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Showing posts with label Scheat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scheat. Show all posts

Feb 17, 2021

Eclipses, Klans, Prez Bids, Despots, and Empires

February 17, 2021: In my prevous post on the 17 South Summer Solstice Eclipse of 2015, the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Trump's bid for the presidency, you can view the eclipse horoscope. Below, you can see it again along with one of its 17 South 'siblings' which perfected on December 22, 1870 @00Cap30, conjunct one of four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation, and the PE of the passsage of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 on April 20th, now being considered for use against Trump and his comrades.

17 South themes are penned on the chart, right side, and a list of individuals, entities, and events that also were born or begun within the 17 South Saros Series is on the left. Considering that the 'hidden' topic of this post is Trump and his Klannish (tribal) sentiments and activities (ex: Trump Mob Attack of January 6, 2021), you'll note that 17 South 'spawned' two related entities - Herr Hitler and the German Empire:

Besides being at a 29th critical or crisis degree (of Pisces, so conjunct the Aries Point), a significant factor that lowered the 'good news' potentials of the 2015 Solar Eclipse into the abyss of despair and harm is its conjunction with fixed star Scheat, a star known for its nasty potentials of: 'extreme misfortune, suicide, murder, drowning, a sentence of death, imprisonment, suffering', and "malevolence of sublime scope" (A. Louis, Horary Plain and Simple) #ad.

And though you may disagree, dear reader, to me Scheat's potentials sound a lot like Trump's first inaugural address where he threatened us with "American carnage."

Dec 8, 2020

Inauguration 2025 Horoscope: Cowboys and Tyranny

"Anarchists Form a Committee to Overthrow the Tyranny of Committees" (The Harveys).

December 8, 2020: Here you see the DC Horoscope of Inauguration 2025 published with a sprinkling of hope that there may actually be one. Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish; brief chart details are added below:

Horoscope: January 20, 2025 12:00 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Venus (@17Pis38 conjunct Saturn in 11th house of Groups and Associations: discontent?); Final Dispositor Neptune in Pisces conjunct 12th cusp; North Node @29Pis08 conjunct star of misfortune, Scheat, in 12th house of Karma; 12th house Chiron conjunct determined Sisyphus opposes the 6th house Moon @18Lib31 (conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter). Sun in the public 10th house (of course) with powerful manipulator Pluto @1AQ41 suggesting a Pluto-to-Sun transit has occurred which can motivate those in power to make a new start with ego as the primary motivation. Obviously, the US Pluto Return has completed previously (3x in 2022) and some evidence of authoritarianism is a potential with its handmaiden tyranny doing its part when necessary. For now I'll reserve my thoughts on the significance of only the Sun (POTUS) and Pluto (hidden manipulator) alone together in the political 10th house of this chart.

And since an Oath of Office is involved, check out 9th house Mercury @18Cap15, the position of the 'NWO' planets Uranus and Neptune when they met three times in 1993. Potentials are penned on the chart. Also note that Mercury opposes testy Mars Rx (at IC) @24Can23 conjunct the Syzygy Moon, the previous Full Moon (@23Can59, January 13, 2025), plus, Mars by transit conjuncts US natal Mercury in the Siby chart suggesting a fast pace of life and lots of verbal combat. (Hopefully anarchist Mars doesn't represent Mars-rising Trump still hanging around!) And you know the Sabian Symbol for '25 Cancer': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power," plus, US natal Pluto sits atop the Midheaven, aka, the Goal Point.

So we have issues of power, surveillance ('AI' - see Mercury), hidden control, and an iffy National Treasury with banker-general-politician-reverend-actor-broadcaster planet Jupiter Rx conjunct 2nd cusp (12:39) along with asteroid Midas @12:39. As you see, Jupiter here rules the corporate 8th house of debt, credit, and Shared Resources, plus 12th house via its Pisces cusp. Evaluating Venus, another money planet, is in shady Pisces, ruled by Jupiter, co-ruled by nebulous Neptune, so speculation, grand schemes, and currency issues are, as usual, involved. Additionally, this inauguration occurs during a Jupiter-Saturn square denoting a period of moral and/or ethical conflicts prominent within the public discourse.

Now the Solar Eclipse themes running in the backround of society are difficult issues of loss, separation, and possible injury (penned on the chart, 6th house, between South Node and the Moon, with the Libra/Aries polarity karmically intercepted across the 6-12).

Update August 4, 2021: I neglected to add to this post that "Cowboys" is a reference to the Splay shape of the planets in the eclipse horoscope, above, and its (rugged) individualism, within which should be included the 'up-by-boot-straps' self-reliance of America's 'cowboy ethic' that Reagan promoted and actor John Wayne demonstrated on film along with the other 'cowboy' movie and tv stars promoting superficial symbols of the concept. # UPDATE June 2, 2022: it has been pointed out that the above Inauguration Horoscope shows not a Splay shape (as my Solar Fire v9 software says) but a more concentrated BUCKET shape with the 6th house Moon as Handle, the point of focus; disturbingly, the Moon @18Libra conjuncts the natal Jupiter of Herr Tr*mp which reflects what could be an anti-democracy event - happy for him, his duped voters, and corporate enablers, tragic for the future of a free America.

Meanwhile, the cosmic weather on January 20, 2025 may be partially described by the double Air (mental) combination of Sun AQ-Moon Libra, a sociable and idealistic blend of energies. Tolerance and dignity are suggested along with social awareness yet to be effective, leadership must get involved with the practical considerations of others - of The People. If effectiveness is what is wanted, that is. Concerns will include issues of individualism and independent thought which are supported by the Splay shape of planets indicating those who promote the rugged 'cowboy ethic'. This blend is shared natally by Burt Reynolds, Edouard Manet, and author Boris Pasternak who helpfully asserted,

"As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore the truth."

You know - similar to The Pope, one of Pluto's many astrological identities.

Aug 16, 2020

Uranus-Pluto 1966 with Bucket Handle Saturn in Pisces

Troubles by the Bucket: 1966, 2015, and 2020

by Jude Cowell

During the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson ('LBJ') came the three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo: 1. October 9, 1965 @17Vir09; 2. April 4, 1966 @16Vir28; and 3. June 30, 1966 @16Vir06. Below is the June 30, 1966 horoscope set for Washington DC with many messy study notes penned on for the daring to read if they so wish:

1966 vs 2020: Upheavals vs Upheavals

There are multiple places in this chart where Trump figures into the equation, one of which is karmic Saturn @29Pis35 (10th house) conjunct Scheat, star of misfortune (suicide, murder), which was activated by the Summer Solstice 2015 Eclipse and in part resulted in Trump's 'escalator ride' to deliver his 2015 'Prez Bid' announcement the morning of a Gemini New Moon. Yes, his disturbing announcement occurred under the influence of the 17 South Saros Series which imprints upon his 'prez bid' and upon what turned out to be his 'presidency' involving the 17 South themes of 'sudden success/good news concerning groups or relationships'. We may wish to note that 17 South can have positive or negative effects and is the Prenatal Eclipse series ('PE') of notables such as Adolf Hitler, Ayn Rand, Rachel Carson, Princess Diana (her birth and tragic death!), Newt Gingrich, and Barack Obama.

Eclipses: Uranian Wild Cards and Cosmic Blinks from Above

However! 17 South is not the PE of this 1966 Uranus-Pluto Conjunction, 4 North is! Because prior to the June 30th conjunction, a 4 North Eclipse manifested on May 20, 1966 @28Tau55 (spotlighted in red, 11th house near the NN-Algol conjunction) among the stars of the Pleiades constellation. And considering America's current conditions of upheaval, protests, revolt, violence, riots that bring changes in government, and civil rights demonstrations, it seems significant to me that the Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions of the mid-1960s are now triggered or activated via opposition from the transiting midpoint of Uranus-and-Pluto in mid-Pisces (@16Pis51 as I type).

Other cosmic factors are involved, of course, such as the harsh conjunction of karmic Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2020 which imprinted the duo's compressed, toilsome energies upon the year 2020. As a planetary pair, Saturn-Pluto can also represent 'deeply researching scientists, violent people, reactionaries, and mass murderers' (Ebertin) - all of which sounds to me like events and people of 2020 so far including the pandemic, rioting in the streets, violent acts and the threat of them, political conflicts, and the cruelty of a leadership that cares nothing for its people.

Yet another chart factor stands out and cosmically links events and conditions of 1966 with 2020: currently we're again influenced by a 4 North Solar Eclipse which recently perfected at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Can21, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation. And as you know, History tends to rhyme so it's no wonder that we are dealing once again with 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, separation, illusions' and more. Note that 4 North solar eclipses occurred in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, (1966), 1984, and 2002 and relate to restrictive or separative events and/or illusions operable during those years. See the center of the horoscope for a few events of 1966. You may also wish to note the Sabian Symbol of the rising Jupiter ('12 Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby With a Message") and the fact that opposing expansive Jupiter is health asteroid Aesculapia. Plus, 2020's Capricorn stellium of planets cluster around 1966's Saturn-Neptune midpoint @24Cap37 which is the "illness axis" (Ebertin) - and the 8th cusp of this chart with US natal Pluto upon it. Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: a serious illness (Ebertin).

Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens (or Jamaica) New York; Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius = "The Pied Piper" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Other cosmic links are more obvious than the eclipse connection: Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51--the mouthpiece) rises in this Uranus-Pluto 1966 chart along with the Sun (8Can09) and fixed star Alhena (to have a mission), plus, 1966's North Node of future direction (24Tau43 in 11th house) points toward the nasty star of fury and destruction, Algol, which twinkles upon Trump's natal Midheaven ('MC': his Goal). Algol always implicates the malevolent stare of vicious Medusa. (With Trump I tend to think of this as the raptor's stare! Tragically, We the People are in the raptor's direct line of sight with his aggressive, vengeful Mars opposing US natal Moon.)

Now there are many more chart factors worth noting (leave your on-topic comments if you wish!) but let's close with only a bigly one:

Now you know that grim reaper Saturn is aka, the old man or senex, right? Dr. Liz Greene calls him 'the old devil' and I would never disagree with that assessment. Saturn represents authority and authority figures, accountability, responsibility, maturity, seniority, old age, the past, concentration, hard work, the taskmaster, lesson-bringer, solidity, consolidation, soberness, modesty, shyness, flaws, conservation, preservation, studiousness, reserve, economy, loss, learning from experience, borders, walls, bones, skeletons, teeth, cells, systems and structures, soil, tectonic plates, the Earth, inertia - the list goes on, as you know. In the chart above, earthy Saturn is placed in watery Pisces ('a struggle with opponents') and acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern. This handle is similar to the lead planet of a Locomotive shape (ruthlessly determined toward success; a high-powered executive) of planets. Plus, Bucket handle Saturn here is at a critical-crisis 29th degree, straining toward the Aries Point.

Now as you know, a Bucket is a Bowl with a handle, hemispheric emphasis is important, and the handle planet acts as "an important direction of interest" but doesn't change the fact that a Bowl denotes a dedicated cause or mission. With a handle planet, it's more a question of "adapting allegiances to lines along which efforts count for the most" (Jones). This Saturn represents either the "instructor or inspirer of others" or the zealous "agitator and malcontent". So - what's in it for him? Well, I'll let you decide who might be fulfilling the role of 1966 Saturn in 2020, if anyone, and with the violent energies of Uranus-Pluto stirred up and expressing online and in the streets.

Yes once again, as in 1966 during the Vietnam War, deferral-lovin' Trump is "a soldier derelict in his duty" as he mishandles the Covid-19 catastrophe, takes no responsibility, and hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer and die. And instead of calming riots in the streets of America, he promotes them! To me it seems as if a lot of "misjudging strength or the situation" is going on in Washington DC (another 4 North influence) under figurehead Trump.

Meanwhile, we should probably add that the Moon-Venus opposition across the 6/12 victim-savior axis forms the rim of the Bowl (with Moon conjunct war-like Antares!) which handle Saturn, the authority figure, has hold of. Besides the suggestion of maladjusted relationships within this opposition, Moon-Venus in Politics and Business suggests potentials for "manufacturing and agricultural productivity and how it affects the overall wealth and well-being of the people" and "how a country preserves the heritage, customs, lifestyle, and culture of native people" and "esteem for minority groups" (Munkasey). Under the Trump regime, I'd have to say, lack of esteem for minorities, anti-preservation attitudes for cultural sites and customs, and little if any sense of well-being for everyone.

Because after all, authoritative Saturn rules government, law, business, and tradition, but with Trump's natal Saturn in the watery, tribal, nationalistic, emotional sign of Cancer, his tendencies toward discontent, fantasy when realism is called for, and egotistical hypersensitivity constantly interfere with the possibility that he is able to exhibit any real leadership so that his complete lack of respect for rules, laws, and traditions makes him merely a corrupt scofflaw president if he's any kind of president at all.

Troubles by the bucket? Yeah, we've got 'em.

Aug 13, 2020

Trump's 'Prez Bid' Solar Eclipse 17 South conj Scheat

August 13, 2020: Below is another look at the Horoscope of the 17 South Summer Solstice 2015 Solar Eclipse which was Trump's 'Prez Bid' Prenatal Eclipse ('PE'). To me it remains informative in light of Trumpian actions since January 20, 2017 when, in his inaugural address, he forecasted "American Carnage" as we now see via events described by cosmic factors such as the difficult fixed star activated by the 17 South eclipse on that day: Scheat.

Considering the Scheat-ish conditions and catastrophes we're experiencing during Trump's first term playing POTUS (as if the presidency is merely a reality show - in a sense it is but he's not the 'great' thespian he pretends to be!), major warnings would have been possible had we only known on the morning that he and Melania descended upon the Trump Tower escalator in NYC to the paid audience of acting extras below. Some astrologers warned about him as did NY residents who knew him and his crooked ways all to well but monied powers were determined to shove him into the White House to 'lead' the sabotage of America.

So in the 2015 eclipse horoscope, below, you see the position of his 'Prez Bid' New Moon (25Gem07) in the 4th house highlighted in an appropriate shade of orange and conjunct the discovery degree of erratic planet of chaos, Uranus (March 13, 1781 NS), and near enough to Trump's natal 10th house Gemini trio of Sun-North-Node-Uranus for him to grasp and use as his 'new cycle of activity/seeding plans' timer:

Now as you know, fixed stars work through eclipses and their potentials can be activated by eclipses. Of course, other planetary factors affect outcomes as well but considering the course of things since Trump coup'd the White House, we've seen him gleefully set about hollowing out the US government, mismanaging a major health crisis, and causing mayhem as he followed the script set for him (along with acting on his rash Uranian notions), deceiving, and insulting and undermining anyone who disagrees with him. Therefore, I must assert that star of misfortune Scheat was been activated at Summer Solstice 2015 and is still holding sway in America, if not across the entire globe.

(Beta Pegasus) Scheat @29Pis34, a critical-crisis 29th degree (conjunct the Aries Point of global events): "unlucky; murder; suicide; drowning; being condemned to death or imprisonment; malevolence of sublime scope; suffering; extreme misfortune" (A. Louis).

Other sources: "if you can successfully navigate the mortal accident that awaits you, Scheat offers a great flow of mental creativity; love of intellect, independent thinking, the challenge of logic" (Brady); "turbulence, unpredictable nature, losing and gaining friends rapidly, and being inclined to fantasize" (Rigor).

Plus, let's add three sympatico natal factors to this tragically malevolent cosmic picture starting with Trump's natal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto (in his natal 12th house; Mars-Saturn is the 'death axis') which we've discussed in multiple SO'W posts: "brutality, the rage or fury of destruction. Intervening of a higher power, bodily injury or harm (murder, death of many people)" (Ebertin).

Meanwhile, here's one rather simple factor: Trump's natal Mars rising opposes US natal Moon in Aquarius - We The People. So although he often uses the tactic of projection and engages in childish name-calling, he is the one who is the enemy of the people. And yes, Mars vs Moon is yet another indication of his rage, fury, aggression, and combativeness - targeting the American people.

And another indication? How about Trump's natal Midheaven @24Tau18 with 'nasty' star Algol twinkling upon the Goal Point ('MC') of his chart? As you know, destructive Algol of Medusa fame screams with rage and so does tyrant Trump! And apparently Algol and Medusa inspire his multiple uses of the word "nasty" to describe any woman (Medusa!) who questions him too closely or gives him a difficult time in any way. His fragile ego hates being what he perceives as emasculated so do you think perhaps his mother once played the Medusa role in his life? Well, he does have deep problems with 'blood streaming from feminine eyes'!

Now in closing, let's add a disturbing yet appropriate cosmic factor that I've mentioned in previous posts: that in Chinese Astrology, Algol's most tragic potential is 'piled up corpses', a current condition that many Americans may now correctly attribute to the actions and the malign neglect of the malevolent Donald Trump and his hand maidens in the Republican Party.

Apr 24, 2020

DC Horoscope: FEMA with April 2020 planets

April 24, 2020: Below is the 'noon' Horoscope of FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency created April 1, 1979 when President Jimmy Carter signed the government department into being. Surrounding the chart and highlighted in blue are today's transiting planets (noon edt), plus, a few of Trump's natal planets such as his 11th house Saturn in Cancer rising on FEMA's 'noon' Ascendant followed by his natal Venus.

The current off-on conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn conjoins the noon chart's Descendant, and FEMA's Pluto Rx @18Lib02 conjoins Trump's natal 2nd house Jupiter Stationary. Rounding up the degree of their Jupiter-Pluto pairing, we have: "19libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which in my opinion relates to the current banditry of N-95 masks and other medical supplies ordered by certain states but "seized" by FEMA (and/or other entities) on behalf of Trump's purloined stash (some say, intended for red states only and/or for selling to foreign buyers--creating profit for Trump?):

Anyway, be that as it may or may not be, publishing the FEMA Horoscope here makes the (noon) chart available online in case anyone wants to utilize it or follow transits or progressions in the future that affect its planets. Plus, you see the Water Grand Trine which adds a protective vibe to the agency along with protective Jupiter exalted in Moon-ruled Cancer but at a critical 29th degree ("30Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") and straining to enter Leo.

And note that the melancholy Moon-Saturn midpoint conjoins the noon Ascendant suggesting 'meetings with sick or depressed people' (Ebertin). Of course, this FEMA does, or is supposed to do.

Well, my work here is almost done but I should add that there are two factors I neglected to pen upon the chart:

FEMA's Syzygy Moon, New Moon @6Ari50--where 2020 Chiron, the wounded healer, now traverses (conjunct the 'noon' MC)--and FEMA's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in the 17 South Saros Series which perfected on February 26, 1979 @7Pis29--opposite karmic Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, hard work, and loss. Themes of 17 South eclipses: 'good news concerning relationships; sudden success with group matters' (Brady).

Perhaps you remember that a 17 South Solar Eclipse last manifested on March 20, 2015 @29Pisces - another 29th degree - and although 17 South themes sound rather nice, at Spring Equinox 2015 it eclipsed, and its positive themes were interfered with, by a difficult fixed star, Scheat, which is known primarily for its negative potentials of 'misfortune, suffering, suicide, murder, imprisonment, and/or "malevolence of a sublime scope"' (A. Louis).

And the March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse which triggered "malevolence of a sublime scope"? It's the Prenatal Eclipse of Trump's June 16, 2015 "prez bid" New Moon @25Gemini of malevolence which perfected the very morning the propagandist, with his natal Mars in Leo opposing US natal Moon (We The People--and our Aquarian Moon opposing his Mars), descended the Trump Tower escalator to perform his political charade for a paid-to-be-there audience.

This fellow exists deep in the realms of malevolence! So Let's Never Forget that Trump was born under the cruel influence of a malignant midpoint picture--Mars-Saturn = Pluto with potentials for: "brutality; the rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm; murder, death of many people" (R. Ebertin).

And - more's the pity - the greedy geezer is now in charge of FEMA.

Nov 14, 2019

DC Horoscope: December 2, 2019 Jupiter to Capricorn

With 00Capricorn00:00 one of the four Cardinal World Points of manifestation, Jupiter's entry into the Saturn-ruled sign is a big deal which occurs approximately every twelve years. Here you see a DC Horoscope for the moment transit Jupiter reaches 00Capricorn00:00 on December 2, 2019 at 1:21 pm est--conjunct Midheaven ('MC'), the Career and Public Status Point, suggesting events occurring on the global stage, and in Washington DC since the cosmic shift happens at MC in our nation's capital.

Now if you're reading this you may already know all the roles that astrological Jupiter can play with politician, banker/trader, corporatist, guru or hierophant, broadcaster (propagandist), and military General being the primary ones who make cameo appearances on SO'W. And if you've visited here before, perhaps you know that when it comes to Jupiter, I tend to use the Great Benefic as the traditional ruler of Pisces as well as of Sagittarius, with Neptune as co-ruler or higher octave ruler of Pisces. (I refuse to divorce Saturn from the traditional ruler-ship of Aquarius but that's another fussy tale for another grumpy day.)

All that said, let's consider the December 2, 2019 Horoscope for its Jupiterian qualities, plus, for a few interesting cosmic factors and possibilities which may apply. The large-girthed Donald Trump is a Jupiterian for several reasons, one being his natal Jupiter in Libra at station and turning Direct 3 hours after his birth. Oh! that, and his greedy, materialistic nature exhibiting a love of money (the root of all evil--the love of it, not the money) so we have his nibs to consider as well. Actually, we tried this before with Donald Trump in the Realms of Jupiter. We've also previously discussed Trump's natal Mercury @8Can51 (conjunct Alhena: to have a mission) which is here on a future path via the North Node in 4th house. His apparent relocation to Florida may be part of this Mercury-NN picture although potential meetings, negotiations, and communications cannot be ruled out as well as contacts with reporters and/or with young people.

So in the DC Horoscope pictured above, basic chart factors are penned on if you don't mind enlarging the image to read my study notes. The energy shift of Jupiter, happy as a puppy with two tails in his own sign of Sagittarius, moving into sober Capricorn, sign of Jupiter's detriment due to his exaltation in Cancer, is supported via the Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes), plus as you see, the Aries Point rises along with star of misfortune Scheat and wounded/wounding Chiron Rx @1Ari29 following--Chiron, the blind spot, here conjunct US natal IC (Roots; Foundation) in America's late afternoon charts of July 4, 1776. (It seems to me that our country has certainly been undergoing a season of wounding as transit Chiron crosses and re-crosses our national IC--along with an opportunity for honestly dealing with our wounds and making karmic progress.)

Then on the chart, upper right, you see a list of planets that rise with stars on this particular day and there are quite a number of them including Sun, Venus (OOBs), Jupiter (and MC--both rising with Acumen), plus, Neptune, North Node ('NN'), and the Ascendant rising with difficult Scheat, as noted.

Thing is, the Ascendant, the What? Point of the chart @30Pisces, reveals an interesting Sabian Symbol: "The Great Stone Face" which speaks of destiny as character. Once upon a time I attempted an illustration of this symbol which may be viewed here if you wish, with Sabian Symbol details for '30 Pisces' included.

Now in closing, a few notes on how Jupiter relates in society when traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn (a labyrinth unto itself!), sign of Jupiter's fall, as noted. Negatively, Jupiter in Capricorn suggests potentials for egotism, distrust, hypocrisy, and over-concern with the letter of the law rather than upholding its spirit. Yet when well-aspected, this placement tends to provide moral integrity, ethics in business and in general affairs, a sense of duty, and support for status quo traditions and/or for the prevailing value system. A conservative slant and positions of responsibility are indicated so those who hold them are the sorts of folk who may be cast in a bright spotlight while Jupiter is in Capricorn--basically until around Winter Solstice 2020 when Jupiter catches up with karmic Saturn @00AQ29, the US POTUS Sun degree, and the Jupiter-Saturn cycle begins again, lasting for approximately twenty years. As the 'flywheel of the Universe' keeping the planets in their courses via the natural law of expansion vs restriction, their conjunction times the genesis of a new order in society, and in Politics their combined energies express often as checks and balances and as our (alleged) two-party system.

As for the conjunction's synchronicity with US POTUS Sun (00AQ+ from our January 20th Inaugurations, the Presidential Oath of Office), a midpoint picture forms of Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: 'Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things' (Tyl).

Now that sounds like a status quo we'd prefer to avoid.

Oct 4, 2019

Crimea, Scheat, and the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction

Misfortune and Danger for the Crimean Moon

by Jude Cowell

October 4, 2019: In Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes is a founding chart for Crimea #67 and since I've been reviewing the horoscopes of various nations to see where the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction falls and whether or not this difficult, karmic, pressurizing pair of heavyweights will conjoin an angle or a planet or two in national charts, I can say that for Crimea (Ukrainian Republic) the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 perfects within the nation's 3rd house between Neptune Rx (18Cap54) and Saturn (18AQ04) with Neptune 'roping in' Uranus Rx (17Cap56, both in 3rd house) as they align for their Great Conjunction/s of 1993 (the 'NWO' pair), and authoritative Saturn which conjuncts natal IC from the 4th house side.

Therefore, the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction hits nearest Crimea's natal Neptune (orb 3:46)--perhaps not close enough to affect its 3rd house Neptune unduly yet the midpoint picture formed by the transit-to-natal trio is not comforting for it suggests such things as: "instability, fraud, lies, immorality, shattered nerves, and danger" via the Neptunian realms of "water, poison, or gas" (Ebertin). Noel Tyl adds: "being doubted; not being seen for who one is; unstable life situation because of the inexplicable, because of fear" (Solar Arcs). Interesting since Crimea has been often described as suffering from an identity crisis.

When Fiery Mars the Warrior Meets Scheat, Star of Misfortune

Based on the date that the Crimean Parliament approved an act of independence from Ukraine, Crimea's horoscope #67 is set for May 5, 1992 16:00 GMT Simferopol, USSR (ASC 6Scorpio but my software gives ASC 10Scoo2) with a 7th house Sun @15Tau24 (the Oxen Point) and an 8th house Moon @22Gem53; as you see, the Crimean Moon conjoins Trump's natal Sun (a third of his 10th house Gemini trio) and exactly conjuncts US natal Mars. In 5th house, Crimea's natal Mars, the warrior planet of males, weaponry and strife, @29Pis49 forms an unfortunate conjunction with fixed star Scheat, known primarily for its negative potentials of misfortune, suffering, suicide, murder, imprisonment, and/or "malevolence of a sublime scope" (A. Louis). However, on a positive level, Scheat can bestow artistic and literary talents although Crimea's misfortune to be annexed by Russia in 2014 reveals the more negative expressions of the star as the people suffer human rights abuses and false accusations are leveled at innocent targets in order to stifle dissent against Russia and Putin.

As we see, Scheat's potentials for imprisonment and sublime malevolence afflict the land and the Crimean people and are made worse by the star's conjunction with fiery Mars. Meanwhile, the international community haggles over whether Crimea belongs with Ukraine or Russia. To me the answer seems obvious!

Now from 2018, here is a brief time-lapse video New bridge cements Russia's hold on Crimea, and although I don't care to admit it, the bridge linking Crimea to Russia is quite an impressive feat of engineering.

Above image: portrait of Planet Mars by NASA

Mar 5, 2018

March 6, 2018: Mercury to Aries Point w Stars

Horoscope Image: March 6, 2018 2:34:25 am est White House Washington DC; Cardinal Water strong; Hour of Mercury in 'its' 3rd house of Communications; chart-ruler Saturn @7Cap41 and rising with Facies (ruthlessness or the victim); Mercury and Venus conjunct Scheat (misfortune; intellect), Sun conjunct Achernar (risk of rapid endings; crisis) and remains near masking, disguising, deceptive Neptune, North Node @14Leo31 8th house points toward Dubhe (loving but forceful); Mars conjoins the prophetic Hopi 'Blue Star' Ras Alhague and the Moon-SN conjunction of Donald Trump; and the Scorpio Jupiter in 11th house inflates starry Agena (the pain of learning).

In 2nd house you see the current Solar Eclipse of February 15, 2018 (27AQ07) in the 1 South Saros Series (flooded with ideas or options--Brady) where karmic progress can be made, and the last lunation, the Syzygy Moon @11Vir22 in the corporate 8th house as is the North Node of future direction. As you see in the horoscope, the planets form a BOWL shape with the fluctuating Moon @9Sco51 in 10th house leading the planetary throng; quirky radical Uranus @26Ari09 and asteroid of grieving mothers, Niobe, conjoin the Ending or Foundation Point of the chart, the IC. Pluto at a critical degree (20Capricorn) and rising behind Saturn, both karmic planets set to meet in Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 @23Capricorn.

Three midpoint pictures are penned on the chart; any, all, or none may apply:

Lower left, Mars-Saturn = ASC; upper right, Mars-Pluto = Saturn; mid-right, Mars-MC = Jupiter. Now planet Mars rules the Cardinal Aries Point, as you know, and planet Mars @23Sag23 rises in 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing after conjoining Mr. Trump's Moon and South Node conjunction and describing the anger, quarrels, and separations recently surrounding Mr. Trump.

Also of note is Chiron to Aries Point which first becomes exact April 17, 2018, again September 25, 2018, and third/last on February 18, 2019.

A Changeable Moon Fighting for Survival in Scorpio

The double Water blend of Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio suggests a period of emotional and psychological insights and intuition, deep and complex feelings, and mental clarity for those who can transcend their personal prejudices; courage in the face of adversity may be in evidence along with the tendency to manipulate others in order to increase one's power and advantage while using scathing criticism and a fighting spirit in the process.

Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio blend is shared natally by author John Steinbeck who perhaps puts the day's energies into context saying, "It is the nature of a man as he grows protest against change, particularly change for the better."

'30Pisces' = "The Great Stone Face"..."DISCERNMENT...destiny is character."

'1Aries' = "A Woman Rises Out of the Water, a Seal Is Embracing Her"..."REALIZATION...the self cannot separate itself from its own private obsessions." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

Mar 1, 2018

Manafort Trial Reset for September 17, 2018

By DonkeyHotey (Paul Manafort - Caricature) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Of Kingpins and Squealers

by Jude Cowell

March 1, 2018: since yesterday, word is that the Paul Manafort trial has been reset for Monday September 17, 2018. It had been scheduled for March 15, 2018, a date of cosmic occurrences such as a seed-planting New Moon @24Taurus36--conjunct the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, and the day transit Uranus enters Taurus, sign of The Bull, though the disruptive planet of chaos will back into Aries once again in November 2018 and re-enter Venus-ruled Taurus for good in March 2019.

A glance at the general transits of September 17, 2018 show an excitable if not explosive and dangerous Mars-Uranus square, tr Mercury (planet of testimonies, deals, and such) @21Virgo and conjoining fixed star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream), and a sobering or depressive Moon-Saturn conjunction in very early Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. And since world events tend to occur when Cardinal World Points of Manifestation (00Ari/Lib and 00Can/Cap) are triggered, we find wounded-wounding Chiron at Aries Point on that day and conjunct difficult fixed star Scheat with its potentials for malevolence of sublime scope, imprisonment, extreme misfortune, murder, suicide (A. Louis, N. DeVore, Ebertin-Hoffmann).

Additionally, transit Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, sits upon the disturbing degree of 19Scorpio (traditionally an 'evil degree'--Devore, who also says it's a crucial point of Ego vs Supreme Will) so Jupiter may not show the protection usually afforded especially since two malevolent stars inhabit the degree: North Scale with potentials for hasty words that cause problems, tragedy, and violence, and Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai) with vibes of tragedy, misfortune, immorality, accidents, and/or danger of poison. Wonder of Mr. Manafort should use the services of a royal taste tester?!

Also of interest is the fact that moving Mr. Manafort's trial to September places the proceedings into the more difficult August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 2 New North, with themes of The Tower that collapses (Brady). This includes plans and lifestyles collapsing and of course, Trump Tower comes easily to mind and although a complete financial and political collapse may be indicated for America (2 New North is the PE of Midterm Elections 2018--and as a POTUS goes, so goes America). However, it's Donald Trump who is closely linked to towers, even imprinting his name on them. Now this cosmic condition may very possibly bode ill for the Trump White House and for all he has gained so far in life because he regularly tends to ignore the karmic caution of his rising star, royal Regulus: success if revenge is avoided. And if it isn't avoided, at some point all that has been gained will be taken away.

Yet if total collapse is on the kingpin-in-chief's karmic agenda, would his Libran Jupiter's motto of "it's not fair!" agree that even a self-exalted, ego-based Mr. Trump must eventually reap what he's sown?

Related Posts include: A Noon Horoscope for Robert Mueller; Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull; and Chiron to Aries Point (3x--and please note that on the tri-wheel horoscopes I mislabeled the first conjunction as '2019' though the horoscope shown (April 2018) is correct.

Feb 17, 2018

DC Horoscopes: Chiron to Aries Point 2018--2019

Chiron and the Roots of America: What Kind of Nation Are We?

by Jude Cowell

Transiting Chiron conjoins the Aries Point (AP) three times on April 17, 2018, September 25, 2018 (Rx), and February 18, 2019. Below is a tri-wheel image of the upcoming Chiron-AP conjunctions with the horoscopes set for Washington DC and basic notes penned upon the chart including each conjunction's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse which are listed, lower left:

It seems to me that any transit to Aries Point is globally significant for multiple reasons, not the least of which because in the US natal horoscope I most often tend to use (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--IC 00Ari47), the Foundation/Roots/Ending Point (IC) conjoins the Aries Point with 00Libra at Midheaven, two of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation. Therefore, Mars, god of war, rules our nation's founding and our ending through its ruler-ship of Aries. This cosmic condition unfortunately spotlights America's natal Mars-Neptune square and one assumes the Founding Fathers would not have been as proud of our national Mars in Gemini if they'd been aware of astrological Neptune's dissolving, undermining, and fraudulent influences upon our country's actions and motives (Mars). Subsequently, misguided, misdirected, off-the-mark plans and projects have abounded and usually in the realms of war and conflict.

So perhaps we should consider what wounded-wounding Chiron, priestly centaur of healing, blindspots, and the Christ archetype in Astrology, represents when in Mars-ruled Aries while remembering that Chiron orbits between inner Saturn and outer Uranus (past + future = present--be here now!, says Chiron), the planetary pair representing Israel and Palestine as well as old order vs new order--and the tension between them that is causing much turmoil across the world today.

Chiron in Aries signifies pioneers, trailblazers, and mavericks, and conjures and stimulates the Mars-Chiron 'sacred warrior' archetype into action. And since astrological Chiron is associated with our Life Quest, we must wonder what new discoveries, break-throughs, or expeditions are in store--possibly concerning America's founding or Founding Fathers (IC/4thhouse); futuristically, more space exploration is included in the Chirotic possibilities. Chiron is also linked to nuclear energy so the atomic realm may also be featured during Chiron's stay in Aries until 2027, the first year Chiron Returns to natal discovery degree (1977) of 3Tau08 in 2027--2028.

Chiron in Aries suggests head wounds (exs: concussions, depression and other mental conditions) and points toward the current mass murder climate and lack of gun control now wounding Americans physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Chiron in Aries tends to be a loner (R. Nolle) and America has always been that--with Trump's isolating policies, now more than ever. Our nation's adventurism and conquest-loving persona 'inspires' many males (US Mars Rx by progression since 2006) to take up arms against their fellow citizens within a hazy, often drug-fueled morass of misdirected targeting.

Yet Chiron also symbolizes "wholeness, the synthetic reconciliation of thesis and antithesis" (R. Nolle--his book is linked, below). Note that Donald Trump's natal Chiron is in Libra, a relatively rare placement for The Centaur, and indicating one who is 'singled out for a special role'. His Chiron is snugged between the speculator-spendthrift-bubbly pair of Jupiter and Neptune, in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values. Now you may disagree, but to me the conflict-loving, gilt-laden man, a specialist in bullying, insults, and chaos, definitely represents wounded values!

Of course, we cannot overlook the fact that the Aries Point actually conjoins fixed star Scheat (29Pis38) which can positively express as intellectualism, or negatively express when combined with a malefic planet as potentials for misfortune, murder, suicide, or imprisonment. In other words, "malevolence of sublime scope" (A. Louis) and this may echo conditions from around the time of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct Scheat! This was the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of Trump's prez bid announcement on June 16, 2015 and we see where that's getting us.

Now using the rounded-up method for Sabian Symbols, US natal IC's degree of 00Ari47 = '1 Aries": "A Woman Has Arisen from the Sea, a Seal Is Embracing Her" which is a handy reference to America's Great Seal and the major involvement of Freemasonry in the founding of our nation. Of course, this word picture (Sabian Symbol) also points to Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati and its official founding and seal (May 1, 1776) so like our nation's Great Seal. And though we may not wish to know this, the symbol for '1 Aries' in Carelli's Degrees is: "An armed warrior of herculean build tilling the soil" which he notes is the Sun's degree of Germany's Third Reich. Well, America does like to play the role of adventure-prone strongman Hercules as did Herr Hitler in his day.

America's Founding as a Nation

Now here's a curious note: Chiron's orbital period is approximately 50 years (or, 49-51). Here's a brief excerpt from a previous post concerning America's natal Chiron:

US natal Chiron @21Aries = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" and with Chiron returning to natal degree near the day of the two Founders' deaths (Jefferson and Adams both died July 4, 1826--50 years to the day after the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed), we see that two of the top 'pugilists' of our Revolutionary era had left the ring of life" and the fight for independence they once championed. Apparently, 'the ring' on one level was global geopolitics--and Washington continues to fight behind the shield of the 'sacred warrior' with our Chiron in Mars-ruled Aries.

Now with America's natal Chiron in 4th house, we know that our search for identity is the Quest. The American Revolution supplied the original answer so that now, re-connecting with our roots and honestly assessing our past are imperative if we as a nation wish to heal our current sickened condition. Environmentalism is also suggested by a 4th house Chiron as we watch corporatists and oil drillers plunder our natural resources and poison our waters, air, and soil. Have you noticed how often we hear in the media pundits uttering such questions as, Is this who America really is? Or, What kind of nation are we? Usually these questions are asked when austerity measures and other bad policies threaten the lives and health of US citizens as they do under Trump and the GOP leadership.

Yes, FDR's healing bromide, the test of our progress remains an excellent guide for measuring who and what America really is. Yet these days we're failing rather badly at defining ourselves while plutocratic "economic royalists" are doing it for us. Will we allow regressive 'Robin Hood' politicians and policies that favor the wealthy to rule the day and send American culture back to 1854? Not if Stars Over Washington can help it! For as progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann often reminds us, democracy is not a spectator sport--so how will You, dear reader, answer the question, Who and What is America?

For one man's solution see How to Fix Our Political System by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes.

Now let's close with the April 17, 2018 midpoint picture that very soon will closely affect Chiron at AP: Sun-Uranus = Chiron. The Sun-Uranus combination of energies contains revealing information concerning the realms of Politics and Business, the potentials of which I quote here from Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets for all or some of them are already in progress:

"Thesis: Political changes that shape the quality of all efforts; reforms which initiate changes to authority or power; legislation mandating major reforms in policies; revolutions which bring fundamental changes.

Antithesis: Rebellions designed solely for the removal of an existing leader; the changes which accompany upheavals; rule makers or interpreters battling decision makers; a contrary head of state with unusual habits."

Sound to you like any existing leader/s we know?

My Chiron Reading List includes: Chiron in the Natal Chart by Julie Demboski; Chiron and the Healing Journey by Melanie Reinhart; Chiron: Rainbow Bridge to the Inner and Outer Planets by Barbara Hand Clow; Chiron: Healing Body and Soul by Martin Lass; and Chiron: The New Planet in Your Horoscope, the Key to Your Quest by Richard Nolle.

Chiron was in Aries off-and-on during the years: 1918, 1919, 1926, 1927, 1968, 1969, 1976, 1977.

Jan 26, 2018

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2018 w Neptune at MC

Spring Equinox 2018: Kassandra Rising, Sun conjunct Nemesis, and Neptune at Midheaven

by Jude Cowell

March 14, 2018 Update: additional astro-notes are now posted regarding the Sun-Moon cosmic weather of Spring EQ 2018 if you're curious! Original post begins here:

In a December 10, 2017 post I published a dual image of the Spring Equinox 2017 and Spring Equinox 2018 horoscopes for the sake of comparison and I labeled planet Neptune the "star of the show" for its angular prominence in both charts. As you know, the 164-year-old Republican Party is in process of a Neptune Return and this can be related to their current nebulous control of the three branches of government, plus, a conservative majority on the Supreme Court of the United States. Neptunian back room meetings are prominent on Capitol Hill as always but perhaps more so these days, thanks to Mr. Trump and the GOP.

And we should note that Neptune in its own sign of murky Pisces indicates potentials for pathological leanings and inclinations, mysticism, cravings, and pessimism (Ebertin); to this I would add such things as paranoia, fear, propaganda, instability, secretiveness, contagion, and shady activities. You may disagree, but there it is.

Below is a stand-alone horoscope of Spring Equinox 2018 (aka, the Aries Ingress) set for Washington DC. You see the 10th house Neptune @14Pis32 conjunct Midheaven (the Goal-Public Status-World Stage angle) and most visible spot in any horoscope. Neptune here suggests people on a spiritual mission--or public disgrace and since we're talking Politics (and considering all that's going on in DC), I must expect the latter, plus, some form or forms of dissolution as more congressmen step down or vow not to run again). Hidden motivations are also suggested by Neptune-MC, and written above the MC is "GOP natal Neptune 14Pis01" so they are the party most heavily affected as the GOP's Neptune Return trundles on through 2018 with disappointment, disillusion, delusion, dishonesty, instability, and perhaps inspiration in tow. As for a spiritual mission, the furthering of America's Secret (Neptune) Destiny may be referenced here. In the chart, the 2nd house North Node of future destiny is in Leo, sign of leadership, so America's next Nodal Return occurs this summer.

And if We The People play our cards right, perhaps karmic progress can be made especially since the Equinox's Prenatal Eclipse (PE) @27AQ07 on February 15, 2018 (here in 9th house) conjoined (or eclipsed) the US natal Moon of July 4, 1776 in the 1 South Saros Series with its themes of: flooded with ideas and options (Brady). Actually, Solar Eclipses in Aquarius, sign of humanitarianism, suggest just that--karmic progress is made when the past is used as a guide to future development rather than being seen as a burden (Rose Lineman). Open-mindedness is a must so obviously, Trump-style bigotry, misogyny, and zealotry must be overcome--and now is our opportunity to do so once and for all--if a majority of us take it advantage of it.

Now as you see, rising is 4Can54 which brings up asteroid Kassandra (the prophetess who tells the truth no one believes), plus, US natal Venus, Jupiter, and Sun (POTUS) and hints that US currency evaluation issues are rising (as they are) along with budgets and funding (as usual). The chart-ruler Moon @8Tau035 is in the 11th house of Groups and Organizations with Taurus a money sign further indicating financial concerns of the public (Moon) and suggesting the lunar tendency toward publicity. However, as chart-ruler, the Moon makes no major applying aspects to other planets though there are waning trines to both Mars and Saturn snugged 'round the Descendant angle of Partnerships. (See the above link for additional Solar-Lunar info.) Plus, austere, conservative Saturn conjoins fixed star Facies (key phrase: ruthlessness or the victim).

All this bodes ill for partnerships and alliances with Washington (Trump), and also points toward the ill will between Mr. Trump and his many opponents. Note that Trump's first natal planet/s to rise in this chart are his 11th house Venus and Saturn in Cancer (partnership break-up/s?); his natal Ascendant is in 3rd house so no doubt we'll hear and read much about and from the put-upon Mr. Trump. Meanwhile, we must attempt to keep up as best we can with what the government is doing behind our backs while the distracting turmoil is going on for the Trump Distraction is very useful for saboteurs, foreign agents, and the current crop of coup-mongers in our government. Yet the Moon is apex of a midpoint picture with ASC-MC denoting feelings and intuition in the lead, plus, attitudes toward the feminine sex in general. This picture is emphasized along with the Moon's sign and house position. Plus, there's Luna's ruler-ship of both the 1st house (Spring season) and 2nd house (National Treasury; Values, Earning Ability; Issues of Self-Worth).

In addition, Sun reaches Aries Point during a Moon Hour so fluctuations and changes are in store within various realms, financial included (US natal Pluto is in the corporate 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Death, and Transformation). Note also that unmarked on the chart is the Moon conjoining two fixed stars: Hamal, the alpha star of Aries (to follow one's own path) and Schedir, the Queen. News of change for Elizabeth II? Perhaps. She will turn 92 years young on April 21st this year and the transiting North Node will very soon point toward her natal Leo Moon.

Now on the evening of March 20th, Luna does go on to sextile Neptune at 10:42 pm EST which denotes a need to guard against delusion, deception, fraud, and falsehood. But since we're talking Politics here, I know you're continually aware of such a need! For after all, astrological Neptune is planet of the masses, and also of the media whose mission of spouting propaganda at We The People on behalf of the power elite seems never-ending. This may be part of the Neptune-at-MC picture, I suspect, along with the dissolution of various government agencies now ongoing.

And although I neglected to enter it on the chart, 'dog star' Sirius @14Cancer (The Scorcher) rises in 1st house and can represent many concepts: the goddess, goddess worship, renown, dog bites, and, according to Nicholas Devore, denotes great dignity when rising. But whose dignity I cannot say! Can you? Special Counsel Robert Mueller's dignity perhaps?

Also in the public 10th house are wounded-wounding Chiron @28Pis24, Sun @00Ari00:00 conjunct transiting asteroid of divine retribution, Nemesis (POTUS vs The Establishment, the 'unbeatable foe'?), and Mercury @16Ari32 conjunct Venus @16Ari59, the Kabbalistic Shekinah pair with its 'divine presence' and 'sacred feminine' vibes. So considering the currently touted 'rise of the feminine' in America, perhaps Sabian Symbols for '16Aries' (the 'karmic confrontation' degree) and '17Aries' will be revealing:

"16Aries": "Brownies Dancing in the Setting Sun" = INVIGORATION: positive: simple good fortune together with unlimited opportunity as the direct fruitage of effort; negative (unconscious/shadow side): delusions of adequacy with a complete inability to act in real self-interest.

"17Aries": "Two Prim Spinsters" = DIVORCEMENT: positive: utter fidelity to self and all its special idealizations of its own capacities; negative: an increasing exaltation of shallow interests and a witless pretense of distinction and great virtue." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones).

Well, that's all I have to say for today about Spring Equinox 2018 in Washington DC. You may certainly find more chart factors worth noting in your own opinion and I hope you will!

Evaluating Venus-related News: Trump vs Mnuchin: Strong vs Weak Dollar.

Related Posts include: GOP's March 6, 2018 Neptune Return (#3 of 5) chart if you're curious; other Return dates are listed in the post. Also see Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms, aka, 'The (structure-collapsing) Tower Eclipse'.

Now here are some 'Kassandra Blessings" for us all:

Jan 25, 2018

Stars Over Washington Tops 2 Million Page Views!

January 25, 2018: during the wee hours of this morning Stars Over Washington reached and topped 2 million page views. Of course, it only took 12 years to do so but I'm chuffed and sending out Warm Thanks to every reader who ever wandered in for a spell but especially to regular readers, followers, and FB friends!

And although it's an oldie but moldy, here's a link to SO'W's All Time Most Viewed Post for you:

Horoscope: March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse in Pisces--Sneaks, Leaks, and Veils concerning the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse @29Pis27 in the 17 South Saros Series which conjoined the Aries Point and activated the difficult star of misfortune, Scheat. This was, of course, the Prenatal Eclipse of Mr. Trump's 2015 presidential bid announcement timed that morning with a New Moon @25Gemini...

'25Gemini' = "A Man Trimming Palms" which sounds like the rented audience members Trump paid $50 a head to so that someone would show up for his announcement at Trump Tower (you remember the escalator gliding slowly down with Donald and Melania--down from his gilded penthouse).

Rounded up we have '30 Pisces' for which I attempted a pencil illustration a few years back inspired by its Sabian Symbol. Here's the drawing, Temple of the Great Stone Face and, below, an excerpt from the post:

Here I quote from Marc Edmund Jones' version of the Symbols for '30 Pisces' which ends the full cycle/circle of the zodiac and butts against the Aries Point of Prominence (00Aries00):

'The Great Stone Face'...a symbol of human responsibility as an immortality of the soul, and of a way of living which has become a continual manifestation of its ideal and so a constant dramatization of its self-discovery to others as an encouragement to them in their own alignment to eternal reality.

Each individual selects the image within himself to which he would shape himself outwardly, and this he comes to resemble as in Nathaniel Hawthorne's tale. Destiny is character as it most persistently constitutes itself.


positive expression: self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events;

negative (unconscious/shadow side): wholly inarticulate and ineffectual self-realization.

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

In addition, here's a curious detail from my notes concerning the Spring EQ 2015 Eclipse 17 South is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of some weighty characters and entities: Iran, the German Empire, Rachel Carson, Newt Gingrich, Princess Diana, Ayn Rand, and Adolf Hitler. And the 2015 prez bid announcement of Donald J. Trump which links to Scheat via activation by the Spring EQ 2015 Solar Eclipse.

Now it's on to 3 million!