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Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Aug 22, 2016

Hillary's Weird Behavior: The Cover-Up - clip

Now from earlier in August 2016 belatedly comes this to Stars Over Washington. Even so, I'm not a fan of posting the following video presentation for it possibly involves 'the tragic destiny of a woman' and increases societal instability when crazy things can happen. In my estimation a rating of X: not for children is warranted but see what you think--is the 'leaked' medical information about candidate Hillary Clinton legit? Can our eyes and ears be deceived? Have stranger things ever happened?

Perhaps her brain's robotic sector has been hacked, or, she's actually ill as per the alleged medical records. She's quite Sci-Fi, y'know, but acts as if she relies on caffeine to 'keep going'...bloating and weight gain occur. Center of balance is knocked off by the extra poundage causing unsteady knees, ankles, feet. Sugar is a major menace as well along with salt. It's doubtful that her 'falling down incident' in recent years and its sunglasses aftermath have engendered much public confidence in the lady's near-70 generation in the physical stamina department. And believe me when I say that I loathe having to agree on this topic with sophomoric Republicans, the yappers-at-her-heels these decades. It's been a very tiresome tactic but diverting for a majority of the masses, one supposes.

Having nursed my Mom, to me Hillary's coughs sound like acid reflux, and/or she takes a chemical brew of Rx meds for various conditions (BP?) and her mouth and throat suddenly go totally dry. And this can cause coughing especially when talking is involved. Long political campaigns are known to mess with orators' throats but this can be attended to. Her breathing issue can possibly be a side effect of one or more of her chemical brew ingredients, the combo prescribed just for her. Then there's Parkinson's. My Mom developed it and I watched as the symptoms worsened. To me, Hillary Clinton does need medical care and therapy and must admit that The Trail of 2016 and the speeches are overly stressful just now. The lady needs a calming respite.

Blog Note: this medical assessment is complimentary for it's only my personal 'assessment'. Actually I don't know a fig about what I speak and, I suspect, neither do you unless you're a trained medical professional. But I wish to say that her coughing is very worrisome, I agree. Additionally, foul play is not acceptable to this American and hopefully you will call it out when you run up against it.

So if a serious illness or condition is present (whether the 'leaked records' are genuine or not) then of course her step-down from Campaign 2016 and the Democratic nomination will be an obvious correction that must be taken. God help us all.

Aug 15, 2016

Astrology: the Sept 26, 2016 Presidential Debate (#1 of 3)

August 15, 2016: Astro-Notes on the 2016 Presidential Debates

by Jude Cowell

If the present course is followed by the Clinton and Trump campaigns, the American people will repeatedly gasp in horror as the Democratic and Republican nominees participate in what passes for debates--three of them from September to October unless Mr. Trump has his way and manages to interfere with the scheduling and/or changes the rules that, he fears, will not favor him in November. Trump's drop-out from the race is rumored but may be only a dream--though the GOP hierarchy (or its bosses) would gladly finagle VP runner Mike Pence into the top spot if they figure out how to do so. A theocrat such as Pence would be much more to the party's liking.

With so many potential variables it's no use spending much time on the Astrology of the three debates, plus, the one VP debate on October 4th, so let's take a brief gander at the first of the three presidential debates:

The first of the televised 2016 presidential debates will he held on Monday September 26, 2016 from 9:00 to 10:30 pm edt at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York and it will set the tone for the series. It is assumed that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be the contestants, or combatants, if you prefer.

On Sept 26, 2016 at 9:00 pm edt, Hempstead, NY (Nassau County) we find 27Taurus rising with the stars of the Pleiades, Alcyone being the best known and having a 'something to cry about' flavor. (For this common good American, the entire 2016 Campaign has been something to cry about --or to laugh about to keep from crying for our nation).

So with late Taurus, ruled by Venus, rising we know that Gemini will rise soon and carry along any Gemini planets of each candidate. What they share in Gemini is Uranus--Clinton's @25Gem55 Rx and Trump's Uranus @17Gem53 and near his natal North Node, a signature of radical, reformist political groups. So with both debaters having Uranus in Gemini rising (something unexpected!) we may enjoy electric if quirky performances with Trump having more "Gemini power" (natal Uranus, NN, and Sun @22Gem55 conjunct US natal Mars) than Hillary Clinton who is more Leo-Scorpio Fixed energies.

Sept 26, 2016: Two Main Transits for Clinton and Trump

As for the two main September 26th transits that affect each natal candidate's chart we find tr Mercury, the debater, sextile Hillary's natal Venus (though separating and thus unconscious or representing a past event) which may still impart its benefits in the arena of alliances and partnerships and/or spotlight her diplomatic skills (and not just via email leaks, investigation, or scandal).

Now as you know, Neptune is associated with dreams, visions, illusions, and fanciful notions so with tr Saturn, planet of realism and authenticity, sextile her natal Neptune, Hillary Clinton has the opportunity to turn her Oval Office fantasy into reality. Yet for this outcome to occur, it looks as if the under-35s and women must turn out on November 8th in a ground swell of support for Secretary Clinton and her White House fantasy if the Republican nominee--be it Trump or not--is to be vanquished.

Of course, election outcomes can all depend on which political party cheats more effectively in these particular match-ups and whether voter suppression tactics do the job of gleaning out liberal voters in favor of conservatives.

As for transits to Mr. Trump's chart, a separating aspect of note is tr Uranus square his natal Saturn which suggests generation gap issues (Millennials vote for a bigot? Nah, they wouldn't do that in great numbers!) Mr. Trump is feeling challenges to his authority, authenticity, and most of all--his maturity, and this has already occurred via his 'tiny hands', childish temperament, inability to mouth a complete sentence or stay on a topic for more than a minute, etc. (He darts around.) Conflicts between methods (Saturn) and new ideas (Uranus) are being encountered during this transit, and perhaps this describes Trump's entire presidential campaign.

In addition, tr Uranus sextiles Mr. Trump's natal Sun which gives him a boost toward increasing his prestige and spotlights his leadership ability. Yet sextiles only offer opportunities for benefits so we must take advantage of them, and I doubt that anyone disagrees that the self-interested Donald Trump (a wrestling match promoter in his dreams) is an opportunist extraordinaire whose 'Leo Mars rising with royal Regulus' has always been determined to take all advantages, if you please.

Well, there's a whole bunch more information in the September 26th debate chart and in Trump's and Clinton's natal, progressed, and Return charts but today's typing time has ended but perhaps this post will activate one or both of you to set up the chart/s for yourself!

Aug 9, 2016

If Trump Quits, Would His Replacement Be Even Scarier? - video

Thom Hartmann poses an interesting question and so close to the November 8th election: who could (or would) replace 2016 Republican nominee Donald Trump on the GOP ticket and how awful would this be?

And may I say that as a *child of the Revolution, I deeply resent how the political establishment has gone along with the power elite who have provided the American people with a rock and a hard place in the 2016 selection of the next president (as if our votes matter) and yes, I believe this was done on purpose precisely at this time to further the instability and disintegration of the US government and the other institutions we have traditionally depended upon. As I've blogged for years (as have others), forget the Rs vs Ds/cons vs libs ploys--this is class warfare of a most vicious kind.

Here's Thom:

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism; replace 'Statism' with Nationalism and you have Mr. Trump, the Mussolini wannabe.


*My occasional reference to A Child of the Revolution is due to ancestral participation in the fight for independence, yes, and to the '30 Cancer' Sabian Symbol which is the Illumination Point of my natal Mars @30Capricorn. I dissent from the destruction of all that they fought, sacrificed, and died for--and reserve the right to do so on behalf of my country. jc

Aug 4, 2016

The August 11, 2016 Aquarian Full Moon Spotlights Campaign 2016

Astro-Musings by Moonlight on the Presidential Bid of Donald J. Trump

by Jude Cowell

The August 11, 2016 Full Moon @25AQ51 conjoins America's natal Moon though this may depend on which natal horoscope for our nation is used. All of July 4, 1776 gives We the People an Aquarian Moon yet a one-degree orb of influence widens depending in the 'birth' time of the natal chart and there are several to choose from due to conflicting historical sources.

(I tend toward the 5:09 pm LMT chart which gives a 27-to-28-degree Moon).

For the purposes of today's post, and considering what is going on in our nation (the 2016 campaign for the presidency and congressional seats that are up for grabs), let's say that the Full Moon of August 11, 2016 falls upon US natal Moon denoting a fulfillment or culmination of some kind and may act in similar fashion to an eclipse as lunations sometimes do. That is, in a 'wild card' Uranian manner of unexpected outcomes or events--something new or novel entering the picture.

When the August 11th chart is set for Washington DC, the Full Moon falls across the 1/7 house polarity of Self-Other, Partnerships, and Open Enemies, further personalizing this lunation for We the People and our relationship with leadership. Trining the Sun and sextiling the Moon from the 9th house is Uranus Rx @24Ari21 which makes the radical political planet the Thales Planet or Point with a Sabian Symbol of "A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meaning." Perhaps an intriguing revelation will (again) turn up and affect the campaigns of Mr. Trump and/or Secretary Clinton. Has opposition research something more to reveal?

Mundane Moon represents publicity, the public, emotional moods and trends, but also women--is the August 11th Full Moon shining more brightly on Hillary than on Donald?

Okay, but here's the thing: the chart also shows a crisis-turning point configuration--a YOD pattern--with the Moon-Uranus sextile at its base (leaders who rule at a whim with little sense of how their enterprise is seen by the rest of the world; an emotionally immature person place in an important and visible leadership role--Munkasey). Sound like anyone we know? There's more!

Moon-Uranus points toward apex Jupiter in 2nd house ($) @25Virgo25 so that Mr. Moneybags, the mogul and promoter, is revealed as one who is given opportunities to broadcast himself and his social concepts in order to stimulate mass consciousness. This apex Jupiter has dropped his former long held beliefs (of the liberal Democratic variety?) and adopted a different world view and this has provided the opportunities to expound, broadcast, and promote himself and the new beliefs that now inspire him. Rarely doubting the rightness of his ideas, apex Jupiter in Virgo ( sign of The Critic) has a strong impact on society; however, mismanagement, over promising, and extreme self-aggrandizement result in fateful consequences that are not the positive improvements he promises.

Note that planning Mercury @23Vir09 (planet of orators, dealers, reporters, and voters) and money planet Venus are also in the 2nd house of Earnings and Values (and the National Treasury in a mundane chart--can you imagine Mr. Trump getting his gambler's mitts on that?) indicates sudden news received. Will Mr. Trump drop out of the running? What are the odds, ask the New York Times this very morning!

Previously I have written that Hillary Clinton's natal Mercury-Saturn square is more preferable for a leader (more realistic) than Mr. Trump's fact-distorting, falsifying, confused Mercury-Neptune square (murky!) and I stand by that assertion. And since the DNC wrapped up at the end of July (and in spite of high unfavorables on both sides), it looks as if the voting public agrees.

Plus, it may be telling that the August 11th Full Moon is within the influence of the current March 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse of endings, partings, and separations for August 11th is not within two weeks of the September 1st Solar Eclipse with its realism and seeing old situations for what they truly are themes (Brady).

Will one day soon the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump be only a bad dream the American people awakened from before it was too late? I'm setting my alarm clock in hopes!


Recommended for more info on YODs and other planetary patterns: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis by Bil Tierney.

Aug 3, 2016

Hilary Clinton nomination chart: Steve Judd Astrology - video

August 3, 2016: as he promised, here is UK astrologer Steve Judd delineating the presidential nomination chart of Hillary Clinton with its prominent Saturn-Neptune square:



Here's a previous post concerning the Saturn-Neptune square.

Aug 2, 2016

Leo New Moon and Mars into Sagittarius - Steve Judd video

August 2, 2016: UK astrologer Steve Judd discusses today's (or tonight's in the UK) New Moon in Leo, its connection to the ongoing Saturn-Neptune square, and the entrance of transit Mars into Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius which will hopefully be more forthcoming in the truth department than Mars in intense, secretive Scorpio has been.

And tomorrow Steve hopes to have a look at the nomination of Hillary Clinton which promises to include interesting perspectives coming from abroad--especially since Mars @00Sag+ conjoins the natal Jupiter of Hillary Clinton and suggests her already improving poll numbers since the DNC!


Related: August 23, 2016: a Mars-Saturn-Antares Conjunction @9Sag52.

Jul 29, 2016

A White-Clad Hillary Clinton Accepts the Democratic Nomination for the Presidency

Hillary Clinton Visualizes Helming the White House

by Jude Cowell

Last evening, July 28, 2016, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accepted the nomination of her party for the presidency of the United States while dressed all in white. The time stamp on my phone registered these times: introduced by daughter Chelsea @10:27 pm edt; Hillary begins speaking @10:30 pm edt; accepts @10:47 pm edt; ends speech @11:27 pm edt, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

For those who prefer an 8:02 pm CST natal chart for Hillary with its 29Pisces12 Moon, her acceptance speech began (10:30 pm edt) as this lunar position was precisely rising in Philadelphia with a 29Pis10 Ascendant. Not conclusive testimony for an 8:02 pm chart, yet in the constant search for her accurate, confirmed birth data (though most astrologers use the astrodatabank hour of 8:02 am, not pm, with Scorpio rising; view her chart here along with a second version set for 8:00 pm which gives her 29Gemini rising--yet I cannot see her with a nervous Gemini Ascendant and adding 2 minutes = 00Cancer rising). Yes, I have suggested here and elsewhere that the evening birth of 8:02 pm gives her World Point 00Cancer of fame and prominence on the Ascendant which describes her Moon-shaped face.

Plus, white, as you know, is a color of the sign Cancer and its ruler, the Moon, which relates to the White Goddess. Did the audience last evening infuse Hillary Rodham Clinton with applause, cheers, and adoration as if worshiping her?

For me, the proceedings favored a modern day idolization ceremony if not a (pagan) worship service though of course you are free to disagree as you wish. Even rock goddess and Isis stand-in Katy Perry performed just before Chelsea, then Hillary, took the stage. And no one can say that mother goddess Ceres was not well represented via verbal and imaged reminders of Hillary's care, concern, and sympathy for the ill, the weak, the young and old, the injured, and the victimized in our society. Plus, symbols of Ceres and Virgo, the goddess sign, are found sprinkled all over Washington DC architecture--do they on some level point to eventual matriarchal rule in America?

Well, as you've noticed, our Founders' Venus veneration is seen in statues such as Columba (the Dove) on the Capitol Dome, aka, Lady Freedom (not Pocahontas, they say.) Yes, evidence of early American paganism is hard to miss unless we try really hard! Especially since the gift of French Freemasons, the copper-clad Statue of Liberty, so obviously pays homage to goddess Venus whose metal is copper.

(See: Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City 1791.)

But Hillary as 'white goddess'? Seriously? Aiming for a matriarchal White House?

Well, perhaps it's just a feeling of mine. Though perhaps you're familiar with poet Robert Graves and his study of The White Goddess and matriarchal religion. Can anyone deny that a patriarchal to matriarchal shift is in store for America if Hillary Clinton is inaugurated on January 20, 2017? Paganism or not, her Methodism notwithstanding, and US secularism aside, this basic change cannot be ignored or denied if a Hillary coronation is held!

Now I wonder if the Sabian Symbols can provide information on this topic? Is there a symbol, a word picture, that applies to the lady and the situation? How about the symbol for '30 Pisces' if we round up for a 29 Pisces+ Moon and a 10:30 pm acceptance speech? Let's blend Dane Rudhyar's description of this degree with that of Marc Edmund Jones and see what we can come up with for Hillary in an all-white pantsuit while adoring fans shouted their praise and the goal of her life is nearly realized and fulfilled:

'30Pisces': "The Great Stone Face...Destiny is character. Keyword: DISCERNMENT; positive expression: self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events; negative/unconscious/shadow side: wholly inarticulate and ineffectual self-realization."

Actually, as far as Politics goes, on its surface I thought her acceptance speech was quite good and reasonably effective though not for her many detractors who are steeped in decades of her opponents' accusations and insults. Her Mercury-South Node conjunction (and Ascendant in the 8:02 am chart), plus, her Sun in Scorpio attracts or describes much of the blame and discredit, it seems--perhaps correctly so since Mars-ruled Scorpio is the sign of betrayal, subterfuge, vengeance, and/or crime--if one does not evolve to a higher plane. For Scorpio has a higher side, too, of the Eagle or even, the Phoenix, both of which are associated with the founding and the symbolism of our nation.

To '30 Pisces', Ruhyar adds notes on Nathaniel Hawthorne's story, "The Great Stone Face" in an "allegorical sense to show the capacity for self-transformation latent in man. This power can be developed through visualization, when the emotions and the will are poured into the visualized mental image." He goes on to speak of "God-like beings" (a White Goddess, perhaps?) starting "a new universe" (which could be the "new world order" the power elite have been implementing under our noses; whoever helms the White House has no option than to follow the global government 'new world order' script--or else; methods used are the only difference between Rs and Ds--if any since the end game is about to be won.)

Now echoing back to what I posted yesterday about the New Year's Eve ceremony when the Clintons 'seeded' the New Millennium, Dane Rudhyar adds, "Within the end of the cycle the seed of a new beginning exists in potency--unless the entire cycle has proven to be a failure. This is the last stage of the last scene of the great ritual play of cyclic transformations. It brings to us a realization of the power of archetypes as factors conditioning life processes. Thus we could use as a final Keyword: ARCHETYPALIZATION.

Then there's stationing Rx planet, radical political Uranus, something of a Utopian, blind zealot, and anarchist when in Mars-ruled Aries. A catalyst of change and revolution, Uranus is rising in Hillary's speech, acceptance, and end-of-speech charts (actually conjunct Ascendant as she ended at 11:27 pm edt), the symbol for '25Aries' is quite relevant to our topic of hidden, subconscious messages delivered during a public event, as we saw last evening (Moon = Mercury-Neptune: subconscious pictures and ideas emerge--Ebertin.)

As you know, mundane Uranus is The Awakener and The Witness (that sense of self-observation and self-consciousness) and is active during times of illumination, shifts, and changes in society such as patriarchal to matriarchal rule, so let's close with a consideration of the symbol for '25Aries':

"A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meaning"...Keyword: SENSIBILITY; positive expression: a facility of adjustment by which everything in a given situation may be brought into the fullest co-operation with everything else; negative/unconscious/shadow side: compromising insincerity and a lean to chicanery in all human relationships."

Let's hope for a positive expression even though the negative seems to hint at her lack of trust issues and/or a superficial agreement on the more progressive Democratic platform that Hillary Clinton's rigid, stubborn, Fixed Scorpio Mercury-South Node conjunction has been finagled into accepting. And a "lean to chicanery"? We'll all have to suffer through that even if it's if mainly due to constant accusations and threats of lawsuits that will be hurled at a President Hillary by her enemies who will again be sore losers if they can't finesse the White House in November!

Pundits React to Hillary's Speech.

Image: '30Pisces': Temple of the Great Stone Face on loan from my art gallery Secret Moon Art.


Please note that for further clarification, "unconscious/shadow side" has been added by yours truly to the negative expressions of the symbols found in the Jones version, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. I hope you don't mind. jc

Jul 28, 2016

Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now? Robert Reich vs. Chris Hedges on Tackling the Neoliberal Order

For you, a 36-minute intellectual discussion on an important and timely question sans insults and schoolyard bullying:

July 28, 2016: "A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her"

As former senator Hillary Clinton delivers her history-making presidential nomination acceptance speech tonight at the DNC, yours truly will be wondering about many historical things such as the obverse (unconscious; feminine) side of America's Great Seal with its Eye of Horus (son of Isis!) and the 13-step pyramid of power. Another wonderment is the hidden meaning of our nation's long list of male presidents (covert side) which, unless there's a Republican coup of the Venusian Oval Office or a landslide for Trump (and there could be either or both), will soon flip over to a female Commander-in-Chief.

Political Pundits: Why Has It Taken the US So Long to Elect a Woman President?

The political class ask this with eyes wide as if they weren't in on the game! For it seems to me that this change was meant to be and its timing no accident. My assertion is that the 'breaking of the glass ceiling' imagery used in the DNC video to signify a woman breaking through to the top tier of power brings to fruition more symbolism than the American people are allowed to glimpse or understand--it's the nature of mysticism with secret motives to hide information in plain sight.

Actually, such esoteric topics as the Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus have turned up previously on Stars Over Washington.

For the curious, here is a 14-minute presentation on The Story of The Great Seal of the United States (part 1 of 2) which includes its history, the selection of mystical symbols on its covert and obverse sides, and how VP Henry Wallace (a 32nd-degree Freemason and occultist) brought the seal's obverse Illuminati-inspired symbols to the attention of President Franklin Roosevelt (also a 32nd-degree) who, with little if any public explanation, had the symbols placed on the back of the dollar bill, as the legend goes:

"A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her" is the Sabian Symbol for 1 Aries with 'the ocean' a well known symbol of the unconscious in dreams, and more universally of the Collective Unconscious in the Mundane Astrology lens through which I tend to view Politics here on SO'W. Obviously the symbol's 'seal' represents America's Great Seal, and the 'woman' is, as it turns out, Hillary Clinton who seeded the New Millennium at midnight on New Year's Eve with husband and President Bill Clinton as the calendar of a new century turned over and our national phallic symbol and Egyptian obelisk, the Washington Monument, was decked out in celebratory lights. Our then-First-Lady has waited through 8 years of the Obama presidency to reach this point in 2016--the year which was always part of the game plan, imho.

For it's possible that the significance of switching to a lady president is at the very Foundation of America via our natal horoscope if we use July 4, 1776 at 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA (where the DNC 2016 happens to be located) for this moment places a Cardinal World Point of 00Aries+ on the IC, the Basis of the nation's founding. Round up the degree to 1 Aries and we get the above pregnant-with-meaning symbol. Of course, a horoscope's IC Point also reveals hints about the Draining and the Ending of an endeavor but that's a fret for a distant day. jc

Jul 27, 2016

5 Stages of Grief: Bernie or Bust - Hillary Gets the Nomination - Randi Rhodes clip

July 27, 2016: As I return from one week of no Internet service, moseying around YouTube and political sites today has been interesting to say the least. Did I miss last week's RNC and this week's DNC? No, because I had other means of following the proceedings, the speeches, the booing, the cheers, the videos, and the nominations.

But since Stars Over Washington for the last year or so has given considerable space to the campaign and the common-good, progressive ideas of Senator Bernie Sanders, and since Hillary Clinton snagged the Democratic nomination in part via the collusion of an allegedly neutral DNC, I searched for a broadcast related to the principled divide within the Democratic Party and what I found is a progressive broadcaster previously unknown to me. Her name is Randi Rhodes and she seems to be a live wire sort of lady (perhaps born under a Fire-Air personality blend!?) who comes to us from Florida and has quite a lot to say about political matters.

Here is Randi Rhodes on the 5 Stages of Grief for Berners, and a few other observations:


As you've heard, tonight's DNC spectacular from Philadelphia will include President Barack Obama speaking on behalf of Hillary Clinton who remains for him, one assumes, "likable enough."

Jul 21, 2016

Donald Trump: natal Moon and the Sapphire Star

Are you familiar with the Star Sapphire gem? Certainly you've seen the stone's 6-pointed star which appears when tilted in direct lighting. Actually, there's a fixed star in the heavens, Ras Alhague, that is sometimes called The Sapphire Star and it conjoins the natal Moon (21Sag12) of GOP nominee Donald Trump who is to deliver his acceptance speech tonight at the RNC (timed with a US Moon Return!) Naturally, a 6-pointed star evokes the recent controversy of Trump's anti-Hillary Twitter graphic featuring a red 6-pointed star of David (as some insisted it was) and a pile of money. Hillary's corruption was asserted.

As you know, the Clinton campaign labeled the graphic "blatantly anti-Semitic" but Trump's point was made, if retracted later.

Since Mr. Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, many astrologers have emphasized his brash but entertaining Leo Mars rising with royal star Regulus on a 29th degree Ascendant--and rightly so (note that 'sun god' Apollo also rises in his chart and psyche). We hear this huge cosmic punch in his bombastic rhetoric and his apparently overflowing self-confidence that only consults itself when making decisions. He's his own best adviser and has 'never' made a mistake! And if Mr. Trump ever thinks of a sin he's committed, he'll speak to God about it, don't worry.

Yet when the reigning need (Tyl) shown by Trump's natal Moon is considered, a picture of inferior feelings comes into focus. Well, this is typical of human beings, isn't it? The more bragging a person does, the less self-esteem is hidden underneath, right? Mr. Trump constantly projects bad traits onto others ("disgusting!") in an attempt to deflect such criticism from himself, another habit many of us may commmit in our private if not public moments.

Plus, both political parties attempt to project and deflect all the time--always have. Remember when Trump said, "these are bad bad people"...stressing the 'bad bad'. This occurred during a March 2016 Trump rally, the one where police arrested protesters outside and pepper sprayed them. Perhaps he thinks that no one is allowed to disrupt when Trump is speaking with royal Regulus rising along with his aggressive Mars! The free speech of others must take a backseat when he's pontificating, of course.

So what's the cosmic condition of Mr. Trump's emotional, intuitive Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Ras Alhague, the sapphire star? First we note a Jupiterian influence through the sign of the Moon, something we may observe in the natal charts of some politicians--the mother told me I can be president when I grow up! expectation of grandeur (ex: George W. Bush). And for Donald Trump, mother was a strong influence (unconsciously) since his Moon is in natal 4th house, the Moon's natural realm (Cancer) of Home, Psychological Home, Family, Domestic Scene, and one's native land. With Moon in 4th, a picture of tribalism also comes to mind as well and his public expressions of love of home and family are heard frequently.

(Yes, dad affects his opposite house, the 10th house of Career and Public Status, in Gemini for he was born just before a Full Moon; also in 10th are quirky, disruptive Uranus @17Gem53 and the North Node of destiny @20Gem48--that's North Node of the Moon so he has a Moon-South Node conjunction opposite a Sun-North Node conjunction and must feel he's living a fated life as eclipse-born folk tend to do. That his Moon (mother) conjoins the Saturnian SN denotes some separation issues from the mother (Saturn = father) or the nuturing parent but Sun and Moon on the Nodal axis details would require a post of their own.)

Now you know that starry Ras Alhague (Alpha Ophiuchi) has links to healing and attempts to create balance but in the sky it's located in the Head of the Snake Charmer and has Saturnian, Neptunian, and negative Venusian qualities. You've probably heard him referred to as a 'snake oil salesman' by detractors!

Some influences of Ras Alhague when connected to planets or points, or on angles of a natal chart, are: a proneness to infections, epidemics, or toxins (especially when conjoining the Moon as it does for Mr. Trump), assaults by rabid animals, a tendency toward medical or hallucinatory drugs (probably medical only), and/or overindulgence with food and drink (Ebertin-Hoffmann). To this, Brady adds: teaching, wounding, and repairing that which is damaged. The snake symbol of The Healer (Caduceus) lies underneath the meaning of this star but astrologically we know that the healing energy can go from or toward Mr. Trump for he may be the one who needs healing.

He's certainly promising restoration and regeneration for America and the US economy!

Symbols of the Moon

As for symbols of his Moon degree, we can round-up to 22Sag or use the actual degree of his Moon (21Sag) which denotes a point of karmic confrontation. Let's consider the Sabian Symbols as given by Marc Edmund Jones and then add Adriano Carelli's degrees:

21Sag: "A Child and a Dog with Borrowed Eye Glasses" (the way Trump squints I've wondered if he needs glasses but is too vain to wear them in public!)...EXAMINATION; positive expression: an exceptional skill in the analysis of personal opportunity throughout the many dimensions of experience; negative/unconscious: distorted vision and self-defeating prejudice.

22Sag: "A Chinese Laundry"...SECLUSION; positive: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation; negative/unconscious: unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority. There's much to say about this symbol since Mr. Trump has dealings with foreign countries like China, Russia, and Germany (huge Deustche Bank loans) and a potential implication of money laundering (perhaps drug trafficking via Ras Alhague? if so, he wouldn't be the first politician to profit from that, now would he?)

Now with excerpts from Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, things become really curious:

21Sag: "The six-pointed star, or David's seal"..."--picturing in the most dramatic way the endless dualism of matter against spirit." The degree "clearly attunes the contrasting forces of man's upper and lower being. Any balance may be dynamic or static..."; negatively, this influence "enhances the native's irresoluteness and renders him suspicious of all and everyone."

22Sag: "Two men engaged in a deadly fight..."Here is the perfect embodiment of stubborn and relentless dissension; should other aspects fail to soothe this inflluence, the native would be an unmitigated faultfinder. To listen to him, current public opinion is nonsense {}; the established order is unjust and absurd--nay, this is the worst possibly world {}: whatever idea is conceived by others can be but worthless trash, if for no other reason, because it crossed someone else's mind and must be condemned without trial. Here the native's spirit of wanton denial reaches the freakish height of its childish hideousness. At the bottom of all this there is an unavowed thirst for public applause {}...He will tirelessly throw stones at others, polemicize, heckle, and run down their works...he will be in for quarrels, brawls, squabbles, lawsuits for libel, well-deserved boxes on the ears and duels, which will be his daily task...{}...the politician."

Sound like anyone you know?

Well, I'm only passing along Carelli's words but you've probably heard pundits and comedians refer to punch-em-in-the-nose Donald Trump as a man child. And since emotional maturity or a lack of it can be investigated in a natal chart by studying the Moon's condition, this post is my attempt to do so. But I wish to add that yes, Mr. Trump does possess political talent (stationary Jupiter trine Uranus separating in his natal chart but applying to their trine now by progression) and he does wish to contribute to society (Moon inconjunct Saturn).

Yet it remains to be seen whether his emotions are steady enough (Mars rising) and his distorted thinking and tenuous relationship with facts (Mercury square Neptune) can be restrained and balanced by maturity so that a higher evolutionary road can be taken by this shrewd man who longs to crown his life by playing the archetypal role of plutocrat president just as his Solar Arc Pluto conjoins natal Jupiter @17Libra.


Related post: Horoscope: US Moon Return on Election Day 2016 (that's besides our national Moon Return tonight.

Jul 14, 2016

July 15, 2016 GOP Candidate Trump to Announce VP Pick

On Friday July 15, 2016, Candidate Donald Trump Set to Announce His VP Pick

by Jude Cowell

Today is Thursday July 14th, the radio is on, and as I await Herman Cain's live call-in interview with Donald Trump at 11:00 am this morning, I peek at the horoscope for Trump's VP announcement said to be scheduled for tomorrow July 15th at 11:00 am (NYC). Hints suggest will be Indiana Governor Mike Pence because his name isn't on the RNC 2016 speakers list.

Update 1:00 pm edt: WSB Radio reports that Mike Pence is Trump's VP choice.

Later update: Trump canceled due to the attack in Nice, France and won't confirm Mike Pence as VP pick. Changeable Gemini.

Note: Trump and Cain (natal Saturn-Pluto = Mars, and Trump is nothing if he isn't Mars-and-Regulus-rising) spoke for about 13 minutes on what Trump will do for America, the Justice Ginsburg diss and apology, and the importance of nominating conservatives on the Supreme Court; he also mentioned tomorrow's VP announcement at 11:00 am.

Trump VP Announcement July 15, 2016 11:00 am edt NYC

For me, two chart factors stand out: 1. the trio of Mars (24Sco40), Moon (2Sag54), and Saturn (10Sag25 Rx) which create a difficult midpoint picture suggesting loss, moodiness, depression, and/or a weak will (Ebertin; Tyl), plus, '1Sag' is the "A Grand army of the Republic Campfire" degree.

If we turn to Michael Munkasey's midpoints, we find potentials for: anger over restrictions, fluctuations of energy levels, development of courage or strength, and/or an awareness of the need to restrain impulsive activity (my guess with a VP Pence) though who can say if Pence, Gingrich, or anyone as VP can moderate the actions, rash emotions, and indisretion of Mr. Trump. As you know, the Mars-Saturn duo indicates such things as: destructive energy, using force when restraint is required, taking what belongs to another, persistent wars, use of strife and struggle, demands to halt armaments, frustrations imposed by or upon criminal elements, plus, Mars-Saturn marks the death axis in a horoscope. Needless to say, any Moon is a very uncomfortable Moon when she's between Mars and Saturn, and a mundane Moon in American charts = We the People. This midpoint picture suggests the warring implications as mentioned, above, including the further militarization of police forces.

Chart factor 2. At Midheaven, the WHY? Point of any horoscope, on Friday July 15, 2016 at 11:00 am edt NYC is 25Gem18, the precise degree of Donald Trump's New Moon announcement of his presidential run on the morning of June 16, 2015. You'll remember that Mr. Trump used an agency to round up audience members and paid them each $50 to be there for his announcement and pretend to be in favor of it.

As Mr. Trump has said, he's only the messenger, and this assertion (which I've heard him say myself) is supported by the Gemini New Moon that began his campaign yet this necessarily begs the question: exactly whose message is he delivering? Perhaps we'll find out during the RNC and the RNC Full Moon of fulfillment and culmination which conjoins America's natal Pluto in Capricorn, significator of The Dictator who destroys so that he can rebuild anew upon the ruins.

Suitable for children, check out these Fun Facts about Governor Mike Pence born June 7, 1959 Columbus, IN, a Sun Gemini like Mr. Trump as is Newt Gingrich who also shares Trump's Sagittarian Moon--too much alike? Well, as for Mars and Saturn, Pence has them inconjunct which indicates that he's easy to intimidate, something Trump excels in and what Gingrich doesn't have. Plus, if Mr. Pence was born between 12:00 am and 12:44 pm CDT, his Moon is also in Gemini along with his Mercury--and all are grouped near Mr. Trump's natal Gemini placements. That's an abundance of wheeler-dealer Gemini, sign of The Messenger, which may provide excitement yet is unstable, changeable, and sometimes duplicitous.

Pence, Gingrich--and perhaps I should add today's Crazy Rumor which surely will be dispelled when Trump speaks tomorrow at 11:00 am or so: Rush Limbaugh for VP! The White House as right wing radio show? Please don't stay home on November 8th. Please.

Related posts: We the People: Moon-Tracking RNC and DNC 2016 and Clinton vs Trump: the New and Full Moons of July 2016. Now if we get a Trump we also get a Melania so you may wish to check out a previous post concerning the Wedding Day Astrology of Donald and Melania Trump.

Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey; The Combination of Stellar Influences, by Reinhold Ebertin, and Solar Arcs, by Noel Tyl.

Jul 13, 2016

Horoscope: US Moon Return on Election Day 2016

November 8, 2016: Synchronicity and Sadness

by Jude Cowell

Since basic notes are penned upon our November 8, 2016 Lunar Return horoscope (please enlarge to read), I'll simply add a few thoughts in the following text. This Return chart is based on America's July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA horoscope which many astrologers use as the US natal chart--the date, if not that precise moment.

On November 8, 2016 at 11:37:43 am EST, the critical degrees of 20Capricorn and 20Cancer are rising and setting which makes status quo authoritarian Saturn the chart-ruler. Saturn @15Sag 12 is in the 11th house of Groups and Associations and is within US natal 1st house having been plopped on our nation's Ascendant, crossing and recrossing, for some time during which we've seen Republican attempts to hold Hillary Clinton accountable. Some little effort has been made to hold Donald Trump accountable for his several financial irregularities as well, and of course, President Obama never completely escapes the moral high horse of the Republicans.

Yet Moon Return Saturn provides a bright note. See it, upper right on the chart for chart-ruler Saturn applies to a trine with Uranus in 3rd house, giving a lift to business and financial sectors, and possibly affecting student loans or other economic matters. (My nag in the race is eternally the American people, oppressed by a greedy ruling elite.)

Then there are the Democrats--those who fund them and those who tend to vote for them--who have also participated to varying degrees in the Hold Accountable Political Sweepstakes as transit Saturn has lurked about, ready to file lawsuits if they were deemed beneficial to the litigant. Tragically for the American people and our form of government, our degraded justice system has continued to perform in a less than stellar manner as our nation's formerly exalted-in-Libra Saturn now progressed and retrograde in betraying Scorpio can attest.

So is this a significant synchronicity we see with a US Lunar Return occurring on a very important Election Day? To me it seems so. Here the Moon (27AQ09) rises in the 1st house but only after contentious Mars, at a critical 29th degree, rises. Powerful, wealthy Pluto has just arisen @15Cap23, conjoined with the lovely fixed star, Vega, and a few hours earlier, the Sun arose with Vega (aka, Wega), a star with potentials for: luck in Politics, wealth through dealing with the government, but also fleeting fame and double dealing. Problems via mother also may apply (A. Louis).

And with Mars and Pluto (ruler and sub-ruler of Scorpio) rising, we have what may be a picture of force, violence, compulsion, war, and/or nuclear potential rising. The 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies may be involved since the Moon is ruler there with 20Cancer on the cusp and Twin stars Castor and Pollux spotlighted, the light and dark twins. Both stars denote creativity yet murder and other crimes and scandals are tucked away for future reference (via either the Clintons or Mr. Trump, if he's the GOP nom.)

Okay, there is much more to say about this curious horoscope with its synchronicity standing out like a you-know-what thumb but I won't just now--except for one question: is a Lunar Return on Election Day 2016 a symbol of the American people (Moon) re-turning to Hillary Clinton, also signified by the Moon (a woman)? The planets are in a Locomotive shape with political planet Jupiter in the lead and indicating a high-powered executive. The Scorpio Midheaven, Sun, and Mercury (just past Hillary's Mercury Return!) seem to whisper if not shout her name while wifely Juno (politics) @00Sag conjoins Hillary's natal Jupiter. Also @00Sag is the day's Sun-Saturn midpoint which hints at good fortune for an older person (Grandma Hillary?) and this pile-up spotlights the degree's Sabian Symbol: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." Plus, Sun-Saturn links to karma and Mrs. Clinton apparently expects to garner the White House Oval Office for her past efforts towing the Global Government line (which must include the corporate coup, the TPP).

This militaristic word picture reminds me of Hillary Clinton as neocon with her warhawk-esque stance that the baton-passing on January 20, 2017 will give a nod to in Washington's quest for perpetual war and world domination. Was she anointed from the start to follow the 'new world order' script? In my opinion, yes, she was, and the overblown Political Theater which the Mainstream Media has pedaled 24/7 as "Campaign 2016" has done its best to disguise that very sad fact.

Now let's close with the one chart factor that may override all the others and 'run away with the chart' and the day's big event: Mars at a critical 29th degree is unaspected. Is this Donald Trump going it alone to the White House? Perhaps, or does Mars represent former President Bill Clinton who will be the very first First Gentleman we've ever had in the White House? It may even be the temperament of Hillary Clinton which the latest tell-all book says was explosive and nasty in her days as First Lady. Well, I'll add here what I understand about an unaspected Mars and let you decide his or her identity--or identities:

When Mars, the planet of motivation, energy, and action is not aspecting other planets (actors) in a chart it is able to express its traits in an undiluted, unrestrained fashion since limitations from other planets are nonexistent. This is a first-house Mars rising which emphasizes its Aries nature and its aggressive warrior tendencies. Here, Mars rules the 3rd house of Communications and the 10th house of Career and Public Status so these departments are where his unrestrained, boundless energies will express most visibly.

An unaspected Mars tends to be self-centered which may be seen as he acts in his own self-interest (this describes most politicians in general!). He prefers to be in constant motion, always on-the-go, or, he may operate in fits and spurts. A lack of compromise may also be evident along with an independent mindset that is compulsively one-pointed in its focus. Although components in his psyche are missing, boundless enthusiasm may be noted though the negative Martian traits such as aggression, anger, violence, a me-first attitude, and foolhardiness (where angels fear to tread, etc) are unmodulated by planetary influences for he listens very seldom to others and disdains advice. Bad tempered may be a mild description depending on how often things go his (or her) way.

Then if we add a Martican 'never admits to his mistakes' we can envision Hillary's fly in the ointment as Mr. Trump playing the spoiler role as the unaspected Mars who runs away with the Oval Office on November 8th. Plus, there's Mars' Sabian Symbol for '30Cap': "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs"...'EXECUTIVE POWER' (Rudhyar), a picture which speaks of an 'occult hierarchy' and a 'supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings.'

Hmm. That sounds like those who select presidents--those often described by Max Igan as, "the powers that think they be."

But then there is the feminine influence on US Presidential Elections of the 8-year Venus Cycle...


For more info on unaspected planets, see Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

Jul 12, 2016

Should Bernie Sanders Have Raised More Hell About Voter Fraud? - video

Election fraud on November 8, 2016 is what to worry about next:

Here's a related video, also from The Ring of Fire: Wall Street Has Already Bought the 2016 Election. Over the weekend I finally took time to watch the film The Big Short so a report about Wall Street hubris particularly annoys this American into a snit of miffdom.

And from January 2016, here's Thom Hartmann responding to the absurd notion that The Big Short was a campaign ad for Bernie Sanders. Puh!

Jul 8, 2016

Can We Trust Hillary Clinton’s Shift to the Left? - video (plus, Hillary's Mercury)

Farron Cousins on the question of whether progressives can trust a President Hillary Clinton to stick with a progressive platform such as making college tuition affordable:

We interrupt this post to bring you a little Astrology...

Hillary Clinton's Scorpio Mercury Square Leo Saturn

Based on her natal planets and my long term observations of her and Bill's past and present actions, I would have to say that Hillary Clinton is about taking power and following the global government script which will make pretense necessary on progressive (and other) issues. There are many ruses that are typically used in Washington DC--legislatively, certainly (well, she tried to get the bill passed, etc, as Farron mentions, above) and it seems to this astrologer that her natal conservative and stilted Mercury-Saturn square is prominent when it comes to campaign promises and other rhetoric, platforms, negotiations, deals, and other Mercurial endeavors. Her rhetoric may temporarily shift but underlying views Do Not.

And if we also consider the Fixed (rigid, set in its ways) energy of secretive Scorpio (including her stationary Mercury @21Scorpio and conservative authoritarian Saturn in Leo near her Mars-Pluto conjunction--more intense, focused Scorpio notes!) then changing her views and plans is not only difficult for her but, if pushed, represents a superficial exercise resentfully attempted in order to achieve her goal of controlling others and consolidating her power--in the White House.

But that's only one voter's opinion!

Jul 3, 2016

The Sept 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse manifesting early as Hillary meets the FBI

Although it's only July 3, 2016, there have been a myriad of early manifestations of the realism/tackling the truth/seeing an old situation for what it really is themes contained within the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Virgo. One is an article (based on a book) about seeing the Invisible Hand of Washington for what it really is. And the hand is rather crabby and grabby, as you may imagine.

As previously mentioned, the upcoming 19 North Solar Eclipse in Virgo, a Zodiacal sign intimately associated with the founding of Masonic Washington DC, will provide background influence for both Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017 as their 'Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series' (aka, PE).

However, the July RNC and DNC will both fall under the auspices of the current 18 South Solar Eclipse which occurred on March 9th @18Pis55. Its themes include anguished endings/separations/partings but new situations lead to positive outcomes. It will be interesting to see how the political conventions turn out with such a background influence--and how Hillary Clinton fares after her 'interview' with the FBI on Saturday (7.2.16). Astrologically things didn't look overly negative for her imho--quite positive indicators actually, and with interviewing, testifying Mercury out-of-bounds, she's probably in the political, financial, and social realms of untouchable. That's if confronting Mars @23Scorpio conjoining her natal South Node, a Saturnian point of separation and neurosis, only shows her again meeting (SN) with law officials (Mars) of the FBI.

Perhaps the September 19N Solar Eclipse with its 'truth tackling' ability will aid the outcome of her email server (Benghazi) scandal and no charges will be filed against the 2016 candidate who has asserted that she's 'the outsider' in the race because she would be the first-ever woman president--and lady Venus as Evening Star in November requires that an outsider is the victor!


18 South and 19 North Solar Eclipse themes from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Jun 29, 2016

Elites Openly Calling to Rise Up Against the Masses - video report

Did anyone think the Brexit Vote of June 23rd and other mass movements toward national sovereignty would go unanswered by the win-at-any-cost gaggle of power elites?

Here's the video link in case the video is removed from SO'W.

And be sure to check out WeAreChange on Facebook. In fact, with my preference for American sovereignty, I'll meet you there!

Related posts include: Horoscopes: European Union with Brexit Vote Planets and here's progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann's recent segment What the "Experts" Got Wrong about Brexit.

Vince Foster leaves the White House: "I'll be back," and Mr. Trump's troublesome Pluto

White House 1993: a New President, a Resignation, and Uranus Meets Neptune

by Jude Cowell

As you know, 1993 was the year that Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune met three times in Great Conjunction on or about the 18th degree of Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for 18Cap is: POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones).

The following paragraph is the text of what is allegedly the suicide note of Vincent Foster who died July 20, 1993 after leaving his White House office and saying he'd be back. Wife Lisa Foster has said that the following text (or part of it) reads like a letter of resignation which it could be since Mr. Foster apparently intended to resign from the President Bill Clinton administration only 6 months into Mr. Clinton's first presidential term which began on January 20, 1993:

I made mistakes from ignorance, inexperience and overwork I did not knowingly violate any law or standard of conduct No one in The White House, to my knowledge, violated any law or standard of conduct, including any action in the travel office. There was no intent to benefit any individual or specific group The FBI lied in their report to the AG The press is covering up the illegal benefits they received from the travel staff The GOP has lied and misrepresented its knowledge and role and covered up a prior investigation The Ushers Office plotted to have excessive costs incurred, taking advantage of Kaki and HRC The public will never believe the innocence of the Clintons and their loyal staff The WSJ editors lie without consequence I was not meant for the job or the spotlight of public life in Washington. Here ruining people is considered sport

Yes, "ruining people" in DC still takes up quite a bit of their time and effort, even on a good day. And so I must agree with Mr. Foster on that point even though my DC residence in decades past (during the Nixon era) was not specifically related to Politics or to politicians other than having friends who were the children of diplomats. Yes, a few paths were crossed but I was not the political one and did not care to be.

Is It Time for Smug or Strong-Armed Maternalism?

Well, here it is, 2016, and a presidential campaign is underway which provides the American people with two wounded candidates (unless a replacement is brought in for Trump or for Hillary). And if Vince Foster is correct, "the public will never believe the innocence of the Clintons..." particularly Hillary Clinton, a current presidential candidate. If she is (s)elected for the Oval Office, the American people will be subjected to an endless stream of Republican criticism, innuendo, and fluffy scandals about her activities and I doubt that GOP Capitol Hill-ers will behave any better toward her than they did during the presidency of Barack Obama. (Much of that behavior is Political Theater, designed to keep the American people divided and conquered.)

However, this week another Benghazi Report was released and Trey Gowdy and his Republican posse held a presser yet couldn't provide any new information they'd found in any of their several 'investigations' of Hillary Clinton--concerning Benghazi or her State Department emails--after millions of dollars down the drain when Republicans could have been doing something actually useful for the American people. A spendthrift, in-breach-of-public-contract GOP has become quite a bunch of wheel-spinners, haven't they? And with Democrats enabling.

So although yours truly is not the best at believing in the innocence of the Clintons, come November 8, 2016 my vote will go to the Democratic nominee, no matter how much baggage the yappy GOP loads her down with for 4 years or 8. Because for one reason--always consider the source, and after 8 excruciating years of oilmen Bush-Cheney in the White House, I dearly wish for America's sake that Hillary Clinton weren't so obviously a neocon follower of the Global Government script of world domination. And we can't depend on mainstream media to honestly inform us.

Well, let's be thankful for small favors because at least Hillary wasn't born with an unaspected Pluto, an astrological condition which describes Donald Trump and accounts for some of his lack of personal reflection and his I-never-make-mistakes stupidity. An unaspected Pluto identifies him as an isolationist and a man "overshadowed by shadows" with "primal urges and obscure drives" in control, plus his separating (and thus unconscious) Mercury-Neptune square only distorts his thinking further and scrambles the facts.

So in November, I'll be voting for Hillary's shadows over Trump's. Even if shades of Vince Foster come back to haunt us all.

Data: Vincent Foster January 15, 1945 Hope, Arkansas (birth hour unknown); Vince Foster leaves his White House office: July 20, 1993 1:00 pm EDT; Rising is 21Libra17; his first natal planet to rise: Mercury @1Cap33 (conjunct Mars @7Cap17); in process was a transit from Jupiter @8Lib10 to his natal Neptune @6Lib24 Rx, a time with potentials for: scandal, paranoia, fanaticism, funky or inflated financial schemes, pretense, and/or illusion.

R.I.P. Mr. Foster.

Jun 26, 2016

Clinton vs Trump: the New and Full Moons of July 2016

Anyone who pays attention to a combination of Politics and lunations has marked July 2016 as quite an interesting month with a New Moon for America's Solar Return on July 4th and the New Moon's culmination, a Full Moon @27Capricorn conjunct US natal Pluto that perfects during the Republican National Convention--on the RNC's 2nd day, July 19th, to be precise. Will Pluto add violence, transformation, power, sabotage, wealth--or some combination of each to the political events of July 2016? Can NeverTrumpers shut him out of the process? Will the GOP stop pretending Trump's bigotry isn't their own deep down inside?

Previously I had typed aloud whether the Gemini New Moon imprinted upon Mr. Trump's presidential bid announcement of June 16, 2015 would somehow crescendo, culminate, and/or fulfill at the RNC Full Moon of July a political sense, that is. Cosmically, the July 4th New Moon @12Cancer (conjunct US natal Sun, leadership) is the seeding stage for projects and activities that will come to fruition on July 19th during the RNC and it will be interesting to see how the Cancer-Capricorn energies of New and Full Moons play out for Donald Trump and for our nation. This is assuming that his candidacy isn't aborted prior to or during the convention. Apparently, security, domestic, business and career matters are on the agenda and, until about September 1st, we're still under the auspices of the March 9, 2016 Solar Eclipse with its themes of separations, partings, and endings (18Pis55; Brady).

Plus, as reported in the news, Hillary Clinton's approval ratings are said to be widening lately, inspired perhaps by candidate Trump's lack of professionalism, disdain for ads and staffing, sketchy campaign funds, issues that are interfering with his smoothly sailing into the Republican nomination in the way he had expected given his overbearing lead in the Republican field. Unless the whole scheme is a sham intended to elect a baggage laden lady president!

Now during DNC 2016 a lunation perfects as well: on July 26th at 6:59 pm there's a Quarter Moon (Sun @4Leo square Moon @4Taurus), a Fire-Earth combo of Fixed energies with 'staying power' that curiously enough is the natal Sun-Moon blend of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, master Leonine showman. Guess his DNC 2016 speech will seem like old times to many of us! Yet he'll appear onstage with what some say may be a difficult job--to sell President Hillary Clinton to the American people.

Therefore, let's consider what could be two clues hidden within the Sun Leo-Moon Taurus blend during DNC 2016 for it contains a couple of interesting Images for Integration, according to Charles and Suzi Harvey in their excellent Sun Sign-Moon Sign book. Perhaps you'll agree that the word pictures apply to Bill's DNC 2016 task:

"Eliza Doolittle is transformed into a Duchess...A master potter turns dull clay into an exquisite vase."

Care for a Duchess Hillary in the Oval office, anyone? As opposed to real estate mogul Mr. Trump?

Jun 17, 2016

Elizabeth Warren Can Do More Good in the Senate Than as VP - video

This video is posted here in part because it echoes my own sentiments about Senator Elizabeth Warren--that she's more effective for the American people in the US Senate than she could be as Hillary Clinton's Vice President. For your consideration:

Remember the video of Elizabeth Warren's Senate bid announcment? The post contains brief astro-notes on her Sun-Moon personality blend if you're curious.