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Jun 9, 2020

Has America's Policing 'Style' Run Its Course?

Astrological Mars in the US: Masculine Planet of Police and Military Forces

by Jude Cowell

June 9, 2020: Readers of Stars Over Washington may recall mentions of America's natal Mars (22Gemini) turned retrograde (Rx) by progression since 2006, the exact date dependent upon which founding horoscope one uses for America. Since yours truly tends toward our July 4, 1776 charts (whatever hour) this gives US Mars Rx @18Libra (conjunct Trump's natal 2nd house Jupiter stationary with US natal Mars conjunct his 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio in Gemini; plus, his Mars rising @26Leo opposes US natal Moon--these are some of the cosmic conditions that caused me to warn against him in 2015/2016). And as you know, his Mars-infused aggression and oppression of We The People has only gotten worse, as predicted.

Simultaneously, the inward turning of testosterone--driven energies and motivations upon the populace (symbolically via SP Mars Rx) is seen through current police brutality against our citizens, and has been seen in our returning war veterans with broken bodies, hearts, and minds. America's Mars is weakened: Gemini Mars is ready for action while actions of a Libran Mars depend upon feelings and emotions often with a focus on what's fair and equal). How long will our Mars be Rx by progression? Approximately until year 2086 (2006 + 80).

And yet there is good news for American society!

For a re-invention of US police forces resonates positively with our SP Mars Rx. But let this particular Southerner say this: the disbanding and/or de-funding of US police departments in whole or in part would create just the anarchy the Utopian saboteurs and zealots have always wanted and are now working toward. So let's not hand it to them! Better to makes changes that directly address issues and solve them rather than scattering energies, missing the mark, and worsening negative conditions. A better change is to jettison the brutal officers who have been excused and sheltered by fellow officers and higher-ups for too long. They can usually be recognized by their slave patrol attitudes and cruel actions.

For more info, here is a June 8, 2020 segment from Thom Hartman asking, Should We Re-Invent or Disband America's Police?

And for even more info I recommend an overview of modern-day American police practices by certain officers with a 'rounding up runways slaves' mentality via a Bloomberg News op-ed by law Professor Stephen L. Carter, published October 29, 2015 asserting that, The debate on racism and law enforcement follows a clear line back to the antebellum South. Surely everyone in the whole wide world is aware of this! But Professor Carter's op-ed clearly lays out the history of the line, slave patrols and all. And naturally, some fault may be laid at the doorstep of the first slave trade of Angolans kidnapped and transported to Jamestown Colony in 1619 but that lies beyond the scope of this post.

Jun 6, 2020

June 13, 2020: SCOTUS Saturn under scrutiny

by Jude Cowell

June 6, 2020: Since June 2020 is a significant month for Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions within the coronavirus contagion time frame let's took a look at the founding Horoscope for SCOTUS (February 1, 1790 9:00 am LMT NYC is the chart I use) and an unpleasant discovery: that the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction lands directly upon the natal Saturn of the highest Court in the nation. Checking other significant US charts against Mars-Neptune @20Pis56, I found no other horoscope that resonated as closely with the conjunction except for the SCOTUS horoscope (1 minute orb). This doesn't meanthat there aren't any, it means that of the ones in my files I found none and this includes the Federal City Horoscope of April 21, 1791!

Naturally, everyone knows that realistic Saturn in Mundane Astrology is associated with law, attorneys, judges, courts, legal systems, lawmakers, government, business, and such along with the status quo and The Establishment. Time, tradition, standards, regulations, structures, limits, restriction, authority, authenticity, accountability, consolidation, seniors, managers, isolation, concentration, hard work, failure, and loss also come under karmic Saturn's rather wide umbrella. Yet in watery Pisces, solid Saturn can have a difficult time since his placement there reveals a karmic planet in a karmic sign so obviously the correct channeling of Saturnine energies can make or break an institution or an individual. For as you know, Saturn demands much but will (eventually!) reward those who follow his precepts in a responsible way. And with America's natal Saturn (1776) in Libra where Saturn is exalted (expresses best), we've come to expect that SCOTUS will carry out its traditional duties in the most admirable way possible - not always a realistic expectation, but it is always to be hoped, even in these trying times.

So with the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction coming its way, the 1790 Horoscope of SCOTUS is pictured below with the Mars-Neptune Conjunction Horoscope snugged around it in bi-wheel form. The Mars-Neptune-to-Saturn transit is highlighted in green and red while the Moon (red) simultaneously conjoins SCOTUS' natal Venus, as you can see:

Yes, too many scribbles are squished upon the chart/s (mea culpa!) but hopefully you can enlarge the image to read them if you wish. Upper right contains a few of the potentials of the midpoint picture Mars-Neptune = Saturn but I'll also type them here for you: unfortunate consequences due to a weak will; being taken advantage of; perseverance; instability - and there's a bit more that couldn't be squished in such as: misdirected energy; feelings of inferiority; lasting weakness or illness; blocking of anger toward people who avoid reality (by intimidation, threats, blackmail?); frustrations encountered when punishing those who deceive others; pessimism over arguments received from clerics; reticence; a sense of futility. And to 'perseverance' add, in spite of fear.

(Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey).

Confusion, deceit, and/or some type of paralyzed activity may also be notable around the time of the blending of these energies particularly since America's problematic Mars-Neptune square may be involved with the Court's cases, people, and/or decisions. That's US natal Neptune @22Vir23 conjunct Descendant and US natal Mars in 3rd house near the Sun-Chiron conjunction which suggests a focus on dealing with moral and ethical principles and receiving acclaim for it.

Meanwhile, transit Mars to natal Saturn suggests careful planning, organization, and perhaps some type of delay, while transit Neptune to natal Saturn suggests potentials for either idealistic or misguided authority figures, eroding traditions or systems, and/or a new approach to handling authority.

In addition, the astrological archetype for Justice, asteroid Astraea, is found on June 18th conjunct the SCOTUS Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in late Leo - and therefore conjunct the natal Mars of Donald Trump (Mars = action, energy, motivation). For SCOTUS' natal Astraea look to mid-Capricorn and the 1790 chart's 11th cusp.

Neglected notes not penned on the June 18, 2020 chart include: Hour: Sun; Sun-Moon: 3rd quarter +273:35 = crisis in consciousness: and hidden manipulator Pluto Rx in Capricorn leads a BOWL shape of the planets, and he's bossily tilted toward success no matter the cost.

Now the Mars-Neptune Conjunction perfects on a Saturday (Saturn's day!) but note that on the SCOTUS calendar Opinion Issuance Days in June (Mondays) include June 15th, a mere two days after the Conjunction so we'll see what transpires and which cases and topics the Justices address. And if they appear to be acting independently of outside influences.

Jun 5, 2020

June 18, 2020: Inauguration 2017's Mars Return

Mars Return 2020 Signals a New Cycle of Activity for the US Presidency

by Jude Cowell

June 5, 2020: In the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope (January 20, 2017 12:00 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC) activist planet Mars @24Pis21 in 11th house of Groups, Alliances, Hopes and Wishes, appears in a line-up in Pisces with Chiron (21:48), Venus (17:44), and Neptune (10:16). All four are in direct motion and in the 11th house.

So in consideration of recent turbulent events which involve Mars (peaceful - Pisces - activism - Mars - and the strong-armed quelling of it - Mars - one way by using Neptunian tear gas) the following Mars Return Horoscope may be of interest to the curious reader. Please enlarge the image if you wish to to read my study notes penned on the chart for there's ony a little text typed into this post (yours truly is in need of a weekend break!) but there are quite a few tidbits you may wish to consider. Not penned on the chart: rubber bullets, another apt description of a Pisces Mars along with some police officers (Mars) taking a knee while others oppress American citizens who exercise their right to free speech (US Mars Rx by progression):

Image: June 18, 2020 7:22:38 pm edt Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Mercury at Station and conjunct Sirius (the scorcher) and US natal Sun (1776). Note that Saturn Rx @00AQ48 continues its conjunction to US Inaugural Sun (@00AS49, lower left). Also see Sabian Symbols for Mars and Neptune, lower right.

Actually June 18, 2020 is a significant day for more cosmic reasons than one so you may wish to see or review June 2020 Transits to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope, plus, there's June and July 2020: A Cosmic Sandwich of Eclipses - starting today at 3:13 pm edt! - and Crisis and the June 2020 Solar Eclipse at Summer Solstice.

Above image: Mars (NASA/Hubble)

Jun 4, 2020

June 2020 Uranus activates 1865 Saturn-Pluto

What's Old Is New Again: Or Is It Vice Versa? Naming No Names

by Jude Cowell

June 4, 2020: Nowadays in America our freedoms are in danger of being vastly restricted. We see it in political events and speeches, in the news, and overhead in the skies. Therefore, care must be taken not to publish on topics that might attract the raptor's gaze. This is something I'd hoped never to have to type in a Stars Over Washington post but the time has drawn nigh, my friends. And so what do I haul off and do this evening? Make an attempt to find corresponding astrological factors that reflect current events to describe the protests, demonstrations, and the overly forceful, reactionary responses from denizens of the White House who feel under threat from the populace and so they threaten We The People. In this case, it's peaceful protesters under siege by alt-right operatives and "soldiers" in black wearing no identifying insignia - ordered about by a desperate man. But there's no call to list such calamities here for we're all drenched with news of the day and, in fact, must make concerted efforts to avoid knowledge of it.

As Above So Below! I refer to the current position of transit Uranus in early Taurus now activating a certain opposition in the founding horoscope of a controversial organization that formed on December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee--a group well known for its violent tendencies and strong-armed behavior. But through an abundance of caution, I shall not name it, nor anyone else, in this post.

For you see, this particular group, backed by enablers both foreign and domestic, coup'ed the White House in 2016/2017 so I suspect you know which group I refer to. The group's natal aspect now activated is a brutal Saturn-Pluto opposition across the Taurus-Scorpio axis and now transit Uranus has careened along within the same degree area and spurred the harsh opposition into expression in our day.

Now as you know, the cycle of Uranus is approximately 84 years in length so this transit has occurred before (since 1865) when transit Uranus was around 8-12 Taurus - significantly during the 1930s. Well, who doesn't know that upheaval, turbulence, and power-grabs in society occurred during those days, too? And by like-minded perpetrators attempting to take control of government. History rhymes but note that their coup failed in America. Now they're trying again and have learned a few tricks from their mistakes.

And so it is due to the quickly shifting reforms and threats to change America into a police state that I type at you with more concern for our nation than ever before. For nearly fifteen years I've fussed here on SO'W about how I didn't - don't - 'like what they've done with the place' - 'the place' being my former city of residence, Washington DC, and of course, this extends to the entire United States of America. Yet as I said, the time has drawn nigh and a great crisis is forced upon the American people who must yield to or fight against oppressive forces.

So! With transit Uranus, planet of revolt and revolution, now triggering the 1865 Saturn-Pluto opposition belonging to a bunch of hotheaded sour pusses who just can't give up their treasonous fight, let's consider the Uranian transit from the perspectives of (1) 2020 Uranus opposing 1865 Saturn in Scorpio and (2) 2020 Uranus nearing conjunction to 1865 Pluto in Taurus (exact three times: June and November 2021 and March 2022):

(1) Traditions and methods are under fire from opposing forces demanding change, progressive reforms, and a 'new order' (Saturn: old vs Uranus: new). Attempts to enforce control over events or people will have negative consequences. Moderation is the best course of action but will prove difficult to manage or retain.

(2) Upheavals, unrest, calamities, revolts, protests, riots, strikes, demonstrations, stalemates, battle lines, and a period when past crimes threaten to 'catch up with' perpetrators. So apparently we can include 'arrests' to this list especially since arrests are already happening.

Now let's add the midpoint picture formed by the three planets, rigid old Saturn, powerful manipulator and bank-roller Pluto (intolerant when in Taurus) plus, rebellious catalyst Uranus, fond of speculative ventures when in Taurus yet may fail due to impulsively taking premature actions: "Brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses" (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl).

Now there are plenty of other contacts from 2020 planets to the 1865 horoscope I'm looking at ('noon') but to keep this post on the brief side, I'll add only this: 1865 Saturn @9Sco39 was conjoined on Inauguration Day 2017 by our Inaugural Moon @9Sco21 which at noon est that day had sunk into the 6th house of Military-Police-Civil Services, Daily Rounds, and Health (yes, you know that Covid-19 is one of the current assaults upon the American people--and on the world, for that matter--this threatens to become a global conflagration just as certain criminal elements in society have long dreamed--hence, 'the group').

And so transit Uranus in Taurus now opposes 2017 Inaugural Moon in Scorpio which suggests a period when our domestic environments are disrupted, lives and conditions feel unstable, separations can occur between family members, even pets, soldiers suddenly show up, medical systems are interrupted, and deep emotional turmoil ripples across the land.

Well, I made it through without naming names and I sincerely hope that this As Above So Below post doesn't bum anyone out more than they already were before they haplessly or purposefully arrived on Stars Over Washington. As usual, my intention is to forearm any reader who cares to take note via Astrology, the only system of analysis that adds the element of timing to all matters at hand.

Jun 3, 2020

US Census 2020: When and Why?

June 3, 2020: Notices began going out in mid-March and now that June has arrived it's time to fill out the US Census, a ten-year tradition mandated by the US Constitution and an activity that takes about 10 minutes to complete.

And while most households in the US have already complied, if you haven't you may want to consider that some Operational Adjustments Due to Covid-19 are in place which may or may not affect you or a household member.

So in case you have questions check out Why Conduct a US Census? for more information.

Summer 2020 Musical Chairs: Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Trio

by Jude Cowell (aka, Judith Cowell on FB)

Image: America's 'pyramid of power' topped by the 'all-seeing eye'

June 3, 2020: Well, isn't Trump having a high ole' time sending riot gear troops into US cities? His recent propaganda effort slash photo op (a thought experiment "hatched" by Trump eye candy Hope Hicks it is reported), fell flat as Trump's poll ratings. Meanwhile, the turbulence across America continues as peaceful protests are made worse by bad policing and masked instigators who are sent into crowds in order to commit violence and discredit actual protesters, aka, US citizens with rights.

It's an old political tactic often used to muddy clear waters.

So today let's take a look at the major heavyweight trio of transiting planets in late Capricorn (sign of government, law, business) that are traveling in a certain order today as I type but want to add here their midpoint picture potentials for their change of position ('musical chairs') coming soon to a Summer 2020 near you. Near us all:

June 3, 2020 in Capricorn, all Rx: Pluto 24:39-Jupiter 26:37-Saturn 1AQ31 but retreats into Capricorn July 2) so their midpoint picture is: Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'religious and social fanaticism; inclination to sacrifice oneself for others; difficulties caused through illness; plain and simple'. (Note that transit Saturn is in process of stomping US POTUS (Inaugural) Sun, a period of resentment and antagonism toward anyone he feels is restricting his freedom! And is intended by karma to be a time when past mistakes are corrected. As if.)

Then a change occurs on June 30 when the second of 2020's Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions perfects @24Cap06, exact @1:45 am edt. By 1:47 am edt, the trio places shifts positions which creates a new midpoint picture of potentials:

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: 'immense effort; violent changes; restriction; separation; people unafraid of any necessary trouble or work to attain the desired aims slowly but surely'.

And you know what I keep having to type in my posts of late: forewarned is forearmed.

Then by the third of the three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions on November 12, 2020 (horoscope shown), the power trio has shifted back to their Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter position and we can add 'overzealous oration' to the dystopian picture (aka, our Trump nightmare), among other indications.

Yes, imho, someone secretly in charge (Pluto) knew long ago that these indications were coming (karma) in 2020 and Trump was shoved into the White House because he was the crook who would conduct proceedings the most chaotic and evil way possible. And note that the above image with the all-seeing eye relates to America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776. Our nation's 2022 Pluto Returns will repeat by transit 'Pluto opposite US natal Mercury' which suggests obsessed or troubled thoughts, changes in thinking and/or methods, and/or secret or confidential information misused. Obviously this is a picture of our younger generations under siege by decrepit plutocrats!

Now you, dear reader, may choose to disagree but there it is.

A Related Post: May 26, 2020 Horoscope: Pluto opposes US natal Mercury with power-craving Pluto opposing (challenging, injuring) our national Mercury, planet of young people (now in the streets!), ideas, and thinking (freedom of thought under siege by powerful plutocratic forces). Note that this opposition became exact only hours after the murder-by-cop of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the event that sparked the protests.

Midpoint pictures: The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin.

Jun 2, 2020

Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 repeats in 2023

June 2, 2020: Considering the current unrest and turbulence in our nation with National Guard troops ordered or threatened to be ordered to various cities across the land - and with a vision of Trump hunkered down in a bunker - an updated post on the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse Horoscope of 1933 may be of interest. Learning from history so as not to repeat mistakes is a grand thing if it can be accomplished! Unfortunately, given the speed with which America has been sabotaged by authoritarian entities and with martial law and dystopia potentially on the horizon, it seems at this point that the fascist types are the ones who have learned from their mistakes and improved their tactics.

Yes, it is depressing but as progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann always says, Despair is not an option. Thom also says, Democracy is not a spectator sport, so get out there! and finally, Americans are doing just that, taking to the streets, but with the predicable result that paid operatives and anti-democratic thugs of the klannish persuasion are apparently among the crowds in order to stir up violence and destruction, discredit the protests, and give government a justification for clamping down (when we're already under lock down!). The use of subterfuge against We The People, a time-honored tactic of Uranian-Plutonian types, reveals the saboteurs' plan to institute military control of the population thereby completing their government coup and keeping demagogue Trump throttling the helm of the White House. See or review Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis. And note that America's natal Sun in Cancer (July 4, 1776) will be 'eclipsed' by the Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020 which is basically the cosmic gift of an eclipse for our national birthday.

Hopefully, the implied changes of direction inspired by the three Summer 2020 eclipses, although turbulent, will turn America toward a more positive course and any secrets or inconvenient facts revealed will uplift democracy, not reduce it further. This, in addition to the fact that the critical Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer contains potentials for the entire globe.

US Mars the Warrior in Our Turbulent Times

Astrologically, on one level we see these fiery conditions and perversions of goals and actions via US natal Mars turned retrograde by progression since 2006 (when Bush-Cheney 'broke' the military, as I've typed in previous posts of that era). Certainly the symbolic (SP) inward subversion (Rx) of America's Mars' energy, motivation, and action principles aren't what they once were when Mars progressed through the years in forward motion. The concepts of social and political regression (Rx) come to mind as favored by the Republican hierarchy (and others!) who seem determined to regress America back to the 1860s. Led by figurehead Trump, they're attempting now to re-fight the Civil War for they prefer that relic of a bygone era, the Confederate Constitution of 1861 (horoscope shown is timed by the day's New Moon @20Pis59--where transit Neptune is as I type, and there's venal Venus @5Pis18, the degree of the Fascism Rising Eclipse!).

For as you know, in 1776 our country began with Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini: ready for action, mobile, able to do multiple things simultaneously, yet admittedly on the quarrelsome side, and not always honest in duplicitous Gemini. Now with SP Mars Rx in Venus-ruled Libra, America's motivations and actions depend upon emotions and feelings which often spark conflict rather than the teamwork that could benefit all sides. But radical Utopian zealots don't care about 'all sides', only theirs, and that, to collapse civilization. So perhaps you've noticed that US Mars SP (secondary progressed) conjoins the natal Jupiter of Herr Trump with his constant refrain of, "It's not fair!" However, his multiple personality flaws can only see 'fair' as everything tilting his way which does not provide the balance the American people prefer. And as you know, the hastiness, ambition, and erroneous judgment inherent within a Mars-Jupiter contact have been repeatedly demonstrated during Trump's 3+ years.

And yet the true heart of humanity is shown as peaceful solidarity marches in foreign lands have been inspired by the cruel murder-by-police of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. Thank You World!! For many people abroad can see America's predicament clearly for what it really is yet approximately one third of us cheers on its brutality! General Smedley Butler would not be proud. btw: so far a search of SO'W for my previous posts regarding the July 1, 1933 fascist coup attempt has shown that related videos and links I posted in the past have been mysteriously deleted. However, I have located a recently published video (8M 6s) on the topic Smedley Butler and the Business Plot which is what the coup attempt of 1933 is often called. Because predictably, corporatists and big bankers, driven by fear of FDR's New Deal programs, were the primary culprits (then as now), along with idealists with skewed, brutal perspectives against humanity. (Now that Venus, planet of of perspective, evaluation, diplomacy, and relationship, is back in bounds of the earthly plane, perhaps attitudes of some will improve, although Mercury remains OOBs for now and will turn Rx June 18th.) Still, I must type: it was evil then and it's evil now. After all, recognizing evil when it confronts us is key to facing monsters and vanquishing them!

Above Image: 'Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse' 5Pis29 Feb 24, 1933 12:43:50 pm GMT Berlin, Germany; two interlaced YODs (Finger of God pattern = special tasks, crises, turning point, crossroads, major adjustments, and a potential for karmic progress; apex Jupiter at base of a Venus-Uranus sextile; apex Venus at the base of a Jupiter-Pluto sextile); a fanatic Uranus-Pluto square is in force; the Pluto-Chiron midpoint (plutocracy of oppression; exploitation; disenfranchisement; primal violence; fascism; corporatism; communism; socialism; militarism; totalitarianism; racism; nationalism; 'patriotism'; propaganda, etc) @22Gem42 conjoins the karmic 12th cusp of the 1933 eclipse (in Berlin) and also conjoins US natal Mars (military and police forces; you decide its levels of meaning since upheavals were occurring in the US as well--then as now, Great Depression then as now.) And of course on July 1, 1933, months after FDR was sworn into office for his first term, an attempt began to convince retired General Smedley Butler to lead a coup attempt against President Roosevelt on behalf of fascist saboteurs with thousands of (retired) troops of the American Legion allegedly willing to man up. Would they have done this? I don't know but one of the conspirators who approached Butler was an American Legion leader.

So the 7 North Solar Eclipse of 1933 contains themes of 'deep passion long hidden' and 'lust' (Brady) - one assumes lust for power and control (see power-mad manipulator Pluto rising with starry Pollux!). And of course the same themes will surface in 2023 as the next 7 North Eclipse manifests @29Ari50, a critical-crisis 29th degree--straining to enter Taurus, sign of intolerance and greed (negatively speaking with no aspersion to be cast upon enlightened Taureans of our day!) So as you know, the 00-to-1 degree range of bullish Taurus is thought by some such as myself to be degrees of violence due to the fact that it's Adolf's natal Sun degree and was transited (triggered) each time he committed acts of violence. And being his Sun that was triggered, naturally his out-sized, off-kilter, touchy ego was involved.

Remind you of anyone in particular?

Jun 1, 2020

Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis Across America

by Jude Cowell

Monday June 1, 2020: Prior to the brutal murder-by-cop of George Floyd (May 25, 2020 8:30 pm cdt Minneapolis, MN; 3Sag05 rising with his natal Neptune 5:34, then Venus 6:03) which has triggered protests, riots, and violence across our nation, I had access to my original 'Jude Cowell' Facebook account and page on which I had asked a general astrology-related question which received several interesting replies from my astute FB friends.

This became a discussion concerning the Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto which perfected thrice on October 9, 1965, April 4 1966, and June 30, 1966--all in mid-Virgo (17:10, 16:28, and 16:06 respectively), and all three conjunct my natal Virgo Ascendant--and the fact that the transiting midpoint between Uranus and Pluto was now @16Pisces and therefore opposing their intense, revolutionary conjunctions of the 1965/66 across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis. What I'd hoped not to face was that their midpoint might trigger similar violence, turbulence, and upheaval as their conjunctions had done--riots, protests, battles lines drawn, broken store windows and heads, shootings, arrests, shady figures in black showing up to stir events into conflagration, purposeful arson, and even assassinations as in the 1960s. Perhaps I can be forgiven for counting George Floyd as one such victim.

While History May Not Repeat It Very Often Rhymes: Long-Held Grievances now Released

So you can tell where I'm going with this, right? My worst concerns are now confirmed y events for it turns out that, yes, the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint of 2020 can trigger the powerful Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions of the 1960s with similar violent results and demands for freedom from oppression. Of course the combined intensity of Uranus-Pluto built and simmered prior to 1965, was most intense during their exact conjunctions, and extended beyond them. This particular planetary pair is so intense, electrical, deep, and transforming that its destabilizing, disruptive, oppressive and persecuting 'vibes' stretched through the 1960s decade, as you know, and had noticeably and finally waned by 1970.

Of course, there were other planetary influences happening in the 1960s, different from those of 2020, but this is beyond the scope of this post. With one exception--that the Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions had one significant opponent uncomfortably traversing watery Pisces--old man Saturn, karmic planet of The Establishment and the status quo. This helped to set up a generational dynamic between young vs old, counterculture vs business-as-usual, as anti-Vietnam War protests, black rights and other civil rights movements against oppression, were engaged, often with rage. Add to this the fact that mid-Pisces holds a star of crisis, Achernar, and its themes have in 2020 been reactivated by the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint (along with transiting Neptune in its own shady sign of Pisces, bringing paranoia, contagion and pandemic in its wake). Can a powerful planetary midpoint activate a fixed star's themes? Reluctantly I must say, yes.

Here's Noel Tyl on potentials for Uranus-Pluto = Saturn: 'tendency toward autocratic leadership' (then as now!); 'my way is the best way' (say authoritarians--then as now); toppled from position; pressure from others; egotism" (Solar Arcs).

US Politics and Rebellious Uranus-Pluto

One prominent disrupted social event within those Uranus-Pluto years was the infamous 1968 DNC in Chicago where over 600 people were arrested, hundreds were injured, Democrat Hubert Humphrey was nominated, hired instigators and intruders showed up (then as now) to make matters worse, and a later investigation of the turbulent protests and violence led to the label "police riot." An ultimate result was that laws and government were changed--then as will be now. Here's a 1m 45s WGN News video with actual footage and details that pretty well sums up the DNC Events of August 1968. And of course, current riots and protests now drench the globe and the Internet for anyone with a hankering to view or review them. Turn on a device--any device--and there they are in your face and broadcast around the world to make certain that other countries know that haughty America is wounded and weeping. One political thought is that the Soviet Union fell, now it's America's turn. It's a large part of the reason Trump was installed--to make America's collapse happen and finagling a 'race riot' is a basic tactic for such Utopian saboteurs and swindlers. Uranus, planet of zealous radical anarchists, syncs with stealthy, power-mad Pluto, the distant manipulator with his hidden wealth and destructive plans for society--for civilization.

Solar Eclipses Then and Now

Now as you know, DNC and RNC 2020 are apparently scheduled for August 2020 after the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation. Yet 2020 convention details are iffy due to coronavirus concerns wherever large crowds congregate. But there were no such concerns for contagion in the 1960s which enjoyed something of a musical exclamation point to the turbulent era when the very peaceful, peace-loving Woodstock Festival of 1969 (horoscope shown) was held in upstate New York - mud, Jimi Hendrix playing The Star-Spangled Banner, and all. Yet music, social movements, and social network memes are contagious, right? We even call things "viral" when they're shared round and round.

So if you're curious, here's a previous post concerning the Flower Power Eclipse of November 12, 1966 which displays the 'cosmic peace symbol' formed by the planets, as you can see. This 1966 eclipse fell into the difficult 4 South Saros Series which, sorry to tell you, repeats on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius, the very day the Electoral College is set to vote, last I heard, and with Trump's natal Sag Moon and South Node 'eclipsed'. Follow the link to view the 4 South eclipse horoscope of June 21, 2020 set for Washington, DC.

For it can't be denied that in 2020 we are, in fact, influenced by the same Solar Eclipses and themes that ran in the background of the years 1965 and 1966, but with 2020 eclipses manifesting in different signs and with a different panoply of planetary actors in attendance at each 'cosmic blink' event - some harmoniously, some discordantly, and some a grand cosmic mixture of both. As Above, So Below!, an oft-quoted phrase in Astrology that for me personally represents the comforting Scriptural assurance that,

"--Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

For I know Whom I have believed! Do you?

May 31, 2020

'Nazi Rise to Power' Solar Eclipse Soon Repeats

1932 and 2022: Eclipse Cycles Rhyme with Historic Events

by Jude Cowell

May 31, 2020: Forewarned is forearmed.

And probably most people would agree that the first election of democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt on November 8, 1932 was certainly for him a "rise to power" in the US but today, in light of current societal conditions, let's consider a different rise to power which occurred in 1932 Berlin via the Solar Eclipse that 'announced' it: the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the Nazi Rise to Power in the 6 South Saros Series which perfected on August 31, 1932 @8Virgo09 (Berlin eclipse horoscope shown below). As you see, the transiting planets now in late Capricorn cluster about the Midheaven ('MC'; The Goal) and the Saturn Rx of this eclipse horoscope. So it may be significant that 6 South's 1932 Saturn Rx @28Cap55 returns to natal degree three times in 2020, the first time already passed: March 9, then July 17, and December 6 with transit Pallas @29Cap42 (strategy, wisdom, ethics) on December 6th conjunct Nazism's 1932 Saturn.

Naturally, Saturnian-style karma is suggested in some form or another which may or may not include the loss and restriction so prevalent now. Hopefully, the wrong kind of consolidation is not part of the karmic picture. For we know that Saturn brings needed lessons and always demands realism, integrity, and accountability but sadly there's not a lot of these going around, not by radical reactionary forces anyway. (Their jam is deception and erosion inspired by Neptune now in shady Pisces.) So it's up to Establishment forces to demand and hold accountable miscreants and saboteurs endeavoring to take over America against the will of the people. And of course, We The People must perform our roles as well, however we can, to resist. (Yes, writing Stars Over Washington is my primary effort for America and has been for nearly 15 years! My street protest days ended several moons ago.)

And it seems to me no accident that the 1932 Solar Eclipse @8Virgo conjuncts the degree of both Election 2016's and Inauguration 2017's Prenatal Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 (a cosmic time link by degree, not Saros Series) which tragically was opposed by transit Neptune @10Pisces. This opposition gave Neptunian forces many opportunities to confuse, cloud, hide, and erode the 19 North themes of the 2016 Eclipse: 'realism, coming down to earth; a good time for tackling the truth' (Brady). For as you know, astrological Neptune when expressed negatively is allergic to truth, scoffs at reality, and perverts the straight-forward course, as do demagogues like Donald and--dare I type it--Adolf. After all, honest demagogues and dictators can never win so they must resort to deceit and fraud for their fake victories!

Please note that this post is not about the subsequent Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 @5Pis29 in the 7 North series of 'deep passion' and 'lust' but the Total eclipse of August 31, 1932 with themes that are descriptive of the fascist/nazi/seizing power era of the 1930s--and of current conditions across the globe as America nears her first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022 when 6 South comes again:

Therefore, dear reader, perhaps we agree on these disturbing topics so consider the following (for those who do not already know): a 6 South Solar Eclipse repeats @2Scorpio on October 25, 2022 and will be the PE of America's third of three Pluto Returns which occurs on December 28, 2022 (@27Cap32). Now stealthy Pluto was in Moon-ruled Cancer in the 1930s fascist era (nationalism; tribalism) but now, in our Pluto-in-Saturn-ruled-Capricorn era, neo-Nazism again rears its vicious Medusa head spurred by mouthpiece Trump, and as Saturn-ruled Pluto destroys structures and traditions, Pluto in Capricorn bears the unfortunate imprint of The Dictator (Ebertin). Plus, when Saturn and Pluto conjoined on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46, their harsh energies imprinted upon Year 2020 (and for the next 33 years or so) and their conjunction 'hit' the Vertex of fated encounters and possible wish-fulfillment in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump, as we've previously discussed. As you know, these harsh energies oppose Trump's natal 11th house Saturn--in watery, tribal Cancer. It's all very Moon-Saturn-Pluto abuse and misuse of power, isn't it?

Well, one difference between Nazi 1932 and Trump 2017--2022 that we have going for us is that the violent 'Marseillaise Trio' (Mars-Jupiter-Neptune) of 1932 is not aligned now as it was during the French Revolution. Enough of a saving grace? Turns out in May 2020 it is not for it's only one factor in a boatload of many, both positive and negative. Besides, white nationalism is 'on the rise' with Trump in the White House (our national Masonic Lodge). And nowadays we're experiencing the consequences of the traveling heavyweight trio of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto so recently joined by hothead arsonist Mars in March 2020. Besides weaponry, mundane Mars has a well known link to needles and injections - to anything sharp and/or invasive actually.

Yet hope springs eternal for America stopped Nazism before and must stop the brutal movement again in order to protect and keep some remnants of the democratic Republic we've known and prefer.

Now, for chart-readers, here is the 6 South Nazi Rise to Power Solar Eclipse Horoscope set for Berlin, Germany: August 31, 1932 8:54:32 pm CET with 18Tau03 rising (Taurus, a beastly sign), and a critical degree at Midheaven opposite twin star Castor (murder; loss; mental illness: A. Louis) conjunct the eclipse's IC, the Foundation of the chart. 6 South themes include forcefully taking power and huge efforts expended in group endeavors (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology):

As noted, above, a 6 South Solar Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio. And as Rose Lineman informs us in her booklet on Eclipses, a solar eclipse in that intense Mars-Pluto infused sign denotes, "Scorpio's gift of probing insight (which) enables one to discern root causes of karmic situations and problems."

And this resonates with protecting and keeping some remnants of the democratic Republic we've known for, as everyone knows, monsters must be identified and directly faced in order to vanquish them!

For the sake of comparison, here's the same Nazi Power Rising Horoscope set for the White House Washington DC 2:54:32 pm EST with Cardinal Point 00Cap48 rising and a Libra Midheaven sporting - thank goodness! - two beneficial stars that relate to the Founding of America: Spica, the spike (Washington Monument) and Arcturus (the White House) with its key phrase: a different approach (democrat FDR!):

So as always: Share if you dare! jc