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Showing posts with label 6 North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6 North. Show all posts

May 10, 2022

Bi-Wheel: Coup Attempt 2021 w/ J6 Public Hearing June 2022

June 9th Accountability Knocks: Will the Guilty Answer?

by Jude Cowell

On April 29, 2022, J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson told the American people to expect "at least 8 hearings" investigating Trump's Attempted Coup of January 6, 2021. Finding no exact hour the opening hearing of June 9, 2022 may begin, the following bi-wheel shows the Public Hearing (outer) set for the speculative hour of 9:30 am edt, Capitol Building (or other DC location) with US natal North Node (meetings) conjunct the IC (endings) of the Trump Coup Attempt chart (inner).

Note: Although I'm calling this the 'first' public hearing, Capitol Hill officers testified in July 2021 about the coup attempt. These horoscopes are posted today because most of us are hoping that politicians and others who aided and abetted Trump's power grab scheme will be held accountable bwo of the J6 Summer 2022 hearings, and by the DOJ. If the culprits aren't, a coup attempt will occur again, as everyone knows. Yet a plus is that transit Pluto conjunct Mercury supplies deeper powers for delving into hidden meanings and motivations, so let's take appropriate actions to protect democracy and our Republic!

For the January 6, 2021 insurrection horoscope shown here, I'm using 1:32:32 pm est so that 26Tau27 rises with malevolent Algol conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven 'MC' (the goal), along with the opening hearing's Mercury, planet of testimony, communication, negotiation - but also of lies, deception, theft, and trickersterism. Transit North Node @22Tau15 conjuncts ASC as well which suggests that Trump has been and will be the central figure in the J6 proceedings (for clear reasons). And yes, the leader of the sabotage felt very joyful on that day as shown by Sun = Venus-Jupiter!

Both Charts/Events: Moon-Mars Oppositions with Don't Tred On Me Vibes

Besides the anger, quarrels, fights, and self-willedness that a Moon-Mars opposition suggests, a prominent transit for Trump is legal eagle planet of karma, accountability, and timing, Saturn Rx @25AQ14, opposing Trump's natal Mars in Leo (and his natal Ascendant, for that matter). This denotes potentials for gridlock, anger and resentment, negative dealings with males and the public, illness (heart problems, stress, strain, inflammation, injuries), and yes, a potential for violence. According to R. Ebertin, there are also indications of 'mysterious death, grievous loss, insufficient power to tackle obstacles or resistance, weakening efforts, self-torment', and/or the 'undermining of vitality' via 'poison, gas, or epidemic', as shown by the J6 public hearing's Mars-Saturn @18Pis23 conjunct Coup Attempt Neptune @18Pis35) with Mars-Saturn as 'the death axis'. We should brace for the possibility that sinister, mysterious, or subversive events could occur before or during the Summer 2022 J6 hearings. This is supported by the ongoing themes of the current 6 North Solar Eclipse (@10Tau28 on April 30, 2022) suggesting 'commitments accepted due to another person's unreliability or illness' and with 'relationships to authority figures' being prominent (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now there are multiple planetary contacts between the two horoscopes and events as you see and some are mentioned, above. But let's continue our focus with the multi-faceted contacts affecting the Coup Attempt's Mercury-Pluto conjunction, remembering that 2022 is the year of America's first-ever Pluto Return (3x for good measure). And let's note that the Coup Attempt's Saturn-Pluto midpoint is joined by the Public Hearing's Pluto which adds recognition and confrontation with evil to the mix (Munkasey). There, I typed it: pure evil such as the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 cosmically consolidated for humanity as their nearly 33-year cycle began once again - while perfecting their conjunction directly upon the natal Vertex of Mr. Trump (22Cap51): fated encounters or wish fulfillment? Perhaps both

Thing is, it's time for Americans to decide once and for all what sort of country we have and what brand of government we want, and the J6 hearings are part of the challenge along with the US Pluto Return/s. It's as if the old R vs D stand-offs are distilled into the current Authoritarianism vs Democracy tug of war, but we must be certain to recognize that it's brutal, malevolent neo-nazis mounting the challenge to American democracy. Why, even the double Moon-Mars oppositional influences echo Trump's natal Mars opposing (targeting) US natal Moon in Aquarius. How much plainer can the Cosmos make the threat?

Then What About the Libra Moon/s?

So besides Luna's opposition with warrior planet Mars, the Moon on June 9, 2022 @12Lib11, a critical degree, acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern and thus is a primary driver or motivator of the proceedings. As you know, the mundane Moon = the public, publicity, public relations, family, security concerns, and as a timing agent, we should note that the Coup Attempt's Moon @21Lib31 returns to her position (a Lunar Return) on June 10, 2022 at 2:00:59 am edt with early Aries rising. An earlier position of testy Mars is signifiant - @12Ari02, a critical-crisis degree - exactly opposite the June 9th Public Hearing's Moon (12Lib11) which is a Moon-Mars (angry or upset people!) emphasized again.

And a cosmic echo of the Tr*mp natal Mars @26Leo opposing US natal Moon.

May 9, 2022

Medieval Days and GOP Abortion Beliefs

Is a Medieval SCOTUS Set to Overturn Roe v Wade?

by Jude Cowell

Recently we discussed the Alito Draft Leak and a 1991 Eclipse and today I'm here to publish the Solar Eclipse @27Tau55 of May 15, 0850 because it's the initial eclipse (numero one) in the 6 North Saros Series which has brought along the Alito Draft leak with its clear indications of an overturn of a 1973 law that most Americans prefer to keep. ("My body my choice!')

So how does this ancient relic of an eclipse series relate to the overturning of Roe v Wade? Well, it's something that Republicans have planned for years and their scheme has involved certain justices being underhandedly shoved on to the SCOTUS bench for just such a purpose - because the 'Alito leak' revealing the party's abortion/women's health issues occurred under the influence of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 30, 2022 @10Tau28, in force as I type.

Additionally, a cosmic curiosity exists between the 850 eclipse @27Tau55 for it was transited in 1854 by the Republican Party's Saturn (27Tau26). Tellingly, their 1854 Saturn is apex planet of a T-Square between a Venus-Mars opposition which suggests potentials for 'abnormal and pathological sex-expression, an inclination to adultery, inhibitions in love life, a separation in love' (R. Ebertin). This sounds like certain current-day Republican politicians to me but I won't mention any names.

Now perhaps you can tell in the horoscope, pictured above, that the April 30, 2022 6 North Eclipse @10Tau28 landed directly upon the 0850 Eclipse's North Node (10Tau58) of future direction, and 0850 Neptune Rx @27Cap32 conjuncts what came to be America's 1776 Pluto Rx (27:32), now in process through 2022 of returning to natal position so the transit of Pluto-to-Neptune is powerfully repeating in 2022. Ordinarily, this suggests a weakening of power and an erosion of our social fabric which I believe is the ongoing project of America's enemies and their comrades in the GOP. We're watching and experiencing these negative results occurring before our very eyes. It's time for changes and reforms, agreed, but saboteurs are making conditions even worse than they have to be!

Then in the Collective, when transit Pluto conjoins Neptune (here, a vast cosmic time link from 2022 back to 850), circumstances involve political, economic, physical, and spiritual conflicts for control, couched in self-righteous, holier-than-thou religious and moral terms (see unmarried maiden Vesta at MC, the Goal Point!). Prominent issues include abortion, civil rights, genetic engineering, and/or mercy killing, although it's probable that Republicans will think of other thorny issues with which to divide the American people. Perhaps other issues are 'on the drawing board' already. Then on this level, another cosmic timing event will be the third of three 'Great American Eclipses' in April 2024, an election year, because the eclipse path of Totality will race across and 'split' the country from Southwest to Northeast.

Therefore, if it ever did, it no longer seems that the Republican Party of 1854 - with the party's Neptune in mid-Pisces at the Midheaven of the 0850 eclipse chart - is striving to improve America, but is determined to return US society to the anti-women regressive conditions of the 1850s and/or 1950s while striving to collapse our nation and remove the US from global leadership, thus leaving an America-shaped hole that their comrades, big China and little Russia, will happily fill. And as you know, the orange-maned Tr*mp has acted as a wide-girthed figurehead for the GOP's long-planned scheme of gutting the US government, prominently brought into public view and 'popularized' by Grover Norquist. Past government shutdowns were rehearsals for our collapse as was Tr*mp's coup attempt of January 6, 2021, with more insurrection attempts to come.

But why doth I fuss?

My consideration of the initial 0850 6 North Eclipse began when I kept hearing pundits and politicians refer to Alito's citings in his draft decision (not the final SCOTUS opinion, so they say) in which he stretched back to medieval times (see feudalism) in an attempt to 'justify' his extremist views concerning abortion and his misogyny against women. As you know, Alito used an early witch-burning judge as his model, a man named Sir Matthew Hale. (Full discloure: geni dot com informs me that Judge Matthew Hale is my 9th cousin 12 times removed, while Samuel Alito and I have in-law connections only. Euw.)

And since we view solar eclipses through the lens of their initial eclipse by way of Zodiacal sign, we're looking through a double Taurean lens that, if negative traits of Taurus are expressed through the 2022 eclipse, the Collective is given another chance to improve upon such issues and previous behaviors as rigidity, stubbornness, intractibility, intolerance, greed, possessiveness', and, via 6 North themes (listed on the chart) of 'relationships to authority figures, the need to take control and responsibility', and 'accepting commitments due to another person's illness or unreliability' (ex: Chief Justice Roberts wasn't extremist enough so he handed the writing task to Alito). (6 North Themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.)

Therefore I must conclude that if the misogynist Republican model is followed as feudalist Samuel Alito desires, major karmic setbacks will overtake American society and harm the population to an extensive degree which most of us as yet have not fully realized, with women, children, and families in the forefront as our social fabric continues to be torn apart - and all for the sake of GOP power and money grabbing, working in league with religious zealots who don't mid a little Nazism if it helps them reach their theocratic goals. (Boy, are they going to be fooled.)

Admittedly, the dire totalitarian conditions of handmaidism planned for women and girls by Republican Party misogynists reminds me of the way Herr H grievously mistreated Germany's women, children, and families as he divided the country and goose-stepped his way toward total power and control, temporary as his iron grip turned out to be.

How about you, dear reader? What are you reminded of?

A Closely Related Post: April 2022 6 North Eclipse hits the 1803 Uranus of Washington DC and this increases and activates the karmic nature of the eclipse.

Also related: Election 2024: A Blue Tsunami Please!

Apr 5, 2022

Apr 2022 Eclipse: a Cosmic Time Link

Washington's 1802 Syzygy Moon Eclipsed in April 2022

by Jude Cowell

April 5, 2022

Multiple horoscopes exist for the City of Washington DC and, if memory serves, the timing of one chart previously posted here (May 3, 1802: incorporation as a city) may be based on a letter written by Thomas Jefferson or simply on historical record, plus, there's a historically timed 'founded' version set for the events of July 16, 1790, a day when transit Saturn in early Aries was strong at Direct Station, yet transit Nemesis and Phaethon were conjunct @00Gemini (hardly a jolly alignment, if I do say so myself).

Meanwhile, the following bi-wheel of charts displayed below, uses neither of those dates, for the inner horoscope shows the Syzygy Moon (prior lunation) of DC's May 3, 1802 incorporation - the New Moon @10Tau54 of May 1, 1802. The reason to use the May 1st chart in the bi-wheel is because the incorporated city's Syzygy Moon will be precisely 'eclipsed' on April 30, 2022 by the 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 (see 6th house). This eclipsing may be significant or it may be nothing to pay the least bit of attention to these 220 years later!

And yet this synchronicity does time both a Solar and a Lunar Return to the May 1, 1802 Syzygy Moon lunation, suggesting what could be a sort of culmination or fulfillment in relation to Taurean matters (growth, development, valuations, materialism, greed, rigidity, and/or intolerance), that were seeded or planned at the 1802 New Moon. Also involved are relationships and full awareness potentials especially since all eclipses are Uranian and as such tend to uncover hidden factors, disrupt events to the point of causing changes of direction, and/or may activate scandals along with Technology playing its part.

Then considering the abundance of Taurean energies we have here, financial and investment matters are most likely at the top of the cosmic menu, as well as the opposite sign of Scorpio which brings in secrets, spying, control and manipulation, corporatism, plus, death and, hopefully, regeneration:

Even the recent passage in the House of the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Bill is suggested by the April 2022 Eclipse since Taurus rules neck and shoulders - Congress has tried to pass an anti-lynching bill in previous years - so will 2022 bring legislative success? Rascist issues and connections between then and now may also be indicated (for it isn't as if such issues - America's founding flaw - have been adequately dealt with, even at this late date).

And so, if nothing else, a cosmic time link forms between May 1802 and April 2022 (and until the next Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio) so that historical events and conditions of 1802 may be worth considering in light of current political/societal issues and events, along with the themes of the 6 North Eclipse which are penned upon on the image, upper right, such as 'relationship to authority figures, need to take control' and 'accepting commitments due to another's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady). A father's reputation may also be involved.

Eclipse Cycles, Historical Cycles, Cosmic Time Links

The Washington DC Horoscope May 3, 1802 (of incorporation) indicates that transit Saturn in 2023 will conjunct DC's Pluto in Pisces bringing very large events and continuing our government's power and control issues. But first, transit Pluto must creep through the sign of Aquarius which times a period of massive changes and reforms.

Significant 1802 Events include the Judiciary Act of 1802, enacted to reorganize the US federal court system (Judge Ketanji Brown set for SCOTUS bench confirmation by the end of this week! Rascism is involved, of course, because Republican), the opening of West Point Military Academy, the death of Martha Washington, and the discovery of Pallas, asteroid of wisdom, strategy, and the daughter. This probably adds women's issues to the mix, issues you'd think in 2022 we had settled by now.

So in closing, there may be other Cosmic Time Links involved such as:

Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session with its Node Node @1Sag44 was conjoined by the May 1, 1802 Syzygy Moon Ascendant-conjunct-Nemesis-Rx which links the 1802 Midterm Elections to Midterms 2022 and first session's 9:00 am LMT Ascendant @14Tau46, was recently transited off and on, as it will be on April 30, 2022, by radical reformer Uranus shown, above, in 6th house.

Additionally, you've noticed that the present-day transit of Uranus @14Taurus also hits US Inaugural Ascendant (Oath of Office, noon January 20th) which, at its very best, fortunately indicates the ability to cope.

Apr 2, 2022

Modern Humanity's 2022 Birthday Gift: A Solar Eclipse!

April 2, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Another 'Forewarned Is Forearmed' Post: An Eclipse? But You Shouldn't Have!

Not so long ago we discussed the Modern Humanity Horoscope as timed by the Taurus Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 Washington DC (A.E. Meece) along with a transit chart showing radical Uranus @7Taurus in 2021 conjunct that very Eclipse. As we know, radical reformer Uranus has acted as a major troublemaker of late while it lurches through the Fixed, often intolerant sign of Taurus, activating earth changes, financial shifts, turbulence, and more.

Below is a bi-wheel of charts showing, not the April 26, 1892 Solar Eclipse Horoscope, but the actual Neptune-Pluto Conjunction of April 30, 1892 @7Gem41 which is the third of three such conjunctions (August 2, 1891 @8Gem38; November 5, 1891 @8Gem19) in their approximately 492-year cycle. Among other things, The Supernatural, mysticism, drugs, subversive activities, and Organized Crime are astrologically represented by this heavyweight planetary pair.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish; multiple contacts are shown which are not mentioned in the following text.)

Now as you see, the outer horoscope is that of the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2022 @16Taurus and the reason for displaying this bi-wheel is that Modern Humanity's North Node of future direction (destiny) @16Tau58 will be 'eclipsed' on Election Day 2022 (USA) - including involvement from the radical planet of zealotry, anarchy, Utopianism, chaos, turbulence, and/or rebellion, Uranus (@16Tau56 Rx; aka, the planet of Awakening; Illumination and The Witness). Of course, Utopianism says that man has no need of laws which is poppycock and a recipe for chaos, but you knew that already. And it's an ages-old blueprint for the destruction of civilization.

Much of such things we've discussed previously so I won't repeat myself here but will add another cosmic synchronicity:

That the Solar Return 2022 of Modern Humanity (humanity's 130th "birthday"!) will receive the 'gift' of a cosmic blink, a Solar Eclipse. This adds a larger measure of prominence and a sense of unification of affairs to the themes of the April 30, 2022 Eclipse in the 6 North Series and increases indications of potential Uranian intervention, disruption, separation, and/or rebellion and upheaval to the level of directional changes in society which are always a bi-product of eclipses (along with revelations whether such disruptions are convenient or not.)

Therefore, 6 North themes are definitely on society's 2022 cosmic calendar! However, Taurean bullheadedness and inflexibility tend to cause setbacks when progress and growth are what's needed. As for finances (the 'Bull of Wall Street'?), raids on the US Treasury may be occurring underneath the surface as 6 North Taurean Eclipse themes run 'in the background' of society. Not that such raids haven't been perpetrated against the US previously.

(Please Note that I work with eclipse degrees and am not overly concerned with whether a particular eclipse is visible or whether it cuts a path across America when I type these things. You may, of course, disagree. Thankfully, this manifestation of a 6 North Eclipse is only partial not Total, while the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse is Total and is infused with vibes from electrical planet Uranus which may easily bring on technological issues with our voting machines or ballots, inspired by the anarchy of domestic seditionists - or may even suggest interference from outside hackers and saboteurs.

In closing, here are 6 North Themes to be aware of: 'relationship to father or authority figures; a need to take responsibility or control; acceptance of commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Politically, these indications could be positive or negative.

The initial 6 North Solar Eclipse in the Saros Series occurred @27Tau55 on May 15, 850 (OS) with eroding Neptune Rx @27Cap35 (conjunct US 1776 Pluto 27:33); 6 North Eclipses also occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968 (DNC 1968 Chicago: turbulence), 2004, (2022), and will again in 2040 @21Taurus.

Mar 11, 2022

April 2022 Solar Eclipse is one to watch

March 11, 2022

by Jude Cowell

For my Friday post, this is a rather simple one: an image plus astro-notes of the 6 North Solar Eclipse which perfects on Saturday April 30, 2022 @10Tau28, a degree area of the Zodiac recently catalyzed by transiting Uranus, electrical planet of radical reforms, anarchy, disruption, zealotry, Utopianism, chaos, progress and futurism. Of interest is that the 6 North eclipse opposes what is generally considered to be the natal Venus in Scorpio of Vladimir Putin and suggests a measure of 'karmic responsibility' in the areas of materialism and spiritual demands (R. Lineman).

Additionally, we know that all eclipses are Uranian due to their tendency to cause changes of direction with possibilities of upsets, protests, riots, turmoil, even weather and earth events, and as such, labels such as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' apply with results dependent upon multiple planetary factors, both positive and negative. Plus, the triggering of sensitive or critical degrees and/or fixed star positions can add strength to the influences of a given eclipse.

And as always on Planet Earth, motivation is everything!

Now you'll note that the 6 North Eclipse Horoscope of 2022, shown below, is set for Washington DC, and carries themes of 'relationships with authority/father figures, a need to take responsibility and control, accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (B. Brady).


Of significance due to current events and the rhyming function of history in tandem with recurring eclipse cycles, a 6 North Eclipse also manifested on March 7, 1932 @17Pisces and this lunation (suggesting similarity of historical events echoing from 1932) may turn out to qualify as a cosmic time link with the culminating Full Moon of September 10, 2022 - also @17Pisces:

General Notes: Solar Eclipses in Taurus and in Pisces

Keywords for Eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus include patience, persistence, stability, endurance, practicality, reliability (countering 6 North's theme of unreliability). Efforts must be well-directed toward the correct needs for best results since not every method adequately solves every problem. For karmic progress, negative Taurean traits should be avoided such as bullheadedness, rigidity, crass materialism, greed, wastefulness, and over extravagance.

Keywords for Eclipses in Jupiter-ruled Pisces (with elusive, eroding Neptune as higher octave influencer) include recognition of the deeper or hidden karmic implications of societal problems, individuals' spiritual preparation for higher consciousness, empathy and compassion. Negatively, avoiding being blinded by illusions and delusions goes a long way toward karmic progress, while carefully rejecting futile efforts is necessary to keep conditions from worsening within the Collective.

Then typical with the shady sign of Pisces (and with eclipses in general), secrecy and subversion are often revealed or leaked, and a correctly motivated search for spiritual awareness is essential (note that Sat*nism does not qualify!) so basically, underhanded actions, malicious schemes, and criminal activities are major no-nos.

Well, there it is. My study notes are squooshed upon the April 2022 Eclipse chart for the curious to read if they wish, and do leave your on-topic, name-tagged observations in a comment with this post, as you wish. Your insights are always welcomed around here! jc

Related Posts include: Moon-Neptune and the Tragedy of Mass Delusion and April-May 2022: Cosmic Shifts and Blinks.

Feb 25, 2022

Feb 2022: Putin Takes Over the Chernobyl Reactor

Very few if any people are behind Vladimir Putin for sending soldiers into Ukraine on February 24, 2022 with a mission to - unbeknowst to the troops until they arrived there - kill their cousins. As part of mobster Putin's illegal war efforts, it has been reported that Russian troops have grabbed control of the non-operative Chernobyl reactor and this has caused a spike of radioactivity. See Radiation Spike at Chernobyl Site Seized by Russia for details.

Yet the accuracy of various news reports concerning this deranged nuclear situation will be difficult to sort out from false reports over the next days, weeks, months, but accuracy does appear in the dual horoscope image of the original Chernobyl Meltdown (upper right; April 26, 1986 1:23 am BADT; ASC 22Sag49 with accident-prone Uranus rising) and a Horoscope of the 6 North Solar Eclipse which perfected on April 9, 1986 @19Ari06 (lower left), its thematic energies running in the background of society as the Chernobyl reactor melted down. 6 North themes are listed below the image:

6 North themes: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are presented due to someone becoming unreliable or ill' (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Now let's fast forward to 2022 in relation to Putin's ill-considered war against Ukraine (which has something like 15 other nuclear reactors around the country). A cosmic echo of historical events may be heard by sensitive ears because a 6 North Eclipse manifests once again on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus. If this suggests that similar events of 1986 may be 'spiked' by the repetition of 6 North themes in April 2022 and over the next few months, then unfortunately, this may be so. However, we should note that (KGB) Putin didn't take over Russia until May 2000.

Yet consideration must be given to the fact that as a cosmic blink from above, an eclipse is able to disrupt earthly events and cause changes of direction, as we know. And as a Universal wild card, an eclipse can have shocking effects similar to those of planet Uranus (with its link to Uranium), and with sudden accidents being one of the more prominent expressions, for as we see in the Meltdown Horoscope, unpredictable Uranus rises - and is also apex planet of the 'death axis' pair of Mars-Saturn, thus forming a midpoint picture which reveals potentials that we know were expressed: 'death; sudden accidents; a test of nervous strength; application of brute force' (R. Ebertin).

History Rhymes while Eclipses Repeat

Then if we look for guidance at past occurrences of 6 North solar eclipses (in order to be forewarned), we find that 6 North is the prenatal eclipse series ('PE') in which World War One began (horoscope shown) by a purposeful act of aggression, as is Putin's war against Ukraine. That Chernobyl radioactivity can threaten Europe and the world probably doesn't ruffle Putin's feathers in the least. For like his useful idiot Tr*mp, malevolent Vlad seems to be mad at the world.

Subsequently, we might also include the fact that a 6N eclipse manifested during the troubling times of the 1930s - specifically on March 7, 1932 @17Pisces. As it happened, the next solar eclipse to occur was in the 6 South Saros Series as what I have regretfully termed the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse, termed as such due to historical events and conditions of the era. Curiously, Putin has cited Nazis in Ukraine as one of his justifications for aggression but from what I hear that's only a limited number of people with that persuasion. Tragically, America has them, too, they control most members of the GOP, and have infiltrated the US military and joined many if not all of US police forces.

So let us face the fact, dear reader, that evil, destructive forces have risen again and are precisely what the world now struggles against - and at this very moment, Ukraine and Russia are 'on the front lines' as authoritarianism brazenly attacks democracy.

Feb 15, 2022

DC Horoscopes: The Eclipses of April and May 2022 (unmarked)

February 15, 2022

Below you see a bi-wheel of the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 in the 6 North Saros Series, inner, with its themes of 'relationship to father figures, authority figures, or the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are presented, possibly due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Outer is the DC Horoscope of the May 16, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse @25Sco17 where we see the 'Marseillais Trio' of violence aligned (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) but unlike their alignment during the French Revolution, expansive Jupiter here conjuncts the Cardinal Aries Point of World Manifestation after leaving shady Pisces where gaslighting Neptune and activist Mars continue to lounge and lurk; the Mars-Neptune conjunction perfects 2 days later on May 18, 2022 - and they are not the most reliable pairing of planets especially considering America's foggy Mars-Neptune square of 1776:

Therefore, April and May 2022 are colored by the intense, often financially inclined Taurus-Scorpio polarity (across the 2/8 axis in DC which includes the National Treasury) and suggests the signs' Venus-Mars-Pluto influences. To me it looks as if a multitude of secrets and inconvenient facts will be revealed or leaked under the 'cosmic blink' influences of one or both eclipses, and changes of direction may become necessary. However, we should note that solar eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus time a period when reliability, perseverance, and determination are spotlighted along with the typical potentials for Taurean growth and development.

Negatively, rigid resistance to change and bullheadedness will continue to be perpetrated by malcontents, while positive efforts must be constant and must resonate with and satisfy actual needs if karmic progress is to be made in society. Now Taurus prefers stability, as you know, and its inflexibility can often be an asset so perhaps a sort of balancing act is what is suggested here along with a sense of moderation.

But there's more for earlier in April 2022, a planetary pair which also relates to finances (plus, stock market bubbles, fraud, inflation, a lack of reality) come togther as the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune @23Pis59, an approximately 13-year cycle which last conjoined three times all through 2009 as President Obama navigated the Financial Crash of Bush and Cheney and was working to somewhat mitigate the collateral damage which landed upon the shoulders of the American people who paid - and continue to pay - so dearly for the heist.

Feb 7, 2022

Nixon's "War on Drugs" Scam Must End

America's Militarized Police State is Anti-American

by Jude Cowell

Richard's Nixon's much touted term "war on drugs" was coined on June 18, 1971 and popularized by the media. And in 2016, in a segment on his Live broadcast, Thom Hartmann related this deceptive Nixon campaign meant to fight against his enemies (Vietman War and civil rights protestors, and African-Americans of his day) as one of the signposts on the way to increasing violence in America.

Then prior to 1971, the televised incidents of violence at DNC 1968 in Chicago made a shocking spectacle of purposeful political violence shown vividly on TV to the American public although a percentage of viewers may have cheered. Was this melee of disruption against the Democratic Party an early example of "owning the libs"?

Meanwhile, history tends to rhyme through similar events and conditions, and on SO'W a correlation between historical and eclipse cycles is noted quite frequently. So here's another such for you:

Solar Eclipses in the same Saros Series as those in 1968 will repeat in 2022 - the first eclipse manifests on April 30th @10Taurus (6 North: Themes - 'relationship to authority figures; someone becomes unreliable; commitments are made'), the second on October 25th @2Scorpio (6 South: Themes - 'being forceful and taking power; exerting huge efforts in group activities' - paraphrasing B. Brady).

Significantly, a 6 South Solar Eclipse manifested in August 1932 as what I call the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse with the chart showing, as you can see, eclipse Saturn conjunct US natal Pluto, a transit that times a period of power and control issues, and indicates that situations are simply too large to handle.

And as we know, Germany cheered Herr Adolf for "being forceful" and "taking power" while many Americans cheered for FDR with motives much less brutal as he enjoined a battle against America's enemies, rather than joining them. In fact, the "economic royalists" of 1933 attempted a fascist coup against FDR and failed. So can we agree that a 'watchful eye to safety' is now necessary due to saboteurs and other coup planners who harbor fasci*t intentions as they lurk about the country, secretly and publicly, and who are determined to strike again against the US government?

Meanwhile, a breakdown in the fabric of society is well underway, a longterm goal of the GOP, and this causes chaotic societal conditions just right for coup attempts such as Congress and the American public were terrorized by on January 6, 2021.

For a view of the DC Horoscopes of the Midterm Elections 2022 Lunar Eclipse and the 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 check out this previous post.

As for Nixon's "War on Drugs", global and ongoing as it tragically and unfairly is, this political scam was invented within a 9 New North Saros Series via the Solar Eclipse of February 25, 1971 @6Pisces (in secretive, shady Pisces - with the sign suggesting serious karmic implications). 9NN Themes: 'violence or sudden physical events, accidents; keep a watchful eye on safety'. (Also notable given current events is that a 9 New North Eclipse also manifested @14Aquarius on February 3, 1935, the year that the Nazis appropriated the 'swastika' symbol for their party's official flag.)

So it seems to me that ending the bogus "war on drugs" and the gestapo-style no-knock warrants that resulted from its strong-armed enforcement would be a major step forward toward keeping a 'watchful eye' on every American's safety.

Why, karmic progress would be made! Plus, relief would be welcomed for America's callous prison system full of non-violent drug offenders and other unfairly imprisoned victims of what has become a militarized police state, a condition which can be partially described astrologically by US Mars turned retrograde by progression, a weakening if symbolic indicator for testosterone-driven Mars, the warrior planet of motive, action, and desire.

Brutal Factions Seek Violent Conflicts in US Streets

Therefore, I must ask you, dear reader: why have such deceptive reforms been instituted over the last decades by certain domestic and foreign factions including the arming of police departments with military weapons if an authoritarian take-over by brutal manipulators and their corporate backers hadn't been planned for America's future? Is NRA opposition to gun control reform their stance in order to make battles fought in US streets possible and more deadly? These ploys of brutality might also be identified as Herr T's "carnage in America" which I realized on January 20, 2017 was a threat rather than his lament.

So! Whether such malevolent plans and activities have been in process through the decades or not, it's now 2022 with the Midterm Elections and a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus drawing near, and, prior to that, a karmic 'cosmic blink' Eclipse in Scorpio arriving in October, so that this, right now, must be where our resistance to authoritarianism is made crystal clear!

Above image: 'Moon Phases' by Jude Cowell; colored pencil on paper

Jan 20, 2022

April-May 2022 Cosmic Shifts and Blinks

April-May 2022: As Above, So Below

by Jude Cowell

Thursday January 20, 2022

With springlike April coming soon and flowery May just behind, here's a round-up of SO'W posts, plus, info concerning prominent cosmic events coming in April and May 2022 that promise societal shifts on multiple levels. The emphasis here is on the US but naturally other regions of the world will also be under these cosmic influences:

April 1, 2022: New Moon @12Pis07 culminating with the Full Moon @26Lib46 on April 16, 2022 (no DC Horoscopes of these lunations have been published, not yet anyway).

April 12, 2022: a new cycle begins of the speculator pair of bubbles, inflation, and political conflicts: Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis59 opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo (Jupiter-Neptune with more Neptune: promotion of strange theories; misplaced altruism).

April 30, 2022: A disruptive, course-changing 6 North Solar Eclipse in Venus-ruled Taurus (@10Tau28--where transit Uranus is as I type). Check out the themes of this 'cosmic blink' eclipse because an authority figure may become unreliable and have to be replaced. Good news is that this is a partial solar eclipse so its energies are not as influential as a Total eclipse would be.

May 16, 2022: Total Lunar Eclipse @25Scor18 near the natal Sun and Venus of President Biden (no DC Horoscope published yet). Which inconvenient secrets of a Scorpionic nature will be revealed or leaked? Will this eclipse relate to an authority figure becoming unreliable? (If so, may it be a secessionist.)

May 24, 2022: Transit Jupiter and Mars Reach Aries Point by leaving shady Pisces behind. Mars in his own sign of Aries desires change, while Jupiter in Aries suggests vigorous leadership and honesty but negatively can bring premature action, over-expansion, and/or moodiness.

May 30, 2022: the merry month of May ends with a New Moon @9Gem03 conjunct US 1776 Uranus (@8:55), America's totem planet of revolt and revolution, and a cosmic marker for changes, shifts, reforms, progress, disruption, and/or radical politics.

So this is the list of cosmic events I have for you today, however, there are almost certainly more April and May 2022 posts coming so do stay tuned!

Above image: 'Cosmic Blinks' paper collage by Jude Cowell

Dec 26, 2021

1968 Eclipses Repeat in 2022: Strategy and Turbulence

by Jude Cowell

December 26, 2021

Since August 2018, the History dot com channel has sported a brief YouTube video of Chicago's rioting at the DNC in 1968 (Democratic National Convention) described as "a political and cultural watershed moment" in America. As a teenager I remember watching the Convention and the melee on TV, possibly on the 'evening news' or in 'real time' and feeling suspicious of the participants and their aggressive actions. Not that 'plants' were understood by yours truly back then but it seemed clear to me that something sneaky (meant to spark violence) was going on in an attempt to undermine the Democratic Party and its candidates. While the riots were disturbing, that 'voting Republican' should be the result of watching the conflict on the evening news did not dawn upon my teenaged brain and it did not sway me toward Republicans in the voting booth on Election Day (my first-ever!). Nor will any similar events that may occur sway me in 2022.

Now in hind sight, a Timeline of the Events of 1968 tells a difficult tale of a year of turmoil and strife in the US. And if we consult them, solar eclipse themes of 1968 can reveal background influences during that year via the 'As Above, So Below' model (on Earth as it is in Heaven). Therefore, I regretfully inform you that the two solar eclipses of 1968 fell into the difficult 6 North and 6 South Saros Series (series are like families) - and both 6N and 6S solar eclipses are due to repeat in 2022, but in different Zodiacal positions, of course.

Now naturally 6N and 6S eclipses have manifested between 1968 and 2022 (their years are listed, below) but since we're still in 2021 for a little while longer, let's focus on what's coming down the political pike, as they say, especially since 2022 is a year of risky Midterm Elections in the US and we already know we've got worlds of trouble with America's future hanging in the balance bwo 'democracy vs fascism', which is one way to describe our current existential predicament. So shall we keep our Republic, or lose it?

See Midterms 2022 Brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct radical planet of anarchy and zealotry, Uranus.

March and September 1968 and April and October 2022

So as it happened back in the day, the 6 North Solar Eclipse of March 28, 1968 functioned as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") of both political conventions - the RNC (August 8, 1968 Miami Beach, Florida) and the DNC (August 26, 1968 Chicago, Illinois) with themes of: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control; accepting commitments due to another individual's unreliability or illness'. Well, in 1968 it was Republican Richard Nixon vs Democrat Hubert Humphrey, as you know, and political trickiness ('strategy'!) was afoot. For as you know, eclipses are considered Uranian (quirky, chaotic) and often disrupt earthly events like a 'wild card of the Universe'. Changes of direction have been known to occur. View the DC Horoscope of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 2022 @10Tau28.

Then before 1968 ended, on a 'cosmic blink' level there perfected a 6 South Solar Eclipse on September 22, 1968 @29Virgo, a 29th critical-crisis degree - and was the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Election 1968 in November. (For those who use a late afternoon Sagitarius rising horoscope for the US, this eclipse 'hit' the Midheaven of July 4, 1776 - and I suspect that its themes relate to someone's goal in 1968. Certainly, power plays and high stakes are common features of every election year and nominating convention, yes?)

History Rhymes, Echoes, Reverberates

So to close this fuss, here is some "you have been warned" info because in October 2022, a 6 South Eclipse @2Scorpio conjunct Venus will be the "wild card" we may as well expect since it's the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022:

6 South themes: 'being forceful and taking power; manic energy, great force or strength in relationships; sudden events; huge efforts in a group activity' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

My thought for 2022? That vicious anarchists and zealots, determined to take over the US despite how the American people vote, must be challenged and repelled with equal - no, with stronger force, even if it takes a gargantuan record-setting Blue Wave of voters to do it.

6N and 6S Eclipses occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, (1968), 1986, 2004, (2022), and next: 2040.

Above image: an early depiction of the US Capitol Building; attribution unknown.

Dec 2, 2021

In May 2022 Mars and Jupiter reach Aries Point!

by Jude Cowell

Thursday December 2, 2021

This is one of my occasional "for future reference" posts and it displays a dual image of the first moments in May 2022 when transit Jupiter conjuncts the Aries Point (May 10th; lower left), then two weeks later, transit Mars conjuncts the Aries Point (May 24th; 'AP' = Aries Point, the numero uno Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, Recognition, Fame, Prominence, and Global Events; Good Fortune may also be involved).

As you see, several basic chart factors, plus, my study notes are squooshed upon the image for those who care to enlarge and read them. Note that, as always, your on-topic, name-tagged comments are invited. Plus, regretfully, mention must be made that the 'Marseillais Trio' of violence from the days of the French Revolution (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) is loosely formed in both charts as notated upon the image but whether or not such tumultuous energies will express in a similarly violent fashion remains to be seen.

That transit Jupiter moves forward into Aries after a bubbly conjunction with gaseous Neptune in shady Pisces (exact April 12, 2022 with Mars still in late Aquarius) will hopefully provide a lessening of the Trio's more difficult energies (Related: Solar Eclipse April 2022 and the Marseillaise Trio).

The Cosmic Shift from Pisces to Aries Must Cross Difficult Star Scheat

Now when transit Jupiter reaches the AP on May 10, 2022 a major shift occurs from creative, watery Pisces where societal planet Jupiter tends potentially toward altruism, kindness, contentment in modest circumstances, a preference for solitude, impressionability, and/or the urge to enjoy negative escapism. Given Jupiter's 12-year cycle, the last time Jupiter reached Aries Point was in early June 2010 where the planet of expansion and growth remained until retrograding back into Pisces in September 2010. After turning Direct, the Great Benefic reached the Aries Point a second time during the third week of January 2011 and remained in Aries until early June 2011. You'll note that this time frame included the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision which opened the floodgate to corporate ownership of American politicians.

Jupiter in Mars-ruled Aries denotes a period of expanded organization, vigorous actions, an increase of frankness (hope so!), widened corporate enterprises or interests, shows of generosity, and adventurous leadership. However, a lack of balance may also be shown along with tendencies toward moodiness, promoting plans that are premature, redecorating environments, and/or rearranging the deck chairs. Jupiter conjunct Scheat may expand the star's potentials, positively or negatively, and may rhyme with Jupiterian events and decisions from 12 years before. Ex: Citizens United decision January 21, 2010.

Then on May 24th feverish activist Mars leaves the sign of Pisces with its unreliable qualities, contagiousness, possible compassion, and the placement's 'struggle for recognition' tendencies and enters its own sign of Aries, one of Mars' stronger positions. Given the warrior planet's two-year cycle, transit Mars last entered Aries at the very end of June 2020 and remained in the sign until early January 2021. No, Mars conjunct Scheat is not comforting since both are considered malevolent yet we know that this meet-up happens approximately every two years and may pass us by without any notice at all.

Mars in Aries tends toward impatience, ambition, and perhaps the destructive urge (which may include arson so beware). This is a pioneering placement full of courage yet it can also involve a rash fools rush in quality.

So besides the Mars-Jupiter duo's relationship biologically to potentials for major surgery (hip or liver surgery in particular), hypoadrenalism, the heart muscle, a baby's first cry, aggravation of acute ailments, and/or the strengthening of limbs and improved muscle tone, perhaps we should close this post with a paraphrasing of the Hegelian Dialect information with potentials as provided by Michael Munkasey in the realms of Politics and Business. Add these potentials to Reinhold Ebertin's Mars-Jupiter = 'fortunate decisions' and 'conflict settlements':

Thesis: Too much legal activity or opinions; action taken in response to legal judgments; advice that angers or inflames others; legislative actions that concern competitive sports; religious activities or festivals.

Antithesis: legal opinions or judicial cases which affect military or metal industries; judgment of enemies who seek to do battle; misuse of forces when engaging others; an expansion in military hardware (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad).

Additionally, we may simply consult Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs book (#ad) for the Mars-Jupiter combination of energies: a fortunate course of action, clearing the air, and/or making waves effectively!

Apr 13, 2021

Solar Eclipse April 2022 and the Marseillaise Trio

Beware: The Mars-Jupiter-Neptune Trio from 1792 Soon Repeats

by Jude Cowell

For astrologers, key dates in the History of the French Revolution reveal intriguing planetary alignments with the Marseillaise Trio of Mars, Jupiter, and Nepune prominent and coming to represent extreme violence such as stormings, breaches, and mob riots against established authority. Note that when the Storming of the Tuileries palace occurred on August 10, 1792, the planetary Trio was aligned in late Libra, sign of balance and justice, as the populace demanded an end to the French monarchy of King Louis XVI and proceeded to dethrone the king. Follow the link, above, for more details concerning the events.

But why mention this historically significant planetary alignment now?

Because a heads-up may be in order for unfortunately, the Marseillaise Trio will form in 'marching order' once again and can be seen in the Horoscope of the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse in the 6 North Saros Series (shown below) and ranging from 23Pisces to 1 Aries with globally significant Aries Point included, one of the four Cardinal World Points of manifestation. Here, Venus is among the Trio which will tighten on May 18, 2022 when Mars and Neptune conjunct @24Pis59:35 and Jupiter inches slightly into Aries (1:22).

Initial 6 North Eclipse of May 15, 0850 (28Taurus) Repeats on April 30, 2022

May 15th, the 'Ides of May', is a significant date in history and marks the Roman Festival of Mercury, aka, Mercuralia, when merchants honored Mercury and prayed for profit and the ability to continue cheating customers. And as you know, messenger god Mercury is called Hermes in Greek mythology and is well known for her/his commerce, trading, communication, teaching, tricksterism, thieving, and other talents and skills. Interestingly, Mercury rules both the Ascendant and Midheaven of the April 30, 2022 eclipse chart and @00Gem48, conjuncts Alcyone with its keyphrase, 'something to cry about'. Or, perhaps Mercury conjunct Alcyone will simply bring rain a bunch!

April-May 2022 Solar and Lunar Eclipses

So yesterday when we discussed some prominent Karmic Planets That Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 I hadn't yet thought much about the first Solar Eclipse of 2022 occurring April 30th @10Taurus28 in the 6 North Saros Series and what changes and disruptions its 'wild card' Uranian energies could bring to the White House and to the US government. Adding to this is erratic Uranus @14Tau32, the degree of America's Inaugural Ascendant every four years and spotlighting fixed star Menkar with its 'victim of the unconscious' implications and link to Jonah and The Whale (saying what must be said, as presidents with bully pulpits do).

Since 6 North themes involve 'relationships to authority figures' and 'taking control and responsibility' we must, however reluctantly, consider the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse (DC horoscope, below), plus, the accompanying May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (not shown - and perfects within a day of May 15th depending on your location and time zone). As you know, accompanying Lunar Eclipses reveal clues concerning societal reactions to their related Solar Eclipses (these across the Taurus-Scorpio axis). And as you see, the Solar Eclipse's 3rd cusp @25Sco36 (when set for DC) points toward the May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse which may actually signify the Full Moon referred to in the Symbol for the Venus-Jupiter Conjunction @28Pisces (6th house; wealthy people) - which in turn relates to the symbol for the Solar Eclipse itself ("11Taurus") via the concept of Gardening Under the Full Moon, at the culmination stage of plans seeded at the previous New Moon.

Note: Sabian Symbols supply additional information for those who use them and several are penned upon the chart.

So besides the 'take control' energies contained within 6 North themes (see the top of the chart for the rest), the Symbols identify gardening, care, development, and cultivation as additional underlying potentials of both April/May 2022 eclipses, plus, Taurus is the sign of growth. And in a flurry of synchronicity, a cosmic time link exists between this Solar Eclipse's Syzygy Moon (the previous lunation) - also a Full Moon which perfects on April 16, 2022 @26Lib46 with its degree spotlighting the 1792 Marseillaise Trio. As you see, the April Full Moon in Libra conjuncts the 2nd cusp of the eclipse chart implying revelations concerning finances and/or values:

6 North Solar Eclipse April 30, 2022 4:27:55 pm EDT White House, Washington, DC: Hour of Jupiter (conjunct Venus--two money planets); Mutable/Earth; a Bundle shape of planets suggesting a concentration of 'take-over energies' which resonates with the themes of 6 North eclipses; quirky Uranus nearby emphasizes karmic debts and resources, and solar eclipses in the 8th house link the past, present, and future, and are particularly karmic. Manifesting in Venus-ruled Taurus, the Taurean traits of endurance and reliability are required for best results (R. Lineman) concerning events brought by the eclipse. (I suspect you know what this eclipse may refer to without my having to type it, dear reader, for I do not want to do that in case it attracts the loss or dethroning of a leader via illness or unreliability.)

Now in closing, here are three midpoint pictures an their potential expressions from the above chart: *Pluto-NN (North Node) = Neptune: 'success attained through lies and fraud; disadvantages and losses'; Mercury-Pluto = Venus = Jupiter: 'propaganda; persuasion; crooks and swindlers'; and, Mercury-Uranus = NN: 'surprising news; turns or changes; cooperation' (Ebertin).

Plus, penned on the chart, lower left, you see the only applying Ptolemaic (major) aspect made by chart-ruler/Midheaven ruler Mercury - a sextile to Venus (2A52) indicating opportunities for diplomacy and for forming alliances. My first thought? That Venus might very well signify VP Kamala Harris.

(Note: any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.)

*Besides the 'common destiny of a large mass of people' and 'powerful groups', Pluto-NN is the "tiger by the tail" combo!

Dear Reader: As always your on-topic comments and observations are welcome as long as you don't sign with 'Unknown' or 'Anonymous'! jc

Jan 15, 2021

How Nixon's Southern Strategy Lead us Straight to Donald Trump - Thom Hartmann


Astrology Weighs In: Aggravating the Original Wound

by Jude Cowell

Tiresomely, the GOP and its wealthy enablers continue to use the fatal flaw (wound) of racism against the American people as a wedge issue to divide, conquer, and sway sentiments and votes in the direction of Republicans, so it may be interesting to have a look at the Solar Eclipse which heralded Nixon's Southern Strategy of August 5, 1968. The eclipse fell into the 6 North Saros Series and manifested on March 28, 1968 @8Aries19.

Listed below the horoscope image are the 6N eclipse themes that were operative at the time, plus, we know that when a solar eclipse occurs in Mars-ruled Aries we can expect a militant flavoring to events along with a competitive spirit that boldly confronts circumstances through leadership that sees problems as challenges; for karmic progress to result, negative Arian traits of belligerance, arrogance, and foolhardiness must be avoided - but as we know, it wasn't and has not been through the years. And since 1968, the Southern Strategy has made the use of huge amounts of propaganda and deceit possible and effective along with the GOP's regular employment of Goebbels' technique of The Big Lie. Because for Republicans, it's success at any cost and might makes right! Or as Trump has asserted, either you're a k*ller or you're not.

So below for your consideration is the Solar Eclipse Horoscope of Nixon's Southern Strategy of March 28, 1968 @8Ari19 in the 6 North Saros Series; you'll notice multiple chart factors but here I'm emphasizing a significant midpoint picture - powerful Saturn-Pluto which conjuncts Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, which brings to mind the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters); you'll also note that corporate Cupido (The Syndicate; The Family) conjuncts MC opposite doom-dealer Atlantis at IC, the Basis of the Matter; a few of 22-year-old Trump's natal placements are penned on--his natal trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter rises (SN conjunct his Jupiter!), and eclipse Jupiter Rx @26Leo42 conjuncts and expands his natal Mars rising with royal Regulus:

6 North Themes: 'relationships to father figures, authority figures, or, the need to take control and responsibility; time to accept commitments that occur due to another person's illness or unreliability' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Since 1968, eclipses in the 6 North family have occurred on April 9, 1986 @19Aries (Reagan), April 19, 2004 @30Aries (Bush-Cheney), and - just so ya know - a 6N eclipse repeats on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus.