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Mar 21, 2019

Deutsche Bank founding horoscope

A favorite piggy bank of Donald Trump, Germany's Deutsche Bank, was founded on March 10, 1870 (exact hour unknown) and began operating one month later with Sun conjunct Neptune (hidden truths; secret identities) in Aries. Below is the bank's founding horoscope set for Berlin, Germany, March 10, 1870 at 9:00 am LMT, a speculative hour:

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes. 'DB' = Deutsche Bank. And please pardon my misspelling of its name on the horoscope which should read, Deutsche Bank. Mah bad.

Now accurate timing is not necessary in order to appreciate the bank's YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; crossroads; special task) with a Venus-Saturn sextile at its base and which was in effect the entire day and beyond. Marked on the chart are midpoint pictures within the YOD including US natal Pluto Rx (27Capricorn) as apex planet of the sextile (US Pluto conjunct DB's South Node); midpoint potentials (by Ebertin) are listed on the chart along with a note about the bank's Venus-Saturn sextile so capable of exploitation if it so chooses. Gold loving MIDAS @24Aries conjoins the Pluto-Chiron midpoint (24Aries) of plutocracy, plutocrats, and exploitation.

A few of Trump's natal positions are listed around the chart such as his 10th house Uranus @17Gemini conjoining the 9:00 am LMT Moon position in 1st house. As you know, the Sabian Symbol for Trump's natal Uranus ('Mr. Chaos'; chaos is 'his thing') is "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd," a telling reference for Trump and for DB if this is its Lunar degree or otherwise linked to its chart. Also penned on is Trump's grand-scheme-fraud-inflationary trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter (5--18 Libra) which opposes DB's natal Neptune 18Aries. Neptune opposing Jupiter suggests potentials for unfulfilled promises, weak follow-through, suspicious motives, deception, illusions, fraud, conniving and scheming, lack of perspective, inflation, and--wait for it--collusion (Pelletier).

Actually, today Newsweek reports that Trump may have committed bank fraud and I assert that the bank's horoscope agrees with such a distinct possibility. But never fear for Congress plans to investigate.

Now on March 10, 1870, the Moon ranged from 12Gem34 to 24Gem55 (conjunct Trump's 2015 POTUS bid announcement New Moon @25Gemini and near his natal Sun @23Gemini); the Sun ranged from 19Pis12 to 20Pis12--conjunct Mars in shady, secretive Pisces. Therefore, let's consider a few notes on the bank's insubstantial Water-Air Sun-Moon blend of conscious and unconscious energies:

Sun Pisces-Moon Gemini suggests a bank founded on hopes, plans, and schemes with not a lot of confidence but an abundance of talking. It can be fickle, vacillating, lacking in stability, self-doubting, and uncommitted in relationships. However, there are potentials for diplomacy and quick thinking yet a tendency toward an ever-changing morality may be in evidence--sympatico with the morally deficient Mr. Trump. Quite a frothy team aren't they?

See Sun Sign Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey for more details.

Well, that's all I'm going to type for now about Deutsche Bank. This horoscope is published here for future reference, if needed. See what you can do with it, as you wish!

Related: the Deutsche Bank logo: the slash in the square with the square symbolizing stability. (Is it stable like "stable genius" Trump?)

Mar 20, 2019

Richard Wolff Reveals How Empires End - clip

From March 14, 2019: Thom Hartmann engages Professor Richard Wolff on the topic of empires and their ends with a focus on the American Empire:

Both Thom and Dr. Wolff are authors of excellent books yet every time I think of how our nation has been exploited, lied into war, and its resources frittered away for the benefit of the few, I must also think of a book long nestled upon my book shelf: Chalmers Johnson's The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic.

Mar 18, 2019

Spring Equinox 2019: Mars to Trump's Midheaven

Mars-Rising Trump Highly Sensitive to Mars Transits

by Jude Cowell

Previously we discussed the DC Horoscope of Spring Equinox 2019 with a late-Virgo Moon rising (chart shown) and floating toward the March 21, 2019 Full Moon @00Lib09 (see link, below) which perfects upon America's natal Midheaven (MC = The Goal; Aspirations). Given the bright light of a Full Moon, this lunation should be interesting for its ability to shine a spotlight upon career and other public 10th house matters as perpetrated by the US government and its current 'leader' Donald Trump, The Unprepared Grifter and choice of racists everywhere. His 'world stage' activities are spotlighted this week by the current position of his testy, hypersensitive rising planet--and perhaps more defections from the 'Trump Party' will ensue.

This cosmic condition of full awareness is emphasized by the fact that in the Spring Equinox 2019 chart, Mars @23Tau08 ruffles the natal MC of Trump and suggests that he's entered a period of energetic self-promotion (more than before? impossible!) during which his demands for public recognition may increase (!) including attention from other public figures of authority (ex: despots he idolizes--and/or possibly Speaker Nancy Pelosi whose Mars Return it is!). Mars-to-Midheaven may also bring more scrutiny upon his activities, positively or negatively, and on actions of his male relatives (exs: Kushner, Don Jr, his racist father Fred). Launching some new sort of campaign is within the realm of possibilities as well (ex: a Twitter attack on a newly chosen victim-opponent?), while going to extremes cannot be ruled out especially since this describes Trump's usual way of behaving. And of course, the US Military, the movement of forces, police activation or issues, and/or veterans' affairs may also be part of his Mars-to-MC picture this week. Of course, we may expect his rage level to be increased by the fact that the furious star of violence, Algol, twinkles menacingly upon Trump's natal Midheaven.

Note that with its two-year cycle, the last time transit Mars conjoined Trump's natal MC was in April 2017; the end of April 2017 marked the end of Trump's 'first 100 days' in the Oval Office.

Now readers familiar with the natal chart of Donald Trump see the position of Mars @23Taurus as lining up to square his natal Mars (exact on March 26, 2019). This is a time when his strong survival instinct becomes even more obvious (and needed!) along with his tendency toward self-preservation-at-any-cost. Even less diplomacy than usual may be evident for the focus will be on aggression, anger, frustration, conflicts, battles, possible construction faults, and even accidents and/or injuries. Add to this transit Mars square Trump's natal Ascendant on March 30, 2019, and we have more ego conflicts, battles for top position, pushy behavior, open confrontations, social tension, and the potential for physical strain.

Then by the time transit Mars reaches his 10th house trio of Uranus (danger of blow-ups; forcing or enforcing changes), North Node (meeting with or encountering males; meetings full of conflict; anger shown in public), and Sun (risky situations, direct confrontations, vitality, energy) just after opposing his natal Moon in Sagittarius (May 2, 2019), we may all be worn out by - or simply fed up with - the anger and rage of Donald Trump.

A related post: DC Horoscopes of The March 2019 Lunations of Crisis.

Image above: Mars as seen from the Hubble Telescope.

Mar 13, 2019

Astrology of Our Vulnerable 2020 Election

Looking ahead to the 2020 Presidential Election, Rep. Adam Schiff warns that the election is enormously vulnerable to hacking and foreign influence. Who in America actually needs such a warning yours truly isn't certain but there it is. Election rigging and gerrymandering are par for the GOP course, too, since their anti-American policies can't win over a majority of voters to their austerity-for-you-extreme-wealth-for-me agenda.

And when we check the 2020 Election Day Horoscope we find that November 3, 2020 falls under the rays of a 4 North Saros Series solar eclipse with background themes of illusions, blocks, separations, and misjudgments so little if any comfort there. In addition, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction sits at the natal Vertex of Donald Trump and with his natal Saturn of authority (watery and emotionally based in Cancer!) opposite. Transit Saturn, strong in his own sign and planet of control, restriction, fear, and karma has moved on to 26 Capricorn where he sits atop our Inauguration horoscope/s at Midheaven (26Cap+), The Goal.

Last but not least today we should consider 'voting Mercury', planet of communications, casting ballots and making decisions (and judgments whether clear or erroneous). At 12:49 pm, Mercury stations @25Lib53 emphasizing the importance of our election decisions on that day (and the cheats and Mercurial tricksters who divert election results). Plus, transit Mercury has recently sped through Trump's natal 2nd hou$e trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter (5 to 18 Libra). It's early days yet (March 13 2019 as I type) but one must assume that information, leaks, and reports will have concerned Trump's inflated-inflationary Jupiter-Neptune conjunction of grand schemes and fraud--with wounding-wounded Chiron of blind spots snugged within its ballooning midst.

View the Voting Mercury horoscope set for Washington DC here where you'll see the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter trio rising (social fanaticism) in process of opposing Trump's natal 11th house Saturn (24Cancer) and Venus (27Cancer), planet of values.

Of course with US natal Pluto @27Cap33, We The People are hindered (my opinion!) by the the fact that Trump's natal Venus in Cancer permanently opposes US natal Pluto on financial levels in particular and this, in part, describes the extreme intensity of his relationship with America and the American people, plus, it reveals the continual, ruthless power struggles he is determined to 'win' at anyone's expense but his own. The Venus-Pluto pair also contains potentials for organized crime, extreme wealth hidden away, and breakdowns in the social fabric (Munkasey) - breakdowns that are intended by Republicans and their enablers every time they attempt to cut our social safety net programs.

Now we may wonder if Election Day 2020 planets look favorable for Donald Trump and some do (ex: Moon in Gemini approaches his Uranus-NN-Sun conjunction--Moon = the public, in mutable Gemini = changeable moods and minds--yet the Gemini Moon opposes his Sagittarius Moon and suggests some voters' attraction to his duplicitous Gemini personality and chaotic Uranian style of 'ruling'). And yes, there is also negativity in the Election Day 2020 horoscope/s for those who care to look so if Trump is still around by Election Day 2020, as most agree he will be, he will continue to be a major, jarring force which must be reckoned with - although he may need all the underhanded cheating tactics his supporters are willing to provide if he expects to 'win' the election against what must be a tsunami of Democratic and Independent voters turning up at the polls determined to vote Trump out.

Mar 8, 2019

Mar 7, 2019

Portrait of America 2019: "Two Men Playing Chess"

2019 America Is 243 years old = "3 Sagittarius"

by Jude Cowell

Last evening I played around with America in her 243rd year (2019) which, when translated into the 360-degree circle of the Zodiac (one degree = one year) brings our nation to 3 Sagittarius (243 degrees = 8 signs plus 3 degrees when counted from the Aries Point) because I was curious to see if the degree's Sabian Symbol held significance in relation to current events. Note that using the same method but counting from 13 Cancer, our nation's Sun (leadership) degree, gives 20 Scorpio, yet as it turns out, 3 Sag tells a descriptive 2019 tale of the moment.

Because today as I watched a few morning news shows, the phrase "playing chess" and the concept of a chess game came up more than once out of the mouths of political pundits and reporters (in relation to Mr. Trump, of course) so let's consider 3 Sag in the Sabian Symbols followed by Adriano Carelli's explanation of this degree.

First, Dane Rudhyar's interpretation for 3 Sag = "Two Men Playing Chess".

"Keynote: The transcendent ritualization of conflict" (yin vs yang, dark vs light) "ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self) a dualistic world such a conflict between forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations--and less impulsive and intent upon side issues. {} it brings to the objective consciousness the basic realities in interpersonal INTERPLAY." This speaks of the "transmutation of man's natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence."

In the Jones version for 3 Sag the word picture is the same; here are its positive and negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) expressions:

"Positive: high sensitiveness to every possibility of accomplishment or broadened self-discovery.

Negative: unsuspected bigotry or foolish exactitude." (I'm not certain how "unsuspected" the bigotry is!)

Now I shall quote from Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac for 3 Sag which has no word picture (not all his degrees do) and perhaps you'll agree that this version of 3 Sag sounds much like the fellow currently under siege in the Oval Office:

"A self-contradictory character: on one hand gentle and sensitive, on the other mettlesome, combative and even aggressive. His sense of charity and altruism can lead him to the hardest sacrifices that border on absolute self-denial, yet there will be something mean in it. Psychic and sexual fecundity, love of family, home and work; an aptitude for arts, engineering and perhaps architecture, though the skill in planning to the least detail be transferred from the field of material buildings to one of feelings and induce a petty scheming and plotting mentality.

People may like, love, even adore, the native, but the concourse of other astrological factors will be needed for this."

For more details see An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar and
The Sabian Symbols in Astrology
by Marc Edmund Jones; also see Lynda Hill's more modern 360 Degrees of Wisdom.

Mar 4, 2019

Political Pundits Catch up with Astrology on the GOP!

Neptune in Pisces and the Disappearing GOP

by Jude Cowell

After hearing Trump's recent 'unhinged' and rambling rant at CPAC 2019, GOP strategist Rick Tyler says "it's over," for the Republican Party, "Rest in peace." Mr. Tyler predicts that once Donald Trump passes on there will be no party left which is unfortunate yet interesting since Astrology has been saying that very thing for years now as evidenced by the party's recent Neptune Return/s (2017-2018), with the last of five conjunctions perfecting on December 29, 2018! (See link, below.)

For as all astrologers know, the urge-to-merge energies of astrological Neptune, although sometimes inspiring, uplifting, and compassionate, can erode, dissolve, undermine, confuse, ruin, poison, infect, conspire, obfuscate, hide, mask, disguise, propagandize, spy, falsify, fantasize, cheat, defraud, idealize, demagogue, disappoint, disillusion, disappear, lie, mislead, doubt, disrespect, lose, steal, pilfer, rob, waste, and/or weaken whatever it touches or affects.

And since the Republican Party was founded in 1854 with Neptune @14Pis01, the party's nature on the inspirational level may not have been as grounded as it now turns out was needed in order for the political party to last more than 164 years (the approximate length of Neptune's orbital period), or perhaps a certain amount of dishonesty, fraud, masking, or wrong ideas were involved all along. Whatever the original cause, transit Neptune floating through its own sign of Pisces has provided determined forces a perfect opportunity to undermine, erode, weaken, and morph the party into the Trump-infused entity we now find squirming in his grasp, its end lamented by many.

Yet did things have to be this way for the Republican Party? No! For in Pisces there is always a choice of direction seen via the image of the Two Fishes, one swimming up toward the heights, the other down to the depths, and under the sketchy, lie-filled leadership of Donald Trump, it seems clear that the murkiest of depths are precisely where the GOP has sunk.

A vastly related post containing the horoscope of the GOP's December 29, 2018 Neptune Return: The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces.

Above image: my drawing Isle of Ruins, a fanciful illustration of where lost political parties go to waste away.

Mar 3, 2019

Astrology Overview: The Eclipses of 2019

2019 Solar Eclipses: Across the 'Moon-Saturn' Cancer-Capricorn Polarity

March 3, 2019: currently we go about our business beneath the rays of the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse which manifested @15Cap45 just in time to imprint its 2 South 'joining a new group and gaining a great deal' vibes upon the 116th Congress. In Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government (politics), law, and business, and sign where transformative Pluto, power planet of permanent change, now plods on his way to America's first-ever Pluto Return/s (3x @27Cap33).

Toward the end of June 2019 the background influences of 2 South wane as the next Solar Eclipse prepares to dazzle with a direction change and potentials for sudden disruption for on July 2, 2019 an eclipse perfects @11Cancer in the 3 North Saros Series with themes of 'news that transforms a situation and/or involves young people; information can cause worry, obsession, and an urge to undertake large plans; there's a need not to get carried away' for 3 North energies are 'over-excessive'. As you see, for America this qualifies as an Independence Day 2019 Solar Eclipse and is the first repetition of a 3 North solar eclipse since 9/11/01.

Last in 2019 but not least is a Solar Eclipse in the 3 South Saros Series manifesting @4Capricorn on December 26, 2019 - basically, a Christmas 2019 Solar Eclipse with Pluto-involved themes of 'sudden relationship endings, possibly with a younger person, and containing deep emotional energies of traumatic transformation'. (All themes paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) In addition, the December 26th Eclipse Ends 2019 with Jupiter and Pluto Issues which, for me, brings to mind large-scale developers, wheeler-dealers, and power-grabbers like Mr. Trump - and his cruel, barbaric 'caging children' policy.

Now there are two 2019 Lunar Eclipses, one already past: January 21st @1Leo, and July 16th @24Capricorn which simply drips with Pluto and Politics, and points toward the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex!) with its Saturnian-Plutonian vibes of compression, realism, hard work, unyielding deadlines, cruelty, and 'upsets in existing checks and balances' (Munkasey).

Above photo: the White House Washington DC (don't let the blue skies fool ya.)

Mar 2, 2019

Astro-Chart Round-Up: Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr, and Eric

Since former Trump 'fixer' Michael Cohen testified in open session on Capitol Hill last week, more and more often we hear the Trump Clump described out loud as a 'crime family'.

To run such an organization the head gangsta must have a crew willing to operate under the same criminal persuasion--a crew surrounding and protecting him, and willing to take orders and do his bidding. Donald Trump has such a crew with a core made up of Don Jr, Ivanka and Jared, and other son, Eric.

So I decided to make their planets more accessible for future reference by clumping The Clump together into one post with links to their natal charts such as I have access to them presently--some accurately timed, some set for noon:

Donald Trump Jr. (RR: A),
Ivanka and Jared (noon and noon),
and Eric Trump who actually may be the brightest bulb in the box, as it turns out.

Now naturally, these four minions (including Cohen) also appear in other SO'W posts which may be located by tapping or clicking labels of their names below this post, or by entering their monikers in the sidebar Search field. Because that's the kind of power you have, dear reader!

A Related Post: On Donald Trump as Clumsy Liar. Not that he's the only one.

Feb 24, 2019

As Our Tax Returns Shrivel, Big Banks Got $28 Billion In Tax Savings Last Year - TROFIRE

February 24, 2019: The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins reports on some of the negative effects on US taxpayers's refunds 'thanks' to the Trump-GOP Tax Cut for America's wealthy class of greedy piggies:

Remember the golden day of December 22, 2017 when Trump signed the GOP Tax Cut Bill (heist!) then rushed off to the luxury of Mar-a-Lago? And of course the non-empathetic GOP plan includes putting America's social safety net programs on their chopping block in spite of the nationwide suffering, even death, it would cause. Create the problem then pretend you have the only solution--it's so Hegelian!