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Showing posts with label Freemasonry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freemasonry. Show all posts

Feb 24, 2012

2.24.12: CoffeePartyUSA Rally @ Supreme Court (video): overturn Citizens United!

Fewer than 300 people turned up at the CoffeePartyUSA Rally, several groups were represented including Boomers For Democracy ('enough is enough'!), and here you see former congressman and current President/CEO of Common Cause, Bob Edgar, speaking on our extreme need to overturn the globalism-boosting monstrosity known as Citizens United which has led to massive funding of political campaigns by SuperPACs with no public disclosure of the identities lurking behind the billions.

Now foreign entities meddling in US politics isn't new, of course, and earlier US presidents fought against it vociferously for they understood its dangers--yet thanks to SCOTUS 2010 and Justice John Roberts, the practice has now been placed on steroids in Campaign 2012. Is the Silent Coup of America basically a fait accompli?

To me it seems that the Supreme Court decision of January 2010 was a court overreach shoved onto the American people as if corporations and political ideologues needed help tipping the Scales of 'Justice' in their favor against The Little Man. If we need a real world example of 1% v 99%, the Citizens United decision resembles that remark and 'legally' embeds the inequality.

So perhaps the inclusion into our election process of mysterious donors from afar was one of the ruling's objectives. What do you think? After all, a US law that disenfranchises the American people (with the founders' insistence on setting up a by-for-of the people government) by allowing interference from invisible entities who care not a fig for democracy should, if justice prevails, be considered automatically null and void.

Citizens United's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series

The Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2010 were no picnic and you may remember the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse @ '5Cap' conjoining powerful, wealthy, stealthy Pluto. The Citizens United decision (Jan 21, 2010) falls into the 12 North Saros Series of solar eclipses and will forever influence the democracy-undermining ruling in some way, on some levels of its existence.

12N occurred on January 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01 (in 3rd house in Washington DC = mercurial 'decisions') with Mercury 5Cap34 Rx and Pluto 3Cap49 in 2nd house of Money and Values (Merc/Plu = political speech, mind control, excitable 'opinions', propaganda as heard in political campaigns ads and during what passes for 'debates') and its flavors include:

opportunities to accept greater responsibilities come suddenly, new commitments due to another person not being able to carry on; events may be difficult but outcomes for self-esteem are good. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

25Cap01, besides joining President Obama's natal Saturn Rx 25Cap20 (and his Jupiter Rx 00AQ52, both in his n 12th H of Politics and Karma) is also at Midheaven of US Inauguration horoscopes (as of 1937 held on January 20, Capitol Bldg), the point in a chart which describes The Goal of the swearing-in of US presidents--and these days, US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx, planet of subversion and control, is always The Goal of the US government and of the White House, our Masonic White Lodge at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Click for some curious details including historic Freemasonry in Ireland.)

Plus, the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint conjoined Inauguration 2009's MC, spotlighting their combined energies in the Wider World (MC) of oppression, disenfranchisement, and primal violence which are being demonstrated in our quickly evolving police state at home, global police force abroad, and by the disenfranchisement of American voters with the implementation of Citizens United.

Besides global war for world domination, I wonder what other anti-sovereign, America-dissolving antics global-elite, transnational corporations have hidden inside their polluting pipelines?


Blog Note: okay, dear reader, it's back to packing for my office relocation next week. The month of March should bring this blogger--and Stars Over Washington--more settled conditions! jc

Sep 11, 2011

'10,000 Famous Freemasons' has many names you'll recognize

Sometimes here on Stars Over Washington I add links to very interesting tidbits in this blog's sidebar without shouting out their addition in a post.

However, the 10th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11/01 has inspired me to post a link to a site which has a digital copy of a 1957 book by William R. Denslow entitled 10,000 Famous Freemasons and telling you about it.

So even if you don't care to peruse the alphabetized list for names of famous politicians, presidents, Supreme Court Justices, Kings, Queens, and other notables, you may wish to check out the book's Foreward written by none other than one of our many Freemason presidents, Harry S. Truman.

Plus, if you dare to click you'll be greeted with an image displaying several signatures (autographs!) of folks such as Benjamin Franklin,
John Hancock, and others whose names you'll recognize--some may surprise you!

But this is dusty old stuff, eh?

As with a District of Columbia studded with tomb-like buildings constructed on principles of Sacred Geometry (thanks to our Great Mathematician!)--the Capitol Building in Washington comes first to mind--this list of 10,000 names is a good resource for those investigating History yet who wish to unearth deeper informational layers rather than accepting the veneer that most historians tend to toss over their narratives. The more superficial tossing makes true understanding of past events, both consequences and causes, difficult if not impossible to determine though many researchers continually try.

Yes, names of past Masons are fairly easy to discover, even for the merely curious. But a list of our modern day crop of them now serving in Washington DC tends to be shrouded in secrecy from the average sleuth, and reporters seldom mention such hidden, overarching affiliations (which a percentage of journalists take oaths to as well.)

Well, given the destructive wind that a hijacked America has been heading into (probably timed by the take-over of the US government by The Federal Reserve Bank, circa 1913), I'd hide my name, too, if I were a member of a secret society that was itself hijacked centuries ago by an Illuminati determined to gain total world control, with America acting as its military branch.

So are you able-bodied and unemployed for long? Guess you're tempted to join the US military, a very successful Employment Program the US government promotes in films, tv shows, in games, schools, and more--wherever the propaganda boot fits, our young people are expected to wear it.

Check out Source Code for a not-so-subtle hint: serve your country even after death! This film (which I did like, btw) manages to tout military service and the fear of terrorism occurring on US soil simultaneously.

Bravo!...I guess...

Concerning One of Those 10,000 Freemasons

So whose bio was I researching when I came upon the book? That of Thaddeus Kosciuszko, hero of the American Revolution, Freemason (he's on the list of 10,000), and bosom buddy of Thomas Jefferson, Freemason and Illuminati agent.

You remember that it was master engineer Kosciuszko who bolstered our forts during the American Revolution and it was his plans that were sold to the British by Benedict Arnold.

On the topic of America's reputed 'turning' from a higher course to a lower one of perpetual war, I sometimes I wonder: did the attacks of 9/11 mark a symbolic switch of America's Great Seal from obverse to the reverse side with its (Illuminati) Eye of Surveillance on top the 13-step pyramid or power?

Related posts include Signposts on the NWO Highway and here's a post detailing the collapse of Lehman Brothers--in 1984--and the list of which organizations sit on each rung of the 13-Step Pyramid of Power.

'13' is a big number in occultism, as you know. Our original 13 colonies, 13 steps of power, the 13th Amendment, Ophiuchus the 13th constellation, etc. And yes, I now sit typing from within the 13th Colony of Georgia. And you know that the number '13' is said to be a signature of the Illuminati and Freemasonry, right?

Meanwhile there may be a ray of illumination to be found in the Sabian Symbol for the '14 Sagittarius' degree because of its word picture:

"The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx" (Dane Rudhyar.)

"Keynote: The enduring power of occult knowledge and of its quasi-divine Custodians, "Seed-men" of a previous cycle of existence.

The belief in an Original Tradition based on the perfect knowledge of the archetypal principles and forms which underlie all manifestations of life on earth (and by extension in the cosmos) is deeply rooted in man's consciousness. The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx are witnesses to such a Tradition, especially for the Western world. The symbol implies that such an archetypal knowledge remains the foundation upon which men's minds can still build solid and valid formulations, as new evolutionary developments are pending."

Essentially, this "points to the greatness of a Soul's past achievements and the value of trying to reevoke this past. What is revealed in THE POWER OF SPIRITUAL ANCESTRY." (all DR, his emphases, from An Astrological Mandala.)

Ancestry? Ancestor and hero worship?

Well, with 'The Sphinx' we know as Thomas Jefferson intimately involved in the founding of this nation and his cosmic studies well known (if not his secret society connections), the centuries-long campaign which the US government has maintained to make certain that Mr. Jefferson remains for posterity a "quasi-divine" "Seed-man" (and a secretive holder of occult--hidden--knowledge such as the Bruton Vault info which he apparently suppressed), it may be easier to understand the degree's Egyptian flavor in light of the Sabian Symbol's babylonish implications.

Plus, the architecture of the Jefferson Memorial has that certain dusty musty Masonic look about it, don't you agree?


Blog Notes: you may wish to check this blog's sidebar for other links to Freemason and presidential info (such as both Roosevelts), the Illuminati, Thomas Jefferson, etc., or type a few words into the Search Bar provided by Google. Of course, then Google will make googley eyes at you from atop the pyramid of their power...

And Blogger for the second day in a row is 'disappearing' parts of my post as I type/save so hopefully all of this effort will publiah with its links and text intact. jc


Update 9.12.11 7:46 pm edt: did you know that George Washington's Inaugural throne (April 30, 1789 Federal Hall on Wall Street, NYC) was decorated with a Rising Sun symbol? Or should I say 'is' decorated? Wonder who sits upon the booger now for its seems the Sun is setting.

Reminds me of the Sabian Symbol for '16 Aries'..."Brownies Dancing in the Setting Sun"...which isn't as bad as it first sounds if we-the-people believe there's a better way than that of the Jackassians of Washington DC:


positive expression: simple good fortune together with unlimited opportunity as the direct fruitage of effort;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: delusions of adequacy with a complete inability to act in real self-interest.
(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; except for the 'unconscious/shadow side' part--I added that.)

Our frustration is no excuse for inaction! jc

Jul 26, 2011

US Default 1979 Venus hit by July 2011 Uranus

After last evening's address by President Obama on the debt ceiling/default tussle of ideologies and Speaker John Boehner's reply--Mr. Boehner seems to think he's our 'shadow president'--I've taken a second look at the first time America defaulted temporarily--April 26, 1979.

Since a New Moon 5Tau43 occurred at 8:14:42 am est Capitol Building, I'm using the New Moon to time the chart. The degree of this lunation is interesting because it's in a money sign, Taurus, and it conjoins our US natal Sun/Moon midpoint from the Sibly version of our nativity.

In the New Moon horoscope of April 26, 1979 when the US defaulted on its debts for a little while`as Congress balked and dithered over raising the debt ceiling so bills could be paid, I am naturally struck by July 2011's position of disruptive rebel Uranus in early Aries conjoining 1979's 10th house Venus 4Ari05.

Venus/Uranus as a pair relates to unexpected or unusual new alliances or broken unions but also to being erratic, eccentric, or a wastrel with money; the emphasis is on an unpredictable change of status in these matters, and of course, 10th house relates to the wider world's opinion. (America looks quite the dummy about now if she didn't already.)

Michael Munkasey gives pertinent info on Venus/Uranus in the realms of Politics and Business:

Thesis: a treasury which shows unexpected rises and falls in its valuation; a strange appreciation for financial assets or planning.

Antithesis: ruling bodies unable to cope with sudden infusions or lacks of financial revenues; unpredictable vanity shown by leaders or executives.

(Vanity! Thy name is Politician!)

The dates that transit Uranus conjoins 1979 default's Venus are:

1. June 5, 2011
2. August 14, 2011
3. March 16, 2012

As you see, I've highlighted the Rx date of August 14, 2011 since it relates closely to the current stand-off as Utopians (Uranus in Aries, says Ebertin) revisit the scene of their 1979 crime.

There are other major 'hits' to the April 26, 1979 chart, one of which is exact on August 2, 2011.

Restricting, contracting Saturn will conjoin 1979's Pluto Rx 17Lib21 only once on September 20, 2011. This transit indicates a time when there are power and control issues (I'll say!), a temporary lack of resources (!), and most disturbingly, situations become too big to handle. Hopefully our erstwhile DC politicians--in spite of their selfish political aims-- will get America's financial act together prior to that date for the longer a default lasts (if it occurs) the worse for the US and global economies. (See the related quote at the end of this post.)

Now transit Jupiter, bringer of largess, has already conjoined the 1979 New Moon and will do so again:

1. July 5, 2011
2. October 25, 2011
3. February 22, 2012

So we know the ideological battles between Republicans and Democrats will continue especially with the 2012 campaign on tap and the GOP's assumption that only they should control the White House.

1979 Sun/Moon = 2011/12 Jupiter: desires for joint endeavors, possessions, and expansion. Well, yes, that's been the US mode of operation in the past but a New World Order kid is on the block and showing his claws more each day. (Again, see quote below.)

Jupiter also conjoins 1979's Chiron 9Tau08, a time of zealotry, idealism, chasing rainbows, and a sense of being 'on a mission'--which I assert is the ancient Merovingians' Secret Doctrine, aka, Bacon's Great Plan for America, the 'New Atlantis'.

Plus, as of FDR's 1937 inauguration, US Inaugural Sun '1AQ" = "An Old Adobe Mission", an endeavor which the GOP believes it has the better method for implementing and which dissolves government and other civil institutions all together--but with a select few in control of the world. Cheeky monkeys. Part of the disrespect the Rs show toward Democratic presidents is to sway citizens to do the same as the office of 'US president' will become obsolete along with nation-states, if they have their NWO way. See this blog's sidebar for the video of Bush Sr's shout-out to the NWO of which he and his spawn are obviously a part.)

The dates of tr Jupiter to 1979 Chiron stand out in particular for one of them occurs on the proposed Default Deadline:

1. August 2, 2011
2. September 26, 2011
3. March 11, 2012

Yes, Jupiter/Chiron conjunctions have a 'transcendental objective' up their questing sleeves--or perhaps it's tucked inside their knights' tunics or armour fanny packs.

And where was anarchist Uranus on April 26, 1979? Feeling frisky and exalted in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, and ready to adjust to upheavals and new forms of civilization! A Scorpio Uranus thinks that change must be brought about no matter how destructive (Sakoian.) Most of the American people are feeling this now with our social safety net programs "on the chopping block", as they say in Washington of the ruling elite who have their own pensions and health care provisions in the bag.

1979 Uranus was retrograde @ 19Sco33, the 'accursed degree of the accursed sign' of traditional Astrology. This Uranus conjoined a difficult Fixed Star, Zuben Eschamali (Beta Libra: social reform for personal gain--Brady, sometimes written as 'Elschemali'.) North Scale is also at this degree: wealth, intelligence, hasty words cause problems (Anthony Louis, Horary Plain & Simple.)

In 1979, Uranus formed quindeciles (obsession-compulsion; 165 degr) with the New Moon 5Tau43...

Sun QD Uranus = living on the edge with a 'the rules don't apply to me' attitude; a sense of mission in needing to be different; may take up a 'cause' for mankind.

Moon QD Uranus: emotionally distant and aloof; may have a 'my way of the highway' attitude; driven to live on the edge (as above); potential for breaking old habit patterns. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Of interest to my fussing over Utopian schemes in this matter is that in 1979, Uranus opposes asteroid Atlantis 19Tau55! In Astrology, Atlantis = abuse of power and/or where we feel doomed which relates to the legend of what sank the fabled land of Atlantis.

1979's 2nd house Jupiter 00Leo31 (the GOP; $$$) squared the 11th house New Moon and paralleled Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior; fear; restrictions.) Parallels are similar to strong conjunctions and are used as a timing device.

Mars 15Ari05 opposed Pluto in Libra which had recently conjoined US natal Saturn 14Lib48 which echoes the tr Saturn to 1979 Pluto transit mentioned above. the Mars/Pluto opposition gave a defiant attitude to the proceedings of 1979 much as we see now.

It's important with this aspect to fully evaluate the positives and negatives of any proposition before taking action, something which seems to be missing in the GOP stance of 2011 since their proposed cuts will lessen the money ordinary people have to spend and put back into the economy--so job losses will be ramped up. Denying other people their rights is a distinct potential with a Mars/Pluto opposition.

Also missing in 2011 are the implications of two 1979 midpoint pictures of note:

Moon/Saturn = US natal Jupiter: a sense of paying the credit card bills racked up by the last 5 Republican presidents!

Sun/Saturn = US n Jupiter: good fortune of the ill or elderly--something we'd like to see again in 2011, thanks. (I'm guessing that Harry Reid's debt proposal is the best we may expect from this ideologically manufactured situation, though you may disagree.)

At the Foundation of the Matter in 1979 (the IC) was Saturn 7Vir13 (Democrats) but Saturn trined the New Moon which must have aided in getting things moving forward again without much Saturnian delay or damage to the US credit rating. Looks like this time we may not get off as well if Washington's Political Theater doesn't end its performances very soon with a 'deal'.

Well, there's my brief consideration of Default 1979 v Default 2011. With the first default, we know how the plot turned out. This time it remains to be seen how far modern day Utopians will go with their overarching agenda to collapse the financial system of the United States of America.

And perhaps Washington's 2011 financial 'game of chicken' with the faith and credit of our nation will be enough to do just that.


Chart details: New Moon 5Tau43 April 26, 1979 8:14:43 am Capitol Building; Hour Sun; ASC 26Gem22 with '28Gem' = BANKRUPTCY (Ssbian Symbols) rising; Mc 3Pis42 conjunct Fixed Star Fomalhout, one of the Royal Stars of Persia: success through noble ideals.


"The Merovingians had a 'Secret Doctrine' (also called the 'Great Plan'), which in part called for the creation of a Univeral Throne in Europe...The holder of the Universal Throne must...possess the Spear of Destiny;...also be Holy Roman Emperor; and...hold the title, "King of Jerusalem"...the plan began...after the Priory of Sion officially separated from the Templars in 1188...The Merovingians planned to diminish the influence of the Church through...a clandestine tradition...that found expression in Hermetic and esoteric thought, such as in Rosicrucian and Freemasonic secret societies."

--John Daniel, Scarlet and the Beast

Jun 25, 2011

Rick Perry prez bid awash w controversy (video); his Natal Chart

Yes, Stars Over Washington has been late boarding the Rick Perry presidential campaign train 2012 so here's a video concerning the Texas governor, along with an astro-peek at his natal horoscope.

Apparently all manner of controversy haunts this wolf in sheep's clothing like a cheap one-world-government suit! Among other considerations, a certain Mr. Rove lurks in his background. In this video:

Alex talks about Rick Perry’s long time mentor, Karl Rove and how Rove convinced Perry to flip his image and save his political career. Perry exposes his own dishonesty when he breaks his own pledge to remain outside the Presidential race. A President Perry would further America’s dark journey toward her own destruction. Invited to the Bilderberg conference in Istanbul in 2007, Rick Perry is a servant of the globalist’s plan for a one world government and their population reduction scheme.

You may also be interested in Paul Watson's assessment Perry Supporter Claims Alex Jones Works for Obama which is rich with links and revelations concerning Governor Perry and others.

Plus, you'll find biographical details on his Wikipedia page including a bit about his friendship with former rocker and ace racial slurrist, Ted Nugent. Funny thing is, in the 1960s I attended a Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes concert in Atlanta and got the once-over from him backstage. Of course, I was under-aged so was thankfully spared his...attentions. And I remember that his hair was as long as mine! But he could definitely play guitar, no question about it, and that was what I was there for.

Now how about a little Astrology concerning Gov. Perry, a western varmint said (as are the majority of US politicians including Mr. Obama) to be firmly in the pocket of the social tinkering, one-world-government Bilderberg Group?

Richard Perry born March 4, 1950 Paint Creek, Texas, birth hour unknown so 'noon' CST is used; Sun in Pisces; Moon remains in Virgo for the 24-hour period. No house positions will be mentioned without a known birth time.

Little Rick Perry was born into a fortunate Solar Eclipse Series, the *5 New South, which denotes peak experiences, joy, good news, and a potential for falling in love. This must help abate some of the conflict, depression, restriction, and oppression seen within his natal planetary placements which are:

Sun 13Pis36 (see Moon, below; opposed by Saturn: early childhood restrictions from authoritative parent; resents The System; thinks people, law, and authority are against him personally; early oppression becomes a tremendous ability for accomplishment and follow-through as an adult if this Saturnian energy is well-managed; inconj Pluto: father's values or inherited values conflict with those of his generation - Dad wanted a return to 'the good old days' which strained his son's seeking of selfhood; drives himself very hard, then can become bitterly resentful of duties; driven to prove himself; good at focusing on a particular objective; makes sacrifices to reach goals; creates conflict when dealing with others; 'use or misuse of power' issues.)

(Note: Perry's Sun position conjoins US presidential Suns when Inaugurations were held in early March - uh-oh! The change came during FDR's terms - between 1933 and 1937 with the switch on January 20, 1937. Would a Perry presidency represent a return to 'the good old days'? Ugh! People running about in chaos without laws or government is what these Utopian rationalists envision for us all! The Age of Reason? Puh! French Revolutionists enshrined Reason as their goddess in the 1790s and we know how that turned out for the populace.)

Moon 17Vir48 (a Full Moon personality: conflict between ego and emotions; relationships are all-important but may be filled with conflict; needs to learn the art of compromise; unwillingness to let go of the past creates handicaps; see Saturn, below.)

Mercury 24AQ56 (see Jupiter, below; trine Uranus: intuitive flashes; genius in certain areas but indifferent if uninterested; attracted to Science, Technology, the Occult, and Astrology; not bound by tradition; conclusions are arrived at independent of popular views; dramatic expression of thoughts - good for public speaking; ideas may be ahead of their time; plus, Mercury is oriental, rising just before the Sun, which is a dot all Is, cross all Ts indicator of perfectionism.)

Venus 5AQ45 (trine Mars = can appeal to others emotionally; sex appeal; fun-loving; sextile NN: gives knowledge of how to use charm to gain approval and popularity; favors marriage, business affairs, and public relations.)

Mars 18Lib21 Rx (conj SN - see NN, below; conjoins US Sec Mars Rx which underscores US militarism; sesquisquare Jupiter: somewhat dynamic energy which must be well-paced to be effective and not burn out; demands immediate rewards for efforts yet may feel frustrated; with experience, meets challenges forcefully but with a sense of irritation.)

Jupiter 21AQ15 (conj Mercury: big ideas, expansive plans, plus Jupiter is in futuristic Aquarius; trine Neptune: lover of mysticism; fond of grand ceremony such as those found in Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, or__?__; may lose self in religious ecstasy and be deceived by such; may be parasitical or self-indulgent; possesses a boundless imagination.)

Saturn 16Vir15 Rx (Moon-Saturn contacts are emotionally depressive - see Sun, above; materialistic; somber; common sense; in Virgo, Saturn denotes scientific interests and hard, concentrated, detail-oriented work.)

Uranus 00Can57 Rx (a World Point of Fame and Recognition; behaves tribally like a self-protective, business and home oriented Cancerian; see Mercury, above; semi square Pluto: an aspect of irritation showing he'd be first to react if his own liberties were threatened; good for work as a public official and may be giving him a resonance with the ongoing, transiting Uranus/Pluto square now spurring revolution across the globe.)

Neptune 16Lib50 Rx (wide conj w Mars: strong psychic magnetism, unrealistic expectations tie into pie-in-sky Mercury-Jupiter conj; generational sextile to Pluto: holds revisionary attitudes on philosophy, religion, education, and relationships; occult interests - see Mercury, above.)

Pluto 16Leo24 Rx (opposes Jupiter: indoctrinates others w his philosophy; must reform others spiritually; great desire for wealth and power; autocratic; lack of humility, or hidden or misused wealth may cause downfall.)

NN 7Ari31 Rx (SN conj Mars: militaristic values; decisions disregard others; actions out of harmony w societal standards; see Venus, above.)

Chiron 21Sag06 (in the sign of The Seeker and about to be spotlighted by transiting NN; besides the squares to Moon/Saturn, Chiron sextiles Jupiter: seeks opportunities and forums for self-expression through Jupiter's broadcasting and proselytizing functions in order to advance his theories of transformation; seeks through willpower, daring, and strength to express a 'mass yearning for integrity' and for 'certainty based on inspiration' - R. Nolle.)

Gov. Perry's squares to Chiron from Moon and Saturn indicate childhood wounds from both parents but if well-managed, this energy may be transformed in adulthood into much directed ambition and strategic ability.

As for his Water-Earth (mud!) Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo personality blend, we know there's a practical streak in him with Water-Earth yet he can get bogged down by inertia, possessiveness, and limited viewpoints.

Sun Pisc-Moon Vir gives Mr. Perry a wide-ranging intellect, wit, and a perceptive talent for analysis and for dealing with details (see Mercury oriental, above.) Problems are considered from all angles, yet there may be an overly critical attitude toward others; escaping into fantasies or addictions cannot be ruled out; feelings may become confused with rational thought as heart and mind either complement one another, or clash (Sun-Moon opposition.)

Mystical Pisces gives, of course, talent or interest in the Arts such as music, poetry, and drama and this obviously aids him with his public speaking. Lofty visions there may be, but Virgo keeps his feet on the ground most of the time for managing the implementation of those visions (my fear: another Utopian!)

Intellectual rapport is needed within partnerships but living with him isn't always easy; he tends to escape behind a newspaper, book, or laptop whenever conflict arises (and it does with Sun opposing Moon.) Yet he has a winning sense of humor which can see him through many a scrape or misunderstanding.

Images for Integration of Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious):

"Small events bring enormous consequences...Faith and Reason shake hands...A mosaic picture of the universe, each piece perfect in itself" (like a Mandelbrot set! and great for Astrology studies. jc)

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Evolutionary Progress: Life Passages

As for his Secondary Moon Phase, his Sec Full Moon occurred on or about (depending on a correct birth time, dates may vary slightly) August 22, 2008 @ 11Sco15; his Disseminating Phase (putting out the info, propaganda, teaching) begins on or about November 3, 2011; this indicates to me that Mr. Perry expanded on the world stage as far as he could in 2008 which does not bode well for an expansive presidential run in 2012 since his 'light' is dimming rather than brightening - as is America's and that of the Republican Party for the same reason.

So there just for you is a small astro-peek into the personality of Gov. Rick Perry. You may not have enjoyed it, but perhaps you now know more about this proposed 2012 presidential candidate than you did before! Si?


The Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo blend is shared natally by Senator Ted Kennedy, Peter Fonda, Alexander Graham Bell, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Glenn Miller, Gloria Vanderbilt, philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, psychologist Roberto Assagioli, and Luther Burbank, who informed us that,

"It is well for people who think to change their minds occasionally in order to keep them clean."


*Solar Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology; 5 New South last manifested in November 2003 @ 9 Gemini; its next occurrence: December 2021 @ 12 Sagittarius. jc

May 19, 2011

IMF horoscope: May 2011's Pluto to natal Sun

With another hearing today to set bail and possibly be released under house arrest, now-resigned IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been denied diplomatic immunity by the US.

In my files there are two noon horoscopes for the International Monetary Fund (aka, the "Fund.") The first is set for December 27, 1945 when it was formally organized and 29 countries signed the agreement (Bretton Woods, N. H.), and March 1, 1947 when IMF operations began.

Transiting Pluto now transforms, deconsructs, and brings power and control issues to the IMF's natal Sun (1945); midpoint pictures for December 27, 1945 are descriptive of the sort of worldly power and wealth they wield: Sun/Pluto = Jupiter ($), and the Illuminati pair of Uranus/Neptune pointing to manipulative Pluto which often signifies rapists, plunderers, and saboteurs.

Sun/Pluto = Jupiter: successful striving for power; the urge for expansion and the acquiring of wealth.

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: abandoning resistance; calamities; losses. (Ebertin.)

The 1947 chart shows Sun 10Pis17 (noon): '11Pis" = "Men Seeking Illumination"; Moon @ '28Gemini' = "Bankruptcy" (what the IMF preys upon - er, I mean...helps nations with.)

In both charts, nebulous Neptune is in Libra: 1945 @ 8Lib34, and 1947 @ 10Lib12; transiting Saturn, bringer of loss and restriction when accountability and responsibility have been ignored or dissed, now sits upon the IMF's Neptune (also a planet of loss) in the 1947 horoscope...the 'grim face of reality' transit. The IMF brings 'grim reality' to nations whose balance sheets are in trouble; for DSK, 'the sheets' are in trouble for entirely different reasons.

The Strauss-Kahn Family

The father of "DSK", as he is familiarly known, is Gilbert Strauss-Kahn, a member in the Grand Orient de France, the largest and oldest Masonic organization in Continental Europe (founded 1733), and a major instigator behind the French Revolution.

In France on December 20, 1781, the Grand Orient Masons and the Illuminati combined into one Order; their alliance was sealed in July 1782 at the Congres de Wilhelmsbad. The conference was attended by Masons, Martinistes, and representatives of secret societies in Europe, Asia, and America. As we would expect, attendees were sworn to total secrecy. (source: The Secret History of the West, N. Hagger.)

Click for a public list of the attendees (though you won't see the name 'Rothschild' mentioned for Jews were admitted to the lodges later - the resolution to allow them in was passed at the 1781 conference.

This ancient history is important because it is part of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's personal history although I doubt any mention of what lurks behind his mask - and by extension, the mask of the IMF - will be forthcoming as the sexual assault/attempted rape investigation and possible criminal trial goes forward in New York.


Dominique Strauss-Kahn was born in Paris, France on April 25, 1949 with Sun in Taurus and Moon in Aries; natal Midas 19Tau12 conjoins n Mercury which is otherwise unaspected; Jupiter 1AQ16 conjoins Fixed Star Aquila, the Eagle (he has that beaky look and raptor's gaze) and his natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint (plutocracy; oppression; corporatism; racism) is now transited by Saturn.

Apr 27, 2011

Horoscope of Barack Obama w 4.27.11 transits

This morning I posted the NPR News Alert that the White House has released the birth certificate of President Barack Obama. This inspires me to publish a copy of President Obama's natal horoscope, something I had not done before on this blog although I have referred to its placements, of course. The released BC shows the birth time that most if not all astrologers have been using: 7:24 pm AHST, on August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Around the outside of the chart are today's transits since now we can be certain which houses the planets traverse. I also looked ahead to his Secondary Progressions: he's now in Gibbous phase with a Secondary Full Moon coming soon: November 6, 2011 @ 1Ari11 which falls in natal 2nd house.

As you know, a Sec Full Moon was attained by the US in December 2008 and timed our nation's financial collapse: that was as far as our nation could expand into the world and our national light now dims. Now I'm not predicting that the president's Sun-Moon phase beginning to 'lose light' after November 2011 will keep him from being re-elected in 2012 yet the thought does occur! Another thought is that since the powers-that-be will select whichever candidate to play US president that they want, it could be Mr. Obama regardless of his astro-portents - especially with his Sec Full Moon manifesting so near the Aries Point (00Ari00) of Fame and Recognition.

Here are a few chart details; as always, you're welcome to leave your own observations or opinions in a Comment:

Sun/Moon in 3rd quarter phase = crisis in consciousness; Hour Mars 22Vir35 in 7th H, conjunct asteroid Hopi (prejudice; ambush; sounds like "hope"); Mars conjoins US natal Neptune making it difficult for the masses to see his actions and motivations clearly; chart-ruler Saturn 25Cap20 Rx in its own sign in 12th H of Politics and Karma, conjunct Jupiter 00AQ52 Rx which conjoins US Inaugural Sun and on January 20, 2009, his n Jupiter conjoined Inaugural Mercury Rx. Jupiter/Saturn conjunction folks tend to have enormous success potential.

Co-ruler Uranus 25Leo16 in 7th H conjoins North Node (NN) and is apex planet of a powerful midpoint picture:

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; sudden obsession for more power and control.

The Uranus/NN pair is a signature of radical political groups, changes which come from attempts to alter the course of events, and revolution for the effecting of popular societal changes. ("Yes, We Can!)

Saturn inconjunct Uranus: Status Quo/Progress Adjustments

Chart-ruler and co-ruler Saturn and Uranus are inconjunct (150 degrees) one another which gives difficulty in establishing priorities within one's obligations, and intimidation from others may be forthcoming; change that threatens personal security is resisted (who wouldn't?) and flexibility must be developed in order to make progress and be successful. Some stress in relationship may ensue as the partner insists that talents be well-developed. Refining those talents and adopting new techniques produce success though a streak of cantankerousness may be noticed in the personality.

Mars trine Saturn

An Earthy (practical) Mars/Saturn trine helps tremendously by giving Mr. Obama the ability to use his energies wisely and productively; the temper is usually well under control, and he's an excellent teacher. Efficiency and conservation are important with a Mars/Saturn trine, an aspect which gifts him with great managerial skills that are valuable in any endeavor. He relates best to responsible, mature people, tends to be guardedly optimistic, and the satisfaction of a job well done is of primary importance to him.

Moon square Pluto

A problematic aspect is Mr. Obama's Moon/Pluto square. This aspect gives a loner's temperament and indicates trouble in parental relationships with a tendency to hold on to the past. (Perhaps writing his book where he addressed his parents' relationship and his early struggles helped with letting go. Saturn ruling ASC shows hardship in childhood though his parent's reputed involvement with the CIA may also be indicated here: Pluto = spying, surveillance, and secretive agencies.)

A Moon/Pluto SQ makes working with the public a must, and compromise helps with achieving one's goals; working in social service is indicated; regular breaks are necessary to unwind and recharge; delving into the occult is indicated yet care must be taken to keep confusion and lack of perspective at a minimum.

Jupiter/Chiron Midpoint = Ascendant; 1st House Chiron in Pisces

As you see (enlarge chart for easier viewing), the Jupiter/Chiron midpoint sits upon Mr. Obama's Ascendant so he is Jupiter/Chiron as well as having Chiron 5Pis19 Rx in 1st house of Self.

Chiron in mystical Pisces describes one whose life crisis is over connecting with the God force (Clow); he tends to hear Pan's flute on the wind (natal Pan 15Ari20 Rx in 2nd H of Values.) One of the power asteroids, Hidalgo, is Rx and conjoins n Chiron which is involved in a Water Grand Trine, as listed below.

Chiron in Pisces is the 'knight in shining armor' archetype where one is called on to perform heroic deeds at great personal risk - or to prevent them, as circumstances dictate. Quoting Richard Nolle: "Life...can be a mystical crusade in which mundane concerns have no place - a Quest for the Grail, perhaps, or a pursuit of the Ring of Power. Seeing in their mind's eye a better world, {those with Chiron in Pisces) take for granted values that may be totally alien from the perspective of prevailing social norms."

Like a New World Order and more 'free' trade agreements that destroy US jobs?

The personal belief system of Chiron in Pisces may create conditions of persecution and martyrdom for faith doesn't allow him the possibility of surrender; a mythical aura of The Hero may bring glory or tragedy for he is convinced that his mission is both necessary and worthwhile, a belief that is, I suspect, constantly renewed by the mentors who surround him. Unfortunately, his mentors seem to be of the one-world-government persuasion so prevalent within the realm of profiteering corporatism and Plutocracy.

His T-Square of Pluto/Chiron, the Plutocracy duo, points to natal Moon in Gemini indicating a reigning need (Moon) for communicating (Gemini) these powerful perspectives (Pluto/Chiron) which include all manner of -isms, primal violence (war, torture) and the disenfranchisement of the population.

Chiron square Moon

Adding emotional intensity, Chiron squares n Moon 3Gem21 in 4th H (1A58) describing more family injury to his psyche in early childhood from the matrilineal side: this aspect tends to create astrologers and analysts! Deep insight into human nature results from his early emotional experiences and deprivations with a Moon/Chiron square.

A Jupiter/Chiron vibe of The Seeker shows visibly with their midpoint upon natal Ascendant, as noted. (Jupiter and Chiron are 34 degrees apart, however, their midpoint is the president.) This combo of energies indicates faith and optimism, and an upwelling of hope with expectations channeled toward realizing the attainment of a transcendent objective (NWO?) The focus is on harmonizing his Quest (see Chiron in Pisces) with the prevailing socio-cultural environment. (Nolle.)

A Mystic Rectangle Affects Career Goals

Besides the Pluto/Chiron = Moon T-Square and the Water Grand Trine of Venus-Neptune-Chiron, you'll note a Mystic Rectangle between Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and MC. This is a planetary pattern of 'practical mysticism' (Tierney) and given other chart factors already mentioned, it's an interesting possibility that the president either knows and uses, or employs those who use, Astrology for timing purposes. An association with secret societies who use Sacred Geometry (Freemasonry, Illuminati-ism, Rosicrucianism, to name three) is a potential as well.

Planetary aspects within the Mystic Rectangle include:

Moon trine Jupiter gives him a radiant personality, ease in relating to all types of people, lots of creative imagination, and a sensitivity to outside influences with attempts to understand their true significance; solutions to problems are worked out as soon as possible and no bridge is crossed before it is come to.

Moon sextile Mercury (planet of oration in showy Leo) gives him a thoughtful disposition, a capacity for absorbing information readily with a high level of comprehension and recall ability; public relations is a good field for this sextile; tact and diplomacy skills are evident and may be admired even by opponents.

Mercury trine MC (note: Mercury also trines 2009's Inaugural Moon 29Sco45 since the Inaugural Moon - we-the-people - sits upon his natal MC, as noted on the chart) shows communicating talent used in career and an ability to get important people to listen; the profession and home life tend to be kept in balance.

Jupiter sextile MC gives career preferment, success,, and good fortune in matters of public status.

As you see, the Mystic Rectangle contains the Mercury/Jupiter opposition across the Leo/AQ and 6/12 axes which describes one who may go to extremes with their expectations; others may be alienated by a tendency to seem a 'know-it-all' and details may receive short attention when making decisions and this can lead to a need for revision in his positions later on.

Well, there's my thumbnail sketch of President Barack Obama, inspired by today's release of a copy of his birth certificate. If you get anything out of this post, I'm glad for it will soon be linked near the top of SO'W's sidebar for future reference and potential updating.

Further reading: the Wedding Day Astrology Report of the president's parents' marriage or that of Barack and Michelle Obama.


Midpoint pictures: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey - any, all, or none may apply; some aspect info comes from Rob Pelletier's Planets in Aspect.

Apr 12, 2011

Civil War Apr 12,1861: Midpt Pictures and Hidden Hands

Were Hidden Hands Behind the American Civil War?

by Jude Cowell

The horoscope for the start of the American Civil War, its birth chart, is set for the first shot fired, April 12, 1861 4:30 am LMT Charleston, South Carolina at Fort Sumter.

Rising is 27Pis05 with Mercury 24:56 and Neptune 29Pis57; a 12th house Chiron 00Pis56 is being transited by Neptune as I type; MC (The Goal) 28Sag14; at IC, the HOW? Point of the chart is '28Gem' = BANKRUPTCY. It's an Hour of Mars, perfect for fighting a war; contentious Mars 6Gem02 and rebellious Uranus 9Gem21 are snugged around and triggering US natal Uranus 8Gem55 (which is now being transited by asteroid Midas, perfect for a post on a "Civil" War which was financed on both sides by the House of Rothschild for their own power-grabbing on.)

The closest you'll get to this sort of info in the Civil War's Wikpedia page is by scrolling to the section on Blocking International Intervention but if the Rothschild name is mentioned there, I've yet to find it.

In his centuries-encompassing book The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger states that the Rothschilds sent an agent, August Belmont, in 1837 (one year after the second Bank of the US had collapsed) to run a bank in New York, buy government bonds, and establish his credentials by advising President Andrew Jackson.

The objective was to create an incident that would establish an American central bank, and a war would require the US government to borrow from the Rothschilds in order to pay for it, thought they (it had worked for them elsewhere.) England and France were too far away; Mexico and Canada weren't strong enough so the House of Rothschild could easily take the reins and direct events from behind the scenes, much as they do now.

According to Mr. Hagger's research, the Priory of Sion wanted America back from the Templars so the Rothschilds planned an American civil war with the North a Sionist British colony, annexed to Canada and controlled by Lionel Rothschild, and the Templar South to be given to Napoleon III of France and controlled by James Rothschild.

To persuade the South to secede from the union, Illuminized Sionist-Rosicrucian Freemasons used the Knights of the Golden Circle (member: John Wilkes Booth) which had been formed in 1854 by George Bickley with the objective of spreading racial tension; its military arm was the Ku Klux Klan. Meanwhile, Jesse James stole gold from banks and buried it to fund the war (nearly $7 billion!)

The states that seceded would be united in the Confederate States of America with each eventually becoming like an independent country. Abraham Lincoln (inaugurated March 4, 1861) told the American people that, "combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various southern states."

House of Rothschild Financed Both Sides

The Rothschilds financed the North through Belmont, Jay Cooke, Seligman brothers, and Speyer & Co.; the South was financed through their agent Judah Benjamin, who became Secretary of State for the Confederacy in 1862, and whose daughter was married to Frankfurt's Baron D'Erlanger, a relative and agent of the Rothschilds. Benjamin's law partner, John Sidell, was Confederate envoy to France; Sidell borrowed money on behalf of the South to finance the Confederacy.

In 1861, England sent 8,000 soldiers into Canada; in 1862, English, Spanish, and French troops landed in Mexico to collect debts; in 1863, France took over Mexico City with 30,000 troops.

Confederate Army General Albert Pike was a pro-French Templar Scottish Rite Mason and at the time, the most powerful Freemason in the world. Most of the political and military leaders of the Confederacy were Masons under Pike's secret command. The Confederates offered Louisiana and Texas to Napoleon III if he would send troops against the North. Lincoln, following the example of Tsar Alexander II who freed Russia's serfs, issued an order to free all slaves in 1863. Eventually, the Tsar sent the Russian fleet to support Mr. Lincoln.

The US Congress approved Lincoln's plan to borrow $450 million in return for bonds of states - greenbacks (created by the First Legal Tender Act of Feb 25, 1862) - to pay for the Civil War thus placing a big glitch in the Rothschilds' central bank plan for the US. This made international bankers' money unnecessary and as German statesman Otto von Bismarck said,

"The foreign financiers...understood at once, that the United States would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon."

You may wish to view an older post (sans edits) on Lincoln's natal and assassination charts, dual horoscopes included.

As we see from events since the beginning of the New Millennium, the international financiers' "grip" bwo the Federal Reserve Bank of America has turned out to be successful for them and has brought their dreamed-of collapse for America. As noted above, the horoscope of the Civil War has 28Sag14 at Midheaven where transiting Pluto has recently crossed. In 10th house is North Node of Destiny @ 17Cap24, and '18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies From a British Destroyer" which is the primary degree of the Illuminati pair's Great Conjunction/s of 1993, Uranus and Neptune...the New World Order. This degree's negative/shadow side expression = smug or strong-armed paternalism. (MEJ.)

We hear echoes from the 1860s in Washington when we hear of state v federal government, an old argument sporting gray whiskers.

Midpoint Pictures Tell a Tale of April 12, 1861

Okay, I'll hush for now on the topic of the Secret Hand behind the American Civil War and type out for you the midpoint pictures of influence as the first shot was fired 150 years ago today.

Tyl and Ebertin are my midpoint sources with any, all, or none being applicable and subject to transits and progressions; you'll note fraudulent, misguided Neptune on the rise at a 29th critical-crisis degree which has contributed to the controversy to this day of Why the war was fought. As usual with secret machinations involved, a correct grasp of motivation and cause is quite impossible without knowledge of the fuller picture:

Mercury/Neptune = ASC: potential overreaction to others; being exploited, harmed, or deceived.

Mars/NN = ASC: comradeship; energetic cooperation; family ties.

Sun/Uranus = Moon 15Tau36: rashness; emotional excitability; impulsiveness; a demand for need fulfillment.

Moon/Neptune = Sun 22Ari28: illusions and deceptions; receptive power.

Mercury/Jupiter = Mars: the execution of plans; energetic opinion is well-accepted; making one's point effectively.

Jupiter/Neptune (the speculators and fraudsters) = Uranus, the revolutionary: liking the shades; experiencing the contrast between imagination and reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation.

And such a difficult situation has spread across the globe through the auspices of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the global central banking system, and the monied ruling class of plutocrats who control the US money supply and thus the destiny of our nation.

For further reading try the Civil War's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus blend which links back to this post.


May my several ancestors who fought in the Civil War R.I.P.

Apr 9, 2011

Glenn Beck's Freemasonry/Skull and Bones emblems

Glenn Beck Shouts-Out in Code to Somebody, But Who?

by Jude Cowell

April 8, 2011: Prison Planet reports on soon-departing propagandist Glenn Beck wearing emblems of secret societies: Freemasonry, and Skull and Bones.

Mr. Beck has gone on air sporting a Masonic patch with '1681' on it, an apparent reference to William Penn's founding of Philadelphia, as noted in the article. Freemasonry has always been well-ensconced there along with Sionist Rosicrucianism.

Now I know that many of our past and present representatives in Congress have been and are Freemasons as were many of our Founding Fathers. The US Capitol Building is one great big Masonic symbol frozen in architecture for those who have eyes to see. And who can miss the fact that 16th Street in DC is home of the Temple of Scottish Rite?

Even our exalted White House is actually a Masonic White Lodge whose cornerstone was laid by Masons on October 13, 1792 (and not on October 12th as most sources cite.) The brass cornerstone plate is still there. The October 13, 1792 ceremony is said to commemorate the first 'Friday the 13th' in honor of Oct 13, 1307, the day the King of France rid himself of the Knights Templar. Follow the link for more details.

Masonic Sacred Geometry: a Higher Practice of Astrology?

Nowadays, we may perhaps consider Washington DC to be a "New Rome" and most everyone is aware that the whole corporate venture called America was CEO'd by our first president George Washington, a Grand Master for whom our nation's capital city was named. Click to view him in one of his Masonic aprons, if you've missed it previously; historical and initiation details are included.

So what's up with Glenn Beck sassily sporting Freemasonry symbols in public and on air?

Has he perhaps said and shown too much of an Illuminati-hijacked agenda? Or is Beck's soon-departure from the FOX network on a daily basis merely a sign of his lessening influence among the masses on behalf of the one-world-government agenda?

You know the agenda I refer to: the one that is in process of ruining our nation, all other nations, our lives and health, and the future of our children...the Utopian agenda bent on creating chaos and a return of the Noble Savage - sans all institutionalized government and social systems.

Does any of this sound a mite familiar based on Washington DC's current antics meant to dismantle the US government, Medicare, and any other component of our social contract thereby leaving us to survive - or not - in the jungle? Is it population control writ large? Well, remember that our 'two-party' political system is an illusion to keep we-the-people divided, conquered, quiet, at each others' throats, and largely unaware of what they're really up to for they're all in on the plot together with a few *rare exceptions!


For further reading you may be interested in one of the books I often use as a source, Robert Hieronimus' Founding Fathers, Secret Societies which includes information on the decoding of the Great Seal, an integral part of the New Millennium plot.

*"rare exceptions"? Here I'm being generous since it's unfair to lump 100% of any group of people into one stereotyped category; it seems to me that politicians such as Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich, perhaps Ron Paul, and a couple of others are left in place primarily to give Congress more credibility than it deserves when it comes to supporting rather than undermining America. They play their parts. And yes, they win elections back home but elections can be rigged, as we've either direction. jc


The following video contains similar topics including number symbolism but if you're one who is easily unnerved, I ask that you avoid viewing it. jc

Feb 10, 2011

A few illuminating quotes on Plutocracy in America

"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am."

George Washington (Master Freemason initiated in the Lodge at Fredericksburg, VA in 1752)

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Thomas Jefferson

"Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws."

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (banker extraordinaire and war-bankroller)

"Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible."

Adam Weishaupt (aka, "Spartacus"; founder of the Illuminati May 1, 1776)

"You are a den of vipers! I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning."

President Andrew Jackson on the US central bank

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Woodrow Wilson (speaking of his collusion in the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of America in 1913)

Financial Collapse 2008 sealed and revealed the satanic deal - and the plot continues apace under President Barack Obama - you expected something different?

Jude Cowell

Jan 21, 2011

JP Morgan Profits Big from Food Stamps (video)

Giving 'a finger in every pie' new depth of meaning, JP Morgan is the largest processor of Food Stamps in America. What could possibly be wrong with this picture?



New Blog Feature in Sidebar: just under my Tweet feed, you'll find 'Freemason US Presidents and VPs'. If you're unaware that some number of US presidents were followers of The Craft (or associated in some way with Freemasonry), you may wish to be initiated into the knowledge. Rosicrusianism is harder if not impossible to document as is Illuminatiism but their muddied hoofprints do turn up here and there in America.

Sep 7, 2010

Francis Bacon, Uranus/Neptune, and Pluto

If you like to read about America's founding, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and other such mystical topics, you may be interested in a discovery I've just made of a site that has so many links and articles to check out, I'm just getting started. But I want to be certain you knew about it, too, though much investigation is required to find out how much it contains concerning America.

As you know, Sir Francis Bacon was an early activist within the 'New World', 'New Utopian' crowd and is thought to be the founder of English Freemasonry.

My own discovery is intriguingly titled Nine Degrees of Francis Bacon and is chocked full of some fascinating stuff!

And while I'm on such topics, here's an excerpt from J. R. Church's Guardians of the Grail:

It is reported that Benjamin Franklin was a Rosicrucian. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and George Washington were Masons...Though these men were part of these orders, George Washington warned the Masonic Lodge in America of the dangers of the Illuminati, while Thomas Jefferson and John Adams later disagreed over the use of the Masonic Lodge by the Illuminati.

"Dangers of the Illuminati"? I'll say.

So when we see the Illuminati symbol of the 'eternal flame' over an assassinated president's resting place (or over those of other world stagers' tombs, those who've mysteriously or violently died such as MLK, Robert Kennedy, Princess Diana, and Ground Zero), we may assume that the early warning against the Illuminati Society overtaking America either wasn't heeded or was, in stages, overcome by the Uranus/Neptune-inspired 'Illuminati' and their ilk and enablers.

It is my belief that our modern day New World Order types, the 'one world government' promoters such as Bush Sr, *David Rockefeller, the UN, and others you know by name, are part of the agenda's original 'vision' of America as a Utopian social experiment which uses chaos and what Naomi Klein has termed 'shock doctrine' to send mankind back to the jungle.

Seems to me that we would have to characterize the attacks of 9/11 as 'shock doctrine' and sadly for civilized people the world over, transformative Pluto's transit through the structural sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn is mightily aiding the Uranian-Neptunian agenda as Mr. Hades, wearing his cape of invisibility, slowly approaches his natal position in **1776 at America's founding.


*David Rockefeller, in his speech to the Trilateral Commission in 1991, stated:

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Actually, no. It isn't preferable at all. You plotter.

**fyi, here again are the dates of America's Pluto Return/s 27Cap33:

1. February 20, 2022
2. July 11, 2022
3. December 28, 2022

Aug 29, 2010

Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle says, Yes

In my last post I wondered aloud if the world is any better off because the British Empire morphed into the American Empire. World populations still groan in pain under imperialistic oppression no matter its national origins or current moniker. And my deepest suspicion is that US-Brit political relations show a joining of empires more than is usually admitted in public although some inner conflicts between factions on each side of the Atlantic and ego games for control are in evidence.

Yet no real rift between us exists when it comes to global conquest.

In fact, puppet master Pluto of secret hand fame rises with Fixed Star Altair each March. The keywords for Altair (alpha Aquila) are: boldness and determination; exploration (Brady.)

So each US Inauguration Day since 1937, the Sun (leader) conjoins Altair at 00AQ+, and on January 20, 2009, Mercury Rx joined in on that degree. Oath-taking Mercury's Rx condition resulted, as you know, in President Obama's taking a second Oath of Office due to Justice Roberts' flubbing (Mercury) when administering #1.

It seems no accident to me that during FDR's administration the date for US presidential inaugurations was changed from early March (usually the 3rd or 4th) to January 20 - after all, to paraphrase FDR's famous quote: Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happens you can be sure it was meant to happen.

Freemason F. D. Roosevelt would have known about the astrological differences of the date switch which was done purposefully. (Teddy R. was also an initiated Freemason.)

(FDR's admission about politics under girds many of my snarly remarks on this and other blogs concerning Politics as practiced in Washington, DC and the loss of hearing on Capitol Hill when it comes to the voices and preferences of we-the-people. Consider me permanently in a snit of miffdom over Washington politicians' sorriness and the ordinary US citizen's deplorable lack of representation.)

And since I've been intending for years now to post a dual view of FDR's Inaugurations 1933 and 1937, I shall do so below. Hopefully you can read the basic chart details by clicking to enlarge the image. Note the change of ASC degree and Sun degree and the changing Fixed Stars they highlight - 1933 vs 1937...the changes are no accident, as FDR might say (notwithstanding the thin justifications given for the date switch at the time. As you know, Freemasonry is big on Fixed Stars and on using Electional Astrology to time events such as cornerstone layings, speeches, wars, presidential inaugurations, etc.)

FDR Inaugurations 1933 (lower left) and 1937 (upper right.)

Now astrologers, hip to the use of the Roman symbolism of The Eagle as America's totem, often note the connection with the mystical sign of Scorpio and its eagle, scorpion, and phoenix archetypes representing various levels of evolution.

This may be one reason not to automatically jettison the use of the speculative Scorpio Rising chart as a natal horoscope for the US, imho, though I agree that a Sag Ascendant with Jupiter ruling has much merit given our nation's traditional optimism, expansion urges, and constant search for wealth and resources (even though they may belong to someone else.)

Capitol Hill named after Jupiter's Temple in Rome

The US natal horoscope I'm using is set for July 4, 1776 6:30 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA: ASC 29SAg43...'30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" which as you see describes another link between Washington, DC and Rome. And yes, there is a particular astrological reason I'm using the 6:30 pm chart which does just barely keep Jupiter as chart-ruler while having a crisis-ridden 29th degree on the ASC-DESC axis. You may have noticed that if America doesn't have a crisis situation or enemy to deal with, she always manages to find a few and make some others.

Then there's the much-touted "Manifest Destiny" which is one of Jupiter's calling cards, too, with its embedded superiority complex allegedly allowing our nation to do as it pleases, no matter the consequences, and against all odds - Jupiter's lucky chance/risk-taking function in play as we brazenly invade other nations.

My feeling is that the American War Machine's insistence on promoting endless war has been a dire result of that particularly American vision of US presidents and those who install them for world domination purposes, with terms such as New World, New Atlantis, one-world-government, New Order of the Ages, and the supposedly mild 'New Age' and 'Aquarian Age' as euphemisms for the New World Order of totalitarianism.

Plus, you don't get to be #1 in the Oval Office (egg-shaped = Venus, our Inaugural chart-ruler since 1937, hence the ruler of the Office of the President) without adhering to the Utopian vision which in the New Millennium is revealing its intended global reach and its true motivations. Did you really think as president that Barack Obama would or could be any different?

"Every day in every way I am getting better and better." (The Jupiter Mantra of Emile Coue.) That's until you've over-extended yourself and you're not.

Yes, even our national 'pursuit of happiness' falls under jolly Jupiter's sphere of influence - and US n Jupiter conjuncts n Venus closely (happiness and felicity!) and conjuncts n Sun by 7 degrees (ego inflation.) US n Mercury Rx is also in home-oriented Cancer so we tend to think and speak that way as well; our Mercury/Pluto opposition indicates plutonic control and manipulation of our thinking and communication functions...Pluto's propaganda has been used against us since our nation's founding or before.

I say 'before' because our national Mercury/Pluto cycle began with their conjunction on January 18, 1776 @ 26Cap32, our modern-day Inaugural Midheaven degree. The transiting and oppressive Pluto/Chiron midpoint conjoined the Jan 20, 2009 MC, and off and on goes ahead into Aquarius to conjunct US Inaugural Sun, the President!

'27Cap' = "Pilgrims Climbing the Steep Steps Leading to a Mountain Shrine"; keyword: UPREACHING (Rudhyar.)

This relates to the vision of the Pilgrims and to the floating capstone on the back of America's Great Seal and the US dollar bill with its Eye of Providence in place of a monarchical Sun emblem. Pyramid symbol = Mountain and perhaps we can discuss this later. Or have yourself a Google and a Bing and you won't need me. The Chymical Wedding may be a good starting place if you require one.

Now it's fairly unusual that I copy/paste another's text to such a degree as I am about to do with the info I've just found. You'll find a link to the text at the end of the author's text for your convenience.

George Washington envisioned a wooded area alongside the Potomac River as the new federal city. The highest hill in the area, Jenkins Heights, was then owned by Daniel Carroll. In 1663, the owner of this land had been Francis Pope. Pope's name for the high hill was "Rome", and he called the nearby waterway "the Tiber." [1]

Ancient Rome was a mere city which conquered the world. Although it apparently declined and fell, some say it did not fall but changed its form into the Roman Catholic Church and still dominates the world. Echoing this idea, science fiction writer Philip K. Dick theorized an enormous false memory imposed upon all humanity in which the last 2000 years of "history" never happened. According to Dick, author of the VALIS trilogy, we have been brainwashed by the Roman Empire to think we are living in what is really a totally false world. [2]

Read more of The Empire Never Ended.

There is a Vatican-Jesuit-Illuminati-Templar connection to our nation as well but it's beyond the scope of this spontaneously typed post.

Another wrinkle may be found in the Sabian Symbol for our presidential Sun @ '1AQ', as of 1937: "An Old Adobe Mission" = keyword: DURABILITY...

positive manifestation: effective breadth of vision and a respect-compelling depth of character;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: lack of ambition and blind adherence to superficialities. (Marc Edmund Jones.)

Dane Rudhyar gives '1AQ' as THE CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL and says it 'implies the "immortalization" of an individual within a great collective and cultural enterprise.'

The enterprise is a Utopian, secular America and the helming of it and the 'immortalization of an individual' relates to the presidential cult of personality we've been conditioned to be so fond of as the land of Sun (leader) worship, with revolutionary Uranus, the planet of individuality and independence, closely identified with our original patriot cause.

This word picture relates on a deeper level to Hermeticist and Dominican monk Tommaso Campanella (1568 - 1639) and his novel City of the Sun which tells of a Utopian society of 'Solarians' where all goods are held in common - including women who are not allowed to hold leadership positions. This is a form of theocracy that sets up an "ideal Solar civilization" and I have to say that America is the model vehicle for this so-called Utopia so far. Prior to 1776, Campanella's novel and its Solar ideas were well known to those who seeded the founding of the New World. Old world kings ruled under the symbol of the life-giving Sun.

Here I refer you to the excellent book The Secret History of the West by Nicholas Hagger from which I quote; paperback, page 224 details Freemasonry and (Sir) Francis Bacon's influence upon our founding:

"At Bacon's instigation towards the end of the 16th century distinguished people who were not builders were admitted into the fraternity (often to help with funding) and were called "Accepted" Masons. They received the secret universal knowledge of the oneness and brotherhood of mankind and the Secret Doctrine of the Ages that America would become a Utopian New Atlantis and create a better world in which humanity would be deified. In this paradise, men would follow a religion of reason and become gods and work for a universal world republic that would replicate the Utopian conditions in Atlantis throughout the world. Meanwhile the secret knowledge would be passed on from generation to generation in the Freemason's Temple."

Note that human beings are to stand in God's place in this society. Or so they think. Yet in the 1790s, its chaotic principles of 'reason' didn't work so well in France, did they? I think our Thomas Jefferson just fanned himself in his grave.

Bacon, Hagger notes, is considered the founder of English Freemasonry and of the Rosicrucian Order; a Rosicrucian code decipher was found in the effects of Thomas Jefferson after his demise. Hagger also states that Bacon believed that English colonization of the New World would result in the New Atlantis as a Utopian society.

And Washington DC remains the legendary 'Shining City on a Hill' for Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr said so as have others. Senator Ted Kennedy made this statement during the confirmation hearings for John Roberts:

"From the start, America was summoned to be a shining city on a hill. But each generation must keep building that city."

"Summoned"? How very esoteric of him! And one assumes that Justice Roberts is part of the vision's implementation and wouldn't sit where he sits if he weren't.

Actually, 'Shining City on a Hill' is one of John Winthrop's ideas, a Pilgrims' vision (if you click, be aware that some propaganda may apply on the site.)

Well, after all my grousing today I shall merely suggest that the current condition of the United States of America either confirms or denies the intelligence and the prudence of such a far-seeing endeavor especially now that Jupiter the General is leading the way, ignoring national borders and sovereignties, and bankrupting our nation while we-the-people's needs are considered 'too costly' by our Jupiterian Capitol Hill crew. (The Bush-Cheney-Obama TARP money was surreptitiously sent to foreign banks, remember.)

So congratulations! For if you've slogged through and read this far you now know much of what I think about these topics. But what do you think?

Jul 8, 2010

Is US Gulf Coast under military occupation?

Folks who know more about such things than this blogging gnat ever could are saying that military occupation of our Gulf Coast region is underway...more shades of Katrina's aftermath? Part of a process to bring 'change' to America?

Now the majority of Americans are busy going about their daily rounds, taking care of business, and attempting to keep up with bill paying so if they hear this sort of news, military guns seem to be a good idea - for the sake of 'protection' and 'security', as they're propagandized to think.

And we know that US natal Ceres Rx @ 8Pis41 (security needs, issues) conjuncts our natal Pluto/Chiron 8Pis50, the plutocratic duo of oppression, primal violence, nationalism, and other -isms that keep people divided and under control.

But is something more sinister going on on the Gulf Coast? Is the Dobyns version of the US natal chart descriptive of military rule with US natal Mars at Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope? After all, wherever Gemini appears in a horoscope we find duality, multiplicity, and possibly deception, as you know, with Mercury's trickster tendencies having outlet for expression (especially on an angle such as the Mc.)

And the US n Mars/Neptune square places Neptune rising in the Dobyns version of our birth chart as surveillance of US citizens is being ramped up in direct opposition to our country's 'freedom documents'. Dubya did many things in order to set it up with 9/11 as justification and shield, Obama took the baton and is running toward the finish line.

Sometimes I think that Eisenhower's 'warning' about a takeover of a "military industrial complex" was more of a promise than a warning coming from a military General in charge. (Check online and you'll find pages on how 'Eisenhower' was a fake name for a set-up identity! Reminds me of the Obama birth certificate question and it wouldn't surprise me if his identity is fake, sad to say.)

Well, in yesterday's post on the Dobyns chart, I neglected to note (for it's been mentioned here before and a thousand other places) that in 2006, US natal Mars turned retrograde by progression for the first time in US history, a condition which indicates a turning inward of our martian energies (astrological Mars is energy, action, and motivation) so that setting up a police state, riots, protests, strikes, and acts of terrorism - including false flag ops - are bigger potentials now for mainland USA.

Increase of our prison population (especially males) is, of course, likely as the rumors of ramping up of prison and holding pen construction spreads across the land. Well, the US prison system is overflowing already so more building is necessary if you're about to clamp down on dissenters, malcontents, and criminals - the irony being that the elite at the top can be as criminal as anyone - in many cases, more so, for the world is now beset with a win-at-any-cost crime syndicate tentacled across the globe.

Yet one good potential for our Secondary Mars Rx, imho, would be for our troops to withdraw from where they shouldn't have been in the first place. Army boots on holy sand is a picture that's always had something deeply wrong with it.

Anyway, I'll hush now and let you listen to the video, if you will, and will be interested in your opinion on the military occupation of the Gulf Coast issue, if you'll take a mo to leave a comment. Thanks.

(And a special Thanks to Kieron for kindly replying to my previous post's plea! You ask about US Presidents who were Freemasons - the verified lists of members I find tend to end with Gerald Ford. But Clinton is rumored to have links to FM as well as Bush Sr, and the Rhodes Scholarship program may be part of the agenda as may be the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, 'knights' organizations, Shriners, literary groups, and others. Here's a link with some interesting info on the opinions of John Adams and John Q. Adams concerning early Freemasonry, and notice FM George Washington's view about how any institution can be perverted - it's near the end of the page. My thought is that our more recent Presidents have had sense enough - or been warned - to disguise their true affiliations, and/or the organization only releases presidential members' names at some point after they're deceased. Then the rooster crows. jc)

Nov 21, 2009

Astrology of the Nov 21, 2009 Health Reform vote

"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Tonight on Capitol Hill a procedural vote is scheduled for 8:00 pm est on the Health Care Reform Bill of Senator Harry Reid. My previous post cites an afternoon NPR Breaking News alert that Dem Senator Blanche Lincoln will be voting with her party thus giving them the elusive 60 votes needed to avoid a Republican filibuster.

Formal debate on the bill can begin after the Thanksgiving break if Dems get 60 votes, says C-SPAN.

Now I'm of two minds on the whole subject of this bill due to the tiresome 'unintended consequences' that so many congressional bills cause and lacking trust in my overly aggressive government, I believe most of the 'unintended' results are actually intended. But maybe that's just me - or FDR, who said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

So let's take a brief peek at tonight's horoscope set up for: Nov 21, 2009 8:00 pm est, Capitol Building, Washington, DC to see how things may get on during this Saturn Hour of control and authority:

ASC 17Can04 making the 7th house Moon 28Cap56 (conjunct US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx) the chart-ruler. Applying aspects to the Moon are indicators of the proceedings as they move forward this evening.

Sun sextile Moon (0A56); Moon trine Saturn (3A21) with Saturn the planet of the Democratic Party in Mundane Astrology; Sun 29Sco51 conjuncts 2009's Inaugural Moon 29:45 and Sun = leadership in a mundane charts. This times a promise of health care (insurance!) reform which the Obama administration made to the American people. Remember the president said that our economic woes are based on a health care system and its costs being out of control. (Just paraphrasing him there. That Reid's bill will repair the cost situation is a risk.)

Moon also sextiles (60 degr, an aspect of opportunity - and 60 votes needed!) Mc (The Goal Point; Mc 29Pis04 at 8 pm) very closely - 0A08.

Of course, the vote will probably not begin precisely at 8:00 pm; at 8:09 pm, Moon reaches *29Cap00 - a critical or crisis degree as is the Sun's 29Sco); at 10:10 pm, Moon will enter Aquarius, 00AQ00, which conjuncts the US Inaugural Sun (president) degree but also 2009 Inaugural Mercury Rx which described so well President Obama's second Oath-taking due to Chief Justice Roberts' mess-up. Mercury - oaths and votes; Rx = do-overs.

This indicates to me that the president's imperative to pass health insurance legislation has a good chance to be forwarded this evening with the vote at 8:00 pm.

However, if Lincoln and Louisiana's Mary Landrieu change their minds later on, the bill could be in trouble.

Mercury 9Sag19 in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling indicates the ladies' concern over their own future political prospects; Mercury conjs Royal Star Antares ('anti-Aries, or anti-Mars') with contentious Mars 15Leo03 in 2nd house of Money and Values. '15Leo' is the Lion's Point degree and one of the Dark Moons (w'mat2 @ 15Leo29)) conjuncts Mars indicating that something is being hidden about Mars' position or by Mars himself. (Mars = males between the ages of 25 to 35, give or take a year or so.)

Mars opposite Jupiter 19AQ43 in 8th house of Big Money and Transformations) which means the instigator also opposes Mr. Obama's natal ASC. Chiron and Neptune 23AQ47 are posited in 8th house as well showing the inflationary pair of speculators (Jup/Nep) readying for their 3rd and final Great Conjunction of 2009 on Dec 21.

As you know, their conj occurs again on the US natal Moon (Sibly chart) so we have a midpoint picture to consider with 'grand schemes' Jupiter/Neptune as given here previously, and blending Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey's interpretations....

Jup/Nep = n Moon: going with the wind; little sense of reality; losing oneself in plans; becoming involved in speculation, instability, wastefulness; uncertainty about what is real and what is not.

If you, lone reader, have been feeling this way lately, you are not alone!

Well, I meant to cover tonight's T-Squares, one of which has Pluto (1Cap54 in 6th house of Health) as its apex planet in a Cardinal T-Square once the Mc hits 00Ari00, but if I keep typing it will soon be 8:00 pm!

This apex Pluto, planet of secret control, is a loner who refuses to share his power - he doesn't 'play well' with the other planets (actors) and has a chip on his shoulder which makes compromise impossible within his intensely driven goals.

Pluto's only aspects in this chart are: square Saturn (0S22); semi-sq Venus (0S41); sesqui-sq Mars (1A53); and a separating square to the Midheaven. In short, Mr. Pluto isn't happy and yet he is at apex of the Sun/Moon midpoint (29Sag24), so we have...

Sun/Moon = Pluto: increased opportunities for personal and social contributions to be recognizes more universally; important secrets that help achievement. (Munkasey.) Noel Tyl says, "critical time of development."

Also of note: a **Cardinal T-Square indicates concentrated focus being applied toward major here-and-now goals; looking before leaping is necessary for there may be unintended consequences.

It's those unintended consequences I fret about for the American people even if tonight's vote reaches the magic number of 60, and a reform bill eventually becomes reality. White House Reality isn't the same as Common Good Reality!

Finally, in a previous post on the health care/insurance reform subject I stated the possibility that the bill's passage may be timed on, or soon after, the Dec 21 hook-up of grandly spirited (if overblown) Jupiter/Neptune, the speculators.

We'll soon know, won't we?


* Moon to '30Cap' a degree which Dane Rudhyar gives as, "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs." 'Keynote: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power. EXECUTIVE POWER.'

Rudhyar goes on to mention business and politics, 'inner Government' and an 'occult Hierarchy' or 'White Lodge' which for me points directly toward the White House and Freemasonic America. Beware deep Pluto's desire for control of DNA stats for everyone. The plutonian Aryan superiority complex continues - underground.

**Cardinal T-Square/apex Pluto details from Dynamics in Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney.

If you like Political Cat Limericks A Kitten Called Palin is now published at Lim's Limericks as a further attempt on my part to aggravate aggravated Palin minions and operatives. Sure it's a measly attempt, but I'm only the typist there, not the poet. We must blame Mr. A. Cat for that!

Nov 18, 2009

Biden with Stewart, Spica @ Rosslyn Chapel, US natal Mercury Rx

As you know, VP Joe Biden was interesting on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

The Huff Po article details some of the VP's remarks and provides videos of his performance with Jon.

One thing I do whole-heartedly agree with the VP about concerning the depressing recession that crashed under Bush-Cheney and had its baton passed to Barack Obama on Jan 20, 2009, is that it is "fascinating" that people who got us into the financial stew are the ones bossing and throwing their weight around over what should be done.

It's fascinating, yes, but not as much for the reasons VP Biden implies, or suggests that I believe.

If time doesn't fleet totally away I hope eventually to study more closely the chart for the beginning of the US natal *Mercury/Pluto cycle which has the persuasive pair opposing one another in the US birth chart, with Mercury retrograde @ '25Cancer'...quoting Marc Edmund Jones:

"A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder"...DESTINY.

positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Dane Rudhyar's '25 Can': "A Will-full Man Is Overshadowed by a Descent of Superior Power." Keynote: The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors.'

(Yet one's man's will can cause another man's imprisonment. And it sounds like someone more powerful is over President Obama to me, willful though he may be. And it could be The Man Upstairs in a political and financial sense. jc.)

Rudhyar goes on to mention that 'the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

We witness a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as it is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT. (An Astrological Mandala.)

Now it's been a while since I quoted a degree from Adriano Carelli but I shall in part for '25Can' since it describes an intrinsic ingredient within America's psyche and her founding in 1776. So if America were a coconut pie, Mercury would be the_____well, you get the picture.

Not all his degree interpretations have word pictures but in The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Carelli gives '25Can' as "A Wild Horse" and says it relates to a "spirited being, full of noble purposes and setting his sights high, cherishing freedom above all earthly things..." He goes on to say that other stars may help him "make his mark in history" but under less favorable influence "his daring may become a reckless love of adventure, his zest for work wild and fickle fanaticism, his lofty aspirations selfish ambitions.

Travel will play a role in his life," (perhaps a pioneer), and "the secret of his success is his unshakable self-confidence supported by a fiery will."

Okay, there's the word will again - for a man or our nation. Reminds me of cults that use the 'what thou wilt' slogan to justify doing whatever they think to do - Crowley's crowd, is it? It's all quite Sun/Mars/Pluto - 'forcefully taking power' etc. And US n Sun is in Cancer, a most self-protective sign, always scuttling sideways like a crab to avoid what we don't want to confront. But give us an idea for an illegal invasion to secure oil and other resources and we're sitting on ready.

Now you may have heard that America has been accused lately of 'losing confidence' and one could suppose that a Secondary Mars turning Rx is one of the descriptors of such a change (on an inner level where self-confidence must exist), if indeed it has occurred. To me, the Fort Hood shootings seem designed for undermining our soldiers' and the public's sense of being safe on US soil inside a military facility...a loss of confidence in one's safety.

What I don't know for certain is whether the heinous crime was engineered under cover and is actually a false flag op to help make police state implementation seem more acceptable to the general populace - on US soil. It's the old political ploy 'trading security for freedoms' maze we're bedeviled with once again because politicians know we will follow them like sheep when under threat. And threats don't have to come from where we're told they come from, just manipulated against us.

Yes, the US natal Mercury, our Mercury/Pluto opposition, and Mercury's degree symbolisms (and Pluto's) are fascinating on more levels than this, but my pecking finger is just about all tucked out except for a...

Heads-Up: if you're interested in articles about Rosslyn Chapel and its Freemsonic Legacy, check out expert astrologer Ed Kohout on the subject in a 3-part article that includes the laying of the foundation stone of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, among other fascinating and ancient things, plus a cast that includes Fixed Star Spica with Mars conjoined.

And one more note from my local evening news: Fulton County Courthouse of Atlanta is on the verge of shutting its doors, one more example of the 'the money's gone and tax revenues are down' script. Rep. John Lewis has been contacted in Washington to ask for financial aid to keep justice 'unfrozen' in Atlanta. Even divorces will be unavailable if the courthouse closes, and I know many other towns and cities are in similar straits.

Yet the same people involved in causing the financial swamp and allowing increasing job losses in the US are still on duty! Are we-the-people wacko or what? Do you think so few of us demanding accountability from our fraudsters, heisters, and crime syndicate types indicates something of a loss of confidence for the American people?


*America's Mercury/Pluto cycle begins with their conjunction of Jan 18, 1776 @ 26Cap32, where transiting midpoints Neptune/Pluto and Pluto/Chiron hang out circa 2009 with intermittent tete-a-tetes with tr Jupiter/Pluto; and of course, the degree is conjunct US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx; US Pluto has progressed to a 29th degree of Capricorn, a critical point in America's power developments. jc