual development may increase, organized charities prosper, collection and settlements of financial debts may occur (EU?); benefits may come through senior persons or entities; emphasis is on maritime activities, science, and cinematography. Scientific discoveries may be announced or furthered in some way.

2. Saturn opposite Jupiter (4A08): this is the culmination/fulfillment stage of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle (which started on May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau' = neg: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles;), our two societal planets that represent expansion (Jup) and restriction (Sat), the yin-yang/positive-negative dualism that makes up our world. Their cycle relates directly to financial cycles and markets though the two are now out-of-sign, or dissociate in their opposition, thus tying in two polarities and their sign rulers which makes issues more complex--Ari/Lib (Mars-Venus/Saturn) and Tau/Sco (Venus again with Mars-Pluto/Jupiter.)

Jupiter rules 2nd house (Pisces) of Money, Self-Worth, and Earning Ability, along with nebulous, confused co-ruler Neptune 28AQ24 in 1st house and first planet in the chart to rise. Also in 2nd H is radical Uranus at Aries Point again (and conjunct US natal IC in the Sibly chart; Uranus = Jupiter/Neptune: real v imagined; coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation.)

With Sag on 11th cusp of Hopes, Wishes, Groups, and Associations, Jupiter Rx rules there as well denoting that group associations may be affected in a Rx way (delay, interruption, review, breakdown, etc.)

3. The final applying aspect Saturn makes is a trine (120 degr) with Chiron 1Pis05 (compassion v manipulation; this Saturn always gets what he wants but is not well-liked--Clow); wounding/wounded Chiron remains within orb of America's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) degree of 00Pis33 (12 South Series = 'opportunities to accept greater responsibilities arrive due to another's being unable to carry on; events may be difficult but outcomes are good'--paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The last repetition of the 12S Saros Series occurred on July 11, 2010 @ '19Cancer' near the Twins of Gemini, Castor and Pollux--a creative pair of characters but a bit schizoid.

Now as you know, lunar eclipses tend to work on more unconscious levels than solar ones and often uncover or reveal secrets and lunar-based matters long hidden. The typical eclipse 'wild card' effect may be noted with sudden realizations occurring, here related to both mercurial and martian issues.

One major thing about the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse is that America's natal Mars '22Gem' is 'eclipsed' by the Moon which lends support to the 'death of soldiers' or 'withdrawal--transport?--of the military', (and hopefully, no protesters will be killed though already a veteran at a rally has suffered a grievous head injury by police), so we'll see if White House promises of 'withdrawal' from Iraq come true by the end of 2011 since the involvement of US n Mars echoes the T-Square and its midpoint picture mentioned above.

11.1.11: Update: the 'eclipse' of US natal Mars on Dec 10, 2011 may also indicate secret shenanigans from the Pentagon and White House over where US troops will then be re-deployed after they 'leave' the region. Numbers will be fudged, destinations shrouded--for the West's US Imperial Bootprint is not likely to be removed from any area within the vicinity of Jerusalem, the prize.

Original post continues...

And with the Moon ruling 7th h of Partnerships (and oppositions such as Full Moons always emphasize relationships on some level--and/or stalemates, and presumably, awareness), some fluctuation and change may be seen in the 7th H area which may well include Legal Affairs and/or Open Enemies.

Please click the image to read a few more of my notes penned on the horoscope including the second T-Square formed through the auspices of this eclipse...

Moon/NN = Mars: vigorous unions or associations; energetic teamwork; soliciting advice; business acquaintances join together to further mutual interests; estrangements; public activism.

The involvement of the 'public contact' Moon/NN pair adds a potential for blockages to occur at port entries or exits (food? oil? troops?), relates to possible agricultural failures, and hints at women's opinions expressed on trade, commerce, or martian topics.

There are several entities whose natal planet/s are stimulated by conjunction or opposition with the Dec 10 Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11. I'll list in alphabetical order as many as I know with the affected planets and perhaps you're aware of others...

Australia (Pluto Rx)
Canada (Venus)
Cuba (Mercury, Uranus Rx)
France (Mc/Ic--Oct 30, 1946 2:40 pm LMT Paris)
UK (Mercury in Sag--Jan 1, 1801 12 am London)
Iran (Neptune Rx, source: Maggie Hyde in American Astrology Magazine)
Iraq (Moon, Venus, Saturn Rx--busy! source: Nicholas Campion)
North Korea (Jupiter in Sag)
Russia (Sun, Mercury, Dec 8, 1991 7:45 pm Moscow--Campion)
NYC (Neptune Rx, Jan 1, 1898 12:00 am est NYC, source: M. Hyde))
Roswell, NM (Uranus rising, Pluto descending, source: Dodson's Horoscopes of US States & Cities)
NASA (Saturn in Sag, Oct 1, 1958 8:00 am est Hampton, VA, source: NASA employee to astrodatabank)
UN (Uranus Rx--a sudden military action?)
The Vatican (Sun, Mercury, June 7, 1929 11:00 am Rome--Maggie Hyde; plus, Moon 13Gem49 is squared by the Dec 2011 Lunar Eclipse)

Well, as you can see there are more factors that could be mentioned but since this blog's comments have been sparser than usual for the last two or three weeks, I'm inclined to think that everyone has gone home--so maybe I will, too. Because for our December holidays, I don't much care for the horoscope of this military, trade, commerce, communication, union, financial cycle chart full of zeal, frustration, and delays.

Plus, Mars gets awfully testy in fussy Virgo, sign of Work (employment or lack thereof), Service (military and police), and Health. Is repeal of legislation on instigator Mars's list of things to do? Probably. If President Obama signed it into law it will be, compliments of Washington obstructionists holding zealously to their over-arching ideas and higher oaths.

Here Mars (males, ages 25--35, give or take a year or two) also describes Occupiers fighting against a corrupt system of laws made specially for the benefit of corporations to the exclusion and disenfranchisement of the 99%.

Well, here I am closing this post yet I haven't even mentioned the ruler of the 4th H (Real Estate) and 9th H, Venus 17Cap27 rising at the *POLITICAL POWER degree of '18Cap'..."The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism.

Yes, we can see where jackassian paternalism has gotten the world so far.

A new approach is to use the Moon/NN link and do things like the women of Yemen because democracy is a participation sport so it needs all of us to show up en masse!


*The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

Sep 25, 2011

A Daft US Government Teeters on Backs of the Poor Sept 2011

How Purposeful Washington's Political Games Now Seem

by Jude Cowell

All logic tossed out the window, there are factions in the US determined to topple our republic and one of their tactics is to pile responsibility for current, dire financial straights onto the "backs of the poor" with President Obama at the helm and, one must assume, complicit in a radical and daft recipe for systemic collapse.

("We will bury you", pronounced Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev to America during my childhood. Thanks for that memory, Nikki. But you're just another in a long line of jackassian politicians in my book.)

Well, Ray McGovern's article Obama on the Backs of the Poor from August 3, 2011 is worth a second look if you've had a first--or is a not-to-be-missed if you did. Apparently daftness and perfidy masquerading as recklessness rules Washington Politics more than ever though I will not give passes for those who mismanage by design. To paraphrase Max Igan, US government officials and workers are in breach of contract as our employees if they don't effectively do the jobs that come with their positions.

As one-world-government types like to parrot loudly: rule of law! --which should effectively include lawmakers, their minions, staffs, operatives, and all bureaucrats.

A difference though is that the VP and President are not actually elected by the people but by the squirrelly electoral college of muckedy mucks. Perhaps one of the big 'secrets' of America's 'invisible' government from founding times is that the aristocrats won the lotto and most of the spoils which often accrued and accrue from the labor of working men and women.

My, how we haven't spiritually progressed as factions work tirelessly to make providing for the 'general welfare' a thing of the past--it's been made to seem "too expensive" to waste money on the poor and disadvantaged. Has compassion become old-fashioned in America? Then we-the-people must lift it up!

A Quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Growing up within an hour or so from the reverend's home church in Atlanta, Ga, I remember hearing his voice and words on radio, TV, and in the news. As noted in the article above, *Rev. Martin Luther King Jr in a 1950s era speech said this:

"A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on an installment plan."

For me this follows Biblical examples of consumption of rich foods (and in our cases, foods contaminated with toxins and re-engineered with frankensteinian intent--some would cry, "eugenics" or "guinea-pig-ism") causing physical and mental weakness rather than imparting strength as nutritious food should do, and causing a constant undermining of health on many levels and during all decades of our lives.


*On using a quote from Dr. King on SO'W, it's happened before yet I admit to reading some information recently on his alleged connections to communist groups or individuals--but i am not convinced. For given the blatant hounding of the popular leader who could sway the masses, awaken our Higher Natures, and beneficially affect our social order in the process, his opponents' assertions about him are difficult to trust. And as Dr. King's Chiron-in-Pisces pastorship began meshing issues of Civil Rights, Workers' Rights, and the Peace Movement under his revival tent, he was then seen as a dangerous man by certain 'special' interests having a larger agenda to force one-world-government--the one we now see being implemented more openly than before as their trap is almost set.

And it was as President that George H. W. Bush first publicly intoned the term "new world order" in speeches along with a chilling promise (aka, threat) that the shadowy 'they' will be successful imposing a totalitarian, Saturnian-Neptunian system over the entire globe and over what they are determined will be a surveillance-police state-America risen from the ashes, the Illuminati's spying all-seeing-eye over the 13-step pyramid's missing capstone on the never-officially used and masonic- symbol-ridden reverse side of America's Great Seal.

A Saturn-Neptune Spot Check 2011

Saturn (government; systems; restrictions) with Neptune (secret; veils; the masses; the media; paranoia) denotes 'secret' or 'invisible' 'government' which shows in America's natal chart/s of July 4, 1776 with Saturn @ 14Lib48, and Neptune @ 22Vir25 (conjoined with the natal Mars of Barack Obama.) In our oft-utilized natal chart set for 5:10 pm LMT, we see the midpoint of the Secret Government pair @ 3Lib37--close enough in orb to the New Moon of September 27, 2011 @ 4Lib00 to indicate a 'new cycle of activity' beginning in relation to America's secret or invisible government plans and policies.

Of late. transit Uranus in early Aries ('Utopians' according to Ebertin) has been triggering or catalyzing the midpoint of US natal Saturn/Neptune...n Sat/Nep = tr Uranus: sudden weaknesses emerge; excitability; irritability; peculiar inclinations; upsets cause illness; inner unrest (of a people or a nation.) (R. Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)

Of course, to reach the Sept 27 New Moon we must first enter and navigate the 3-day period of the Dark Moon when hidden things go bump in the night and society's infestations of satanic forces opportunistically act with even more impunity. Sudden emergence of financial weaknesses cannot be ruled out, as we've already seen of late. Plus, the Saturn-Neptune pair of energies also carries a 'materialism v idealism' connotation.

And though a Dark Moon phase is an excellent time to lay low or chillax, my thought is that for best results in coming days, beware too many entertaining distractions because these people play for keeps, y'all, 2012 is upon our doorsteps, and from Sept 27's New Moon into 2012/13 will mark a watershed phase for all of humanity. Messing this up is not an option, really.

(You may wish to see my previous post on the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37--perhaps it's in the Top Ten Posts feed in the sidebar below--since it's the last celestial 'wild card of the Universe' of 2011 in solar fashion and ushers in Year 2012. The receptive Lunar Eclipse of December 10, 2011 is near the top of my to-blog list and is coming to this blog in the next week or two--it will be the cosmic companion of the Solar Eclipse of Nov 25, 2011 and both will do the 2012 ushering.)

Another thought to mention concerning President Obama is that he and MLK share the natal placement of Chiron in mystical Pisces (a Seeker on a Quest, perhaps for the 'Holy Grail'), and BHO is now in the midst of his Chiron Return, a numinous passage in life which occurs around age 50 that, in his case, is a five-fer (5 conjunctions of transit Chiron to his natal Chiron's zodiacal position.) This perfectly timed synchronicity lengthens the timeframe of the course of lessons the Wounded Healer will be teaching Pres. Obama, age 50--including the eternal one about "Be Here Now". jc

Sep 17, 2011

Horoscope: New Moon 4Lib00 Sept 27, 2011

Set for the White House, Washington DC, here is an image of September 27, 2011's New Moon @ 4:00:16 Libra rising (ASC 4Lib51), with the lunation as part of a Cardinal Grand Cross here perfected by US natal Jupiter 5Can56 at Midheaven (The Goal, or WHY? Point.)

Natal Jupiter @ '6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" is the WHY? A new cycle of activity (New Moon on ASC) is the WHAT? HOW is Pluto breaking down systems and structures in Capricorn, and the WHERE? is apparently Utopia (Uranus in Aries on DESC.)

The New Moon perfects during an Hour of Mars 5Leo05 in 10th house of Public Status and Career, conjunct US natal North Node which indicates encounters with martian people or events; chart-ruler Venus 15Lib21 in 1st house and just past US natal Saturn 14Lib48 which is the first US natal planet to rise in the New Moon chart.

This indicates issues of legalities, austerity, responsibility, potential loss, and accountability. Accountability issues are seconded by asteroid Hera at MC (keeping or balancing accounts) and financial matters are prominent.

Also prominent are military issues (hospitals, illness, use of force) and mining (Pluto conj IC, 4th house ruled by Saturn, plus, Neptune/Pluto midpoint in 4th h indicates resource plunderers (Robber Barons) and, in particular, uranium mining, contamination, radiation, and disposal concerns.

As you see, Jupiter Rx in Taurus, a money sign, is posited in 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Business, Corporations, Banking, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Transformation, Death, and the Occult. The Neptune/Pluto pair has links to the supernatural and the occult as well.

For the sake of brevity, this analysis of the new cycle of activity beginning on Sept 27 will be primarily focused on midpoint pictures, aspects, and other links to the New Moon itself.

Chart-ruler Venus makes only one applying aspect (how things will proceed)--a conjunction with Saturn which happens to be conjoining US Secondary Progressed Mars Rx. Serious meetings are indicated along with mixing business with pleasure, working in isolation, and/or appreciating a need for better organization and structure.

Two applying aspects to the New Moon are telling, one that is separating (waning) indicates a past event or unconscious inclination--here are a few potentials which may come from the New Moon in Libra, sign of Partnerships and Legalities, but which also has war and conflict connotations:

New Moon square Pluto (0A55): new starts externally enforced; independent actions are courageous; transformation of lifestyles; ego is the driving motivation (Sun); emotional attachments intensify; overpowering emotions may outweigh other considerations; transformed domestic environments; powerful motivations bring impressive achievements but recklessness is a caution (Moon.)

New Moon sextile Mars (1A05): current opportunities inspire courageous actions; principles of loyalty and integrity are defended and may benefit career and reputation; competition or aggression (Sun); feelings morph into actions; talent is developed through instincts; business opportunities present themselves (Moon.)

Cardinal Grand Cross: Sun/Moon, Mercury, ASC, MC (US n Jupiter), Pluto, and Uranus

With US n Jupiter at MC and triggering/completing the T-Squares into a Grand Cross pattern, we know that idealism, finances, religion, higher education, war (Jupiter the General), courts, and other 9th house matters that Jupiter rules are particularly of interest in this New Moon horoscope, with business, self-protection, and security intimately involved (Cancer.)

Yet the separating opposition from radical Uranus 2Ari31 Rx may also relate esp with Uranus still affected by the transiting Jupiter/Neptune midpoint, the speculator-wastrel-grand schemes-inflationary pair of planets which conjoined one another upon our US natal Moon--we-the-people--in Aquarius all through 2009 creating an 'involved in speculation/instability' vibe. (Jup/Nep = Uranus: reality v imagination; coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation--Ebertin.)

Please click the chart to enlarge for more details including America's natal planets which are penned around the outside of the chart and highlighted in an aqua color.

Since there's so much dynamic energy with the planetary pattern, let's consider the midpoint pictures formed by the US n Jupiter-completed Grand Cross--any, all, or none may apply:

n Jupiter/tr Pluto = Sun: creating magical effects; successful use of extraordinary mental or physical powers.

n Jupiter/tr Pluto = Moon: a desire to bring about social improvements; influencing the masses/the public through an appeal to the emotions (uh oh--that's now the US government always gets Americans to go to war--jc); a successful use of psychology.

n Jupiter/tr Pluto = ASC: a desire for power; organizing talent; personal advancement; far-sightedness; prudence.

(Interesting that 'prudence' was one of Bush Sr's signature words, and this New Moon shows the difficult Mars/Saturn midpoint sitting upon Poppy's natal ASC = possible health threat; separation; mourning. Also, Saturn 18Lib12 has just conjoined his natal Moon, also not a good portent for health issues, and his n Pluto in Cancer is at MC. Oh, and by the way: NN 17Sag14 in 3rd house of the New Moon chart is pointing toward Dick Cheney's natal Mars and as you know, Cheney's recent book has stirred up controversies over his role in 9/11 and his war crimes.)

n Jupiter/tr Pluto = Uranus: fanatics striving for improvements (Ebertin gives Uranus in Aries as 'Utopians'); quickly exploiting every situation; sudden reforms (will the president's American Jobs Creation bill pass? jc); adjustments to new circumstances.

Sun/Uranus = n Jupiter: successful reformers, inventors, or technicians; a pleasant surprise!

Sun/Uranus = Pluto: radical reformers; a desire to rearrange things; tragic experiences; imprisonment.

Sun/Uranus = MC: restless people with far-reaching plans; reformers, inventors, technicians (again--jc); the impact of sudden events or upheavals.

Moon/Uranus = n Jupiter: aims and objectives on a grand scale; vision; satisfied ambitions; ambitious aspirations.

Moon/Uranus = Pluto: fanaticism; self-willedness; stubbornness; a craving for sensation; building anew upon ruins.

Moon/Uranus = MC: pursuit of ambitious aims; excitement and great energy; determination; ready for action; sudden interference.

Uranus/ASC = n Jupiter: a fortunate rearrangement of the environment; optimism; successful teamwork.

Uranus/ASC = Pluto: a desire to attain success even under the most difficult circumstances.

Also of interest to our New Moon/new cycle topic is the Sabian Symbol for Mercury '3Lib' with trader Mercury in the 12th house of Politics, Secret Deals, Self-Undoing, and Karma:

"The Dawn of a New Day Reveals Everything Changed"...'INNOVATION:

Keynote: The ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values.'

Yes, but it's which values and what kind of 'new foundation' that concern this American.


Natal data, both with Rodden Rating A: George H. W. Bush June 12, 1924 11:45 am edt Milton, MA; Dick Cheney January 30, 1941 7:30 am cst Lincoln, NE.

All midpoint pictures today are from Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences.

'3Lib' and '6Can' are from An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar.

Blog Note: once again, Blogger is 'disappearing' parts of my post as I type/save (some I have no time to put back), and SpellCheck goes out and in. Hopefully all will be displayed and correctly spelled once this post is published. Very annoying and time-wasting, Blogger! jc

Aug 1, 2011

Horoscopes: Obama's Solar Return 2011 w his Sec Full Moon

The Solar Return 2011 Horoscope of President Barack Obama w Sec Full Moon

by Jude Cowell

President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 pm AHST and the Sun returns to natal position this year on August 5, 2011 at 3:07:01 am edt; the Solar Return chart (SR) below, is relocated to the White House.

Here's his SR 2011 horoscope; please click to enlarge:

(Blog Note: the above image of the President's SR 2011 is a re-upload since its original posting mysteriously 'disappeared' from its slot. Hopefully it will now remain in this post. And since I'm just getting the hang of a new scanner--with too many bells & whistles--you may have to click-to-enlarge the image for better viewing. Thanks! jc)

Original text continues here:

Solar Return charts describe an entire year until one's next birthday and may be divided into quarterly sections for timing purposes with the Angular houses representing the first 4 months of the solar year (counting from the date of the return chart, here August 5th), the succedent houses (2,5,8,11) showing the next 4 months (here December 2011, January, February, March 2012), and the cadent houses (3,6,9,12) indicating conditions in the last 4 months before his August 2012 birthday.

As you know, there are many considerations when reading a SR chart such as:

angular planets (and the one closest to an angle: here it's Pluto conjunct Descendant (powerful/manipulative/wealthy partners), next is Mars conjunct Ascendant--their opposition is first-up for Mr. Obama who now deals with the GOP debt ceiling/default stand-off with Republicans determined to protect the rich man's purse: update 7.31: tentative debt deal announced @ 8:40 pm edt with US natal Moon rising--possible votes in House and Senate today, 8.1.11), the house of and aspects to natal Sun (here in 2nd house with evaluating Venus showing money and Treasury concerns continuing into December 2011 and beyond), the sign, house, and aspects of the SR Moon (here in Libra in the 5th H of Risk-Taking), the first natal planet to rise (here Mr. Obama's natal Venus has just risen and is conjoined by activist Mars, grumpy in Cancer), SR planets aspecting the natal and progressed charts, SR house rulers (of course), hemispheric emphases, where natal planets fall in the SR chart, and other factors to fill out the SR picture.

President Obama's SR 2011 hemispheric emphases: 5/5 for public and private sectors (balanced), and the edge is slightly on the Self-Directed side with 6 planets in the eastern hemisphere, 4 on the western side of Others.

Of course, the SR chart must always be compared to natal and progressed charts and a fuller picture is gained by considering the year's worth of Lunar Return charts along with the SR.

Just four days after the president's birthday, on August 8, 2011, the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto square perfects most closely with Mars @ 3Can25--just crossing this SR ASC. Click to view the horoscope. Societal issues from their conjunctions of the mid-60s surface for dynamic resolution or worsening. Mars crossing his SR 2011 ASC highlights that period as a time for action and may be explosive and/or full of zeal, especially since Mars opposes power-mad Pluto.

SR 2011 Midpoint Pictures

So if you've read this blog before, you know I favor the use of planetary midpoint pictures and here, the first four have been in effect for weeks for all of us but are personalized for Mr. Obama during his SR 2011 year; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to activation from transits and progressions:

Mars/Pluto = Uranus (in Aries, Uranus = Utopians): brutality; sudden disasters of great consequence; stirring up or altering conditions.

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: sudden recognition of a difficult situation; imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump.

Jupiter/NN = Neptune: instability; unreliability; indecision or vacillation; disappointment; getting sober again.

Saturn/Neptune = NN: common or joint suffering; mourning.

A mdpt picture particular to the president's SR 2011 chart:

Pluto/ASC = Uranus: constant anxiety and restlessness; extraordinary upsets and incidents; accidents.

(Mdpt pics: Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

Planetary patterns include a 'double' YOD (Sun/Saturn = MC; Venus/Saturn = MC, with both indicating separation and isolation, part of the job description for any US president; tr Saturn square natal Sun is a time (here, for all of his SR 2011 year) of inhibiting people (not good for the ego), challenges that bring delays, sobering events, rules and red-tape annoyances, and determination toward goals being seriously tested. This is an echo of our US natal Sun/Saturn square, and blockages from or by legal actions are implied.

Also there is a Kite pattern with Neptune and Chiron as the 'tail', and a Mystic Rectangle ('practial mysticism') involving Mercury, Pluto, Mars/ASC, and shaman Chiron (in process of a Chiron Return to Mr. Obama's first house Chiron in Pisces.)

Mercury 1Vir00 Rx opposes Neptune 00Pis00 Rx--about to return to late degrees of Aquarius--which indicates a time of falling victim to competitors' subversive tactics. Yes, I know--this describes his entire presidency so far, but we can expect political games and tricks of Rs v Ds to continue as the 2012 campaign heats up. (And no, we don't need Astrology to tell us that!)

SR 2011 Sun in SR 2nd H indicates a continuing emphasis on financial matters for the president with asteroid Cupido (Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate) @ 12Can58 conjunct US natal Sun (the leader) and parallel Mr. Obama's SR 2011 Mars, still out-of-bounds (OOBs) and in Fall in Cancer where the Testy One tends to be emotionally touchy--it doesn't take much to set him off.

The Solar Return Moon denotes the emotional tone of his year along with the type of daily and domestic matters he will deal with. In Libra, SR Moon reflects: harmony in domestic conditions along with sensitivity in detecting imbalances in the environment, the number of social events may increase, women play more important roles in the proceedings, and cooperation is the key word.

SR Moon in SR 5th house brings change, fluctuation, or transition in any or all 5th H matters (children, risk-taking/gambling, creative pursuits, romance) along with emotional dependency on relationships, and/or a tendency to be unrealistic about partnerships or unions. Libra is an Air sign which resonates well with Mr. Obama's Airy natal Moon in communicative Gemini. Sounds like his emotional weather for the year will be an improvement over the solar implications for ego battering, or ego challenging at the least.

Another thing about SR Mars 1Can17 (besides the fact that it conjoins the president's natal Venus to the minute): this martian catalyst 'reaches forward' to November 2011 and squares Mr. Obama's Secondary Full Moon @ 1Ari11 on November 6, 2011. Below is the horoscope of his Sec Full Moon, the timer for just how far one may stretch or expand into the outer world in appr. 28-year increments, from New Moon to New Moon. How the timing of his Sec Full Moon plays into Mr. Obama being elected for a second term is uncertain for I believe that if the powers-that-be want him for a second term, they're have him. But how would a second term go for him after 'peaking' in November 2011?

Well, as we see now, our US Sec Full Moon 4Vir10, which occurred on December 24, 2008, has marked a time of dimming light for America and a reining in of our expansionist tendencies. And of course, Financial Collapse 2008 marks the obvious beginning of our decline though it was years coming. Perhaps the tentative 'debt-default deal' allegedly reached last evening between Congress and the White House (and yet to be passed by both Houses) well describes America's 2008 Sec Full Moon condition for it places limits on US financial over-spending including military budget cuts.

So here you see the Sec Full Moon horoscope; please click to enlarge; you may be interested in the notes, lower right, with a few details on the president's progressed inconjunction between the Aries Moon and Venus in Virgo. Another inconjunct (quincunx) appears between Sec Jupiter 27Cap19 (conjunct US n Pluto 27:33 Rx) and Sec Uranus 28Leo19 (conjunct his Sec NN...Uran/NN = radical or reformist political groups.)

Jupiter inconj Uranus indicates that adjustments are required between political aims (Ura/NN) and financial (2nd H) and societal conditions necessary to pull them off. These finances and conditions involve partnerships (7th H) with the Jupiter/Pluto connection denoting those who are responsible for large projects such as war, the world banking industry and plutocrats, and global religious organizations.

As you know, this Sec Full Moon 1Ari11 conjoins the IC of the US natal chart (Sibly; 5:10 pm LMT--changes at home) with Sec Sun 1Lib11 @ US n MC (Home v Career/Public Standing.) On November 6, 2011, the transiting Moon conjoins his Sec Moon (a Progressed Moon Return) along with tr Uranus 1Ari06 Rx, with Moon/Uranus themes of excitability, changes, new lifestyles, and possibly chaotic conditions.

(The November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse opposite his natal Gemini Moon may not help matters with its sinister undercurrent, I suspect, but that's a post for another day.)

There may be a tragic deception or illusion (Sun/Neptune = Pluto) affecting society--one potential by then, is that more info will have come out concerning the current 'debt-default deal' and its dire affects on our weakened economy and possible consequences which harm the ill, weak, young, and elderly. We'll see since it's early days on that and for the non-constitutional 'Super Congress' they've created to finagle the bill's ultimate provisions.

Well, take a look at Mr. Obama's Sec Full Moon horoscope and see what you think. We can discuss the chart more at length as November 2011 nears, if either of you wish:

ASC/DESC axis 20Can/Cap34 at critical or crisis degrees, Fixed Stars Castor and Pollux, the Gemini Twins, rise with their 'dark twin-light twin' vibe which may be said to describe in part President Obama's mixed parental heritage. Moon in Mars-ruled Aries indicates rashness or over-eagerness, a personal will influenced by feelings, and/or a lust for power.

Sun in Libra (1:11) is @ the Sec Full Moon's Point of Illumination opposite, a unconscious point of awareness. Sun in Libra denotes sociableness, adaptation, constancy or a lack of firmness, diplomacy, the importance of partnerships, and being motivated by a public spirit. He is independent yet needs others!

Until Sec Moon reaches Taurus in 2+ years after Nov 2011, the combo of Sun Lib/Moon Aries (Air-Fire, whereas his natal Sun Leo/Moon Gem = Fire-Air) gives President Obama a restless and willful nature, a sense of justice, and an entertaining personality with a feisty but cool-headed aura. He can really defend the underdog with this combination, but will he?

An awkward stubbornness when reaching one's limits is evident with this Sun/Moon combo which does not bode well for acceptance of the Nov 2011 Sec Full Moon as marking the natural limit of his expansion into the world--but perhaps his 'cooler head' will prevail within himself on that score and realism will set in. Or, perhaps Mr. Obama will ignore this portent and lose his re-election bid in 2012, an outcome which must be determined by many other astrological and societal factors which are outside the scope of today's column.

Natally, Sun Lib/Moon Aries is shared by two people who illustrate glimmers of Politics within these famous quotes:

"Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned." - Dick Gregory

"A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man." - E. E. Cummings



Resources: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey; Identifying Planetary Triggers, Celeste Teal.

Jul 14, 2011

Horoscope: Eric Cantor w July 2011 Debt Talks planets

Swords v Torches! Debt Talks & Walk-Outs Continue at the White House

by Jude Cowell

According to his Wikipedia bio page, Eric Ivan Cantor was born on June 6, 1963 in Richmond, Virginia. Mr. Cantor has inhabited the role of House Majority Leader since January 3, 2011, and is of a Republican persuasion. His father, a real estate firm owner, acted as state treasurer for the 1980 presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan so our Mr. Cantor is quite the dyed-in-the-wool Kool-Aid imbiber of Starve The Beast Ideology with a transnational corporation persuasion perking underneath all the charm.

UPDATE Friday 7.15.11: here's a fresh story concerning yesterday's debt talks at the White House during which the confrontational Mr. Cantor is said to have remained mum. Plus, you may wish to check out Cantor's Sun--Moon blend for a fuller picture of the fellow.

Original post resumes here:

Taking a squinty astro-peek at the cosmic implications of Mr. Cantor's day of birth (hour unknown, using Noon), we see a man with Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius with Luna remaining in Sag for the 24-hour period (Moon sails from 3 Sag to 14 Sag.)

Image: horoscope Eric Cantor June 6, 1963 noon edt Richmond, VA, with 'debt talks' transits for July 13, 2011 White House, outer, in yellow.

With its Moon/Pluto conjunction @ 5Cap (and conjoining tr Siva, the destroyer-creator), the July 13, 2011 'debt talks' transits resonate with the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @ 4Cap46 which conjoined tr Pluto 4Cap06 Rx (the revealing eclipse with the Cardinal Grand Cross stand-off energies) and I think a Moon/Pluto theme describes the current debt talks-negotiations-meetings (and emotional tantrums!) at the White House of late between the GOP's John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and President Obama.

See what you think about Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets info concerning Moon/Pluto as the combined energies may express themselves in Politics and Business:

popular promises concerning waste in appeals to the people; obsessions bring misuse of the available resources for country or business. A 'public relations' vibe is also noted with Moon/Pluto involvement.

Now I don't often spend much time blogging about a horoscope when an exact time for it isn't known (so we can know which houses the planets are posited in, and ASC and MC degrees), so I won't. But I will focus on natal chart factors relating to finances and/or to the current power play against a Democratic White House and president. Missions are butting heads here!

Click to enlarge the image, as suggested, and hopefully you'll be able to make out a few of my chicken-scratch notes written upon the chart along with the transits.

Note a dynamic T-Square pattern between Cantor's Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy - Mr. Obama was born with Pluto opposing Chiron, too) opposition pointing toward natal Sun in Gemini, his essence, personality, and the North Star leading him along his hero's journey. Geminian realms are part of his path: Communications, News, Trade, Commerce, ruled by speedy Mercury who serves as Messenger to the gods. Mmm-hmm. (Nor-quist, the North Star guiding his path, his mission in life?)

This apex Sun in a T-SQ indicates one with very strong willpower (enough to abruptly interrupt a president), a bold desire for accomplishment and recognition, a self-seeking tendency, over-confidence, arrogance, and an overbearing manner. This apex Sun attracts conflict and power struggles with others!

More specifically, apex Sun in a Mutable T-SQ hones the ambition to a deep and concentrated focus on being recognized for intellectual prowess. The changeable Mutable undercurrent gives him a highly nervous restlessness requiring periodic rest so that a tantrum taking his nibs suddenly out of a room when the heat is turned up and he over-fusses himself tallies quite well with apex Sun in a Mutable T-SQ pattern.

Well-managed, this solar energy is all set to make Mr. Cantor into 'something special' yet that doesn't guarantee it will benefit more than those in the ruling class--although it may retain for him the social status he so desires. Much fame is indicated for this natural authoritarian and plutocratic oligarchs are on hand to motivate him at every turn.

And this week, Mars conjoined Mr. Cantor's natal Sun in mid-Gemini, a time when aggressive energy rises, conflicts and confrontations may occur (even physical ones), and ego gratification is the driving force behind goals. He feels his principles, integrity, and pride are on the line so no wonder he's acting so frisky in the White House!

A Word About Eric Cantor's Jupiter in Aries

Rep. Cantor's Jupiter 13Ari29 describes a competitive risk-taker with an abundance of inner self-esteem, a self-assertive style, a big ego (typical for a politician), and big dreams for the future. If crashing the global economy is the goal, a one-world-government fanatic may be indicated for Jupiter in Aries is the 'holy crusader' and maybe Eric Cantor's mask just slipped a wee notch.

This reminds me of candidate Michele Bachmann signing a theocracy pledge which ignores America's traditional yet fading 'separation of church and state' tenet. We will be oh-so sorry when it's gone.

Jupiter inconjunct Neptune tends to create for itself impossible problems which then entail painful solutions; a misunderstanding of responsibilities can be evident, and psychosomatic conditions may flare under pressure which is more internally applied than externally.

Sun inconjunct Neptune causes over-reactions to anything perceived as criticism, a workaholic temperament, and a tendency to underestimate or overestimate one's capabilities - or to alternate between the two. Moderation In All Things is the best advice for this aspect, along with using caution when taking on other people's responsibilities (such as John Boehner's!)

These two inconjuncts (aka, quincunxes, 165 degrees = obsession-compulsion) make up the YOD pattern you see in the horoscope marked in red and with dotted line.

But of course! You of the eagle eye spy Mr. Cantor's natal YOD pattern (crisis; crossroads; turning point; special task; Finger of God) with a Sun/Jupiter sextile at its base, and pointing toward apex Neptune 13Sco29 Rx (Scorpio, the sign of Big Business, Surveillance, The Occult, and Science, with support from his scientific Saturn in Aquarius; the Neptune in Scorpio generation is charismatic.)

First, let's consider the 60-degree Sun/Jupiter sextile of opportunity at the YOD's base.

Alan Oken calls this the 'Cosmic Blessing' aspect and says it brings good fortune, material comfort, and pleasant journeys where significant experiences occur. Plus, Alan Epstein says a Sun/Jupiter sextile presents a challenge to gain recognition without becoming corrupted in the process. Well, I suspect Mr. Cantor works in the wrong town and business if he values non-corruptibility though we may be seeing this expressed in his fanatic clinging to the Reagan-Norquist Starve The Beast manifesto, no matter whose granny or child gets hurt. This aspect also shows political astuteness, an impressive facade, and a talent for playing competitors against one another!

Now apex Neptune in a YOD configuration denotes one who prefers to remain within an emotional ivory tower and ignore needed social adjustments--from there he can criticize and direct from a safe distance. Mr. Cantor is devoted to an ideal for which a sacrifice is required and around which may swirl illusion, deception, and mysticism. Here is an illuminated one (and a radical: Uranus in wide conjunction with transformative Pluto.)

A midpoint picture is formed by the trio involved in the YOD--any, all, or none may apply...

Sun/Jupiter = Neptune: purposeful deceit about the intentions of others; grandiose plans for projects others think are impractical; an interest in illusions; clouds of doubt; high sensitivity; a material loss; a successful medium or crook (all mdpt pics: Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Plus, Mr. Cantor's Mars/Uranus conjunction in early Virgo, sign of The Critic, supplies him with a willful desire to determine his own rules and remain unrestrained by others; he believes he must be free in order to do what it takes to get what he wants. Here is a rebellious, impulsive nature of daring and courage. Now Mr. Cantor could use his warrioring Mars/Uranus energy to fight for the less fortunate in our society but somehow this imperative has been perverted toward a cold-hearted corporate ideology where tragedy for others results.

Yes, he is good at initiating challenges to powerful government officials, and to dramatize his point he may even threaten his opponents using any public support he has (or thinks he has.) Perhaps this tendency was involved in President Obama's pushback against Cantor--even if it takes down his presidency, BHO says. (Good!)

Well, since a Mars/Uranus conjunction describes a taker, not a giver, I shall wish Mr. Obama and the American people positive outcomes as the president deals with 'holy crusader' Eric Cantor.

In spite of it all, perhaps something will be agreed upon between the parties by the light of Friday's Full Moon in Capricorn a mere few hours hence: July 15, 2011 @ 2:39 am edt in Washington DC! Its Sabian Symbol seems appropriate as 'debt talks' and the August 2nd debt ceiling deadline continues making the news in our nation's capital...

Full Moon '23Cap' = "Two Awards For Bravery in War"...RECOGNITION.

positive expression: the social stewardship which demands a continual self-dedication;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: strutting self-exploitation.

Social stewardship from Washington DC circa 2011? Now we're talkin'!


Further Reading suggestions: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney. 'Unconscious/shadow side' is added to the negative expression of Dr. Jones' version of the symbols. jc

Jun 15, 2011

Why is the June 15 2011 Lunar Eclipse "rare"? Google live feeds it!

My previous posts concerning tonight's Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag23 mentioned its astrological importance sandwiched as it is between the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 11Gem02 and the upcoming karmic Solar Eclipse on July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12 which inaugurates a brand new Saros Series.

Yes, new solar/nodal cycles begin on July 1, 2011 and America's natal Jupiter (6Cancer; ideology, funding, expansion) and Sun (13 Cancer; leadership, goals, ego) are within its astrological path with budgetary and debt ceiling issues (Jupiter) in the news and on the president's agenda (Sun.)

The July 1st Solar Eclipse also qualifies as a 'birthday gift' for America manifesting as it does a mere three days before our birthday, our national Independence Day.

However, since all eclipses are considered 'wild cards of the universe' in Astrology, no one really knows what precisely will be activated or triggered. But eclipses tend to catalyze in similar fashion to the quirky, disruptive energies of Uranus, planet of freedom, independence, egalitarianism, Science, and Astrology - and is America's 'totem planet' from 1776 (though not discovered by William Herschel until 1781; the two dates bracketing the discovery of rebellious Uranus provide a time link and the uniting of interests and themes between the American Revolution and the French Revolution, as you know.)

Simultaneously, South Node (SN) of the Moon now affects US natal Mars (military, police force, males between the ages of 25 - 35 or so.) This indicates a karmic condition of separation and/or dependence on neurotic behavior (SN) yet more Washington lawmakers do seem to be admitting that the Pentagon's military operations (Mars, god of war) in Afghanistan need to come to a close (SN) sooner rather than later.

So tonight's Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker, is rare for its unusually long duration of totality. Click the article link for the locations from whence the June 15, 2011 Lunar Eclipse may be viewed.

Alternately, the illustrious Google intends to provide us all with a live feed of the Lunar Eclipse!

Jun 13, 2011

6.15.11 Lunar Eclipse reflects threats to Luna, New Mexico

Evening of June 13, 2011: NPR News has a report on fires natural (and perhaps otherwise?) which began on the Colorado-New Mexico border in May 2011, and now are under unstable control when at all in June 2011. Feeds of NPR's related stories are included.

Earlier today I posted a certain point of view using Mundane Astrology concerning the Wednesday June 15, 2011 Lunar Eclipse which by namesake resonates with the frequency of the town with the Moon-esque vibe: Luna, NM (there are two, one in Cadron Co., the other in Lincoln Co.) Paradoxically, its moniker was consciously given (perhaps by committee?) which for me conjures images of a Full Moon that can lift arm hairs when the topic of Lunar Eclipses comes up due to their often-documented and 'magical' ability to uncover things hidden or unconscious (see my previous post on Wednesday's eclipse, if you wish) and, in catastrophic cases out West, to also bring troubles apace to our homes and homeland (home = Cancer, the sign ruled by the astrological Moon.)

My thought is that the human race retains its collective memories and an eclipse of the Moon is by design a perfect cosmic vehicle and a trigger or timer for taking that unknown, unconscious, and possibly dangerous path where only the silver rays from a Moon Lantern lights us upon our journey. (Image of Tarot card #18, The Moon.)

>Thunder rumbles as I type and power surges have been off-on for a while now so I must mosey quickly, get my pc off the electricity. Meant to provide you with a link to include an article about Hamburg Iowa reported today to be under flood threat due to oncoming tides from a levee breach. (Storm's over, Tuesday edit: Hamburg Iowa under flood threat.)

Please pray for Luna, the surrounding environs, and Iowa - actually, toss in all of America and the planet if you care to, for watery yet smokey Neptune is active in the world and dissolving moorings of all kinds. (See today's earlier post about this Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag23.) Even the old "fog of war" from the Vietnam War era is in the news this week with release of unredacted Pentagon Papers! (Lunar Eclipse revelations - see previous post as advised - if you wish, of course!)

If the Vietnam War era were a mere moment in time it might be titled, Flower in Gun Barrel Moment of illusion and the sort of pretending that gets a large number of people killed. The cosmic identity of such a moment is similar to the wrongheaded Splitting of the Atom Moment and, on another level, resembles the truism that a Genie can never fit back into her bottle once released. (Genie = Uranus, bottle = Saturn, of course.

When the atom was split, a perfect form or model was broken by curious human beings who had no clue how to repair the effects of their misguided arrogance while the bossy ones who ordered the project done and possibly helped bankroll it to some smattering degree held no qualms about the unleashing of this abominable power. The power was, after all, to be directed wherever the lucky gened powers-that-be were not.)

Luna, New Mexico; Mystic Rectangle June 2011

So for focusing our positive thoughts and prayers on behalf of those of us facing trials much larger than we must ordinarily withstand, good news is that there's a perfect Mystic Rectangle pattern formed around us tomorrow by 9:32 am edt (between Saturn (Air) and Uranus (Fire) with Moon in fiery Sag and Venus in airy Gemini, Hour of Venus) when high waters may inundate parts of the region even as huge fires challenge fighters across wide swaths of burned property. (Some duplicity may be afoot with Neptune whose archetype now showers us with too grand a performance before re-entering colder Aquarius from oceanic Pisces. Yes, it's that mix of wounding yet shamanic Chiron and Neptune again.

(If only flood water could be piped over to fight wild fires, creating balance between the two elements that together tend to be steamy hot and whose catalytic action may well lead to much soul-searching after searing experiences.)

My hope for protection and safety is being sent cross-country to the good people of the Western US and for the firefighters who risk their all. I do believe that angels of mercy stand ready at your command.


On The Big Picture right now (on LINK TV for me) with Thom Hartmann, General Petraeus is apparently the latest Lunar Eclipse victim...peep-eye!

Seems Gen. Petraeus' reporting on Aghanistan has left much truth to be desired from within the neocon-Zionist-warhawk' stance of 'politics of the national security state' which now strangles our nation and commandeers the top rung of priorities (financial, political nd ideological) for corrupted Washington and the soulless, 5-pointed death star, the Pentagon.

Meanwhile the security state's hierarchy of knaves and thugs can never get enough citizens to send into hellish war ('war is peace')...the 'right' Casio watches notwithstanding. It's up to we-the-people to reign the brigands in, for as we know, "When governments fear the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Or words to that effect.

For more on such political topics you may wish, as tonight's Moon rushes to meet the Sun by Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse, to uncover and reveal The Digital Papers of Thomas Jefferson.


Blog Note: to generally answer an emailed Q about the current FaceBook 'facial recognition' controversy, it's my opinion that the top dogs at FB seems to consist of a bunch of sneaks. Yes, I left FB earlier this year and heard today that the number of FB deserters in the US is growing which is perfectly understandable, really. jc

Lunar Eclipse 24Sag23 June 15, 2011

Having returned today from a weekend visit in the Atlanta area, I find that one of our best and most prolific astrologers, Julie Demboski, has covered this Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse (June 15, 2011) @ 24Sag23 which places the opposite point ('Illumination Point'), the Sun @ 24Gem23. You'll discover Julie's article link provided, below.

A Full Moon Spoon in June?

Full Moons, whether Lunar Eclipses or not, indicate a focus on relationship and partnerships issues, awareness, and/or revelations with the stronger Lunar Eclipses bringing to light what's been hidden in the unconscious or previously undisclosed by others. They also indicate fulfillment of something begun at the previous New Moon, and since the last lunation was the Solar Eclipse of June 1, 2011 in Gemini, the 6.15.11 Lunar Eclipse carries within its energies some level of importance for the collective. This eclipse of the Moon is snugly sandwiched between two Solar Eclipses, a rather rare celestial event!

As you know, the sign of Sagittarius is ruled by abundant Jupiter, so financial disclosures may be a 'wild card' target for Luna's brightening influences in June. Alternately, brewing scandals may erupt so keep your ears to the ground and your eyes on YouTube.

Plus, the recent announcement that the Pentagon Papers will now be fully revealed may be part of the disclosure scenario of June 2011 as they'll soon be published unredacted (including online) and will go back to the 1940s and up until 1967. After all these years, we may yet find out what the 'big deal' was really about when the information was leaked by whistle blower Daniel Ellsberg and the New York Times published it.

Such a political hullabaloo was created, suitable for massive diversion from the business which should have been taken care of in Washington DC, circa 1971!

Well, today is the 40th anniversary of the NYT beginning to publish (June 13, 1971) the leaked info so you may wish to snag yourself a read of an interview concerning the Pentagon Papers on Daniel Ellsberg's website where you can read the 1971 headlines for yourself.

Lunar Eclipse June 15, 2011 and America's Natal Chart

So Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse Sun will highlight US natal Mars @ '22Gem' the day prior to the eclipse (6.14.11), a 'transit' to US n Mars which indicates taking action on plans that have been in discussion or on the drawing board for a while. Being too pushy, hot-headed, or impulsive are distinct possibilities but should be discouraged at this time. Plus, injuries to head or face, fevers, cuts, or bruises may come someone's way, especially if they're acting too brash or careless.

The eclipse triggers as well the natal square between US n Mars and n Neptune, one of the weakest areas in America's national psyche with its confused or deceptive motivations and actions vibe. 'Massive army' may also be a description of a Mars/Neptune contact, and that, we got plenty of. Too much in fact, for our 'global police force' role groweth old, unwieldy, and unsustainable.

Therefore, with the Lunar Eclipse Sun squaring US n Neptune on Wednesday, the US government, the president, and we-the-people are 'on our own' in a sense. Those in charge are elusive and/or deceptive so trusting them is a fool's game (as usual, yes, but this condition is highlighted by the June 15th eclipse - we may find out where we erred in doing so.) Someone will be intentionally misleading and clear thinking is quite impossible for we may be overly transfixed by the lustrous Full Moon's revealed secrets!

Traveling over water may be risky, too, and perhaps we should stick to creative or spiritual pursuits since hard facts may be impossible to determine or to confirm. (Perhaps what is allegedly revealed is a pack of lies!)

Having the eclipsed Moon opposite US n Mars may denote that the public (Moon) opposes the actions (Mars) being taken for they may not be popular or coordinate with current social trends or opinions. In any case, revelations of all sorts may occur on several levels this week and for the next few weeks - at least until the Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12, which begins a brand new Saros Series, but the Lunar Eclipse's contact with our nation's natal Mars/Neptune square may give us less understanding rather than more...or, we may receive an incorrect picture or concept.

(See this blog's sidebar or underneath posts for links to Solar Eclipse columns.)

Now that's my Mundane Astrology take on June 15th's Lunar Eclipse which manifests in America's natal horoscope (Sibly version = July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA; ASC '13Sag') in the 1st house of Self which personalizes it for the Washington political establishment while collectivizing it for us all. Check other versions of the US natal chart to see where this energy of revelation and disclosure occurs.

So What Does the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius Mean for Me?

Glad you asked! First, note the 24Sag23/24Gem23 degree area in your natal and progressed charts for clues as to where hidden info or unconscious content may be revealed or realized in your life at this juncture, and read up on any aspects the Lunar Eclipse makes to your planets and angles, if any; other current planetary contacts and their rulerships will play in to the eclipse energies as well.

Then you'll find that Julie Demboski's The Power of Nature details a more personal level of interaction from this Lunar Eclipse in the sign of The Seeker than is ever mentioned here on SO'W with its Political Astrology focus, so my very best advice is to check out Julie's column, if you haven't already!


Mossy image revealed above: Full Moon at Green Arch from my Secret Moon Art gallery of cosmic and botanical drawings...drop on by for an Art Browse when it suits. jc

Jun 3, 2011

John Edwards indicted under rays of Gemini Solar Eclipse 6.3.11

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Former Presidential Candidate John Edwards Indicted On Charges Related To Money Given To Mistress

The Democratic politician's lawyers contend the payments were gifts from friends. Prosecutors allege they were political donations that should have been reported.

More at NPR.


Often a Solar Eclipse can bring things to light which were hidden especially if it connects with a person's particular natal and progressed horoscopes. With this Wednesday's June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 11Gem02, Mr. Edwards (born with an Airy Sun Gem-Moon Gem personality blend!) has had his private business put out for all to review, critique, and bring charges.

And since Solar Eclipses are freshly seeded New Moons, the legal case against the former Democratic presidential candidate is at its beginning.

Here's a SO'W post from late 2007 concerning my surmises about the 2008 campaign and the out-of-bounds Mercury of John Edwards with his natal horoscope shown. (The post is not updated or edited and hindsight is 20/20. We know who won the presidency and who now acts as VP. Of course I did not know then.)

Considering today's announcement of the Edwards indictment for misuse of campaign funds, perhaps I should have written on his crisis-ridden YOD ('Finger of God') and a difficult Fist of God pattern which you may view by clicking to enlarge his natal chart.

May 25, 2011

Horoscope: the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011

Today's post is one I'd prefer to skip but since it concerns the Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12 and deeply affects America's natal chart, my fret is that it cannot be avoided and must be addressed on Stars Over Washington.

With America's birthday coming on July 4th (Sun 13Can+ depending on the birth time you use: today I'm looking at our nation's horoscope for July 4, 1776 5:10 pm EDT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - aka, the Sibly chart) and with our government's placing our country into serious debt to other nations - precisely what our founders hoped to avoid - our annual "Independence Day" becomes more and more of a cynical joke against the American people whose natal Aquarian Moon perpetually longs for freedom and independence.

And since Summer 2011 marks major financial and political time bombs (such as to raise or not to raise the US debt ceiling which Congress has never yet failed to do - one of the many reasons the US in such high debt now), plus, a deficit amount gone into the stratosphere, along with the Democratic Congress' failure to pass a viable budget) this Solar Eclipse and that of June 1, 2011 @ 11Gem02 are all the more pertinent for our astrological and political considerations.

Now some politicians continually tell us that America is "broke" while some say, p-shaw! to the notion. And since it's primarily Republicans who say we're broke (Financial Collapse 2008 occurred on Bush's watch, I remind them - the heisting crescendo of his disastrous 8-year presidency), it's easy to see that the GOP wishes to tar'n'feather a Democratic president with the bankruptcy brush in order to make way for the next - what they hope is a Republican - president who'll conveniently band together with Corporate America to 'save the day'.

The implication is that with a Republican back in the White House (Lodge), millions of decent-paying US jobs will magically appear! This, of course, ignores how many such jobs disappeared during the 8 years of Bush-Cheney and during the terms of other presidents, both D and R.

So if you've read this blog once or twice before, you may know that this reluctant astrologer considers 99% of our ruling elite politicians to be floating along in the same golden yacht and lined up against the American people's best interests, a populace whom they come nearer to drowning every day. In that sense, we're all Katrina victims left upon flooded rooftops.

So with that populist/common good slant in mind, I hereby offer you my take on the Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 which manifests as you see between America's natal Jupiter 5Can56 and Sun 13Can with transiting Pluto (The Wealthy hiding beneath an invisible cape of power) in Capricorn still in opposition to our natal planets in the business-oriented, security-minded sign of Cancer.

Image shown: July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse 9Can12 4:53:50 am edt Washington DC ; eclipse conjoins Fixed Star Alhena: to have a mission; this 'mission' may be of the Manifest Destiny kind and may be part of what is described below as 'the goal'.

Hour Mars 7Gem17 in 12th house of Politics, Self-Undoing, and Karma conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55 which conjoins asteroid MIDA$ 9:03; Mars conjunct Hera (women's issues = Republicans' "war on women"?); ASC 26Gem15 (WHAT?), MC 3Pis34 (WHY?) with Neptune 00Pis43 Rx and Chiron 5Pis15 Rx snugged around it along with Fixed Star Fomalhaut = humanitarianism, idealism, spirituality, and Pisces = The Two Fishes, so the Mississippi River flooding and its effects on New Orleans comes to mind even as seafood and Gulf Coast livelihoods continue to be affected by oil from the Deepwater Horizon blowout of April 2010; plus, crop failures from flooding may affect food prices, transport, state budgets, and homeowners and residents in the flood plain.

ASC 26Gem15: South Node (separation) 23Gem28 and Venus 26Gem34 are rising indicating conditions of separation in relationships, isolation, issues of bad timing, and/or feelings of inferiority. Positively, it may indicate a sincere desire to relate to and aid those who are truly in need which will bring spiritual rewards.

Moon and Mercury are in mutual reception but are 49 degrees apart; ruler of the 8th house, Saturn 10Lib43 in 5th H has turned Direct since its Station on June 12, 2011 (10Lib27); a Solar Eclipse in Moon-ruled, Watery Cancer is of a karmic nature and aspects to the eclipse are very important due to the Moon's 'past' connections; a Cancerian Moon 'soaks up' the energies of the aspecting planets, and Cancer = the homeland, America.

Here are the 3 planets aspecting this eclipse; all are from the Cardinal T-Square; both Saturn and Pluto are considered karmic planets for their affects are a long time in the making:

1. A restrictive Saturn Square to the eclipse indicates that lack of discipline and irresponsibility have played major roles in the problems associated with the eclipse (as we know); resisting the temptation to take the easy way out is an imperative for karmic progress to be made (which to me sounds as if raising the debt ceiling won't help matters, only hinder them - common sense, really, though I suppose Congress will do it anyway.)

Playing into this difficult karmic situation is our national Saturn Return (14Lb48) which peaks with the third of three conjunctions on August 28, 2011 (the resolution phase); having Saturn in natal 10th H of Public Standing has a 'fall from grace' potential, in which case, the global domination/one-world-government crowd will be so very very pleased as their astrological representative - plutocratic, deconstructing/rebuilding-upon-ruins Pluto in structurally-minded Capricorn - continues to oppose our natal planets in Cancer.

2. The Uranus Square to the eclipse indicates that karmic progress is prevented by an uncaring attitude toward humanity at large; indifference to the needs of society interferes with improvement in the conditions described by the Cancer eclipse - it's the vise we're in. Genuine concern for one's fellow man is what is needed yet how to generate genuine concern in those who don't consider themselves to be their 'brother's keepers'? Radical, political Uranus says, Talk to the hand. Yet We know that concern for others cannot be forced externally for it must occur on an inner spiritual level with the aid of a Higher Authority, otherwise, it is short-lived at best.

(We're sunk here, folks, for many Americans have been led to believe that they'll never need the compassion of others even as they see the occurrences of natural disasters increasing! Let 'freeloaders' waste away or collapse on our streets! they seem to say. How odd that many people who exhibit this cold-hearted attitude are holding a Bible in their hands as they ignore the basic needs of their fellow Americans. But depopulation is a major goal of the one-world-government folk for there will be more resources left for them, you see.)

3. Pluto opposes the eclipse which shows conditions of illusion, deception, and chaos rather than the awareness an opposition usually provides. That Pluto's actions are so often hidden or secretive only makes our lack of awareness more possible as we're pulled between reality and fallacy; Pluto's associations with media, propaganda, publishing, Big Banking, Politics, and the Vatican (Pluto = the pope, and other powers behind the throne) shows that we'll get no relief from Pluto's direction.

Jupiter 4Tau59 in 11th H of Groups and Associations trines Pluto and rules the 7th H of Partnerships and Open Enemies in which Pluto is placed; as significator of the Republican Party, Jupiter seems to be aiding (trine) Pluto with his agenda of gaining complete power and control of the US government and its people. The GOP has made it clear they'll do anything to see 'Barack Obama fail' - and the nation along with him as they and the corporate-backed Tea Party hold the nation hostage to austere requirements which may or may not help our debt situation since it's short-sighted (ex: cutting Medicaid or other programs for those of lower incomes will further burden our already-stressed hospital emergency rooms and clinics. Duh.)

In spite of it all, we-the-people must approach our problems as honestly and compassionately as we can, facing our monsters and vanquishing them on our own terms - whether Washington does this or not.

For honest information, Independent Media is one avenue I would suggest for this such as LINK-TV, one of the broadcasters of non-corporate supported programs such as Democracy Now! (Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez) and Thom Hartmann, among others; LINK-TV is where we're much more likely to find truth, especially since the sign Gemini can be duplicitous, and...

A Geminian Mercury Rules the Way Forward into November 2011

Chart-ruler Mercury 28Can32 is in 2nd house of Earning Ability and Values; through earthy Virgo, Mercury also rules the 4th H of Real Estate and Domestic Scene. How things will proceed is shown by Mercury's two applying aspects: a quincunx to Neptune (2A11), and what may turn out to be a helpful trine with Uranus (6A00.) Plus, this tr Mercury opposes US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx with potentials for: ideas and information received and presented are intense yet possibly subliminal; people refuse to listen to others due to forceful exertion of their own ideas; manipulation of ideas, thoughts, and communications occur in order to gain advantage over others; incorrect information is given with intent to mislead; people withhold what they know to create paranoia and/or to protect their own turfs; not a good time for free speech as surveillance increases and propaganda ramps up.

Sounds like the general tenor of our nation since 9/11, doesn't it?

Well, I intend to monitor the news all summer for such Mercury/Pluto topics to be placed on the front burner as we are led by propaganda and manipulation toward the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse (@ 2Sag.) Yet we may expect that some info or intell may seep or leak out under the rays of the June 15, 2011 Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag in 1st house of the US Sibly natal chart giving it a 'personal responsibility' vibe. Of course, WikiLeaks comes to mind yet it may be manipulated by controlled leaks from the US government and others.

Mercury quincunx (inconjunct) Neptune details a condition where facts are elusive or purposefully hidden and promises are hard to keep so we may be hearing the wimpy excuse out of Washington, "Well, at least we tried"; extra tasks are taken on to gain another's approval and nervous energy is spread too thin to accomplish much.

Mercury trine Uranus offers a ray of hope for it brings in much creativity and original ideas with opinions that are based on sound principles; truth-seeking can bring intellectual freedom with this trine, and spiritual values can be well-integrated within our materialistic concerns and tendencies.

As you notice, this position of Mercury indicates that a national Mercury Return has just occurred (on June 28, 2011 in 8th H of the Return chart set for DC.) In this chart, Return Mercury's only applying aspect is an irritating semi-square (45 degr) to Mercury Return Moon 7Gem07 which conjuncts Mars in the July 1st Eclipse chart's secretive/Unconscious 12th H; '8Gem' = "Around a Closed Down Factory, Strikers Mill Defiantly"...protests will be on the rise with Mars to Moon indicating riled up feelings, restlessness and physical actions taken, with a focus on domestic conditions (US unemployment, 'free' trade agreements, etc. We need more employee-owned factories and co-ops, m'peops!)

Note: Our natal Mercury Rx 24Can12 opposes n Pluto Rx (in n 2/8 Hs) making it one of our premiere natal aspects for our eye-in-the-sky country (United Spies of America?); even our paper money is stamped with a symbol of encompassing surveillance. The other aspects that describe the US are a natal Sun/Saturn square (lawmakers restrain the executive branch, or used to) and a n Mars/Neptune square (spying; confused or inspired motivations; deceptive actions; misguided energy; a massive military force.) Plus, the US has a hidden square - 256 degr - between Illuminati planets Uranus and Neptune which is most closely seen in our Scorpio Rising chart.

The Karma of a Cardinal Grand Cross

Now in the July Solar Eclipse chart, above, (which is basically an early birthday gift from the Universe to America) you see a Cardinal Grand Cross highlighted by dotted line between Sun/Moon, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. This configuration greatly enhances the ongoing Cardinal T-Square between the Saturn/Uranus opposition with its apex Pluto pulling the strings of power and control since the Solar Eclipse, along with US natal Jupiter and Sun - fill in the missing point of the T-Square to form a 'Cross' on the material/physical plane.

A Cardinal Grand Cross (or, Grand Square) is created by two oppositions squaring one another and contains tremendously dynamic energy. The Cardinal oppositions indicate that cooperation is necessary in order for the energy to be well-managed: the assistance of others is needed to achieve goals. Yet the impatience and impulsivity of Cardinality can cause bad timing and poorly-planned action as people tend to rush into new activities before completing what was started with verve and enthusiasm. This interferes with accomplishment of one's mission (Alhena, noted above) because reckless behavior is exhibited.

Pitfalls include over-assertion and head-on confrontations. (I'm focused here primarily on financial conditions since US natal Jupiter is affected, yet debilitating war expenses, further involvements in foreign lands, and other issues may be shown as well...also involving Jupiter's over-expansive tendencies.)

A Cardinal Grand Cross describes energy which may flare at the start yet is lacking when it comes to follow-through, and if either Mars or Uranus - here, Uranus - is involved in the configuration, we can expect accident-proneness due to thoughtless impulsiveness, plus, extreme aggression may be indicated (hot-headedness or hair-trigger tempers.)

Is there an upside to this Grand Cross in the Solar Eclipse chart?

Eclipses are 'wild cards' that may affect conditions in a fashion similar to Uranus' sudden, disruptive quirkiness which may act or stimulate at any time: early, late, or never.

This stressful Cardinal pattern shows that frustrating obstacles are causing blockages on the path to fulfilling our needs yet persistence is the key to applying the energy so that one major goal at a time may be realized.

Hopefully, the goals favor the American people for a change rather than corporations and other special interests, so if you think that Washington politicians can handle this vast energy and put Politics aside long enough to do so, I congratulate you on your optimism and faith in our elected officials who have had a very large share in creating the messes in which America is mired. Yet you've noticed, I'm certain, that many of the bigger players and culprits on Capitol Hill have recently retired from public office. We shall meet many of them again in their lobbying capacities.

The July 1, 2011 Grand Cross also tells us that taking premature action through an unnecessary sense of urgency will not result in improvements in our situation. This hearkens back to the Political Theater during Campaign 2008 when John McCain 'suspended' his presidential campaign and rushed back to DC to 'save' the US banking system (Mr. Obama rushed back, too, but not quite as theatrically and fake-ily.)

So considering this Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12 and its manifestation between US natal Jupiter and Sun, we may expect much drama and excitement to be shown this summer concerning political, financial, and other issues, though at least some of the performances will be pure theater for public consumption and persuasion.

Midpoints Paint Word Pictures

Now let's consider the midpoints of the chart; I will include the pictures created by the Grand Cross with US n Jupiter; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to stimulation by transits and progressions; for the sake of brevity, only Ebertin's midpoint pictures will be used, and I shall refrain from again adding the brutal Saturn/Uranus = Pluto picture. You'll see that the Venus/SN/ASC theme of separation is echoed along with some other themes mentioned previously:

Sun/Pluto = Saturn: ruthless overcoming of obstacles; restriction or separation by a Higher Power; imprisonment.

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; sudden adjustment to new circumstances; arrest.

Moon/Pluto = Saturn: grave inhibitions; mental or emotional suffering.

Moon/Pluto = Uranus: extreme emotions; fanaticism; a desire to fight; an urge to do something; nervous crises through excesses; sudden upsets.

Saturn/Uranus = Sun: inflexibility; severe tests of strength; separation; rebellion; the power of resistance.

Saturn/Uranus = Moon: strong emotional tensions and strains; inconstancy; depression; separation.

Saturn/Uranus = US n Jupiter: fortunate powers of adaptation; release from tension; a sudden turn of destiny; getting into difficulties; losses; damage to motors or to buildings.

US n Jupiter/tr Pluto = tr Saturn: inhibited development; lack of progress; difficulties; separation.

US n Jupiter/tr Pluto = tr Uranus: fanatical striving for improvements; the quick exploitation of every situation (politics!); sudden reforms; adjusting to new circumstances.

There are other midpoint pictures to consider as well, all of them involving Jupiter in Taurus:

Sun/Neptune = Jupiter: achieving success with little exertion; optimism in spite of impaired vitality.

Moon/Neptune = Jupiter: sympathy; a good understanding of others through a compassionate attitude; far-reaching wishes; fantasy; artistic success.

Mars/Uranus = Jupiter: a correct grasp of a situation coupled with timely action; successful contests of strength; a lucky hand in unusual enterprises; good fortune with injuries or accidents.

Jupiter/MC = Uranus: fortunate new ventures; an ability to utilize the right moment; a fortunate adjustment to new conditions; sudden success; optimism.

Well, those are certainly great if minor notes upon which to end this Solar Eclipse article, aren't they? And once again, catalyst Uranus - now in US natal 4th house and closely linked to the founding of freedom-loving America - may somehow manage to bring surprising improvements to our current situation!

Now if only Congress will agree to stop delaying decisions that would move things forward rather than tiresomely painting the Other Party as the main culprit and trying to score political points while deflecting well-deserved criticism.


Got opinions on this post or eclipse chart? Please leave an on-topic comment!

Related posts: Summer Solstice 2011's Sun Can-Moon Pisces (contains a link back to SO'W and the Summer Solstice 2011 Horoscope.)

From May 8, 2011, economist Paul Krugman's explanation of how we got here and who's to blame: The Unwisdom of Elites with his additional comments on the financial condition of the European Community.

Sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin (midpoint pictures); Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney (Cardinal Grand Cross.)