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Mar 12, 2012

Mercury Rx affects astro-blogger!

Wishing for tech assistance for my new office set-up has so far proven futile, dear reader, with Mercury, ruler of this blogger's natal horoscope and 10th-house ruler, turned retrograde. Annoyance and frustration are 'in the air' so to speak, and there's no telling when yon wireless service provider will knock upon the door--but first, he must re-ply to his voice mail re-questing assistance!

Will his efforts need to be re-done once accomplished? That re-mains to be seen. Usually, periods of Mercury Rx only affect me in superficial ways if at all (even with natal Mercury in Capricorn direct) but of course, it's been years since I've experienced such an abundance of change in my life--with change being of the province of Mutable Mercury as well.

Therefore, if you landed here and wish to read a little Political Astrology in spite of my tech troubles, you may wish to check out a recent post of the historical variety which concerns America's Syzygy Moon of July 1, 1776 if you haven't as yet. (Edit: since Mercury Rx is causing problems and interfering with this very post, please try the sidebar's Search feature if the provided link doesn't work!)

The usual (Water-Air = mist) Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius blend that describes our national personality came three days later for it's a Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon of ambition denoted in the syzygy horoscope. And naturally, our Syzygy Moon signifies a moment of real-world transits as our nation was being invented and the Declaration of Independence was in process of being debated.

Besides, re-viewing is an appropriate activity for us all during Mercury Rx periods, plus, transiting Pluto (The Transformer; the Dragon Guarding the Riches) nears our nation's Syzygy Moon degree and has crept within orb of it already. Pluto will perfect or create a midpoint picture quite soon, one which I think we're already feeling...

Sun/Moon = Pluto: a critical time of development.


Mar 8, 2012

March 2012: Plutocrats Beat War Drums

Warmongers and Symbols of Eagles and Apes

by Jude Cowell

Greetings All! Yes, I'm still busy with relocation, office set-up, and with what is hoped to be final tech glitches addressed this evening.

Meanwhile, much goes on in the nation and in Washington DC politics with Israeli war drums as an unwelcome background noise. Does anyone reading this post think that war with Iran is a good idea? Most of the non-psychotic people I know agree that war is seldom if ever an answer and only creates more problems and an abundance of misery, some of which will be due to 'blowback'.

Personally I assume that those who plan, trump up justifications, and execute hellish wars have little if any concern with blowback for it tends to most deeply affect innocent women, children, and the elderly who are disenfranchised, maimed, killed, or made homeless by such heinous actions of warmongers who entertain win-win mindsets and a win-at-any-cost Machiavellian directive from on high.

Now if you've read this blog before, you probably know which planetary duo I primarily associate with disenfranchisement, oppression, racism, other -isms including Capitalism and Communism, and primal violence: Pluto/Chiron. The duo met in Great Conjunction on December 30, 1999 upon America's natal Ascendant (our nation itself) @ 11 Sagittarius 23. Rounding up we have '12Sag':

"A Flag Turned into an Eagle that Crows"...


positive expression: successful self-establishment through genuine self-expression;

negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims. (Marc Edmund Jones.)

'Unsubstantiated claims' seems to be the order of the day for the US and for Israel--not that I trust Iranian politicians to be truthful about their nuclear intentions, of course. Still, when global plutocrats are determined to force a worldwide New World Order agenda, we see what is done to those whose dare stand in the way of their long-planned global domination plan--some say, 'The Great Plan', a devilishly totalitarian twist meant to ruinously divert the lives of decent folks everywhere.

Perhaps Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac can shed more light upon the Pluto/Chiron conjunction which ushered in the much-touted 'New Millennium' though I shall type for you the degree prior--'11Sag' since it closely applies to today's topic and because Carelli recommends use of the exact degree rather than the rounding-up method. Actually, both apply since earlier degrees give unconscious information on the subject at hand, as does the Illumination Point (opposite degree.) Not all of Carelli's degrees (360) provide a word picture (symbol) though all have explanations--this one is quite descriptive, and I quote :

"11Sag": "An Ape Riding a Wolf"...

This degree will favor a military and a political career. It confers all the virtues of a noble and fearless heart and all the vices of a sly, dissembling and unscrupulous mind. The native is glib enough to defend the noblest cause, resorting to the underhand tricks employed to bolster up a forged and exploded cause. Strong favorable aspects would strike off the craftiness, whereas concurrence of evil features may taint the nobility of the cause.

The native will win many friends and make many enemies; and in his life, after seeing him through many perils, may have a sudden end."

Makes me wonder who's the ape and who's the wolf in the current war-threat scenario!

Since creating Stars Over Washington in October 2005, blogging on dire topics has been something of a tension release for me as well as a way to express my own dissent when my government fails to take a higher road. And since we've now fallen into yet another ditch along the way (and I'm a 'Daughter of the Revolution'...'30Cancer'), I again find myself writing about the misguided idea of waging war--in tandem with Israel or alone--against Iran which would bring oppression against the good people of Iran whom I have always admired. (Not their government officials, but The People who desire to live in peace, just as the majority of Americans do.) The old Flower Power Generation idea of putting politicians, military generals, and the Ones Behind the Scenes Who Stir Up War (ex: global bankers who profit obscenely) into a Giant Ring and let them duke it out seems completely appropriate to the current situation for a peacenik like myself.

Such a Herculean battle would, for once, provide powerful Pluto/Chiron types what they deserve rather than visiting horror upon the innocent as natural resources and national treasures are looted and territory is added to the earthly--and thus temporary--dominion of the warmongers who betray and oppress humanity.


America's 'Sibly' natal horoscope used: July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.

Mar 2, 2012

America's tangled web: 9/11 Families v Saudi Arabia

"In the eyes of posterity it will inevitably seem that, in safeguarding our freedom, we destroyed it. The vast clandestine apparatus we built up to prove our enemies' resources and intentions only served in the end to confuse our own purposes; that practice of deceiving others for the good of the state led infallibly to our deceiving ourselves; and that vast army of clandestine personnel built up to execute these purposes were soon caught up in the web of their own sick fantasies, with disastrous consequences for them and us."

--Malcolm Muggeridge (May 1966)

Saudi Arabia May Be Tied to 9/11, Two Ex-Senators Say.

Recap: 9/11/01 8:46 am edt Manhattan, NY: 9th house void-of-course Moon '28 Gemini" = "Bankruptcy" of the American people and government; 9/11's Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence = Dick Cheney's natal Mars; occurred during Bush-Cheney administration: 9/11 attacks and the Big Heist: Financial Collapse 2007-2008.

See US Downgrade to AA+, GOP progressed chart tells of Bankruptcy (horoscope shown.)


Andrew Breitbart February 1, 1969 -- March 1, 2012

Yesterday, at the shocking news of Mr. Breitbart's untimely death, I set up a noon natal chart for him along with a death chart for "shortly after midnight" at the Ronald Reagan Medical Center UCLA and what I saw almost caused a post to be published asking if anyone involved the investigation is looking for a tiny puncture wound or for an untraceable toxin in his bloodstream. Since the moving van comes tomorrow I have no time to follow up now but will add this disturbing link so that I can pick up on the topic later:

Will Damning Obama Footage Still Be Released After Breitbart's Death? which you may or may not wish to read and view.

Mar 1, 2012

Barack Obama hearts Teddy Roosevelt? Uh-Oh!

March 1, 2012

Just an interesting article link for you today meant especially for those who like to read about historical figures: Contrarian: Teddy Roosevelt Laid Bare from History Today which questions the wisdom of President Obama's hearkening back to Teddy Roosevelt and the early days of Progressivism in America.

Now if I weren't packing for the moving van, I could really get goin' on the Astrology of Teddy R! Instead, here's a bit of Astrology concerning TR's natal chart which includes his intriguing quote about America's invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn).

US natal Neptune 22Vir25 + US natal Saturn 14Lib48 = US natal Midheaven (Goal; Aspiration) in the Sibly horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA; MC 00Lib53, a World Point of Manifestation...kind of like 'Manifest Destiny', the idea of expansion without end, as we now see--and expansive Jupiter ruling US natal ASC.)

Saturn/Neptune = delusions about the real leadership. (Munkasey.)

Saturn/Neptune = MC: materialism v idealism. (Ebertin.)

Feb 29, 2012

Senator Olympia Snowe: Sun and Moon in Pisces

Perhaps you heard the announcement yesterday that Maine's Senator Olympia Snowe will retire when her third term ends on January 3, 2013 which could be good news for Democrats.

Her Wiki bio gives February 21, 1947 Augusta, Maine as her birth date and place of entering the Time-Space flux of Planet Earth. Considered a 'moderate' senator, Olympia Snowe's step down offers interesting possibilities for a change of guard in the US Senate.

The 24-hour period of her birth date shows Sun in Pisces (1:44--2:44) and Moon in Pisces (3:11--15:57) making her a double Pisces (Water-Water) at the least since we need her birth time to determine the sign ascending.

As we'd expect, Water-Water types are very creative and able to 'go with the flow' yet may 'go misty' when their deep feelings are touched. Times gone by may be a nostalgic focus for Water-Water, a sentimental combo which may veer toward over-rationality in order to stem their changeable emotional tides.

The Senator's Sun Pisces/Moon Pisces blend has three Images for Integration (Sun = conscious mind; Moon = the + child), one of which seems apt for her retirement so I wish you'd see what you think and get back to me if you wish:

"The stars and the ocean together create one world, no horizon...adrift at sea...the sunset beckons."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Some very creative folk share the Pisces/Pisces blend natally: Michaelangelo, Maurice Ravel, Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov and actress Jennifer Jones, who said:

"I've seen every problem," a remark that well demonstrates a basic trait of 'psychic sponge' Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac which contains all the others and feels deeply the problems and foibles of the world.

Well, if anyone ever wanted to feel problems and foibles, America circa 2012 is the perfect place in which to do so, isn't it? But quite fatiguing. Medical reasons are possible, of course, but perhaps citing the gridlock of my-way-or-the-highway attitudes and conditions on Capitol Hill these days is reason enough for a lady to retire. And it's certainly no wonder she's had enough of our highly polarized Congress--so have I and I'm only viewing their bad behavior from the far hinterlands of Georgia with horoscopes in hand.

Wishing a Happy Retirement for Senator Snowe! And a better acting Congress for us.

Now it's back to packing for me...but I wish I were watching Heist, the Movie instead...

Feb 27, 2012

Feb 27 2012: Pisces-Taurus = Mystics and Artists!

February 27, 2012 Sun Pisces-Moon Taurus

by Jude Cowell

Today's solar and lunar energies when combined give the day a Water-Earth (glorious mud!) flavor which aids all creative ventures yet can give us very subjective viewpoints. Emotions, security needs, and a tendency to cling to the past are also potentials for today's Sun Pisces-Moon Taurus blend which suggests two Images for Integration:

"A nature mystic bakes bread in an earthen oven...An artist decorates her home lavishly."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

So as I pack for the moving van (coming in a few days--too soon! I'm busy un-decorating), I wish you all happy creations and melted butter for your home baked bread and will catch you later after the dust has settled!

Eclipses of 2012:

First up is the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 (horoscope shown, set for DC) with the following eclipses to go as this pivotal years rolls on:

June 4: Lunar Eclipse @ '14Sag' conjunct US natal Ascendant (Sibly); November 13 Solar Eclipse @ '22Sco'; November 28: Lunar Eclipse @ '7Gem' conjunct US natal Uranus 8:55.

We could talk about nuclear degrees (early Gem/Sag) but let's not. Yet the prospect for war-waging is fairly high in spite of the current equivocation coming out of Washington concerning Iran for US natal Uranus, planet of disruption, shocks, and technology in an unstable Mutable sign along with hot-headed Mars, tends to be under stimulation when America goes to war--and eclipses are the 'wild cards' of the Universe and may act in a sudden Uranian fashion.

We must look for a surprising amount of energy and action to be suddenly expended once Mars turns Direct on April 18, then leaves his Rx shadow on June 19, 2012. This may be the proverbial long hot summer...

So if you're of a mind--pray for peace.


Progressive shout-outs go to:

Thom Hartmann
Democracy Now!
David Pakman

Feb 25, 2012

Feb 25, 2012 weekend: see Venus-Jupiter-Moon triangulate at Sunset!

It's a Cosmic Sky Alert! With a little Jupiter-Pluto in the mix

by Jude Cowell

Space Weather News for Feb 24, 2012

WEEKEND SKY SHOW: This is a great weekend to watch the sun go down. Venus, Jupiter and the slender crescent Moon are lining up in the western sky, forming a bright triangle in the evening twilight. These three objects are so bright, they shine through thin clouds and even city lights.

Check for observing tips, sky maps, and photos from around the world.

BACKYARD ASTRONOMY ALERTS: Would you like a call to remind you when planets are aligning over your home town? Backyard astronomy alerts are available by text and voice.


Feb 25, 2012: In the Political Astrology realm, a midpoint picture forms with Sun (leader) in Pisces at apex of two significators of Big Banking, Speculators, and Plutocracy: Jupiter (Taurus) and Pluto (Capricorn) which when paired denote increased force and people who mount grand-scale projects:

Jupiter/Pluto = Sun: creation of magical effects; successful use of mental or physical powers (Ebertin); accumulation of personal power and influence; a focus on gathering acclaim; a fundamental need to grow in power and societal prestige; efforts to be less compulsive personally.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Since Washington is beating its war drums while pontificating the usual hypocritical statements around the world of what it can do that others can't, here are the potentials for Jupiter-Pluto in Business and Politics as listed by Mr. Munkasey--and as always, the Hegelian Dialect comes to mind:

Thesis: relations or pacts with foreigners on the use of force or weapons; growth of security or spy agencies; greater powers for religious leaders; extreme depletion of resources; a society that wields much influence.

Antithesis: self-destructive forces that stem from official corruption or moral laxity within society; criminal elements with great social influence; destruction of legal documents; extremely poten natural disasters.

Here's a brief video that explains Hegelian Dialect and relates it to the 'right v left' paradigm, one of the tactics used in modern Politics to keep The People divided, conquered, and unaware that a better course is possible:

Feb 24, 2012

2.24.12: CoffeePartyUSA Rally @ Supreme Court (video): overturn Citizens United!

Fewer than 300 people turned up at the CoffeePartyUSA Rally, several groups were represented including Boomers For Democracy ('enough is enough'!), and here you see former congressman and current President/CEO of Common Cause, Bob Edgar, speaking on our extreme need to overturn the globalism-boosting monstrosity known as Citizens United which has led to massive funding of political campaigns by SuperPACs with no public disclosure of the identities lurking behind the billions.

Now foreign entities meddling in US politics isn't new, of course, and earlier US presidents fought against it vociferously for they understood its dangers--yet thanks to SCOTUS 2010 and Justice John Roberts, the practice has now been placed on steroids in Campaign 2012. Is the Silent Coup of America basically a fait accompli?

To me it seems that the Supreme Court decision of January 2010 was a court overreach shoved onto the American people as if corporations and political ideologues needed help tipping the Scales of 'Justice' in their favor against The Little Man. If we need a real world example of 1% v 99%, the Citizens United decision resembles that remark and 'legally' embeds the inequality.

So perhaps the inclusion into our election process of mysterious donors from afar was one of the ruling's objectives. What do you think? After all, a US law that disenfranchises the American people (with the founders' insistence on setting up a by-for-of the people government) by allowing interference from invisible entities who care not a fig for democracy should, if justice prevails, be considered automatically null and void.

Citizens United's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series

The Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2010 were no picnic and you may remember the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @ '5Cap' conjoining powerful, wealthy, stealthy Pluto. The Citizens United decision (Jan 21, 2010) falls into the 12 North Saros Series of solar eclipses and will forever influence the democracy-undermining ruling in some way, on some levels of its existence.

12N occurred on January 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01 (in 3rd house in Washington DC = mercurial 'decisions') with Mercury 5Cap34 Rx and Pluto 3Cap49 in 2nd house of Money and Values (Merc/Plu = political speech, mind control, excitable 'opinions', propaganda as heard in political campaigns ads and during what passes for 'debates') and its flavors include:

opportunities to accept greater responsibilities come suddenly, new commitments due to another person not being able to carry on; events may be difficult but outcomes for self-esteem are good. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

25Cap01, besides joining President Obama's natal Saturn Rx 25Cap20 (and his Jupiter Rx 00AQ52, both in his n 12th H of Politics and Karma) is also at Midheaven of US Inauguration horoscopes (as of 1937 held on January 20, Capitol Bldg), the point in a chart which describes The Goal of the swearing-in of US presidents--and these days, US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx, planet of subversion and control, is always The Goal of the US government and of the White House, our Masonic White Lodge at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Click for some curious details including historic Freemasonry in Ireland.)

Plus, the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint conjoined Inauguration 2009's MC, spotlighting their combined energies in the Wider World (MC) of oppression, disenfranchisement, and primal violence which are being demonstrated in our quickly evolving police state at home, global police force abroad, and by the disenfranchisement of American voters with the implementation of Citizens United.

Besides global war for world domination, I wonder what other anti-sovereign, America-dissolving antics global-elite, transnational corporations have hidden inside their polluting pipelines?


Blog Note: okay, dear reader, it's back to packing for my office relocation next week. The month of March should bring this blogger--and Stars Over Washington--more settled conditions! jc

Feb 23, 2012

Financial Coup d'Etat & How to Overcome It (video)

With the financial harvesting of the world in high gear, here's investment adviser and former Bush Sr administration official Catherine Austin Fitts speaking on The Financial Coup d'Etat and How to Overcome It--for it's time to ask, Who's doing this and where's the money going?

"There is no economic reason for poverty." - C. A. Fitts

You'll find more info from the lady herself at The Solari Report blog.


Astrologically I never forget America's natal Jupiter at '6 Cancer' with its very descriptive Sabian Symbol which points, not as much toward the average US worker, but to banking titans, the foreign investors (corporations and monarchs) who helped set up our nation and those who continue to direct it, and toward the Washington politicians whose campaigns and entire careers they bankroll so liberally in order to keep the harvester's wheels greased:

"Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

Feb 21, 2012

Jim Marrs on Bankster Control (video) w Mars/Iran Concerns

War Drums of Mars Rx w a Jim Marrs Interview on Bankster Control

February 19, 2012 Alex Jones interviews Jim Marrs...

Here's Part 1 of 3 with a link to the rest of the interview provided below:

View Parts 2 and 3 at

For further Mars-tinged reading you may wish to try Jeremy Scahill's article Washington's War in Yemen Backfires (war = Mars, backfires = Rx), and catch up with expert astrologer John Townley's analysis on the chances for war with Iran--possibly this summer--as shown by Mars' Rx and Direct periods, when a Window for War opens and the pent-up energies of Mars when Rx forcefully burst out in surprising or unexpected ways once the 'god of war' begins moving forward.

On April 13, 2012, Mars Direct Stations @ 3Vir41 in 9th house of Foreign Lands when the horoscope is set for Washington DC ('4Vir' = "A Black Child Playing with White Children"--sorry to point out that this symbol is rather apt for Washington, and the MC (Goal) of the Direst Station chart @ '28Vir' = "A Baldheaded Man Who Has Seized Power"--now that can't be Dick Cheney again, can it? Well, jingoistic neocons are feelin' their oats again these days--with global domination on thsir reptilian brains.)

Yes, things may really heat up in Martian fashion once Mars reaches shadow degree (of his Rx Station--'23Vir06') and rushes into the light on June 19, 2012 with Jupiter 1Gem50 and Venus 8Gem41 Rx (conjunct US natal Uranus 8:55) in worrisome 'nuclear degrees'--and snugged around Mr. Obama's natal Moon in early Gemini.

Plus, you know that President Obama's natal Mars 22Vir35 is *highly involved with US natal Neptune 22Vir25...the fog (Neptune) of war (Mars) may surround the Pentagon once again if neocons and other imperialists have their warring way.

*For the highly involved President Obama, 2012 has brought along a three-fer Mars Return and it remains difficult if not impossible for the American people to see or understand his true motives (Mars) with our national planet of veils and delusions (Neptune) tossed over his motivations and activities. The third of his 'hits' from transit Mars to natal Mars occurs on June 18, the day prior to Mars reaching shadow degree. Is this within the "window", as John Townley describes?

In addition, the hot actions and reactions of contentious Mars concerning an attack on Iran may also relate to May 2012 as timed by the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse which conjoins Alcyone (something to cry about.)

Yet on another level of Martian feistiness, we may say that Mars Rx Brings Women and Their issues into the Spotlight! Personally speaking, a return to a maternalistic world would be fine with me for we're experiencing worse than ever what a testosterone-driven world of paternalism so often forces upon the innocent--and by that, I very much include the good people of Iran. jc

Feb 20, 2012

Feb 21, 2012: Pisces New Moon w Regulus Rising

New Moon @ 3Pis42 w Regulus Rising in Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

Happy President's Day!

On Tuesday, February 21, 2012, a new cycle of activity and projects begins with a New Moon @ 3Pis42 in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies when the horoscope is set for Washington DC. Perfecting on Tuesday at 5:34 pm est, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Regulus 00Vir01 (success if revenge is avoided) rises, ASC 00Vir01.

At The Goal or WHY? Point of the chart (MC 25Tau12) are two stars associated with the Middle East (Capulus and Algol: rage!) so perhaps a new phase of action concerning US occupations in the region will be on display (MC) or is to be announced.

It's a Moon Hour, suitable for changes, fluctuations, and concerns of our daily lives, and chart-ruler Mercury 14Pis29 (7th H) conjoins another Fixed Star, Achernar, indicating a potential for crisis, particularly at the 'end of the river', or relating to liquids.

Mercury-Mars Tells the New Moon Tale

Mercury applies to only one aspect with another planet in the chart--Mars 17Vir47 Rx (at critical or crisis degree); Mercury rules 1st H as noted, 2nd H (cusp 23Vir41 which is conjoined by US natal Neptune and President Obama's natal Mars 22Vir35) showing some confusion, deception, or over promising in the area of Money (2/8 axis with Venus 15Ari56 inconjunct Mars---adjustments needed in Venusian evaluations v Mars reactions with Mars Rx)--and a crisis-degreed 11th H--cusp 29Gem42 showing stress in Groups and Associations.

An unaspected Uranus 2Ari45 is also posited in 7th H and once again conjoins asteroid Hermes (magician-trickster) so we may 'expect the unexpected' during the next two weeks with possibly a culmination or fulfillment at the next Full Moon.

Obviously the unaspected condition of disruptive, quirky planet Uranus means that anything may happen--early, late, or never--and this can be positive or negative. I think of the lady skier who survived the avalanche disaster--she pulled the cord on a new-fangled airbag and it saved her life--Uranus advances new-fangled technology and by its Sky rulership, relates to Air--my warm congratulations to her!

Since a chart-ruler's applying aspects tell us how things will proceed, I'm calling the Mercury-Mars opposition (3A19) across the 1/7 axis the main driver of this New Moon even though it is ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled by Neptune (the speculator-wastrel-grand schemes pair--and with Neptune in its sign of Pisces @ 00:42, what are the chances We the People are being shined on once again in economic matters? ("1 Pis" = "A Public Market", the symbol for America's Pre-Natal Eclipse degree 00Pi33; this gives a potential Sun/Moon = Neptune picture of deception, delusions, discontent, mistakes, misunderstandings, shared suffering, and/or undermined relationships for the US.)

Jupiter and Pluto's Last Exact Trine March 9

Of course, the Big Banking-Fed combo of Jupiter 5Tau38 (in the Jolly One's own house of Philosophy and Education) and Pluto 8Cap58 (in 5th H of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Children) are trining one another helpfully so opportunities abound for finances, perhaps in banking and almost assuredly in campaign funding. However, as ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter rules the 5th H at a critical-crisis 29th degree (29Sag42--'30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful"--and Pluto in one guise = "The Pope" so any 2012 candidates of the Catholic persuasion come to mind.)

Oppositions always denote relationship and/or awareness issues; thinking Mercury opposing action-taking Mars (still Rx, so the planet of conflict is reacting and reviewing Mercurial plans more than acting at the moment) indicates restless impatience, mental superiority that may cause others to feel threatened, and a tendency to quarrel when compromise would achieve more positive results for everyone involved.

However, there will be others provoking confrontations and conflicts, lots of criticism, and a lack of popularity that issues from such cantankerous behavior. If Mars Rx can refuse to argue (Mr. Obama's Mars Return still in progress with its third and last conjunction June 18, 2012), then things can be resolved especially since there is much mental acuity and, when made steadier by maturity, an ability to listen to others before making or acting on decisions.

(We'll see the results of what's under consideration now once Mars turns Direct and begins moving forward--often with an unexpected or surprising burst of Martian energy. Mars' Direct Station @ 3Vir41 occurs on April 13, 2012 at 11:52 pm edt--opposite this New Moon.)

So! Don't draw conclusions until all sides of an issue have been expressed or considered, and try 'playing dumb' under the Mercury-Mars opposition; diplomacy is a must since burning bridges with others is stupid for their cooperation may be needed later--and watch how one 'says things', too--what good advice for all 2012 candidates--and for opinionated, dissenting-American bloggers like me!

Now since packing for my early March re-location proceeds apace, I shall turn you over to a Sabian Symbol expert for the pictures that attach to the Feb 21 planets in the Pisces New Moon horoscope, the excellent Lynda Hill and her post Purposeful Movement Vs Petrified Motion: February's Pisces New Moon for more details...

Image: Edge of Petrified Forest...are you 'on the edge'?

Feb 16, 2012

Nigel Farage on Takeover of Greece by Globalists (video)

What's really going on within the EU-Greece bailout (takeover) by global banksters? Allow Nigel Farage to explain his view as the world groans under the rebellious rays of Uranus square Pluto: