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Showing posts with label Saturn-Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn-Neptune. Show all posts

May 27, 2013

US Venus Return June 2013: Saturn leads a locomotive pattern

US Venus returning to natal degree on June 5, 2013

by Jude Cowell

On June 3, 2013 at 11:10:39 am edt, White House, transiting Venus returns to her natal degree in America's 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) of 3Cancer06. Having an approximate cycle of one year, Venus Return horoscopes tell how the year will proceed within the realms of Venus: relationship-partnerships-alliances, financial matters including monetary evaluation, diplomacy, art and music, social and cultural events.

As you know, Venus rules the principle of attraction (to and from) and in shrewd Cancer, America is attracted to Cancerian-Lunar concerns such as home and business, security needs, food supplies, parental and emotional concerns, creative endeavors, art, beauty, and finances (their supply or lack thereof--here, quirky disruptive Uranus @11Ari49 The Rebel is at a sensitive point in the 8th house of Corporations, Taxes, Debt, Credit, Death, Transformation, etc--near the 9th cusp.)

In any planetary return chart, the natal aspect or aspects of the planet under consideration is very important for interpreting the Return horoscope which in the case of Venus, 'looks ahead' about one year until Venus' next return to natal degree in 2014.

In America's natal 'Sibly' horoscope, Venus only applies to a conjunction with natal Jupiter @5Can56 ('6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--they certainly do) yet in our Venus Return 2013 horoscope, Venus has already moved beyond investing Jupiter (25Gem18.) Both planets are posited in Venus Return ('VR') 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes. Also, Venus rules VR 3rd house of Communications and the 10th house of Career and Public Status.

A Venus-Jupiter conjunction indicates generosity, optimism, and financial good fortune but may lead to indolence, laziness, and too much ease when effort is what's called for. Additionally, Venus rules the separative SN conjunct MC, a time when career moves may be thwarted, bad timing interferes, and old habits are out of sync with current trends--thus, recognition is slow in coming, if at all. Yet with the Nodal axis spotlighting the IC conj NN and 4th house of Domestic Scene, we may expect a few improvements to express there including in Real Estate.

Later in 2013, the 2013 Venus Return chart may tell us something of the financial stalemates in Washington DC which are virtually promised by the GOP-Tea Party with their anti-anything-Obama manner of sore-losership and weird ideology of Weishauptian dimensions, an ideology which includes a centuries-old plan for global governance and domination.

Our June 3, 2013 Venus Return Ascendant is @23Leo46 and thus the chart is ruled by the Sun @15Gem06 which makes no applying aspects to other planets at all. However, the Venus Return Sun does inconjunct NN showing a leader (Sun) and the public (NN) needing some type of adjustment between them in relation to Venusian issues. And since US natal Venus conjoins Fixed Star Mirzam (to have one's say--and VR Mercury @7Can55 conjoins out-spoken Mirzam, we may hear announcements concerning financial and/or diplomatic-pacts-alliances with the day of our VR 2013 showing a peak of such activities and events.

Yet naturally Venus and other planets transiting this return chart's planets and angles, plus, the perfection of return aspects, describe peaks of activity as well.

Now if we use the rounding-up method for America's natal Venus degree (3Can06) we find that the word picture or symbol for '4Can' is: "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse" and here is what Marc Edmund Jones says about this symbol:

"4Can" = JUSTIFICATION. Positive expression: a gift for persuading others to accept the motives of self and to co-operate with its ends"; Negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) :interminable quarreling with the nature of things.

US Venus is looking at You, Capitol Hill-ers of a jackass persuasion!

Then there's the chart's locomotive pattern with Saturn Rx @5Sco39 in 3rd house. Power, genius, persistence, and prophecy are some of the gifts in a horoscope containing a locomotive pattern of planets. Karmic planet Saturn when in Scorpio has a 'survival of the fittest' vibe which points directly to Ayn Rand objectivists and the Social Darwinism that certain politicians wish to impose upon everyone but their exalted selves.

And with Taurus the Bull at MC (The Goal; MC 17Tau17)), we may expect the sign's shadow side of greed, bigotry, intolerance, and racism to continue arguing with the Venusian cat in the House on Capitol Hill when all the cat wants is a warm and cozy spot in the sunshine with perhaps a slice of apple pie as comfort food.

What may aid us is that locomotive Saturn emphasizes the protective Water Grand Trine between Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune so that social and civic concerns are addressed if not entirely solved or improved. See my recent post on Summer Solstice 2013 for more details on the transiting Water Grand Trine with its Saturn-Neptune trine (120 degr) which favors those who work on secret projects such as military strategies and other government enterprises involving skillful analysis; social welfare is also spotlighted by Saturn-Neptune and progress can be made with their trine of opportunity--if no one interferes unduly.

Also at MC is the South Node (SN) of the Moon--and the Moon (We the People) is nearby as well, though on the 9th house side of Midheaven. Lady Luna @11Tau49 is in a fated septile aspect (51 degr) with Return Venus denoting possibly chaotic conditions, and VR Mars @3Gem41 in 10th house conjoins President Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21), a period when feelings lie close to the surface, anger may be expressed, and the pace of life picks up even more.

Well, these are a few considerations of America's next-up Venus Return which leads the list of America's 2013 planetary returns--here they are in order of occurrence; all natal positions are based on our nation's 'Sibly' horoscope of July 4, 1776:

1. June 5: Venus 3Can06

2. June 30: Mars Return 21Gem22

3. July 5: Solar Return 13Can19

4. July 22: Jupiter Return 5Can56

5. August 4: Mercury Return 24Can11 (August 4 is President Obama's birthday.)

Wishing for America and for you & yours many happy returns in 2013!

May 26, 2013

2013 Pluto to 1989's Saturn-Neptune Conjunction

2013: Ancient Pluto's Magic Wand Transforms 1989's Saturn-Neptune Pair

by Jude Cowell

In 1989, Saturn and Neptune met in Great Conjunction three times: March 3, June 24, and November 13. These exact hook-ups (meetings, encounters, energies combined into such influences as: Communism, Americanism, Globalism (its implementation unopposed in 1989), Socialism, secret government, hidden leadership and control, Militarism, Nationalism, lack of community spirit, loss, erosion of soil, dissolution of structure, and all manner of other possibilities (earthy Saturn = form; boundaries, authority, walls, restriction, conservatism, lawmakers, status quo, old men, etc, and watery Neptune = urge to merge; dissolution; deception; delusions, paranoia, illusion; fraud, loss; the media/the masses, propaganda, veils, charlatans, mystics and Mysticism, mediums, channelers, spiritualists, gurus, priests, etc.) And...The Divine Source!

Why, even the GOP's illogical theme of 'shrink small enough (Saturn) until we can drown in a bath tub (Neptune) the baby of government (Saturn)' is described by this problematic pair of energies, and of course, we are reminded of political ideologue and operative Grover Norquist, in 1989 and now--along with the Congress-White House alliance that introduced harsh Sequester Cuts that now undermine the US economic recovery, delayed as it's been by political hacks and jackasses.

Saturn-Neptune's cosmic cycle is approximately 36 years in duration and is represented by the 9th Harmonic and the 4th Harmonic if we choose to reduce to essentials and study our topic on such levels (4 x 9 = 36; 2 x 18 = 36; 6 x 6 = 36.)

See Historical Events of 1989 if you're curious for you've already noticed that lumbering Pluto, of ancient beast reputation, has of late visited the range of degrees in Saturn-ruled Capricorn where Saturn and Neptune nestled a'nonce in 1989. Now with the entire 30 degrees of The Goat or Mer-Goat sign said to be a difficult Labyrinth unto itself, we're experiencing transit Pluto transforming facets of the 1989 duo of Saturn-Neptune, blended and working in tandem as they were. Karmic Pluto can stir any pot from beneath his Invisible Cape and Helmet of power, surveillance and puppet mastery--plus, assassination can never be completely ruled out wherever The Creepy One and his minions skulk and snivel.

So if the current trine aspect between Saturn and Neptune doesn't pan out quite as well as society needs it to (Scorpio to Pisces) toward social improvements, we can collectively 'thank' string-puller and wealth-horder Pluto (aka, Drago or Draco the Dragon) for interfering in our business from atop his secluded Ivory Tower while every ill wish toward us is lodged obsessively within the recesses of his primitive reptilian brain.

We speak of cultural and societal shifts that have been a long time coming with Pluto's orbital cycle around 248 years in length. And of course, America's Pluto Return (to 27Cap33) occurs 3x in 2022, as you know,--for the first time ever. Earlier degrees that Pluto crossed leading up to July 4, 1776 are of significance as well and may yield much info if one cares to have a peek at important historical dates and 'match them' with transiting Pluto's positions of the era--then look for Pluto's return to that degree in our modern era, plus, note the positions of other planets at that particular moment in time.

Using the degrees of 2013's transiting Pluto (Mr. Hades) hitting the *10--12 Cap range of the Tropical Zodiac, we find a midpoint picture with several potentials to be aware of in 2013 as they relate to events, entities, and personalities of 1989 (exs: GHWB, RR); you'll recognize some of the Jackassery Politics of our more brash era--above-the-law behavior now exhibited and practiced by those who assume they can get away with whatever bad behavior might gain them their objective/s--and for support, 'behavioral' Uranus now careens and jerks its erratic way through 'upstart' Aries. Radical anarchists, those dreamers!

Below, Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey midpoint descriptions are paraphrased for you:

1989 Saturn-Neptune = tr Pluto 2013+: denial of guilt and responsibility; new ideas about evolution upset long held but weaker historical theories (Munkasey); tremendous fear of loss (Tyl): difficult growth or development; heavy emotional depression (as when your home, school, and community are blown away? jc); serious illness (Ebertin.)

Besides affecting 1989's suffering duo Saturn and Neptune in 2013, Pluto is active in other planetary configurations as well including acting as apex planet in a critical YOD pattern shown in America's Solar Return 2013 horoscope, denoting our national birthday (on July 5th this year.) Heads-Up on an upcoming SO'W post about the US SR 2013 topic with Cancer, the sign of The Crab emphasized: additional details will be provided soon concerning this newly beginning 'personal year' (July 5, 2013 until July 2014) for our nation as seen through a common-good astrological lens by this former DC resident and blogger who dabbles in Astrology in a meager attempt to lift the rock from the squirmy little politicians writhing underneath.

Symbolically speaking, Pluto does like to animate his spiders, scorpions, and vermin in a macabre dance of manipulation and control, doesn't he?

Now in our dualistic world, there are both positive and negative levels of expression, but as a basic reminder of the Sabian Symbols involved with this planetary trio of fate as Pluto waves his magic wand, here you go: '10Cap' = "An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor" = NURTURE; '11Cap' = "A large group of pheasants" = ILLIMITABILITY; '12Cap" = "A student of nature lecturing" = EXPLANATION. (Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

"Pheasants"? Parading upon an 'ancient lawn', perhaps?

Dec 29, 2012

113th Congress' natal chart: Sun-Pluto = Mc

Major Update Jan 1, 2013: Pardon! Due to a date mishap where I'd heard in recent weeks that the 113th Congress would swear in on January 3, it turns out that their oaths will be taken on Friday Janaury 4, 2013 instead. Therefore, you may read the following post based on 'Janaury 3' or, you may wish to stay tuned for a new post concerning the 113th's January 4th horoscope. How much will change astrologically from one day to the next remains to be seen but of course some changes such as the Moon's position will be notable. Thanks! Jude

Orignal post begins here:

The image below shows the natal horoscope of the 113th Congress of the United States of America which opens on January 3, 2013 at noon est on Capitol Hill. Its Ascendant, the Congress itself, brings up the transiting Jupiter-Neptune (speculators, spendthrifts, wastrels, frausters, grand schemers, and the Grand Spirit) midpoint which gives a hint of the 113th's character though not all members may be thus described by the duo's negative tones (we hope):

Jupiter-Neptune = ASC: living in a world lighted by personal imagination, or, an emotionally rationalized agenda. (Mdpt pics today are from Noel Tyl's book, Solar Arcs.)

Penned around the outside of the chart are America's natal placements from the 'Sibly' chart of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT--as you see, Jupiter Rx @7Gem31 in 2nd house of the National Treasury will again conjoin US natal Uranus 8Gem55, as discussed in previous posts; North Node (NN 24Sco45) points to the 8th cusp and house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Transformation, etc, and is ruled by the 8th H's natural rulers, forceful Mars and powerful Pluto:

If the 113th gavela in on time at noon, it's an Hour of the Moon, suitable for changes and for newly elected congressmembers to take their seats, some of whom are women (Moon.) Publicity is involved as are security needs, real estate, and other realms associated with the astrological Moon including milk (Farm Bill? $8 milk?)

Here's a list of the 113th Congress' freshmen members.

As you see, there's another major midpt picture at Mc (Midheaven, The Goal Point of any chart) which has potential for:

Sun-Pluto = Mc: power games with important consequences; striving for power and control; vocational changes or upsets to adopt new perspectives.

Other midpt pics may be useful to consider though I shall not list them all in this post, then we'll look at the applying aspects of chart-ruler Mars (conflict; action; energy; warring factions, etc, to see how things may proceed for the country under the sway of the 113th Congress--note that Mars @6AQ48 conjoins US natal SN, a Saturnian point of separation and of past behaviors.

Challenger Mars is also the planet apex of 4 midpts: Pluto/Chiron (with its oppressive plutocracy and disenfranchisement vibes), Sun-Neptune, Neptune/Mc, and NN/ASC, detailed below) to see how things may proceed for the country under the sway of the 113th Congress and whatever secret austerity plans the radical Utopians (Uranus in Aries) will continue attempting to force upon us.

Martian midpoint pictures:

Sun-Neptune = Mars: nefarious scheming to exalt the ego; magnetism and charisma.

Neptune/Mc = Mars: playing a role.

NN/ASC = Mars: working for the common good (!!! now that would be a vast improvement over the radicals obstructing the 112th! jc)

I know of no easy words to describe Pluto-Chiron = Mars though with America's SN involved, I suspect that past bad behaviors such as oppression, win-at-any-cost attitudes, and even primal violence will continue to be exhibited by the corrupt Washington politicians and the plutocrats who support them infest the District of Columbia and continue their plan to completely take over the US government and weaken it while ravaging all resources of our nation.

Let us hope progressives and populists are up to fighting the battle though I must add the Saturn-Neptune = Mercury implications of depression and pessimism, a factor affecting all who are signified by planet Mercury (including young people, students, traders, and deal-makers. Sadly, the combo of Saturn-Neptune relates to 'secret government' but also to grief and sorrow.)

113th Congress: How Things Will Go = two applying aspects of Mars:

1. Mars trine Jupiter Rx (0A43) which on one level describes the pay raises (2nd H) that President Obama has ordered for the 113th Congress and for other federal employees who've had pay freezes in place (Rx Jupiter.) Hope our congressmembers turn out to deserve such financial encouragement and that they'll do the people's business better than the unproductive 112th did!

2. Mars square Saturn (2A56), which denotes that activist Mars will run into frustrating obstacles, hard work, and delays brought on by lack of preparation and/or bad timing. The seniority and authority of others may be challenged or threatened which will be met unkindly, and trying to get around rules and regulations is to be avoided (word to the wise!) Why, even physical threats may be received. Necessary items may go missing when sought though they will probably turn up later.

Yes, Mars SQ Saturn shows that the old dictum experience is the best teacher fully applies to the whippersnappers of the 113th Congress. But of course, with the GOP's past behavior with its sour grapes-sore loser attitude, we must expect to see filibusters and other obstructive tactics meant to block any legislation that might make President Obama 'look good'.

Well, these are my brief astro-notes concerning the 113th Congress though many other chart factors will be of interest as the congressional session grinds along. My plan is to direct you back to this natal horoscope when major transits or events occur so perhaps you'll find the chart useful as you consider the madness and mischief of the US House and Senate circa 2013 and beyond.


The only horoscope I have in my files for the natal chart of the US Congress is an old one and I suspect that I only surmised the hour since things tended to get started at an early hour in the olden candle-lit days:

US Congress: November 17, 1800 '9:30 am' LMT with Sun 25Sco04 (the above NN and 8th cusp conjoins natal Sun! NN to Sun = new contacts are made--or, sworn in!) and Moon 6Sag17, a steamy Water-Fire combo of passion, commitment, self-dramatization, fanaticism, and intellectual discernment.

Synchronistically, natal NN @17Ari59 conjoins the ASC of the 113th Congress, and natal Jupiter @4Leo26 = US natal NN; plus, natal Uranus @00Lib47, a World Point of Manifestation, conjoins US Midheaven in our 'Sibly' natal chart and with tr Uranus in Aries since 2010, Congress has been in the midst of its Midlife Crisis, a time when one tends to behave uncharacteristically!

Of great concern is Congress' natal Pluto @2Pis16 (transformation, manipulation, power, control, and wealth) which is now being dissolved by tr Neptune in early Pisces, a time when the current system can be removed, traditional rules are changed, treachery is afoot, and power is eroded; a resort to poison isn't out of the question, though negative societal trends may be mitigated somewhat by the current behavior and attitudes of those directly involved and challenged--here, the 113th Congress!

Nov 11, 2012

Nov 11 2012: Neptune Direct Station at 00Pis21

Neptune Direct Station Conjoins US Pre-Natal Eclipse Series 00Pis33

by Jude Cowell

With today's Neptune Direct Station @00Pis21 and "1 Pisces" having "A Public Market" Sabian Symbol, I want to mention once again America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series, the 12 South, with its theme of: 'successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness; things seem worse at first then clear' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

A Solar Eclipse in the 12S last manifested on July 11, 2010 and you may remember that the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout had occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and under the influence of 12S, a 'cap' was finally installed successfully to stop the millions of gallons of oil releasing into the waters. The compromised well has leaked of late but that's beyond the scope of this brief post on oceanic Neptune, King of the Seas.

Neptune's Direct Station occurred at 2:52:36 am est while many of us were sleeping which is appropriate for the nebulous planet of the Unconscious, sleep and sleep aids. Note: if by now you haven't caught and released that giant green moth flying around you bedroom, please do so! Unless you're on the East Coast and are made homeless by Hurricane Sandy, that is. Then Neptune's rulership of water and flooding is all too real for comfort with your pillows and beds washed out to sea.

And the Winner Is...Barack Obama

To add more of an unconscious flavor to Neptune's Direct Station today, mindful Mercury Rx forms an applying square (blockages; obstacles) aspect with Neptune which provides the Collective Unconscious with difficulties in seeing things clearly just when we need to as 2012 ends. In Washington, we find many bubble-living Republicans who are having more problems than usual ignoring realities they don't like. But facing truth--not one of Neptune's talents yet a Direct Neptune tends to be more honest--is an imperative now and political progress of the GOP will be limited until they do. Yet as in Summer 2011, they may decide to take America down with them as they go, kamikaze-style.

As for reality-based Saturn @4Sco22 in 2nd house in the Neptune Direct Station horoscope set for Washingotn DC, Mr. Lesson-Bringer and Neptune are in the trine stage of their approximately 33-year cycle. They last met in Great Conjunction/s in 1989 three times: March 3, June 24, and November 13 in the 10 to 12 degree range of Capricorn. As you know, these degrees of Capricorn are within orb now of transiting Pluto so we have a midpoint picture to consider for a snapshot of these energies when combined and which time links 1989 with 2012/13:

1989 Saturn-Neptune = 2012/13 Pluto: difficult growth or development; heavy emotional depression (Ebertin); feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of loss potential (Tyl.)

Actually, you may wish to review a list of major events which occurred in 1989 such as the Exxon Valdez tanker running aground--a deja-vu in 2010 and mentioned during the BP Deepwater Horizon fiasco that killed eleven workers, if memory serves.

Now for more information on today's Neptune Direct Station (without the aggravating political tidbits provided here) visit expert astrologer Dipali Desai who will be glad to fill you in!


Aid is needed for our returning vets: visit the Wounded Warrior Project.

Oct 2, 2012

Oct 10, 2012: Saturn-Neptune Trine good for Politics!

Feelin' Your 'Spidey Sense' These Days? Maybe It's Saturn Trine Neptune!

by Jude Cowell

Yes, it's true! A Saturn-Neptune trine overhead can be good for such endeavors as Politics, mystery solving and investigating, working on secret and/or government projects, and behind the scenes organizing. Exact on October 10, the Cosmos now offers us an easier understanding of the law of cause and effect in relation to our karmic circumstances for those who make an effort. And with the karmic Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 13, 2012 at our collective doorstep (@21Sco56--conjunct US natal 12th cusp of Karma and Politics), such understanding will come in mighty handy.

After all, voting Mercury's Station Retrograde on Election Day 2012 occurs at 4Sag18 so if we 'round up' the degree for a Sabian Symbol, we get: '5Sag' = "A Wise Old Owl Up in a Tree" guess as to the wise old owl's identity? The American people, the ones the Republicans have counted out and don't wish to 'fund' any longer when it's so obvious to them that their buddies on Wall Street need our resources instead and don't mind finagling to redistribute them...upward. (!?^*!!$#&*!!!)

However, for a much more uplifting and poetic rendering of this transiting, insight-inspiring aspect in emotional, intuitive Water signs Scorpio (Saturn) and Pisces (Neptune), check out Dipali Desai's wonderful column at Celestial Space. You'll be happy you did!

Why, even those involved with secret societies will benefit on some level under this trine's rays along with artists, musicians, writers, actors and directors, photographers, and workers in other realms of creativity, for making a wish (Neptune) come true (Saturn) as a dream is poured (Neptune) into form and substance (Saturn) makes for harmony under the trine's influence! And this is a distinct possibility for those who are willing to actually use the trine energy (talent) with its steady focusing capability rather than relying on mere luck to see things through.

Of course, having natal planets that make supportive aspects to Saturn in early Scorpio and/or Neptune in early Pisces can only help matters!

UPDATE 10.2.12: just found another informative view of Saturn in Scorpio by Washington state's expert astrologer Julie Demboski which you'll want to check if you haven't! #

For additional political and astrological considerations concerning Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces, the October Debates, the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of November 2012, Winter Solstice 2012, and much more, why not subscribe to the Oct-Nov-Dec 2012 issue of Stars Over Washington Monthly--but only if you dare! :)

Aug 10, 2012

Saturn-Neptune, The Drought of 1953 and Wilhelm Reich's 'cloudbuster' (video)

Of Saturn-Neptune, Droughts, and Controversial Rainmakers

by Jude Cowell

The current drought in the US got me thinking about the drought of 1953 and the triple Great Conjunction/s of Saturn (restriction, stoppages, loss, and drought a long time coming) and Neptune of water, rain, gas ('orgone energy', in this case), and oceanic tendencies, with Neptune also a planet of loss and both planets karmic in nature (reaping what was sown, or in the case of drought, perhaps not reaping it.)

Below is a list of Saturn-Neptune conjunction dates and degrees of 1952/53 though they did meet again in 1989 in the 10--12 Capricorn degree range, where transiting Pluto soon will trod (Saturn-Neptune = tr Pluto: feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of a potential for loss; fear--Tyl; rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt from responsible people; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories--Munkasey.)

Saturn conj Neptune:

1. November 21, 1952 @22Lib47; 2. May 1, 1953 @22Lib39; 3. July 22, 1953 @21Lib12, as Saturn 'stopped' the Neptunian 'rain' from falling.

You'll note that the Libra degrees from 1952-53 are recently being re-visited by dry, drying Saturn, today @24Lib28. Also today, Neptune is @2Pis07 Rx ('3Pis' = "A Petrified Forest," a very dry scene) yet you'd think there would be no droughts at all in any location with Neptune in its own watery sign, wouldn't you?

Drought 1953

Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich's invention, the cloudbuster, was demonstrated on July 6, 1953--just before conjunction #3, above, near Maine's Bangor hydro-electric dam (hydro = Neptune, electric = Uranus) in what's called The Blueberry Experiment, beginning at 10 am (yes, it rained and crops were saved!)

Well, if you set up a horoscope for July 6, 1953 you'll see a vital, interesting planetary conjunction with a major star: Sun, Mars, and SIRIUS in Cancer, a water sign (the Crab.) In an appropriate synchronicity, SIRIUS is linked with the annual flooding of the Nile in ancient Egypt. Plus, in 1953 Sun-Mars-SIRIUS were quite near electrical Uranus @18Can29.

Read more details if you wish...and here is a 44-minute video on quite a dry and curious topic:

The next Great Conjunction of Saturn (government; boundaries) and Neptune (invisible, secret; merging) is on February 20, 2026 at Aries Point (@00Ari45), a World Point of Manifestation and/or Recognition, which will greatly enhance the significance of the Saturn-Neptune combination of antithetical energies while emphasizing the year 2026. Perhaps a drought will occur then and if so, its threat of famine could well be of global proportions (AP.) Or, maybe the masks of the global syndicate's secret government officials, agents, and operatives will be finally washed away for all the world to see their dirty, vicious faces.

Yes, it's true! There is a variety of curiously intriguing videos available at Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Jun 7, 2012

Amy Goodman interviews Joseph Stiglitz June 6, 2012 (video)

On Global Governance, Madrid 2012, and the Evils of Inequality

by Jude Cowell

Having much respect for the journalistic work and integrity of Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, I am pleased to bring you her June 6, 2012 interview with economist Joseph Stiglitz in which topics included in his book The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future are discussed.

You'll find a continuation of the interview with Prof. Stiglitz by clicking afterwards.

According to census data, nearly 1 in 2 Americans have now fallen into poverty or can be classified as the 'working poor' which is an outcome that I believe has been long-planned by generations of intermarried global elites (who direct Washington politicians--wonder what goodies and powerful positions they've promised them after the Utopian-minded Weishauptians have collapsed the world economy--if their Great Plan for global governance eventually works to its ultimate and engineered conclusion? Want to bet the elites' political operatives and agents in America will be discarded like last year's smartphone if in the end it should suit some shady international banking house's top cats?)

But of course that's just silly, isn't it, and only a 'theory', the sort of theory that no well-known economist in this country would dare add to his public discourse, admit to, or include within the pages of his best selling books. Yet what he whispers in private behind closed doors may be quite another matter...

Is Mass Hypnosis and Collective Denial Peaking with Neptune in Pisces?

Amazing that Americans see right under their noses how our national treasure and resources--men, women, blood, finances, weaponry, and more--are being used to strong-arm nation-states across the globe as they reshape and reconfigure the balance of power yet We the People behave as if global governance isn't threatening to become a reality on our dimes--and on our watch!

For example, see what UNESCO-funded political scientists will get up to at Madrid 2012, the XXII World Congress of Political Science. Its theme? "Reordering Power, Shifting Boundaries." Now that would be a Saturn-Pluto-Neptune-Saturn agenda, I do believe. What do you think?

Jul 12, 2011

Horoscope: Uranus Square Pluto on Aug 8, 2011

Image: August 8, 2011 8:13 am edt White House, Washington DC; click chart to enlarge:

In case you wish a view, here's a horoscope of the closest orb I'm finding between disruptive rebel Uranus 4Ari14 Rx 8th house, and powerful, subversive Pluto 5Cap15 Rx in 4th house with the chart set for the White House, and Moon 11Sag53 conjoining the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron (Pluto/Chiron = plutocrats) of December 30, 1999 which helped usher in the New Millennium and 21st Century.

Their orb is 1S02 (1 degree 2 minutes separating) which indicates a past event of a frustrating, blocking, or explosive nature; or, on psychological levels, it signifies unconscious eneries with similar 'obstacle' flavors.

As you see, out-of-bounds Mars 3Can25 (always touchy in Moon-ruled Cancer) sits upon US natal Venus, planet of relationships, attraction, and valuations. This transit indicates new alliances, partnerships, or cooperative relationships being formed which involve vigorous assistance being offered. Legal and diplomatic matters and social events go well or are at least the target of attention. This is not an especially strong aspect by transit but it will support stronger indicators if or when they are operative - if Pluto opposing Mars will allow it.

The fact that Mars-to-US-n-Venus occurs in 10th H of Public Standing and Career may indicate global importance, however, though tr South Node (SN), a separative, Saturnian point, tells us that things may not be going as well as we'd prefer in the Public Standing category (US credit rating on Moody's cutting board? The desertion of the dollar as reserve currency? But who can trust financial ratings or other 'watchdog' agencies after the purposeful financial carnage of 2008?)

Lesson-bringer Saturn himself (always The Adult in the Room - and this is an Hour of Saturn)) is posited in one of the money houses, the 2nd H of Earning Ability and Values. Only hard work will do! Plus, Sun/Moon = Saturn: addressing problems.

Chart-ruler Mercury, planet of communications, trade, and commerce, is at a critical 29th degree: 29Leo57 Rx in 12 H of the Unconscious/Politics/Self-Undoing/Karma/Behind-the-Scenes and makes two applying aspects in the chart which gives clues as to how things will proceed in relation to the Uranus-Pluto Square. Also, Mercury conjoins one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Regulus (00Vir00) with the keywords: success if revenge is avoided. With the Royal Stars linked to a chart, success is promised yet it can be taken away if the advice of what to avoid is ignored...similar in fashion to a test by old man Saturn.

One thinks of Rupert Murdoch's current embroilment with his papers' use of spying and hacking--and a publishing empire under threat of loss of reputation and business. Even a billionaire can have his credit rating affected by events, bad decisions, and illegal practices if they're egregious enough.

Mercury's first applying aspect is an opposition to nebulous purveyor of oil, gas, water, poison, scandals, and secrets - Neptune, also at a critical degree, 29AQ55 Rx in 6th H of Health, Work, Service including military and police.

And you see Ceres marked into the 7th H at 00Ari10 Rx, the Aries Point, where the asteroid makes her retrograde 'stand' or station, a strengthening of her energies for a specific period of time, on a World Point of Manifestation. Are more instances of starvation on the global agenda? Well, Ceres in Mundane Astrology represents grains, food supply, milk production, food security and insecurity, other security needs and issues, and nurturing conditions. GM foods may be emphasized here. And with the nurturing Moon, natural tenant of the 4th H, strong in the 4th H, Real Estate may be emphasized but with the Part of Fortune conjunct landlord Pluto.

NN 23Sag11, also in 4th H, describes a restless path toward philosophy, knowledge and understanding. This NN is trined by the Sun 15Leo38 in 12th H and near Venus 13Leo25. A Sun/NN trine indicates leadership talent, public favor and popularity - and it favors politicians.

One factor worth noting is that the difficult midpoint of Saturn-Neptune, duo of invisible or secret government, is now 'on the path' (NN) so I must tell you that...

Saturn/Neptune = NN: common or joint suffering; mourning.

As mentioned in previous posts, Uranus is in the sign of the pioneer or trailblazer, Aries, which denotes 'Utopians' (Ebertin.) Uranus remains at the apex of two planetary midpoints, one between the speculator-wastrel-inflationary-grand-spirit pair, Jupiter and Neptune, the second with forceful, zealous, military-minded Mars/Pluto. Created are two word pictures that show the synergies of the trios:

1. Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: experiencing the contrast of imagination v reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump (US default? jc); sudden recognition of a difficult situation; disruptions by events which have no explanation; basing decisions on unusual or supernatural theories or visions; unaccustomed confusion; impersonal treatment for those with drug dependencies.

2. Mars/Pluto = Uranus: use of whatever power or means available to reform, disrupt, stir up, or alter conditions (wonder who? jc; sudden calamities of great consequence (sorry, but you should be prepared, just in case - jc); violence, cruelty, brutality. Basically, this is an unwelcome echo of the off-on Cardinal T-Square's mdpt picture with the opposition between Saturn and Uranus pointing toward controlling, ruthless Pluto, The Spy.

Now Jupiter 9Tau34 is happy in his own 9th H of Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Lands, Higher Education, and the Legal System. His helpful trine from Pluto has passed but is still of some slight influence (4S19), and the two money planets (actually Pluto is a third), Jupiter and Venus, separate from their square (3S51) showing someone's recent splurge toward self-indulgence, luxury, and laziness! Financial difficulties, obstructive legal matters, or secret involvements are also potentials of a Venus/Jupiter square and we hear of these in the news each day.

Highlighted in red pencil is the T-SQ pattern just mentioned between Mars-Pluto-Uranus, with quirky Uranus conjunct the 8th cusp of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Big Business, Transformation, and such. The Part of Brethren conjoins usurping revolutionary Uranus in this particular chart and I leave to you to decide if this Part describes any group of actors in particular. (Uranus shows how people behave so here the behavior relates to Mars-ruled Aries and, I believe, to 'Utopians' as Ebertin suggests.)

Around the chart in green, America's natal planets are notated; no natal ASC or MC are added for the US since their positions depend on which natal horoscope you prefer. If you use the Sibly version (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA), then the Moon 11Sag53 conjoins US natal Ascendant.

This ASC 8Vir09 is part of a closed circuit of energies we like to call a 'Grand Trine' though here, at one point of the triangle (marked by a dotted line), no planet appears, only an outlet (ASC) for the planetary participants, Jupiter and Pluto. As a pair, Jupiter-Pluto describes: organizers of large projects, leaders of uprisings (and Uranus loves uprisings and squares saboteur Pluto), fanatics, and those who exploit the masses.

Betcha can't name just one!

Other potentials of Jupiter-Pluto are any, all, or none of these: squanderers, speculators, economic and law professors, conflicts with authority, a desire to lead the masses, those who desire or are determined upon instituting large social reforms, and spiritual or intellectual leaders. (Ebertin.)

Another mdpt picture may be of interest to our topic...

Mercury/Neptune = MC (The Goal; Aspirations): far-reaching plans and ideas (NWO? jc); self-deception; going the wrong way; to lie. (Ebertin.) Munkasy adds: psychic ability.

Now America's radical Uranus in Gemini is angular at Midheaven, yet the first US natal planet to rise in this horoscope is our national Neptune 22Vir25 which brings along President Obama's natal Mars at the same degree. Will we ever 'see' Mr. Obama's actions and motivations in a clear light? This I've tended to doubt. Yet possibly a sifting down of the current impasse concerning America's budgetary and debt ceiling matters will be needed before Mr. Obama's cards are placed on the table within full view of the public.,,and within full view of his opponents, the Republicans, with whom the current Democratic occupant of the White House plays high-stakes chess.


One annoying thing about writing in a blogging form is that in any given post, I must try to link or repeat myself such as with the current opposition from tr Pluto to US natal Venus and Jupiter, now affecting US finances adversely. Plus, to keep from repeating myself once again, I assume that you, dear reader, already know that the above discussed Uranus/Pluto square is a major phase in the cyclic dance between Uranus and Pluto. Their current cycle began when they 'met' in Great Conjunction/s on October 9, 1965 @ 17Vir10, April 4, 1966 @ 16Vir28, and June 30, 1966 @ 16Vir06, all at a critical degree, 17 Virgo.

An example from real life of these strong energies expressing in a not-so-destructive manner, is my own Uranus-Pluto experience during these mid-1960s conjunctions all of which occurred on an angle of my natal chart so that with their intense, powerful connection to Rock-n-Roll, I saw the one and only Beatles concert performed in Atlanta, GA. It was very very Uranus-Pluto! jc

Jun 18, 2011

Living On Earth features Mayan Calendar Prophecy Dec 2012

June 18, 2011: Today's Living On Earth addresses several important topics which include:

Congress blocking FDA approval for transgenic fish (if only US lawmakers would stand firm against all 'Frankenfood', right?), the life and legacy of creative (Neptune) scientist (Saturn) George Washington Carver, space weather and a brand new cycle of sunspot activity, climate change creating more intense weather, and the science of wildfires.

Then it's new FDA regulations on sunscreen products, Henry David Thoreau's lessons for living a 'deliberate life', and more.

Also featured on today's LOE is an interview concerning the Mayan Calendar and (alleged) prophecy about the world 'ending' on either December 21, 2012 or December 23, 2012. Will Earth and Planet X collide for Winter Solstice 2012? Or will Earth simply putter to a stop? (My basic view is that only God will end this incarnation of planet Earth. However, difficult days and Earth Shifts are ahead. You may disagree as you wish!)

LOE: "The Mayan Long Count Calendar is nearing the end of its 5,125 year cycle. New age prophecies, based on the ancient calendar, warn the world will end when the cycle concludes in December 2012."

If that's the case, then perhaps you'll want to read, listen, or download the rest of Predicting the End of the World for a more reasoned voice on the topic than is usually shared online. Even the mainstream media promotes the Mayan Calendar obsession which is certainly a good reason to stay cool about it given its high propaganda value to our current fearmongers.

Some say that rumors of a 2012 doomsday are being spread so that people can make money which sounds plausible to me considering opportunistic human nature!

Yet a transcript of PBS's April 2008 broadcast Cracking the Maya Code is it becoming more timely by the minute?

Ancient Maya: Ace Mathematicians Who Studied the Celestial Sphere

Yes, they had the good sense to keep tabs on eclipses and other planetary activities. Then if you care for a little Astrology on the matter, try a previous post on Winter Solstice 2012 which shows the horoscope (set for the White House) and gives a few pertinent details including the 2012 Solstice's YOD pattern of crisis, crossroads, and/or a special task which points to planet Jupiter.

In the chart, you'll see that Jupiter Rx makes a transit to US natal Uranus 8Gem55, a time when freedom and independence issues come to the fore with results that are unpredictable especially in relation to finances, investment, fund-raising, travel, group activities, technology, and...Astrology.

Image: Indian Pipes, a copyrighted botanical (Saturn) pencil drawing (Mercury) in a visionary (Neptune) landscape by yours truly, Jude Cowell.

Feb 14, 2009

Is Neptune behind the Economic Crisis?

Have I found a great article - using an astrological lens to investigate the current financial crisis - for you! Paul Wright's article is a fine example of the excellent writing in The Mountain Astrologer Magazine, as you probably know.

Neptune and Economic Turmoil goes into detail on Neptune's 164 year cycle, phases, and implications, its ongoing transit opposite the UK's natal Saturn (which opposes n Venus-Pluto in the *UK chart; therefore, n Venus-Pluto = tr Neptune: immorality; a sense of tragedy), transit Saturn's current effects on America's n Neptune, and Neptune's return to Discovery degree (23AQ; Sep 23, 1846; Return 2008 - 2009.)

As you know, Venus and Pluto relate to money, banking, and high finance through the signs they rule, the Taurus-Scorpio polarity - and thus possibly to bankruptcies.

Mr. Wright, a gifted and experienced astrologer of 30 years, says that with all the current Saturn and Neptune action involving the US and UK charts, we have the opportunity now to gain clarity and "set (our) houses in order" for it is the "unrealistic price of housing underpinning the crisis."

And as he further states, "Even the ancients warned against usury. There has to be a better way."

No argument here! I only hope the ruling class has that as its ultimate objective.


*UK chart: May 12, 1707 (NS); 00:00 LMT; Westminster, England

US chart: July 4, 1776 (NS); 5:10 pm LMT; Philadelphia, PA
('Sibly' chart)

Also used in article: Bank of Scotland: July 17, 1695 (OS); noon; Edinburgh, Scotland; data from historical record, Act of Parliament.

Nov 20, 2008

Thomas Frank on unionizing and the Obama presidency

It's time to give voters the liberalism they want, says Thomas Frank.

We voted for it. Didn't we? Will it matter?

Since I've been trying to find more details about the issue of union organizing, its pros and cons, Franks' article fills the bill on that score, but it also contains his views on Barack Obama's victory, governing from the center, and what the governed want from government.

Now I know what you're thinking: McCain didn't try, he was only a fake candidate - the same role that Al Gore and John Kerry played.

Gore meekly accepted the SCOTUS decision after wimpily protesting the recount/chad situation in 2000.

Then John Kerry pulled a lofty "I'm above their attacks" air for Swift Boaters using the Michael Dukakis model and let Rove stomp all over his military record, one of the few things Kerry had going for him.

2008 comes along, and McCain picks Sara Palin as VP stunning mate and she played the role of Flash In The Pan Mama while getting herself some national name recognition for later use. Oh - and she'll soon have a book she wants you to buy.

Why, it's almost as if gnats like me are correct when we say the American people don't elect the president, he's selected from a private stash by a secret cabal from the shadows.

And it's almost as if America's two most elevated natal planets on each side of our national *Midheaven describes a secret government for all the world to of the signatures of Saturn-Neptune IS secret (Neptune) government (Saturn.)

Perhaps the great majority of us are the only ones who can't see it even as it hides in plain sight, m'peops.

But we now know from blowback that others in the **wider world feel its wrath and have had enough.

And we now know that all the power elitists do, they cover themselves by acting in our name: America.


* Using 'Sibly' version or the Dane Rudhyar chart for July 4, 1776.
** 'wider world' = the Midheaven, the most visible point in any chart, the noon point.

Sep 18, 2008

Lehman Brothers crisis - of 1984

Update November 19, 2019: Its link is now dead so I've removed a link that had led to an article by Sam Marcy, explaining the root cause of the Lehman Brothers crisis - of 1984.

Reaganites thought that the 'capitalist recovery' would save them if they could hang on until after the election in spite of Middle East adventurism, war in Central America, and other nefarious US dealings in the world.

Democrats were emphasizing the federal deficit and high interest rates - meanwhile 11 million Americans were unemployed with as many more partially unemployed. Sound familiar yet?

Sam Marcy's article was from April 26, 1984 and details David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission as it was warmly greeted by its previous opponent, Ronald Reagan, when they met in Washington DC just before the article was written.

If it were available you cold read how Mr. Marcy refers to the Trilateralists as "this supernationalist body of imperialist politicians, bankers, and industrialists." He goes on, "Never was interest in the state of the economy as high as it is now. Never before were all the lines between Wall Street and Washington so intimately tied together."

Well, they became more intimate, as we know.

And with the upcoming transit of restrictive Saturn to America's natal Neptune in 9th house of Philosophy (the 'grim reality' transit) it popped out on the page when I read Marcy's statement that, "Beneath the aura of optimism, there suddenly comes like a flood of light, the grim reality of the state of the capitalist system. This happened just last week when one of the most powerful investment and banking combines in this country - the 134-year-old Lehman Brothers, Kuhn-Loeb - was forced to sell out to an even larger financial octopus, the mammoth Shearson-American Express."

This sent a "quake through the entire structure of finance capital," says Marcy.

Now it's 24 years later - two Jupiter cycle$ - and the recovery of the 90s now reveals capitalism's instability in the New Millennium as we contemplate Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism which tells the tale even more starkly and from a later perspective, of course.

Now here's the Who Rules the World list which you may have seen before - this version is from Robert Hieronimus' book,
Founding Fathers, Secret Societies, and I shall post it in reverse order with the base first.

These are said to be represented by the 13-step pyramid with the all-seeing eye at apex on the back of a dollar bill:

13. Secret Societies (such as: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and Freemasons)

12. Communism, Socialism, and all isms (the most visible aspect of the apparatus)

11. Income and Estate Taxes

10. Tax-free Foundations

9. SEATO, NATO and other front alliances

8. Common Market, Atlantic Union

7. United Nations

6. Federal Reserve System and other central banks

5. UN banking complex

4. Council on Foreign Relations

3. Business Advisory Council

2. Bilderbergers

1. Political Zionism

Apex: International Monetary Fund

The Fed flooded the world with money this morning beginning at 3:00 am Eastern Time (when markets open overseas) but last I heard, no one was much impressed.

Update 3.14.10: 2009 was the year of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, the inflationary duo of grand schemes and bubbles, with their last hook-up in December 2009 conjunct US natal Moon = little sense of reality; tendency to dream. We've been had, folks.

Excess liquidity is part of the reason we're in the mess we're in so now we're swimming in deeper waters as Republican candidate John McCain hopes the newly proposed "trust" will get him through the November election - similar to the Republican optimism of 1984.

Dec 10, 2007

the Fed speaks as Jupiter conjuncts Pluto

If all goes as scheduled Tuesday, the Fed will announce its decision about reducing interest rates--or not.

Here's the chart for the Fed's announcement at 2:15 pm est--and Jupiter conjuncts Pluto at 2:34 pm est, oddly enough.

Not so odd though if you consider all the Middle Easterners in process of purchasing American companies...East buys West, it seems. Guess the destruction of The Tower on 9/11/01 is yielding benefits as planned--at least for the haves of the world who love to orchestrate the "big picture."

The transiting Saturn/Neptune midpoint (loss) is now at critical degree, 29Sco07, and just before reaching the degree I always relate to the military industrial complex (and thus to Cheney's Iraq occupation) of "1Sag": "A Grand Army of the Republic campfire."

As to the Fed announcement chart, we see the Jupiter/Pluto conj snugged about the chart's 9th cusp of foreign enemies and interests; Sun 19Sag22 in 8th house of shared resources and debt, along with Mercury, the Messenger, at 16Sag07. Mercury is conjunct Sunday's New Moon, so we have:

Sun/Moon = Mercury: thoughts about relationships; plans for fulfillment.

Sun is conj the Fed's natal Venus (values; money; relationships) which was at 19Sag03 on Dec 23, 1913 when the Fed became law to save America's bacon (or so they said. They've been 'privatized' from the start, not governmental.)

Sun to n Venus highlights negotiations and relationships when important alliances and partnerships may be formed.

The Fed's n Sun (at sunrise): 1Cap06, with n Jupiter 23Cap13--near the MC of the announcement chart. 1913's Uranus 5AQ35 was conj US natal South Node...

The Uranus/SN combo indicates upsets through revolution and war, and changing social and technological conditions which are disruptive.

WWI began August 1, 1914 with Uranus Rx at "14AQ" by then, and there was a difficult Solar Eclipse in the 6 South Series (28Leo) on Aug 21, 1914:

being forceful and taking power; manic flavor with great force or strength in relationships; huge effort expended in group activities. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

By 1917, Pres. Woodrow Wilson declared war in order to "end all war" and "make the world safe for democracy" which sounds nauseatingly familiar, doesn't it? (And it isn't that "they" never learn--it's that WE never do.)

The 6S Series last manifested at 21Lib06 in October, 2004, coming next at "2Sco" in Oct, 2022.

So what of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction?

Star IQ says this Great Conjunction of opinionated Jupiter and intense, powerful Pluto indicates extreme beliefs bringing debates with judgement of others being due to exaggerated fears. It's time to give up outmoded ideas, dreams, and false expectations (such as houses built on subprime loans?) to make room for realistic plans to fulfill our deepest desires.

Or perhaps the deepest desires of the haves of our shakey "ownership society"?

StarIQ also has an informative article by Rick Gover on Pluto and the Fed which mentions a cornucopia...and here's today's degree for asteroid, Cupido, keywords: corporations; The Family...

"24Aries": "An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia"--Cupido is in the behind-the-scenes, karmic 12th house of the announcement chart--and pulling hidden strings, no doubt. And Cupido is now conj Bush's n MC!

Chart-ruler Venus is in 7th house of partnerships and legal affairs ('relationships' again) so money is all over this chart--click to enlarge and you'll see for yourself. She's in big business-loving Scorpio, too.

Even the relational Sun-Moon midpoint is highlighted at a World Point (00Cap55), a spot where tr Pluto will soon be visiting: new perspectives required and a critical time of development. Pluto will also conj the Moon-Mercury midpoint of this chart...

Moon/Mercury = Pluto: persuasion or being persuaded; the force of thought; a reorientation of thinking caused by special events or destined experiences; tragic realizations (all midpoint pics: Tyl and/or Ebertin.)

Rich man Jupiter rules 8th and 9th houses, and there are critical degrees (20Can/Cap) at MC/IC, the WHY and HOW Points of the chart. Jupiter applies to conj with the Sun (9A02); chart-ruler Venus' three applying aspects (how things will "go" for the rate decrease or non-decrease announcement) are:

1. Venus trine Mars (0A15);

2. Venus sextile Saturn (1A11);

3. Venus square Chiron (4A39)...sounds like fairly smooth sailing but ends with a square indicating obstacles and blockages by a 10th house Chiron in AQ. Will America's wounded (Chiron) reputation and status in the world (10th house) gum up the works? Or will weasley values and rampant corruption in the financial system sink the deal?

Contacts between Venus and Chiron show stress in relational values with their square indicating maximum stress in finding a permanent value system. The world could use one of those...esp America, imho.

But There's More:

Hypothetical planet, Apollon forms a YOD ('Finger of God' = special purpose or task; crisis) by sextiling the Jup-Pluto pair. The YOD is pointing to the Part of Fortuna of this chart--28Tau08, in 1st house. The Jup-Pluto duo trine the ASC (2:15 pm--the announcement) so they are helping things along.

BTW: there was a Saturn-Uranus conjuction at 29Tau20 on May 3, 1942.

Saturn-Uranus = old vs new; tradition vs progress; the need to fight for gains; violence; tension; intervention in the destiny of others. This grumpy combo of planets is linked with the Middle East, esp with Israel and Palestine.

Saturn and Uranus' cycle of appr 45 years will soon culminate in opposition from their last Conjunction/s of 1988 at 28/29 Sag which is the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction's degree NOW...

Jupiter/Pluto = Saturn: strategy becomes necessary; adjusting the big picture to meet with convention; difficulties; separations.

Jup/Pluto = Uranus: fanatical striving for improvements; quick exploitation of every situation; sudden reform; an adjustment to new circumstances; intense application of resources to establish a new perspective; overturning the tables; getting back on track or finding a better one.

Saturn/Uranus = Jupiter: resolution of tensions comes rewardingly from without; a sudden turn of destiny; losses; damage to buildings.

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality; desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; rebellion; major harm; tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets.

But Back to Apollon:

Apollon's keywords are: commerce and trade; greatest expansion and success.

And there's an asteroid conj the Jup/Pluto conj: Hopi, whose keywords are:

awareness of oppression and prejudice; ambush, including psychological ambush. Funny--I always think of high hopin' Bush when I see Hopi--and he did rather ambush the White House.

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon's degree, "13Cap" is: "A fire worshiper" (Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology), keyword: MAGIC...

pos: extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: consistent overestimation of personal capacity.

No comment! In fact...stick a fork in me, I'm done.

On a lighter note: I've published a new/old image at Dreamyfish Art, if you'd like to see along with a link to an AP article about new deep water coral that's just been discovered!

Jun 21, 2007

Saturn-Neptune: Mideast Peace Summit

Egypt is wrangling up a Mideast Peace Summit on Monday--the day the Saturn/Neptune opposition is exact for the last time.

Interesting sense of timing they've got there.

Jun 20, 2007

Bush saves our morals

Feeling over the moral line? Don't fund that research, says George the paragon of virtue currently haunting the Oval Office. Bush vetos our moral line but I can't forget that when mere mortal girds himself in righteousness, check closely for crossed fingers while you're watching the other hand.

In this masquerade a clown is making grimaces and the dunce cap is being passed around...hope is indeed on the horizon while storm clouds gather and the earth trembles.

The previously-mentioned Saturn/Neptune opposition, exact this Friday, won't be the end of confusions, propagandas, quakes, storms...we'll be in the Full Moon or Culmination stage of the Sat/Nep Cycle with the light decreasing slowly.

Good googly moogly, but much has been written online and in books concerning the energies of these two antithethical 'actors'...Neptune of the underwater realm and Saturn (Cronos), Father Time, the Taskmaster and Lessonbringer, earth and soil, realism, authority, control--the restriction principle which balances Jupiter's billowing expansion principle.

In our Solar System, Jupiter and Saturn are called the Fly-Wheel of the Universe because of the tension between them which is perfectly described by the yin-yang principle, if you like.

But along comes Neptune:

Nebulous, gaseous, watery, veiling, illusory, and possibly deceptive planet of idealism, inspiration, and spirituality...Neptune is the vortex to the Divine.

Yet opposing is Saturn which represents the disciplinarian side of our Creator, while Jupiter is the generous side--the rod and the staff of the Lord's Prayer.

So expansion vs restriction = planets stay in their courses instead of spinning out all over the the perfect amount of balm and comfort to know Who's in Charge (and it ain't dubya.)

Neptune isn't the codified or organized religion you love to avoid, it's the spiritual church, the brotherhood of humankind who loves Life over death.

Yet from within our delusions we tend to pervert Neptune's gentle persuasions with negative escapisms, confusions, and sometimes with lies. Sacrifice is her game, loss may have to be her name as Neptune washes away the temporary to make way for the permanent--a typical Saturnian word!

This little ball of Earth is now locked between Saturn and Neptune which relates to 9/11/01 when Earth was ambushed by the Saturn/Pluto opposition with its hardship, cruelty, and war connotations.

And perhaps you've read my crumb about the off-and-on-forming aspect in effect for years to come Karma: Neptune septile Pluto or perhaps you haven't.

Either way, those Transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are bringing in and ushering out generations which overlap in a complex tapestry of time and experience...whether we want them to or not.