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Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

May 20, 2011

Horoscope: Solar Eclipse 11Gem02 June 1, 2011

On June 1, 2011, a partial Solar Eclipse occurs @ 11Gemini02. Below you see its horoscope set for the White House, Washington DC; Hour Saturn 10Lib33 Rx in 12th house of Karma and Politics; Saturn trines the Eclipse which falls in the 8th house (in DC) of taxation, shared resources, credit, debt, insurance, big business, other people's money, and transformation.

The helpful trine from Saturn to the eclipse indicates that respect, persistence, and shouldering one's burdens will aid the karmic implications and potentially difficult results from this Solar Eclispe which sits upon the Partnership angle in the US (Sibly) chart and conjoins US natal Uranus 8Gem55: Sun/Moon = n Uranus: creating new ways of revealing old ideas; setting oneself apart from others; unusual twists of fate (Munkasey.)

If you're interested, NASA provides a list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2011.

June 1, 2011 5:02:31 pm edt at the White House

Chart-ruler Mars 16Tau03 is in 7th H with Venus 20Tau36 and Mercury 28Tau06, the Lord of the Eclipse so we know that mercurial realms may be affected, such as: Communications (including Media), Transport, Trade, and Negotiations, Pacts, and Agreements. Young people and the news should be included.

The only applying aspect made by Mars is a quindecile (165 degrees = obsession-compulsion) with the Ascendant 1Sco00 (the Sun position in the NWO natal horoscope for October 24, 1993 - the Uranus/Neptune conjunction, # 3 of 3 @ '18Cap' = "The Union Jack" = smug or strong-armed paternalism...Uranus/Neptune are the planets of Illuminism.) Competition and agression are described.

With money sign Taurus on 8th cusp and at a 29th degree, evaluating Venus rules 8th H matters yet with a sense of expediency or even over-eagerness as a critical 29th degree implies. Someone or something is in a hurry! But there's difficult Alcyone, one of the Weeping Sisters, awaiting.

Pluto is co-ruler of the chart and applies to a square with Uranus (Uranus/Pluto = 'collapse of the old order of things, construction of the new' - Ebertin); upsets and violence as a new order is forced upon society. Yes, we know.

Nebulous Neptune 00Pis56 ('1Pis' = "A Public Market" = trade, commerce, or the NYSE?), planet of fraud and deception, is posited in 4th H (Foundation or Basis of the Matter; Real Estate as the Mississippi River floods people's farms and adds to potential food shortages and upticks in food and other prices) along with wounding Chiron now on its degree in President Obama's natal chart. And of course, we've seen other examples of water damage since Neptune and Chiron have been transiting together including the Deepwater Horizon Blowout and the Nuclear Meltdown at Fukushima, Japan - both catastrophes that 'keep on giving' into Infinity.

The Jupiter/Neptune pair (speculators, wastrels, religiosity, and/or those with grand imaginings and plans) rule and co-rule the 5th H of Gambling and Risk-Taking, and their midpoint conjoins Aries Point, a degree of World Manifestation and Recognition.

The eclipse Moon rules 9th H and indicates changes and fluctuations in 9th H matters, plus, all of our nation's Cancerian planets are posited there: Venus, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury Rx. Eclipse Sun rules 10th H of Public Status and Career. Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations) 6Leo12 is conjoined by US natal North Node (NN; destiny; future direction) and both are at apex of a YOD (Finger of God = special task; turning point; a crossroads; crisis) formed at its base by a sextile between plutocratic Pluto/Chiron. And of note: Chiron here is Barack Obama's natal Chiron.

America's NN at MC places our nation's SN at IC (Home; Homeland; Domestic Scene; Security Issues; Endings) which seems to indicate that career and public status matters may go better for us than home matters. However, IC 6AQ12 has the oppressive, corporate Pluto/Chiron midpoint upon it which relates to violence and to home foreclosures as the Oil Can Harry plutocrats continue knocking at our doors and tossing Americans out on the sidewalks to live in their cars (Mercury's 11Gem02.)

8th H ruler Venus applies to a sesquisquare (135 degr) with manipulative string-puller Pluto 6Cap51 Rx (Lord of the Underworld) from 7th H of Partnerships and Open Enemies to 3rd H of Communications and Neighborhoods; this 'interlaced squares' aspect is usually considered minor (an octile...irritation; health issues) and indicates intense interaction with an urge toward promotion of ideas (M. Meyer.)

The Venus/Pluto combo of energies relates to bankruptcy, extremes of private wealth hidden in secret places, volcanic activity (including in financial centers), and breakdown within the fabric of society. (Munkasey.)

Are you still with me? This is depressing, believe me this Saturnian astrologer knows, which is why I've put off this post as long as possible. Yet identifying and facing monsters is the only way to vanquish them. And after the predicted-by-some Judgment Day of May 21, 2011, perhaps this analysis would be different (if it occurred at all) though I doubt it. Well, since May 21st is tomorrow, I shall proceed without such hindsight especially since the popular idea of a 'Rapture' and how the Second Coming will play out does not tally with my own studies of the Books of Daniel and Revelation....though I do agree that there are signs that The End is near if not here. Of course, the smartest thing is to be ready whenever He returns!

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles this eclipse, Something to Cry About which I assume refers to its 8th cusp at critical or crisis degree: 29Tau24 and the nearness of a difficult Fixed Star, Alcyone 00Gem00: Something to Cry About; sorrow; misfortune; exile; suffering. Any or all may apply.

The above mentioned 8th H and mercurial themes are implicated in this sorrow and we must expect that the enlarged US deficit and debt ceiling imbroglio are factors in where the implied misfortune plays out especially considering that the US dollar is under fire and being abandoned by creditors along with America's dimming reputation in the world and the potential for a US default on debts...if the GOP succeeds in crashing the US economy to make President Obama look bad for 2012.

Other possibilities for this eclipse's influence include: loss of support for the government (political? financial? debt ceiling extension?), sanitation, burial laws, morbidity, imports, and contagion (did you notice that anthrax is back in the news this week?), with attention and discussion relating to taxation, as mentioned. There may be death or resignation (more?) of statesmen, literary figures, educators, or - chillingly - injury to or death of travelers; foreign treaties and pacts are under stress as well. (Teal.)

And with transiting asteroid MIDAS now conjoining US natal Uranus 8Gem55, both bodies are 'eclipsed' or stimulated by the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse. This doesn't sound positive for US gold reserves which would affect the global financial system.

Please click chart image to enlarge for further info such as Fixed Stars, midpoints, some US natal placements, and the Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy; corporatism; oppression) conjunction of December 30, 1999 in 2nd H of Earning Ability and Values with the conjunction's degree (11Sag23) opposed and potentially triggered by the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse.

As you see, the ongoing T-Square of Saturn/Uranus = Pluto remains in effect causing the world harm, violence, rebellion, and war; Pluto is a prime actor in this eclipse chart as one leg in the YOD configuration as well as being apex planet of the Cardinal T-Square with such an apex Pluto indicating those with a willful desire to fulfill their ambitious plans through force, manipulation, and subversive actions (ex: secret societies; the Global Crime Syndicate); the Cardinal quality gives Pluto an overt and ruthless determination to overwhelm any and all opposition to 'his' (their) criminal objectives; explosive endings may be anticipated. (Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspects Analysis.)

One other factor I wish to mention: Lord (ruler) of the June 1, 2011 eclipse, Mercury, squares Neptune (2A50) which describes conditions of distortion of truth, fears of responsibility, lack of realism, fraudulent communications, and an inability or lack of courage for dealing with life's harsh realities. Negative escapism comes to mind but please use in moderation for whoever tries to escape their troubles by use of drugs (including alcohol) should be advised that troubles can swim!

Well, that's it for today. If you have on-topic and courteous opinions, remarks, or queries to make, please leave them in a Comment and I will reply as time permits.

And like the eclipses at the end of 2010 which seemed to indicate further financial collapse, this is one eclipse analysis where I'd love to be so very very wrong.


Mea culpa! I just now realized that I neglected to complete penning in (lower right) the name of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who now visits the White House one day after President Obama's major policy address on the Middle East (Saturn/Uranus) yesterday which began with '23Leo' rising and ended with Royal Star Regulus at Ascendant - Regulus = success if revenge is avoided - and as the world knows, endless acts of revenge and retaliation are all the region seems able to manage these days.

Also on the chart, I added that his visit is tomorrow, May 21, but apparently the Israeli eagle has already landed in Washington today and is said to be "disappointed" over Mr. Obama's speech which offered the 1967 borders as the way to go if one actually does want Peace for Palestine and Israel. However, it's actually the 1947 borders which may be the fairest and most legal even though this would put Galilee in Palestine, not Israel.

It is my personal belief that radical National-International Zionism does not want peace in the Middle East but rather a 'King of Jerusalem' and a world capital from which to dominate the entire globe of serfs and pawns...aka, a New World Order, the Utopian dream which inspired the founding of America as the New Atlantis.

For it isn't as if the White House would have sprung Obama's policy speech upon the Israeli government without telling them in advance what would be touted! And the political intrigues and theater performances least until May 21, 2011 at 6 pm Eastern Time.


Coming a mere month later, you may wish to check out the Horoscope of the karmic July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse which @ 9Can12, plops itself amid US natal Jupiter and Sun.

Mar 23, 2011

And Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem March 23, 2011

In these troubled years I think of the Scriptural admonition to, Pray for the peace of Israel. Now with Jerusalem's bombing on March 23, 2011, marking the worst Israel-Gaza clashes since the 2009 war and the "small wars" said to be broken out along the border, I know of little else to do from afar, do you?

Yes, it is true that Good Shall Triumph! Yet I would love to have some Peace on Earth for a time and for everyone and their families, wouldn't you?

Mar 16, 2011

The Iron Wall (video link) -- of Zionist colonization

The Iron Wall (Video link)

"Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population - behind The Iron Wall, which the native population cannot breach."

Vladimir Jabotinsky 1923

Click to read details and view a 57-minute video on this important topic; naturally, the tense duo of Saturn (tectonic plates; soil; earth; constriction) and Uranus (splitting; breaking; loosening) are implicated and are associated in Mundane Astrology with the Middle East particularly Israel and Palestine. The duo's last Great Conjunction/s occurred three times through 1988 - under Ronald Reagan's watch though his deputies may have been minding the national store while the Gipper snoozed; Saturn and Uranus conjoined forces in the near-final three degrees of Sagittarius 27-28-29 rather near Galactic Center. 29 degrees of any sign, as you know, is often in critical or crisis mode and the planet prepares to move into new territory, the next sign.

We felt the Saturn/Uranus opposition in the November 2009 presidential election and again in 2010 across the Virgo-Pisces axis. Nowadays, with Capitol Hill's traditionalism v radicalism, plus riots, protests, strikes, rebellions, overthrows, stepdowns, bombings, disenfranchisement, earthquakes, volcanoes, and nuclear catastrophes, we groan under their brittle 165-degree quindecile relationship indicating 'disruption of governing systems' and 'defiance of law and order.'

Guess that also applies in the spiritual realm to natural law and order.


For more details on the compulsive-obsessive aspect The Quindecile, allow Ricki Reeves to explain.

Feb 11, 2011

Joy in Egypt as Mubarak Steps Down! Feb 11, 2011

Today President Hosni Mubarak has been vanquished by his people!!!

It's evening in Cairo and with protesters gathered at his palace after last evening's disappointing address, Hosni Mubarak has handed power to the Egyptian army and asked them to be in charge of the country's affairs.

This blogger celebrates the liberation of the Egyptian people (well done!) even though I know my global-elite-backed government may be shaking in its jackboots at the news (never mind what topcats in Washington say - their masters can't be happy) and Zionist Israeli government officials must be mightily worried about this amazing pardigm shift of power in the Middle East.

Egypt's populist overthrow is a major blow to the New World Order!

UPDATE 2/11/11 3:52 pm est: LINK TV is reporting that Swiss authorities have frozen the assets of the ousted Mubarak, a wise move (much of his hidden funds probably came from 30 years of US taxpayer money); also you may be interested in a fresh post: Mubarak Steps Down Under Rays of the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse.

Original post resumes here:

Well, just as I prepared to post the natal horoscope of Hosni Mubarak with the transits of his pathetic address last evening placed around the chart (see below), the astounding news broke during this morning's broadcast of Democracy Now!. In my elation I shall place the chart here anyway and hope you may click to enlarge the image and read a few notes for yourself.

Hosni Mubarak, former president of Egypt

The horoscope is set for his birthdate May 4, 1928 Cairo (Kafr-el Muselha cannot be found on maps or in my software) at the moment of a Full Moon with Sun 14Tau05 conjunct Mercury (a picture of extreme stubbornness right there) and Moon 14Sco05, a combination of terrific stubbornness, ruthlessness, and fixed prejudices. I use the Full Moon of his day of birth because there was one at 10:11:41 pm EET.

Transit Saturn 17Lib01 Rx conjoins his natal Full Moon's Midheaven (Career; Public Standing; the WHY? Point) showing restriction in these matters for those who have dealt unwisely with responsibilities in the past (30 years of oppressing and robbing his people) - Saturn brings accountability to this ruling tyrant.

The iffy situation for the US may be seen in part by tr Saturn conjoining US Secondary Progressed Mars which has been retrograde since 2006. Tr NN 1Cap19 is rising in this speculative natal horoscope along with Mubarak's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series, 1 South @ 1Cap21: 'enthusiastic expression of ideas; flooded with options' (Brady) - but the only 'option' the people wanted him to take was to Go Away!

It is reported that Mubarak has left Cairo now for a resort (to rest up, poor thing)and must be fuming beyond belief. My hope and prayer is that the Egyptian people will be fairly and well treated by whoever steps in to fill the vacuum of power - and that their accounts will be balanced by a return of the millions, possibly billions, hidden away in Mubarak's secret accounts and which will necessitate putting him on trial.

Is there a spa for former dictators at The Hague?

Image: planetary portrait of a tyrant. (Correction to outer notations in 10th house: Mubarak Address of 2.10.11's ASC should be '28Lib39'; mea culpa! jc)

Dec 14, 2010

Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel, and WikiLeaks (video)

This eleven-minute video contains comparisons between some of the WikiLeaks cables and the propaganda they tout that Arabs want the US to attack Iran. Really?

This Just In: Assange granted bail but there may be long strings attached...

Dec 9, 2010

Did WikiLeaks make 'secret deal' with Israel?

WikiLeaks' ongoing Cablegate revelations have proved to be smooth sailing for the Israeli government and there may have been a secret deal cut between Julian Assange and Israel resulting in 'gaps' in the released documents between July and September 2006: the 33-day war against Lebanon.

Plus, minutes of a 'war council' meeting at the American embassy, Beirut, on July 24, 2006 have been mysteriously overlooked as well and it's difficult to imagine that no diplomats groused, gossiped, or commented during those months.

Documents concerning Israeli aggression against Gaza also seem to be MIA from recent cable leaks and it seems to me at this point that Julian Assange, who is said by those who've worked with him to be obsessed with American hypocrisy, has made a devil's deal to overlook the hypocrisy of certain others. Hmm.

Perhaps a deal was considered necessary in order to keep WikiLeaks up, running, and on the front pages but it suggests muddy motivations and lends credence to reports that Assange may actually be a government shill for the US-Israeli alliance on its path to world domination.

If any of this is true, Assange's current lodgings in a London jail might prove to be more cushy than dire as has been portrayed in the media!


In other WikiLeaks news, you've probably heard that one of Mr. Assange's accusers in the sex scandal 'case' has left Sweden and apparently stopped cooperating with prosecutors.

Nov 10, 2010

America and the Solar Eclipse of Jan 4, 2011

Three quotes of note for Where We Are Now:

"Among the basic freedoms to which men aspire that their lives might be full and uncramped, freedom from fear stands out as both a means and an end. A people who would build a nation in which strong, democratic institutions are firmly established as a guarantee against state-induced power must first learn to liberate their own minds from apathy and fear." -Aung San Suu Kyi

"You may think your actions are meaningless and that they won't help, but that is no excuse, you must still act." -Mohandas K. Gandhi

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." -Abraham Lincoln


Since Veterans' Day is tomorrow, November 11, 2010, I'm spending time reflecting today and Thursday upon my country. From what I've seen and studied of late, America will never resemble herself again until the Bush-Cheney 'Patriot Act' is repealed, the Supreme Court Justices who pushed through the Citizens United decision against democracy are de-benched (and perhaps others of them as well), and - first of all - the US Congress is completely reformed and corporations both foreign and domestic are ushered out the door for good. Time spent raising money for the next campaign is not 'doing the people's business' or 'serving' on Capitol Hill and it certainly doesn't make representing the American people the priority it should be. -Jude Cowell

On January 4, 2011, a Solar Eclipse in the 13 North Series occurs @ 13Cap38. This gives the eclipse a Cancer-Capricorn vibe, Moon/Saturn, which can have a serious tone, even depressing, yet also may bring along a 'strategy-ambition' influence to the collective as well.

Now I've mentioned the Jan 2011 eclipse here before but in light of the above three quotes and Veterans' Day, I wish to emphasize that 13N is the Series which began with its initial eclipse on August 14, 1776 @ 21Leo52; Moon/Mars = Sun/Mars = Pluto 26Cap38 Rx (2009's Inaugural Midheaven degree which had the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint upon it = the global plutocrats who coup'd for themselves the Citizens United decision.)

As a general guide to the atmosphere of August 1776 and early 2011:

Sun/Mars = Pluto: ruthless application of energy; force; extreme defensiveness; warring relationships; sever health strain possible.

Moon/Mars = Pluto: powerful opinionation; a demanding nature. (Noel Tyl.)

As we see from the initial eclipse date, the first-ever 13N eclipse manifested very near the date of the founding of America. In fact, since the last signatures affixed to the Declaration of Independence were not penned upon it until August 1776, I have asserted previously on this blog that the August 14, 1776 eclipse horoscope might be used as a symbolic natal horoscope for America, the New Atlantis, the first-ever nation to be established upon Uranian ideals which allegedly were received from a Higher Source from which creative genius flows.

(Not that the inspiration didn't flow from a Higher Source, as long as it wasn't Weishaupt's Illuminati, yet you may wish to see George Washington's vision and the Snopes analysis afterwards.)

Perhaps much credit for the concepts embedded in the US Constitution is primarily due the Iroquois Confederacy but that's a post for another day; Freemason principles are integral to our nation's founding and freedom documents as well; these days most Americans understandably feel those freedoms are being and have been repealed.)

Now see if the tone of the following 13N Solar Eclipse reminds you of a certain nation founded in 1776:

13N: groups and associations; large ambitious group projects that require a separation or the breaking of an existing bond; separation then joint achievement. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Well, you don't have to read between the lines to see that America's founding is fairly described by 13N's theme. Therefore, the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse in the 13N Series has particular import for the US, for 13N's issues may resurface to whatever extent they need to be dealt with in 2011. In the news from Dec 2010 into 2011, names may be changed to protect the guilty, but watch out for activities that have a 'separation then joint achievement' flavor to them for they undergird much of what transpires during the eclipse season - at least until the next Solar Eclipse of June 1, 2011 (13S @ 11Gem02.)

As you know, the Solar Eclipse of January 4, 2011 falls within the time range of our upcoming US Saturn Return, a three-fer this go-round (Saturn's orbit = appr 29 - 30 years; the same principle applies: what was going on about 30 years ago? Where and how did the US stand up - or not - to her responsibilities, or what accountability was accepted/not accepted? And how was our national authority being wielded - against whom and on behalf of whom?)

Our national Saturn 14Lib48 (Sibly chart; Libra, sign of Justice) is exalted and in 10th house (Sibly); sad to say, my studies indicate that the January 2010 SCOTUS decision against democracy is a main step on the totalitarian road for a complete undermining of the US Justice system, with our traditional Trial by Jury already a limping casualty of the Bush-Cheney administration's intrigues and finaglings.

There's an interesting synchronicity relating to a Scorpio Moon (though Luna's degree is not as late in Scorpio as US Inaugural Moon 2009 @ 29Sco45): it is shown between US Saturn Return #1 (Dec 3, 2010 with Moon 16Sco35), and the 2nd Saturn Return (Rx) of March 22, 2011 with Moon 16Sco54. The Lunar Return to the Dec 3, 2010 chart occurs on March 22, 2011 about 32 minutes prior to Saturn Return #2 which again gives us a Moon/Saturn vibe, and of course, Lunar Returns relate to our daily rounds in the mundane world. In Mundane Astrology, however, Luna has the import of Moon = we-the-people, so such Lunar Returns relating to national issues identify the mood of the larger public - here, we're feeling intense in Scorpio and in crisis mode with Scorpio's Mars/Pluto influence hanging over us.

As noted, 2009's Inaugural Moon was in a 29th crisis degree, and Scorpio in general is a sign of crises, betrayals, and traumatic transformation (Pluto.)

Whatever may transpire, resolution may be expected at, during, or around the time of US Saturn Return #3 which occurs on August 28, 2011 with transiting asteroid Nemesis 14Lib02 (divine retribution) conjoining US natal Saturn, and tr Midas, of gold-hoarding fame, @ 9Gem21 conjunct US natal Uranus, planet of freedom and independence. Obviously, we may wish to look to Midas for some of the details concerning the super-wealthy global plutocrats who've usurped the government of the United States of America. And this leads us directly to the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto of the 1890s @ 7 - 9 Gemini; the Neptune/Pluto duo is the signature of the Robber Barons, the resource plunderers and corporate titans and, in 2010/11, their biological and/or ideological spawn.

If you wish further reading on our nation's current condition, check out this 3-article round-up with my own remarks italicized in between; naturally, the opinions and assertions contained in the articles are the authors' own:

Illusions and Empire

By Charles Scaliger

May America find the humility to turn back from the path that so many other nations,from Nineveh and Tyre to Ottoman Turkey and Britain, have followed.

(Amen. Yet 'humility' with a self-protective Cancerian Jupiter as national chart-ruler takes deep spiritual repentance which refuses any longer to associate with corrupt government officials, gangsters, and fraudsters in business - parasites infesting our nation!)

Netanyahu Tests Obama, Again

By MJ Rosenberg

Netanyahu, who grew up in the United States, is as much a Republican as he is a Likudnik (he worked with Speaker Gingrich against President Clinton) and will do everything he can to sink Obama and the Democrats.

(A sabotaging rat lurks within America's woodpile? He has lots of company - from within the US, and setting up a 'world throne' in Jerusalem is the Zionist aim.)

Arundhati Roy: "These Wars Cannot Be Won"

By Democracy Now!

Arundhati Roy about the struggle of the Maoist rebels in India and her assessment of President Obama.

(Profiteers who foment war for others to fight are not worthy of being followed especially when the majority of people of all nations desire and deserve to live in peace...'world leaders' go home!)


UPDATE Nov 13, 2010: after 7 years of house arrest, the author of the first quote above, Aung San Suu Kyi, has been freed!!!

Aug 25, 2010

Zionism and the natal chart of Israel

Zionism has been called out as racism and colonialism and I find myself having to agree these days. That one race has to suffer to exalt another hardly seems to me the basis of the original movement as founded by Theodor Herzl.

Now don't get me wrong: growing up in a family where the principles of the Protestant Bible were top of the list, the scriptural admonition to 'Pray for the peace of Israel' is something I've always taken very seriously, especially in these late days, but it would be easier to do if warring, oppressive Zionists weren't in charge.

Plus, if you've read this blog more than once, you may be aware of my fairly constant use of the astrological pair of -isms of all sorts: Chiron and Pluto, which, when working together (in aspect or as midpoint which combines their energies) indicates oppression, primal violence, disenfranchisement, Zionism, fascism, totalitarianism, nationalism, capitalism, communism, racism, ageism...well, the list of what man willingly uses to harm his fellow man is quite endless, isn't it?

That's why I was interested to find an article asserting that America should oppose Zionism - not Israel, of course - but those who helm the ship of state in Tel Aviv and force their version of Zionism into position as master of Israel's fate. (Edit Nov 8, 2023: the website is no longer available.)

Why, it's as if warhawk neocons coup'd the White House and reared their heads at the Pentagon in 2000...oh wait a minute. They did. And America suffered the attacks of 9/11/01 immediately thereafter which some believe was a false flag op to rally the US into yet another war. Which it did. And the State of Israel is one of the main suspects in that little conspiracy theory. By their fruits ye shall know them.

Then there's Joe Biden, our gaffe-prone, publicly avowed 'Zionist', who is currently installed as US VP now and continues the same endless war policy which is part of a decades-long process being implemented toward total control. And it took a silver-tongued promoter of 'Change in America' to effect a smooth transition, not of US foreign policy (as we've seen), but of the series of mouthpieces in the White House - Mr. Obama, who is now ensconced with global banksters snugged round the fancy, historical Resolute desk in the Oval Office.

Well, gotta motor for now so I'm posting Israel's national chart from May 14, 1948 (details from historical record.) Around the edges I've penned US planetary placements which have many contacts to Israel's natal planets such as US natal Mercury/Pluto opposition at Israel's MC/IC axis. The chart can be later discussed here if anyone is interested or has comments to offer; Israel's major midpoints are included if they conjoin a planet.

You'll note the Fist of God pattern between the Pluto/NN square at the pattern's base to apex Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius, its own sign, which gives inspiration and enthusiasm but which can lead to zealotry within one's ideology.

Indications from the midpoint picture between Pluto, NN, and Jupiter are noted bottom left with the nation's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (4N) bottom right; Pre-Natal Eclipse info is from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Please click image to enlarge.

Progressing this chart to today's date gives a '12Sag' Ascendant which conjoins US natal ASC (Sibly chart) and is where Pluto and Chiron's Great Conjunction of December 30, 1999 occurred. Its Sabian Symbol is, I believe, most telling for the New Millennium's 'New World Order' agenda of globalists everywhere:

"A Flag Turned into an Eagle That Crows."

In his book An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar gives this degree the following Keynote: "The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations."

'New Age' indeed.

Aug 21, 2010

Virgo New Moon for Rosh Hashannah Sep 8, 2010

Do you know there's more to Rosh Hashanah than being New Years Day in the Jewish calendar?

Beginning at sundown on September 8, 2010, this year's 48-hour festivities are marked by a New Moon 15Vir41 in 11th house of *Israel's 1948 natal chart (ASC 23Lib01 with chart-ruler Venus 4Can48 in 9th house and conjunct US n Venus and Jupiter; Israel's mavericky n Jupiter 27Sag39 Rx in 3rd house.) The New Moon trines natal Sun 23Tau40 (n 8th house) and is near Israel's natal Saturn/Neptune midpoint 13Vir30. It perfects in Jerusalem at 1:29:45 pm EEDT, and in Washington DC at 6:29:45 am EDT (1st house; ASC 12Vir06.)

(Note: the above ASC for Israel is a correction made 9.3.10; it doesn't affect the rest of this post. jc)

Both locations, indeed the entire world, have the Cardinal T-Square's midpoint pictures: Jupiter/Saturn - Pluto, and Saturn/Uranus = Pluto. The combination of Saturn and Uranus are associated with the Middle East - Israel and Palestine in particular.

Paraphrasing Michael Munkasey in his book on midpoints, Saturn/Uranus in Politics and Business:

counter-revolutionary rule; balancing conservatives with progressives; restrictions on personal contacts due to situations which are beyond an enterprise's jurisdiction (Gaza! jc); control of access to political dissidents; sudden indifference by people to traditional mores or laws.

And of course, transiting Saturn and Uranus are in their Full Moon phase these days being in and out of opposition to one another. This is the culmination of their Great Conjunction/s all through 1988 so the year's issues return to the table:

1. February 13 @ 29Sag55;
2. June 26 @ 28Sag47:
3. Oct 18 @ October 18 @ 27Sag49.

You'll remember that tr Pluto 'came through' those degrees during the Bush presidency and the world has experienced:

1988's Saturn/Uranus = tr Pluto: rebellion against one's lot in life; upheaval to protect assets; tremendous fear of loss; concealing changes to activities; termination of extreme practices that hinder progress; drastic changes to a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation; acts of violence and brutality; a desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary effort; harm through force majeure; war. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Setting the New Moon chart for Jerusalem, the New Moon of Sep 8, 2010 falls in 9th house of Foreign Travels which may perhaps relate to the visit of Palestinian and Israeli leaders to the White House during the first week of September 2010, a dark of the Moon period when shady things may occur out of sight. Perhaps the light of the Full Moon two weeks later will bring Israeli-Palestinian revelations or a 'truce' signing, if these ancient rivals remember how in their age-old round of vengeance and intolerance. (Israel's natal Chiron is in Scorpio which indicates a need to 'forgive the unforgivable' - what are the chances?)

Plus, with the New Moon's Mercury 6Vir51 retrograde, any agreement that may be signed during The Scribe's Rx period won't have much hope of amounting to anything lasting on the path to peace. Or at the least, fine print must be thoroughly examined and all the Ts and Is must be dotted. Details can trip anyone up during Mercury Rx periods.

Yet Mercury Rx may also relate to Israel, Palestine, and the US 'trying again' to establish an agreement. And Sept 8's New Moon Mercury conjoins President Obama's natal Pluto, a time when information, ideas, plans, and activities involve gaining more power, and valuable info is garnered or controlled; gathering finance and investment information is also on the president's agenda with this ongoing transit.

But peace in Palestine, too?

Well, as Gandhi said, "There is no path to peace. Peace is the path." (My emphasis.)

If only the global power elite neocons and Zionists who have Other Ideas for establishing a 'capital of the world' in Jerusalem would get over their tiresome obsessions and park their arrogant carcasses out of decent people's way.

You know, VP Joe Biden has stated on more than one occasion that he's a decided Zionist but you won't see the YouTube video I posted in 2009 by clicking. It has been 'removed' for 'violation of terms of use' - or by 'sensitive' government censors, imho. But click anyway, to read an insightful article, Demystifying Zionism.


*The State of Israel was created May 14, 1948 4:00 pm EET Tel Aviv, Israel (historical record); Sun 23Tau40 in 8th h and Moon 4Leo21 in 10th h - a proud and regal combination; ASC 23Lib03 = Jupiter/Saturn: cycles of expansion or contraction; new ways of dealing with relationships; an inconstant or insecure attitude regarding other persons.

Natal MC 25Can02 conjoins US natal Mercury Rx so Israel's n IC conjoins US n Pluto; n MC = Venus/Saturn: reserve; jealousy; inhibited desires; irritability; dissatisfaction with others; feeling unimportant; never successful enough.

Jun 7, 2010

US-Israeli spy-ties, 9/11, and our Mercury/Pluto

Since the events of 9/11/01, an aroma of betrayal has wafted here and there, off and on, through alternative news venues and smelling stinkily like Israel spies on, and in, the US of A. "Not true," say Israeli spokespersons.

There have been questions about how Israel could possibly have avoided knowing ahead about the WTC attacks (they have a habit of spying on Arabs) so why not spill the life-saving beans to your bestest, gosh-golly-darn'dest, bosomest of buddies, America (Once) the Beautiful.

Now surfacing - on FOX News, of all places! - Israel spends most of its spying time and money on industrial and militarial thefts bwo surveillance in and from the US. Guess the fat checks America sends the Israeli government pays for something fun after all.

Anyway, my online time has been interfered with by thunderstorm systems of late so I'm just now glomming on to this story. Read, if you will, and tell me what you think of the matter.


btw: doh! it strikes me that nothing emphasized on FOX News is there by accident. If it's aired, you can be sure there's a political reason. And that goes just as much for major network 'newscasts'. This describes America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition, y'know...'control of the media' and 'the press used as propaganda dissimulators' (see my previous post from this morning for more details!)

Of course, the above situation with US-Israeli spy-ties may indicate that the US did know ahead of time about the attacks of 9/11 because of spywork - whether courtesy of Israel, another source, and/or from within US government spying agencies themselves.

At least, we know that someone knew ahead of time...because someone made mega-million$ on the NYSE. Now was that Goldman Sachs? ~:~

Jun 1, 2010

Israeli flotilla attack from a Palestianian perspective

News of the violent May 30, 2010 Israeli flotilla attack is being reported by all corporate-controlled, NWO-promoting mainstream news sources and alternative sites as well yet I sallied forth into cyberworld seeking a Palestinian source with a necessarily different viewpoint.

The old propaganda engines have become tiresome, y'know? And Israel's Siege of Gaza needs to end for humanitarian reasons, terrorists included or not.

So you may wish to try Ma'an News Agency for a different p.o.v. without all the imperialism creeping in. What creeps in? Well, I can't promise you that nothing will but sometimes you just have to take a chance on a click!

One thing I know: the US and Israel are working to start another war. It's their accustomed M.O. and the May 30 flotilla mayhem may bear likeness to the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident that falsely undergirded America's entry into Vietnam.

And the propaganda of nationalism in the US assisted the American people down the trail to ruin as it continues to do today.

Sep 11, 2009

Ancient synagogue discovered in Israel

Did you hear that near the Sea of Galilee the remains of an ancient synagogue have been uncovered?

The article contains a photo of a carved stone with interesting symbols upon it dating from Roman times, circa the Jewish revolt against their Roman occupiers.

Guess the sandal of oppression switches back and forth between tootsies on a regular, if slow, schedule, doesn't it?

Jan 14, 2009

Handcuffing Obama

Obama's Pro-Israel Congressional Welcome

By Rami G. Khouri

If the Israeli attack on Gaza that started 18 days ago was designed partly to send a message to the incoming Barack Obama, the United States Congress in the past week seems to have joined the battle to handcuff the new president and lay down the law for him, even before he takes office.


The above view is one way to look at Israel's rush to crush Gaza while Bush is still in office. Personally, I see a seamless transition from one president to another, aka baton-passing.

Jan 9, 2009

Grisly Gaza

Red Cross Finds Starving Children with 12 Corpses in Gaza 'House of Horrors'

By Martin Fletcher, in Jerusalem

The International Committee of the Red Cross has accused the Israeli military of "unacceptable" conduct and breaching international humanitarian law after discovering four emaciated children living next to the corpses of their mothers and other adults in bomb-shattered houses in Gaza City.



Couldn't help thinking of the horror of a 3-year-old and his brother being found in 2 inches of their mother's blood on Showtime's series, Dexter.

But this is reality in Palestine. And it's abominable. The powers-that-be don't want peace in the Middle East, that's now as plain as starving children sitting in blood. Will they live and grow up to bless Israel? I think not.

The law of karma - we reap what we sow - is being grossly defiled by Israel and will come back as it was sent out - and we know that violence breeds violence, so the endless round continues as World Peace is made a distant dream by the holier-than-thou New World Order engineers.

Jan 6, 2009

Ron Paul on Israel's Gaza aggression

Ron Paul: Israel had US OK for war on Gaza

By Press TV

"Israel depends on us; they depend on us economically, they depend on us for their military power and all their weapons and they really got a green light from our administration," he explained.


Ron Paul's natal chart is quite interesting if you'd care to have
a peek but you'll find that I refer to Dr. Paul as a "Libertarian" in the article. Not sure exactly what he is, but his chart details are interesting all the same...the doctor has Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Gemini.

And if you feel a need to catch up on articles about Chiron (houses, signs, etc) - you can do no better than the Chirotic Journal, and since Chiron returns to First Sighting degree 3x in the years 2027-28 (3Tau08 Rx; discovered by Charles Kowall, Nov 1, 1977) I'm hoping to get all my Chirotic ducks in a row and quacking in unison from my 3rd house of Communications.

Dec 31, 2008

Obama's first test: Gaza?

Obama's first test seems to be Gaza and Israeli aggression, one president at a time though we be.

How do you think the Hawaiian vacationer did especially since he didn't mind speaking out about Russia's incursion into South Ossetia but is hiding behind the 'one president at a time" smokescreen when it comes to Israeli war plans which were laid months ago?

As the Capitol Steps jesters said just now, Screople can poo up anything.

Oct 13, 2008

American Empire's Secret History: video link

In case you missed it...

The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Global Corruption - Video

by John Perkins, author of Confessions of An Economic Hit Man

Perkins zeroes in on hotspots around the world such as Venezuela, Tibet, Iraq, Israel, Vietnam and others and exposes the network of events in each of these countries that have contributed to the creation of the American Empire and international corruption in "The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption."

Aug 13, 2008

American Insouciance, Nukes, and Israel

Will American Insouciance Destroy the World?

By Paul Craig Roberts

The neoconned Bush Regime and the Israeli-occupied American media are heading the innocent world toward nuclear war.


U.S. Puts Brakes on Israeli Plan for Attack on Iran Nuclear Facilities

By Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondent

The American administration has rejected an Israeli request for military equipment and support that would improve Israel's ability to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.


"The Neocons Are Dying to Nuke Iran"

An interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Kathy Sanborn

What was your wake-up call, Dr. Roberts, to the fact that the current administration was determined to take away the civil liberties of Americans?

Mar 2, 2008

Noam Chomsky: media plays the game

The media want to maintain their intimate relation to state power. They want to get leaks, they want to get invited to the press conferences. They want to rub shoulders with the Secretary of State, all that kind of business. To do that, you've got to play the game, and playing the game means telling their lies, serving as their disinformation apparatus. -Noam Chomsky

Here are some natal details on Chomsky, and this recent post concerns America's backing of Israel and the upcoming Saturn-Uranus opposition, a cycle which began with their conjunction in 1988 and which was triggered by Dec 2007's Great Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction.

Jan 21, 2008

Chomsky on US backing of Israel

Noam Chomsky

The Apartheid Paradigm in Palestine/Israel

22 Minute Video

Chomsky says US backing of continued Israeli occupation and annexation of Palestinian land is the biggest obstacle to peace.

Article at Information Clearing House.

The Saturn-Uranus pair (Middle East esp Israel and Palestine) began their cycle at conjunction in 1988:

1. Feb 13; 29Sag55
2. June 26; 28Sag47
3. Oct 18; 27Sag49

This cycle I have mentioned before because their opposition phase is now forming 20 years later and the Dec 11, 2007 Great Conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto occurred upon the above degrees (28Sag24.)

Peace brought by Jupiter-Pluto plutocrats?

Peace imposed from without? Or the people's misery made worse for political gain?

Whatever it brings, the opposition phase is one of culmination--like a Full Moon--so as the people of Gaza suffer, I pray for the peace of Israel as Scripture admonishes us to do, Palestine included.

Is cutting them off without food is the best anyone can do?