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May 6, 2021

Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"?

Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!

by Jude Cowell

May 6, 2021: As you've heard or read by now Rep. Liz Cheney has written an op-ed concerning the current condition of the Republican Party, an internal fight. See Facing an ouster from House leadership, Cheney says GOP is at 'turning point' and must choose between the more traditional version of conservatism that she favors (torture, endless war, austerity?), and the Big Lie cult of personality of Donald Trump, intended to keep him in office way beyond his sell-by date which expired at noon on Inauguration Day 2021.

But so far from what I've heard, Rep. Cheney isn't counting events that occurred when Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015 at the New Moon (25Gemini) and, more critically, the change came (in public) with the 2016 Russian-spy-infused RNC that nominated the faithless manchild and 'Putin pal' I tend to call, agent orange.

For a view of Liz Cheney's natal chart see Marjorie Orr's post Liz Cheney - howling into the wind.

Now naturally, the term "turning point" conjures images of a YOD pattern in the minds of most if not all astrologers so I began to wonder if any of the Republican Party horoscopes would evolve to show a YOD pattern when progressed to a current date such as this very day.

Now in my files there are multiple founding horoscopes for the Republican Party and I chose the following two sets of data to search within for progressed YODs, if any, that contain turning point;crossroads;crisis;special task implications. Of course, YODs are also timing devices which can bring opportunity for karmic progress or advancement but since this experiment concerns politicians, let's keep our hopes tethered to the reality of their personal limitations.

The two Republican Party founding charts used:

March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon WI and July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Ripon, WI.

Dual Horoscopes, below = today's Secondary Progressions ('SP'): upper right chart is based on, or issues from, the party's March 20th horoscope, and lower left, the SP chart is based on the party's July 6th horoscope. Note that other founding horoscopes, if you have them, may also contain 'turning point" info for those who care to progress them.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes for not all of them will appear within this text.

Upper right chart with 3Pis11 rising shows an SP YOD between the SP Venus-Saturn sextile pointing to SP Chiron @16Cap00 Rx and SP Jupiter @17Cap51 (in SP 11th house of Groups and Associations). Even the party's SP Pallas (strategy; wisdom) joins in the pattern while the Venus-Saturn sextile denotes those who exploit others, who prefer the tried and true (like Trump? he's been tried - to be false!), and who find it impossible to allow for mid-course changes of direction. So apparently Trump must be included in that unfortunate assessment. Then if we read the YOD as a midpoint picture with Jupiter at apex, we find potentials for 'separations' and/or 'illegitimate relationships' (R. Ebertin).

As you see, in both SP charts, wounded/wounding Chiron is in governmental Capricorn indicating a need to prevail ("own the libs"?) and to win in spite of all adversity. With Chiron in Capricorn, older mentors are often prevalent, even via historical figures, along with an irrational desire to conquer Time itself (ex: ruling a nation forever?). (R. Nolle).

Revealingly, SP Sun @11Vir14 conjuncts the party's SP Cupido ('The Family'; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and SP Toro, one of the power asteroids which can also include nuclear power. SP Moon (12th house of Politics and Karma) squares SP Pluto (2nd house and highlighted in lavender), a temporary influence indicating intense emotions, seeking support or withdrawing, financial security being challenged, competition, and/or holding on to old grudges (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Now even though the forceful, brutal SP Mars-Pluto opposition is fading, the midpoint of the duo conjuncts SP Moon so potentials for 'ambition; audacity and daring; a determined or resolute woman' (Liz? her replacement?); and/or 'injury caused to a woman' (Ebertin) are of influence. Plus, I have no accurately timed horoscope for Liz Cheney but her natal Moon remained in Sagittarius for the entire 24 hours so the party's March 20th SP Saturn @15Gem20 (conjunct SP IC) could possibly be opposing her natal Moon, a depressive, oppressive influence on her from party leadership (Saturn = authority figures) if so. Also note that the party's rising SP Neptune @14Pis38 is within orb of an opposition to Cheney's natal Pluto @16Vir45, suggesting an erosion of her power and control within the party particularly in relation to ideals (Neptune).

With the party's July 6th horoscope progressed to today, we do find a YOD but only if we use the SP Uranus-Neptune sextile as its base pointing toward US natal Saturn (14Lib48). Read as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for 'change of direction' (which can suggest a turning point) and/or a condition in which there's a clash between 'ambitions vs projects' (Ebertin). Plus, the Uranus-Neptune 'new world order' pair in sextile hints at those who stand apart from the mainstream of society so perhaps we can agree that radical political reactionaries in the Trump faction of the GOP pride themselves on doing just that. It's anti-societal all the way.

Perhaps I should add a double SP midpoint picture for it's quite revealing of the party's current atmosphere: SP Mars-Pluto = SP Neptune with potentials for: 'cunning and deceit; secretly causing harm or damage to others; implacability'. Also Mars-Pluto conjunct MC: 'ambition; facing overwhelming force without power; overcoming sudden difficulties' (Ebertin).

So to close, let's mention the July 6th SP BOWL shape of planets (having a mission or the advocacy of a cause) led by SP Mercury @11Sag45 (which might be conjunct Liz Cheney's natal Moon, who knows?) and denotes serious conflicts, possible separations, and supports their 'desire to be in control' and with 'a focus on limitations' (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Limitations? Sounds like a case of Republican sore loser belly-achin' to me.

May 3, 2021

The Eclipse that Affects All US Presidential Elections

Solar Eclipses and US Presidential Elections

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader: please note that the following post is yet another in my series of 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts which, understandably, the overly sensitive reader may wish to skip:

The first official US Presidential Election over a month's period from late 1788 into 1789 was a breeze with our hugely popular Revolutionary War hero, George Washington, scoring a unanimous 69 electoral votes from ten states. Only ten states because New York had not yet put forward its electors, and North Carolina and Rhode Island had yet to ratify the US Constitution.

So considering the current contentiousness of the former guy's 'Big Lie' that he continues to boast from Election 2020, it may be of interest to consider the Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') in which America's first archetypal Presidential Election fell, for as a cosmic time link, its influence continues as a background factor in US Presidential Elections and the resulting presidencies throughout the years.

Annular in 1789 (actually manifesting on November 27, 1788 @6Sag15), the first official presidential election's PE occurred within the 7 North family which will repeat via a hybrid Solar Eclipse @29Ari50 on April 20, 2023, a critical 29th degree - and April 20th is Herr Adolf's birthday. Obviously, this eclipse falls firmly within the Campaign 2023 time frame prior to Election 2024 since campaigns begin early these days. And if you're daring enough at this point in time, you may wish to look ahead to the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope (hopefully we'll have one the majority can believe in yet dark forces work against democracy and peril does exist).

Meanwhile, besides the former guy's sore loser schemes and machinations, and the desperate actions of the election-rigging GOP, another skunk at the presidential celebration is that 7 North is the Saros Series which manifested on February 24, 1933 @5Pis28 as the 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse. Follow the link for more info on 7 North themes which sound somewhat mild, I agree, but it isn't always eclipse themes that matter most to historical events and conditions, it's the fact that a disruptive, revealing eclipse occurs at all (aka, a 'cosmic blink' or a 'Universal wild card'). And it's an eclipse's sign, degree, and the house in which it manifests in a given horoscope that affects events and participants in a disruptive Uranian manner with inconvenient secrets uncovered and scandals created.

Then as you know, an eclipse's Sabian Symbol (the word picture for each degree of the Zodiac) is informative as is its Illumination Point, the opposite degree which reveals hidden or unconscious information. So rounding up the 7 North Eclipse degree to "30Aries" we have: "A Duck Pond and Its Brood" (the degree of warrior planet Mars during the MAGA Mob Attack of January 6, 2021), and opposite = "30Libra": "Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head" (which I always relate to Bacon, Locke, and Newton whose portraits were hung in tribute by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello - and suggestive of America's founding principles of The Enlightment).

And so, the 7 North Eclipse symbolism represents yet another cosmic indicator of America's current existential struggle for survival: fascism vs democracy.

Our only hope? Vote Blue in 2022 and 2024. In a massive turn out!

A Closely Related Post: Election 2024's Predictive New Moon Prior.


Note: above image of an eclipse has no attributing details that I can find but if it did, I would gladly add them to the multiple times I have displayed thos evocative image with eclipse posts. jc

May 2, 2021

Astro-Notes regarding the US Federal Banking System

Sometimes in a post for little or no reason, I like to fuss about the US Federal Reserve Banking System. The following is one of those posts.

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you've noticed that the Wikipedia page detailing the creation of the US Federal Reserve Banking System hardly does it justice and one must read certain books to discover more on the secret meetings, debates, adjustments, and passages of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Adopted in the Senate on December 23, 1913 by a vote of 43 to 25, control of the US money supply was not given to the National Treasury of The People, oh no, but to a private cabal of wealthy bankers. As you know, Senator Nelson Aldrich as one of the primary rats in the financial woodpile and was more intimately connected to the conspiracy than the American public knew at the time (his daughter was the wife of John D. Rockefeller Jr and their future progeny became politicians).

Further reading reveals that German banker Paul Warburg was a major force in the designing of what we now call The Fed which was clandestinely planned under the auspices of a Sagittarian New Moon of December 1, 1910 at Jekyll Island, Georgia (chart is linked, below).

Below you see a newspaper clipping from December 24, 1913 announcing the signing into law of the Federal Reserve Act by President Woodrow Wilson who owed his presidency to wealthy bankers and corporatists while pretending otherwise but who obviously knew which side of the Resolute Desk his advancement was oiled on:

1913 US newspaper clipping, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

"A Fine Christmas Present" one of the headlines reads! Oh yes. A huge gift for elite bankers, their descendants, and their complicit politicians most of whom flew under a Democratic banner back then. You know, sometimes political opposition is set up to be easily knocked down.

So if you're curious, here's a previous SO'W post from 2019 displaying The Fed New Moon of December 1, 1910 @8Sag49 (center horoscope; and see the anti-societal YODs of crisis and turning points involving sneaky Neptune, and pointing toward trickster Mercury, planet of meetings, planning, and negotiations) along with the DC Horoscope of the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto surrounding it, because, at 23Capricorn (a governmental degree), a significant midpoint picture was formed - 2020 Saturn-Pluto = 1910 Uranus which contains potentials for: 'sudden acts of violence' (Ebertin) and/or 'an attack regardless of potential losses' and 'brutal efforts to start as new order' (Tyl).

Dear reader, is it shocking to you that the Covid crisis is being used as a major opportunity by which to initiate an economic 'new order?

Apr 29, 2021

Midterms 2022 brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

At 2022 Midterms a Fateful Struggle: "Swords vs Torches"

by Jude Cowell

April 29, 2021: Now that President Joe Biden has delivered his pseudo-SOTU address last night to a pared-down Joint Session of Congress on the eve of his 100th day in office, it's time to face the portents within the horoscope of the 2022 Midterm Elections of November 8, 2022 which is the day of a Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus00. Now usually for elections, I publish horoscopes of the opening of voting and/or the closing of it but since a Lunar Eclipse is a huge 'cosmic blink' of disruption and revelation, I'm using the eclipse's moment of perfection at 6:01:57 am est on Election Day as the Midterms 2022 Horoscope to work from concerning these very significant elections that can possibly result in a change of control in the US Congress, House and/or Senate. But as you know, flipping Congress would be a disaster for Americans who appreciate Mr. Biden's attempts and policies meant to improve social conditions in our country while sending a huge bill to wealthy corporate tax evaders and authoritarian, anti-democratic enablers - including violent hotheads who like to march with Tiki Torches which are now viewed as racist. For good reason.

And is it bizarre that for ages 'eternal flames' have been symbolic of so-called 'illumi*ati' involvement in certain events? (Readers: NO illumi*ati promos or ads will ever be published on SO'W so don't waste your time.)

Well, for the curious, here's some info concerning the gravesite eternal flames of JFK, Princess Diana, the Parisienne tunnel where she and Dodi crashed, the World Trade Center, etc. Tragically, the concept of ritual sacrifice comes to mind but do ignore the information if you wish!

DC Horoscope: 'Midterms' Lunar Eclipse November 8, 2022 @16Tau00:53

The Syzygy Moon (prior lunation) of this Eclipse IS the Solar Eclipse @2Sco00 in the manic 6 South Saros Series. As you know, New Moons prior to elections are considered predictive so my fondest wish is that the 'taking power' theme of 6 South, which worked so well for Nazis in 1932 (and more kindly in the US for FDR), will be taken very seriously by those who have the power to act against the sore loser insurrectionists who again plan a violent take-over of the US government - and this time a stronger effort will be mounted than on January 6, 2021 (which was a practice session):

Ascendant 6Sco57 makes Mars Rx in Gemini the chart-ruler with a square from Neptune in Pisces (2A12) continuing the gaseous planet's deceptive, undermining, ongoing opposition to US natal Neptune @22Virgo (timing a generational clash of ideals), plus, this includes Neptune's square to US Mars which denotes the undermining of physical efforts, delayed successes, goals that must be realistic and as practical as possible (yet can be inspirational), potentials for illness and infection, dangerous water travel, and a caution to keep plugging away despite it all. Of course, we can expect that from time to time mitigating planetary factors will help the abundance of Neptunian conditions which, I confess, I identify primarily with the 'Republican Party' of 1854 and its Neptune in Pisces.

And so America's Mars-Neptune Square of 1776 with its misguided or misdirected energies and motivations (plus, with the square's 'fog of war' implications) pines for for the also-ran inspiration which dreamy Neptune can supply to any planet it touches with its glittering magic wand.

Now note that the Saturnian South Node rises along with voting planet Mercury (leading a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets which possibly hints at election cheating or fraud) and that the 1st house Sun conjuncts fixed star Zuben Elgenubi: positive social reform, while Venus conjuncts Zuben Elschemali: negative social reform, a mixed portent. Yet to me this looks as if President Biden, born with Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus himself, is represented by the rising Scorpio energies in this chart while the anarchists and insurrectionsist voters and anti-American politicians can be seen via the eclipsed Moon conjunct radical reactionary Uranus in the intolerant, possessive sign of Taurus. Shown is a fateful struggle between democracy and Neo-Nazism, folks, in part through the exciteable Moon-Uranus conjunction's revealing Sabian Symbol ("17Taurus"): "A Battle Between the Swords and the Torches." "Keyword is RESOLUTION" (Jones). This symbol speaks of "enlightenment, high organizational skill, and an ability to bring the magic of understanding to any specific difficulty." Those are the positive potentials of the symbol for which I look to those represented by democratic, nurturing Ceres (below). The negative expression = "a loss of self-competence through the conflicting compulsions of necessity and desire." This could be related to the urgent needs of the American people vs a certain group's deep desire for power and control embedded within the manic energies of the 6 South Solar Eclipse @2Sco00 which manifests on October 25 2022 with themes of 'huge efforts in group activities', 'sudden events', great strength or force in relationships', and 'being forceful and taking power' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Taking power, not through elections - through seizing power. Can forewarned be forearmed?

Now if you enlarge the image you'll see that the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of November 8, 2022 reveals factors of 'Democracy vs Neo-Nazism' via Ceres @16Vir27 (sextile Sun, trine Moon - see Ceres, below), and the factoid that the elections fall within the influence of the prior Scorpio Solar Eclipse (losted as 'PE' and highlighted in orange, in 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions such as Congress, Back Room Deals, Self-Undoing, and/or Karma) falls within the 6 South Saros Series which in 2022 is a repeat of the 'Nazi Rise to Power' Eclipse of August 31, 1932 @8Vir09.

However, here's a ray of hope...

Ceres as Thales Point: A Saving Grace!

As astrologer Alice Portman explains, the Thales Point in an event chart identifies one who gets along well with both sides (here, political rivals: Sun opposite Moon) and can negotiate a fair arrangement. Basically, Ceres (asteroid of democracy) acting as Thales Point for this Lunar Eclipse (and therefore, for the 2022 Midterm Elections and the rivals therein) indicates a skilled negotiator or negotiators (with a democratic mindset, it seems) who can solve thorny issues, then communicate and explain them in ways that resolve, or at least, improve, difficult circumstances.

In closing, let's add a famous, never more appropriate, quote from a former US president who, along with past democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis, shares Midterms 2022's Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend along with President Joe Biden:

"Our country needs not heroics bu healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration." - President Warren G. Harding.

Well, if you made it this far, Thanks a bunch for reading! And I'm quite certain that more such fussing must be published concerning this Eclipse before the 2022 Midterms come along so please Share if you dare. jc

Apr 27, 2021

Two Solar Eclipses and Nixon's War On Drugs

April 27 2021: By now most Americans are aware that Richard Nixon and his enablers invented America's War On Drugs, which he announced in 1971, and was intended to incarcerate his 'enemies', those unruly African Americans demanding their Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam-War protesters, made up mostly of my idealistic Flower Power Generation of peaceniks.

So becoming curious to see if the 9 Old South Solar Eclipse of Summer 1971, which ended with that particular manifestation, affected its own initial eclipse in the series (June 23, 0727 @4Can17, inner chart, its genesis or birth), I set up a bi-wheel of the two eclipses, as you can see, below. Also note that Nixon's taking the US off the gold standard in 1971 was also an issue of the final 9 Old South Eclipse (endings) and we can see that, yes, a few financial factors are involved along with the drug war and subsequent incarcerations. Exs: 1971 Pluto-Chiron midpoint (Plutocracy; exploitation; primal violence; racism) @5Can51 conjuncts US natal Jupiter @5Can55 of 1776 ('6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"), and the 1971 Jupiter-Neptune duo (speculators, visionaries, hypocrites, wastrels, and political conflicts conjuncts Midheaven in 1971 and rises in 0727). As you know, it's primarily the hypocrisy of and speculation by wealthy entrepreneurs taking over the cannabis industry that's in the news these days so that profits can be made after 40 years of oppression and imprisonment of young people and non-violent offenders. This seems a classic example of 'do as I say, not as I do'.

Yet as noted, political conflict is the basic reason that Nixon declared the 'war' in the first place - to remove his enemies from the playing field. Making a windfall must have seemed a bonus for wealth-hoarder Pluto @27Leo50 which was actually eclipsed in 1971 so, listed on the chart are potentials for: 1971 Sun-Moon = 0727 Pluto: 'changed circumstances lead to critical stages of development; power; gang wars; criminality; rape' (R. Ebertin).

And as we now find, drug arrests and long sentences have long fueled America's massive prison system, a lucrative, cruel, and malicious scheme for profit for certain politicians, judges, lawyers, police departments, and others, thanks to Tricky Dick and his co-conspirators in 1971.

Then for the passage of legislation, you see that 1971 Saturn, planet of restriction and law, opposes 0727 Uranus, planet of freedom and rebellion. This transit identifies the "passage of restrictive legislation" that Nixon finagled in order to make his oppressive actions seem legal! Meanwhile, we might also note that the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse will 'eclipse' 1971 Saturn, a Sun-to-Saturn transit suggesting serious circumstances and legal issues that involve authority concerns.

So below you see a bi-wheel of both the initial and the final 9 Old South Eclipse with themes of: 'idealism' and 'great energy via a forceful, controlling, manipulative Mars-Pluto influence' (Brady). Naturally, there are other chart factors which may be of interest to you so feel free to mention them in an on-topic comment if you wish:

May 2021 Lunar Eclipse reacts to December 2020 Solar Eclipse Themes

Solar/Lunar Eclipses Knit Together December 2020 and May 2021 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

April 27, 2021: As you know, the Lunar Eclipse that accompanies a Solar Eclipse provides clues concerning our instinctive reactions to the karmic situations and conditions associated with the previous Solar Eclipse. The current 'cosmic blinks' fall into the Gemini-Sagittarius sector of the Zodiac with its Mercury-Jupiter influences that spotlight logic, reasoning, mental agility, fluent communications, morals, ethics, and the search for ultimate truth. All this as "the big lie" and its spawn continue to undergird the anti-democratic objectives of the Republican Party and sore losers cause nothing but trouble.

So while society remains under the auspices of the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (until about the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse, listed, lower right on the chart - conjunct the former guy's natal Moon-SN) which manifested upon the very day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote (the GOP's political bone of contention), here's a look at December 2020's 4 South Eclipse with its karmic themes of 'strong feelings over money and/or relationships; a sudden desire to end relationships' (Brady), plus, the accompanying Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 @5Sag25 which significantly conjuncts, reflects, and reveals transiting Nemesis (@17Sco43 in December) conjunct the eclipsed Moon. Both eclipses are Total, thus bringing strong influences upon conditions and events.

Planet Mercury (highlighted in green), is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') in both charts, isolated from input by the rest of the planets, and opposing its Sag position of 2020 by the time of the 2021 Lunar Eclipse, when it's happier in its own sign of Gemini, as you see. Obviously, potential shifts in communications and planning are denoted along with changes in other realms ruled by Mercury such as commerce, education, and young people's concerns (increased innoculations?). Changeable Mercury is chart-ruler in May (ASC 26Gem24) and as such, applies to a dramatic inconjunct with powerful, wealthy Pluto (adjustments are needed), a pleasant conjunction/meeting with Venus, then speeds on to trine expansive Jupiter in compassionate Pisces (conjunct MC and benevolent Fomalhaut!) bringing uplifting ideas and plans, some perhaps of the 'big picture' variety.

Note that in December, the Virgo-Pisces polarity is intercepted, a karmic implication suggesting veiled factors being hidden from view but which must be dealt with. My suspicion is that the May 2021 Lunar Eclipse conjunct the Saturnian South Node (of the Moon) indicates that best results can be attained when past hurts and festering grudges are let go so that forward progress can be made and new opportunities embraced. This would be the wisest way to respond to the difficult conditions and events heralded by the December 2020 4 South Eclipse. Yet not everyone can manage to do this. I refer to the May Eclipse's Midheaven holding high asteroid Niobe (the grieving mother) along with the Saturn-Neptune midpoint of suffering, illness, loss - and the social safety net programs so many of us need right now.

Now at critical degrees in both charts we find Mars, planet of energy, action, motivation, and conflict, in 2021 squaring his 2020 position in his own sign of Aries and indicating an unfavorable period for decisive action, a lack of cooperation, and lending a forceful, determined air to what are very busy proceedings. There's a decidedly masculine influence pervading activities which may lift slightly with Mars in Cancer, sign of family and home, although in emotional Cancer, the potential for fiery anger often increases - especially for those with hot tempers - while the square brings blockages, frustration, and delay. Plus, significantly, Mars is the planet of police and military men and at the Lunar Eclipse, asteroid HOPI joins Mars with its ambush and/or prejudice vibes. The two stars of Gemini also join in - Castor and Pollux - so that 'murder, cruelty, crippled limbs, mental illness, and/or sudden fame or loss' (A. Louis) continue as possible outcomes in certain situations especially those involving (rogue?) police officers or the military (deployed and coming home: Cancer). Meanwhile, we should be aware that difficulties, conflicts, and hostilities could peak around the first week of June 2021 when Mars and Pluto oppose one another across the Cancer-Capricorn axis, a cosmic suggestion that interfering with the status quo will be more unwise than usual due to the tremendous, forceful energies within the Mars-Pluto combo along with the Lunar Eclipse conjunct Nemesis and leading a Locomotive shape of planets which indicates a 'high-powered executive ruthlessly determined to achieve success'.

Wonder who?

Apr 25, 2021

The Real Court-Packing Debate Disclosed (Thom vs John Vecchione); plus, Mars-Neptune

April 25, 2021: Here's a recent debate from the Thom Hartmann broadcast which may be of interest to Americans who believe in balancing the Scales of Justice in America so that fair decisions result:

A Smattering of SCOTUS Astrology

And on the topic of changes or reforms to the US Supreme Court, positive and negative, here's a previous post from October 2020 displaying the 1790 SCOTUS Horoscope (February 1, 1790 '1st Session' NYC; "9:00 am" LMT) surrounded by the DC Horoscope of the weakening Mars-Neptune Conjunction of June 13, 2020 @20Pis56 conjunct SCOTUS 1790's Saturn (20Pis55), the karmic planet representing law and the structure of the US court system.

As you know, US Saturn of 1776 is exalted in Libra (14:48), sign of The Scales of Justice, yet considering the court's current, overly abundant number of 'conservative' Justices and their bald-faced neglect of constitutional precedence (which is not always binding but when appropriate creates Saturnian stability in our legal system), Saturn as established or settled law can be seen under attack by weakening forces in 2020 (and before) but in 2021 going forward, another more inspirational application of Mars-Neptune's combined energies is 'on the table' thanks to efforts by the Biden administration:

help at the right time.


(For more Mars-Neptune details see The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.) #ad

Apr 23, 2021

A Natal Chart for Senator John Kennedy (R-LA)

April 23, 2021: If you're curious about the contrary Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) his Wikipedia bio page can supply a few details. Born John Neely Kennedy on November 21, 1951 in Centreville, Mississippi but raised in Zachary, Louisiana, Mr. Kennedy served as Treasurer of Louisiana from January 10, 2000 to January 3, 2017, the date he was sworn in to serve in the US Senate.

For your consideration, I've rustled up a 12:00 pm (CST) natal horoscope for Senator Kennedy which shows Sun in late Scorpio and Moon in late Leo (a Sun-Moon square = "Me Against Thee" - A. Oken). Yet if born on or after 4:35:30 pm CST, his Moon is in Virgo, sign of The Critic, which, considering his typical performances on Capitol Hill, just may be the case. However, if born earlier with Moon in dramatic Leo (he's a lawyer, politician, and show-off), the Sun-Moon personality of the two Fixed (rigid) signs makes more sense to me so I'm going with that. Besides, a Virgo Moon would give him a pragmatic, supportive Water-Earth blend of conscious and unconscious energies while Water-Fire suggests a steamy, volatile, intensely personal blend that cannot step back and see things from an impersonal viewpoint. And with a Watery Sun and Fiery Moon, this is the combo of the 'passionate crusader' so you can see why I suspect a Leo Moon for John Kennedy (- Charles and Suzi Harvey).

So! Below is a speculative Natal Horoscope for John Kennedy with many of my study notes penned on such as: Mercury out-of-bounds ('OOBs' = off-planet ideas?) and a Pisces North Node which can indicate secret meetings with odd people and/or associations which can harm the community. Now as you see, he was sworn in on January 3, 2017 (at his Nodal Half Return) with the Sun opposing his quirky Uranus Rx which happens to conjunct Sirius (the scorcher), so compromise with fellow senators was not on his agenda. Also note that his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 7 South Saros Series contains a tremendous amount of anger, power, and force (belied by his 'lazy' southern accent when questioning those he considers beneath him) thanks to 7 South's initial eclipse with a Mars-Pluto square (from Leo to Scorpio! with Saturn involved!). A crisis-ridden 7 South Eclipse will repeat on October 14, 2023 @21Libra.

See lower right for a few notes on the intensely emotional Moon-Pluto pair. And it's possible that the senator may have grown up with one of those infamous "smother mothers"! And, deep inside, harbor a reigning need for power, leadership, and applause.

Meanwhile, Mr Kennedy's Sun-Moon square implies relationship troubles or frustrations (due to ego, pride, and stubbornness?), and suggests that he's hypersensitive to criticism so please treat the speculative chart gingerly! Because with a Venus-Saturn conjunction, Mr. Kennedy is a discontented, dissatisfied kind of guy whose Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo personality combo has no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with him or stands in his way.

So in case you missed his recent 'grilling' concerning voter suppression in Georgia, see Senator John Kennedy Thought He Could Get the Best of Stacey Abrams (credit to MSNBC's The ReidOut); let's just say the senator fell short of his objective:

Lower left: Two natal midpoint pictures are in force for the entire 24 hours of his birth day no matter his time of birth: Mars-Uranus = Pluto and Mercury-Pluto = Neptune. A few of their potentials are listed although others, more dangerous, shocking, or draining, may apply as well. Also note that Mr. Kennedy's natal Uranus @13Can33 conjuncts US natal Sun so perhaps the non-traditional ideas and unorthodox methods he brought to Congress in 2017 have to do with the presidency of the United States and/or how leadership was established on July 4, 1776 in relation to the principles embedded within the Declaration of Independence.

Just a few thoughts. What do you think?

Apr 22, 2021

Horoscopes: America's Jupiter Returns 2013 and 2025

April 22, 2021: Nope, not a whole bunch of text today, only two DC Horoscopes showing America's current Jupiter Return which perfected on July 22, 2013 (lower left - 2021 Uranus across the top/MC = crisis; reforms), and our nation's next Jupiter Return on July 5, 2025 (upper right). Significant is our country's 1776 Jupiter's rounded-up degree of '6 Cancer' and its very descriptive Sabian Symbol, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" which implies the greed which is the sickness at the core of the Plutocracy through the auspices of which this idealistic experiment called America was begun. And with expansive Jupiter involved, in general our society's tendency toward greed seems only to have grown.

Now as you know, Jupiter is exalted (works best) when in Moon-ruled Cancer, a business-oriented sign of home, family, protection, and needs met. So approximately every 12 years since 1776, when transit Jupiter returns to its July 4, 1776 degree (5Can55:59), the same conjunctions re-form which were in force on that day with our natal Venus and Sun with potentials for - Jupiter to Venus: desire for luxury; potential benefits; fortunate alliances; compromised principles; Jupiter to Sun: ego expansion; self-indulgence; generosity; self-inflating tactics; more money, knowledge, and/or awareness; grand plans.

Note: Mundane Jupiter = expansion, freedom, ideals, philosophy, justice, protection, exploration, discovery, boundary-breaking, good fortune, breakthroughs, finance, banking, investment, politics, religion, corporatism, gurus, thespians, professors, lawyers, judges, and more.

As you see, 2013 Moon @25Cap36 has been catalyzed multiple times by recent transits such as transit Pluto (today @26Cap48) to Moon, another crisis indicator that also suggests the emotional and physical trauma and abuse that so many people are suffering for a variety of reasons. Intense turmoil and overwhelming circumstances are denoted but as with every transit, the influences will pass. However, transit Pluto will be opposing 2013 Sun (29Can48 = '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") showing that our contest-of-wills/no-compromise political conditions concerning US leadership (Sun) will continue in relation to Jupiterian circumstances, conditions, and people, any of which are noted above. Take your pick!

So until on or about July 5, 2025, check current transits if you wish, for we remain under the influences of America's 2013 Jupiter Return with its chart-ruler, the Sun, making only one applying aspect in the chart, a square to Saturn @4Sco59 conjunct IC (4:50) suggesting a continuation of concentration on business and the need for hard work. Plus, Saturn/4th house indicates links to real estate, mining, natural resources, and, if the American people can be that fortunate despite the plutocatic oppression that weighs so many of us down, to the conservation and preservation of our homeland and its resources: