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Showing posts with label Financial Collapse 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial Collapse 2008. Show all posts

Nov 30, 2010

"Austerity is here!" Alex Jones video; US transits of austerity

Video: Alex Jones on Austerity in America.

Well, if someone wanted my top picks of astrological factors that describe our nation's current atmosphere of 'austerity cuts' I would have to cite four:

1. the background influence of America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon of December 24, 2008 when we reached our limits of expansion (4Vir10/Pis) during the throes of Financial Collapse 2008;

2. the transit of Saturn (planet of austerity, realism, restriction, loss, and delay) to US natal Neptune 22Vir25, planet of dreams, ideals, illusions, loss - and the masses which in 1776 was posited in Virgo, the sign of Work, Service, and Health.

3. the transit of often fraudulent, deceptive Neptune to US natal Moon (we-the-people) bringing the difficult transit's ongoing sense of rootlessness, losses of homes and possessions, lies to the people, and the BP-Gulf oil blowout that still bedevils the livelihoods and health of the good people of the Gulf Coast region.

In addition, US Secondary Moon has this year conjoined US natal and Progressed Neptune as well which adds more misery and confusion, and lengthens and intensifies the dissolving effects of Neptune-to-US-natal-Moon transit such as we see with this year's revelation of robo-signed foreclosures, etc. (See sidebar link to John Townley's article on Neptune afflicting America's natal chart, or simply click here.)

Certainly other transits and progressions are playing their parts as well - some positive and helpful, some adding to our woes - but these four are proving massive enough to steal most of the cake from our economy, job market, and dinner tables. (Let them eat GM corn?)

4. the next planetary influence on my austerity list has to be: US Saturn Return, a drawn out three-fer this time, and in progress as I type (14Lib48: Dec 3, 2010, Mar 22, 2011 Rx, Aug 28, 2011.) Accountability is one of Saturn's dearest lessons and perhaps the fresh release from WikiLeaks of docs from the 'diplomatic' community gives an example of such a lesson sorely needed by the US government.

Yes, a return to realism and sanity is definitely indicated during a Saturn Return, and imho, the vision of a one-world-government ruled by the US needs to be abandoned once and for all - even though I believe our nation and people have already been sacrificed on the altar of that agenda.

Our Loss of Illusions

Though transiting Saturn conjoined US natal Neptune only once on August 27, 2009 (this time around in Saturn's 29/30 year cycle), the hit was apparently strong enough given other circumstances and weaknesses.

Around that date and ever since, the Saturnian word austerity rings from Capitol Hill and across the nation and threatens more sacrifice and loss for those tottering upon the bottom rungs of society - with some Americans newly ensconced upon the bottom rungs since the grossly wealthy Oilcan Harrys of the world are having their financial way with those whom they perceive to be their underlings while corporate titans fail to create US jobs - no matter how big or extended the fatcats' tax breaks become. ('Demand' follows paychecks, fellas!)

Yes, Saturn-to-natal-Neptune can mean a dream (Neptune) coming true (Saturn) yet in our financial condition it has brought us its 'grim face of reality' vibe with a huge splash of Saturn's cold water upon the idea of 'jobs coming back'.

Plus, the phrase austerity (Saturn) cuts (Mars) implicates the planet of quarrels and war in the dire picture as well, and many people (self included) think that slashing US war expenditures would be highly beneficial for our national budget. For US tax payers to continue funding security for all of Europe seems ridiculously laughable, and now is financially undo-able.

Watch This Video?

Yes, I too wish Alex Jones would remove the bullhorn from in front of his mouth and calm down so that more people would take his words and warnings seriously. For like most people, I don't respond well to someone shouting at me and am convinced that the info gets through to my pea brain a lot more efficiently when a measured case using lower decibels is made!

And President Obama's announcement of a two-year pay freeze for government workers? It would dovetail nicely and make more economic difference if Washington willingly added a two-year (or permanent) pay cut for all congress members, something that Rep. Marcy Kaptur called for months ago.

To close this austerity-laced post, here's a relevant bit of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Inaugural speech of Jan 20, 1937:

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

To which I add a hearty and common good Amen.

Nov 23, 2010

Uphill on Capitol Hill: Rs ruling the turkey roost?

Doyle McManus' analysis of what's going on on Capitol Hill since the Republicans triumphed in midterms 2010 (thanks a lot, everyone who voted for Karl Rove's party) sums things up quite well.

You know, the Republican Party experienced a Progressed Full Moon in 2005 which is a timing device indicating that one has reached one's limit of expansion in the world - a culmination of sorts. (The R Party entered its Disseminating phase by progression on March 19, 2009 with its 'put out the message' vibe.)

Well, I'm assuming that if it weren't for Tea Party madness, the Rs would be tamping themselves down instead of revving up for more of their "I'm not my brother's keeper" cold-heartedness at a time when the poor and middle classes have already sacrificed - or been sacrificed - into ruination or close to it.

Which begs the usual question around this blog: is the collapsing of American society the ultimate goal of Washington politicians?

In Ireland, the IMF is recommending (insisting) that the Irish minimum wage be lowered. How outrageous! And in America, President Barack Obama handed trillions of tax payer dollars to...the people who would spend them and infuse life into the US economy? Nope! To wealthy bankers who engineered the mess and who now cheer on the IMF and others who advise 'austerity cuts' against the people thereby demanding what money and dignity we have left!

So my question for you is: will November 25, 2010 become known as America's last Thanksgiving Day?

Maybe we should take a gobble down memory lane: the video of the President's Thanksgiving Day message to America during the embroilment of Financial Collapse 2008.

Wonder what he'll be able to say to us this year?

Nov 5, 2010

The Fed: "Return to Jekyll Island" w a Scorpio New Moon

In what may be considered by some a 'return to the scene of the crime', today and Saturday, members of the Federal Reserve Bank are again meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, where their shadowy entity, the private and central bank of America, was hatched in response (allegedly) to the bankers' Panic of 1907.

If the script sounds familiar since Financial Collapse 2007/2008, it should.

Here's something I wrote on the topic in February 2010 with a link to an article by astrologer Jessica Murray who shares many of my feelings about the Creature from Jekyll Island...the Fed.

Now their meeting is taking place under the rays of a New Moon 13Sco40 which conjoins the retrograde station degree of Venus (October 8, 2010) and with Venus' role in evaluations, she's proving important in financial considerations with the steps the Fed has taken this week to dabble in and tinker with the US economy.

Now Venus performs her station direct in 2 weeks (Nov 18) @ 27Lib40 and will leave her shadow (move past the degree of Rx station 13Sco13) the third week of December 2010 - just in time for Christmas but in tandem with the financially worrisome Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 which seems to indicate market problems (crisis-turning point YOD directed toward the eclipse's 8th cusp when set for Washington DC; asteroid Midas and Pan nearby in 8th house; chart image included.)

Let's look at the Sun Scorpio-Moon Scorpio of the New Moon which signifies the Fed meeting today and tomorrow on Jekyll Island. A Water-Water blend can 'go with the flow' and is highly imaginative and intuitive; Scorpio is the sign of Big Business,
Finance, Secrets, and Transformation.

New Moons in Scorpio are about gathering all info and becoming an adept (as mentioned in my American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun article in the just-released Fall 2010 issue of Eclipse magazine - the US had a Progressed New Moon in Scorpio in relation to the article's topic.)

Sun Sco-Moon Sco: astutely perceptive, intensely private, wary, and stubborn with uncompromisingly strong convictions. There is a jealous and sarcastic flavor, too, with relentless willpower and a crusading nature.

This double Scorpio combo is loathe to share its fears and tends to take itself too seriously; its cynicism can be limiting.

Sharing this blend in his natal chart is Dracula author Bram Stoker, whose words may apply to today's topic:

"Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."

(Since I'm typing from near Athens - up the road from Jekyll Island where we once frolicked on the beach as children - I guess that makes me a city dweller, of sorts. And I don't think highly of the power elite's style of financial vampirism.)

Now let's consider the Images for Integration for the Sun Sco-Moon Sco blend which infuses the darkened atmosphere of the New Moon 13Sco40 and the Fed meeting on Jekyll Island:

'A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research.'

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Seems to me that that's what the Fed and their colleagues have left the rest of us: a pile of manure.

Oct 27, 2010

Solar Eclipses: 2010 = 1992

Being in the remiss I have rushed here to post a link from Oct 20, 2010 (in case you missed Amy Goodman's report and haven't had a chance or the heart to keep up w the massive mortgage fraud perpetrated in America by the very same big banks we-the-people gave all those mega-bucks to) on Democracy Now!

Sea-ruler and dissolver, watery toxic Neptune has been washing over and over US natal Moon (we-the-people), and US Secondary Progressed Moon recently conjoined Sec Neptune so a shipload of wobbly conditions arrived in the people's harbor (Moon); Neptune also signifies the masses.)

Fraud is one of Neptune's faces as well with men hiding behind masks all around us, in every institution like the tentacle of a sinister, globe-throttling octopus. This octopus has engineered and plotted until our national Boxcar of Abundance has careened off the rails by the machinations of a clawful of Bolsheviks (and other factions clambering for control of the micrpohone) as history repeats on several levels.

Fortunately for us, this script of treachery and gangsterism (Pluto/Chiron) may be described (translated) for a different understanding since Astrology brings in the element of Time and so gives a fuller picture especially when planetary archetypes are factored in. Shall we indulge?

My guess is that 2010's Solar Eclipses - operative about 18.6 years ago (and 18.6 years prior to that, etc, and due to their Saros Series repeating approximately every 19 years like Great Cosmic Clockwork) - is trying to tell us of similar societal themes, some of which really need closure on an honest footing - from the year 1992 - January 4, 1992, to be precise; Solar Eclipse 13Cap51 in the 12 North (12N) Series:

sudden opportunities come along to accept greater responsibilities, most likely due to another person's inability to carry on; events may be difficult but results are good for self-esteem and harmony. (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

This is the one I cheekily called the New President Eclipse since it occurred Jan 26, 2010, only 6 days into the Obama administration's taking over the helm and he obviously took on responsibilities: Dubya couldn't run a 3rd time and McCain was too old, Palin too inexperienced.

So if we cast our minds and Kindles back to 1992 for the issues and concerns of that era, we're seeing repeating themes turning up on our plates and in the news in 2010. The power elite agenda from 1992 is still on the boil and their To-Do List shortens. Or maybe that's a Done-Done List - or will be soon for they've convinced themselves they cannot fail with their oh-so-attractive goose-stepping style. Puh!

Anyway, prior to the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus/Neptune, the illuminated pair, 1992 saw a rigidly Fixed Saturn/Pluto square (Saturn AQ, Pluto Sco) which the world has similarly groaned beneath in 2010 (Saturn Lib, Pluto Cap); Queen Elizabeth called 1992 her "annus horribilis" for what one assumes relates to three out of four marriages of her children ending in divorce along with the Windsor Castle fire.

(You'll find that the video of George Bush Sr announcing the New World Order is re-embedded below because 1991 ushered in 1992. There's some discrepancy concerning the date so I'm not certain Bush gave the address on September 11, 1991 or not though much has been made of its foreshadowing of September 11, 2001. Whether it was on Sept 11, 1991 or around that time, the NWO shout-out to the future sounds chilling enough coming from those dead, wonky eyes and Republican neocon war profiteering mouth.)

As you know, when using Political Astrology's magnifying lens to look at squirmy Politics, I like to consider the presidencies of the years in question; of course some years are transition years and two presidents (1992) baton-pass during that 'peaceful transition of power' pap they feed us, and on some level, I suppose you could say it's correct as far as it goes. Of course, assassinations are special cases that skew the schedule (or do they? For NWO purposes, I think they're meant to put things back on track!)

How would you like to be put into the Oval Office by people so powerful and ruthless, they 'take you out' if you don't follow their script? Nor would I.

Yes, despite pompous presidential inaugurations in DC, throwing a fancy ceremony is no guarantee that anything substantive has changed or will change in US policy, foreign or long as the one world government script is being followed there's only one outcome the win-at-any-costers will countenance. Trampling those who dare stand in their way is of no moment to this gaggle of globalist psychopaths.

So! Check out events of 1992 as a mate for 2010's proceedings if you dare. Bill Clinton's dance card was full then and outgoing prez Bush Sr was a player being a former CIA Director and NWO president. Of course, Poppy's televised upchuck at a 1992 state dinner in Japan is on every one's favorites list on YouTube circa 2010.

2010 Solar Eclipse #2

The second Solar Eclipse of 2010 is the one we're basking in now (to the extent that some can and their homes aren't being washed away by larger forces such as mortgage fraud, systemic robogate, or a tsunami) - the 12 South which manifested on July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 conjunct Fixed Star Castor which can bring loss as well as murder, and yet it's a star of writers like
Danny Casolaro
who was born with his Mercury (writers, journalists, reporters, speakers, traders) conjoining Castor's degree. Here's a link to a video concerning the Casolaro murder about which Bush Sr and Bill Clinton should have been grilled.

(There's also a FaceBook page for Danny Casolaro but I can't figure out how to permalink you to it. My non-techie credentials remain intact!)

So the current July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse is in the 12 South Series: successful outcomes to long term worries; a worrying or draining issue will at first seem worse, then clear.

In late June-early July, I used the flavor of 12S to give me hope prior to BP's current capping of the Deepwater Horizon well, and sure enough, they managed it four days after 12S occurred. Plus, 12S will be the PE of the 2010 November midterms so perhaps the alleged rout of Capitol Hill Democrats won't be as massive as polls now seem to indicate.

Now I'll leave you with an ugly video which has been posted here before. Bush Sr's confidence about NWO-implementation is stark as we consider how well the march toward global fascism has so far succeeded since the attacks of 9/11/01 with Financial Collapse 2008 serving as an integral part of their one world government plan.

Oct 17, 2010

Lord Monckton: no need for World Government (video)

Here is the first video installment of Lord Monckton speaking on October 14, 2010 concerning the global warming hoax which is a ruse meant to lead we-the-world-sheep into accepting the establishment of a One World Government which will include total control of the global banking system. The full series of this exclusive interview may be viewed here.

If you are American (dissenting or otherwise) - please note his remarks on the US Constitution and elected government which will turn extinct if global bankers have their way.

And guess who he thinks is a prime movers/shakers of the World Government agenda?

In the US, it's the banking industry! Surprised much?

Lord Monckton points to the world government agenda's long term existence as evidenced by the setting up of the Federal Reserve Bank, an idea big bankers and their pals hatched during secretive meetings held on
Jekyll Island, GA in 1910
(under cover of a 'duck-hunting expedition'!) and deemed to be triggered by the bankers' Panic of 1907.

Top financier J.P. Morgan took the lead within the 1910 - 1913 script of fear, and the subsequent solutions are eerily similar to Financial Collapse 2008 and its resulting legislation meant to 'improve' the way things are done in America's corrupt financial industry. (Yet US consumers' lack of confidence in our banks and in Wall Street markets has not been addressed, as you know, since no bandits, robbers, or vandals will be serving prison time, it seems.)

Curiously enough, during the Panic of 1907, President Teddy Roosevelt was said to be on...wait for it...a duck-hunting trip in Louisiana at the time. Yes! Ducks were being hunted all around though American consumers seem to have fit that bill even better. So perhaps we should consider the Sabian Symbol relating to the topic to see if it applies; it's in the Big Money sign of Scorpio, well known for its secrets and betrayals...

'22 Scorpio' = "Hunters Starting Out for Ducks"...ENTERPRISE...

positive expression: a complete lack of personal frustration and a constant refinement of special and practical skills in the approach to daily problems;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a callous exploitation of all life.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)
Ah, yes, that most American of all enterprises taken to its nth degree: callous mortgage selling, foreclosure processing, sub prime vulturing, other banking practices, and in Wall Street trading, a rigged casino if there ever were one.

And now, to knit the ends of this post together into a wintry neck scarf of paraphrased synchronicity, here's one of J. P. Morgan's most famous quotes:

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

Touche, Mr. Morgan. Touche.

Oct 10, 2010

James K. Galbraith's progressive response to economic crisis (video)

Economist Dr. James K. Galbraith spoke at the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers’ 9th convention last month, where he brought delegates a message not often heard from economists – that there is a progressive response to the economic crisis.

Galbraith – the son of famed Canadian economist John Kenneth Galbraith – regaled delegates with his analysis of the roots of the economic recession that has destroyed jobs, families and communities. He said the crisis wasn’t an economic crisis but a fraud perpetrated on innocent victims.

Click to view the video of Dr. Galbraith's September 2010 analysis. #

In September 2009 I posted on Dr. Galbraith's views and included one of his quotes concerning the US financial system and the predatory class along with some basic astro-notes detailing his Sun-Moon blend which Dr. Galbraith then generously weighed in on by leaving a Comment confirming my astro-suspicions about him.

Now my question is: may the US have Dr. Galbraith as Treasury Secretary please? He was born in Boston after all! For what a difference such a progressive point of view could make when the US and global financial systems need it most.

Oops! How un-globalist of me: it should be 'global financial system'... not 'systems'.

My bad. The globalists' agenda. Though yes, I'd "like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony" a la Coca-Cola, too. But not under a goose-stepping totalitarian regime.

Sep 15, 2010

Deja-vu: the Lehman Brothers collapse 2008 - 2010

September 15, 2010: it's been two years since the stupid mistake was made to let the venerable Lehman Brothers firm crash into bankruptcy. This morning NPR did a 4 minute interview with Peter Chapman who's written a book on the subject. The interview is worth a listen, if you missed it.

Now here's a post I wrote in September 2008 which details, among other things, the Lehman Brothers crisis of 1984, a study in financial deja-vu that came to pass in 2008. What? Well, you know what I mean.

And here are my blabbings in honor of last year's 1st anniversary of the firm's bankruptcy filing with a little Astrology tossed in to the brew. President Obama remarked upon the situation to mark the 1st anniversary.

Then in March 2010 Lehman Brothers was in the news again.

In hindsight, some objects may be larger than they appear.

Sep 10, 2010

Global Banking Reform as Basel III meets 9.12.10

This Sunday in Basel, Switzerland, global titans meet to complete their agenda for new banking requirements which they deem are made necessary by the engineered Financial Collapse of 2008. The meeting occurs 'under the radar' for most of us, hence this posting peep-eye.

Sunday's conclave, Basel III is meant to establish, among other things, the amounts that banks must set aside for future crises and will perhaps provide substance to America's recent financial reform effort, the Dodd-Frank bill and its murky lack of particulars...devil in the details, etc. Guess the devil will be attending Basel III to help set the details.

Now you know that Mercury will still be retrograde in Virgo on Sunday, right? Virgo is good with details but a Rx Mercury, planet of meetings and negotiations, may indicate that this is not their last meeting - or, more likely, that this is another in a series of meetings where they will re-view and re-consider banking rules of a new financial order (which some call a New World Order.)

Either way, the rules they're discussing are meant for a long, drawn out implementation due to political considerations.

Fed head Ben Bernanke will be leading the US team at Basel III - which reminds me of the current position of the Neptune/Pluto midpoint (corporate titans and Robber Barons) @ '30 Capricorn'...

"A Secret Business Conference"...OPPORTUNITY...

positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

You don't say! Global bankers rankly exploiting other people? P-shaw!

Why, I fondly remember Ben Bernanke's first-ever shout-out as Fed head way back in February 2006...good times?

Jul 21, 2010

Is Obama a threat to Social Security benefits?

Can't resist posting this link so I'll know where to find it myself - it's an interview between Amy Goodman and Dean Baker concerning what's going on with current threats to Social Security by the Obama administration.

And no, I've never considered SS an 'entitlement' program especially since those of us who are self-employed have paid 100% of these taxes through the years and stupidly trusted the US gov to keep their dirty paws off it. Lockbox, schmockbox.

If SS benefits are cut and the retirement age is raised to 70 (who wants a 70-year old worker?! who???) then it will be yet another case of robbery perpetrated upon the under fire American people by their own government, or by tamping down on the government's years of wastefulness by the strong-arming from foreign entities and global fraudsters.

Now who can miss it?

Financial Collapse 2008 was engineered to make the rich richer while starving state, local, and national budgets so that an end to FDR's New Deal programs of what the rich among us call 'entitlements' (not always the correct term to describe what they want to steal) will be accepted by the general population as being 'necessary'.

Riling us up now, aren't they?

Jul 14, 2010

Violence during G20 Toronto riots perpetrated by police

Well, just as I was beginning to wonder when or if the story of police operatives and provocateurs being the source of the violence at the recent G20 Summit in Toronto, here it turns up predictably.

'Predictably' because it's typical that violence erupts during citizen protests at such gatherings for the G8, G20, the Bilderberg cabals, IMF meetings (protesters were arrested in DC at their April 26, 2009 meeting), etc. And perhaps the most well-documented example, the media-dubbed Battle in Seattle of November 30, 1999 is a case in point and should be studied by any citizen planning to participate in demonstrations against these high-handed, secretive groups during their planning sessions.

The Seattle violence and arrests are shown in the film of that name as the WHO met just one month prior to the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron (Dec 30, 1999 @ '12Sag') which is often used as the degree of America's natal Ascendant (ASC = the country itself) from the Sibly version of our nation's birth chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia.)

But whether you use the Sibly chart or not, the Sabian Symbol for the '12Sag' conjunction of the plutocrat-oppression-corporatism-primal violence pair of Pluto/Chiron tells a shabby tale of the ushering in of the New Millennium, as we have seen, with the haves vs have-nots uppermost in society. Why, one of the Pluto/Chiron pair's favorite hobbies is advancing class warfare. (Most people can now admit its class warfare since Financial Collapse 2008, though some still have blinders on.)

'12Sag' = "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows"...Keynote: The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations. ANNUNCIATION. (An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)

Yeah, their arrogant minds are 'sensitive' all right! And they assume themselves high above the rabble as they hide behind miles of protective barriers to talk privately and without disturbance about the futures of the rest of us.

Obviously, this word picture refers to the American totem, the Eagle.

But fortunately for the so-called and much-touted 'New Age' favored by the one-world-government promoters - and unfortunately for the rest of the world now having totalitarianism shoved down its throat - the eagle was also the symbol of the fallen Roman Empire. My guess is that that's what NWO engineers are counting on in order to build the world back in the ugly, misshapen image of their preference. Surveillance of the people has always been a major part of the game around here (US natal Mercury in Cancer opposite n Pluto in Capricorn; US n Ceres - security and domestic issues - conjunct US n Pluto/Chiron.)

As you know, in Astrology Pluto is said to transform - and decrees that things must be completely destroyed so they may be built back 'upon the ruins'. Now this is a universal principle which the Tarot mentions, too, particularly with the #16 card, The Tower, the meaning of which perfectly describes the attacks of 9/11/01.

So as we look into the future, what will happen to all the minions who helped the NWOers along the way? Imho, they will be shocked to find they have no clout at all in the end and that their complicity and soul-selling were all for naught - unless they're part of the inner sanctum of the select few of earthly power elites.

For after all, that's one of the many dark secrets about worshiping Satan (or 'Lucifer' if you prefer) - he never takes care of his own nor fulfills his glowing promises. For it simply is not in his self-serving nature.

May 25, 2010

Horoscope of the 'Roaring 20s' Solar Eclipse: why it $till matters

Chart shown: 'Roaring 20s' Solar Eclipse Sept 10, 1923; White House; Sun/Moon 17Vir06 conjunct Venus 17:13; Hour of Jupiter 14Sco512 conj Mc 17Sco24; 24Cap47 rising; chart-ruler Saturn 18Lib44 conj 9th cusp; Water Grand Trine: Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto; tr Pluto conj US natal Sun: urge for increased power and influence (said spider Pluto to the US fly), aggression strengthens, and ego (Pluto) drives a new start; isolation increases.

Chart-ruler Saturn makes a few applying aspects in the chart:

1. sextile Neptune (0A15; an opportunity for putting inspired Neptunian creativity into Saturnian form);

2. opposite Chiron (Sept 10, 1923 happens to be #2 of 5 conjunctions of America's Chiron Return which stretched into 1925: June 8, 1923, Sept 20, 1923, Apr 4, 1924, Dec 23, 1924, and Jan 8, 1925; Chiron returned to its natal degree-minute a mere 39 minutes prior to this Eclipse: '21Ari' = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" and America's 'fatal wound' (Chiron) certainly may be described as wars of aggression (Aries, ruled by Mars.)

3. Mercury 12Lib23 in 8th house applies to their conjunction (6A22.)

This Solar Eclipse's Pluto 12Can10 is in process of being opposed by transiting Pluto now in 2010 and beyond as modern-day Pluto readies to oppose US natal Sun in Cancer. Apparently Mr. Hades was 'with' our leadership in the 1920s but is now opposing it and our financial health (natal Jupiter 5Can56 will be precisely opposed by tr Pluto three times: Jan 17, 2011, Nov 16, 2011, and Jan 2, 2012. And that's not counting Pluto opposite n Sun! Yes, you're right, these are extremely perilous years for our nation.

So today, Republicans have been yelling out for the Obama administration's current budget which seems to be hiding in the shadows. No wonder, with all of Capitol Hill's years of fraud, corruption, and New World Order machinations which have tied us together and caused a near- or soon- collapse of the US and world economies. As if the GOP didn't know the NWO score! They just want to be on top when the fluff hits the fan rather than taking orders from the Dems. That is, if the R v D two-party illusion is retained as a way to divide and conquer we-the-people. The political tactic may not be necessary much longer.

But look at the Horoscope of the Roaring Twenties' Solar Eclipse of September 10, 1923 with musical, confused Neptune dancing a sexy Charleston in showy, dramatic, entertaining Leo! Flappers showing their stuff! Here's one now:

So I have sub-titled the 'Roaring 20s Eclipse' as the Illumination-Inspiration-Inflation Solar Eclipse because it is highly influenced by vibes from the Uranus/Neptune pair of energies which were active in its Initial Eclipse in the Series (16 North) which began manifesting on Feb 15, 1599 (OS) @ 6Pis02 with Uranus 24Ari24 trine Neptune 24Leo05 Rx, a creative Fire trine between Inspiration and Illumination.

This awake-asleep pair of outer, transpersonal planets has to do with inner vision, ESP, spirituality, and/or mysticism, and together are capable of eliminating the waking consciousness (I've seen murder charts with Uran/Nep active or angular, including their midpoint. Have you?)

Brady's Predictive Astrology says 16N contains the flavor of inspiration and the illumination of ideas from Uranus/Neptune which indicates a 'sudden release of material from the unconscious' (and from the Collective Unconscious as in writing, painting, etc); a great deal of insight is available to those who know how to tap it, whenever 16N holds sway.

(Creativity of 1923 includes: Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet, Picasso's The Pipes of Pan, Joan Miro's The Tilled Field, and the dance, The Charleston, was introduced in NYC...hidden away 'speak-easies' abounded and were awash with 'bathtub gin' - eeeuuww!)

16N next occurs on Nov 3, 2013 @ '11Sco' and last manifested on Oct 24, 1995 @ '00Sco' - 'Nov 24' is the birth date of the New World Order in modern times as marked by the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, 3 times in 1993. Therefore, Uranus/Neptune = NWO's n Sun: vaunted self-regard; great creativity; ultra-sensitivity; motivations received through insightful, inspired dreams or meditations; experience directing confused people; unconsciousness; impassivity; heightened receptivity...'awake' v 'asleep'.)

Michael Munkasey (who doesn't like to be precisely quoted but sometimes it's necessary), in his Midpoints book, gives the 'futuristic' and 'enlightening' combo of Uranus/Neptune in Politics and Business as (and any bold or italics are mine):

changes in social or political structures due to new ideas or dreams of the future; strikes or revolutions focused on new ways of thinking; groups formed to exploit oil or chemical resources: sudden upsurges in availability of illegal drugs, including alcohol; subversion that uses new methods of gathering information; movements that diminish the power or authority of a nation's leadership or police systems.

Fast forward to Sept 10, 1923, and the Roaring 20s Eclipse is, as you see, graced by a Water Grand Trine between Jupiter in in mid-Scorpio, Uranus in mid-Pisces, and Pluto 12Can10 - tr Pluto conjunct US natal Sun (and SIRIUS in 1776) - the inflation of emotions and financials carried the decade...until the Crash of October 1929.

The protective quality of the trine (120 degrees) is emphasized by Water along with the tendency toward passivity and a search for anything soothing and nurturing (alcohol and other drugs are the negative manifestation of this search; merging with the Divine Source is its positive.)

Yes, escapism is a potential with a Water Grand Trine which certainly sums up the 1920s decade of parties, drinking, lovely creativity, and new directions in political and social movements as the era's shorter skirts for women vexed our puritanical attitudes. Unconscious forces may take over such light weights who skim the surface of life and wish to avoid the harsher realities...Demon Alcohol held sway with the Charleston crowd!

Perhaps if harsher realities had been faced earlier in the decade, the dire effects of the Market Crash of Oct 1929 might have been softened or alleviated. Of course, we may say the same of the current decade's excesses leading up to the Financial Collapse of 2008...but this time, the NWO types have tied nations into an interlaced financial knot or network ("too big to fail"), and debt-by-credit and credit cards have done their extensive damage.

The Grand Trine forms 3 notable midpoint pictures:

Jup/Uranus = Pluto: strong awareness of objectives; a far-seeing creative activity; unusual strivings for knowledge and understanding; a tremendous drive toward success; publicity; gains.

Jup/Pluto = Uranus: a quick exploitation of every situation; sudden reforms or developments; fanatical striving for improvements.

Uran/Pluto = Jupiter: enormous success potential; strivings for social improvement or reforms; the pursuit of religious or philosophical aims; attainment of immense success.

In the creative and social realms, we may say that F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby (1925) speaks brilliantly for the jittery age of prohibition, gin, and loose romantic alliances, and his natal Uranus/Neptune midpoint 6Vir04 (conjunct his Pre-Natal Ecl 6Vir07) is here triggered by transiting Mars in Sept 1923, so we can say that for Fitzgerald:

Uranus/Neptune = Mars: increased tolerance for unusual activities which become sources of ideas and inspiration; upsets cause quick exits; applied creativity can be very strong (it was when he bestirred himself - jc); impatience; a nervous sense of foreboding; lack of stamina; instability; misdirected energy or paralysis.

And we may wish 'for fun' to consider President Obama's natal Pluto 6Vir59...

Uranus/Neptune = BHO's n Pluto: remaining at the mercy of external circumstances and conditions without trying to make a firm stand; abandoning resistance; the necessity to give in; great losses, calamities, disasters; the Big Picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise.

(All midpoints pictures from: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey; as always, any, all, or none of their potentials may apply.)

As for 1923 itself, it was quite a busy year in history:

British metallurgist John B. Tytus invents continuous hot-strip rolling of steel and the process becomes a key factor affecting the world economy.

Riots and strikes follow the collapse of the German currency and Germany fails to meet its war reparation payments; Hitler attempts a coup in Munich; in Bulgaria a coup ensues and the prime minister is assassinated; Spain becomes a dictatorship; an earthquake wipes out most of Tokyo killing half a million people - 9 days prior to the Eclipse you see pictured here, so the quake is within its influence, the same Eclipse Series as in 1941 and the bombing of Pearl Harbor); US President Warren G. Harding dies suddenly; US coal miners strike; in San Francisco, CA the first supermarket opens for business.

Well, if you hadn't seen it, I thought you might wish to view the horoscope of the 1920s roaring through the lens of a Solar Eclipse which links, bwo Uranus and Neptune, to the NWO chart of 1993, the 2008 Financial Collapse, and on into 16N's next manifestation of Nov 3, 2013 which will take the unsettling yet illuminating Uranus-Neptune vibes well into 2014.


Much of the info on 1923 comes from Marjorie Orr's excellent book, The Astrological History of the World; you may notice that the Wiki page for 1923 has an odd entry for Sept 3, 1923...I don't think Elton John was performing anywhere in 1923 but probably was on 'Sept 3' of a more recent year!

And on the subject of decades of greed, you may wish to read or review a post on Ronald Reagan's natal Jupiter which appears above in the Sept 20, 1923 Solar Eclipse chart @ '15Scorpio'...the 1923 Eclipse is basically a Jupiter Return for Mr. Reagan; a link to my post concerning the 'Reaganomics Eclipse' is included.

Apr 27, 2010

Blackmail runs Washington DC

Since 2005 on this blog, my own years of living in Washington DC have inspired me to occasionally assert that if Washington didn't have blackmail as a control tactic, the city would have to shut the doors of the White House and Capitol Building and fuggedaboudit.

Now I know I'm not the only one with the opinion that blackmail runs Washington by holding embarrassing secrets over the heads of our "representatives" and presidents so they'll stick with the power elite's chaos-brings-one-world-government script, thereby keeping them employed while making acting against the best interests of we-the-people part of their job description.

Machiavelli would be so proud that the needs of we-the-people are even more cut out of Capitol Hill's political deliberations than we ever believed and that the cruel win at any cost ploy keeps the political world of Washington DC 'secure' in its orbit.

If you like, read some of Machiavelli's natal chart details and you'll find that a new cycle of activity began for Nicolo Machiavelli in October 2008 with his Secondary New Moon 9Sco47 - during the high drama of Financial Collapse 2008 Theater.

Did illegal drug money save big banks in financial crisis?

An official at the UN says there's evidence that illegal drug money saved the big banks' bacon during the financial collapse of 2008.

But you may as well take off your Sherlock Holmes chapeau because the money has all been laundered fresh and clean now so it's impossible to track. Neat hat trick huh?

Does this mean the CIA facilitated the banks' rescue?

So after Capitol Hill's 'rush back to Washington to save the system' Political Theater we were supposed to be impressed with (John McCain sacrificially suspending his 2008 presidential campaign and all), I ask you: if American tax money didn't 'save' the poor hapless corporations and financial 'experts' of Wall Street, then where did our money go?

Mar 17, 2010

The Fed will be raising interest rates: Peter Schiff video

Here's a 7-minute-17-second video concerning the Fed having to raise interest rates in spite of the recession. Sad to say, 'this is only the beginning' of economic woes is supported by astrological influences over the next few years. Sorry, guys. American supremacy is basically over. Guess we got too big for our britches - and you know that pride comes before a fall.

(Ex: US Secondary Progressed Full Moon Dec 24, 2008 - a natural cycle of being extended as far as we can reasonably go in the world; pullback necessary, but so far quite ignored) unless our 'team' can manage to wrest control of the New World Order helm from other vying governments as our 'team' is struggling to do.

But if so, the American people won't like that situation either, surfs as we'll be.

Mr. Schiff is probably correct, but it's the 'will have to raise interest rates' part I don't trust because I think the Fed and other entities are behind the engineered, long-planned financial collapse of 2008, aka 'done on purpose'...transiting Pluto now in opposition to US natal Venus, then opposing natal Jupiter and later on, Pluto opposing US natal Sun, the leader. Perhaps Britain will take back the keys to the US jalopy, the keys that Congress, the bankers, and industrialists have virtually handed over to China. Yet America may need Daddy to drive.

So if the Fed 'feels compelled' by circumstances to raise interest rates, which will further squeeze the little guy and further wipe out what once was a middle class, it's because it's part of the plan to collapse the world economy and build a new (crappy) one-world-government model based on totalitarian control and founded upon the ruins, the slimey lucifer-worshiping sots.

To again paraphrase FDR: 'Nothing in Politics happens by accident. If it happens you can be sure it was meant to be that way.'

How very true.

Mar 8, 2010

Financial Crisis 2008 - German hyper-inflation 1922/23

This is something of a 'pre-post' which may result, if time allows, in my writing an article on the Astrology of Germany's hyper-inflation era of 1922/23 which is said to have been caused by the privately owned Reichsbank of Germany. That our own creature, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, has been at the base of the current financial collapse seems a given to me but perhaps more reading is in order.

Don't think I'll be changing my mind on it though...a long-planned, rigged collapse it was and is, astrologically orchestrated by 'secret hand' Pluto in Capricorn, sign of structure, law, government, politics, and business, and apex/focal planet in the Cardinal T-Square between Saturn/Uranus (opposing one another) that we're all reading and writing so much about these days and at the beginning of its full effect for Spring Equinox 2010.

Once again, here is the midpoint picture formed between the three T-Squared planets which were in similar configuration during the era of the Great Depression:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; brutality; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure; tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; revolution; concealing changes to activities; termination of practices that have been hindering progress; drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation. (Ebertin; Tyl: Munkasey; all, some, or none may apply.)

These difficult planetary patterns will affect the collective from 2010 to 2014 which covers the following time frame of transits to the US chart and beyond...

As you know, transiting Pluto has been opposing US natal Venus (values, small amounts of money, relationships) in Cancer and will soon oppose US natal Jupiter, a period of time not favorable to US interests, finances, or partnerships.

Here's the plutonian schedule of hits to our natal 'Sibly' chart (5:10 pm LMT, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA) with both our Venus and Jupiter in natal 7th house of Partnerships, Legal Affairs, and Open Enemies - dates are 'on or about' depending on your time zone:

Pluto oppo n Venus 3Can06: Dec 26, 2009; August 9, 2010; Oct 18, 2010.

Pluto oppo n Jupiter 5Can56: Jan 17, 2011; Nov 20, 2011; July 8, 2011.

As you see, only one opposition has occurred as of today - the Dec 26, 2009 stand-off to natal Venus. This transit indicates struggles for power and control in relationships and valuations with possible violence brought by the determined Mr. Hades. So from August 9, 2010 until July 8, 2011 (and thereafter) plutonian power struggles will be 'on' for control of America. (I use a 5-degree orb with Pluto transits. Perhaps you do, too.)

When Pluto opposes US natal Sun 13Can19 (Sun = the leader in a national chart - the 'president' to us), the mighty contest of wills is sure to be titanic and the possibilities of impotency and isolation are on the menu. The transit is within orb of US Sun beginning in very early 2012 (Pluto 8 Cap+) and in effect until 2017!

And Pluto will conjunct UK's natal Sun during this time. Hmmm...trouble on the powerful Can/Cap axis between the US and UK? A big break between us would be a major coup for someone, wouldn't it?

Of course, other transits to the US and *UK charts will occur simultaneously which either support or counterbalance the plutonian effects, yet my main grouse today is about the destructuring of forms and the belying of our perceived reality by catalyst Pluto's secretive actions.

To me, these transits say that US resources will be sufficiently depleted during that time period, if not before, that the 'secret' control heretofore exercised by string-pulling plutocrats may not remain as secret as before, and that abuse of power by the Sun will be best avoided since it won't work anyway. My disturbing expectation is that the US presidency will be transformed (further) or will be dispensed with altogether. This will affect whether America wins, or is allowed to win, the battle to act as the global domination czar.

So is the 2008 financial collapse a symptom - or signal - of a Hitler-esque mania for world domination, which is to be continued into complete totalitarianism?

If you check SO'W's sidebar (underneath the Current Moon Phase graphic) for 'Now Reading' you'll see a couple of links to interesting articles, one of which is 'German hyper-inflation 1922/23' that tells the tale of the economic conditions in the Rhineland leading up to Hitler's seizing of power on Jan 30, 1933. (Adolf and Franklin sittin' in a tree...s-e-i-z-i-n-g?)

Well, if Hitler hadn't been a murderous psychopath who psychologically splintered before everyone's eyes (perhaps in part from syphilis? cirrhosis?), one wonders what the modern condition of Germany would be. Sadly, we may eventually discover that such a model is in existence before our own eyes, and it will too late to stop it once the deed is done. Perhaps this is the meaning and outcome of Pluto-opposing-natal-Sun after Mr. Hades vanquishes our Venus and Jupiter, both planets relating to Money and Resources, and Sun representing such things as political power, control of resources, willpower, and life path or purpose.

You know, transits to natal charts continue after death so it may be worth noting that **Hitler's natal Moon/Jupiter conjunction (6Cap38 and 8:15) will also be transformed by a visit from Pluto during this period.

Tiresome subjects? Agreed! But you know what they say: just because you have no interest in Politics doesn't mean that the raptor's gaze of Politics hasn't fallen threateningly upon you.


*UK's modern chart: Jan 1, 1801 12:00 am (NS); London, from historical record; Sun 10Cap11 at IC, Moon 19Can26 in 10th house; natal YOD: Jupiter/Uranus = Pluto: tremendous drive to success; receiving a bounty; great gains; devices with potential to transform the world; sudden financial changes. Apex Pluto in YOD pattern is karmic: possesses penetrating perceptions not shared or easily understood by others; momentous situations lead to destined changes but something must die or regenerate first (such as an old order?); long years of preparation bring a new level of power that's been purged of all vulnerabilities; has organizational control over super-structures in society; can revolutionize world concepts and usher in a new world order.

And this is in the UK's natal chart, not ours!

Negatively managed, apex Pluto in a YOD may de-elevate the individual (each of us, not Pluto! Astrology follows AC-DC principles) to a frustrating level of obscurity and isolation; Mr. Hades is openly defiant about undermining existing authority at any cost and he's been 'purging vulnerabilities' for years now (paraphrasing Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.)

**Adolf Hitler's natal chart (Rodden Rating AA): born April 20, 1889 6:30 pm (-0:52:08) in Braunau am Inn, Austria; Sun 00Tau48 conjunct n DESC 26Ari41 and asteroid, MIDAS 00:31; Hitler's Sun degree is called his 'trigger point' and has shown itself to be a violent degree of the zodiac. His first contact with Gottfried Feder in June 1919 and the great impression Feder made on him involved Feder's captivating ideas on money which Hitler used eventually against the Reichsbank in order to take over control of the nation.

Adolf 'hothead' Hitler's natal ASC has his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint upon it suggesting that liver imbalance was behind his extreme moodiness which obviously would have been made much worse by years of alcohol consumption. His Moon/Jupiter conjunction is implicated, too, with both ruled by Saturn - more Jup/Sat influences upon the physical body (Moon and ASC); Moon in Cap is ambitious, yes, but also emotionally deprived in childhood giving him a feeling of emotional entitlement increased greatly by Jupiter's over-the-top presence. jc

Feb 10, 2010

Paul Krugman says Obama "clueless"

This article by economist Paul Krugman will have to be re-read for I'm not certain the grain of salt I'm taking it with is large enough. Perhaps I'll mosey over to my neighbor's pasture - a serious salt lick may be needed.

So Mr. Krugman says that President Obama is "clueless" but I'll let him explain himself on that point.

My question: were the outrageous bonuses now being paid based on earlier contracts (during Bush's term) or where they not? If so, this too may have been part of a long-range plan - but the practice should now be shoved off the corporate table for those companies the American people have kept afloat with our tax dollars, at the least.

One thing that would explain all of the financial heisting, thefts, and deceptions under George Bush and continuing under Pres. Obama is just what FDR said: that nothing in politics is an accident - if it happens, you can be sure it was planned that way. Therefore, all is going reasonably close to how it was planned - the crashing of the world economy so that a new economic order can be set up.

If Paul Krugman or Joseph Stiglitz opened up on what they know about the power elite's world-domination agenda I could put away the salt shaker that goes into service each time I read something they've written. It isn't that what they write seems incorrect, it's that it doesn't go deeply enough into what's really going on, therefore conclusions are lamer than they should be. They punt rather than kick.

And it's difficult to believe that both of these world class economists are totally unaware of more than what they write about - or that Mr. Obama isn't part of the NWO agenda.

Well, that's my 2 cents' worth on a 'clueless' Obama who came into office and immediately studded his cabinet with many of the financial culprits who now pretend to care whether you lose your job or not! With that kind of behavior, how "clueless" could he really be? (Appointments as payback for getting him elected? That's no better, and still doesn't mean the President is "clueless"...more the opposite.)

So if Mr. Krugman's article is an attempt to plant propaganda that the President isn't part of the Really Big Picture, it isn't working here.

Is it working for you? Got salt?

Jan 9, 2010

AIG's 'backdoor bailout' sparks New Poll: is Tim Geithner corrupt?

Low polling participation never gives much of a picture of how the public is feeling or thinking on an issue so if you have a moment, please dart your cyber-way to one of my other blogs and answer a poll I set up today: Is Timothy Geithner corrupt?

Possible answers are: yes, no, not sure - probably, and _______ for your own creative and heartfelt reply.

You'll find a few articles linked there which concern related financial subjects such as: Mr. Geithner's role in AIG's lucrative "backdoor bailout," and AIG's regulatory filing which was sneakily made public on Dec 24, 2009 when no one was around to notice much.

And of course, the diversion of the "Christmas Day bomber"/"underwear bomber" occurred the very next day alleviating any mainstream media outlets from having to mention what Geithner did and said to keep the 100 cents-on-a-dollar taxpayer 'gift' to AIG from becoming public knowledge, a shady deal that even Congress had to admit was a "backdoor bailout."

You know, I keep thinking about the July 21, 2006 Retrograde Station of America's Progressed Mars at '19 Libra'..."A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" and how aptly its Sabian Symbol describes the actors (Mars) on the American political and financial stages today.

US Sec Mars Rx Station

(July 21, 2006 @ 2:35 am est, Philadelphia, PA is what Solar Fire gives when the Secondary Progressions are calculated using America's 'Sibly' natal chart, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, etc. A transit chart set for this date/hour/place gives as ASC '28Gem' which has a Sabian Symbol, BANKRUPTCY.

And since our national Mars is 'anti-progressing' (in Rx direction) the next degree Mars attains won't be '20Lib' but '18Lib'..."Two Men Placed Under Arrest"...odd when you consider the massive number of crooks and thieves that have over run Washington and Wall Street, and several places in between.

So I got nosy as to what links would display if I searched for "July 21, 2006" and one site lists several military actions for that day - as you know, astrological Mars signifies military forces, soldiers, police and police actions, males between appr 25 - 35 yrs of age, and instigators, 'insurgents' and street fighters of all descriptions. Israel's military action against Lebanaon was ongoing and being protested in many countries on that day. And Condi Rice announced the first details of an "international effort" to "tackle" (Mars) Middle East violence, to which I must say, Puh!

It remains my personal opinion that the US and its 'allies' (partners in crime) taking our heavy boots off their holy sand entirely would aid the 'peace' cause much more than political charades ever have. President Obama pretended to agree with that sort of view previously when his nose was pressed against the White House window.

But once in office, they all 'change' for the worse, don't they? Why, it's almost as if there's some mysterious and overriding agenda on tap as the presidential baton is passed on Inauguration Day, ya think?

And yet I must mention the fact that expert financial astrologer Bill Meridian (and other astrologers agree, I'm sure, but I don't know which ones) wrote in the Feb 2000 issue of Dell Horoscope that,

"History shows that leaders who take power in the week before an eclipse seldom complete their terms in office. Nelson Mandela was sworn into office just hours before an eclipse....A crime wave has been the result" (not the promised prosperity for South Africa.)

Jan 20, 2009: Barack Obama is sworn in at noon, Capitol Building, DC, with Mercury (oaths) Rx; Justice John Roberts fudges the oath-taking; a second swearing in occurs later, for good measure, just in case...a re-oath in honor of the Rx.

Six days later, on Jan 26, 2009, a Solar Eclipse @ 6AQ30 manifested in opposition to new President Obama's natal Sun/Mercury in Leo (2 - 13 Leo) and not so distant from his natal Jupiter Rx @ '1 AQ' so there may be something to the Russian astrologer's prediction that Mr. Obama won't be completing his term in the Oval Office due to assassination in 2011. (Hopefully he's wrong. I wouldn't wish assassination on any president or on this nation - again.)

Then there's Paulie Walnuts whose article on Mr. Obama during the 2008 campaign emphasized financial troubles for the US along with Mr. Obama's natal chart connections to the August 1 Solar and August 16 Lunar Eclipses of 2008.

Even this reluctant astrologer related the 2008 eclipses to possible market paranoia, and though I'm definitely no financial astrologer, this was uncomfortably close to the mark as Financial Collapse 2008 showed.

And the culmination of capitalism's breakdown occurred 'right on time' - as timed by the two eclipses of August 2008.

Next Solar Eclipse: Jan 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01...conjunct the natal Saturn of President Barack Obama...will this be authority eclipsed?

Dec 22, 2009

TIME interview with coverboy Bernanke

Here is a link to Time Magazine's extended interview with Ben Bernanke who says he doesn't think the monetary policy of the Fed merits any blame in the 2008 financial collapse.

Whaa-a-a? Then Bernanke and Greenspin apparently drink from the same heady brew in the secret chambers of hallowed financial wizards.

Financial effects from the attacks of 9/11 ripple still with subsequent low interest rates to plump up our economy looking like a ploy, a wizard's trick to impress Osama bin Laden...see, that didn't hurt one bit!

Oct 6, 2009

Ron Paul speaks on returning to a Gold Standard

Here are some of Ron Paul's ideas about returning the US to a gold standard and repealing legal tender laws which force us to use worthless paper money.

In his conversation with Fox News, Dr. Paul mentions a bit of siver-gold history, a debate still raging after all these years, for as you may remember, presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan framed the gold-silver issues well and famously in his Cross of Gold speech at the 1896 DNC convention. (Some Astrology involved, but post also contains a link to Bryan's Cross of Gold text which you can read with your own eyes. Plus, he made a recording of his speech later on because it was so popular with the American people.)

So for a little history on the gold standard vs worthless money debate (and Congress' delegating the creation and issuance of our money to privateers like the Federal Reserve Bank against the US Constitution, as Paul notes), Bryan's speech is a great place to start.


And I just thought of two more players who should be noted. Here's what President Woodrow Wilson said after he created the Fed with a flourish of his pen; plus, the post contains a link to Andrew Jackson info, the president who fought against central banks and their throttle hold on the US government.

Sep 9, 2009

Don't dare cross the Fed

Crossing the Fed is harzardous to your career, as Pulitizer Prize winning economist Paul Krugman has found, and this piece by Ryan *Grim deftly lifts up the monopolistic rock under which the Fed operates.

Mr. Greenspan 'got it wrong,' the Fed 'got it wrong.' And they're still controlling the world of economics and finance with an eye toward expanding their power and control! Obviously the fix is in because it makes no sense.

And remember the 'Beijing Eclipse' of August 1, 2008 @ 10Leo? It was also the 'NYSE Eclipse' because it was in the 10 South Series which is the Pre-Natal Series during which the New York Stock Exchange was hatched.

Then the Lunar Eclipse of August 16 2008 @ 24AQ (where nebulous, deceptive Neptune tarries now and Jupiter, now Rx, will be in a while) followed and I was writing on Jude's Threhold about "market paranoia" - see sidebar of Pages there.

To refresh, the 10 South Solar Eclipse Series is one of: 'breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen to a space containing many options. A worry...will suddenly clear. The solution is shown by the Cosmos and needs to be taken up without too much delay.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Suspend your (sham) prez campaign and rush back to Washington, John McCain, to rescue the world economy! Especially since 10S is also McCain's PE Series. And sad to say for America, this is and will forever remain, the PE of US Inauguration 2009.

Well, the astrologers of Wall Street were quite aware of the August 2008 Eclipses and their import, I suspect. Remember that old J. P. Morgan once famously said, "Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do." Celestial cycles above, financial cycles below.

So was the Financial Crisis of 2008 the result of years' worth of thoughtless mistakes and a sign of the Fed's incompetence? Or are things moving along just as planned all along as they corner the world's wealth?

If you've read much around this blog you know my belief on the matter: they may be extremely arrogant and robot-eyed but they are not incompetent. They may seem incompetent to the average Main Streeter, but incompetent they are not.

So we're stuck with a Federal REserve Bank that needs some serious auditing, but what do you think are the chances of that, given the institution's stranglehold on the financial world and most of the economists in it?


("Grim' and 'rock' and 'loss' = Saturn, which conjoined US natal Neptune at the end of August 2009 for the 'grim reality' transit, and our job and home losses continue.)